Tourism, Culture and Development in the Arab Region
World Decade for Cultural Development Tourism, Culture and Development in the Arab Region Supporting culture to develop tourism, developing tourism to support culture Moharned Berriane UNESCO CLT-99/WS/4 This study has been carried out as part of the World Decade for Cultural Development (198% 3997), by M. Mohamed Berriane, Docteur ts Lettres et sciences humaines (Geography), Professor at the Mohammed V University, Rabat (Morocco). Monsieur M. Berriane made extensive use of the following studies: “Culture, Tourism and Development”, the case of: - Egypt, by Mohamed Salah Derwy - Jordan, by Leen A. Fakhoury - Morocco, by Mohamed Berriane - Oman, by Mohsin Bin Al-Balushi - Palestine, by Questandi Shorn& - Syria, by Samir Abdulac - Tunisia, by Jellah Abdelkaft - Yemen, by Hussein Mohammed Abdulla For further information, please contact M. Herve’ Bar&, Head of Research and Development Unit - Cultural Heritage Division, Cultural Section, UNESCO (1, rue Miollis - 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France). The views expressed by the author, the selection of facts presented and the opinions stated with regard to the facts are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of UNESCO. Published in 1999 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, place de Fontenoy, 7j3fi2 Paris 07 SP 0 UNESCO, 1999 PREFACE by Mr Her&n Crespo-Toral Assistant Director-General for Culture UNESCO THE southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean, the Arab world in general, have been acquainted with tourism, or, to use another term, travel, for a very long time, particularly in the form of trade caravans and pilgrimages. Occasionally, a voyage of discovery would combine with these motives, as is evidenced by the extraordinary journeys of Sinbad the Sailor or those of Ibn Battutah of Tangier, the Marco Polo of the Arab world, who, in the Middle Ages, set out from Mecca and travelled all the way to China, spurred on by the irresistible spirit of discovery.
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