1980 / the Year's Exhibitions in Canada
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Document generated on 09/25/2021 5:53 a.m. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne Canadian Art Review Les expositions de l’année au Canada 1980 The Year’s Exhibitions in Canada 1980 Andrea Retfalvi Volume 8, Number 1, 1981 URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1075366ar DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/1075366ar See table of contents Publisher(s) UAAC-AAUC (University Art Association of Canada | Association d'art des universités du Canada) ISSN 0315-9906 (print) 1918-4778 (digital) Explore this journal Cite this document Retfalvi, A. (1981). Les expositions de l’année au Canada : 1980 / The Year’s Exhibitions in Canada: 1980. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 8(1), 71–81. https://doi.org/10.7202/1075366ar Tous droits réservés © UAAC-AAUC (University Art Association of Canada | This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit Association d'art des universités du Canada), 1981 (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ Les expositions de l’année au Canada The Year’s Exhibitions in Canada 1980 Cette rubrique est consacrée aux expositions organisées par les musées canadiens, soit à titre individuel soit en collaboration, et elle ne retient que les expositions qui ont donné lieu à la publication d’un catalo gue ou d’un feuillet documentaire indiquant la liste des œuvres. Pour les expositions itinérantes (indi quées par un astérisque) nous n’indiquons que les dates où l’exposition fut présentée dans le musée res ponsable de l’organisation, même si d’autres présentations eurent lieu avant ou après ces dates. Si une exposition a été organisée pour être présentée uniquement dans des institutions autres que celle qui l’a organisée, la date et le lieu de la première présentation sont indiqués sous le nom de l’institution qui en fut responsable. Le titre du catalogue ou du feuillet documentaire n’est indiqué que s’il est différent du titre de l’exposition. Dans la mesure du possible, les informations reçues ont été vérifiées dans les publi cations elles-mêmes. The following bibliographie record documents exhibitions originated or co-originated by Canadian insti tutions, when such exhibitions were accompanied by a catalogue or a handlist (a numerical listing). Circu- lating exhibitions (indicated by an asterisk) bear the exhibition dates of the originator only, regardless of whether other showings occurred prior to or after those dates. When such exhibitions were intended only for circulation in other institutions, the date and place of first showing is given under the name of the organizer. Unless otherwise indicated, the title of the accompanying publication is that of the exhibi tion. Information supplied has been verified where possible against the publications themselves. NEWFOUNDLAND St. John’s 2-22 Jan Traditional Warmth - Quilts by Joyce Barrett The Newfoundland Muséum 4 pp., 1 illus. (not available) *21 Feb-4 Apr Newfoundland Photography New Talent 1849-1949 5-13 Feb Antonia McGrath 4 pp., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) 96 pp., 89 illus., $16.95 3-16 Mar UN B Caméra Club Annual (hardbound) Exhibition 4 pp., $1.00 (handlist) NEW BRUNSWICK 16 Mar-13 Apr Sélections from the N.B. Art Bank Fredericton 2 pp., $1.00 (handlist) Beaverbrook Art Gallery 27 Apr-24 Sept Recent Acquisitions 1980 *15 Sept-15 Oct The New Brunswick Landscape 4 pp., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) Print: 1760-1880 May- June Reflections 1 12 pp., 122 illus., $12.00 (paper) Don MacKay 1 p., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) Art Centre, University of New Brunswick 5-26 Oct Watercolours by Edward B. Pulford *Jan Old New Brunswick - A Victorian 1 p., $1.00 (handlist) Portrait 5 Oct-3 Nov Inge Pataki - Watercolours 4 pp., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) 4 pp., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) racar/viii/i 71 2-23 Nov Tom Smith - Sculptures 27 Nov-4 Jan Elizabeth S. Nutt: Heart and I lead 4 pp., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) 1981 and Hand 2-23 Nov Sir Gawain and the Grene Knight Gemey Kelly Batiks by Tina Upham 14 pp., 4 illus., $1.00 (paper) 5 pp., 1 illus., $1.00 (handlist) Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University 30 Nov-16 Dec Christmas Choice 4 pp., 2 illus., $1.00 (handlist) 13 Dec - 27 Jan Fibre, Métal, Clay 1980 illus., free (handlist) PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 15 Feb-9 Mar A Rétrospective of Prints by Edward Porter Charlottetown Edward Porter Confédération Centre of the Arts 4 pp., 6 illus., $.50 (paper) 13 Feb-9 Mar The Trowell Touch, 1965-1980 15 Feb-9 Mar Seaform Variations - Wood Mark B. Holton Sculpture by Ken Guild 18 pp., 21 illus., $1.00 (paper) Ken Guild 4-28 Sept Lindee Climo: Doors 4 pp., 3 illus., $.25 (paper) 24 pp., 21 illus., $1.00 (paper) 20 Mar-13 Apr Paintings by Douglas Kirton 6-21 Sept My Island Pictures: The Story of Douglas Kirton — Recent Work Prince Edward Island; AT. David MacWilliam Morrison 3 pp., 4 illus., $.50 (paper) Harry Baglole 18 Apr-18 May The Portrait Sculpture of Doris M. 6 pp., 6 illus., $.50 (paper) Judah 29 Oct-30 Nov Lynn Cône : Recent Watercolours, Mary Evans MacLachlan >979-198° 1 1 pp., 5 illus., $1.00 (paper) 8 pp., 6 illus., $.50 (paper) 23 May-15 June The Architectural Drawings of *4 Dec-11 Jan Land and Sea - Viewpoints of Leslie R. Fairn, Nova Scotia 1981 Prince Edward Island: Charlotte Peter Latta Hammond and Felicity Redgrave 2 pp., 4 illus., $1.00 (paper) 20 pp., 16 illus., $1.00 (paper) 19 June-6 fuly Three Situations - 3 Toronto Artists: David MacWilliam, Renee NOVA SCOTIA Van Halm, Colin Lochhead Halifax David MacWilliam, Renee Van Halm, Colin Lochhead Art Gallery of Nova Scotia 8 pp., 7 illus., $2.00 (paper) 11 Sept - 20 Oct Annapolis Valley/Seven Artists 1980 19 June-6 July Ceramics and Drawings by Franklyn unpag., illus. (paper) Heisler *24 Oct-8 Dec Acadia Nova: Allain, Arsenault, 2 illus., $.50 (handlist) Babin, Bourque, Chiasson, Cormier, 19 Sept -12 Oct Landscape by Barry Feldman Gallant, Hebert, LeBlanc, Martin, 4 pp., 2 illus., $.50 (paper) Roussel, Savoie, Surette, Thérriault, Vautour 19 Sept-12 Oct Floral Tapestries - Sondra unpag., illus. (paper) MacLeod 1 illus., $.50 (handlist) Nova Scotia Video; 4 Channels: Eric Cameron, James Goss, Robert 17 Oct-23 Nov Great Expectations: The European Hamon, Edward Slopek Vision in Nova Scotia: 1749-1848 unpag., illus. (paper) Mary Sparling 86 pp., 89 illus., $6.00 (paper) Dalhousie Art Gallery, Dalhousie University 28 Nov-28 Dec Small Tapestries by Suzanne Swannie 31 Jan-24 Feb Louis Stokes: Alchemy Spirals 4 pp., 1 illus., $.50 (handlist) Louis Stokes 2 illus., free (handlist) 28 Feb-30 Mar Woven Images: Bolivian Weaving Nova Scotia Muséum from the 1 gth & 2Oth Centuries *EIitekey: ‘I Fashion Things’ Roger Yorke Elitekey: Micmac Culture from 1600 40 pp., 43 illus., $5.00 (paper) A.D. to the Présent Ruth Holmes Whitehead 3 Apr-4 May Fifth Dalhousie Drawing 84 pp., illus., $3.50 (paper); also: Exhibition: Maxwell Bâtes, André Elitekey Jodoin, Vera Frenkel, Carminé poster, free. Marozzo, Suzy Lake, Tim Whiten 24 pp., 12 illus., $2.00 (paper) *20 Sept-23 at Hector National Exhibition Nov Centre, Pictou 18 Sept-19 Oct Andrew Bodor The Sait Marsh : A Meeting of Linda Milrod Land and Sea 12 pp., 13 illus., free (paper) poster, free 72 racar/viii/i also: Saltmarshes Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal 8 pp., free 7 fév-9 mars Études et petits formats du Le Marais saumâtre xixe siècle/îgth Century Small 8 pp., free (handlists) Paintings and Oil Sketches From Dyking Spade to Dragline on Etudes et petits formats du the Fundy Marshes xixe siècle : collection du Musée des J.W. Byers beaux-arts de Montréal 4 pp., illus., free (handlist) Janet M. Brooke 8 Nov-18 Tan I lappy Christmas to Ail from the 700 pp., illus., $8.00 1981 Nova Scotia Muséum, The Night (français/English, broché) Before Christmas 28 mars-9 juin Hier et après/Yesterday and After 3 pp., free (handlist) Normand Thériault, Diana Nemiroff QUÉBEC 100 pp., illus., $7.00 (français/English, broché) Montréal 1 9 juin - 24 août Cap-Santé, Comté de Portneuf Musée d’art contemporain Le Cap-Santé, ses églises et son trésor 6janv-24 fév Pierre Ayot (réédition critique de l’ouvrage de 44 pp., 39 illus., $5.00 (cartonné) Gérard Morisset) 401 pp., illus., $9.00 (broché) 9 mars-20 avr Jocelyne Alloucherie Corpus 1 1 sept-26 oct Irène Whittome 1975-1980 Paul-Albert Plouffe Jacqueline Fry 24 pp., $1.00 (broché) 90 pp., illus., $7.00 (broché) 9 mars-20 avr Fernand Leduc: Microchromies ONTARIO Fernand Leduc - dix ans de microchromies 1970/1980 Burlington Fernand Leduc Burlington Cultural Centre 20 pp., 4 illus., $2.50 (broché) 1 7 Jan-17 Feb Conternporary Fibre Statements 19 juin-3 août Lucie Laporte (handlist) Portes gravées (Espace imaginaire) 1 Feb-1 Mar Burlington Guild of Sculptors Sandra Marchand Juried Exhibition; Burlington Fine 12 pp., 8 illus., $2.50 (broché) Arts Association Group Exhibition 10 août -14 sept Louisette Gauthier Mitchell (handlist) Diane Guay 6-30 Mar Spectrum 24 pp., 18 illus., §2.50 (broché) (handlist) 18 sept-26 oct Louise Robert et Michel Goulet 3-27 Apr Burlington Guild of Handweavers René Payant, Lise Lamarche and Spinners 64 pp., 56 illus., $5.00 (cartonné) (handlist) 18 sept-2 nov Claude Tousignant 8-25 May Elizabeth Dawson - New Claude Tousignant, Diptyques Watercolours 1978/1980 (handlist) France Gascon 8-25 May First Annual Latow Juried 24 pp., 9 illus., $4.00 (broché) Exhibition 30 oct-7 déc Michael Morris (handlist) Claude Gosselin 3 July-3 Aug Conternporary Canadian Sculpture 24 pp., 16 illus., $3.00 (broché) 1950-1 980 6 nov-14 déc Miljenko Horvat (handlist) Miljenko HorvatINoir sur blanc 3 July-3 Aug Paul Fournier - Graphie Works 34 pp., 26 illus., $4.00 (cartonné) (handlist) 18 déc - 25 janv Pierre Boogaerts 7-31 Aug Burlington Fine Arts Association 1981 Pierre Boogaerts — coins de rues Group Exhibition (pyramides) N.Y.