Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 www..com/locate/shpsc

From quorum to cooperation: lessons from bacterial sociality for evolutionary theory

Pamela Lyon

University of Adelaide/Australian National University, 20 Wellesley Avenue, Evandale SA 5069, Australia


The study of cooperation and , almost since its inception, has been carried out without reference to the most numerous, diverse and very possibly most cooperative domain of life on the planet: . This is starting to change, for good reason. Far from being clonal loners, bacteria are highly social creatures capable of astonishingly complex collective behaviour that is mediated, as it is in colonial insects, by chemical . The article discusses recent experiments that explore different facets of current theories of the evolution and maintenance of cooperation using bacterial models. Not only do bacteria hold great promise as experimentally trac- table, rapidly evolving systems for testing hypotheses, bacterial experiments have already raised interesting questions about the assump- tions on which our current understanding of cooperation and altruism rests. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cooperation; Altruism; ; Group selection; Communication; Cell–cell signalling

When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

1. Introduction One of the enduring unsettled issues of evolutionary Given the intrinsic selfishness assumed to underlie Dar- is the paradox of collateral altruistic behav- winian , cooperation should be rare in . iour—that is, when some individuals subordinate their But it is not. In fact, cooperation ‘pervades all levels of bio- own interests and those of their immediate offspring in logical organization’ (Sachs, 2006, p. 1415), in the sense order to serve the interests of a larger group beyond off- that individual entities act to produce an effect the cost of spring. (E. O. Wilson, 2005, p. 159) which to the agent is not immediately—or even ever—com- pensated. Not only do some cooperate with During the process of aggregation and early mound for- other organisms (both of their own kind and of different mation [in Myxococcus xanthus], 65 to 90% of the cells kinds) and groups cooperate with groups, so also do spa- lyse [commit suicide] ... (M. Dworkin, 1996, p. 81) tially distant transcriptional units of DNA (‘‘’’) coop- erate to produce proteins; proteins cooperate to catalyze reactions and to transduce signals within cells; and cells cooperate with one another (Wingreen & Levin, 2006).

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1369-8486/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.shpsc.2007.09.008 P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 821

Without cooperation most of the ‘major landmarks in the generally and within particular contexts. For the past four diversification of life and the hierarchical organization of decades, however, kin selection and the game theoretic the living world’ would have been impossible, including interpretation of reciprocity have been the dominant theo- the transitions from nonlife to life, networks of cooperating retical paradigms (Sachs et al., 2004). Both approaches genes to the first functioning cell, to eukary- assess acts in terms of costs and benefits, mainly to individ- otes, unicellular to multicellular organization, asexual to uals, where cost and benefit are typically calculated in sexual reproduction, and so on to the development of com- terms of reproductive fitness, its reduction or enhancement. plex (Michod & Herron, 2006, p. 1406). In Both approaches are also formally tractable—see, for short, the more nature yields her secrets, the more ubiqui- example, Nowak’s five mathematical ‘rules’ for the evolu- tous cooperation appears to be. tion of cooperation (Nowak, 2006)—and thus yield elegant A growing number of reviews identifies multiple avenues computer simulations. to the evolution of cooperation and altruism in a selfish Kin selection and game theoretic reciprocity have world (Dugatkin, 2002; Kerr et al., 2004; Sachs et al., always had their critics, but the limitations of these 2004; Fletcher & Zwick, 2006; Lehmann & Keller, 2006; approaches have mounted with growing concern for eco- van Baalen & Jansen, 2006). How the paths are parsed var- logical validity. A persistent complaint is that these ies among the different authors but, roughly speaking, they abstract formal models often fail to connect with empirical are individuated according to the relation of cooperator to observation because they do not account for complex and beneficiary and/or the allocation of costs and benefits asso- dynamic ecological factors, namely, ‘the ‘‘real world’’ of ciated with cooperative acts. existing biological organisms’ (Leimar & Hammerstein, In kin selection (genic selectionism) cooperator and ben- 2006, p. 1403). Calculating costs and benefits to individuals eficiary are genetically closely related. Widely regarded as is not always straightforward, especially in complex social ‘one of the most important developments in evolutionary arrangements such as class-structured2 populations and biology’ (Griffin & West, 2002, p. 15), W. D. Hamilton’s multi-species consortia (Wild & Taylor, 2006), and neither theory of inclusive fitness holds that nature favours a type is divining ‘‘direct’’ and ‘‘indirect’’ fitness components sub- of reproductive fitness that ‘‘includes’’ both the fitness of ject to selection (Wenseleers, 2006). Recent kin selection an individual and the fitness of the individual’s close rela- modelling using non-linear cost/benefit functions believed tives (Hamilton, 1964a,b). Kin selection asserts that the better to mirror natural conditions yielded paradoxical genetic resources enabling cooperative or altruistic behav- results, for example, that there can be selection simulta- iour will evolve in groups where individuals are highly neously for more and less cooperation (Doebeli & Hauert, related and the cost of the cooperative action to the coop- 2006). erator is relatively small while the benefit to kin is large (Maynard Smith, 1964). In short, an is more 1.1. Bacteria as experimental models of cooperation likely to subordinate its own selfish interests to effective group behaviour if those with whom it cooperates share If bridging the gap between theoretical and empirical its genes and the personal fitness costs are not too high. research is, as Doebeli and Hauert (2005) suggest, ‘a major Theoretically, the closer the relation (e.g. offspring, sib- challenge for further progress in understanding the evolu- lings), the more likely cooperative behaviour will evolve. tion of cooperation’ (ibid., p. 761), then identifying model In group selection cooperator and beneficiary may or organisms of varying physiological and social complexity may not be genetically closely related but are part of a pop- should be a high priority. Ideally, such models will be ulation that collectively exploits an . Reci- not only experimentally manageable but also well under- procity, as the name suggests, means that the cost of a stood behaviourally, physiologically and genetically (Mik- cooperative act is likely to be recompensed, directly or indi- los, 1993). Colonial insects, such as ants and bees, are rectly, by the beneficiary at a future time. Trivers (1971) well studied systems of cooperative sociality. In recent proposed the concept of ‘‘reciprocal altruism’’ in the con- years, however, interest has grown in , text of the iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma of economic game including bacteria, as models of social evolution, coopera- theory to explain the evolution of cooperation among dis- tion and altruism (e.g. Crespi, 2001; Velicer, 2003; Travisa- tantly related or unrelated organisms. Finally, mutual no & Velicer, 2004; Strassmann et al., 2000; Velicer et al., advantage resulting as an incidental benefit of the ordinary 2000; Vulic & Kolter, 2001; Griffin et al., 2004; Brockhurst selfish behaviour of individuals is called by-product et al., 2006). 1 . On one hand, it could be argued such attention is over- Each of these paths has proponents and critics concern- due. Bacteria and comprise the most numerous ing its relative importance to the evolution of cooperation, kingdoms of life and may account for the largest proportion

1 Indirect reciprocity and by-product mutualism are often listed as the same phenomenon. However, some authors (e.g. Nowak, 2006) identify ‘indirect reciprocity’ as a form of cooperation based on reputation, which is different from by-mutualism, so I have separated them here. 2 A class-structured population is one in which phenotypically distinct types (for example reproductives, workers, sentinels) perform different tasks within the group, such as in ant colonies. 822 P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 of on this planet, yet most theoretical biology and (Molin & Tolker-Neilsen, 2003), which can provide bacte- philosophy of biology has proceeded without reference to ria with innovative functional solutions to novel environ- them (O’Malley & Dupre´, 2007). Certainly Darwin’s the- mental problems (Ochman & Moran, 2001). Cooperative ory of evolution by and the mid-twentieth behaviour in bacteria, as in animals, is facilitated by com- century synthesis that provided its modern form were munication, which in microbes moderates genetic tran- advanced without reference to microbial data, which were scription (Miller & Bassler, 2001). Sociality thus is a then relatively limited. Over the past two decades rapid highly important—perhaps even pre-eminent—facet of advances in due to increasingly sophisticated microbial life, leading to suggestions for a ‘‘sociomicrobiol- techniques for imaging the life-world of the very small have ogy’’ (Parsek & Greenberg, 2005) or ‘‘sociobacteriology’’ removed many barriers to observation in situ of unicellular (see Shapiro, 2007, this section). individuals and populations. The exponential pace of bac- The paper outlines three groups of cooperation experi- terial reproduction under optimal growth conditions and ments carried out with bacteria and discusses their implica- the manageability of microbial relative to those tions for debates concerning factors that lead to and of multicellular organisms offer a potentially unique win- maintain cooperation and/or altruism in biological popula- dow into the processes underlying the evolution and main- tions. These experiments—laboratory-based evolution of tenance of cooperative behaviours. ‘‘asocial’’ strains of Myxococcus xanthus, pro- On the other hand, using bacteria3 as models of coopera- duction in , and character dis- tive behaviour may strike many as odd. Even scientifically placement in biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens—take sophisticated non-specialists tend to regard bacterial behav- place against the backdrop of a larger explanatory enter- iour as fairly simple. As Franc¸ois Jacob put it: ‘One bacte- prise, evolutionary biology. Since Darwin’s time one of rium, one amoeba ... what destiny could they have other the central issues of evolutionary theory has been the forces than to form two bacteria, two amoebae ...?’ (cited in Dwor- that shape genotypic and phenotypic diversification in kin, 1985, p. 1). Bacteria are commonly viewed as clonal lon- adaptive radiation (Schluter & McPhail, 1992). But it is ers that reproduce at whatever pace the nutrient supply will far from easy to determine whether a particular trait allow until some environmental change overwhelms their evolved as an adaptive response to a particular selective limited, rigidly programmed adaptive moves. An artefact context. The stately pace of evolution presents a major of the nineteenth-century consensus in favour of a ‘‘pure cul- obstacle, the fossil record is notoriously full of gaps, and ture’’ methodology that (arguably necessarily) bracketed reconstructing ancestral environments is often a matter of ecological realism (Dworkin, 1985), this picture is now a car- creative interpretation of geological and climatic data. icature of the past (see especially Shapiro & Dworkin, 1997; Thus it was possible for Gould and Lewontin to suggest Watnick & Kolter, 2000; Waters & Bassler, 2005). Substan- that the scientific study of biological adaptation was ‘fol- tial evidence supports the view that communal living is the lowing a panglossian paradigm that promulgated ‘‘just-so preferred bacterial lifestyle (Battin et al., 2007). Colonies stories’’ rather than testing hypotheses’ (Losos, 2000, can be comprised of one or more strains, while surface-asso- p. 5963). All three of the experiments described below shed ciated biofilms—such as plaque that forms on teeth—can be light, some more directly than others, not only on micro- host to many hundreds of species (Kolenbrander et al., bial cooperative behaviour but also on the larger issues 2005). Most economically and medically significant micro- of adaptation. bial phenomena involve collective action, not merely large According to Wingreen and Levin (2006), ‘Understand- numbers. Growing appreciation of this fact has helped to ing cooperation among microorganisms presents concep- shift attention away from bacteria grown as broth suspen- tual and mathematical challenges at the interface of sions or colonies on agar to the dynamic, cooperative behav- evolutionary biology and the theory of emergent properties iours that predominate in nature. of independent agents’ (ibid., p. 1486). I claim that it does As it does in human societies, cooperative behaviour in more than that. Collectively, bacterial cooperation experi- microbes serves a number of adaptive purposes (Shapiro, ments illuminate gaps in dominant theories, provide sup- 1998). First and foremost, collective behaviour provides port for minority theories, and pose new problems for defence against predators and unpredictable changes in research. For example, most theory and experiment of environmental conditions, including the presence of antibi- has been guided by kin selection the- otics and host immune responses (Fux et al., 2005). Second, ory (Frank, 1992, 1996; Brown, 1999; Brown & Johnstone, communal living optimises survival by providing access to 2001; West & Buckling, 2003; Strassmann et al., 2000), resources and niches that individual cells cannot effectively which some believe to be the sole basis on which coopera- obtain or utilize on their own, in many cases via division of tion can evolve among microbes (Keller & Surette, 2006). labour (Kolter, 2005). Third, group living may facilitate As we will see in two of the three sets of experiments, this more efficient genetic exchange via lateral transfer is not the case. Indeed, one recent study revealed a new

3 Archaea have not been used in studies concerning cooperation, or biofilm formation, to my knowledge, so the discussion here is limited to bacteria. P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 823 mechanism for promoting cooperation and deflecting and altruism in insects and simple vertebrates on the basis cheaters (Brockhurst et al., 2006), which may have macro- it is the least cognitively demanding. The capacity to dis- bial analogues. criminate relatives from non-relatives is a potent factor A terminological note before we proceed. While most for promoting cooperation by kin selection but is not have an intuitive notion of what cooperation means, ethol- imperative. Limited dispersal of offspring also ensures that ogist Ronald Noe¨ (2006) observes, in a review of coopera- neighbours are likely to be close relatives. Reciprocal altru- tion experiments, that ‘chaos reigns in the terminology ism, on the other hand, presents unavoidable cognitive used’ by the scientific disciplines concerned with coopera- demands, which is why it is considered an important evolu- tive behaviour (ibid., p. 1). These include ethology, behav- tionary ratchet of human cognition (Sterelny, 2003). To ioural and as well as become evolutionarily stable, the ‘‘tit-for-tat’’ strategy psychology, sociology, anthropology and economics—the and its variations seem minimally to require recognition latter four being traditionally concerned with human of who does or does not reciprocate cooperative behav- behaviour. Perhaps unavoidably, an investigator who takes iours. Whether bacteria and unicellular are the human case to be the benchmark of cooperation very capable of recognizing kin remains an open question. I likely will have a different view of what distinguishes the have argued elsewhere that recent developments in micro- phenomenon from an investigator who looks first and fore- biology undermine standard arguments against bacterial most to biological and/or ecological considerations (Lyon, cognition and a closer look at bacterial behaviour would 2006a). Consequently, some investigators insist an ‘‘under- reward cognitive scientists (Lyon, 2006b; see also Shapiro, standing’’ of the relationship between action and outcome 2007, this section). As no cooperation experiments pub- is necessary for an agent to be described as truly coopera- lished to date have probed kin recognition in microbes, tive, while Noe¨ and others include organisms whose coop- these arguments will not be considered. erative behaviour is ‘‘hard-wired’’ and not just determined by ‘cognitive processes such as trial-and-error ... learning, 2. Mutation experiments in M. xanthus observational learning, insight and so forth’ (Noe¨, 2006, p. 3). Myxobacteria are especially well suited to cooperation Noe¨ draws a definitive line between mere sociality, the experiments and were the first used to study the evolution- tendency of conspecifics to aggregate and pursue their ary genetics of microbial social behaviour (Velicer et al., own interests in the context of a group (ibid., p. 14), and 2000, 2002). A Gram-negative group of that cooperation, which requires an interaction or series of inter- lives in rich in organic nutrients, myxobacteria actions between or among individuals that carries a cost for have a complex life-cycle that appears to be social at every the agent but which, on average, results in a net gain for all stage (Shimkets & Dworkin, 1997). M. xanthus has one of participants of the interaction (ibid., p. 4). Noe¨ intends this the largest known bacterial genomes, a substantial propor- reading of cooperation to include ‘all other terms that have tion of which underlies social behaviour (Velicer et al., been used for mutually rewarding interactions and rela- 2006). Much of this behaviour relates to the fact that tionships: reciprocity, reciprocal altruism, mutualism, sym- M. xanthus is a wily predator and displays many character- biosis, collective action and so forth’ (ibid.), and it will be istics of predatory animals: aggressive territoriality (Shim- adopted here. Altruism, by contrast, characterizes action by kets & Dworkin, 1997), deceptive entrapment of prey one individual that benefits another (or group) at the cost species (Shi & Zusman, 1993), and ‘‘’’ hunting com- of the agent’s own survival, wellbeing or reproduction. pared to that of wolves (Dworkin, 1973). Under growth Finally, a word about what will not be addressed here. conditions, M. xanthus move as coordinated swarms, ‘‘Directed reciprocation’’, defined as ‘cooperation with which secrete extracellular to break open (lyse) individuals that return benefits’ (Sachs et al., 2004, microbial prey and other enzymes to degrade and digest p. 137), underlies symbiotic mutualisms where partners them (Spormann, 1999, p. 622). are specifically chosen or are coupled such that the fitness Under starvation conditions, M. xanthus perform one of of one affects the fitness of the other. Bacterial mutualisms the most dramatic bacterial behaviours known: a multi- of this sort abound in nature. Perhaps the most extensive stage developmental cycle leading to sporulation involving functional dependency identified to date was recently dis- aggregation of hundreds of thousands of cells and forma- covered in a sediment-dwelling marine worm, Olavius tion of a fruiting body comprised of differentiated cell algarvensis, a distant relative of the earthworm that lacks types. In a process likened to ‘the great animal migra- a mouth, digestive tract or a typical excretory apparatus tions’ up to a million cells move toward aggregation sites (Stahl & Davidson, 2006). Five different bacterial symbi- where fruiting bodies form (Shimkets, 1999, p. 526). Of onts provide the worm with multiple sources of nutrients the initial cell population, only 10–20% will transform into in an accessible form and take up and recycle the worm’s long-lasting, stress-resistant myxospores and survive to waste products. Such mutualisms have not been the focus reproduce another day. A staggering 65–90% of the initial of cooperation experiments to date, however, and will population collectively suicide, by rupturing their cell enve- not be discussed. Neither will be issue of kin recognition. lope (autolysis) (Dworkin, 1996). The function of this sac- Genic selection has long been assumed to drive cooperation rifice has not been unequivocally established, but the cell 824 P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 fragments are assumed to provide carbon and energy for that expresses an acetyltransferase, the precise biological development. Another 10% of the population transform function of which is unknown in this organism (Velicer into special cells that remain on the periphery (Shimkets, et al., 2006). Transferases, as a molecular class, are proteins 1999). Their function is unclear, but given the territoriality that attach chemical moeities (in this case an acetyl group) of myxobacteria it has been suggested that these cells could onto another protein, which activates or inhibits a signal- be a kind of sentry, to prevent pillaging of the sacrificial ling cascade. feast and of the dormant myxospores. After In short, as expected under traditional evolutionary the- all, starvation is the stimulus for the sequence. ory, the experiments show that a social bacterium, sub- In the late 1990s geneticist Gregory Velicer and col- jected over many generations to growth conditions leagues began a program of laboratory-based evolution favouring individual competition, can lose the ability to using clones of a standard strain of M. xanthus (Velicer participate in cooperative behaviours as a result of adapta- et al., 2000). The idea was to see what would happen if nor- tion to asocial conditions, yet develop a superior capacity mally social bacteria were subjected to a selective regime to sporulate in the company of cooperators. Exposed to favouring competition over many generations. The findings the conditions under which ancestral cooperation is might shed light on several questions in evolutionary biol- assumed to have evolved, however, asocial cheaters do ogy, not only the nature and genetics of myxobacterial not come to dominate cooperative populations as autono- cooperative behaviour. Twelve experimental lineages were mous competitors, as might be expected, but re-evolve the developed from the ancestral strain, which then were ability to cooperate. Moreover, neo-cooperative cells are grown in a rich nutrient medium for 1000 generations. competitively superior, which suggests that super-social Cooperative myxobacterial behaviour appears to be an cells may eventually come to dominate a genetically mixed adaptation to fluctuating nutrient availability, so the population. Neither of these outcomes—re-evolution of researchers predicted that socially deficient strains— social competence and super-sociality—appears to fit stan- ‘‘cheaters’’ in game theoretic parlance—would evolve in dard interpretations of natural selection and kin selection. optimal growth conditions. Significantly, all twelve lineages The experiments do show, however, that obligate depen- developed partial or complete deficits in social competen- dence on an altruistic host is not a terminal condition, cies, related to and/or development. but can be ‘an evolutionary stepping stone’ to new modes One lab-evolved isolate, dubbed ‘‘Obligate Cheater’’ of existence (Fiegna et al., 2006, p. 310). (OC), was unable to form myxospores except in the The myxobacterial experiments provide support for company of socially proficient cells. When mixed with some predictions of kin selection theory, however. The cooperators, OC sporulated more efficiently and was interactions of socially proficient cells from nine naturally over-represented in the fruiting body (Velicer et al., occurring isolates of M. xanthus, taken from spatially dis- 2000). Another isolate that had completely lost its ability tant locations, were compared to see how well—or even to engage in social motility, necessary for fruiting body for- if—they would cooperate with other genotypes (Fiegna & mation, regained this capacity when mixed with proficient Velicer, 2005). Noncooperation can be exhibited as exploi- cells (Velicer et al., 2002), a process called extracellular tation or ‘outright antagonism’ (ibid., p. 1980). Cells from complementation, about which more in a moment. The the nine strains were mixed in all possible pair-wise combi- authors consider the motility experiments particularly nations and subjected to starvation conditions. The exper- important because they show that the loss of S-motility is iments provide the first evidence of facultative an adaptation to asocial conditions. When returned (exploitation) in natural social isolates. They also show that to the asocial conditions of their evolution, ‘‘rescued’’ selfish competition in a social microbe can be an evolution- S-motile cells were not as competitive. ary dead end. All of the mixed strains produced fewer fruit- Perhaps the most interesting result to date has been the ing bodies and had lower overall than clonal re-evolution of sociality in OC cells in a form superior to its populations; in one antagonistic pair production ancestral lineage. To see how OC fared when it constitutes almost collapsed, falling by 90% (Gross, 2005). As kin the minority in a cooperative population, the researchers selection theory might predict, M. xanthus appears to have innoculated a population of a marked isolate of the ances- ‘diverged into a large number of distinct social types that tral strain with 1% OC cells, known as an ‘‘invasion-from- cooperate with clone-mates but exhibit intense antagonism rare’’ experiment. The chimeric population was grown toward distinct social types of the same species’ (Fiegna & through six alternating cycles of starvation and growth. Velicer, 2005, p. 1980). After four cycles OC had re-evolved the ability to undergo The lessons of the M. xanthus experiments for under- social development (Fiegna & Velicer, 2005). By the end of standing of cooperation are at least three. First, bacteria the experiment the resulting OC-turned-cooperator—a are excellent models for demonstrating adaptation under genetically distinct isolate called PX, or Phoenix—out- particular selective regimes. Subjected to environmental competed its own cheating ancestor, OC, and was much conditions that do not require cooperation, social deficits less susceptible to invasion than the ancestral lineage (Fie- become common; all of the experimental lineages devel- gna et al., 2006). Moreover, the transition from cheater to oped such deficits. Second, cheaters may be reproductively super-social appears to involve a single mutation to a gene superior but this does not ensure that they will come to P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 825 dominate a cooperative group, which suggests other factors mented (Mathesius et al., 2003). Lateral gene transfer is must be contributing to the maintenance of cooperation. the acquisition of foreign DNA, either by taking it up from Finally, within highly cooperative species natural selection the environment (transformation), receiving it from appears to favour the strengthening of sociality rather than another bacterium in a complex operation in which DNA individual autonomy, demonstrated by the re-evolution of passes from one cell to another (conjugation, or sex), or social proficiency by an obligate cheater. by viral transmission. Lateral gene transfer can confer As impressive as these experiments are, I have misgiv- novel functional competencies, such as resis- ings about applying genic selectionist models, and espe- tance, and is now assumed to be a major mechanism of cially a game theoretic vocabulary, to bacterial behaviour bacterial evolution (Ochman & Moran, 2001). Presumably, in general and M. xanthus in particular. The first qualm the ability to promiscuously donate or receive genetic relates to extracellular complementation, the well estab- material across genera, families and kingdoms skews the lished phenomenon of myxobacteria actively compensating notion of ‘‘kin’’ somewhat. Are kin those that share adven- for the genetic shortcomings of their fellows (Shimkets, titiously acquired plasmids (small cassettes of DNA) or 1999, p. 528). This is the process that ‘‘rescued’’ S-motility most of the ? If selection is on the basis of the chro- in Velicer’s deficient strains. It has been widely supposed mosome rather than plasmids, what proportion of the gen- that complementation results from the secretion of mole- ome must be shared to count as ‘‘close’’ kin? Are cules by proficient cells that are taken up by deficient cells. housekeeping genes enough? Is there a diagnostic mar- Recent studies of M. xanthus mutants deficient in proteins ker—a so-called ‘‘greenbeard’’ trait? If so, how is it necessary for gliding, a form of social motility, suggest that detected? This raises the question of microbial kin recogni- the process may be more active in some cases. One form of tion. Answers to these questions, ‘unconsidered by current complementation of the S-motility mutants occurs when theory’ (Brockhurst et al., 2006, p. 2033), will require ‘donor and recipient briefly fuse their outer membranes’ detailed investigation. for direct transfer of the competence factor (Nudleman et al., 2005, p. 125). Competent individuals thus actively 3. Siderophore production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa transfer part of themselves to their deficient fellows, enabling their participation in a cooperative behaviour. Many medically and economically important conditions The question then arises of how notions of ‘‘cooperators’’ involve multiple types of bacteria, a situation that raises and ‘‘cheaters’’ apply in a situation in which one organism questions about the effect of multi-parasite infections on actively compensates for the deficiencies of another? Com- . Steven Frank (1992, 1996, 1998) developed an plementation could be viewed as a form of ‘‘policing’’ to influential model, based on kin selection theory, that pre- prevent free-riding, but it appears very costly to the disci- dicts infection by several species will reduce the popula- plinarian. Whether kin selection is adequate to explain tion’s overall genetic relatedness, thus weakening the complementation remains to be seen. main factor supporting cooperation, and thus lead to more What at first glance may look like a cheating strategy intense competition for resources. Greater compe- may not be. During the extended sporulation sequence in tition means greater virulence. Therefore, infection by mul- subtilis, for example, some individuals not only tiple species will be more virulent. Although the delay their own transformation but also release antibiotics evolutionary logic was widely accepted, few empirical data to kill their sisters, whose lysed remains they cannibalise supported these predictions. Indeed, several studies sug- (Gonzalez-Pastor et al., 2003). On the face of it, initiation gested the opposite: multi-parasite infections tended to be of sporulation appears to be a stimulus for developmental less, rather than more, virulent. cheating. Appearances may be deceiving, however. Sporu- West and Buckling (2003) advanced an alternative lation in B. subtilis is an elaborate process that takes up to model that predicted virulence would be stronger, not ten hours and involves the transformation of a growing cell weaker, where relatedness was high, provided the strain into a type that can remain dormant for many years. Spore was cooperative. They cited as an example mechanisms formation is thus a ‘life-or-death’ decision (Bassler & for scavening iron from a host. are small Losick, 2006, p. 242). The cannibalism phase of sporula- iron-binding molecules secreted by bacteria in response to tion appears to be a bistable switch that keeps the colony’s iron deficiency. Iron is necessary for microbial growth options open as long as possible. Only when ‘no siblings but is hard to access within animal hosts, whose immune remain to be cannibalised and no other sources of nutrients defences often actively withhold the mineral. Iron-bound become available’ does the colony’s development progress siderophores can be taken up by all group members, not to the point of no return (ibid., p. 243). In short, develop- just those who produce them, so siderophore production mental cannibalism does not equate with developmental is a ‘‘‘whole group’’ cooperative trait’, costly for the indi- cheating. vidual but beneficial for the group (Griffin et al., 2004, A second misgiving concerns the prevalence of lateral p. 1025). If an infecting strain cooperatively produces sid- gene transfer both within and between bacterial species erophores—and, if they cooperated, they would be highly (but not, apparently, within M. xanthus) and even across related according to kin selection theory—then access to kingdoms, bacteria-to-plant transfers being the best docu- iron would confer a growth advantage enabling better host 826 P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 exploitation and, thereby, increasing virulence (West & tance of relatedness declines as local competition intensi- Buckling, 2003). fies. The experiments show that close genetic relatedness There is a problem with this interpretation, however. can crucially influence the evolution of cooperation but Higher relatedness within a group may promote greater its effects are relativistic, modulated by the scale of compe- cooperation, but if resources are limited and so too is dis- tition. ‘Local competition [in the siderophore experiments] persal, then relatives become competitors, and competition exactly cancelled out the effect of high relatedness’ (Queller, will increase as resources are depleted. What happens then? 2004, p. 976). Hamilton believed that, where dispersal is limited, the accu- Unexpectedly, the study also suggests that cooperators mulation of genetic similarity within a population would are relatively advantaged by global competition, even when ‘favour a less targeted kind of altruism towards neighbours relatedness is low. While not explicitly designed to test in general’ and expand the range of cooperation beyond group selection theory, the results of the siderophore exper- close relatives (Queller, 2004, p. 975). By contrast, Frank iments nevertheless provide powerful support for its central (1998) predicted that as local competition intensified the thesis, summed up by longtime advocate David Sloan Wil- influence of relatedness on selection for cooperation would son as ‘selfishness beats altruism within a group, [but] decline and cooperation would be selected against. Frank’s altruistic groups trump selfish groups’ (Brown, 2003). In predictions were tough to test experimentally not merely his commentary for Nature, David Queller describes the because of the pace of evolution but the difficulty of teasing siderophore experiments as ‘the most basic group-selection apart the variables, relatedness and the scale of competition experiment possible’: (Queller, 2004). A bacterial model not only provided a way The conditions of low and high relatedness correspond to observe evolution over many generations, but also, per- exactly to the presence and absence of within-group haps more importantly, allowed researchers to indepen- selection. The conditions of global and local competi- dently manipulate the variables of relatedness and tion correspond exactly to the presence and absence of competitive scale by using different clonal populations in between-group selection ... The results confirm that differing ratios and different competitive settings. cooperation is favoured by between-group selection Griffin, West and Buckling (2004) tested Hamilton’s and and disfavoured by within-group selection. (Queller, Frank’s hypotheses using siderophore production in 2004, p. 976) P. aeruginosa as the target cooperative behaviour. A Gram-negative proteobacterium, P. aeruginosa is a highly The result is significant because group selection is still con- versatile opportunist capable of infecting an impressive troversial. Contribution to ‘the good of the species’ was the variety of plant and animal hosts—it is even capable of chief explanation for cooperative and altruistic behaviour growing in diesel and jet fuel—and thus provides an exam- before the introduction of Hamilton’s rule (Sachs et al., ple of another evolutionary paradox posed by bacteria. 2004, p. 136), but in its wake group selection became a Pathogens are assumed to be under selection pressure to heretical theory, despite the efforts of Wilson (1977) in par- co-evolve with their hosts, so natural selection should ticular. Group selection nevertheless is gaining adherents, favour single-host specialization. Yet specialist pathogens particularly among pluralists advocating multiple levels are relatively rare, and multi-host generalists like P. aeru- and/or interacting mechanisms of selection (e.g. Sober & ginosa are common (Woolhouse et al., 2001). A high level Wilson, 1998). Moreover, group selection is the central pil- of genetic diversity, from high mutation rates or rampant lar of a new model of (Wilson & Ho¨lldobler, gene transfer, is presumed to predispose pathogens to gen- 2005) to which the results of the siderophore study nicely eralism. The ability to cooperate may be another. Gene conform, although bacteria are not typically regarded as transfer and the production of siderophores, virulence factors eusocial. Consistent with the siderophore findings, the Wil- and biofilms are among a number of cooperative traits in son–Ho¨lldobler model holds that kinship has a relativistic P. aeruginosa, which appears to be every bit as cooperative effect in the evolution of eusociality; it can promote or as M. xanthus, even if its behaviour is not so overtly dramatic. undermine, depending on other factors. The ‘‘cooperators’’ in the siderophore experiment were a wild-type strain that produces the iron-binding agent 4. Biofilm formation and character displacement in pyoverdin; the ‘‘cheaters’’ were from a mutant laboratory Pseudomonas fluorescens strain that cannot. Relatedness was measured on the basis of the altruistic allele for pyoverdin production. A two-fac- A modified version of the question at the heart of the tor analysis of variance design resulted in four treatments, siderophore study—what happens to cooperation when each of which was run four times, totalling sixteen experi- competition among kin increases—has long occupied evo- ments. The results were, quite literally, visible. Pyoverdin is lutionary theorists. What happens when the ecological green, so cooperator-dominant colonies took on that col- niches of two closely related species overlap, and they com- our, while cheater-dominant colonies are white. pete for resources? In a seminal paper Brown and Wilson Consistent with Hamilton’s rule, the study showed that introduced the concept of character displacement to cooperation evolves to a greater extent in groups where describe ‘a seldom-recognized and poorly known specia- relatedness is high. However, as Frank predicts, the impor- tion phenomenon ... of potential major significance’ P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 827

(Brown & Wilson, 1956, p. 49). The basic idea is that, in the fitness would increase as they both became less common. zone where niches overlap and closely-related species com- Random pairs of WS competing for the same resources pete for resources, the differences between them will be would not display RNFD to the same extent. To test this accentuated and their will diverge, thus lessen- hypothesis, invasion-from-rare experiments were run for ing competition. Competition declines because character co-evolved and random pairs of WS. The results supported displacement enables the exploitation of new resources. the hypothesis that character displacement had occurred The ‘‘displaced’’ characters may be morphological, ecolog- under competitive pressure. All nine of the co-evolved pairs ical, physiological or behavioural, but natural selection will displayed RNFD and partitioned the biofilm, although the favour divergence if it has a genetic basis, Brown and Wil- magnitude of diversity varied between groups. Only five of son argued. Character displacement thus lies at the heart of the nine random pairs displayed RNFD, and at a signifi- the debate over the role of competition in structuring eco- cantly lower rate compared to the co-evolved pairs. logical communities (Dayan & Simberloff, 2005). The The researchers next asked whether phenotypic diver- problem, as always, is that ‘interspecific competition of gence within the biofilm affects its susceptibility to invasion the direct, conspicuous, unequivocal kind’ is just as ‘diffi- by cheats. Microcosms of the original strains were innocu- cult to catch and record’ as the development of reproduc- lated in two different treatments, with WS cells grown in tive barriers between newly diverging species (Brown & monocultures and with mixtures of equal parts of the Wilson, 1956, p. 60). co-evolved WS pairs. After six days of incubation, the pro- Enter P. fluorescens, a relative of P. aeruginosa. In a spa- portion of SM colonies was measured. As predicted, the tially heterogeneous environment, the ancestral smooth proportion of SM cheats in populations innoculated with (SM) genotype of P. fluorescens is known to diversify the mixed co-evolved WS pairs was significantly lower than through mutation into ‘a range of niche-specialist geno- in the populations innoculated with the monocultures, ‘indi- types that are maintained by negative frequency-dependent cating that the observed adaptive character displacement selection’ (Brockhurst et al., 2006, p. 2030). Frequency- prevented the establishment of the cheating SM ’ dependent selection is the evolutionary process whereby (Brockhurst et al., 2006, p. 2031). Additional experiments the fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency relative showed that not only were highly diversified populations less to other phenotypes in a population. In negative frequency- susceptible to invasion, they were also more productive. dependent selection, the fitness of a phenotype increases as This series of experiments is important for several rea- it becomes less common. For example, a rare strain of flu sons. First, with regard to the broader concerns of evolu- is more fit (that is, is better able to reproduce) because tionary theory, the experiments constitute a manipulable the host population has not developed immunity to it. evolutionary context that provides empirical evidence for Among the niche specialists that appear in experiments character displacement—an idea that since its introduction with P. fluorescens, one mutation routinely becomes eco- has gone from high fashion to marginality to renewed logically dominant—perhaps surprisingly, on current theo- respectability (Dayan & Simberloff, 2005). Moreover, the ries of cooperation. Wrinkly spreader (WS), a mutation bacterial experiments appear to meet all extant criteria for that over-produces a cellulose-based polymer, is capable testing hypotheses of ecological character displacement of forming a biofilm at the surface of the nutrient broth. (Losos, 2000), a rare feat for studies of macroscopic organ- Over-production of the material is costly to the individual, isms (e.g. birds, frogs, ants, beetles) for which the criteria but the biofilm provides a group benefit because coloniza- were devised. Second, relative to the evolution of coopera- tion of the air-broth niche allows better access to oxygen. tion, the experiments provide evidence for a ‘novel mecha- SM genotypes benefit from inhabiting the biofilm while nism for maintaining cooperation in the face of local making no contribution to its integrity, which in this con- competition’ and in the absence of mechanisms, such as text makes them cheats. Indeed, if SM numbers increase policing, for the active repression of competition. This sug- disproportionately, ‘the biofilm sinks under their uncoop- gests that ‘cooperation might be more resistant to the effects erative weight’ (Brown, 2006, p. R960). On the other hand, of individual selection ... [and] conditions favouring the several different types of WS have been known to evolve maintenance of cooperation are much broader’ than previ- and co-exist in WS colonies. This raises the following ques- ously thought (Brockhurst et al., 2006, p. 2032). While the tions: are these phenotypic divergences adaptations, and results seems to suggest that cooperation is favoured and how do they affect cooperative biofilm formation? maintained not only by competition between groups but Brockhurst and colleagues allowed nine populations of also within groups, the researchers say the experiments do equal numbers of a standard strain and a marked strain not challenge group selection, but, rather, demonstrate that of P. fluorescens to evolve for six days, at the end of which under ‘certain conditions, where local competition results in a single WS colony was grown from cells of each marker diversification, the benefits of diversity may exceed the costs type isolated at random from each of the nine populations. of cheating and favour the spread of cooperation’ (ibid.). If diversification for using different resources had occurred Third, regarding virulence prediction, the experiments as a result of competition in the biofilm, the researchers rea- suggest that extrapolating ‘a general rule’ for virulence in soned, then co-evolved pairs of WS should display recipro- multi-parasite infections may be futile (ibid.). This is because cal negative frequency dependence (RNFD), that is, their the reduction of relatedness among cooperating individuals 828 P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 for one phenotypic trait (exploitation of the ecological niche) cooperative behaviour of some types of bacteria and euso- but not another (the cooperative trait) may increase the over- cial insects are striking. Wilson and Ho¨lldobler (2005) all fitness of a cooperating group, thereby increasing identify three ‘key adaptations’ for the evolution of euso- virulence. ciality: aggregation for defence, division of labour and Finally, the experiments are a likely first step toward communication. All three are found in bacteria, some- teasing out the complex issue of partitioning in multi-spe- times within a single . As we have seen M. xanthus cies biofilms, which are ‘spatially structured communities provides examples of aggregation for defence and division of microbes whose function is dependent on a complex of labour. Biofilm formation is also believed to be primar- web of symbiotic interactions’ (Hansen et al., 2007, ily defensive and, in multispecies consortia, to involve p. 533). Biofilms are large, three-dimensional aggregates divisions of labour (Costerton et al., 1987). Biofilms are of bacteria—usually comprised of several metabolically resistant to many toxic substances, such as antibiotics, diverse species but sometimes hundreds of them—which chlorine, and detergents (ibid.); to predation by protozoa adhere to surfaces in moist or watery environments. These and (Matz et al., 2004); and to attack by include soils, teeth, living tissue, medical implants, air con- host immune defences (Fux et al., 2005). A recent study ditioning systems, pipelines, sewage treatment plants, and found that biofilm-based cells of Campylobacter jejuni live marine equipment—just about any sort of surface in an twice as long at ambient temperature and atmosphere as aqueous environment (Costerton et al., 1987). Because they free-living cells (Joshua et al., 2006). Moreover, just as are hard to eradicate, biofilms are extremely costly in terms ants and other colonial insects rely on chemical communi- of human health and economic life. Many researchers now cation, so do fruiting body formation in M. xanthus and suspect biofilms may be ‘the default mode of bacterial life’ biofilm formation in Gram-negative bacteria such as P. (Jones, 2007, p. 168). aeruginosa. The ecological complexity of biofilms has been compared to a tropical rainforest (Hansen et al., 2007) and their highly 5. Cell–cell communication and cooperative behaviour dynamic structure to a city (Watnick & Kolter, 2000). Video evidence shows that biofilms are loci of both growth and Although cell–cell signalling was not a variable in the , and are sustained by the ‘‘commitment’’ of indi- cooperation experiments described above, systems of vidual bacteria, which often undergo dramatic changes in chemical communication are known to be involved in all cell morphology or function (Kolter, 2005). Individual cells three of the cooperative behaviours investigated: fruiting entering the biofilm seem to ‘distribute themselves according body formation in M. xanthus (Kaiser, 2004); siderophore to who can survive best in the particular microenvironment production in P. aeruginosa (Stinzi et al., 1998; Ren et al., and also based on symbiotic relationships between groups 2005); and biofilm formation in P. fluorescens (O’Toole of bacteria’ (ibid., p. 2676). Here is microbiologist William et al., 2000; Wei & Zhang, 2006). So similar is the trajec- Costerton, whose research team coined the term ‘‘biofilm’’ tory of M. xanthus fruiting body formation to that of bio- in 1978, giving a bacterium’s eye view of such a structure: film construction in Pseudomonas (both aeruginosa and If you found yourself in a biofilm, you’d be going along fluorescens)—including the crucial role of cell–cell signal- a channel full of water, like the canals in Venice, and up ling—O’Toole and colleagues suggest they both may serve from the bottom of the channel, on either side, would be as models of the same basic developmental process, although they are triggered under different environmental these slime towers. The channels would be bringing in 4 oxygen and nutrients, and removing waste. And within condition (O’Toole et al. 2000). each building, so to speak, some of the bacteria would Just as microbiologists found it difficult to accept coop- be cooperating with each other, making one compound erative sociality in bacteria (Shapiro & Dworkin, 1997), and passing it along to the next. (Chicurel, 2000, p. 284) they initially regarded cell–cell communication as an anom- aly specific to (Miller & Bassler, Although it remains to be seen whether any bacteria 2001). Today the consensus is that cell–cell communication can properly be characterized as eusocial, the most is widespread in the bacterial kingdom (Kolter, 2005), extreme type of cooperation, the parallels between the although sceptics remain (Redfield, 2002)5 and others

4 Unlike many other Gram-negative bacteria that form complex multicellular aggregates when nutrients are available, M. xanthus forms fruiting bodies only under starvation conditions (O’Toole et al., 2000). 5 Redfield (2002) claims the common assumption that quorum sensing is a form of communication is mistaken on the basis that kin selection is the only possible basis for the evolution of bacterial cooperation, and kin selection-based sociality does not require communication; limited disperal of offspring is enough. Therefore, neither ‘the [evolutionary] need for group action nor the selective conditions required for its evolution’ has been demonstratedin bacteria (ibid., p. 365). Quorum sensing could be a means for detecting ‘the physical structure of the environment’—specifically, the diffusion properties of the surrounding medium—‘rather than the presence of other bacteria’ (ibid., pp. 365, 368). However, as the siderophore experiments show, cooperation can develop among bacteria even when genetic relatedness is low, which is consistent with the Wilson–Ho¨lldobler model that gives kin selection a secondary role in the development of extreme cooperation. Kin selection theory cannot explain the predominance of multispecies bioflims in nature, either, yet the survival benefits of ‘‘group action’’ in these pervasive consortia have been amply demonstrated. Redfield’s scepticism stands against a voluminous, expanding literature. P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 829 suggest that claims about the ubiquity and importance of nescent molecules secreted by a lone symbiont will not be bacterial communication are exaggerated (Keller & Sur- visible. ette, 2006).6 As it is in social invertebrates and vertebrates, Autoinduction is viewed predominantly as a mechanism communication appears to be involved in a wide variety of for determining population density because activation (or complex social and cooperative behaviours in bacteria inhibition) of QS-related genetic is thresh- (Bassler & Losick, 2006), including: (1) some forms of old-dependent. However, researchers increasingly suspect social motility, such as in M. xanthus (Daniels that census-taking is not all that QS systems do. Whole- et al., 2004); (2) production of secondary metabolites, such genome studies suggest that quorum sensing not only pro- as virulence factors, bacteriocins,7 toxins, , vides bacteria with a mechanism for initiating cooperative degradative enzymes, exopolysaccharides, and pigments behaviour but also for alternating ‘between distinct gen- (von Bodman et al., 2003; Wagner, Frelinger, Barth & ome-wide programs’ customized for a particular lifestyle, Iglewski, 2006); (3) global changes of cell state, such as social or solitary (Waters & Bassler, 2005, p. 332). The dis- the transition (in some species) from exponential growth covery that QS signalling can repress global regulatory cir- to the stationary phase (Lazazzera, 2000), and (in others) cuits as well as activate them suggests that terminating the the initiation of chromosomal replication (Withers processes needed for autonomous living is as important as & Nordstrom 1998); (4) lateral gene transfer (Lanka & coordinating group behaviour. Pansegrau, 1999); (5) symbiotic mutualism (Visick & At least five types of QS system have been identified to McFall-Ngai, 2000); (6) pathogenic infection (Donabedian, date: three ‘‘archetypal’’ systems (two different systems 2003); (7) multicellular developmental stages, such as fruit- common to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria ing body formation in M. xanthus (Kaiser, 2004); and (8) respectively, and a third found in both types) (Miller & biofilm formation, maturation and dispersal (Kjelleberg & Bassler, 2001); a fourth system (so far) unique to M. xan- Molin, 2002; Kirisits & Parsek, 2006). thus; and a fifth ‘conversational’ system recently discovered Cell–cell signalling is the ability of one cell, or a group of in P. aeruginosa (Deziel et al., 2004). At time of writing at cells, to regulate the physiology (via ) and least three other types of autoinducing molecules had been influence the behaviour of other cells by any actively or identified (Waters & Bassler, 2005), and there is no reason passively transported bacterial product.8 The technical to presume this will be the end of discovery. Most QS mol- term for bacterial communication is autoinduction,so- ecules are species-specific, enabling intraspecies communi- named because the organism produces a class of molecule cation. However, one system (AI-2), found in a () that stimulates a change in genetic expres- substantial portion of the Gram-negative and Gram-posi- sion in itself as well as organisms of the same kind (Miller tive isolates sequenced to date, may be a sort of ‘bacterial & Bassler, 2001). The change may result in the production Esperanto’, facilitating communication between species of another class of molecule that performs some function— (Bassler, 1999, p. 584). AI-2 has been implicated in biolu- virulence factors, for example—or a complex regulatory minescence, virulence, siderophore production, bacteriocin cascade that leads to a global transformation of the cell, production, motility, and mixed-species biofilm formation. as in sporulation. The label quorum sensing—as in, Is there While the molecular details differ, the key functional a quorum for effective action?—was adopted when it became components of quorum sensing appear to be the same apparent that genetic changes were induced at threshold across the bacterial domain: signal generation, signal per- concentrations, which depends on population density. ception, signal transduction and genetic transcription The supposition is that quorum sensing ensures that indi- (Zhang, 2003). The ‘‘overall mechanism’’9 among the vari- viduals do not engage in behaviours that are too costly ous systems also appears to be roughly similar (Pasmore & and unproductive when undertaken by one or just a few Costeron, 2003): the is synthesized and cells (Bassler, 2002). A few cells releasing a virulence factor exported from the cell by diffusion or secretion. The mole- will swiftly be attacked by a host ; biolumi- cules diffuse away from the cell in most environments and,

6 This is perhaps understandable. Quorum sensing is often referred to as ‘‘language’’ (Bassler, 2002; Sperandio et al., 2003), ‘‘talking’’ (Kaiser, 1993; Winzer et al., 2002), ‘‘listening’’ (Fuqua & Greenberg, 1998), ‘‘eavesdropping’’ (von Bodman et al., 2003; Wagner et al., 2006), and even ‘‘linguistic communication’’ (Ben-Jacob et al., 2004)—sometimes without scare quotes. Adopting a principle of charity, the tendency of many QS researchers to use language associated with human communication can be viewed as principally pragmatic or heuristic. A potentially more serious challenge, however, is Keller and Surette’s distinction between ‘‘signals’’, which are evolved to carry information between a sender and receiver, and mere ‘‘cues’’, a term they imply covers most autoinducers (Keller & Surette, 2006, p. 253). Leaving aside the difficulty of disentangling a trait that is ‘‘evolved for’’ some function and one that performs the function due to exaptation, autoinducers meet widely accepted criteria for information-bearing entities. They are molecules produced by an organism to gather information about the world that have meaning solely by virtue of an evolved coadaptation between sender and recipient. In contrast to nutrients, oxygen, light, and soon, there is nothing intrinsically informative or indicative about autoinducers, and onlyin particular contexts do they bear any meaningful information at all. Thus they meet Maynard Smith’s key criterion for ‘‘biological information’’, which is a degree of ‘arbitrariness’ between signal and signified (Maynard Smith, 2000). Autoinducers also fit the concept of ‘intentional signs’ (Millikan, 2004) with ‘primitive content’ (Harms, 2004) in the terminology of teleofunctional semantics. 7 Bacteriocins are chemical weapons bacteria deploy against other microorganisms. They are often referred to as antibiotics. 8 This definition of intracellular signalling combines elements of Shimkets (1999) and Watnick & Kolter (2000). 9 Overall mechanism does not refer to structure here but to the way something works (Machamer et al., 2000). 830 P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 owing to a moderate half-life, don’t usually build up. When sensing is not a recent innovation but ‘originated very early cell densities are high, however, the molecules reach a in the evolution of the Gram-negative proteobacteria’ (von threshold value that activates genetic transcription for a Bodman et al., 2003, p. 471). The finding that genetic change in behaviour—for example, the production of a sec- sequences underlying quorum sensing are highly conserved ondary metabolite, such as an iron-scavenging siderophore, dovetails with growing evidence that cooperation, too, may or exopolysaccharide, the ‘‘glue’’ that holds cells in a bio- be an ancient survival strategy. Consensus is forming that film together. stromatolites, the rocky marine formations on the West Many species operate two autoinduction systems, but an Australian coast, were formed in part by the action of increasing number of bacteria, like P. aeruginosa, have ancient microbes, possibly gliding filamentous cyanobacte- been found to use three systems, and that may not be the ria, which aggregated into something like the biofilms of limit. Three types of ‘network architectures’ have been today (Allwood et al., 2006). These structures are 3.4 bil- identified for the operation of multiple QS systems: paral- lion years old. This is not to suggest that ancient microbes, lel, serial and antagonistic (Waters & Bassler, 2005). Paral- such as those believed to have formed stromatolites, lel systems, identified in , may serve to filter out employed quorum sensing as their contemporary descen- noise, either from non-signalling molecules in the environ- dants do. Nevertheless, the antiquity of the mechanism ment or from signal mimics, operating much like multiple believed essential for stimulating and coordinating much signatories on a bank account (Taga & Bassler, 2003). By cooperative behaviour among contemporary bacteria offers contrast, the QS systems in P. aeruginosa act sequentially, support for the view that stromatolites could have been enabling the expression of different virulence factors at dif- produced by microbial social behaviour. ferent times and stages of infection. In B. subtilis the QS network is based on two peptides that operate antagonisti- 6. Conclusion cally, stimulating depending on context one of two mutu- ally exclusive developmental programs: competence (the The lessons of bacterial experiments for understanding capacity to take up DNA from the environment) or sporu- cooperation are several. First, the M. xanthus experiments. lation (Solomon, Lazazzera, & Grossman, 1996). Importantly for evolutionary theory generally, these exper- As a key mediator of bacterial cooperative behaviour, iments provide empirical evidence of adaptation under a quorum sensing is a target for friends and foes, both pro- particular selective regime, in this case, social bacteria karyotic and eukaryotic (Bauer & Robinson, 2002). Bacte- evolving in an environment that does not require coopera- rial interference with quorum sensing—called quorum tive behaviour to maintain or enhance individual fitness. quenching (Dong et al., 2001)—includes altering or remov- Next, important to the study of cooperation, the M. xan- ing signals and/or inhibiting their synthesis. Quorum thus experiments demonstrate that cheaters may be repro- quenching may help secure competitive advantage within ductively superior under certain conditions, but this does an ecological niche or provide self-defence against another not ensure that they will come to dominate a cooperative taxa’s virulence factors or bacteriocins, which are released group. Indeed, within this highly cooperative species natu- at density. Many plants have evolved strategies for disrupt- ral selection appears to favour the strengthening of social- ing or manipulating quorum sensing. A QS ‘‘mimic’’ was ity rather than individual autonomy. Thus factors besides first discovered in the Australian seaweed Delisea pulchra, kinship must be contributing to the maintenance of coop- which secretes furanones to prevent bacterial colonization eration. The siderophore experiments confirm that kinship (Givskov et al., 1996). Whereas D. pulchra produces dozens supports cooperation but also that the effects of genetic of QS mimics, all inhibitory, other organisms (e.g. Chla- relatedness are attenuated as local competition among mydomonas reinhardtii) produce mimics that stimulate bac- kin increases. Kin selection thus appears to be a relativistic terial QS-related activities (Teplitski et al., 2004), while still factor in highly cooperative groups. On the other hand, others produce both stimulatory and inhibitory mimics group selection, a still controversial theory, received strong (Gao et al., 2003). One type of bacterial autoinducer glob- support. Both findings conform to the Wilson-Ho¨lldobler ally influences the expression patterns of over 150 proteins model of eusociality. Finally, the biofilm experiments dem- in the legume Medicago truncatula (Mathesius et al., 2003). onstrate that competition can actually strengthen coopera- In short, cell–cell communication appears to be extre- tion, if phenotypic traits within a population diversify mely important to bacterial cooperative behaviour and, under selective pressure. The biofilm experiments provide given the richness of molecular diversity, may have evolved compelling evidence for character displacement as a means independently several times. Because quorum sensing by which cooperating—at the very least, co-existing—spe- allows groups of bacteria, including groups of mixed bacte- cies may become more productive and less susceptible to ria, to behave effectively as a , a invasion by cheats. growing number of researchers consider intercellular sig- Collectively, the experiments show that cooperation is nalling to be central to understanding the evolutionary far more robust and the mechanisms for maintaining it transition from unicellular to multicellular life (Costerton more varied than previously thought. It is unlikely that et al., 1987; Dworkin, 1996; Shapiro, 1998; Miller & Bass- abstract models and computer simulations could have ler, 2001). Phylogenetic comparisons suggest that quorum revealed this. Abstract models are based on the current P. Lyon / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 820–833 831 state of knowledge, which is only driven forward by nature Bassler, B. L. (1999). How bacteria talk to each other: Regulation of gene put to the test in ecologically plausible conditions, often expression by quorum sensing. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2, with unexpected results. 582–587. Bassler, B. L. (2002). Small talk: Cell-to-cell communication in bacteria. Wilson and Ho¨lldobler (2005) note that the ‘break- Cell, 109, 421–424. through’ to eusociality conferred ‘spectacular ecological Bassler, B. L., & Losick, R. (2006). Bacterially speaking. Cell, 125, success’ on those species in which it occurred, especially 237–246. the ants and termites, which together account for more Battin, T. J., Sloan, W. T., Kjelleberg, S., Daims, H., Head, I. M., Curtis, than half the planet’s total insect biomass while comprising T. P., & Eberl, L. (2007). Microbial landscapes: New paths to biofilm research. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5, 76–81. ‘only 2%’ of the known insect species (ibid., p. 13370). Yet Bauer, W. D., & Robinson, J. B. (2002). Disruption of bacterial quorum Wilson and Ho¨lldobler claim that the conditions favouring sensing by other organisms. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 13, development of eusociality are extremely rare. Can this 234–237. really be so? Even more than do eusocial insects, bacteria Ben-Jacob, E., Becker, I., Shapira, Y., & Levine, H. (2004). Bacterial enjoy a degree of ecological success that is awe-inspiring. linguistic communication and social intelligence. Trends in Microbiol- ogy, 12, 366–372. Bacteria have colonized every conceivable niche on Earth, Brockhurst, M. A., Hochberg, M. E., Bell, T., & Buckling, A. (2006). from the clouds to the depths of the planet’s crust, and Character displacement promotes cooperation in bacterial biofilms. indeed almost every other living thing upon it—including Current Biology, 16, 2030–2034. eusocial insects. In Homo sapiens, resident bacteria are esti- Brown, A. (2003). ‘I wanted to show how niceness evolves’. The Guardian, mated to outnumber the cells of the human body. It does 24 July. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2003/jul/24/scienceinterviews. research. not seem too wildly speculative to presume that the unsur- Brown, S. P. (1999). Cooperation and conflict in host-manipulating passed ecological success of bacteria has something to do parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 266, with their cooperative behaviour, and that their coopera- 1899–1904. tive behaviour may have evolved roughly along the lines Brown, S. P. (2006). Cooperation: Integrating evolutionary and ecological of the most successful multicellular taxa, as well as along perspectives. Current Biology, 16, R960–R961. Brown, S. P., & Johnstone, R. A. (2001). Cooperation in the dark: lines we have yet to identify. The main message of the Signalling and collective action in quorum-sensing bacteria. 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