Don’t be late – the closing date for submission of your application is 31 October 2014 Admission to Secondary Schools in South Gloucestershire September 2015 – August 2016 A Guide for Parents / Carers 1 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this booklet. Some details may have changed since publication. All maps in this document are based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller HM Stationery Officer. Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. South Gloucestershire Council Licence Number 100023411 2014. Please note that all maps are indicative and must be viewed in that way. Contents Contents Page Welcome 4 Important dates for your diary 5 Dos and don’ts of applying for a school place 6 Where can I get help and advice? 7 Transferring to secondary school 8 How do I choose my preferred schools? 9 How do I apply for a school place? 10 What else do I need to consider in completing my application? 12 Travel assistance to school – what you need to know 14 How are places allocated? 16 What happens to my application? 19 I’ve been offered a school place, what next? 21 In-year admissions 23 Post 16 admission arrangements 25 What happened last year? 26 Map of South Gloucestershire showing location of secondary schools 27 Secondary schools, academies, foundation trust schools and university technical colleges 28 in South Gloucestershire (and maps) Open day/evening information 38 Special resource bases 40 Special schools 41 Admission to South Gloucestershire academies, foundation trust schools and university 42 technical colleges School term and holiday dates 2015/2016 academic year 90 Useful contact details 91 Glossary of terms 93 Application form 97 3 ✆ 01454 868008
[email protected] Welcome Selecting the school you would prefer your child to attend is an important decision.