
Update for Strategic Advisory Forum

The major focus for EIT in 2010 has been the preparation of a business case to support the proposed merger of EIT with Tairawhiti Polytechnic in Gisborne. The proposal has this week been released for pubic consultation and, if it receives approval from the Minister (which seems highly likely), will probably take effect from 1st January 2011. This will have obvious impacts on the and staff of both ITPs, but little detail is available at this time.

EIT is currently working towards accreditation to move its BN to flexible/online delivery. This will have an effect on the library with regard to provision of both physical and online resources and , in particular.

Changes in faculty structure (we now have four faculties, but used to have five) have impacted on our liaison roles. The situation was further confused by the resignation of our Information Literacy Librarian who held one of these roles. Now that a replacement has been appointed we will be re-designating liaison roles.

We are joining the KAREN network any day now!

Voluntary retirements offered campus-wide earlier in the year resulted in the loss of our Interloans Librarian. She has not been replaced, and the work has been redistributed.

Whitireia Community Polytechnic Library

Heather Bradley Library & Information Manager

* Early involvement and positive results in Library Self Evaluation and External Evaluation Review.

* Collaboration in the form of reciprocal borrowing with Wellington Institute of Technology (Weltec) and The Open Polytechnic of NZ. Borrowing rights extended to Midwifery students. Whitireia staff and students living outside of the Porirua region may become members of the Porirua . Investigations in progress to become part of the SMART consortium involving Weltec and four local public libraries with the same System.

* Purchase of E-Cast which allows user access to 30 different television channels straight to desktops. Programmes can be copied onto DVDs or stored in a Learning Management System. Staff training in the use of E-Cast involved team teaching with the Online Learning Department and Library staff.

* Digitisation of academic staff research through the National Library and DigitalNZ.

* Cancellation of 50 print journal titles. A huge increase in online journal database usage.

* Establishment of a Library position dedicated to the teaching of information literacy, as well as an online programme being available.

* Architectural award for the new Library/Learning Centre in 2005.

* Establishment of a separate Maori collection.

Manukau Institute of Technology Library 2010 Significant events & changes

Staff: New Institute Librarian appointed April 2010 Pat Liao MLIS completed 2010 Ying Xin

Collection: Standards Project: Purpose of the project: • To ensure that the online and print collection remains relevant to student and lecturer needs. • To remove the duplication (online and print) of New Zealand and Joint New Zealand standards due to purchase of Standards New Zealand Online Library. Project drivers: • Increasingly dispersed learning locations. • Requirement to become more cost-effective. • Increasing demand for 24/7 access to library resources. • Increasing demand for the Institution to move toward paperless learning solutions. Changes: • Moved to online subscription for all NZ and joint NZ/ Australian standards. • Withdrawal of all print NZ and joint NZ/Australian standards. • Standards Collection reduced from 1146 items to 67 items. • Remaining International Standards integrated into General Collection.

Project Shift: Purpose of the project: • To locate the library’s physical collection on level four in a way that:  maximised space  grouped material regardless of format  minimised barriers to accessing information  supported collection maintenance  allowed for the shift of the Serials Collection from Level 2 to Level 4

Project drivers: • The desire to provide flexible information spaces • To respond to the increasing range of information formats • To make better use of the library’s physical collection Changes: • Relocation of Serials Collection from Level 2 to Level 4 in the library. • Audio, Video, and Serials Collections disestablished and integrated into the General Collection in one Dewey Decimal sequence.

Consequences: • The General and Audio Collections were evaluated and reduced by 7947 items. • 403 titles in the Serials Collection were fully or partially withdrawn. • Students able to borrow videos and DVDs. • Space on level four arranged to make the collection more visible and provide room for quiet study space away from the entrance area. • Reaction from Library users has been mostly positive, after past users adjusted to the new arrangement.

Tairawhiti Polytechnic Library/Learning Resource Centre, October 2010

Heather Mackay Library/Learning Resource Manager

Wireless option is now accessible in the library (as from end of September) so that students are able to bring their own laptops and connect to the internet. The pod of PCs has had high use this year and the wireless option will be useful for students. Ideally the library will provide laptops/net books for student use.

Tairawhiti Polytechnic works with other TEIs to extend the range and level of programmes that are available locally. Currently we collaborate with Waikato University, Wintec, and UCOL. This involves library to library liaison and Tairawhiti welcomes specialist library staff from the other institutions to visit and conduct classes with the conjoint students. This interaction encourages use of the e-resources provided by the other TEIs and also use of their distance library service; this year the students have had visits from Wintec and UCOL . The students benefit from direct access to two library collections.

This semester the library staff has revamped the Orientation session for new students based on the Cephalonia method also embedding some humorous YouTube library videos. The session was presented in a large study room and has proved to be much more focussed and successful than the previous tour around the library.

The library is increasing its online presence by using Face Book, having recently set up a profile. How this media is used in the future is open for discussion with stakeholders.

With the proposed merger with EIT imminent, the Tairawhiti Polytechnic library services will be positively impacted by improved access to more extensive databases and eBooks and a more up-to-date Library Management System.

Wintec Library, 2010

Sarah-Jane Saravani Learning Hub Manager

Facilities The new student learning Hub opened in March at the Avalon Campus. The Hub is a smaller version of the Gallagher Hub on the City Campus, which has proved such a popular learning space with students. The Library shares a service desk with ITS HelpDesk and Student Learning Services. Library hours were extended to seven days per week.

Technologies Orientation activities expanded in 2010 to allow three options to students undertaking the Library tour – face- to-face, the virtual tour or the self-paced tour using mobile technologies. The virtual library tour is available through Moodle and the self-paced tour utilises QR code technology where the students snap the codes and read the embedded information on their mobile phones.

The video tour of Wintec Library was translated into Japanese and released to a visitng group of nursing students and professors from Shimane Medical University, Japan. The CD was presented to the group to add to the Shimane Moodle site to allow future students to gain familiarity with Wintec Library facilities prior to arrival.

At the commencement of Semester II, a QR code treasure hunt to raise awareness of both QR codes and various key areas of the Library was instigated and advertised through MyTec, the student portal. The aim was to increase student awareness of this context-specific technology, which is presently being investigated by teaching areas across Wintec. Subsequent work around QR codes includes embedding location-specific information on video clips within each bibliographic record on the OPAC to allow library users to locate their required resource using technology confidently.

In conjunction with the Emerging Technologies Centre, work is underway is assessing the Open Source product Greenstone to build a test collection. In addition, ePrints is being reviewed along with other digital repository software. New fields for PBRF have been added to ePrints. Work has also been carried out on LibGuides which have been loaded onto the Emerging Technologies website.

Staff New staff member Cathy Chang scommenced in June as the Emerging Technologies Librarian - a jointly- funded position within the Library and Emerging Technologies Centre. She is working with the repsotory software Eprints and investigating the associated eportfolio software MePrints, and is also looking at Greenstone for possible collection management. At the same time, a Subject Liaison Librarian vacancy was filled by Anu Sundar, who hails, most recently, from Tai Poutini Library. Cathy Chang is a fluent Mandarin speaker, and Anu Sundar a Hindi speaker. The Library staff is now completely cosmopolitan – representation from England, South Africa, India, Philippines, China, in addition to New Zealand.

The Systems Librarian, Ellis Gatchalian was recognised for his achievements in the field of technology innovation with the Wintec 2010 Innovation and Excellence Award. A proud moment for us all.

International activities Chengdu University, China, visiting staff are resident at Wintec for the duration of 2010 and are located beside the Library. It is intended to produce another library introduction, in Mandarin, for the benefit of their students who will subsequently attend Wintec.

Several staff have completed a Learning Chinese Language and Culture course. Staff are also closely involved in International Week activities and Diwali celebrations.

In September a group arrived from Matsue National College of Technology, with which Wintec has a close working partnership and MOU. The Library engaged with the visiting Matsue National College of Technology professors and assisted them during their time at Wintec. Professor Fukuoka returned with a copy of the library video tours for placing on Moodle at Matsue NCT. Discussions continue regarding shared resources.

Research In mid-2010 a PBRF Mock Round was undertaken to test the robustness of procedures in anticipation of the actual event in 2012. This required contacting research staff across the institution and working very closely with the Research Office. It also meant adjusting the underlying ePrints software which supports the Research . All student theses to be submitted in digital format to repository. Throughout 2010 the Research Repository has suffered caching problems with KRIS and all harvesting by the National Library has been suspended while the problem is being addressed.

Library staff have been busy with various research projects and presentations, both national and international. Staff were involved in the Shar-e-fest symposium in October – chairing sessions, presenting on LibGuides and facilitating the days. The LibGuides session was responded to by Wintec academic staff with keen interest. A presentation on Maori values in picture books to a children’s to a LIANZA Regional Weekend and also to English literature symposium at Victoria University of Wellington aroused considerable interest - An English professor from Worcester University was interested in the structure of the paper in relationship to work that she is doing on Muslim stories in.

Various library staff presented at the 2010 Corporate Services Research Seminar. These were re- presentations of research that has occurred at conferences/workshops outside Wintec during 2010.

Library Management System In July, to coincide with Matariki celebrations, the Maori Catalogue Interface was launched by distinguished guest Maharaia Paki, from Tainui. This was a real step forward in assisting Maori students and those fluent or interested in Te Reo Maori in accessing library resources in this language. The launch also coincided with the availability of Maori subject headings on the catalogue.

The following month saw the Wintec mobile Library catalogue go live and available for use on any handheld device. An auto browser detect script that can detect if a user is accessing the catalogue on a mobile phone and redirect them to the mobile skin has developed by the Systems Librarian. If the script/agent detects the user browser coming from a PC/Mac it will redirect to the normal view of the catalogue.

All new items appearing on the catalogue have RSS feeds set up by subject area which will keep staff and students abreast of new resources in their programme of study.

The library is publishing LibGuides (subject specific guides for areas within the Schools. These have been greeted with cries of delight by the teaching staff and a steady stream of keen tutors has arrived at the office door ready to sit with the Subject Liaison Librarian to develop the site to best advantage. RSS feeds have been set up for integration into web pages, the catalogue and LibGuides.

Copyright issues – format shifting With the increase in distance teaching locations, the Library has needed to assess the best way of resourcing the flexible delivery methods being employed. Rather than purchasing multiple copies of AV resources we have been engaged in discussion with teaching staff to determine which resources they will use in their course delivery and then approached the copyright owners of the material to request permission to format shirt to mp4 and embed within the Learning Management System, Moodle. This is proving a lengthy process, and expensive in some cases.

Wintec Art Collection Every year Wintec purchases a number of art works to add to its growing collection on display or in storage around campus. For a variety of reasons this body of work has not been adequately managed. With the ongoing campus redevelopment, many works of art are being moved to unrecorded destinations, others are being stored in unsatisfactory arrangements. A project has been underway throughout 2010 by the Library to identify and record all details of such work with a view to establishing proper records for an asset register, insurance purposes and also for the Library’s digital art collection. We hope to capture image so f all art works and allow these to be displayed in digital format. Once again, permission to undertake such work is being sought from the copyright owners – also a lengthy process.

Technologies Confidence project The Technologies Confidence Project led by the Library, is underway to build student competency in course- related technologies. This is a joint Library/ITS HelpDesk initiative that picks up on identified deficiencies in Wintec’s approach to supporting students in their technology requirements. It will fall within the wider Information Literacy instruction programmes run by the Library.

Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology Library, Learning & Information Services

Update for Strategic Advisory Forum 2010

Academic Division Review Late 2009 the Library moved from Education Services into the Academic Division and the Division underwent a review. The Library was not formally affected by the review but it did provide LLIS with some new and exciting bed-fellows with the creation of the Centre for Educational Development, the Academic Evaluation Unit, a Research & Technology Knowledge Transfer Office, and Foundation. The new Manager of the Research Office is keen to work with the Library in establishing rigorous recording and repository practices, and understands the Digital Librarian’s role in managing metadata. A strong relationship with the Academic Evaluation Unit and CED is allowing for greater participation in educational design and development. LLIS staff are involved in the APER’s (Annual Programme Evaluation and Review) process, as facilitators, and as participants in various programme meetings.

Staffing Fully staffed this year, first time since the Library review (2007). Four new Liaison roles developing well - increased communication with Faculty, greater involvement with through the maintenance of Subject Statements, and significant integration with Learning Services in the teaching of Info Literacy classes.

Facilities Library starting to look tired 10 years on and the budget bid for 2011 is focussed on a new service desk and carpet. The plan is to have an integrated service desk, providing first tier information, IT and circulation services. For the past few months the IT help desk has been located in the Library staffed by IT from 11am – 1pm. We have found that, with access to the IT tools, the Library staff are capable of answering most of the basic IT enquiries.

A new Student Services Building has been built on the Sullivan Avenue Campus (Trades) and houses a library, a computer suite, classrooms and a café. The Library is self-service, using RFID technology.

Increased collaborative course development A major challenge for the Library this year has been the increase in collaboration between CPIT and other Polytechnics (TANZ and Metro) in the development and teaching of programmes. The Library has not had sufficient involvement in these projects and there have been frustrations in the subsequent need to work out how to provide access to resources without infringing copyright and/or licence agreements. Blended and collaborative delivery is only going to increase and Libraries need to be part of the plan, and be involved in solving authentication issues, so that students can be adequately and appropriately supported on these courses.

Learning Technologies Unit Part of the Academic Services Review resulted in the e-Learning team, which has always been a part of LLIS, transforming into the Learning Technologies Unit. This new team, which includes the Digital Librarian and Assistant Librarian(Digital), is responsible for the support of online learning environments such as Moodle, Primo, Repository, and the identification and trialling of emerging technologies. 2010 has seen the development of a CPIT Library Blog, Facebook page, internal staff wiki and experimentation with software for creating subject pages.

Primo Central The Library has implemented Primo discovery service this year. Progress has been much slower than anticipated, mainly because we have been the first site to sign up for Primo (Total-Care), incorporating Primo Central, hosted on an external server (Datacom). Steep learning curve for everyone involved, and we are not quite there yet but will be testing it live over the next six weeks and launching the search on our website next year.

CPIT Art Collection The LLIS inherited management of the CPIT art collection at the beginning of the year. The Art Curator is also employed as a part-time Library Assistant so management of the budget and the role fell to the Library Manager. A Conservation Report was commissioned and an inventory created of all works. There are some repairs that need to be carried out as a result of earthquake damage. The Art works Collection Committee has been re-convened to look at new purchases.

Earthquake CPIT survived the Sept 4th earthquake without substantial damage. The Library was left remarkably intact, due in part to the age of the building, and the direction of the shock waves, and thanks to the shelves being braced and bolted. The light fittings on the ground floor all dropped down, so I am glad no-one was in the building, but the electricians quickly fixed those and we were able to tidy the shelves and pick up books and dvd’s in a day. The longer lasting effects have been on people’s nerves with ongoing aftershocks resulting in sleepless nights, and nervous reactions to sudden noise or movement!

UCOL Universal College of Learning Library Learning Hub Update 2010

Structure The Student Experience Team (SET) was established at the beginning of 2010 after a re-structuring that resulted in changes to the management of Student Support Services and the Libraries on the Palmerston North and Whanganui campuses. This change resulted in all Library and Support Services reporting to the Director of Student Experience and opened the way to the integration of teams in a much more cohesive way than was previously possible.

Staff New position of Student Experience Coach established. Based in Palmerston North the Student Coach is available to support students with any personal, social or practical issue and where appropriate provide a referral service to services within UCOL or the wider community.

Partnership with Academic Staff Developing a closer partnership with academic staff is considered essential if SET is to make an effective contribution to improving completion and retention rates within UCOL. This is reflected in the newly developed SET goals. Targeted programmes are identified and Liaisons from across SET are allocated to work closely with academic staff and the Student Coach in a combined effort to improve completion and retention rates.

Hub Central Hub Central a combined Library, Computer Support, Learning Services and Support Services desk opened at the beginning of semester two. This is a key development which will assist with embedding changes within SET and provide a more centralised “one stop shop” service to students. It has required SET members to learn new skills and work as an integrated team. Hub Central opens out into the central Learning Hub and students enjoy the concept of all the services being available at one point.

Technologies In 2010, UCOL purchased ClickView as a complete digital media solution. ClickView is not only a platform for managing video, audio, images and learning objects, it also makes it possible to embed video and other resources quickly and easily into Moodle. A key driver in the selection of ClickView was to assist Literacy, Language and Numeracy initiatives at UCOL, which is why the 4 ClickView “libraries” was chosen from major content providers. UCOL was also looking at ways to store and manage a collection of digital resources with easy retrieval and access across the UCOL sites and the ClickView product fitted the bill on all counts.

Unitec Library: Achievements 2008 – 2010

We have:

1. implemented the Ex Libris suite of products: Voyager, a new ILMS with federated search and link resolver software. We have implemented our search and discovery interface (Primo) for Voyager. We have done this to i) develop better access pathways for our students and staff to the Library’s resources ii) give us a foundation from which we can offer a number of technology based services. 2. introduced a number of ‘new’ technologies: • IM/Chat and Library H3lp (including android phone allowing us to offer text reference service) • Chat widget into our Ebsco databases and Moodle courses • Vodcasts (from 2006) • Libguides replacing static subject pages • Youtube channel / Flickr presence • Presence on Moodle (institutional learning management system) • Mobile web (Libguides and Primo configure themselves when viewed on a mobile platform) • We are currently implementing RFID technology at Waitakere. 3. opened a North Shore campus Library and Learning Commons. We have opened a Waitakere Learning Commons. 4. focused our delivery of services and resources (both physical and virtual) according to our student demographics in spite of constraints on our financial/personnel/ physical resources. The results from the internal Student Satisfaction Survey and benchmarked Australasian-wide Insync Survey (each 2010) show that we are doing very well. 5. developed important internal ‘linkages’ – notably with our Teaching & Learning colleagues and our Marketing Department (we now have an account manager helping us produce quality marketing products). 6. instituted a staff development and training strategy plan and programme. 7. instituted operational plans and annual programmes mapped to Unitec’s directorate strategies, plans and programmes.