
has promised a new prime ministerial style respecting the intelligence of electorate and explaining necessary policy changes after winning the Liberal leadership from ...

And yet still we have: Politicians who promise everything to everyone and deliver only what they can be held to account for. Are you listening Mr M. Rich. Turnbull are you listening Andrew Robb.

And still we have without the slightest hint of possible change being even a distant glimmer of thought.

Aboriginal and refugee treatment among the worlds most abysmal. Where's the insight, where is the enlightened perspective! Where is the "respecting the intelligence of the Australian electorate? Where is there any hope for ordinary Aussies which should include Aboriginals and Refugees. Refugees who in getting here demonstrated the very strength of character and depth of commitment that indicate favorable outcomes as citizens the characteristics we need the most.

Where's the "rational discussion" with the electorate? Where are the policy explanations. What place do any ordinary Australian citizens have in any of this power play? Education a total mess and for students facing lack of opportunity burdened by ever growing debt. While the onward march of the neo-liberal ideology that has infected western politics demonstrably fails all but the powerful. I could go on but what's the point. Proudly Australian? Proud of WHAT!

We seem to be heading into a strange new three level social strategy comprised of: Opaque Global corporate oligopolies with; Media messaging the, Intervening national government stuctures and More media misinforming, Ordinary exploitable resources i.e. "the electorate" in lowercase because we are considered last, least, lost. Media delivering the message downline. National governments providing opacity and deniability for the top levels And last The Electorate the real source of wealth who squirrel away every day for less and less with ever diminishing hope of "Malcolm Turnbull ... respecting the intelligence of the Australian electorate and explaining necessary policy changes after winning the Liberal leadership from Tony Abbott.

Of politicians just like Andrew Robb about to retire but in the meantime he's the perfect choice / foil to negotiate this TPP treaty that's going to generate soo much angst in the electorate in the future. Why Andrew Robb? well he's going out at the next election whatever the national outcome no doubt to another lucrative career justified by the successful outcome of the TPP successful for all but the ordinary citizen. Then of course there's the NBN and the Global Warming absence of policiy. Let's face it we are already into 's "New World Order" just maybe not the fairy NWO he may have imagined, in this NWO in which Turnbull, Robb, Morrisson and apparently many on both sides operate this NWO rates most important: Profit at any cost (to ordinary citizens) Inclusion for friends of influence and for compliant functionaries. Apathy and indifference for the ever ungrateful ordinary citizens who should only know their place mind their language obey the law and leave you important people to run the world. Into the ground... the ungrateful bast.....

William Butterfield