
platform for computing challenged by chaotic fluctuations

Christoph Berke,1 Evangelos Varvelis,2, 3 Simon Trebst,1 Alexander Altland,1 and David P. DiVincenzo2, 3, 4 1Institute for Theoretical , University of Cologne, 50937 Cologne, Germany 2Institute for , RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany 3Julich-Aachen¨ Research Alliance (JARA), Fundamentals of Future Information Technologies, 52425 Julich,¨ Germany 4Peter Grunberg¨ Institute, Theoretical Nanoelectronics, Forschungszentrum Julich,¨ 52425 Julich,¨ Germany (Dated: December 14, 2020) From the perspective of many body physics, the transmon architectures currently developed for are systems of coupled nonlinear quantum resonators. A significant amount of intentional frequency detuning (‘disorder’) is required to protect individual qubit states against the destabilizing effects of nonlinear resonator coupling. Here we investigate the stability of this variant of a many-body localized (MBL) phase for system parameters relevant to current quantum processors of two different types, those using untunable (IBM type) and those using tunable qubits (Delft/Google type). Applying three independent diagnostics of localization theory — a Kullback-Leibler analysis of spectral statistics, statistics of many-body wave functions (inverse participation ratios), and a Walsh transform of the many-body spectrum — we find that these computing platforms are dangerously close to a phase of uncontrollable chaotic fluctuations.

I. INTRODUCTION der brings one closer to the MBL-to-chaos transition, her- alded by a growth of l-qubit correlations as early indicators for the proximity of the uncontrollable chaotic phase. Since When subject to strong external disorder, wave functions of the key requirement of QC, the execution of gate operations, many-body localiza- many body quantum systems may show requires on-demand rapid growth of entanglement between l- tion (MBL) in states defined by (but not in trivial ways) the qubits, it is imperative that some definite amount of coupling eigenstates of the disordering operators. A standard paradigm 1 is present. A crucial question that we confront, therefore, is 2 z in this context is the - ⁄ Heisenberg chain in a random - whether this necessary level of coupling will still keep us out- axis magnetic field. Here, the disorder basis comprises the side the chaotic zone. ‘physical’ p-qubits [1] defined by the spin states, different due In this paper [7] , we address this question by application to spin exchange from the eigenbasis of ‘localized’ l-qubits of state-of-the-art diagnostic tools of MBL theory to realistic [2,3]. The latter are stationary but remain non-trivially corre- models of qubit arrays employed in the experimental efforts lated, including in the deeply localized phase. by the groups of Delft [8], Google [9], IBM [10], and oth- Although it may seem paradoxical at first sight, strong in- ers. We monitor departures from the limit of strong localiza- tentional ‘disordering’ and MBL in the above sense are a vi- tion in the spectral and spatial correlations of many-l-qubit tally important resource in the most advanced quantum com- wave functions, and analyze the growth of l-qubit correla- puting (QC) platform available to date, the superconducting tions. Considering small instances of multi-transmon systems transmon qubit array processor. Physically, the transmon ar- we find that the phase boundary between MBL and quantum ray is a system of coupled nonlinear quantum oscillators. At chaos indeed lies dangerously close to the parameter ranges the low energies relevant to QC the system becomes equiva- of current experiments. We also find that increasing the co- lent to the negative U Bose . Site occupations ordination number of the transmon lattice, as necessary for 0 and 1 define the transmon p-qubit states, known as ‘bare 2D connected transmon networks, decidedly increases many- qubits’ in QC language. Massive deliberate randomization of body delocalization and the incipient chaos of the dynamics. the individual qubit energies maintains the integrity of these Our work warns that further progress towards larger QCs will states in the presence of the finite inter-transmon coupling re- be dependent on skirting the dangerous attributes of chaotic quired for computing functionality. This coupling makes the parts of the parameter space. eigen-l-qubits of the system different from the p-qubits. Con- arXiv:2012.05923v1 [quant-ph] 10 Dec 2020 siderable efforts are invested in the characterization and con- trol of the induced correlations, known as ZZ couplings in the II. TRANSMON ARRAY HAMILTONIAN parlance of the QC community [4]. Connections between MBL and superconducting qubits Our study begins with the well-established minimal model have been considered earlier [5,6], but mainly with a focus for interacting transmon qubits [11]: on applications of qubit arrays as quantum simulators of the bosonic MBL transition [6]. Surprisingly, however, the obvi- X 2 X X H = 4EC ni − EJi cos φi + T ninj . (1) ous reverse question has not been been asked systematically i i so far: what bearings may qubit isolation by disorder have on QC functionality? Reliance on strong disorder localiza- Here, ni is the Cooper-pair number of transmon i, tion is a Faustian approach inasmuch as it accepts the pres- conjugate to its superconducting phase φi. The transmon ence of quantum chaos, which is an arch-enemy of quantum charging energy, EC , is determined by the capacitance of the device control of any kind. Lowering the strength of disor- metal body of the transmon, and is easily fixed at a desired 2

23.354GHz 23.352GHz 23.344GHz 47.5 − − − 1101011000 3 50 10 | i ] ]

1110010100 23.75 | i

GHz 0 0 0 MHz [ [ E E

50 1010010110 − 10 | i 3 0 − − 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 37 42 47 T [MHz] T [MHz] T [MHz] T [MHz] (a) (b) (c) (d)

FIG. 1. Energy spectrum of a coupled transmon array. Illustrated are the energy levels Eα(T ) of Hamiltonian Eq. (1) on varying energy scales; data shown is for a coupled transmon chain of length N = 10. Panel (a) illustrates the clustering of levels into energy bundles corresponding to the total number of bosonic excitations. Panel (b) zooms into the 5-excitation band, which upon further enlargement in panel (c) reveals level repulsions that become particular visible for larger couplings. In panel (c) we also mark in red a number of computational states (identified in this energy window at vanishing coupling T = 0). The further zoom-in of panel (d) traces one such computational state through a sequence of avoided level crossings.

constant, typically about EC = 250 MHz (h = 1). The energy scale in the problem. Josephson-junction charging energy, EJ , is proportional to Eq. (2) is a reference model for bosonic MBL. As men- the critical current of the junction. It is difficult to fix this tioned above, inevitable variations of EJ are in the percent constant reproducibly to better than a few percent. However, range; thus, at a minimum, there is variation of νi of around typical values lie in the vicinity of around 12.5 GHz, much δνi ≈ 60 MHz. This scale is much larger than the particle larger than the charging energy. Finally, electrical coupling hopping strength, which for the same parameter set is about between the , often via a capacitance, produces the J ≈ 6 MHz. At these values, we can hope that the system is charge coupling T ninj. The coefficient T has varied over a in the MBL phase, and we confirm this below. substantial range in 15 years of experiments [12]; T values The above ‘natural disorder’ regime has been in use in the beyond 50 MHz are possible, but current experiments are pri- many generations of quantum computer processors [10] that marily in the range T = 5 − 20 MHz, making T the smallest IBM has provided on its cloud service since 2016. Other energy scale in the problem. quantum computing research has often chosen to build in ad- The descent from the above minimal model to an effective ditional disorder intentionally, but without awareness of its low energy limit of coupled qubits proceeds via a realization relevance for MBL physics. This research is exemplified, of an attractive Bose-Hubbard model as an intermediate stage. for example, in the recent reports from TU Delft on their ex- Applying a sequence of approximations to Eq. (1) (series ex- tensible module for surface-code implementation [8], and by pansion of the Josephson characteristic, rotating wave approx- Google of its 53-qubit processor [9]. So below, we will con- imation) one arrives at the model sider IBM vs. Delft/Google parameter ranges for assessing the incipient quantum chaos that is, in fact, present in both X EC X H = ν a†a − a†a (a†a + 1) settings. For all the model calculations we present, we rep- i i i 2 i i i i i i resent this disorder by drawing independent samples from a X Gaussian distribution with standard deviation δEJ , added to + t (a a† + a†a ), ij i j i j the mean Josephson energy EJ . For the IBM case δEJ is hi,ji around 500 MHz (for a typical EJ of 12.5 GHz), while for q p √T 4 the Delft/Google case δEJ is some 10 times larger (precise νi ≡ 8EJi EC , tij = EJi EJj . (2) 4 2EC numbers are given below). For the IBM parameters, the energy eigenvalues of Eq. (1) To leading order, this model describes the transmon as a har- cluster into energy bundles corresponding to the total number monic oscillator, where the above choices of energy scales of bosonic excitations, as shown in Fig.1(a). Looking inside place the frequencies ν ≈ 6 GHz in the middle of a mi- i the 5-excitation band, we see (in Fig.1(b)) a dense tangle of crowave frequency band convenient for precision control. The energy levels. Only some of these levels are used to perform disorder necessary for localization, and thus the proper func- quantum computation in IBM quantum processors; the identi- tioning of the transmon array as a qubit register, is produced fication of these levels, as shown in Fig.1(c) and discussed in by variations of E . The attraction term, a remnant of the J detail in Sec. III C, can only be done unambiguously if we are cos-nonlinearity, is considerably smaller than the average har- far away from the chaotic phase. monic term, which is desired for transmon operation. Finally, Having QC applications in mind, we are primarily inter- the characteristic strength of the nearest neighbor hopping co- q ested in signatures of quantum chaos in the ‘computational T EJ efficients, |tij| ≈ √ ≡ J, continues to be the smallest 4 2 EC subspace’ of the bosonic , i.e. the space com- 3

† prising local occupation numbers ai ai = 0, 1 as p-qubit states DKL (P PPoisson) DKL (P PWigner) for QC. In that Hilbert space sector, the problem reduces to a || || 1 1 disordered spin- ⁄2 chain, another paradigm of MBL. Recent 2 results from the MBL community indicate that the separation into a chaotic ergodic and an integrable localized phase is not 0.8 p as straightforward as previously thought, and that wave func- 0 0 1 tions show remnants of extendedness and fractality even in the Rn ‘localized’ phase [13]. 0.6

2 2 0.4 III. DIAGNOSTICS p p

0 0 In the following, we analyze the Hamiltonian Eq. (1) by 0.2 0 1 0 1 Rn Rn a combination of different numerical methods tailored to the Kullback-Leibler divergence description of localized phases: 0 • Spectral statistics: According to standard wisdom, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 many-body spectra have Wigner-Dyson statistics in the T [MHz] phase of strongly correlated chaotic states, and Pois- son statistics in that of uncorrelated localized states. FIG. 2. Spectral statistics of a chain of N = 10 transmons ver- Real systems show more varied behavior, quantified be- sus the coupling parameter T for fixed average Josephson energy low in terms of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. This EJ = 44 GHz with small site-to-site variations characteristic of the produces a charting of parameter space indicating the IBM design. These statistics indicate a transition from Poisson statis- chaos/MBL boundary and the rapidity at which the tics (blue) in the MBL regime (at low coupling) to Wigner-Dyson boundary is approached. statistics (red) in a many-body delocalized regime (at large coupling). Shown are normalized Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergences calculated • statistics: Focusing on the localization for the distribution of ratios of consecutive level spacings in the en- regime, we analyze how strongly the eigenstates differ ergy spectrum, such as the ones illustrated in the insets for three char- from the localized states of the strictly decoupled sys- acteristic couplings. Note that we plot Rn = min (rn, 1/rn) in or- der to restrict to the range [0, 1]. The KL divergences are normalized tem. such that DKL (PWigner PPoisson)=1 and vice versa. || • Walsh transform: We will quantify the correlations be- tween l-qubits (known in the QC community as ZZ cou- plings, and in the MBL community as τ-Hamiltonian or Wigner-Dyson statistics. This is often done via qualitative coefficients) by application of a Walsh transform observations, such as focusing on the limit of r → 0, where filter. To the best of our knowledge, this particularly the distribution exhibits a maximum for Poisson statistics, but sensitive tool has not been applied so far to the diagnos- completely vanishes for Wigner-Dyson statistics (see, e.g., the tics of MBL. insets of Fig.2). However, a recent study [16] (of a localization transition) has shown that such inspections may As a principal example we consider a system of N cou- trick one into false conclusions and that the Kullback-Leibler pled transmons in a one-dimensional chain geometry – a min- (KL) divergence [17] provides a far more reliable quantitative imalistic setting that allows us to probe essential aspects of alternative. The KL divergence localization physics and quantum chaos using the above diag-   nostics and whose computational feasibility allows us to map X pk DKL(P ||Q) = pk log , (3) out the broader vicinity of experimentally relevant parameter qk k regimes. Typical system sizes vary between N = 5 ... 10 sites, as detailed below. defines an entropic measure quantifying the logarithmic dif- ference between two distributions P and Q. In our case, the pk are extracted from the numerical spectrum for a given set A. Spectral statistics of parameters, while the qk follow one of the two principal spectral statistics considered here. We probe the spectral signatures of this coupled transmon As shown in the main panel of Fig.2, this KL divergence system in an energy bundle of excited states (see Fig.1(b)), vanishes when calculated with regard to the Poisson distribu- which are generated by a total of N/2 = 5 bit flips and can tion for small transmon couplings, indicating perfect agree- be viewed as typical representatives in the computational sub- ment with the expectation for an MBL phase (also corrob- space [14]. Zooming in on this mid-energy spectrum, we an- orated by the striking visual match of the distributions in alyze the distribution of the ratios of adjacent level spacings the corresponding inset of Fig.2), while it is maximal when rn = ∆En/∆En+1 [15] (in order to avoid level unfolding) compared to Wigner Dyson statistics (red curve in Fig.2). by comparing to what is expected for these ratios in Poisson This picture is inverted for larger transmon couplings T ≈ 4

D (P P ) small transmon coupling and a quantum-chaotic regime (col- KL || Poisson 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ored in red), where the level statistics follows Wigner-Dyson (a) behavior (with delocalized, but strongly correlated states) for 100 sufficiently strong transmon couplings. It is this latter regime chaotic 350 that one surely wants to avoid in any experimental QC setting 80 – but before we discuss the experimental relevance of our re-

] sults, we want to characterize more deeply the quantum states 60 250 away from this chaotic regime using another diagnostic. J C GHz [ E E J

E 40 140 B. Wave function statistics 20 80 50 localized experiments One particularly potent measure of the degree to which a 5 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 given wave function is localized or delocalized, is its inverse T [MHz] participation ratio (IPR) IPR Z 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 IPR = dr|ψ(r)|4 , (4) (b) 100 i.e. its second moment. An IPR of 1 indicates a completely 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 350

1/128 localized state (as in our example for vanishing coupling T = 80 IPR=1/2 0), while an IPR less than 1 indicates the tendency of a wave ] function towards delocalization [18]. 60 250 J C Here we consider the IPR measured as an average over all GHz [ E E

J states in one of the energy bundles illustrated in Fig.1(a), e.g.

E 40 140 the manifold of typical states with N/2 = 5 bit flips consid- ered in the spectral statistics above. The lower panel of Fig.3 20 80 50 shows the IPR in the same parameter space as its top panel. 20 What is most striking here is that the IPR rapidly decays – 0 10 20 30 40 50 T [MHz] the contour lines in the panel indicate exponentially decaying levels of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8,... 1/128 – indicating that the wave functions quickly delocalize. Note in particular, that the IPR FIG. 3. Phase diagrams in the plane spanned by the Josephson en- has dropped to a value of less than 10% in the region of ‘hy- ergy EJ and the transmon coupling T . The upper panel summarizes brid statistics’ identified in the level above. the spectral statistics by plotting the Kullback-Leibler divergence A particularly consistent picture emerges if one performs a with regard to the , identifying an MBL regime simple rescaling of the numerical data in both panels of Fig.3. (blue) for small couplings and a quantum chaotic regime (red) fol- As shown in Fig.4 below, the individual traces of both the lowing Wigner-Dyson statistics for large couplings. The lower panel KL divergence and the IPR for varying values of the Joseph- summarizes the wave function statistics by color-coding the inverse son energy EJ (shown in the insets) all collapse onto one an- participation ratio (IPR) showing a fast drop to values below 1/2 al- µ ready for moderate coupling strength. The grey lines indicate contour other when rescaling the coupling parameter T → TEJ with lines of constant IPR. the exponent µ being the single free parameter. Such a data collapse is typically considered strong evidence for the exis- tence of a phase transition, i.e. we can manifestly separate the MBL phase for small transmon couplings from a truly chaotic 70 MHz, where we find an extremely good match to Wigner- phase for sufficiently large couplings. This also allows us to Dyson statistics – unambiguous evidence for the emergence of mark a Rubiconian line into our phase diagram (indicated by strongly correlated chaotic states. Probably even more impor- the green line in the top panel) that should not be crossed tant is the fact that these KL divergences allow us to quantify in any quantum computation scheme, as all exquisitely pre- proximity to the diametrically opposite regimes for all inter- pared quantum information would be instantly lost upon en- mediate coupling parameters. This includes a region of ‘hy- tering the realm of quantum chaos lying beyond. The data brid statistics’ around the crossing point of the two curves, collapse at a value µ ' 0.5 follows from a simple argument: indicating an equal distance from both limiting cases, which thinking of the wave functions as states defined on a high di- we will discuss in more detail below. mensional lattice defined by the occupation number config- By way of this KL divergence one can then map out an urations n = (n1, n2, . . . , nN ) (ni = 0, 1 for the computa- entire phase diagram, e.g. in the plane spanned by varying tional subspace), individual sites, n are connected to a large values of the transmon coupling and Josephson energy, while number Z of neighbors via the ‘hopping matrix elements’, fixing the charging energy as shown in Fig.3 (for IBM pa- tij. Wave functions hybridize over these two sites, provided rameters). This allows us to clearly distinguish the existence |tij| & |∆nm|, where ∆nm is of the energy difference be- of two regimes, the expected MBL phase (colored in blue) for tween the two sites in the limit t → 0. Inspection of Eq. (2) 5

say Pauli-Z operators (Zi) in the quantum-information ter- minology of Eq. (6). Here the sum is over N-bit strings (a) pa papapappapp 1 a apapaapapp a apaaaappaappapp 1 aaapapapapap apap aapapap a papap aaappp p a p a apapp p a p a b = b b . . . b b aapp , where each is 0 or 1. a a apap p a p 1 2 N i appp p a aap ap aap a papa appa app appa apa papa aapa papa pp p ap pap aap a aaap apapa τ pa A system described by the -Hamiltonian can be an excel- p p a ppaa apa ppapa app paapa a app p a a KL ppa apapp aapa pap pa p a pap paaap lent data carrier for a quantum computer, particularly if the apap pap ap papaa pap p aa pap apap pap a apaa paap appa app a pa appa high-weight terms are small. If only the one-body terms in a pa apap ap ap paap a pp pap appa 0.5 a ap aapa p 0 a pp paaa pap app pap ppa Eq. (5) are non-zero, the system is an ideal quantum mem- pa a p papp 0 0.02 0.04 p a app papa apaa ap aapp paa pap pppa paa paa apapap apa ap paa ory: In the interaction frame, defined by the non-entangling pappap pap T [GHz] ap aa apapp KL divergence a pap papa appaap pap apapa P z paa aa pap pappa apaa aa U(t) = exp(it h τ ) pa p unitary transformation , all quantum ppa appp i aaa apa i apapa ppp i apapap aaaapp ppaappa aappp ppaap paa appa ppaaapap ppaapap appa ppaaappa paapaap apppapapp ppaapapa appaapapppp states, including entangled ones, remain stationary. Unfortu- a a papaapppa aapaaapppaaapa ppaapppaapaa paapppaapppapp ppppaappapaapppaapaa aa apaapapapappapapaaapp pp 0 papapapapapaapappapaapapaapapapppaapappapaapapapaapapapapapaapappappapappapaappaappapaaappapaaappapapapapaapaaa aa aapp appaappaappapa papa appaap a p a p a p a p a p a nately, the expectation of MBL theory is that the two-body and

0 pa p 1 (b) ap apaap apapap higher interaction terms are non-zero and grow as the chaotic apapa 10 apaapap aapap paapa papapap apapap aapapa apapap papapaap phase is approached. ppp aappaappa apapp papap papaapp apaaap apppa apaappap apapp pap paapaa We have performed a numerical extraction of the parame- ppap apaapap ppaapap a IPR apaapap ppaapapap aapapp aaaappa pppaapap 1 papapap ters of Eqs. (5-6) for a 5-transmon chain. We find that prob- pa aappapapap appaap 10− papapppap ap appaapap paapapa aapappa aaapp ppapap lematic departures from full localization do indeed occur al- p apaaappa IPR apppaa aappappp aaapp paapa apapppa apapapp 0 0.02 0.04 a p aapappap ready at rather small values of the qubit-qubit coupling param- aappaa p E apppa J aapa paapp paapp paapapp apaapap T [ ] apa GHz pp a apap T basis-independent a eter . This reinforces the message, in a aapp p aap a 2 10 50 100 aapp a appaap paapp 10− apa pa pa appaa p a p way, of our IPR study. But this extraction must begin with a p a p a p a p a a very non-trivial step, namely the identification of the qubit 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 eigenenergies of the transmon Hamiltonian. Since this Hamil- µ tonian Eq. (1) is bosonic, it has a much larger Hilbert space TEJ 1 than the spin- ⁄2 view embodied in Eqs. (5-6). The qubit states, those with bosonic occupations limited to 0 and 1, are not sep- FIG. 4. Data collapse of the individual traces of the KL divergence arated in energy from the others, but are fully intermingled and IPR, underlying the phase diagrams of Fig.3 and shown in the with states of higher occupancy, as illustrated in Fig.1(c). It two insets, by rescaling the coupling parameter with regard to the would thus appear that this truncation is rather unnatural; but Josephson energy as T TEµ with an exponent µ 0.54. → J ≈ it is in fact crucial to the whole quantum computing program with transmons. It is essential to pick out, from all the eigen- levels Eα of the full Hamiltonian Eq. (1) as shown in Fig.1, shows that ∆ ∼ E1/2 − E1/2 ∼ E−1/2(E − E ). nm Ji Jj J Ji Jj just the subset of levels Eb that can be associated with a bit- In our analysis, the random deviations are scaled such that string label b (cf. Eq. (6)). 1/2 (EJi − EJj ) ∼ EJ , such that ∆nm is effectively indepen- We find that there is a workable procedure for this trunca- 1/2 1/2 tion, which however starts to become problematic long before dent of EJ . However, tij ∼ TEJ , indicating that TEJ is the relevant scaling variable for the transition where the two we reach the MBL-chaotic phase boundary. We adopt the fol- lowing assignment procedure: at T = 0 all states have ex- parameters T and EJ are concerned. act bosonic quantum numbers, so the 2N eigenstates with bit- string label b (the Walsh transforms of the bitstrings in Eq. (6), C. Walsh-transform analysis as explained shortly) are immediately identified there. We in- crease T ; as long as no near-crossings of energy levels occur, The MBL phase is the right place to be for quantum com- the labeling remains unchanged. We then find that the first puting, since computational qubits (the l-qubits above) retain near-crossings that occur have the character of isolated anti- their identity there. But, as indicated by the drop of IPR, crossings with very small gaps. In this situation we can con- even the localized phase may be problematic. Here we apply fidently associate the label b with the diabatic state (i.e., the another diagnostic that is specifically adapted to identifying problems with running a quantum computation in the MBL phase. It begins with the expectation, announced in [2,3], that the Hamiltonian of the multi-qubit system, in the l-qubit basis, can be expressed as

X z X z z X z z z H = hiτi + Jijτi τj + Kijkτi τj τk + ...(5) i ij i,j,k X = c Zb1 Zb2 ...ZbN . (6) b 1 2 N FIG. 5. Color-coding of Walsh coefficients for a system of five b transmon qubits. The first column shows the individual qubit as- Eq. (5), the ‘τ-Hamiltonian’ of MBL theory [2,3], embod- signments (light color = ‘0’, red color = ‘1’), the second and third ies the observation that a diagonalized Hamiltonian can be columns indicate ways to average coefficients according to the en- z closing brackets. written in a basis of diagonal operators, here τi , that is to 6

nearest-neighbor ZZ interactions are the largest, followed by (a) second-neighbor ZZ and contiguous ZZZ couplings, and so forth. Jumps occur in these coefficients, initially very small,

] T = 50 which arise from the switching of labeling at anticrossings. 103 MHz 100 MHz

[ 3 | 10− b

c 6


Superconducting quantum computers have scored impres- bitstring b sive achievements in recent years, all the more remarkable (b) 2 given the potential we see for grave difficulties in this physical 10 platform. The Hamiltonian of this platform unquestionably

] has a quantum-chaotic regime, in which useful, controllable

4 computing is simply impossible. Not surprisingly, successful 10− MHz

[ devices have, according to our analysis, managed to avoid this |

b regime. As we have argued above, the many-body localized c | phase is surely the place where the conditions for quantum 10 10− computing become possible. But even the MBL phenomenol- 1 10 50 ogy presents obstacles, and we will consider here how serious T [MHz] these might be.

FIG. 6. Walsh-transform analysis. (a) Comparison of the different A. IBM parameters coefficients for two values of the coupling T , for the IBM parame- ters. The narrow colored bars between the bitstring / x-axis and the plot shows the maximal distance between two 1’s in the bitstrings. We first focus on the IBM parameters above. IBM suc- (b) Absolute value of averaged Walsh coefficients as a function of cessfully made cloud quantum computing available with a 5- the coupling T , where the averaging is done over coefficients with transmon device in 2016, and has had many satisfied users. bitstring labels of equal maximal distance of two 1’s. Also shown is While ‘stress tests’ of their devices have sometimes revealed the absolute value of the Walsh coefficient with bitstring label 01101 problems [20], sucessive generations of chips have seen for comparison. For the legend see also Fig.5. steady improvement in performance, as indicated by IBM’s ‘quantum volume’ metric [21]. Our diagnostics indicate that this success has been possible one that goes straight through the anticrossing). We show this by treading a narrow path, with danger from several direc- by the coloring of Fig.1(c). Empirically, this identification tions. Because of the details of the chosen two-qubit entan- procedure works through many anticrossings, up to about half gling gate using the ‘cross-resonance’ technique [22], IBM way to the phase transition; gradually, gaps become larger, must maintain small disorder, δν < E , which results in and identification of qubit states becomes more ambiguous C a transition to chaos occurring around T = 70 MHz when (Fig.1(d)). Naturally, in the chaotic phase, eigenstate ther- E = 20 GHz. While such parameters are perfectly possible malization says that there is no hope of consistently identify- J in transmon arrays, IBM has prudently worked at T values ing any eigenstates as information-carrying multi-qubit states. far below this. The transmon coupling T , however, cannot be Having performed this state identification and tagged the made arbitrarily low, because the speed of execution of quan- E (T ) subset of eigenlevels b that can be identified as qubit tum gates is proportional to T . Thus, in order to compete suc- τ states, the coefficients of the -Hamiltonian are easily ob- cessfully with relaxation effects, T values of at least 1 MHz tained by a Walsh-Hadamard transform [19]: would certainly be necessary.

1 0 0 0 All IBM-style devices have operated in the range T = X b1b b2b b b c (T ) = (−1) 1 (−1) 2 ...(−1) N N E 0 (T ) b 2N b 5 − 20 MHz, which would seem to fit comfortably between b0 the limits of relaxation effects on the one hand and quantum 1 X b·b0 chaos on the other. While indeed this looks like a rather safe = (−1) Eb0 (T ). (7) 2N zone from the point of view of our Kullbach-Leibler diagnos- b0 tic Fig.3(a), we see that this is already a regime where IPR Being a kind of , the Walsh transform func- values fall well below 1 (Fig.3(b)). Thus, qubits in these tions to extract correlations, in this case in the correlations devices should be significantly dressed. This certainly com- of the computational eigenstates (in energy). Fig.6 shows plicates the point of view of the data carriers in these com- these coefficients vs. T . For small T , many of the expecta- puters, in that a phyical transmon no longer is the exclusive tions from MBL theory [2,3] are fulfilled: There is a clear container of the localized qubit. Such dressing is not nec- hierarchy according to the locality of the coefficients. Thus, essarily an impediment to quantum computing, and various 7 authors have shown that consistent quantum computing with D (P P ) KL || Poisson IPR perturbatively dressed states is indeed possible [23–25]. (a) 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 Our Walsh diagnostic indicates perhaps the most serious 100 400 impediments that IBM scientists face in achieving reliable

τ ] quantum computing with their devices. The ‘ -Hamiltonian’ J C E phenomenology of MBL theory, analyzed for the parameter 60 E GHz range of interest in Fig.6, indicates the potential problems [ 200 J

that are faced in quantum-computer operation. The problems E begin with the weight-two terms (Jij) of Eq. (5) (as men- 20 tioned above, weight-one terms present no difficulty). These 20 0 20 40 0 20 40 two-body (ZZ) terms are indeed known and carefully anal- T [MHz] T [MHz] ysed in transmon research [4, 26, 27]. Their troublesome con- sequences, including dephasing of general qubit states, and failure to commute with quantum gate operations, have been ameliorated by refocusing strategies which, while effective, (b) 4 add costly overhead to quantum computer operations. The ] 10 T = 50MHz mathematical basis of these strategies were established in the 100

MHz 4 Hadamard-matrix techniques of Ref. 28, which show that the [ − | 10

b 8

strategies are formally efficient. Practically speaking, how- c

| 10− ever, added overhead at some point becomes insupportable 12 T = 10MHz 10− in the face of relaxation penalties and a practical value of Jij ∼ 50 − 100 kHz has been recognized as an upper limit of ZZ couplings that can be tolerated. This limit has been marked (dashed line) in Fig.6(b). bitstring b We see that it is exceeded already at T = 3 MHz. This (c) is only for one particular disorder realization with δEJ = 1 0.675 GHz, and we note that there is significant variation of 10− ] this crossover point for different realizations from the ensem- MHz ble of 5-transmon chains. IBM has certainly selected the best [ 6 | 10− chips for its cloud offering, and has been able to field devices b c with somewhat larger T . But we see that all coefficients of | 11 the τ-Hamiltonian grow rapidly with T . We observe a clear 10− hierarchy of magnitudes of the coefficients in Eqs. (5-6), i.e. a 1 10 50 power-law growth with powers increasing with the order and T [MHz] degree of locality of the terms. Even the simplest higher order terms, that is ZZZ terms, have never been considered in trans- mon research. No generalization of the Hadamard-matrix the- FIG. 7. Summary of diagnostics for Delft/Google parameters. (a) ory of Ref. 28 has been worked out. By the time T reaches Phase diagram in terms of spectral statistics (left) and IPR (right), 10 − 20 MHz, ZZZ terms and a multitude of other contri- akin to Fig.3. (b) and (c) Walsh analysis, akin to Fig.6. butions of all weights become roughly comparable, and no- ticeable jumps (clearly seen in Fig.6(b)) reflect the growing ambiguity of identifying multi-qubit states. We would judge is also available, but in its operation another strategy is used: that in this regime quantum computing is well-nigh impossi- extra hardware is introduced to make T tunable. Being able ble, even though the phase transition is still a long way off. to set the effective T to zero (although only in a perturbative sense) of course eliminates the problem of delocalization, and in this latest Google work δEJ has been returned to a small B. Delft/Google parameters value. Google made some major changes in its ‘Hamiltonian strategy’ in preceding years [9] that have led them to the cur- Other techniques for executing entangling gates leave con- rent success. siderably more freedom to increase the disorder, with δν val- Considering parameters appropriate for the recent Delft ues in the GHz range. This option can forestall the growth of chips, we study again all our diagnostics, see Fig.7. The phase problematic precursors of chaotic behavior. A good example diagrams of Fig.7(a) show that the MBL-chaos transition has of a quantum computer that uses this freedom is the surface-7 retreated to much larger T , with the KL calculation showing device of TU Delft [8]. During gate operation the qubit fre- basically no departure from Poisson behavior, and the IPR quencies are temporarily tuned into resonant conditions that showing only a small drop from one, showing that the dressing ‘turn on’ entanglement generation. This is done in a pattern effect is much smaller than in the IBM case. But our Walsh that does not lead to any extensive delocalization. In the no- diagnostic for a disorder realization with δEJ = 7.5 GHz, table 53-qubit quantum computer of Google [9], this tuning summarized in Fig.7(b) and (c), shows that troubles have 8

3 5 hancing the tendency to form a many-body localized state. In (a) higher dimensions, such roadblocks become circumventable, 4 2 6 which makes disorder far less efficient in inhibiting quantum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 transport. For an in-depth discussion of the effects of dimen- 1 7 sionality on MBL we refer to Ref. [30]. Our simulation of the surface-7 architecture, where we have DKL (P PPoisson) IPR chosen IBM parameters for concreteness, is summarized in (b) || 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 Fig.8. The spectral and wave function statistics data indicates 100 400 that, not surprisingly, chaotic traces are rather more prominent than in the one-dimensional simulations (and despite the fact ] J C

E that we nominally added only two extra couplings in compar- c7 E 60

GHz ison to a purely one-dimensional geometry). The bottom line [ 200

J of this study is that the comfort zone introduced by the large-

E s7 c7 disorder schemes is considerably diminished when including 20 s7 higher-dimensional couplings. 20 0 20 40 0 20 40 T [MHz] T [MHz] V. CONCLUSIONS FIG. 8. Surface 7 transmon geometry. Phase diagram of seven coupled transmons, coupled in a surface 7 (s7) geometry (indicated The subject of this study was an application of state-of-the- on top of the figure). The inclusion of two additional couplings in art methodology of many-body localization theory to realis- comparison to a chain of seven transmons (c7) leads to significant tic models of present-day transmon computing platforms. In shifts in the phase diagram calculated for IBM parameters, as illus- the mindset of the localization theorist, all transmon quan- trated in the left panel for the level statistics and in the right panel tum information hardware has in common that it operates for the IPR. Shown on the left is the shift of the line indicating where in a regime where the tendency of quantum states to spread the normalized KL divergence with regard to Poisson statistics has increased to 0.5 (see also Figs.2 and3). On the right we indicate the by inter-qubit coupling is blocked by the detuning of qubit shift of the line indicating where the IPR drops below 0.5, akin to the frequencies — the many body localized phase. Within this lower panel in Fig.3. phase, there is considerable freedom for the realization of lo- calization protected architectures, different strategies includ- ing weak coupling at weak detuning (IBM), or strong inten- not entirely disappeared. Although definitely at a lower level, tionally introduced detuning interspersed by sporadic and in- the higher-order terms of the τ-Hamiltonian are still present, complete couping (Delft/Google). On this background, we with the ZZ danger threshold (dashed line) still reached. But explored the integrity of different localized phases, in view of this occurs only at around T = 9 MHz, about three times the omnipresent phase boundary to a chaotic sea of uncontrol- larger than for the IBM parameters. So, dangerous MBL phe- lable state fluctuations in the limit of too weak detuning and/or nomenology is still lurking in the wings, even in this much too strong coupling. more favorable setting. The single most important insight of this study is just how extended the twilight zone of partially compromised quantum states already is before reaching the boundary to hard quantum chaos. One may object that the existence of a crossover zone C. Transmon arrays in higher dimensions is owed to the smallness of the transmon arrays of 5-10 units studied in this work. However, it has to be kept in mind that All the conclusions of the last few sections have been the dimension of the random Hilbert spaces in which the many reached by calculations for transmons coupled in a one- body quantum states live is exponential in these numbers and dimensional chain geometry. However, actual quantum infor- large by any (numerical) standard of localization theory. This mation architectures are two dimensional, and we have there- indicates that ‘finite-size effects’ in these systems are notori- fore also simulated the surface-7 layout [8, 29] as a mini- ous and must be kept in mind for computing architectures of mal example in this category. The surface-7 chip comprises technologically relevant scales. a pair of square plaquettes, which is obtained from a chain of A second unexpected finding is that early indicators of seven transmons by including two additional couplings, see chaotic fluctuations show in different ways in different observ- top panel of Fig.8. (Google’s 53-qubit layout extends this ables. Among these, the least responsive is many principle to a large square array extension.) body spectral statistics, the most frequently applied diagnos- The study of two dimensional geometries, or of one di- tics of the MBL/chaos transition. Unfortunately, the computa- mensional arrays shunted by long range connectors, is mo- tional states themselves respond far more sensitively to depar- tivated by the realization that the case of strictly one dimen- tures from the limit of extreme localization. We have observed sional chains is exceptional: in one dimension, ‘rare fluctua- this tendency in the standard observable for wave function tions’ with anomalously strong local disorder amplitudes may statistics, the inverse participation ratios, where Fig.3 shows block the correlation between different parts of the system, en- tendencies to strong wave function spreading already in pa- 9 rameter regimes where spectral statistics suggests complete interconnected array geometries required by more complex safety. Surprisingly, however, the Walsh transform diagnostic applications. However, regardless of what hardware is real- — which is uncommon in MBL theory, but highly relevant as ized, the findings of this work indicate that the shadows of the an applied quality indicator for the integrity of physical qubit chaotic phase are much longer than one might have hoped and states — responds even more sensitively to parameter changes that careful scrutiny of chaotic influences must be an integral away from the deep localization limit. Expressed in the lan- part of future transmon device engineering. guage of quantum information technology, it indicates strong ZZ coupling and the onset of ZZZ coupling already in regimes where the participation ratios are asymptomatic. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS What is the applied significance of these observations? All transmon based operates in a ten- We thank S. Borner¨ for collaboration on an initial project sion field defined by the desire to optimally protect (detune) [31] studying incipient chaos in classical transmon sys- and efficiently operate (couple). However, there are dif- tems. We acknowledge partial support from the Deutsche ferent master strategies to resolve this conflict of interests, Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence the IBM ‘weak coupling/weak detuning’ approach and the Strategy Cluster of Excellence Matter and Light for Quantum Delft/Google ‘transient-incomplete coupling/strong detuning’ Computing (ML4Q) EXC 2004/1 390534769 and within the strategy being diametrically opposed solutions. Our study in- CRC network TR 183 (project grant 277101999) as part of dicates that the IBM strategy is significantly more vulnerable projects A04 and C05. The numerical simulations were per- to chaotic fluctuations. We go as far as to speculate that it may formed on the CHEOPS cluster at RRZK Cologne and the not sustain the generalization to larger and two-dimensionally JUWELS cluster at the Forschungszentrum Julich.¨

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