T'fj ·Laifit .-Of:Thfn~Le~ -•Fqtllpt:\C&-- ·
., ..... ~\. ,. j NRL.Bc'ActtnmRiffl?DifedprlsSt1e$·,·__ s.f ry. Is:-- O.ff -to ' t'fJ ·laifit_.-of:tHfn~le~ -•fqtllpt:\C&-- ·. r'"··' -~ .. '· . 1 . - ·I ,, 01,~,: 1?~cembe:r: 2s: 1956 Roy G ;:-Hof~nia~n:, {i.cting re·gional ,, Somebo<ty QI1Ctf ~aid, ''the 9nl'y thing YOll 'ca.11 be sure of is change," and that 1'emark <i11Jr~eto~: of ~he 20th_ J:~gi~n ?f.tlrn ,:~at.i~.~al T.~b?r. Relati_ons J certainly applies, t& _the ,Calif. ~:Nev.-Utah Weather situation arid construction industry as \ve ~:oafd m -~an Fr~nqs~o; 1ss!1ed a comp}a.1nt ~gamst HensleJ' I i)1ov'e,. Jnto t0.g·new yea.1~ of 1957. · J&qmpment Co.; Inc. and: .Hensley Thietal ;I'rr.atin~ Co., Inc., an I If ,ve·_ sa;f it'i~ )lry- on·e of . the 1 --- ----- -"·--·-- ·- ·--·--·--- p!ffiliated company, lJpoii qharges· file<l' by Local No. 3. and at !· ~011gest ~iy st~ll,:/ on 1;eco1·d~th~n · _$ siune «fane ilismisse<l netitions fol' the electiofr fiH~l by} oy th0 tun~ '.'11s , go~s t9 pr?SS a!ltl ·. ·, : , ·. • : . • · ,· . · • · · , y ou get it,. tnere ·. ~v 11J 1i1·oha.bly be tllf:lSe tvvo q:nnpames. I . ' . ' . .' ~ I floo<ls'-everJ'.,:here. At : lill)''c rate The· complafot._ issu!),d aft1=r in- i !}aig·n,, aga!llS> that Company ~nd , that's how sh e . stands as of the ·e~ti.gat-ion. of -th e fads by tlie rep~···I ,mply '.n g ,that the u_mL.'U)l~ll lauor ; se_c;o nci t,;eei~ ,.
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