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PDF Document Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Issues Today Luis Cardinal Aponte Martinez Rev. Jean Galot, S.J. Dr. Josef Seifert Rev. Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins Sr. Thomas M. McBride, O.P. Dr. John Macquarrie Rev. Stefano Manelli, F.F.I. Dr. Mark Miravalle S.T.D., Editor Dr. Scott Hahn Introduction by Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S. PUBLISHING Company P.O. Box 220 • Goleta, CA 93116 Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Issues Today IMPRIMATUR Cardinal Ernesto Corripio Ahumada Mexico City December 12, 2001 Bishop Sydney A. Charles St. George’s-in-Grenada, West Indies December 8, 2001 Cover Art: Beato Angelico, The Annunciation, The Crucifixion, St. Mark’s Convent, Florence. © Copyright 2002 Mark I. Miravalle, S.T. D. All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Number # 2002 141054 Published by: Queenship Publishing P.O. Box 220 Goleta, CA 93116 (800) 647-9882 • (805) 692-0043 • Fax: (805) 967-5133 http://www.queenship.org Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1-57918-176-7 IV Contents Introduction, Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S. ........................VII Mary Co-redemptrix and the New Evangelization Luis Cardinal Aponte Martinez ................................................... 1 Mary Co-redemptrix: Controversies and Doctrinal Questions Rev. Jean Galot, S.J. ............................................................... 7 The Mystery of Mary Coredemptrix in the Papal Magisterium Rev. Msgr. Arthur Burton Calkins ....................................... 25 Mary Co-redemptrix: A Response to 7 Common Objections Dr. Mark Miravalle .............................................................. 93 Mary Co-redemptrix and Disputes Over Justification and Grace: An Anglican View Dr. John Macquarrie .......................................................... 139 Mary Co-redemptrix: Philosophical and Personalist Foundations Dr. Josef Seifert .................................................................. 151 The Marian Theology of Von Balthasar and the Proposed Definition of Mary Co-redemptrix Sr. Thomas Mary McBride, O.P. ........................................ 177 Marian Coredemption in the Hagiography of the 20th Century Rev. Stefano Manelli, F.F.I.................................................. 191 Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Development and Ecumenism Dr. Scott Hahn ................................................................. 263 V Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Issues Today VI Introduction t is with great pleasure that I introduce you to this present Itheological volume dedicated to the explication and develop- ment of Church doctrine and papal teaching of Our Lady as the Co-redemptrix. The wealth of ideas, principles, and outstanding theological exposition reflected in this volume, the work of an exceptional international team of theologians and mariologists, calls the con- temporary bishop, pastor, theologian, or lay leader to dedicate time and attention to this important work and topic, so as to be properly informed and appreciative of the recent mariological development on the doctrinal issues of Marian coredemption within the Church of today. This doctrinal topic is especially relevant in light of the substantial contribution and emphasis of our present Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, on the subject of Our Lady’s contribution to the Redemption, likely more than any other pontiff in Church history. When we reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary, at times we fail to appreciate the depth of these mysteries. In the Joyful Mystery of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, we see Mary’s call to suffer with Christ, to share in the redemptive sufferings of the Redeemer (cf. Lk 2:35). This is brought to its full comple- tion in the Sorrowful Mystery of the Crucifixion, where Mary’s sufferings with Christ are offered in union with Jesus for the redemption of the world, and the Co-redemptrix is given then VII Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Issues Today to each one of us as Mediatrix of all grace and Spiritual Mother by the Redeemer: “Woman, behold your son…behold your mother” (Jn.19:26-27). In our present world situation, in the midst of so much human suffering and global unrest, is the relevance of the doctrine of Mary Co-redemptrix not obvious to us? What doctrine better conveys the Christian mystery of the supernatural value of human suffering under any condition, including conditions beyond our earthly control, than that of Mary Co-redemptrix? St. Paul exhorts us that if we have faith in our hearts, we should confess and proclaim publicly our faith. I believe that at this mo- ment of history, it is very important that our faith in the role of Mary Co-redemptrix be clearly proclaimed and defined. May the truth of Mary Co-redemptrix penetrate our hearts and lives, filling us with new strength and grace in accepting and enduring as Christian witnesses the providential suffering to which we are called personally and as a Church. May the Mediatrix of all grace bestow upon each one of us the graces to be true to the call of St. Paul to “make up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, for the sake of his body, which is the Church” (Col. 1:24). Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S., President Emeritus, Pontifical Council on the Family President Emeritus, Pontifical Committee for International Congresses 1 November 2001 Solemnity of All Saints VIII Mary Co-redemptrix and the New Evangelization by Luis Cardinal Aponte Martinez n May 2001 Pope John Paul II called to Rome the cardinals Iof the world in a special consistory seeking to implement the pastoral directives for the new millennium as contained in his papal document Novo Millennio Ineunte (At the Beginning of the Third Millennium). On the first day of the consistory, as the third official presenter to the College of Cardinals and in the presence of Pope John Paul II, His Eminence, Luis Cardinal Aponte Martinez, Archbishop of Puerto Rico, offered to the consistory the following presentation concerning the decisive role of the Mother of All Peoples in the im- perative of the New Evangelization for the third millennium. Your Holiness and my dear Brother Cardinals, As we contemplate the imperative for the New Evangeliza- tion in light of Novo Millennio Ineunte, the question must be posed: who was the first to “hear the word of God and keep it” (cf. Lk. 11:28)? It was the Mother of the Lord, who did such so completely and lovingly that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (cf. Lk. 1:38, Jn 1:14). Who was the first to “meet Christ”(Lk. 1:38)? It was the Mother. Who was the first to “see Jesus” (Jn. 12:21) and to “contemplate his face” (Lk. 2:7, NMI. 16)? It was the Mother. Who was the first “witness to the Gospel,” to live the “life of faith,” to intrinsically participate in the “depth of the mystery” of the hypostatic union (NMI. 17,19,21)? It was the Mother. Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Issues Today The human face that most closely resembles and reveals “the Son’s face” (NMI. 24) is the Mother’s face. And no one more deeply experiences the paradoxical and redemptive “Face of Sor- row” at Calvary (NMI. 25) than the Mother Co-redemptrix (cf. Jn. 19:26-27). As we are called in this Apostolic Letter to “direct our thoughts to the future which lies before us” and that “in the final analysis, this rooting of the Church in time and space mirrors the movement of the Incarnation itself (NMI. 3),” I consider that the providential role of the Mother of the Lord in the Incarna- tion and the First Evangelization, as divinely determined by the heavenly Father, must be acknowledged and centrally included in our pastoral program for the New Evangelization at the outset of this new millennium. As a native son of the Americas, permit me to make refer- ence to the heavenly Father’s program of Evangelization that took place for our peoples of America. It was to send, as the first missionary, our Lady of Guadalupe to us as the motherly means of intercession in preparing the way for the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the peoples of America, which resulted in the greatest single Christian evangelization since the first ap- ostolic evangelization, producing as its spiritual catch the most populated Catholic continent in the world today. Should we not imitate the Father’s wisdom by inviting the Mother of the Lord as well into this great historic program of evangelization for the new millennium? If we would formally invite the Virgin Mother to accompany us with those beautiful words, “do whatever he tells you” (Jn. 2:5), leading souls to the Heart of Christ as only the Mother’s Heart can, then she will help us guide the peoples of the new millennium into a “New Holiness” (NMI. 30). She is the Me- diatrix of all graces who “taken up into heaven did not lay aside this saving office, but by her manifold intercession continues to brings us the gifts of eternal salvation” (LG. 62). Mary Co-redemptrix and the New Evangelization Reverend Cardinal Brothers, which one of us, reviving the memories of our priestly and episcopal vocations, does not recognize that we owe special gratitude to the intercession of the Mother of priests and Queen of apostles for our own voca- tions? Let us not deny that same maternal intercession for the so desperately needed vocations in the Church and of the peoples of the new millennium (NMI. 46). And with special concern for the great ecumenical impera- tive of our day (NMI. 48), is this not one of the most urgent of Christian necessities and hence in greatest need of the powerful intercession of the Mother of unity? Would now not be the time to formally invite “our common Mother” (RM. 30) to fully utilize the spiritual power of her motherly Heart in unifying the sons and daughters of God in the one Body of Christ? It is now the opportune time to definitively turn to the Mother to implore the graces necessary to fulfill the yet unfulfilled “ut unum sint” pleading of the one Lord (Jn.
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