OLD GOL BLACK WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2013 oldgoldandblack.comlJ VOL. 96, NO. 16 Program brings faculty to students Overkilling the pain Page 4 Museum celebrates 5oth anniversary Paqe z Demon Deacsin the Dominican Republic Page 12 Julie Huggins/Old Gold & Black The CDC has reported that prescription narcotics abuse is rising, a trend that includes college cam• puses, where the risks of abuse and misuse are high because of the prevalence of binge drinking. Controlled narcotics are often "It hurt, but I was functioning," Interrante to health care providers increased more than said. "I didn't think I needed the Vicodin, 300 percent since 1999. College football prescribed by SHS despite but I wasn't going to complain." While Cecil Price, director of the univer• bowl advertising Vicodin is a high-strength painkiller, the sity's Student Health Services, acknowledges serious risks of overdose most widely prescribed class of medication the growing trend in overprescribing pre• Page 12 in the U.S. While the Drug Enforcement scription painkillers, he maintains that Stu• BY LAURA MAZURACK Administration (DEA) has categorized most dent Health is prudent in its use of Vicodin. Contributing Writer prescription painkillers, like Percocet and "The majority of what we do for pain is
[email protected] Oxycontin, in the highly restricted Schedule ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory How to keep New II category, Vicodin is one of the few that medication, but we look at the circum• Senior Mary Kate Interrante wasn't falls under the less regulated Schedule III stance," Price said. "If a student tells us those Year's resolutions shocked when the university Student Health class.