[Note: This Series of Articles Was Written by Charles Kightly, Illustrated by Anthony Barton and First Published in Military Modelling Magazine
1 [Note: This series of articles was written by Charles Kightly, illustrated by Anthony Barton and first published in Military Modelling Magazine. The series is reproduced here with the kind permission of Charles Kightly and Anthony Barton. Typographical errors have been corrected and comments on the original articles are shown in bold within square brackets.] Important colour notes for modellers, this month considering Parliamentary infantry, by Charles Kightly and Anthony Barton. During the Civil Wars there were no regimental colours as such, each company of an infantry regiment having its own. A full strength regiment, therefore, might have as many as ten, one each for the colonel's company, lieutenant-colonel's company, major's company, first, second, third captain's company etc. All the standards of the regiment were of the same basic colour, with a system of differencing which followed one of three patterns, as follows. In most cases the colonel's colour was a plain standard in the regimental colour (B1), sometimes with 2 a motto (A1). All the rest, however, had in their top left hand corner a canton with a cross of St. George in red on white; lieutenant-colonels' colours bore this canton and no other device. In the system most commonly followed by both sides (pattern 1) the major's colour had a 'flame' or 'stream blazant' emerging from the bottom right hand corner of the St. George (A3), while the first captain's company bore one device, the second captain's two devices, and so on for as many colours as there were companies.
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