Resume: In-Sik Kang

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Resume: In-Sik Kang RESUME: IN-SIK KANG 1. Personal Present Position: Professor of School of Earth and Environment Sciences Seoul National University Seoul, 151-742 KOREA (Tel) +82-2-880-6718 (Fax) +82-2-885-7357 (Email) [email protected] Home Address: 135-1401 Olympic-Ro 99, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-240, Korea. (Tel) +82-10- 5388-6718 Born: 31 August 1952, Korea Marital Status: Married 2. Education Ph. D., 1984 Major: Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, U.S.A. M. S., 1980 Major: Meteorology, Yonsei University, Korea B. S., 1976 Major: Meteorology, Seoul National University, Korea 3. Professional Employment 1995 - : Professor, Seoul National University, Korea 2000. 09 – 2009.08: Director, Climate Environment System Research Center, Seoul National University 2006.09 – 2008.08: Chairman, Computational Science and Engineering Program, Seoul National University 1995. 03- 1999.03: Chairman, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, SNU 1990.10 - 1995. 10: Associate Professor, Seoul National University, Korea 1986. 03 - 1990. 09: Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, Korea 1984. 07 - 1986. 02: Visiting Scientist, GFD Program, GFDL/Princeton University 1980. 09 - 1984. 06: Research Assistant, Oregon State University, U.S.A. 1976. 08 - 1980. 07: Weather Forecaster, Officer of Korean Air Forces 4. International scientific activities 2017- : co-Chair, Science Advisory Committee, APEC Climate Center (APCC) 2016- : Distinguished Science Advisor, WCRP/CLIVAR International Program Office, 2016- : Associate Editor, “Natural” partner J. (npj) Climate and Atmospheric Science, Nature 2015- : co-Chair, Science Advisory Committee, Earth System Modeling Center, NUIST, China 2013- : Member, WCRP Joint Scientific Committee 2013- : WCRP liaison officer, WMO Seasonal-to-Subseasonal (S2S) Program 2012- : Distinguished Ocean Star Scholar, Second Institute of Oceanography, China 2011- : Member, US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group, USA 2011- : Adjunct Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2010 - 2015: Adjunct Senior Scientist, LDEO, Columbia University, USA 2009- : Member, Science Advisory Committee of CMA/Beijing Climate Center, China 2006- : Staff Associate, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy 2006 – 2010: Member, US CLIVAR MJO Working Group, USA 2006 - 2011: co-Chair, Science Advisory Committee of APEC Climate Center (APCC) 2005- 2010: co-Director, Targeted Training Program of Seasonal Prediction, ICTP, Italy 2001 - 2004: Ex-officio, WCRP/CLIVAR Pacific Panel 1999 - 2007: Member, WCRP/CLIVAR Working Group on Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction (WGSIP) 1996 - 2011: Member, WCRP/CLIVAR Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel 1990 - 1996: Executive Member, WCRP/TOGA TAO Panel Many workshop and conference chairs, and other international program members. 5. Award - 2015: Science Achievement Award, Korea Meteorological Society - 2009: Science Contribution Award from the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Korea - 2008: Medals of Honor Award form President of Korean Government - 2000: Social Contribution Award from Korean Meteorological Society - 1998: Science Contribution Award from Korea Meteorological Administration - 1994: Next National Leader 100 Award from Hankuk News Society - 1992: Young Scientist Award from Korean Meteorological Society 6. Research subjects of Interest - Global Climate modeling - Seasonal and subseasonal prediction and predictability - ENSO and Monsoon dynamics - MJO and intraseaonsonal variability and their dynamics - Climate Changes - Decadal variations and Ocean thermohaline circulation 7. Publications (peer reviewed SCI journals): 164 papers 164. Kang, In-Sik, C.-H. Park, J.-H. Lee, A. Scaife, and F. Kucharski, 2017: Stratospheric influence on enhanced predictability in late winter, submitted to “Nature” partner Journal (npj) Climate and Atmospheric Science. 163. Kang, In-Sik, M.-S. Ahn, H. Miura, and A. Subramanian, 2017: GCMs with full representation of cloud microphysics and their MJO simulations, to be appeared in Chapter 15, Book entitled “The gap between weather and climate forecasting: Sub-seasonal seasonal prediction” edited by A. Roberson and F. Vitart. 162. Cheng Sun, Fred Kucharski, Jianping Li, Fei-Fei Jin, In-Sik Kang, and Ruiqiang Ding, 2017: Western tropical Pacific multidecadal variability forced by the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation, Accepted, Nature Communications, Paper #NCOMMS-17-00941B. 161. Ahn, Min-Seop, Daehyun Kim, Kenneth R. Sperber, In-Sik Kang, Eric Maloney, Duane Waliser, Harry Hendon on behalf of WGNE MJO Task Force, 2017 : MJO simulation in CMIP5 climate models: MJO skill metrics and process-oriented diagnosis. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3558-4. 160. Kang, In-Sik, Min-Seop Ahn, Young-Min Yang, 2016 : A GCM with cloud microphysics and its MJO simulation. Geoscience Letters, 3, 16-22. 159. Nnamchi, Hyacinth C., Jianping Li, Fred Kucharski, In-Sik Kang, Noel S. Keenlyside, Ping Chang, Riccardo Farneti, 2016 : An equatorial-extratropical dipole structure of the Atlantic Nino. Journal of Climate, 158. Kucharski, Fred, Farah Ikram, Franco Molteni, Riccardo Farneti, In-Sik Kang, Hyun Ho No, Martin P. King, Graziano Giuliani, Kristian Mogensen, 2016 : Atlantic forcing of Pacific decadal variability. Climate Dynamics, 46, 7, 2337-2351. 157. Nnamchi, Hyacinth C., Jianping Li, Fred Kucharski, In-Sik Kang, Noel S. Keenlyside, Ping Chang, and Riccardo Farneti, 2015: Thermodynamic controls of the Atlantic Nino, Nature Communications, 6:8895, doi:10.1038/ncomms9895. 156. Kim, Daehyun, Min-Seop Ahn, In-Sik Kang, Anthony D. Del Genio, 2015: Role of Longwave Cloud-Radiation Feedback in the Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Journal of Climate, 28, 17, 6979–6994. 155. Tippett, Michael K., Mansour Almazroui, In-Sik Kang, 2015: Extended-range forecasts of areal-averaged Saudi Arabia rainfall, Weather and Forecasting, 30, 4, 1090–1105. 154. Abid, Muhammad Adnan, In-Sik Kang, Mansour Almazroui, Fred Kucharski, 2015 : Contribution of Synoptic Transients to the Potential Predictability of PNA Circulation Anomalies: El Nino vs La Nina, Journal of Climate, DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00497.1. 153. Kang, In-Sik, Young-Min Yang, Wei-Kuo Tao, 2015: GCMs with implicit and explicit representation of cloud microphysics for simulation of extreme precipitation frequency, Climate Dynamics, 45, 325-335. 152. Kucharski, Fred, Farah Ikram, Franco Molteni, Riccardo Farneti, In-Sik Kang, Hyun-Ho No, Martin P. King, Graziano Giuliani, Kristian Mogensen, 2015 : Atlantic forcing of Pacific decadal variability, Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2376-1. 151. Liu, Fei, Bin Wang, In-Sik Kang, 2015: Roles of barotropic convective momentum transport in the intraseasonal oscillation, Journal of Climate, 28, 12, 4908-4920. 150. Kang, In-Sik, Irfan Ur Rashid, Fred Kucharski, Mansour Almazroui, Abdulrahman A. Al Khalaf, 2015 : Multi-decadal changes in the relationship between ENSO and wet-season precipitation in the Arabian Peninsula, Journal of Climate, 28, 12, 4743-4752. 149. Kang, In-Sik, Hyun-ho No, Fred Kucharski, 2014 : ENSO amplitude modulation associated with the mean SST changes in the tropical central Pacific induced by Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, Journal of Climate, 27, 20, 7911-7920. 148. D.-M. Lee, Y.C. Sud, L. Oreopoulos, K.-M. Kim, W. K. Lau, and I.-S. Kang, 2014: Modeling the influences of aerosols on pre-monsoon circulation and rainfall over Southeast Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 6853-6866. 147. Yang, Young-Min, In-Sik Kang, and Mansour Almazroui, 2014: A mass flux closure function in a GCM based on the Richardson number, Climate Dynamics, 42, 1129-1138. 146. Tao, Wei-Kuo, Stephen Lang, Xiping Zeng, Xiaowen Li, Toshi Matsui, Karen Mohr, Derek Posselt, Jiundar Chern, Christa Peters-Lidard, Peter M. Norris, In-Sik Kang, Ildae Choi, Arthur Hou, K.-M. Lau, and Young-Min Yang, 2014: The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model (GCE): Improvements and applications for studying precipitation processes, Atmospheric Research, 143, 392-424. 145. Zhang, Minghua, Christopher S. Bretherton, Peter N. Blossey, Phillip H. Austin, Julio T. Bacmeister, Sandrine Bony, Florent Brient, Suvarchal K. Cheedela, Anning Cheng, Anthony D. Del Genio, Stephan R. De Roode, Satoshi Endo, Charmaine N. Franklin, Jean-Christophe Golaz, Cecile Hannay, Thijs Heus, Francesco Alessandro Isotta, Dufresne Jean-Louis, In-Sik Kang, Hideaki Kawai, Martin Koehler, Vincent E. Larson, Yangang Liu, Adrian P. Lock, Ulrike Lohman, Marat F. Khairoutdinov, Andrea M. Molod, Roel A. J. Neggers, Philip Rasch, Irina Sandu, Ryan Senkbeil, A. Pier Siebesma, Colombe Siegenthaler-Le Drian, Bjorn Stevens, Max J. Suarez, Kuan-Man Xu, Knut von Salzen, Mark J. Webb, Audrey Wolf, Ming Zhao, 2013: CGILS: Results from the first phase of an international project to understand the physical mechanisms of low cloud feedbacks in single column models, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol.5, 1-17, doi:10.1002/2013MS000246. 144. Kang, In-Sik, Pyong-Hwa Jang, and Mansour Almazroui, 2013: Examination of multi- perturbation methods for ensemble prediction of the MJO during boreal summer, Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1819-4. 143. Sperber, K. R., H. Annamalai, I.-S. Kang, A. Kitoh, A. Moise, A. Turner, B. Wang, and T. Zhou, 2013: The Asian summer monsoon: an intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 simulations of the late 20th century, Climate Dynamics, 41, 9-10, 2711-2744. 142. Ehsan, M. Azhar, In-Sik Kang, Mansour Almazroui, M. Adnan Abid, and Fred Kucharski,
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