Globalisation UK/144 22/03/02 10:37 Page 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS (ICFTU) DECEMBER 2001 A TRADE UNION GUIDE TO GLOBALISATION International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) 5, Bd. Albert II B - 1210 Brussels Belgium Tel. (32 2) 224.02.11 Telefax (32 2) 201.58.15 E-mail
[email protected] Globalisation UK/144 22/03/02 10:37 Page 2 CONTENTS FOREWORD . 6 INTRODUCTION . 8 PART I GLOBALISATION AND SOLIDARITY 1. THE MEANING OF GLOBALISATION . 9 The components of globalisation . 10 • Foreign Direct Investment . 10 • Financial markets . 11 Box: The Global Economic and Financial Crisis . 12 • Deregulation and liberalisation . 12 Box: Social Europe . 13 • Globalisation and the Public Sector . 14 Box: Trade and Investment Agreements and the Public Sector . 15 • Technology . 16 The meaning of globalisation for workers . 17 This guide is also available on 2. THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION STRUCTURE . 19 the ICFTU web-site. Over one hundred years of international trade unionism . 19 Box: The ITF and How it Started . 19 International trade union organisations . 20 This is the address: • Organisations for national centres . 20 Box: Trade Union Relations - National and International . 22 • Organisations for national trade unions . 22 Box: Which is my ITS? . 23 3. SECURING RIGHTS AND SETTING STANDARDS . 24 The universality and indivisibility of trade union rights . 24 Box: ILO Conventions No. 87 and 98 . 24 The term 'International Trade Secretariats' International Labour standards and the ILO . 25 Box: The Principles of the Declaration of Philadelphia . 25 (ITSs), which is used throughout this guide, has • A tripartite organisation .