ResearchResearch andand GridGrid activitiesactivities inin LaboratoryLaboratory MSIMSI ofof IFIIFI

Nguyen Hong Quang C.Sc. Professor IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam

03/04/10 Outline

Presentation of IFI Research in MSI Laboratory Grid activities in MSI Perspectives

03/04/10 2 IFI : Introduction

Founded in 1993 by AUF in collaboration with the Ministry of Education & Training of Viet Nam • IFI = Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique (French- speaking Computer Science Institute) > 300 Master graduated Actual number of students: 100

03/04/10 3 IFI : Some numbers

Training of about 40 lecturer- researchers distributed across Vietnam (Hanoi, Can Tho, Da Nang, HCM Ville, Hue...) Training of French-speaking students (Laos, Cambodia, Africa, ) : 13 in 2009. Ph.D. training : 70 % of IFI last promotions’ graduates follow Ph.D. program in developed countries

4 IFI: Masters

Double degree with two French universities : “AI & Multimedia” with University “Networks & Systems” with 1 University Many collaborations (internship, visiting professors) with French- speaking universities : UPMC, ENST, EPFL (Swizeland), UCAD (Senegal), UQAM (Canada), UCL (Belgium), etc.

5 MSI: Context

March 2006 : foundation as the research team of the IFI.

● MSI = Modélisation et Simulation Informatique des systèmes complexes (Computer Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems) September 2006 : association to the IRD, UR GEODES, as a JEAI. 2009 : Vietnamese founder member of the UMMISCO international research unit, with 6 other teams from France and Africa.

03/04/10 6 MSI: Infrastructure

A research laboratory Meeting room with open-access videoconferencing A robotics laboratory

03/04/10 7 7 MSI : Researchers (12) NGUYEN Hong Quang PR IFINetwork, Researchers AUF Distributed Researchers IRD Systems Associate researchers (Post-doc, HUT, VAST) MORARU Victor PR IFI

NGO Van Robotics, Hien PR IPH control

STINCKWICH Serge Mathematics, Délégation IRD Operational Software Research Engineering GAUDOU Benoît TAILLANDIER PHAN Thi Ha HO Tuong Post-doc Patrick Duong Vinh Post-doc VAST PR IFI, Dir. Computer MSI Multi-agent Vision Artificial DROGOUL systems Alexis Intelligence DR IRD BOUCHER Alain PR IFI SEMPE François CANAL CC LIP6/IFI Richard Dir. IFI 03/04/10 8 PhD students (12) CHU Thanh Quang (2006), IRD/DSF NGUYEN Nhu Van (2008), AUF/IFI Decision Support Systems for resource allocation in post-natural Information search & image exploration for decision support in post-natural disaster situation disaster situation Université 6 Université de La Rochelle A. Drogoul (IRD), Alain Boucher (IFI), Nguyen H. Phuong (VAST) Jean-Marc Ogier (Univ. De La Rochelle), Alain Boucher (IFI)

LE Van Tuan (2007), AUF/IFI VO Duc An (2009), IRD/DSF Augmented robust & reliable platform for mobile rescue robots Design of a multi-scale modeling language for individual Université de Caen centered simulation Serge Stinckwich (GREYC), Victor Moraru (IFI) Université Paris 6 Alexis Drogoul (IRD), Ho Tuong Vinh (IFI)

TRAN N. Minh Thu (2007), AUF/IFI Temporal scale in recommendation systems NGUYEN Trong Khanh (2009), AUF/IFI Université Paris 8 Design a collaborative platform for modeling & simulation Jean-Daniel Zucker (IRD), Ho Tuong Vinh (IFI) Université Paris 6 Ho Tuong Vinh (IFI), Nicolas Marilleau (IRD)

NGUYEN Ngoc Doanh (2007), IRD/DSF Taking into account individual behaviours in population and NGUYEN Vu Quang Anh (2009), AUF/IFI community dynamics Coherence & robustness in closed multi-agent systems Université Paris 6 Université de Lyon 1 Pierre Auger (IRD), A. Drogoul (IRD), Phan Thi Ha Duong (VAST) Richard Canal (IFI), Salima Hassas (Lyon 1)

AMOUROUX Edouard (2007), IRD/VCI DOAN Trung Tung (2009), AUF/IFI Individual modeling & simulation in Modélisation et simulation Deployment of a sentinel network for avian influenza individu-centrée en epidemiology, application to bird flou surveillance using grid technology Université Paris 6 Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand) Alexis Drogoul (IRD) Vincent Breton (CNRS), Nguyen Hong Quang (IFI)

TIEU Kim Cuong (2008), AUF/IFI Elaboration of a methodology for software design dedicated to CHEREL Guillaume (2009), IRD/3Worlds modeling and simulation of complex systems Learning mechanisms for exploring emergent phenomena in Université Paris 6 agent-based simulations 03/04/10 Mikal Ziane (LIP6, Paris 6), Ho Tuong Vinh (IFI) Université Paris 6 Alexis Drogoul (IRD), Jean-Daniel Zucker (IRD) 9 Research Themes

1. Platform(s) Design of generic tools for individual-centered Computer modeling & simulation Modeling & 2. Methodologies Simulation Support for modeling Of Complex activities, coupling Systems 3. Applications Decision support systems & Observation based on simulation Grid-based biomedical applications 03/04/10 10 Theme 1 : platform(s)

Design of generic platform for computer modeling & simulation Platform GAMA (2007-..) Project 3Worlds (2008-2010) Ambitions: Multi-environment, multi-scale, multi- formalism Simplicity of use, high-performance, extensibility Possibilities of experimentation via intelligent control of simulations

03/04/10 11 GAMA

Platform for agent-based modeling & simulation Multi-representation of environments (GIS, Grid, Graphs) Multi-formalism (extensible for different agent models) Being used in 4 simulation projects & in Master courses Source and binary freely available (nov. 2008) Amouroux, E., Chu, T.Q., Boucher, A. Drogoul, A. (2008). GAMA: an ( environment for implementing and running spatially explicit multi-agent simulations, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (à paraître)

Amouroux E., Chu Thanh-Quang, Boucher A., Drogoul A. (2007) GAMA: coupling GIS and multi-agent simulation. Actes du 3rd National Symposium Fundamental and Applied Information Technology Research (FAIR), August 2007, Nha Trang (Vietnam).

Treuil J-P., Drogoul A., Zucker J-D. (2008), Modélisation et Simulation à base 03/04/10 d’Agents, Dunod, Paris, France.

12 Theme 2 : Methodologies

Modeling Methodologies MDA, DSL approaches derived from Software Engineering Collaborative Modeling PAMS : a platform dedicated to collaborative simulation Participatory Modeling ComMod (Companion Modeling), SMACH (methodologies for participative simulation) Models coupling and comparison Relations between mathematical & individual-based models


13 Collaborative Modeling

Design of a collaborative tool for distant modeling & simulation Funding: SPIRALES (IRD) Researchers : Ho T. Vinh,

N. Marilleau Nguyen T. Khanh, Marilleau N, Ho T. Vinh . Pams - a new collaborative framework for agent-based simulation of complex systems. In LNAI series, pages 282-290. Ph.D. thesis Springer Verlag, 2008. Nguyen Trong Khanh

03/04/10 14 Models Comparison

Methodology of translation of global models in individual-centered models. Application to models of population dynamics. Systematic comparison between these methods of modeling. Funding: IRD Participants : Phan Thi Ha Duong, P. Auger, A. Drogoul Ph.D. thesis Nguyen Ngoc Doanh

Nguyen N. Doanh, Drogoul A., Auger P. (2008) Methodological steps and issues when deriving individual based-models from equation-based models: a case study in population dynamics, PRIMA 2008, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (à paraître) 03/04/10 15 Theme 3 : Application (s)

Modeling and simulation for decision support, monitoring and observation of crucial issues in Vietnam. Natural Disasters and Urban Emergencies : AROUND (2006-2011) & sub-projects ● Avian Influenza propagation: GAMAVI (2006-2009) & associated projects Grid for biomedical applications : EUAsiaGrid (2009-2010) ● Grid-based flu epidemic surveillance network 03/04/10 16 AROUND : Proposal (2005)

A GIS at the scale of a city dedicated to the simulation and resource planning (robots, Demande rescue) during the preparation & d’informations mitigation phases;

Simulations at cadastral scale, can serve to support the response & repair phases Plans d’exploration A set of mobile sensors Information s (autonomous robots), able to sémantique organize themselves to carry out s observation tasks in a real ground.

Informations pré-filtrées

03/04/10 17 AROUND : “Umbrella” project

Spatial Decision Support Systems

Computer Vision

Machine learning, participatory design

Robots & sensors

Robotics & self- organization 03/04/10 18 AROUND : RESCUE Design of a tool for decision support in emergency management.

Coupling between geophysical models and agent-based models for the design of scenarios.

Extracting qualitative knowledge of experts through a combination of simulation techniques and participatory learning.

Participants: IGP VAST, UMMISCO (JD Zucker), MSI (A. Boucher, A. Drogoul)

Ph.D. Thesis: Chu Thanh Quang.

Chu T. Quang, Boucher A., Nguyen. H. Phuong, Vo Duc An, J-D. Zucker (2008), Interactive learning of expert criteria for Rescue Simulations, PRIMA 2008, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (à paraître).

Drogoul A., Nguyen H. Phuong, Chu T. Quang, Boucher A., Pham T. Truyen (2008), Spatial Decision Support Systems for Urban Disaster Management: towards Dynamic Scenarios, 03/04/10 VAG Intern. Conf. 2008, Hanoi. 19 GAMAVI (2007-2010)

GAMAVI Project (2007) : Understanding and measuring the impact of local determinants (environment, structure of village, poultry industry, social organization) in the spread of H5N1 virus and the creation of reservoirs. Heterogeneous Individual-centered model (animal / human) coupled with GIS in the province of Ha Tay, constituted as a virtual laboratory.

Funding: IRD (International Volunteer), AIRD (ARDIGRIP), GRIPAVI (French MOFA) Collaborations : Veterinary Institute (NIVR), CIRAD UR AGIRs Amouroux E., Desvaux S., Drogoul A. (2008) Towards virtual epidemiology: an agent-based approach to the modeling of H5N1 propagation and persistence in North-Vietnam, PRIMA 2008, Ph.D. thesis: Edouard Amouroux Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (à paraître) Desvaux S., Amouroux E., Drogoul A., Boucher A., Roger F., (2007) Use of Individual-Based Modelling for a better understanding of HPAI epidemiology in North Vietnam Avian Influenza International Conference, Bangkok, Thaïlande.

03/04/10 20 EUAsiaGrid (2009-2010) WP3 (Applications) : research, development, deployment, promotion and usage of the grid for biomedical applications Building a grid-based flu epidemic surveillance network on top of the EUAsia VO ● Building an information system based on AMGA which automatically synchronizes public influenza databases like NCBI with grid ressources ● Deploying a phylogenetic pipeline on the EUASIAGRID ressources ● Developing or/and adapting tools for visualization and analysis of obtained results from the pipeline ● Developing a web portal for epidemiologists

Funding: EUAsiaGrid project (EU) Collaborations : Laboratory PCSV (CNRS-IN2P3) and HealthGrid (France), IBT & IOIT (VAST) and HPCC-HUT (Vietnam)

Ph.D. thesis: Doan Trung Tung 03/04/10 21 Grid activities in IFI With the support of IN2P3/CNRS, the IFI's EGEE node has been installed, certified and gone into production since Oct 2009 ● 1 UI, 1 CE, 1 SE and 4 WN (domain ● Link to Internet via VinaREN/TEIN3 (high bandwith, secured) ● Development platform for grid-based applications and gateway to access to EGEE ressources (Biomed, EUAsia Vos) ● PhD dissertation on « A global surveillance network on avian influenza using grid technology » ACGRID II School (Sept 2009) ● > 30 trainees comed from 16 research/education institutions ● Symposium on « Grid applications in Vietnam : opportunities and challenges » ● Preparation for a worshop on Vietnam NGI Participation to EUAsiaGrid Project ● Official project member since october 2009 ● Research, development, deployment, promotion and usage of the grid for biomedical applications, especially on building a grid-based flu epidemic surveillance network in closed collaboration with the “Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire” (CNRS-IN2P3) and HealthGrid, France

03/04/10 22 Perspectives

Participation to the Ph.D. training program of Vietnamese government (“20000 Ph.D. in 2020”). Strong relationships (exchanges of students, researchers, co-supervising of Ph.D.) with Vietnamese research centers Hanoi University of Technology VAST (IGP, IOIT)

2 ITC Asia projects Can Tho University

National project on plant protection Strong links with other centers thanks to the network of IFI former students

03/04/10 23 Perspectives (Grid)

Strong participation to the proposal of CHAIN project as extension of EUAsiaGrid project

● Develop a simulation platform as an extension of the open-source GAMA platform, as a front-end for managing massive agent-based simulations based on the use of grid computing Develop others grid-based applications in collaboration with national and international partners ● Biomedical (LPC-IN2P3, HealthGrid, IBT-VAST) ● Earth Science (IGP-VAST, ASGC) ● Nuclear physics (IOP-VAST, IOIT-VAST, CNRS) Active participation with other national partners and with the support of the international grid community in order to propose and implemente the Vietnam NGI

03/04/10 24 Thank you for your attention !
