
Defining Division of Labor in Microbial Communities

Samir Giri 1, Silvio Waschina 2, Christoph Kaleta 2 and Christian Kost 1

1 - Department of , School of Biology/Chemistry, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany 2 - Research Group Medical Systems Biology, Institute for Experimental Medicine, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany

Correspondence to Christian Kost: [email protected]


In order to survive and reproduce, organisms must perform a multitude of tasks. However, trade-offs limit their ability to allocate energy and resources to all of these different processes. One strategy to solve this problem is to specialize in some traits and team up with other organisms that can help by providing additional, complementary functions. By reciprocally exchanging metabolites and/or services in this way, both parties benefit from the interaction. This phenomenon, which has been termed functional specialization or division of labor, is very common in nature and exists on all levels of biological organization. Also, have evolved different types of synergistic interactions. However, very often, it remains unclear whether or not a given example represents a true case of division of labor. Here we aim at filling this gap by providing a list of criteria that clearly define division of labor in microbial communities. Furthermore, we propose a set of diagnostic experiments to verify whether a given interaction fulfills these conditions. In contrast to the common use of the term, our analysis reveals that both intraspecific and interspecific interactions meet the criteria defining division of labor. Moreover, our analysis identified non-cooperators of intraspecific public goods interactions as growth specialists that divide labor with conspecific producers, rather than being social parasites. By providing a conceptual toolkit, our work will help to unambiguously identify cases of division of labor and stimulate more detailed investigations of this important and widespread type of inter-microbial interaction. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction executed. Due to the tremendous advantages that can result from dividing tasks among several, lower In order to survive and reproduce, organisms level units, the principle of DOL can be found at all need to accomplish many different tasks such as the levels of biological organization [6–8]. acquisition of food, defense against enemies, Enzymes that can catalyze two biochemical growth, repair, and so on. In modular organisms reactions with different efficiencies can—after a that consist of multiple, lower-level units, different duplication event of the underlying gene—be select- tasks are executed by specific modules that are ed to perform both functions with an increased specialized for their respective task, a phenomenon specificity [9,10]. Also, the evolutionary success of that is called division of labor (DOL) [1–3] or multicellular organisms is likely due to the differen- functional specialization [4,5]. Breaking down com- tiation into several cell types or tissues that all serve plex processes into simpler steps eliminates unnec- specific functions and synergistically interact with essary constraints that stem from the need to each other to enhance the performance of the whole perform several tasks simultaneously or switch organism. The prime example for DOL, however, is between them, thus significantly enhancing the eusociality, which evolved multiple times indepen- efficiency, with which the whole process can be dently in the animal kingdom [11]. Analogous to the

0022-2836/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Journal of Molecular Biology (2019) 431, 4712–4731 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4713

or termites [12,13]. These insect societies divide labor at two levels of organization: first, reproductive DOL in the form of a single (or multiple) fertile queen (s) that exclusively focus on the reproduction of a given colony, while sterile workers perform all tasks related to colony maintenance and growth. This dichotomy is functionally equivalent to the distinction of germline and soma [14],asitiscommonly observed in multicellular [15,16]. Sec- ond, sterile workers within a eusocial colony are differentiated into castes that are defined by different sizes and ages, and which fulfill special functions within the colony. This type of DOL is analogous to the abovementioned cells and tissues of multicellular organisms that fulfill certain tasks that all contribute to the growth and maintenance of the whole organisms [13,17]. Finally, also commonly show DOL, such as, for example, the development of fruiting bodies in Myxococcus xanthus [18]. Formation of this complex structure requires the contribution of multiple cells performing different tasks, including cell lysis, the formation of peripheral rods, or the development into spore cells. Spores and lysed cells mainly exist inside of fruiting bodies, whereas peripheral rods remain outside. Peripheral rod cells have been proposed to enhance the survival of Myxococcus in its natural , because they do not undergo cell division, but can probably respond to sudden change in environmental conditions [19]. Furthermore, lysed Fig. 1. Trade-offs can cause DOL. (a) Consider a cells provide nutrients that allow spore cells to situation in which an organism needs to be able to perform two different tasks (A + B) in order to maximize its . If differentiate during development. the organisms can perform both tasks simultaneously Another prominent examples of DOL within the equally well, it is considered to be a generalist. A trade-off bacterial kingdom are filamentous occurs when an improved performance of one task comes at such as Anabaena or Nostoc species that differen- the expense of a reduced ability to perform the respective tiate into specialized cell types to segregate incom- other task. Under these conditions, organisms need to patible biochemical reactions such as specialize and are thus only able to perform either one of the and nitrogen fixation. Photosynthe- two tasks (A or B) or display reduced abilities to perform both sis occurs in vegetative cells and the adjacent tasks simultaneously. The shape of the dashed lines heterocysts fix nitrogen, which requires a highly connecting the two specialist strategies (i.e., pareto fronts) regulated system to ensure efficient distribution of dictates how stringent (blue background) or relaxed (yellow background) a certain trade-off is. (b) A synergistic resources along the filament [20,21]. interaction between two specialists (A and B) can enhance Besides the abovementioned cases of bacterial fitness of the entire consortium. The graph shows the fitness DOL, there are many other examples of behaviors both types reach under mono- (left) and coculture conditions that appear to be cooperative or beneficial at the (right). When interacting with each other, both types can level of a bacterial consortium. However, given the display several different consortium-level growth pheno- paradigmatic cases mentioned above, it is frequently types: (I) fitness of both partners combines additively, (II) not clear whether or not these other cases constitute one partner benefits, while the other displays a reduced real examples of DOL, or rather some different type fitness relative to monoculture conditions, and (III) both of ecological interaction. One example for such an partners benefit (i.e., their fitness is enhanced compared to ambiguous case is the biodegradation of a complex monoculture conditions). DOL can be seen in consortia of substrate such as a polysaccharide (e.g., hemicel- type III and intraspecific consortia of type II (see main text for – further explanation). lulose [22 24]) or xenobiotics (e.g., organophos- phate esters and pentachlorophenol [25–29]). In these cases, degradation of a single molecule previous examples, also in this case, DOL provides requires many sequential biochemical reactions. benefits at the level of the social colony and is However, most commonly, it is not a single species thought to be one of the main factors responsible for that breaks down the entire substrate all alone, but the tremendous ecological success of eusocial ants multiple species that work together to achieve this 4714 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities goal. In these cases, every species catalyzes an can manifest not only among members of the same individual step of the degradation pathway and species, but also, in cases where the trade-off is releases an intermediate metabolite, which is then evolutionarily conserved, between different species passed on and used by the next species in the chain. [35–37]. In any case, the ability of individuals to Such sequential interactions help to not only perform both functions simultaneously is determined efficiently utilize the available resources but also to by the shape of the trade-off function (Fig. 1a). remove toxic intermediates that often inhibit the Specifically, when the trade-off is rather stringent, growth of other members. In this pro- the shape of the trade-off is concave, while convex cess, different bacterial species come together and relationships point to more relaxed trade-offs (Fig. 1a). collectively degrade a substrate much more effi- Three extreme ends of this distribution are (i) the point ciently than any of the participating species could where the trade-off is absent and individuals can achieve in isolation [26,30,31]. Moreover, such display both in an unconstrained manner interaction chains probably emerge, because down- (i.e., “generalist”) or (ii) the two positions, at which only stream species benefit from utilizing metabolites that one of the two traits is expressed (i.e., “specialist”). In are liberated from preceding species. However, general, trade-offs can have different mechanistic does this example describe a true case of DOL? causes, some of the most important ones will be And if not, why not? discussed in turn. In this review, we aim at clarifying this issue by (a) exploring conditions that favor DOL, (b) defining key Allocation of resources criteria that have to be fulfilled for an interaction to classify as DOL, (c) deriving a list of diagnostic Optimal allocation is key for maximizing experiments to unambiguously identify true cases of Darwinian fitness [38]. As cellular resources are DOL that allow distinguishing it from other kinds of usually limited, any biosynthetic function that re- synergistic bacterial interactions, and (d) analyzing quires certain resources inevitably also incurs a examples for structurally different synergistic bacte- metabolic cost to the cell, because fewer resources rial interactions in light of our classification are available to perform other cellular processes framework. [39]. One particular resource allocation problem is the distribution of metabolic fluxes by the metabolic network for cell growth. When cellular resources are abundant, bacterial cells often switch from respira- Specialization and Trade-offs tion to fermentation to achieve faster growth, thus causing a redistribution of their protein machinery Many of the tasks organisms need to fulfill in order [40]. During this process, cellular protein pools to maximize their fitness are not independent of each undergo a dramatic rearrangement. Specifically, other, but are genetically, biochemically, or physio- respiratory enzymes are substituted by glycolytic logically interconnected [32]. For example, the enzymes, which enhances the speed of growth at amount of resources that can be allocated to two the cost of a reduced yield [41]. Besides bacterial different processes is limited. As a consequence, growth, resource allocation trade-offs are also investing more resources in one task comes at the commonly observed in pathogenic bacteria infecting expense of having to invest less in another one. their host. For example, the plant pathogen Ralsto- Alternatively, the optimal conditions to perform one nia solanacearum faces a trade-off in resource biochemical reaction can be suboptimal for catalyz- allocation between proliferation and the costly ing another one, thus preventing the simultaneous production/secretion of virulence factors (e.g., exo- execution of both biochemical reactions. Such polysaccharides, or EPS) that are necessary to relationships, where one trait can only be improved infect the host plant [42]. or performed at the expense of another process, is called a trade-off [33,34] (Fig. 1a). Biochemical trade-off Trade-offs are common and are very important determinants of an organism's fitness. As a conse- The fact that many different biochemical reactions quence, organisms that adapt to certain environ- are usually performed in the same intracellular mental conditions need to specialize and, in this environment, can lead to incompatibilities between process, improve in performing some tasks, while reactions at the molecular level. This type of trade-off becoming worse at others. In bacteria, trade-offs can be resolved by segregating antagonistic pro- affect several physiological processes including cesses into different cells (compartmentalization) or nutrient utilization, metabolism, antibiotic resistance, by performing incompatible reactions at different tolerance to , and virulence behaviour. times (temporal differentiation) [4,43]. From this result different evolutionary strategies One example for a biochemical trade-off is the along a continuum of possible combinations of incompatibility between photosynthesis and nitrogen phenotypic traits. Interestingly, these relationships fixation due to the irreversible inhibition of the Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4715 nitrogen-fixing enzymes (i.e., nitrogenase complex) in isolation [33]. This phenomenon is called DOL by oxygen that is produced during photosynthesis [3,55]. [20,44]. Multicellular cyanobacteria solve this prob- lem by spatial differentiation of cells that either perform photosynthesis (i.e., vegetative cells) or fix nitrogen (i.e., heterocysts) [21]. Another solution to Defining DOL the same problem has been found by non- Comparing many qualitatively different interac- heterocystous cyanobacterial species, such as tions to identify similarities and differences to Plectonema boryanum, which differentiate tempo- unambiguous cases representing DOL revealed rally into photosynthetically active or nitrogen-fixing four main conditions that have to be fulfilled for an cells. The switch between both states is either ecological interaction to be classified as DOL. These regulated by an endogenous circadian rhythm or are (1) functional complementarity, (2) synergistic triggered by external signals [45]. advantage (+/+), (3) negative frequency-dependent selection, and (4) positive assortment. Evolutionary trade-off Functional complementarity Evolutionary trade-offs emerge when adaptation to one environment results in a loss of fitness in All partners participating in the interaction trade a another environment [46]. Such a phenotypic commodity (i.e., a product of a biochemical reaction specialization can be due to two distinct genetic such as a metabolite or an enzymatic function such processes: mutation accumulation and antagonistic as the detoxification of an environmental chemical) pleiotropy. Mutation accumulation is the mutational that they can produce more efficiently (i.e., in larger deactivation or loss of genes that are not needed in amounts, more energy-efficient, etc.) than the other the current environment, and are thus not main- interaction partner(s). The requisite functional differ- tained by selection. Loss of the corresponding entiation can be due to trade-offs that resulted in a biochemical function can impair the mutant's ability phenotypic specialization of individuals along a to grow and survive in another environment [47–50]. trade-off function (Fig. 1a). Alternatively, two or In contrast, antagonistic pleiotropy is when one more genotypes may also have experienced a gene or operon has multiple effects that opposingly divergent evolutionary history in the past, yet display affect fitness. This linkage can cause trade-offs, a functional complementarity that is mutually bene- where a mutation that enhances fitness in one ficial when they encounter each other. environment is maladaptive in another one [47].The rapid adaptation of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria to unshaken environmental conditions Synergistic advantage (+/+) represents a compelling example for antagonistic pleiotropy. In this case, diversification, which is A synergistic advantage has to result from the driven by mutation and selection, leads to the interaction (i.e., it has to be mutually beneficial) for and stable coexistence of three niche each of the parties involved, in order to classify as specialists with distinct colony morphologies DOL. For this, the sum of lifetime fitness payoffs that [51,52]. The ability of one of these types (i.e., so- results for each participating individual from the called wrinkly spreader) to form a at the air– interaction has to be more than the sum of individual liquid interface resulted in the concomitant loss of fitnesses, when the interaction partners exist in other phenotypic features such as the capacity to isolation (Fig. 1b). To fulfill this criterion, it is not utilize different carbon sources [53]. Other studies, essential that the interaction has evolved, because it where catabolic defects have been observed in has been favored by in the past. As cells adapting to a minimum a consequence, cases of DOL do not only include glucose-environment for more than 50,000 genera- cooperative interactions, in which the interacting tions, attributed the observed cost of specialization individuals invest costly resources to benefit their to the stochastic accumulation of mutations in respective interaction partners and which has currently unused genes [54]. evolved for this purpose, but also interactions, in Together, the abovementioned processes result in which partners trade by-products, whose production a mosaic of bacterial strains that have adapted to is independent of the presence of the corresponding very specific environmental conditions and, as a partner. consequence, have adopted a certain evolutionary The only exceptions to this rule are interactions strategy. When trade-offs prevent the evolution of within species, where it can happen that one of the generalism, an ecological interaction between two or interaction partners involved is less fit when being more individuals that occupy different ends of the part of the interaction as compared to its perfor- same trade-off function can significantly enhance the mance outside the interaction. In these cases, the fitness of all individuals relative to their performance focal individual shows a cooperative behavior that is 4716 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities costly to itself, yet beneficial to its closely related current environmental conditions. Thus, negative interaction partner(s) [56–58].Bothdirect and frequency-dependent selection is a powerful mech- indirect fitness consequences result from these anism to stabilize ecological interactions in the long- altruistic behaviors: by helping to increase the run. reproductive success of close relatives, the altruistic individual can indirectly pass on its genes to the next Positive assortment generation [59,60]. Thus, by interacting with each other, all partners can reach a higher consortium- level fitness than any of the parties could achieve in Another key requisite for an interaction to classify isolation. This effect should not be seen in interspe- as DOL is that it is favored by natural selection. cific interactions, where interaction partners are per Even if participation in the interaction is advanta- definition less closely related, thus minimizing geous (criterion 1) and it is ecologically stabilized by indirect fitness benefits [61]. negative frequency-dependent selection (criterion In many cases, synergistically advantageous eco- 3), the interaction might still be unstable, when logical interactions result in strong fitness feedbacks interaction partners participating in DOL are not between individuals when they participate in the repeatedly encountering each other in subsequent interaction, yet not when they occur in isolation. This rounds of interaction. This can be the case when means that an individual participating in the synergis- individuals within a community are mixed with other tic interaction can enhance its fitness by increasing the organisms not participating in the DOL, for example, production of the traded function, while reducing the when the community is disturbed. Under these investment in the interaction would curtail its own conditions, mechanisms are required that increase fitness and thus be maladaptive. Such positive the probability that an individual participating in the feedbacks align the interests of all interaction partners DOL (or its offspring) will encounter the required involved, which should result in more cooperative interaction partner relative to meeting other individ- interactions in the long-run. However, for this to work, uals not participating in the interaction. This so- it is important that interaction partners remain asso- called positive assortment canbeachievedbya ciated for a sufficiently long time so that fitness multitude of different evolutionary mechanisms feedbacks, which result from the interaction, can (summarized in [62]) including the active choice or operate. physical co-localization of suitable interaction part- ners. Independent of how this is achieved, positive Negative frequency-dependent selection assortment ensures that fitness feedbacks operate among interaction partners, meaning that any Another key criterion defining DOL-based interac- unilateral increase of the investment into the tions is that all partners involved can coexist over interaction that benefits the other partner(s) is likely extended periods of time. The prime ecological immediately rewarded due to the reciprocity of the mechanism permitting stable coexistence among DOL. multiple interacting genotypes is negative frequency- dependent selection. Here, the fitness of one genotype depends of the frequency of other Facultative and Non-permanent Interac- genotypes in the local population/community. Spe- tions cifically, the fitness of the focal individual is highest when its frequency relative to other interactors in the Recent work has shown that obligate interdepen- resident population/community is low, yet de- dencies [63–65] as well as permanent interactions creases, as its relative frequency increases. With [66,67] promote the evolution of cooperative behav- increasing , the fitness of the focal iors, because both mechanisms help to align the population drops below values of the other interac- evolutionary interests of all interaction partners tion partner(s). If this pattern is observed among all involved. However, both parameters are not defining individuals participating in the synergistic interaction, features of interactions qualifying as DOL. Ecolog- the numbers of all cell types will oscillate around a ical interactions are always context-dependent stable equilibrium that is most likely determined by [68,69] and it is thus conceivable that also facultative the interplay between the costs and benefits of or non-permanent interactions can meet the four resulting from the interaction. In addition, epigenetic defining criteria under some conditions. Imagine, for or regulatory mechanism may operate that constant- example, the case of two bacterial genotypes that ly generate new copies of the two or more are each auxotrophic for a different amino acid and interacting partners (see below). Although these can only grow, when they reciprocally exchange the mechanisms contribute to further stabilizing the amino acid their partner requires for growth. As long different types in a given population or community, as both metabolites can only be derived from the negative frequency dependence is likely still impor- other interaction partner, the reciprocal cross- tant to optimally adjust their frequencies to the feeding interaction qualifies as DOL, because all Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4717 four key criteria are fulfilled [63]. However, when locus type III secretion system I (ttss-1) inside the amino acids become environmentally available, human gut lumen [80]. Here, isogenic subpopula- both strains will grow independently. Nevertheless, tions stochastically express different phenotypes as soon as amino acids are used up again, that result in the simultaneous formation of an auxotrophic strains will start to interact again with avirulent (ttss-1 OFF) and a virulent subpopulation each other. Even if this interaction is facultative (ttss-1 ON). One subpopulation (ttss-1 ON) grows and non-permanent in the presence of environ- slowly and causes gut inflammation, while the other mental amino acids, it fulfills all four key criteria in (ttss-1 OFF) receives the benefits that result from the their absence. Thus, also non-permanent and inflammation of the gut. As a consequence, the ttss- facultative interactions can qualify as DOL under 1 OFF cell type can grow faster, which results in the some conditions. competitive exclusion of the entire resident gut Ultimately, when the advantages that result from . Thus, by dividing labor in this way, S. the interaction are sufficiently strong and the typhimurium can enhance the survival of the whole interaction persists long enough, facultative interac- consortium inside a new host [78,80]. tions may also become obligate as interactions partners adapt to each other and, in this process, Regulatory mechanisms lose their functional independence [70]. A second mechanism causing phenotypic differ- entiation within isogenic bacterial populations is Sources of Variation regulatory changes in gene expression in response to environmental stimuli. By responding to microen- In order to classify as a case of DOL, the vironmental differences, cells can attain a physio- interacting individuals need to show some degree logical state that is optimal for the given condition of functional specialization (i.e., see criterion 1 without the need to change the underlying genome above). In general, three main ways, of how this is sequence. Besides the composition of the nutritional achieved, can be distinguished: (1) epigenetic environment, bacteria can, for example, sense and mechanisms, (2) regulatory mechanisms, and (3) respond to changes in oxygen availability [81],pH genetic mechanisms. [82], or the presence of surfaces for attachment [83]. This process not only generates physiological and Epigenetic mechanisms metabolic heterogeneity within microbial popula- tions, but can also lead to ecological interactions Epigenetic mechanisms include all cases where among different strategists that can enhance surviv- members of an isogenic bacterial population (i.e., cells al and growth of the population as a whole. Given having the same genotype) simultaneously display two that positive assortment (criterion 4) is an automatic or more phenotypes that are not due to a response to consequence of this type of phenotypic differentia- microenvironmental stimuli. This phenomenon has tion, these interactions qualify as DOL when the been termed phenotypic heterogeneity, bistability,or corresponding interaction partners display comple- bet-hedging, and is caused by mechanisms such as (i) mentary phenotypes (criterion 1) that are mutually stochastic/heterogeneous gene expression [71,72], (ii) synergistic (criterion 2) and stabilized by negative error-prone protein synthesis [73–75], or (iii) epigenetic frequency-dependent selection (criterion 3). modifications [76,77], which simultaneously give rise to An example for regulatory differentiation within the several different phenotypes that are adaptive under same multicellular individual can be found in certain environmental conditions [78]. Epigenetic phe- filamentous cyanobacteria such as Anabaena and notypic heterogeneity has been predicted to evolve in Nostoc. While most of the cells within a filament are environments that change rapidly and unpredictably, photosynthetically active, a proportion of vegetative with these changes strongly affecting the fitness of the cells differentiate into nitrogen-fixing heterocysts resident population [79]. Since phenotypic heteroge- [44]. In this way, the biochemical incompatibility of neity arises only in isogenic populations, this mecha- nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis is reconciled by nism is per definition only relevant for mediating segregating these processes into separate cells. interactions between members of the same species. Although all cells share the same genetic informa- Phenotypic heterogeneity classifies as DOL, because tion, photosynthetic and nitrogen-fixing cells show the interaction involves two functionally different types very distinct expression patterns that correspond to (criterion 1), the clonal group benefits from displaying the tasks that are divided among both subpopula- phenotypic heterogeneity (criterion 2), both (all) phe- tions [84,85]. Differentiation of this type is induced by notypes coexist stably (criterion 3), and both (all) types nitrogen deprivation as well as changes in the show positive assortment (criterion 4). availability of nutrients or quantity/quality of light [86]. An example for an epigenetic mechanism causing A second example for a regulation-based DOL phenotypic heterogeneity has been described in between different members of the same population is Salmonella typhimurium expressing the virulence the collective colony expansion of Bacillus subtilis [87]. 4718 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities

This type of motility depends critically on the synergy tributing to the maintenance of this mutualistic between two specialized cells: surfactin-producing interaction. cells that reduce the friction between cells and their Second, also the acquisition of a novel phenotypic substrate and matrix-producing cells that form multi- capability via a gain-of-function mutation or cellular clumps. Both cell types emerge from regulatory horizontal gene transfer can enhance the production differences between two subpopulations up-regulating of a metabolite or an enzyme that plays a role in a either srfA (surfactin production) or tapA (matrix synergistic interaction between two or more part- production). Differentiation into these two subpopula- ners. An example of both of these genetic mecha- tions is regulated by a complex interplay between nisms is the acquisition of antibiotic resistance [97], , responses to microenvironmental which can benefit other strains in the vicinity that are differences, and a temporal dynamics of gene expres- sensitive to the corresponding antibiotic [98–100]. sion. In combination, these regulatory links allow cells Mutations that affect more than one phenotypic to divide labor during colony expansion [87]. trait are said to have a pleiotropic effect. Antagonistic pleiotropy describes cases, in which a mutation Genetic mechanisms increases the expression of one trait, while the development of another one is decreased. Thus, The final category includes all cases, in which antagonistic pleiotropy has the potential to create phenotypic differences that give rise to synergistic trade-offs between two phenotypes that are exclu- interactions between members of the same or different sively due to the underlying genetics and not caused bacterial species are due to genetic differences by, for example, a differential allocation of resources. between the interacting individuals. The most important Consequently, mutations causing antagonistic plei- causal processes in this category are (i) loss-of- otropy could also lead to DOL, when different types function mutations, (ii) gain of function mutations, (iii) that do or do not carry the focal mutation interact with horizontal gene transfer, and (iv) antagonistic each other synergistically and fulfill the abovemen- pleiotropy. tioned criteria for DOL. However, to the best of our First, mutations that inactivate or down-regulate a knowledge, no case has been reported yet where a gene can lead to synergistic interactions. Mutants mutation causing antagonistic pleiotropy gave rise to that have lost the ability to autonomously produce a a DOL-type synergistic interaction. Hence, future certain metabolite can be favored by natural work should explore this theoretical possibility and selection, when the loss is compensated by another identify the role of antagonistic pleiotropy as a member of the community [88,89]. Recent empirical genetic cause for DOL in bacteria. studies suggest that bacteria can divide labor if they trade certain cellular building blocks such as amino acids [90,91], vitamins [92,93], or extracellular matrix components [94,95] with members of the Classification of Interactions same or another bacterial species, rather than producing these compounds on their own. Thus, In the following, we will provide an overview over loss-of-function mutations can provide an advan- different ecological interactions among members of tage to a group of interacting individuals and the same or different bacterial species and classify enhance the of the whole consortium them according to whether or not they fulfill the even in nutrient-limiting environments [63]. abovementioned defining criteria for DOL. For this, we Strikingly, loss of function mutations can also result in categorize ecological interactions among bacteria new phenotypes that enhance synergistic interactions along two main axes. First, we distinguish cases of with other organisms. For instance, a recent study intra- versus interspecific interactions. Second, we observed a novel that arose in a cross- differentiate unidirectional (linear) interactions and feeding system between E. coli and Salmonella bidirectional (reciprocal) interactions. All interactions enterica, when they were experimentally coevolved considered are synergistic in the sense that at least together for more than 200 generations in a spatially one partner benefits from the interaction. This can, for structured environment. In this study, the authors report example, be due to the release of a certain metabolite the emergence of a mutated E. coli strain that secreted into the environment or the detoxification of an a costly sugar (galactose), which in turn could be used environmental chemical that enhances the growth of by Salmonella as a resource. These galactose- another cell in the same environment. For heuristic secreting E. coli mutants evolved in multiple reasons, we only analyze interactions consisting of replicate lineages and were in all cases due to a two or three members. These should be seen as the frameshift mutation in an existing enzyme (i.e., simplest units, from which more complex interaction galactokinase, galK) that blocked galactose metab- networks are constructed. The same logic, with regard olism [96]. Although these mutations were costly to whether or not the focal interaction represents a when E. coli was grown on lactose alone, they were case of DOL, should apply to more complex cases beneficial in coculture with Salmonella, thus con- containing more interaction partners as well. Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4719

Fig. 2. Classification of pairwise and three-way interactions as DOL. Interactions can be uni- or bidirectional as well as occur within one or between two microbial species. Arrows indicate fitness benefits that are exchanged between interaction partners that can be direct (straight line) or indirect (dashed line). For an interaction to classify as DOL, four main criteria need to be fulfilled, which is only the case in closed (reciprocal) interactions (green), yet not in open (linear) interactions (red). (a) Mutually beneficial (reciprocal) interaction within two conspecific genotypes. (b) Mutually beneficial (reciprocal) interaction within two heterospecific genotypes. (c) Mutually beneficial (reciprocal) interaction between three different species. (d) Unidirectional interaction between two members of the same species. (e) Unidirectional interaction between three members of three different species. (f) Unidirectional interaction between two members of two different species. (g) Unidirectional (linear) interaction chain between members of three different species.

Interactions qualifying as DOL This type of interactions, where two conspecific partners engage in a reciprocal exchange of Bidirectional interactions within species benefits, is known to occur in different bacterial species [95,101,102]. A recent example has been When two tasks are divided among two members of described for the soil bacterium B. subtilis that forms the same species and the fitness benefit that both , for example, at the air–liquid interface or on parties gain when interacting with each other is plant roots [95]. These biofilms benefit the cells that significantly higher than the fitness they could achieve are involved in their production by providing a tighter in isolation, bidirectional interactions qualify as DOL adhesion to surfaces [103], resistance against harsh (Fig. 2a). Helping other members of the same species environmental conditions [104], or a better access to that share a significant proportion of genetic information oxygen [51]. To establish a biofilm, several costly does not only benefit the acting individual directly, but, compounds need to be secreted that make up the depending on the relatedness between both individ- biofilm matrix. These involve, besides extracellular uals, possibly also indirectly. Thus, an individual can DNA and certain structural proteins such as TasA, increase its own fitness by enhancing the growth and mainly EPS. Cells within these biofilms can divide survival of close relatives [57]. labor by only producing one of these matrix 4720 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities components. This is achieved by displaying pheno- length of the underlying metabolic pathways, which typic heterogeneity, which results in matrix non- maximizes ATP production and hence growth rate producers, EPS producers, and types that produce when they are shorter [112]. The fact that the both EPSs and TasA [95]. Strikingly, mixtures of bidirectional interaction between ammonia- genetically engineered specialists that produced oxidizing microorganisms and nitrite-oxidizing bac- either only TasA or EPS showed negative frequency teria is complementary, synergistic, ecologically dependent selection and were more productive in stable, and shows signs of positive assortment terms of cell numbers produced than wild-type cells or suggests nitrification fulfills all criteria to classify as monocultures of both types [95]. Thus, this system DOL [113,114]. qualifies as DOL, because it fulfills all defining criteria Empirical evidence for a three-way interaction mentioned above. The reasons why we still find comes from synthetic communities consisting of the phenotypic heterogeneity in the wild-type cells and not three species of soil bacteria Azotobacter vinelan- the seemingly superior strategy of a genetically dii, Bacillus licheniformis, and Paenibacillus curdla- determined DOL may be that, in the absence of nolyticus. When coexisting in close spatial positive assortment, a genetically differentiated pop- proximity, all members of this community can ulation may lose essential components when dispers- survive in a complex environment containing ing to a new environment, while this is unproblematic nitrogen gas, penicillin G, and carboxymethyl- when the differentiation is controlled epigenetically. cellulose, in which none of the three species could persist in isolation. This was possible because Bidirectional interactions between species every species contributed a function that was essential to ensure the survival of the respective Bidirectional interactions between two species are other strains and hence the entire consortium: A. functionally equivalent to the intraspecific case (Fig. 2b). vinelandii utilized gaseous nitrogen and converted it However, one important difference is that the genetic into amino acids that served as a nitrogen source for relatedness between both interactors is low. As a the other species. B. licheniformis degraded the consequence, only direct and not indirect fitness available antibiotic with the help of β-lactamases, benefits result from the interaction. Nevertheless, thus allowing the other two penicillin-sensitive because heterospecific strains are likely to differ in species to grow. Finally, P. curdlanolyticus provided their genetic repertoire [105,106], they are also more a carbon source to the whole community by likely to display a functional complementarity than two degrading carboxymethyl-cellulose into glucose strains belonging to the same species. Since both using cellulases. This synthetic example clearly parties benefit from the interaction, these direct fitness demonstrates that the presence of different, func- benefits can be sufficient to stabilize bidirectional tionally complementary species can allow a multi- interactions between species [107–110]. partite community to grow in a complex environment One example of an interaction involving two [115] (Fig. 2c). Unfortunately, it has not been tested partner species is the obligate metabolic in the cited work whether the interaction is stabilized that has been experimentally evolved between a by negative frequency-dependent selection and sulfate-reducing bacterium and a methanogenic positive assortment. Given that the survival of archaeon. In this interaction, Methanococcus mar- each species hinged on its synergistic interaction ipaludis consumes hydrogen, which is liberated by with the other community members, it would be Desulfovibrio vulgaris as a by-product that results interesting to test experimentally whether this three- from reducing carbon dioxide to methane. By way interaction is stabilized by natural selection in consuming hydrogen, M. maripaludis creates per- the long run. missive environmental conditions that allow D. vulgaris to grow. The fact that serial propagation Unidirectional interactions within species was sufficient to transform the interaction that initially exclusively relied on an exchange of by-product A huge body of literature exists on so-called public benefits into an ecologically stable and mutually goods cooperation, where one genotype releases a beneficial cooperative interaction points to very cooperative function into the environment that is strong fitness feedbacks that operate among both equally accessible to all members of the resident interaction partners [108,111]. community [116]. Examples involve the production Another kind of bidirectional interaction between of a to chelate iron [117,118], invertase two species can be observed in natural communities to cleave sucrose [119], a protease to degrade of nitrifying bacteria. In a process called nitrification, protein [120], or polymeric substances to produce ammonia is first oxidized to nitrite by ammonia- biofilms [51]. Given that the production of these oxidizing microorganisms (i.e., bacteria and/or ar- public goods is costly to the producing individual, chaea) and subsequently to nitrate by nitrite- evolutionary theory predicts that mutants, which do oxidizing bacteria [112,113]. This DOL between not produce the cooperative function anymore, two functional groups has been attributed to the should be favored by natural selection, because Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4721 they save the costs for producing the public good, their genome shows an enormous degree of yet still benefit from the production of other cells in instability that gives rise to subpopulations of cells the vicinity [121–123]. These mutants are commonly with deletions or amplifications of large genomic referred to as free-riders [57,121,124] or cheaters sequences. These mutated cells produce increased [124,125], because they appear to have abandoned amounts of antibiotics at the expense of a drastically production of the cooperative public good for reduced growth. Although it has not been explicitly seemingly selfish reasons. tested in this system, growth of the entire colony However, viewed through the lens of DOL, these likely depends on the need for antibiotics. When no mutants may not be selfish non-cooperators, but competitor is present, wild-type cells can grow specialists that grow faster than the public good- unrestrictedly, while competitive situations should producing cells. Given that both producing and non- limit their growth and favor the antibiotic-producing producing cells are genealogically related [116], mutants that in turn creates new opportunity for the non-producers might be interpreted as altruists that wild type to grow. This study demonstrates a trade- help close relatives to grow [116]. off between growth and antibiotic production that Although it has been frequently predicted that the gives rise to a DOL between two types specializing in emergence of non-cooperating mutants should either function. Although in this case the mutant is result in a collapse of the focal interaction the producer of the public good, a similar logic [121–123,126,127], experiments finding evidence applies to cases where the mutant is the non- for this prediction are generally rare (but see producing, fast-growing variant. [128–130]). In addition, all of these studies assume a perfect mixing of cooperator, non-cooperator, and Unidirectional interaction circles between species the public good—a condition that might be hardly ever met in the environments, in which bacteria This type of interaction involves an interaction occur naturally. In contrast, rather than breaking chain of more than two partners, where the actions of down, it has been shown in many natural and the last member in the chain positively affect the laboratory-based systems that populations contain- fitness of the first member (Fig. 2e). By closing the ing both producing and non-producing cells display loop in this way, the fitness of each community frequency-dependent selection that maintains both member is inevitably linked to one of its respective types in the long-run [63,119,131–137]. Moreover, in interaction partners. As long as these interactions some cases, the simultaneous presence of produc- are complementary and synergistic, the resulting ing and non-producing types even enhanced the fitness coupling is expected to select for increased productivity of the whole consortium [138] and cooperation among its community members. In permitted coexistence among species [139].In addition, selection should favor mechanisms that other words, growth of the entire population would allow types to repeatedly interact with each other or be reduced if every cell invested in the production of remain associated for extended periods of time [62]. the public good. Instead, when only a subset of all Failing to cooperate within such a hypercycle-like (otherwise isogenic) cells produces the public good, arrangement [141] will curtail the fitness not only of the whole population can grow faster and is thus the less cooperative individual but, as a conse- fitter than a population without non-producing cells. quence, also of the entire community. Hence, This type of interaction can hence be viewed as a consortia that differ in the degree, to which their case of DOL between producing and non-producing members invest resources into the interaction (i.e., cells that trade a direct fitness advantage (i.e., the their cooperativeness), will also differ in their benefit resulting from the public good) against an consortium-level fitness. As a consequence, groups indirect fitness advantage (i.e., slow-growing pro- of cells that cooperate more efficiently should in the ducers help fast-growing non-producers that are long run outcompete less cooperative groups. very close relatives to maximize their fitness) (Fig. One example for such an interaction between 2d). The selective reason for this could be that multiple species has been shown to occur in a producers of the public good serve as a dispersal synthetically constructed community of cellulose- stage that colonizes new environments and then degrading bacteria [142]. In this case, five bacterial begets non-producers to maximize population-level strains (Clostridium straminisolvens CSK1, Clostrid- growth and potentially enhance against ium sp. strain FG4, Pseudoxanthomonas sp. strain other species. M1–3, Brevibacillus sp. strain M1–5, and Bordetella This principle is nicely illustrated by the filamen- sp. strain M1–6) coexisted stably for 20 serial tous soil bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor. Like transfers. In this complex community, synergistic many other actinomycetes, this species has the interactions are fuelled by the degradation of capacity to produce a vast range of different cellulose as the primary substrate by one community secondary metabolites that function as antibiotics member. The resulting degradation products are [140]. Interestingly, wild-type cells of S. coelicolor do liberated and consumed by two other strains that not produce large amount of antibiotics. However, in turn produce by-products that serve as the 4722 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities primary food source for two other community public good and the other one consumes it, can be members. In this example, the circle of interactions ecologically stabilized by intraspecific competition is closed, because (i) removal of two different between producing and non-producing individuals for degradation products enhances the growth of the the public good [139,145]. primary cellulose degrader, which otherwise would inhibit its growth, and (ii) three other strains consume oxygen and neutralize the pH that Sequential interactions between species creates more optimal conditions for the primary cellulose degrader [142]. Sequential interaction chains involving more than two interaction partners do not qualify as examples for DOL when no fitness feedbacks operate Interactions not qualifying as DOL between the different links in the chain (Fig. 2g). Consider, for example a sequential reaction, in All interactions that do not meet one or more of which a complex biopolymer is microbially degrad- the four defining criteria (i.e., (1) functional com- ed (i.e., a ). What is commonly observed plementarity, (2) synergistic advantage (+/+), (3) is that not a single bacterial species will break down negative frequency-dependent selection, and (4) the substrate all alone, but rather consortia consist- positive assortment) do not qualify as DOL. This ing of multiple different species accomplish this includes all linear or unidirectional interactions, task. It frequently works like this that one species where the fitness of the helping individual is attacks the substrate, and, in this process, liberates independent of the fitness or behavior of the by-products that in turn are catabolized by other beneficiary. Although both partners might recipro- species in the local environment [146,147].The cally adapt to each other, due to the lack of consortia involved in breaking down complex reciprocity, natural selection will not favor an substrates include very often several different increased investment of the exchanged trait in the species that degrade the focal substrate in a donor. This situation is even aggravated when the stepwise manner [2,26,148,149]. Although the first two interacting individuals belong to different species in the chain liberates by-products that species, in which case also no indirect fitness benefit other members of the consortium, the fact advantages can compensate for potential costs that the interaction is unidirectional prohibits fitness that might accrue to the producing individual. feedbacks to operate (Fig. 2g), disqualifying it as DOL according to the definition mentioned above. Unidirectional interactions between species The groups of bacteria that assemble to jointly degrade a certain substrate are likely also not Any unidirectional by-product interaction, in which dispersed together, but increase in frequency as a one individual releases a metabolite as a waste consequence of their incidental local occurrence as product into the extracellular environment that in turn the substrate becomes available [150]. is consumed by a member of a different species, falls An example of such a sequential interaction into this category (Fig. 2f). without fitness feed-backs is the metabolic inter- An example for a unidirectional interaction be- actions between multiple bacterial strains of the tween two species is the exploitation of public goods, human gut microbiota. Recently, it has been which are produced to support the growth of close shown in a gnotobiotic mouse model that gut relatives of the producing cells, by members of other symbionts of the species Bacteroides ovatus that species. For instance, an extracellular enzyme that digest complex polysaccharide like inulin and inactivates an antibiotic (e.g., β lactamases that xylan liberate monosaccharides such as glucose hydrolyse β-lactam antibiotics [131,143]) can protect and fructose, which benefit other species in the both the bacterium that produces it and its neighbors gut including Bacteroides vulgatus and Lactoba- [98]. The detoxifying enzyme is a public good, cillus paracasei [120]. These monosaccharides because it is costly to produce and equally available are then further catabolized by B. vulgatus and to all cells in the vicinity [99,100,144]. Since the Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, which in turn liberate producing individual carries the burden of the public short-chain fatty acids like acetate and butyrate good but does not benefit, when the released [151] that might be used by Desulfovibrio piger function provides a growth advantage to members and other gut bacteria [152]. In this case, the of other species, this type of interactions does not intermediate and last members of the chain qualify as a case of DOL. In contrast, when the benefit from the action of their respective anterior producer of the beneficial function and the benefi- partner that provides the growth-limiting sub- ciary are closely related, the interaction would qualify strate. However, no fitness feedback is known to as DOL (see above). Interestingly, however, is the operate between different members of the chain, observation that a unidirectional public good interaction which precludes classification of this interaction between two species, where one species produces the asacaseofDOL(Fig. 2g). Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4723

Fig. 3. Diagnostic experiments to identify DOL. (a) Phenotypic complementarity between two or more individuals can be elucidated by identifying and quantifying traits (x and z) that affect the fitness of the respective other interaction partner. Such an exchanged function could for instance be the production of metabolites (e.g., or nutritional compounds) or the detoxification of certain compounds in the environment. In this example, the green and orange bacteria specialize in traits x and z, respectively, while the purple bacterium is a generalist that can perform both functions equally well. Based on these constellations, a possible bidirectional interaction emerges for the green and orange bacterium, while a possible interaction between the green and purple individual that is based on traits x and z is unidirectional. (b) Synergistic advantages can be tested by comparing the individual's fitness when growing in mono- and cocultures. Interactions are mutually beneficial when the fitness of all interactions partners is significantly increased in coculture relative to monoculture conditions. The only exception to this is interactions within species, where the cost of altruistic behaviors can lower the fitness of strains in coculture relative to monoculture conditions. Thus, in the example, the interaction between the green and orange bacterium does fulfill this criterion, while the unidirectional interaction between the green and the purple strain does not. (c) Negative frequency-dependent selection can be experimentally addressed in reciprocal invasion-from-rare experiments, where the initial ratio of the interacting organisms is altered and the resulting relative fitness for each organism is quantified. Negative frequency-dependent selection occurs when the relative fitness of each species is highest, when its relative frequency is low and decreases with an increasing initial frequency. In the example, the orange and green bacteria show negative frequency dependence, while the purple individual does not. (d) In mixed cultures, which include besides the focal individuals also types, which do not participate in the DOL interaction, positive assortment can be quantified as an increased probability to interact with other types engaging in DOL, relative to non-participating individuals. In the example, both interactions (green + orange, green + purple) show positive assortment, because in both cases, the green individual requires the respective other one for providing trait z. Together, although the interaction between the green and the purple bacterium shows positive assortment and thus fulfills the fourth criterion, it does not qualify as DOL, because the first three defining criteria are not met. 4724 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities

Diagnostic Experiments to Identify DOL experiment with different ratios between the invader and the resident community and subsequently In the following, a set of diagnostic laboratory monitoring their fitness (i.e., change in the number experiments is suggested that can be used to of colony-forming units between two time points), a evaluate whether a given interaction fulfills the graph can be produced that allows to plot the ratio of abovementioned four criteria defining DOL (Fig. 3). the invader to the resident community (x-axis) over First, metabolic complementarity (Fig. 3a) can be the relative fitness of the invader depending on this investigated by means of comparative genomics, as ratio (y-axis). If the fitness of the invader is highest the individuals' genomes can provide evidence for when it is rare, yet decreases as its relative the physiological capabilities of the organisms. For frequency increases, the experiment would point instance, an analysis of the genomes of the two to negative frequency-dependent selection. The bacterial symbionts (Baumannia cicadellinicola and point at which the fitness of both types (i.e., the Sulcia muelleri) of the insect (Homalodisca coagu- invader and the resident community) is equal, is the lata) suggested striking complementarity of biosyn- equilibrium point, around which frequencies should thetic capabilities for the production of essential fluctuate. Negative frequency-dependent interac- metabolites between both symbionts, suggesting tion is a powerful ecological mechanism that selection favored this type of division of metabolic stabilizes multiple different genotypes, and which labor [153]. However, if possible, sequencing data is commonly observed in a broad range of should be complemented by experiments to confirm qualitatively different ecological interactions the assumed functional relationship. This can be [63,95,160,161]. achieved, for example, by analyzing profiles of Fourth, for DOL to persist in the long-run, the nutrient utilization and quantifying the release of participating individuals need to display an in- metabolic by-products or other functions into the creased probability to interact with each other in environment. Such experiments can identify differ- subsequent rounds of interaction, relative to other, ences in niche specialization [154] and point to co-occurring types that take advantage of the potential cross-feeding interactions [155]. interaction, but do not reciprocate (Fig. 3d). This Second, synergistic advantages resulting from mechanism, which is called positive assortment, species interactions can be determined in experi- can manifest in different ways, including (i) one or ments, which compare the growth (fitness) of all both phenotypes are continuously created from the interaction partners under mono- and coculture respective other type (e.g., phenotypic heterogene- conditions (Fig. 3b). Such experiments provide ity or regulatory mechanisms), (ii) both types remain evidence for synergistic advantages when the physically associated with each other for extended fitness of all individuals/species in coculture ex- periods of time (permanent association, vertical ceeds the fitness they can achieve in monocultures transmission), (iii) both types show positive assort- under the same environmental conditions. As soon ment in spatially structured environments, (iv) one as one species does not benefit from the interaction or both individuals can identify and actively choose or even has a reduced fitness in coculture, the their preferred interaction partner, or (v) one or both interaction is not mutually beneficial and does individuals antagonize non-preferred interaction therefore not represent a case of DOL. As dis- partners. Independent of how this is achieved, the cussed above, an exception to this is interactions diagnostic criterion to assess positive assortment is within species, where one individual can altruisti- to quantify interaction probabilities of all types cally invest resources that benefit conspecific involved. Since this is often difficult to achieve interaction partners at a cost to itself. Finding that experimentally, spatial proximity between cells can strains are unable to grow in monoculture, but only be used as a proxy. Assuming that two cells with a under coculture conditions, would point to an close distance are more likely to interact with each obligate nature of the focal interaction under the other than two cells that are further apart, the given environmental conditions [156–159]. degree of assortment can be quantitatively deter- Third, the question whether a given interaction is mined by analyzing microscopic images. One ecologically stabilized by negative frequency- possibility to determine the degree of assortment dependent interaction can be addressed in recip- among cell populations is to measure the local rocal invasion-from-rare experiments (Fig. 3c). The neighborhood of one cell type relative to its rationale of these experiments is the assumption frequency in the global community [162]. The higher that in a given community of n ≥ 2 members, all the degree of positive assortment, the more types can stably coexist, when they can invade (i.e., effective is the reestablishment of the ecological increase in frequency) a resident community con- interaction in subsequent rounds of interaction and sisting of the respective other type(s). If this is the the more stable is the interaction in the long-run. case, the frequency of each type should reach a This approach has been previously applied to stable equilibrium point, around which abundances analyze colonies grown on agar plates [163] or of each subpopulation fluctuate. By initiating the cryo-sectioned biofilms [164–166]. Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities 4725

Discussion Based on these considerations, it appears arbi- trary to us to distinguish interactions within and The main aim of this paper was to conceptually between species in the context of DOL. reconsider DOL in microbial communities in order to Second, when thinking about criteria that define develop a framework that allows to unambiguously DOL, we adopted a definition that on first sight might identify cases falling in this category. In this way, we appear rather permissive and less stringent than did not only identify four main criteria that an previous uses of the term [171]. However, the interaction among two or more microorganisms has reasons for this were as follows. Criteria like, for to fulfill in order to qualify as a true case for DOL (i.e., example, “the interaction has to be evolved for this (1) functional complementarity, (2) synergistic ad- purpose,” are rather restrictive and often difficult to vantage (+/+), (3) negative frequency-dependent test experimentally. Even if an interaction, in which selection, and (4) positive assortment), but also two bacterial genotypes share complementary suggested a set of diagnostic experiments that can functions to the benefit of both interacting partners be applied to verify whether a given interaction has not evolved for this purpose, it can still have a qualifies as DOL. Systematically analyzing different significant impact on the evolution of both strains interactions in light of this framework revealed involved. Moreover, if sharing two complementary several interesting insights. functions aligns the evolutionary interests of both First, the term DOL is traditionally associated with interacting partners, very strong selection pres- multicellular organisms [6,167–169] or colonies of sures should operate that not only maintain the eusocial insects [11–13,17], where several different interaction in the long-run but also lead to reciprocal lower-level units take over specialized functions, adaptations and enhanced investments of all which, in combination, enhance the performance of participating individuals. For example, bacterial the higher-level entity (i.e., multicellular organisms genotypes commonly lose the ability to perform or eusocial colony). In our view, these paradigmatic certain metabolic functions, when the correspond- cases of intra-specific or intra-individual interactions ing metabolites are sufficiently available in the represent extreme manifestations along a continu- extracellular environment [160,172]. When envi- um of interactions that otherwise also includes ronmental levels of the required metabolites drop associations that are looser and less highly evolved. below certain thresholds that are critical for the This is why we also included interactions between survival of the newly evolved auxotrophic mutants, different species in our scheme—a view that is other strains in the vicinity that are still able to shared by other authors as well [112,148,170]. produce the focal metabolite can serve as a source Although in these interactions the degree of gene- for this essential nutrient [63,158,173]. In this way, alogical relatedness between interaction partners is interaction networks emerge by self-organizing naturally low, synergistic partnerships between principles that are governed by the production and species share many characteristics with intraspe- consumption levels of the different metabolites cific interactions, such as the functional comple- [174,175] or the dynamics of metabolite diffusion mentarity, the synergistic advantage that results in the environment [65,163,176]. In the long-run, from the interaction, and a coupling of evolutionary these interactions should intensify [96,108] and interests. The main difference between intra- and become more obligate [177]. interspecific interactions is the mode of how Moreover, by including negative frequency- individuals repeatedly re-establish associations dependent selection and positive assortment as with their complementary partner(s): DOL within defining criteria, we excluded transient and the same species relies on a phenotypic differenti- ephemeral interactions that lack the potential to ation of already closely neighboring cells via evolve into longer-lived and tighter synergistic epigenetic, regulatory, or genetic mechanisms. relationship. However, our definition does not The resulting positive assortment among close require the interaction to be essential: also relatives increases the chance that any investment facultative interactions can qualify as DOL, if in the interaction is also benefitting the desired they fulfill our four main criteria. Ultimately, interaction partners. In contrast, the challenge faced ecological interactions are always context- by interspecific interactions is that two or more cells dependent. As a consequence, the same pair of that are already phenotypically differentiated need genotypes may display a clear DOL in one to develop mechanisms that allow them to reliably environment, yet live independent from each re-associate with their desired partner to maintain other in another one. Embracing these cases is the interaction in the long-run. This can be achieved essential, because they can help to understand by various mechanisms (for a recent review, see the factors that drive the evolution of obligate and [62]). In any case, shared habitat preferences and non-reversible DOL. The criteria and diagnostic significant fitness advantages resulting from the experiments defined here provide a heuristic tool interaction likely exert strong selection pressures to clearly differentiate between these different that favor mechanisms of positive assortment. cases. 4726 Review: Division of Labor in Microbial Communities

Third, one of the main insights that emerged from more detailed investigation of this important and our analysis is the reinterpretation of non-cooperators widespread type of intermicrobial interaction. in intraspecific public good interactions as energy- saving growth specialists that divide labor with their public good-producing conspecifics. Given that in nature, a population of a bacterial species has to solve more than one evolutionary problems [178],itis Acknowledgments likely more efficient to segregate these tasks into different cells that each specialize in performing one The authors thank the whole Department of Ecology or few of these functions, rather than every cell at the University of Osnabrück for valuable discussion investing resources into all of them. A DOL of this as well as Shraddha Shitut, Kirsten Jung, and two type essentially requires that each individual shares anonymous referees for constructive criticism on the benefits resulting from its investment with other previous versions of this paper. This work was clonemates—a condition that is easily met in public financially supported by the German Research Foun- good-based interactions. Exploitation of these openly dation (SPP1617 to S.G. and C.K., SFB 944-P19 to C. presented resources by other species is often K.) and the Cluster of Excellence “Inflammation at hampered by specificity-enforcing mechanisms such Interfaces” (ExC 306) to S.W. and C.K.a. as a requirement for dedicated uptake systems as is the case for siderophores [179] or the need to be resistant to a toxin that is produced as a public good Received 15 January 2019; [140]. Received in revised form 13 June 2019; Hence, focusing on just one of these traits might Accepted 19 June 2019 be misleading and paint a wrong picture that does Available online 28 June 2019 not adequately reflect the conditions experienced by bacteria under natural conditions. This new view can Keywords: help to explain the widespread occurrence of public cooperation; goods cooperation in nature, despite the ubiquity of cross-feeding; non-cooperators within these systems [121,123].A functional specialization; mathematical model developed to test the plausibil- public good; ity of this idea revealed that intraspecific DOL in trade-off public good interactions is promoted when (i) Abbreviations used: compound sharing is high and (ii) production costs DOL, division of labor; Salmonella enterica, Salmonella can be shared among a sufficient number of enterica serovar Typhimurium; EPS, exopolysaccharides. producing individuals [180]. 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