Website: Friday 1st May 2020 Twitter: @AcreHall Email: [email protected] Phone: 0161 748 4356 - our school office is manned from 8.30am to 3.30 pm—Mon to Friday—during this closure period. Please do get in touch if you require any help or would like to tell us something.

Free School Meals

Vouchers have now been ordered and will soon be sent out ,via email, for the first 2 weeks of May to all whose children are currently eligible for FSM. This eligibility is based on income and receipt of certain benefits and is different to the Universal Infant Free School Meals that children from Reception to the end of year 2 receive when school is open. Parents can apply for FSM at any time by accessing the Trafford Website—link below.,

We allocate FSM vouchers for the closest to your home however if you would prefer us to send vouchers for a different supermarket please let us know as soon as possible and we will organise this for the next vouchers. A few more have now joined the scheme. The complete list is as follows;

Morrisons, , Sainsbury’s, ,, M&S food ,, McColl’s (including RS McColl’s and Martin’s)

We are currently investigating whether families who only qualify for the Universal Infant Free School Meals system can receive any food packages etc. UIFSM is not included in the government scheme as yet. We will let you know when we have any fur- ther information. We understand that all families are under pressure to provide extra meals and snacks for growing children!

Trafford Newsletter

Trafford have started to produce a regular newsletter for young people in the borough. It opens as an online link and is more suited to y6 or above.

Keeping in touch

We are delighted that so many of our pupils are keeping in touch by sending photos , via seesaw or twitter, of their activities. All parents have been sent—via email—details of how to log their child in using Seesaw. We have deliberately chosen Seesaw to send work and activities to children because it can be accessed on mobile phones, tablets or laptops. We are unable to distribute paper work packs at this time so do encourage all parents to set Seesaw up. If you have any difficulties please ring us or email and we will arrange for your child’s class teacher to contact you and talk through how you set this up.

The link below takes you to a you tube video for parents to explain how to set up Seesaw for children to use.

Internet Safety

As children are using the internet more for home learning and for keeping in touch with their friends, parents will be aware of the importance of staying safe on line. The following page shows a poster that is great for using to start a discussion with children.