What If Cities Took a Central Role in Returning Citizens' Personal Data To
mesinfos.fing.org “WHAT IF CITIES TOOK A CENTRAL ROLE IN RETURNING CITIZENS’ PERSONAL DATA TO THEM?” 2020 THE “MESINFOS - SELF DATA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: CITIES” TEAM AT FING: Special thanks to Virginie Steiner (La Rochelle), Manon Molins, Chloé Friedlander, Guillaume Jacquart, Sylvie Turck (Nantes Métropole), and Maria-Inés Léal Fanny Maurel // Sarah Medjek for MyData France. (Grand Lyon), as well as to Guillaume Chanson, Cécile What if cities took a central role in returning > an analysis of the relevant governance models Christodoulou, Aurialie Jublin, and Mathilde Simon. citizens’ personal data to them, so their citizens can when considering how to share personal data with individuals; TRANSLATION: Jianne Whelton use personal data to make their lives easier, get to know each other better, contribute to territorial > a survey of cities efforts to share data, including decision making or participate in public interest some examples to draw inspiration from (and some CREATIVE COMMONS projects? to avoid); > illustrated methodologies you can use to This document is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (France): For the past year, Fing has been working with three https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.fr. implement a Self Data initiative in your region major French cities — Nantes Métropole, (the energy (plus examples drawn from our work with Nantes You are free to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format — and adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for transition), La Rochelle (sustainable mobility), and Métropole, La Rochelle and Greater Lyon): identify any purpose, even commercially — under the following terms: attribution — you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate Greater Lyon (social welfare) — to enable them to the relevant personal data, imagine use cases if changes were made.
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