You are invited to join us On July 6 at 7PM

Bishop Joseph Arshad from the Diocese of Faisalabad, (Fr. Ayub’s hometown) will be visiting and speaking at St Marys-Marne Parish Hall. He will be talking to us about the Religious Persecution issues they are facing in Pakistan. Please come and hear what our fellow Christian's are faced with every day. Refreshments will be provided by the St Mary’s & St Michael’s Knights of Columbus.

Bishop Arshad will be in Grand Rapids from June 30 thru July 8, while here he will be visiting Bishop David Walkowiak, Bishop emeritus Robert Rose, Fr. Ayub Francis Nasar and the parishioners at St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s. He will be celebrating daily and weekend Masses at both St Mary’s & St Michaels.

It is a challenging time for the Christian minorities in Pakistan. Please keep Bishop Joseph Arshad and our brothers and sisters of the Diocese of Faisalabad Pakistan in your prayers.

Information about Bishop Joseph Arshad Bishop of Faisalabad Pakistan:

 He was born on 25th August, 1965 in Lahore Pakistan.  He received his early priesthood formation at St. Mary's Minor Seminary, in Lahore.  Completed his Philosophy and Theology Degrees at Christ King Seminary Theological Institute Karachi Pakistan. st  Was ordained on November 1 , 1991 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral Lahore Pakistan.  In 1995, he went to Rome to Study Canon Law and in 1999 he received doctorate's degree in Canon Law and also received certificate in Diplomatic Formation.  Immediately after he received his doctorate degree in Canon Law and formation in diplomatic service in 1999, he was selected by the Vatican to serve in Vatican Embassies.  Bishop Joseph served in the Vatican embassies in , , , and Bosnia/Herzegovina until he was nominated as Bishop of Faisalabad on 3rd July 2013 on the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. st  Episcopal Ordination was on November 1 , 2013 and became the 5th Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Faisalabad Pakistan.

Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty O God our Creator, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ.

Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith.

Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome— for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us— this great land will always be "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.