

VolumeH 4 • Number 143 ERALWHYTMedia.Typepad.com June 29,D 2009 • USA $1.50

Jeff Geminn Live Ordained Page 8 Page 15 Of Significance Astorino, Schorr, and Bock I Hate to Say I Told You So Books first the support of the Pg. 2 Urge Governor Paterson to Campaign Trail Conservative Party and then the support of both Pg s . 1 - 4 Move Legislation the Conservative and Community Independence parties Pg. 5 to win elections as the Ecology registration edge which the Pg. 6 By Mike Edelman Democrats had continued Government to increase, it was and is Pg. 8 Its been many years since my view that in order for In Memoriam I took the position that the the Republican Party to ability of minor parties to remain viable it could not Pg s . 9, 10 cross endorse major party give up its right to select its People candidates would wind own candidates based on Pg. 14 up compromising the two its own criteria, rather than Patriotism party system. the whim or ideology of Pg. 13 Mount Kisco, NY -- -on playgrounds, at And I took that position any minor party. Moreover Op-Ed Convicted sex predators schools, and in libraries- over the years the fact that the leaders of Pg s . 1, 12, 13 are living in Westchester -because a popular bill in Knowing full well that those parties had the ability Radio County today, steps from Republican candidates see I Hate to Say Pg. 12 Pg. 4 where children congregate- see Astorino Pg. 4 whom I supported needed

Referring to... Made-in-the-USA Madoff Ordered to Forfeit Town of Greenburgh all Weir of my life. At 19, while in Over $170 Billion college, I joined the all- Only volunteer Elmsford Fire Government Settles Claims of Ruth Human Department. I’ve been an Madoff Against Forfeited Property Page 12 active member and have held every firematic rank in the department, including Chief in 1989 and 1990. As By Thomas Bock Chief, I reinvented fund- Peggy raising for the department. Godfrey Candidate, I instituted the current Page 7 Westchester County service awards program, Legislator for the resembling a pension plan for volunteers, which Like 8th District became the standard for Lev L. Dassin, the Acting Chin entered a preliminary Klock- I’m a Made-in-the-USA volunteer fire departments Attorney order of forfeiture totaling American citizen. I’m 55, throughout NY State. I for the Southern District $170,799,000,000 against work a registered Republican also maintained the highest of New York, announced Bernard L. Madoff. Page 13 since high school, and level of training for our today that United States The order, which is final was raised in Elmsford/ see Made in the USA Pg. 3 District Judge Denny see Madoff Pg. 5 2 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009

Westchester HERALD The Fight for Freedom - Ops Populi WHYTMedia Fredericksburg, VA -- A May – is immersed in a functioned well billionaire patriot and ring of corruption with for the most Published weekly philanthropist, his unwitting part, it has WHYTMedia M a r t i n c o m p a n i o n , been virtually @gmail.com L o c h r i d g e , V i r g i n i a u n c h a n g e d Tel: 914-562-0834 d i s c o v e r s Burress, and for over 230 WHYTeditor@ what is to be L o c h r i d g e years, and it is gmail.com his legacy in a must first fast becoming WHYTsubscription lecture hosted rescue them apparent that @gmail.com by a small from their the unchecked non-profit in p e r i l o u s avarice of the Publisher Maine. He quagmire in established elite Hezi Aris spends the order to have will soon bring next 10 years any hope of about the demise Editor forming Ops May’s help in of our Republic Hezi Aris Populi, the implementing unless “we the secretive organization Ops Populi’s plans. people” assert Columns that ultimately will put Mike Lieber wrote his our sovereignty Cam Bock his legacy into action: a political thriller Inception, and take back Lee Daniels massive campaign for a the first in the Ops Populi control of our Marilyn Elie peoples’ constitutional series, to illustrate how in country. Nothing enlisted man, and then as Gail Farrelly convention which will, he practice, elites dominate less than the long-term a commissioned officer. Lisa Fine hopes, result in a United our society through viability of the country and He and his family live in Peggy Godfrey States where the ideals of carefully and jealously the well-being of future Virginia. Visit http://www. Anthony Greco the Founders can finally guarded control of our generations is at stake. op-usa.org. Diane M. Grassi be attained and where the nation’s political and Mike Lieber holds Ops Populi By Mike Joe Klock, Sr. potential to end human economic power centers bachelor’s and master’s Lieber is a political thriller Edward I. Koch suffering can be realized. – those public and private degrees in political science. published by Astute Bob Marrone But the person who institutions that establish A business owner, husband Publishing Company; Richard Nestro inspired Ops Populi – and enforce the rules of our and father, he previously Publication date is July Martin McGloin political scientist and society. served in the United 1, 2009; ISBN: 978- Barbara Barton Sloane National Guardsman, Sean While our system has States Army, first as an 0615265001. Zuri A. Stanback Henry J. Stern Andy Wainer Roger Witherspoon Ball Said ‘No!’ to National Energy Tax Advertising Albany, NY -- Markey. This will devastate Heritage Foundation) have emissions nuclear energy, [email protected] Assemblyman Greg Ball American families and the raised similar ire throughout and highlighted his state or call 914-562-0834 (R, C, I - Patterson) urged Hudson Valley the country from legislation to eliminate members of the House of economy. The Democrats and taxes on alternative energy Representatives to vote Hudson Valley R e p u b l i c a n s , sources (A4731/S3150), We “No!” on the American would be one many of whom create green-collar jobs Welcome Clean Energy and Security of the hardest point to the (A8359), and establish a Act, a national energy tax, hit areas by f a r - r e a c h i n g state energy planning board Your which many independent this legislation, i m p l i c a t i o n s to create a state energy plan experts are calling the which could of the tax bill, and process for the siting of Comments largest tax increase in cause over which would electric generating facilities American history. 46,000 job even replace (A7250). Tell us if we “Reducing our carbon losses within local building “I would hope that our are doing footprint is one of the the 19th codes with new representative from the most pressing issues facing Congressional District, and federal ones. 19th congressional district something us as elected officials,” a $1.4 billion dollar loss Ball says he favors an would have the the common Ball said. “Sustainable per year in our gross state approach based on less sense, to vote ‘no’ on this wrong, and conservation should be product.” government intervention, job-killing bill, which what we are based on incentives, and The figures cited by Ball and that would favor amounts to the largest tax not a national energy tax (Table 1, WM 2504: “How alternative energies such increase in U.S. history,” doing right. based on government the Waxman-Markey as hydro power, clean coal, Ball concluded. WHYTEditor@ mandates. People need Climate Change Bill wind, solar and geothermal to urge our Congressman Would Affect the States, energies, as well as the gmail.com to vote against Waxman- by Congressional District”, expansion of zero free WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 3

Made-in-the-USA From Page 1 members. I’m proud of once again. You may ask they are always right. It’s who don’t care what your the work I and others like what my views on the all crap! party affiliation is or what me have accomplished for issues are, that would make Stop focusing on your their mantra might be. our communities through me feel so abandoned? Or, reelection and do the job we At the local, county, state our fire departments and am I some kind of nut? I’ll want done, not the job you and federal levels in each ambulance corps. clue you in, but first, you want done or the job your respective election, it’s I’ve come to the need to know that I need party wants done. You work about the Constitution, realization that no your help. for us and at this rate, not taxes, the abuses, lack of ADVERTISE politician at the local level I need your support. I for long. We will be heard transparency and poor or is representing me. That’s don’t have any spare money and we will be represented. non-existent representation. 914 why I’ve decided to get because my Greenburgh You think we’re so busy You have not represented more involved by running Town government, under with our lives that you’ll the wants and needs of for legislator for the 8th Democrat/Independent fool us with double-talk? your constituency and you 562-0834 District in Westchester Paul Feiner and his all- We are the formerly silent will be fired. Did you hear County. The fact is, I’m Democratic Board, has majority, all of us who me? We no longer care WHYTmedia annoyed at myself for raised my taxes in double- quietly work, pay taxes, about your political parties. @gmail.com waiting so long to do this. digits every year. The obey the law, vote, save You needed to be loyal to Like many people, I kept County, under Democrat money and keep our noses us, not to them, but you hoping our politicians Andy Spano, has also to the grindstone. But, now weren’t. You have proven would do the right thing. raised my taxes in double- you’ve gotten our attention at so many levels that you Sadly, I’m still waiting. digits every year. The and are we’re looking up don’t understand or know But happily, I’m no longer State, originally under from that grindstone at the right thing. We’re here waiting for them. I decided Republican Governor you. You have awakened now and real change is I could continue to sit back Pataki and now Democrat a sleeping giant. You have coming. Pay attention. ‘We and hope for someone good Governor Paterson is doing pushed us and your luck too the People’ are back! to run for office or I could it to us again. It doesn’t far. Our numbers are great just do it myself. I believe seem to matter who is and may even surprise you. Vote for Thomas Bock in my running is a good thing in office; they just keep For every one of us who the November elections for because I am a good person, raising our taxes. Enough will be there, there will be County Legislator for the a family man, honest and already! This insanity must hundreds more that could 8th District. try to lead my life through stop! not come. Unlike you, we Tom can be reached at example. I have been active Here’s my thoughts to have their trust and will [email protected] in my community and the our county politicians: represent them honestly. county for all of my adult I entrusted you with They will be using the life. Not many candidates maintaining Westchester. I only tool we have: the or politicians can attest believe in the checks and voting booths on Election to that. balances our forefathers Day. We are going to usher Why isn’t anyone instituted to keep everyone you out of office. We have representing my views or honest. What happened? cancelled vacations and the issues that are important You gotten very far off will use our last couple of “America’s great to me? Simply because it course from that. What you bucks to make sure you is politics. It is why most are doing is a contemptuous don’t return to office. Our politicians respond so of the responsibility I have grassroots campaign will community radio fervently to special interests entrusted to you. It is a slap increase. While we didn’t groups, political action in my face and everyone ask for this fight, the gloves stations!” committees (PACs), and else’s face as well. are coming off because -The Wall Street Journal the like. This is why I’m My perspective is very you never rolled up your running for Westchester similar to a lot of other sleeves! I’m mad but refuse County Legislator for residents in our County. to resort to violence. I’m like the 8th District. Hey, you Stop treating us like we’re the dissatisfied customer can rest assured the only morons. We all have cell you may have heard about. person I’m in bed with is phones and know how to I don’t complain. I simply my wife! use them. Some of us have won’t come back. Know

Who you are is important work-provided cell phones that I am the candidate who to me. Please stand up and and know they are not to will rise to the challenge tell me that you are there be used for personal use or of representing everyone. I The Voice of The Golden Apple and that you’re willing to abused or they’ll be taken know what doing the right fight for our rights as our away. Why should you be thing means. I live it every One Broadcast Forum, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801 (914) 636-1460 founding fathers intended. any different? We are not day by example. Join me in taking back stupid and yet, the current Whatever your party, government and have it be group in office do nothing pay close attention. We in the people’s possession but postulate about how are patriots, Americans 4 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 On the Level with Yonkers Astorino, Schorr, and Bock Urge City Councilmember Patricia Governor Paterson to Move Legislation From Page 1 McDow with Host Hezi Aris Albany to prevent them Legislator, and Mr. Schorr, “As a long-time prosecutor from doing so cannot get a former Assistant District I’m sorry to say that this is on WVOX-1460 AM Radio onto the floor of the State Attorney in Westchester not an unusual occurrence,” New Rochelle, NY -- AM on your radio dial or Assembly and Senate for a and , and Mr. Schorr said. “Sex Yonkers City Council listen via audio streaming vote, Westchester County Mr. Bock, a computer predators often move near member technology District Attorney candidate systems administrator said places where children Patricia at www. Dan Schorr (R), Westchester the legislation would pass gather. I urge Governor McDow and WVOX. County Executive with “overwhelming bi- Paterson in the strongest historian com. candidate Rob Astorino (R- partisan support” if it was possible terms to insist on Bob Snyder For those I), and Westchester County voted on today. a vote this summer to keep will be our who demand Board Legislator candidate Mssrs. Schorr, Astorino, this from happening. These guests on more radio representing the 8th District and Bock made their call in are scenarios that too often June 30th on and want Tom Bock (R) said today. Mount Kisco, NY, where end in tragedy.” the On the to hear Mssrs. Astorino, Schorr, two convicted Level 2 “Child molesters Level with Hezi Aris and Bock called on sex offenders live near shouldn’t be living near Hezi Aris on topics Governor David Paterson playgrounds. There are children,” Mr. Astorino radio show relevant to to add the bill, which three categories of sex said. “This is so patently this Tuesday Westchester would prevent convicted offenders: Level 1 (low obvious that it defies belief morning, County from sex predators from living risk of repeat offense); that it’s still allowed to June 23, a Yonkers within 1,000 feet of a Level 2 (moderate risk of happen. This legislation 2009, at perspective, playground, library or repeat offense), and Level would pass in the blink 10:00 am. listen school, to a list of legislation 3 (high risk of repeat of an eye if it was put on Westchester to Good he is expected to present to offense.) A complete list of the floor in the Senate and County Board Legislator Morning Westchester the State Legislature for sex predators in New York Assembly, yet it continues District 8 candidate Tom with Bob Marrone on consideration this summer is available to the public to languish in committee. Bock is our guest on July Wednesdays at 8:35 am in an emergency special at: Governor Paterson has 7, 2009. when he and Hezi get into legislative session. Mr. http://criminaljustice.state. an opportunity to strike a Tune in to WVOX-1460 the mix. Astorino, a former County ny.us/nsor/ great victory for common sense and child safety this summer by demanding a vote on this bill.” “There are child molesters living in my neighborhood,” noted Mr. Bock “I continuously check the Sex Offender Registry to monitor what happens to our neighborhoods. There http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com are many schools within District 8 and throughout Westchester that demand http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com passage of this legislation by the New York State http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com Legislature without ,” emphasized Mr. Bock. Mssrs Bock, Astorino, and http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com Schorr said that as County Board Legislator, County http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com Executive and District Attorney, respectively, they would explore legal http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com avenues to prohibit sex predators from living near http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com playgrounds, schools, and libraries in Westchester County if the State http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com Legislature refuses to act. http://www.bashianfarberlaw.com WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 5 Atlantic Richfield / BP Donate $5,000 for Quadricentennial Hudson River Day Celebration H a s t i n g s - o n - H u d s o n , to sail up the river that now included live music, NY -- The Village of bears his name. crafts for children, food H a s t i n g s - o n - H u d s o n The Village recently and refreshments. Over recently participated in hosted ‘Riverday,’ which 400 Hastings-on-Hudson the Quadricentennial featured a Flotilla of Ships residents of all ages Celebration of the Hudson Parade that sailed up the were in attendance at the River along with other Hudson River passing MacEachron Waterfront Riverfront cities and towns. the Village. The Atlantic Park. The year 2009 marks the Richfield Company/BP 400th anniversary of the was a key sponsor of the voyage of English Captain Riverday Celebration, by (L-R): Joe Sontchi, Environmental Business Manager, Atlantic Henry Hudson, who led the donating $5,000 to support Richfield/BP and Peter Swiderski, Mayor Village of Hastings- first European expedition the event. The Celebration on-Hudson. Photo courtesy of Yaeger Public Relations

Madoff Ordered to Forfeit Over $170 Billion From Page 1 as against Bernard Madoff, specifically all equity in the of the two orders today, the Property”); proceeds of the sale. completely divests Bernard Madoff residences in New Government has stripped • approximately $1.48 In addition, Judge Chin L. Madoff of his interest in York, a portion of which Bernard Madoff and Ruth million on deposit in the entered four orders on June all property including, but the Government could Madoff of all their interests United States Marshals 26, 2009, authorizing the not limited to, real estate, not sufficiently link to the in property belonging to Service Seized Asset Fund United States Marshals investments, cars and criminal conduct charged them, including, for representing the net Service to sell four Madoff boats, in in the felony Information example: proceeds of the sale of the properties: the New York partial satisfaction of the to which Bernard L. • an account at Cohmad Madoff’s home at Chateau Co-op, the Montauk forfeiture judgment. Madoff pleaded guilty. Securities Corp. valued des Pins Villa 2, 279 Property, the Judge Chin also signed The Stipulation and Order at approximately $46.67 Chemin de la Garoupe, Cap Palm Beach Property and a Stipulation and Order makes clear, however, that million; d’Antibes, France; certain cars and boats. Mr. which resolves all claims nothing precludes any other • an account at Wachovia • all insured or salable Dassin thanked the United that Ruth Madoff, Bernard department or agency of the Bank, N.A. valued at personal property States Marshals Service for Madoff’s wife, would United States or any other approximately $13.3 contained in the above- its ongoing assistance in otherwise have brought person or entity, including million; listed properties including, the forfeiture proceedings. against the forfeited the United States Securities • a cooperative apartment but not limited to: furniture, Mr. Dassin also praised property. and Exchange Commission located at 133 East 64th artwork, electronics and the investigative work Under the terms of the (“SEC”), Irving H. Picard, Street, New York, New appliances, jewelry, and of the Federal Bureau of Stipulation and Order, the Esq. as trustee for the York, valued at apparel; and Investigation and thanked Government has obtained liquidation of the business approximately $7.5 million • tens of millions of dollars the SEC, SIPC, the United Ruth Madoff’s interest of Bernard Madoff (the “New York Co-op”); of loans extended by States Department of in all property, including Investment Securities LLC, • property located at 216 Bernard Madoff and Ruth Labor, and the Securities more than $80 million the Securities Investor Old Montauk Highway, Madoff to family, Investor Protection Act of property as to which Protection Corporation Montauk, New York, employees and friends. (“SIPA”) Trustee for their she would have claimed (“SIPC”), or Alan valued at approximately The Stipulation and Order assistance. an interest at a forfeiture Nisselson, Esq as trustee $7 million (the “Montauk requires Ruth Madoff to Assistant United States hearing. Ruth Madoff will for the personal assets of Property”); retain temporarily certain Attorneys Barbara A. Ward, retain $2.5 million in funds Bernard Madoff and Ruth • property located at 410 assets in France on behalf Sharon E. Frase, Marc Litt, in settlement of the claims Madoff, from seeking to North Lake Way, Palm of the Government for the Lisa A. Baroni, and William that she would otherwise recover additional funds or Beach, Florida, valued at sole purpose of facilitating J. Stellmach, are in charge have brought against the assets from Ruth Madoff. approximately $7.45 the sale of those of the prosecution. forfeited property, including As a result of the entry million (the “Palm Beach assets and forfeiture of the

ADVERTISE 914-562-0834 • [email protected] 6 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 Clean Energy, Jobs, and ACES construction industry and is labor across the American To do this, Pollin added how the areas of the relatively easy to do plus it economy. that “We must invest in economy that stimulate is a quick start up. Braken Hendricks, good training programs lower carbon and green Public transportation: Senior Fellow Center for and we must set decent, infrastructure are more the cost per mile to move American Progress, raised living wages standards as local and labor intensive someone with public transit critical questions that, so part of the program. There than investment in the is about half the carbon cost far, remain unanswered. are 38 million people low traditional fossil fuel used by a private vehicle. Who gets these jobs? income in this country. economy. He claimed that By Marilyn Elie Development of Do we bring in those About half of clean energy “These investments are smart grid for electrical previously denied access? jobs could be open to these rooted in local communities The American Clean transmission: this affects He maintained that “The people. Construction jobs and will produce more than Energy and Security Act every community in the outcome is not inevitable. in energy retrofits are a big three times the investment is pending in Congress country – not just those If we are smart in looking part of our current stimulus in fossil fuel industries. right now. As it turns out who have access to solar, at this new stream of jobs package and will not only Our worst case scenario as this important piece of wind and water generation we can build in choices that provide jobs but can also a country is to do nothing.” legislation has as much to of electricity. It means will solve global warming decrease the cost of living A recently released study by do with jobs as it does with generating electricity more as a tool in reinvesting 3 to 4 percent for families the National Oceanographic clean energy and security. quickly and efficiently and in rural America and who live in more energy and Atmospheric A new study has just been delivering it with little loss developing a prosperity we efficient houses,” he added. Administration on released outlining how to where it is used. crucially need.” The study When asked where the climate change backs up investment in clean energy This column will only deal also has fact sheets for numbers came from Pollin his claim. According to will produce significant with the biggest part of the selected urban areas across replied that a simple model NOAA, global warming is economic benefits in New package; energy efficiency the country that shows the had been developed by proceeding faster than the York. and what that implies for impacts for cities. looking closely at the types worst case scenarios laid Common wisdom has a green future economy. Hendricks, Ellie-Lamkins of companies involved in out by many researchers been that it costs money In a press call arranged and Robert Pollin, Co- the stimulus bill that has and this underlines the and that it is a poor business necessity of taking prompt strategy to invest in clean action. Hendricks insisted energy jobs and green that “Investments in a infrastructure. According clean economy are a smart to two reports just released public policy to transition by the Political Economy to a low carbon society for Research Institute strong consumer savings at the University of and business opportunities. Massachusetts, Amherst, Environmental protection Center for American is not an imposition on Progress, Green for All, business as has been seen and the Natural Resources in past. It is a productive Defense Council common means of doing business wisdom is wrong and there by all four organizations, Director, Political been passed and the ones and is a benefit to all is virtually nothing to back Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Economy Research involved in the currently because it directs capitol up this assumption. The the CEO of Green for All, Institute at the University pending American Clean into more efficient and study shows the advantages talked about how to move of Massachusetts, Energy and Security Act, cleaner directions. “ to our economy in the people out of poverty and Amherst, agreed that we and then going through My conclusion after creation of good local jobs into prosperity. She made it need to implement hiring business and construction thinking about all this: and additional benefits clear that green jobs are for regulations that are already statistics and estimates. building our green economy to communities across those with GED’s through on the books and have been “We used Department is the major growth area and the country. It projects PhD’s. She sees a two way ignored. They all called of Commerce statistics also the most significant an overall growth of our process with apprenticeship for built in the ground rules and determined that the investment opportunity in gross domestic product and programs and certification that include diversity hiring number of jobs created the foreseeable future. We the creation of 1.5 million that will provide skilled as a standard for contract from clean energy equals will be spending billions jobs per year with the labor to build a low carbon compliance. They felt it was 1.7 million per year. These on infra structure. We can implementation of ACES. economy. Traditional a great opportunity to break are private sector jobs spend it smart or spend it This is a big study that blue collar workers will down existing barriers in encouraged by the public stupidly. If we spend it well, looks at investments in be able to enter into the construction industry sector.” How would it it will have tremendous three sectors: familiar jobs that meet which is traditionally white affect the economy? Pollin positive impacts on our Energy efficiency: the the needs of our changing male dominated. All three claimed that it would bring entire society. biggest part, 70%. Most of economy. Engineers, felt that the benefit to the down employment by one To read the study and this is building retro fits for designers, and architects construction industry called percent. For one sector to decide for yourself go to improved energy efficiency are needed as well. This for a quid pro quo to open have this much impact is http://docs.nrdc.org/ into existing buildings. It kind of investment will up the industry to diverse huge. globalWarming/files/ creates a lot of jobs in the create a broad demand for hiring practices. Hendricks talked about glo_09062504a.pdf WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 7 Save Our Armory Advised to Repackage Cause in a ELECT More Compelling Way TOM clean the Armory.” John D’Alois suggested asking for a copy of the city’s Armory contract. New Rochelle Talk of the Sound Website Developer Robert Cox felt information By Peggy Godfrey under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) New Rochelle, NY -- should be used when Although the developer for requesting information, BOCK Westchester County Legislator Echo Bay has done nothing which would give the to further his plans, the city five days to answer Save Our Armory (SOA) and 22 days to produce District #8 Committee is continuing the requested documents. to raise questions about the Further, a reason must be Armory’s future. Forest given if the documents are City Residential has plans not forthcoming. to demolish this building Rob Biagi felt it was listed in “New Rochelle: A necessary to get the Tour Guide to Historically residents to hear more Significant Sites.”(2006) about this cause using the While at least one member media or getting a celebrity of the New Rochelle City to bring attention to the Council has publicly stated cause. his opposition to tearing After Parente suggested down this building, the City bringing as many people Council has not officially as possible to the City Reduce County Government stated their position. Council meeting on July However, at an SOA 14, 2009, for Citizens to be Committee meeting on June Heard, Robert Cox urged a Reduce waste 26, 2009, the message was persistent on-line presence clear: the building should because more than half of be preserved for future the people now get their County-wide affordable housing generations. Jim Killoran, news on-line, especially Weestchester Director of young people. Since a Habitat for Humanities number of Cox’s breaking echoed the sentiments of stories have gone national the group when he said and international in the we must get to the point media, the question was where we want to “save our raised, ”Does the Mayor history.” Noam Bramson fear coast Peter Parente, Co-Chair to coast publicity?” He of the SOA Committee urged the SOA group to repeated a common package their cause in a Fed Up and Unwilling theme of the committee “compelling way.” that inspections of the Trim and Create a ArmoryCost Effective building County showed Government to be Ignored. Institute anthe Affordable structure Housing was “intact Plan and very salvageable.” Provide our seniors andLeroy our Graysonchildren added,a future the in Westchester city “does not maintain It’s Time to be Heard. its buildings.” Parente suggested that a letter could District #8: be sent to the City Council • White Plains • Greenburgh • Tarrytown saying, “200 people would • Sleepy Hollow • Mount Pleasant 8 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 Mayor’s Marvin’s Column will be closed to vehicular seen them, I can attest to The season also brought paddle courts. Managed traffic, food specials will the fact they are youthful a transformation of by the extremely capable be available and many of and stylish yet still a very one of our venerable and creative Mary Liz our stores will stay open lasting piece of adult businesses, Underhills Mulligan, it features a late. Blue Moon Café is jewelry. Crossing. To mark their variety of organic items also featuring a special And to quench that fifteenth anniversary in from just picked fruits discounted “Happy Hour” summer palate, Haagen Bronxville, owner Steve and vegetables to meats, By Mary C. Marvin post concert. Please come Dazs will offer “Sorbet Palm has transformed the breads and baked goods, Mayor of the Village out and enjoy an evening in Sippers” in every flavor restaurant into a sleek and gourmet cheeses and of Bronxville our Village center. at the discounted price of and sophisticated bistro condiments. Our market Many of our businesses $3.99 for the entire summer, featuring a new menu, a has become a sought after The Chamber of are also featuring new including the brand new new chef, new price points destination for Hudson Commerce Sidewalk Sale activities and merchandise flavor, cranberry/raspberry and an all new wine and Valley farmers and four on June 6th was a huge appropriate for the summer sorbet. And for the ice cocktail menu. Underhills additional vendors were success thanks to the efforts season. cream lover, an enhanced managed to retain its added just this season. of our merchants, our Silver Spoon is now coffee flavor called “Java original charm and is I freely admit that all of Chamber of Commerce, offering very well priced Chip” will be introduced still very welcoming to the above is unabashed Village employees, our boys’ swimsuits and in the next two weeks. Our families. It has just added advertisement for our supportive residents and shorts in a host of popular Senior Citizens are now a whole new dimension for Village merchants who some divine intervention of patterns including skull and offered a 10% discount on its next fifteen years. add so much value to our picture perfect weather. crossbones, and a variety any item in the store. And if your interest Village and enhance its We hope the momentum of animal embroidery from In the Bronxville spirit of turns to art, Noel Fine Arts character and ambiance. continues so our valued sizes infant through Boys giving back, Haagen Dazs Gallery just opened its Our store owners are all merchants enjoy a profitable 10. Long a difficult item will also be donating “Free annual summer exhibition trying to be inventive and summer. to find in the Village, we Scoops” certificate to all the featuring fourteen artists adapt to the new economic To promote more activity welcome their expansion children who complete the displaying works in many reality and I ask that you and have the business into young boys clothing. summer reading program at diverse mediums, styles welcome and support district a focal point Citrine, owned by the Bronxville Library. A and techniques. The their efforts by spending of Village energy and longtime Village residents, special thank you goes to exhibit extends until the whatever time and money activities, the Chamber of Willis O’Brien and Sarah the very innovative owners end of August. you can in our business Commerce is inaugurating a Reynolds, is carrying an of Topps Bakery, Jackie And the coming of nice district. With your help, new concert series right on affordable and adorable and Heath, for contributing weather in Bronxville is our downtown can emerge Park Place. The inaugural selection of gifts including a float to our Memorial also synonymous with the even more vibrant and concert will be Thursday, a complete line of enamel Day parade, complete with opening of our Farmers’ diverse than ever before. June 25th from 6:30PM – jewelry featuring earrings, candy tossing. Based on Market. It is open every 8:30PM featuring our local bangles, cuff bracelets and its popularity, Macy’s will Saturday until November talent long and short necklaces soon have some competition from 8:30AM to 1PM on “Plan B”. Park Place starting at $50. Having from the Village parade. Stone Place adjacent to our

Jeff Beck Live at Ronnie Scotts in NYC ‘08 “ Performing CD (other than the video) DVD songs include; Joss live performances were this week… Live at Ronnie differ only on the tunes Stone’s vocals on “People quite similar, and very Scott’s” I became further that have guest artists, thus Get Ready,” “Blanket,” and explosive! intrigued. More “Rollin’ and Tumblin’ Highlights on the DVD recently Eagle with , and CD (as well as in Vision released the and Mr. Clapton performance) include; beautifully recorded appears on covers the dramatic classic By Bob Putignano (audio & video) of ’ “Beck’sBolero” that DVD of the Jeff “Little Brown Bird,” opened the gig, where it I have not seen Jeff Beck Beck Ronnie Scott and ’s took two notes from Jeff’s perform live and in person performance, which “You Need Love.” that raised my hair! in several decades; then has additional Beck’s band consists Immediately obvious was when I witnessed Beck’s tracks with Eric of all-star drummer the fact that Beck is still (two track) performance Clapton. So when , Jason in complete control of his as part of Clapton’s 2007 I noticed that Beck Rebello on various instrument (perhaps better Crossroads Festival DVD, was playing at the keyboards, and the than ever,) and extracted out I decided it was time to Fillmore in NYC, dynamic young some of the most amazing checkout what he was up I made sure that I was in there are sixteen tracks on . Other than sounds out of it on every to. About a year afterwards attendance. the CD, and twenty-one on the additional tracks on the Eagle Records releases the The DVD release and the DVD. The additional DVD, the CD and NYC see Jeff Beck Pg. 9 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 9

Jeff Beck Live at Ronnie Scotts in NYC From Page 1 tune. “Cause We’ve Ended roars. Sandwiched in on stage in my face it was a joy to about any vocalists I’ve As Lovers” is unbelievable between (for drama) is playing classics watch his intensity flow ever heard! Last but not at how he can give each ’ “Goodbye together as they probably into multiple least, seeing Bad-Boy Beck note its own special space, Pork Pie Hat” which segues once did (separately) as that has stops, starts, and back in the day was weird a sound that is uniquely into an intense “Brush with previous members of the unexpected turns, showing as he was not the charmer Beck, as his bends notes the Blues.” “A Day in the ‘60’s blues-rock band; the how the is never on-stage, (I once saw him and with every phrase with Life,” is also predictable, bow his rear to the crowd.) incredibly emotional, and one of the plus Beck But these days, Beck is beautiful tones. His slide best displays completely obviously having a ball, work is also gorgeous and of Beck’s defies his and seemed to enjoy the he was extremely lyrical. command of age. As crowd, taunting them with “Stratus” from Billy the guitar, and not only smiles, (multiple frontward Cobham’s “Spectrum” the feverish does Jeff bows,) and threw dozens recording was further aided pitch he Beck look of his guitar slides into the by Wilkenfeld’s percolating brings to the y o u t h f u l , crowd to his adoring fans. bass lines, and Colaiuta’s ending to, is he’s playing Bottom line: see Jeff Beck propulsive drumming. breathtaking, (at sixty- live, or if you cannot get to “Nadia” from Beck’s “You e s p e c i a l l y four years see him in performance; Had It Coming” album, when the old) has buy the DVD and/or Beck opted to finger many band hits never been the DVD (which is also of the notes. The slide- that perfectly better. His available on blu-ray;) as guitar extravaganza was timed last note! Yardbirds. As you might band is totally top-shelf, you will not regret it. “Angel (Footsteps,)” where The DVD’s additional expect, watching the DVD and through it all, Beck’s Photos courtesy Arnie the way Beck effortlessly tracks add the obvious (which is crystal clear) is guitar sings, cries, moans, Goodman / Eagle Records. combines fretted and slide visual flavor, but for my also a huge plus, as is the shouts and wails with as Learn more about Bob pitches in the same line is ears, I prefer Beck and his glorious audio sound on much emotion as a vocalist. Putignano at the www. mesmerizing. The dazzling band-mates in instrumental this outstanding video. Let me rephrase that; S o u n d s o f B l u e . c o m “Scatterbrain” and “Space fashion, though it was a At the Fillmore in NYC Beck’s guitar is arguably Website. Boogie” are righteous true treat to see and hear seeing Beck’s up-front and more emotional than just

In Memoriam

The Capuchin Franciscan 1939) also in Brooklyn. ordained to the priesthood his services in a variety vivacious priest, brother, Friars of the Province of After graduation he on June 3, 1949. Fr. Sylvan of chaplain ministries, teacher, missionary, nurse St. Mary mourn the death attended St. Francis Prep in served as a professor including: Correctional and chaplain was limited of their brother Fr. Sylvan Brooklyn from 1939-1941. of English, Latin and Center for Medical Service with less-strenuous duties; Conover, who passed John entered the Capuchin Religion at St. Lawrence in Beacon, NY: chaplain he was by no means away on May 25, 2009 in Franciscan novitiate in Seminary, Mt Calvary, WI at North Shore Hospital in inactive. It was frequently Yonkers, NY at the age of Huntington, IN receiving and later an assistant pastor Manhasset, NY (1974-1976) said that Fr. Sylvan 86. John Conover was born the name “Sylvan” and at St. Elizabeth parish in and (1978-1982); substitute continued to be for all his on December 26, 1922 in pronounced his simple Milwaukee, WI until 1952. chaplain in Stamford, Capuchin brothers, a model Brooklyn , NY to John and vows on September For the next twenty years CT residing at Our Lady of Franciscan hospitality, Margarite Britton-Conover. 1, 1943. He began his Fr. Sylvan was a celebrated of Montserrat Friary joy, encouragement, John was baptized at philosophical studies at missionary in the Mariana (1976-1978); and finally prayer and most especially St. Teresa’s Church in Mary Immaculate Friary, Islands. For twelve years at Wassaic Development fraternal thoughtfulness. Brooklyn on January 14, Garrison, NY graduating in he would minister on the Center (1982-1995) until The wake for Fr. Sylvan was 1923. He was lovingly 1946 and made perpetual island of Saipan. On Guam his retirement. In 1955, held at St. Clare Friary, 110 nurtured and raised by his vows on September 1, he served as pastor of because of several health Shonnard Place, Yonkers, beloved aunt Catherine 1946. Fr. Sylvan continued several parishes and taught concerns, Fr. Sylvan joined NY on Friday, May 29, Petersen. He attended St. his theological studies at St. at Fr. Duenas High School. the senior community of 2009. The funeral was held Francis of Assisi Church and Anthony Friary , Marathon, In 1972 , Fr. Sylvan returned St. Clare Friary in Yonkers, at Sacred Heart Church, Elementary School (1931- WI from 1946 - 1950 and to the mainland offering NY. Although this once see In Memoriam Pg. 10 10 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009

In Memoriam From Page 1 110 Shonnard Place, 8, 1939 she married Walter (914) 965-5488. Church on Wednesday, at Sacred Heart Church on Yonkers, NY on Saturday, Allison Malone in St. John May 6, 2009. Interment Saturday, May 30, 2009. May 30, 2009. In lieu of the Baptist Church, he Joseph D. McEniry of in Oakland Cemetery. In Interment followed in Mt. flowers, donations may be predeceased her. Loretta Yonkers passed away on lieu of flowers, memorial Hope Cemetery. Whalen offered in memory of Fr. was a parishioner of Christ Saturday, May 2, 2009 contributions may be made & Ball Funeral Home168 Sylvan Conover Burse c/o the King Church and a at age 75. He was born to the “Arlene Torpey Park Avenue Yonkers, New Capuchin Franciscans of former Girl and Boy Scout on August 17, 1933 to McDonald Scholarship York 10703. (914) 965- the Province of St. Mary, Leader. She is survived by William and Catherine Fund” 209 Roberts Avenue, 5488. 210 West 31st Street, New her four children Walter Jones McEniry in Yonkers. Yonkers, NY 10703. York 10001. The purpose of Allison (Linda) Malone Mr. McEniry worked for Whalen & Ball Funeral Mary Ann Smyj, 78, a a Capuchin Burse is to fund III of Cornwall Bridge, Ct, the Municipal Housing Home168 Park Avenue life long Yonkers resident the recruitment, education, Richard (Carol) Malone of Authority in Yonkers Yonkers, New York 10703. passed away on Monday, training, preparation and Lake Grove, NY, Kathryn and later at Father Finian (914) 965-5488. June 2, 2009. She was born sending of friars of the (Robert) Garbowski of Sullivan Residence. He is on December 29, 1930 in New York-New England Ashburn, VA, and Maureen survived by his son Joseph Lidia F. Neto, 66, of Yonkers to Joseph P. and province for service in the (James) Sullivan of McEniry and his daughter- Yonkers died on May Ann Kennedy McLoughlin ministries of the Catholic Pawley’s Island, SC, ten in-law Tammy. He will be 26, 2009. She was born where she was raised and Church. Whalen & Ball grandchildren and three dearly missed by all, and on September 8, 1942 to graduated from St. Mary’s Funeral Home168 Park great grandchildren. She will always be in the hearts Manuel Anacleto and Maria Grade School and Blessed Avenue Yonkers, New York was predeceased by her of his three grandchildren Apolonia Ferreira Daluz in Sacrament High School. 10703. (914) 965-5488. brother Robert Kolb and Joseph Tyler, Brady Portugal where she was Mary worked as a legal two sisters Agnes Kelley Michael, and Alyssa Marie. raised and educated. She secretary for the New Loretta Malone (nee and Elizabeth Kolb and her They brought a smile to married her loving husband York Court of Claims in Kolb) of Yonkers died on grandson Daniel Malone. his face and he loved them Ramiro Neto on July White Plains for 9 years Monday, May 25, 2009 at Visiting hours were with all his heart. Joseph 23, 1967 in Portugal; he and as a medical secretary age 93. She was born on conducted at the Whalen is also survived by his survives living in Yonkers. for Dr. McKitrick on May 18, 1916 to Henry & Ball Funeral Home on sister Dorothy Vasquez They came to the United North Broadway for 5 and Mary (McVey) Kolb Saturday, May 30, 2009. and is predeceased by eight States in November 1971 years. She is survived in Yonkers where she was Mass of Christian Burial brothers and one sister. In and have been Yonkers by her loving children raised and educated and was held in Christ the King addition to his immediate residents since 1971. She Lawrence (June) Smyj graduated from Commerce Church. Interment followed family, Joe was also was a parishioner of Sacred of NJ, Brian (Stephanie High school. Mrs. Malone at Oakland Cemetery. survived by a wonderful Heart Church in Yonkers. Strokes) Smyj of NJ, and was a volunteer at St. Whalen & Ball Funeral extended family. There Lidia is predeceased by her Matthew (Mascha) Smyj Joseph’s Nursing Home for Home168 Park Avenue support provided great three siblings. Besides her of CA, and her cherished over 20 years. On January Yonkers, New York 10703. comfort for Joe. Joe was a husband she is survived granddaughter Anna Smyj. man of great strength. He by her cherished children Visiting Hours were held on was a handyman; one of Victor (Laura) Neto of Thursday, June 4, 2009 at true perfection. He would Danbury, CT and Paulo the Whalen & Ball Funeral make you laugh with his (Elsa) Neto of Stanford, Home. A Mass of Christian unique outlook on life. He CT. Also surviving are her Burial will be held on was a terrific person, and adored brother and sister Friday, June 5, 2009 at St. will be missed by all who Leonel Daluz of Yonkers Mary’s Church followed knew him. Visiting hours and Florinda Philip of by Interment in St. Mary’s were held at the Whalen Portugal. Visiting hours Cemetery. Whalen & Ball & Ball Funeral Home on were held at the Whalen Funeral Home168 Park Tuesday, May 5, 2009. A & Ball Funeral Home on Avenue Yonkers, New York Mass of Christian Burial Friday, May 29, 2009. A 10703. (914) 965-5488. was held in Sacred Heart Mass of Christian Burial

We Welcome Your Comments Tell us if we are doing something wrong, and what we are doing right. [email protected] WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 11

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Yonkers Riverfront Library Cocktail Reception to follow 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm We invite businesses in Yonkers and the Hudson Valley to embrace the new emerging green economy and sustainable development by engaging in a dialogue on how to implement environmentally responsible initiatives and find cost savings while supporting the local economy.

The summit will consist of breakout sessions on Attainable-Measurable- Sustainable (TM) Business Practices, an expo of green products and services, and a Keynote Luncheon featuring Sarah Beatty, Founder of Green Depot.

Attendance is free with registration at: www.YonkersGreenBusiness.com

www.YonkersGreenBusiness.com 12 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 Weir Only Human: Money Talks - Justice Walks couldn’t afford a car. Last mouthpiece. Without the promises made by every by running a pigskin to the year, Stallworth signed a 7 plea deal he could have DUI killer, about getting goal line, goes on to score year, $35 million contract served 15 years in prison involved in drunken driving more points for his team in with a $4.75 million and said goodbye to his education programs. In the coming years. dollar signing bonus. sports career along with addition, he made the The forgotten person in all Although charged with about $40 million bucks. obligatory mea culpa that of this is the guy whose life DUI Manslaughter for the So, here we have another has become a substitute for was snuffed out by a drunk March 14 incident, the 28 situation in which money any real sense of atonement. driver. Mothers Against By Bob Weir year-old wide receiver pled trumps justice. I have “I accept full responsibility Drunk Drivers (MADD) guilty in a plea-bargain that the Reyes for this horrible tragedy,” didn’t forget; they rejected How does a court arrive agreement last week that family suffered the painful Stallworth said. Really? a sizable contribution at a 30 day sentence included a “confidential” and sudden loss of a loved How big of him! Who from Stallworth who, for someone who was financial settlement with one, but it seems evident else could possibly take evidently, figured he could driving drunk and killed the Reyes family. that their suffering has responsibility? You would buy them off too. Two a pedestrian? Simple: The “bargain” also been eased by the curative think he was insinuating days after the hearing, the drunk-driver arrives included 30 days (24 balm of a burgeoning bank that someone else was NFL Commissioner Roger at a multi-million dollar days with good behavior) account. driving, but that he decided Goodell said he was settlement with the family in jail, 1000 hours of Although none of the to take the heat for him. suspending Stallworth of the deceased. community service, drug grieving family members In fact, he’s not taking indefinitely. I wonder if When Cleveland Browns and alcohol testing and a attended the hearing, their responsibility for what he indefinitely means until running back Donte lifetime suspension of his attorney gave that all too did; he’s buying his way out the start of this year’s NFL Stallworth left a party at driver’s license. However, familiar statement about of it. Let’s face it; if he was season. Think about it; if the Fountainebleau Hotel Stallworth’s attorney said “bringing closure to an making a couple of hundred he can’t play, he might lose in Miami Beach with a his client could be approved emotional and tragic event.” a week and driving an old that huge salary and bonus. snootful of booze in his for limited driving after 5 What part of the punishment Plymouth after leaving a That can’t be allowed bloodstream, he risked years. brought closure? Were they local bar, he’d be toast! to happen because there the lives of anyone who As if that wasn’t severe content with the slap on His defense would come are too many people might venture out into the enough punishment for the wrist of the guy who from a legal aid attorney depending on that money. roadway as he was cruising merely taking a life, when recklessly killed a loved with about 3 hours of Mario Reyes’ life and any along with impaired he gets released from his one, or, was it a 7-figure courtroom experience and meaningful sense of justice reflexes. Sadly, 59 year- three and a half weeks in settlement that turned the victim’s family would were traded for it. old Mario Reyes, on his the Big House, he must their grief to gratitude? be screaming for his blood. way home after working serve two years of house Did the family decide that Instead, Stallworth gets Bob Weir is a former all night at his construction (read mansion?) arrest the breadwinner was gone to write a big check to the detective sergeant in the job, ended up in the path of and spend eight years on anyway, so why not make family (and their attorney), New York City Police Stallworth’s Bentley and probation. the loss marketable? his attorney basks in a legal Department. got mowed down. None of the foregoing will Of course, the gridiron victory, accompanied by Reyes was heading for prevent him from resuming star provided the judge with fruitful compensation, and a bus stop because he his football career, said his the same old hackneyed the guy who made a fortune

I Hate to Say I Told You So From Page 1 to deliver far more votes by in New York which by that it too could play the But in reality you can’t until the state legislature cross endorsing the major the way is one of only game, and they ended up blame those who play changes the rules, the two parties than were registered seven states that allow playing the game better the game by the rules, party system will be totally to vote in the minor party this. The Independence than Giulio Cavallo could because the rules create compromised in New allowed leverage that was Party chairman had been ever play it. By endorsing the problem. So people can York. dangerous in that it could billed as the “Kingmaker” Andy Spano they made the rail against Nick Spano and result in abuses of power; because assuming that the Independence nomination Gail Burns all they want, Michael Edelman is a trading endorsements for Conservative Party backed irrelevant. The Conservate but the problem started respected Republican contributions all of which the Republican candidate, Party has effectively well before this year. It political strategist and would emasculate the party the Independence party marginalized Cavallo. started when Republicans media commentator. that was most dependent spelled the difference Astorino got screwed failed to recognize that on cobbling together a between possible victory in the process which dependency on other coalition of minor parties in and certain defeat. If it is really a shame, but political parties was a dead order to compete with the supported the Republican having the Independence end, one that would lead to party that had a registration candidate there was a line is a guarantee of emasculation and control edge. chance to win, if not, there absolutely nothing now. by the smaller party; the This year we have was no chance. Some may criticize those proverbial tail wagging the seen the culmination of This year however “orchestrated” the dog syndrome.Now the tail allowing “fusion” politics Conservative party decided “Conservative gambit.” is the dog, And unless and WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 13 A Dutch Uncle Talk from “Old Choe” to Uncle Sam herewith hold forth. about one party or t’other. future generations will families to do the same; My “nephews and nieces” Neither can point with pride have to shoulder, programs e.g., “Use it up, wear it out, in this case are the elected, to a record of consistent stymied by opponents with make it do or do without.”. appointed and/or anointed dedication to the long-term no alternatives offered and Our kids responded like officials who ostensibly common good. promises made that promise champs and the experience work for me in all the halls, Both are composed mostly to cripple, if not kill, the served them well. back rooms and covert of self-centered hypocrites fatted calf of America’s So, nephews and nieces By Joe Klock, Sr closets of government from whose priorities are - in wealth and opportunity. in those governmental the White House to the precise order - getting What does this Dutch cocoons, if you want to take According to my research whorehouses of Congress into power, then staying Uncle suggest? wing after the next election, sources, “Dutch Uncles” and below (if it’s possible in power, then bussing the - Slow down and smell furl those fingers and come are defined as people to get lower than that). butts of those who got them the cess (kinda late to sniff up with some answers that who issue frank, harsh, Here’s my message for there, then, with whatever for flowers). pass the smell test. and severe comments to them, which I hope you’ll time, talent and energy they - Stop digging a hole Our president wisely educate, encourage, and/or endorse and forward to have left, governing on a that’s already too deep to reminded leaders in a admonish others. them: part-time and short-sighted be refilled in this century. foreign land that the world They are stern critics You people are presiding basis. - Tell us the truth about the is watching. who, for the benefit of the over a cesspool that As a group, you are past, present and probable While sincerely wishing criticized, deliberatively threatens to stink up, if disgraceful, shameless future. (Hey, there’s a nutty him and those on lower reprove in a blunt, stern not poison, every facet and borderline criminal idea!) perches well, I hereby manner of American life. More - some among you - Underpromise us, but remind him that “Uncle A Dutch Uncle is the flip accurately, you’re just actually operating from try to overdeliver! (Another Choe” is also watching and (sometimes flippant) side watching it overflow. across that border, with one, but it works wonders urging his should-be fellow of one who is normally Meanwhile, you are your “distinguished and in business.) “DUs” to do the same. thought of, stereotypically, worsening with it by flushing honorable” colleagues - Cut government costs The woodsheds are getting as avuncular or uncle-like toilets of irresponsibility, respectfully looking the and services to the bone closer every day and are - understanding, indulgent partisan pandering and other way. (which is what we do in fitted for incumbents of and permissive. finger-pointing, with one I have equal disdain for family life). both parties. If thinking In the past, my trips to particular finger reserved the Obamanics who are It may come as a shock to Americans don’t remind the metaphorical woodshed for me and millions of my blindly stampeding behind those of you who live in a our reprehensibles of that, were usually preceded fellow citizens who are too a well-intended crusader cocoon of bureaucracy, but we’ll deserve what we get. by “D.U.” lectures from uninformed, too uncaring whose ends and means when things get tough, the And it won’t be the my father, mother, other or too suffused with appear to get juxtaposed tough in our private sector thumb! adult relatives, teachers, perceived helplessness to at times and the naysayers hunker down and cut down Freelance wordworker Joe preachers, Marine Corps take your sorry asses to the who shout “Fire” while on blue-sky pipe dreams Klock, Sr. (joeklock@aol. superiors, law enforcement accountability woodshed. fighting the flames with and “necessities” that used com) winters in Key Largo officials, bosses, or others Okay, we, the sheeple, limp hoses. to be luxuries. and Coral Gables, Florida in positions of authority. are partially responsible for As a result, we’ve Those of us who are and summers in New Later, after acquiring the bad smell; but you are seen multiple reams of now long-in-tooth have Hampshire. More of his some of those credentials, the trusted shepherds who legislation passed by survived the mini-busts “Klockwork” can be found I became the dispenser caused and/or allowed it to reprehensibles who have that inevitably followed at www.joeklock.com. of such powers, and it is happen. read not a word of it, past booms by making that pulpit from which I Aside: Don’t talk to me outlays authorized which sacrifices and asking our Governor Paterson Directs Flags to be Flown at Half-Staff

Albany, NY -- Governor 2009. of the 3rd Brigade Combat 10th Mountain Division,” Governor Paterson David A. Paterson has Sergeant Rodrigo Munguia Team. Governor Paterson said. has directed the flags on directed that flags on New Rivas, whose home is in “On behalf of all “Though he was not a native all State buildings to be York State government Germantown, Maryland, New Yorkers, I wish to New Yorker, we consider all lowered to half-staff in buildings be flown at half- died in a rocket attack on extend our condolences Fort Drum soldiers one of honor and tribute to the staff on Tuesday, June 30, his base at Bagram. He and sympathy to the our own and we honor Sgt. State’s service members 2009, in honor of a Fort was assigned to the 10th family of Sgt. Munguia Munguia Rivas’s service who are killed in action. Drum soldier killed in Mountain Division’s 710th Rivas, his friends, and and will forever remember Afghanistan on June 21, Brigade Support Battalion his fellow soldiers in the his sacrifice.” 14 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev Confers Honorary Doctoral Degree on Philanthropist Roy J. Zuckerberg where he supports the Roy J. Zuckerberg Endowed Leadership Chair. The University of Massachusetts has honored Zuckerberg with their Distinguished Beer-Sheva, Israel -- in its bright future as a top- Alumni Award, a Doctor Ben-Gurion University class scientific research of Humane Letters and of the Negev has institution.” the President’s Medal. awarded a prestigious At BGU, he established Zuckerberg received a B.S. honorary doctoral degree and built the Zuckerberg from Lowell Technological to philanthropist and Institute for Water Institute (now University business executive Roy J. Research at the Jacob of Massachusetts) in 1958. Zuckerberg. Blaustein Institutes for Zuckerberg has chaired Zuckerberg is currently Desert Research in Sede the board of trustees of the a senior director of the Boqer, which has made North Shore-Long Island Goldman Sachs Group, significant contributions Jewish Health System, Inc. Inc., and was previously to the advancement of and serves as a trustee of vice chairman at the firm. water research worldwide. the American Red Cross in He is also a member of Zuckerberg is also actively Greater New York, where its executive committee involved in BGU as a he worked tirelessly to and head of the Equities member of the Institute’s gain acceptance of Israel’s Division. Zuckerberg scientific consulting Magen David Adom also serves on the board committee. In the U.S., into the International of directors of Mack- he is a board member of Federation of Red Cross Cali Realty Corporation American Associates, Ben- and Red Crescent Societies and Joseph P. Kennedy Gurion University of the three years ago, and was Enterprises, Inc. Negev. recently recognized with Zuckerberg has been a In receiving this prestigious the chapter’s Lifetime long-standing supporter honor, Zuckerberg said, Achievement Award for his of Ben-Gurion University “I feel that this University efforts. Zuckerberg resides of the Negev. He received has given me more than in both New York and Palm the honorary degree for I’ve given it. It’s a thrill, an Beach, Florida. his contributions as a, honor and I’m full of pride. Ben-Gurion University “generous philanthropist, I appreciate this honor of the Negev is a world- an enthusiastic Zionist, a tonight bestowed upon me renowned institute of concerned and influential and I’m very grateful to the research and higher learning member of the U.S. University for what they with 19,000 students on Jewish community. As have done for me.” campuses in Beer-Sheva, chairman of the Board of Mr. Zuckerberg Sede Boqer and Eilat in Governors of BGU, Roy is serves as chair of the Israel’s southern desert. committed to renewing the investment committee For more information, visit mission of the University of the University of www.aabgu.org. through his strong belief Massachusetts Foundation Advertise 914-562-0834 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009 15 Scott Frederick Geminn is Ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry Bronxville, NY -- The in Bloomington, Indiana. of the Atlantic District is Rev. Scott Frederick This past May, he received boundless, “Engaging the Geminn was ordained at his Master of Divinity World with the Gospel St. Mark’s Evangelical degree from Concordia of Hope” and bringing Lutheran Church, Yonkers, Seminary in St. Louis. Rev. God’s Word and Love on Saturday, June 20, by Geminn has accepted the to people from all walks Bishop David H. Benke, Divine Call to be the Pastor of life. Among the many the President of the Atlantic of Holy Cross Lutheran Atlantic District missions District of The Lutheran Church in Glenwood are ministries to Hispanic, Church Missouri Synod. Springs, Colorado. African immigrant, The Rev. Richard E. The mission and history Southern Asian and Deaf Johnson, the former Pastor of the Atlantic District communities. of St. Mark’s Church who of the Lutheran Church Learn more about the baptized Geminn, was the Missouri Synod (LCMS) mission and ministries preacher. The Rev. Dr. has been to welcome and of the Atlantic District, Dien Ashley Taylor, Pastor embrace each wave of LCMS, at www.ad-lcms. of Redeemer Evangelical immigrants and newcomers org. Lutheran Church in The from around the world. Bronx was the liturgist. Covering metropolitan Rev. Geminn is the New York, Long Island, son of Richard and Janet the Hudson Valley, and Geminn of Yonkers. He the Capital Region, and was graduated with a B.A. supporting over 100 The Rev. Scott F. Geminn receives his Certificate of from Concordia College in congregations, the Atlantic Ordination from Bishop David H. Benke at St. Mark’s Bronxville and completed District is set in one of the Church, Yonkers, June 20, 2009. Rev. Geminn, a Yonkers his vicarage internship at most diversely populated native and graduate of Concordia College in Bronxville, Faith Lutheran Church areas on earth. The work will be Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Glenwood Springs, Colorado 16 WESTCHESTER HERALD June 29, 2009