Chene Ion to Fight
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\ I / :■...... I . It'- •> . .}■ (< ■ ■ ' . '^TUES^3^“Y^'JA?^A^■y■•^3v• 1953 WlGWTOURtCTN A rerigt D«Uy Net Press ■matttljVatfr lEutiung Iffralb ' For tiw Ififeelr EiiSetl Fereesat of :D.-S- Woathet Buimui Jtm. 19, 19SS Fair, hot so cold toniGht. Mlal^ Walter FerGuson, 27, of 8T Fos 10,853 mum near SA. Thnreday, Ineroaa- ter I street, .U-a .l«csnt addition to, Poctora ,H.onUfl Men in .New^^ Play Will Help InG rloudlneao, mild. ^joulTown, the Manchester Police Depart VoteatM^des Member «f the Audit ment. He was appointed a au>- Physicians of the Manchester' Bureau of Ijircnlntlon* Manchester--^A City of Village Charm •■»»b I-orle Butler wes lipnie from pernumerary by' CTlef of Police Medical Asspclatlon '"'ho w;ll Moves Q In Polio Drive H eacfqtiarters Herman-Ci. Schehdel oh Dec. 1... feapomi " calls, C usp Plcketti V*., for « few hour* (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS 1^'Bunday. Pvt. Butler, who 1* tomorrow afternoon and eve FOR (aawtlfled AdvertlolnG on PaGe 18) MANCHESTER, CQNN.v WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1953 Malfned to the Medical Corpa, had The Holy Family Mothers ■Circle ninG are Dr. G. R. Mllleiv tel. NLRB Assigning Field! . ‘M^lenlrammer’ Will VOL. LXXII, NO. 88 {•••II pravioualy confined to the in- will meet tomorrow at ,8 p.m. at 3-1^629. and Dr. William Stroud, I Highlight Jamboree on = / fttmary for five day* with the the home of Mrs. Geno Andrelni tel. 9-1708. ' ' Examiner to Arrange *«|)pe. __^ of. 89 Weaver road. The speaker Election, Union Says ' Jan. 28; Cast Named will be Mrs. Mary U Hutchinson j ' --------- • ! of Linden street who 'teaches in Posters Hit Jamea A. Warren, aon of Mr. Sun.set Council, No. *!>. Degree of The National I-ahor Relations Mr*. Eva Folsom of the Com-i And Mra. Roy B. Warren of 127 the Manchester Green School. Pocahontas, will postpone its I munily Players, who ia wcU knpwn | ion Princeton atreet, now in hia sopho rummaGe sale scheduled for the Board has Informed Manchester] Chene I for her ability as an actress as well more year at Worcester Poly Llnne Lodge. No. 72. KniGhts of 19lh in Tinker Hall. Members who Mode* that a field examiner h Reds’ Delay technic Institute. Worrester. Mass., Pythias, will meet 1‘omoriow eve have articles for the sale are urGed beinG a.sslgned to arranGe a ^ea a director, will direct a one act la a member of the SlGrnal Corp.i ninG at 8 o’clock In OranGe Hall. to sftve them for a later date. "secret ballot election” to deter I “Ineller drammer " for the Polio SeMor Division ROTC unit. He mine whether the firm's workers ■ Jamlwree to be held at St. .Tames Of Prelates has' advanced himself by display- Members of the. Army and Navy Walter Van A'rsdsle of Coventry, Sch6oL,pn Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 8| To Fight Cut Inr qualities of leadership to the Auxiliary are request^ to meet will resume his art c1aa.SM aus- desire union representation, *c- renk of cadet aerGeant first class. toniGht at 8 pl^clock at the Quish fordlnG to Jack .Simll. a local or p. m. * i pcnded.durlnG. the hDUdayA.PA Sal-_ Mrs.’ F ^ b m Is now releasinG the- - Va4k*n City. Jan. 14— (/P> He has also just been awarded the Funeral Horne, ih'trlbute to. JuTrus iirday. .Ian. 17. at- the VMCA on Ganizer for™ the....iHtemationwl Ijistlhctive InsiGnia for academic CtiaGnot. Sr., who died yesterday. North Main atreet. Ladles’ Garment Workers’ Union cast for this drama, entitled, By LEN ZEIDENBER(; . , —Pope Pius XII assembled achievement for outstandinG work His dauGhter. Mrs. .lennie Lappen, AFL. "Parted on Her Wedding Morn, or RonGts, R«friGtrators Local 6 .3 , Textile, Worker.* Union of America, CIO, has 16 of the 24 new jtrinces of In military science durinG the is a member of the auxiliary. The union submitted a petition More to be Pitied than-Scorned, ” llSj-52 school year. This award is The monthly meetinG of Rock to the NLRB last week, alleGedly written by I-elanb, Price. The cast, W pshtrs and All, hirSl former U. S. Rep. A. A. Ribjtoff in an effort to have the Roman Catholic Church ville ' Kmblem Club No, .1 will be in the order of theJr appearance; is before his thrond iit Vatican flt’en' annually to the top 10 per Mrs. .1. Herbert Finlay of Phelps held tomorrow niGht at 8 o'clock bearinG the signature* of a major Oriicr AppliancBt set aside an arbitrator’s decision that cutwasre-s at Cheney cent of each class. ity of the employes. as follows: Faith Tvuehcart, Carol Brothers almost 11 cents an hour. Frank Reliiy, president of palace tonight, and in ac Scattered Wreckage of Transport road, chairman of the Second Con at the Rika Home |n Rockville In an official communication tr raid Photo. :i*'rAld Photo McVeigh: Mother Mahoney, Faith GreGational Women's L e a G u e The reGular pOtluck will be omlf- Wlllifim F. IMIton lyeon A. Thorp Fallow: Bowery Liz, Ixiretla Mos- the Ibcil, announced the appoint-v “ ' cordance with ancient and A son was bom at the Hartford Groups, urGes all parishioners who tedj and refreshmenta will be Manchester Modes, s copy of which ik .J W .IU U COItl colorful rites conferred on Hospital on Jan. 0 to Mr. and Mrs. was sent to the union. Suall ssiid j . — k^uk: Desmond Dalton the villain. ..........Msuaamrm Cana .......... nient of Ribicoff this ( J 4 * * F s Wants have not already made reservations aerved after the meetinG.- F".' College.' He Has been a niefti'be'f of ThPma.s Turner; Dpal BuckinG-- laid ' he "aTid ■ other union- leaders them new emblems 'of their Wlfliam Brown of it0 ‘j Charter for the turkey supper on Thurs Bernard L. Alpei t. first reGional ] The promotion of William confened with the former con Oak atreet. director of the labor board. , pGnon to the position of local ad- The Herald klaff since 1921. A^ di ham, Gloria DellaFera: and Ex high rank. James Francis day, to do so this evening. Mrs. .St. MarGaret Mary's Mothers rector of the corporstion for many celsior Colfax the hero.x,Joscph Con Gressmen last niGht. Circle will meet tomorrow niGht at The waGe cut, which affect* Cardinal McIntyre, Arch Louis J. Tuttle will receive reserva X ™ . t J. ":.T o year* he was elected secreiaiy Of ti. The scene takes place in a tions from persons whose names the home of Mrs. Peter Pllkaitls, the corporation in 19.'51. New York tenement in thC 1890's. about 1,600 workers at the local bishop of Los Angeles, the l.VT Hilliard ati - that the local firm he included with , afl^the appointment of Leon A. Students to beGin with the letters. A throuGh Britain Hall, women’s suit factory ■ ThWp to fill a new,poaltion a.s *d- Mr. Dalton .will take oyer super RoGer NeGro is in charGe dt|)rop* textile mill, was announced on Jan. 12th Ame.riciin to be elevated At 500 2 and went Into effect Jan.'.*!. It RED CROSS ’ G; H-N, Mrs. Nelson Smith; O-T, in New Britain also owned by Sid- vertisinG direcSor of The Herald vision of The Herald's local advar- erties and Enrico Gentilcore SJul. to the Sacred College, and the Mrs. H. L. Tenney: U-Z. Mrs. A, A public millta . ,ila( will he held tislhG staff. irKfliidlnG the' com Ruth Brown in charGe of make tip/1 was handed down by Profesaor In the aocial rooms of the BuckinG ney Ellis In one election unit. were announced last niGht by 15 other Cardinals knelt, in H. Barber. The meal will be served Thomas F. Fergu.son. president of pany's Rockville branch. Born in The play la being protluced by ape-'- John A. HoGan of the University By STERLING F. GREEN HEADQUARTERS at fi:30 and the annual meetlngx ham ConGreGational, Chiirch Fil- No Date Vet of New Hampshire, who based the Face D raft turn before the Pontflf to re The. union is attemptinG to or- /The. Herald PrintinG Company. Manchester. ^Ir. Daltdn Attended rial arranGement with the Drama-1 with reports and election of. offi '-day niGht at 8 o’clock under th local schools and Graduated from , lists Play Service, New York City. ^ major part of his decision on the ceive birettas—the red hats. WashinGton, Jan. 14—(/P)—President Truman told the coun apon.sprslj)p, of , tl\,e ,Eastbury Clv|c Ganlje, pfociuctlon-w’orkers in both Inc., at a dinner party held at The. ;Arthur Drus Storn * '— establlahcd WILL BE LOCATID cers will-follow at 8 p.m. Herald plant; ' ' ' ' Manchester ' HiGh - School in-'thc < wage-cutting ....Jackson, Mifio., Jan, 14—^ try-today- i t / ^ - achieve- production of .hjrif . a trillion, dollars LeaGue In conjunction vtlth tlie plants. HearinGs In determine ^ /'H o r n s bv textile Bisnts in the FallTUver- Selective BuckinGham Ladies Aid. Refresh- whether the votinG unit requested •Mr. Thoip, secretary of the cor laps of 1917. He joined The Herald | bv textile plants Rome, Jan. 14—\!F)—Bril annually withh) a decade—if it beats a"* potentially aerioM Mother Cahrlni Mothers Circle Is' p-oiWr ai e expect to be held , poration. In his new position will I staff in 1931 as an advertisinG ■ New Bedford., area. threat of depression after this year. In his last will meet tomorrow at 8 p,m., with 1 meats will be se.ryed.. &er\:ice._.fprese.ey manpower iiantlj/ri'olored poatera at- major AT •iii NLP.B Boston oMre '.shortry.f h'avc General aujjcn'irston of Herald, solicitor.