RED BANK REGISTER lim«d V«U>, EsUni u SMon4-Cla» Uattn st th» Part* VOLUME LI, NO. 42. offlet st litd Buk. M. J» nnder U» Ant of Mint 8. lilt. RED BANK, N. J./ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12.

AIRPLANE PASSENGER ROUTE. A NEW VOCATIONAL STUDY. A BIG SERVICE STATION. A B1KETHIRTYYEARS0LD. It Will Soon Be Established Between AN OPERETTA BY PUPILS. A FIREMEN'S AUXILIARY. Sheet Metal Work Now Included In BOY SCOUTS IN A RALLY. A BOAT CLUB'S BANQUET. Bed Bank and Newark. Manual Training at Leonardo. IT WILL BE BtHl/r ON THE BOBEIIT C. HANCE RIDES AN IT WILL BE GIVEN AT THE NEW BUMSON ORGANIZATION TBOOF « WON DISTRICT MEET NORTH SHREWSBURY CLUB'S The Airvlew flying service corpo- The manual training department SATURDAY. LAKESIDE DEVELOPMENT. OLD-TIME WHEEL. ration expects to shortly establish a LEONARDO HIGH SCHOOL. „ EFFECTED LAST WEEK, „», of the Mlddletown township high FOURTH ANNUAL DINNKB. school at Leonardo Is an interesting passenger carrying eervlce between The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Rum- Troops From Red Bank, Fair Haven It Was Held at the Smoke Shop Tar- The Ollrlte Corporation Flans for a Bed Bank Mall Carrier Is Still Using Newark and Red Bank airports. At Carrie Comes to College" will be Pro- place to visit these days. Sheet metal and Runtson Completed—Contests Building Whloh Is Designed to be his Old Cbalnleis Bicycle—He duced by the Twelfth Grade Pupils son Flre Company Was Formed work has been added to the instruc- _ern Thursday Night and Was At- (list three round trips a. week will Week Witnessed by About 400 I'crsons— tended by More Than ZOO—Trophies the Biggest and Most Artistic of Its Goes to and from His Work on It bo made in the company's new Fair- of tho School Thursday and Friday Lost Members— tion given and the pupils have a Winners Had IA Points. Kind Hereabouts. Every Day. child cabin monoplane with Jack Nights of Next Week. Danca Under Way.' number of projects in this line. The of tho Season Were Awarded. Cssey as pilot. The Inauguration of A ladles' auxiliary of Rumson fire school has ono of the most complete Boy scouts of Red Bank, Rumson The fourth annual banquet of (he The Ollrlte corporation of Red Robert C. Hance of Riverside "Carrie Comes to College," an oper- and FaTr Haven met in a district Bank has had plans drawn for a avenue, one of Red Bank's oldest the new route was the outcome of etta In two acts, will be given by company was formed last Wednes- and best equipped manual training North Shrewsbury Iceboat and yacht many requests for such service by day night at the flrehouse on Center departments in the state. Robert G. rally at the River street school gym- club held Thursday night at the large and attractive automobile serv- mail carriers, is riding about town the twelfth grade of the Middletown nasium Saturday night. About 150 ice station to be built at the nortri- on his off duty hours on a Columbia sports people, principally patrons of township high school at Leonardo street. Officers elected were Mrs. Stokes of Atlantic Highlands Is the Smoke Shop tavern was a Roclal and country i clubs in tho shore district. Harold J. Peters preBldcnt, Mrs. instructor. scouts were present and the contests financial success. More than two eaat corner of Broad street and Rum- chalnlesB blcyclo which he claims Thursday and Friday nights, April were witnessed by about 400 persons. son drive at Red Bank. The land has been In constant use for over 38th and 19th, at eight o'clock. The Lewis T. Wilson vice president, Mrs. hundred persons sat down to ttn elab- Walter Neuhauser secretary and Troop 48, sponsored by the Red Bank orate menu well served by the tavern tvas bought by the Ollrlte company a thirty years. Ho bought the bicycle operetta will bo produced in cooper- Elks, carried off the honors with a >hort time ago from the Lakeside from -Georgo Hanee Patterson in ation with the music department of Mrs. Joseph Miller treasurer. Meet- management and after the banquet ngs will be held on the first and A LECTURE ON PAINTS. total of 24 points, troop 60 was sec- hour dancing was enjoyed until near- development company. It is expected 1898. When Frank C. Storck of LINDBERGH'S FLIGHTS. the school, under the direction of ond with 13 points, troop 23 third that the contract will be awarded this Broad Btreet gave up the bicycle Miss Lora Gates and with the as- third Wednesdays of each month. ly two o'clock, excellent dance music The first meeting of the month will with 10 points, troop 8 fourth with 9 being furnished by the tavern's new week. The plans were drawn by D. selling and repairing department of MOTION PICTURES OF THEM sistance- of Mrs. Katharine Dowd, ROBERT DONOVAN ADDRESSED and troop 12 seventh with one point, Wentworth Wright of Maplewood, his business several years ago Mr. MIBS Cecelia Mokray, Miss Martha devoted to business matters and EXCHANGE CLUB. enlarged orchestra. who Is A specialist in designing this Unncc bought a Columbia chalnleBB WERE SHOWN TO. AEBO CLUB. Rennington and Miss Addle Scisco. the second meeting will be a soolal The first event, tho knot ttejng Thomas Irving Brown, the club type of buildings. wheel from him In order to have one. contest, was won by troop 48 with president, opened the festlvltlM by The story concerns Spencer Good- Over 300 Tickets Have Been Sold troop 60 second, troop 23 third and repair partB for tho wheol which ho Lieutenant Baker of the Standard now, tho spendthrift son of a mil- The auxiliary will hold- a dance for the Show "Take My Advice" calling for a toast to tho president The new building, Including tho bought from Mr. Patterson. OU Company Was a Guest ati troop 15 fourth. of the United States, after which Mr. land which was bought as a location lionaire. Spencer 1B to bo expelled Wednesday night. May 1st, at Holy to Be Given Friday Night at St Semaphore signalling was won by for It, will represent an investment The bicycle l» in excellent condi- Last Week's Meeting—Daniel Dorn, from college because of his many Rossary hall at Rumson. Allan' James's School. Brown Introduced the toastmanter of Jr., Frosposed for Membership. Woolley's orchestra will provide the Troop 60, followed by Troop 48 sec- the evening, John W. Cantllllon, vice of $30,000. It will be of the old Eng- tion and Mr.. Hance says that It debts. His friends, who represent Robert Donovan, proprietor of the ond, troop 67 third and troop 8 fourth. lish type of architecture. It will be servos his purpose Just as well as About 25 members of the Red Bank various traits of character, try to muelc. Mrs. Lewis T. Wilson is president and historian of the North chairman of tho dance committee. Red Bank hardware store, spoke Fire by flint and steel was won by Shrewsbury club. sixty feet long. The width will vary, if ho were riding a bicycle of the ncro club last week Baw motion help him out of his troubles. Tho on paints last Thursday night at troop 23. with troop 48 second, troop Iho avetrage width being thirty feot. very latest model. pictures of Colonel Charles A. Lind- play progresses from an extremely Mrs. Valeria Casler and Mrs. Robert During the serving of tho menu black outlook to the proverbial happy Wilson will bo In chargo of tho rc- a meeting of thn Exchange club. 8 third, and troop 15 fourth. ocal selections were rendered by The buildin1 g will be enclosed with When chalnlesB wheels for men bergh's flights in the United States He told of the ingredients of good Morse signalling was won by troop English stucco, with half timber wcro first put on tho market as tho nnd of his departure on his trans- ending. Spencer's debts are paid frcGhmcnto, Mrs. Walter Neuhaimer Eugene M. Mageo, with the assembly and poor paints and explained what 60, with troop 48 second, troop 67 Joining in tho chorus of several pop- wbrk and with a massive slato roof last word in "Safety" bicycles many Atlantic flight and his arrival and with Carrie's savings. Spencer chairman of the music committee materials were neceflsary in paint third and troop 8 fourth. tf variegated colors. In keeping with Red Bankers bought them. They reception in Europe. The pictures changes hiB habits, goes to work and nntl Mrs. William Gaynor of the llar songs. Other entertainers were to make it servlcable. He said the Fire by friction was won by troop Mrs. Arthur Mayhow and Mrs. John Did English architecture, tho exterior permitted the riders to oporato their were shown at the borough hall. pays tile debt. There is a great ticket committee. reason a good deal of the present 48, with troop 8 second. There were view will not bel uniform In appear- bicycles without wearing pants They were furnished by Lieutenant deal of dialogue, dancing and music Early Thursday morning Mrs. Prothero, who sang, and Miss Olga day paint does not meet the user's no third or fourth places In thla Schwcnker, who gave exhibitions of ance but will vary. Tho roof will guards and it eliminated the possi- Baiter of the Standard OH company in tho operetta. Folks .who have Walter NetJouser and Mrs, Harold expectations is because the Burface event. ' also be uneven In appearance. The bility of tho trousor legs getting and Daniel B. Dorn operated the seen the rehearsals say that a treat J. Peters stttde coffee and served too dancing and RusBlan numbers. on whicK" it is applied is not proper- Wall scaling was won by troop 48, The accompanists were Mrs. Arthur slate roof shingles will vary In thick- caught in tho chains or gears when motion picture machine. The film is in store for those who attend the it to the firemen while they were ly prepared before the paint is put ness, as well'as In colors. Tho slate the wheels were ridden. took over an hour and a half to performance. fighting a blaze in J. Hansbury Cal- with troop 23 second, troop 8 third B. White, Mrs. Leon Kelly and Miss on. He also talked on varnishes and and troop 12 fourth. Marlon Many. Members of the Tav- shingles will be from one inch to A few years later tho chalnless show. Lieutenant Baker praised the Sopher DeMldeoWitz will paly the laghan's house on Wilson circle. The enamels' and gave demonstrations on one-quarter of an Inch in thickness. club for Its Initiative In giving an coffee was served to the members The rally was in charge of Morgan ern orchestra assisted In the vocal bicycles were discarded by tho ma- part of Carrie and Frank Granger boards and a sheet of metal. He Knapp of county scout headquarters. and Instrumental program. The building will bo ot the Bupcr- jority of bicycle riders, Tho open- air meet and ho'Offered several sug- will be Spencer Goodnow. The of Oceanic hook and ladder company was assisted by Frank Erlcson, a Assisting in tho work were Rev. Ed- servlce type, with four driveways. gcared wheel permitted the frequent gestions for Its operation. He said other parts will be taken by Harry as well as the Rumson flre company member of the club. ward J. Heil, Paul Reussllle, Richard The annual feature of awarding the shifting of tho gears to give greater It was one of tho principal events and all thanked the women for their season's Ice yacht trophies at the The main driveway will be forty feet Seaman, John Delatush, John More than 300 tickets have been Smith, Morris Miller, Ray Hounlhan, wide. There will be one covered power. needed to further alvation in these Stlmls, Esther Fahrer, Esther Phil- fine deed. Daniel Ely and George Roberts. club banquet was an Interesting part narts. He said the Standard Oil lips, Murial MaWMnney, Joseph The auxiliary has 31 members. sold for the show "Take My Advice," of tho program. The toastmsjter driveway. The building and grounds Company would give gasoline sfhd oil which will he given the' coming gave a short history of the season's will be lighted with flood lights. This Bestick, Sidney Margolious, James They are Mrs. Frank Benson, Mrs. Friday night at St. James's audi- form of illumination Is so named be- free of charge to the aero club for Gould, Roger McCormack, Elsie Mil- Alfred Brighton, Jr., Mrs. Oliver activities and then presented tha BOAT WORKS ARE BUSY. use at the meet in any way the dub ler, Veronica VanKlrrk, Helen Ma- Brighton, Mrs. Valeric Casler, Mrs. torium for tho benefit of the Red trophies. The Harold S. Allen prize cause It throws a flood of light over saw fit. The gasoline and oil will Bank hospital. The show is under SITES FOR NEW SCHOOLS. for the boat winning the flrBt race a large area. There will bo seven Whlnney, George Vossclman and Jordan Drowns, Mrs. Holmes Em- the Exchange club's direction and gasoline pumps and they will be op- bo givon to the visiting aviators. William Gould. The piano accom- mom, Miss Kathleen Flatloy, Misa of the season went to Henry Apple- THIS YEAH TO BE AN ACTIVE panist will be Marjorle Whitney. Agnos Flatley, Mrs. William Gaynor, William I. Spain is chairman of the AN ELECTION IN MDJDLETOWN gate, whose yacht Whim took the erated by continuous flow electric Jack Casey turned over $105 to play committee. The cast has do- first race. meter pumps. The building will be ONE ON BIVER. the club, which he had collected as Other Instrumental musif will be Mrs. William Macintosh, Mrs. Joseph nated its Bervlces and the play COB- TOWNSHIP NEXT TUESDAY. provided with the most up-to-date Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth Mount, Mrs. Tho Bterllng silver plate, the sea- Boats Are Now Being Overhauled foes from members using the club's given by the high school orchestra tumes free of charge. The scenery son's point prize donated by William facilities for free air service, for airplane. So far the ship has been consisting of M. Whitney, R. Collins, John Murphy, Miss Helen. Murphy, has been donated by Tony Hunting. The Township Board of Education washing cars, for chassis lubrication for an Early Opening* of Season— Miss Margaret Murphy, Miss Mary W. Vaughn, was awarded to George flown about twelve hours. AH club E. Langer, W. Fulling, J. Slegle The cast is comprised of Mrs. Is Asking for an Appropriation to and for crank caBe service. Outboard Motor Boat Owners Al- members, who are. not licensed and C. Stokes. Tho orchestra will Murphy, Mrs. Walter Neuhauser, Buy Land for Schoolhouses at Fair Gilllg and George Ruppert, whose ready Out with Their Craft. pilots, will hereafter bo prevented Mrs. Louis Neuhauser, Miss Helen Edmund vomSteeg, Jr., Mrs. John View and East Keansburg. yacht Pirate won the most points The electric pumps for putting air be assisted by Lewis Blood. O'Rourke, Mrs. Harold J. Peters, B. Prothero, Thomas W. Head, during the season. The Pirate aloo In tires are fashioned something like The coming yachting season on from using the plane If they do not The song chorus will conslBt of pay $10 at the beginning of their Mlsa May Porter, Miss Irene Port- Matthew W. Greig, Miss Helen N. An election will be held at the won the Commodore's race and was weighing scales. Each pump is HO the river here promises to be tha Josephine Hess, Arthur Ruhnke,' er, Mrs. James Porter, Sr., Mrs. Tuthill, James A. Hartley, George Middletown village schoolhouse next awarded a silver cup donated by adjusted that It ascertains the most active In many years according first flight to cover tho insurance of Amelia Moxson, Anna McCough, the ship. Walter Robinson, Mrs. Charles Tit- H. Bailey and Clarence J. Gray, Jr. Tuesday on the question of purchas- Commodore James B. Weaver. Co'ni- amount of air required to fill a tire. to present Indications. Although Louise Romandettl, Helen Sheridan, ton, Mrs. Arthur VanBrunt, Mrs. Mrs. Matthew W. Grelg is Instruct- ing land at Fair View and East modore Weaver also presented 1 sil- There Is a dial on each pump and the the season does not formally open William Taft reported that as yet Harold Hill, Louise Moller, Barlett Raymond Voorhees, Mrs. Frank ing the players. Tho play was.given Keansburg as sites for new school- ver cup to John S. Applegate, who'te hand on this dial points to the num- until Decoration day the boat works tho returns on tho smoker at Long Ahern, Eugene Colton, Esther Den- Ward, Sr., Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. about two months ago for the bene- houses. The polls will be open from yacht Breeze took second honors isj ber of pounds of air required. When hero have their forces hard at work Biench were less than the expendi- nis, Allen Donate, Morris Cohen, Lewis T. Wilson and Mrs. Elizabeth fit of the Presbyterian brotherhood. four o'clock in the afternoon until the Commodore's race. This trophy the requisite amount has been of boat overhauling under way. In tures, but there were more returns John Wubberhorst, Frances Crosby, Woodward. The cast expect to repeat it for nine o'clock at night. The total ap- was received In behalf of Mr. Apple- pumped tho pump automatically addition to the expert work done to be made. Joseph Leace, secre- Mary Debresky, Annabel Durifee, charity after Friday night in another propriation is $10,500. All citizens ot gate by Charles Burd, who sailed the shuts off. at tho ehlp yards there are many tary of the club, read a report of Frederick Helfelck, Ethel King, part of the county. Middletown township are eligible to yacht this season. Rest rooms and sanitary Improve- amateur boat owners who are do- the club's financial standing. Daniel Mary O'NIell, Maybelle McDaniels SOLID FOB FRANK E. PRICE. vote. ing their own work getting their Mary Molzon, Alice Roop, Mildred Tickets can be bought at John B. William W. Vaughn two years agt ments for patrons will be provided. B. porn, Jr., was proposed for mem- Prothero'B office and at Schroeder's The land which It is proposed to instituted a'perpetual trophy to eoM. A great deal of landscapa work will boats ready for the water. bership. • ''">' Scheel, Fannie Havens, Alvlra Craw- Mlddletown Republican Women's ford, Olivia Greene, Martha Edlng- pharmacy. buy at Fair View is on the south side memorate the name of Conunodoff bo done, to beautify the grounds. A Register representative In a Club Unanimously Endorse Him. of Cooper road, a short distance east James B. Weaver In ice yachting. There will be flowerB, shrubbery and casual walk along the water front ton, Elizabeth Hopburn, Ellzabeth- Mayor W. Warren Barbour of Kanorsky, Alvina Hess, Martha The Geroidlne Thompson Republi- Rumson will be the Bpeaker at to- of the state highway. It comprises The trophy is a handsome sterling trees. Around two sides of the a few days ago counted BG moorings can women's unit of Middletown three and one-half acres of land, with silver pinte of Tiffany make »nd tho ground* will fe« teBSfiMEnglis h pole already set In for motor boats as* Sickles, Marguerite Callahan, Doro- Jnarrow night's: meeting. Mr. Bar- thea Kennedy, Catherine Matthews townBhip' met last Thursday after- bour will be the guest of Bradley a frontage of S26 feet on the road. name of the yacht winning the com- fence with 100 or more crimson ram- well as several stakes to which sail- noon at the home of Mrs. William This plot Is ownod by Louis E. Brown bler vlnta growing over it. It is said boats will b» \leu. In addition to Florence Adalr, Rita Angley, Betty M. Fischer. modore's race each season is to tie ilk- FAIR HAVEN VOLUNTEERS TO Collins, Helen Cottrel, Muriel Con- Goodman of East Kcansburg. Frank of Red Bank. The board of education scribed thereon. The first name to that the new station wlU be the larg- these places of safety the Monmouth E. Price of Red Bank was endorsed has taken an option to buy it for est In the county. It Is expected to boat club has put out Us large pon- MAKE MERRY TONIGHT. boy, Helen DcMldowltz, Lucille go on this beautiful plate Is that, of Bcrthwlclt, Cecelia Conover, Wahnot- for the Republican nomination for $5,500. the Pirate, sailed by Delford M. have It completed In May. toon float and a number of sectional freeholder and Thomas B. Day of FAIR VIEW TO GET WATER docks which were taken up last fall Annunl Dinner, Entertainment and tah Crate, Ardcth Cunnano, Thelma The' land at East Keansburg is Fisher and Oliver Havlland. The Ollrlto corporation is building Dance to bo Held nt the Smoke Crawford, Esther Frank and Rena East Keansburg was endorsed for owned by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Me An unknown donor offered two ten a large service station at the corner will bo reset within the next few the Republican nomination for road weeks. Shop Tavern In Conjunction With Frenchman. ANOTHER NEW FIRE DISTRICT Mahon. It is on Ocean avenue and it dollar gold pieces to the crew win- of Sixth avenue and Main street at Department's 25th Anniversary. supervisor of Mlddletown township. comprises three acres. It adjoins ning the last raco of the season. The Asbury Park. This plant will be di- The mild winter has caused the The dance chorus will consist of Both endorsements were unanimous. IN MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP. Thompson Park and the property of donor signed his or her name as vided into two buildings and It will water to bo much warmer than us- Everything Is In readiness for the Margaret Bclmont, Edith Hanklnson Speeches were made by Mrs. Lin- Mrs. Anna A. Eastmond. The board 'Nemo" to the deed of gift and he of a different type from that at dinner, entertainment and, dance to Tho Monmouth Consolidated Water ual at this time of tho year and Mary and Margaret Rice, Grace burn, Republican stato committee- Company Will Extend Its Service has taken an option to buy It for Nemo's prize was awarded to the Red Bank. One building used boat owners are hurryng to get their be held tonight at the Smoke Shop Sias, Maria Hood, Virginia Jerolman woman ; Mrs. J. A. VanSchofe of $5,000. crew of the Pirate, who also won the for washing and greasing cars and tavern by the Fair Haven flre de- Red Bank, Mr. Day and Mr. Price. to Include Fair View and o Big boats overboard. Vera SimpBon, i Margaret Liming, Area of Adjoining Territory. At present Fair View and East last race of the season. for crank case service. The new Pierre A. Proal's Red Bank yacht partment. The first event of this na- Maria Cooper, Miriam Corricr, Au- After the bulsness meeting refresh- Kcansburg are without schoolhouses. A speech was made by James plant Is being constructed In a sec- works Is working full time on build- ture for the firemen was held last drey Auflerl, Anna Gartland, Betty ments and a social time were enjoy- A movement has been started to The pupils of Fair View attend the Wood, commodore of the Long tion of high-priced business land and Ing new cruisers and refitting and year and was very successful. To- VanDaalen, Mildred Lltzeltcr, Mae ed. The officers of the unit are Miss provide water service for Fair Vjew River Plaza school and the East Branch Iceboat and yacht club, who the outlay represents an investment overhauling other craft. Several night's affair promises to be a bigger Waldman, Audrey Reiners, Marcia Eleanor H. Tilton president, Mrs and a large adjoining section of Mld- Keansburg pupils attend the Port spoke at length on the harmony ex- of $60,000. The service station will cruisers have already been put in the success as it Is being held In con- Nelmark, Etta Them, Margaret Francis Pohllg first vice president, dletown township territory. It y is Monmouth school. Both of these isting between the Long Branch »n4 be finished next month. water, which Is somewhat earlier junction with the 25th anniversary Haun, Ethel Rapp, Virginia Gilbert, Mrs. Mary Lcderhaus second vice probable that an ordinance setting schoolhouses are overcrowded. In Red Bank club. Augustus M. Mln- Originally the Ollrlto corporation than usual. of the Fair Haven fire department, James Gould, William Gould, An- president," Mrs. May RupFf secretary asldo this area as a flro distriot and the event that the voters favor the ton, president of the Monmouth boat was the Red Bank oil company. It Tho'entertainment will be given by drew Oberman, Norrls Mullen, Rich- and Mrs. Grace Englemann treasur- providing for hydrants will be intro- $10,500 appropriation next Tuesday At Frank P. Dlckman's boat works professional talent. er. I club, spoke on the friendliness exist- was organized In 1923, and in 1020 It at the foot of Wharf avenue and at ard Carney, Frederick Roberts, duced at tho meeting of the town- new schoolhouses will be started ing between the Monmouth boat club was Incorporated under Its prosont Captain Charles P. Irwln's yard and Tho anniversary committee con- James Kennedy, Raymond Harms ship committee of Midillctown town- within a short time at Fair View and and tho North Shrewsbury Iceboat name. The officers oro Frank V. sists of Arthur B. Sickles, Charles P. living Pltterman, William Kecfer, ship tomorrow night. It iB proposed River Plaza, yacht basin east of the old steam- AUTO SERVICE CLINIC. and yacht club and in token of th» Bakeman president, Arthur C. Ryer- boat dock there la much activity. Cross, Frank Snyder, Lynwood Mln George Vosselman, Edgar Dunfee, to set up twenty hydrants at a cost These two proposed nchoolhouses Monmouth boat club's esteem for the son vice president, Leon Reussllle Both shipyards aro filled with boats ton, Vernon Little, Walter Mills, Le- Frederick Runyon and Albert Van- Gathering of Dealers and Mechanics of $25 per year for each hydrant comprise only part of the building ice yacht club he presented a. large secretary and Carl Uhl treasurer. which will go through the annual roy King, Jacob Grimm, Percy D. Ness. at Schwartz's Showrooms. Carl Grossinger and Edward H. program of the board of education. basket of lilies, carnations and roses The corporation now has a chain of Bennett, Hatry B. Kurtls, Thomas ••-<». to the officers of the lea yacht club. reconditioning in time for early The annual Willys-Overland ser Morford, two of the members of the A large addition to the township high seven automobile service stations and season use. Mr; Dickman has spent F. Cleary, Riymond DaviBon, Lewis ATHLETIC CLUB'S BALL. Middletown township committee, school building at Leonardo and an President Thomas Irving Brown ac- with the two now ones it will have much tlmo this winter building row- Hawkins, Arthur Crozler and G. M vice clinic wag held last week at William Scott and David Simpson, addition to the River Plaza school- cepted the flowers in behalf of his nine. The stations now being oper- boats and he anticipates a very Mlnton. Newly Formed Wcstslde Group VV11 Maurice Schwartz's automobile show- two of the officials of Middletown house will be undertaken. The town- club officers and members. ated are at Red Bank, Long Branch, rooms on West Front street and was busy season in tho rowboat renting Tho flre department's annual fair Hold it at the Smoko Shop. Township Fire Company No. 1 of ship Is growing very rapidly in pop- Two charter members of the club. Freehold, Manasquan, Lakowood, business. attended by dealers and mechanics ulation and the present school facili- Toms River and Pinowald. will be held from July 27th to Au- The Westslde athletic club, wll fiom Red Bank, Long Branch, As- Fair View, and a representative of Commodore, James B. Weaver and Andrew' S. White's yard at the gust 3d. Arthur B. Sickles is chair- hold a ball at the Smoke Shop bury Park, Avon, Manasquan, Eng- the Monmouth consolidated" water ties are inadequate. Recently a sur- Captain Charles E. Throckmorton, Besides being In tho service station foot of Maplo avenuo has enough man of tho fair committee, Charles P. Thursday night, May 2d. The Smoke lishtown, Keyport, Perth Amboy, company held a conference Sunday vey of the schools of the township were present. business the corporation engages In work ahead to keep him busy mudh Cross Is vice chairman, Percy D. Ben- Shop orchestra will play for dancing. Woodbrldge, Dunellen, New Bruns- at Fair View regarding the water was made by experts of tho state The banquet was ably managed by two other lines. It has a motor oil of the spring. Mr. White specializes nett Is secretary nnd William B. A prize foxtrot will be held in ad- wick, Lakewood, Bay Hood and situation. An agreement satisfac- board of education, and the new Georgo W. Bray and his commutes ' compounding plant at Lakewood In bulkhead work and ho has sev- Little, Jr., Is treasurer. dition to the regular dance program Toms River. tory to everyone concerned was schoolhouses at Fair View and East consisting of Frank P. Dickman, Au- where Ollrltd motor oil is mixed. The Keansburg are included |n thi eral bulkheads to build and repair. The profits will be used for the club's William Buri of Toledo, Ohio, ser- reached. recommendations made by the ex- gustus M. Mlnton, Benjamin I* At- company does a retail business In this The samo hustlb as scon at the Frank Mndure's New Barber Shop. general expenses and if the event The district to be provided with water, John W. Cantljlion and GeorgB oil In a territory extending from ia a success it will be made an an- vice instructor, conducted the water covers a large area extending perts. W. Dolllvcr. The committee was pub- Perth Amboy to Cape May. Its other Red Batik boat yards Is in evidence Frank Madure has moved his bar- io and demonstrated the proper at the VanBlcrck ship yard at Fair ber shop on West Front street to his nual affair. southward from the village center The cost of buying tha land al licly thanked by the toastmaster for line of business'Is that t' acting as methods of installing new parts and of Fair View to tho river. It in Fair View and East Keansburg will their good work. Elaborate menu distributor of Tidewater oil products Haven. new store in front of his,new home The ball committee Is comprised making adjustments. Various The popularity of tho outboard of James Dougherty, Charles Julian eludes Riverside drive andGlenmary probably be met by a bond Issue. This cards with tho club's burgee em- from Toms River to Atlantic City. on Riverside avenue and ho will open vico problems were discussed. Mr. Park. The Red Bank country club Issue can be paid in installments ex- bossed in colors thereon were the "^ » m. motor In this section also helps to tho now shop tomorrow. All new Bruno Mazza. Louis Grossman Buri Illustrated his talk with motion bring about an earlier season. Al- equipment and fixtures have been in- Samuel Blzzarro and Anthony Pal pictures. estates and tho Riverside Heights tending over forty years. With th souvenirs of tha affair. The menu Firemen to Have a Ball. ready many outboard motor owners mlerl. development are now provided with payments spread over such a long was as follows, each course bearing Mlddletown Township Fire Com- stalled Including two public shower water, but they are the only parts period tho effect on taxation would be tho name of , rf U lb' g havo had their boats out for trial baths. Frank Nicolettl is employed Won a Dinner Set. tho name of ou» club's Ice- pany No. 1 of Fair View will hold its spins. GRANGE AUTO INSURANCE. of the proposed new district with small. first annual ball Thursday night. May as a barber by Mr. Madure. Mlddletown Township Fire Com- this service. Just where the hydran's b Dth, at tho Smoke Shop Tavern at Not Limited to Grange Members pany No. 1 of Fair View cleared $85 will be located has not been (Tedded. Finite Fruit ri BIG STOCK OF HORSES. ' Any Good Risk Considered. Remodeling Dletz Apartment Dnisy Cream of Chlcktn SouJ Rid Bank. A large committee This Week's Special N. J. State Grange and N. J. Farm last week by disposing of a 100-plece A thorough inspection will be made Carl and Fred Dietz are having Northwester celery making the arrangements. ricnty of Good Acclimated Stock at at the Art Kraft Shoppe, this week Bureau have officially endorsed for dinner set on tho co-operatlvo plan. to select places for tho hydrants their five-room apartment on West T. N. T. Olive, Zero PICVIO -•••• only, a Japanese table lamp with The set was won by Miss Edna Perry where they, will be of largest service the Ely Stables at Holmdel. hand-painted parchment shade, for automobile insurance for their mem- Front, street remodeled and repaint- Co To It Spnnl.h Hickertl Save Systematically. The Ely stables at Holmdel „ are bers Manufacturers' Casunlty Insur- of Brooklyn. In protecting property against fire. ed. New beaver board sldewalls and TickuD Hush lirown PoKtou Twenty dollars deposited monthly well stocked with horses. Lost week $7.60. Also an attractive assortment ance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Capital Half of Ilrolleil A I-a Brew Chlckin in the Red Bank Building and Loan we received two consignments and of folder picture frames, Imitation and surplus, over $4,600,000; assets The Weather. ceilings aro being installed. Th0 car- Comet Crenmcil New potntoei Association returns $2,000 In about yesterday we received another con- leather, at $1.00 each.—Advertisement over $6,500,000. Save 20% to 30% Today: Increasing cloudiness. To- Miss Mnry Ann DeBnvIs, penter work is being done by the Ez- Phantom French Vtat seventy-eight months. New series signment. Horses soil rapidly at this expert beauty culturist, is at your ra Osborne company. Say When Hot Dinner Itollj Permanent Waving, 87.50, automobile insurance, and 207r> on morrow : Rain—northeast storms. service, ladies. When you are ready now open. Mako application for tlmn of the year, but wo dont let our workmen's compensation insurance, Does a forecast like this cause you for that permanent, marcel or finger Tet Head Lettuce Saltd shares at office of the association. In stock go down. Before wo soil out including shampoo and trim, guaran In this highly rated old lino stock to worry about your roof? If so why With the Broad Street National Bank, 12 one lot of horses wo get In another teed: all latest methods. No kinks, wave just telephone Rerl Bank 2810 Announcement. nn burns. Marvelous operator. company. ^.Our agents carry written not let us Inspect it now. Our in- for nn appointment. You'll always Whim French Dreanlnir Broad street. Red Bank,—Advertise- lot. Evory horse in our atables is official endorsements from .Stato spection will cost you nothing. If get the best for less at Bob's Sanl- customers1 wish totha Infort I mam mnoyw friend associates and Snow Ooo9i] Cheese Cracker* ment. _ Rood acclimated stock right out of Frieda Marie Benuty Parlors, 118 Grange and Farm Bureau. Feril. R. your roof is in good shape "we'll say EliraWth 11. Ice Cream and Finintom Clk« work and all ready to go to the plow. Main street, Bradley Beach, phone tary Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor. • «'itr. A. Johnson Co., 15-17 Me- son, TCssex and other cam. You paywll a new okivt at any combination tisement Those little chicks need the genu- —Advertisement, by the" mile. The Long Branch U- plrat you IICBIIT. Leon's, TO-1nWhit * ine semi-solid butlermlHc. We have Eiumniond place. Red Bank, phone Radio K«pa\T Man. chanic street phono 360.—Advertise Drlve, 350 Broadway, next to City 033,—Advertisement Dnnicl Hancock, expert radio repair- street, Reil Bnnlt, pliono 1548.—Ad- AVB Wnltn MnrUet, it by tlin pound (bring container). Visiting Chiropodist ing; long experience. For appoint- Hall, phono Long Branch 327.—Ad- vertlaoment. ctrner of Broad and Front afreets, IB Balrd, Davieon & Co., 16 West Dr. Frances Cooko Caslor will Save Tlmo and Energy. vertisement now under tho solo ownership of Al- Dr. Straughn ment phone Red Bank 2(!42, or call at V'w.o Hauiplo. "''"*" Btreet, phone 1174. Red Bank.—Ad- will resume his usual office hours: make appointments by telephone to 61-A White street, Red Bank.—Ad- Let us dust your rugs; only $2 for lirrt Wymbs nnd has no connection vertlscmcnt. come to you when noodod. Tolophono vertisement B 0x12 rug. At Leon's, on White Tractors: McCormlck, Dem-Ing, •'. Write to Mayplnka Co., Avon-by* with Al's White market on Linden Red Bank April 15th, Matawan April Eatontown 109-M, between 8:00 P. M. street Phone Red Bank 1545.—Ad- Farmall, Wallls and Bolnen's. Also the-Hea, N. .!., for freo .mnipU of i'lacc.—Advertisement. Bridge FlnyerB, Attention.. K-th—Advertisement. and 10:0H P. M—Advertisement DontVValt vertisement jieveral uaed Fordsons. ,S. P. Cono- Mnyplnka for ludf/sefitlpn.—AUvertNn- Stop in and get our score pad and until your 'automobile goes dead. ver & Bro., sales and Borvlnp, Wlcka- ment. _ New Bugs For Old. tally card for your next bridge party. Lorksmlthlng. Readers, Attention! Havo your Ignition checked at D. A. Poultrymcn. tunk, N. J... Phono Holmdel !>.—Ad- Have your rugs shampooed at Leon's, 76 White street, Red Bank. Trunk and bag repairing. C. H. Do hot fall to read Leon's column. Johnson Co.8, 15-17 Mechanic street, Uso Squibbq s cod liver oil. Balrd, vcrtlsemcnt." _ Dr. Dunn, Surgeon (Jblroitodlst. Leon's, on White etrfcet Phono Rod —Advertisement^ Eimls, 12 White Btreet, Red Bank.— Wonderful information for the house- i & C 1G Wt tt h Hours 2.00 until 0:00 dully. Buo- Bank 1545.—Advertisement. Advertisement. wife.—Advertisement phone 360. Rod Bank— Advertise- P&vison & Co., 1G Weat ntre-et, p KoSCH. intl National Dank building..' Plioiin For Bale. ment. 1171, Rod Bank.—Advertisement. , For spring planting wo offer our 2100, Red Bank.—AilvorlJaemanfc Typewriter Headquarters. Soda wnter, nil flavors, malt bov- Ten-Payment Flan. Now gift book with Cosmopolitan Portor Bros., Tree Experts. "Nuff Snld," Moody's. well assorted collection of roses. Now . «••-».—~™« Typewriters rented, bought, ami rrages and distilled water. BenJ. U Suits. $22.50 up, at Jlannlne's, 67 by ,O. O. Mclntyro. Suh.icrihe now. Spraying, pruning, rnvity filling, Moody's Shoe Repair Shop, 2ii Me- Is tho best tlmo to plant If you want Tetloy's For Typewriter* sold. Tiubln's, 68 Broad street, Red finto, 14 Nortli Brldgo avenue, Rod Blond street, upstairs, Rod Bank.-*. It. C. Smith, phone Red Bank 723.— land clearing. Phono Rumson 323.— chanic aUcct, Red Bunk.—Advertise- early tlnwcrs. Kcsslcr Co., River nnd adding Rmohln««. IT Bfo»,1 Bank.—Advertisement. Bonk, phono 1485.—Advertisement Auvertlnemeut. Advertisement. Advertisement. ment, Plaza, Red Bank— Advertisement, . tlreot, Red Bank.~AUv«rUse/£HBt, Page Two RED BANK REGISTER/APRILiO, 1929. pleted a ntw chicken house on hit farm, , * CITY REFUSE DISPOSAL Alvin Bennett Ii employed by Charles Leonard. ~ LIGHT REGIONAL rUUt RECOMMENDS Several boy* from ncrt attended Red Bank Building & Loan Association the district stout rally at the River INCINERATORS. RED BANK, N. J. atreet school at Red Bank Saturday FOR YOUR HOME! Solution oi New York'* Disposal night Many peraons attended the funeral The Oldest Building and Loan Asaoclatlon In Bed Bank. Problems Delayed by Objections .to NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS Uie ol Incinerators—Much Refuse Friday afternooajjf Marguerite So- On the Jersey Beaches. don and then wen more than a doi- Chartered 1887. Assets over $2,200,000.00. en floral pieces. Rev. Archibald H. New York, N. Y.. —The Sutphln of River Plaza preached the ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP A New Series of Stock Is Now Open for Investors and Borrower*. regional plan of New York and its sermon and burial was at Bay view environs has announced that' ob- cemotery, near Atlantic- Highlands. Broad Street. jections by local residents and busi- The bearers were Wilfred Mullln CLASS A SHARES. ness men to the construction of In- and Paul Reid of this place and $ 1 per month returns in about 135 months $ 200 cinerators have caused serious delay William Toom'ey, Norman Long and 5 " " " " " 1,000 in the solution of New York's refuse William and Charlos A. Kelly of disposal problems, Everett 10 " " " " " 2,000/ 1 Garbage, and other refu»».dumje»d Miss Grace Riddle of Rumson ha« "Wear-Ever" 25 •"•' •••«••• « «~-- " 5,000 Into the ocean appears in consider- been visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene " " " " 20,000 able iiuantltles on the benches of the Layton, Jr. Three Egg 100 New York region, particularly on the Miss Myrtle Layton has returned New Jersey coast and on the south to the Newark normal school after chore of Long iBl&nd, because of the mora than a week's vacation for Steam-Poacher CLASS B SHARES. prevailing easterly winds around New Easter. Special $ 2 per month returns in about 78 months $ 200 York, a report of the board stated. Introductory A staff which undertook a survey Hours of Freedom UNION BEACH NEWS. Price 10 " " " " " 1,000 of the problem under Thomas Adams, From April general director of the regional plan, 20 " " " " " 2,000 Record Breaking Card Party at reached these conclusions: 10th lo 20th Cathollo Club's Party. 50 "" " " " 5,000 1—The practlco of dumping gar- While You Bake 100 " " " " •" 10,000 bage and refuse at sea Is both waste- The Union Beach Cathollo club ful and insanitary. held their monthly card parky on Fri- A gas oven, heat Regulator, means hours Application for shares may be made at the office of the Association in the 2—Engineering methods for dis- day evening with a record breaking posing of refuse by incineration or crowd. Many were present from Long "Wear-Ever" of freedorii for the modern housewife. reduction have been developed to a Branch and Aabury Park. Oscar She measures the ingredients she BROAD STREET NATIONAL BANK point to enable these methods to bo Beta, of Apbury Park won the grand Straight Sauce Pots employed efficiently and without prise, a bridge lamp. Many pieces of WithConrs puts into a cake. Now she can nuisance if plants are properly de- handwork were among the prizes. Af- measure the heat with which 12 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. signed and operated. ter the games refreshments were 3—The various communities in the served by the committee with Mrs. she bakes it. She doesn't have region Bhould provide and set aside M. J. Sappah chairman and Mrs. M. suitable sites for garbage treatment Gralneger In charge of tho refresh- to stay in a hot kitchen and fir Betatmloal TranipoHttllt plants. ments. 3 Qta. keep tho coal fires burn- 4—Closed containers for the trans- Joseph P. Kennedy has accepted a ing, she can take the portation of garbage through tha city position in Newark and for tho pres- streets would do much to avoid ob- ent will reside with his grandpar- car and go to town jectionable and unhealthful con- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Joyce of Irv- and calculate the ditions. Ington. 5—The cost of providing suitable George H. Jones of Union avenue ,'] exact time when she garage treatment plants is not arrived in England on Thursday to 4.QL. • Qu. great as to offer serious financial dif- attend the funeral of his mother. Regular Price should return to ficulties. .' George Michaels of Bayvlew ave- take the cake out, 6—Scientific methods of refuse dis- nue accompanied by his parents and $7.05 posal should result in considerable Mrs. J. Connor motored to Philadel- if she has a gas financial savings and In some cases phia on Tuesday to visit his sister. stove and an may return a profit. Mr. and Mrs. John Hleber and % Those who consider incinerator daughter, Mrs. Robert Sappah and oven heat regu- y plants as nuisances and oppose their daughter Evelyn ot Farmlngdale mo- Iator. Ask us you buy your construction take what the report tored to tha home of Mrs. M. J. Sap- R.' Nance & Sons about it today. declared to be "a selfish and near- pah on Wednesday. sighted point of view which should Mr. and Mrs. M. Delaney and fam- not be supported by the public. A ily spent over the Easter holidays 10 Broad St., well-built and well-operated plant with tha tatter's mother at Brooklyn. need be neither unsightly nor ob- Mr. and, Mrs. C. Sampson, Mr. and Red Bank, N. J. next automobile. _ noxious, and each community should Mrs. J. Friary and Mrs. McCann mo- recognize its responsibility for tak- tored to Highlands to visit Mr. and ing care of. its own work on sites Mrs. Brown Sunday. INTERNATIONAL PAPER AND TOWER best suited to that use." Tha Aumack sisters performed at COMPANY. The total ashes, garbage and rub- the Lions reception on Monday eve- Naw York, March 18th, 1029. ning. They also gave a dance at the The Board of Directors.have declared « learn whij over bish collected in the five boroughs of regular quarterly dividend of one nnd New York city in 1825, the report 'Red Men's opening of their hall ori three-quarter* uer cent (1*4%) on the stated, was over 15,000,000 cubic Main street They ware one of the Cumulative 7 % Preferred Stock of thh attractions at the American hotel at Company, and a regular quarterly dividend yards, and "the amount is steadily of one nnd one-half per-cent (1H%) '" increasing." Freehold on Thursday evening. th« Cumulative 6% Preferred Stock of th , "Of this refuse a large part is Company, for the current quarter, paytiblr 300,000 April 15th, 1920, to holders of record at dumped at sea and an even larger Do Ton Bead Them? th- "-lo'o of business March 25th, 1029. part goes to borough land dumps, The classified advertisements in Checki to be mailed. Transfer bo old where it also constitutes a serious The Register contain worth while op- win nuL close. nuisance because of the rapid growth portunities tor everybody.—Adver- OWEN SHEPHERD, v° . have alreadii Vlce-P resident and Tr«a»ax«r« of population in the neighborhood of tisement. the dumps." Only about a quarter of the refuse, the report indicated, is chesen the New disposed of by means of incinerators. Several refuse disposal plants are now being successfully operated in FOB the Metropolitan New York region THIS CAR without causing objectionable odors, the investigation revealed. Those Chevrolet Six failures which have been reported resulted, It wag said, almost entirely Sine* January fort, over 300,000 people have chosen the from overloading. . Chevrolet Six. And every day sees an Increase in this tremendous public acceptance— UNCBOFT NEWS. —for the new Chevrolet not only brings the enjoyment of six* ladles' Aid Soolety Meeting-—Auto cylinder performance within the reach of everybody every* "•'' Hits a Fence and Overturns, About twenty members of the la- where, but gives the Chevrolet buyer a greater dollar value : dles' aid society mot last Thursday . than any other Ibrw-priced car. Just consider what you get in the at Mrs. Edgar E. Alexander's on the Nutswamp road. Each member gave Chevrolet Sixt' The smoothness, flexibility and poorer of a six- a dollar to help defray the cost, of cylinder engine which delivers better than twenty miles to the repainting the Interior of the chapel. gallon. The beauty and luxury of bodies by Fisher with adjustable The painting work was completed lost week, Members of the society driver's seat. The effortless control of big, quiet, non-locking are now selling \arlous kinds of es- ••SB ...r.: : • 4-wheel brakes and ball bearing steering. The convenience of sences and the profits from the sales will go into the chapel's repair fund, numerous modern features that progressive buyers are now under the direction of Mrs. Joseph ArmanAing in the car a they buy. W. Thompson. The society expects tb» I-Dow Mn, mil to soon have the outside of the Body tv rUKu Then consider Chevrolet prices! And you will discover that this * chapel repainted. • • fine quality Six can actually be bought in the price range of the A Doiipc Victory-Six sedan, owned by an Asbury Park man, ran off the fowl Come in. Let us show you why hundreds of thousands road last week and into a fence in have already chosen this remarkable automobile—let us prove front of William Domldlon's farm. The car turned completely over and that anyone who can afford any car can afford a Chevrolet Six! several fence posts were torn out. When the car stopped the rear part -another ' of thn car was on top of a fence QUALITY AT LOW COST post that was still standing and the front part was partly buried In the ground. The automobile was badly damaqeel but the driver was only AH "American feature slightly hurt. Residents near the scene of the accident think the driv- T er fell asleep or was suddenly taken sick. He was not rendered uncon- scious but he was In a dazed condi- arouses owners tion after the accident. Harry N. Sprung got a return last •week ot 1,033 baby chicks from 1,345 which he had set in his new in- enthusiasm .. cubator. On the previous setting more .than 75 per cent of the eggs hatched. In thick traffic •.. where qwlck, by mud or rain or ice. As a re- Horton L. Roach has bought a new Kupmobile sedan and a Ford subur- nure deceleration is imperative. sult they maintain their high ban. On slippery paTementa.. .where efficiency in any weather. They Henry A. Fenton has given up his equalized action is the crying job nt the wator company's plant at are always positive and smooth Newman Springs. Frank McCarron need. In hilly country... where in action . * . always excep- is a new employee at the plant. ordinary brakes heat up and tionally quiet. ....'525 The a;, I LO COMPARE Ida McQueen, daughter of George drag and sometimes CTCH stall Tin McQueen, has nf.en confined to her COACH bed with sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Yes . . .Oakland's brakes ara '525 Scd. the delivered pries •• well u the Uit the engine. Under all these con- UghtDdlnrr * larence McQueen and non nt Union ditions the brakes of the New far from ordinary. But the .'595 CtuHl pries In considering aatomobtla Bench and Mr. and' Mrs. Bradford $ Behrmnn and daughter of Belmar Oakland All - American hum same Is true of everything else valaet. Chevrolet'* delivered pried wore Easter vi<ors of Mr. and Mrs. proved their superiority. In the New Ail-American Six. 595 Includo only reasonable charfei for McQueen. the delivered Come in'. . . and we will show Marlon Hood, Margaret Mnlzon and All prices /. o. b. factory* Flint; Michigan delivery and financings prico a« well aa the list Internal-expanding . . , they you how much more it offers for Eugene Cotton will tako part In an price when comparing operetta to ba plven hy the graduat- are fully protected. Unaffected iu price. ing class'of the Loonardo high school automobile ralnes. Thursday nnd Friday of next week. frtw.«!£« Uf»"*'J^-«- h.tcntlm^MUI.Ilmt.platitllnrythmrgn. SpringSprlr rrvntmndtoo- Marlon and Eugene ar« In the gradu- •U. duNM fur )<* BydrmuUc Shack AbmlmtMidtd In H.lprlcn. Burner. anrf rw/«n<<«r nwnla ««r* ating class and Margaret Is a mem- d Cmarai JfMm Jimhtrawnl fUnmUrtUat minimum nt*. ber of the high school girls' glee club. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. C. Layton gave a reunion dinner a few days ago at which tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens, Frank McCarron and RED BANK MOTOR CO. family, Eugene Layton, Jr., and fam- ily, Harold Perry of Belford and Mecbuaic Si &n6 Globe Court Red Bank Miss Catherine Kettner of Rahway. Mrs, Abram Sanborn of Bed Bank SfttO.A K LA N D •Telephone 1720 spent a few days last week with h«r sister, Mrs. Henry Fenton. ALL-AMER.ICAN SIX Mrs. Frank Toop has rccovorpd af- ter having been olck about a week V with grip. John McQueen is painting Harry Langendorf'a service station and hi will soon repaint Mr, Langendorfs home. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc. William Domldion and family have returned to New York after spending A SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR! all last week here. ; 21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank. D. Stewart, has nearly com- RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10,1929, Page. Thrttg •J"TLLl'i!!« SELECTING SEED. New Monmouth, Menzell Bros, ot Engllahtown, the E. Ralph company Fanner* Advised How to Increase of Atlantlo Highlands, Albert R. Public Sale Yield of Grain. Llndy of Jamesburg and John E. Bennett of Port Monmouth. Single < —OF— New Brunswick, N. J., April 9. horses were sold to Joseph Schryer the Holmdel pupils to finance tho —Lato , model. Original trip and thus far the profits amount finish, g%od upholstery, Brown Horse, 16.1 H. Age 7 Years. to $50. front and rear bumpers, These two fine thoroughbred stallions have Tho boys' team of Holmdel is flvo good tires, many ex- Bassinettes scheduled to play a game here on tras. A wonderful buy Pillows 99c been placed here by the United States Army Re- at $300. Cedar Chests Friday against Wlckatunk. A game $10.95 Four and flvo Full tilzo; art mount Service in order to encourage the breed- with Crawford's Corner was to have $9.50 Drop sldn bassinettes, drawer walnut ticking covered, boen played last Friday, but the vls- ing of better horses. Walnut finished Ten- enameled In Ivory, blue, venflored cheats, with now ItorB failed to show up, The players 1927 Pontiac or pink. Complete with large nnd roomy. nessee Red Cedar clonn, sanitary FEE on the Holmdel teanri are Wilbur Chests, large, roomy sapless spring and mat- Our price Is spe- Hammond; Pitcher, Harry Pitcher Cabriolet. tl . 33. cial. feathers. $10 catcher, Charles Bennett first base, size. An excellent value Thomas McKnlght second base, John Low mllengo, Flshor body, , at only $9.50. At-Time of Service. Marvel short stop, John Maher third Duco finish; full nccensory base, Robert Voorhees center field, equipment. You erin't FARMERS may make arrangements for James Bennett right field, Joseph El- match this for ffck left field and Oscar Heniphlll having either stallion meet them for breeding nnd Hoy Mancel substitutes. purposes at Lincroft, Holmdel or Freehold dur- The farmers havo their asparagus fields ridged. From present indica- Open An ing the months of April, May and June, by com- tions the season will be two to three $500 municating with weeks earlier than usual Account The William C. Ely estate received Acme Furniture Co. Here Today I two consignments of horsei laat week EDWARD FEAKES, Supt. and another consignment yesterday. T. F. Morford Teams wer« bought by William; M, Red Bank, N. J. WOODLAND FARM Greenwood of Mlddletown village, 135-137 Monmouth Street, Fred Smith of Ilobertsvllla, I« lnr xnd Buiinus M«n»ger. the county a number of Republican Hill, fled Bank, N, J., at or about 8:00 clubs have endorsed the candidacy MEASURED P. M., ttandftrd time, Monday. April 16th, Subscription Prlcui of Mr. Price, while up to the pres- NOT BY MOTHER'S 1020. . On« MM ent time not a single -Hopubllcan Plfttii and • pec If! cat (am for the propoietl Stic months. — cow y worfc, prepared by Qwrga K, Alien, Jr., Thrte month* . club or' organization has endorsed BUT BY •?• DAY borough enulneer, hnve been filed In th» Mr. Borden, so far as The Register's oIIICB or tattf ensineer nt 60 Broad itra«t. Telephones: -Red Bank II. knowledge goes. Even the veriest THE - - Red Bank, and n>ny be Inspected by pro*. Rgd Bank 1800. GOLDEN |ltetv« bidden during buslneu* houri. Tha tyra in politics knows that these * give her your ^• tandaril proposal form in attached to tp» Th« Bed Bunk KesUter clubs are nothing if not regular. RVL$ •peefticBtfatiB, copies of wh/ch will bt fut- In «, member of They are such strong Republican nlaliQil on application to the engineer, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS P|ftM and epeeiKsoationt wl|l b,t fflf" organizations that it is not oven PHOTOGRAPH nlihed prospective bidden upon payment The Associated Press la e»clu»l»t)y en- necessary for the county machine ot Five Doilari (IG.OO), which amount will titled to th« use for republloatlon of all to tell them what to do. They sense da refunded iipon return of the pi am *nd nrves tho rig-lit to «jact itny rphnn9 Court of (aid County, on Tluir*. Beauty Stepi No. 2 and 3 primary battle. Ordinarily, along day. the sixteenth* day ,,l M.iy, A U ^Cara Nome Vanishing Cream is 1.00 IU29. »t »hi°h time i.pplicaI inn will be with this power nnd prestige, Rota made for the allowance of commluiona and so in Cara Nome the nnnrjort of the Republican coun- inn counsel feca. Skin Cream. ty organization or uiachfnn. The! Dated April 2, A. I) I3?r> vomlmt iiiiinaiy pcrnp IUIH unumjiil I GEORGE H. UIT1KCOTT, lied flunk. N. ,1. Robert Hanee & Sons aspects In that It looks at thin time a» ,jf JJr. Price, the outalder, would It pays to.advertise-In.The Register. 1O Broad Street, Red Bank RED BANK REGISTER. APBIE 10,1929.

BAYSHOBE HIGHWAY. Sho spent her EaBtcr holidays at this *••< place. John Eustace, who la em- County Engineer to Confer with ployed at New York by the telephone Success State Highway Commission. and telegraph company, Is having a There are two kinds of Anthracite Coal— The freeholders last week directed two weeks' vacation on account of Jeddo-Highland and ordinary coal. The proof the county" engineer to confer at sickness. He. has spent most of the with Your once with representatives of the vacation here. ring your Old Iron is in the burning. ••. highway department an to plant and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer drove specifications for the bayshore boul- to Brooklyn Sunday to visit Mr. and Planting evard from Koyport through Keans- Mrs. Joseph Sanford. Mrs. Sanford turg, Belford, Atlantic Highlands is Mr. Palmer's sister. in Today and Highlands. The plans will In- Michael Malonoy and family of —depends upon the qual- clude a new bridge at Highlands Bradcvclt have moved to tho John ity of the trees, plants, Zantzlnger place.. vines, shrubs, etc. you buy. which will eliminate two railroad You save time, money and disappointment wHen you get grade crossings and will cost about Mrs. Patrick Carton, Sr., has re- for it on a new the BEST nursery stock available. Our Block will come to $1,000,000. It ~ Is planned for the covered from tonallltls. you hcartyj hcajtliy, vigorous and Jruc-to-narae! •,.. •... county to do the work under the Terrenco Rowe has returned to reimbursement plan through which w«H °" £™8r Island after having Westinghouse the cost will be returned to the spent the winter with his parents. D.&D. COMPANY county in. 1034 or earlier. An Wilbur Ford has recovered after Automatic . . . OAL Invitation was received by tho having been sick a long time with —and— ROSE SPECIALISTS freeholders to attend a dinner at the whoopiitg cough. The Westinghouse Automatic—the Iron "n» sign c[a i Alcnmouth lid., Brunch, N. I. home of Mrs. Lewis S. Thompnon at Mr. and Mrs. Clarericn Dolan of with the Built-in Watchman makes iron- Llncroft on Friday, April 26th, at Bradevelt were recent visitors of Mr. ing easier. 11 always stays at good ironing — rhona Kutontown 40. and Mrs. Edward Rowe. which the members of the welfare temperature, automatical!}'. board will also be.guests. Jesse'and Miss Grace Grant of ._. Engineer Allen presented pleins.for Mcrchantvllle have been visiting Mr. a cortcrote culvert bridge on white and Mrs. Charles L. Grant. road at Little Silver and he said Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Hickey, that he and William M. Bergen; Mrs. Kniiiarlno Oakes, Miss Caroline FUEL OIL county supervisor of roads, had • de- Sodon and James and Gilbert Sodon cided that a cqncre.tn_sulyert was attended the funeral Friday after- needed SShT'tho Adelphia and Howcll noon of Marguerite Sodon of Lln- Buy From One of These Dealers. Fuel is an important item of expense. It croft. William Toomey, Norman road. KEYPORT: deserves careful consideration. Order Jeddo- A division of the $100,000 appropri- Long and William and Charles A. Highland—not just coal. ated for- public hospitals was decided Kelly were bearers. Jersey Central Power & Light Co upon. Long Branch hospital will re- Julius Dobisky of Keansburg Is helping his brother Louis, remodel ceive $70,728.59, Spring Lake hospital ?k MATAWAN. $22,053.CD, Hazard hospital at Long their mother's house here. Branch 56,001.76 and Matawan hos- Mrs. John Long, Sr., Is visiting her AugustMattner, 146 Main St. pital $655.10. niece, Mrs, Howard Applegate of Marlboro; RED BANK. Freehold Flyer Back from South, Herbert Schenck entertained his Jersey Central Power & Light Co Stewart Chadwlck of Freehold re- sister from Brooklyn part of last week. Allen's Electric Shop, 63 Broad St turned home last week in his Waco C. H. Ennis, 16 White Street. oirplane after spending the winter at Last week Mrs. John Sniffen, Mrs. Benjamin Hankinson and Miss Mil- Daytona Beach, Florida. While in dred Sniffen visited Mr. and Mrs. Telephone 103 the South he mado a business of Alto All Public Service Offices. :: Curtis Green of Eatontown. Mrs. Where Quality Kulcs. . carrying passengers for slglitaoeins Sniffen and Mildred also visited Mrs. trips in his plane. Ho made the Tunis Patterson of Long Branch last trip from Daytona Beach to his home week. •••••»•••>•••>»••»•••»•••••»»••*»»»»•»»••»••••>» In ten hours and 42 mln'utes of con- tlnous flying.

COLT'S NECK NEWS. \y not let us , t • i The Annunl Congregational Meeting qt tho Fofomied Cluircji. i Seventy-five persons attended the '. shoulder this worry? : annual congregational rnectinjr of the Reformed church last Friday , night. The meeting was near the! date of the second anniversary of ODERN society requires that a Rev. John A. Thomson as pastor. ] Tho reports which were read showed i M woman be always ^young and a very gratifying condition. A re-1 smiling, and of course this is impossi- port wau read from each society and ble if she must devote a seventh of words of greeting wore given by a rcprcssntativs of each society. ThoBo ; GOLDFAR her life to the cares and worries of who took part were Rev. Mr. Thorn- | von, George S. P. Hunt. Miss Mar- 62 BROAD STREET washday. Let us shoulder your wash- garet Sickles, Misses Elizabeth and RED BANK, N. J. Mlnnin Soffsl, Mrs. William Hunt, day burden «. lius!',:! H'juiltt, Mrs. Arthur Boffi! , and "'' '!'?r D. Fields. The meeting ccii'-i1.<•'•'•'• refreshments and a Doubtless This Is The Event or"v I Ui-.o. I Ths county road has been plowed I up or. on? ulilo as^ar east as the.vll- You Have Been Waiting For! Red Bank Steam Laundry j, lr\;ro conter, In preparation for lay- lt j lire concrete. One aide of the road r •J j will be dunu at a time. The first con- 3 I cretc' V.T.S put down on the Freehold WhiteSt. Phone 1659 erd of the road Monday. rihe boys of the Pioneer club held a sociable at the schoolhouse last Thursday night. Music and refresh- ments were the ^principal features. Lovely Spring The boys cleared $25. The Sunday-school of the Reformed church Is growing. There has been I an average attendance of 72 the past three weeks. Leroy Bennett Is making his home with his father-in-law, DaVld Buck of Brlelle. -Mr. Bennett has fully re- covered from his recent injury. EACH The boys of the public school are forming a baseball team. Henry Wil- kins and Hcm-y Kingston will do the pitching and catching. A lecture illustrated with stereop- tlcon views will be given at the Re- formed church. Sunday night. The subject will be "Enlightened Women Women's models in silk prints—small patterns and two-tone combinations. One- ' In Darkened Lands." The helping circle of the Reformed piece dresses with drapes on side. Two-piece dresses with pin-tucked sunbursts or modern- church will hold Its annual banquet tonight at the home of Mrs. Rus- istic appliques on blouse. Circular skirts and pleated skirts. soll Heulltt. Tho families of the members have been Invited. Young women's models in printed crepes and georgettes and in combination of Mrs. John A. Thomson has re- turned homo after having spent two j jersey blouse with plain crepe skirt. Scarfs, tri-color or one-sided...... cape collars jabots wbekB at the homo of her son, Ralph W. Thomson of Middletown. While wide belts vestees...... bows. Plain silks in high shades. Summer colorings. she was there Mrs. Thomson .became a grandmother, duo to tho fact that WE GUARANTEE THESE DRESSES ARE OUR REGULAR $10.00 VALUES AND NOT a daughter was born to Mrs. Ralph W. Thomson in Middlesex hospital MANUFACTURER'S CONCESSIONS OR ODDS AND ENDS FROM JOB LOTS. at New Brunswick. Tho mother and babe are now at home and both are SIZES 16 TO 44. FOR BEST SELECTIONS COME EARLY ! In good health. The Helping Circle 'of the Reformed church met last Wednesday at the homo of Mrs. Clarence Willott and the sewing club of the church met ; last Thursday at the home of Mrs. ! Clarence Campbell. j Closing Out 50 Women's and Misses' Frank S. Weeks has a large and >Y,rk Kair Haven and Florence and John ! Please send me ilic new Dorothy Gray booklet, "Your Dowry of Eustace of New York attended the j *S1.00 Beauty." I am particularly Interested in: • The Treatment for Lines party. ' | ami Wrinkles • The Treatment fur Double Lhin Q The Treatment (or Miss Elizabeth Haley Is homo for i •• •••;•• /;•'•• • • . - - .-.- ;••...;• y- ' Relaxed Mtisdei and Cripy Throat. a three' weeks' vacation fromythe ItBIt 47 Long Branch hospital, where ane In n student nurse. Frank Haley has bought B new Eontlno sedan. Sale Starts Tomorrow, Thursday, April 11th Aftdrtll. , . . ...City..: , Miss Florence Eustace returned to New York Monday and resumed hor duties u • public ichaol uacher, Past Six RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10. 1929. SITE BOUGHT FOB FIBEHOCSE. SPBINO RENTALS.

FOR RENT OR SALE ANOTHER HOLMDEL SALE The Firemen of N»ve»lnk Buy • Coo SOLD TRACT FOR $20,000. Many Houses In Bed Bask and Vi- 3 Good Bargains at Beautiful ncr Lot at That Mace. cinity to Have New Tenant*, ANOTHER RICH BPMSOX HAM DELMOR-SCOTT PROPERTY AT RAYH.STILLMAN Tha Niveilnk fir* company has Four houses have been rented with- BUTTONWOOD, SHREWSBURY. BC1S A COUNTRY ESTATE. bought a lot tit that place at a site LITTLE SILVER SOLD. for Home Seekers! The English cottage, containing four bedrooms and two baths, in the pait week by the Ht.dley-Hall FARMS for a new flrohomc. The lot has i real eitata agency. Alfred Hender- owned by Mr. Paul VanCamp, engineer, and built under hl» per- The Farm of Mr. and Mm. Hendrick frontage of 81 feet on Monmouth ave It Wa» Boujfct Last Thursday by 5-Room Bungalow, -with Garage, sonal supervision is available for immediate occupancy. Either son of Haddon Heights haa rented Country Homes P. Conover Sold Last W«ek to nue and of 125 fatt on Jackson ave- Walter L. Mshns of Bed Bank, half of John Bamback's doublt houas Near King'. HigWaynt Head- furnished or unfurnished, or for purchase under reasonable terms, Henry B. Butler, rWno Will Build nue. Tha property It on the Capt. Who Will BebuUd the Streets and den's Comer, due to Mr. VanCamp'a change in business location. on Oakland street: Mrs. Edith B. Shore (Estates a Fine Home on It . Thomai Dumont tract. The firemen Hake Other Improvement*. Crowell of Montclalr has ranted All tho advantages of Buttonwood are available In this location. Air Pnrmi of INSURANCE Henry E. Butler, a wealthy resident bought It from William Gehlhaus of The Delmor-Bcott property at Little Howard Roaevelt's noun on the cor- House may bo Inspected by appointment with Naveslnk for $1,400. Th« firemen $3,350 of Rumson, has bought the farm of Silver waa bought last Thursday by ner of Branch avenue and Markham State Highway QUACKENBUSH & NEVIUS, Agents. Mr. and Mrs, Hendrick P. Conover will sell the flrehouie and lot which Walter U Mahns of R«d Bank, The load at Little Silver; James H. Good- they now use. They are having plans speed of Pclham Manor, New York, 8-Room House, All Improve- SHREWSBURY. N. J, at Holmdel for a country estate. It property waa bought several yeara Utontown, N. I. Phon* 17B. is the intention of the new owner to drawn for a new flrehouse. One of ago by a.orge Delatuah and Frank has rented one of Irving Berk's new menti, 3-Car Garage, Lot build a line residence on the property the principal reasons why the fire- Scott of Mlddletown and Harry ifor- Jiausesjon Bregk.Rvenue atJLittJe.Sli- 55x192, Near Broad Street, for his own use. The aale Included men want a new flrehouse Is because ford of Red Bank. The name given ver; and J: J. Rellly of Lincroft has Red Bank, the live stock and farm Implement*. the present place Is hot large enough to the property ni farmed from the rented Nicholas Llguorl's house near "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME" The price was $50,000, based on a val- for the firemen's annual fair. This first syllables of the last names of Riverside Heights in Mlddletown fair Is the company!* chief means of township. When built or re-modeled bj uation of $10,000 for the farm and Mr. Delatuah and Mr. Morlerd and $19,000 Thomas Jardine $10,000 for the stock and lmplementa. raising money. ' At last year's fair the last name of Mr. Scott. A num- The John Wagner residence on the The sale wii made by William H more than $2,000 was raised. ber of lots. have been sold on the west side of Grange avenue at Fair Vacant Lot, 47x180, Madiion Hlntelmann of Rumson. property and 112 lots remained when Haven has been rentad through Jo- Carhart Construction Co., Inc. 1 Avenue, Fine Location, The firm comprises 181 acres. It the tract waa bought by Mr. Mahna. seph G. McCue of Rumson to George RIVER PROPERTY BUILDERS has large frontages on the Holmdel- Mr. Mahns paid $20,000 for the 112 W. C. McCarter of New York, son of •—end—. Matawan road, on the Holmdel-Wlck- MAKING PALATIAL HOMES lots. This gave a fair profit to the Robert H, McCarter of Rumson. Mr. W Mechanic Street. 27 Garfleld Avenue, atunk road and on another side road. three former owners. Mr. Mahns MoCarter la a member of the law $2,500 ARTISTIC HOMES Atlantlo Illehland*. N. 3. It is generally expected that the new A GREAT DEAL OF BUILDING firm of McCarter & English of New- Bad Bank. N. J. Intends to Improve the streets with Alston Court. Eaal Front St., state highway between Holmdel and GOING ON AT KUMSON. a heavy coat of gravel, to clear up ark. Mr. McCuo has aJso rented the Phone (or estimates. Matawan will be cut through this the entire tract and to add I all pos- Eunice M. Parker house on Broad Hylin & Salz RED BANK. N. 3. Bad Bank 2B6A Atlantlo illshlands 210 I farm. This sale la the eighth to be Almost $800,000 Is Being Spent by sible Improvements and conveniences. street to Thomas B. Crews, Jr., of Phono 76. made at Holmdel since taet winter, Residents Reconstructing and En- This will entail a large expense and Maple avenue, and William T, M Realtor*—Insurance, 11 the buyers being rich Rumson larging Houses and on New Build- when this work Is completed trie lota Cowell's house on Blossom Cove road residents. ings—One Job Cost $150,000. will be placed on the, market at to Edward Brasch of Red Bank. Mr. Register Building, Red Bank. TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Tho house on the property was prices ranging from »200 to $1,600.Brasch was married recently to Miss built in 1700 and it Is perhaps the Almost $500,000 is being spent by Katherlne Tobias of Rumson. WATCH IDEAL BEACH GKOW finest example of early Dutch archi- residents of Rumson in enlarging A bungalow on the south eldt of Contractor and Builder tecture In the county. Its exterior Is and reconstructing their homes and BAKER BUYS A HOUSE. Frances street at Oriole Park, owned SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING still covered with the original hand- in new buildings. Most of the work by the J. D. Norrls estate, wu rent split shingles. The enormous raf- is being done by wealthy residents Sprint; Street Property Bought by ed last week by the White-Pach com- SCBEEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES ters, pegged and mortised together, of the Rumson road section. Carl J. Munch. " pany to Edward Menney of Shrewi Telephone 940-M 100 Bridge Avenue. Rod Bank. N. 3, invariably excite the wonder of every O. I. Dommerlch's residence on the Morris Portner has sold a house bury, who, has moved in tho house. visitor at the house. The building Is corner of Rumson road and Bellevue »i* • ined with brick. avenue has been enlarged and remod- and lot on the west side of Spring street, between Wallace and Mechan- DAIRY FARM RENTED. .Another feature of the farm is aeled at a cost of $150,000. It now has thirty rooms and twelve bathrooms. ic streets, through the Hadley-Hall very large barn that was built 100 real estate agency to Carl J. Munch David and George Soflel Lease Chris- MONEY TO LOAN years ago or so. Hand-hewn oak The living and dining rooms are pan- eled with oak and two other rooms of Monmouth street. The lot is tian Broderson's Place, Itimbers were used for the frame- 40x122 feet and the house has six on the same floor are finished with work of this building. The barn has rooms and a bathroom. Mr. Munch David Soffel of Lincroft and his $1,000 to $1,000,000 n slate roof. It is In first-class con- knotted white pine. Other features cousin, George Soffel of Colt's Neck, are a fireplace in every bedroom, a paid $6,250 for tho property. Ho dition. There is also a large cattle bought the house for his own occu- have rentod Christian Broderson'a barn, a stable with a number of box circular staircase with an iron railing, farm of 500 acres at Shrewsbury. an electric elevator from the base- pancy and will move there April 15th. on First Mortgage. stalls, a corn crib, a smokehouse and He is employed as a baker by the The rental includes all the land and a house for the use of farm employ- ment to the third floor, a new slate outbuildings but not the house on the roof and slate terraces on three aides Hexter baking company on West ees. street. farm. The lessees will UBO the land WHITE-PACH, Inc. On a hill northeast of the farm of the house. John Yeomans of Rum- for dairy farming. They now have lutbuildings Is a fine apple orchard son Is the contractor. The house has thirty oattle on the place and they RED BANK. Telephone 2100. been rebuilt several times. The orig- BUILDING AT CHAPEL HILL. expect to increase the number. Some and it is here that Mr. Butler will inal house was built about 100 years of the buildings on the farm have STORES TO EENT build his residence. The view of the ago by J. W. Borden. A Semi-Bungalow Going TJp There been sublet to saddle horse owners. urrounding country from this hill Is for a Brooklyn Han. OPPORTUNITY FOR BARBER, DRUGGIST, DELICATESSEN BED BANK 1746 Mr. Ycomana has been awarded a In addition to this farm David and AND LUNCH ROOM PHONE LACKAWANNA 1S10 uperb. Lyman Sessen of Brooklyn is George Soffel each have dairy farms Mr. and Mrs. Conover bought the contract to build a house on the cor- Located on State Highway near Beach, ner of Ridge road and Bellevue ave- building a semi-bungalow on the of their own. arm in 1888 from Mr. and Mrs. Ed- 'onover tract of twelve and one- m i «• Ideal Beach, N. J. gar Behenck'. About a year or so ago nue for Mr. and Mrs. W. V. B. Finley of New Tork at a cost of $80,000. It half acres which he recently bought Tha Super-Salesman. APPLY Mr. and Mrs. Conover moved to at Chapel Hill. William H. Mallett Holmdel village and the farm haa will be 106 feet long and 44 feet wide, Luke Longhead In The Register JOHN H. TRAYNOR, Owner since been occupied by their son, with an "L" 24x20 feet. It will be of Port Monmouth is the contractor HUGH GETTY, INC., nd the cost will be r $3,850. The talks to over 85,000 people every Wilson N. Conover, who haa oper- constructed of brick, with a flat roof. week.—Advertisement TEL. 515. WESTFIELD, N. J. On the first floor will be a living building will be completed In June. ated it in conjunction with his father. 1 This arrangement will be continued room, dining room, main hall, Btalr Mr. Sessen is having it constructed BUILDERS under the new owner and Mr. andhall, library, sun parlor with a^brok- for his own use. He will use tha Mrs. Wilson N. Conover will remain en flagstone floor, kitchen, butler's land for nursery farming. on the farm. pantry, servants' dining room, laun- Geo* I. Sewing A Group of Firms 359 West 26th St., 18 Mechanic St., The sale breaks a continuous own- dry, two lavatories and garage. Three Frank Amone Buys a House. ership of more than 225 years in the fireplaces will be on, this floor. Up- Frank Amone, who 1B engaged in New York City. Red Bank, N. J. Conover family. It was a Conover, stairs will be six master bedrooms the grocery and meat business on CONTRACTOR Who Work Together! or rather a VanCouwenhoven, as the and six bathrooms, four servants' Shrewsbury avenue at Red Bank, and BUILDER >rlginal Dutch folks of that name rooms and a bathroom, and a gym-has bought a house on the west That Describes the vere called, who built the ancient nasium. The residence will be com- side of Shrewsbury avenue in RED BANK, N. J. Telephone 111 pleted in October. Eil«bli«hed 18S4 louse. Ever since that time the farm Shrewsbury township from James Offic« in Eltner Bnlldlni las been owned by a direct lineal A house is being built on Monmouth H. Maxwell for $5,200. The lot Is lescendant of the old-time VanCou- avenue at Rumson by Mr. Yeomans 40x120 feet. The house has olx Room 8 Multiple Listing System! ALEXANDER D COOPER venhovens. for Edward O'Brien, one of the bor- rooms, a bathroom and modern im- r.l.pbon. 2018. One ol the features of Uln house ough commissioners. It will cost provements. Mr, Amone has offer- Jobbing of All Kinds Eight Real Estate Firms Comprise the Red Bank Real was an old door made In Holland $20,000. The main part of the house ed the house for sale or rent. Estimates' Choerfullr Furnished Estate Board. These firms work together to sell real estate $ 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. and brought to this country by Cor-win he 28*42 feet, with R sun parlor of every kind. Just as two or three members of a firm nelius VanCouwenhoven, the progeni- 12x24 feet and a garage 24 feet :or of the Conovers of the United square. The garage will be attached •fi work together in their line of business, in exactly the same States and the builder of the Holm- to the house. Three rooms will be on way the member firms of the Red Bank Real Estate Board WINDSTORM INSURANCE el house which has just been bought the first floor and four bodroms, two work together. bathrooms and a studio on the sec- A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates. by Mr. Butler. This door was highly prized by collectors of antiques and ond floor. A fireplace will be In the When you list jour property for sale with one of several years ago they began making living room. The house will be of bids for it Last year It was bought brick and will be completed in July. these firms under the" by, Robert Babcock of Long Island An addition costing $14,000 is being and used In a house which he built built to William H. HlntelmannV on Long Island. The thing which house on the Ridge road. The new Multiple Listing System! makca the door unusual and highly part will have a laundry and garage prized is the old Dutch scenery on'the first floor, a master bedroom that very day all the eight firms of the Red Bank Real Es- painted on one side of It. and a bathroom on the second floor tate Board begin the work of trying to sell your property. One of these sceties is an old Dutch and four servants' rooms and a bath- If any of these firms sell your,property YOU PAY ONLY courtyard, with' a courthouse in the room on the third floor. The bath- ONE COMMISSION 1 distance. Four persons are shown room on the second floor will be of. Every home in Silverwhite Gardens is dressed in the quaint fashion which colored tile and will cost $3,000. Mr. was characteristic of the early Hol- Yeomans is doing the work. These are the members of the Red Bank Real Estate individual in architecture—no two landers. Tho courtyard is laid out Improvements are being made to Board: In the prim, precise fashion which li XJ. J. Boury'B house on Buena Vista will ever be built alike. You rhay se- second nature to the Dutch. Through avenue at a cost of $10,000, to Harden LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street lect one that we have already built or all these years the painting has with- L. Crawford's house on the Rumson MORR1SEY & WALKER, Kcansburg stood the ravages of time. All the road at a cost of $5,000 and to R. B, we will build to suit your taste. details at'e clear and sharp. It Is re- Smith's house at Black Point at a ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, Inc., 60. Broad Street markable that no attempt was ever cost of $5,000. These jobs are being HAWKINS BROTHERS, 10 Monmouth Street made by anyone to repaint the door done by Mr; Yeomans. and blot out the original picture. In On Theodore H. Banks's property WM. A. HOPPING, Broad Street and Linden Plao scores of old Dutch farmhouses In on Buena Vista avenue there has HENDRICKSON & STOUT, 2 Linden Place Monmouth county this did happen. been built a gardener's house of four- ^1 Silverwhite Gardens The panel work on both sides of the teen rooms and a bathroom, a two- Ask the Man HYLIN & SALZ, 42 Broad Street door is different from anything story garage building, with room for ; A. L. IVINS AGENCY, 42 Broad Street Red Bank 2140. known today. If It was all done by eight cars on the ground floor and | hand It must have required infinite living quarters upstairs, a greenhouse patience and painstaking care to and a building to house equipment make the door. Who Has Hadbne used on the estate. Altogether the 1 The farm bought by Mr. Butler various joj>8 cost about $60,000. Peter E MEAN an automobile accident. Do you on the fringe of the famous Pleasant P. Perrlne of Seabrlght was the con- know anyone who has had an accident Valley section of Holmdel township. tractor. Last year Mr. Banks's home W Guaranteed First Mortgage Bonds During the Revolutionary war some was remodeled at a cost of $70,000. recently? Any sort of an accident? If you do, of the most active and resolute pa- Mr. Perrlne is building an addition ask him if he was insured. If he was insured, we LJuco brushes on triots In Monmouth county lived in costing 53,000 to Mrs. Julia McCar- this section. This section was called thy Little's house on Ward avenue are sure he will say that his policy was a great "The Hornets' Nest" by the English1' and he is making alterations costing comfort. If he was not insured, you may be sure and Tories for this reason. It was $2,000 to Mrs. Gurdon M. Maynard's frequently raided by the Pine Rob- house on Ward avenue. of hearing him say that he would have given bers and Tories when tho men of that J. Ford Johnson'B house on tlits anything for an automobile insurance policy. with amazing ease section were away serving in theRumson road has been enlarged and army. rebuilt at a cost of $50,000. A new " It's the grandest feeling in the world, to own For their protection the people of slate roof has been put on the house. a Continental/ Casualty Company full cov- Pleasant Valley had'a cannon which The Wallace construction company erage policy, when you have an accident. You was shot off aa an alarm whenever a Is doing the work. raid was conducted. Every man and Ground has been broken In the rear may not realise this now, but ask the man who hoy for miles around who was cap- of CharleB ROJarding's house on the has had one. able of bearing arms answered the Rumson road .for a stable and garage alarm. At the home of Wilson Con- costing about $40,000. R. W. Clark We would be very pleased to quote you rates over is a very long and ancient gun & Co., of Asbury Park are tho con- which one of the early VanCouwen- tractors'. on this most necessary 'protection—there is no hovens used against the hated ty- Joseph O. McCue, who recently obligation, of course. Jost -write forinformation . ranny of King George III. bought" the Monmouth hotel property The Pleasant Valley section was In- from William Mears, is converting Business Strength habited almost entirely by the Dutch the hotel building into an office and and they were great hatem of the home for his own occupancy. Three 102 DISCOUNT- The rtrcngth of any Invrstmrnt is doteimined by tlio charac- English, partly because of wars office rooms are being built on the ter and financial ability of the men who direct tho ninnngrniimt. ^hich had been waged between Hol- west side and alterations are being On Public Liability and Property Damage Insur- made to the interior of the building. Our strength Is In the financial oxperiencn «f our Hoard of land and Great Britain. Neverthe- ance to owners having a non-accident record for Directors, the character of the properties on which wn have first less it was said to abe an historical The work will cost $8,000. N. A. TBADING-, Bathorltie* on and levels oat so smootbln mortgages nnd our financial resources. fact that four old Dutch families In Atchley of Long Branch Is the con- twenty-four months. ,JLJ Home Decoration say: And in a few minutes if a dry! Monmouth county espoused tho tractor. !< 1. The Board of Directors la composed nf six bank presidents, cause of England and the menfolks Three rooms and two bathrooms Usc colorful Duco freely in Come to and let us show seven directors of banks and nine 'directors of Tl. & L. Associations. enlisted in the English army. are being added to Mr. McCue's home An EXCLUSIVE feature of the CONTINENTAL i evecyrooa>."Decidetp. If, and a' member of the company was attempted to stop him. In the tussle An American Legion Post has been from these stations. One train runs j Tea vDklla la wrdUUr la»lt«4 te and nlgrht deitroyed a schoolhouse, accepted. Mr. Stryker has moved to the mechanism which operates the organized here. A meeting will be a furniture store and wrecked a ho- In the morning and the other In the # atttnd tha aarvlen and aia tkt Locust Point. Clocks were presented gates was broken and the gates held Friday night to select a name afternoon. ^ Raidlnr BOOM. tel under construction. Damages as wedding gifts to Mr. Stryker, Nor- were_ estljnateii *t J27B.O0O. man Olson and Edmund Hartcorn. The achoolhouse destroyed was at Mrs. Thomas Thomas was the North Long Branch. This fire started speaker at the services held Sunday Wednesday night on the occond floor night at the Naveslnk Methodist of the building and Is thought to church In observance of "Women** have been caused by defective wir- Month." Her husband, Rev, Thomas ing, Every piece of lire apparatus in Thomas, is expected home Friday Loner Branch was called to fight the from a stay at Liberty Corners. Hol- Wars and the firemen worked four lis Hart, who is In charge of the hours before the lire was entirely out. Naveaink church, preached Sunday The damage Is estimated at $75,000 night at the Leonardo Baptist church SPRING IS HERE and tliero Is Insurance of $68,000. in the absence of Mr. Thomas. The turning of the school caused At last week's meeting of the Lions obout 170 children to be placed In club Joseph A. Banfleld was appoint- other schools in the city. Eight ed chairman of a committee to study Supplies are needed for the Garden, classes were taught In the school. the yacht club and basin project. The board of education held a meet- Other members of the committee are Ing while the school was burning Dr, Thomas McVey, David Tumen, "arm, Orchard, Dairy, etc. and made plans for rebuilding the Harry Krldel, William Orth, Earl school. Alfred Bonforte, one of theSnedeker. Mr. Banfleld was elected firemen, was overcome by smoke. a member of tho Lions club at the He was revived by the first aid squad game meeting, WE HAVE: THEM and -was then taken to the hospital. E. K. Camp of New York have re- Fire bellved to have started In opened their summer home on Hoop- defective chimney completely des- er avenue. And Are Prepared to Give Real Service! troyed the Oatea furniture company S. R. Castloman has returned to his building on Main street at Asbury summer home on Prospect avenue. Park with a IOBB of $100,000. All Miss ICathryn Wlllett has been TO FARJVipRS-on the flro fighting equipment of the transferred from the Keyport office The Breath of Spring r.lty was called on a general alarm. of the County gas company to the International Harvester Farm Machinery and Repairs of all kinds, Seed Potatoes, Workmen employed on an adjoining: Atlantic Highlands office. Grass Seed, Lime, Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, Potash, Imported Sheep building In the afternoon reported the Dr. Thomas McVey Is attending has been caught and deftly settling of the chimney and the build- the state dentists' convention this Manure and complete Fertilizer of any popular analysis. Ing was then filled with smoke. In- week at the Berkeley-Carteret hotel wrought into these new jewelry spection revealed no fire, however. at Asbury Park. presentations here. The bold rhy- Fourteen streams of water were Mrs, David Pullen of Mercerville TO GARbENERS-on playod on the burning building and spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Wheelbarrows, Hoes, Shovels, Spading Forks, Seeds, Semesan Disinfectants, Rakes, thm of the modern note has been ndjolning buildings. After a two- Angelina Johnson. hour fight the fire was under control. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walt Havens, who Brooms, etc. gracefully subdued in accordance Four firemen were Injured Wednes- have been spending the winter In day afternoon while fighting a fire Florida, have returned to their home with the softness of the vernal sea- which wrecked the new Irene Court at Seabright. They spent Sunday with TO FRUIT GROWERS-on son. Pieces to match every mood hotel under construction at Belmar. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cordova of this Lime Sulphur, Arsenate of Lead, Black Leaf 40, Oil Emulsion, etc. The damage was estimated at more place. —all reasonably priced. than $100,000. The hotel was being J. R. Clark of New York spent the built by tho Vestra development com- week-end at his summer home here. TO DAIRYMEN-on pany of Asbury Park, which recently He will reopen the house shortly for went into receivership. The injured the summer season. Complete Dairy Rations or the ingredients for mixing your own. * 'MereMMSandGOLDareMftySoki*' firemen are Frank Brown, Arthur Davenport, William Ablll and As- HIGHLANDS NEWS. sistant Chief Carl Schroeder, all of TO POULTRYMEN^-on the Belmar fire department. Browfl New School Plans Approved—Church Starting Mash, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Scratch Grains, Disinfe'ctants^Genutrie" was at first thought to havo boon Official To Visit Here. seriously injured but he was able to Semi-Solid Buttermilk, Peat Moss, Cod Liver Oil, etc. • (Tha Bad Bank Reglitar can ba bong-lit be about the next day. He and'»ch wulc In Highland) at Bedla'a drug Davenport were burled under. flam- itora, and at Jsaepb Stamen', store.) Quality; first always here. Give us the opportunity to serve you. Ing timbers when the second floor Flans for the new public school collapsed. Ablll and Schroeder were building were approved by the trus- struck by planking when a scaffold tees last week. The building will be fell. All the apparatus of Bradley of colonial design. Beach, Spring Lake, Avon and some An addition Is being built to Jack of the Asbury Park apparatus was Bahrs's restaurant. Baird, Davison & Co. called to the lire. Only a small Rev. F. A. DeMarls, the new super- amount of Insurance was carried on intendent of Methodist churches of Phone 1174. the building. the New Brunswick district, will 69 BRO> 'STREET. make his first official visit here to- "SERVICE" lit Our Motto. Have you read the Want Advertise- morrow night. He will attend a meet- INK.N.J* ments In Tho Register this week? RED B/ Maybe there Is tusl the thing adver-' Ing of the Methodist official board. tised that you are looking for.—Ad Gerald Johnson underwent an op- vertiaewent. . eration for the removal of his ton- Property Sites Available "BUTTONWOOD-AT-SHREWSBURY" A Glance Below Will Show Those Purchased, Those Occupied and Those Available for Your Selection

Two Minutes' Drive to R. R. Station at Little Silver.




WHAT HAS BUTTONWOOD to offer YOU beyond the USUAL MPROVEMENTS? 1. EXCLUSIVE Sycamore Avenue Entrance, Away From Traffic, 2. PRIVATE Protected Park For Your Children's Complete Safety And Pleasure. GAS 3. REAR LINE Electric Service And Underground Street Lighting. WATER 4. ARCHITECTURAL And Construction Service. 5. , HEIGHT, View And Guaranteed Dryness. ELECTRICITY 6. RESTRICTIONS That Are Rigidly Maintained. SIDEWALKS & CURBS WHAT HAS SHREWSBURY to offe^ YOU as a HOMESITE? QUACKENBUSH & NEVIUS•at-- 1. CHARM And Dignity. 2. HISTORIC Associations. AGENTS 3. CONVENIENCE To Red Bank And Little Silver R. R. St«tions—Auto Bus Service To Long Branch And Sea-Shore." SHREWSBURY, N. J. 4. LOWEST Tax Rate In Monmouth County. TEL. BED BANK 2637. 5. ENHANCING Property Values. r 3Mm. Tb STATE, HIGHWAY ' lOMiisr. Tp Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, APBIL10,1929. was thirty yean old and left * hus- YEARS AGO IN RED BANK. band, but no children. HOWARD FREY Dr. Thomas A. Curtis of Red Bank BELFORD TIRE SHOP SANITARY PLUMBER was appointed town physician of HAPPENINGS OF OLD IN ANDShrewsbury township at a* salary of Near Campbell's Jet 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. | ABOUND ODE. HOME TOWN. $100. A trotting mare owned by WUIlam STEAM find HOT WATER FITTING—Gutters. Leaders and Tin Hoofing. B. Parker of East Red Bank and For Radio, Auto, Incidents Culled From The Register valued at $3,000 died very suddenly. of the Second Week In April Samuel Bennett of Tinton Falls Battery Service Twenty Years Ago, Thirty Yean crushed the big toe of his right FIRELESS Ago and Forty Years Ago. Call Keanaburg 85-L-4 foot while at work In his sawmill. Wo recharge and repair all Forty Years Ago. Capain John S. Lufburrow of Eat- water-amp ontown was stricken with a slight GasMngp The spring of 1889 Bhowed a great makes. Michelln Tires stroke of paralysis. and Auto Accessories. deal of building under way at Red and presto? Wills painted Bank. More than twenty new build- ings had been begun previous to the Thirty Years Ago. first of April. E. &". Roberts was Charles R. Havens died at High- building a large machine shop near lands at the age of 86 years. He are a* ftesh and blight as] the Central railroad as an annex was marine observer at the Twin to his boiler works; Mark L. Mount lights at Highlands until he was 71 when first painted?. .N was building: a machino shop on ears old, when he retired on full West Front street; John Hawkins pay. He left three children, Vin- wonder -women like it. was building a blacksmith shop on ton H. Havens and Arthur Havens llechanlo street; George Patterson if Navcolnk and Miss Josephine Easy to put on and costs, was building a livery stable near Havens of Highlands. Mr. Havena but a cent a tfqvaro foot J the railroad depot; John Sheehan had a number of peculiarities. He was putting up a building on Shrews- would never ride In a carriage and bury avenue for use as a saloon; he always wore a silk hat winter Our Big Flour Sale Ends Joseph Mlllward built a butcher shop and summer. on Shrewsbury avenue; and Miss Viola Warwick had contracted for William Lewis was appointed And decide to store your a building on Shrewsbury avenue mall carrier between Atlantic High- household effects, bric-a- to be used as a millinery and dress lands and Locust Point. He suc- brac, etc. In our modern, Saturday Night! making establishment. Other build- ceeded A. J. Cook, who had carried up-to-date storage plant ings were being erected by John the malls for nearly a year. Mr. Oliver, Mrs. Amelia A. Ellis, Tim- Cook's contract was for carrying othy Qulgley, William Decker, John the malls at $175 per year. He had Warner, William A. VanSchoIck, Ed- to make three trips a day for three ward Woodward, John Worden, months In a year and two trips a Family Joseph Burrowes, John C. Parker, day for the rest of the year. He fig- Amos Tllton, Mis. Susie Schroeder, ured out that he got a cent a mile BRAND General B. S. Paine, Elwood Mln- for the work. When he figured this ton, Samuel S. Sagues and John out he quit. Robt. Donovan's Hardware Stote Qavanaugh. Mrs. Mary Ann Scott, widow of Bed Bank, N. 3. 24-lb James Scott, of Fair Haven, died Eight, persona were baptized In the at the home of her daughter at Man- bag Middlctown Baptist church by Rev. asquan after a sickness of a year. Flour E. Everett Jones. They were She was seventy years' old and left Misses Elizabeth, Gussle and Edith five children, they being W. C. Scott The Highest Grade Family Flour milled ! Patterson, daughters of Gordon f Fair Haven, Dewltt Scott of Patterson; Miss Lily Hendrlckson, Oceanic, Mrs. Howard Corkoy and DEVOE PRIM daughter of William B. Hendrick- John Scott of Asbury Park and All Mill Brands 24.ft 24-ft aon; Mrs. John Morris and her Mrs. Edward Stultz of Manasquan. $1.09 bag daughter Carrie, Miss Kate Head- W. A. Truex & Son, who conduct- Flour 89c den, daughter of Jonathan Headden ed a grocery store on Broad street, FloUr, b«8 of Headden's Corner; and Miss were offering five pounds of lard for Adelaide Reeves. Mrs. Richard Luf- AND Reg.15c burrow was received into the church, 25 cents, four large cans of tomatoes she having been baptized previously. for 25 cents, a two-pound plum pud- Forty-one persons had joined this ding for ten cents, the finest but- Norse Boy church during the preceding year. :er at 21 cents, crackers of many kinds at five cents per pound and Norwegian An egg' sociable was held at the big cans of corn, tomatoes and pears home of Mrs. William Davis of Eat- at eight cents per can. ontown and there was a very large Daniel Carroll died suddenly of Sardines attendance. Each woman brought heart dlesease at his home at New an egg with her name written on Monmouth shortly after eating his it and the eggs were drawn from dinner. He was 77 years old and for POACHED EGGS a basket by the men, the woman 55 years he had lived In Middletown can who30 name was on the egg being township. He left a -widow and 10 the partner of the man who drew three children, the children being it. Our Own Importations. Mrs. Luke Melee and James Carroll Miss Annie Sneden, daughter of of Port Monmouth and Henry Car- William S. Sneden of Riverside roll of Red Bank. Peaches • • 2 big cans 35c avenue, and E. Delafleld Smith of A sociable was held at Edgar asco Calif, Shrewsbury were married by Rev. Smith's at Fair Haven by the Meth- F. R. Harbough. The bride and odist Christian Endeavor society, groom went on a short wedding lames of various kinds were played You-All asco trip and then moved to Dakota, and the prize winners were Mrs where Mr. Smith owned a large George Hendrlckson, William Cur- Salad Dressing asco Beans with Pork wheat farm. chin, Jr., and Raymond Doughty. The can8 c Miss Lizzie LaFetra, daughter of profits of the sociable went for buy- bot 29c Jacob and Edna LaFetra of Bor- Ing a new carpet for the parsonage. 3 28 den street, was married to Elwood Mrs. Bridget Cooney, wife of John W. Minton at the Red Bank Meth- Cooney of Colt's Neck, died sudden- Butterine odist parsonage. Mr. Minton was ly of heart disease within half an bookkeeper in Sickles & Parker's hour after she -awas stricken. She grocery store and ho was erecting a Princess Delicious new house in which to begin house- was 79 years old and left four child- lb c keeping. . ren, Mrs. Asher Crawford and Mrs, Succotash Margaret Kelsey of Colt's Neck, Apple Butter A new series of shares waa open- Thomas Cooney of Holmdel and Mrs. 9 cans QCc 19 ' cam C ed in the Red Bank building and Henry Hughes of Asbury Park. 2 28 loan association. The directors of. Richard Bowne of Chapel Hil the association decided to limit the was found dead in his house by his number of shares In the new. series to 300 and the entire number of nephew, Charles H. Woodward. shares was quickly subscribed. Mr. Bowne lived alone, his wife and Seasonable Necessities Reasonably Priced! two children living in Brooklyn. Miss Belle Mount of Wallace Del Monte Solid Pnck Tomatoes . (tSCO Gelatine Desserts .•- _.S pltgs2Oc His death was caused by appoplexy. —tned. can 15c Htreet and Charles DeK. Piker of He was fifty years old and had lived Sweet Tender Peas can 10c t&SCO Sliced Peaches .2 tall cans25o New York were married at the in Middletown township all his life. Furmdale Tendor Peas can 14c ASCO California Cherries _. tall can 19c bride's home. The bride received a The Monmouth boat club of Red large number of wedding presents, dSCO Small Sifted Peas (Extra Fancy) can 21c Deliclnun liert Chnrrles „,- hotl0c,20o Bank held its annual election and) The 2 Qt. Pan and sub. including silverware, china ware and all the old officers were re-elected.! stantial cover enn also bo aSCO California Asparagus tall can 21c dSCO Toasted Bread Crumbs pkg Bo household goods.- used to advantage every rure ._pt bot 23c Six new members joined the club, Del Monte Asparagus Tips can 29c, 3 cans 85c ttSCO Grape Juice Poker playing was a great sport In they being Dr. Walter S. Whitmore, day in many other wavi. Mrs. Morrison's Puddings 2 pkga 19c Soft Cream Cheese ..2 pkga25o Ked Bank and eight poker clubs Charles K. Straus, Charles Robinson, Fnrmdale Stringless Beans .can 17c 4SCO White Meat Tuna Fish can 35o each had a resort for this game. Robert G. Macdonald, Percy Sher- Cnlu Saturday nights and Sundays thesi man and Augustus- Layton. aSOD Sauce • bot 25c Light Meat Tuna Fish _ can 14c, 20c resorts were crowded and a greal Keg. 8c Lux Toilet Soap S cakes 20c Bean Hole Beans with Pork 3 cana 25c deal of money was won and lost. Charles Dibble, son of Mrs. Ann Dibble of Red Bank, died of pneu- WEAR-EVER WEAR-EVER William Lawrence of Red Bank monia after a few days' slokness. "Wear-Ev Rob Roy Weston's Quality moved to Port Monmouth, where he He was unmarrlqd and left two sis- asco '• engaged in the fishing business. ters and a brother, they being Mrs. (Pale Dry) I He got a salary of $45 a month as a John Beyers and William O. Dibble ALUMINUM Three Egg ALUMINUM English Ginger Ale • fisherman nnd he had a barber shop of Red Bank and Miss Florence which he kept open on Sundays. Dibble of Newark. ( Miss Maggie Collins of Red Bank The shoe firm of White & Knapp TRADEMARK Ginger Ale bot8 c and Samuel Hayden of Long Branch TRADEMARK Biscuit offered to give a pair of doll shoes Steam - Poaches HEaU.3PAT.OPR were married at the groom's hom bot ||c 3 25 by Rev. M. A. Macnlchol. Th to every girl who brought her doll tt» Pkg ^.gc Plus 2c Deposit on couple immediately began house- to the store on Saturday. One hun- Special Plus 2c bottle Deposit each "bottle. keeping at Long Branch. dred and twenty-five girls brought their dolls to the store and each of Charles G. Dennis's barn on Wesl them received a pair of shoes to Introductory Price street caught fire from the pipes of a lot of tramps who were having fit her doll. From April 1 Oth to 2 Oth a Sunday night jollification there. Miss Cora Bennett of Tinton Falls Ritter's Spaghetti 3 — 23c The fire was put out before any caught her hand between the chain gteat damage was done. and the sprocket wheel of her James Covert of Cqlt's Neck, whil bicycle and her hand was badly in- sawing wood with a power saw jured. The hand immediately be- t cn'ught his left hand in the machinery came so swollen that her finger The "Wear-Ever"! Meat Market Specials for End of the Week! The second finger of the hand was cul rings had to be filed off. The Old Way Steam-Poached Way completely off and the hand wa Mrs. Sarah'Carlisle Potter her home on Broad street'from con- Egg absorbs water and is less Poached egg held in perfect AH Fancy Fancy Long Island sawed nearly in two. fliTOrsome: Egg also spreads shape by cup: lull flavor re- Harry Morford and Dr. James H. sumption. Mrs. Potter was born in Red Bank and was the daughter of and the nutritious white or al- tained because no contact with Stewing Chickens Turkeys Ducklings Patterson formed a partnership t bumen separates and is wasted water: White or albumen al- tb. 45c ft. 50c ft. 35c manufacture billiard balls from i Sarah Elizabeth and Ephraim Car- or becomes hard and unappe- REGULAR PRICE $1.50 ways soft and delicious: patent compound. Their factorj lile. She had been employed on The tizing. was In a building on West Fronl Register fifteen years. Simple Directions:—Fill pan one-half full of water and place 'WILSON'S CERTIFIED" PURE LARD (2 ft. Can) 37c street. Charles Emmons of Atlantic High- over low flame. Grease cups slightly: Break eggs in cups and Clinton B. Flsk, James R. Min- lands, a brakeman on the Central season: Place rack holding the three cups over bottom pan BONELESS POT ROAST ft. 35c BEST CUTS RIB ROAST ...ft. 38c ugh,' S. T. Jeffrey, A. MacMullen, railroad, was caught between the when water boils, and cover. Steam from two to three minutes: C. R. VanDyke, L. G. Irwln and Atlantic Highlands freight station Fresh Ground Beef Aaron Irons were elected trustees o platform and a moving car and was Lean Soup Meat Short Ribs Beef the Seabrlght Methodist church. badly crushed. H|s collarbono and fTry These Recipes ft. 22c ft. 22c ft. 32c A young horse owned by Joseph three ribs were broken. Suggested hy Suggested By Hendrlckson of Middletown took William E. Morris was elected New York Herald-Tribune Institute Good Housekeeping Institute ALL LARGE SMOKED SKINNED HAMS (Whole or Half) ...ft. 30c fright while plowing and ran away. president of the Eatontown Presby- Poached Eggs and Rice Poached Eggs Mexican It was so badly injured that It died terian Christian Endeavor society. a few days later. Other officers were Harry Dennis, Arrange delicately poached eggs, salted and lightly Wash and remove the seeds from six green peppern peppered, on a bed of hot, boiled rice. (One cup dry Cover them with boiling water and allow to stand ALL SLICES HAM ft. 55c Peter L. Cruser was elected presi- Mrs. James Stcen, Howard Hlggin- son, Miss Jennie White and Miss tice makes enough to serve six. Cook rice until tender fifteen minutes. Pour off the water nnd chop peppers dent of the Seabrlght board of com in boiling, salted water, then beat over very low fine. Saute them in four tablespoonfuls of butter until, ALL SMALL SMOKED SKINNED HAMS (Whole or Half) ft. 32c missloners; Peter Hall Packer was Bessie Dennis. flame, or in top of double boiler, until grains of rice tender, adding three-fourths teaspoonful salt and one*, elected secretary and James R. Mln William Burns of Oceanic died af- are dry and fluffy.) Pour about one-half cup light eighth teaspoonful pepper for seasoning. Meanwhile^ Lean Stewing Veal ugh treasurer. ter a sickness of two months. He brown melted butter over top of eggs and sprinkle, poach six eggs and arrange on rounds of hot, but- Legs Lamb Boneless Smoked Butts Flora Wlllguss of Red Bank, left a widow and three small child- if you like, with grated cheese: You might also ar- tered toast. Sprinkle the eggs with salt and pepper ft. 40c ft. 25c daughter of Delancy W. Wlllguss, ren. For several years Mr. Burns range around edge of platter small mounds of cooked, and cover top of each poached egg with a layer ok' hnd a birthday surprise party had been employed at Frank Mc- chopped spinach, or place piles of new asparagus at the cooked green peppers. Serve at once. This recipe Salami which about twenty young friends Mahon's greenhouses at East Ocean- each end of dish: serves six: Lean Fresh Hams Stewing Lamb -.,>;,A> ft. 43c •were present. ic. ft. 29c ft. 18c John E. .Foster was elected presi- The ladies' aid society of the First Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Eva" (Whole oi Halt Pieces) dent of the Atlantic Highlands board* Methodist church held a sociable at Beef Liver Pork Liver Lambs' Liver of commissioners and . became Us Frank W. Patterson's on Maplo *Alsa mayor. S. T. White was elected avenue. The sociable was one of the i'Wear-Ever"Straight Sauce Pots 'vrltli ft. 22c ft. 15c ft. 25c treasurer. largest held in the church in years, c :ov*rt about 100 persons being present. a Lambert Johnson, son of William litjular Price 3,7.09 Johnson of Navesinlt, died of con- A young heifer owned by Albert VOGT'S BONELESS BREAKFAST BACON (Whole or /2 Strips) ft. 32c L(m(t«I sumption after a sickness of mon Dennis of KaXontowtv chewed a Tim. $ Kraft's Dutch Mnld than n year. He was 21 years old. paint brush that had been left In Price India Relish William C. Brower, Aramintha the barnyard by a painter and the 2QB. 4Qti. 6Qu. ! 5.75 Cream Cheese Relish ft. 22c Limburger Cheese Smock, Viola Howland, William Al- heifer was so badly poisoned by the i/2 ft. 25c Jar 23c gor and Edward Smock Joined the paint that It died. Sweet Chow Chow Eatontown Methodist church. A. D. Hampton & Company, a race For Sale NOW by the following "WEAR-EVER" Dealers: Phila. Cream Cheese Pabst-ett Cheese Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark L. Mount, Miss horse firm, rented the Flower farm Pkg., 12'/ c ft. 22c Jennie Mount and Mr. and Mrs. between Tinton Falls and Eaton- 2 Pkg., 23c Samuel Aumack joined the Red town, The farm contained Bixteen RED BANK ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS LONG BRANCH Sodus Creamed Sweet Mixed Bank Methodist church. acres and the, place was rented for Monrta Becker M. Hortenson It Co. Cottage Cheese Pickles James Stewart, a well known race a training farm. Robert llnnco & Sons J. Stclnbuch , Roquefort Cheese horse man of Eatontown, died sud- Luke Melee of Keansburg leased BELMAR A. M. Townloy & Co. James Carroll's hotel at Port.Mon- ft. 20c ft. 25c ' 4 Oz. Pkg., 23c denly at the age of 35 years. H< I'onl C. Taylor left a wife and one child. moutb for a year. The two men ASBURY PARK ,J. Coyte nnd Son Thai* prlc«» «Hectlve la our Slort» in Red Dnnfa and Vicinity. Mrs. Mary E. Bothwick of Por were brothers-in-law. SEA BRIGHT IVfonmouth. diad vorv midrlenlv. Shi uiad on N«xt Pura.t The Crocke'ry Shop FREEHOLD Etelnbach Co, Blrch'a Hardware Store Mahuney & Harvey REP BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10. 1929,

r. tax I8.W5- 1 . Michael Allen of Vanderburg for YEARS AGO IN RED BANK, farm contained twenty aor.i with t, $3,260. hpuse and, goqd outbuildings, Frank H. Gray of P«ter» plac« was elected a trustee of the Red (Continued from last page.) George Magee of Keyport Was drowned In Quigley'a creek while Bank First Methodist church. Never a car to compare William' Woods of M»p!e avenua crossing as foot bridge over the uppsr James Watklna, son of George underwent a successful operation part of the creek. The water was Watklns of Eatontown, fell from a for tho removal of a tumor from his not deep but hla head caught be- wagon and sprained hU wrist. For Tire Service cheek. The operation waa perform- tween two piling when he fell anil Mrs. Edith Bohnoor of Port Mon- ed by Dr. W. S. Whltmore and Dr.the piling held him fast until ha mouth sold her house and lot at with this new Buick in Klwood Morton. drowned. He was 64 years old. that place to John L. Covert FISK TIRES AND TUBES Th« Epworth league of the Llttla William M. Petlngale bought a A bicycle owned by Thomas J, Silver Methodist church waa bo house and lot on Shrewsbury Mulligan of East Front street wa« queathed a piano In the- will of avenue from Willis A. Clayton for stolen from his barn, MIip Hannah Thomas of Philadel- |l,400. A Short time' later Mr. Petin- George AVIlltlna of Scobeyvillt power, smoothness and Steam Vulcanizing phia, who was a former resident of gale sold the houae and lot to sprtlnsd hi* wrist badly while train- UUI« Silver, Patrick F. Daley for M.65O, making ing nil colt. BlfSgeway JngUng of Navealnk wa« It profit ol ,|?6Q within three month). q»qrg« EHenberg and Jpseph Henr FRED MUNDEN, the beat tire repair man in thrown from hli bicycle and was out Mrs. Jarnes H. Sickles was elected drlckson Joined the Fair Haven, firs Mr. J. M., San Angelo, TezM and bruised. The accident was president of the Red Bank Methodist onrnpan,y. reliability." Red Bank, who is now with John Hansen, U in caused by Frank Polhemus's dog run foreign missionary society. Other nlntT in front of his wheel and Officers were Mra. J, H. Hllllard, Mri. It pays to advertise In The' Register charge of the repair department. Greatly in- throwing him. Jeremiah E. Sayre, Mrs. Frank W. Miss Ella Blanche Corlles, daugh Patterson, Mrs. George A. Long- SUUmtnt ol ih« Red B«k. N«w J«i- have bought the new Buick after getting behind the Town Neck at Little Silver to »V for April 1, 1920. MIBS Tllllo Holmes and Samutl Joseph Qsabwald of Newark. The 8t«t« of N«« Jniu, Ceuatj ol Monmouth, wheel and getting the facts! paliey. place contained 25 acres and was Batontown's new Bhlrt factory qn, fopth sides of Sllverslde avenue. pt'ior« t&t, » Nottrr publl; |n «nd la f|ia. itfttt ana eaunty •fortiKid, piraonalli Drive a Buick! Compare it with any other car.' Then you'll started operations with fifteen Mr. Qschwald bought the property •PP«|r«d Thorns* Irving prpvp, «bo &pV> hands. Women's night dresses and for a country home. ing b««n duly ipprti according to I**, d»- know why it is the automobile for you! JOHN HANSEN shirt waists were the only goads po»«. (ind ••?• thet h» la ih« Bu«ln«M Horses owned by E. E. Morris and made at tho faotory. Uiuni of lh« Rid B»ok BigiiUr, and BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. FLINT, MICHIGAN. Pi'i I'lfnii ijlT i if Itiiftirt rsr[tsr«jlJw George Wqods of Red Bank and tb»t tbt fallowinallowing it. ta tthh t b«it ol hli Slgmund B|sner of Red Bank re- Charles McCue of Shrewsbury ran knonltdfFkld * andd blibelieff ! • ttrn « itatemittnt m 42 W. Front St., Red Bank. ceived a government contract for away In Red. Bank. There waB a tnt own»r«i)ip> *roahasement, etc, 61 tbf ftfo'mfid publication for tb« date sbotfn the manufacture of 7,500 white duel; goad deal of excitement but not la tfa* shove caution* rtqqlrtd br thi act suits far the American soldiers in muoh damage waa done by any ofof Auguit 81, 1618, unbodied in Stctlori Phone 2112. Cuba and Manila. the runaways. 413, Poital Law» nod Uegulatlom, to win 1. Tbtt th« namee and additieo of the William P. Irwln was appointed George B. Minton of Seabrlght sold publlihtr, adltor, m*n«s;|ns vditor, «T)4 liiiilillilMIWWPillli overseer of the poor of Atlantic his drug store business at that place builtiBii m^naRcr ara: Highlands borough and William F. to the Johnson drug company, of FublUher, Thomas Irving; Brown, Bed Bank. New Jtrsey. Mount was appointed chief marshal which concern James Clayton of Editor, JOUD tt, Oopk, Bed Bank, Nt» without pay, Red Bank and Grand In V. Johnson J>rn?: ...... Thomas .1, O'Donahue, who hadof Highlands were the largest stock- Managing Editpr, ^ohp H< Oook, R4d bought a residence property at Bsnk, Ifaw Jsraer, Comfortable Shoes holders. Biiiintaa Mana^eTf ThotnMi In'ny Shrewsbury, spent upwards of $10,- Mrs. Ann Louisa Llpplncott of Bru»n, R«J Bank. N«W J«ta«y, 000 Improving the house and out- 2. That the owners are) West Front street, widow of Ben- John a. Cool). Red Sank, N. I, buildings. jamin S, Llppincott, died in her nine- Tbomaa Irving Brown Baa Ba The Second national bank,' the t|eth year. She had been an Invalid First national bank and the Nave- a great many years. Most of her alnk bank of Bed Bank bad total life waa spent at Shrewsbury and They got behind the wheel t. * got deposits of 1970,40340. Red Bank. William Roop of Belford was very Frank and Elizabeth McCue of severely brusled on his leg while Oeotl B. MacCloud. Hed BaSk. N, J. Long Branch bought from the Jarrieo 8. That tha- known bondMdejre, wort- the facts * * and bought Biwks unloading pound poles from a wag- M. Atklna estate a triangular piece gagees. and other security holders owning on. o( property on Wharf avenue. They pr holdina; 1 per cent or pior« P* ^otsp Shad fishing was excellent In Rar- paid $2,350 for the plot, which they amount of bonds, mortgagee, or othei a a- SERIES 116 keep 1200 Itan bay and many fisherman caught bought for a market place. None. -11220IO $1320 from 100 to 200 shad each per day, The tenth wedding anniversary of 4. That tht two paratrrapha next ftbovt, Coupes • • 11195 to $1250 giving- the names of the owners, stock,* Sport Car Isaac Norcross of Highlands died Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duppler and holders, and aecurity holdera, if arts-, e^n. -$1225 -' smiles of old age. He served in the civil the birthday of Mr. Duppler were ta,iq not only the list of stockholdera acid SERIES 121 war In the 3Dth New Jersey regiment. security holders aa they appear upon 'tb,e celebrated hy a big dinner at the hooks pf tht company but also. I'M oasts Sedans • $1450 to $1320 Mrs. M. S. Colon and her daughter, Mecca Inn to a large unrnber of whtre tha stockholder or Becurity h.a|PW Coupes • $1395 to $1450 a day Miss Anna M. Colon, Joined the fi lends of the family. appear upon the* booke of tht company fts Sport Car -$1325 Red Bank degree of Poaahontas. trunttt or in any othet fiduciary relation, 1 The Thomas Rlordan farm near tht name of tht person or corporation foi SERIES 129 Mrs. M. E. Frake of River on my face Tinton Falls was bought by Patrick whom eiiph trustee is voting, is alvtn: Sedsns $1875 to $2145 street had a surprise Visit from Prennan of Eatontown, who Im-tlso that the said two paragraphs contain CCoupes • (1865 to $1875 Ilii, UtUtm Blrni U Utmtgtr of Buyliti i about thirty friends. statements embracing; affiant's full kn"« •'•'*• "" a Mrs. Sarah McLaughlln of Brook- of New York for 13,000. The farm and conditions- under wM°t\ Pt° Vno|(l|tn prices f. o. b. Duick Factory. lyn bought Patrick Hackett's house contained 49 Vi acres. and security fcpldere ffha do qot apptar equipment extra. Buick de- on Rivor street, upon the' booka of tht eorapanr as irna. 'at inctxdt only rtasaiahlt Consider .,^«EXIL~_,I<». Cook & Oakley began the erection twa, hold steak and itoMfttU*. In a ca- as well as th* Hit frit* wkm I 1200 guests it day—between 11 The poetry of motion expressed in a Miss Mamie MoDermott, daughter of three houses on their property pacity othaj than tha* pf a bona tit own- •mi can hearnnged ontlio and 3—in they come, day after ng before 111 havo to see Urn t every- was married at St. James's, church potation haa any Interest direct or Indirect It ia not only a supremely com- The houses were to cost $1,800 each. 1 thing is right in the kitchen and at the fortable shoe, but also a smart, good- to James Duncan of Wayside. Each house was to have six rooBns In the pstfrt atciett, bonds, or pthsr seturltl.t; fountain, Then guests have Iq be mado Harry Olmstead quit his job aaand a bathroom. than aa so stated b* him* looking, graceful QUO I ' 5. That tfee average numbtr of aopisa oi H. L.. ZOBEL welcome ... waitresses havo to bo And Cantilever* usually outwear clerk In Henry Wolcott's store at Edward Hicks of Fair Haven died eacb issue of tht publication spld or dis- Eatontown, where he had been em- directed ... orders supervised. Being two ordinary pairs I... I of pneumonia at the age of 38 trlbtited, through tha malls and othtmlee, IMOimpUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTOR . tho manager at Jluyler's 41th Street ployed several years. years. , He left, a widow and twoto paid aubaoiibtrs durtoB the sis ipanths And when you come to us you can Mra. Elwood C, Richardson of preeeding the data ehmvn above it *.6{9' •tore is a responsible and exacting job. be sure of an honest, unhurried, sci- children. He had been employed 22 THOMAS (BVINO BROWN. RED BANK, N. J. SEA BRIGHT, N, J. I "I know I couldn't do my work Freehold, a former resident of Redyears on the Charles D. Ilalecy eo Business Uahigtr. entific fitting. Bank, fell wh,lle houae cleaning and tate at Rumson, J*om to and auhneripea befdrt pat this unless I felt quite comfortable. Tho broke her. hip. id day of April, 1929. Telephona 858 . , Tetyfeoi* W smilo that you need to keep every- Stout S. Compton of Belford sold Thelves broke Into tho hen roost two lota on Compton street at that MARION II. BARRETT, WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT .7. BUICK WILl thing going right is erased very quickly Among the cnthutlaittc Cantilever weartrt of Mrs. Hannah M. Brower of Little Notary P»b|t«. in tkii community are: place to Anna M. Meinert of Ho-My commission expires July SI, 1991. i when shoes pinch and feet hurt. That Mri. II, piiffidd Mr>. It. A. TwtiM Silver and .stole two ducks and a boken for $260 each. Mra. Meinert1 is wliy I wear Cantilever Shoes—and Mlaa Irl» Cheshire Mri. J. Thomson chicken. husband built a plumbing shop on have worn them for a long time. ' Mrs. A. 0, hotels Mrs. C. II. T«t» Misses .Ella. and Elvlna Connera the property. . Cantilever Shoes do keep the smile on of/ Mo'rrlsvllle • entertained thirty Alm.ond Vorheea of Oceanic died my face, and guard my feet uguiiist frlanda. ,nt h pnrty. of spinal meningitis at the age of fatigue. They are so flexible, so com- Dr. A. A. Armstrong of Fair Haven nineteen years. Hla father and sis- fortable, that hours of walking and built a .now barn on his place at a ter had died recently, making three CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT standing on a marble floor _cau'i coat of $800. . deaths in the family within six months. tire me." . MlBS LlLLUN BLACK Twenty Years Ago. Captain Stephen Carhart of Fort A lot at Uie corner of Broad Monmouth fell from his poroh and street and White avenue, south of landed on a brick walk. His right the railroad tracks at Red Bank, wrist was badly sprained and 1 1 changed hands three times in ten sldo and back were bruised. [ANTI LEVER SHOES i Joys. The lot was part of the Rev. George S. Johnson was the j Capta|n Henry B. Parker farm. The new pastor of Grace church and a KJuality is the Keynote FLEXIBLE-LIRE YOUR FEET I lot was bought by Harry A. Haw- great reception was given to him, by kins and Charles R. D. Foxwell and the Graco church people. Raymond Bowne Mr. Hawkins afterward sold his half Ashbel W. Bocden of Shrewsbury Interest In the lot to Mr. Foxwell. bought two lots on Spring Btreet 621 COOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURY PARK Three days later Mr. Foxwell sold from Slgmund Eisner for $500 e»cn. of what the lot to Daniel H. Cook and three The lots were 40x360' feet. .days later Mr. Cook sold tho lot to Joseph Winning, the rural mall Jacob C. Hanklnson of Newark. carrier at Eatontown, and Mlaa Each sale waa at an advance In price. Edith Curren of Wayside, were mar- The lot was 60x245 feet. ried at the bride's home. Mrs. Georgo Linznjayer of Nave- Mlas Mary H. Sneden, youngest sink had a big family gathering In daughter of William S. Sneden of celebration nf her 116th birthday. Riverside avenue, died after a lick Eight children and sixteen grand- ness of many years. children were at tho birthday din- Frank Chadwiok pf White street ner. The children were Adam and fell through the beams of his new Joseph Llnzmayer of Naveslnk, Mrs, laundry on White street and dis- Harry Sadler and Jacob 19S *» the note, Tho bottlo was found only Tire Service "air-wing"fenders.its arched windows, two miles from where the boys had TELEPHONE 311} thrown it overboard. its chromium-plate bowl-type lamps. They refer glowingly to the powerful After all, it is only natural that peopk Androw R. Colcman of Red Bank Thcycommenthighlyon Plymouth's went on a business trip to the South, Our Service Car is performance of Plymouth's 45 h. p. should talk more about Plymoyth't ADDS ' the object of tho trip being to se- full-size dimensions, its richness and cure photojrrapha of wild birds and engine, of Chrysler "Silver-Dome" fine qualities th»n they do about always ready. spaciousness, its wide, deep seats, its wild animal llfo. Hla work mi to principle—its speed, its pick up, its abil- bo done mainly in Georgia and exceptional leg-room, its low price—for Plymouth is, firtt Florida. Mr. Colemnn was regarded Steam Vulcanizing ity on hills,itssn)oothness,itsquietncss. and I ast, a motor car of intrinsic quality as one of the moat cxpqrt bird and FLAVOg animal photographers In the United and value Slaton. Balloon and Truck They speak of Plymouth's safety— MIBS Besslo Borden was.elected pres- Tires in Stock. fall XLYMOUTH lit»\be«n so o( its fiilt-ji~.e Chrysler weatherproof Csupt, $655; RttJjttr {ttilh rtmih /«*), ident of tho Shrewsbury Presbyter- aftUia! nsmed because its endurance 4-whccI hydraulic brakes, its rugged $675; 2-Deit Stdtn, S&7SI T*Pi*t» Ian young people's missionary and strength, ruggednejs tnd free- c society. Other officers wero Mills N^^. v$6ySiy D< I-""' ">t' (filt rtmUi Emma Holmes, Frank Borden and dom from limitations so •rcurately full-size chassis, springs /^'-tf"^^ "' ;"' "'—' ""''" \~j'~'l711 Frank DennlB. Mra. John G, typify that Pilgrim btnd who were and axles. .They L$655°) AllpnJ/.,. .,/*»** /V,»«r* lireeae waa elected president of the John Hansen among the first American Colonists. ' BREAD Shrewsbury Presbyterian woman's •Plymouth's amazing economy \ .„.• .>.,,* / J!m 4re ,„ t «„,-,/„ „ lxmt foreign mlaalonary society with Miss 42 West Front Street, in fuel, 0)1 and upkeep. N s- J,, >>>' fnviBimu tf timt fiyauiti. Eva Vateatlno as vice president. Harry Campbell mid Robert F. RED BANK. N. J Wilbur went trout fishing at Pine Brook and caught soven fine trout- Robert Davis of Tlnton Falls caught fifteen trout, ono of which was n rock trout weighing 2'4 pounds FRANK VAN SYCKLEJ ANDY'S GARAGE David Holmes, son of Charles JOHN H. BURNS, M(r. HM51 W. Front St. Holmes of Tlnton Falls, caught Corner Mufil" Avi-. mid W. Front St., Red Bank three large trout. Telephone 1206. riiano Itcd IlanU 3124. The Charles Wikon" farm near Entontown, opposite Monmouth Branch o! Fsrth Amboy. 4,"-r>:i Ilioniln-K.v, Tel. Lone Branch KU. Park, and on the trolley line from Eatontown to Oceanport, was sold at auction and was bought by Ten RED BANK REGISTER, AP^IL 10,1929. MURFITTS Informed Hyman Strota, owner of the ***• BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Seacliff hotel, which was badly dam- aged by fire recently, that no build- EX-E-MO Ing permit would be issued for re- Good Roofing is suaarnteed to heal Ectemt, ikln dli- HAPPENINGS OF INTEBEST IN building the hotel with a frame struc- eases, itchinff pilet or iunburn. ture. For Sal* at DrufgUti or MONMOUTH COUNTY. "The Kitid That Lasts" A. C MURF1TT, Mfr., Many Excursions Boohed, IS Oakland Strut, fltd Bank, N. J Personal Note*, Sale* of Property, Advance excursion bookings for FERTILIZERS For all types ai roofs Long Brsnch, N. J. Building Operations, Lodge Do- Asbury Park this Bummer indicate I want to testify to the wonderful heal- ings, Slight Fires, Births, Mar- that It ,-wilI be a busy seMnn Jn thli —FOR THE- Injr powers of Murfltt't Ex-E-Mo, I suf- riages and Deaths—Other Items. Monmouth Roofing Co. fcied for two years -with a b«3 cut of Ec- respect Several organizations In the zema, and after doctors had failed to dc The North Jersey shore motor northern part of the state have al- Johns-Manvilla Approved Roofer* me any good I wai completely cured by ready set dates for excursions. using Ex-E-Mo. club, which has its headquarters-at 12 MASON PL. the Asbury-Carlton hotel at Anbury Mnrriefy 62 Yean. FARM GARDEN LAWN SHRUBBERY Phoo. 390 KEANSBURG. Youri truly. E. H. SLOCUM. D.D.S. Park, has become afllliated with Mr. and Mr«. B. Frank Herbert of PRICE BO CENTS the American automobile association, •Neptune City celebrated their 62d BONE MEAL which now has a membership of wedding anniversary on Easter Sun SHEEP MANURE 1,075 clubs. ' day. Mr. Herbert is a contracting NITRATE OF SODA ACID PHOSPHATE The electric current was turned off builder and works every day. His at Freehold Sunday from eight A. M.wife also enjoys good health. DRIED BLOOD, TANKAGE '• i ii I Ml Ml til ii 'I' II ill •••••i to five P. M. to enable the llfrht com- pany to, make changes which will Clarence D. Levey Dead. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA WOOD ASHES BRIAKI W -C<* MEW MASH "4OO" more than double the capacity of the Clarence D. Levey, formerly a res- Freehold substation. ident of Long Branch and a former AGRICULTURAL LIME MURIATE OF POTASH The Belmar baseball club has been private secretary to James Gordon organized for the coming season. Bennett, proprietor of the New York Harry Lyon Is manager and he hasHerald, died at New York last week. iwiH-ionnewi secured the •services of "Mvtt" Mey- He is survived by a widow. /WONDERLAWN" GRASS SEED MOTOR __ causa amtxam ers of Freehold to do the catching. Now,Judge for Monmouth. WOMB'S EASIEST, FBOHTATO Mrs. Nelley Hurley of Long Judge Joseph L. Bodine, who was Moavati cvnUn • REAR BUMPERS Branch went to New York last week recently appointed to the supreme CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES to meet her son, Philip Smith, whocourt, will hear cases in Monmouth COSTLY CUB,' haa been employed the past two years ^ABSOBBEUS DTTEBIOR mnSB county. Justice Frank P. Lloyd, who by the General Motors in Japan. formerly sat in Monmouth county, 7-BKAWNG Walter Slack, who haa been em- will take the Camden circuit CBMKSHAFT ployed by the National credit cor- poration, has accepted the position of May Number Houses. Mt. V. BROWN general salcsmanager of the Roen The Oakhurst community club has loan company at Freehold. presented a plan to the Ocean town- Monmouth county members of theship committee for numbering the 24 Wharf Ave. Tel. 27 Red Bank, N. J. Junior dairy club turned in 24 rec-houses in that village. ords last month. This put them in (Continued on Next Page.) Eecond place, being beaten by Mercer » »»»»»»»»»»»»•»»•»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»•»• county with 26 records. The Freehold parent-teachers' as- to sociation haa decided to reorganize features.. All tliisiextraequi|jjinient into smaller units so that each Echool in the borough will havo ito own as- sociation.

• *•* Mrs. Mary L. Ervine, widow of William Ervine, died last Saturday Proving .. that A&P offers The-Dew, features and equipment of Hondaille hydraulic shock absorbers, week at the home of her son, Fred- theiNash "400'' have added hundreds bompers'front and rear, even a spare erick G. Winters of Long Branch. The West Long Branch officials ofcdoHars of actual,' Tisible worth to tire lock, and not a dollar added to the will erect street markers and traffic this famous motor car. price. you consistent Savings! signs to facilitate travel through They have added an incalculable meas- Equipment which other dealers (not that borough. ure of enjoyment to Nash ownership. Nash dealers) charge extra for, at re- Marie Bomberger, Thomas Hall Day in and day out, A&P stores offer you the finest foods at prices that assure tail prices, is included in every Nash and Harry Dey were initiated in the Yet they have added nothing to Nash Allentown grange last Saturday substantial savings ! Substantiating our claim are the values listed in this "400" model, as it comes from the week. S price. factory, at no extra cost. announcement ! They prove that A&P. food stores consistently give better Sunday Movies. values don't they? • ". At no extra cost,,yon have the Twin That is why you will find that -MOO," George Emmett, manager of the Ignition motor, the year's outstanding fully equipped, delivered pikes are so Rlvoll theater at Belmar, announced motoring improvement (more power, much less than other cars with similar last week that his theater would be FOODS of top-notch more speed, less gasoline). kept open on Sundays. This will TOMATOES, PEAS or or even lower factory (f. o; b.) prices; mark the first time that Belmar has quality at LOW PRICES Yon here costly car interior, finishes, Compare the cars, compare the prices, had Sunday motion pictures for oth- Bijur Ceotrali2edChassis Lubrication, before vou buy your new car; er than charitable purposes. Plan to make up a grocery list from CORN Sent to Eeform School. this presentation of attractive values. IONA BRAND. Fresh garden Frank Sweeney, twelve years old, who lived with his aunt and grand- flavor in every can. 400 father at ijong Branch, was sent to MAXWELL HOUSE the reform school by Judge Steln- X.tads the World inJJXbtor Car Value bach last week. Frank was an habit- «4OO» FEATURES -JTO OTUJSU C.Ut HAS THEM AU. ual truant, having been absent from COFFEE school 22 days in January. You'll like the delicious flavor lb. tin /' .Twin-Igniuonmotor AluminumaUoyputons Dijar centralized Longer wbeelbases and you'll like the low price, ' 12 MicabrtTpc spark „ Qear vision £ront branch hospital Friday following an BOKAR COFFEE operation for appendicitis. Mr. Van- 3"" 25" (• Over 2M tons of Bokar sailed with nickel Nash Spedal Design Note was a contracting painter and lb. tin '*> 7-bearing crankshaft front and rear was 56 years old. A widow and two the famous iByrd Expedition. Salon Bodies g Short turning radius bumpers children survive him. 43° (jbclicrw crailt pmi) A*F BRAND Lodge Man Honored. John D. Beegle, past commander Apple Sauce ... 25c CIGARETTES SNEDEKER-NASH CORP. and recorder of the Asbury Park ENCORE BRAND -~H lodge of Knights Templar, was given Lucky Strlkea, Old Golds, 1^.15 170 MONMOUTH ST.. Phone 2587 BED BANK. testimonial following the lodge's carton of 123 FIRST AVE.. Phone 195 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. meeting last week. An entertain- Stuffed Olives . / 25c Sweet Caponla, Piedmonts, 10 packaiei ment was presented and refresh- ENCORE BRAND - Chesterfields and Camels. ments were served. Freeholders Bent Building. Plain Olives . . , | 17c The board of freeholders have BREK BABBIT—GREEN LABEL leased a building near the courthouse can from the Monmouth title and mort- Molasses . . . , . 14c gage guarantee company. It will be POPCLAE BRANDS .'; used by the Russell Index company, ; tall can ]Qg EVAPORATED MILK who have the contract for relndexing Evaporated Milk . the county records. WHITEH0U8E BRAND toll cons His Toe Crushed. ' 9c made in the -heart of Wis- 25 A heavy barber chair which Waldo N. B. C. Crackers , consin's famous dalryland. E. Lansing of Manasquan was help- ZU-ZU, VANILLA SNAPS, CHOCOLATE SNAPS, ing unload from a truck at Bradley SIALTIK SUGAR WAFERS. Beach last week fell and crushed the first toe of Lansing's right foot. A short .time ago he broke, the right toe of his left foot. Freehold Man Dead. Housecleaning Needs Samuel H. Hubbard of Freehold died Tuesday of last wonk of heart disease after a short sickness. Mr. The only true test of Performance Hubbard was employed 52 years by Priced Low for Your Spring Cleaning! the Pennsylvania railroad and was recently'retlred. He leaves a widow is Personal Experience .-.•« Come isp today and- and two children. SOAP POWDER Testimonial For Priest. KIRKMAN'S .for your large pkg. 25C Rev. Thomas U. Re illy, rector of spring cleaning campaign. St. Catherine's church at Spring Lake, was given a testimonial dinner last Wednesday in honor of his ap- BROOMS pointment as chancellor of the Tren- DRIVE THIS CAR ton diocese. Father Rellly received Strong, sturdy brooms No. 6 size No. 7 size a purse of $1,150. Until you actually get Whind to driving enjoyment. Four To Gravel Road. The state highway commission has the wheel and drive the} 1929 Lovejoy hydraulic shock ab- authorized the Freehold township Oldsmobilc yourself, you can-sorbers and • iccially designed committee to award a contract for TO FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME WALDORF not really know its versatility springs assure restful riding com- graveling a half mile of the Georgia OR •—its 6teadincss and stamina-— fort, even on rough roads. schoolhouse road at a cost of $8,698. The state is contributing toward the FOR BRIGHT SPRING DAYS! its brilliant abilities in evet/ Oldsraobile's smooth, quiet, high- improvement. phase of performance. compression engine now develops These few selections are representative of our big PACIFIC 62 horsepower. All working Long Branch Flower Show. TOILET You'll 'have 'thrilling speed at The Elberon horticiiltural^society supply of housecleaning needs now on hand ! your command, swift, sure ac- parts arc held within_ exacting has decided to hold its annual flow- PAPER celcration and a tremendous limits of accuracy. Even the er show in Long Branch again this An excellent power reserve. piston pins are pressure- year. The place for holding the show Washing Soda A&H or NOVITE , # m i Pkg.. 15C has not yet been selected, but it will value stock up ! Further, Oldsmobile is easy to lubricated—a feature heretofore be in the new casino if that build- drive. Quick-acting, positive, characteristic of h,gh/Pr,ced cars, Ing is ready. MULE TEAM rolu C four-wheel brakes bring you to And Oldsmobile's silenced chas- Borax 20 . # . . ~. 7. *» 15c a smooth, safe etop. You c\,\ sis and silenced interior prevent I Priest on Trip. 6 25 noise and vibration. I Rev. John J. O'Hara, rector of n litcer with your finger tips and the Bradley Beach Catholic church, Old Dutch Cleanser '."•'. ... . 2 « « 15c park -without effort, even in The only true test of perform- i whose health hns been impaired Btnall spaces. The easy action of ance is personal experience. somewhat by the death of four mem- F Oldsmobile's spring-cush- ™Tak* e the wheel arid bers of his family' in the past year, Dawn OR ENAMEL WARE ^ . . . . .can 10c LIFEBUOY make your own per- sailed Friday for a seven weeks' tour ioned clutch—the noise- NHWKWERPRJCT of Europe. A&P less, effortless gear-shift TWO »«oi IIBA* formance tests. Then Ammonia BRAND # ; # . large 32 oz. bot. 23c SOAP you will know for Stone Works Sold. —the comfortable driv- William Malchow has sold his stone The Health Soap doctors ad- ing position afforded by yourself why owners THE SPEED S0AP vise washing with Lifebuoy to f. o. b. factory, '' works at West Long Branch to Ralph Selox ... . . iw«e pkg. ,15C its new Fisher adjustable Laiuing, Michigan everywhere praise Ardollno of Brooklyn. Mr. Ardollno safeguard against 111 health! front seat and adjustable Rpare Tire and Oldsmobilc perform- has been In tho stone business forty Lifebuoy leaves the skin fresh •teering wheel—all add Bum|»ri Extra ance. years and was in charge of the stono and tingling—and with a feel- carving on the new courthouse at Oakite . . . -..V .'.^'i . P^. 13C Ing of cleanliness. New York. 1 Belmar's Pavilion. Furniture Polish SULTANA BRAND .f^f . bot. 12c 'cakes The Belmar commissioner!! have 17' decided to build a beach front pa- can OLDSMOBILE vilion nt Twelfth and Thirteenth Ammo . . . . ,;5. . "M . I-:!! • ' 13c The values listed In this an- PRODUCT OFCENERAU MOTORS, avenues. The pavilion will bo held nouncement are effective tor" down to one concession In an effort the week of April ail, fa jgth to reduce thft fiizc and cost of the Fyr-Pmf Stove Polish >T. -.T •, , " -.. • «?• 13c Inclusive. ED. von KATTENGELL structure. Monmouth St. & Msplo Ave., Red Bank. Phone 213 New Commandant. ATLANTIC GARAGE GEORGE G. GRAY Colonel Arthur S. Cowan, now nta- 45 Throckmorton St.. Freehold tloned with the signal corps nt Now 1S8 Fir»t Ave., Atlantic Highlands York, has heen named ns command- WILLIAM J. MAJOR ing officer at Fort Monmouth, suc- DAVID LEWIS 69 South Main St., Albury Park, caedlng Colonel GCOIBO H. Kumpo, 18'Washington Ave., Long Branch Neptune Townihip, N. J. who has been transferred to' Wash- The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. ington. Frame Building Burned. '• EASTERN DIVISION The Bradley Beach officials have RED BANK REGISTER, APRIi: 10,1929.

NOTICE OP INTENTION, years old and besides her husband ttoUta «( Intention on tha pmt «f tin leaves two children. ' HABOLD A. LA BOS. Boromh of Bid Bunk to eitend lha »r«> ITEMS OF NEWS. „ • "ANO mmios •nt mir aretim In Mapla avanue and «• Aged Woman Dead. Undlni w.etw.rdly UirouiN th. propanlti lX£«8!^Es£Afllt of Martin Qtlffln and Martarat UrfWn, Monmouth Motor Haulage Co. (Contlaued from laat page.) Mlsa Nora Harrington, who bad . "I »« •"<» "I Won. •«»". Gharlaa L. Drniar and Catherine 'E. been employed about fifty years by Slu.l ojtn mi>rnln«>, ascepi Frfdars. Draaaar, Herman Adlar «n4 May. Adler, Trad O. Davlaon, crilef of police at l Ot n Yatta Tawerraan and Adolph Tapparman, D. V. Perrine at Freehold, died In o.7.,T*° Vi°°°*"^ *' i""" to Watar atrol, and to aconite certain Daily transportation between Asbury Park, Long Hlghtatown. who vu recently ar- a Brooklyn hospital last week. She COAL oan He arranged by proepectlra pupil, nho landa or Intereatt therein, U naomeary, raatad at Freehold lor drunken driv- was 88 yeara old. h««a tecaia to ofnan. Alio eoaehluaj •? by condemnation proceedlnga, and provm- ing1, haa bean rdnataUd by the aln«era In concart and radlj, work. Ing for the payment Uiarajor oJ not more Branch, Red Bank and Newark and New York. than leto.OO, Hlghtitovra council for a probation' An Aged Fisherman. FlSCilEIt & CItOWELI.7 ~ TO WHOM IT MKX CONCSBNI ary parlod of throe months. Alfred V. Genung of Asbury Park, LAW OFFICES Light and heavy hauling. BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. 3 TAKE NOTIOS, •?*JB"^|" J!* v! 74 years old. Is an ardent ftnherman. uiciiAitD J. MAKTINT To Build Jetty. PRICES REDUCED TITLE SEARCHING AND ASSTJUCTS. Inaltac aat lorth haa keen Introduced by Last week he and his daughter Anna tha Mayor and Council of tha Borough of ' The Long Branch oommlaalonera went to Barnegat bay and caught «» Broad Straat._ Phona 438. " Red Baft 5rovldS.ll for th. •{{Jjalon o . Phone Atlantic Highlands 246. have Introduced an ordinance pro- WILLIAM MATTHEWSC tha preient nwar eyetem In »«•'••»?• thirty flounder!. nua and axtenolni weatwardly Wtj viding for the construction of a wood- Now is the time to buy when Eva. Ear, Nae* and T tl f Martin OrifUn and Margare •«»••»••••»»»•••••«••,•••»•«»•»«>•>«••••••»••«>•••>«•)• en Jetty opposite Laird street at a New Building Open. 0 d cost of over $30,000, halt of which The new chrlttlari association build- 1 Prices Are Lowest i'feE:,fe fcttW«P«S"!iid Adolph jApjFmjni will>e paid by tha atate. Ing at Aabury Park was opened on Keaidenca phon* 115. ta Water •treat, au4 to acquire certain Monday and all this week will be In- onica hours l D:00 to ll:0O A. M.; TtDO W to -w „ Tnulwt# theroln* if ntctiasry, by Two Jailed. spection week; The building will be 9-0^ P. M.. and hy eippotntraent. BDation procrtrtlngt, »nd providing ' William H. CummlRga of Keyport dedicated Sunday. QUALITY SERVICE WILLIAM A. HOPriNdi ~~~* /ar the payment tfetrefer of not snort than (!pmcam(Jntost R«al Esttta Broker, anil hl» employee, Nicholas Waldron, Allentown Woman Dead. t MnJaa Place. HED BANE, N, 3. '"JtTgovtmln* body will confer MW reoently pleaded guilty to Belling Mrs. Catherine Rock of Allentown w£nv»w ior Anal Presage on the Fifteenth liquor. Cummlnirs received 21 days QUINN, PARSONS *~O(5ifEMUB, Bt clock r M ! died suddenly Tuesday of last week C0UN8ELLOU8 K1 LAW Swot April* WB- •»*** ° " " seeitnlnasTawwseeJninasTatt In jail and was fined $100 end Wai. SfthS. Bonaih Hall, in laid Borough, am of heart disease. She was 70 years WhltO.ld Bulldlne. R«-d BtAt mil persons wji<"» land* mny u« aiT«eU<. hy dron got ten daya In Jail. old and Is survived by one ion and John J. Qulnn, Thaortora D. Pareona, •uch ordinance or who may U Intoreitotl . an aw patleat «»o»gk, -, -.-..— —. M. V. BROWN ^rhomae__J\__J)oremua ^^^ therein will be given «n opportunity to be J a difference l> eaaiwhea JOD uae V,C produdta (or! Dlrnl at Sanitarium. one daughter. heard concerning the provision* of »ald ALSTON BEEKMAN. —- -jwereandlawal > ~ *• Oharlea Slocum of Neptune town- ordtnance at iala time unit place, or at such • Flowere fed upon edeeilfically k More Measles. 24 Wharf Ave. Red Bank, N. J. C0U1J8KLLOB AT LAW. further time and place to which oald meet- aeen lo talta a aeia Intareai (a Ufe.'nuy are, ship died last Wednesday from a Long Branch's epidemic of measles Offlcea._tO Broaj SU REP BAMK. W. t. ing miy be adjourned. el leaf and iturdlatof iteaa. Thtf bloom aull complication of diseases, aged 58 continues without abatement. Last Tel. 27 GEORGE D. COOPER, " niora glorioml|. - ' years. He was the school Janitor In CIVIL ENdlNEIE, Clerk week the health board reported that Suceaaaor to GmotMt Coopar, C E. )' Your lawn ainunaa t brjgblat ttn xbcp It la ireaied MRS. a. P.D0B80N, SM tub.II Neptuno township for sixteen yeara. Pattareon Buildlna. RED BANK, tt. J. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDINO FDR THE !» V^ Fairway fertiliser. Turt become, firmer,thicke r there were 75 cases of the disease GEORGE K. ALLEN, Jr.,"& E.. and EXTENSION OF THE PRESENT SEW- Street, Greawbi»ol North Caro- Two sons survive him. there. MR SYSTEM IN MAPLE AVENUE AND end more velvety! It Ukeeaapetlal food, Jurt for lawni, lina, trrluai "1 mat u keep my GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C E. BXTBNDINO WESTWARDLY TO WA am) V C Fairway la tbo right ted. - • - ae |ood ooodttlop t&ta Cook—Ecltert. Drug Store Sold. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND srjGVEYOta. TER STREET. THROUGH THE PROP ' • What a dlflereaca lo thirty dayil Yoor eyei can aea wlnterulntiuaoauMiandSlean _aJI0 Broa.d^Btreet.Red8aiilc. H. 3. KHTIES OF MARTIN GRIFFIN. AND It then. " - ,,.-«..• jUd eertaliU; did work miln. Mlsa Grace H. Cook of Belraar and Moe Small of Anbury Park has !r MARGARET GRIFFIN, CHARLES I, A llult »r a hit You can try dim VJC. preducte on Stanley Eckert of Bradley Beach bought the Warner drug company's WALTER C. VAN"KEUREr7.~~ *- y| CIVIL EN01NEEB AND 0URVEYOB, DRESBKR AND CATHERINE E. DRESS a few potted planta or on aa acre of l.wn.Tne beauty of nlaiaa ooQld ha so finfl. were married at Engll»htown on business at Belmnr. Samuel Lamer ER. HERMAN AJDLER AND WAY AD tbemiethattlieyare dead, virtually odorleaa and paca> Br»d Str«rt Nalloaal Bank Bulfilo,, l.EK. YETTA TKPPERMAN AND "leanadverUHBIooaUM with Batter Sunday by Rev. W. A. Pine, has been employed to manage the Had Banh. N. J. ADOLPH TKPPERMAN. AND TO AO a|«d ID bolb email and Urga unlla. BrrowDpUnu. I UaeUcapecUliy pastor of the Sanford memorial store. OR. HAROLD J. STOKES, QUIRE C3ERTATN LANDS OR* INTER Go to tbo neareai dealer and let him eiplala the ad. for botue planta beeaoae it la eo Methodist churoh. BSTS THEREIN. IP NECESBAllY, **\ vantaget bf tbcie ecienlfjfo plant fooda. ilo will give rovomenta) of the Borough of Red Bank, computed on the valuation! for the yeati makes. No matter what ta.ble Monday night of, last week, 1926. 1027 and 103H. I.-Inn (ha three ai- Tha funeral waa held last Wednes. and smartly turned out... with an are shown ... from all three series of tbc nessed valuations next preceding tha pn«- battery you use, we can day and waa largely attended. ' iage of this ordinance, is 112,974,774,66. give you prompt and ef- new Packard Eirrhts ... as wvjlas superb (c) That th* net dent of the Horough Soldiers Fight Fire. effortless, full-powered performance in °f,«fd Bank computed in the manner pro- ficient service. If it ia Soldiers of Fort Monmouth last ylded In Section 2 of Chapter 253 of the more convenient . . . Wedneaday extinguished a grass fir* which you will find a new zest and individual custom- built op^Vackards 6 lncludln th 8 US8I4 084 B ' * ' "Woprlatlon, telephone. Our service en the reservation by the use of wet , /*) , That the annual and supplemental aacki. Nearly all the soldiers at the t} •^ttI"9nt» required by fi^etinn IU of man will inspect' your enthusiasm for motoring, for life itself". by renowned coach-buiidcrs, said Chapter 2BH of the Law* c( lOlfi, camp helped nght the fire, haya b«n made and filed at therein re- battery in your own quired. Married at Freehold. Sec the open car as only Packard can "We shall k>ok forward *o your vtiit 6. Thli ordlntnae shall take efT«et upon garage. Mlsa Oertrude Miller of LakewooJ iSr **?"*• *"d »uhllciltlon according to and Frederick V. Robblns of Free-' hold were married Tuesday of laat interpret it! For your inspection at the .... April ilxth to thirteenth. Ctmn\X Office. Week at the.J'reohold Baptist parson- »Mh age by Rev. C. P. Newton, Open Car Show that marks Packard's No »;.n.r«uT : ftucBs AT Diimarr lot aa cthlb'Tni mnge from £T3. Kiraoana to tha order of I,, Don- Mlsa Leona Applegate and C. Earla twcnty'Sixth year in ftew York, we have $70J5. Slxnomna open ammsvgi null! tm tiurttg /ta aliar, lUrroiiaU of lha County of Mon- Benaon ot Keptuna township wera Mawjimouth, moma/, a ono nth ath appllcalloa Ihlrta.ntn uhf Wordaye of married XCastet Sunday in the West Mawjii1 Auifall, mo, , adnilnlitrnlrlon tha appllcallox ofn. uthf . W. Shlpp, the school Tel Bed Bank MM. ; principal. Eatootown Society Officials to Serve Dr. and Mrs. James J. Reed have FRUITS Another Tear. returned from California. Since his Mrs. Hanna Marie Patten Leon's The Q!eaner« society of the Eaton- return Dr. Reed has been laid up that are Home Qnwn town Presbyterian church re-elected with sinus trouble. Modiste Mrs. Benjamin VanKeuren president, New soda fountains have been in- taste betten 111 BROAD ST., Colutmn. Mrs. Eustace White vice president stalled In Werner & Lefkowltz'a store RED BANK, NEW JERSEY, HUNTING THEATRE and Miss Lillian Dangler treasurer ai and In Dr. Charles Fannacl's drug a meeting last Thursday. Mrs. Car Btore. SHERIFF'S SALE. Wbltehurst was elected secretary Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tallman, Jr., of By virtuo of • writ of fl. ft. to •*«• dN THE HOUSE OF HITS. Mrs. Ada B. Nafew conducted the Fair Haven, sang a vocal'-duet at rooted, issued out of the Monmouth County THREE PERFORMANCES BAIJA'—2:30, 6:40, 9:00. SATURDAYS * HOLIDAYS CONTINUOUS. election and the tellers were Mis Sunday night's services at the Metho- Common Flcai Court of the Stato ol Ntw dist church. Hereafter the junior Jersey, will be exposed to in)* «fc pubjln EAST FRONT STREET, TELEPHONE 31. RED BANK. Frank B. Woods and Mrs. Carl vanclue, pn Monday, the 32d day of April. Whiteburjt. choir will sing at the Sunday morn- 11)2U, between th« hour* of 13 o'clock tni Ing services. Next Sunday night the 6 o'clock (at 2 o'clock, eastern aiaj&dar4 The women will hold a supper Fri- time)tim) . iI n tthh e nfternooft n off aalid dda>. at day evening at the chapel. The flrat pastor will preach on the topic "The the Court House In the Borough of Free* LAST TIMES TODAY! Rugs table will be served at half-pa3t five Monotony of Sin." hold, county of Monmouth. New Jersey, to satisfy a judgment of said Court amount* o'clock. The committees consist of The Methodist Epworth league will Plant Some Fruit Trees In* to Approximately 1700.00, , Mrs. Joseph Winning, Mrs. Frank B meet on Friday night of this week All the defendant's right, title ftttd to* Sally O'Neil and Jean Hersholt Woods, Mils Elizabeth Higglnson. to elect officers and dlscuBs plans for this Spring t«reat In antf to thefollowingr ~ tho coming year. Miss Slgrld Nel- ALL that certain tract or parcel of IinrJ Mrs. Earl Hathaway, Mrs. George and premises, hereinafter particularly da* Curtains Meyers, Mrs. Eustace White, Mrs son will be In charge of the meeting JRUIT tre«a servo a doable Bcrlbotl, altunte, lying *nd b«lnsr in th« THE GIRL ON THE BARGE" Harry KIrkegard, Mrs. Ely Miller, Miss Elizabeth Rodney has taken a . purpose and should be in- Township of Mid die town, in the County of I Monmouth and Bute of Hew Jersey, betas —AND— Mrs. Harry Doyle, Mies Alberta position at Miller's department etore. cluded in your spring planting lots No«. 13, 14, and 15 on tho map of Smock, Mrs. Howard Davidson, Mrs. The last of a scries of child study program. Fair lawn Park owned by Ina B. Brenkety M. R. VanKeuren, Jr., MIB. Carl meetings waa held last week at Ralph which said map is filed in tho office of the hall. Mothers who brought their First they provide fresh, trte- Clerk in the County of Monmoutb. Whltehurst, Mrs. William Emmona, ripened fruit for the family Draperies .MM. Frank Underbill, Mrs. Erland children to the meetings presonted a BEGINNING in the southerly line of table and hy this means they: West Front atreat, distant fifty feet east- VAUDEVILLE [Holte, Miss Sarah Nlvlson, Miss Katie plant to Miss McDowell, who,was In erly from the easterly line of Albert' placet soon pay for themselves. VanScholck, Mrs. Mary Anderson and charge of the meetings. thence (1) southerly along lot No, IS oh said map and at right anslee to Weii Present weather con- Mr». John W. Elgrim. Other mem- Lucllla Latham, young daughter of Secondly, their blossoms, foli- Front itreet one hundred and tw«nty-flv» Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 11th, 12th, 13th bers of the society will help at the Rev. Samuel R. Latham, has been age and fruits add an ever feet; thenco (2). nvesterly on n line parallel supper. kept Indoors with Blckncss. changing beauty to the ap- with Went Front street and along the line* ditions prove conclu- of lota NOB, 86, 85, 84 aeventy-flv« feitl "Our Dancing- Daughters" loolt you n HHIo ray along the thrlll-pavcd road that today's youngsters sively that we are off to John Campanelll, Jr., who has been pearance of the home grounds. theneo (3) northerly alone the westerly HIP trawling you can pass another milestone when you see. this newest dramn of unheeding children! SEABIUGHT NEWS. working for Gimbel Brother* at New line of lot No. 16, one hundred and twen- a flying start, and have York,, has returned and is now em- WE CAN HELP YOU ty-five feet to the southerly line of Front We'll be glad to advise you street; thence (4) westerly along the same School Trustees Reorganize—New ployed in hlB father's barber shop. seventy-five feet to tfae place of begin- left grim winter far be- lust wWch varieties will thrive Soda Fountains In Two Stores. Mr. and Mra. Edward Sheridan hind. have moved from South street to an best and tell you how to plant ALSO the un« of the right of vr»r In (The R.d Bank Register can be bousht and care for them. common with the public ovtr s> strip ofl each week in Seabrlght at the stores of apartment in the Werner building. land running from the foot of 'George Morris Welsman anil H. Lefkowitc.) Leo Rodney has returned home treet to the river. • ' ' The next thought from South Carolina. . INTENDED to be the iame land and The school trustees reorganized a Jos. H. Black, Son & Co. premises'conveyed to the «ald Pawal Amel* that strikes the individ- few nights ago. Edmund Cline la a eheco by deed dnted May 22, 19iZ,\ exe- new membor of the board. Ho sue- The Super-Salesman. High tat own, N. J. cuted by Henry Graf, slntflu, und 'recorded ual is to give the home ceeds George Johnson, who has Probably not as many people pass In the Monmouth County Clerk's Office iq moved to Weat Park. John Stoicr your house In a month as read the Dook 1182 of Dceils mi.pane 878. a thorough cleaning. Want Advertisements In The Regis- Seized as the property of Sllae D. Bum was re-elected president, E. W. Fary ter each week. The Register goes ken in execution' at the ault of WUHanf vice president, Raymond Fary clerk nto more than 7,500 homes weekly; WtlttVW«M0K, Sh.ri(». ' The, best place to and Thomas W. Garland custodian. that means a big Register family of A summer school will be held this more than 35,000 persons.—Advertlso- Batwl March 22, 13211. • start is to take down year for backward pupils. It will be ment Edward W. W!a., Attorney. rhone 113-F-3. (58 1.) your curtains and-drap- { eries and roll up your, tugs. These items have no doubt, served you GOOD FURNITURE FOR \£VERY HOME well the past winter, but they are now soiled, dust-laden and carriers of disease germs. We are well equipped Stirring Drama- to take care of your Of Tomorrow's America needs in this respect.

DON'T MISS THIS GREAT VAUDEVILLE BILL ! Don't put it off until tomorrow or next week, but phone Red Bank Ten Blue Ridge Ramblers 1545 and we will have AMERICAN FOLK MUSIC SUPREME our representative call. Famous Recording and Hf oadcastlns Artiste ! '' A SUBE-FIKE COMEDY RIOT ! HUNTER and PERCIVAL •—IN— Winter Garments WOPOLGY This Spring weather gives us cause to wax WALLY and ZELLER poetic and tell you in SPEED — STYLES —• STEPS rhyme what happens BENNETT, JOHNSON and GREEN when you put your A NOVELTY SURPRISE clothes away for an- other season in a soiled COMEDIES INTERNATIONAL NEWS Seventh Episode—"THE DIAMOND MASTER" condition. A BIG SHOW AT POPULARJPRICES

LITTLE MISS MCFFETT. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 15th, 16tlv 17th Little Miss Muttett eat on" tuffett New York critics give Buster Keaton in "Spite Marriage," at The Capitol Packing her clothes away; Then along cams a moth Theatre, credit for the biggest laughing hit of the year ! And lit on, the cloth And ruined all the cloth— "It's My Best Comedy!'—Buster. So they say. Corfc-WallWindon

SING A SONG OF No 'lone my sulation, itheTgrea test/prison 1. for. cold ever de- toward making up vised forWrip^tars^That^s why Alaskas keep roar monthly pay- "in the cold and down'Jthe'ice billi"

Yootpey for cood re/ilfeiator serrice Come In and Look Today •oymy, ao why not getM Think of your oldrefrigerator-^-its ice Waste; its food waste, if it doesn't keep the food at the right Leon's temperature. Then think'of j the joy and the A BUSTER KEATON saving of a fine new one bought as you now can directed Ii.v production WHERE RUGS AND buy it. Come today I Satisfaction Gtmankcdl EDWARD SEDGWJCK HOUSEHOLD GOODS ARE BEAUTIFIED.. Terms Open to Suit An You. J. SCHWARTZ Account f>MWU' MAIN OFFICE & PLANT: ; Regular Value, $83.00. 77-79 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Special Vnluo, MAJ 70-76 White Street, Phone 270. FIKST SHOM'INT. AT POPl'LAf!' I'llICKS ! WKTURB Red Bank, New Jersey. ?:l with 4 ACTS OF EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE Phones 1545-6-7. r BANK REGISTER. u.u.d Wtiltlr, Eot««d u SMoad-CUrii tlittn »« Uu FoM- VOLUME LI, NO. 42. offlco «t B«d Bank. N. J. andtr tin Act of March I, UW. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 13 ,TO 28. THEIR SILVER WEDDING, BUYS PARTNER'S INTEREST. STUDENT ORGANIZATION. THIEVES AT SHREWSBURY THE FIRST ASPARAGUS. CHOIR OF FORTY VOICES. VISITORS AT BAYONNE. Albert Wymbs Buy* Partner"* Inter- It Was Cut Monday by Edwin L. • est In Market, TWO BURGLARS CAUGHT AND Beekntan of Mlddletown, rAUL L. BRANDT'S. HOUSE VIR- MB. AND MRS. ALBERT BUBDOE PUPILS TO CO-OPERATE WITH CHILDREN'S CHOIH FORMED AT RED BANK KNIGHTS SPECIAL Albert Wymbs has bought the In- TWO GET AWAY. The distinction of cutting tho first TUALLY DESTROYED. MARRIED 25 YEARS. terest of his partner, the late Fred- HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY. asparagus for market In this section REFORMED CHURCH. GUESTS THERE SATUBDAY. erlek Hartmsnn, Jn Al's ..White .nuuv of Monmouth county goes to.Edwin Nearly All the Contents of the Hou» They Had an Anniversary Celebra- tii Composed of Four. Men Arranged to Bob rhll- It Is Composed ol Twenty-Five Girlss Thirty-Five Red Bank Knights"if Co- kot at the corner of Broad and Front • llpso E. Greene's House Last Night, L. Beekman of Mlddletown'. who. cut op Riverside Drive were also Des- tion Saturday Night and About streets. The business was started Pupils of the Tenth, Eleventh and six bunches of "Jersey Grass" Mon- and Fourteen Hoys and Will Make Illinium and Friends Bowled and troyed—The Fire Caused a Loss OS Guests Were Present—They Re- Twelfth Grades and is Headed by But Their Plans Wero Foiled by Its First Appearance nt Next Sun- several months ago by Mr. Wymbs j Detectives nnd Other Officers. day. Two of the six bunched were Danced at nayonne Council'* Homo ol About $20,000. ceived More Than 100 Gifts. and Mr. Hartmann. Recently they! a Student Council. given to friends. One went, to An- day Morning's Service. —Hed Bankoro Won at Bowling. John H. Black of Thomaa avenue, thony Baclgalupl of Red Banl;, who Paul L. Brandt's house on tho Mr. and Mrs. W. Albeit Burdge opened a branch store on Linden ! At a meeting of the Btudent coun- A choir of forty girls and boys Last Saturday 35 members of the north side of Riverside drive In of Broad street celebrated their place. Mr. Wymbs has sold his In ' • il of the Red Bank high school yes- Shrewsbury, and Harold J. Matthews has handled mucii of Mr. Beokman'3 has been organized at the Rod of Atlantic Highlands wero arrested products in the wholesale market Ami d Bank Knights of Columbus coun- Mlddletown township, near Red 25th wedding anniversary Saturday terest In this utore to Mr. Hartmann':; terday morning reports were received Reformed church. Rehearsals aie ir || and their guests visited the homo Bank, was virtually destroyed b; night by entertaining about 65 rela- brother, George Hartmann of PoK regarding the constitution of tho new about half-past nlno o'clock Ia3t the other bunch was sent to The Rpj; held every Wednesday afternoon, j ,,f tho Bayonne council. The trip night on Philllpee IS. Greene's estate ister office to be put on exhibition. fire early yesterday morning. Thi tives and friends. Cards were Monmouth, student organization. The constitu- Tho choir will make its first appear-, was rnado In one of Burdgn & Bon'o house was gutted and nothing re- played In the early part of the evening tion was presented to the pupils a at Shrewsbury by County Detectives ance at the church service next. Sun- j busses. About 500 members of tho 1 and Harold LaRos entertained the few days ago for consideration and William B. Mustoc and Charles Dav- day morning. Mrs. John H. Osbora, Bayonnc council greeted tho Red mains but a shell. Not very much enport, Corporal, Charles Schwartz of what Is left of the house can be company with piano music* A chick- study. At yesterday's meeting the of Sunset avenue is the leader of Bankers and dancing, bowling and en salad supper waa Borved. Harry A reports showed that the pupils were of the Eatontowri state police sta- POLITICS IS WARMING UP. the choir and Mrs. Franklin Sniffcn salvaged. The loss Is $20,000 and is EDWARD SUTPHIN KILLED. tion, Philip Erhart, sergeant-at-arms varlou:! other pastimes were enjoyed. covered by Insurance. Kettel of Fair Haven was toast master unanimously in favor of the provis- Is the piano accompanist. Tho Rayonne lodge's orcheBtra fur- and many responses, wero made ions of the constitution, with two ex- at tho district court at AsburyFark, Tho flro was discovered abou YOUNG RAILROAD ENGINEER nnd Otto Hcrden, a Shrewsbury CHARLES D. CLEVELAND'S HAT The members of the choir aie nished the music, for dancing. The half-past three o'clock by Mrs. The guests joined In song after the ceptions. A number of students aro Leona Bennett, Ruth Burr, Eliza- Red Bank Knights bowled four feast. LOST HIS IJFE YESTERDAY. opposed to the provision that tho traffic officer. Black was charged IS IN THE RING. Brandt. Tho only other person at the with having a revolver and a set of beth Bennett, Betty Dennis, Mar- games with members of the Bayonnn president of the senior class shall be jorle Erlckson, Helen Feeney, Rcta house at the tlmo was a colored The house was decorated with burglar tools in his possession and Former Mayor of Eatontown Is Af- chapter and a team made up of Red maid who worked there. Mrs. sweet peas, popples, ferns and Ho Was lulled In a Railroad Acci- president of the council and to the Bishop, Laura Fazzoni. Vivian Holm, bank women met on tho alleys a dent at New York While Operat- provision that only pupils who are Matthews was charged with possess- ter if Republican Nomination for Brandt was awakened by tho crack- palnis. Mr. and Mrs. Burdgo receiv- ing burglar tools. Elennor Jervig, Louise Lambertson, team off^Bayonne women. The Red ing an Electric Train—Ho Was SIS-passing In all subjects are eligible to Assembly—Threo Prominent Re- Doris Leonard, ITazel Lewis, Ines ling of the flames and she awakened ed more than 100 gifts, most of them publicans Endorse W. W. Barbour. Bank mefi won two games and tile the colored girl. Both Inmates of being articles of sliver. They wero' Years of Age. become members of the council. Black and Matthews had a hear- Lawyer, Leigh Pennlnfiton, Prances Red Bank women defeated their Bay- the houso ran outside but not with showered with floral boquets, postal Tho student organization Is com- ing before Recorder Elmer C. Wain- Politics, like the weather, has been Ralph, Myrtle Ralph, Helen Schaef- onne opponents. Edward Satphln of Colt's Neck, a rlght of Shrewsbury and they were out difficulty, as they had to grope cards and telegrams from friends railroad engineer, was killed late posed of tho pupils of tho tenth, getting very warm for this aeuauu of fer, Jeannette Webster, Florence The men who howled for Red Bank their way through thick smoke: and relatives unable to attend the eleventh and twelfth grades. Tlio or- cent to the county jail at Freehold the year. Ordinarily it is only nmong WooIIcy, Ruth Sniffen, Helen White, yesterday afternoon In an accident to await action of the grand jury. are Irving VanDrunt William Clan- Mrs. Brandt fainted when she got party. at New York. The train of which ganization la headed by the student the professionals that politics Is men- Frances Miller, Violet Baddc, Mar- coy, George Grob, Raymond Sweeney^, outside, but Bho soon revived. Sh Mrs. Burdgo was formerly Miss Mr. Sutphin was engineer was op- council, which consists ot the pres- Detective Muatoo' heard yesterday tioned in April, but at this early date tha Patterson, Ralph Bennett, Wil-! William Sweeney, Michael Bergen', wnij, taken to the home of a neighbor. Eleanor BIIHrjghnm of Navcslnk and crated by electricity and It ran be-, idents of tho three classes, a repre- that a robbery would bo attempted politics Is as lively a topic of general Ham Bennett, Harry- Estclle, Robert j Paul Morris, William Jeffrey, Arthur at Mr. Greene's home last night and The flro was under great headway Mr. Burdgo |s a native of Locust tween New York and Manhattan sentative from each homo room, four conversation as it has been in other Helm, Daniel Jiannlnc, Donald Slattery, Walter J. Graham, Harry Point. Tho couple wero married at Transfer. The accident occurred at members at large and two rrlembers he with Mr. Davenport, Corporal years in June, just before tho pri- Pierce, Raymond Pierce, Kenneth " . • . — hefore It was discovered. John Schwartz, Mr. Erhart and Traffic Of- Herald, Luko Pryor, Georga Mac- Healcy, formerly of Red Bank, la tho the Naveslnk Episcopal church by the end of Mr. Sutphln's run. There of the school faculty. mary. ^ Sniffen, Chester Stupelli, Harvey Farlnne, Georgo Bennett, Bernard Rev. John Lord. After their marrl- wero no passengers and no members The class presidents are David ficer Herdon kept a close watch on The newest political development Is Richard Stupelll. George caretaker of the property. Ho sleeps Mr. Greene's home from seven o'clock Stupelll, Herald, Fred Finnerty, Thomas In rooms over a garage on tho place. ago they lived for fifteen years at of the train crew on tho train at RuBsell, senior class; Herbert Mc- the announcement by Charles D. Jones, Jack Loversidge and Edward Onkea, George Hallanan, Alexander Locust Point, where Mr. Burdge was the time. Just how the accident Clees, junior CIBBS; Edith Head; on. About half-past nine o'clock an Cleveland of Eatontown that he will He noticed tho fire shortly after automobile with four men pulled up Blschoff. Zalensky and Elliott Sullivan. The Mrs. Brandt and the colored girl ran engaged in tho bus and trucking bus- occurred has not been fully deter- sophomore 10A; and Frank Blalsdell, run for the nomination for Republi- Red Bank women's team comprised iness. Ten years ago they moved to sophomore 10B. Tho home room to the houso and the occupants of can assemblyman. In his announce- out of the ,house. mined. the car got out and started for tho Mrs. Goorge Grob, Mrs. Irving Van- Red Bank, whero Mr. Burdgo is still Mr. Sutphin was 32 years old. He representatives are Raymond Rose, ment Mr. Cleveland emphasizes the Brunt, Mr3.' Arthur Slattery, Miss Mlddletown Township Flro Com- In tho moving van and bus business. house. Tho officers caught Black and LODGE IS 45 YEARS OLD. pany No. 1 of Fair View was tho Is survived by his wife, who before James Jacoubs, Ena Walder; Jessie fact, that he is a farmer; that he Is a Helen Riley and Miss Margaret Cur- Frost, Jean Walker, Irving Hance, Matthews but the two others escaped. member of the county board of agri- first "company to arrlvo at the flro Mr. and Mrs. Burdgo have four her marriage to him was Miss Ann One got away in the car and the oth- ley. and this company waa joined a short children, three boys and a girl, and Norman of Colt's Neck. He also Dorothy Longstrect, Jacqueline King, culture and vice president of that RED BANK PYTHIANS CELE- Saturday, April 27th, the Red Bank Elizabeth Powers," Kathryn Pope, er ran across lots and got on the car board; that ho is a trustee of the time lator by tho River Plaza flro- one grandaon. Their four children leaves a daughter, Dorothy Sutphin. near Ray Sanborn's houso at tho BRATE AN ANNIVERSARY. Knights will entertain members of men. Afterwords Independent flro and grandson woro at the party. Mr. Sutphin was a son of Aaron D. Kathryn Stadlcman, Arthur Sim- New Jersey Guernsey breeders' asso- the Bayonne chapter and their guests monds, Millard Aumack, Edward Shrewsbury railroad station. ciation; and that he founded the state company of Red Bank gave assist- Sutphin. His father is living at Moro Than 100 Members of tho Or- at tho Riverside avenue home. Five ance. Water from Lake Marlon was Holmdel. In addition to hie wife, Jacoubs, William Firth, Benjam- The police officers searched nearly poultry asosciation and waa president bus Ioad3 are expected from Bayonne. in Cook, Emma Stillwagon and all night for tho two men who got of the association a number of years. der Were Present, Including visit- used. This lake Is oh tho property. daughter and father, Mr. Sutphin ing Delegations—To Observe "Fast Dancing, bowling and shuffle board WANT RECORDER OUSTED leaves two brothers and two sisters, Jack Mount. Miss Marian Gal- away but they have not yet got them. Ho was formerly mayor of Eaton- contests will be engaged In and a Nearly all tho furniture and other breath, teacher of mathematics, Black and Matthews were taken to town. Chancellors' Night." things In the houso wore destroyed they being Mrs. Robert Voorhees buffet luncheon will be served. George and Forman nnd John Sutphln of and Charles A. Wolbach, as- the jail at Red Bank, whero Black From the camps of Mayor W. War- Shrewsbury lodge of Knights of Grob Is chairman of the arrange- Including somo very valuablo an- PETITION PRESENTED TO FAIB sistant principal, are the faculty ad- made a confession. Pythias of Red Bank celebrated Its tique pieces. Tho flro was a stub- Holmdel and Mrs. William Davis of ren Barbour of Rumson and As- ments committee ot 'the Red Bank HAVEN COUNCIL. Long Branch. visors. The members at large are semblyman E. Donald Sterner of Bel- 45th anniversary Friday night w^h council. born one to fight and It was.dny- Arthur MacDonald, Grandln Ham- an entertainment In Its lodge rootns light before tho firemen wero ablo Mr. and Mrs, Sutphin, until a FRANK LONG ESTATE. mar, Republican aspirants for nom- The Petition Stilted That Elmer C. moll, Blaisdell Hackstaff and William ination as senator, several state- on Monmouth street, at which over to return homo. Tho blaze started Wulnrlght la Illegally Holding the short tlmo ago, lived In half of tho Russell. 100 knights were present, Including In the attlo and. It Is believed to Johnson house on Petera place at Representatives of the Estate An- ments have been made. The Bame Position of Recorder—Ordinances Tho constitution of the student or- nounce it Is Insolvent. conditions prevail with regard to delegations from Asbury Park, Bel- TRIBUTE TO A PRIEST. have been caused by an electric wire for Improvements. Red Bank. They moved from there mar and Perth Amboy. to Colt's Neck, where they made ganization was written by Elizabeth Harry G. Borden of Shrewsbury and 1 The houso was at ono tlmo owned Qulnn, Parsons & Doremus, who Frank K. Price of Red Bank, rival Grand Chancellor Leo Mulligan and A FAREWELL RECEPTION LABI by the late John H. Patterson. A A petition asking that Elmer C. their home on the Norman farm. Powers, William Firth and Ena represent the estate of Frank A. Walnright bo removed as borough Walder. Republican candidates for freeholder. Grand Vice Chancellor John Bucknell NIGHT AX BELFOHD. more recent owner was C. -J. De- Tho funeral will be held Saturday Long, havo announced to the credi- Two freeholders are to be nominated gave talks concerning the order and Gavre, who lives on Rector place. recorder of Fair Haven was pre- afternoon at two o'clock at the homo The purposes of the organization as tors that the state Is Insolvent. The sented to the commissioners of that stated In the constitution are "to de- and It Is generally taken for granted complimented Red Bank lodge on its A Purso of $41S Presented to Hev. Mr. Brandt, who Is engaged in tho of Mrs. Mary Norman of Colt's Neck, liabilities aggregate $19,590.02 and that Borden Jeffrey, one of the pres- fine condition. Max Lewis, chancel- corset manufacturing business, place last night. The petition stated who Is the mother of Mrs. Sutphin. velop leadership, co-operation and the bills receivable that can be col- Robert F. Maron, Who Has Been that Mr. Wainrlght at the tlmo of loyalty, to establish a spirit of self ent freeholders, will be nominated lor commander of Shrewsbury lodge, Administrator of St Mary's Church bought tho house about, ten years Rev. Mr. Terhune of Belmar, who has lected amount to about $12,750. Tho virtually without opposition. opened the evening's program. Wal- ago. Ho and Mrs. Brandt spent tho his appointment "was not a resident been filling the pulpit of the Holm- control and self direction, a mutual building on White street is valued tho Past Six Months. understanding ^between the faculty Mrs. Margaret L. Russell, Republi- ter S. Noble, a charter member of winter In Florida. Mrs. Brandt re- or taxpayer of the borough and is del Reformed church, will preach the at $10,000, but this Is mortgaged for Several hundred persons gathered now acting illegally as recorder." and students And to provide an out- can county commltteewoman for the the Red Bank lodge, was master of turned and* opened tho Riverside sermon. Burial will bo made at Ha face value. The representatives ceremonies. at Independent flrehouse at Belford drive houso about throo weeks ago. In the petition, which was signed Holmdel cemetery. let for the most desirable energies stato that the estate can pay about eighth Red Bank district, has Issued and Interests." a statement endorsing Mr. Barbour. Mr. Noble gave a short history of last night to tender a farewell re- i&v. Brandt was scheduled to return by 200 persons,' a request was made sixty per cent on the Indebtedness ception to Rev. Robert F. Maron, home next week. that a recorder bo appointed who 1B A member of the student council and have asked the creditors to ac- Mrs. Russell praises the Runicon Shrewsbury lodge and he was fol- SCHOOL BOARD REORGANIZED. mayor for being a good business lowed by John S. Robinson and Max who has been acting aa administra- resident and taxpayer of Pair shall be a pupil who Is passing in all cept this percentage rather than tor of the church^lia jBflst six ui6fithu Haven. The matter was referred to subjects, who has a record of relia- force the estate into insolvency pro- man,:for notttelhg a self-seeker and Wiseman with short addresses. Dis- Trustee and Principal at Shrewsbury for having an Intimate knnwledgo of trict Deputy A. K. Rurlre of Long whllo the chuf'cfn***\vW' without • John, S. Applegntc, tho borough at- bility, who has an interest in the di regular rector. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. torney. Resigned Monday Night. schools and who Is an undergraduate Monmouth county. Branch also spoke. After the busi- The Shrewsbury school board re- of the school. Bradley M. Fischer Is another Red ness session refreshments were Paators from neighboring parishes Robert M. Cadman was appointed KEANSBURG'S PRIBIARY. served by a committee ot which Har- were present, as well as Rev. John DIRECTORS WILL BE,ELECTED a member of the zoning commission organized Monday night for the coin- The council will have six per- Bank Republican who has issued a statement endorsing Mr. Barbour. ry Melstrlch was chairman. A. Sullivan, the new rector of St to succeed Seeley B. Tuthlll, who is ing school year. Harold B. -Wilson manent committees, they being hand- Six Candidates Chosen Yesterday to AT THE MAY MEETING. resigned as a member of the board book, assembly, corridors, credit sys- His statement is especially strong In Next Sunday the Knights of Mary's church, Speeches were mad* now a member of the council. Mr. Take Part In Blay Election. by Father Maron, Father Sullivan, Tuthlll. who in chairman of tho fl of education and Mrs. Frances ,,C. tem, scholarship and lunchrooms. recommending Mr. Barbour to the Pythias lodges of Monmouth county Five Now Members Elected to Or- Gibbons resigned as principal of the The duties and powers of these com- At yesterday's primary election at world war veterans of the county. will send delegations to Newark from Rev. Michael Callahan of Atlantis ganization LaBt Nlghfr-Chrlstian nanco committee, reported that the Highlands and Rev. Thomas Kear- expenditures of tho borough for tho school, her resignation to take ef- mittees aro as follows: Keansbury six candidates were chos- Samuel R. Baker, mayor of West which placo the knights will go to Association Invited to Hold Con- fect at tho close of this school year en for the May election. The suc- Long Branch, has Issued a statement the Pythian temple at New York ney of Keansburg. Solos were sung ference Hero Next December. first three months were $1,487.74 un- The handbook committee stall have full by IValtor Gibson of Belford and der the budget. on June 14th. charge of publishing the yearly hantlhnnk. cessful candidates and the votes they endorsing Mr. Barbour and promis- where lodge ceremonies will be held received are Mayor Samuel Randolph ing Mr. Barbour that ho .will get a in the afternoon and evening. John L. Keelan of Keansburg. The April meeting of tho Red Bnnk James Norman & Son wero award- Stewart VanVlIet, Mrs. Charles A. The assembly committee shall supervise tho assembly programs and shall control 550, Commissioner Clarence H. Wat- big vote at West Long Branch. A purso of $415 was presented to chamber of commerco was held last ed a contract to lay curbing on McCIaskey and Walter C. Guptll, Friday night, April 19th, will bo night and George H. Murdoch, tho who were re-elected trustees this order during assemhly, with the assistance son 581, A. A. Frank 578, James J. "past chancellors night" at tho Red Father Maron by John H. Wormert Pearl street, between River road and of the faculty In planning the programs Porter 238, James B. Maher 280 and on behalf of tho congregation of the executive secretary, gave a report o£ tho shore, for $080. B. Nichols & year, wero sworn In. Frederick FUR SHOP SOLD. Bank lodge and the past chancellors' and policies for assembly. Andrew Eckert 234. The unGUccess- association of Monmouth county will New Monmouth church. Mr. Wcr- what the chamber had done during lo. of New York submitted the only Robinson and Mrs. McCIaskey wero the past month. , The matters re- The committee on corridors shall con- ful candidates were Edward T. meet with Shrewsbury lodge. There mert was chairman of tho commit- bid for a garbage truck. The bor- re-elected president and vlco presi- trol order in the corridors between' classes, Jack Goldberg Buys Business of ferred to in Mr. Murdoch's report dent of the board. Frank Lawes is Compton and Charles E. Baldwin, Levin Brothers. will be a short entertainment which tee in charge of raising the money. ough will buy a truck from the firm during recess and at noon. who conducted a paster campaign. will be followed "by refreshments and The other members of the commit- have been published from time to at a cost of $1,600. district clerk and Mr. VanVJiet la The committee on credit system shall tlmo in Tho Register. custodian of the school fund. The Three candidates will be elected In Tho Red Bnnk fur shop on Mon- a social hqur. lee were Timothy Shechan and Earl An ordinance for sidewalks and investigate- and organize a credit system mouth street, near the town hall, has Finnegan. The annual electlop of directors committees are the same as last which shall apply to every member of the May. Koansburg has tho manager curbing on Parker avenue was year. form of government been sold to Jack Goldberg of As- Father Maron gives up his work will be held at tho May meeting and adopted and an ordlnanco for side- high school organization. bury Park, who will conduct the Red High School Lawn Unfulfilled. twelve directors were nominated last The scholarship committee shall investi- at New Monmouth to become assist- walks and curbing on Poplar ave- gate end organize a schuiurslilp system Bank store as a. branch of hia estab- Evergreens and flowering plants ant rector of St. Mary's church of night. They were Joseph 3alz, Brad- nue was passed on Its first reading, BOWLING LEAGUE CHAMPIONS. A TALK ON ASTRONOMY. lished fur business with Morris Blrn- have been planted along tho front ley'M. Fischer, Harold S. Allen, Har- which Hholl apply to every member of South Amboy. His" new field will Tho nttornoy was Instructed t.n the High school organization. ba'pm, a New York furrier, as local and the east and west sides of the ry Kohn, John U. Osborne, George Clothiers-Insurance Team Won De- A. E. Krayblll of Asbiiry. Park Ad- require teaching at tho Catholle draw up an ordinnnco for sidewalks Tho lunchroom committee shall super- manager. Red Bank senior high school build- high school at South Amboy. He D. Stine, Ralston Waterbury, Edwin on DeNormnndle avenue. A petition ciding Match Last Night dressed the Lions Club. ing on Harding road and along the Cox, Paul do la Reussille, Burton T. vise order and cleanliness in the lunch- The Red Bank fur shop was start- was popular among tho people of for curbing on Clay street vras re- Tho Clothiers-Insurance team won rooms and shall, if necessary, suggest rules Professor A. E. Krayblll, supervisor ed nine years ago by Irving and Na- covered passageway leading from New Monmouth, especially among Doromus, Richard C. Hackslaff and ferred to the streets and walks com- and regulations which will help the prin- that building to the junior high J. K. Brownell. tho championship of the Commercial ot the Asbury Park public schools, than Levin of Red Bank in a small children, and grent results are ex- mittee. bowling league of Red Bank last :lpol to formulate a lunchroom policy for spoke on "Astronomy" last night at way. The business prospered from school building. In addition to the pected from his new field of labor. Tho four nominees receiving, the ths school. plants four cedar trees have been The matter of public liability In- night by winning two games from Regular meetings of tho council the Lions club meeting. He told of the start and later tha Levin broth- Tho New Monmouth church pros- highest votes at the May meeting will Buranco for the drivers of tho lire tho Eisner team on Taylor's alleys tile advancement in telescope manu- era became manufacturing furriers planted in front of the senior high pered during his term as its admin- be chosen for the three-year term, will be held every other Tuesday. school building. Tho work was done rucks, tho borough tractor and the at Eatontown. Both teams had been Amendments' to the constitution be- facture and of the great distance be- in connection with their retail and istrator. tho ones receiving the next largest tied- for , first place. The winning fur storage business. by Frank Stutzman of South street number of votes will bo elected to rarbage truck was referred to the come effective when ratified by two- tween various stars. He illustrated Father Sullivan IB well known by flnnnco committee. team last night rolled 928 and 918. thirds of tho students at large. Homo his talk ^with drawings. The club Through their retail business they the two-year term and tho other Tho Clothlers-Insuranco bowlers the parishioners of St. Marys lour will be chosen for tho one-year An exempt fireman's certificate room Btudcnts have the power to re- voted In favor of the Sterner Rarlton made a wide circle of acquaintances Talk on Japanese Beetle. church. He formerly was assistant wns granted to Arthur Crozler. also lust year's champions. call their representatives upon pre- Bay brldgo bill, tho object of which In tho wholesale fur trade and they terra. sentation of a petition bearing sig- Loren B. Smith, stato entomologist priest at Knyport and at one tlmo Dnvls Hicks acted as borough clerk Plans aro under way for the an- la to have a bridge built from the havo closed out their Red Bank shop at Moorestown, has promised to at- ho was at Snndy Hook. He made R Fred Hurley and W. VV. Armstrong in tho absence of M. Floyd Smith, nual bowling league banquet, which natures of two-thirds of tho pupils Bay shoro to Staten Island. in order to devote all their time to of the Sigmund Eisner Co., Frank In tho room. tend a public meeting to bo held by fine record at East Millstone, whero ivho 1H on the sick list. will be held soon. , tho wholesale fur business which tho Matawan Woman's club next his latit charge waa located. P. Dlckman, Van Blerclc Motors, Inc. they will conduct with headquarters with Joseph Van Blerck as the vot- At the conclusion of tho meeting Tomorrow night members of the Child Discussion Group. Wednesday night and give a ta'.k ho mayor nnd council endorsed nnguo will take part In a headpln DOG SHOW AT RUMSON. at New York. ing member and W. Warren, Bar- At a meeting of tho discussion on tho spread and control of the FIRM NAME CHANGED. Mayor \V. Warren Barbour for state tournament on Taylor's alleys. group of the Red Bank parent- Japanese- beetle. If Mr. Smith is bour, mayor of Rumson, joined tho senator. It Wit! be Held by Monmouth County chamber last night. Kennel Club on July 6th. teachers' association last week un- PLUMBERS WIN STRIKE. unable to bo present he will send a Bnnluird Company Changes Name The chamber united with the A NEW VETEB^VNS' HOME. der tho leadership of Mrs. William substitute speaker. -The Public is Rpcnuse of Mr. Benkard's Death. DANCING EXHIBITION. The Monmouth county kennel club T. McDowell, problems concerning An Increase In Wages and a Full invited to attend the meeting. young men's Christian association Tho firm of J. P. Bcnkard & Com- In extending an Invitation to th?. Assemblyman Storner's Measure will hold its second annual dog show adolescence wero discussed. The Holiday on Saturdays. Mabel Coleman's Class to Glvo Show Signed by Governor Larson. at RumBon on Saturday, July 6th. fourth meeting of tho round table pany of the New York stock ex- New Jersey stato older boys' confer- The plumbers of Red Bank and vi- Luke a Good Suli'muuii. change, which haa a branch office In ence to hold lta, meeting In Red In Cnrlton Tlicater. Mrs. Florence B. Ilch of Locust ave- group will bo hold tomorrow after- Assemblyman E. Donald Sterner's nue la chairman of tho show com- cinity havo won their strike. Nearly John Williams of Newman Springs the Whitfleld building opposite Broad Bank next December. Tho dancing class of Mabel Cole- :iill providing for n new Stato soldiers' noon at half-past three o'clock in all their demands havo been acceded road hod some rahbita lie wished to street under tho local managomentpf mittee and the Judges will be inter- the junior high domestlo science Great Interest is being manifested inari will present their spring exhlbi- homo for nil veterans was signed by nationally known experts. Last yenr'a to by the owners of the plumbing .sell and ho placed -a 25-cnnt adver- Ralph J.. Pnrlcell, has changed Its in the chamber activities nnd much ion at the Carlton theater on Satur- Governor Larson Monday;mlght. The show was said to bo tho moat suc- room. business. The plumbers will receive tisement In Luko Longhead's depart- firm namo to Appenzellar & Company work is laid out to be accomplished dny afternoon at tho regular matlneo. new home will take the place of the an increase of $1 a tiny In wngea and ment of The Register. Mr. Williams cessful ever held In New Jersey. It Holy Name Dnnce. due to the suddnn death of J. Phillip In the summer months. With the The children will bo seen In a series ono at Kearny. Tho location of tlio was attended by moro than 3,000 per- no work on Saturdays, instead of half said the advertisement not only sold Fonknrd, who died during the Army Red Bank yacht club staging the of dances, consisting of tap, ballet new home has not yet been Belected. sons. Tho fourth annual dnnce given by a day of work on Saturdays. It Is all his rabbits but thnt he could have day parade at New York lost week. nationally known "Gold Cup" event and too numbers. A comedy playlet There Is a possibility of Its being the Holy Namo society of St. An- with regard to only a few unim- sold many morn. Mr. Benltard waa an urmy official. at Red Bank and tho Red Bank aero entitled "Tho Kitchen Clock" will be built near Red Bank. thony's Catholic church of Red Bank portant details that tho plumbers' Donald C. Appenzellnr from whom club putting on the air meet In July, Attlotlo Club Dance. will ho held at the Rivor street union failed to win tho points they ho mnln fenturo of the program. In Another measure introduced by As- Card rnrly for Roil and Gun Club. tho firm gcla lta name, has been as- the chamber will have plenty to do to Hits number aro solos, choruses, dla- semblyman Sterner and enacted as a Tho Rumson athletic club will hold school auditorium, Tuesday night, contended for. The increased wages sociated with Mr. Bcnkard in the assist those organizations.In the mat- loguo and dances. Tho costumes will law provides for an annual tax an anniversary dance at the Smoke May 14th. Rocky's orchestra will and no work on Saturdays has been The Sunrlso rod and gun club of stock exchange business for a long ter of publicity, the housing of visi- be In keeping with tho piny and tho exemption of $500 for each widow of Shop tavern Friday night, April 26th. piny for dancing. Tho committee in in efioct for somo time In most of West Red Bnnk will havo a card period. tors and to Unit arms in any other a veteran. Tho exemption Is granted Tho proceeds of tho affair will go charge consists of Carmine Caruso, tho big cities in New Jersey. party at Union llrchouse on Shrews- hlldren will present a'flno Bhow. toward tho fund for buying property bury uvenuo. Fi iday night of next way to promote tho welfare of Red >lrs. Coleman has a largo class study- during widowhood only. James Arnone, Joseph Talorlco, John Bank. for a new clubhouse. Arthur Dolbey Garruto and Joseph Caruso. Announcement. *'. week. A $5 gold piece will be con- OI'ENING NEW DARBER SHOP. ng tho different kinds of dancing Is treasurer of the dance committee. tested for at the party. The profits . •*-•-« • It is with pleasure that I nnnounco Frank Miiduro Moved to Klvnrnldo nd they will all take part. Hotel Landscape Contract. Andrew F. Zcrr la the president, will be. put in the club's building A Corset for Every Figure. To Improve a Field. that I have taken over thn gasoline Avenue, Near Front Slrcet A graduato corsetlero in attend- A contract for landscape work to Bernard Ryan la treasurer and Ray- stntlon recently operated by'Mnrlin fund. I tuko pli-ntniro In announrlng the anco from l;00 to 5:00 P. M., to lit Save Systematically. bo dono on the grounds ot tho new mond Desmond is secretary of tho Tho board of education of Red Griflin nt Mnpln avenue nm'l Rercet rnniiivnl uf my barber shop from 110 every figure, from ono of tho iarra-Ht Twenty doilnrs deposited monthly Molly Pitcher hotel on Riverside club. Bank, at their meeting last night, place, Rod Bnnk, and Hint I ho stn Card pnrty to lie hold on Saturday West Front street io 2 Klveruldo ttvo- In tho Red Bank Building and Loan c assortments 'of coi-Kets, corsclettes Association returns $2,000 in about avenue at Red Bank was Awarded voted to have tho field noni- tho high tlon l. i now uudor my pm-snnnl ;m- nfternoon, April 13th, by the Catholic niio. In it new up-to-tlio-mlmito nhon and brassieres in Red Bank. We eventy-eight months. New series yesterday to Milton McCoIgan of LAY IN YOUR COAL NOW. school building plowed, Imrrowcd and pcrvlaion. I shnll be p'lensed to serve nmiglitcrn of America, Court No. I recently built. I opou for biysineiiH also carry a full lino of underwear, rolled, providing Hint the expense tho regular customer.-) accustomed to fl!)!», ut the KnlghtH of Cnluinbii.'i tomorrow nnd invite all my old cus- hosiery, gloves and negligees. Also low open. Make application for, Red Bank for 30,700. Tho work in home, Riverside avenue. Bridge, live hnres at olTlco of tho association, in o bo completed by Juno 1st Tuko Tlmo by thfl Forelock nnd Save does not exceed $70. Thrro fltunips slopping there na wi-ll as any new tomer;!, and friends* to my new shop extra sizes very reasonably priced. lie Brond Htreet National Bank, 12 Money nnd Season Delays. on the grounds will be removed. friends that may earn to fiivor nit- hundred nnd euchre. Card:; will for thi'lr next, bulr cut 1 linvo hail Lewis Specially Shop, (11 Brond Richard Hackstaff, local mnnnger with their That goo'd Gulf start nt 230. Refreshments. Admis- :ill new fixture-) Imilnllcd und In my street, Hcd Bank.—Advertisement. "road Etroct, Red Bank.—Advcrtloe- sion 75 cents.—Advert Uviuent. iio.tit. Every Wednesday Night of Burns Brothers, sayy that now gasoline utid Gulf Suprmno motor oil. new quiutora I am equipped to KW« IB Victor night at Tustlng's, Mon- is the tlmo to lay in your coal for Food Kftlo In Truex Building. Bernard Coyne. better service. I also havrt two\,publla The Presbyterian Woman's League Mnss Meeting mouth street near Broad street next winter as the prices are loweBt —Advertisement. A Flno Lawn. shower Imllis In tlio Hhop, WoJMpn'fl Radios, rolls, ortliophonlo vlotrolas, Tho ladles' auxiliary of tho Fair Everyone llhea a scci'/i. -vrjeufry iiuu- work la ono of my 8peciaitl«i presents "Ye Old-Fnnhloncd Album' tn .support Sterner Raritan .Bay just now. Mr. Hnckataff linn a dis- \'iu\y flru eomvniiy will have a £oml by special request, with noverul addi- ltrldKC bi!J, Leonardo .iiigh. school, records and. nre-enilncnt makes of play advertisement on page 18 of , Matting! IVcaling! lawn. Our special lawn l'cvtUl/.ei:: ni-.d service, courtesy unit clonnllnM* tional features, In the Soclnl Hall of upright and grand pianos. Bring tho this Issuo Riving the present price stilo tho coming Saturday in the Wo have installed a pleating ma- und selected graas H.HMIS produc l;t my motto. Friuik Mftdurti, pro- Friday evening, April 12, 8:00 P. M. chino that dona all kindu of pleating, g p the church Monday ovcnlng, April Friends of tho bill urged to attend. fnmlly tonight—Advertisement achedulo. If you nro Interested In a Truex store, next to Katsin & Green's wnmlerful maultal . I<'roiIi i 1\ WilcnfWil T prietor tit Tho lllvnralde Bnrber phnrmacy. Mr;j. David Simpson Is from the tlncst side plont.i to any Co., 1(1 West Front street, Red Bank. i-ihnp, 2 niveruldn avenur.-"A(iveitlflO- 15th, at 8:00 P. M. The doors arc. Keo larger ndvertlsoment, page 21, good coal proposition ho suya that combination. Loon'.i, 70-71! Whlto open to men, women nrid children of for further details.—Advertisement. Rubber Heels. you should phone him at once. Tele- chairman of tlm (tale ctimniittec. —Advertisement. niciil. 1'vrd Bank and r.l«owhoro. Admission Seo pngo 20 of this paper for cou- phone Red Bnnk 1';13 nnd your enll si root, Ri'd Bunk, phono 1515.—Ad- S5 ccnta.«{-Advc!tlsomcnt. pon entitling you to a new pair of will have hla persona! vertisoment. Card of T'mnl'H. lOUfi Spring Color Curd Special Performance i libber heels when sumo is presented Turkey Dinner TIM rnuilly of Mrs. IV Dnmnnico him RITIVC'I. Solid uu your favorite at Carlton thenter Saturday nftor- consideration.—A dvertinoment, Civrn by I ho AMiir club (if thn A. M. nt. Grnnd'R Shoo Rcpnlr Shop, 28 ( dn.slro lo ex|it-esH Ilieir :;in>-rTrt Ilmnlut rll'i'.vl tn bo nnn of till) n«W«M 1 iKion. Mabel Coloman'H dancing kid- Went Front street, Red Bank.—Ad- 1) Xlnn chin-oh Tluii-Hdiiy. April lltll. undrr thn nuupioef! (if the (JnMnn 'Ic, all Ibniic who im kliullv nidi'd inicl iiprlnr; tilmiina. Loon'u, 70-7(1 Whllo Our poininnentH nro new nnd illff- ciicH iircHPiit a BOI-ICH (if danceti and Ruffles on your curtains or drrnnoi; nt the hoiun of MIM. KnM- Krosit, 10 limn- Circle of Iho Pi-mbytc-rlim vertisement. fluted while you wait. Leon's 70-7(1 sympathized with thnni In llii-lr be- ti'i'oot, phono Rod Biuilt IMS,—Ail- i lent. A trial will be worth while at a mmedy plnylet, "Tho Kitchen River street, lied Bank. Dinner, 75 .church will be holil In the Union llre- reavemnnt—Advnrtliu'iupni. vm-tlsnmolit _• _^ Hob's Snnltnry Barber Hhop nnd Chick." Doni fall lo attend.—Adver- White street. Red Bank, phono 1515. ffnlH, served from 5:00 1\ M.—Ad- IIOUHO, Shrewsbury fyvonun, Tuesday, Menuty Parlor, .6 Monmotith Direct, Sunday Dinner -Advertisement. tisement. served 11:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. at vertisement. April Ifilh. Doors will open nt 12:'M. Call 2810'mill lut Tlutl Typewriter Il«idi|iinr(*rs. Kod Bank. JiiBt mound tho corner ..» » mm Tlio Cozy Corner Tea Room.—Adver- Baseball, Newliurgh vs. Red Ilnnlc, —Advertisement long wanted ninrci'l efiVot permanent Typewriters rental!, bought *nd from Broad street. Telephone 2810 Al's White Market, tisement. Tiixcdors For Hire. eolil. .Triibln'n, 158.Broad.otrMt, Jl«ii for an appointment.—Advertisement. corner of Broad and Front streets, is Newman Sprlngn rond Sunday, 3 p. m. I,'. T. Jlnnnliio'a, U7 Broad street Hnselmll, Nowl>nrf,rli v». Itc'il Uiink, wavo for only $8.00 nt Hub's Henuly —Advertisement Parlor, fl Mnnninulh iitrnet, nniir liiiuk.—A'lvartlROpiQnt. now under the solo ownership of Al- A few onion neln led, yellow, Jup- —Advertisement. Nowman Sprjpga rond Bunilny, 3 p. m. nasohnll, NiwhiirRh v«. Hod llnnlc, bert, Wvnilw and ban no connection Brond ntrout, Red Bank.—Advcrllsu- nncsp nnd white. Baird, Dnvlson S? F,«o!lislvn Millinery. —Atlvciliaiiimmt. _, .. IIK'Ilt Nwvliiiigli •*• KtMl BSHfe, Newman .Springs road Sunday, 3 p. rn. wlth.AI'is Whllo market on Linden Co, lfl Wont, olivet, (iliuiio tXIi, Red Totld.vV For' Ty|>uwjltoirt —w-.— Nun. -null Mprlns'i road f'undsy, jri, |ft —Advertisement, place—d l MM. Lolimium,'14 Biuad itlcct.— nnd adding machlnos. IV Broad, Tho RcKiSpr's*motto—"A paper In Bank.—Advertisement, Advertisement, ttroot Red Book.—Advertisement, ivcry honicV-AdvertlBonienW . It pays to advortiso la Xno Rofilstori — AvlvnilUauicut, j •* 1 Pag6 Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, 'APRIII 10', 1929. A MISCEIXANEOUS SHOWER I'UINTINO I'lANT SOLD. OUi MASON HONORED. Too Lets for CluaificaUon. ARTICLES FOR SALE. TWO PLAYS TO BE GIVEN. Held at the Home of Abrain Simon HISTORIC OLD CHURCH. WITH THE LEGIONNAIRES. Ulram Chapter Pay. Respect, to . llvm t«Dmi, t!*wly PET LAMB, all weeki old! health?, ptr- Ensloy E. Rogers Buys Business dteortlsd: hot wttM hnt fiot, cholco lamb, US. Bl»uv«lt, Holm- on Worlhley Street. Clayton B. Clark. 1 tleorge O. Waterman. o»«m«nUi tlio gwage. del. N. J. THE FLATS ARE "THE 14TH COLONIAL TBOOPS TKIED TO A KEFRESIIMKJJS BOOTH OPER- place. Iriqtilr. at lee Miss Lillian K, aa Oe.tnport, N. J., or bjr implying to Ga;t. Woman's Club Will be tho PMArN plano~l"or Hll'e» In _r>t alaai torium Next Tuesday Night. lencous shower last at I ho j With tho Quakers. aley E. Rogers, assistant postmast home of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Simon | at Rod Banll. Mr. Rogers bought t to the Post—Memorial Day Parade. night. WAITTED for lanlandiud m workrk. IniIni coiHlltloni nlll noil ranionably. FUonc on Worthier street. Aabury Park, N. J., (AP)—A king's Mr. Waterman was'Introduced to wood «i»tn awww ltlot MiawaMiwii atatt tnnt . Holnutcl SI, or write to Hai S3,' Rehearsals are being held nearly stock, machinery and goodwill. Mi Forty-eight members of Shrews- d l BOA'i'S for- -Bio; yacht tender^ c&dttr and every afternoon of tho play whicli More than sixty persons attended ciown which aroused the iro and Clark had a number of very goo' bury post of tho American legion of the assemblage by Andrew H. Colu- M. h. McColjin. 20 rincknc/ rend, mtkhoatxni, fDiirtean feet, with Fltlttir will bs slven In the Red Bank high (lie shower and Kames wore played hrubi, perennials, trarden and bedding The patronesses are Mrs. J. J- Ballin, night FOUR YOUTHS ARRESTED. FOB"sALK"llfa5~I'ord ttook tor iale, iff planta re•eadi iry for Bprlnu planting! very r«»- I crown. The practice was a favorltt- Branch avonuo. The Clark plant Georgo Moody la chairman, take body; flno oondltlon, ehenp for quick sonable. Mrs. Chris I.. Berge, Mrs. Trevonlari Miss KanifBky innkpa a. vioit to the daily pastime, until orders wore re being moved to the Rogers resldenci turns at tending tha booth. Tho pool hurtrrr. . TTalephono Keansbnrg 461, for In Fblt BAt,B, hot ater tank, CO„.O. Ballon, Bennett, Mr?. Homes P. Coolt, Mrs. Simon home once n week and when reiver! to vacate tho town. • W[,ero j|,0 aso|sjant postmaster all table at the post room Is ln large KKYPOBT AND BED BANK BOVB formationfrmtio . *IH; lihnernroiind eaanllne tank' , UeoTo •»(sl,- John H. Cook, Mrs. Walter French, she arrived on her usual visit last Tho men resolved at this point On Ion, 110) steol drums, BO-unllon, 50 cents keeps his hands In printer's Ink b use. W rk~~Irt to II; steel drums. 15-?nllon, 60 e^nta; Mrs. Alan Frost, Mrs. Isaac "H. Gll- week she was surprised by the party the crown should defy them no long- doing commercial joh work when nc Tha post will parade with a number ARUESTED FOR ST15A1._NG. nrocery boty; or nyotine whs mamn et oexperleiicl e round cana, B eallonn, 25 cents; battery huly, Mrs. J. Leo Honlfiman, Mrs. of her friends and relatives from preferred, atoreAtipl; yon Americae with aomn Fooe d Co., ii er and gathered fuel which they piled ! on oincial duty nt tho postofflce. of other patriotic organizations on pB d t tA Rlpdy Bk racks, lead lined, 11.6(1; bcotlft, «ot«r Thomas Jardlne, Mrs. Jacob Kridel, nearly every town in this vicinity against the church and ignited. Memorial Day. nmnlnlo Ijifnjretto and Stephen ondi Broad ttreat* Red Bank. Unlit, $1.00: aaw tie, three •««••, 115: Mrs. Louis Korn, Mrs. Charles Lewis, and from South Amboy, New York. Albert Arnold Sent to Jail for FOB SALE, Studebakar Uod.l E.J ..dan, wire cable, M-lnch, ZOO feet, $5.001 small Oreat was their surprise upon their j HOME FROM FLORIDA, Tho post will sell refreshments at! recently ov.rhauladi new chit«h, valves writing desk Sil, amnll table 11, table lamps Rr., Mr«. Frank McMahon, Mrs. Hom- Brooklyn, Philadelphia nnd Boston. return to Shrewsbury to find the; tho air circus at the Air View flying] Grand Jury Action—Vincent Alvlho ground, new piston rln_», itett tmrtraln to centa. flower «tand on caatera II, flon»r er Methot, Jr., Mrs. Harry Morford, She received over fifty presents, in- church and crown intact. A Quaker ] u Glad to Get Bao Was Paroled. nt 1169. Cull at Ward. S Lakealda ovt- »tnnd, loll, B0 tents; pictures, various kinds Flve Red Bun Rrs Mold ln Julyy. It will co-operatpe e with j nus, TiumtDr,, K. J, find etieB, 10 centa up, one, two ftnd Ihree Miss Gertrude Norman, Mrs. William cluding fifteen sets of linen table- m k ls oUc Ballon stone crocks, ?5 ccnia up; flower Patterson, Mrs. Carl C. Shlppee, Mrs. P' 2 *" _.?. "i^*?"?-" - After a Three Months'' TripTrip.. tho ladles' auxiliary of the post In j Stephen and Albert Arnold, twin FOR SALE, WoodlmiS I'nrk, Atlantic Ilinh cloths and rmjiking. ing the smoke and flames and ex- selling poppiea next month. Another '• Inothers, eighteen years old, who llVo Pots, vflrloUB slzea, 9 cents; atcel flllno: •T. Eanlel fuller, Mrs. Beeley Tuthlll, Thn. gue3tsworoMr. and Mrs. Mor- tinqulshing the fire before it had Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. E landa, buntfalow of flve rooms slid bath, Cltblnet $2. one-itnllon butter ehurn $1. Mrs. Lyman C. Vanlnwegen, Mrs enterprise irt which tho post ia Inter-; with their aunt at Keyport, Dominic ono-car uara.e: lut .0x123: (3,201), t.0( doine for elinruleller B0 centa, Gorman olfl- ris Becker and children and Misses fgained much headway. sley Morrla, Mr. and Mrs. Georg cated is that of selling flags and fla Lafayette, sixtoen year3 old, eon of J down. Rond fltanda for rent and i.le. L cor's helmet II, 220 _.h. p. motor $10. Thomas Voorhls, Mrs. Charles I) Hanco Patterson and Mia, William, u Anthony Lalayott. ol JLolBhton ave- fc«j_gt»jt>_.ja;Kotd. N.J. . drowlriB t»Mo« ,3, T snimrcS el, loud Miriam EHtzor, Gortrudo and, Sylvia I Christ church was erected in 1103 poles similar to those used in the bin speaker $1, Imldor clothes dryer 25 cents, , White and Mrs. William A. Wlrth I.ovinsky, Reba. Selma and Janlc by Puritan settlers who emigrated. Hendrlckson, all of Red Bank, ri _ 0| __ _. Mrs. Charles F, Bostock Is the coach Incsa part of Broad street ThUB fo HUO, and Vincent Alvino, son ol Vln- TRUCKS for aalci International .n»_-_ «nd shovels, «iunre cllire, 75 cents. New. Simon and Jacob Miller of Re from New England. Colonel Lewis turned home from Florida, wher "5 flaga have been Bold. cent Alvino of Locust avenue, w.r< truck, uaed 100 mlle.l practically new man .SpmiKH l'ark and Auto (Jump, New- of thn play. Bank; Morris Katz and family, Mr. Morris, one of tho influential men-of]'hey had a wonderful threo month two International three-ton trucltn, two man Springs roiid, ItodJBanlt/ A committee consisting of Byroi arrested last Wednesday on chargei one and a half ton n<>0 trucks and Kc-rd FOIi SAt,^r~f J ri The play of "Paris Labels" will he and Mrs. M. Miller and children, Mr. tho. region and later governor of New I In the Sunny South, and whilo thel Aspdin, William Chandler and Qeorgi of burglarly by Deteotlve Joaepl one tnti truck: all with closed uodlea. In given at the high ochool auditorium nnd Mrs. Robert Burrow, Mr. nnd Jersey, took the lead in forming the ! headquarters were at Miami, the; excellent condition, Tlleae trticka were rfutubQ riiirod radlq aet, Moody was appointed to Inveatlgat Bray of tho Red Bank police forw Ufletl by the Lnnte Branch Steamhoat Com completelt) ) elfclrll e eliminator, A battOy tho same nlglit by the Young Wo- Mrs. Frank Katz and children, Gil- parish. visited many parts of: South Florid site for a legion home. Charles against tho boys wero pr pnny for tl.Nvflrliier fr«lnht, In atur-.e at ftnd charger: very rensonnble. Also thref- man's club as part of the evonlng's They had good health during the ei liuriicc KIW nlnto nnd tube, Roll alter 4i80 bert Katz and family, Reuben Dia- He sent a letter to the bishop of It waa reported that tickets a ferred by Mrs. Lyman C. Vanlnwegcr Plcaauro Buy dock. Apply to Sedond N.- l!d entertainment. This piny Is about a mond und family, John Wolfson an London askingg that a missionaryy bo j trip. They, reporp t that Florid, of Monmouth streot. Dr. Fratik J tlnnnl Rank and Trust ComrDny, IlQi _•___. "*J_!)!??___«,??'J!? Bfink.^ number of young women who were la Belling well for the moving plctu Bank, N. J, FOR SALK, pTa'yer ori'an, WllVox'et While family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beoker, sent over and later supplemented this \ "coming back" after Its tilsastrou! and vaudeville ehows which are to b Goff of Maple avenue, Josoph Moyerf make, with 27 records | also three-piece invited to a party and who wanted); Mr. and Mrs. Hyraati Bender, Mrs. with a petition in which, ho said experience of three years ago, bu of Shrewsbury and Mrs. Alice Blair FIVE-BOOM houae for rent, with modern grata green Duoo finish reed sun parlor to wear new costumes with Paris lat r given at the Hunting theater Mori Improvement!, Inquire John Flnnasan suite; nlao l.OOO chick elite Simplex brood- Ethel Katz, Mrs. Celia Waldman nnd "there is in Shrewsbury about thirty tl - cal estate bargains are stll of Westfleld. The boys had a hea 165 Catherine atreet._Ked Bank. labels, and the play tells the manner VCI day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Aprl or (oil burner), nnd nbout one ton of Misses Dora Diamond, Rose and Fan- Quakers and the rest of the people j 'y plentiful. The property owncri 20th and 30th and May 1st. Ing Wednesday night before Ju.tlo HOUSE for rent on Poplar atreet. Pah ehlcken^ mantfre. ttyroh Jackson, Eatun- In which they tried to bring this nie Wolfaon, Ruth Deutsch, ROBC are generally of no religion. It is \ wll° weathered the storm are takin of tho Peace Henry F. Hylln and tho; Kftven, between Hanee roitd nnil Chenl- about. The performers 1n this play A picture entitled "Mpn fit th Waldman, Shirley Ackerman, Samuel settled from Now England, Rhode Is- i courage, but there arc a.conslderab Hour" waa presonted to tho post b; pleaded guilty to all tho charge.. mlt atreeti three-room bungalow, renb $15 FOR SALE, reasonable! three-burner Flor- are Mlsspa Carol Schroeder, Isabello Waldman, Al Hassas, Nathan Kate Innd and New York. Tho youth of j number who are reduced almost to per month, Inqulro titxt door. enco oil atove, oven, two hrealtfast room Smock, Peggy Hilliard, Mario Jolin- M. Hurwitz, William Katz, Isadora William Newman, father-in-law Tho Arnold boys arid Dornlnld L& WANTED, couplo to work on (firm near sets, kitchen tnulo, lilnh chair, dlnlnit table, tho whole province are very de- j shoestring, and who are compelled t Otmar Phillips, who Is a member c fayette admitted entering Mrs. Van- Colt's Neck, Man for houaework, drive four chairs, two sowliiir mnelilneH, two Bon, Julia Waldren, Dorothy Havi- Waldman and Louis and Harry Mu- bauched and very ignorant and the strain every financial nerve In the land, Lcari DeGavrc, Norman Francis, tho post. Inwegen's home on MUrch 29th anc car and work In garden: woman to be Rand sCreeh doors. I'hone Entontown fi. sic of Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sabbath day seems to be set apart efforts to hold on to their propert; The post received five new men: stealing silverware, cigars, candy,ai cook ftn. for genera] housework. Apply _y GLADIOLA bulbs' for Bnlo. ~ "John"Wejiiitk Gladys Norman, Dorothy Metzgar I.cibesman of Bradley Beach, Mr. and for rioting and drunkenness." until the tldo lifts them to the Bhon lotter, statins' references and vsffes ex- lilll-slde avenue, NnveBink, N. J.* and Helen Tuthlll. Mrs. Michael Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. bers. They are James Marasolt canned goods. Tho Arnold boys al: pected.. Adilreas S. T. F., drawer M, Eod Tho society for tho propagation of of safety and prosperity. Norman Doacy, William C. Oakersoi admitted taking a dress otiltcnso oi Bpnk. VOIi SALK, ono New~iiuja plnnt setter! The monthly meeting of tho Wo- Edward Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- tho Gospel in foreign parts was givon riVE-HOOM apirtmenir nil Improvementi nearly new; one two-row cornplanter, man's club will be held the coming prt Schaeffer and Mrs. Sarah Schaef- Richard L. Cole and Clark B. Fullei March 22d, filled with lady's weat flhenp; ono power corn nhellpr nnd ono full authority to act upon tho re- riUSONKR SUED. At tho conclusion of the meetlni Ing apparel, owned by Mrs. Alloi nowly palntedt for rent, Red frcd grinder. Howard Tlndall, Llncrolt, Friday afternoon, when Dr. Bertha fer-of Asbury Park; Misses Dora and quest and Selected the Rev. Mr. Bank, phone 43--U.* Flo Forgotson of South Amboy, Miss refreshments and a social time woi Blalno of WeBtfield frotn Mrs BOAT for Rale, finby Whale, twelve feet Chapman Cady will give a talk on Georgo Keith to spread tho faith in Judgment of $100 Returned Agalnsi onjoyed. Elaine's car, which was parked neat BlXTBEN-foot aeaskift for sale, brand new, "Gardens." Florists of Red Bank and Helen Goldstein of Freehold, Miss northeast New Jersey. with eifflit horse power Hartford motor novcr been ufieil. Johnhon 14 h. p. mo- Georgo Williams of Hod Bank. The ladies' auxiliary of the po the River street School. Tho sul bollt In perfect condition. Price J200 to- tor, latoot model 102a. B. Chcln, Elbefoh, vicinity who have assisted the club Bessio Dashlff and Benjamin Stein- From the beginning of his min- sether. Edward A. Bordon. Little Silver N. J., Ofionn EVnnile.* at various times In garden work will berg of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Judgment for $100 was returns will hold a card party at tho poi case and contonta wore, valued n rcilnt, N. J, istry at Shrewsbury, Mr. Keith rooms tomorrow afternoon. $116. On March 20th Albert Amok TIRE8 for Bale, four~PonSyivi7nTa~"tlr«s be special guests, as will also the Wagner and son of Brooklyn and found himself Involved ln many dis- by a jury at Freehold last wee! FOR SALK. four very fine boxwood bash- Miss Jean Brenhen of Philadelphia. laid ho stolo Dr. Frank J. Golf's med- nud lubca, the 31x5,ar>, nix-ply; will girl scout troop, the"junior club and putes with tho Quakers. Tho day against Georgo Willlama, a Ked Banl icine kit from the doctor's ca _ ei. L. natht Koyport-Holmilel d^ soil rcaBoniibly, I'hono 16U, Red Bank. the young woman's club. Music will that ho arrived the friends wore colored man who Is serving thrci GEOBGE W. LIBBY DEAD, FURNBHED fooma to rent, with all Ira- TEN box bush treeT~for~~auTol W~Kord- parked in front of hla home. The k provtments: IlRht houaekeeping prlvl- »ln»kl, Everett, N. J.»' . y, bo arranged by Mrs. M. L>. Branln, holding services and ono ol his first years in state prison for cutting Be: was valued at $100. Albort returnee leeca. Inquire at Delloatesaen Store, 20 chairman of the club chorus. The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PARTY. Thomas, another colored man, with a He Was Formerly Proprletof of M£chanlo atroot, Red Dank.* FOR SALE, onk mnntlc, Bond condition. N. official acts was to send thorn a com- It tho following day, Domlnio Ln- lloyt, ISO Miipl" •o avenue. Hu. d. Bank-• . , nominating committee will make Its munication, pointing out thn error of knife during an altercation last June, Eostourant on Front Street. fayette and Vincent Alvino, Jr., ad- SOI> fur sale; ncres nt Rood clean eod, phono 1057,• report on officer- for the coming Moro Than Fifty Card Prlrrs Were Thomas sued Williams for $100. MIddlotown Stoak Kami. Thomas B. . Awarded and Abuut $100 Cleared. their ways as he saw it and urging George W. Libby of Maple avenui mitted taking: six chickens from Jos- Field, phone 8<1, Red Dank. SEVEN ohalra for sale, newly uphoN year and delegates will be elected to them to come over to tho true Williams was foreman on a develop eph Meyers'i! home at Shrewsbury or stored nnd reflnlshed: stood tot hahMM the state federation of women's About 250 persons attended a card church. With many he was success- ment at Atlantic Highlands and hirec died at the Long Branch hospital Sat FOR RUNT, a largo room -with aouthern wear. Frnnk Howard, 55 Harrison nve- clubs at Atlantic City in May. The urday from a complication of dl_ March 24th. Nearly all of tho stoloi exposure; centrally located. Apply at nue, Red Hank, party and dance last Friday night ful But his first efforts resulted in Thomas as a laborer. After two anc eases. He moved to Red Bank froir goods have been recovered as well ai 34 Drummond avenue, phona 1118-J, Heel hostesses at Friday afternoon's meet- given by tho baseball committee of the Quaker body denouncing him as a half years' work Thomas was dis- Bank. FOR BALE, Bolen's traotora; plow, cultl- ing will be MIBS Etta Miller, Mrs. Lakewood several years ago anc various other articles that have no vale, mow. Over fifty satisfied users In the Red Bank Knights of Columbus a renegade. charged. When Thomas was pal formerly conduoted a restaurant oi yet been claimed. FOR SALK, 11127 Oakland aedan. A-l eoti- Monmouth county. Distributor. Fr.ohold Blddle H. Garrison, Mrs. William at the home on Riverside avenue. off the paymaster made a mlstak. dltloni-run 0,000 mile»: price $850. Tay- farm Supply Co., CS Throckmortoli street. Mr. Keith held a communion ser- Front street. For a timo he was doet lor'a Oarage, Pearl atreet, Ited Dank. Naulty and Mm. George O. Hondrlck- More than 125 of the guests played vice at the homo of Colonol Morris and overpaid him $2.00. WilHami Vincent Alvino la a Junior and h< Irehold, 1>J. J. Everything for the farmer. went to the Carlton theater at Red master for the Merchants steamboat was paroled in the custody of hli FOUND, llcehne plate .1-7704 found CULTOli tractors for's'aiefflio &tcom: cards and over fifty prizes were on Christmas day, 1702, and admitted company and of late had been em- Main road, Pnlr Haven. Owner can fret blnntion tractor for tlio farmer and The literature, department of the I awarded in bridge, flve hundred and Bank, where ThomaB was employed parents for action of the Juvenllli sama b; oAllins at S.rvlea fi.ra.s, 692 trucker. Plows, dlsca and harrows. Will several friends Into the ranks of hla ployed ln tho shipping department court. Stephen and Albert Ainol Eost^Front street, Falf Haven, club will hold Its final meeting of the euchre. Tho awards comprised end- church. Among them was William nnd demanded tho $2.50. An argu- the Eisner factory. Mr. Libby wai handle- any two-horse piece of machinery year next Monday afternoon, when tables, fancy pillows, table covers, ar- Leeds, a reformer pirate, for whom ment ensued and Williams slashed nnd Dominic Lafayette were, sent tc FOR SAliKr~In~I.'on_ BTaniiT six-room aatiafactorily. See tho Freehold Farm Sup- Thomas twice across tho face. Thom- born at Jackson, New Hampshire Freehold to await grand jury action, houaci somo Improvements, near station: ply Co., 98 Throokmorton etrcot, Freehold. "Weaverly" and "Kenilworth" by Sir ticles of clothing and glass and sil- Lccdsvillo was named. Ho leaves a widow, ono daughter cheap for ca»h or terms. E, 0. Parker, Wo »re pleniad to fill your needs In general Walter Scott will be discussed. verware. Mrs. Fred Merrlman of' as nearly died from loss of blood Tho Arnold boya, DOmlnlo Lafay- mfltr ) After establishing Christ church Miss Clara Libby of Kansas City ette and Vincent Alvino had pre Monmouth jroad^West Lonit_BranBh._N._J. 5__5 pip 'y „___ Fair Haven and Walter J. Graham parish, Mr. Keith departed into othor Williams was brought to Freehold Missouri, and a brother, W. H. Llbb' FOR SALE, very good entlng pofatoes" al LAhGE ennvas for sale; tarns enough to of Red Bank won non-players' prizes from Trenton for tho trial of the suit vlously been ln trouble at Red Ban' Sunshlno Farm, Monmouth road, Weat «°*_r__rr__F_t_in___(>_Iliin_o_. SEABHIGHT'S NEW COP. regions to spread tho gospel. He also of Intervale, New Hampshire. Hi and they had been warned and ro «nd Mrs. Charles A. Giblin of Ked took up literary work and wrote was a member of the KnlghtB I.ang Branch. N. J. l'iVK second-hand' cord tlr'pN anil tubes Bnnk won the door prize- of $5 in primanded by tho police and Mr. Hy- SEVEN roomaj nil Improvomenta, iraraKe, altos 30x»Vi, stralnht sldrs; reaaonabla Ax.I J. Foiammt Appointed Io Follce more.than 50 bulky volumes! and sov- NOVEL CARD PARTY AND DANCE 'ythlas lodge at Lakewood. Tho f_. lln. near atatluit and river, for rent] fclao alt Apply Walter Uuok. Utoad stre.t, gold. The profits will bo used to cral hundred hymns, including "How rooma, lome Improvernenta, E. G. Parker, ghrtyabary, N. J.' Forr« T_sst Wflelt. equip the Ked Bank council's newly eral was held nt thei Flock funom Snlvntoro Romeo, sixteen years old Monmouth rond, Weat Lone Branch, N. J., l''irm a Foundation." It Will he Given by St. James's Grad- home at Long Branch last night al Bon of Anthony Romeo of Pear phone Lonu Branch 11181. lite liiwn moweftor aale.'nlta'tiew'. At last week'a meeting of the Sea- formed baseball team. Broor»aWd'loeiiTtfpoatT. dining table, oort 130, for S6; alx leather by the death of our eon and brother, spring ohnlrs. cost $18 ench, sell fdr 12.80 measured for a uniform and that he Mrs. Raymond G. Fagan, Mrs. M. L. ilegfrled, Harry Caplan, Harry Fcldt, hours. Members of tho senior and line© spent tho summer eeasoni 45 cents; four-hole locuat poata, new, enchi bed spring couch to match/cost »40, Frederick Hartmann, Jr. We wish 00 centa; also cuatom iawlns done and l0 p A Jk w time lost ln getting their orning service nt the church last township entertained their five Bonn urlal was made at. Mount Olivet DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. runabouta, II West 42d street, New York TOMATO occil plants, Orentcr Baltimore! Washingtoihlncton and Ihe wanted to remain ' B™"* """' City, phone Clileliering 6611. Matchless John Bear and Marglobe; also here. bcnf n T1 unB b rd wcr ot nday. Claud Wahlen spoke on nt a family reunion on Easter. John, lemetery. , ,. The position of superintendent ! l p.' '° y° , ' " ° " IN MEMORIAM. CONCRETE, srrave) an. mason sand for orders taken for seconds and late plants, of the Shrewsbury re 'The Youth and'the Church of To- who i. the youngest son, lives nt -i>Boph Til ton, Kcbnsburg, N. J., phone !>e Shrewsbury ™iate wBS offered »_ «';_"'.."_™<_.«'six tlmea before '_the_ y «"«".»» gog t their? I day.y " Corlrlc Rydey r ;?!iv;? e an addrese s home, nichard Is a freshman at VII- Highlands Resident Dead. In loving memory of my aunt, Henrietta aale. H. Rlliau, phone _2t0-w. Red 101, to him and he accepted II. Nivlaon, who entered eternal rflt April nk. irnse of direction. MrM . HacketH t >on "Nature't s Connection With fiod,' I 'anova college, Lawrence Is a senior Mra. Mary S. French died Saturday I. 1018. _'OH SALE at .2 Carpenter slJcet, River Mr. Carter moved last week from ,O\VBOATS and outboard skills built to Plasa; saa rnnge, two bads and tno White road at Little Silver to n lunin- •hipped tho cages back to Mr. Me- Arthur Capen spoke on "The Life nf' at Notre Dame and Arthur and Don- £ the home of her daughter, Mrs, Trctir.urrd thouahta of one io dear order and for sale. David Thompson. 2 bureaus. Cull nt George Palmer'., nenl on the Harding estate. The hou:-i Michaels, with cards attached show- David," and other talks were made" "'d nip employed at Brooklyn. Law- lanlel Hartsgrovo of Highlands. She Often brina a ailent tear. Jenter^street^SaahjrteM^N^jJ., phene .16. door." intr the timo when the birds were re- ' by Irving ftyles and John Bydor. irnccrdrove home from college and Thoughta return to acenes Ions past; iEED POTATOES—CertVned^TeeiPpot^ which fhe vacated Is now occupier! by •as eighty years old and had lived Yenra roll on but memorltft Uat, toea from Maine and Prince Edward IT FOII BALE, one and a half h. p. gaaollno hls brother. Harry J. Cartor, who ban lonsorl. Since tho first of March Mr The cluh met Monday night at the he waa accompanied by Vincent Me- Highlands a long time. The fun I ' i Nephttr, snd: In anj quantity. Wa deliver. M engine and pump, ^nvuitetl on pkltln; been living on Carmen place, Red Hackrlt has released moro than 1,000 ' home of Irving Eyles on Hudson! Cue of Shrewsbury, George MacDon- l was held Monday afternoon at HARBY. I/, Croon, _t Whsrf avenue, Red Dank iuat the thing for pumping water for hot pigeons nt the station for fanciers avenue nnd the next meeting will ho I noli of Keansburg nnd Leo Hughes ihons 27. bids| cheap, B, II. Knhlert, Stato Ill.h- Bank. Grovor Carter owns three c house, with Rev. Walter S. R. •__£,_••._?'_____.> phone_B80. at distant places held TiiPSdny nlglit. April 23d, at of Trenton. The boys left Saturday IANNEL GOAL, and srata wood for open houses on White road and all of them 'owell in charge. Burial was made fireplaces. In any Quantity. Immediate CALIFORNIA PlilVETfPlilVET'fnrTnlcTTfomlonn TTfmlonrr are being repainted and otherwise Henry Bennett's Shrewsbury by automobile on the return trip to Bay View cemetery. silvery. M. V. llrnwr., 2« Wharf avenue, to ttee n fefeet.t . EdwnrEddd HHnycs, Church Improved. DINNER FOR ORCHESTRA. avenue. their colleges. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ted Bank, phona 27. ______,___ J h_oj_i_40ri. Red n«nk, FOR SALE. Duiiey", shaft Md~ir«n__rVMdir«n__rV' Miss Ruth Lfddy io be Too Late Fot Classification. EIITII.UEM—Nitrate of soila, wood SURPBISE IiniDGK TAl-TV. CHimcH ciioin ON THE AIR PINE; nnooK CHUHCII SIIPPER. On Southern Auto Trip. aahes, bons msal, sulphate of ammonia, grinding lathe for sharpening Inwn mow- night to Young: Mufllctnns. Jameo E. Weaver of Stapleton, UMP BODY""for anle, two-yardTTtect hasp manure, lima, eto; Immediate dellv- ers. hedge sli.ars, fioi anvil vlsps and ftarbftfie type, with hoist. Price reaion- standard reoliter mschlno for Imslno.s of. Miss Ilnth teddy . who is ii. ' '("fiirniPd Church Sinners Broadcast I It Will he Held April 25th nt the taten Island, vlBlttd his father, ry. M. V. Brown, 21 Wharf avenue. Re,I Mildred Longatreet Surprised bv pr Me-. Phon«_ua_B«j___16____ _ lo^nk, phone 37^^ (Ice. Apply NaUBlnon. phone 4SH._lliiniion. Friend. Friday Night. charKO of tho ' W5dne»dno y nlK!i! °> WJDI Friday Night. Home of Mre. Dcl|n Weaver. ames B. Weaver of East Front ABTTOB "fOT~r«nt7 110 Wallaca street, AWN 8EEi£-B_y the best W-~_aT^ MKTAL ceilings are safe.'aanitary, deeora- tivo and economical In your homo aa well MtWved I/rngstveet, daughter uf iMncpn at tho Red Bankk high sr-iicnl, T))e ,,cn]nr chnh. nf iho Rfli Bon]( reot, Thursday. Mr. Weaver at- lied JJnnJ__InQUIre on prcmI __.' It, In any quantity, and Its name ia synuntwi.unv will • give n dint, Tiie trustees aiid ladles' Rid society nded the banq\«st of the let boat UHC11 WAGON fot aide, full* gitufmed; 'IVanderlawn." Ho/e _««nt. Jtf, V. Drawn, ni In your bulimias. Jjillln) coal and main, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Longctrcet _| dinner puny n<.f«m<>tl church tivnRdcnsl Slnlner'n t.nanoe low. fjt ua «««m«t« on jnur r«- ' tonight nt Open De,or of Pine Biook T Methodist Zion club with Ills father, who is commo- cheap to nulck buyer. Apply Al Diner. %itn-ue, Tie. Bank, phnna 27, Hudoon avenue, wnii given a surpi Isr- colfee. e\v,\i .Xruclflxi'in" over W.TBI Friday night n_[rement«J Victor, phimoJM Hank 2«18, for the members of t church will have a dinner for tho dore of tho club. After thr banquet niter avemii, Atlnntio HlllWanilB, H. J. MANURE—Wall rotted liorao manure, ln bridge party by a number of hr-i e <>rrhoslr:i The ohoii- PanK the selection at tho any quantity. Will deliver. M. V, STEWART horse"" "cllpplna msohimV^n.i ill tlio daiifes. Trioae* In the orehe:--11-; benefit of the chunrh Thursday night, lilj WANTED for homework. Apply 23 friends ITidny night. Prizo winner:- ( he left by motor for Raleigh, South Weat Front atreet, Hed Dank. Irown, 24 Wharf avenue, Red flank, phone parts. Clippers sharpenoil. satlsfaotliin Ira- nre Clict Arthur, Mrirjjaret ,\ ru,;-,.),, morning service nt the April 25th, at Mrs. Delia Weaver's. Carolina, whoro ho will Join his fam- 7. gunrantecil. n. A. lllckry, Everrtt N J at tile games wro Marlon Scheldt 'ANTED, a lawn or Harden, fountain or r Worthloy. Kathryti Pope. 1 lurolr] j, i,,,,,- ,] .Mrs. John H. Oshorn in the The first table will bo nerved nt half- ily; who are visiting relatives thore. KiVnu__:l(8—By tfi. ton or carload for phon, l«0«-V/._Red "•lik. _ Dorothy I-lpplncolt and Barbaro past six o'clock. Tho menu will com- hird Lath with connection for water. farm, garden or lawn*; Immediate de- WOOD for »ile, oak "and""pln«"i- (ifcnUcs 'elephone Hell BanV lBCO.; and atove lonntbi; alao cord wood for Good. Othna present wero Ruth prise roast turkey with cranberry r vary. M. V. Brown. _< Whsr. avenue, l-erlnu. The Wodnefday'night dnnc.'i ; Oi Imrn 0R RALE, bookcaao, bureau, floor lamp. tedBarik, phone__7, ^ _____ Carn Dh Ent0 t1 Clayton, Mni^met Magee, Margaret AIr.«. llnniv T. Snirfon, Mrs. sauce, maahed. potatoes, yellow tur- Recovering From Sickness. ohihra crib and three-pleca living rpom 191' ai "' °"° " "'" Tuller, Titith JJeiitoll. Deborah Tiuch- me for tho pupils of the high school. C v. Rennetl nnd Mia John H. Os- nips, celery, green peas, mlnco pie, WONDERtTAWN" uraas7e7JTB~thTbaaE They linvp. horn Inr;'.rn!y rm11 Mrs, John P. Elliott of Maple ave- >t, Kmplro period. 8. 'I'hompaon, Third Ask anyone who has used It. fiols agent EAIlOAINa In furnltur.. We oarry~nri« <>~ nnan, MlldUini Scheldt * nml Doi i. t)orn, fuiprar «; Mrs Jinny Kstellc, coffee and dinner mlntn. Tho suimer nue, mother of Sadie H. and Clinton tteet. hetwetn Church and Pcnrl «tr(et». this territory. M. V. Brown, 24 Wharf tlio largest stocks of furniture) and will h(! contlnuod m-.'.il this n,<\' u'. Mt.». Allc-n V>. Pryor t.nrl Mrs. T. Rus- 'n\r Haven, phone Red Bank 227G-W. venue, TltA Rank, phone 27. nouse furnlihlnas In tho auto. Buy OBI YVlliman. - Aftpr tho jraniea reflesh- mniittec is comprised of Mra. F. Elliott, who conduct a news depot 'OR~BA£E~M"««kberrii pianta, Eldorado. tents of homes outright, or sell on ootnml,. the school tmni Mi.";. I_td.!v '' IM •••'•\\ Clarl! nlKis; Frnnkllll P. Hnlf< VIOORCr—A Swift A Co. product for mentfl wero nerved. / ' uliynical tralnu.p iii^rrin_:<_r f< r n.e. \Waver, Mrs. E. Reevey. Charles nnd stationery Btore on Broad street, 2 00 per hunilred: Die J»» atrawberrv ;jon. Oeorne H. Rilierta Co.. Inc., 8l«t- fon and A XI. li^ull.i. tenors: nnd liiwns. flowers and garden. M. V. Brown, Oiecr., Amos noovoy and Mr. Cook. Is up and around the houao after nt>, Jl.00 per hundrnl; lllnc buihea, 2B 4 Wharf avenue. Red Bank, phone 27. —'- nt the high-irliwl, The nmner j flcv. jni,i« Dykema Albert C Snlf- I'.cv, W. T. Johnson io pastor of the having been confined to her room for t» nnd B0 cenKi each. E. C. Hted, U pays to advertise In Tho Register, tonight >c hold liefore Ilio dunce' fm and J. W. Tiillmnn, .attiorf mantle. Tlntou Fall», N. J-, OD and top soil for sale. Apply MlddU- I Want dverllasments ouiiuiutd on _«_t , Jr., ba.Bca. church. • more than ten weeks by sickness. >on< Rid Sank 121. tovm fruit Farms, phone lUil Bank 8«H, ; RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10, 1929. Page Fifteen

AUTOMOBILES. BUSINESS NOTICES. MISCELLANEOUS. I ROOMS FOR RENT. ! REAL ESTATE TOR RENT. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS UBED «od rtbulJt trucks for salt] varlout WILL boird a child; ttoo(l~fooi_T~forrner FUBN1SHKD room for rent, centrally [c- makes of from one to flve tons capacity LOTS on ea»t « this ARTICLES FOR SMJEL 1 peran, N. J. Convenient „,£»••.„. ^^'1% .SS_ _BSK! ROOMS for rent, furnished three-room j '" kitchen; on Monroe avenue; very low 1(5,000. Hadley-Hall. next to Carlton the- It-rn],. Other bujliiiriff* uoiier aoastructlon, Olfic* K(|iiip_nunt Co., 417 Bond »treet. Uny and night sevlc«, patteraOD avenue, ftt»r. I^ed Bank, phone 1HHB. apartment, all improvements; suitable fur rent- Apply Mr'. K. C. llancc, 101 Kiv- psonn t»e)i rinnk FORr"S~M*E~beiiutfful fur coat, with l&tB< oenr Broad ttrtet, Shrewtbury, N. J- ohont EMPLOYMENT, light housekeeping; centrally located1 ref- j ei'hidc n\cinii?, KPII IinnVc, photic !>82-J REAL HOMB"of eiKht^ro^rnrimrbaTh". squirrel collar and CUITB; worn fou THE NEW four-cylinder Henderson Keil UnuU A. erences required. Phone 609-M. lied Bnnk. with a four-car Karape. one acre of .T lAii'i of properLtea for sail vt CHAUFFEUR, expert on nil inak*< cars. DKSIHAIH.E by,, for "«nlr airSolw months; perfect condition; >lte 44; cat fnotorcyclo will be here about April MASON contractor, ••tltnates obeerfullr white, nhiK'e: prefers ntcnily private po- j ^JL Wa»h'»Btorf street. Hod Bank. beautiful Inwna laid out in fine trees ati'l rent. Elizabeth D. Hobhn, resl ettfttfl. I conveniences «i,d located on one of the Little Silver, ^J.^jphane Uud Hank 741, J200, eell frir |8f». Phone -Eatontowi 10th, Cams and tea the best four. irlven. Eugene Soyer, 89 Uadion «v«> sition; can furnish tho beat of references. STKAM ilEATKD rooms, aniTboanl; j(Icnl ' boat utrepts in IU,1 Bank; tuitatilo for • flowers, with a dandy river view. Hadley- 192-J, or writo V. O. Box 136, Oceanport, ii'. Red Bank, phona 1487. Gcorae Kapanos. 410 Morris n venue. llal!; -next- to Oariton theater, Red IJaiikT W'Ffi IOP.L salt. 4Qxl25t fhcS^i "WTjBiaFt Manrnouiji Garage, distributary Moii. 1 location^ on ths_iihr.ewsbury-riveFj nioit" Eniall-fyjntly; mf*'iilici; for rent in the Eisner of one; four and five rooms each, with Noitti BrKltto avenue, lied Dank, pbutia Red in tho end. I'll one halpb B. Sickeli, Red lot on corner of West Front ttreot saii hands. Write or call at'3. Berger'a Agen- ly furnished; ail conveniences; nlso gn- I imitrliriK, Apply nt the ofllce of SiRmund nil improvements; Kood aite lots, neur Hunk HA5. BDiik, for estimate. cy, 86 WcBt street. New York City, phone Maple avenue, on ^vlncli )_ located two raKe; three minutes* walk to station ;IIHI ; FISIICT Co., or rt'lvphone Red Hank 1100. school and bun. Hadley-Hall, next to Carl- „ heatiirt completely innUlleu1 Rector 8iU6. sfcre building, Is hereby oirercii for lalt. cupacltyy with van body; run ebuut 100 CAlt wa*hln« my ipeoiaJtj, 1 guarunic* bus lines. Inquire at 135 Bridge avenue. 1"OR RENT in Harris Park; six room*"and ton theater, phone Red Bank IB88. anywhere, JUH to 1160. Pipe furnice you a latisfactory job. Uat ro« pro*« Apply to J. TroiFord Allen, CO RIveraMo miles; practically new. Kiisy terms. Sec- UCO BANK Empipytnent Agency anl bath; unnw, stuam heat, all Improve- MR." BARGAIN HUNTER—Here"ara'rour- avenue. Red Bank. •itimnten; he«t guarantee. Terms. Stoves, my ability. CbarloB A. Jones, c pert euto- Nurses' ReftU.try, 45 Itiverside avenue. npnts; i\mt location. Apply 12 Mechanic rangei, heater* stocked. Catalogue pric«n ond Ndtional Dank nnd Trust Co,, Hcd HVE-KOOM apartment for rent, newly teen lots, hijrh and dry, good street; nut, KORTlf houneaVt Red , UnnkT^rVTlVrin mubile washer at Boro Buia«s, Inc.. Globe MM. I. E. JJuttershy, proprietor. Courte- ..treet, Red Bank. The Land and Loan Drop card or phone: representative wil **onrt and Mpchnnlo ntreet. Red Bank. ous service, edlelent help; reftirencu? in- painted and papered: electric Hunt*. water and electric; clone to town; aold us and Rumson, including river properties call. C. Merrltt. authorized branch Kal- Remly April Int. Apply TeUoy's, 17 Broad i Company. whole or leparately; '*1.000 to tl.ZOO each. for yori to choose from if you aro interest* rdli S ALE ~t w o~" i nTeirnation al true k IT, II' IT'S real estate you want we have jt. vestigated. Practical nn<\ trained on cull. fltiiaiop Stovn Co., 404 Newark avenue three-Ion capacity with van bodies; in fitrect, Red Dank. • Terms. Hurry. Hadley-Hal), next to «d In buyiag, p. K Kennedy, 05 East Demurest & Krahnert, Phpne Red Bank 'lelcphonc Red Bunk 1J2_2. 'i HKKIJ-KOUM apartment for rent; steam ( I t B trei; l R Until ley U«nch. N. J., phono 2OSI0.R. __ excellent condition; cuay termn. Second i for ! Carlton theater. Red Bank, phnnej.888, i'/ L ? _ _ . >._ *'^ Bank, ph«n«t V054. n; y S k'/D-M. or Katontnwn 87-H. Main mice, AGENTS wanted to sell our new sprina ith . ;ith- hcaltii; all improvements; corner Wnl- ATTENTION. PoulTrymen—f liVTaViTccm lit%1; ami Spring street. Telephone Red CORNER lot for aaJe, 6iBxiyR. on~paved RKAL E3TATI5 for sale or rent. In "order burrilnff brooder stoves on the market National B.nk un.l Tru/t Co., n.J Bank. I Vt5"sout"h .™«C£"ont!™: b»neh '*'&?. to give best service to clients, owners : SALE, two Iteo trucks, one end fl half I Hvcatnnre avenue. Shrewsbury. N. J, place. Red Brink. _ __ Hank _JiO*;r>. Or call. county road, within three minutes* walk aro now on display at our store. Come in V&H SALE R k d hlf H Shb N J factory. Liberal cynmhsion. Write Bol- are requested to scrnl dotalltrl dnserlptfon tons capacity and Ford truck, one ton m»r Dress Co., Seventh avenue, Belraar, l-'URN'.SHED room ttnd~board~iT4T"East HALL for rent f thTr^J Tloo7, 10 Broad of bathing and boating; ten minutes of bus and look them over. Fred Dt WlkofI Co., C. U (JHAN'f, Everett, t'. J., carpenter line; reiiBonable. AddresB Corner Loti ot property, with terrm, II. L. freaa, Ked Hunk. capacity, with cloned bodies; in cootl con- and builder; all work guaranteed; chanr- l-'ront titrept, Red Dunk. street, for lodge, dances or entertain- Jlrcj a*l_ s t r c e^t. Shrewsbury,^. J. dition: easy terms. Second National Hank drawer M, Red Bank. ; . of the finmt and m*U'sl «roi#!:*K lectlnn^ \ inu done, Plowing done by the acre T a; the oillee of Sicmund Eisner Co. near the river; a wonderful location and wny, Ocennport, Telephone Entontown dny'H work, Jos^h E. Hulu, Whit .. wishes position on B«ntlcmfln's cstatt; Keyistci, which coes into over 7.400 home. in Red Unnk. Buy nuw nml earn neit ! v*v;iy4 traveled, elc. John Carnoy i- Oft KKNT, etores. office.," flats, houses, 100. Used Motorcycle /or snlc.' road. Little Silver, N. J., phone Red Banh experienced Nvrojind horsen. kcnuel-i and 'VPrv week. priced reasonably. Louis Sobel, 7 Broad year's 1r.ere.nge. Or- will build to suit. y« . r':»tontown 10-F-21. iipnrtnii'iiti: unproved; all locations. Just Htreet^Ited__B_ank, phone 2CI8." t -iOIC-W. _ ^ ^ fann\work. I liavc completed an agricul- WOULD to t; with- JYInke n start,now fnr » hnmu next year. tural Bciiool CQUrac; am dependable iand NINE^ROOSl~houBe"in" "Red Banlt": '"wcl'l Add man P. O. Box 440. Hcd Hnnk. from .iid two to four feet; well,rooted, WANTED to "buy Rtnall eloaed tar; itiust HAVK your clothes cleaned at th« Gi.y Dry Clnuning and Dye!i>K Works, 0 Me •Mober, HcferriiccB. Address P. O. Uux 9G. i, with u quiet, refined workinc built and In irood condition; all improvn- FOR SALE, farm of 'si^iirrei": 'tcn-rWin fret* from ineecU and dheane, at SC.00 per be late model and first CIUHH condition. I'OR RKNT.'liouso of B!X rooms, all im- ehaino street, near Broad street. Re/ Bed ford, N. Y. *> Write Apt. A, drawer M. Red Bank.* menta, pleasant location Rnd near church house, hot water hem, electric nnd gas- 101*. » Variation t KllwtU. Bell of Geoi Atldre^s Car Wanted, drawer M, Red and school; one-car Karaite, Owner nell- Bank. Phone 2117. WHUara Ottrov, pr> MAN WA.NTED7o~lTp"rciienTrelfable"miriu five ucrcs; fruit: on im-hway. Terms can and J, H. llH] >. II. H- KftiriP. 120 Liberty PRIVATE family, modern furnished, un- at^lfrctor 'place!* Redmank^phono^d I intr. Address For Sale, drawer Al. Ited t cry; pcrmuticnt position; cood pny with bti mailr. C'jiich L'ikir, Uel/onl, N, J Hlreot. I/oiiH Hniiicb, _N. J.. »buneJ87. furmsluMl; suiclc, Uouble, iiho two-room [lank Hiir,.J, • | advancement; experience unnecessary; DanV. _j _j_ phone KciinsljurK 50^-M. FIREWOOD for siile, npplcwood cut in stove PLUMBING and beating: estimates fur BUSINESS NOTICES. . nished. Joseph W. I ox, 116 Pinekruy knowledge of fnrminjf helpful. Outfit and FOR SALE, two beautiful driver lota Teach SIX-UbOM"houie, nil'""coi',veniti^earla7?e mid 11 replnee len«th»; JC.OO per load ALFRED BRIGHTON, landscape gardener. roml, Red Bunk, phone 231?. full fttHtruetiona furnished. Write Hoopcn. 50x287 feet, fronting on street with Kaa. living loom, nun "porclr, lirrul;ic«\ OD«-II delivered. C Wesley Codding ton, phone Bro, & Thomas-Company, West Chester. nly nt the oitiee of Siumund Eisner Co., or electricity and water; beautiful, trees; ! MONKY to loaan onn fir&tfir&t mortgngmrtgnge In sum 1 ^^^i ^ -» 8»vr^^-. Cimrlr, Urenkwr. Mlddletnwn 272-K-42. Uumaort, N, J. Tree spraying, bcltiriR, Pa., nurserymen since 1H53. illy; nil cnnvpnicncc-). 81 South street, telephone Ked Bank 11U0. $1,200 each or the two Iota for $2,000 ca-)li. pruning and cementinu; luryo treen moveii frfroom $200$2,000 up. PPrompt t SServicei . TThhe phone 1017-M, Red Hank.' F6R"~RENT',""six rmHn"hoTa7r*BTn^p7ovc^ Building on rciir can be used for boat- Land & Loan Company'. 12 Mechanic WAM. PAPER experts interior and ex- in beat poBBiblo manner. Hedges 'nnd GXRDENER caretnVcr,~*niarrIed. IHTPTO^ SMALL furnished room'for rent. 38 White met:lii; ^anige: Ims pusses door; location, lioung. fbone Eatontown19j'J. terior painting. Hoyec, . the painter, plantn adapted to tho senuhore. Hanly street. Red Bank. te:itnnt, wishes position; experienced j Keaiisburtf fiO2-M; fur salo on Btreet, Red Bank. Call evenings.* Main mad an.l Dcu^lity's lane, Fair Haven, sALE. river Iot, MliMleTown; 100^300. fitoro nnd olllee, If* ltfvt-r rond, Kumnon, trees, flnwerlns sliruba Rnd climbing vinei DOCK und bulkhead builder. Portable flowers, shrub3, vetratahles. poultry, auto- N. J. Innuitc of J.'red ttidor, 333 Lincola west Uitihland ftvtnue. At Inn tic Hlcli- I Tlh G88W mobiles; neat, enerjretlc and trustworthy j THREE vor^nJce'^fur^WirTonnTB~7nd A fine place for a home on the river; ri- Phono*-040-11 nnd 312-M, Open evcnlnca enson. Telephone G88-W. docks and floati a specialty, A. fond, Brooklyn. N Y lands, six iota, 60x17fi foot; S7&0 ench or seven years lust place. Aihlrrss Gitrdcner, biiUi lor rent for /IKM . hounekeppinK : parian rlshts. A good investment; not till «:0OJ^. M. DECOBATINGEO , paint and 'wall pAp'orppor.. y White, 28 Oakland itreet. Red Bank. will sell the plot for S4,^0O; watnr, mis anil T. O. Box 41, Station B, Long Branch, N. centrally loctitcd, witii private family of I'OU KENT, unfurnished six-room home, many left. L. Sobel, 7 Broad street, phone SAD DM5 HORSE fnr »nlp. Blore andd (iHtHt e it open titililll H-0H000 JJ*J.. MMy. electric Caleb L. Ltiktir. liolford, N. .!. M JERSEY COAST laundry. 607 W«8t Fror. J.* two. Call ut ii East Front street. Red ail ttnprovnmt'nu: corner Main and Bat* RdBkJ!B4M phono 2240.W, Red Hunk. Stop iin . I will mlvisli e nnd entimntti e coatst , *truet, River Plaza, 1* the ilai;* to brine J A! ON' M OII 'fl I CU U NT Y~N~ J.—nT^iol i, - MAN WANTED to take care of lawns and Hnnk.* tin roads. Call Red Bank 622-W. meniiH nothing unless you •Uoycfii painter, lii River road, Ilumson your laundry work and save onf-third the HOUSE and stand for eale or to let on able, >K-;iuttfully situated country citntf, Burden and make himself generally use- ROOMS for rent. 37 Locust avenue, Ited HERE'S your chunccl HOLLSC on Rumson have _ Una workmen nnd hitch grade Phoncn '640-R. nnd 312-M. bill. Phone Red Uank 1607. Cbarles Oren- Eatontown and Long Branch highway, few minutta' drive from Itird Hank; 140 ful. Phono 430-R, Red Dunk.* Dank.* rond, (hird in from Prospect avenue, Lit- CAKf_NT-R an»l bulkier. Oeneial : t-er. propritftor. ucrea, on cunt tele Imt^wuy; fiim briclt material. Boyci tho painter, haa both, tle Silver; nine rooms, all improvements, between Lontt Branch and Eatontown; Office, IR Hiver rnnd, Ilu ma on* phone A alrinif, estimates given on all kinds TYPBWHITER headquarters. Typewriter SALESMEN wanted, throe; must own car SMALL apartment of throe rooms for rent. - ..-„ , ...,v...... eight rooms, all improvements; larue plot resilience surrounded by bt'tiuliful slindn fllO-It nnd 312-M. Open evenings till 8:00 Idlniftj, blue prints furnished: prices rented, bousht and Bold. Trubln's. f>8 and be willing to work for real money. Why to, Nithsiialc House, River road, lanre KroundH, near church, school nnd I °f Kround, fruit trees. For further detail* treey, im pro vein L>nt»; productive ilclif-, doiihi11e Kiiriazc; immpilinte occu- woodland and hrnok; Inrne road frnntntrf, P.JM. __ rensonable; all work guaranteed. A. ~ Rrottd Btreet, Red Bank. Apply Sunday and Monday. 55 Prospect Tair lliiven, N. J., phoiie Ked Bank 231-J. --- inr.uire Mrs. M. Holan, R. F. D. No. 1,, phona Red Bank 826 M. ^ Phone 1073-M, Red Bank." box 61-A, Lontt" Branch.* _^ A renl buy at S-8.O00; Urms. See Merritt MONMOUTH HATCHERY—You enn not Ni;i> UANK Window Cleaning Co. V\ avenue, Red Sank, for interview."» H. Vic- TWO furni»hcd roomd to rerit, for house- | K. Lamson, 3 West Main btreet. Freehold, make a specialty of cleaning windows a tor. [ ______keeping; adjoining bath; all conveni- HOUSE for rent on ProspecPptt avenue. Lit- HOUStJ for sale, six rooms and bath, hot possibly Ku wronjf on our Leghorn*, tl Sil i d i Korki, Reds nnd Wyandottes. fieut for JOSEPH L KNIGHT, auctlonter, over stores, ollicei and private resiiiencod. Rate YOUNG MAJW wanted, with~carTas flaieV- cr>cc3. GaniUG optional. 14 Madison nve- tle Silver: six room3, modern improve- water neat, nil improvements: wonderful ments ; near church, fi tores and school: i, l y, er 1 eatinu mid Iiiymjt. Now net I ing hatching twenty rear*' experience Bellinn reasonable. Satisfaction eunratrteed. 48 man and collector; only one with best nue,_Red Bunk. location, beautiful shrubbery, corner l I "iiAVlTifor »Vle" MplVmh7rnarlSl^"i iirHr'»i liunses PJIHH door; immediate occupancy. 75x150; sha.dcs, mvninKs, screens, two-c eg«3, dny old nnd started chicks, n 1 R 1 of referencei) need npply. Address S. S., 75150 hd i t class homo-; plenty of shndc. fino lawn i, goods at auction, t sell anything any- ^y.**y ?_H \ ?_• !• r*^! - ?£?L M s I? •_P! ?J? ?~ TWO furnished rooms for rent* ImTuire Telephone Rod Bunk 1073-M. KnrnHe. sun porch; also open porch; very custom hatching. Bailey's Corner, Bol- MONEY to loan: bond and mortgage; litl (irtiwc_M, Red Bank, after 11:00 P. M. Phone Ked Bank plenty of fruiL, j;ood outbuilding*; nen( mnr. where. Phono Red Bank 727-W, TWIN GABLES, thrre rooms, tile bath. beat condition. A good buy for one that rail rond Htation, eirhool. nhtire nml store, 2d'and 3d. or will buy mortgages; rea- GlRi~WANTED~for general houaework. 83D-R. wants a nice home. A hnruain—party sonable discount. AUo make buiUiine loam si cum heat, ottk floors, river view, all lic-ulcvard IIIUILT way; fme one on hill. CHILD'S loy nuiomobllo truck lor sale; Apply 132 Spring nlrcet. Itcil Bank. moving away. Louis Sobel. 7 Broad Btreet, to responsible builders. E. Wolf, Mon* FOUR-ROOM uparlmcnt for rent, all im- redecorated; fricidairc; river privileges. Come and look them over-. Home Sunday*. new at Chriatmna; too small for my tiAUTON CHAMHEHLAIN, contractor an phone, 2548, Red Bank.* . mouth avenue, corner lltb street. Lake- morniiiKa between 9:00 nnd 11:00 o'clock.* provements, and in «ood ordvi'; moder- PoxscMsion nt once. Rent $85. John George LuhEcn. Uclford, Monmouth county, boy. Anyone interested call Kcyport builder: jobbifig especially. 1ET Sout POSITION wanted ns nlfjh't watchman or ate rent. Apply 23 William 3trcct, Red at reel. Red Dwiik. phone 161fi-W ood, N. J.. phone Lskewond 1461. Prothcro, 31 Monmouth street, phone Red HOUSE for sale, six rooms, with bath; all 1S2-L-3. jiiiiitur by ii steady .man; yooii references. Hank.* EXPERT uutomabile wuahor nowio chur«e Hunk OSa. __ improvements, including hot water heat: COIJNTJIY home of ei^ht rooina foi/Bdlej GASWfiR for finlc; n fine net, about 23 PAINTING—Sprlnjc i* here: wo are uu*j> Addrcsa JI(eob L. Stior. 22 Worthley lot in 100x250 feet; one-car cnrnRe. Sit- of tho wash aland at the Doro Uusne., ROOM for rent, reasonable; nicely fur- FARM for rent. ~Ch^rle~rooTei"nrD7~NoT all improvc-tni'iits; Jirrplacc, bath, cxtni Indies wide, water back; cost $40, will but we enn take care of your decorating street. Red Bank.* _ i\ishcd. Apply at GO Lake avenue, Ited uated on Nutawamp road, Red Bnnk; live ilana: ekillfiil workmen. «6ycc, the paint- Inc., Clobo Court and Mechanic atreet. toilet; four nni.shed rooms on .third floor; HCII for ?20. Apply to A. Wulflng, 0 Kemp WANTED, young man ot good education Bank.* 1, Freehold, N. J., care C. C. Soulia.* minutes from station. For informntion er. office, 18 Hiver road. Ilumson, plionea fict your car was tied wbfld tu town. Ser- Ela*s riicloscd porches. fiaraRo; lot 109x119 «venue. Fair Haven. N. J.* iRuffunrantced. and rcllnt'mfcnt, over 20 years old, to HOUSE for rcnCfive rooms and biith"; nil phone Red Bank 594-Jj 040-lt »vnd 312-M, Rumsun. feet, VoG feet on river; bulkhvaded. Owner FAINTING, decorating, wnll pnper. Boyce. nsflist on Saturday afternoon« anil cven- impioyemcnts. 2S0 Bridge avenue, Red FOR SALE or rent, bungalow on Shrews- mtiviiuT away. Addrcs! Owner. 'Z'lh Lib- FLOORS RESURFACED ••-Wo BpeciaTi'ro in WILLIAM V. OIKTRIOH. plilmblnu. huat- LOST AND FOUND. tho painter, ntaro nnd ofllcc. IS River Ing and tinnlnif. Pump* and windmills ing»; by old established business In Rcl Hank.* bury rtver; BU rooms, all improvements: erty atreet, I.on- ]Uimcli. N. J. inad. HuniHiiii, N. J, Edtimutes on Ittriic making' old floors look like" new. New repaired. A«ent for Master carburetor Bank. Ununual opening for right younj; HIX-HOOM house for rent, three minutes' Enrage; one acre of high ground; price BUNGALOW oE uv« ruoma "niui~bRttTf^ ior* RIBO reilnisUctl. FMimnte& cheer- DOOR HANDLE for Pontiac car, with key >,- amrtll piiintinK plan*, Phones 640-U coal saving device. Kits any furnace, 42 mnn. Address YouriB Man, drawer M, Rod walk tu bus. Apply to .liimea Leo, 22 SG.OOO, or will rent $30 per month. Phone • sale; lot lAUxfiO feet. I'rlr.c 35.000. fully irivcn. Cioxlor & Sun, l-'iiir Haven slot, lost either on road from Ited Hank Jml ;il"-M, llumflon. Open evenings till Lcishton avenue Red Bank. ' Pho-e Bunk. street. Run! ii. N. J.* 143-W, Eatontown, N. .L" Terms. Kd. Jliiyca. 11 Church street, Faic J:00 P. M. _ i ^ N. J.. phono Ileii Hank 10H2. 1»64. to Lincroft, or on back road from Lincroft YOUNG LADY wanted, part time; «s sales- to MitliUctown. Harold Terry. 41 Broad FIVE-ROOM modoin apartment for rent KNOLLWOODT^ideZlhome cf six rooms, Hiiven, phone HI,'). ^lOVJNO PH'TIIRK, complete Pathcx, out- NliV to oan on lir.t bond nad mort- HOARDING, mo Jem improvements, hot lady in womnn's apparel store; prefer street, c;irc of W. W. Kennedy AJjon^* furnished or unfurnished, at 27 Drum- hath, tiaraKe; all modern, excellent con- on Wcstsidf •' fit for RIIIP; fino pictures, A-l condition; _HRB on improved real estate w^rH nnd eold running water, centrally lo- one who linn nellinjf ability; plea^nnt PORI- 'llLUKLEATHEIt" hand huii'.''\Hohtt}iiy~]i}'*i moiid place. Ciiu Kt-t key on premines. dition; fireplace, sun porch, tubs, etc* Ti ice Ju new, C i'neker, phone 120 Sen b rich t, double tho amount lonned, ' Alston 9c»k- cated : ratt'i reasonable. Hudson Home. tion for vl(jht putty. Apply GZ Broad in SieKol's candy store in Atlantic Hi«Ii- Writo for particulars to B. Marks, 44 High $10,000: lot 75x150. John Prothcro. 31 Biin porcn, storm sash nnd alt ncrccnedj man, attorney, 10 Broad str?<* Rod Bank l Il a i e ho R r Ktrrot. Perth Amboy N. J. ° r r N. .T. _ JJ_ii^l?°JL Y J y i_R iIl_ ^ L B»nk. 041. Ktreot, Red_B_fink. _____^ Innib. Keep cash in bin;: aho extra re* three-car R.irat:e, lot . j0xt. (0. HcntB $80i TYPE Will t~B H~h ea'l qu"Hrter si t ypewfilar « Monmouth atreet, phone Red Bank D52. TURKEY EGGS for nale, BO cents each; HOWARD WHITE, 61 Portland road; WANTED, young mnn nbout eiphtpoii wnrd. I'hone Lou*; Branch ;j:i II) between HOlJSE-for rent MaVch lr,t: every modern CONOVER PLACE. Riverside Ke.Khtti, «ix yenrly; price [C.500. Aililrc<« Box 401,: rented, bought and sold. Trubin"-. nlso sumo White- Pt?kln duck cues, 51 Highlands, N. .)-., houae mover, founda- ytiirs old, for Biimmcr job. Apply Mrr- G;00 find 7:00 o'clock any evening. imiu-ovemcnt. lot 150x200; ideal location. rooms, all modern, fireplace, sun porch. Red Hank. PcttiiiK. M. Gnuelitt. Nutswnmn road, sec- Uroad utrfiot. Red Dank. _____ tion* built. Phone Highlands 127D-R. ritt Machine Shop. '2i Mechanic street. Roil corner .Mct'nrUr ,uni Pearl avenues. Fair tubs, two-car RnraKe; possession at once; HOUSE for Hale at JU-d liank; ten rooms, ond fiirm on the left west ot River Plma DIAMOND Ktnne lust hcttvecn Prospect CHIMNEY sweep in «. Williitm V. Diet?- Haven, N. ,1. Apply Mn. Georye Harm. $R.r.GQ, terms\i\TTans:ed. John Proth^ro, ill mn parlor, all imiu'ivomtnu; Ktvrase; •LANDSCAPE gnrdenef: STaiiins, avenue and Monmouth street. Rewj'tnl \t \ t iloors down. rich, 42 Lcighion avenue. Ited Bunk, MARRIED man. two children, wi^hc.i pisi- Monmouth street, phone Red Bank ~- suit:*bio for boarding liuu.-f, ur ci.uld bu truck ins, tree moving, top •oil. Pti'itii. inr.4 returned tu Mrs. DeWitt, 1'J Prospect avu- j 1'Ol'It-ROOM CANAlh' Idrdi and Bold 6sh for salo. VV« tion -rn licnlsmnn and duiry man. Tirst 1 '• nnd bath for rent; used HI double; t.Usy tcriiin. In- now have a full lino of canary birds and niic. pliotu -;ii)-M. ami BARGAIN near Front street; nine" rnVimn, manure, S?e mo nbont specimen trees. AUCTIONEER—(luurg* H. Roberts Co.. clnsts butier maker"; nine years in lust two -iid ;cni'ice. Chnrles BrunDrtn- bath; all improvc riKht parly. JSil. HHVI^, 41 Church for you. Our truck wilt call fur then.. J.VnnkO;Bron.__;_tl . Rcil Bank. improvements; Holland beat, enrage, sun tliiiptKio of minis by May 15th. Pu1tt au d N. J., phone Lona Branch 21175. We uro the largest hou.i« of its kind In the Telephone lied Bunk 1310-J,* i niKC. Phone Hed Bank 190-M. posit cm them now. Will right. Tel. "SIXTEENlV EAR-OLD cirl would like h porch, two rooms, on aecond floor. Priee Htate. Georue H. Roberts & Co.. Inc.. Stale LOST, hunch or keys in LifJc Silver, N, , NKW HOUSE <>f nix rooms for rent; as, SIX-ROOM "hiiuTc iV^in^bnThTflll im- I.*y'«.,i-17 Hroiid rtiioot, IUM k OLD K LUO^S rc7iTrrac7d~TikB~ncw^ Le 1 position as motlier's'helpcr. Koale Dean, R S6.00U, $S00 ca*h. John B. Prothero, 31 ^ y, near Red Bank, phone Red Hunk J., from Itrunch avenue to Willow drive.! eleLMricily. WUIIT; Kitrn c; on Shrews- provement;; ; tvv Jir mLrut;c; near high ST." llUKNAItlt 'puppies io ua give you an e* Urn ale for rejurfach) 2371. Little S^-cr. N. J.» K Monmouth Btreet. phone Reil BunU O5'2. 7*iiie. H, Hit- Plionp Tied Hani; S9-R.« j bur>' avenue, near Patterson avenue. Red flchool, Hi b Owner Koinjf nwuy. >ur ohi floors by machine, which we hav GAUDENF3R, marriod. thoroughly ex peri- FAIR HAVEN, 8ix roormiT""VaUii~Ho1lnnd 7-nu, phono i^40-W, ANNESK School of Music: expert instruc- tank Bed Bank. rt-eently n*•>!?> feel; barguin* nml one 140-UKK sixe; two electric brooderu THE " SHORTEST route" Trom Heller" nstriiments sold und repaired. 47 Wash- Mutawan. buyer, from cmploypr to employee nnd ^tJllI3lhJ7^j country ulnco; Rumson preferred. Address Red Rank 952.__^ n and Hpvornl colony IIOUBCH. (i. Unntt, 31 LAKr.H STOHET'ccntcrVnnminesB JisTricT, WnnhtiiKt-jit street, lionu Hrniich. • 'rom loser to finder Is a Rceistcr Want I.andscapcr, drawer M, Red Bank. REAL ESTATE WANTED. RIVERSIDE DRIVE bunsalow; hollow tile, FOI{™KAL'K7 itu-Ko Bt.jr.-, includii'i'ir'coimtor ilvertlsement. SHOE REPAIRING; flYst class workman- nil improvements; fit for butcher, tailor, nnd shelviiiKi: four fnij'-.bfd Jivins ro^ms, ship; hand-sewn work specialty. Red AN ESTABLISHED manufacturer of elrc- candy s lure, shop tn alter: reasonable rent, five rooms, tilt' buLti. uaraRC, latjje lot, Irieiil npplinnces has n very attractive! WANTED, furnished hou«i! of twelve open ft replace., Possesnion at once. No on corner nf paved county rond; wonderful FARM PRODUCE. lppVBTV Flank Shoo Repairing Co., next to Miller's IiKiuirn of W. SicKel. 130 Mnin street, nppiiriiuiity for rfadi.tnnd ov moat unT ti inn ten, (tamnlt';!, iidvico; export work proposition to offer In thp riirht nan. It' riKims; must hn ve four bedi-niuin nml reasonable offer refuted. John ProLhrrtk. Hiinlwaro Store, 30 Went Front otrcet. Red 1 liiml of biniiir«.H; nut nn snle. Hacrl- men, liuyec. th'n paint-<:r, Htoro nnd office, you ure in n position lo qunlify doiit ovn - (w» ImthH on second flnur: from June lfit . ,,,,. ,,,. .,, . — ,;• —: 31 Monmoulh ntreet, phone Hed Hank 95*2, SALI!. Ithnde Inbind It oil aiufBarred Bank. r fu-.u (tit Sl.rilKi, plume Kaionlown l'J2-J. mnwth llock luying hchn, 12 e IS Itlvcr rand, Uiin\«on, phone« S40-R l Itml: the chnncp. Wvltc " in L. H. tn October U\. Evlwnvil Hayes, A \ Church ^IX-ROOM Uouau, nil conveniences, large ^^LO^^ur7oorn^ba. Rr g , n porch, fireplace, K Katontdwn lflU-J. ^^__ 812-M. Oprn eveniii«H till H :00 ]\ M. Lord., 17 NorlhJ>e3cent. NJ street, Fair Haven, N. J., phone Hctl Hn nil improvements; Ilollnnd heat: lot NEW~HUNGALd~W~«f tour riHtini~ani baTh ORIENTAL and domestic rusts and 1 Btairway; also Kni-ape. Charlfla Drenker, CHAyFFBUR.~BiHBle7~ nftcen~ycnM' ~ex- •11 .'i. 40x130; $4,500. Terms, $500 cash, balance fur sole; pani^c; all inipravcmenta; small carpe'ti shampooed and dry cleaned. (<«T West Front street, Hiver Plaza, phone down payment, ba!;mco like rent. 27 For- BARY C1IIX—Order your chlx now. CARPENTER work wanted. AH kinds WANTED, -six room house contninlnif cus. Ited Ilnnk 1U07. $35 monthly. John B. I'rotliero, •ill Mon- Old carpets mads Into ruga. Ran 1 man avenue, 1'air Haven, N. J. This year buy qunlity chlx. All our of Jobbirip attended to by an ex- nloo hnndy nrouud ewtate. Address Apart- electricity, ruaninir water: acre or more mouth street, phone Red Rnnk_Bfi2. rugs woven. Telephone or a postal r.pnt 25, 3."J llock B^rcet, Jersey City, N. of Kround: near lied Hank depot. Will STOKIO fnr rent with five-room apartment. MXiltrkOADiTaiiMKiiveirr five toonw f inv VOUTY "'LOTS' for sale; South"ncUor^ breeders nre two nnil thrce-yent-oltl T»erlcnccil cntpentor. Wrlt^ nr phono takti hint- leini. with purchase option. Ni Inquire G. Dietx & Sonn meat market. provements; two-cnr parace; lot 50x1 RO; alone highway. Hny from I^ukcr; term* card will bring our truck to your 1 Wl st 1 1 1 11 Kt hens; bloqd tested and atato super* Marvin, 81 Pinckncy rond, Red Bank. T ununer proponillon. ' Address -C. cam ofk " ' ' " " >-.-et. Hcd Bank. S8.500. . Poasesaion nnd terms arranged. to suit. He will iniilf) ininRiilowB, help door. Monmouth Carpet Cleaning: DAY S~WORK^wiTnted~~c1 canTnR oTTuuispT vised: mnted with pedigreed *~males. Phone 21U8. clonnlng. Tplpphrmc Het\ Bitnlr TAST-1-W^* Jiacfrlin, -110 Enst 156th street, New York FAKM fnr rent; huu.-»e. burn, cow barn; John ProtJioro, 31 Monmoutli all cut. plume finance. Mime. K:ilimuU';r cheerfully Hlven. Company, telephone Monmouth Beach City.* " :..." Rod R«nk 952. CaleliJ.uker. lli-lfar.l, N, J. JJroodlnrr corkerels. Custom liutclilng. WAN'I'ED, white worniVii"oi;""«'\rT f«7"u'cvT- 22CU-.I. William Gross, proprietor. .im! i;i)oil Joi-atiim ft>r fresh vegetable housowork. in Anbury Parl;; ^nmll NEW five-room bungalow for stile, nil im- SIX-RO"0'M~b"aiii.'alow'on"Ma]ir#trcct, "BtU Uapu's Luylioin 1-urni, P. O. Atlantic HtMSTlTCHING. Mexican, (fold, silver, ___^ __. stand and mit*ul« work fm- Ivoracs, W. ford, for sale; itl.-u> six-rtiom house at etc., button*, picking, 'plaiting, em- J. G. ESCHELBACH & SON. 125 frmlly. Apply TMirartny before twelve nt REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. II. Gib-ion, Lonist Point, N. J. provements; $2o0 down; balance a3 rent. lIlRhlaitdi. N. J. rhone Middlctowii James A. Curley, reul estate. 6 Elm plnoe, Mitldtctrm-n, near depot, SIJ.OOU ; thrro acres broideryy,. trimmings andd noveltiesnos, , M Front street, Red Bnnk, phone 1275 WORKINGMAN'S houne on O&kLind Btreet, j 'fOR RENT."^iwunnn 'nnd "bnthTlihFrDV^ woodland, • near K ran * bum. suitable for '272-F-2. d i f hi Th HJ 1 plione 236fi._Red Bniik.^ _^ querade suits for hire. Tho HnrnJr Shop. Auto accessories and vulcanizing. W O M"A~N" ~W-nTeuMrTu "prT-ViltiTry Tho"p j" ni u"^ six moins anil bath, near schools, MH- I nients: maid -* rnnm! plenty clofct-j: gn- chicltcni J1.&00. ' Caleb Lukcr, Uelford, Jftnrnnj1iitrri»t.. THE~bVERHEAD~"door" for enrages ~i"a=~ ha neal sewer. Apply in prison. II] HIX'ROOM house for sale, all improve- Uon {ind town; just been done over; $40. I vnKc, 2'n Maple avenue. Red Hank. flra e N J. ANDREW J. HILL, paper humcing and i\c> uries. warehouioi, etc.; any - me, uny Chnrk. Sii Monmouth Rtrcet. Rod Uniik.* Hailloy-Hnll, next^ to tho Cnrlton theater, I phone Ilfi3-R. ments; K ff ; B°od location, convenient CABUAG- for Bale, cut by the barrel or s n y , FUll SALE or leT^TTuiyW* yuriVKO. 1U by tho hamiier; or with root* on. Any on\tin«; extevior «n interior v>uintinK. pnlriK. Let us call anii jxplain. Mou- to Btalion: J8,7EO. CourtlnmH While, Tf> IU.I Bnnlt. j ,,np_ ^T Broadway, Lnnn Hrnnrht N. J.; 10.000 quantity to nuit customer;' alno llrnt claaa M Worthtcy street', lied bank, phone niuuth and Ocenn counties representaLiv* In uir Trxarn West Front etreet. phone A 1_4, Red Bntilt^ rvice Station, NUW DUTCH colonial homo,, fo bed- j| , improvi-mentJ: coTitn.l location: for rent Rfjuare feet of floor spiice: lirxt' door to (Jrccn Mountain potutoes, also corns talk a 1415. „„ __ Jtnjnh_B. Sickel*. Red Bank- illeapie nvntuo nnd Vn j'"OR~SALE, three lots, 50x200. opposite 'Haven road, riiuins, tilile hathhh , oak Iloorsl , steam heat. ! t'J ailults or small frnnily. For 'sale ren- Uroadw.iy thenter; vv\ i'it rnoin ftitt over by tho hum! rod. Viindcrvcer ViinDurn, i-'UU wall paper inn. puintitid and accorat- HKIHfcST priced paid for nil kind* of liVo hono Rod Bank 2478-W.* Fox wood Pnrlt, Branch avenue, for a (rnniKe: nil improvoments. Curaco ^00 feet poultry. Jacob Becker, 275 Shrewsbury 'ii lirepliicc, 1lame livinn room, one-car | sr.nablc. irernn. Address B. S.. drawer injt sea O. A. Miller. Church and Oomo- Tliink of nly 5CS5 . Hndleyy- M. Rod Un: nice home: 150 foot frontafte. Now is the lout:; runs through to Helm out avi-iuic; ton utreets, Bel ford. Thibaut'n wall puper. avenue. Red Bank, or phono 1G30-W, Rod time to buy. Louis Sobel, phone Red Bank over Beljnont nvemie enlnwici; lnrfie lurnl- s6D~for~8ateTlhirty years old. Thomas H. PRINTER WANTED; prefer youim llull, n"xt tn the L'ailtol n theater. Red S1X-UOOM h(Jiis~wil;"ir~ele"cTfie liKht for Kdtlmotea cheerfully utven. Postofllce ad- P.nnk. 2548.» Grant homeateiul, on Everett road, one Hank, phone- 18& rent in Port Monmouth. Inquire Thom- ture loft; double hoiist.* on the same prop- and a hnlf mile* from Red Bank. John <1- rtre.-»s BiHford. box (JG, Phono Kenn«- man who has had Rome experience erty rentnl fur ?7Ti a month; repair shop, CUHAI" Uenntlt, 1J;S Clu-stnut street. Red FIVE-ROOM buntralow for sale ail im- hiirir B73-W nt job and nd composition and operal- 1 Ornnt. H. D 1. Jtfil_n_n_ bath, heat, RUS and wntcr. on coiifrett i Bank. wash aland. Would make » frond factory MISCELLANEOUS. provements; two-car Rarnfre; lot B0x2S5; or nhowrnciii or service alnlinii or for nn? WHITE WYANDOTTE hatchiriK eggs for U. 3. KINDLAY, senerai contractor, con- iiiB job prons. Htemiy ponition to riKht $5,000. Courtlandt White, 7.r> West Front gg street, in town; only 20.50 .lust bee,, TW0 two.fnIIlMy h(lll^ fnr renCc^trlTly kind ot businrs-t. In the ]u':irt of tho rity; fliil; turkey n crete work, bridge. Hocke nnil bulk- ndl n L. K. Stewart, party. Apply by letter or in person \ -\v° ii ." ^-« "* <-"r»oii theater hu-«leiw.J\T.n:30 A. M. to 12:15 nnon, would 1 t Ill IN G A LOW " f n r ~ro II t f~f oil r~i:o^mT~aTui jrond com me re [al trnde, l'honu LonB CAI.IK01('NIA"'1MIIII:IIIO'IV ot'iix rooms nnd locution, for gaji station. A real hnrpain. lUanch 11^I>-R. or itddrcss a'->5 Bi-oadway, land, Eatontown, N. J. Improved and beautified. Trees nnd 'AINTINC—SatifRed ciixtomerS' explain* :l na en ret a I; er for *mnll cottage hath; elertrlc, lame cellar. Mrs. Oorira Take a look at it. W. A. Hopping, 8 _ hath.F.i^i,,."', fo,r IV.II(rent |; ualn l moderini'Nkiini improvementsIIII^I u >i IIII;II|.J . Lone Brancli. shrubbery sprayed anr) pruned. Ad- our success. May I not take cure of , or about Rod Hunk, whore pern! Linden place. Red Bank, phono.397,* linn; quartern are fiyni«hcd; e.\< l.rmcr. ^.(. Mechanic Kticct, KcJ ' Bank, rurnished w in.furnished; ideal location vice gladly given. N. Butter bach, out- decorating plain 7 Boyce. the uaint- ol lent I) ( JERSEY Hlack Uianl Hcttinff ck'K". 10 r. olTU'e, 18 River road, It urn1* on, phoniM •Oyencfi=i. Can drive cur. Hav_ '. Jl __!--!iu__ L eurnci- of Kt-mit avenue and Cathcriiu FOR ItKNT. a two-room apartment, will: nlrt-ct, Fair Jlavrn. N. J. Apply Mrs. centa each; pure bred, healthy, vigorous box 232, Fair Haven. N. J.. phone fi-10-It anil 312-M. Open cveningit till child. Address Carctnker. drawer M, Ked liirdrt. JJjniive_lt.JIolnHleL_N._J_. private hath; furnished for liKht hoi] lliimlin, twit di.or-t awny. Red Bank 2042-J. B:00 P. M.__ Hunk.* keenimr: all improvements, near Million ; FOR KENT—A Ilroad street utorof excel VKffETAIlLn pliints for HnfeT Lettuce, ro- i'OOK wnntcd at Green T7ee~Knrm : gnail maine, eiibhntre, enuliflnwpr, urocolli, to* DWELLINGS, garages, jobbing, etc. if IVE LOAN money on home furniturw with- and hus line: on the river. 23 Hector , lent central location: (ralldhiB 19x65. out removal in sums from $25 to $30l>. mntomnt, , ppppepper, , e«nplnnt«np. . puraleyp , beet an'I you wish work done right and at the plMe^p^on^oJve^DnnUJ tl.8. • from April Ut. Apply 12 Mechanic street, Repayublu monthly, (Awful tntetaa't, prompt nwret poUtUt o rrhints ht . W e HIII In IInrggc or right price, call Halpb B. Sickels. McLaren 1HGH HOUSE for rent; eiclit rooms, fumiihcd The Land & l.onn Cn. ' flcrvico. Write, phone or call. Induatrinl ll qiinnLItloiLIl . G. DDouirl"l * ParkPke utreet, Retl Uank. nfter school hours ami on Sntunjays; nl- or unfurniulicil. IMiuiie 4SB. Iteil Hank. | !• t)UU TEEN vacant hoiiaes and npartrneiiu n Society, Inc., 175 Smith street, io during vtu'Htton. IMinnc Red Bunk -7fi0 Rums on mail, Little Silver. N. J.. phone UI'HUm'I'KHING end reflnishing of all ! AhNJl JttM Mr.. It. h. Fox. nnineh avenue." | for rent nt prices ranrtinn from 835 per Iteil Hank B3.*»-R. ._ kind* of furniture, I1"rank Howard, 6& ir call nt -19 While street, 11 nd Bnnlc. n lh u SEWING machines; any mako of sewing IHINCAIlOW'for rent, live rooi.H, with ta- '"" "'"' P»»rd.. I'. V. Kennedy. JS MAN WANfi:Dlo~tTil7eTn7e^f^^ll~pNT^e K n |l n il teATinEn " piymmit'h Rock hntcnlntf~~cRffi Harrlion avenue. Red Hank, phono 2081. machines repaired at short notice. Re- niBC near Stale liinliu'ny. at Headden's I . l _ ' " "rei't. lted_l)nnk. ph.ino 2HSI Opportunity Beats for Biilo by 100 nr setting; from .vlirtfr- SU"PERI0R~Wln4ow Clenninir Co., phoi\e on Ttivorsidp drivr for nummrr. Apply I'umer; S2;l net munlli. livlin t Sal;., i FOR KKNT ur sale. Irancaluws and houses ; 1 pair i, parts, oils. etc. JlemstUehlnir a r letter to Ilolcmlx- W"id. roo'in 1200, nm hrn-hntchrd stuck. Mrs. Ijoui * SofTel. Red Dnnk 247S-W. Dny and nicht serv. specialty. Slnirer Kewinn Machine Com- l(_eKl»l|.r buililini;. Itcil Hank. I >i« Ijarciiin'. I'mntrai ncrra laiul neat Lincroft, N. J.. two dnors east of village 3«B I;i>ilitll avenue. New^YojJt.* ice. Otto Nledermoycr, mnnoBcr. pany. 74 Monmouth street. Red Bank, Vllllli AUVt;itl|SF,ME.'Jt Luke Lorn;- I! Keanshuri:. piutnlile for poultry farm; only A Steady Tattoo. — wtore. i '' CONTRACTORS nnd builders. When you no 1«77. UlriKNKR"wftnt'rd : ^iiin'rriTd ni~iti~pre- hdil-' . ddep»rVm..",,t~of "Th^-Tle^uh Ki , i S"!''MI";>. t:Cl"'«h" ''I : .}.•"$"Ft • lMIlllf°">' J NN. J.J . are thinking of hnvinc work done, by ferred, to live on the plncc. Inquire nf FOR SATKT~?U r k e y e i: B* for hut c h" in if". E VTcGt MTP. K. C. Heyer. HnimHol. N. J. day or contract, consult Enrline. Johnnon Mrs. Htrlinrd K. Vnx. Uranch nvrnue, Red j Hii. ••.•.•nun ,,I one stroke. MtlVKIt l'HOl'KUTY f, rent; summer Opportunity beats a steady tattoo In tho classified &_Wri\kc We_hnvo our nwn Uimfepr vnr'l. market price paid, CPHII. Write-or phone phnne \%u* 1 : H. 'Zlutkin, Krreholtl. N. J.. phone 2fi. l!dl"lSK"for~re7i"t~iix~riiniii»~"",;.n"lei;~Ti;i 1>>1">'-''l"w o( lii>! roon nd hntli; Inree department of Tho Register. CHICKS for sale1 from Single Comb ClaTE~NT~~bi"oeik7t" iiklewnTki and~~rnZsn"n WANTED, n mnid for general hnu-ewnrk ; | and eleetrlt: ren.nnnlile rent. C.ill at ! I"lrel":s: /''-hT ™l!»"-' »""' "> Jiaiioii: work: nlso roekface. Potor Del'ontl. 24T> BEKI-' *CA'T'TLK "w"aiiteil~lmiTl7. WrUe~o? mint he n cnod cook nnd waitress; nrnt; 1 1 ll :lli11 l1: ! White Leuhorni. Well selected phone to U. Ztntkhi, Freehold, phone 2(i. 7B Mechanic nlpcct. lied Hank' I : "" " - • ' i«lii:iir. i-eattcrgooU. 17 Shrewnbury avfiiue. Red'Bank. Phono Red lecp in. No wnihing. Ilrfercnrc rennirrd. ^FnTfi;—;~rrr-^; •: '— — ! Appli.-tiHi> uroul, ltivcr I'l.,iii, phone He,I Last week over 400 separate Want Advertisements utoek that Iny large CKK« and plenty Hank .60S. 'hmie Mrs. L. T. Getty. Ilrrl nnnh. 1S2I,- S1OHK nt 22 \\V:t Fr,,iit fircl, now n far a larger number of Want Advnrtiaementa than n 1'oir Haven road and Church «treet. Joe Dakcr. 230 Mechanic street, phono Red ilvinK imnrterrt me. fuiniHlird: i tritr- j " ! H.'mk Wiut u, 2'i "Won Kront Btrcct. Flunk 2309. •'air Haven. N. J. Private and aenil- f Uh fo ent »( Wnllnr Is printed in any other country ,wcokly newBp;ii)er rlvato rooms with aura ins a aro. Telo dencr-ehnulTciir, woinim unlv lino | street, just ' \WA [Sunk WHITE WYANDOTTE hntchlnu eiru's hy MON l',V to luan un bomt ami mnrtuntf.-. ihnno m». Keii Bin k. _ rook: reri-rniiT* nil en nnit mod In tho stato and it la jtruhably a larger number thou the pcttiiiff or hundred; ttlao diiy-old Apply to A. L. Ivltii, Register tniildlnd. nccoptcd. Aililrcrs Couple, drawer M. Hcd clilcU-* from my well tuuiwu i*r«duction IUd Uank. ^ Dnnlt. is printed in any other paper In Tho Register'^ ci.iaa bird-i- Chnrlen n Clevclnnd, Ealontowu, 7 market prices for fowlf and broilers. CURCYl-N S for real «rU~CurchinriTbHTbVr WANTED, mnn for »nini"l"7Jtrt~i;;"iror"ii^l. STORK fnr rent; Knohon« KINK "fre»i7~f.nv3 for ank." mtubla for sionnl drivini:. rrefcnildy mnn who hm ! 119 M,mmoulh dniry or family pui-poset; will pl^e (rood ..... _...... „. .. jn. Th($ tfUo appUei In theso more than 400 Want Advertisements ther« you will ri«» rnr. Wilto W. M.. tirnu-er M. Rc-I WE HAVK n number of linn, rent. | Mr t. H,;i Ha exchntiire for href cut tie or fat hojt«. tadit'« and chil ren. Sncond National Itnnlc^or plume f>72-M." newly deenrntnl, all imnn.M WANTED, vml calvos, beer c.ttl. and IT N'T fnr woro opportunities for which huiuUeila of pi.'opio Write or phone U. Zlcitkfn, Freehold, N. J.. bnnk hullit[nR. Red i phone 2fl. _ __ plus. Top market prices paUl, cash. VINCENT niMICP HOY «nnlr,l lo Irani printing; have been seeking. The list lncluiletl Jiotirir.i, hits, roULTHY—FrirBnlc, fine lirecdinK pen«: cy. We can nupply ompt-trnt nmle nnil A. E. CranforJ Co.. Tlnton Kills, N. j l'earl »treor_J'nir Havi-n. pli,,nr Kfd ll:uil:'. I ^'( 1 sternly work nm! chanrr for nd- farms and buslneaacK for snle;, npartmi'tiU,' irrent layers; Rods nml While Leghorns. femalle helhl p fnf r any ~"requirementiU J.. puonfl Eatontown 161. STORE "for rcn'tTopfi^iln" ReiiistcrlMlildl ! =r Tflll Willlnei 1-ririn. Holnidrl. C4-W. rnphcrs, cookn, chaufTrurn, houn.;work«i". vanCGment. Apply In penon !ti Red IIIB: ill .heart uT Inline-.. M',-I,,,II. In- I houses and atorea for icut; sittu-.tlons and licl;> elf., finuitnry Tlnrber Shop. 61 Flr«t nve- C3IAIL > VJK TOULOUSE i.'pose CKI:H nml Felt in duck Blink Hejilstrr. ,,, ' qulre_;ri, nccklrss pluee. It,1,1 llnuh, I wanted, articles of a v.ldn vnrlotji for niiloi firm psn-i fur «nlr. L. rt. F. D. >• nur, Allintic JJitthUndH,^phoiifl_H_l. MONKY to loan on second mortRaKa real 10X (lt I c ln > prrtt ron(l> IT IS TIME to plnn yotir ip'rlnii plantinKi*" entnto f ono or two year monthly pay- SIX Inrce rooms for "rent, all iin'iiro'veinent'ii i DANDY new summer eottau. of fuur produce,; lost anil, /omul .tn.lii'lw.init! nvtuts * ___. i _Li !!!- J__ r Our vUn and aiimntt wilt prove i& you ment vlatt. tUithlnnda Finance 6'orpora- MAN WANTED; one ur.. ali.J i:niniff. »P i-Jnni i'fitiu ulr.-,-;. In- I UIIIIII:. ;j.-:,l the river; feu minutes? I Vtiu RAL_\ >\VhfCt!. R" ehfefcens. 2.» J5 nW MmUC lll llinil enro of cow^ nml work * pnva-e 1iln,-f;V(liifiB nt fcft K&st.tionl strei-1. phnr.j Kcil I wnll; t, iliv h' I lt of various Itind3. ' , nu^tcrs. Phono that we run BHVB you m rulU'lH, now 1.,-iylrin: t needs. (Joltiy ..™, on yol,V K-»r. I T'j ' '•'"" "" - "" »' have refi'l'clii'e. In. ro Superlnteml- 11IIIIII_«2S-^1, _ $.|.:iiin. Teini- I ur thn> thai want the Wlttriiljcrit, Ilrniu'li '/-\-,~,Xj , nvenue. Little Silver, N. J. Phone Itr.l WANTKII" 1-"-. •n• -•-um»l• -wurl -•i• •horsp - ; mini not ent. rinm'« Kiitnlr, Hi.. soi. l ruad and 11AI.K of d'nulllTiMm^ri»iirncr"siirewsliury ! Hadnv-H:,!!. i \: n. the Carllon tlieute J avcni^o nml Onkland utreu: «is mom,. li"l liank. pin Wide awake men rnd women f,eek hotter tiii|ior" ltnnk 282. _ _ lie too old. Hurry A. Wnllini;. IMmlmu. Dellevue nvenue. Rnnnoii, N. (U'fNEA l'l(";s'""r/r sale, 'ttuiirantpcil N._J. Phoii^_MiJillptiiwn S7S-F-H. COOK lNC~cl^ri~TiK,i irr,,7n ater. ca-. electricity nnd tuilr! : rent SL1,'. , yi;K il,i., 1, uf * tunitlea In Tlin RoBlitpr,'» Wnnt i>o|>attmcnt nnil In- iitncle. Stephen (1. Greenwood, Middle- C A n VT. NT Ell woTiTVnnioiT Conit rarT~or per mnnlh. Apply Mrs. Jnin,-i J. UuiL-ley, ! lini'lm-,1, hot Mater he:,t; tiln bath, tivo- town, N. J.; phoi.c "S8-R/ Telephono Red llniik'llti I-H. N u • day's \vork. Joseph E. Ilulsc. Wlilttf WANTED. retfiUcTuinr'oi T.riuinitiunS ?? . °?.'. !" nvenue. Deal. N. J.. plume ear cai-ni:.': ~i-ri'ein for nil windows; over variably obtain results. TURKEY EGGS' for ~iialp7~~Mrir. John S". rond. Little Silver, phone 20 46-W, Red Ico cnpnclty: ahr nn olldd e-liorse WHITE RIRI, "wauled f, Deal 2U3-J. two luuul.tit fvc! f-.wtuK tlm vivei where HnnV. v»rrilrr. rhiiiit 11-W. VnrminBilnl' lliiliue**. Phone Holimlcl TO-l'-lfl.* k; no cooklmr. Telei.hoiie 4:7. Itiim. the l y 111. ini:. You will iJA «1RED "ROCk"hnlchliiB*"~CR»*"for »nle. SilliliWsil'UIlY "II II ml Luiiiuhy mircinlliS l''01l" HKNT."7lx""iiii'ini"lioiue, »ll~ii STKCIMEN rliodnrlpiirtron^. nr.alcim. ever- iniprn\ ements; lint water lifiit; i,- tin., home. Ilaillr-y-lliill, next tn the •:." rciitn II M-ttlnir. nr fC.OO n hundred. 1 OITCU . hrdk-e, Blirul)t»cry. rlc; l.ndsciipe ill riiuuli ilry. thrifty. (ilii«h=d wnrk nml COOD. iirincsl wnrkini! in'iin ivnili ilradv near river nlul liu-i 1 Ini>: ?llm i,,.r t mil. Cu tV.ealer, Ited Han!.', plume 1SSS. • Mr- llf.n.lil Ji. Jlrnnptt. It. D, No. ^ Key- ••stininl-p wilhout rlinrirr. M. !,. McCol- i>rt vvnili. Cnll fur nnd ilrlivrrril. I'mmllt work IIH Kiudenrr. attendant nr I'Hir- fi.urtlamit Wliile, 7.", Wet Tumi trtel. Ydl'l: IHIKAM IMIIIII. ran lii! had—all you [UT!, phiiHo_MiUdlctnwii 7Sl,'i-,W. CIITI, >O IMtickti^y rood, lint ItfAlik, nttouo >«rvlce. IMiuiii. :uil. II..,I Manic* Inker. llenlthy. i tidlur anil no drinker. Ki'd hank.' | ue.'ll r. a fi-w Imnilri-.l dnllar:.. Come 1401-W. 1NVM.1U wlircl >'h»ir wnnlril ; Htulo price. Cnpnlile n( avtiiiu »•< wnttlimmi. Apply i\t iiAij~ordo'iriiTe~rr,ruse f,,r r»m; »i\~mini', I mill H.-e u • and we will do the rent. Why AUTOM VEGETABLE m(e nnd Konl trurk' for Adilrr** JOHC|I)I ^n\r. I-']l>« Indue repin- 2'JJ'J"£"il i>_v_etiile. ItedJInnk. and Imtli;; niall improvemenimprovmt ;< : lioitt i. hoi, I. I P'i.v rent wl,,-ti y,m enn own youy r h srle: tron.l ppor'.imily. Phonp Ited 'entntlve. Heidiier ImllillnK. Heil Ili.nlc. Or Clllfi wWle'il fo'i "K",'liil"ni" liruV.'Work: nn .TgmiPmtii l Alll!i;hl roonu, ; jdec Inealiun; near i fur the siiiue a uuiit and -live money" nlso. lp olTer t«ke« it. Cull 1*19 M»- Ilnnli 13H-J. Pimm- Y^lt. Itpd llnnk,* enoklnc; »leel> In. I'liimu Itnl Hank street: excellent, rendition. Wnll or wilh-l UniMey-llall. lu S10KI) "roTA'roKS wunlTii"'. "NnTli'iWi'rai- tn Cnrlton tliuuter, Iteil pie avti , phone HtM-R. or 31) Monmouth nil Ifarace: reiisiuiahle rent. Louis Sohel, Ilnnk. ph l ^1 fitrert. pniniP ^fiB!).* HED DUOfl, moi.h». ronclirs vermnncntly uci! Co., Whnrf uvi'inio, Itcil llnnlt, tilKHic w^WTi':i"i7iWirrincirvvu'nt7di^fi~wiir: 7 Ilrtuiil Btreet, Utd, nhone. US Is.' HOME fur mvle 111 fine Tealili.nLin'i seciion ft'/[i. 1"ORD~rondstrr. ty^fl. ri-ctrnditloned, • lika cstcrmlimtci) (sruaintitcoi!); ruts cnunlit (low elennlnl!. Apply Superior Window HALF nf'dmihlc"hmiHe fur rent at. r,S lie, New Huclu.lle: nine" rnonm. th pew. |Sri; Fonl coupe, 1925, nlsrt like .ivilh lvrflinPit fprrrtf (tint pohrin], Tfllc- TO i,OAN~oii''(iiJt ' lumil iit'iil *iiiiirtKnii'i-"- Cleaillnu Co., phnn.- Itnl Hank L'178-W." tcrplace: fr.iin May 1st. ('nit he seen i halhs. twu-c.i- irarnue; wutild cuiisider new, $4ti for qulcl< (idle: uood tlfw «n«r II3.00II| l>il>.iiiem timperlr. -l' I'mli Jr.*"!t KemirJrU.i ^\ hi'tr'""' . ™" Wen! J-roiH .ticot. Uul Ilnllk, «| nioath llrnry Mnnnn, iwln HliMit l-ond tlshint:. Ciipt. Ceomu I'ricli, !*). Kec- j Hank. A.ldre i tleiideiltinl yccliun, drawer «l«rmln»tor. eiUlijishca 80 ye«r». phou' p 444.* Jistute. JliiUlletoivn. N. J.' tur ulncc, Red Udlik.* il, Itcil linn Page Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10,1929.

justices of the peace, public-paid Mjamoulh County SwniaWe OMc*. NOTICE OF INTENTION. j, H. PRICE '•> thj matttt at the «taU of Lucy Notice or Intention on tha part of the THE RED BANK REGISTER. detectives, policemen, rural etata pn MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Jackson, dscsassd. Borough of Red Hank to pave with eight* licemen and what-not to deal with Notlcs to creditors to prsisnl elalt reinforced concrete from curb tu curb JOHN H. COOK. Editor. all offenders? In addition to all REPAIRED. walnat estate. Under, pine* from the easterly aide of CEORGE 0. HANCE, Associate Editor. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don these municipal, county and state New Spring and Summer Toys Vlollni • 9p«Ulty, Bioatt street to tha wciterly aide of Hud* ahay. surrojats of the Oounty of Mon ion avenue, mid Hudson avenue from the THOMAS IRVING BROWN. minions of the law, there are nation- Bow* Rahaircd. mouth, made on the Ant day of Uarcl •outherly tilde of Linden plucfl to tho . tt l Publisher ond Business Manager. al officials. 28 W«»» From atrwt. 182», on the application of Milton D. Jae northerly sltje of Hardimr roau. »« ° »»• (Over Cbamben Paint Shop.) son, administrator of the esUte of Luc seal a portion of the cunt thereof avalnit Subacrlption Prices! for the Kiddies! B, Jackson, deceased* notlst is aertby give; the abutting properties to the extent of There is no reason for the appoint- ^o the creditors of said decessed to ex benefits derived therefrom nut exceeding Ona yesr ...- —• blblt to the aubscrlber, administrator ai Sfx months ment o£ Bpccial officials for the en- 17,500,00. Thrco months . aforesaid, their debta and demands again* TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: forcement of any one law or any th* A""1, «•*•«•• uai" •»<*• within •! Telephones:—Hed Bunk II one set of laws. So far aB numbers Expert Repairing months from the date of the aforesaid 01 TAKE NOTICK, that an ordinance here- der. or they will be forever barred or thel .natter not forth has been introduced by Red Bank 1100. go, there are amply enough ordinary OF actions therefor against the said aubserlbei the Mayor and Council uf tho Bu rough of The Keel Unnk Kpgislor ollicials to do this work. It costs Sail Boats Dated Freehold. N. J., March 1, 1021 Itc road street to -the westerly eh!? . ia no reason why there should be Red Bank, N. J. of Hudton avenue, and Hudiiun avenue . The Associate! Press i« exclusively en- from the aouttierly aids of Linden place titled to thi! u«e for rcpublicatlon of all exja'a expense. Equally as unneces- Accuracy, skill and ex- Water Balls Airplane NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE to the northrrly Bide of Hunting road, and lima dispatches credited to it or not othor- sary and uncalled for aa state ap- j perience enable us to To.Pay Garage Ksspar'a LUn. provldiiiff fur puyment thereof by assenting wiFd rmliU-J i" tbU • poper »nd also the iropriations for the enforcement of • To WARREN H. MACKAIN, owner o a portion of the cost thereof nualrmt the abutting proper HOB to the extent of bene- iuml news published thciein. prohibition are the expenditures for do the most delicate re* Chevrolet coach bearing motor numbe: Construction Sets 30S5U0. serial number 2AU7278; fits derived therefrom not exceed in ft 87,600 the enforcement of the fish ami ' Sand Toy? pairing. We guarantee OR TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNS— and by Ununnce of temporary improvement same laws and a host of other laws. Pursuant to an Aet o( the Leulnlatu no ten, which ahnll he subsequently pnltl or WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 102!). funded by « band Issue. If the ordinary run of officials, nu- satisfaction. Our prices of the State of New Jersey entitled "Al Aet for the better protection of Qarag< Bald governing body will consider aald merous as they are, cannot enforce will please ?ou. Keepers and Automobile Repair Men," a] irdlnance for fliiftl pm.Bi.Ke ou the Fifteenth TOWN TALK. these laws it is time for them to be proved April 14th, 1015, anil the Ac day of April, 1030, at elsht o'clock P. M., kicked out of office and re-placed Silverware Repaired amendatory thereof (P. L, 1915. Chapt' lit the Boronjth Hall, Iu Raid Borough, and (Continued from page •!•) 812; P, L. 1922, Chapter £»l: P. h. 102 all persona whose lands may be affected by with more competent and efficient Chapter 201: P. L. 1035, Chaptl auon ordinance or who may be Interested ollicials, Tho laws -which these spe- TOYS THAT WILL PLEASE and Replated Like New. 38), notice* Is hereby given that tha unde therein wilt br given an opportunity to be Improvement in cially appointed officials are supposed signed. Frank VanByckle, will sell on th heard concerning tha provisions of «sld 13th day of April, 1020, at public auction ordinance at sold time and ptuce, or at auch to enforce are no more important REUSSILLE'S* at his place of buninoss, 140 West Froni further time and place to which said, meet- Garbage Disposal. than other laws for which special Btreet. B«d Bank, N. J., tho above men ing may he adjourned. Three months ago Ktd Banli lind oillccrs are not appointed. tloned automobile, which was detained bj A. E. SHINN, n real garbage disposal problem. Clti- 36 Broad St., Red Bank me, the undorsiuned, who claim a. liei Clerk, j thoreon for storags, repairs and mstcrla , zens with a grievance wore out Jn furnished. AN, ORDINANCE PROVIDING .'OR THE It cannot bo said from the results i PAVING OK LINDEN PLACE FROM large numbers at. overy cnunnl meet- STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Dated March 20th. 1020. THE EASTERLY SID IS OK BROAD ing to protest agiilnst conditions in attained that these especially ap-1 Department of StaU. FRANK VAN SYCKLE. STREET TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF pointed ollicials have been highly j CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. HUDSON AVENUE, AND HUDSON AVE- West Ked Bank, where the garbage IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. successful in enforcing the laws. THE TOY MART TO ALL WHOM THBSE PESENTS MAY NUE FROM THE SOUTHERLY BIDB dump is located. This in olio WH.V COME. GREETING 1— To MARTHA I. REYNOLDS and FRAN OP LINDEN PLAGE TO THE NORTH- was i)o»r• mlvorllnliiK !"r tlio town, 1-Jvn-ynne knows, with regard io WHEREAS. It iPRtars to my satlsiao- CIS J. REYNOLDS, her husband: ERLY tflDK OF HARDING HOAn. AND- hut in another respect it was very prohibition, what the situation is. 16 Wallace Street, Red Bank, N. J. Jon, by duly authenticated record of the By virtue of an Order or the Court n PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF So far as the flub, and game olllclals proceedings for the voluntary dlnsolutlun Ohanoery of Now Joney, made on the daj THE GOUT THEREOF. necessary. 1£ no ono had protested thereof by the unanlmoui consent of all of the date hereof, In a cause wherein Ma; WHEREAS, the Maynr nnd Council of adainst the deplorable conditions arc concerned, the situation is equal- the iitockholden, deposited In my office, Charles Price ia complainant and Mnrtli the Borough of Red Dunk deem It neces- they prohnhly would, have continued ly well known. Who can honestly that Red Bank City Bakery, Inc. a corpor- I. Reynolds nnd others are defendnntB, yoL sary ami advisable in, their best judgment say that the ordinary run of regu- ation of this State, whose principal omco and each of you, are required to appeo' that Linden pluco from the easterly side* indefinitely. Is situated at No. 88 Broad street, In the and answer the bill of said oomplainanl of Broad ntreet to tho westerly side of .• * * lar minions of the law would not ilo Borough of Bed Bank, County of Mon- on or before the fifteenth ilny of May Hudson nvonuc, nnd Kudu on avenue from as .well if their duties were increased mouth, State of New Jersey, (Kred B. nest, or the said bill will be taken as con' the southerly atdo of Linden plnco to tho A great change has taken place to include this work? Adler being the aserit therein and in charge fessed against you. northerly side of ] tar dinar rond, bo paved sineo this rislitcous outburst of in- thereof, upon whom process may be The said bill is flled to foreclose a eer with eight-inch rclnforred concrete from dignation. For one thing the lire * * * served), Jias compiled -with the require- tain mortflrssc given by Casper J. Bmltl curb to curb, nnd thereby BO improved: ments of "An Act concerning corporations and May L. Smith, his wife, to suld Mas which burned several weeks at the The cost of taxation is frightful. (Revision of 189SJ." preliminary to tho Charles Price, dated August 28th, 1013 NOW, THEREFORE HE IT ORDAINED dump and which created c smoke It grows by leaps and bouncls and a suing of this Certificate of Dissolution. on lands in the Borough of Atlantis High- by the Mayor und Council of the Borough 1 nuisance was put out. The old plan bit; part of this increase comos from MERRITT MACHINE SHOP Mow, therefore, I, Joseph F. S. Fltspat- lands, in the County of Monmouth anr of Red Dank: State of New Jersey; said mortgage being of dumping rubbish and Rarb rick. Secretary of State of the Stato of 1. I'll at Linden place from the easterly the appointment of now officials. In New Jersey, Do Hereby Certify that the given In the sum of $3,125. and being re, side of Hroud street to the wontorly side without regard as to location has the face of the largest sums ever said corporation did, on tho twenty-first corded In Book 461 of Mortgages, pages 376, f Hudson avenue, nnd Hudson avenue been succeeded by a well thought out day of March, 1029. file In my office a etc., in tho Monmouth County Clerk's Of- rom the southerly aide of Linden place spent Xor law enforcement there is fide; and you, Martlm I. Reynolds are made ? scheme to make good, high and dry LAWN MOWERS duly executed and attested consent In writ- to the northerly Hide of HnnUnir road, tin less real enforcement than ever b.j- ing to the- dissolution of said corporation, a defendant because you are the owner o improved by pavinn with eijflit-inch re- land out of the low, swampy mead- fote. Why not save this money by executed by all the stockholders thereof, record of the lands and premises describee inforced concrete from curb to curb. In ow bordering Swimming river, -where which said consent and the record of the n said mortgage t and you, Francis J strict compliance with the plunn nnd apeci- placing enforcement in other less Reynolds, are made a defendant because yoi the dump IB located. The land com- proceedings aforesaid are now on file in flchtions prepwrcil by the Engineer of the expensive hands? Certainly, what- my said office as provided by law. are the husband of Martha 1. Reynolds, th Ilorough of Red Dank nnd tiled In the of- prises three and one-half acres and ever the outcome might be there In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto owner of record of the mortgaged premise! flea of tho Cleric of (mid Borough. it was bought by the town ten years could not be less enforcement than set my hand and Affixed my official seal, and claim an inchoate right of curtesy 1 2. That fid id improvements ahull be un- at Trenton, this twenty-first day of March. the said Ifinda. dertaken artil miutc us local improvement*. ago. there is now and there would be a A. D., one thousand nine hundred and Dated March 14th. 1020. 3. That the estimated coat of tho pnv- * • • blf! saving for the taxpayers, ALSTON BEEKMAN, Ing of Linden place from the CHstcrly Bide „ Solicitor of Complainant, Red Bank's garbage depository is * * * '•""''""'"JOSEPH F. S. FITZPATRICK. t>[ Brond Btrpct to the westerly Hide of Secretary of State. % 10 Broad. Street, Red lank, N. J. Hudson uvenuo In the num of $0,500.00, ,no longer an ugly looking dump. It Undoubtedly there are thousands and of Hudson avenue from tha noutherly looks better than some people's back- side «ldo of Linden' plnce to the northerly of overburdened taxpayers who feel yards. Considerably more than half side of Harding road Is tha sum of this way. They want a dollar's "iH.fiOO.OO. und the nnid sumn of $0,500.00 of the property has been filled in. worth of value forovcry dollar spent, ,nd fH.riOO.OO nra hereby appropriated to Within two years, at the present rate and their judgment is not changed meet ilie tout of carrying out the provi- of garbage collections, the entire sions of this ordinance. by the Wet and Dry question or by three and one-half acres will be filled 4. Thnt naid cost ahnll be rained KB fol- any other side issue. A majority of Townsend Ball Bearing lows, namely: Not exceeding fifty (60%), in. The land will the.n bn usable as 130,000 votes i3 not largo in a bl.? per centum ahull he borne by the owner a a public park, with a fine bathing Hand Mowers. of properties abutting on the portions of state like Wisconsin. It ia not im- beach and with ample room for base- said HtrtjeU to bo Improved tin nfoicauid probable that more than 130,000 to bo determined nccordlim to dnmnKca nnd." ball and football fields, tennis courts voles against spending Wisconsin "VICTORY," 18 in. cut; J22.08 Owners of Iientifit3 rcsultintf from tho construction and other facilities for sport and en- of (inid .improvements to be untenaccl upon., ' money for the enforcement of pro- joyment. nnld properties In tho innnnei* provided l»j* hibition, were casL by Dryswho have "BED BIBD." 18 in. cuts $13.50 law, and the balance of nald cost to ho • • • not lost faith in prohibition but who Jacobsen Heavy Duty Power Mower, borne by the property owners at largo by gencrn! taxation. are sick and tired of having their "BED BIBD," 18 In. cut; $12.00 How many people at Rert Bank 25 in. cut; $295 delivered. B. That tho total amount of the cost know what becomes of their gar- taxes jacked up and who welcome of said Improvements alutll in the first any opportunity to reduce expenses. DODGE- TRUCKS inatanco bo financed by the iasuuncc of bage? There is a general belief that WHEN YOU NEED A LAWN MOWER—COME TO HEADQUARTERS. .emporary improvements notoa which the it. is all taken to the dump. This is nnld Mayor and Uorough Clerk nre hereby not true. Probably not one tjviarter Call 13 or 1300 authorized to nreotl»tn nml iHnin\ nnd nt. • of it goes to tho dump. Tho bluest 24 Mechanic Street, Phone 322 Red Bank, N. J. rate of interest not exceeding six per cen- when you want to find a quirk buyer tum per annum, nnd Bit id -notes may bo part of it is collected early in the for your automobile.—Advertisement. PHynblo on demand or to mature in not ex- morning before duyliyhL and befuiu It uaja Iu advertise in The Register. call it .•.rrdlntf plx yenrn fium the dutL* wlion ttia the garbage department men make purpose for which they nre iaaucil hat been carried out and may be subject to enrlicr their rounds. It is hauled aw.ay by cal! far payment, nnd eaid notec shall «o farmers from the outlying sections recite nnd BIIHII further tcclto thnt they who use it as food for their hogs. ire isaued under tha authority ot nnd iu !ull complinncc with Chap tot* 252 of tho What remains is taken to the gar- _,aws of New Jcracy of l»lfi and Ada bage dump along with clean refuse. imcndutory thereof and aupplcmchtnvy. The garbage is buried deep to pre- hereto, nml ftnld notoi ahnll be oubso- iiucntly paid or funded by a bond Insiifl, vent odors. Within a short time no PAY LOAD nnd B.iId notes to tho extent of nut rx- garbage will be taken to the dump at ceedinK $7,500,00 shall bo paid from the all, as arrangements have been made monies representing dnninftca and bcncflti Red Bank Hospital Benefit nnsrsned Bti»inwt tho prop^rti"1' nhuttipif in to have it burned(at tho incinerator anid improvements; an nforcsaid, at.Long Branch. The same will be Your pay load is the load of actual mer- 6, All utiiql- hiHLIera In rtdatlnn to snld done with paper. It ip planned even- iroposed improvements may be determined tually to have an incinerator at Red chandise you deliver—the load of the actual )y subsequent resolution in lieu of ordi- Bank. unncc. - commodity you haul—whatever the size of 1. The Mnyor nnd Council hereby de- • • • ermine und declaio nn follows: (a) Thnt the probable period of useful- A foreign crilic of this country re- the truck, whatever the nature of the load. ICHS of said road improvements, us 6f- cently said that the prosperity of the Friday Evening, April 12th termined by t}iis Governinc Body, in not Unit en! States is Imilt on n,falso. foun- There is ao profit in hauling the truck less than twenty yearn from tho d,ote of dation nf wnMo, 'nils criticism I- no ;omplotlon «f unid Iinpnivcmpnta. (It) That t.ho tw'orHKfi nnnossod valuation doubt far-fetched, hut no one can itself, or the body. That's expense. if the tnxnblo real pronorty (includtne lm- visit tile Red B;mk 'garbage deposi- .rovtmenta) of tho Buiouifh of Red Bank, tory without realizing that vvapteful- St. James Auditorium, Broad Street, Red Bank mpuU>d ou the vuluntionn fnp the yonra •2i'. 1027 nnd 1928, being tho three ns- nr.'s in very prevalent. The largr Dodge Truck owners know the dollars-and- •-.rwif vdliintlnns nest preccdintr the • numbrr of,perfectly good milk bottled sisnuo of thia ordinnncc, is $12,07ny the nica who Trucks long ago. >f said Chapter 252 of the Lfiws of 1010, work (here as much as is paid to the iave been made and flled us therein rc- luircd. : employees who rollret the £arba^e. 8. This ordinsnee shnll take effect up- For your information—for comparison, and on its passage and publication according to • ' * * iaw. Along with this picture of ren^elepp we invite it—we will be glad to go into extiav;i;;aiiro is Iho plrturo of tho IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. the detail of sizes, weights and prices 'ol'JlED OLNEY CONGDON, MRS. FRKD town making n park nut of him! OLNF.Y CONODON. IiU wife, EDNA which formerly served no usoful.pur- W0HTH1NGT0N, FIEANK WORTHINti- pose. It is a pleasant conlrast. There, on the 51 standard Dodge Truck Chassis. TON, her hiiBbiind, DON CONGDON, in- My Advice dividually nnd as Executor of ttia Lant was lots of justified lucking a few Will and Tcatampiit of Carolyn L. Dnl- months a^ro wht'ii . things were not tbn, deceased; MRS. DON CONODON, so well ordered, but it i« only fail- hiH wife, HARRY ALIiKHT CONGDON MERCHANTS EXPRESS JHTON (alHo known as II. HARRY CONC.DON), now that credit should bf! piven. The lOc/wbeelbus. . • 165'wheclbate . •1415 MRS. HARRY ALBERT CONGDON (al- piincipal credit belongs to ];,iboi-L 2.TON so known OH MRS. II. HARRY CONG- A. Kennedy, of thn £ar- ISO" whcelbase .1515 DON), liln wife. LEON A. CONGDON, «"$&£&????•. 775 MRS. LEON A. CONGDON. his wifr. lrapo committee "f tho council, find J-TON CELIA MAE CONGDON. PAUL SCOTT 165 wbeelbaae . .1585 the other IIH'IHIM-I;! of llin committee. This entertainment is sponsored by CONGDON. KALIJE STORY, LOUISK Mr. Kennedy and hi:; <aw .1775 hnncery, of New Jersey, made on tho day and waste mac-rial and combined f tho dato hereof, in u cauao wlierein Cor- them Into what will hrcn'iie a river- 3.TON lclitt Hoyt IH complninant and sou nro 1345 183'wheelbase . .1845 lefendanta, you arc required to appear and ncle park. Ky ivory rule of lo^ic the benefit of Red Bank Hospital. wnwnr tbe Mil of said compttilnant on or equipped by, araham Brothers (subsidiary of Dodge Brothers) now take the Wisconsin's Wet Vole name of Dodge Brothers, i These Trucks, Buses and Motor Coachi s hospitals in the East. This institution is promoted by public powered br Podge Brothers engines and manufactured according to Dodge Brothers etanderda, are sold, as they always hsve been rt«y; nnd you, I-'rod Olney CoiiRdon, Kd- and One of Its Causes. iia WorthinRion, Don ConKdon, Harry Al- [•old, by Dodge Brothers Dealers everywhere. bert Congdou (aUo known ns H. JIarry spirited citizens, and no one receives any remuneration from its Last wick tin people of Wiscon- Con«don), Leon A. Contrdon. and Celia sin by a majority of 130,000, voted Mao Conedon, lire mude defc-ndnntu beennso to repeal the Wisconsin state en- operation. you nre hrirs nt law, dcv|nc<"» nnd lejin- ee« under tho Ln»t Will nnd Tcnlnm,ent of forcement Inw for prohibition and 'aiolyn L. Dulton, who died nclied n( tJi« thereby to stop state money from nndi described iu HHII! niortfin^c; nnd you, beinj; spent for 11»J =j pui-potc. Tho iim CmiKdon, n« Kxfcutcir of the Last Will Tickets are one dollar. Same can be purchased and exchanged id Testament of Cnrulyii L. I)n\Um, dc« Wetn hall thin a:< a great victory used, nro made defendant because yon nnd renew their claims that a ma- at Schroeder's Pharmacy, 12 Broad street, Red Bank, or any tra named In said Will ns Kxoculor and DDDBB luly qualified'nnd nro tiPiviiiR «B JCxccu- jority of the people are not In favor or of vnlil Last Will nnd IVHUmrnt; nnd of prohibition. Tho Diys get what Exchange Club Member. 'ou, Mrs. Fred Olney Cumrdon. are mnde consolation they van from tho fact I'frndani beemnia you ,ire tho wir,, ,.f that the. so-called Wet majority at tld trad Olney Conirdnii; nnd you, Frnnk IVorthlnuton, urn made dtfrmlnnt bacnuia 111if) election wan not. quite po large 'ou nro the husband of nnid Edna W»rlh- flfl it was two 3f.'j)iii JU,'O when the Ytott;• mutl you, Mrs. Von O'oiifftfou, ara Vfrople. ot WiR.AimL\\\ v<,U'd on an- ROTH E-R5 idt^ ritfcndunt iietB«Hc you are the -vvlfo Bold Don Loncdnn: nnd ymi, Mrn. Harry other phase of prohibition. ilbert fnntrdon (tiUo known as MM. H Buy a Ticket and Assist the Hospital Tarry Concdon) are mnde defendant he. • • • I Ruse you nre tho wife of naid Hurry Al- There IH another side to this'queii- I •rt ContciJon (nlio known nn If. Hnrry jiiffilun) ; and you, Mrs. Leon A, t'oni;- lion which neither tho Drys nor the'.; >n, nre made defendant because you aro Wuta havn brought uut but which , lie wife of said Leon A. Camnton; ilnd TRUCKS ou> P ul 8ct>n undoubiedly did a lot to swell the ' , fr i ConKdon. aallln Story, .OUIBO Kadnnnirh, and Joint I-1. Dalton nru n>njorlly n;;nhu!t fitato onforcemoit. | Establish an institution that Red Bank and vicinity will be proud /£^ CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT lsde defendants IicctiuHit you arc four nf This la tlio lapjdly- increiiNlng cost j no |eBatee» mimed In the Lout Will nnd of taxation, duo to tlio Increased | cBtament of iH(4 Uarolyn L. Daltpn. of. It is your hospital and open tb you all. Dated March lft, 1D2U. number

•";" NOTICE OF INTENTION, SHEPHERD GETS A SURPRISE. Easter vacation with her p»rent», sal *he part of the Borough of Red Bank Mr. and lira. Reuben S. Mason of «.• anqft dedication of street leading from Avenue D. Ver*en Place to Athletic Grounds of Board Mrs. Harold Bennett Receives Many •f Education of the Borough of Red Bank. Olits From Her Lodge. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Red Bank Shepherds of Beth- RUMSON'S GOOD PUPILS. MOLLY PITCHER TAKE NOTICE that an ordinance here. faafter act forth has been introduced by lehem entertained Mrs. Ella May School Children With Perteet At- the Mayor and Council of the Borough ol BURNS BRDS. Jenion of Long Branch, deputy «u- Red Bank providing for the acceptance of preme commander of the Red Bank tendance Record* ( the dedication of street leading from Bei- I.n Plaea to athletic ground! of Board of SANDERS A. WERTHEIM, Pres. lodge, laat Thursday night Mrs. Th« following pupil* of th« Rum- Education of the Boroueh of Red Bank. Jenaon la the successor to the late son public schools were neither ab- Riverside Avenue, Red Bank. Said gowning body will consider said Mrs. Emily Jordan. Other notables sent nor tardy la March: ordinance for final passaKe on the Fifteenth day of April. 1920. •' oi«M o'clock. P. M.. Anthracite C Z€w /\. ¥ J Bituminous present were Mrs. Ada Kneia of Klndsrgarten. Miss Catherine H. Boxers at the Borourt Hull, in e«it »BU >t'a chair In front of which was I when they get Into our work- FREDERICK C. LUTKIN, Mayor and Council. It is in. the interest of Egg $13.50, Stove $14.00, Chestnut $13.50, Pea piled a great heap pf gifts. As Mrs. teacher—Edward Campanella, James Lemlg. the said BoroUfrh to accept said dedication; Thomas Hlgglllo. Harold West, Warren ' shop. You'll hardly recognize '••.,- Manager. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINKD that $10.00. On C. O. D. orders, 50c per ton rebate. Bennett passed the chair She was West, Mary Betts, Cora Boman, June Bo- 5 your old garment after we are the deed of Howard G. Rosevelt to the Bagging price, 50c extra per ton. placed In it and it was not until man. Claire Hand, Ruth Melllth. Jose- i through with It Borough of Red Bank dated January 10, then that she realized the shower phine Pullen. 1»29. dedicating to said Borough the land and premises therein described for the pur- was for her. Fourth grade. Miss Anne L. O'Brien pose of a public street or road, and to be Order Your Coal Now Dancing and games were engage! teacher—Anthony Cardner, John Forsman, OUR PRICES recorded forthwith at the adoption of this In with piano music by Mrs. George Fred Harvey. Harold Kerr, William Lay- trdlnance In the Clerk's OITlce of th« Conn. ton, Daniel Murphy, John Murphy. How- ARE THE LOWEST. ? Majestic Headquarters tr of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, he For Prompt Delivery and Lowest Prices. Lawrence of Asbury Park and Fred ard Prlchard, Ralph Scatio, John Shea, and the aame is hereby accepted. Isell of Long Branch, with refresh- Donald Sutherland, Cheater VanBrunt. OUR SERVICE for Monmouth County This ordinance shall take effect upon Its RICHARD C. HACKSTAFF, Manafc-er. ments served later in the rfvenlnjr. Ccrtrude Betts, Margaret Betts, Marls passage and publication according to law. Mrs. Bennett, who was formerly Monsen, Marlon Pilling, Jane VanTrlei. THE BEST. It pays to advertise In The Register. Miss Betty Lauhmelster, was married Fifth grade, Miss Emily B. Pearsall cn St. Patrick's day to Harold Ben- teacher—Louli RtigUlo, Earl. Marks, Emily Layton. Elisabeth Layton, Marie DOWN nett, and they are now keeping \. Ladies' & Men's Suits house on Monmouth street. Le'o, Gladys Nlederer, Anna O'Brien, Cath- erine O'Brien, Gloria Ocha, Elisabeth Ryan, Dry-Cleaned, $1.50. Balance in Small Weekly Payments Among those nt the party were RUSH Seals!), Irani Walker, Anna Flint. Mr. and Mrs. John Trout, Mr: and Sixth zrade, Miss Ha»l G. ElUckion Mrs. Dudley Shaffer, Mm. Georgs teacher—WllllajSi Boyce, Mowland Oongdon, Ladies' and Men's Lee, Mrs. Alice Hoop, Mrs. Annlo John Connor, Oeorge Hallanan, Walter | Stone, Mrs. Eunice Emmons, Mrs. Kerr, Louis Mellacl, John Ryan, Otto Spring Coats MAJESTIC AMERICAN FOOD CO. Sarah Ivlns, Mrs, Mary Padgett, Strohmengor, John Swenson, Richard Ward, Clinton Weit, Loretta Doudle, Louise Ullt- Dry-Cleaned, $1.50. Electric Radio Mrs. J- T. Matthews,, Mrs. Emll; brunner, Veronloa. Murphy. 3 Broad St. Red Bank, N. J. Croyden, Mrs. Margaret Thompson Seventh grade—Charles Betts, Edward Mrs. Jennie Beppherd, Mrs. Eliza- Cornell, Walter Hlltlirunner, Walter John- Ladies' Dresses beth Bennett, Miss Eotty Bennett, son, Walter Swenson, Harold Thompson, Model 72 : — ; Miss Dorothy Creelln, Charles Ben- Camela, Devlto. Dry-Cleaned, $1.50 up nett, Jr., and George Cairns of Re< Eighth grade, Mils Mary A. Goode- $167.50 Bank; Mrs. J. J. Lynch of Fair Hav- nough teaflheir—John Carton, Charles Ell, Always the Best Meat at Lowest Prices! Wlllard Ivlna, Arthur Kerr. George Mar- Skirt Material Pleated Less Tubes «n, Mrs. William Hammond and Mr3. tin, Charlea O'Brien, George Bmullen, Adine Edith Cybul of Rumson, Mrs. Anni Bcmls, Eva Boman, Docothy Hallanan, $1.00 Hyslop of Eatontown, Mrs. Georg. Edith Harvey, Lillian Macintosh, Ethel Rump of Veal Frying Chickens Walling. Mrs. Matthew Murphy, Mrs. l'crrine, Mae Pratt, Junnle Belle Prlchard, IVIlliam Watlm&n and Joseph Smith Emily Pullen: Suits Pressed of Belford; Mrs. Lily Sprlngsteen.- Ninth irrade, Miss Frances Armstrong l b l b Mrs. Haynes, George Heyer and teacher—^Charles Davidson, Joseph Malone, '* SOc Robert Redler of Keyport; Mr. and Dorothy Cadwallader, Catherine Paly, Dorla Mrs. William Smith of Matawan, Finegan, Anna Uftllanan, Charlotte Muller, 24 HOUR SERVICE. 33c 43c Alma Nlederer, Julie Olaon, Cathrlne Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cottrell of Cha- George. Work Called for and pel Hill, Mrs. Mary' WIngrert, Mrs, Tenth grade, Miss Irma von QIaHn teach- Delivered Anywhere. FULL LJNE OF RADIO SETS Florence Glfford, Mr. and Mrs. H. J, er—Peter Olson, Earl Traut, Edith Brown, Dreeke and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iscl Eleanor King, Kathryn Lemlg, Marguerite \ Fresh Hams of Long Branch and Mr. and Mrs, Regenhard, Lucy Rice. Prime Rib Roast Hogerman, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, Mr. Jersey Coast (Whole or Half) and Mm. Georgre Lawrence, Mr. and It pays to advertise In The Register. Mrs. J. Hulaehart, MIBB Iva Hicka. Miss Jean Lawrence, George Hicks NOTICE. Cleaners & Dyers 37C ib. and Walter Deisa of Asbury Park. The regular annual meeting of the share- 'THB STORE OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS" holders of the Friends Building and Loan Factory: Upper Broad St, Association will be held on Wednesday, Red Bank. 29c >,- May 16th. 1920. at 8:00 o'clock P. M.. at iU office in the Merchants, Trust Company. Telephone 1950. COtnSTY BED CROSS WORK. No. 28 Broad street, Red Bank. N. J., for RADIO STORES the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other Office: 76 Monmouth St. 21 Monmouth Street, Many Donations Made by Kcsldents business that may regularly come before Red Bank. N. J. Shoulders of Lamb Sirloin Steaks of This Vicinity. Bed Bonk. I'hono 2603. "FRIENDS BUILDING AND LOAN Telephone 11B1. OTIIEIt* STORES The Monmouth county chapter of GSi ASSOCIATION. American Red Cross handled fifty E. N. McCLEES. Secretary. 234 Broadway, Lone Branch. 16!) Alain St., Asbur; Fork, home service cases, four travelers aid cases and ten miscellaneous cases 27c 39c during March and nine new cases were opened. • Fifteen layettes were donated by Mrs. Charles P. lvwin of Red Bank Effective April 6th, 1929 23c Ib- | Miss Julia Little of Red Bank do- FRESH FILET OF FISH nated 05 articles for layette sets and Mrs. George C. Hopping of Red Bank C<*I*>T*>>>T<<<»>>>>^^ gave two sweaters she had knitted Other layette sets were made and donated to the Red Cross by mem- bers of Christ church, the Baptist SOMETIMES THE WAY TO SAVE MONEY IN A church and the Dutch Reformed church, all of Mlddletown, the Little HUPMOBILE Silver woman's club and Mrs. J. W. CAR ... IS TO SPEND JUST A LITTLE MORE Johnson of Belford. The (Atlantic Highlands high school, the Fort Hancock grammar school $ 00 $ 00 and the Freehold intermediate school and two rooms of the Freehold Court reduces all prices 55 to 26O If you're considering what $1,000, or sa will buy in a street school enrolled in the Junior car, stop a moment and consider this: For perhaps $100 Red Cross during March. So far 108 Monmouth county schools have en- more on the dowvpayment, and possibly three additional rolled In tho Junior Red Cross. payments you can have —• a Reo Flying Cloud. And that ? A car that hasn't its price-tag stamped FIRE AT KUMSON. to give the motoring public immediate advan-* on it. A car that for performance and mechanical Damage to J. Hansbury Callaghan's House Estimated at $10,000. dependability rates definitely with cars in far higher J. Hansbury Callaghan's house at price-brackets. You start saving money from the first Rumson was damaged to the extent tage of HUPMOBILE'S new expansion program) of {10,000 by fire early Thursday down-payment, because Reos are built to give you out- morning. The house Is on the river standing first, second and even third year service with bank near the new borough hall. The flre started near a fireplace chimney no serious repair bills. just above the first story and burned upward along the chimney to the Early in January HUPMOBILE acquired,a"new plant in Check up carefully on this Reo Flying Cloud and roof, which in a short time was see hovsMTjfich more in looks and quality you get for mass of flames. The Rumson fire- Cleveland, comprising more than a million square feet of men pumped three streams of water such a little extra money • Now you can have a Reo on the flre three hours before it was out. The roof -was destroyed and the modern and advanced automotive manufacturing facilities.' ' Flying Cloud at a lower price than ever before. interior of the house was badly dam- aged with water. The firemen saved tho furniture on the first floor, but This was the first step in HUPMOBILE'S 1929 program REO MOTOR CAR CO., LANSING, MICHIGAN most of the furniture upstairs was ruined. .The loss Is covered by insur- of expansion, giving HUPMOBILE a doubled^production ance. Mr. and Mrs. Callaghan and their daughter Mary have been living capacity for its famous Century cars. in the house.

GOOD rurixs AT HOLMDEL. Now comes the second step; that of passing along to the Children Who Wore Neither Absent public the economies which HUPMOBILE'S extended Nor Tardy the I'nst Month. production plans make feasible. Holmdel pupils who wevn neither absent nor tardy the past month were: These price reductions embrace all models in the 1929 Grammar trades—Mnry Heckir, Helen Bennett, Harriet Frnnci", Ruth Hance, Helen llolmen, Florence Lrshinsky, Mar- HUPMOBI'LE Century Six and Eight lines and range from garet T.eshlnsky. Thomn» MCKIIIKIU. Rob- lUotmud U du g.raj*ni««r Sport S»Io» moW^tlW Sao on Me 115-bieh eAouh. ert Voorhees, May Marvel, Marie Rltter, $55.00 to $260.00. Lillian IlodKrs. EMiabelh Sherman. Eva Rlnkus, Richard Trancls, John Matv«l, R« Flying Clouil an Harry Pitcher, GcorK* Klllr.'nk. 1 priced at the factory at Primary urnde.i—Mellir Becker, Dorothy Consistently, for more than twenty years, HUPMOBILB /olloifi: 5-Pajieng«r Se- Cross, Helen Mnher, IteKina McKnljht. djmSSJU^ FlesBie I'hilllps. Ada Glllesplr. Paul Car- has won and held its publio by fine motor car quality at p ney. Oliver Francis, llnrnld rollncek. Au- M«.i«r 11715, Spon EU.t Corrlne, Willinrn MeCutmlck, Jo.eph notably low prices. JI870;Carof.l,fMonlh KlmMis, Uavld (iilleanle. JI970. 2-PnrengtrCou- pe 11375. Sport 11475. 2*4' Pauenger Coupa MEETING OF BBADKVELT OOTLD But today, in this new schedule of prices, HUPMOBILE $ 1395. Spon $1495; REO Miner 91625, Spon Euchre Prlres Were Won by Eliza- excels itodf in value-giving. S I 750. i-Paiienger beth Dugan and Frank Miiloney. Brougham. MailerS 1595. LYING i St. Gabriel's guild or Uradevelt Spon J1720. 4-Pa

RIVER PLAZA'S GOOD PUPILS. A r.arge List ol Honor Roll Children For March. Pupils of the River Plaza school with perfect records for attendance and punctuality for the past month are given below, those marked with stars having a perfect record so far this yean Tbe Sudden Hot Spell. Flr>it, second and third grades—*JUrry This Is the time, as well you Itnow, Soulhnll, Donald Matthew., RsdfWId Sher- When weather treats us queorly; man, John Alexander, Jans Herndon. Net- It's winter when you go to bed, tit Ncltllln, Eileen Ilnumert, Jeannt Fnttlt, Jeann* Mntthewg, Dolores Jon«s, Natalie (For you are freezing nearly). 1'rott. Ruth Voorhoci. But through the night there cornea a Second and third grades—Barbara change. lininc Norma Coultlin. Dorothy De«cl], And lo! you find by morning Martha Nitult, Paulina Sokuda, Nettle That you've been pushed Into July Stavoln, Audrey Willis. Kmy Olvlnj, Mary Without a word of warning. StBvoln. Olmrtes Aleiandir, Victor lialneC Juck l-'owlor. William Fowler, Arthur Kon- Or etae you walte up In the morn drun, John Kondrup. Gilbert Whlla. With chills In every member, Fourth and fifth erodes—Lillian Desch. And pile the furnace high with coal, Annn Eppa, Cutherlne Eppi, Dorii Fowler, Ik-ion Gordnychik, Florence Hoffnn, Helen As you would In December; Olnni, Alice Schllclltlng, Anna Shllonli, But ere the shades of evening fall Lucy Stnvola. 'Anna Trukan, Peter KoMn. The windows wide you're fllngln(! •Jolin uivlns, *Harry Pond. "Anthony And down from out the attic your RtiRBncIi, Edward tihkodn, Kenneth SnlfTct), Electric fan you're bringing. •Michael Stavola. .And on occasions such as these When with the heat you'ro balling, KEANSBURG NEWS. You suddenly think of the lea That you should have been taking; Democratic Woman's Club to Hold And then unto the telephone Card Party Saturday. With nimble feet you scurry, (Tbe Had Dnnli Hesiitor can rji bouscbt each week in Kcanabura at the store of To tell the Iceman to bring Ice — Louli Volland, N. Santu Lucia, Phillip And bring It in n hurry. Keller and Charles VoKel.) But, friend, were It not better far The Dcmocratlo Woman's club of To put plain facts together, EttBt Keansburg will hold a card par- And ftct on wlint vnu've UnrneH your- ty Saturday evening at tho home of self Mrs,' Gcorgo Lawaon on Port Mon- About our foolish weather. mouth road. Mrs. William Warren Prepare agninnt thn suddon heat is crmlrmrin of the committee. Th&t takes your breath away Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jimenez of Ml By giving your good Iceman word Vernon, N. Y., have opened their To come o.ow every day. summer homo on Highland boule- vard. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Palmer, The tast Days who spent tho winter at Tarpon Of Refrigerator Month. Springs, Florida, have returned homo. If you want to get that new Ico- Mrs. Chnrles Kelly of Newark has box at the biggest saving you canbeen visiting Mrs. Alice MacLaren. hope to find, you will have to buy Frank Hertler and family of Jer- It right away, fpr National Refriger- sey City are at their Seeley avenue ator Month ends on April lfith. You home for the summer. know, the big fenture of National II. J. Ackerman has recovered from Refrigerator Month is that1 you get sickness. five hundred pounds of ice free of Mrs. Harry Malnes has returned charge when you buy an Ico refriger- from a stay at Brooklyn. ator from any furniture or hardware Mr. and Mra William Chrlstensen dealer who is co-operating with this havo returned from Florida. plan. Furthermore, the refrigerator Mrs. Mary Schuck and her daugh- dealers themselves are making very ter, Miss Cecilia Schuck, have re- attractive prlco concessions for this turnr-d from a visit at Irvlngton. , occasion. Take our word for It- - Mr. and Mra. John Rosnagel havo now is the time of all times In the ?> turned from a atny at Bernards- year to make your purchase. vllle. The Keansburp: Players' club will bold a barn dance on May 18th. My Sail Experience. Mine Lillian Gelhnus Is driving a Once upon a time new Ford. On a hot springtime day, Mra. John McGrcager of Sea View I tried omitting ico avenue, who has been alck for sev- But found It didn't pay. eral months, is able to. be about again. I thought I'd save my coin Mrs. E. Bolbacb has recovered And It would come In handy front sickness. ' To go downtown and buy Mrs. Vincent Brlggi Is at Del Ray, Some chewing gum or candy. Florida, for a brief visit. That day I'll ne'er forget, Mra. Arthur Paull, Jr., of East Because to my dinmay Keansburg, ia recovering from sick- I found that all my four) ness. Went quicklv to .deeny Mrs. George Bucher of Palmer ave- OPENING nue hns recovered from an opera- You should have heard mo howl, tion. You should have heard mo holler— Tho Indies' nuxlllnry of tho East By saving a few cents Keansburg fire company will hold a I lost more than a dollar. card part on Saturday night HAZEL BRYAN. EEK 80 Wa«erly JMnco. H«d Bunk. MARLBORO NEWS. OUR Chilly Days Ahead! Francis Wlllett Sprnlned His Anklo /\ Tr»un\|plial Entry for \\\c Spring Business! Many times you've heard It said At School. PRICES that ono swallow (or robin) doesn't Mrs. Chrla M.eyer and children, VALUES Hundreds of High Grade Suites ready for your Selection! make a summer. Believe It. There'll Gertrude, Chris' E. and Mildred, and LOWEST bo many a day betwixt now and theMiss Christine Meyer visited Mrs. YOU CAN'T The Grade and Quality is High! The Price is Low! InsjjecV first of July when you'll want the Meyer's sister, Mrs. Nora Crcovey on tjie chill taken off the house. Whether of Red Bank, recently. you burn coal or oil. dont let your Miss Betty Smith and brother of these Super Values!. Read the Tags! fuel supply run too low. If you useRoseiio visited Mrs. Lizzie Strykor RESIST JERSEY COAST the latter, dont forget that Seaboard the pnnt week. Fuel OH is the best avnflable in this Mrs. C. L. Palmer and daughter territory. Ruth of Boonton»^f.Qrmerly of this place, were guests \j£ ffQsz. Bert BEDROOM SUITES LIVING ROOM SUITES Hint to Brides. Qunckenbush and Mr3. fealjd and Said a mother to hor daughter, cinughtor on Thursday and Friday of Giving good advice: last week, $95 3-Piece Walnut $125 3=Piece Suite $159 9-Piece Suite in •'When you marry do not tarry Mrs.. Clarence Petty was operated But hurry and buy ice. upon at the Freehold hospital on Sat- Suite—Now . . . • In Jacquard Velour You will save a lot of money urday. Fine Walnut Veneers And keep sweet your disposition Edward Bathgatc, Sr., and Mr. and • If you always purchase ico Mrs. L. B. Conover motored to West $125 3-Piece Walnut $130 2-Piece Suite $175 9-Piece Walnut To keep food In good condition. Point last Sunday. MRS. FRANK WARMER, Mr. and Mrs. F. Yonkanskl and Veneer Suite, now . . In Jacquard Velour . Veneer Suite, now . 02 Borcon Pl..,!te.l Bonk. nleco and Sarah and Cathcrino Hay- ward, visited Mrs. S. D. Hayward and son at Spring Lake on Sunday. $135 4-Piece Suite $150 3-Pc. Mohair Frame $198 10-Piece Walnut Coal l'rlco $1.00 Less, Mr. and Mra. Howard Preston are Tho price of Orange Disc Coal has the happy parents of a son born on In Walnut Veneers Suite Reduced to Only Veneer Suite, now been reduced one dollar, per ton on Monday, at tho Freehold hospital. all slzoa. This Is tho best time of the The Ely sisters and their friend, $149 Massive Walnut $195 2-Piece Mohair year to lay In your next winter's sup- Miss Eldred, who has been visiting $210 10-Piece Suite ply of this coal because prices, are them, went on a motor, trip, to Wash- now nt (heir lowest. Remember,'in ington tho past week. • Veneer Suite, 3 Pieces Suite, Mahogany Frame With China Cabinet buying Orango Disc you get tho very Arthur Boiden moved on Tuesday finest anthracite, that money can to Luxcmberg's house on Main street. $200 4-Piece Walnut $195 3-Piece Bed $225 10-Piece Suite buy. Tho combustible orange-colored Francis Wlllett sprained his anklo discs which are scattered through while nt school on Wcdnesdny. Davenport Suite, now every ton are your protection against Veneer Suite, now . With Huge 66" Buffet substitution and your guarantee of superfine heating quality. Let us have HA7.LET NEWS. $225 5-Piece Suite $225 3-Piece Carved $249 10-Piece Walnut your order now! Miss Margaret Kvordcll Gave a Farty Saturday Night. In Decorated Walnut Frame Mohair Suite Veneer Suite, now . Song of the (itMins. MIB. Joseph L. Lovett will enter- $245 3-Piece Mohair We're Jolly little folk... tain tho ladles' auxiliary of Hazlet $350 5-Piece Suite $269 Massive. 10-Piece That jump into your pie, fire company at her homo on tho But If you stick to Seaboard Ice Bethany road on Thursday afternoon. In Walnut Veneers . Suite Reduced to Walnut.Veneer Suite Wo surely wont come nigh. Mlns Margaret D. Everdell enter- MILDRED WEST, tained a number of friends at a party $275 6-Piece Suite $300 3-Piece Pillow $325 10-Piece Rockford $ llnilct. at her home on Saturday evening of last weok. Tho ovcnlng was pleas- Arm Mohair Suite .• Teacher: "Archie, give mo a sen- antly spent plnylng bridge, dancing In Walnut Veneers . Suite, Genuine Walnut . tence with tho word 'snowball.' " and music. Refreshments! wore Archie: "Snowball; 'sa nt.rlko!" sorved nt midnight Those present SLEEP AS NEVER BEFORE ! woro Miss Elonnor Irwin of Marlboro, HERE IS A BEAUTY ! Miss Adel Reed of Matawan, Miss Just Arrived—A Carload Listen, Lndy! Julia Gullck, Josoph Gnllck nnd Listen, my lady, nnd I will tell Gregory Gullck of Mlddlotown. Miss INNER-SPRING How you can ho both happy and well: Thelma Vunck ond Dorothy "white MASSIVE Only do as thn wino onea do— of Kcyport. John B. Bennett of Free- GIBSON REFRIGERATORS MATTRESSES Keep using ice Ihe whole year hold, Miss Sally Everdeil, Miss Grnco through. H. Wclgaiul, Miss Margaret I* Bver- COGSWELL 518.00 TOI" 1CEK S ANNA COWLES, iir-11, Herbert VnnBrnckle, Edwin H. l!o« I, Hnilst. Wailing nnd Robert Everdell of CHAIR Hazlet. $25.00 SIDE 1CEU SM /•.Oj . Only 11 In the Lot. &Q1 These Young Men! Mr. and Mra, Stickles of Newark A cranky old woman named Brlco were Sunrjay guests of J, Frank Wei- SrtSloJ • Would never use any ice. rrnnd nnd fnmlly, . . 4 i Till a Seaboard young man Left her somo In a can, & $35.00 SIDE ICEIt $f&JV»5 And since then aho has grown very FAIR VIEW NEWS. $19.95 l , nice. A Treo on fho Cemetery Property $15.00 TORCF.LAIN SIDH ICER ? C. D. McLEAN, Struck with Lightning Friday, Ha) Bonk. A locust AL OfheL STEEt S1ML »SIDI An? Uk«wICEU $. * /».B« . property was struck with lightning Us 1 sag I J during tho shower Friday night. I f SPECIALLY PRICED ! Big splinters from tho tree were fortable Chairs is now complete. Make Only 50 Mattresses will be sold at this Address flung on the Nutawanip road. low figure. Tliereafter tho price will be Mrs. Thomas Flold, Jr., has re- your selection now. MR. SEABOARD turned homo from _n visit to her PRE-SEASON OPENING $37.50. Buy yours now. aunt nt Boston. in care of The firemen are making prepara- tions for n dance which they will hold nt the Smoke Shop Tavern Seaboard Ice Co. Thursday night, Mny Oth. MIDDLESEX FURNITU Do You Rend Them? *t RED BANK, N. J. The clnnni'lled advertisements In 2.7-2.9 IVIOrSTMOUTH STREET, RED BANK Tho ReKifitLT contain worth while op- 'portunillos for everybody.—Adver- . I«lej>honi JR« tisement. , . Pace Twentv SED BANK REGISTER, APRTLIO. 1929.

Mawawta Ceuoly Surro»«li'« Offlea. WJPtfc CONTEST. of Liberty lodge, at Bait Prang*. Mon- of the church have formed, a new In tha mttar of th. aitat. of Ada Au«ui orpin Icatlon to be known as the ta Cut* deecasad. tour Branch Woman Contestlnf Will Arthur Pollltt, soil ot Mrs. Mary Notlw ts ersdltora to >mtnt «lalm "I'll-Trl" club. Mlsi Norm* Stot- Quality Item* of Seasonable Meat* and Poul- aualnat «atata. of Hn, Charlotte Garrahan. Follltt, baa returned home from the hart Is president, Miss Lucille Lynn Purauant to tha ordtr of Josaph u Don- Red Bank hospital, where he was a Is vice president, Mlsa Betty Zimmer- try are included in ROTH Advertisements each •bay, Surrorata ot t)it County of Mon- Mr». Maud Sebultz ot Long Branch patient about five weeka. He wasman Is secretary and Mrs. Carl mouth, tjnada on the twenty-ievcntb asy la contesting the will of Mrs. Char- week. of Msratl. 1988. on ths application of Aloti lotto M. Garrahan, formerly of Fair injured when h» m bit by an auto- Whltehurst Is treasurer. Other mem- BO C. Oui, sols executor of the estate o a Studebaker-and a Haven. Mrs. Garrahan died last Jan- mobile while working on the high- bers are Mrs. Leroy Y. Dillener, Select ROTH Specials for delicious and appe- Ada Aaudita Cat*, deceased, notice is way near Red Bank. Miss Sarah Nlvlson and Mrs. Wil- hereby slven to the creditor! of said de< uary at the home of William H. Car- tising dinner courses. The whole family will com- ceased to exhibit to the subscriber, toie hart of Little Silver, who under th Mlsa Eunice Lewis, a student at liam Emmons. The new club will •xocutor *e aforesaid, their debts and de- the Red Bank high school, la em-meet at the homes of the various mend your choice. TnRlidt against the laid estate, under oath will would get the bulk of the estate. ployed nlghU and Saturday* aa anmembers on the first and third within aix monthe from the date of the Mr*. Schult* is a distant relative aforesaid order, or they will be forever Mrs. Garrahan and claims to be theusher at the Carlton theater at Red Thursday nights of each month. barred of their aetiooa therefor against Commander Bank. The first meeting will be held next New Zealand 1929 Milk-Fed Spring Lamb. the laid subscriber. nearest of kin. Lack of testamentary week at Mrs. William Emmons'B. Dated Freehold, N. J., March 81th, 192«. capacity and undue influence are al- Mr». Earl Hatbaway. Mr«. Philip Short Fareqnaitera LEO OP B1B OR LOIN ALONZO C. CASE. COMMANDER SIX leged by Mrs. Schultz. Some testi- Patterson, Mrs. Charles Pia and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Demarest Rifenide Drive. Red Bsnk. mony was taken last week before Spencer Patterson of this place, spent the week-end with Mr. and LAMB LAMB CHOPS ' JplmaU. Stevens,Foster, Leonard. members of the Long Branch coun- Mrs. Skliiner of New Ybrk. , Mrs. * KausiUla. Att'ye, Trias Ml tht factory Judge Stelnbach and he will sit at Red Bank, N. J, Proctors. hong Branch Saturday of this week cil of tha Loyal Orange ladles' lodge, Skinner Is a former resident of this C to hear further testimony. helped Institute a new council at placa. c 1 SHERIFF'S SALE. Freehold Saturday night. The new Members ot the Advent ladles' 39c«, By virtua of sundry writ* of fl. fa. to 25 mo directed, Itiued out of the Monmouth lodge had 39 charter members. aid society made a quilt last Thurs- County Common Pleaa and Supreme Court, EAXONTOWN NEW8. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlck re- day for the Advent summer camp of the State of New Jersey, will be ax- turned yesterday from a three-day at Tylervllle, Connecticut. "Black Hawk" Brand or LOINS OF poied to sale at public vendue. on Mon- Armour"! "8tar" day, tie 15th day of April. 1929. between Bev. Bobert Seaman Now Occupying visit with MM. Sohlck's sister at The Sons and Daughters of Liber- , the houri of 1! o'clock and 6:00 o'clock St James's Manse. Newark. ty will entertain Mrs. Harriet Chand- REGULAR

^ t' BED BANK EEGISTER, APRIL 10,1929. Page Twenty-One Belford celebrated it* anniversary HELPING FARMERS. >•••<••»••••••••••«»«•«•••«•«•«•»•«<••»•» NEWSMIWDLETOWN with a banquet last Friday night at Dor's hall. Sfato Specialists to Assist Monmouth Spencer Miller la employed an an Vegetable Growers. I RECEPTION HELD AT BELFORD TONIGHT assistant at the New. Monmouth New Brunswick, N. J., April 10. *' FOB TWO PRIESTS. postofflco by Postmaster Herman (AP)—C. H. Nissley, extension spe- Labrccque. cialist in vegetable growing fop the William Werner to Open New Auto Mrs. C. Harry Lohsen of Belford New Jersey agricultural experiment Salesroom Next Week—Truck was taken to the Long Branch hoar station, announces that assistance to TURKEY DINNER Loaded With Fertilizer Goes In pital yesterday to undergo an opera- vegetable growers of the state this Ditch—Baptist Minister*! Meet tion. year will be extended through four A double reception took place at major and three minor projects. DANCE and ENTERTAINMENT Independent flrehouse at Belford LEONABDO NEWS. Much attention will bo devoted to last night It was given by tho con- obtaining a greater tonnage of can- ' to be Given on the gregation of St. Mary's church of Barn Dance to be Held at thehouse tomatoes, Increasing the acre- New. Monmouth as a farewell for lAghthomo Saturday Night. yield of sweet potatoes, improved methods of plant growing, and va- Rev. Jtobert Marron and as a wel- (The Red Bank Register can bs bounht 25th Anniversary come for Hev. James Sullivan, the each week in Leonardo at the .tore of Fred riety standardization. These are the new rector. Thero was a largo at- Meyers.) four major projects. OF THE tendance and the usual pastimes The Civic Interests association will Time will also be spent In a drive wore enjoyed. hold a barn dance at the lighthouse against tlm destructive Mexican bean Frank Frisk, tho contractor for Saturday night. A two-and-a-half dol- neotle, in crop management, studies, ; Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Company THE BOOK YOU PUT OFF William Werner's new automobile lar gold piece will be disposed of on and In conducting vegetable growers' AT THE salesroom and garage at Campbell's the co-operative plan. An orchestra educational tours. Junction, la making rapid progress will provide music. Work on bnth the canhouso tomato with the building. It is expected Misa Emma Leonard has returned and eweet potato projects will ba re- BUYING BECAUSE that the work will bo sufficiently homo from a visit of several weeks stricted to the counties of Monmouth Smoke Shop Tavern completed for Mr. Frisk to open hus- with friends In Connecticut. and Mercer and all of Eouth Jersey. Iness In tho new building next Mon- Rev. Thomas G. Thomas Is Improv- In each project, special emphasis will : Wednesday Evening, April 10 IT WAS day. The building will be entirely ing at Liberty Corner, New Jersey, be laid on the best cultural methods, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. completed by May 1st. where he Is making a stay for the and disease prevention as aids in in- A large truck owned by thebenefit of his health. Rev. and Mrs.creasing crop yields. TICKETS, - - $2.50 Each. Roberts trucking company of NewThomas expect to return home Satur- Monmouth and loaded with fertilizer day. Tho members of tho Baptist It pays to advertiso In Tho Register. ran off tho road'and into a ditch church Bent a shower of postal cards .t Harmony last Thursday while to Mr. Thomas, expressing the desire turning out for an automoble. The for a quick recovery for him. NOW fertilizer was unloaded and hauled Mrs. Crawford and her daughter away on another truck. The ditched Marian, who spent tho winter at New truck was pulled out-the next morn- York, have opened their summer MASS MEETING Ing with a tractor. No damago was homo at this place. done. Mr. and Mrs. John Hylan of New TO SUPPORT The Baptist ministers of Mon- York have moved to their summer mouth county met Monday morning home at Leonardo. at the New Monmouth Baptist Miss Nan, Leonard, who Is em- RARITAN BAY • BRIDGE! BlLjL, 9 church. Luncheon was ^served by ployed at Nsw York, Is spending a at WiieEan s the women of the church. week's vacation at her homo here. The members of World Wide Mrs. Philip Peters and her daugh- LEONARDO HIGH SCHOOL, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 12, 8 P. M. Think of getting that Guild, No. 48, of Now Monmouth ters Marian and Virginia are back at Baptist church occupied special Leonardo after having spent the win- The bill to provide for a preliminary survey for a bridge from Staten seats at the church service Sunday ter at New York. Island across Raritan Bay to a point in the northerly part of-Monmouth world-famous best-seller, morning. The guild has voted to Herbert Leonard haa a new radio continue this practice the first Sunoutfit- . County has been favorably reported by the Judiciary Committee and passed Trader Horn — published day of each month. The guild has Samuel Lewis has had a new roof by the Assembly on second reading. Enough votes were secured to pass it elected Miss Dot Seeley counsellor, put on his house by the Olsen roof originally at $4—for only MISB Nana Helwig president, Mrs. company of Atlantic Highlands. on third reading and final passage if it were permitted to come to a vote. William Meyers vice president, Mrs. Harry Hughes and family of1 New The Steering Committee has the bill. Unless those who favor this great one dollar. The most Edward E. Bennett secretary and York spent Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. Curtis Walling treasurer. Tho their place here. public improyement express themselves emphatically at once the bill is in exciting and racy personal guild will hold a chop suey supper Miss Helen Ruhnko is on the sick danger of dying in that Committee. In that case, a year of valuable time Thursday night, April 18th. list, with an Infected finger. would be lost. . «, chronicle of our time. Ab- Mrs. Frederick Rader, who Is en- Misg Christina Samuelson Is tho caged In the poultry business at owner of a new Ford roadster. sorbing, thrilling, unique. Navesink, put a 25-cent advertise- A large and successful card party Assemblyman E. Donald Sterner, who introduced the bill, has accept- ment in The Register a short time was held at the new fliohouse Satur- ed the invitation of the undersigned to attend a Mass Meeting of citizens ago, advertising chickens for sale. day night. An unforgettable book. Within.a few days, as a result of Richard Neu has recovered, from a who favor the bill, in order to tell them about the situation. the advertisement, Mrs. Rader sold severe cold. chickens to the value of $83. She - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schroedcr and Come to the meeting and bring your neighbors. says It Burelydoes pay to advertise a party of friends went fishing el In The Register. Sandy Hook Saturday. They got a ELIZABETH M. NOBLE, Republican County Commltteewoman, Leonardo. The ladies' aid society of St.big lot of flounders. MARY L. SHERIDAN. Democratic County Commltteewoman, Leonardo. Clement's church and the ladies' Be sure and get yours today HENRY VAN DAALEN, Republican County Commltteeman, Leonardo. auxiliary of Chemical fire company Do You Read Them? will unite in holding a baked Vir- Tho classified advertisements In BENJAMIN HAtjLBOSKEY. Democratic County Committeeman. Leonardo. VWT JH PROFIT SHARING ginia ham supper Tuesday evening, Tho Register contain worth while op- JAMES H. LOCKWOOD. Leonardo, April 23d, at the flrehouse of Chem- portunities for everybody.—Adver- ical fire company of Belford. Sup- tisement. per will be served from half-past WHELAN drug store five o'clock until half-past eight o'clock. Broad and White Streets Phone Nos. 1512, 1513, 1514 Louis Scholl has had the exterior and Interior of his house at Camp- bell's Junction repainted. He ex- pects to move in the house in a short time. Since the death of his a few years ago he has hpen liv- ing with his daughter at Long Genuine Water Snake Shoes Branch and with his son oh Long Island. i Preparations are under way for the celebration of tho 75th or diamond anniversary of the New Monmouth Baptist church. In ob- servance of this anniversary there at Special Low Prices will be special services at the church on Sunday, April 21st, and on Sun- day. April 28th. j Genuine Water Snake Vamps with French Martin Kennedy expects to move in a few days from Riverside drivo near Locust Point to property which Beige, Brown Kid or Patent Leather Quarters, he recently bought at Rumson. Thomas Brown of Perth Amboy bought the Kennedy property last, Both high and low heels—in a variety of at- fall and he expects to build a fine ] residence on it. I Doris Shuatcr, daughter of William tractive patterns. Shuster of Campbell's Junction, re- turned homo last week from the Long Branch hospital, where she was a patient. At one time Doris's con- I dition was grave, but she has almost Specially entirely recovered. '4 Tho Sons and Daughters of Liber- ty of Belford will hold a covered Priced 8 dish supper for the lodge members '4 Friday night, April 19th. Each lodge member has been requested to bring a covered dish of victuals. The usual high quality for which the WHITE SHOE CO. has the repu- Tho addition to Charles Meyers's store at Port Monmouth has been Why use a bunch of keys completed. Frelbett Bros, of Port tation of offering prevails. An opportunity for the well-dressed woman Monmouth did the work. The ad- dition will bo used for the sale of to open one dobf? radio outfits and ice cream. to purchase fashionable shoes at prices which are a real savings to her. Joseph Luker's new house on Why skip hither for Clothing and yon for Shirts and Campbell avenue at Port Monmouth Accessories when everything you need is under one has been completed and Its owner i oxpects to occupy it in a short time. address? The house was built by Jasper Mor- rcll of Port Monmouth. Creating and shaping ensembles is our greatest delight Misa Luclllo Roche has resumed her studies at Georgian court col- starting at underwear and ending with the last fling of a lege at Lakowood after having spent WHITE SHOE CO. a vacation at Bolford with her i 'kerchief. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roche. 9 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. I. GEO. D. STINE, Prop. Famous merchandise...... from Hats to Hosiery and the Howard W. Roberts of New Mon- mouth has almost completely re- ability to assemble it for your inspection, is our pleasure. covered from his recent sickness. The nurse who has been attending him haa returned home. Kuppenheimer and Michaels-Stern Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount and family of Plalnfleld have been spend- ing & few dayB with Mrs. Mount's Clothing parents, Capt. and Mrs. Thomas Dumont of Navesink. FREEHOLD'S There was a largo attendance at Interwoven and Phoenix Hosiery the dance held by the Mendowbrook fraternity of Belford Saturday night. In every respect tho dance was a Manhattan Shirts great success. Miss Maud Roop of Belford under- Stetson Hats went an operation at the Branch hospital Mondny. Miss Roop Is a school teacher at Nulley. "Munsingwear" Tho ushers' union of the New Mon- mouth Baptist church entertained the men's club of the Red Bank Baptist church Mondny night. James Grlggs, Jr., who attends 3StH QUARTERLY SALE Harvard college, Is spending a week at hi» homo at New Monmouth. lie will return to college Friday. j Joseph C. Arrow:;mith of Cnnip-j bell's Junction, who iiaa liccn laid) 1 Wednesday, Apr. 17th 1929 J. KRIDEL up all winter, is much improved. r — RED BANK He Is now able to Inkc walks. J Miss Mlldvcd Cornell nnd Clinton' Flood of Joraey City spent Sntuniny ALL THE LEADING MERCHANTS ARE OFFERING and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Suydam of Belford. Francis McCoy him returned to New York after luiving spent a week with bin aunt, Mrs. John Wonderful Dollar Bargains on This Day Only tli Counly Surroj.t,'. Offlc.. by siven to tho creditors of «*ld dtccnttl nilor ot tlm c»Ut« of MurMy L. to exhibit to the nubtcrUipr, executor m H. Wermert of Belford. Il Urn. Martha Murphy of Bolford creditors to present clolrai nfore»ni<1. tltclr debts and K»-r. «-.\ecutiir of the eitutt RANDOLPH II. STHYKKIt. or br null . M« » belli*blli . Campbell's Junction tu Koyport. L. Gould, tlecsMed, fyotlc* in hirt* 48 Hnniinu road. R«a IJtnk. N. J. «M. ft *. VmfeHh M. BU Tho Good and Welfare society ot WWHHMMWMIWMHIIMMHMWWIMIMM

• J ^ / Pacre Twenfcv-Two RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10,1929. NEW JERSEY FOULTBY SHOW. moved to a bouse on Monroe avenue, I formerly occupied by Leon Buckalew. | I It Will b« Held at Aabury Park Next Mr. Fielder is employed by Peter October. FarrelL New Brunswick, (AP)—Charlei Mrs. Walter Herman visited friends We Specialize in Now That Spring is Here Pierson of Princeton, aecretary- at New York last week. treaBiirer of the reorganized New Miss Madeline Sagurton has bought Second May we offer you the following suggestions Jersey poultry fanciers' association, a Chrysler coupe. She Is learning for your announces that the .1919 New Jerse, to drive and she expects to coon ap- Acker, Merrall ply for a driving license, Mortgage 11 BROAD STREET, (Phone Red Bank 1560) RED BANK, N. J. state poultry show will be held al Plantt, Shrubs, Lawn or Garden BROAD STREET (Ph Rd Aabury Park on October,. 16th, 17th Joseph Thompson Is grading the Specials for this Friday and Saturday ! and 18th. He has been chosen nee- grounds around Edward Lawes'i new Loans. retary for the show. home at Oceanport The New Jersey bantam associa- Edward Callahan Is employed by tion Is to be Invited to participate In Charles J3. Conover of Newman LONG ISLAND DUCKS PRIME RIBS BEEF Springs road. Lawn Grass Seeds (Best Cuts) the show, Picrson states. Classes al- Applications Given (Fresh-Killed) so are to .bo provided for breeders oi Richard Groves, son of Russell SCNNY LAWN OR SHADY LAWN. Groves, who was hurt when he was Immediate^ Attention 5 to 6 Ifes. each, per lb., ...... 39c Per pound, 39c rabbits and pet stock, but not fo: pigeons. There will bo production hit by-an automobile on the- highway FERTILIZERS to Suit Every Requirement. RED SALMON CAVIAR classes, he says, for breeders whose a short time ago, Is Improved and PEACHES, Paradise Brand (Domestic) main interest Is the rearing of heavy he has returned to school. A Local, Friendly Bone Meal Sheep Manure Acid Phosphate (Halves or Sliced) layers. Daniel Pelley, Sr., la employed In 4 oz. jar, 25c the mechanical department at the Organization 8 oz. tins, 3 for 25c The show will be held In conjunc- Alrvlow flying field. Lawn Dressings Plant Foods PRESERVED SKINLESS FIGS tion with the annual convention o Lime SARDINES, Boneless and Skinless (Carpenter's) the New Jersey state poultry asso- Riverside Mortgage ciation. MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. Flozanel Brand—In Pure Olive Oil, Imported. 3 large jars, .'.... $1.00 & Finance Corporation 3 large tins for $1.00 Tlie regular price Is 50o a Jar. Jean Carey Returns Home From the PEARL ONIONS SHREWSBURY NEWS. Long Branch Hospital. Eroad SL N.t'l Bank Bids.. FRED D. WIKOFF CO. Jean Carey, daughter of John V. RED BANK, N. J SHAD ROE (Imported from Holland) Many Children Have Good Attend, Red Bank. N. '. nnce Records for March. Carey, returned home last week from Fhonn 552. (Sunburnt, VA 6B. tin) the Long Branch hospital, where she 3 oz. bottle 50c (The Red Bank Register can bt bough 2 Roe in a tin for .: 59c each week in Shrewsbury from Richard was a patient several weeks. She 1% oz. bott|e, 35c Beaks at the postolllco.) has almost completely recovered, EAGLE CHOCOLATE Crystallized Jellies, A. M. & C. The following boys and girls of the William M. Greenwood has a new 1 pound box, 49c publlo school havo neither beon ab- team of horses which ho bought from (For Eating or Cooking—Malllard's) sent nor late for'school during March, the William C. Ely eatato of Holmdel. Made for us especially by RIalllard. Four popular Ch%rlos F. Ellort has had hla hotel Yz pound cake, .....J.. 20c flavors In each box—Ginger. Orange, the stars signifying perfect records so far this school year: building repainted. The work was rineapple, Raspberry. done by Benjamin Haulbosky of Yn pound cake, 10c First grade—Raymond Grover, Georse Mftrx, Frank Quackenbush, Edward Rey Leonardo. Tho store building which nolds, Lois Silver. is owned by Mr. Ellert and occupied - \ Second grade—Monroe MafX, Elizabeth by Stephen Cltarolla- will bo re- MctzKPr. Margaret Silver, painted by Mr. Haulbosky. Ask for^a Demonstration Ride in One of Our Boats Third Brade—Samuel Johnson, •Edni The farmers have got their as- COAL IS Bennett, Ruth Francis, Genevleve French, paragus fields ridged. There Is a pos- Helen Marx, 'Kathleen Reynolds, Helen Guilliams. sibility that tho first cuttings will be • Fourth grade—Georae Glassey, •John made this week. The oldest residents On the Manasquan River at Brielle Poole, Madeline Drille, •Elisabeth Rey- of Mlddletown cant remember a time DOWN! nolds: when the crop growing season was Take the concrete state highway to the Point Pleasant bridge and turn east to Railroad Fifth grade—Russell Groves, Ralph so far ahead as It Is this year. at first road north of tho bridge. Johnson, John Metrger, Charles Nledrach, R. A. Knight of Eatontown has •William Riordnn. Adclbert Weaver, Har. moved on the Greenwood farm, which old Wilson, Vlrutc Curtis, •Adele llerm Josephine Sagurton, Ortrude VanVHct, was recently vacated by Warren Mes- Less Per Ton Irene Wilson. slar. Mr. Messier Is now occupying Sixth irraile—'George Poole, 'Robert tho Cristianl farm near River Plaza. Yorg, •Alfred Hooker. A bolt of lightning struck a tree Seventh grnde—Edwin Beake, Marie on Daniel Hendrlckaon'a rarity Friday On All Meade, 'Elizabeth Riordan, Helen Sanborn, night Splinters from tho tree were Alma Sanborn. Jeanne Parker. flung a long distance. Eichth urodc—'Charles Glassey, "Francis Mrs. Martin Ahearn In spending Sagurton, 'Elizabeth Lange. several days with her mother, Mrs. More than a score of members of Harry Cooley of Newburgh, New tho Shrewsbury auxiliary of the York. - 'Sjbu can save money and add consid- Long Branch hospital met last Wednesday at Mrs. George Harold Finding a Job. erably to your peace of mind and per- Nevius's. Mrs. Dwight L. Parsons of One of the quickest ways to find Little Silver read an old war poem a job is to advertise in The Regis- sonal comfort by placing your order for o Mrs. Edwin Hobbs, also of Little ter's Want department.—Advertise- Sliver, entertained with piano music, ment. next printer's coal now. But in buying so and Mrs. Henry 12. Armstrong of far «head of the time that you will use Red Bank contributed to. tho pro- gram with a reading. ' the < oal, be sure to order a coal that is Clinton Sickles Is at tho Long • guaranteed to be of the highest standard. Branch hospital suffering from nervous breakdown. Oraiige-Disc Anthracite can be ordered David Emmons's home on Louis L. White's estate is being repaired and fe any lime with absolute confidence in its changed. The White family, who quality. It is Identified, Guaranteed and spent this winter at New York, were FEDERAL LAND BANK at their homo here over the week- Certified end. They expect to move back here shortly. Farm Mortgages •555' Robert Hartshorno has bought a o COMPLETE: new Ford suburban. VJCADY FOR MOTOR Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sagurton re- ORANGE DISC turned Thursday from their wedding trip to Alhnny, New York. They 3% were serenaded Thursday night by about sixty friends and relatives from ^ANTHRACITE Ked Bank, Shrewsbury and Eaton- If you are now paying town. They expect to make their FEUERBACH & HANSEN home for a while with Mr. Sagurton's 6% interest on your farm o parents and later to start housekeep- mortgage, why not investi- 'Phone Bed Bank 248 for Prompt Service. Show Rooms on Manasquan River at Brielle, Phone Manasquan 2336 ing on Sunset avenue at Red Bank. Mrs. Sagurton was formerly Miss gate our 5% long term, Norms. Boalo of Eatontown. Mr. easy-payment loans? Sagurton is a son of John Sagurton Seaboard Ice Company of tho Dr. Ernest Fahnestock estate. 27 BRIDGE AVENUE, Vincent McCuo has returned to We have loaned over Notro Damo university after spend- $800,000.00 RED BANK. ing his Easter vacation at home. Edward Leuck has bought a Chev- to farmers in this section. rolet coach.' May we serve you, also? Rev. George H. Mlksch and fam- ily of Norristown, Pennsylvania, are Individual consideration expected to movo in the Presbyterian given each application. Motor Corporation manse today. Mr. Miksch ,will as- (DIVISION OF CHRYSLER JL CORPORATION) sume his pastoral duties next Sunday. Appraisa Is made as The Presbyterian foreign missionary promptly as conditions will society will meet nt Mrs. Dwight L. permit. announces Parsohs's tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul VanCamp of Haddonfleld spent the week-end at Monmouth County the appointment of this place. Miss Ella McGarlty, daughter of National Farm Loan Ass'n. Michael McGarity, has bought a new Chevrolet sedan. WM. C. PATTERSON, Melvin Wainrlght, a son of Record- SEC'Y-TREAS. er Elmer C. Wainright, underwent an appendicitis operation last week at R. F. D. No. 2, FREEHOLD. N. J. FRANK VAN SYCKLE the Long Branch hospital. He Is Im- Phono Farmingdate 39-F-4. JOHN II. BlIHNS. Blgr. 119-151 XV. Front St. proving rapidly. Melvin is a student Telephone 1290. at the Red Bank high school. or write Ui« Branch of Perth A-inbuy. -..-.. William Cook and family of Fair FEDERAL LAND BANK Haven have moved to Dr. Ernest Fahnestock's tenant house on Broad of street. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. As Plymouth Dealer Alfred Fielder of Red Bank has in addition to it's time to change your When April Rains Are Over- Warm weather brings the need for heavier oil ANDY'S GARAGE and fresh new greases all 'round. Now is the time Corner Maplo Ave. and IV. Front St., Red Bank. to change. Be sure your motor is carefully flush- Phono Red Bank 2124. Paint np for beauty j paint up ed and refilled with' fresh "Standard" Motor Oil 45-53 Broadway, Tel. Long Branch 204. for protection. As soon u dry —all friction spots should/lie carefully lubricated weather sets in, before it geti with "Standard" lubricants. I too hot—that's the time to paint You will be well rewarded with a sweet-running, OINING with the present and style, its marked economy, every outdoor spot that needs it. perfectly functioning motor; one that pulls better, Be sore to use paint that will efficient Plymouth represen- the safety of its Chrysler weather- give yon lotting satisfaction. We and silently, on the straight-away, np the twisting J bill roods or on the back byways. tation in this city, this new proof hydraulic 4-wheel brakes, recommend Plymouth dealer will devote Clip and check the list below. Hand it to your and its characteristic Chrysler "Standard" dealer. Let him do a thorough and every effort to promoting the power and smoothness. complete job for you. satisfaction of Plymouth owners Now, at new lower price:—with We invite you to ride in or drive Paints —"STANDARD" Lubrication Chart Flush Crank-Case "Standard" Flushing Oil full adult-size and with quality the new Plymouth to prove to Refill crankcate with "Standard" Motor Oil (con. and luxury of equipment un- your own satisfaction that Ply- B fresh oil. suit chart for correct grade) Every drop of because they are 0 Lubricate chassis all "Standard" Pressu'ro Gun matched—Plymouth presents mouth alone combines the com- Luran paint is points Grease- *• pure paint. WATER FREE! Ffll all greats cups "Standard"MotorCupGreaso even more vivid contrast with pletely rounded qualities of Clean mat from sprinss "Standard" Penetrating Oil other cars in its price group. §Check and replenish "Standard"Tran«raiasionOii style, size, performance and (if necessary) grease- or "Standaid" Gear Com- in transmission and pound , No other car at anywhere near .-value, which buyers of lowest- Don't Huy paint-and-watcr; hny pure paint. • : rtar axie. its price gives Plymouth's beauty priced cars havea right to expect. • Lubricate open univer- "Slandard"MotorCupGreo«e Every drop of Lucas Paint is water-free. Water sal joints Clean outside of motor "Standard" Kerosene is a common adulterant of paint. You can't Wash and polish body "Standard" Liquid Gloss §Oil generatorand tuner "Standard" Household Lu- •>.* detect it until after it has Been applied—rwhen , bricant it is too late. But you are always safe with Lucas Paints, because they are water-free. Robert Hance & Sons CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT STANDARD' 10 Broad Street, Red Ban* •i" LUBRICANTS RED BANK REGISTER, AERIL 10, 1929. Page Twenty-Tiiree

the marriage of their daughter, Ml33 HELD FOR THEFT. Helen Elizabeth, to Harvey S. Bedle, NEWS FROM KEYPORT Jr., of this place at six o'clock Satur- Police Believe They Have Long day afternoon, April 27th, at the Wanted Chicken Thief. WHITE DIAMOND UNIVERSITY WOMEN MET HEBE Bethlehem Lutheran church at Eliz- The police at Long Branch, West BRAND ON MONDAY. abeth. A reception will follow at the Long Branch and Oceanport believe bride's home. they have solved the mystery of a Offlceri Elected at Meeting Held at Misses Constance and Gretchen series of chicken thefts In the arrest WAGNER RKET Halgh entertained several of their Sirs. Henry E. Ackenon's—Funeral of Carman Aschltlno, who has been of Mrs. Hannah Force—Harvey 8. friends at a luncheon bridge on MAYONNAISE held In $3,500 ball. Many complaints —A Good Habit To Acquire Bodle, Jr., to Wed an April 27th. Wednesday at their home on Maple had been received from residents of A perfectly emulsified quali- place. The first prize was won by tho three communities as to the work (Tb» B«d Bank Register can be bought Miss Marjory Hyde of Bradford, Pa., ty product—Kilean, dellcioui flieb week In Koyport at Charles Lebn'i of chicken thieves. Officer Joseph and wholesome. egular visits to one of our stores, will familiarize you with •tor«.) second prize by Miss Jane Middle- Slocum of West Long Branch made DEPENDABLE HIGH QUALITY The monthly meeting of the Mon- brook of South Orange, and third by the capture. He found a man prowl- Made from strictly freah tggt, JV our in Meats-& Poultry and mouth county branch of the Ameri- Miss Polly Mlddlebrook of South Or- Ing about Samuel R. Baker's place pure oil and highest grado ma- our consistent money saving prices. can Association of university women ange. Other guesta were Misses Ruth and he started after hlni. The man terials. ' was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Voorhees of Summit, June Hcndrlck- lied to his waiting automobile and E. Ackereon on Maple Place on Mon- son of Asbury Park, Catherine Reed Officer Slocum pursued him on hla Contalna DO filler to thicken, PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 11—12-13 day afternoon, Tho hostesses of the of Rahway, Dorothy Fonel of Brook- motorcycle, finally catching him. meeting were the girls from Bryn lyn, Bva Burrowes of Westfleld, Bea- —Has no oily tait*, Mawr, Middlebury, Ohio, Wcsleyan trice Bedlo and Frances Heycr of IT'S DIFFERENT. and DePauw. During the business Keyport. A Double Wedding. J Packed In Hall Pint, Pint.. Fresh Killed session the annual election of officers Miss Avcrll Campbell entertained A double wedding took placo in St. -S.SlLVERS&BrW:CO:iK Quart and Gallon Jan. wai held and the following were several of her friends at bridge Sat- Catherine's church at Spring Lake CRANQUHY N J Long Island Spring elected: urday evening at her home on Beers Monday, of laHt week -with two daugh- :P IN A COOL PLACF , On sale at first elan «tor«M. President— Mrs. J. 0. Montgomery of street. The prize winners were Misses ters of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Judge of "ET wriGMT y/, n?. DUCKLINGS Red Bank, graduate of University of Cal- Constance and Gretchen Halgh, Kel- Spring Lake Heights as brldeH. Mlas ifornia. sey Carhart and Charles Miller. Beatrice Judge became tho bride of J.S.S9 First vlea president—Mrs. Peter O'Con- Guatav Lerach tit New York and 32c lb. nor of Belmar, graduate of Welts college. Lot Luke Find Your Home. Miss Jeanne Judge was married to Sole Manufactnrara Second vice president—MrB. Henry E. Luke Longhead's department of Ackerson of Keyport, graduate of Mt. Richard Sheehan of Asbury Park. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. The Register every week tells of de- Rev. Thomas U. Rlley performed the Holyoke college. sirable homes for sale.—Advertise- Third vice president—Mra. H. M. France ment. ceremonies. of Spring Lake, of St. Lawrence univar- alty. The following officers remain the •»»•*»•••»•»»•••»••»»•••»••»»>•»••'>»•••»»»»•»•»«>•»»»•»»•»»-»»»»»»»»»•»»»•••»»»•»»•»••••>•>«•»••»»•»»«)»< 2$ same lor another year: FRESH HAMS <™° b Corresponding iccretary—Mise Martha Farkhlll of Asbury Park, Mt. Holyoke. Recording secretary—Mlsa Winifred flhaw of Asbury Fnrk, Mt. Holyoke. First days of this sensational sale of Treasurer—Miss Helen Dingle of Asbury 371 ParkyGotieher. PRIME RIB ROAST Card parties will be held on April 13th for the benefit of the New Jer- soy state fellowship at the following ! places: Woman's club of Red Bank; St JameB parish house, Long Branch LE6S0FVEAL <«-> and the home of Mrs. \V. G. Herman of Deal. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Luman ALA Reed of Red Bank. Moving pictures were Bhown of Shoulders of Veal 23?b Best Frying Chickens 4i;b "Woman's Progress." Ice cream and REFRIGERATORS cakes were served by the hostess and 1 a social hour was enjoyed by ali. Those present from Keyport were Breast of Veal 20fb Best Broilers 'i ;^ 49?b Mrs. Herbert R. West, Mrs. Russel Stldpolc, Mrs. Clinton WyckoB and Mrs. John Harold Hendrlckson. have proved a s success i Boneless Fresh Brisket 36;b Best Roasting Chickens 45,, Funeral services for the late Mrs. POT ROAST Hanna H. Force were held from the 3Ji lb.. Average] W.lght home of her brother, James T. Wall- Hormel's Flavor Sealed CJic Ing of Poole avenue, on Monday af- ftftrtlfftttft Selected Lamb Liver 22k ternoon at two o'clock. Mrs. Force, Canned Hams, *»w *"«" n m °^ib who was the widow of the late Peter save money! c F. Force, died at her home on Flor- Cudahy's Puritan Hams 07 ence avenue Friday morning. She Pure Pork Sausage 34* WHOLE OR SHANK HALF sfcliri was the daughter of the late Taylor If you want a Refrigerator that will keep your SMALL TSNDER LINKS mown io» laim rma I-LAVO» XU Walling and Lydla A. Wilson Wall- Ing. Eho was born in Rarltan town- food fresh and appetizing, save ice, and give you Bhlp on May 24th, 1862. She had al- years of service at lowest cost get an Alaska! A ways lived in this locality. Mrs. r Force is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Refrigerator with a CORK INSULATION, and a* Joseph Matthews of Keansburg, a beautiful in design and finish, outside and inside, MARKET CO. grand-daughter, Mrs. Harold Boyle of Orange, a great-granddaughter, as- any ever built. And get it now—DURING NEAREST STORES Maria Boyle of Orange, and a broth- er, James T. Walling of Keyport. THIS BIG SALE. Rev. F. B. Whitaker, pastor of Cal- 7 Broad Street, Red Bank. 22 Monmouth Street, Red Bank. vary church, conducted the services. The Alaska enables you to buy by eye, not by ear. •Campbell's Junction 38 Monmouth Street, Red Bank. Interment followed the service in The only Refrigerator made with the Cork Wall Green Grove cemetery. Window which actually enables you to see the # Atlantic Highlands Highlands Invitations have been received here by a number of persons from Mr. and cork insulation that keeps out the heat and pre- Mrs. John E. Collins of Elizabeth to serves the food with a minimum of ice. Highly \ sanitary. Has beautiful snow-white Porcelain or enamel linings, rust-proof solid brass nickel-plated hinges and catches. DUE TO SCIENTIFIC DESIGN, MOSt ALAS- KAS ARE ADAPTABLE TO EITHER ICE OR RED BANK FUR SHOP MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION. Don't miss THIS SALE. All sizes and rtylei shown. Come before the more popular model* Under New Management are snapped up ! ALASKA ALASKA Steel Refrigerator Cork Wall Window. Porcelain Lining. Side leer This business has been taken over Cork Wall Window. 3-DOOB STYLE 3-DOOB STVLK Alaska Cork Wall $27.00 by Jack Goldberg of 627 Cookman Window Proof of Cork $54.50 Value $34.73. Fatented June SO. 1925. Insulation. ALASKA ALASKA Avenue, Asbury Park, and the local Alaska is the only refrigerator with a Cork Wall Cork Wall Window. Steel Refrigerato* Window. You can look through the little window With Porcelain Lining. management will be under the person- Apartment Style Cork Wall Window. on the front of every genuine Alaska a£d see for S-DOOB STXXE yourself the cork insulation that keeps in the cold, $24.50 al supervision of Mr. Morris Birnbaum out the heat and down the ice bills. Value $33.00. $45.00 of New York City, an experienced fur- 50 STYLES TO SELECT FROM RANGING IN PRICE FROMI $12.50 TO.$360.00 CHOICE OF IVORY, GREY, WHITE OR OAK FINISHES. ^OMPLETE LINE OF rier. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ON DISPLAY AT ALL TIMES. V We are in a position to give the Clearance Sale of at hi Off We have about 20 complete matched Dining Room, Living Room and Bed Room best service at very reasonable prices. Suites which have been used as samples on our floors and v^ich xve will offei wh e they last at One-Third Off. The following list includes bin es iroii. ^m col. he national y known makers of fine furniture such as Karpen and Bcrkey & .ay \ c needi not state FOR THE OPENING SALE WE ARE OFFERING this is a remarkable opportunity to pick up a real bargain in distmctno iiunitme. ALL KIND of FOXES in the POPULAR SHADES Dining Room Suites. Bed Room Suites. Living Room Suites. $175.00 3-Piece Suite—with bed $445.00 10-Piece Genuine $285.00 5-Piece Walnut AS LOW AS $15.00 A SCARF Suite, now davenport. Covered in Jacquard Mahogany Suite, now Y clour, now $295.00 $185.00 $119.00 You are cordially invited to inspect our beautiful t $298.00 10-Piece Mahogany $295.00 5-Piece Crotch $169.00 3-Piece Suite—Covered display of Neckpieces. Suite by Berkey & Gay Mahogany Suite, now in Jacquard Velwir^ now $200.00 $195.00 ' $110.00 FUR STORAGE $325:00 3-Piece Suite—Mahog- $285.00'10-Piece Walnut $239.00 5-Piece Walnut any Frame Top and Anns. Cov-' For our first year we will give Free Storage.on all garments to be remodeled by ui. Suite, now Suite, now ;, ... cre'd in fine quality Mohair, now $190.00 $159.00 $219.00 RED BANK FUR SHOP 49 Monmouth Stteet, Red Bank WEST FURNITURE CO. TELEPHONE 1184 J. Pige Twenty-Four RED BANK REGISTER, 'APRIL' 10', 1929. I Ford, Harris will race In tlili Brodenon. Rid B»nk. leeond, G7i7: OPEN SEASON WITH DEFEAT. | Ford, Harris will race In a Fronty RED BANK SWIMMERS WIN Mmtten, South Bid*, tnlrd, El. TOWN TEAM WON SUNDAY j Ford and Clev will use a Stub! apB- 60-yard frtt atylt—Woa by Gl«e. R"i! Red Bank High Scho61 BaseballI clal. Many New Jersey, New York B«nVl Echell.r, South Bldt, .tcond; Tay- HEADQUARTERS — and Pennsylvania racing car drivers lor, South Bldt, third, Time, !> J-». HUNTER'S SQUAD DEFEATED Team Defeated by Neptune. have notified the corporation they HIGH SCHOOL TEAM DEFEATED SO-yard krea>t™trolte—Won by Blnton. The Red Bank high school base- South Side Ewltij, B«d Bank, iteondi For the Leading Brands of FIREMEN. will enter In the Elkwood races. One NEWARK IN POOL. ball team lost the opening game of Wpatern racer ,, comlng East t0 con- (Chamber!, Red Bank, dliqmllfled,) Time, 39 £-6. the season Saturday to Neptune high tcst for cupa and cash awarda PaDeill Four Former Collece Nosers Saw school by a score of 10 to 7. Neptune Champions of Newark District Lose Co-yard back etmlw—Won by Matten, Action In Loosely Flayed Contest— took the lead In the first frama by to Bed Bank Team by tlie Score of South Sidei Mick, Red Bank, ••conds FEEDS Newman and Stryker Will Piny In scoring four runs. Ralph Kendall TO JUDGE AT DEVON DOG SHOW Si to 29—New Fool Record Made Swing, Red Bank, third. Time, «* a-». Opening Game Next Sunday. ldo-yard fre* •tyli—Won by Baumer was in the box for Red Bank and By Red Bank Relay Team. South Sld«] Broderion, Red Bank, second "SPBATTS" "ROSE'S" DOG MEAL The Red Bank lown baseball team Arthur MacDonald was on the reWalte- r J. Graham Will Officiate at Tlio Red Bank high school awlm- Taylor South Side, third. Time, 1:03 1*5 Large Pennsylvania Event 'OATNIi'S" DOG ME.VL overwhelmed the fire department ceiving end. Tiio rest of the learn nilng team acquired more honors Fri- 200-yard •wlm—Won by Oase, Red 'OLD TKtSTV" players Sunday afternoon in a prac- consisted of Elmer Smith first base, Bank: Baumer, South Side, aecondl Mack, Walter J. Graham of Red Bank, day afternoon by dofeatlng South Red B»nk, third. Time SlSO. "BENNETTS" MILK BON"K KEN-L RATION tice game on the Newman Springs Amerlco Bruno second base, Jack secretary and treasurer of the Mon- Side high school of Newark at tho road diamond 6 to 1. The firemen Strode third base, Francis Nary mouth county kennel club, will be a Asbury Park natatorlum b), a score PURINA DOG CHOW COBNMEAX OATMEAL made their lone tally in the first ofshortstop, Blalsdell Hackstal'f right- judge at the Devon, Pennsylvania, of 32 to 29. The Newark team la tho RICE—SritATTS TATENT MEDICINES the ninth inning when Bob Starr field, Richard Sweeney centcrllcld dog show on May 30th. This show champion of tho Newark school re- LEWIS & HAGERMAN crossed the plate on a sacrifice hit byand Richard Odean leftlleld. la one of the best In the East and It gion. Alberts after hitting a two-bagger is held In conjunction with the Devon Red Bank's relay team set a new FRED D. WIKOFF CO. { and going to third on Ben Pryor's horse HIIOW. pool record by traveling 200 yards uwraco. J9 W. FROST ST.. RED BAKK. N, J. - $ •dfivc-to-ieH-fleldr-About-IBO-neraona- -j Mr.~Graharh will judgoOia English tliibugh" the waler in 1:55 1-W The Phone S52. >S saw the game. AWARDS TO7ATHLETE& sheepdogs, Brlards, Eskimos, New- outcdme of the meet was not decided "Herb" Hunter, manager and own- foundlands, Shetland sheepdogs, St. until the last event, each team hav- Lumber, V er of the town team, Dave Egbert, RECEIVE LETTERS AND Bernards and Mastiffs. The Brlard ing 26 points at that time. The final AA^AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA outfielder; and Cal Spann, pitcher; is a long-talled French sheepdog and contest was tho 200-yard free style Millwork, OW Is a good time tb asfai were the only members of last year's NUMERALS. it was not awarded recognition by and it was captured by Gage of Red How soon will my baby' team who saw service Sunday. Hun- the American kennel club until last Bank. Stephen O, Skakandy is N chicks be making profits? ter played first base, Egbert was In Basketball and Swimming Awards coach of the Red Bank team and he Building Supplies Were Presented tu 05 Boys ami year, If you hive been using Boll* left field and Spann pitched the first has developed a fine group of swim- Brand Chick Starter Mash or AB\ WILLIAM O'BRIEN three innings. "Dick" Newman, a first Girls of the Red Bank High mers within a short time. On Friday School Friday nt Chapel Kxerclses. Golflns In North Carolina. and Hardware. Mash Chick Starter Ration and B-B baseman and outlielder on last sea- A party of seven Red Bank busi- of this week Red Bank will meet Growing Mash or All Mash Grow* son's nine, was at the game Sunday At chapel exorcises at Red Bank j Asbury Park for the eerond time in ing Ration — the answer is: 61 ness and professional men' left last the natatorlum at that place. In the high school Friday morning school Baturdny for pinehurst, North Car- months and 10 to 19 days, ' J!i\«t bnac in next Sunday's pa me with letters nnd numerals were awarde''"'d' olina, whero they will spend a week. previous meet Red Bank was victor- TRY SOLIDON ious. WhatPmtlttymunSms Ncwbnrff, New York.'Bill Porter, to 65 boys and girls for meritorious The plan to make golfing their Paul A. White, of Horocheads,. HIGH GRADE SERVICE t\:• Tom Rohan, Zev Graham and Joeperformance during the past winter principal diversion. The members The results of Friday's events For Walls and Ceilings. N. Y., writes, "We fed B-B Chkl< Harrington, former Ford ham college cither in basketball or swimming. of the party are Herbert W. Hill, were: Stronger, Lighter, Feeds this eeason, Had puUetM Approved and Improved siars, were on the town team. Porter George L. Lovett, couch of the boys' Edwin R. Conover, Harry Cole, Hu- 200-y»rii relay—Won by Red B«nl<. (Vnn laying at i months and 11 days." played 0 second base, Rohan played basketball teams; Miss Ruth Leddy, Permanent. bert M. Farrow, Theodore D. Par-Blerck. Mock, Hradorson, Ga«e.) Time 1:55 E. R. Stiles of Portland, Heating Plumbing Roofing at third base, Graham cavorted coach of the girls' basketball teams; S. Johnson and „. | about centorfleld and HarrJnRton and Stephen O. Skakandy, coach of .sons, Raymond 1-10. Bays he had White Wyandotteij Divine—Won by WeUel, South Side, RED BANK, N. J. lDS ' iwirlcd the last threo innings, Har- the swimming team, presented the Albert S. Miller. dress 214 - when eight weeks I Water Systems „ Copper Work rington played under the name of letters and numerals. This is the old; they started to lay at a lltttej Brady with Hunter's former Atlantic first time letters have been awarded over 4 months—on B-B Feedt. Earthen and Iron Pipe Highlands nine. Harrington was an at the high school to swimmers. The Moyerdale Farm of LiverWI We Handle the American Radiator Company's outstanding pitcher in college base- Although the swimming team wan pool, N, Y, brought up 140 chick* ball last year. £,ou Westers, form- oiganized only a short timo'ago it on B-B Feeds. They started laying* ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS erly of Harvard, and Smith, a Long has made a fine showing. at 4 months and 10 days. Branch high school player, shared Bull-Brand Stvtr Watts REID BANK and SEA BRIGHT tho catching duties. Vincent of Long The school letter "R" was awarded in two sizes, the larger size going We guarantee the same results to | rrrrrmv Branch played shortstop but he did you or money back, See yoar B-B | | not, coma up to Hunter's expectations to the members of the first team. First team awards for basketball PLAY BALL! Dealer today. Maritime Muling C and ho was not retained. Fred Mer- Inc., Buffalo, N. Y, rlman of Fair Haven, the only local among the boys were received by Adrian Hose, Jack Strode, Arthur boy on the team besides Hunter, 1 OPENING GAME showed up wel! in right field. Clay- MacDonald, Louis' Grob, Angelo Mur- ton of Asbury Park pitched three in- dico," James Turnock, Elmer Smith. nings in the middle of the game and Raymond Rose and Alfred Cook, he will be kept for further work. manager. Second team letters were presented to Lupton White, Samuel RED BANK Spottsford pitched the entire game Libovsky, Meyer Wigderowitz, Robert F. D, Wlkoff Co, for the lire men nnd Ben Pryor did Morefleld, Clark Burrowcs, Kenneth Bed Bank. N, J, tho receiving. The other players Brower, Irving Hancc, Arthur — VS. — wore Edward Murphy, Anthony Bub- Boross, Robert Cadman, James lin, B. Bennett, Robert Starr, Ken- Givens, Elbrldge Borden, Francis neth Woodward and Alberts, a minor Nary, Charles Ackley, Edward Mul- NEWBURGH league player, who was refused a try- ligan, Benjamin Cook and George BULL BRAN bFn;n> out by Hunter. Wolcott. Graham, Porter and Hunter visited B.Am.v AND pom. i i* v A diamond for "the Nine letters were awarded for the plate in the town team's half of swimming. They were received by Hunter's Field the first inning. Graham hit over Edwin Broderson captain, Howard NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. sweetest story ever told" second and Portor made first base Notlco l» hereby Klvin that Healed bid* Gage, William Mack, Joseph Van- on an error, sending Graham to third. will bo received by tho Council of the Bor« Blerck, William Higgins, Herbert, (Newman Springs Road.) ouith of Little Silver (or furnlshlns nnd A stone that is as genuine Hunter advanced Porter flftor he Ewlng, Jack Chambers, Bernard nMyinar Asphnllic Oil nnd «nnd cover on as the love that prompts its took first base on being hit by a ccrliiln roads lii Iliu Ilorough (ejtlmited IJurwitz and Joseph Dixon. mmunit required H 15,000 KalloniO, »n* giving . . A mounting that (ijlched hall. Egbert singled and openeil and read In pijlilic iti the Council is as delicate and graceful Graham and porter came home. Hun- Among the "girls first team basket- SUNDAY, APRIL 14th, 3:00 P. KooniH nf the Itmnuijh, on April 2*. 1929. ter scored on Wester's blow tb third ball letters were awarded to Mildred nt or about 8:00 P. M., Im-nl time as the recipient—that is base. Merriman hit into a double Kcheidt captain, Kathryn Pope man- • Spoein™ui)ii« nnd bl.l form iirep.rell b>! ager, -:? Marguerite Zweifd, Jran ', OeorKo k. Allen, Jr.. borough- Enelnnew the engagement ring you play in which he was retired at first MIIIMIIIHIHI HMIIMMItO»»*l» hnve been Illcil in the odlcu e.r mid onelnMF may expect to purchase and Egbert was caught at the rub- Walker. Grace Partrick, Marion nt 00 Hrnad ntrtet. Hod Hank, N. J nnd here . . . Our stones are ber. Dietz, Bernice Soulesome, Jessie. TiiomaThomas • niny bo Innpeeteil liy prospcetlvo bjddn< nnd Margaret diirintr husinosi luniri, ' most carefully chosen, for .Murphy attempted to scorn for the team awards wet : Hackstnff. Second | | 1 Illils must bo Hindi- on Iho proposul we trust our reputation to firemen in the third Inning when Tilton, Edith wore made to Buelah « ' L lormi furnl-ilied by the Knulncer In man. Bennett hit to center field. Graham I Head, Vivian Rose-|]| tr nor desirniiteil therein nlKj required by tha each one . . . Our mount- berry, Caroline Erb, Vivian Layton, npcclllcatiimi. mu»t ho eneltneil In iiealed in returning the bail cut Murphy at) cnvolopcn, hcnrini! thn iinmi- of the proposed newest pla the plate. Grace Brooks and Polly Bruyere. work (IIMI tlie niiino nnd luldress of *the bid- Dlanid Kings ings The sophomore class won the in- der on tho uulsliln nml must be nccompan- num, and -white gold Rohan made the fourth run for the ter-class girls' basketball tournament led by a eertillnl ehrflt pnynlilo to tlio In i wide choice (owners in the sixth frame after he .Onrouirh of Little Silver, for not lr«» than Our prices most reason- and numerals were awarded to mem- of designs had walked. He scored on a hit by ton (10) iirr rent ,,r tlio iimomit bid, and able—quality considered. bers of the winning squad. Those bo dehverod nt Iho plnce. nml before th« S3.1 - S50 - SI 0(1 Graham. Hunter and Egbert came who received numerals were Ethel liollr noovo nnmefl. hnnip in thf seventh inning making Applegate, Catherine Boyd, Bertha liy order of the Council of the Borciiirt the fifth and sixth tallies. Hunter Lewis, Elinor Jardine, Ruth Man- of Little Kllvcr. was safe on an error and he scored REUSSILIES' son, Mildred Goff, Sylvia Levlnsky, EUAS S. BLACK. when Egbert smashed a hard drh^e, to Catherine Stoye, Thelma Rush, Cor- Mi Monmouth's Leading Jewelers Calandriello, who fumbled the ball At,.,ti ' *°* rine Welsh, Dorothy Grand, Dorothy ELIZABETH D, IIOBnS. Clerk. and let Egbert go to third. Egbert 36 Broad St. Red Bank, N. J. Smith, Alice Ross, Margaret Tuller I.ltlle Silver. N. J., April 10, 1929. crossed the plate when Murphy and Barbara Goode/ Est. 1880. juggled Smith's blow. The game end- SHERIFF'S SALE. ed shortly after Starr scored for the A group photograph of the girls' By virtue of n writ of n. fa. to m« AU reeled, is-iued out ot the. Court of Chan» firemen in the ninth setto „ varsity basketball squad was taken PHENONEMAL eery of tho State of New Jersey, will b« Thursday afternoon in the high Starr ghowed tho way in hitting exposed to nnlo nt pnulli! vendue. on Mnn- school gymnasium liy Andrew R. for the firemen with three safeties, dny, the ahtli tiny of May, 1029, between Coleman. Uio hours of 12 n-cloclt nnd 5 o'clock (»» ono a double. Egbert and Westers of So clock, tlnyliiiht »nvlnB time), In th« the town team each made two-bag- nflornoonof said dny, nt the Court Hous«j gers. ' j In the noroiiKh of Freehold, County rf The New York team, which will | SALE Monmouth, New Jernoyn , to satisfy a dij NEW SPORT CORPORATION! Ztotf u%°°oo """"">"« '» wroxh play here next Sunday, is recom- w onlc r011 1 1 inondod as a strong aggregation and i ",i,h "2 , - « » »'B«a and dcereti HALF OF ELKWOOD TARK ,'«,' « flr«t.plnM slsteon shares of th« n hard fought game ist expected for rjilrty-nlnth Series, nnd in the .ccond plai« the season's opener. Joe Stryker, LEASED FOR RACES. TO-DAY, TO-MORROW, FRIDAY & SATURDAY that the certjiln mortt-nned premises, with tho mainstay of the town team's th« nppurtennncej in tin Bill of Complain* ill the .,* d c«u<« particular!? not fortK pitching Maff, is expected Luulmru TIIPI ''Hoiicoiist Motor Speedway Cor- nnd described, that I, to any: All those two! most of the twirling duties. Hunter poration" Formed and .Rrfces of oertnm loti, trncti or parcels of Isnd and still lacks a shortstrtp. Another Ford- promises, lorclnnltcr particularly described! Various Kimln i» bn Held During; For These Four Days We Will Allow A Jlllinte Ivlnir .ri.tbelng in th. Townihlp e3 ham player wijj aspire for this po- the Coming; Season. Mldtlletown, In the County of Monmouth sition Sunday. The town team play-, ers will all have, new rod and white Five young men from Rod Bank, uniforms. Most of those who sawLittle Silver and Koansburg have Sunday's gamo think tho Ked Bank formed a company known as the tram will have to play much tighter "?eacoast Motor Speedway Corpor- ball to bow] over fhn squads "they will ation" and they have leased half of Lot Nurnbor Three Hundred nnd Forty' have to contend with this season. Elkwood park, near Oceanport, con- our described „ fo||owl Dcglnnina: «t 4 taining a mile race track. This 20 Per Cent oint In the westerly side nf Twlltebl track was built many years ago by [ WHITE MAR&BTS NEW BASEBALL TEAM. ono of the first owners of the park and it has been used for horse and Th.f? Monninuths of Ked Bank Will motor car racing. Ralph DePalnia, ?L?BS:KEm Open tho Season April 21st.. a noted mce driver, nt nnn time broke a world's pperd record nn thn track. Twilight Avenue- twenty feet to" IM Nurni Tho Monmouth athletic club of Red It is ono of the fastest dirt tracks in P.iink, which was formed recently, the East. Discount . is organizing a baseball team. The SSSSl cluli has engaged the ball park on Tim young mm lnvn b^rn working Cor. Broad and Front Streets, Red Bank, N. J. , Valley drive at Atlantic Highlands on the track putting i! in .^happ far ON ALL OUR tin'v p i where panics will be played Sundays automobile which f ' i. Th^y ox-j jl'-nv Tr.,,t. twenty feet t* T^NiSi Tel. 2037-W. FREE DELIVERY. •ind holidays, beginning April 21st. to conduct tht* j 11-JI i llundreil nnd Fo.rty.flvc on Mild prct tn nprn an IVf oration , Beside the host players that com- day witli ft , Number Three Hundred nn(] Forty-fiv»j pft«od ..flip old Ramblers team, mater- Selling Quality Meats at Reasonable Prices. • inl will ho selected among playn .-i n\v races, V r^ nn\ a two de»eril,e,l „» follow.: B.nlnnlnJ ll Long I-Irnnch and nthrr nearby » point In the westerly side, of Twilllhi ; towns. The players will be known as niotorcyrlP, ar \ !•-' AVCIIIIO, ilMnnt two hundred .nil forty FANCY YOUXG' JERSEY PORK tlic MoiininnthE, They had their firht bilp nnO nn MrpH'^ LADIES' SILK DRESSES ' »«et northerly from the Interneotlon ot th« emterly elite of Twilight Avenue with thf workout Sunday and give promise of is openpd the frrj^ hold rarrn jr^ i!:;i northwesterly .Mo of Lawrence Avenue devoloping into a fast team. They 1 t 0 (I) snmrnrr. li ^" '!i"t 'i™ inrtherly, «lon« LOINS worked under the guidance of Cliff anl,l Twiliicht Avrnuo, twenty feet to Lo* Thft olllrrrs nf th** LADIES' COATS Number Three ]lunilretl nnd Forty-on« OB • Greon, who with Henry Chi>lu Wil- • •III Map; theni-o (2) wenterly, nlonir Lo« liams has the team in charge. Both Pr*§Wfnt— Ven-.rn Number Threo Hundred «nd Forty-ont «• are well known players. Others In- Sprinsa rnn'i. ««ld rruip. elBhty-.k and .cvenly-tno Mm. lb. ilreilths fert or tnnre to n point; thenis* lb. terested in the organization of the Vici .preni'lpnt—Clare Peters place. j CHILDREN'S COATS (3) southerly, nlimir the Keansburn B«Beh 27« '• team are P. L,. Jones and Sprig Wll- Rr^retary mr\A trs;;rof r — Vorrf 11 J. Compiuiy Trufit, twenty feet to Lot Num (Blh End) , liania of Kr-d Rank and Francis Bnr- Mnnrc of Llttl^ 'Silver. lundreil nml Forty~th"reii"oH i«ald map; thence (4) enitcrly, almiloneK; BRffatjK ; nott of Atlantic Highlands. Mr. Jones Trflrk mannRer —E'm*T Ccttrell of Maple Lot Number Three. Hundred «nd Forty, ! is booking games for the team and These Are All the New Spring Models and Fabrics three, tlghty-novm .nd, neven )mntlr«ilth« Elm Inc». sociation already has 22 members. ««!t of Atlantic Hi Mand» niillilln" «nj The organization ha.cj its club rooms, K Ib. JOBRJJII Jiwin, yon of Captain I various Irist Saturday when the college var- Snyder & IlobcrU, Solicitors. professional pvents^on the track with- 100 More of Those sity team played Princeton In thr _i!?_!'!L«>_ t87.3« out paying the entrance for. charppd 1 first game of the »pm;on. Joseph will Monmouth County Surrojale . Ofdc to outstdoi'fi. A pppp{1 reconl will bo jjJiiy next Sat unlay when the FRESH-KILLF!) SMOKED CALA established for pio/c-^ion.'il cars and Rntgnra ninn mvr.ts New York nnl- No members nt th^ ftr-s-eiriMion\vi\ l No . vpr?ity. This is (ho. wconri year'.los- strive to capture and maintain this Attractive Porch Dresses rph lias ]>]ayrd on the varsity nine. Pursuant to the order of Joseph I« HAMS recoi'd.' Memherwhlp in the associa- Exchanges Donnhny, Surromito of tlio County of Mon- tion is not. confined to Monmouth Refunds mouth, mmlo on the lw«-nly.»,ennil day of Mnrch. 102!, on the nnplieiitloii ,,f Mary W. ( aught n Dolphin. county resident. each Preston, ailminlitratrlic of the cutnto of Ilnrry Smith nnd Floyd Ga.ikin, lb. Four of the interpolators are mem- ^$1.00 Hvend T. Kuiiien. decensid, notlco is liore- LOUR Ernnrli fishermen, caught n dol- by Riven t» tlie rreclllors ol said d.- bers of the 'New Jersey motor rnrlng ee.,,,1 to exhibit to tho mrtWriber, «d- - phin nenr tho shorn last, week. This aeaociatlon and they hay p. raced at mini.tratrU «. »fnresnld, Iboir debt. «nrl ir> n fish commonly referred to «a n Plenty of Pretty Patterns in Gingham demands nm,ln,t the snld estste. undir the New Market speedway, nrar oalh, within six niiuilha from tho date of porpoise. It wna s-oventoen feet In Hfidley iih-pnrt. yenr Cottrell and Percale. tho afurcsail nril.r. or they will ho for- length nnd ni:..- tYnl in circumference iind Cook won tipvernl int'ps at tho ever barred i.f their nttlani tlicmfot 32c doz. Jersey Fresh Eggs 32c doz. nnd It was cetln.Ktcd to weiph about Kew Marliet tt.'tck. This srapon Cook iltalnst tho snld aubacrlber. *""»»» thien Inn.". Tho nsh was evidently will ha\'p n CiipvinJot lacing Dated Freehold. N. ,!., M'IIH-II °2 1920 injured by n ;:hip. MAIiY W. 1-HKSfON, *;ar, Cottrell will use a Jauicl roo£ flumiun, Mi ib RED BANK REGISTER, 'APRIU 10, 1929. Pas* Twftnlv-FJw* DISCOVERY OF MABL. FAIR HAVEN VTWB. IMMIIMMIIIIIIIIMIIUlMMUMllUII I Fix Clocks It WM First Vied In the County in Ruminate 8«le at Episcopal Pariah Fifty o.r.' «>p»rlinc« «nd «h» fc"< HOUM Next Monday. ulppsd clock shop In the county Receiver's Public Auction " 1811. (Tat Rid BinV Birfiter un •>• bnwkt F. F. COLEMAN Freehold, N. J., April 10. CAP)— aicfa wxk In th« .tor* of Burrr Kurtli and By Order of Court of Chancery. The rich fertility of central Jersey •t thi Gold Ctdin, F»lr Hl»«n. Bub. IS Rector PI«c«, Red Bink, N. J. ' Melds owes much to a discovery made icrlbiri cm fat Ulfr p«p«r. >t th* poit- offlc. »lt«rnooai «t X;»» Phona SOU, 128 years ago. o'clock.) A man digging on the' farm of Friday, April 19th, 1929, 2 P. ML Peter Sohncclt in Monmouth county The ladles' guild of the Episcopal TUXEDO In 1803, uncovered a bed of marl, jhurch will hold a rummage Ml* ntxt hut no notice was taken of it unMonda- y afternoon at two o'clock at A. A. Brant Lumber Co.'t Plant and Yard at tho parish home on Church atreet. FINKELSTEIN'S SUITS til 1811, when the unuBual fertility Lakewood, N. J. of that field was observed. Later Mitts Mary Emma Hendrlckson and Investigation found that deposits of Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft will be In rnarl^ .&_ chalky Bubstanco _rich .in charge of the sale. On Thursday af- organic matter," extended under the ternoon, Aprimth, the tftflld will $6,000 of Lumber and Building Material. soil In portions of Middlesex, Mercer hold a card party at the pariah house. and Monmouth counties over an Mies Scowcroft and Mra. Clara Real estate, buildings, railroad aiding;, lumber, building materials, auto- area about ten miles wide and 100 Knight are In charje of the arrange- mobiles, trucks; office fixtures including electric adding machine, book- miles long. ments. keeping machine, Billot addressing machine, typewriting machtneg, desks, By 1825 marl had come Into gen- A beefsteak supper was a«rved at the conclusion of the business meet- eta. Thomas A. Mathli. Receiver, sells on Friday, April 19th. 1920, at 2eral use by farmers and new de- posits were opened and worked un ing of the Mechanics' lodge Thurs- Suits- P. M. oh the premises at lumber yard of A. A. Brant Lumber Company til a cheap commercial product was day night About 38 membars were (Lakewood), Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, N. J. introduced. The early use of marl, present. ' Leonard Mack and LtsUr England RBAL ESTATE: Consists o( about 100 feet front on Ocean Avenue, however, was believed to have had far-reaching effect. have joined the fire company. Lakewood, N. J.. In depth approximately S50 feet, with buildings and sheds Scientists believed the widespread Mr. and Mrs. Richard McAllister thereon ereoted and a railroad elding passing through the main building, stores of marl formed when the and son Richard, who have been MonmouthSt. Men's Shop ocean covered most of what are now spending the winter at New York, subject to mortgage and tax liens of approximately $21,500. Exact amount have reopened thtir summer home on 28 Monmoutb St. Red Bank. will be announced at sale. the southern and central portions of New Jersey. After the process of Pearl street. Phone 2M4-J. Frank Covert has been laid up with A splendid opportunity Is afforded to buy a complete lumber plant deposit of marine life had ceased an ancient upheaval lifted the ground mumps, located In a growing community and within easy hauling distance of the400 feet above aca level. Miss Frtncea Emrnons of Long Best Place rapidly developing ocean front of Ocean County, N. J. What wero known as clay marls Branch hat been visiting her brother, 1 —In— extended over a largo territory with Thomas Emmom. 6al« to the highest bidder or bidders subject to confirmation by themany pits centering around Mata Mrs. Howard Morris ana daughter Monmouth County court and cash deposit ot 20% required at the sale. wan, Jamesburg, Freehold, Long Margaret of New York have been Blanch, Eatontown and in some guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1L ALL COLORS, SIZES AND STYLES. to Buy * Good FURTHER PARTICULARS; Thomas A. Mathio," Receiver, Toms sections of Salem county. Before CIceland, Jr. River, N. J., or George D. Hendrlckson, Attorney, 75 Montgomery Street, the commercial substitute came In A Chris craft boat owned by Dr. to use farmers considered the apWalte- r W. Gosling of R«d Bank was OTHERS UP TO $35.00. Jersey City, N, J. . plication of good marl necessary for launched yesterday at VanBlerck's USED CAR a successful crop. boat works. • Plant open for Inspection dally during business hours. Analysis of marl has shown the R. L. SAXE presence of large quantities of lime The classified advertisements In i| 12 W. Front Street, Make This the Family Shop. p. and- phosphoric acid. The Register contain worth while op- Red Bank, N....J. j 'HUDSON & ESSEX DEALER portunities for everybody.—Adver- Papa, Mama and the Kiddles all Welcome! ' tisement. (Next to City Hall) Women's and Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty SUING FOR $5(1,000. Broadway, Service, Cleanliness and Courtesy—Our Motto. Shrewsbury Family Has Brought Suit Against Three Red Bank Men., Long Branch. N. J. THE VOGUE BARBER SHOP 6 WHITE STREET (Near FostofHce) BED BANK, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nordln of Phon« 327. White road at Shrewsbury have Open Evening! and Sunday*. started suit for $50,000 against Joseph Baker and Eleazer Becker of Mech- anlo street and James HIgglns of Linden place for Injuries sustained by their daughter Vera when she was hit by a truck owned by Baker HELPED DURING Junior and driven by HIgglns six months ago. HIgglns at the time of the ac cldent was employed by Becker, whq MIDDLE AGE A four-cylinder four-cycle portable nad borrowed the truck from Baker. Vera Is In her fourth year. In the Woman Took Lydie E. Pink- accident her left hand was mangled, Inboard Marine Motor. she was cut on her head and was ham's Vegetable Compound bruised and scratched on her arms'. Denver, Colo.—"I havo taken six legs and body. Two fingers of her fcottlcs of Lyilia K. Pinkham's Vege- Costs no more than a large outboard motor left hand were amputated as a re- table Compound and half as much to operate. sult of the accident. The case Is ex- and will take a pected to be tried In September. more. I am tok- Fischer & Crowell represent the Nor- -ing it us a tonio See this motor at our factory. dln family. mt to h°'n > m • » through! the A LUNCHEON PARTY. Clinnge of Life and I am telling Friends Entertained by Sirs. Frank many of my friends to take it Enstlca of Rumson. ns I found noth- Van Blerck Motors, Inc. Mrs. Frank Enstlco of River road ing before thin to Rumson, entertained eleven friends liclp me. I had at a luncheon last Thursday. Mrs. so many bad Lyle Enotice, also of Rumson, as I RED BANK, N. J. slsted no hontcoo. Tho guests were Ice I ings at night that I coulrt not sleep and for two yearn t could not Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mayhew of go down town lmcauso I was afraid Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. William of fulling. My mother took thit'Vcge- Works: Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank 1208. Duncan, Mrs. Raymond Condlt, Miss tiiblo Conrpound ycurw ago with good Ruth Condlt and Miss Alberta Sun results ami now I am'ttikinp it dur- can of Arlington, New Jersey, and inp tlio.Change of liifo and rccora-' Mrs. Arthur Chapman and son Ar mend it."—Mns. T. A. MILLER, 1011 thur and John Davison and son L. BAMBERGER S? CO. Adams Strctt, Denver, Colorado. * It Pays to Advertise in The Register. John of Glen Ridge, New Jersey. EATONTOWN POLICEMAN HURT Is'Now Serving Americans Thrown From His Motorcycle While Chasing Speeders. Harry Kirkgard, the Eatontowrj motorcycle policeman, was thrown On Two Continents from his motorcycle on tho stale A Quality highway near Eatontown, Sunday riight while chasing two speeders Mr. Klrkgard's right arm was bad- ly bruised. Ho was taken to the Red Bank hospital by Frank Pat- Do you belong to a club in Paris? L. Bambergier & Co. offers terson of Eatontown, where his in- juries were treated. The injury did you the same conveniences and privileges you would receive. not keep him frbm his dutlea as po- in a good club, without the expense of membership, in "Service Market lice officer. Aimcee," at 4 Rue Daunou. Situated in the heart of the hotel and shopping district, near l'Opera and next door to Giro's, 21 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. "Service Aimcee" is delightfully convenient. WHERE AMJL. THE BUSSES STOP v Drop in at 4 Rue Daunou the next time you are in f Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials! ._ Paris. Relax in an easy chair while you read Charm- or the newspapers of Metropolitan Northern New O AC , BEST QUALITY jersey. Register in the guest book, where you will find the names of other New Jersey people visiting ' j"ib. Legs of Fresh Spring Lamb Paris. "Service Aimcee" will surround you with a » home-like American atmosphere — the more home-like 1 Rib End Best Milk-Fed Fancy and the more American,because no tips are permitted. FRESH FOWL c Loin lb. Milk-Fed (8-6-lb.) 42 Plumbing Makei "Service Aimcee" your Headquarters wniie you are in BROILERS Paris. Have your mail^sent there. Ask for information about PORK Breast Neck Milk-Fed c Repairs hotels, restaurants, amusements, what to wear and where to buy 26c ib 49c ib. it. "Service'Aimcee" will a;ct your railroad tickets for you, make1 VEAL 17lb. Promptly hotel reservations, tell you about air routes to Loiidon and points on the Continent. In short, this new service will do anything it YOU want a compe- Filet of Beef • Boneless Lean Fancy Capons can to make your stay in Paris more pleasant and- interesting. c tent workman to come lb. 75c SALT PORK 24lb. lb. 54c quickly when some- Remember the address. . . 4 Rue Daunou thing goes wrong with your plumbing. Brookfield i Schneider's 4-tb. Size —or— C Home-Made Milk-Fed F* Many years of train- •'•"'.' J-.'liiits of this new scr- L ing have made us com- Cloverbloom Apple Butter 10lb. Roasting . ;••,..:/ «ladiy upon request ¥ petent—and adequate BUTTER equipment makes us Fresh or Corned CHICKENS lb. Plate or Navel c 44c prompt. 49 BEEF 14lb. Gall us -when some- thing goes wrong. L. BAMBERGER & BEST QUALITY "One of America's Great Stores" C Kenneth Jeffrey lb. Prime Rib Roast of 35 Linden Place, N E W A R K -:- -:- PA RIS -". SHOP AND 8AVE IN Red Bank, N. j. rhono lfll-W- You May Telephone Your Order by Calling Market 0001. SCHNEIDER' MARKET camaattT i«t,-t»*»aw«»»i A OO. TOBLISHERS OP CHARM . L,.. AND OPBHATOM OF 21 WEST FRONT STREET, RED BANK N. J. «TATio>Aroii I Make a Health Elimination oj Tour Home tgm Page Twenty-Six RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 10, 1929. SHERIFFS SALE These, two daughters are the exe-1 WEDDINGS. and»Fred Hall of Long Brunch, aiater and Claud Minuldi of Montclalr were conducts a garage on Lelghton Ry virtue uf H writ of ti, (a. to m« tutors of the will, which waa made! and brother of the bride, and Mr? and married Easter at Holy Cross church avenue; and Mrs, Minnie Welntraub, directed, Issueil out o[ thu Court, uf ChiiB- ELWOOD MINTON'S WILL. ! February 21st, 1028. Anthony T. Nastasia—Pieone. Mrs. Arthur Cain. Mrs. Cain la a at Kumson by Rev. John E. Murray. who has a restaurant on Monmouth cory of the State ot New Jenny, will After the ceremony a reception was street. be exponetl tu'mtlo Ht PUullo veniluo, uli Barber Shop and RKH BANKER'S KSTATE (JOES Woolley witnessed the will. Miss Emma E. Nastasia, daughter j of theB groom. Monday. Iho twenty-ninth dny of April, William T. Clark of Spring of James Nastania Of Sprlngdale I A reception was held after tho cer- held at the homo of tho bride's par- Justice Keith also Bent Fournler to 1P2U, hetwt'cn Ihe huura uf 11 o'clock unit TO CHILDREN. named Ills wife, Mary Seymour emony at the home of the groom's ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas. jail to await the action ot the grand 6 o'clock (at 2 o'clock), III th« •ftrrnoon Beauty Parlor avenue, Long Branch, and Frank J. of said day. at the Court IIOUHC, In ^hg Clark, as executrix. He bequeathed Pieone, son of Joseph C. Plcono pC parents. The guests, besides those Jury. Borough of Freehold, County of Monmouth.'' Miss Ilrlrnr S. Umber nf Rod Bank to his brother, Ellas A. Clark, I mentioned above, were Mr. and Mrs. New Jeriey. to uatlttfy H docrco of' eald for sale reasonable; good op- Left Estate Her t;ren(-l;ni'tp— Lelghton avenue. Ked Bank, were NEW SHREWSBURY PASTOR. 52,000: to hla nephew, Charles S. George H«ll, Mrs. Stanley White and 1 coart Binountine to niiproxiinately $1,0117, Will of Joniilo M. Walling of I'urt married last week at Our Lady Star •M - All that certain plot of Innd, ultunte In portunity, established business. l'ortcr, $3,000; to his niece, May of the Sea Catholic church at Long children Stanley and Pearl, Misses iMnntiioutb Is Admitted to I'mliatP. Clark, $3,000, and to another Consuella and Lorraine Hall and liev. Gcoree H. Mlclw Will Begin Monmouth County, New Jersey, dcitlg- Branch. The ceremony was per- His Duties Sundny. naled as Plot Number One Hundred nnd Jnqitfre Gold Cedars Store '<'•' lilwood .,\V. Minton of Rod Bank,: niece. 1211a W. Rusby, 53,000. All formed by Rev. Thomas R. Grib- Fred Hall, all of Long Branch; 'Mrs. Six (108)o n a certain mnpentltleil "Mup I'i'red Hawkins of Katontown, A. J. 'A,' Topographical Map of l'urt of Nnvt>- 693 Kast Front Street, \ ' who for many year? was an em-Mho residue of the estate was be-ben, pastor of the church, and it waa Rev. George H. Micks and family alnk'Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey, i jiloyee of the firm of Hcndrjckson j nueathed to Ills wife. attended bv about'100 relatives and j ™ley £f *<»), Mpnmouth and Mr. and of Norrlatown, Pennsylvania, will Frank Oeborn, Civil Eniilnocr, Wlddletown, Fair Haven. N J 1 move today to Shrewsbury, whero N, 1,." filed lu the office of the Clerk J& Applefiate find who dicil about' — '• • m close friends. Mra. E. J. Cain of Holyoke, Mass- of Monmouth County, Now Jersey, Oct- i^S^ -;••< — •• -- -,--. ••-.--•T-;ix i| throe weeks aj™. loft JI will in which : DAYS OF LONG AGO. The bride was Riven in marriage achusetts. they Will occupy the parsonage of ober 10th, 1015, IIG distributed various , household by her father. Miss Lillian Picpne, Mr. Gulee and ho isthe Presbyterian church. Mr. Micks tielced UH the property of Illanche H, employed by Kclluni & Son, Rowild l begin his duties an the now pat- Melville and Francis I.. Melville, her hu«- nnd personal ;irti' "is.htJn 'ho PrC3b;f- n short time. at half-past seven o'clock. EXCLUSIVE GREETING CARDS CO lines) SI2.18. 11 1 Miss Nastasia wore a white satin Shades Madt to Order on SHERIFF'S SALE. nnd llawiy A. Connvrr, this nun,!." " " <--l>urclyV hall_ by the women's gown and a veil til tulle trimmed Mr. Mlcka Was received into the y league chorus of that church. , Cos- Labrccquo—Travers. Short Notice. By virtue of H writ of IK fn, to mo di- "Eternal vigilance is j to be paid to each when they ar- with lace and sprays of lilies of the Miss Marie J. Labrccque, daughter Presbytery of Monmouth yesterday rected, Issued out of tho Court of Chan- lived at tlip i\£? of sixteen years. AH tumes of bygone days will bo worn valley. Her corsage was of white from the Presbytery of Philadelphia cery of the Stutc of New Jersey, will he the price of — secu- 1 ihe rest nf Mr. >Min(nn'.s (.'.state was:b y• ,th e participant,s in keepin-• -g with of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Labrecque North. The meeting of the Presby- exposed to islo ut public vundue, on Mon- tMi r art81n thh e roses and lilies of the valley. Thejof Campbell's Junction, and Jerome day, the sixth duy of May. 1021)^ between ordered .divided dually among hisi I' entertainment. bridesmaid was attired in a pinkj Travers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johntery of Monmouth was hold at Rlv: tho houru of 12 o'clock and & o'clock (at rity"—is an apt para- I three children named above. Mr, ', Mra. Isubelle MacGreRor will deliver erton. The Shrewsbury church wai 2 p'clock, dnyltaht savins -time), in the j tlie prologue and will introduce the satin dresdrsss and she wore a boquebuttj J. Travel's of Red Bank, were mar- afternoon of snid duy, at the Court House, phrase of particular ? Minton appointed I'Jdward II. Lnfe- of pink tea roses. represented by Elders Frank C. By- In the Borough uf Freehold, County of tin nnd his daughter Cornelia exe-; various characters ried Saturday morning at St. James's ram and Robert H. Vandervecr. interest to the in- i Those who will take part ate Mrs. A wedding breakfast, was served church, The ceremony was per- Monmouth, Now Jersey, (n nittlsfy A t)#< cutors of his will and the witnesses at the bride's home after the cere- The installation of Mr. Micks aa creo uf eald court ninountinu to nppro:tl* ivestor who demands r worn Blanch K. Hi^ Albert T. Doremus, Mrs. Albert W. formed fey Rev. John B. McCloskey, pastor of the Shrewsbury church matcly f5123.OO. ina and Edith Worden, Jr., Mrs.'Charles Wolbach, mony and thirty persona partook of Rev. Edward J. Heil and Rev. All that certain, tot, tract or parcel rf safety plus income. I ]i. Wallinp. Mrs. Peter Forbes. Mra. Grace Dore- the feast. Mr. Plcono gave the Thomas Kearney. Mrs. John Trav- will take place Friday night, April land and premison, hereinafter particularly Ilclenc S. Harbor of McLaren mus, Mrs. Arthur Go'ff, Mrs. Herman bride a new Nash coupe as a wedding era, Jr., wasvthe matron of honor 19th, at eight o'clock. The installa- described, situate, lying nnd belntf In the Our organization I :,ti ect, who wan a teacher in tho • present and the couple left Wednes- tion sermon will be preached bprRfiv. Townnhip of Middleto Tract," snid map beiiitf duly Died in the sets, and is always at 1 ley, Jean Fread, Dorothy Cadman Mr. Picone's parents. They later ex- Bcarf. Sho had a corsage boquot of Shop Monmouth County Clerk's office at Frre- lumber, nnd [ill tho re:=t of her e.s-1 pect to buy a lot at Red Bank and pic will bo mado by Rev. Dwlght L. hold. Suid lot nnd house thereon nre lo- your scrvic;. 4 late, she bequoaUuMl Lo ln-r yi eat-; and Alma vomStppjj. Vocal solos will Ophelia roses to match her costume. Parsons, u former pastor of the 28 West Front St., cated on tho noutlioimtcrly aide uf Tho ma" bo rendered during the performance build a home on it for their own Mrs. John Travers wore a green en- street, on «nid map and said lot hi fifty imcle. Benjamin Van No to, with | occupancy. Shrewsbury church. Tho Installa- feet wide. whom she lived, and Mr. VanNote j by Miss Sherwood of Asbury Park. semble with- a hat and pumps to tion prayer will be .made by Rev. Mr. Pieone is connected with his match. She had a corsage boquet of Red Bank, N. J. SeUed HB the property of Carl V, Ste- PAUL & Co.j was made executor. The witnesses' The committee in charge of the John A. Hayes of Rod Bank. venst' et nl,, tnlien in execution nt tho were Kilith Hopo MeCrcery and' entertainment consists of Mrs. Har-father in the contracting and bulld- salmon shaded sweet peas and a red milt of Iltvernldc MUHKHKO & Finance Corporation, body corpornle of the State Investment Securities \ Jannio E. Worth ley, both of Lon^;" rison Bance, Mrs. Edmund vomSteeg rnpr business. Mrs. Picono was fox fur scarf. and Mrs. Leon Kelley. ormerly employed in T, Raymondj The groom's gift to the bride was Rubber Heel of New Jersey, and to he sold by 1420 W«lnut St., I'hiladr'pWa | Eranch." Eazley'a law office at Long Branch.; GEORGE FOURNIEB IN JAIL. HAHKY N. JOHNSON,. Sheriff. Jennie M. Walling of Port Mon- a platinum lavalllere of diamonds Dated April 5, l'J^'M W. Raymond Johnson, \ and pearls. The bride's gift to theHo is Charged With Passing: Many Coupon. Howard 3. Iligt'lneon, Solicitor. . mouth. Widow of Crawford Walling, ANCIENT HOUSE BURNED.. __(35 lines) IU.T0 IS Hubbard Park. Red Banks I directed that her body be buried Naulty—Savage. groom was a pair of gold cuff links. Worthless Checlss. Tel. 1536. I The bride's gift to the matron of •J This coupbn must bo presented y • NOTICE OF II^TENTION. hr:"ido that nf her late husband.; It Was on (ho Former Elmer K. Miss Mary E. Naulty, daughter of honor was a bead necklace and the George E. Fournler of New Mon-A together with shoes. A Notice of intention on thu part of tho She. bequeathed $200 to Fair View: Carlilo Farm at' Little Silver. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Naulty of groom's gift to the groomsman 1vas mouth was arrested Monday at Borough of Ked Hank to construct twn cemetery for the permanent upkeep; A o,d houBc. on tho formel. Oakes road. Rumson, and Charles E. a pair of gold cuff Hnka. Keansburg on. charges of passing bulkheads, one at thu foot of Wharf Avc- oilier nurial plot. Ihe use of one- _ , | Savage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P, Pi nuo and one nt the foot ot Proniiect Ave- Elmer E Car Ue farm m Wlm A nuptial mass was celebrated. worthless checks. He had a hearing A NAME >*< nue, in the Borough of Red Ilunlt, tha totnl half of her estate was bequeathed •A *. Savage" , o...... f Atlantic. , Highlands._. . . , before Justice of the Peace Edward cost not to exceed $15,000.00. Quick Pile Relief I road in Little Silver borough was The organist was Mrs. Leiderhauso, i •'•"'• $ to her .ftn ordinance here- wife of John K long as nrowa s burning over the Held when \ S with a nuptial mass at St. to the county jail to await grand Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is guar- Jame3s singer. After the ceremony the new- Inafter set forth has been introduced by she remain"""" s the wife" "of Joh"'n" Ben ""- the house caught fire and was com- church In the presence of a jury u'ctlon. Before boing taken to V ADDRESS the Mayor nnd Council of the Liorough of anteed, to banish any form of Pilo lar e ly married couple entertained about VJ This coupon'and 25o presont- *« nett. The will provides that if herpletel; y destroyed. The loss was small S "umber of relatives and friends. forty of their relatives at a wedding the county jail Fournier was taken Red Dank providing for the. construction misery, or money back. It given husband dies then she is to have Rev before Justice Gilbert M. Keith of J»] ed at tthiis store.i entitles the >>•!of two bulkheads, one ut the foot of Whurf quick action even in old, stubborn as the house was unoccupied and! - Edward J- Hell performed thebreakfast nt tlTa Molly Pitcher Grill. &f signer to a new pair of Rubber V Avenue and one nt the foot of Prospect the rntirn onr-half property; but ifwas in a very dilapidated condition i ceremony and celebrated mass. Red Bank on charges of passing Avenue, the total coat not to exceed $ 1 ft,- cases. Hem-Roid is a narml-.'ss tab her husband survives her then this The bride and groom left fora tour 000.00, and providing for the payment Tlie house is said to have been The bride waa given away by herof tho Southern states. They will worthless checks at Red Bank to let that removes blood congestion in one-half share shall go to Mrs. Ben-; father. She waa attired in a gown the amount of $717.50. The charges thereof l>y fssuiinco of temporary improve- the lower bowel—the cause of piles. Ir.ett's daughter, Beatrice Bennett. \over 200 years old. No resident of start housekeeping at Deal, where were made by Michael Mllonas, prop- ment notcH, which ntiull he subsequently It brings joyful relief-quickly andj Shrewsbury or Little Silver Ctfiti trace of Byrd blue chantilly lace over blue the groom is engaged in business. puid or funded by n bond issue. solely for her own u;;c. The other I satin. She wore a hat to match and rietor of the Sheridan hotel; William Said govern intr body will consider an Id safely or costs 'nothing. United] half of Mrs. Walliny's estate \vas| its ancestry back further than a cer- 'JThc bride is a graduate of the Mid- ordinance for ilnai pitutuiKa on the Fifteenth tain Richard White, who owned the carried a boquet of Ophelia roses. dletown township high school at T. Jones, proprietor of Jones's fill- Chemists and druggist? everywhere bequeathed to her son, Albertus; Miss Elizabeth M. Cone of New-York, ing stations; Howard Hiibbs, who day of April, 10K9, ut eiifht o'clock 1\ M,, sell it with this uuarantoo. I Johnson, as long as he lives, but house ubout ISO years ago, and it Leonardo. Sho is talented as a singer nt the ItoroiiKh Hull, in Htilil. Borough, and was an old hoiusc then. Other sub- the bridesmaid, was dressed m tanand aho has frequently taken part in all peraoim whose IIUKIH may bo affected by JN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY, silk cropo with hat to match, Sho such ordinance or who mny be interestc-il to BERTHA G. PAGENKOFF: tho event the death of hissequent '"owners were a Timothy entertainments'in this section. therein will lie plvi'n an opportunity to be By virtue of an ortlcr of the Court of wife than this half of his mother's White, William W. Sherman, a Mr.carried butterfly roses. William C. CHltlS CUtAFT GAR WOOD heard concerning the provision* of aniil Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day estate. £oes. to him absolutely. If he Naulty, a brother of the bride, was ordinance at nald time and ptfico, or nt Burn King, Winfield White, Elmer E. Car- Head—Enright. All Typea of Used Boats for Sale. further time and place to which nuid mt;ct- of the date hereof, jn. n certain caun- should die before his wife, then'this lile and H. J. Wieboldt of Harrison, groomsman. wherein Frederick G, FiipenkofT is peti- one-half of the estate i;i to po to his The wedding of Miss Dorothy Eliz- inir may be adjourned. tioner, and your are defendant, you are New Jersey, the present owner of After the ceremony a reception and abeth Head, • daughter of Mr. and A. K. SHINN, required lo appear, and plead, answer or son, Mrs. Waiting's grandson, Craw- For a long time the breakfast was Tield at Thomas's inn F. E. BRADY, Fair Haven, N. J. demur to petitioner's petition on or before ford \V. Johnson. Charles H. Sny-1the, farm, Mrs. Thomas W. Head of Midlctown Clerk. the 13th day of May next, or. in default known as the Peggy at Little Silver and was attended by township, near Red Bank, and James Phono Red Bank 1236-M. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. was named as executor and the.', house was forty guests. The couple left by DcWIlo and Bo.vd Martin Outboard Motors In the mnttt'r of tho estate of Uunfel Kin Arthur Enright of Red Bank*took Ahcrin, deceased. vu as'the chancellor shall think equitable ' witnesses were Mary M. Carroll of: " houoc. motor on a trip to the South. The place Saturday. The bride..was at- on Display at Fair Haven. No Urn to ereilitiji's to present rlalmn and just. Atlantic Highlands and Alice E.! bride's traveling costume was a blue tended by Mrs. William Tobias, Jr., BRninut ostate. The object of snid suit is to obtain a ''Walker of Port Monmouth. j "UNDER'THE GAS LIGHT." ensemble suit with a hat to match. WMMM>MMim>MIWM>MMMIIIWMmMIM Pui'fruant to the order of Joseph L, Pon-. decree of divorce, dissolving the marriii^e of Red Bank and Mra. Edward ahay. aurrowate of the County of Mon- between you and the said petitioner. Frederick Hartmann of Port Mon- | Upon their return they will live at Brasch of Rumson. Mr. Tobias was moilth, made on tho HCLMHHI tiny nf April, Dated March 12th. 1U:!'.I. ; mouth left all his estate to his wife, Shrewsbury Phiyrd Important Tnr1 Asbury Park, where Mr. Savage is BRING IT BACK BENJAMIN J. DOWNER. groomsman. Tho bride is a graduate 111211, on the nptilii'ittioti vt Aumititu^ • Solicitor of Petitioner. Agnes T. Haiinmnn, and named her , In An Old-Time Melodrama. manager of the branch ofllce of theof the Red Bank high school and of with that slow charging method of mine. Wo do not approve of Ahearn, administrator of tlie entttto of P. O. Address: 4 Broad Street, lied Bunk, as executrix. Raymond Tansey ami Lust Saturday night the WJ brokerage firm of Sulzbachor, Grange Beaver college, Pennsylvania. The Dnniel Aherin, dfi't'»«ty the I5urro^nto of the County After a short motor trip Mr. and auliBcriber. of Monmouth and reported for settlement Lester M. Conrow, Frank W, Con- j The players Saturday night describe ceived by the bride. Tho groom's Mrs. Enright will start housekeeping EXIDE BATTERIES. Dateii Frechdld. N. .!., April 2, Ii»li9. to the Orphans Court of said County, on row, Joseph W. Conrow, Matthias W. tho station and its surroundings a; gift to tho bride was a diamond din- at the Les Gertrudes apartments on AUGUMTUS AilKAUN, Thursday, the 23d day of May, A. I>. I52H. Conrow and Willard L. Conrow. they wore forty yeard ago and mos ner ring. His gift to the groomsman ?0_MnrJ»ii Street. Ilftl Hunk. N. L at which time application will be mod*' Broad street. A. J. GROVES for the allowance of commissions nnd All the rest of her estate was beo-f the Shrewsbury residents who ha< was a set of platinum cuff links. The Monmouth County SunoKatc'ii Office. counncl fees. queathed to two daughters, Km ma radios heard tho presentation an* bride gave a set of platinum cuff Doughis—Mlnaldi. WHITE STBKET, 'SHItEVVSBUItY, N. J. In the mutter of the estate uf Sutnufl Et- links to the groom and a snake skin kius, (loccnsi'd. Dated April 3d. A. R 1<>2- Mrs. Sample was employed in the of- bers, cxpcul«r» us aforesaid, their debts and demands atrain^t tho trnid estate, under fice of the K. Kauffmann company -with J-Bearing Crankshaft nnth. wit Inn nix month* from tho dntc of at Newark. , HIS dramatic increase in sales of the new Superior .ho aforennid order, or l.licy will be forever Itarred uf their actions therefor against Head—Enrlght. TWhippet, Fours and Sixes, is easy to understand. $ the Mdd Hulmcilipra. Dated Freehold, N. J., March ID, 1020. Mias Dorothy E. Head, daughter of The new Superior Whippet Six is the world's lowest- CHARLES HCHHOT, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Head of Cooper priced Six with the important advantages of seven-bear- THK BROAD STRKET NATIONAL road in Middlctown township, near 76O HANK OK HKO HANK, NKW JBKHEY. Red Bank, became the bride of ing crankshaft, full force-feed lubrication, "Finger-Tip Coicb 169!) Coup* *69f> Coupe ("1th rumbtfl Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. In tjie mutter of the cutato of Jamea J1, James A, Enright, son of Mrs. Thom- ml) |72ft bc l,uxe Stdin WSO; Ppcrt De Una Control," silent timing chain, extra long wheclbase, Roadtter M50 (indudinf rumble intend cxuit). I.HIIK street, dreenned. as Enright of Spring street, Saturday Nut ice to rroditura Lo present claims morning. The ceremony was per- oversize balloon tires and invar-strut pistons. WHIPPETFOURCOACH AKRinHt Cfltnte. formed at St. James's rectory by Rev. Puminnt to tho order of Joseph L. The new Superior Whippet Four is the only Four Donahny, Hurroxnto of tlie Cmiuty of Mon- John B. McCloskey. Mr.' and Mrs, mouth, made on ihu twonty-fct'eiujd d«y ot .Villiam E. Tobias, Jr., of Red Bank, Mnroh, 102a, on tin* upnUration »f Henry with full force-feed lubrication, "Finger-Tip Control," Campbell, acting executor of tho citato of were the attendants. The bride was Jiiiiips I1. LunKtttrt'ut, doconscii; nuih-v in attired in a blue ensemble with a silent ^timing chain, invar-sfrut pistons and oversize Coupe I5SO| 4-piif.' Coupo t!SOr Srhta umi of roses. Tho bridesmaid was dressed C49*i Commercial Cbiitlt tlBO. All IVIIhi- demands it^ninst the ntitil frftjitn. under n a tan ensemble. W1JJLYS-OVERLAND, INC.,, TOLEDO, O. -Oterlind prictt f. o, b. Toledo, Ohio, an4 iprctfi* oath, ivltliin K!X montliH from the ilntc of ciiionl lubject to chtnit without DOUCC the aforefliild cirdor. or tliry will he for- After the ceremony the couplo left ever barred of their mUioiui therefor on an automobile trip. On their re- aunlnnt the snid "SithsLTHiH*. ' ,urn they will live at Les Gertrudes Dated Freehold. N. J.. Mun-h 'Jl!, l!(^!l. apartment houso on Broad street. I HENKY rAMI'HELL, Both the bride and groom are grad- _' Red Hunk, N^ .L uates of the Tied..Bank high .school. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office The bride, is alao a gr&duafa'af Be'nv- NEW" SUPERIOR lu ilia mutter ft (hv estuto uf AurcMa tteek ir college at Jenkintown, Pennsyl- Notkc i'rpfIltu 'anla. Mr. Enrlght I ft employed at a to clalinn iroker's ollice at New York. Purtunnt to thn order h I.. Duniihny, Hurroualc of tint ('mn'ity ul Moii- SIXES itiUtli, made on thi- twi'iily-ii'dim) day of March, lDUD, on the tipplicutiim of Wllliiitn Hall—Ouicc. K. Foster, executor of the u.title ot Auiolin Miss Mildred Hall, daughter of Deck Fodti-r, derensed, liotlcn in here- Jeorgfl Hall of Long Branch, and by ttiven to tlir creditor* of wiiid itc- ncd to exhibit to tlm rtub^i-rihiir. £rn<*at Guice, son of Samuel Guico MAURICE SCHWARTZ cutor nt iiron'MiliI, thoir <)• 4>U and This is an •f Eatontown, were married Sunday deiiiandfl n^aina tlir Miid -^(iitL-', under ewspaper t Arthur Cain's homo at Eatontown imth, within nix im "' 128 West Front Street, Red Bank. thi* nfitroBiiiil .iirdt-r. or they will bo fi»r- Rev. John H. Messier, pastor of er burred (if their actions tia-refor lie Eatontown Methodist church. Telephone 537 auninnt the nald nut>«erth''r, The house waa decorated with cut Dated Freehold. N. J., March U2,' !U2D. owcrs nnd potted plants and the V K. C. BOWKBw Long Branch, N. J. WILLIAM K. I'UHTKIt, means Truth told interestingly ouple were married under an arcfi Red Hank, N. J. •f flowers in the -living ropm. The| .;„___:_.,,_._.„,,,._' '...,..., JAJMEi WAItD. JR., Koyport, New Jer**)'. ^->•••--•-••; Cftll 13 »r 1300 i)' ttendanta were Mrs. Stanley Whita when you want to find a tiuick buyoV >smmm, for your automobile.—il1"^' ^' BED BANK REGISTER. APRTC1$U§2&. Paw Twenlv-Seven AUTO INJURIES FATAL. NEW KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. BOWLING. * Birthday Surprise. What Ha Would Do With an Auto. Wonderful Experience!. Ths Llltli L»wy« Mitt, A surprise birthday party was ten- r "Helgho!" bad and Discounts to f88,118(1,074—Do- hit a tree on the road to New Bruns- the Red Bank council's home. The for the lead. The first game resulted With bandagea upon hta bead. ponlts ot «14,517,1« in IWfl flnnli. In a tie and In the roll off the Cloth- He wondered whn< oh earth ha'd stld. wick. The accident occurred In a degrees were given by a degree team Stork at Ruinson. Done Him Good. Where He Found Comfort. The 33 banks In Monmouth dense tog, Mr, Perttr was taken to of the ABbury Park Knights of lers-Insuranco won by two pins. The Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wlllson the hospital unconscious. Later ho Columbus council. scores were: Figg—Well, how do you like hav- "I've took thr> pledge. Mill. I'm Double Chin, Double Trouble. county had total deposits of : of Third street at Rumson are the ing a place In the country? Hasn't never goin' to touch another drop $88,829,934.58 on Morch 27th as regained consciousness. In(an effort Next Sunday night the same can- CLOTHIERS—INSURANCE parents of a daughter born March the exercises done you good? "Gimme a divorce." cried old man Blnn, to isavo his life an operation waa p6r- didates will bo given tho major de- as long us I live." "I can't put up TitU my wife's chin. against $67,167,082.41 for tho corre- Helm 174 101 160 31st. The Infant has been named Fogg—Yes, and EO has the real es- "Oh,_ well, cheer up! Maybe ye It's been tha causa of all our troubla, formnd. John Connett, Jr., of Rum- gree by the state degree team. Can- 1 sponding period last year. The loans Jlnnnln. 164 175 144 Jane Elizabeth Wlllson. tate agent. won't live long." And now she Bays It's getting double." and discounts amounted to $55,380,- son, wan also in the car when it hit didates from Long Branch, Asbury Krldel ,".. 158 1S7 100 OT4.44. The three banko at Red the tree; He Was badly injured and Park, Lakewoodi Freehold and other Matte 185 187 104 Bank Had deposits of $1-1,017,1^.06. Is still confined to the hospital. The neighboring towns will receive the h. glocum 148 101 170 > The following tables glvo the de- body of Mr. Porter was brought to degree at that time. About 100 can- posits' and loans and discounts of tho funeral home of B. R. Mount & didates are expected. State officers 819 031 870 each Of the banks: Son and prepared for burial. will be present and a buffet luncheon POST/OFFICE Warner .' 171 178 802 I DEPOSITS. Mr. Porter was sixty years old and will be servod. ', S.oond Matlonal, Bed Banl('....l 0,016,688.03 had lived at Rumson 35 years. He The candidates who received the Sweener IDS 172 ISO was employed as superintendent on Curchln 182 160 ^ Aabury Park and Ocean first and second degrees are William Kchroeder 180 Grova bank 6,740,807.01 the James Imbrte estate at Seabrlght. Oakes, John O'Brien, Frederick Mer- Slntterr 141 118 1B5 Seaooaat Trust Co., Asbury He leaves two daughters and two rfman, William Little, Thomas Ktt- Dennis 110 177 204 Park 4.508.625.00 sons, they being Mrs. PenniS K. terlch, Malachi J. Moore, Joseph Droad Street National, Rail Byrne, Miss Mae Porter, ThomaB J. Mezzopane, Joseph Cermano, Her- 819 885 S40 Attention to Motor Boat Owners Bank a,680,880.77 Porter and Raymond R. Porter of Long Branch Trust Co 3,240,087.07 man rJasclmonto, Frederick Johtp Roll off first game: Cldthlera—Insurance, Aabury Park Truat Co 3.070,071.52 Rumson. He also leaves three broth- James Merrlmnn, James Moore, Jo- • ~i:. Postoftjce, 88. Long Branch llanklnil 0 2,7110.002.911 ers and a sister. They are James seph Condon and Thomas Gill. Slgmund Eisner Company's bowl- Merchanta Trust, ' Asbilry Porter and Mrs. Michael Toomly of ing team won three games from the Stop in or phone and let my marine expert give you a Rumson, Edward Porter of Fair Ha- Park , 1,704,181.14 CLUB ENDORSES PRICE. Washers last week. The ecores were: Citizens Nntionnl, Long ,yen and Robert Porter 'of Middle- Branoh 2.545,815,81 town, EISNER COMPANY First National, Spring Lake.. 2,817,040.85 Kcansburg Republican Club Also 184 178 price on getting your motor in first-class condition, all Karmers anil . Merchants, The funeral will be held at ton Elected Officers Monday. 156 184 Matnwnn 2,005,078.25 o'clock tomorrow morning at Holy 141 ISO 158 Keyport Mankind Co Cross church aft Rumson, A requiem The women's Republican unit of 173 isa 160 work guaranteed. Have your boat ready to go without Flrat National, Ddmar 1.874.020.71 mass will be chanted by Rev. John KoanBburg at a meeting Monday 188 166 FrMliold Trust Co 1,804.220.70 E. Murray. Burial will be mado at night endorsed Frank B. Price of National Freehold Banking Mount Olivet cemetery. Red Bank for the Republican nom- 781 891 841 Co ' 1,864,082.78 ination for freeholder and also elect- WASHERS any trouble when the Gold Cup Races are here. First National, Freehold 1,821,208.42 ed officers. The new officers are! Villan 108 141 Faople'a National, Keyport.... 1,708.010.fio ENJOYS THE REGISTER. •?». President*—Mr«, Margaret Opjyln. Hartner 118 189 162 Atlantlo Highlands Nntlonnl 1,544,272.77 n. Whalen ... 163 1E3 181 Oetan Grove National 1.430.846.02 Vice rjrealdent—Mra. Mary Waldmah. Tho Parts of the Paper an Old-Time First vice president—Mra. Idn Hopper. Applegata ,... 167 1S6 155 f Farmera Natlonnl, Allentown 1.220,267.05 Subscriber Likes Best. Burdge ...... 105 16? 185 Merchants Truat Co., Ited Second vice president—Mrs. Sus»n Fred- ericks. \ Bank 1,211,168.36 Louie Peters, who now lives at 757 160 767 Manamilan Natlonnl 1,207.102.1b Brooklyn, has been a subscriber of Third vice president—Mm, Burnetts Central National, Freehold.... 1,185,060.21 The Register many years. In renew- LaMont. Matawan bank 1,117,661.33 ing his subscription he says: "Need- Fourth »lee president—Mrs. Lillian Bart. CHURCH MEETING. Attention to AutoiSls New Jeraey Trust Co., Long less to state, I enjoy reading the Fifth vice president—Mrl. Stenle Fleish- Branch 1.040.868.06 man. Spring: Meeting of Federation of -. Kaanaburg National 900,306.60 whole Register paper through every n'ecretary—Mrs. Sarah BroRnder. Flrat National, Bradley week. The columns of Forty, Thirty Treasurer—Mrs. Lillian Adams. Churches at Long Branch. Bnach 872,480.77 nnd Twenty Years Ago recall many The federirton of churches of Now is the time to have that motor of yours looked over. fond and some sad memories of my Flrit National. Seabrlght .... 661.148.87 CANDIDATES ENDORSED. Monmouth county will hold Its spring Altenhurat National anil boyhood In Red Bank and Navcslnk meeting at the Long Branch Re- Warm weather will soon be here and ycu will want to TriUt Co 523,100.07 in tho 80'a and 90's. There was Flrit National. Avon 483,021.40 William R. Fowler, Br., of Seabrlght formed church next Monday evening noto about myself In tho Thirty at 'eight o'clock. Rev. Abraham 'I* First National, Engllshtown 887,884.85 Years Ago column a few weeks past to Bun for Mayor, keep going. First National, Eatontovrn.... 374.144.00 Latham of Chester, Pennsylvania, / Flrit National. Fnrmlngdalo 328,024.75 which referred to my catching an op- The Seabright Democratic club met will give the address. Mr. Latham oasum. I recall catching the opos- last week at the home of Mrs. Char- is pastor of a church of. 1,600 mem- If brakes need relining . . I have the best lining. ~ Totale JC8,820,834.8D sum very well and also many of tho lotto Robertson of that place and en- bers which contributes over $20,000 Incidents connected with its capture." LOANS AND DISCOUNTS. dorsed William R, Fowler, Br., for to benevolences. He Is the originator Second National, Ited Dnnk....t 4,800,708.10 mayor, Walter J. Sweeney for as- of the summer bible school which has sessor, Thomas W, Garland for col- If wheels are out of alignment ... I can correct that. Aabury Park and Ocean CABS IN A CRASH. spread to every state in the union Grovn bank 6,068.448.20 lector, John Thorsen for councilman but two and to several foreign coun- i Seaooaat Trust Co., Asbury and Mr. Fowler and Mrs. Robertson tries within a period of seventeen r Ford Wrecked, Another Car Dam Park _ 4,884,207.00 for members of the county executive years. If you need new rings or pins . . . Let me give you a Broad ptrpi»t National, Red aged and Crates of Eggs Smashed. committee. Mr. Fowler Is a former m i'm ' ' Bank "...... '.;...'.„ 2,825,201.83 A Ford sedan driven by Benjamin mayor of Seabflght, having served price. , tone Branch Tru.l Co 2.840,448.00 two terms. Mrs. Robertson is presi- BIG LIQUOR SEIZtJBE. ? Aabury Park Trust Co 2,050,782.21! Ioonbooth of Rlverdalo avenue in Lone Branch Banking Co 2,430,877.33 Shrewsbury township, near Red dent of the Monmouth county worn Merehanta TrUBt, Asbury Bank, and a Studebaker sedan driv- en's Democratic club. Freehold Policeman Catches Load Carburetor and ignition trouble ... Guarantee to cor- Park 2,825,267.04 en by Mrs. Henry Newberry of Valued at $10,000. Cltteena National, Long Eatontown collided laBt week at the Houses Rented. Policeman Glenn Paxton of Free- rect same. Branch 2,107.701.25 corner of Fair Haven road and Lin- Mrs. Fred M. Truex's house on hold seized a big Mack truck early Flrat National, Spring Lake.. 2.180,778.00 coln avenue. The Ford was wrecked Farmera and Merchanta, Hudson avenue, near Harding road, Monday morning and found it to be Matawnn 1,017,770.38 and four crates of. eggs In the car has been rented to Arthur C. Bres- loaded with a cargo of liquor valued Valve grinding . , . a Specialty. Kayport Banking Co 1.300,245.25 were smashed. The front of the lln of New York, who will take oo- at $40,000. Two men, Samuel Gaber . First National, Bclmar 1,800,401.72 Studebaker waB badly damaged. Mr. Cupancy May 1st. A house on Spring and Joseph Bautn of Philadelphia, Freehold Truat Co 0.15,852.14 Isenbooth was cut on tho hand and streot owned by Mr. Truex has been were on the truck and they were ar- , Natlonnl Freehold Banking Mrs. Newberry was cut on tho leg, rented to William Chamberlain of rested. The load consisted of about Co 872,764.47 but their Injuries were not serious. West street, who has already taken twenty barrels of rye whiskey and First National Freehold 1,824,288.47 Police Chief Joseph Herdon made an possession. Edward H. Cross's house about 250 sacks of twelve bottles People's Nntlonnl, Keyport.... 004,700.05 investigation. Neither driver made a Atlantic lllulilanila National 1,0011,800.47 : on Moohanlo streot has boon rented each of Scotch whiskey and gin. The Ocean Grove Natlonnl 1,646,074.84 complaint and no arrests woro made. to Arthur Thompson of Wallace liquor and truck wore turned oWr Farmera Natlonnl, Allontnwn 1,076,248.80 street Frederick Pfelfer of Wash- to the county authorities. l Merehanta Trust Co., Ited ENTERTAINED AT CARDS. ington street has moved to Mrs Bank _ 1.255.344.53 Sarah Scott'B house at tho corner Has Fractured Skull. LONG'S GARAGE MantLBQUan National 837,250.12 of Broad streot and Monroe avenue, Central National, Freehold.... 1,236.402.03 Mrs. Otmar Phillips Had a Party on Her Wedding Anniversary Friday. which ho rented a short time ago. Broughton Morris of Freehold suf- Matawnn bank 1,083,214.24 These rentals were mada by John fered a fractured skull last Friday New Jeraey TrUBt Co., Long Mrs. Otmar Phillips of Bergen B. Prothero. Mr. Prothero has also week in an automobile accident near 20*22 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. Branch 800,200.42 place entertained twelve friends last Adelphla.' Morris's car was struck Keanaburg National 927,213.18 rented a store in the Wallaco build- Friday On her tenth wedding anni- ing on Wallaco Btreet to Edward by a sedan, owned by Chief of Police First National, Brndleyj 1 HAROLD A. GIBLIN, Prop. B.acll 847.245.12 versary. Cards were played and Boynton of Manasquan as a toy McFeely of Hoboken. Mr . Morris was , First National. Seabrlght .... 528,265.18 prizes were -won by Mrs. Benjamin store. taken home and later was removed Phones 832 1818-J * Allenhurat National . and Crate, Jr., Mrs. Harry Longstreet, to the Spring Lake hospital, where Treat Co - 880,100,08 Mrs. Irving Rink, and Mrs. Joseph ho is recovering. > First National. Avon 410.49J.10 Cooper. A luncheon was served and Church Notes. First National, Engllshtown 288,815.08 each gucet rocelved a favor. Other Herbert Hotchklss of Princeton Died From Injuries.J First National, Entontown.... 208,631.29 guests were Mrs. George Curchln, First Natlonnl, Fnrmlngdale 272,184.43 theological seminary will occupy the Mrs. Florence Mlzell, colored, of Mrs. Alfred Eurlch, Mrs. Mamo pulpit at thp Red Bank Baptist Neptuno township died at the Long Totala '• $55,880,074.41 Longstreet, Mrs. James McPhee, Mrs. church on Sunday. "Bible Messages Branch hospital Thursday from In- John Morrison, Mrs. Thomas Paul, Needed Today" will bo tho topic at juries she received Saturday when Mrs. Henry Paasch and Mrs. Ralph BOAT CLUB AUXILIARY. tho Baptist young people's union she was struck by an automobile Rhoades. Tho gucBts gave a tea and meeting at quarter to seven o'clock. driven by Patrick Doyle, Doyle luncheon set to Mr. and Mrs. Phil- The spring rally of the Christian claimed the woman got off a bus and Mooting Held Last Nlglit-Calio Sale ips as an anniversary present. i> to bo Held April 21st. Endeavor soclotles of Monmouth and walked in front of his car. Ocean counties will bo held at the The Weekly meeting of tho ladles' AN OLD CANNON BALL. Methodist Protestant church of Man- College Women Meet ' auxiliary of tho Players' boat club uan next Monday evening at eight I ot Fair Haven was hold last night o'clock. Rev. Paul Poling of Bel- The April meeting of the Mon- It Was Used In tho Battle of Mon- mouth county branch of the Amer- I at the homo of Mrs. Gus Wulfing of niouth in 1778. mar will preside. Tho speaker will I ITalr Haven, who was acting aa iiob- bo Rov. W. Taylor Dale of the Pres- ican association of university women • tess for Mra. Frank Wesson. The A cannon ball unearthed on a farm byterian church o£ Manasquan. All was held Monday at the home of auxiliary will hold a cako oalo Satur- near the old Tennent church, near Christian Endeavor societies of both Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson of Keyport. day, April 20th, in Al's White market, Freehold, by a farmer who was plow- counties havo been invited to attend Hostesses for the meeting were at Broad and Front streets, with ing Is on exhibition at The Register the rally. graduates of Bryn Mawr, Middle- Mrs. Lieroy Snyder in charge. The ofllce. Tho cannon ball Is tho prop- bury, Ohio Wesleyan and DePauw next meeting of the auxiliary will bo erty of E. H. Wharton of Keyport, He Likes Florida. universities. held next Tuesday night at tho homo who secured the historical relic from Joseph Prate, who went to Florida of Mrs. Mario Weber on Lincoln ave- tho farmhand who found It. Mr. To Raise Flag at Night nuo 'nt Fair Haven. Wharton says that It Is easy to as- In tho early winter with Mr. and Mrs. 7649 sume that this rusty old cannon ball Anthony Baclgalupl of Red Bank and The war department last week was a factor In helping General who secured employment thero in granted permission to tho Asbury BRIDGE AND LUNCHEQJf. George Washington defeat tho Brit- Hennessey'B fish market, is expected Park Christian association to have an The average number of copies per issue of ish in that memorable Battle of Mon- homo this week. Mr. Prato writes American flag presented to it at Elks' Auxiliary Festivities at Long mouth that was the turning point In homo that heroafter he will bo like night Flag presentations are almost. , Branch Tomorrow. tho Revolutionary war on Sunday, tho rest of the bon tons, he will always made In tho day time, as It I ' Tho ladles' auxiliary o( the Red June 28th, 1778. winter In Florida and summer in Red is against custom to have tho Ameri- j Bank Elks lodgowlll have a bridge Bank. can flag displayed outdoors except party and luncheon tomorrow at the In the daytime. Garflold-Grant hotel at Long Branch. THREE FUTURE PILOTS. Has Old Job Again. Members desiring to go arc expected Alfred M. Carhart, who has been Benter Damaged House. to be at tho Elks homo on Enst Ruinson, Koyport and Long Branch Men Learning to Fly at Alrvlew. living at Long Branch with his son, A bungalow In Neptune township Front street nt half-past cloven Warren Carlmvt, has returned to Red owned by Frod Hanson of West Bel- o'clock tomorrow morning. The The Red Bank Register Herman Schumacher of Keyport, Bank and resumed his former po- mar was seriously damaged by a New luncheon and bridge party will be Clinrlos H. Stone, son of Charles T. sition with R. Hancc & Sons of Broad York barber who recently rented the in charge of Mrs. WaUcriB. Connor. .Stone, superintendent of the Long street. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Car- place and paid one month's rent. Branch public schools; and P. San- hart have moved to Red Bank and Holes wero chopped In the floor to sold or distributed through the mails, and other- Early Ocean Bathing. ford Ross, Jr., of Rumson, are new are occupying Mr. darhart's father's permit tho Installation of a still. The students in aviation at the Alrvlew house on Spring street. occupant secretly vacated tho house. Mlsi Gladys. Shropshire of Hudson flying field. Mr. Schumacher and avenue went In swimming In tho Mr. Ross are taking tho course nec- wise, to paid subscribers during the six months ocean Sunday nt tho Seabrlght bath- essnry for obtaining a limited com- Railing Money For a School. Hearing Continued. ing pavilion. It wns her (list dip In mcrclnl pilot's license. Ten hours of Miss Constance Klnney of Distant Vice Chancellor John J. Backea hiu the dooan. this year. Tho day was dual flying time and fifty hours of BOIO Shoro estate In Mlclletown township continued for a week the hearing in ^ vary hot, but Miss Shropshire said flying aro required in this course. ind Miss Loulso Burko of Kumeon tho James A. Bradley estate. Tin preceding April 1st, 1929 is the water WBB very cold. Bnthers Mr. Stone Is taking a ten-hour dual are graduates of Spenco school in postponement was secured by Sam- were (son In the; ooonn Sunday nt (lying course. New York city and they havo been uel H. Gillosple, former executor,' various places along the ahore, '- -»•«» . ] appointed t committee to help raise who was charged with loaning mors CLUB'S BRIDGE PARTY. •noney for a nlne-atory building for than $1,500,000 of tho funds of tin A Hospital Patient. :hc school In [list street, Now York. estate. Mrl. John L. Hubbard of East Young Woman's Club to Hold It Front street, who I* at the Long Thursday, April 28th. House Hit With Lightning. Rummage Solo Mado $131. Branch hospital with a broken leg, Dr. John H. Becker's house at Fair The rummage salo of tho Re.I l> doing nlcoly. Mra. Hubbard hn;i The Young Woman's club of Red Haven was struck with lightning Fri- Hunk will hold a bridge party at tho Bank Woman's club, which was held beon treasurer of the Hed Bank aux- day night. The bolt mado a big hole n tho Eisner storo near tho lallroad ; Woman's club house on Broad street in thp roof and sot flro to tho house. iliary of tho hospital for twenty years Thursday night, April 28th, at eight station yesterday, mado $134. The nnd fh» Is receiving a host of callers o'clock. Mrs. Guy A. Cheney is Tho firemen wero called out and put money will be used for tho payment , dally from hor friends, both In nnd hnlrman of the committee. Her as- out tho blazo with chemicals, A bil- of bonds to reduce tho mortgsee uut of the auxiliary. iBtanta aro Mrs. Leon VanBrunt, iard table and name books In the debt on tha clubhouse. Mrs. Norman Scott, Mlas Gladys attic wero damaged. Bed Bonk Olrl In IM. .Schneider and lilt* Evelyn Baldwin. Expected Home From California. ' Mlsi Augustine DeFazIo, daughter Tho regular meeting of tho club Ills First Birthday. Mrs. Slgmund Eisner nnd hnr sis of Jos»ph DoFazIo of Pearl atroot.. which wao to havo been held this Tho first birthday of Raymond IC. tors, Misses Rosa and Ida Wcls of I Advertisers get quantity and quality circulation will bt married Sunday aftcrnqon t\\ coming Monday night has been post- lartor, son of J. Harry Carter of West Front street, nro expected home I St. Anthony's church to Peter Falvo poned until Monday night, April 22nd. Whlto road at Llttlo Silver, was colo- today from California, whero thry ot Welt End avenue, Long Branch. bratod last night at n pnrty at which spent moBt of tho winter with Mrs. when they use r.iv. Nicholas Soriano, paalor of the Entertained at Cards. twenty guests woro present. The Eisner's youngest son, Victor Kisnor rhiirch. will porform the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crawford of celebrant received many gifts and of Mcnlo Park. • tho Long Branch boulevard .enter- the usual pastimes woro enjoyed. i ISapttied at St. James's Church. tiilned n number of friends at a A Tie Onmn. Robert Joseph Olsen, young son card* party Saturday night. Prlj^s Republican Club to Elect Officers. The Red Bank and Freehold-high jf Mra, Edna Olsen of Now York, wero won by Mr. and Mrs. John The Red Bank Republican club will school basobnll teams played a t to; » u baptised Easter Sunday by Rev. Holmes. Other, guests were Mr. and invo an election of ofllccrs tomorrow game yesterday afternoon on the Edward J, Hell of Bt. Jamcs'u church. Mrs. John Mrifint, Mr. nnd Mrs. night nt tho club rnamn In the old Newman Springs ron neas. RED BANK REGISTER, AFRm 10,1929.

•»»»»»»»»••* BUMSON BOY BITTEN BY BOO. Albert Lamberf• Pet Bit -Him ft Few Seconds Before It Sled. C. H. ENNIS Albert J. Lambert, Jr., of Ward lane, at RumsRn was bitten on the hand last week by his pet dog after i Electrical and Sporting Goods It had been run over by a truck, owned by the Rumson laundry and , Telephone I14S-J. driven by Jordan Browns. Albert utarted to pick up the dog after It 12 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. had been hit by the truck and when he did BO the dog bit him. Albert HEADQUARTERS FOR was treated by Dr. David H. Karp. The wound was not serious and It Is healing rapidly. The dog died Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods, | few minutes after It was Injured.

Hartman and Bal Trunks | RUMSON NEWS. BELBER SUIT CASES and BAGS. | Collector's Dates for Receiving Taxes —Athletlo Club Dunce. Trunks and Suit Cases Repaired Locksmithing | (The K^ Bank Reclster can be bouvht each wctk In Rumson at Finnerty'a gen- r«l atore. at Bo'yle'8 grocery, and at Tor- iers'i general store.) >•«•••••»•»•••»••••»• Charles B. Ward, the borough col- Footwear lector, will receive taxes at the bor- ough hall Monday. May 27th, from nine o'clock In the morning until two By Madelon o'clock in the afternoon, for the first Anderson Brothers half of the taxes; and on Monday, Movernber 25th, for the second half. , Is Featured In Th» The Kumson athletic club will hold Shoe flection -.» Its annunl dunce on Friday night, STORAGE WAREHOUSE ! April 20th, at the Smoke Shop tav- ern. Mrs. Harry Clay of Newark spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Local and Long Distance Moving James E. Bogle. M'T. William Hears, who has been Our vans are padded and dust-proof. rick with pneumonia, Is slowly iui- Packing, crating and shipping to all Tlionia.1 Bremmer's house on Black j Point ro:ul has been rented to Thom- points. as Wurkc of Bound Brook. The rental vas made by Joseph G. McCue. An addition of a breakfast room and porch la being built to Howard Marsh's house on River road. A census is being taken of the Office and Warehouse members of Holy Cross church. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gray, who have been spending the winter in _Z 51-53 Mechanic St. Georgia, have returned home. ' Mr. Gray is tennis professional at the Scatnight tennis club on the Rumson road. William Murphy, Jr., former own er of the Hotel Monmouth of thi place, Is now proprietor of Beach Wood inn on the corner of Ocean and Avery avenues at I,ong Branch. A dance was held there Saturday night to observe the opening of the Lowest Prices inn. , Until Further Notice ! LITTLE SrLVEB NEWS. Missionary Society to Meet Friday AU Domestio Sizes of Coal Are Reduced Night—Gross Firo Sunday. 31.00 Tor Ton From Our Winter Schedulo, (The Ited Bank Resistor can bo bough each week in Little Silver at the Union We solicit your order for your next winter's supply News Stand at the depot and at Georgi at these new prices. Qunckenbuab'a general atore.) The Wcnonah missionary society .We offer a choice of Free, Medium or Slow-Burning Coals will meet on Friday night of tbla to suit your particular requirements. week at St. John's parish house. Mrs. Zachary Taylor is chairman of the refreshment committee find Mrs. Irv- FINEST QUALITY ing Sutphin of the entertainment. A grass fire on* the old Carlile prop- erty on Branch avenue Sunday night was put out by the firemen. The white trafflo lines on the con crete road3 are being repainted by COAL the road department. A number of young folks attended a meeting of the Epwor'.h leagu Madelon Saturday at.South Amboy. FredD.WikoflCo. William Satter has resumed his studies nt Lehigh university after having Bpent the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor MQlinery; OFFICE: 19 W. From St Satter. Capt. and Mrs. Charles Field of Pliona 552 Now London, Connecticut, have been Is Among: the Smartest Frocks visiting Mrs. Caroline Pontln. YARD: Mapla Ave. & Bergen Place Miss Anna Ackerson of St. Ann's Phono 554 school in Virginia was a recent guest In The Steinbach of her cousin, Miss Janet McKay.1 Mrs. M. Henry Parker and her fam- ily have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Millinery Salon Henry A. Parker of Maplewood. & Coats The. small, piquant blcarnes, the crisp ballibuntl hats, the floft felts and cleverly woven novelty straws all bearing Madelon labels are the hats which are, finding first favor here this spring.

Styles for misses,and matrbn.s, in large and small head sizes. 5 And new models constantly ar- ^rW" ^=£7^=^"f riving. 5.50 & $12.50 j&re the Fashion Salon 9s Forfe^

SOTNBACHS—Second Plosr There Is No Milk Like Madelon's Newgst Styles Are Arriving Nb PURITAN DAIRY'S Grade A Pasteurized Milk Lihgerie TTfe Right Frock for Every Occagion Y/es, there is a difference in milk. The From the lovely Madelon evening gowns of colored lace, trailing low in th« full creamed milk that we sell will have By Madelon back and collared-with wide lace Berthas, to Madelon's simply tailored frocks for street and sports wear . . . these frocks are pre-

" A PURITAN DAIRY PRODUCT $3.95 to $9.95 It Is one of the important modes of the spring. It Is developed in such' IS A PURE PRODUCT" popular fabrics as the rich and colorful spring tweeds, in tweed-and-silk, printed silk and printed-and-plain silks. A few very feminine flj/jn tA Elaborately lace trimmed, fag- modes are shown in the transparent fabrics...... tDiU.uU otted, or perfectly tailored are the new Madelon under gar- Puritan Dairy ments shown lJi the lingerie lection this spring. Chemise, Phone gowns, costume elips, dfince sets, and pajamas of exquisite- MaSelon Coats Impeccably Tailored Red Bank 2030. ly finished pastel silks all bear the Madelon label. ' Madelon knows the importance of line and fabric, of coloring and perfect tailoring and she incorporates excellence in all these points in her modes Glove silk vests and bloomers, Her coats especially are beautiful . . . youthful in feeling, but with a expertly cut, are $1.95 and certain suave dignity. They are priced, without exception, <|MQ Kfl ?2.95 the piece. ' •