Notes on Advisers and Contributors Crime and Mystery Writers Advisers and Contributors
NOTES ON ADVISERS AND CONTRIBUTORS CRIME AND MYSTERY WRITERS ADVISERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ADEY, Alison Susan. Civil Servant. Essay: Emma Page. ADEY, Robert C. S. Customs Officer. Author of reviews for Cloak and Dagger and The Poisoned Pen; "Behind a Victorian Locked Door", in Antiquarian Book Monthly Review, April 1975; and a forthcoming bibliography of impossible crime. Essay: Peter Antony. ADLEY, Derek. Accountant. Author of The British Bibliography oJ Edgar Wal/ace, 1969, The Men Behind Boys' Fiction, 1970, The Saint and Leslie Charteris, 1971, and The World oJ Frank Richards, 1975, all with W. O. G. Lofts; and numerous articles on children 's literature, detective fiction, and films. Essays: Roland Daniel; Max Pemberton (with W. O. G. Lofts). ALBERT, Walter. Associate Professor of French and Italian, University of Pittsburgh. Auth()r of articles in Armchair Detective, Mystery Fancier, French Review, MLN, and Texas Studies in Literature and Language; American correspondent and contributor to Enigmatika. Essays: James Anderson; Michel Butor (appendix); Marion Randolph; translator of essay on Hubert Monteilhet (appendix). ALDERSON, Martha. Editor of elementary language arts textbooks, Webster Division, McGraw Hili Book Company. Essays (with Neysa Chouteau): Dorothy Cameron Disney; Alistair MacL.ean. ALDRICH, Pearl G. Editorial Consultant; Editor and Publisher of The Popular Culture Scholar. Author of The Impact oJ Mass Media, 1975, Research Papers: A Manual Jor Beginners, 1976, and the forthcoming book Introducing Popular Culture. Contributor to Ms. Magazine, New Yorker, Armchair Detective, Journal oJ Popular Culture, and Sunday Magazine of Philadelphia Inquirer. Teaches a course in mystery fiction. Essays: Miriam Borgenicht; Heron Carvic; D. M. Devine; John Buxton Hilton.
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