Book of Abstracts
7 -10 September, 2016 LUBLIN | POLAND Book of abstracts Edited by: Łukasz Miciuk Jan Kutnik THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE DIALOGICAL SELF 7 - 10 September 2016, LUBLIN | POLAND CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS International Society Department of Personality Psychology KUL for Dialogical Science (ISDS) (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) CONFERENCE SUPPORTERS Institute of Psychology KUL Faculty of Social Sciences KUL HORONARY PATRONAGE Krzysztof Żuk Sławomir Sosnowski President of the City of Lublin Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivoidship S CIENTIFIC COMMITTEE O RGANIZING COMMITTEE Hubert Hermans (Chair), the Netherlands Hubert Hermans, the Netherlands Forough Barani, Malaysia Piotr Oleś (Chair), Poland Angela Branco, Brazil Paweł Augustynowicz, Poland Nandita Chaudhary, India Wacław Bąk, Poland Bob Fecho, USA Elżbieta Chmielnicka-Kuter, Poland Nima Ghorbani, Iran Donat Dutkiewicz, Poland Miguel M. Gonçalves, Portugal Tomasz Jankowski, Poland Ilana Grunberg-Weiss, USA Jan Kutnik, Poland Carolyn Howarth, UK Agnieszka Laskowska, Poland Agnieszka Konopka, the Netherlands Małgorzata Łysiak, Poland Olga Lehmann, Norway Łukasz Miciuk, Poland Beatrice Ligorio, Italy Aneta Przepiórka, Poland Dina Nir, Israel Małgorzata Puchalska-Wasyl, Poland Piotr Oleś, Poland Małgorzata Puchalska-Wasyl, Poland Peter Raggatt, Australia Tatsuya Sato, Japan Barbara Schellhammer, Germany Henk Stam, Canada Jaan Valsiner, Denmark Leni Verhofstadt-Deneve, Belgium V OLUNTEERS Anna Andrzejczak, Poland Izabela Rybicka, Poland Anna Bednarczyk, Poland Marlena
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