Cheshire Schools Shropshire Schools
CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION CHESHIRE SCHOOLS V SHROPSHIRE SCHOOLS Sunday 8th November 1992 16 GROUP at PARKONIANS RUFC Kick-off 2.15 pm 18 GROUP at NEW BRIGHTON RUFC Kick-off 2.30 pm FORWARD CHEMICALS LlO MANUFACTURE: Maintenance Chemlcals, Lubrlcants, Degreasers, Palnt Strlppers, Dlslnfectants, Detergents, Brick Cleaners, De-Rustlng Chemlcals, Car Wash Solvents, Graffiti Removers, Sealants, Release Agents, Barrier Crea ms, WeedklIIers, Odour Controllers, Palntwork Cleaners, Pollshes, Drain Cleaners, Hand Cleaners, Mud and Clay Dispersants, Aigaecides, Funglcldes, Germicides, Plastlclsers, Mortar Additives, Insecticides, Asbestos Sealers and many other products for Industry and commerce. We get the chemlstry right for Industry FORWARO CHEMICALS LTO. P.O. BOX 12, TANHOUSE LANE, WIDNES, CHESHIRE, U.K. Telephone: 051-4249441 (10 Unes) Fax: 051-495 1560 Telex: 629682 Welcome from Cheshire County President and Schools Chairman John Young Last season, due to a variety of reasons, not least the staging of the Schools Invitation World Cup Toumament, we were only able to take on our near neighbours Shropshire at Under 16 level. Happily the result went in our favour. Should the majority of members of that squad have remained at school we are anticipating a repeat performance. There is no doubt that our visitors will have other ideas! ! ! Much has happened over the past 12 months in our committee structure and we are delighted to see new, young faces being involved in selection. Sorne of them 1 might add will be able to recall, with little or no effort, their contribution as playing members of the Schools' XV's, not many moons ago. Mike Briers after ten or more years has decided to hand over the reins to Dave Thompson as Senior Coach with Phil Crowley as his right hand man.
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