The Sevenoaks Society for the conservation and improvement of the town Summer 2018 Registered Charity Number 094951 President Sir Michael Harrison Vice Presidents R Harcourt, E Keys, M Nairne, Mrs A Rogers, P Rogers, BA Walker Committee Chairman Honorary Honorary Publicity Membership Treasurer Secretary Officer Secretary DAVID GREEN RICHARD BAXTER TIM PEARCE KEITH WADE MICHAEL HIBLING Hollow End, 7, The Drive Flat 3 Little Finches 5 Gordon Road Wellmeade Drive Sevenoaks Clarendon Court Morleys Road Sevenoaks Sevenoaks TN13 3AB Sevenoaks Sevenoaks Weald TN13 1HE TN13 1QA TN13 1ES TN14 6QY 01732 457143 01732 460326 01732 465110 01732 458456 01732 459121 Committee Members Roger FitzGerald RIBA David Gamble Charles George Geraldine Tucker John Stambollouian Nick Umney Roger Walshe Magazine VICTORIA GRANVILLE 7, The Drive Sevenoaks TN13 3AB
[email protected] 2 cover painting with kind permission of Wendy Lankester Chairman’s report David Green.......... .................... 4 Treasurer’s Report Richard Baxter ......................... 6 Accounts Year ended 31st March 2018 .................................................. 7 Townscape & Planning group report John Stambollouian...... .......... 8 Lodges and Coach Houses book Geraldine Tucker ..................... 9 Walks Calendar Nick Umney.................. ........... 10 Bligh’s Farm and Hotel up to 1900 Keith Wade ............................. 13 Talk: Knole Restoration Project Tim Pearce .............................. 16 Agenda for the 2018 AGM