G. Tregear (1888), A
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(1887), G. Tregear (1888), A. Percv Wats- by him before he went to Gpelong. He ford (1887). entered Wesley College as a State School Of these Bullas is the senior, having en scholar. tered the Ministry in 1872, and the latest Victory war medals were presented by recruit is Chaston, 1922, the Governor-General to Major-General E. Tasmania.^John S. Fletcher (1909), Tivey, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D. (1880), William J. Palamountain (1886), Percy O. and to Brigadier-General K. H. Fetherston, Parnaby (1910), John W. Rowse (1885). V.D., Colonial Auxiliary Forces Decoration New South Wales.—Wallis W. Danks (1875). (1895). Eric NaU (1904), ex-master Scotch Col South Australia.—^G. Keysell Haslam lege, and now of Geelong Grammar School, (1896), S. R. Rooney (1886). has exchanged positions with a master in Queensland.—W. Stanlev Bath, B.A. England for one year. (1886). Dr. F. McCallum, M.B., B.S., D.P.H. West Australia.—John W. Grove, M.A., (1907) has been appointed to a travelling LL.B. (1883). scholarship, given by the International New Zealand.—E. O. Blamires (1894). Health Board of the Rockefeller Founda tion, U.S.A. He left Melbourne on 16th Fiji.—C. Oswald Lelean (1881), Arthur August, and while in New York will de G. Adamson, M.A., Dip. Ed. (1901), Leslie vote his time to tuition and research in M. Thompson, M.A., Dip. Ed. (1900). general epidemiology and tropical hygiene. England.—Henry Howard (1878). The scholarship is tenable for one year, all The following are deceased:—^Revs. Wil expenses of travelling and living being de liam Batten (1873), Barnard Butchers, frayed. On return to Australia Dr. McCal B.A. (1869), Arthur E. Carnegie (1884), lum guarantees to remain for flve years in Henry J. Cocks (1881), John Cowperth- the service of the Federal Health Depart waite, B.A. (1873), Alexander R. Edgar ment. (1872), Samuel Harris (1877), Robert S. G. H. Anderson (1905), the pre-war secre Joyce (1886), E. Orlando Knee (1871), tary of the Sydney branch O.W.C.A., Arthur Lelean (1873), Jas. A. Marsland wrote stating that their old branch had (1869), Joseph Nicholson (1867), Henry funds in hand, and there did not seem any C. Oldmeadow (1873), James DeQ. Robiii, desire among Old Boys to keep it alive. He M.A. (1866), Robert W. Thompson (1873), was advised to spend some of the money Alfred J. Trevena (1886). in advertising a proposed dinner on Foun This makes a total of 60 in 56 years. ders ' Day. Only four Old Boys made in Of other denominations are:—Rev. John quiries, so the idea of the dinner was Alexander (1900), T. B. Angwin (1870), dropped. He writes:—"Now that Jimmy H. W. Burridge (1888), W. R. Cunningham Prout (1901) is living in Sydney, I hope to (1878), A. Eunson (1909), C. E. Gayer get into touch with Jimmy Matthews, the (1874), C. F. Hawkins, deceased (1889),'P secretary of the Sydney branch of the Old Hansen (1884), Rupert Felstead (1897), Melburnians, and get a return tennis match E. T. Leslie (1890), G. N. MaeDonnell with them. Throe old boys are playing (1876), E. J. Riekard, deceased (1S99) Jas football with the North Shore Club, and I Bickard, deceased (1871), Willi.'un Reed am training with them, as my weight is (1891), F. C. Vickerman (1.S87), J D getting a little too heavy to 'be coinfort- Watsford (1890). able.'' Frank Beaurepaire (1909) was presented C. J. DeGaris (1899) creator of Kenden with a cheque for £500 bv the life-savers of up, W.A., sailed for California in order to the Bondi Club for his part in the rescue finance the scheme, and we learn by cable ot the victim of the Coogee shark tragedy. that his mission was eminently successful. He expects to be back in Australia by A. H Hatfield (1890), late Science Mas October. He was also entrusted with a ter of the Geelong College, has been re number of financial propositions by busi appointed to a similar position at St. ness men in Australia to bring before the Patrick's College, Ballarat, which was held American magnates. .