Trinity Tripod, 2020-03-10
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The -Established 1904- Trinity ripod T Volume CXV Now then-Trinity! Tuesday, March 10, 2020 Number XV ED Class of Tripod Investigates Celebrating Women’s 2024 Analysis Clery Act Compliance Herstory Month SHAWN OLSTEIN ’22 calendar years classified NEWS EDITOR DANIEL NESBITT ’22 NEWS EDITOR by both the nature of the The Tripod offense and the location at page reviews Trinity’s The Tripod has taken a which the offense took place. early decision deep dive into Campus Safe- The Tripod, in investi- class and pro- ty crime reporting and Trin- gating Trinity’s most recent vides an indepth ity’s legal obligations under Clery Report, questioned examination of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure the College on its reporting the Class of 2024. of Campus Security Policy of study abroad data, which 3 and Campus Crime Statis- is reportable under the Act’s tics Act, the guiding federal provisions. The Tripod found law on the matter. Accord- that limitations in the scope The Climate ing to the Clery Center, the of the Clery Act’s geography Clery Act, signed into law in may impact the accuracy of and Faith 1990 by President George potentially reportable data. H. W. Bush, functions as For example, in February BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 “a consumer protection law 2018, the Tripod reported EDITOR-IN-CHIEF that aims to provide trans- that three Trinity students The Tripod parency around campus abroad in Barcelona were page speaks with crime policy and statistics.” mugged in early January of Roger Gottlieb on The main requirement the same year. However, the ERIC ZHANG ’22 environmentalism of the Clery Act is that all ASR stated that the Office The first week of March kicked off Women’s and spirituality institutions receiving fed- of Study Away reported zero Herstory Month, a celebration of women’s advances before his lecture eral funding must publish incidents of any category. at Trinity this and distribute a public an- When asked about this dis- throughout the year. 7 Wednesday. nual security report (ASR) crepancy, Heavren clarified to students and employees that “in this case, there was This month, members of the community can look on Oct. 1 of each year. Most a Clery reportable crime but forward to events including a “Faith and Politics” What’s importantly, the Clery Act requires that this ASR con- speaker panel, Women at the Summit trivia night, tains campus crime statis- “Art, Feminism, and Wikipedia,” and “Women in Opera, Doc? tics for the previous three see CLERY ACT on page 3 Hip-Hop.” GILLIAN REINHARD ’20 FEATURES EDITOR The question page on everyone’s Greek Life Talks Trinity Addresses mind: why is the new Overcrowding at SGA COVID Quarantine season at the at GREENFest, with the Met Opera so KIP LYNCH ’22 GILLIAN REINHARD ’20 seled that the threat of coro- idea of a drive for turning 10 dissapointing? CONTRIBUTING WRITER FEATURES EDITOR navirus remains low, other t-shirts into dog toys being schools across the country The student government the most popular. The Stu- In an email to the cam- and in Connecticut have met on Sunday, Mar. 8 in or- dent Organization Over- pus community Sunday af- acted to prevent the spread Men’s der to discuss changes in so- sight Committee revealed ternoon, Dean of Campus of the disease in recent days. cial life on campus after fra- that it has been having Life Joe DiChristina in- WFSB reported that af- Lacrosse ternity suspensions and how trouble meeting as the back- formed the community that ter a student at the Univer- the coronavirus (COVID-19) log on approving clubs in- seven Trinity students left sity of New Haven attended CAT MACLENNAN ’20 has affected, and how it creases. The Women & Gen- campus to self-quarantine an out-of-state event where SPORTS EDITOR may further affect, student der Resource Action Center off-campus after possible exposure to coronavirus life. The Student Govern- (WGRAC) Liaison discussed exposure to the coronavirus. was possible, the institu- The men’s ment Association (SGA) also upcoming events for Wom- “The possible exposure did tion moved classes online page lacrosse team heard presentations by Jus- en’s Herstory Month, such not occur on or near cam- until Mar. 24, with most returns from tin Landry from ConnPIRG as the screening of Knock pus,” said DiChristina, “and students leaving campus. Bates and Matin Yaqubi ’23 from Down the House on Tues- all of the students have been At Sacred Heart Universi- triumphant the International House day Mar. 10 and the Wom- examined at the Health Cen- ty in Fairfield, classes were in a 16-11 (iHouse). The SGA also en at the Summit Herstory ter and are not displaying moved online until Mar. 29, win. 12 heard updates from several Trivia Night on Thursday, symptoms consistent with as reported by NBC Con- Also in this issue... committees and discussed Mar. 12. The Housing Com- the virus.” Those students necticut. With spring break the possibility of creating mittee discussed its plans will return after spring next week, students are Opinion: The Life and Death of the position of Social Me- for meeting this week in or- break following a 14-day expected to widely travel, the American Western, page 6 dia Liaison. The meeting der to review appeals. The self-quarantine. DiChris- though students have been initially took place outside plans for the Soapbox Derby tina further indicated that cautioned not to travel to Trinity Horoscopes: Your Spring on the main quad, but later have progressed with the the College’s “COVID-19 any CDC Level 3 warn- Break Forecast, page 8 moved to the Smith House. event now poised to include response team is working ing countries and have The Sustainability Com- at all levels to safeguard the A Weekend of Domestic Drama been urged to not travel to mittee discussed possible health of our community.” for the Premier League, page 11 those states which have de- activities for the SGA table see GREEK LIFE on page 4 Though Trinity has coun- clared states of emergency. Published weekly at Trinity College, Hartford, CT TRINITYTRIPOD.COM 2 MARCH 10, 2020 The Tripod Editorial Trinity Tripod When Are We All Going Home? Established in 1904 At a recent SGA meet- University of New Haven “Now then-Trinity!” tive internship program for ing, Dean of Campus Life has canceled all classes and students that utilizes the re- Editor-in-Chief Joe DiChristina stated that, midterm exams and man- sources of the Capitol each BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 according to an article sub- dated that all students must semester. How will Trin- mitted to the Tripod, “the vacate dorms until Mar. 24. ity address this relation- Managing Editors college intends to finish According to University ship in light of the closure? LIZ FOSTER ’22 the spring semester.” This of New Haven President Coronavirus is a polar- KAT NAMON ’22 statement is vastly differ- Steven Kaplan, as report- izing topic at Trinity and ent from what is portrayed ed by WFSB, one or more NEWS EDITORS SPORTS EDITORS around the world. Is Trump by some members of the students attended an out- DANIEL J. NESBITT ’22 ERIN KARCZEWSKI ’20 doing enough? Is the media faculty. Tomorrow, a class of-state conference where a SHAWN OLSTEIN ’22 cat maclennan ’20 over-hyping everything? I am in will be conducted participant was tested pos- MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 But the real question on ev- in a “trial run” completely itive for the coronavirus. OPINION EDITORS eryone’s mind seems to be online, to prepare for the This statement from the ALEX W. DAHLEM ’20 A&E EDITOR are we ending the semester event of a campus closure. University of New Haven AIDAN TUREK ’20 CAROLINE RICHARDS ’22 early? Will Commencement Students have been advised reads similarly to the one and other large gatherings to bring all their books with Dean DiChristina recently FEATURES EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER still be on Trinity’s calendar? them if they are headed released to students, de- GILLIAN M. REINHARD ’20 DIVYANSH GAUR ’22 Knowledge surrounding home over the spring break. tailing that seven students coronavirus and the rules In the wake of the coro- had been quarantined af- staff writers of quarantine, particularly navirus, it is, of course, ter possible exposure to the OLIVIA CAIME ’23 at Trinity, are spotty. For difficult to convey informa- coronavirus after attend- JOHNNY GILLESPIE ’20 all the advancements the tion in a constantly chang- ing an off-campus event. ETHAN YANG ’20 College has made toward in- ing world. States, such as In Connecticut, the sec- forming the community re- next door New York, have ond case of Coronavirus has garding the virus, with the declared a state of emer- been confirmed. In Hartford, SGA being informed that gency. There is a great deal the Connecticut Capitol’s the semester would continue of uncertainty on campus, Legislative Building has as planned, the fundamen- and even fear, as a recent canceled all non-legislative tal question of what exact- letter to the community sug- functions (as reported by the ly to pack home for spring The Trinity Tripod has been published by the students of Trinity Col- gested. Trinity has taken CT Mirror) and has begun break must be answered. lege since 1904. Its staff members are committed to the reporting significant and important an intensive, four-day clean- and distribution of news and ideas that are relevant to the College steps to address concerns. ing of the building. Trinity community. The Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays during the Over the weekend, the maintains a popular legisla- -GMR academic year.