Victorian Railways Co:Nijviissioners

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Victorian Railways Co:Nijviissioners 1893. VICTORIA. VICTORIAN REPORT OF THE VICTORIAN RAILWAYS CO:NIJVIISSIONERS ~'OR 'l'HE YEAH ENDING 30TH JUNE, 18~3. PHES"ENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF l'.ARLTAJ.VmNT PURSUANT TO THE ACT 54 YWTORI.A No. 1135. 1;)1 aut~orif)l: ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERN~IE:"'T PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 43.-[ls. !Jd.]-6666. APPROXIMATE COST 0~' REPORT. £ s. d. l'repamtion-Not gh·en. Printing (1,160 copies) 93 0 0 REP 0 R rr. VICTORIAN HAlLWAYS, 19th September, I893· To the Honomble the lVIinister qf Railways. SIR, In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Hailways Act, No. II35, we have the honour to submit, for the information of Parliament, our Report upon the proceedings of the Railway Department for the year ending 3oth June, I 893. DEBENTURE CAPITAL. The amount of borrowed capital was, on 3oth June last, £35,8o6,977 7s. I Id. Details of this amount are given in the following table, tog·ether with the interest payable and accruing thereon for the year:- Amount rif' Interest on Railwa,1j Loans for the Year ending 3oth June, I 893. ! Loans. Debentures at Par. ' Period. Rate. Inwreot. ~--- -···- Per £ s. d. £ s. d. J\Ionths. Cent. £ s. d. 32 Vict. No. 33I ... z,Io7,ooo 0 0 42 Vict. No. 6I7 (Hobson's Bay) ... ... I 5•h900 0 0 ,--------- 2,26I,900 0 0 I2 5 II3,095 0 0 4z Vi et. No. 6o8 ... ... 4,I s6,573 12 2 12 I87,045 16 3 36 Vict. No. 439 ... i 88,872 IS 0 37 Vict. No. 468 ... I I,45o,ooo 0 0 39 Vict. No. 531 ... 1,396,693 0 0 45 Vict. No. 717 ... 2,769,006 2 4 46 Vict. No. 739 ... z,ooo,ooo 0 0 46 Vict. No. 741 (Hobson's Bay) ... ... 107,6oo 0 0 47 Vict. No. 76o ... 3·758,788 0 3 48 Vict. No. Sos ... 3,251,17Z 4 3 49 Vict. No. 845 ... 4,5oo,ooo 0 0 5 I Vict. No. 963 ... I 30,000 0 0 19,452,13 2 4 lO 12 4 ns,oss 5 9 52 Vict. No. 989 ... ! z,673,9I 3 0 I! 54 Vict. No. 1196 ... z,z26,o86 19 I 53 Vict. No. I032 ... 3,xso,ooo 0 0 8,oso,ooo 0 0 12 3~ 28I,750 0 0 55 Vict. Nos. 1217 anil} f I 833.333 6 8 12 41. 37,500 0 0 ... ) I 12 3 3 (Treasury Bonils) 833.333 6 8 ... 3i 2 3·965 5 3 53 Vi et. No. 1015 (Vie- I torinn Government Stock) ... :ill 9·7°4 17 7 ... 4 984 17 z 35,8o6,977 7 1 I l,fZZ,426 4 5 Expenses in payment of Interest 24,498 13 6 I ,446,9z4 17 I I Less estimated interest on unexpendeil balances of Loan moneys 27,000 0 0 The Debenture Capital Account at the close of the year showed an increase of £1,024,o38 4s. 3d. The additional capital consisted of £833,333 6s. 8d., the amount allocated during the year to railways under the Treasury Bonds Acts, Nos. I 217 and 1233, and £2 I 9, 704 I 7s. 7d., the proceeds of the Victorian Government Stock Act No. IOI 5· 4 Provision was made in the Railway Loan Application Bill No. I300 for the redemption of Hobson's Bay debentures amounting to £3o,ooo, which became payable on the Ist ,July, I 892, and debentures to the value of £29,ooo have been redeemed. The total amount of interest which became due and payable during the year was £I,422,426 4s. sd., which, with £24,498 I3S. 6d.-the amount paid by the Treasury for expenses in payment of interest-made the interest charges for the year £I,446,924 qs. IId. This amount was, however, reduced to £I,4I9,924 qs. nd. by the estimated interest ( £2 7,ooo) allowed by the banks upon the unexpended balances of loan moneys in their hands. The increased interest and charges for the year amount to £32,896 ss. 8d. The following statements show in detail the working for the year, but the result may be summarized, thus :- Total traffic . £2,92 5,948 Total working expenditure I,8 50,29I NET PROFIT ON WORKING £1,075,657 or an increased net profit over last year of £I I 8,674. The percentage of working expenses to the gross revenue is 63·23, a decrease of 5· 8 5 per cent. on last year, although owing to the disturbed financial and industrial condition of the colony the revenue for the year shows a shrinkage of £I 6 9, I7 4· The working expenditure shows a gross decrease of £307,6 8o, or, after making provision for additional superannuation allowances and gratuities to the amount of £10,582 and for a sum of £9,250 paid to the ex-Commissioners, a net decrease of £287,848. The deficiency in meeting the interest charges for the year is, as shown in the profit and loss account, £344,267 I8s. 6d., a decrease of £85,777 IJs. 2d., the deficit for I 89I-2 being £430,045 I IS. 8d. The total expenditure on railways opened or m course of construction at 3oth June was £37,462,372. The net revenue gives the following results :- 2 ·87 per cent. on the total capital cost. 3 ·I 2 per cent. on the total expended debenture capital. The following returns give the details of the Revenue and Expenditure for the last two years :- TOTAL HEVENUE.-ALL SYSTEliiS. 1891-2. 1892-3. Increase. I Decrease. Net Decrease. - (Avcmge Miles open, (Average .Miles open, 2,829!.) 2,933.) -- --rI £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. Passengers ... ... ... I,386,842 8 11 I,26o,879 7 I . .. I25,963 I IO Parcels, &c. ... ... ... I05,IOO 9 5 97,8 59 I 8 ... 7,24I 7 9 Horses, carriages, and dogs ... 20,938 7 6 I7,409 4 s ... I 3,529 3 I Mails ... ... ... .. 63,452 6 6 63,037 0 6 ... 4I5 6 0 Rents ... ... ... .. 47,980 8 6 54.7I6 5 II 6,735 I7 5 ... Miscellaneous ... ... .. zo,ooo I3 11 I4,965 I6 8 ... 5,034 I 7 3 Live stock ... .. ... I62,825 I6 0 q8,945 9 4 ... 23,88o 6 8 Goods ... ... ... .. I,287,98 I 9 I I,278,I35 8 5 ... 9,846 0 8 ~---- ------ ' 3,095,I2I 19 IO 2,925,947 I4 0 - 6,735 I7 5 1 I75,9IO 3 3 I69,I74 5 10 ------------ ----- Number of passengers ... ... 69,546.921 58,445,075 ... II,IOI,846 Tons of live stock ... ... 223,389 I86,5I6 ... I 36,873 Tons of goods ... ... ... 3.4·3 r,s78 3,200,372 ... 23 r,2o6 Train mileage ... ... .. I r,8o7,677 I0,775,I34 ... ! I,032,543 5 ToTAL ExPENDITURE.-.ALL SYSTEMS. 1891-2. 1892-3. I --·---------~ Increase9 I Decrease. - I IN._ Cost ·Per Cont. I Cost Jl'er Cent. Amount. per Train to Amount. per Train to ~Iile. Revenue. Mile. Revenue. i I d. d. £ d. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ £ s. I s. I '·d. Maintenance ... 412,336 8·38 IJ'32 327,959 2 7. 31 i II '21 ... 84,377 7 ;>. Loco. charges ... 701,057 I~ ~ 14':'.5 :'.2'65 607,702 I ~ 13.54 ' 20'77 ... 93·355 IS 3 Carriages and waggons 121,345 2'46 3'92 127,581 2 [0 2'84 4' 36 6,236 0 6: ... Compensation 10,167 0'21 0 '33 6,432 19 [I o· 14 0'22 ... ! J,i34 8 IO Traffic charges 787,JSI ~ i !6'00 25.44 668,]16 I4 14'89 22.8 5 ... , II8,634 15 6 General eh urges 105,88o 12 7 2'I5 3'42 I n,898 14 ~ 2'49 3'82. 6,ox8 I 7 ... ... d. s . d. • Jz, 19 3 3 7'45 69'08 ;I,85o,zgo 14 7 3 5'21 63'23 12,254 2 I~ 300,102 6 9 jzs 4 8 : : The following shows the additional mileage opened during the last eight years :- Year ending ,June, r886 67! miles r887 I " r888 " " I37t " " r889 I79t " " 1890 272i " 1891 293:! " 140 " " 1892 " 1893 ... 72 " " The number of passengers conveyed was ss,++5,o75, as against 69,546,921, being a decrease of I r,I01,846. The tonnage of goods and live stock was 3,386,888, as against 3,654,967, a decrease of 268,079· The train miles amounted to I0,775,134, as against II,8o7,677, or a decrease of r,o32,543· It has been apparent for some time that it ·would be necessary to discontinue the preparation of statements showing the railway accounts in systems. These statements involve a large amount of detailed bookkeeping and clerical labour, and have for many years past been of little value. They cannot be more than merely rough approximations. As the network of railway has gradually extended through all parts of the Colony it has become a matter of great difficulty to sati8factorily define the lines of demarcation het•reen one system and another, and the divisional returns have necessarily become more intricate and difficult in preparation, and are consequently less reliable even as approximate statements. The concentration of the suburban traffic at Flinders-street, and the transfer of the whole of the goods business to the terminus at Spencer-street will render the future division of the accounts into systems virtually impracticable.
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