THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme No. 21. April/May 2014 Pictured above outside Dosser’s House with the soldiers’ truck is Dorothy Trenholme (now Collier) briefly kidnapped on her way to work one day during WWII. Photograph probably by Rob Dosser. Don’t forget ––– ‘Wartime SlingsbySlingsby’’’’ exhibition --- Saturday April 26 ththth in Slingsby VVillageillage HHHall.Hall. Many more interesting old photographs, displays and artefacts will be on view and the Local History Group’s ‘Slingsby, Then and Now in words and pictures’ book will be launched. CCClosingClosing date June/July issue is Monday 191919th19 ththth MaMaMayMa yyy £1:20 for non subscribers 1 Information Installation Service In Slingsby every Thursday and FridFridayayayay NO VAT at Barry’s garage ! Slingsby Village Hall Bookings and Enquiries Debbie Firby
[email protected] SLINGSBY SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Trudy Carr Contact 01653 628302 Dave Calvert 01653 628268
[email protected] 2 Greetings from Scarborough! Triangle subscriptions now due. From Nancy Stroughair Not only will the daffodils be out by the time you read this but so will your Triangle deliverers. They will be knocking on your door, not for a tenner, which lots of people have said its worth, but just a fiver for a whole twelve months. That’s for five black & white Triangles, 1 colour Triangle at Christmas, six pinks and one yellow pages every year. Amazing value - and it’s the same price as last year! Your Delivery CrewCrew.... FrytonFryton: Mick Singleton. South HolmeHolme: Fiona Farnell. SlingsbySlingsby: Aspen Way and Green Dyke Lane; Rita Hardy.