The SchwenKEY Connections July 2021

Monthly Edition

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” I Timothy 2:1-2

Love God. Serve Others. Grow Disciples.

JULY, 2021

Dear Church Family,

I trust that you are enjoying your summer and hopefully planning a vacation or a fun activity.

In September, I will celebrate 19 years on the pastoral staff of this great church.

According to the Employee Handbook, a member of the pastoral staff is allowed a six-month sabbatical every seven years. I have had the pleasure of taking a three-month sabbatical in 2010 and another three months in 2014.

I would like to step away for the purpose of rest and study beginning on July 6 and returning on October 6. During this time, I anticipate worshipping at Central, but the day- to-day operations, as well as the teaching and preaching will be covered by my able colleagues, Rev. Julian and Rev. Dr. Drake.

Throughout the summer, we will welcome guest preachers such as Rev. Roger Wambold, Rev. Bob Krauss, Jr. and Rev. Alfred Duncan. Our Director of Youth Ministries, James Stevenson will preach one Sunday as well as conduct the mission-themed worship services in August.

I would appreciate your prayers for me during this time. May the Lord bless your summer. I look forward to seeing you around.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor David

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31

Church Family News and Notes

Those needing prayer: *Mae McClure – Fox Chase (* indicates discharged from medical facility)

Congratulations to:

Sproule, Albert and Susann, who will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary on Monday, June 28th.

Flemming, Allan, who will celebrate his 91st birthday on Tuesday, June 29th.

Potter, Jerome and Beverly, who will celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, June 29th.

Bright, Chet and Elaine, who will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, June 30th.

Kocher, Miriam, who will celebrate her 90th birthday on Saturday, July 3rd.

Please note that Lori Schmitz’s memorial service will be held on Sunday, July 11th at 3:00 p.m.

(LAST MONTH) Births, Birthdays, Weddings & Anniversaries Celebrated, Congratulations to:

Werley, Wilma and Llew, who celebrated their 68th anniversary on Sunday, May 30th.

Simons, Bill and Gail, who celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary on Monday, June 7th.

McClure, Glenn and Mae, who celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on Friday, June 11th.

Potts, Bill and Portia, who celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 12th.

Focht, Richard and Sandra, who celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on Friday, June 18th.

Martin, John and Mary, who celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 19th.

Shaw, James and Faye, who celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 20th.

Baltozer, Gary and Ruth, who celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary on Tuesday, June 22nd.

Emery, David and Marene, who celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, June 23rd.

Kratz, Jack and Jane, who celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Friday, June 25th.

Derstine, Larry and Lucy, who celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 26th.

Our sympathy goes to:

The family of Jeanne Ferrier, who passed away on Tuesday, June 15th.


Please pray for our youth. Ask the Lord to be developing hearts that are firmly committed to Him for their whole lives. Ask God to guide them through the difficult challenges they face. Pray that He would build them up so that they might minister to others.

Please pray for our country and the divisions therein. Ask the Lord to turn the hearts of many to Himself. Pray that Christians would be Christlike in their interactions and that Christ would shine through them.

Please pray for the churches of our General Conference. Ask the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of their pastors, as well as in their congregations, that a love for God’s word may develop.

Ask for God’s blessing and wisdom to be upon our Moderator, Vernon Seipt & Vice-Moderator, Andy Ramsey, as they work tirelessly for our congregation and oversee its programs.

Please pray for our senior minister, David McKinley as he is on sabbatical. Ask our Father to recharge and refresh him during this time.


Pray for Rev. Alfred and Phyllis Duncan and the Schwenkfelder Missionary Church as they minister to and help to meet the needs of their congregation and the people who depend on them. Pray for Happy Hollow outreach and our congregation's ongoing efforts to collect necessary items for this ministry. Pray also for the answer for a much needed location for the Missionary Church to call home.

Pray for Kentucky Mountain Missions as they look for staff and counselors for the Youth Haven Camp. This camp reaches young people of eastern Kentucky with the Gospel message as it trains young adults for future Christian service.

Pray for Sarah Van Kai and the country of Myanmar to find a solution to the crisis and find justice and freedom soon. Pray for unbelievers to know and for God’s protection for the Church.

Pray for Lindsey John as she ministers to those who need the Holy Spirit to open their hearts and for the Lord’s guidance in future plans.

Pray for the Shishaks and the Patkai schools as the work through new leadership. Pray also for spiritual awakening in the schools and for higher student enrollment. Pray also for Christ’s involvement in the political stalemates in Indo-Naga.


TIMES & LOCATIONS 8:00 a.m. Outdoor Worship (Anders Barn Pavilion) ** 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service (SANCTUARY) **10:45 a.m. Contemporary Service (FELLOWSHIP HALL)

**Service is livestreamed and can be accessed through our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel. Livestream is also available later as a recording.


Thanks to all who helped with the All Church Picnic on June 6th!

We’re also grateful for all those who helped to make the Salford Pilgrimage on June 13th so special!

What’s Happening?

Mission Week – Sign up NOW! REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS JULY 5TH!!! Monday, August 2 – Friday, August 6

Calling everyone 14 years old and up! This year we’re breaking ground! Instead of traveling like usual, Central will be hosting a week long Mission Week that runs all day each of the five days. You’ll sleep at your own home but we will have local service projects throughout the week just like a Missions Weeks in past years. For more info, see the Youth Ministries Page or contact James Stevenson at [email protected].

Thank you so much to those who donated life saving blood at our Red Cross blood drive in June and to our church staff who always works behind the scenes to make sure the day runs smoothly. Everyone’s participation is greatly appreciated.

Our next blood drive will be Tuesday, September 7, 2021 in Fellowship Hall but please note the time change (this drive only) as it will be from 2:00-7:00 pm. More information will follow as we get closer to the date.

Fresh Altar Memorial Flowers starting September 12 Beginning “Rally Day”, we will again enjoy fresh memorial flower arrangements on the altar during the Traditional Service. Memorial flowers are a lovely way to honor special family celebrations and events such as: the birth of a baby or grandchild, a wedding or anniversary, a birthday celebration, honoring departed loved ones, a graduation, or any special occasions. Altar flowers are a double gift because, following the service, the flowers are distributed, to four or more shut-ins, persons hospitalized or persons suffering a loss. The process to arrange for altar flower memorials is simple. Call Joyce Rosenberry (215- 361-6858), to arrange a date. The names of the honorees will be listed in our weekly publications on the Sunday you select.

Donations Needed: Suggested food items: Suggested In an effort to support Rev. Duncan and Peanut Butter household/personal supplies: his wife, Phyllis' outreach to those in Jelly Paper towels need at and around the Happy Hollow Tuna Fish Toilet paper Rec Center, Germantown, there will be Pasta Dish detergent an on-going church wide collection Spaghetti Sauce Laundry detergent (box) beginning in Fellowship Hall. Canned fruit Bleach And vegetables Liquid soap Thank you helping those in need! Coffee Bar soap Jennifer Ritter Tea Bags Deodorant, for women & men 610-613-4918 Hot Chocolate packets Body lotion [email protected] Juice Suntan lotion Formula Fem Hygiene products Baby food Diapers Cookies Wipes Crackers

Have you heard of Central’s Prayer Chain? Are you or someone you love in need of prayer? With the permission of the person concerned you can place requests on our prayer chain! (Please note that updates are always appreciated!) Or you can join the team of faithful prayer warriors who lift up these requests to the throne of grace. Call or email Andrea Williams ([email protected])

Love reading? Join us!!

We welcome those from the church and broader community to the Schwenkie Book Club. We have read books that deal with social issues, Christian missions, and novels. We’re reading Paul Kalanithi’s, When Breath Becomes Air over the summer and will plan to meet next in October! For more information, contact Dr. Drake at [email protected]. You can also follow us on our blog here:

Many outdoor activites planned:

Save the Games, Car Show, Bingo in the Pavilion, Cake Walk. Date Country Market (produce, jams, jellies, packaged baked goods) Possibly other food offerings depending

Fall Family Fun Fest on restrictions in September

Saturday, September 18th Fair Chairs – Trish Simpson & 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sotheary Vanegas ______

SCHWENKIES SCHEDULE Monday, June 28th @ 6:30 Anders field

Wednesday, June 30th @ 6:30 Anders field

Wednesday, July 7th @ 6:30 Anders field

Monday, July 13th @ 6:30 Twin Town field

Do you have some gently used puzzles, games, or toys suitable for preschoolers and young elementary children? Consider donating them to help make our Sunday School rooms more kid- friendly!

Please call the church office to arrange a drop off. Thank you!

Seven Women: and the Secret of Their Greatness

On my way to Africa in 1963, I stood with several Christian college juniors in Manhattan singing “We Shall Overcome.” President Kennedy’s Civil Rights Act was an issue of that decade, and we knew we were living through one of this nation’s most memorable eras. Slavery, which had driven the Civil War, was on trial once again. We sang that day with passion, reverence, fear, and naïveté. Tainted by pride in our nation’s victories in World War II, we were nevertheless the villains in this sad saga of African slavery, and we were hopeful that we could in some small way help African Americans overcome endemic hatred that post-Civil War reconstruction had visited on them.

Enter New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas with Seven Women: And the Secret of Their Greatness (2015). Metaxas may be too young to have sung “We Shall Overcome,” but he inspires Christian women and men to be overcomers, introducing readers to seven women of faith who overcame the temptations and troubles of their world. He begins with Joan of Arc (1412-1431) who was, as he says, an enigma even to those who knew her well. He dug deeply into this mysterious young lady’s life and found from the very beginning that “her exploits were so extraordinary as to be almost beyond belief.” As Metaxas puts it: “Imagine a teenage farm girl entering the halls of the Pentagon . . . and forcefully demanding to see the secretary of defense, saying that God had given her a plan to end all terrorism aimed at the United Sates . . . , and all she required was an army” (pp. 1-2). In 1429, after a hundred years of war with the English, the French were facing the stark reality of the English king pushing the French king off his throne and taking possession of ; God had other plans, found the weakest and unlikeliest candidate in France— Joan—to lead the defeated and demoralized French army in victory after victory over the English who had found “march[ing] into French villages, killing civilians, burning homes, and stealing crops and cattle” (p. 4) was lots of fun. God apparently thought restoring French lands to their rightful owners was a better idea. Joan started seeing visions of the archangel Michael and Saints Catherine and Margaret, but it was mostly her intense conversations with God that informed her where, when, and how the English would strike and what she had to do with her army to repel them. If all this sounds far-fetched, it is not nearly as implausible as the events that followed.

Metaxas goes on to tell of the incredible Susanna Wesley (1669-1742), the mother of nineteen children, including her sons, John and Charles Wesley, who became two of the world’s most significant evangelists and hymn writers whom God used to lead the Wesleyan Revival with virtues they learned from their extraordinary, persevering, godly mother. Then there was Hannah More (1745-1833), “best-selling playwright and author, whose works at the time outsold Jane Austen’s ten to one, and a woman of such boundless wit and charm that everyone wished to be in her society. . . . But it was her friendship with William Wilberforce that fueled their collaborations against the slave trade and a host of other social evils. Between them, they would quite literally change the world” (pp 59-60).

The author then reveals amazing similarities between Saint Maria of Paris (1891-1945) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In the Russian Revolution, her passion for serving God by performing social work for combatants on both sides provoked the ire of the Bolshevik Red Army and the anti-Bolshevik White Army. They wanted her dead. Read how Maria’s courageous bluff saved her and a train load of passengers from being summarily executed. Moving on to Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983), few of us know the backstory of how she and her courageous family came to hide Jews from Nazi exterminators. There is also so much more than you know in the story of what prompted Rosa Parks’ (1913-2005) refusal to give up her seat and move to the back of a bus. Her life is that of a snowball rolling down a mountain, becoming larger than the mountain itself, and exploding into the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Metaxas concludes with Mother Teresa (1910-1997), a prayer warrior who believed that “obedience is not always easy, [that in fact] without God’s help, it is impossible” (p 190).

The courage, wisdom, and godliness of these seven women will send shivers down your spine. You will want to read this book with your spouse and children and give it to your relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and the POTUS himself. You will want to sing Psalm 150.

Eric Metaxas has written for VeggieTales, Chuck Colson, Rabbit Ears Productions, and the New York Times. He is a best-selling author whose biographies, 30 children’s books, and works of popular apologetics have been translated into more than 25 languages. He has captured the hearts of millions. His Seven Women: and the Secret of Their Greatness is on the wire rack in the Central Church Library. Check it out.

Bill Simons Librarian MISSION MOMENTS, JULY 2021

Kentucky Mountain Mission reports they are in need of college age counselors. The Youth Haven Bible Camp also needs more staff. They have upgraded the bathhouses, kitchen and chapel. They welcome volunteers for commitments of one or two weeks.

Timothy Liombe reports another thirty birth certificates have been purchased allowing more students to continue with their education.

Crossworld shared pictures of their construction progress to the Togo West Africa Missionary Center. The government has put restrictions on lumber, so delays are a challenge. The roofing sheets are ordered and they hope to hold their next training session in July.

The Youngs shared a newsletter from Marseille, France. Their government has allowed worship to continue under strict protocol, even as France has entered another lockdown. They shared updates on church life and its challenges. Their young adults meet once a month and a men’s meeting takes place on zoom. They are praying for the possibility to develop a Christian Center for several forms of ministry that they are unable to accommodate at the Chappelle de Fuveau. They are looking at a former Monastery and are praying for God’s guidance. They look forward to visits with family this summer.

Greetings were received from Tui and Margaret Shishak in Nagaland. They have fortunately not been affected with many Covid cases. Online teaching was arranged, but has not been satisfactory. Networks are very unreliable. Patkai Christian College is undergoing new leadership with numerous issues to be resolved. They also shared family news and a special tribute to the Shishak’s 50th wedding anniversary. They’re thankful for Central’s continued support.

A letter was received from Lindsay John with Word of Life . She shared her news of her new language learning program for Japanese. She has been involved with a fellow missionary family and is part of a community to create opportunities to share Christ. This program involves using music and introducing Christian songs and kids’ songs in English. Lord willing she plans to visit here in August.

Liberty Ministries shared that they learned to do more with less and improve their efficiency during the struggles of Covid. They ask prayers to soon be able to return to their work inside the prisons to share spiritual visits from their army of volunteers. They also express appreciation for faithful continued support.

Sarah Van Kai sent greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord. She is very busy with the ten children she helps to care for. She is thankful for God’s continued protection. She sent updates of the struggles that are still ongoing. Protestors are being killed and communications are blocked. She faithfully continues as God is her provider.

The Voice of the Martyrs is observing June 29th as the Day of the Christian Martyr. According to church tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. This year, Christians around the world will take time on June 29 and throughout that weekend to honor the legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives for the advancement of the gospel.

Christian Education and Opportunities

Summer Adult Sunday School has begun! All adults are very welcome to join us for what promises to be an exciting summer program based on Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. During the summer, we will be exploring other religions from the vantage point and experience of a number of our missionaries! Though we serve the one true God, examining other religions can not only strengthen our faith, but can also help us to appreciate the contexts that our missionaries minister in, and begin to equip us to share the gospel with others with differing beliefs. This class will take place in the former Beginner’s Room after the Traditional Service and over Zoom.

Small Group Update: Do you wish you were part of a small group of Christians from our church who you could share openly and confidentially with and ask for and receive prayer support? Then we might be a fit for you. Our next Monday Share and Prayer group (which has been over zoom) will begin on Monday night, July 26th, using the book Abiding in Christ (by J.I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom) as our guide each week when we meet from 7:15pm – 8:30pm. If you are interested, please contact Chase Kneeland at [email protected]

Listen in on our latest Podcast – “Reflecting on the refugee situation on the Texas - Mexico border” With Rev. Dr. Henry Baldwin, Archdeacon with the Anglican Church in the Mid-Atlantic Region, who served as a chaplain at a refugee camp near Brownsville.

Coming soon! –

“One Year since the Death of George Floyd and the Philadelphia Protests” With Rev. Alfred Duncan, Rev. Keith Williams, and Dr. David McKinley.

To access our podcasts, go to our website at Scroll down until you see Centrally Speaking in a blue box on the left side. Click on “click here!” The most recent podcast will appear. If you want to view the other archived episodes, press the white arrow on the right of the blue box. If you wish to listen to a podcast, press “Read More.” You will be directed to another page where you need to press the green arrow to listen.


THE TIME HAS COME! For the first time, Central is going with an online pictorial directory which can be easily updated with new photos of you and your family as well as current contact information. You’ll be able to access the password-protected directory via the church website and your phone for quick reference at any time. If you don’t operate online or you just want to have a hard copy, the directory will be printed out for you. Soon you’ll receive a form via email or will be able to pick up a paper copy in the church narthex to complete with current family and contact information. You will then submit that form to the church office along with a digital photo of yourself or your family. If you don’t have the capacity to take a digital picture, you can ask a young person to take one for you! For those who still need help, appointments will be available through the church office for your photo to be taken at the church. Pictures taken by appointment will be digital only and will be for the sole purpose of the directory and therefore not for purchase. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A CURRENT DIGITAL PHOTO TO SUBMIT, SEND IT RIGHT ALONG TO JULI APPLE at [email protected].

We’re looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces and are excited about this new opportunity to stay in touch and know who’s who! If you have questions, please contact Juli Apple or Trish Simpson ([email protected], 610-584-1141).

The Board of Deacons

Prayer meeting Tuesdays at noon on ZOOM! Returning to in-person soon! Please log on a little bit before noon to get the meeting started on time. For more information, contact Pastor David McKinley at [email protected]. Meeting ID: 210 498 3235. Or dial 1(646)558-8656 to call into meeting, enter meeting ID when prompted.

Central’s Children & Youth Programs


Join us for Children’s in-person Sunday school on the 2nd and 4th Sundays every month this Summer! And be sure to check out the Activity Table before services on the first, third and fifth Sunday of the month for quiet activities your children can enjoy during the worship service.

Birth-2 Years Old Kindergarten-5th Grade Please drop off children in the nursery classroom on Children should attend the service with their parents the first floor. Volunteers are required to wear masks and will be dismissed by the pastor before the sermon in this classroom, but children are not required to to meet volunteers at the back of the Sanctuary or wear masks. Fellowship Hall. If weather permits, Sunday school will be held on the playground but otherwise will 3-5 Years Old take place in the Plaid Pad classroom on the ground Please drop off children in the toddler classroom on floor. Volunteers and children are required to wear the ground floor. Volunteers and children are masks in this classroom and outdoors. required to wear masks in this classroom.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are still in need of a few volunteers to help fill in the gaps for our summer children's Sunday school schedule. If you are able to help, please contact Sarah Morabito at [email protected].

FAMILIES Embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. At Treasured VBS, kids dig into action-packed, faith-filled adventures. They’ll discover God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold – it’s them! Central Schwenkfelder's VBS will run from Sunday, August 8, to Thursday, August 12 in the evenings from 6:30-8:00pm and is intended for children in grades K-5 for the 2021-2022 school year. Register online at If you have further questions, please contact Director of Children's Ministry, Sarah Morabito, at [email protected]

Volunteers If you are interested in joining the adventure and finding your fit to volunteer with this summer’s VBS, please contact Sarah Morabito at [email protected] or fill out the volunteer form at

*Due to vaccines being unavailable to children under the age of 12 at this time, many of the stations will take place outdoors and masks will be required for both children and volunteers.


July 13, 2021 3:00 – 7:00 At the House house 3023 Stump Hall Road, Collegeville, PA 19426

For all Cherub and Junior choir members and their families. If you didn’t participate in choir this past year, you are still most welcome at the party as we gear up for the fall return of our choirs. Please RSVP to Sally House*610-476-4146 (cell)*Masking is optional.

SYLO is back! YES! Finally, the beginning of a new season of SYLO! “What is SYLO?” you ask. Swim Your Legs Off! Sing Your Lungs Out! Swimming and singing – it doesn’t get better than that!! Right?

All students grades 6 (entering grade 6 in the fall) through 12 (2020 and 2021 graduates included) are welcome to attend. Please check the schedule below and mark your calendar so you don’t miss any of the fun! I will provide food (feel free to text me with any of your faves from previous SYLOs). All you need is your suit and towel! Masking is optional;

Wed. July 14 11:00 am– 4:00 pm A special SYLO that will include participants in the mission week project as well as all youth who wish to attend!

Wed. Aug. 4 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

At the House house*3023 Stump Hall Road*Collegeville, PA 19426 Please call or text Sally House (610-476-4146) or James Stevenson (484-919-3869) to let us know if you are coming!


Sunday school for 6th – 12th graders is in the Anders Youth Suite at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings, though you are welcome to come hang out from 9:00. There will be a group of us walking back over for the Contemporary Service after Sunday School as well. We hope to see all of you there! ULTIMATE FRISBEE! Come out for summer Ultimate Frisbee open to all ages and skill levels, every Sunday* at 6:30pm to dusk. There will be a short devotional at half time each week. Bring your friends! Great opportunity to enjoy some active time together and be encouraged during the devo time plus have your friends experience the Word of God. “

MISSION WEEK REGISTRATION ENDS JULY 5TH – SIGN UP NOW!!! WHEN: August 2nd- 6th from 8:30am-6:30pm WHO: Everyone over the age of 14 is called to serve- ESPECIALLY YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS (Students under the age of 14 can serve if accompanied and supervised by a parent of guardian) WHERE: Drop-Off and Pick-Up is at the Central Community Center, Serving is in the Community! WHY: To share God’s love with the community and give people a foretaste of the Kingdom of God WHAT TO EXPECT: Arrive in the morning and get assigned a work site for the day—Lunch and Devotions around noon—Return to the CCC for dinner, worship, speaker & small groups— Home for the night COST: $95 (Includes- T-Shirt, lunch & dinner throughout the week, Wednesday afternoon activity)

OTHER DATES OF NOTE! July 7th – Axe Throwing in Horsham! (Meet at CCC at 5pm / return 9pm) July 14th –SYLO at Sally’s House! (11am – 4pm) July 29th – Open CCC / Gym / Movie/Hangout (5 – 9 pm)

SUMMER 21’ College Age=18-24Yrs Old (In Person Only) Day= WEDNESDAYS Time=7:30pm-9pm Location=Central Community Center Masks=OPTIONAL (Be considerate) FOOD- YES! CONNECT WITH OTHERS, YOURSELF & JESUS

JULY EVENTS UNCAGED BEACH TRIP July 21 9:30am-9:30pm! Everyone17-24yrs old is invited to meet up at Anders Youth Suite and take off for a trip to Ocean City New Jersey for the day! I think you know what to bring and what we'll be doing- beach/boardwalk/eating/home. Bring $ to feed your belly and anything else you may want. Sign up by emailing or texting Julian by July 16- [email protected], 484-354-7101

UNCAGED AXE THROWING July 28 Time TBD Cost TBD- Invite some friends to head to Bury the Hatchet with us as we compete to throw axes without injuring anyone! Let Julian know if you're in or you're out by texting or emailing. Caspar’s Corner Caspar’s Corner #158 – Schwenkfelder Ministers, Part 11

Schwenkfeldiana, vol. 1, no. 2 goes into detail about five early Schwenkfelder ministers: George Weiss, Balthasar Hoffman, Christopher Kriebel, Christopher Schultz, and Christopher Hoffman. This Caspar’s Corner is the eleventh part of an occasional series about other Schwenkfelder pastors; some of whom we know a lot, some of whom we have very little information, at this time. Some of the information we know can be found in the 1923 Genealogical Record of the Schwenkfelder Families (GR), some in the earlier 1879 Genealogical Record, some in the minutes of General Conference meetings, some in The Schwenkfeldian, and some from other sources of information. This series will look at Schwenkfelder pastors approximately chronologically and will not include those covered extensively elsewhere. Most of the pastors to be presented were pastors of Schwenkfelder churches; a few served churches in other denominations.

David Schultz, born November 22, 1812, died September 22, 1850, son of Samuel and Rosina (Yeakel) Schultz, married January 29, 1839, to Christina Schultz, born February 15, 1818, died Aug 3, 1857. They had no children. David was the sixth of eleven siblings. The GR states “Rev. David Schultz served only a short time as Minister of the Society of Schwenkfelders, and then joined the Evangelical Association.” David’s father was Samuel Schultz (1778–1861), whose father was Christopher Schultz (1746–1830), whose father was George Scholtze (1710–1784)—family #149, whose father was Balthasar Scholtze (?–1726 in Herrnhut). This is all that is known at this time about Rev. David Schultz. It is unknown how many years he served the Upper District and when he converted to the Evangelical Association.

William Schultz, born March 20, 1806, died October 23, 1890, son of Rev. John and Regina (Heebner) Schultz, married April 4, 1837, to Christina Schultz, born January 31, 1815, died October 21, 1857. They had no children. The GR tells us that Schultz was elected a minister of the Society of Schwenkfelders. He lived at Clayton, Pa. and was for a long time in poor health, so that he was confined to his house for a number of years prior to his death. He served the Upper District as Pastor from 1845 to 1890.

In an article titled “Unveiling of Ministers Tablet at Palm Church,” Rev. Elmer E. S. Johnson writes in The Schwenkfeldian (1934 supplement to the 1931 volume), “William Schultz, son of a minister, this carpenter and cabinet maker of repute, a man of friendly and kindly disposition, of fine intellect, diligent in the perusal and study of his well filled library, cherished for his devotion and piety was for nearly fifty years a faithful minister to his people, 1845–1890.”

The minutes of Fall General Conference, October 18, 1845, reads, “The Teacher (preacher) Candidates Joshua and William Schultz were formally elected as Teachers of our Society and given full powers [to perform their duties]. . . .

Caspar’s Corner is provided monthly to The Schwenkfelder Church by the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center.

General Information


Pottstown and 97.1 FM Lansdale. Our YouTube Channel:


Our Facebook page: Devotionals from the pastors are posted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Church-210843542273381/ on Central’s Webpage, our Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accounts. Our Twitter page: https://www.twitter@Centralschwenk1

The path of salvation is presented in the Scriptures as follows: First, God loves you and wants you to enjoy life eternal beginning now. (John 3:16 and 10:10) Second, everyone is a sinner and because of our sin, we are separated from fellowship with God. (Romans 3:23) Third, God is just and, therefore, must punish sin. He is love and wants to provide forgiveness. (Romans 6:23 and John 3:36) Fourth, Jesus, who is God, came into this world and received the punishment for sin when He was crucified on the cross. This death met God's justice and demonstrated His love for you. (Romans 5:8) Fifth, this forgiveness is available to you. God invites you to enter into a relationship with Him by faith. If you are not sure if you have a personal relationship with God, we invite you to make sure by confessing to Him that you are a sinner, that you believe Jesus is able to forgive you of your sin, and that you want to begin living for Jesus with His help. (John 1:12 and Eph. 2:8-9)

Church Leaders and Board Chairs

Moderator Vernon K. Seipt Vice Moderator Andrew J. Ramsey Board of Christian Education Andrea J. Williams Board of Deacons John M. Bickel Board of Ministries Carl B. Sensenig Board of Missions Sandy Desirey Board of Trustees Tony G. Cinelli Garden of Memories President Mark A. Singer

July 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 6:30pm Worship 9am Men’s Band Rehearsal Bible Sunday Worship Schedule: (FH) Study 8:00 a.m. – Outdoors at Barn Pavilion (Adult SS, 9:00 a.m. – Traditional in Sanctuary ZOOM) 10:45 a.m. – Contemporary in Fellowship Hall

July 4th 5 6 7 8 9 10 Church & Office 9:30am Staff Mtg 5:00pm Wired & 6:30pm Worship 2pm 9am Men’s 9:15 am Youth SS (AYS) Closed for July (ACR, ZOOM) Crave Axe Band (FH) Peter Bible Study th 10:30am Adult Sunday School (BEG) 4 Holiday 12pm Prayer Mtg Throwing Becker (PAV) (ZOOM) Tea 6:30pm Ultimate Frisbee 7:30pm Chancel 6:30pm Bells (SANC) 6:30pm Young Schwenkies Men’s Bible (Anders) Study (AYS) 7:30pm Uncaged 7:00pm Deacons Bible Study Board Mtg (CCC) (ZOOM) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Children’s Sunday School during 9:30am Staff Mtg 10:30am 11:00am SYLO 6:30pm Worship 9am Men’s 9am and 10:45am services (ACR, ZOOM) Ministerium (Sally’s) Band (FH) Bible 9:15am Youth Sunday School 6:30pm (ZOOM) 7:30pm Uncaged Study (AYS) Schwenkies 12:00pm Prayer Bible Study (Adult SS, ZOOM) 10:30am Adult Sunday School (Twin Town) Mtg (CCC) (BEG) 7:00pm Board of 6:30pm Young 6:30pm Ultimate Frisbee Ministries (ACR) Men’s Bible Study (AYS)

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9:30am Staff Mtg 12:00pm Prayer 6:30pm Worship 9am Men’s 9:15am Youth SS (AYS) 9:30am (ACR, ZOOM) Meeting Band (FH) Bible Study 10:30am Adult SS (BEG) “Uncaged” Beach 7:00pm Church 6:30pm Young Trip (PAV) 6:30pm Ultimate Frisbee Council (FH) Men’s Bible Study (AYS) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Children’s Sunday School during 9:30am Staff Mtg 12:00pm Prayer 7:30pm 9am Men’s 9am and 10:45am services (ACR, ZOOM) Meeting “Uncaged” Axe 5:00pm Wired and Bible 9:15am Youth Sunday School 6:30pm Young Throwing Crave Open Gym Study (AYS) Men’s Bible Nite (CCC) (Adult SS, 10:30am Adult Sunday School (BEG) Study (AYS) ZOOM) 6:30pm Ultimate Frisbee 7:00pm Mission 6:30pm Worship Board Meeting Band (FH) (ZOOM)

HOW TO LIVE STREAM SUNDAY SERVICES 1. First log on to our website at or 2. Please click on either of the pictures in this live streaming box to watch the Sunday services live on your computer, phone or lap top. Live streaming begins at approximately 8:45 and 10:30. 3. You can also go directly to Facebook or YouTube to view our 9:00 or 10:45 a.m. services. Type in “Central Schwenkfelder Church” in the search box. 4. You can use the same steps to get to the services later in the day or week.

Please note: The Monthly SchwenKEY will now be available in print and on our church website th throughout each month! Please submit any announcements for the monthly KEY by the 15 of every month. If you need something announced in between months in a shorter, simpler format, please submit information to the office by Wednesday at noon. Thank you!

The office reserves the right to shorten or edit submissions to fit the weekly SchwenKEY Connections.


For all publications, please contact Jan Platt at [email protected] For room reservations (church/Anders/CCC) and campus/maintenance issues, please contact Juli Apple at [email protected] For church financial business, contact Joanne Lepping-Irvine by email at [email protected]

For pastoral questions, contact Andrea Williams at [email protected]

For general information call 610-584-4480 and we’ll be glad to help!

Church Staff & Contact Information

Senior Minister Rev. Dr. David W. McKinley [email protected] Minister of Mission & Theology Rev. Dr. H. Drake Williams, III [email protected] Minister of Young Adults & Families Rev. Julian A. Scavetti [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries James C. Stevenson [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries Sarah J. Morabito [email protected] Director of Music Sally L. House [email protected] Organist Paige S. Cipolone [email protected] Worship Leader Wayne C. Wurtz [email protected] Bell Choir Director Patricia J. Simpson [email protected] Temp. Receptionist Jan Platt [email protected] Financial Administrator Joanne Lepping-Irvine [email protected] Property Administrator/CCC Juli R. Apple [email protected] Pastoral Assistant/Receptionist Andrea J. Williams [email protected] Director of Campus Maintenance Moises Santiago, Jr. [email protected] Asst. of Campus Maintenance Carl E. Schwenk [email protected] Part Time Sexton of Campus Maintenance Matthew J. Bills [email protected] Part Time Sexton of Campus Maintenance Hunter J. Harris N/A

2111 S. Valley Forge Road Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone: 610-584-4480 Fax: 610-584-5761   