“Arming Black Millennials the New York With Information"

“Arming Black Millennials with Information" 75 Cents Vol. 27 No. 33 August 20 – August 26, 2020 website: NewYorkBeacon.com MICHELLE OBAMA’S CALL TO ACTION At the Democratic National Convention Former First Lady Michelle Obama beseeched Americans, “If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can; and they will if we don’t make a change in this election."

“If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it.” “Pack a brown bag dinner and maybe breakfast too.” “Vote like you did in 2008 and 2012” Rep. Jim Clyburn said prepare for a picnic; bring your picnic baskets, your readers and picnic chairs. BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 2 T run for president in2024 Cardi BwantsRep. AOC to actually stands for “wet a**actually standsfor“wet Stallion,“WAP,”The which Cardi’s smashduetwithMegan (WAP) 2020,”aplayoff of “WomenPatriarchy Against replied toCardi’s tweetwith when she turns 35.” “She betterrunforpresident her Twitter withthecaption, the clip. playing in the background of Yellow”hit “Bodak was one care access.CardiB’s number aboutdental speaking stories of herself onher Instagram named 2024 election. Ocasio-Cortez(D-N.Y.) for the Congresswoman Alexandria 15, to share her endorsement of social media on Saturday, Aug. House. The rapper took to her low Bronxnative in the Office T projected intoskythis year 9/11 tributelightswon’tbe Light gone, too. This year, those beams will be zero represent who ismissing. for more than a week, work closelyontheinstallation 40 stagehandsandelectricians miles away —ateam of about night canbeseenfrom60 the lights — whichonaclear don’t crowd together to view navirus crisis. this yearbecause ofthecoro- canceling thedisplayit was for thetribute, announced that Museum, whichisresponsible September 11 & Memorial But on Thursday, the City until dawn on Sept. 12. which toweroverNew York used tocreate the projections, tures 88speciallymadelights on thetwintowers:Itfea- Times. reportedin Moynihan The Site: www.newyorkbeacon.com, Email:[email protected] for thenewspaper, [email protected] forthewebsite.Subscription rate:$35.00peryear. Periodicals postage paidatNew York, NY. POSTMASTER;sendaddress changestoTheNew York Beacon405 Lexington Avenue, 26thFloor, New York, NY 10174., Web New York Beacon(USPA 011-156) servingmetropolitanNew York ispublishedweeklybySmithHajGroup,Incat 405Lexington Avenue, 26thFloor, New York, NY 10174. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez,nick- Cardi B Since 2002, the Although peopletypically

Newyorkbeacon.com Newyorkbeacon.com Cardipostedthevideoto The decision to cancel

New Yorker intheOval wants toseeherfellow he rapstarsaysshe has marked the attacks from asitenearground that riseeverySept.11 wo columns of light AOC, postedavideo wants toseeafel-

AOC later AOC later Tribute in National White Colin HEALTHCARE.” TEETH, GET GET INSULIN, NEED A BAG TO FIX YOUR SHOULDN’T EXCEPT YOU ‘I gotabagandfixedmyteeth.’ dak Yellow” –“Inotherwords, so Icouldmoreeasilysave.” but it didcoverother docappts really coverthecostofthis— years, andeven THEN itdidn’t having healthinsurancein posted. “Thisismyfirsttime afford dentaltreatment,” TO CONGRESS forme to health anddentalcare. that everyonehasfairaccessto 14 to share how important it is her Instagramstorieson Aug. p****.” the nameswillbebroadcast. Instead, recorded readings of the Worldon TradeCenter. attacks and the people whodiedinthe reading thenamesof2,983 tims’ family members onstage will also forgo having the vic- remains closed. on July4,thoughthemuseum outdoor memorial reopened to layoffs Its andfurloughs. sales, the Without visitors driving ticket the memorialandmuseum. demic hasdeeplyaffected kets with bluelights. nate theirspiresandfacades across New York willillumi ternative tribute: Tall buildings museum are planning an al statement. seum spokesman,saidina Frazier, amemorialandmu- for thelarge crew,” Michael pandemic werefartoo great the health risks during the was made“afterconcluding Getty Image She addedalinefrom“Bo- “I hadtoGET ELECTED The congresswomantookto This year’s commemoration The fallout fromthe pan- More livecoverage: Instead, thememorialand organization resorted 1993 bombing Sept. 11 AOC AOC Mar - - - R W School describes a termthat him tohave“brainbleeds,” ners “after a recent fall” caused Robert ported rus pandemic. with the lingering media asthenationgrapples to speculationacrosssocial many and quickly gave way that was seen as glaring to how hedied—anomission cause of death did not include City. Butdetailsabout Trump’s been hospitalizedinNew York announced Friday that he had just about24hoursafteritwas the ageof71.Hisdeathcame began without proof. and COVID-19speculation which iswhenthecoronavirus ly uncertaincircumstances, talized Fridayundersimilar cause ofdeathreported. death, therewasnoofficial news outletscoveringhis stroke.” But like all the other sociated with a “hemorrhagic rampant onsocialmedia Coronavirus speculationruns How didRobert Trump die? guilty inreview ofRussiainquiry Ex-FBI lawyer expectedtoplead examining theearlierinquiry, investigation bytheprosecutor been bluntaboutviewingthe beginning.” Mr. Trump haslong “corrupt” andthedeal“just ence bycallingMr. Clinesmith a White Housenewsconfer politically motivated,opening illegitimateandtigation was as proofthattheRussiainves- ly promoted the plea agreement to clarifyfactsforacolleague. he madeamistakewhiletrying Mr. Clinesmith’s said lawyer information tothespyagency. who hadattimesprovided campaign adviserCarterPage, wiretap onthe former Trump permission in2017forasecret relied ontoseekrenewedcourt from the C.I.A.that investigators to admitthathealteredanemail the Russiainvestigation,plans smith, 38,whowasassignedto public onFriday. documents made and court gation, accordingtohislawyer inquiry of the Russia investi- conducting their owncriminal part ofadealwithprosecutors with falsifyingadocumentas guilty afterhewascharged had beentaking bloodthin- re- Robert Trump washospi- President Trumpimmediate- The lawyer, KevinCline- Newyorkbeacon.com By dent, diedSaturdayat er brotherofthepresi- obert Trump, theyoung- that a family friend said that afamilyfriendsaid

Adam Goldman Adam yer intendstoplead former F.B.I. law- — A ASHINGTON Harvard Medical as being- coronavi But his - - - Chip Somodevilla/Getty rampant dishonesty, a lack of president hasareputation for cause ofdeath.Butbecause the Robert how Trump diedorhis complications. have diedfromcoronavirus gested thatRobert Trump must Twitter usersespecially sug- in public wearing amask, on America and israrely seen played the pandemic’s effects ident hasrepeatedlydown- renewed thatspeculation. death theverynextdayswiftly has found that law enforcement has found that law enforcement general, Michael E.Horowitz, ment’s independentinspector Trump. And theJusticeDepart- conspiracy to undermine Mr. tions were part of any broader showed Mr. Clinesmith’s ac in charging documentsthat did notrevealanyevidence Mr. Trump. Butprosecutors texts expressing opposition to interfere intheelection. and Russia’s covertoperationto between the Trump campaign in 2016tounderstandlinks injustices byofficials whosought work asrectifyingwhathesees Barr hasportrayedMr. Durham’s before theelection. like toseerevealedintheweeks payback whosefruitshewould John H.Durham,aspolitical Again, thereisnoproofof the pres- Considering how Mr. Clinesmith hadwritten Attorney General William P. - scarce. tails aboutFriday’s visitwere speculation, though, asde- fact stilldidn’t prevent COVID cannot haveanyvisitors. That treated forthecoronavirus dictates that patients being presidents, healthcareprotocol tions areroutinelymadefor While special accommoda brother in the hospital Friday. ed that the president visited his was metwithsuspicion. ing hisyoungerbrother’s death full disclosurewhenannounc- cepts responsibility. ” what hedidwaswrongandac- accurate. ButKevinunderstands the informationherelayedwas his colleaguesashebelieved intent to mislead the court or in astatement.“Itwasneverhis smith’s lawyer, JustinShur, said altered theemail,”Mr. Cline- email fromhiscolleagues, not triedtohidetheC.I.A. evidence indicated that he had tives werebenign,andother lawyers argued that his mo- charging Mr. Clinesmith,his dissuade prosecutorsfrom acted withpoliticalbias. found noevidencethatthey as CrossfireHurricane,and tion, to open the Russia investiga officials had sufficient reason With that said, it was report- “Kevin deeply regrets having “Kevin deeplyregretshaving partoftheireffortsAs to known insidetheF.B.I. - - Introducing Kamala Harris, the 3 first Black woman on a major BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com presidential ticket By Hazel Trice Edney “I’ve decided that Kamala Harris is the best person to help me take this fight to Trump and Mike Pence and then to lead this nation starting in January 2021,” said Biden, 77, in an email Tuesday. Logan Cyrus (Getty Images) A 55-year-old Black wom- an with Indian and Jamaican ancestry, Harris becomes the Armed white supremacists, first woman of color nominat- ed to the top of a major ticket in a U. S. election counter protestors violently America will now scruti- nize the voting and policies clash in Michigan and pushed by Harris, who, since in the U. S. Senate, has become Georgia as police standby known for her sharp question- ing during Senate hearings and Newyorkbeacon.com declared his desire that races for her criminal justice advoca- remain separate. Like many cy. But given that Biden is the hite supremacists such face-to-face encounters, presidential candidate, it is his and the people who little was settled. record that must be scrutinized oppose them faced- “I think this young man is the heaviest. Woff and got into fisticuffs in lost,” Baisden said about Zach. Having served 36 years been diminished and underrep- able people. different parts of the country Militia members sprayed (1973-2009) in the U. S. Sen- resented in national politics.” Over the course of her near- this weekend. several counter protesters with ate and eight years as vice pres- The following is Harris’ ly two terms in office, Kamala In Georgia, dozens of heav- insect repellent or pepper ident under President Barack political biography as printed won a $25-billion settlement ily armed white people trav- spray, and several individuals Obama, the nation’s first Black on her Senate website: for California homeowners hit eled from around the state on both sides were knocked to president, it is believed that he In 2017, Kamala D. Har- by the foreclosure crisis, de- and neighboring regions to the ground. A counter protester has been thoroughly vetted. ris was sworn in as a United fended California’s landmark Stone Mountain Park to protest ripped the face mask from an His judgement in choosing States Senator for California, climate change law, protect- the removal of Confederate Associated Press photographer Harris as his running mate will the second African-Ameri- ed the Affordable Care Act, monuments, show support for as the he was attempting to now be his greatest decision can woman and first South helped win marriage equality , and to signal document the scene. under scrutiny. He is already Asian-American senator in for all Californians, and pros- their general racist rage. Meanwhile in Michigan, receiving accolades. history. She serves on the ecuted transnational gangs that According to the Atlanta the white supremacist group “Joe Biden nailed this de- Homeland Security and Gov- trafficked in guns, drugs, and Journal-Constitution, they that calls themselves the Proud cision,” said Obama in a state- ernmental Affairs Committee, human beings. were met with hundreds of Boys descended on downtown ment Tuesday. “By choosing the Select Committee on Intel- In the United States Senate, counter-protestors—including Kalamazoo on Saturday armed Senator Kamala Harris as ligence, the Committee on the Kamala’s mission remains some who were also armed. with assault rifles and pepper America’s next vice president, Judiciary, and the Committee unchanged: fighting for the As the police stood to spray. he’s underscored his own judg- on the Budget. rights of all communities in the side and watched, the two Church leaders and others ment and character. Reality Kamala has spent her life California. Since taking office, groups kept getting in vocal had organized counter-protests shows us that these attributes fighting injustice. It’s a passion she has introduced and cospon- arguments and physical skir- in the area, with Rev. Nathan are not optional in a president. that was first inspired by her sored legislation to raise wages mishes. Dannison of First Congre- They’re requirements of the mother, Shyamala, an Indi- for working people, reform our From AJC: gational Church saying they job. And now Joe has an ideal an-American immigrant, activ- broken criminal justice sys- Tracy Baisden, a Black wanted to use the occasion to partner to help him tackle the ist, and breast cancer researcher. tem, make healthcare a right woman from Atlanta, engaged stand against violent bigotry very real challenges America Growing up in Oakland, for all Americans, address the in a long discussion with a and remember those who have faces right now and in the years Kamala had a stroller-eye view epidemic of substance abuse, white man, who only identified been killed by white suprema- ahead.” of the Civil Rights movement. support veterans and military himself as Zach, as the man cists, reports M Live. Obama continued, “I’ve Through the example of cou- families, and expand access to known Senator Harris for a rageous leaders like Thurgood childcare for working parents. long time. She is more than Marshall, Constance Baker It’s the privilege of Kama- prepared for the job. She’s Motley, and Charles Hamilton la’s life to work on behalf of Trump admin ramps up spent her career defending our Houston, Kamala learned the the people of California. She Constitution and fighting for kind of character it requires lives in Los Angeles with her efforts to dismantle post folks who need a fair shake. to stand up to the powerful, husband, Doug Emhoff, and Her own life story is one that and resolved to spend her life is stepmother to Ella and Cole I and so many others can see advocating for those who could Emhoff. office ourselves in: a story that says not defend themselves. It remains to be seen wheth- that no matter where you come After earning an undergrad- er Harris’ historic candidacy as By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA The CARES Act passed in from, what you look like, how uate degree from Howard Uni- a Black woman and as a wom- Newswire April authorized the postal ser- you worship, or who you love, versity and a law degree from an will engender enough favor vice to borrow up to $10 billion there’s a place for you here. the University of California, from a racially and gender-di- resident Donald Trump from the Treasury Department It’s a fundamentally American Hastings, she began her career verse constituency to defeat the has made no secret of his for operating expenses if it’s perspective, one that’s led us in the Alameda County District Donald Trump – Mike Pence desire to dismantle the determines that, due to the out of the hardest times before. Attorney’s Office. re-election campaign with the PUnited States Postal Service COVID-19 emergency, the And it’s a perspective we can In 2003, Kamala became traditional two or revamp the agency in a way post office would not fund all rally behind right now.” the District Attorney of the White males. Trump’s Re- that has angered Democrats operating expenses without Her selection is also win- City and County of San Fran- publican ticket is seen as wide- and others who said it’s a tactic borrowing money. ning praises from rank and file cisco. Among her achieve- ly supported by right wingers to prevent mail-in voting for civil rights leaders. ments as District Attorney, and White supremacists as well the upcoming election. Continued on page 4 “During her tenure in the Harris started a program that as traditional Republicans. Senate, Sen. Harris won praise gives first-time drug offend- However, amidst racial from the Lawyers’ Committee ers the chance to earn a high tension across America which for Civil Rights Under Law for school diploma and find em- re-ignited protests after the her work on judges, national ployment. killing of George Floyd, Trump criminal justice policies, and Having completed two has slipped in the political other racial justice issues,” terms as the District Attor- polls, several showing Biden said Kristen Clarke, president ney of San Francisco, Ka- leading him with double digits. and executive director of the mala was elected as the first The coronavirus pandemic, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil African-American and first which has killed more than Rights Under Law in a state- woman to serve as California’s 170,000 people, including a ment. She said Harris’ historic Attorney General. In this role, disparity of African-Amer- selection has tremendous “rel- she worked tirelessly to hold icans, has also illuminated evance for Black women and corporations accountable and questions about Trump’s po- women of color who have long protect the state’s most vulner- litical deficiencies BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 4 T office efforts todismantlepost Trump adminrampsup in Texasshot Multiple policeofficers suspect washit. though it is not known if the officers returnedgunfire,” with gunfire,”hesaid.“Our side the house, “they were met mon said. acting very aggressive,” Har kicked inthedoorandwas an whosaidherson“had a pressbriefingSundaynight. Police MikeHarmonsaidat Cedar ParkInterim Chief of in thelastweek,agency mailboxes. and theremovalofsidewalk machines atpostalfacilities reported the removal of sorting happen.” aren’t goingtoallowthat destroying thepostoffice. We they can suppress the vote by (D-Vt.) wroteon Twitter. loses,” Sen.BernieSanders turnout inthiselection,he knows ifthereisadecent-sized mail-in voting. president saidhe’s against primaryelection,theFlorida with hiswifebymailina vice. posed funding the postal ser service. trying to dismantle the postal PressUSA thatthepresidentis son (D-Ga.),alsotold Black (D-Va.), and (D-Ohio), including Other Democratic lawmakers, tream interviewlastmonth. BlackPressUSA during a lives- Caucus Chair Karen Bass Black law,” Congressional money. They have broken the Subscribe to theNewSubscribe York Beacon 405Lexington Avenue, 26thFloor, New York, The manhasbarricaded When theofficers wentin- The call came from awom- Postal officials reported that Several postalworkershave “He andhisfriendsbelieve “Trump He notstupid. is Despite recentlyvoting Trump has steadfastly op- “They havewithheldthat Newyorkbeacon.com pital and“doingwell,” condition at a local hos- he officers areinstable From page3 Sen. Sherrod Brown Sen. SherrodBrown NY 10174. $35.00 per yearNY 10174. $35.00per 212-213-8585 www.newyorkbeacon.com Rep. BobbyScott Rep. HankJohn- told - - - tonight,” hesaid. we canresolvethissituation render yourselfpeacefully, so life-threatening wounds.” “are fine,” and “don’t have mon stressedthat the officers listening to thebriefing,Har see anybodyelsegettinghurt.” chief said.“We don’t wantto everybody knows,”theinterim to apeacefulresolution,as inside thehouse,Harmonsaid. with the suspect and others mon said. other familymembers,Har himself inahomewiththree mail ballots, along with other in the useofabsenteeand and manyexpectanincrease generalelection, the November officialsplanning for arebusy signing theletter. Frank LaRose(R)joinedin and OhioSecretaryofState of State Jocelyn Benson (D) doin (R),MichiganSecretary Secretary of State R. Kyle Ar Toulouse Oliver(D),Louisiana Secretary ofStateMaggie eral on Aug. 7. New Mexico a letter ofState(NASS) retaries National Association of Sec in thedeliveryofmail, of mailboxesandaslowdown dinated to impact the election. tional andstrategicallycoor removals arebelievedinten- bombing, however, thelatest the 2013BostonMarathon athon and parade routes since become apractice along mar reduction. tail operating hours alsoface received notificationthatre- Florida, andMissouri–have – Weststates three Virginia, and Indiana. New York, Oregon,Montana, boxes inatleastfourstates: had removedletter collection “Please come out andsur In casethesuspectwas “It’s ourgoal to bringthis Police havebeenincontact “State andlocalelection In responsetotheremoval Removing mailboxeshad Postal workersinatleast Continued onpage7 to thePostmasterGen- sent sent ------T injunction Lee toremain under new90-day Statue ofpro-slavery RobertE. place based on state Supreme ing orderkeepingthestatue in to justifyatemporaryrestrain - ments thatwerestrongenough the plaintiffshad offered argu- is removed. would suffer if the Lee statue the harmstheyallege and linkage to the statue and on their property ownership or alegalright to sue,based that theplaintiffs had standing, He wroteinan 3 opinion Aug. sued the90-dayinjunction. District, JudgeMarchantis- Monument AvenueHistoric property owners within the Marie Taylor andfourother Avenue preservationist Helen on July22byMonument judges. state’s disciplinarybodyfor and ReviewCommission,the filed withtheJudicialInquiry impartial. The complaintswere the judicial requirement to be bench forallegedlyignoring Cavedo’s removal from the filed complaints seeking Judge credibility of two recently General MarkR.Herring. in lawasargued by Attorney injunction as having no basis out Judge Cavedo’s original Judge Marchantfirstthrew from aJuly23courthearing. written opinions stemming the Leestatue’s removalintwo against Gov. Northamtoblock his restraining order Monday the statue. Avenue HistoricDistrictnear intheMonumenthe lives Cavedo, steppedasidebecause cuit CourtJudge Bradley B. another judge,RichmondCir after inmid-July the cases their futuredisposal. and City Council approval of federate iconsinRichmond all other publicly owned Con- after theremovalofvirtually continues topercolateeven has notbeenscheduled. ernor’s proposal. That hearing held on the merits of the gov- in force until a full hearing is 130-year-old statue. from taking down the12-ton, ia Gov. Ralph S.Northam to temporarilyblock Virgin - injunction hisown week issued Judge W. Reilly Marchant this gles, Richmond Circuit Court nue foratleast90moredays. Va.’smond, AveMonument - continue to loom over Rich Lazarus(TriceEdneyWire. Judge Marchant wrote that In aseparatecasebrought The opinionboostedthe In awinforGov. Northam, Judge Marchant issued Judge Marchanttookover The issue of the Lee statue The injunctionistoremain In a legal battle full of tan- Gen. Robert E. Lee will fending Confederate he statue of slavery-de- By Jeremy M. M. Jeremy By com) – com) - - the land, the Lee statue and its association members that gave ory, a great-grandson of two brought by William C. Greg- original Leestatuecasewas tiffs filedthecaseinJune. The time Ms. Taylor andtheplain federal court ashedidthefirst seek toremovethecase statue case.Healsodidnot 23 hearingontheoriginalLee day before the scheduled July the case,whichwasfiled the had littletimetopreparefor they raisedwerefullylitigated. were removed before the issues to theplaintiffs ifthestatue the state,butcouldcauseharm a briefdelaywouldnotharm which theyreside.” tionally recognized avenue on degradation oftheinterna- priceless work ofart and the be harmedby“thelossofa They also claim they would the value oftheir properties. Avenue andareductionin designation forMonument National HistoricLandmark could resultinalossofthe suit that removal of the statue Court precedents. Mr. Herringand hisoffice Judge Marchant wrote that The plaintiffs claim in their - it again. that Mr. Gregorycannot bring case withprejudice,meaning ant wrote in dismissing the a matteroflaw,” JudgeMarch- tiff’s substantive claims fail as ly precludesaninjunction. proceed” and that automatical- ber ofthegeneralpublic...can action under whichanymem removed “provides norightof be violated if the statue were Mr. Gregoryclaimedwould He alsowrotethatthelaw and landuponwhichit sits. erty interestintheLeestatue any legallyrecognizableprop- found thatMr. Gregorylacked stepped aside,JudgeMarchant ry caseafterJudgeCavedo to showhehadarightsue. ory time toamendhislawsuit injunction bygiving Mr. Greg- nal court filing. He justified his dismissed Mr. Gregory’s origi- 23eventhoughhe until July extending hisrestrainingorder followed up on June 18 by removing the Lee statue. He block Gov. Northam from Gregory caseonJune8to pedestal tothestatein1890. As aresult,“bothofplain In rulingontheGrego- Judge Cavedousedthe - - 7.0 in.

5 BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com

#DanceLikeaDad 10.0 in.


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R. Butterworth T. Cerroni K. Smalley R. Chu

BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 6 “I T tor Kamala Harris to be the has made.” Politicalstrategist er knowhowmuchhistoryhe history, butI thinkhewillnev- being thrownather. Hemade all the negative stuff that was saw herqualifications despite ‘I see you.’ Hesawher. He out from the shadows.’ To say, Biden tosay, ‘It’s timetocome poured intous.…IttookJoe about everything that they have othy Height. And Ithought Angelou. Ithoughtabout Dor King. IthoughtaboutMaya I thought about Coretta Scott thought about Betty Shabazz. down —like they are now. I of nowhere, just tears coming The selection ofSena By Marc H. Morial H. Marc By Peter A. By believe thatthemost ing myself, who strongly hose black folks, includ- And thenIfound,out minute. I just sat there. just sat with that for a Bailey - - Donald J.Trump, theluckiestpoliticianin America Reality Check 2004, justaftershewaselect “Woman ofPower”awardsin of thefirstrecipientsour years. with SenatorHarrisformany has hadastrongrelationship like the firethat tempers steel. positions ofprominence, are must overcometoachieve particularly womenofcolor, dable challenges that women, competent leaders. The formi- the nation’s strongestandmost women haveemerged among through thisperiodofcrisis. are playinginleadingthenation outsized rolethatBlackwomen reckoning in America, andthe unprecedented momentofracial candidacy isemblematicofthis HBCU grad. South Asian descent. The first popular belief,thatBlack are wellaware,contraryto woman. No.45andhiscrew and replacehimwitha White his vice-presidentposition now dropMike Pence from myself and I conmen will of theworld’s premiere,me, will notbesurprisedifone undeserved gift. given No.45an enormous, the DemocraticPartyhas mate. Kamala Harris ashisrunning Joe Biden’s selection of Sen. about former vice-president “Hallelujah” and feeling good United States are not shouting oust No.45aspresidentofthe important goal of2020is to party ticket. The firstpersonof an tobenominatedonamajor “firsts:” nominee representsmany Democratic VicePresidential nation through crisis outsized role ofBlackwomenleadingthe unprecedented momentofracialreckoning, Kamala Harris’ selectionrepresents The National Urban League The NationalUrbanLeague It’s nosurprisethatBlack More importantly, though,her We believethatonceagain We honored her as one - Blackwom The first Someofus Editorial - women in this country have whelming majorityof White are convincedthattheover vote isunpredictable. second thatthe White women myself, don’t believefora Many Blackfolks,including the 2020presidential election. unpredictable votingblocin commentators, asthemost according tomostpolitical That leaves White women, jority ofthe White malevote. that hewillgetasizeablema- nominee Brett Kavanaugh and mously held Supreme Court Judiciary Committee, she fa it. and helpprotect theircred - to accesslegal representation, allow those at risk of eviction nounce legislation thatwould members ofCongresstoan- recently joinedherandother Policing intheSenate. Act of the George Floyd Justice in Jersey, wasaprimesponsor with Sen. Cory Bookerof New has been invaluable. She, along since the onset of the pandemic for underservedcommunities the Senate, her fierce advocacy ly with her since her election to in theU.S.Congress. serve to American African first Achievement, named for the the HiramRevels Award for ancestry, wehonoredherwith the first of Jamaican or Indian third female U.S. Senator, and assumed office asCalifornia’s Francisco. In2017,whenshe ed District Attorney ofSan Black vote. get lessthan10percentofthe upcoming election. the pivotalvotingblocin women inparticular, arenot folks ingeneralandBlack While we’veworkedclose- They know that No. 45 will As amemberoftheSenate

It’s also certain We We - -

Black people with another feel Black people withanotherfeel No. 45,ratherthan to provide the focuswasondefeating tion ofHarrisissouncool. made it. House beforeoneofthem of color”gotintothe White shouting withjoythata“man day White womenwerenot vote beforetheydid. least legally, hadtherightto outraged thatBlackmen,at Suffragette Movement were in theearly20th that White womenleaders first. historic We areaware one ofthemhasachievedthe elected vice-president before a “womanofcolor”being absolutely nodesiretosee mous trolls — hurled on Twitter byanony- dia. Butit’s notjustcrude slurs amplified through social me have notsubsided–they’re later, theracistattacksnotonly paign, and nearly half a century racial harassmentonhercam- Chisholm’s campaignbuttons. for herlogothatresembles chose aredandyellowdesign presidential campaign, Harris for President. nomination ofa major party first Black woman to seek the gress, andin1972became the to serveasamember of Con- became thefirstBlackwoman spiration. In 1968, Chisholm often citesasasourceofin- Shirley Chisholm,whomshe comparison tothelegendary idential nomineehasdrawn tion tothe position ofvicepres- their confirmationhearings. William Barrtoaccountduring Attorney Generalnominee That’s whyBiden’s selec- Chisholm facedabhorrent When shelaunchedher Her groundbreakingselec Within hours of century’s Modern If - - ning mate. been selectedasBiden’s run- Obama she would not have the complexion ofMichelle if Sen. Kamala Harris was way, I seriously doubt that politician in America. oneof,ifnottheluckiest45 is serious BlackfolksthatNo. reinforced theviewofmany that, theDemocratic Party has Court. Black womanontheSupreme have committed to putting a At thesametimehewould Michigan ashisrunningmate. or Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Tammy DuckworthofIllinois, buchar ofMinnesota,orSen. have selectedSen. Amy Klo- good moment,Bidenwould dents.” of presidentsandvicepresi- time in anewway, asthestuff seeing themselves for the first day, todayjustmaybe,they’re in theircommunities,butto- overlooked andundervalued brown girls, who sooften feel especially littleblackand nation, little girls wokeup, “This morning, all across the after announcinghischoice, office intheland. an toholdthesecond-highest chance of beingthefirstwom- and now shestandsa realistic just toshowitcouldbedone, Chisholm ranforPresident, often said. to showit can be done,” she didacy faced.“Ijustwant hercan- about theobstacles conspiracy theoryabouther. zine amplifieda racist “birther” running mate,amajormaga- been selectedasJoeBiden’s the announcementthatshehad As JoeBiden said the day Harris was a child when realisticChisholm was Byfailingtorecognize Bythe



Reasons to vote BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com sistent with my views. This 13. You’re voting for veter- list provides me with the op- an healthcare. portunity to “speak to a larger 14. You’re voting for af- audience.” It was sent without fordable health insurance for attribution to an author or ori- everyone. gin, but I thank whoever took 15. You’re voting for teach- the time to compile this cogent ing professionals to be paid as list. The list exceeded my word the noble heroes they are. limit, but, for the greater good, 16. You’re voting for sensi- I feel compelled to provide as ble gun laws while maintaining much of it as possible. your 2nd Amendment rights. 1. YOU’RE NOT JUST 17. You’re voting to curb VOTING FOR PRESIDENT/ homelessness and find solu- VP! tions to affordable housing. 2. You’re voting to prevent 18. You’re voting against a 7-2 dangerously conserva- systemic racism and income/ tive majority on the Supreme wealth disparities. By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Court. (Note: 87-year-old Jus- 19. You’re voting to defend Esq. tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a woman’s right to make per- single-handedly fighting to sonal health-related decisions or me, like many oth- hang on until we have a new and choose personal reproduc- ers, the news that Joe president. This alone should tive rights. Biden had chosen Sena- be enough for historic turn- 20. You’re voting to ac- Ftor Kamala Harris as his run- out!) knowledge the humanity and ning-mate in this year’s pres- 3. You’re voting for the protect the safety of our family idential election was historic, next Secretaries of Education, and friends in the LGBTQ+ exciting, and motivating. Sen- Housing and Attorney General. community. ator Harris brings the experi- 4. You’re voting to keep 21. You’re voting to stop Open letter to Dave ence and talents necessary to the House and gain a Senate the normalization of white WIN and GOVERN! Realizing majority. supremacy and dangerous big- my opinion does not create 5. You’re voting for federal otry in the mainstream. Chappelle on use of consensus, I listened to local judges and the rule of law. 22. You’re voting for the radio to gauge the opinion of 6. You’re voting to save chance to end qualified im- others in my community. I Native American lands and munity for police officers N-word know that “THE PERFECT national parks. who commit murder and other Newyorkbeacon.com condemn White people for TICKET” does not exist, but I 7. You’re voting for letting crimes and hide their corrup- the use of that word while we was eager to learn what others kids out of cages. tion behind badges. ear Mr. Chappelle: flaunt it so shamelessly. thought. My assumption was 8. You’re voting for scien- 23. You’re voting to save I write to you as It’s gotten so bad here in that most comments would ex- tists to be heard and protect the USPS. a Black man who is California that youths of all press an understanding that the us from climate change and 24. And you’re voting Dnearly 30 years your senior. I races now routinely address vote is a demonstration of trust pandemics. against allowing the USA to have admired your social and each other with the rap en- in a candidate to act in the best 9. You’re voting for hous- become yet another authori- political commentary over dorsed and promoted N-word. interests of the voter. I was ing rights. tarian regime run by Trump. the years. I recently watched As a matter of fact, I have often largely disappointed. 10. You’re voting for for- The Biden-Harris ticket 8:46 and found it to be very thought that, if a White man Many of the reasons I heard mer incarcerated persons to be isn’t perfect–no ticket ever will provocative and informative. approaches me and shouts, for/against the Biden-Harris treated with dignity and assist- be, but we must consider the Nevertheless, I have only one “You damn Ni-ger,” I will ticket were based upon previ- ed to be proud and productive alternative!! question: Why do you and so not take offense. I will simply ously released opposition re- members of society with the I plan to do my part to many other Black rappers and ask, “Sir, are you a rapper or a search. Many were arguable, right to vote “after paying their ensure that the Biden-Harris comedians feel it necessary to comedian?” but others were as ridiculous debt to society.” ticket wins for these reasons lace your profound messages Seriously, one of our most as Kanye West being a via- 11. You’re voting for and more!! with the N-word? renowned comedians, Richard ble presidential alternative. I DACA Dreamers. (Dr. E. Faye Williams is May I remind you that all Pryor, often used the N-word found myself wanting to de- 12. You’re voting for the President of the National Con- groups in America, including during his career. But after bate with many of the callers. long-term existence of Social gress of Black Women. She Italians, Irish, Jews, Japanese, visiting the continent of Africa Unexpectedly, I received Security and Medicare and for also hosts “Wake Up and Stay Chinese, Native Americans, and marveling over our mag- a list of reasons for voting your children’s and grandchil- Woke” on WPFW-FM-89.3 and Mexicans have been vic- nificent history and cultures, Biden-Harris that was con- dren’s future. FM.) tims of racial epithets; yet he vowed to cease using the WE ARE THE ONLY PEO- word and maintained that com- PLE WHO TOLERATE AND mitment to the end of his life. EVEN FLAUNT OUR DEG- During this time when two RADATION! (Lest we forget, Black men have been hung in Trump admin ramps up efforts the N-word was the last utter- California, several have been ance of sneering White mobs killed by policemen and a before they lynched over four global uprising is affirming our to dismantle post office thousand Black people in this dignity and cries for justice, From page 4 Aug. 15, outside of Postmaster According to some law- country. The N-word was also there simply is no justification General Louis DeJoy’s home makers, those changes are the term that Travis McMi- for casual use of the N-word. election-related mailings,” the in Washington, D.C. reportedly taking a toll on chael spoke over the dead body It has been weaponized against state officials wrote. The demonstration was military veterans who are ex- of jogger Amaud Arbery after our people for centuries, and “We view the [United States organized by the direct-action periencing much longer wait McMichael shot him three it boggles the mind as to why Postal Service] as a vital part- group “Shut Down D.C.” times to receive mail-order times in cold blood in Georgia. prominent Black comedians ner in administering a safe, The organization said they prescription drugs. Furthermore, Mary Trump, and rappers are so fascinated successful election and would believe DeJoy is “disman- Slowdowns at the post of- whose recent bestselling book by its use. like to learn more about any tling” the U.S. Postal Service fice have reportedly also re- reveals secrets about her fami- I realize that the decision planned changes around USPS in favor of President Donald sulted in seniors receiving ly, has stated that the president you make regarding this matter service due to COVID-19, Trump’s re-election. They said their medications late and other has contempt for Black people is personal; however, please preparations for increased his actions contribute to voter important mail like social se- and has used the N-word in her bear in mind that as a public election-related mail, USPS suppression. curity checks. presence. As a matter of fact, figure your influence reaches staffing levels and processing “DeJoy has fired or reas- It has also angered those Brother Chappelle, during this far and wide; and may well times, and other pertinent signed much of the existing who work for the agency. Age of Trump, the Internet is have an impact not only on issues.” USPS leadership and ordered Postal workers throughout filled with hostile exchanges how we and our children view The postal service has sent the removal of mail sorting the country have reported low between Black people and us as a people but also on how letters to warn 46 states that it machines that are fundamen- morale, and many have cited Whites in which White people the broader world perceives us. could not guarantee all mail-in tal to the functioning of the the actions of Dejoy, who spew forth the N-word with You are a valuable Black ballots cast for the November postal service. Meanwhile, was appointed by Trump. On hatred and bitterness. So why spokesperson who has pricked election would arrive in time mail delivery is slowing down Friday, Aug. 14, the National must you use it?) the conscience of this nation. to be counted. under other decisions made Association of Letter Carriers I understand that you have I humbly suggest that your Some states, like Mary- by DeJoy, such as eliminating (NALC), a union that boasts a lovely Asian wife. I have message may be even more land and Virginia, received a overtime for postal workers,” nearly 300,000 active and re- never heard you speak of Asian profound and persuasive if it is “heightened warning” that the the organization wrote in a tired postal workers, endorsed people as Flips, Chinks or Japs. conveyed without the use of a postal service could not meet statement. Presumptive Democratic Pres- That of course, would be very word that has caused so much state-mandated deadlines. This week, the U.S. Inspec- idential Nominee Joe Biden. disrespectful. Can’t you see such pain and suffering to the In response, a large group tor General opened an inves- “Vice President Biden is, that many Black people find masses of our people. of protesters staged a “noise tigation into DeJoy’s policy your use of the N-word to be Sincerely, Legrand H. demonstration” on Saturday, changes at the post office. Continued on page 8 disrespectful to us? We cannot Clegg, II From page2

BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 8 T Kamala Harris fullyexhibit presidential running mate] Sen. a statement. dent FredricRolandosaid in and sisters,”NALCPresi - our fellow postal brothers Service, lettercarriers,and of theUnitedStatesPostal a fierceallyanddefender was, andwillcontinuetobe among men of deathfrom Covid-19 Obesity raisestherisk accompany obesity, like met of thehealthproblemsthat and ofitselftoblame? Or all risk. extreme obesity as a high trol andPreventionalsolists The CentersforDiseaseCon- the riskofsevereCovid-19. ease areknowntoincrease blood pressureandheartdis- health conditionslikehigh has bedevileddoctors. are felledbyitisaquestionthat through thediseaseandothers to death. overwhelm the body and lead cascade of complications that off inothersitsets while a infections insomeindividuals, silent or barely perceptible post office up effortstodismantle Trump adminramps “Together, Biden and[vice But is excess weight in Older ageandchronic Why somepatientssail By from the start. It triggers from thestart.Ittriggers an unpredictablefoe he coronavirushasbeen Roni Caryn Rabin Caryn Roni From page7 - postal service. ident is trying to dismantle the BlackPressUSA that the pres- Johnson (D-Ga.), also told Scott (D-Va.), andRep.Hank Brown (D-Ohio),Rep.Bobby ers, includingSen.Sherrod declared. families are put first,” Rolando that lettercarriersandworking hands that will workto ensure thoughtfulness and steady the experience, dedication, on Wednesday. in Medicine Internal Annals of fat. The study was published more visceral and abdominal do men,whotendtohave carry weightdifferently than said, possiblybecause women of dyingatanyage,theauthors sociated withanincreasedrisk appear to be independently as- height and weight—doesnot measure of bodyfatbasedon illness, bodymassindex—a among men. and younger, and particularly er andmiddle-aged adults 60 most strikingly, among young- among Covid-19patients— pendent riskfactorfordying extreme obesity nia healthsystemidentified treated ataSouthernCalifor ysis ofthousandspatients sity itself as aculprit. An problems? abolic disorders andbreathing Other Democratic lawmak- Among womenwiththe A newstudypointstoobe- as aninde- anal - - Health C decision awaitingus The COVIDvaccine Underserved, an article in the these “factors” can best be summed upby one atrocity;thereareaplethoraoffactors! and suspiciononvaccines and Blacks on that attention and focusonattributing themistrust Well, theissueismuchdeeperthanthat. U.S. PublicHealthSyphilisStudy these communities,automaticallydefaulttothe perience nor insight to the lives ofmembers of I believetheyareright. one ofthosecommunities, and let me tell why are notreadytoaccept it.” Well, I belongto stating withconfidence,“somecommunities a vaccine soon, butmanyexpertsarealready of a “Doesn’t thisguyknowthat we areofbrink by theendofthisyear. that we will most likely exceed 200,000 deaths passed 170,000liveslost,withallindications human toll ofthe virus in America has just later; the death toll continues climbing and the mid-March, and here we are almost six months “We willbedealingwiththisforever”. prominent epidemiologist sums it up by saying, 50% to70%ofthepopulation isinfected. One spread ofCOVID-19will not slowdownuntil cal andscientific fieldisthattransmissionand future. it’s notgoinganywherefortheforeseeable we watch in horrorasit becomes crystal clear United Statesthevirusparticularly vicious,as around the world withavengeance. Here inthe we and potential side effects for all groups. So,if essential that datareflectstheeffectiveness ages, genders, races, and ethnicities; so,it is it will be prescribed for peopleofall different clinical trialparticipants. or Latino origin. They represent only 1% of disparity isevengreater for thoseofHispanic up only5%ofclinical trial participants. The resent 13.4%oftheU.S.population, yet make Census data, Black or African Americans rep- clinical research intheU.S. According toU.S. Asians, and others are underrepresented in retirement-age Blacks. Blacks havehypertension,and70percentof Bymiddleage,50%of illness. COVID-19 an underlying condition strongly tied to severe adults have at theCDCfoundthat47%ofUS learn, work,play, andworship.Researchers where racial and ethnic minority groups cases, hospitalizations,anddeathsinareas the wealth gaps;andhousing: All, accordingto utilization; occupation; education, income, and COVID. Discrimination;healthcareaccessand all overthiscountryareexperiencingwith the disproportionate burden that Black people in thiscountry, aretheverythingsresulting in disadvantaged poor andcommunities of color by AfricanAmericans”. dinal barriertoresearchparticipation reported and investigators is the Mistrust of academic and research institutions ic attitudesthathinderresearchparticipation. health literacy, sociocultural factors, and specif study design,logisticalproblems,lowlevelsof have been identified1including elements of participation of African Americans instudies By Glenn Ellis( TriceEdneyWire.com) – TriceEdneyWire.com) Ellis( Glenn By

Perhaps (in the interest of time and space), We allofour ofresting makeahugemistake The majority of peoplewithlittle,orno,ex- I know, some of you are reading and saying, The U.S.declared a national emergency in To date,thebestunderstandinginmedi If FDA approvesthe any drug ortreatment, FDA All oftheissuesandconditionsthathave are not included in the clinical trial, how CDC COVID vaccine?”Sure,we upside down,andcontinuestosweep man, woman,andchildontheplanet OVID-19 hasturnedthelives ofevery

data shows that Blacks, Latinos, thatBlacks, data shows are associated with more COVID-19

“Several factors that affect the Journal ofHealthcare for the most significant attitu at Tuskegee! might have live, - - - make of all Black people! We deserve to be able to they areunsure. That represents70 percent say they won’t, and 32percent of Blacks say get aCOVID-19vaccine; 40 percent of Blacks Only abouthalfof Americans saythey would adults in the United States are health literate. doubled to$3.6trillion. Yet, onlyonein10 2018 theamount spent onhealthhadmorethan ditures hadreached about $1.4trillion, and in $74.6 billion in 1970. By2000,health expen- the clinicalresearchforCOVID-19vaccines. healthcare; and fullinclusionandretention in cus onhealth literacy, equitable distribution of them werenotdone…ever! is thatsomeofthethings couldhavefixed ical. What makes it all so frustrating and tragic cially vulnerable are long-standing and histor Black and Brownpeople, in thiscountry, espe - workers” withunderlyinghealthconditions. that disproportionately targets those “essential therefore, could mean being exposed toavirus Black and Brown communities. Going to work, of workers” inthiscountryaremembers sential workers. The overwhelming majority ofthe “es - Black and Brown communities, and essential vaccinated first? Inanidealworld,theelderly, they aremostvulnerableanddeservetobe whose caseloadanddeathrateindicatethat priority to different groupsorcommunities nity to get the vaccine first? How willwegive tioning. Who will even be offered the opportu- an informed decision? safe andeffective forus?Howdowemake in theworldarewesupposedtoknowthat it’s www.glennellis.com Ethics. For more good health information visit: media contributor onHealthEquityandMedical formation istheBestMedicine. Ellisisanactive Fellow. Heisauthor of Which Doctor? and In- Harvard Medical School Research Bioethics Bioethics Center at Tuskegee University and a Ellis, MPHisa Visiting Scholarat The National your doctoreitherdirectly or indirectly. for physical,mentalormedical problemsby technique as areplacement form oftreatment medical adviceorprescribetheuseofany only.for educationalpurposes Idonotdispense the bestlifepossible! like one! Take goodcareofyourselfandlive just likeeveryoneelse. I’ll end with this. Health spending totaled Let’s dowhat’s necessary, andforoncefo- The socialandstructural factors thatmake Lastly, the issueofra- Ihavetoaddress Remember, I’mnotadoctor. Ijustsound The information included inthiscolumnis informed decisions about ourhealthcare, Glenn - 9 International BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com Dirty oil floods pristine African Democracy seeking beach in second major spill this year opposition prepares to fight (GIN) – ‘coups’ in two African states n Indian Ocean island nation, beloved (GIN) – for its sandy beaches, pristine lagoons and reefs, its tropical climate and its itizen activists in two Amulti-ethnic population, has become another West African countries, world treasure soiled by the relentless trade in Ivory Coast and Guinea, oil, shipped by tankers, unsafe at any speed. Care rallying their troops on The ship that ran aground off the shores of social media to defend the con- Mauritius began spilling oil into the country’s stitutional limit of two terms famed blue lagoons this week, setting off an which current office-holding environmental crisis in a tiny island nation that presidents seem determined relies on its waters for fishing, food and tourism. to defy. It was the second major spill globally this known sanctuary for rare wildlife. The area also In Abidjan, the Ivory year but one that may leave its mark for de- contains wetlands designated as a site of inter- Coast’s commercial capital, A. Ouattara cades – as has the BP Deepwater Horizon of national importance by the Ramsar convention police have been firing teargas 2010 which is still harming wildlife – especially on wetlands. to disperse opponents of Pres- as far as to describe the choice dolphins–in the Gulf of Mexico, according to Happy Khamule from Greenpeace Africa ident Alassane Ouattara, who as “a sacrifice” but which his the National Marine Mammal Foundation. warned that “thousands” of animal species were says he was asked to run for a opponents call “a coup.” This year’s earlier spill took place May 29, “at risk of drowning in a sea of pollution, with third term of five years by the Dozens of young people when an oil tank collapsed in northern Siberia, dire consequences for Mauritius’ economy, food ruling party after the sudden protested outside the country’s polluting about 180,000 square meters. security and health”. The country is also home demise of his hand-picked suc- independent electoral commis- Supertanker freight rates have been sky- to world-renowned coral reefs cessor Amadou Gon Coulibaly sion on August 6, denouncing rocketing in recent months – from $90,000 The Republic of Mauritius, 1,200 miles off from a heart attack in July. the commission’s withdrawal daily to $180,000 a day–as producers, refiners the eastern coast of Africa, is part of the African The constitution limits of the name of former presi- and traders scramble to secure ships to transport continent geographically, and makes up Africa’s presidents to two five-year dent Laurent Gbagbo from the crude or store a fast-growing global glut of oil, small island nations together with Comoros and terms. electoral register. Protesters industry sources said. Seychelles, according to the WorldAtlas. It is “Given these exceptional burned tires and law enforce- Desperation to secure transport may have a member of the African Union and the Com- circumstances, I have decided ment responded with the use led some oil producers to consider unseaworthy monwealth of Nations. to respond favorably to the call of tear gas. large crude-oil carriers. The French took control of Mauritius in of my fellow citizens,” Ouat- According to observers, The Wakashio, a Japanese-owned and 1715, renaming it Isle de France. tara declared. “This decision, these actions will become Panama-flagged bulk carrier, had been carrying In a news conference, Akihiko Ono, ex- which I have carefully consid- more widespread between now 4,000 tons of fuel oil and 200 tons of diesel on ecutive vice president of Mitsui OSK Lines ered, is a duty which I accept and election day, with the first board when a crack in the hull began to leak its “profusely” apologized for the spill and vowed in order to do what is best for dirty cargo. that the company would do “everything in their the nation,” he added, going Continued on page 10 The ship ran aground at Pointe d’Esny, a power to resolve the issue”. Muslim songwriter facing death penalty for ‘Not acceptable’: Namibia blasphemy revives bitter debate in Nigeria rejects Germany’s $11.7M family home. Marching to Islamic police head- offer to atone for colonial-era quarters, known as the Hisbah, they demanded action against him. genocide of tens of thousands Even the singer’s father, Aminu Sharif, disowned him. “Blasphemy is not my ideology, he said, “and I promise to arrest (my son) and of African people hand him over to security agents whenever he is found.” Newyorkbeacon.com Not all Nigerians – Muslim or others – agree with the harsh sentence however and they filled amibian President Hage the online pages of the Premium Times, a Ni- Geingob has rejected gerian news outlet, appealing for compassion Germany’s offer to and the rule of law. Ncompensate the southern Af- “Lawyers in the house, please, under rican nation for colonial-era which section of the Penal Code will the guy mass killings. Geingob said be charged by police?” asked Unite2013. in a statement on Tuesday that Added Blessing Ekpere Ogbu: “One country, Berlin’s offer of $11.7 million two systems. What happens to those criminals was “not acceptable.” who burnt the house of a citizen? What are the During the colonial era Anti-death penalty protestor security agencies doing about that?” between 1904 and 1908 the And at the recent 6th Annual Legal Work- German Empire killed as many (GIN) – shop organized by the Nigeria Association of as 80,000 Herero and Nama Muslim Law Students, Lagos State University, people in response to an an- eath sentences are rare in northern Ni- guest speaker Akin Ibidapo-Obe, called for the ti-colonial resistance, per the many have been negotiating geria where Sharia law is implemented abolition of death penalty in Nigeria, saying it US Holocaust Museum. Other the arrangement of an official alongside secular law in most states. was abused by the powers that be “to advance estimates put the number of apology and aid compensation D But the recent sentence of a 22-year-old their hegemony over their enemies.” African people killed at over from the European country singer to die by hanging has revived an emotion- More than 2,000 people sit on death row 100,000. since 2015, Germany refuses al debate in the West African nation. An upper in Nigeria, according to Amnesty International. “The current offer for rep- to directly pay reparations to Sharia court in the Hausawa Filin Hockey area Sentences include stoning, shooting and lethal arations made by the Ger- Namibia. Germany says the of Kano state ruled on August 10 that Yahaya injection. man government remains an money it has given to Namibia Sharif-Aminu, 22, should die by hanging for the Governors must sign off on the executions, outstanding issue and is not in the form of development crime of blasphemy for a song he circulated via which happen behind closed doors. Some quiet- acceptable to the Namibian aid has displaced the need for WhatsApp in March. ly disagree with the punishments or fear public government,” Geingob said. official reparations. The two Sharif-Aminu allegedly blasphemed the backlash so they avoid the signatures, letting The Namibian government countries have engaged in Prophet Muhammad in a song praising an the accused exhaust their chance at an appeal plans to negotiate a “revised eight rounds of negotiations imam to the extent that it elevated him above and languish in prison for years. offer.” since 2015. the Holy Prophet. The song had been viewed as Also sitting on death row is Maryam Sanda, Geingob also took issue Descendants of those who completely acceptable by some fellow followers a mother of three, for allegedly stabbing her with Berlin’s use of the phrase survived the genocide say of the Tijaniya Muslim brotherhood. husband over infidelity. A petition to reverse “healing of wounds” in place they are entitled to receive $4 Offended members of the community took the sentence can be found on Change.org where of the term reparations. billion in compensation from to the streets and burned down the singer’s over 800 have now signed. Although Namibia and Ger- Germany. BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 10 C Black womantorunfor VP Charlotta Basswasfirst solely ownanewspaper, African American woman to and journalistwasthefirst ago. dent morethanahalf-century woman to run for vice presi- Bass on a major ticket but American tobearunningmate first Black woman and Asian in politicallife,”American nan in thelongshotbid. 1952 alongside VP oftheProgressivePartyin California Eagle. She ranfor Biden’s VP Harris waspickedtobeJoe paid to her after Sen. Kamala stand forathird term, taking ed President Alpha Condeto governing party hasnominat the currentpresident. turn home have been blocked by efforts toobtainapassportand the 2010-2011 bloodshed.His crimes againsthumanityover International Criminal Court for was freedconditionallybythe people werekilledandGbagbo a deadly conflict. Some 3,000 after Ouattara’s victorysparked Gbagbo›s refusaltostepdown 2010, whenformerpresident the mosthotlycontestedsince gets newpremiere date ‘Fargo’ starringChrisRock on October31. round scheduled to takeplace ‘coups’ intwo African states opposition prepares tofight Democracy seeking a statemenatthetime. duction resumes,” FX said in will bedetermined once pro- April 19. A newpremiere date longer premiereonSunday, limited seriesFargo willno ment of FX’s award-winning coronavirus, thefourthinstall of production related to the of the potentially deadly virus. delayed to prevent the spread the lastfewepisodeshadbeen in March that production on Sept. 27. now premiereonSunday, FX’s ”Fargo” to the coronavirus pandemic,

“This is ahistoric moment S en.

Sources told TVLinethat “Due to the postponement T henetwork announced *After beingdelayeddue Bass,apoliticalactivist Newyorkbeacon.com The race is expected to be The raceisexpectedtobe Similarly, in Guinea, the Newyorkbeacon.com is actually the first Black in 1952 and homage was in 1952and homage was Progressive Partyticket harlotta Bass ranonthe Kamala Harris From page9 season 4will Vincent Halli Charlotta is the The - - - party becauseofitsfailureto abandoned the Democratic progressive butultimately the 1940s.Shebecamemore but her politics changed by a conservativeRepublican office intheland.” woman forthesecond-highest ical party haschosenaNegro history ofthisnation,apolit women. Forthe first time in the myself, for mypeople, for all cago convention.“Historicfor Bass ning forathird term. the possibility ofConderun- has stagedmass rallies against Guinea›s embattledopposition sign off ona date. Meanwhile, ber 18,butCondehasyet to scheduled to be held on Octo- members. – Itakenote,»Condetoldparty ken, allies,partiesandothers people overthepastyear. that havekilledatleast30 sparked widespread protests Talk of hisrunningagain has nation in a speech on August 6. formally accepting thenomi- limit onpresidential mandates. tion to circumvent a two-term advantage of anewconstitu strike peace. — oneItalian,Black after two criminal syndicates himself inapowerstruggle non, acrimebosswhofinds stars Kansas City, Missouri,and season 4issetin1950 Chicago laterthismonth. year. completedearlierthiswere eight ofSeason4’s 10episodes Bass beganhercareeras Conde, 82,stoppedshortof We previouslyreported… The election is tentatively «Today youhaveall spo- told Chris Rock Filming will resumein the crowdatChi- as LoyCan- Culture - - A A where she was not made to feel where shewas notmadetofeel small number of productions able torecalla after shewas 5 issue,amend her statement peared onthecoverofits Aug. asked that THR, wheresheap- plained. producer,” theactressex- an AD, aco-star, director, harassed, whetheritwasby where Ihadn’t beensexually from thetimeIwas12on prior to ‘Lovecraft [Country]’ say thatIworkedononejob know thatIcanconfidently she wasapreteen. duction set she was on since pro- every filmandtelevision sexually harassedonalmost revealed thatshehadbeen the “Eve’s Bayou”actress Reporter,The Hollywood business. with thedarkhardshipsof foundherselfdealing tress still despite herlongevity, theac- just 10monthsold.However, appearance in acommercial at star madeherfirsttelevision more thanthreedecades. The feed into the stigmas attached is really about. They primarily has noideawhatthisindustry preneur. The averageperson between asacannabisentre- my failures, and everything in er. “Itdetailsmysuccesses, Watson, co-executive produc- Andresays tobiographical,” this showisthatit’s semi-au- forces, justtonameafew. and unscrupulous political friends, backstabbing partners family members,bitterex-girl- emies fromthestreet,jealous many hurdles to overcome.En- he seeks,butthepathisfullof golden ticket to the prosperity believes thatcannabisisthe himself and hisfamily. August perous and wealthy future for in hopesofachievingapros- illegal past, toalegal present; turns hislifearoundfroman journey of August Good,who cannabis. that isbasedintheworldof Good,” ascripteddramaseries anticipated show, “Smokin’ gun production on their highly every setsinceage12 been sexuallyharassedonalmost Jurnee Smollettreveals thatshe’s Good” cutting edge TV Series“Smokin’ ASK-Y LLCbeginsproduction on During aninterviewwith “What’s soenamoringabout The serieschroniclesthe Newyorkbeacon.com Smollettlater reportedly Hollywood has spanned Hollywood has spanned ee Smollett’s careerin ctress and activist based in Detroit, has be- production company SK-Y LLC, a TV/Film “I don’t Jurn- Getty Image scene, ‘Hey, yourtits aregoing we’re about to dothislove before“Like, aguy saying an intimatescenetogether. before theyweresettoshoot regarding herbodyshortly madearudecomment a co-star give detailaboutatimewhere uncomfortable atwork. Those typeofstories never get streets-to-the-boardroom tale. “It’s alsoaclassic, from-the- business,” saysMahmud-Bey. determination to make it in this nabis, andthemain character’s project wasthesubjectofcan- “What intrigued me about this the main roleof August Good. You, andmanyothers,portrays Martyr Maker, Chasing After include director/producer,credits who from it.” of being arrested and locked up of viewwithcannabis, outside rarely see a blackman’s point a veryuniqueperspective. You what the industry is, and from show will give them a taste of affects their perception. This to cannabis,andthatinturn However, theactressdid Shiek Mahmud-Bey, actor/ The Inner Circle, The out,” Smollett said. her contract. “And theylet me but to asktobereleased from she wasleft with nochoice enced wassointolerable that sexual harassmentsheexperi also recalled a time where the not OK,” the actress explained. to behanginginthewind,’ is areas. in Detroitandsurrounding Smokin’ Goodwillbefilmed masses.” masterpiece toportraythe crafted this the threeofus So, and he could play the title role. Then ItoldhimknewShiek, his storiesintoa TV show. that I toldhimweshouldturn and detailed.Iwassointrigued es in cannabis were soamazing he shared about his experienc for alongtime,andthestories and Shiek.“I’veknown Andre pitched the concept to Andre it was a hit when he first “Smokin’ Good,”believed writerofOctavis Gray), is incredible.” old, and the writing forthis one “The GreatDebaters”star Shooting beginsinOctober. Ken Williams (penname - - 11 Wednesday's Woman BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com NMAAHC 'Our American Story' presenting Valaida Snow: The stage belonged to her! Posted by Audrey J. Bernard he National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) Tis proud to present the next page from Our American Sto- ry, a regular online series for Museum supporters. Despite the uncertain news in the world today, one story continues to speak of powerful strength and uplift: the history of the African American experience. This leg- acy reflects everyday heroism, profound resiliency, and the binding power of community. We offer these stories to honor and celebrate an immensely rich history and culture—and to inspire and sustain our com- munity as we move toward the Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, 2012.46.65.2. From the scrapbook of future together. Louise Alexander Gunn, 1920s-1950s.

If sheer talent were a mea- sure of fame, Valaida Snow would be one of the most re- nowned performers of the 20th century. Her story epitomizes the history of countless gifted but underappreciated African American artists, performers, and musicians who often were not universally recognized in their lifetime. Snow was born in Chatta- nooga, Tennessee, in 1904. Her father was both a minister and a bandleader and her mother, a graduate of Howard Univer- sity, was a professional music teacher who taught Snow and her siblings how to play in- struments at an early age. The eldest of four, Snow began Singer, dancer, musician, conductor-Valaida Snow played about a dozen instruments, including touring at the age of five with Valaida Snow, 1920s. Pho- the trumpet, violin, bass, cello, saxophone, harp, and clarinet. By the time she was a teenager, a children’s troupe directed by tograph by unknown artist. she also could sing, dance, act, arrange music, and direct full ensemble bands. (Photo credit-Sa- her parents. Collection of the Smithsonian sha-Getty Imagesmerlin) Snow played about a doz- National Museum of African en instruments, including the American History and Cul- Ethel Waters in Leslie’s suc- Snow continued to do ican music—and specifically trumpet, violin, bass, cello, ture, 2012.46.65.73. cessful Rhapsody in Black. shows across Europe and Asia jazz—around the globe, as saxophone, harp, and clar- Waters was billed as the main throughout the late 1930s, well as breaking barriers as a inet. By the time she was a sephine Baker, who became a act, but Snow’s talent was as well as appear in sever- female instrumentalist. teenager, she also could sing, good friend. undeniable. As she did many al films. Against the advice While Snow did not record dance, act, arrange music, and Snow’s international de- times before, Snow stole the of Josephine Baker, Snow as much of her music as many direct full ensemble bands. but launched in 1926 when show, and a longstanding rival- remained in Europe at the of her contemporaries, her Her prodigious talent on the she toured London and Paris ry between her and Waters was beginning of World War II fans and peers recognized trumpet resulted in several in Lew Leslie’s production born out of the play’s success. and was imprisoned in Na- that she was a singular talent. nicknames, including “Lit- of Blackbirds. She performed Although Snow achieved zi-occupied Denmark in 1941. A virtuoso skilled in many tle Louis”—a nod to Louis throughout Europe and Asia success abroad, her career Even though reports of the instruments, a gifted singer, Armstrong—and “Queen of over the next three years, tak- never gained the same traction exact circumstances that led a prolific songwriter, and a the Trumpet,” and American ing the new sounds of Amer- in the United States. Snow to Snow’s detainment differ, captivating performer, Snow promoters of the jazz scene of ican jazz across the globe appeared in French movies the Amsterdam News reported was an unparalleled entertain- the 1920s were enamored by and establishing herself as a and was even given a golden that she was the “only colored er who truly owned the stage. her immense talent. However, proverbial star, albeit outside trumpet following her perfor- woman entertainer on record Valaida Snow died of cerebral they also were unwilling to of the United States. mance in front of Queen Wil- to have been interned in a Nazi hemorrhage on May 30, 1956 give female instrumentalists Snow was often found en- helmina of the Netherlands. concentration camp.” in . the spotlight awarded to men, tertaining and dining at fine Her performances drew com- The ordeal took an enor- The Museum helps connect despite Snow’s ability to cap- restaurants reserved for Eu- parisons to jazz legend Louis mous physical and psycho- individuals with a deeper tivate and entertain audiences. ropean celebrities, and even Armstrong and other great logical toll on Snow, who understanding of the African It took several tours throughout developed relationships with bandleaders. However—and returned to the United States American story by sharing Europe and Asia for Snow to members of the French nobil- perhaps because she never on a rescue boat for refugees the lives of inspiring pio- achieve some of the recogni- ity. She enjoyed the spotlight, recorded a commercial project and political prisoners in 1942. neers like entertainer Valaida tion she deserved. sometimes riding around in a in the United States—Snow Although she resumed her mu- Snow. Proudly featured in Although Snow graced convertible with her chauffeur never received the acclaim that sical career, Snow was never our 2021 Member calendar many stages from an early age, and a pet monkey who, as her Americans awarded to many of the same. Fourteen years later, for the month of April, Jazz it wasn’t until the age of 20 friend and fellow entertainer her contemporaries, including she passed away following a Appreciation Month, Snow that she landed an opportunity Bobby Short remembered her friend Josephine Baker. performance at the Palace The- demonstrated the enormous on Broadway. She was cast in fondly, “. . . were all to dress Nevertheless, her talent was atre in New York City in 1956. impact one person can make Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle’s alike . . . . She took great pride incontrovertible and no matter Snow was a pioneer who on the world. Please help the 1924 production of Chocolate in doing flamboyant things.” whom Snow worked with or lived her life in the spotlight. Museum continue this import- Dandies alongside another In 1931, she returned to the where she performed, the stage Her legacy includes her con- ant work and consider making newcomer by the name of Jo- United States to star alongside belonged to her. tributions to spreading Amer- a donation today. BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 12 M x Wonder WomanCollection Venus Williams launchesEleVen immersiveglobal fanexperi a 24-hourfirst ofits kind Venus Williams challenging the statusquo.”– andbest versionofyourself on thisventure ofbeingthe had inmindwhenIembarked “Wonder Woman iswhoI Venus inEleVen Windbreaker andJumpsuit www.HSAnyc.org UP TODAY!SIGN Acting •Drawing •Dance Piano By Audrey J. Bernard Audrey By Drums •FluteCello •Drums •Guitar PRIVATE LESSONS FALL 2020 Saxophone •Bass VIRTUAL LESSONS AVAILABLE! • Dome which dropped dropped which Dome Fan- fromDC news ore WONDERful Violin • Trumpet • and more! Viola Beacon onthescene Voice


big Wonder Womanand fan preneur tennis champion and entre bring italltolife. its propertiesandthefansthat to celebrate the DCUniverse, members, creatorsandcrew ence featuring300stars,cast Venus inEleVen ShieldHoodie It’s a knownfact that global Venus Williams is a - nusWilliams.com with two able toshoponEleVenByVe- Williams” capsulecollection. Woman xElevenby Venus celebrates with this “Wonder Woman, whichiswhatEleVen a bitofthemselves in Wonder sionate. Everywomancansee confident, tough and compas- and beautiful, determined and EleVen women are powerful be asuperhero.” experience what itfeelsliketo collection whereeveryonecan and determination to designa “We channeled herconfidence says Williams.passionate,” highly competitive andcom strong, fierce females who are collection wasinspiredby their self-awareness. “This ation talks to women and this new and wonderful cre anything lifehastobring. compassionate, and ready for women who arecompetitive, that bring out the best in fierce fering premiumathleticstaples Woman capsule collection - of Venusby Williamsx Wonder a limited edition of EleVen Grand Slamtitles,islaunching collection. x Wonder Woman capsule – ion-forward activewear brand to that end launched her fash- EleVen byVenus Williams The collectionwillbeavail- The inspiration behind Williams, winnerofseveral Just like WonderJust Woman, - - by Venus Williamscapsule on a Wonder Woman xEleVen ing thechancetocollaborate ever sinceIwasakid,sohav- 22, 2020. FanDome sively via —droppingexclu- jumpsuit pieces – a windbreaker and Venus inEleVen Shield Windbreaker We To ourEleVen community, A notefromVenus onCovid-19 side each xo Venus &theEleVen team EleVen family andplease,stayhome &bewell. again – anytime, anywhere! Thank youforbeing a part of our get access toall our workoutssoyoucan dothemagain & week togetmoving.Keepinspiring usteam.Subscribe community for showingupwith us onInstagram Live every ACTIVE! We could not be more proud of our #CoachVenus alongside Venus tomotivate one another to stay home & stay “I’ve beenasuperherofan

are navigating these challenging circumstances on Saturday,on August and everyoneofyou. Complex atDC (Photos courtesyEleVen) every aspectoftheirlives.” inner Wondertheir Womanin it inspires women to channel viduality, and my hope is that women’s strengthandindi- collection isacelebrationof interview withComplex.“This true,” stated Williams in an collection isadreamcome We startedouton amission to here to along - 13 Beacon on the scene BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com Disney Dreamers Academy to host virtual event for 2020 Participants “Bring us your vision and energy, and we’ll give you the tools and inspiration that turn dreamers into doers.” — WDWR Posted by Audrey J. Bernard have to cut this year’s event short due to the pandemic, AKE BUENA VISTA, and we knew we had to cre- Fla. — The immersive, ate something extra special transformational Disney for this outstanding group of LDreamers Academy will take high school students,” said place virtually this fall and, for Powell. “We expect to deliver the first time in its history, offer an immersive, informative career shadow externships for and inspirational experience all 100 members of the class. that will impact these Disney Just like past Disney Dreamers just as the traditional Dreamers Academy events, program has done for more the virtual experience will de- than a decade.” liver life lessons and tools such The program, now in its as effective communication 13th year, is a part of Walt techniques, leadership skills Disney World’s commitment and networking strategies. to helping the next generation This version of the pro- of young people by inspiring gram will do so with self- them at a critical time in their paced workshops, interactive development. The Disney video-conferencing sessions, Dreamers Academy theme is networking opportunities and “Be100,” encouraging teens to more, led by top speakers and be positive, to be “all in” and industry professionals. to carry what they learn back Following the virtual expe- with them so they can relent- rience, all 100 students will be lessly pursue their dreams and placed into career shadowing make a difference in the lives externships based on their of others. dream professions so they can Disney Dreamers Academy alumni, from left, Gabrielle Wright, Anthony Juba-Richardson and For more information, visit receive personal insight and Julia Shepherd pose for a photo in front of Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom Park at Walt DisneyDreamersAcademy.com. advice from mentors. Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. On Aug. 6, 2020, Disney Dreamers Academy will Regular updates about Disney The announcement of this hold a virtual event this fall and, for the first time in the program’s history, offer career shadow Dreamers Academy are also avail- new Disney Dreamers Acade- externships for all 100 members of the class. (WDWR/David Roark, photographer) able on social media at Facebook. my experience was made Aug. com/DisneyDreamersAcademy, 5, 2020, at the virtual NABJ/ Experiences vice president and inal, in-person 2020 Disney due to the temporary closure Twitter.com/DreamersAcademy NAHJ convention by Tracey Disney Dreamers Academy Dreamers Academy program of Walt Disney World Resort. and Instagram.com/disneydream- D. Powell, Disney Signature executive champion. The orig- was shortened earlier this year “We were disappointed to ersacademy. BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 14 I Prospect CleaningService(PCS) ny sherunswithherhusband (PCS), afamilyownedcompa- for Prospect Cleaning Service President/Director ofFacilities who currentlyservesasthe distinguished businesswoman Ingrid Murray, Pres. ofPCSinB’klyn Introducing Ingrid Murray terprising entrepreneur, and complished accountant,en- ngrid By Keith L. Forest L. Keith By Guest Scribe Guest Murray isanac-

In thecommunity in themidstofeverystorm global pandemic.However, its revenueasaresultofthe who lostmorethan65%of many challengesforPCS es, COVID-19presented than 1.5M. nual revenuefrom75Ktomore business hasincreased its an- leadership, the Brooklyn based Courtney Murray. Underher Like mostsmallbusiness- others along the way. After able to persevere and help been has Murray challenges, States haspresentedmany nesses. small minorityownedbusi- before Congressonbehalfof chosen nationallytotestify she wasoneofthedelegates where Program, Businesses Goldman Sachs’ 10,000Small Murray isalsoagraduateof in Organizational Leadership. track to receive her Master’s of Cumbria,wheresheison line classesattheUniversity istrations. Degree inBusiness Admin- she receivedherBachelor’s Medgar EversCollege,where the motherof5enrolledat in 2010.Uponherarrival, her family to the United States ton, Jamaica, Ingrid relocated Community CollegeinKings- Station terminal. for itsiconicGrandCentral MTA with24-hourstaffing proved practices,andsupply OSHA’s amendedCDCap- over 50serviceprovidersin was abletoonboardandtrain Murray, astaunchnegotiator, rail lines. Harlem Hudsoncommuter along theMetroNorthand essential workerstraveling sanitization servicesforthose cleaning, disinfectingand providing qualityCOVID-19 ity (MTA) ontrackby stay YorkTransitMetro Author it was chosen to help New the cloudbegantoclearwhen Business Enterprise(MWBE), Minority Womencertified a New York StateandCity is a silver lining. ForPCS, Although life in theUnited She’s currentlytakingon- A graduateofExcelsior With lessthan72-hour - Ingrid andhusbandCourtneyMurray cancer. services topatience of breast for aReasonandoffer cleaning joining forceswithCleaning can Cancer Society and later volunteering withthe Ameri- out to make a difference by from breastcancer, Ingridsat witnessing her sister suffer Industry Executive Award.Industry wide Publishing’s Top Female Award and the 2015 World - Commerce Building Brooklyn nee forBrooklynChamberof Woman Award, 2015nomi- the 2019BrooklynPower honors andawardsinclude Ingrid Murray’s other 15 Folks! BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com Meet new Broadway organization for Black Broadway Men Posted by Audrey J. Bernard nected through the possibilities of what we can do and the im- LACK BROADWAY pact we can make in this world MEN is a new and ex- if we just believe in ourselves.. citing non-profit orga- “BROADWAY” is a state of Bnization which utilizes social mind so we believe it’s time for and educational opportunities us ALL to find UNITY within to strengthen the bond of heal- each other, STRENGTH from ing and unity for ALL Black the knowledge we receive to men in both the Broadway and combat the world as well as theatre community. the chance to embrace the From founding members LEGACY of the shoulders we Anthony Wayne (TOOT- stand upon to become the Leg- SIE, Mighty Real: A Fabulous acy for those that are to come Sylvester Musical, PIPPIN), behind us.” James T. Lane (Kiss Me Black Broadway Men Poster Their first Virtual event Kate, Scottsboro Boys, A Cho- begins with THE BLACK rus Line), Terence Archie give their time and attention in BROADWAY MEN: SOCIAL (COMPANY, Kiss Me Kate, front or behind the stage. SERIES LIVE this Saturday ROCKY), Ahmad Simmons “Our motto is “EVERY with the founding members (West Side Story, Hadestown, BLACK MAN IN THEATRE and a guest specialist. Each of CAROUSEL), Sir Brock IS A BLACK BROADWAY these full, live conversations will Warren (SUMMER: The MAN” because we believe the equip each man with additional Donna Summer Musical, Par- situations we go through as tools to handle the many facets adise Square) and newcomer Black men in the Broadway of issues that arise as a result of Isaiah Josiah (AMDA), this community are not just limited being a Black man in a theatrical organization will include men to our experience.” says Wayne. society. All Black men in the (and those who identify as “It expands outside and beyond theatre community are invited such) who are actors, singers, New York City. To the young to visit www.BLACKBROAD- Black Broadway Men Founding Committee: Anthony dancers, directors, writers, Black boy who’s dancing in his WAYMEN.org and participate Wayne (Founder), James T. Lane, Terence Archie, Ahmad Sim- lighting designers, costume de- living room with a dream, to the in this new, LIVE Virtual con- mons, Sir Brock Warren & Isaiah Josiah signers, set designers, makeup man who man who hasn’t had versation by signing up on the artist, producers, choreogra- the chance to grace a Broadway JOIN #BBM Page tab. For all please visit the website, sign up BLACKBROADWAYMEN on phers, any crew members who stage as of yet; we are all con- allies who would like to support, on the page and follow us at @ Facebook and Instagram. African Film Festival, Inc. celebrates 30th anniversary online frican Film Festival, Black Hawk Imports, Essentia Inc. (AFF), the pre- Water, South African Consul- mier U.S. presenter of ate General, National Film AAfrican cinema, has unveiled and Video Foundation, Motion its new streaming platform Picture Enterprises, Inc., Paso and digital archives at its on- Almonds, Isokan Collective, line home, africanfilmny.org. Hudson Hotel and Royal Air The portal to the Continent Maroc. includes more than 800 pro- For more information, vis- files of directors from across it www.africanfilmny.org or the diaspora, from veterans follow is on social media on like Ousmane Sembène, Safi Facebook (@africanfilmny), Faye, Souleymane Cissé and Twitter (@AfricanFilmFest) Tunde Kelani to emerging or Instagram (@AfricanFilm- talents like Mamadou Dia, Fest). Nuotama Bodomo, Abba Makama and Mariama Dial- About African Film lo as well as more than 1,000 Festival, Inc. film profiles, and interviews, Ousmane Sembène, Father of African Cinema A scene from “The African Who Wanted to Fly” For 30 years, African Film Fes- articles, reviews, photographs tival, Inc. (AFF) has bridged and more. The New York City- (NYAFF), with star-studded si, Hello, Rain by C.J. Obasi Aliyu. The organization will the divide between post-colo- based organization — current- opening nights, panel discus- and dancedance/RE♦VOLU- continue to release footage of nial Africa and the American ly celebrating its 30th anniver- sions, filmmaker interviews TION by Mark Freeman will interviews, articles, reviews public through the powerful sary — has also launched AFF and more, featuring the likes also be a part of the inaugural and feature and short films as medium of film and video. Digital, the organization’s new of entertainer Harry Bela- slate. The service is free until it digitizes additional mate- AFF’s unique place in the in- streaming service offering a fonte; writer Wole Soyinka; September 30, after which a rials throughout the year and ternational arts community is curated selection of films. actors Danny Glover, Lauren nominal fee will be charged. beyond. distinguished not only by lead- “This challenging, par- Hutton and Iman and the late Films featured will be changed The new site is made pos- ership in festival management adoxical moment we find Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee; frequently. sible with the generous sup- but also by a comprehensive ourselves in forces us to be and musicians Salif Keita and The new site’s store offers a port of Communities of Color approach to the advocacy of apart, while we find ourselves the late Hugh Masekela. collection of a popular feature Nonprofit Stabilization Fund African film and culture. AFF more connected and plugged The new streaming plat- from its former site, DVDs and the New York Commu- established the New York Af- in to the incredible talent in the form AFF Digital kicks off of African and diasporic film nity Trust. AFF programs rican Film Festival (NYAFF) diaspora more than ever,” said with Alexander the Great Stole classics such as Paulin Viey- are supported by the Nation- in 1993 with Film at Lincoln AFF Founder Mahen Bonetti, My Nose (Channel Surfing) by ra and Mamadou Sarr’s Af- al Endowment for the Arts, Center. The New York Afri- a long-time champion of Afri- Lion Ayodele and Mbas mi by rique Sur Siene, Euzhan Pal- New York State Council on can Film Festival is presented can cinema. “The pause in our Joseph Gaï Ramaka (which cy’s Sugar Cane Alley, Sem- the Arts, New York City De- annually by the African Film programming has allowed us depicts an episode in Albert bène’s Black Girl, Charles partment of Cultural Affairs, Festival, Inc. and Film at Lin- to realize a long-held desire to Camus’ The Plague, refash- Burnett’s Killer of Sheep and Mayor’s Office of Media and coln Center, in association with bring online our treasure trove ioned as an expression of Oliver Schmitz’s Mapantsula. Entertainment, Bradley Family Brooklyn Academy of Music. of never-before-seen content the universal) in a program More than 50 films are avail- Foundation, the Andy Warhol AFF also produces a series of as a resource for creatives, titled Two Artists Respond to able for purchase for one’s Foundation for the Visual local, national and internation- scholars and laypersons yearn- the Times. home collection. Arts, the Academy of Motion al programs throughout the ing for African culture, and to In addition, audience fa- Bonetti created the reimag- Picture Arts and Sciences, year. More information about add something significant to vorites such as the feature ined site along with AFF Pro- Domenico Paulon Foundation, AFF can be found on the Web the virtual conversation. documentary The African gram Manager Dara Ojugbele, the Organisation Internationale at www.africanfilmny.org; or The site’s archives include Who Wanted to Fly by Sa- AFF Office Manager Colleen de la Francophonie, NYC & contact Cheryl Duncan, Cher- highlights of 26 years of AFF’s mantha Biffot, and the short Ndemeh Fitzgerald, Marketing Company, Cultural Services yl Duncan & Company Inc. signature program, the New films Meokgo and the Stick Consultant Tafadzwa Chiriga of the French Embassy, Man- (201-552-9239) / cheryl@ York African Film Festival Fighter by Teboho Mahlat- and Web Designer Zainab hattan Portage, City Bakery, cherylduncanpr.com BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 16 A the expert reviewer is often called — launched hisOWNwebsite rales has stepped out and shinned alightonBlacktal- shinned entertainment journalist has was trending; and the veteran Black filmand TV beforeit Morales waswriting about andanavidfilmgoer,versity Black talent.” emphasis on Black stories and theater productionswithan many films, TV and projects [is to] continue to promote as stated Morales. “My mission site - I amlaunchingmyOWNweb- SWAG! appeal. person.” That’s whyhehas a nicer andmore deserving “it couldn’t havehappenedto are thrilledforhimnotingthat television andhiscolleagues vast knowledgeoffilmand Viola Davis, Wilson Morales Wilson withOprah Winfrey Film and TV influencer Wilson Moraleslauncheshisownwebsite! Taraji P. Henson, Wilson Morales A graduateofCornellUni- “I’m elatedtoannouncethat The blackfilmandtv.com. Blackipedia blackfilmandtv.com ,” film.com as theEditorof fter 20 years of serving becauseofhis , Wilson Mo- Black - Top 100 New Yorkers ofthe 2003, he was cited as one of the as interviews and reviews. on themusicinfilms as well REEL WHIRL which focused Sargent, andwasheardon Mike with film segments, in New York, heco-produced films andtheindustry. reviews andcommentaryon drey’s Reel Whirl that featured my popular TV filmshow, Au- producer and film critic for who servedasanexecutive ing withthisfilminfluencer storytelling. vocate forBlackvoicesand critic has always been an ad- of film. The personable movie highly respectedknowledge opinions which reflect his to theworldofmovies,and of information when itcomes deepwell forhis renowned distinguished journalist is BlackFilmandTV.com, the screen forovertwodecades. ent behindandinfrontofthe On WBAI Radio(99.5FM) I hadthepleasureofwork- As Founder&Editorof John Singleton, Wilson Morales Chadwick Boseman, Wilson Morales Omari Hardwick, JeffFriday, Wilson Morales SWAG! In voting memberofGoldDer ciation Journalists Asso- tainment Enter the Latino tee, and Nomination Commit- AwardImage the NAACP Film Critics Society Association (CCA),Online ber of the Circle of the Broadcasting Corporation). SABC News (South African and LoriStokes,aswellon Day NY withRosannaScotto peared at times on Fox’s Good York. The Bronxnative has Toronto, UrbanworldandNew American Black Film Festival, such asSundance, Tribeca, the attended many film festivals his illuminating career, he’s com ist and film critic forBlackfilm. was thewebsiteeditor/journal- on theinternet. work inbroadcast media and the New York Resident,forhis year bythe local newspaper, Morales isCo-President Until July2020,Morales for 20years. Throughout Gina Prince-Bythewood, Wilson Morales and avotingmem- Black FilmCritics (LEJA). He’s alsoa

Critics Choice (OFCS), ap- - - Diahanne Carroll, Wilson Morales he owns. The formereditor be launchingaplatformthat Wilson isexcitedto Morales the editor ofBlackfilm.com, only matters;it’s critical. stresses that representation not at thecenter. platform The new filmmakers; it putstheirwork Black actors,artist TV and only championstheworkof BlackFilmAndTV.com not dustry hasalwaysneeded. platform he knows the in- to theCOVID-19crisis. Women of All Kinds in respect Centering People ofColorand Organizations and Journalists ray Grants funding initiativecalled Ar DuVernay’sAva $250,000 of award-winningfilmmaker named asoneoftherecipients Association (AAFCA). rican American Film Critics and Vice-President ofthe Af- as wellaformerPresident entertainment newswebsite; by, an After 20yearsofservingas Finally he’s launchingthe This past April, Moraleswas Wilson Morales,LeslieOdomJr. awards predictionand to Support Arts Jamie Foxx, Wilson Morales - rales personallibrary) (Photos courtesy Wilson Mo- mAndTv.com viaInstagram Follow Moralesand are stories to tell,” he says. to supporteachother. There short filmoreven TV, wehave film experience. Whether it’s a do istrytopromote the Black also commented,“AllIcan sociation (AAFCA)Morales American FilmCritics As- Vice-President of the African countable. help to hold the industryac - hope isthatsiteslikehiscan TV andfilmislasting.His diversity andinclusionin current shift toward more stories, andhopesthat the more oftendismissalofBlack occasional infatuationand changing tideofHollywood’s long enoughtowitnessthe us byus”style. that thesitewillbeintrue“for Black stories.Moralespromise ant ownershipiswhentelling knows all too well how import The formerPresidentand Morales hasbeenaround By Audrey J.Bernard BlackFil

- - 17 BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com By Victoria Horsford What's going on

SUMMERTIME IN AMERICA ARTS/CULTURE Countdown: 75 days from dream ingredients. When FILM: Sierra Leone born August 20 to the November Joe Biden wins, VP Harris Mahen Bonetti, is the found- 3 American elections. Will will be thisclose to the most er of the NY based African Kamala Harris make a dif- powerful man on the planet, Film Festival, AFF, which ference? not to mention her stature in celebrates its 30th Anniversary Congrats to African/Indo the universe of the American this year, and which launches American Kamala Harris, power politics. She brings a new website with digital 55, whom Presumptive Dem- energy, African-American, archives and streaming ser- ocratic President nominee Indian American, the wom- vice with a curated slate of Joe Biden named as his run- en’s vote to the ticket and she titles, including 50 films on ning mate. She made history brings hope! DVD. Bonetti is one of Afri- as the first Black woman The Biden announcement ca’s most prominent cultural VEEP named by a major caught POTUS 45 and the ambassadors. Visit African- American political party. Her GOP off guard. However, filmny.org. CV is akin to the American Trump continues apace with The National Urban Dream. The daughter of im- his racist remarks, assigning League released its latest migrant parents, her mother Harris to birtherism status annual report, The State of Shayamal Gopalan was born like he did with Barack. His Kamala Harris Black America: Unmasked Henrietta Lacks in India and her dad was born anti Harris vitriol elevates her 2020, on 8/13. The SOBA in Jamaica who met at in among American women, the explores various ways that and Samara Reck-Peterson the Sixties at UC, Berkeley Millennials and the GenZers. the coronavirus pandemic has in San Diego, California will University while working Trump predicts that NY is in revealed the face of racism in compensate the Lack family on graduate degrees. They play for an election victory America re: “the economy, for past and future use of wed then divorced. Kamala for him. If you need reasons healthcare institutions and the Lacks cells. Amounts were Harris was graduated from to vote for Biden/Harris ticket justice system.” Visit nul.org/ not disclosed. Howard University then on November 3, replay the state-of-Black-america. THEATER: Theater pro- earned a JD at the University 9/17 Michelle Obama key- BOOKS: Remember the ducer/curator Marcia Pendle- of California Hastings Col- note speech on Democratic NY Times bestseller book ton updates. Check “Theater lege of Law. Admitted into Convention’s opening night. The Immortal Life of Henri- for One: Here We the California Bar in 1990, She recited tried-and-true etta Lacks, a poor Black Are,” commissioned by she launched her career in Black people voting protocols tobacco farmer, whose cervix the Arts Brookfield. The visu- public service first as the San employed during troubled cells were taken by doctors al performances of Here We Francisco District Attorney, times. without her permission in Are runs on Thurdays, later as the California At- PS: A young woman who 1951 to launch a medical August 20 to September torney General and current- lost her dad to COVID 19 revolution generating a mul- 24, 6-7:30 pm. The 8 micro- ly as the US Senator from said at 9/17 Convention that tibillion dollar industry for plays are all written, directed California. Kamala’s DNA her dad’s only underlying Big Pharma. Her cells were performed and designed by – African, Indian, Jamaican, condition was faith in Donald used for polio vaccine, HPV Black, indigenous women of European – is American Trump. Michelle Obama vaccine, in vitro fertilization, color. Some of the participat- cloning, gene mapping. Her ing playwrights include Lynn family , cannot afford health Nottage, Regina Taylor, Sta- insurance, never received any cey Rose, Carmelita Tropi- INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. proceeds from profits gener- cana, and Nikkole Salter. Visit ated from her cells. Abcam, www.bfplny.com/theatre Allafrica.com reports If you are considering a UK life science company for free ticket registration. that as of August 17, Afri- south of the U.S. border es- ca’s 55 countries has 1, 119, capism, note the Caribbean FALL SEMESTER/2020 168 cases of COVID19 and nations open for tourism 25,634 deaths, info culled where Americans are wel- According to a study of with remote classes. from CCSE at Johns Hopkins come. Barbados has launched 3000 institutions published by NEW YORK CITY: If University. Africa has 17% a campaign to welcome the Chronicle of Higher Edu- colleges are anxious about of the world’s population. Americans to come there to cation, re: 2020 Fall semester, COVID19 and campus class- Africa’s current COVID19 work and sit out COVID19 24% of American colleges es, why can’t NYC Mayor de hotspots are South Africa, lockdowns, for at least a plan on-campus classes, 30% Blasio and Schools Chancel- 587,345 cases and 11,839 year. Antigua, Jamaica, St. will conduct online classes, lor Richard Carranza delay deaths; Egypt; Nigeria, 49, Bart, St. Lucia, US Virgin 15% have adopted the hybrid school opening for its 1.1 mil- 868; Algeria; and Ghana 42, Islands opened to US tourism option and 27% remain unde- lion students for a few weeks 532. Africa’s low COVID19 since June. Aruba, Bermu- cided. NYU, Columbia Uni- next month, an idea advocat- devastation stats to date, run da, Dominican Republic, versity, Howard, Spelman, ed by the NYC teachers and against all of the international Barbados, Turks and Caico Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, the principals unions? Will economic and public health opened since July. Cuban Morehouse and Hampton will schools open without teachers predictions of blight. resorts only are open to US Mia Mottley hold remote classes in the fall. manning classrooms? Chalk- Barbados Prime Minister tourists this month. The US The University of NC, beat publication reports the Mia Mottley nominated to Virgin Islands walked back Issoufou, President of the Re- Chapel Hill canceled all ethnic breakdown for remote serve as Development Com- its welcome greetings last public of Niger, Presidential undergrad campus classes learning in NYC: Blacks, mittee Chair for the World week because of its failure to Leadership Award; Claude owing to coronavirus tests 27%, Hispanics 27%, whites, Bank and the International contain COVID 19. Borna, Director, Seme City results. Of the 954 students 23%, Asian Americans, 47%. Monetary Fund. The Com- The Africa-America In- Development Agency in Be- tested, 130 were COVID19 Low income families were mittee is a ministerial level stitute hosts its 36th Annual nin, Distinguished Alumna positive, during the first week less likely to opt for remote forum of the WB and IMG Virtual Awards Gala on Sep- Award; and the African Ex- of the semester. The Chapel learning. for intergovernmental con- tember 22. Awardees roster port-Import (Afreximbank), Hill campus moves forward sensus building on develop- includes The People of the International Institution ment issues. PM Mottley is Republic of Senegal, Nation- Award of Excellence, which AUGUST CALENDAR also Barbados Minister of al Achievement Award, which will be accepted by Benedict Finance, Economic Affairs will be accepted by President Oramah. Visit AAIONLINE. August is National Black March on Washington on and Investment. Macky Sall; Mahamadou org. Business Month. August 28, on the occasion The Greater Harlem of the 57th Anniversary of Chamber of Commerce’s the historic I Have A Dream Subscribe to the New York Beacon 405 Lexington annual Harlem Week Festival, March led by Dr. Martin Lu- August 16-23, is remote this ther King. March is expected year. Visit HARLEMWEEK. to attract upwards of 100,000 Avenue, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10174. $35.00 COM participants. Registration is Rev. Al Sharpton and his necessary. Visit nationalac- per year 212-213-8585 National Action Network, tionnetwork.net. www.newyorkbeacon.com NAN, has organized a 2020 A Harlem-based management consultant, Victoria Horsford can be reached at [email protected] BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 18 N NOW requires everyonetowear afacemaskandpracticestanding6feetapart/STAY SAFE This HARLEM WEEK crowd photographwastakenon West 135thStreet inthe Village ofHarlem prior the current 2020Coronavirus COVID-19pandemicwhich saries ofthe Negro Baseball ebrating the100 yearanniver Imagenation film festivalcel the MOTH, vendors village, Moore, livestorytellingwith Foods, artisttalkwithMelba by Wholedemonstrations and “Hack-A-Thon,” cooking Youth EducationConference programs willinclude the Keys. Anthony Hamilton,and Alicia Stephanie Mills, Janet Jackson, ances/past performancesfrom Theater, andspecialappear ter, and IMPACT Repertory NJPAC, JazzatLincoln Cen- ater, Dance Theater ofHarlem, The- Dance Ailey American bell, India.Arie, Ledisi, Alvin Hezekiah Walker, Erica Camp performances by Ray Chew, Day inHarlem,”willfeature HarlemWeek.com. “A Great And will stream on 16 through Sun., Aug., 23. festival kicked off Sun., Aug., 2020. This yearthevirtual HARLEM WEEK celebrating tojoininternational friends HARLEM WEEK 2020continues… Additional virtualfestival cal, regionalandin- Group invites our lo Heritage Theatreew www. - - - - - resent theclergy, NYPD,Civil and summit speakers will rep- gel, willmakespecialremarks mit, the Hon. Charles B. Ran- provide equalityforall. and lookatanaction plan to systemic racisminourcountry an unfiltered examination of virtual summitwillprovide nomic JusticeSummit. The Systemic RacismandEco- Harlem community. B. Rangel-bothpillarsofthe of former U.S. Rep. Charles 2009) and the 90 birthday president PercySutton(1920- of formerManhattan Borough the 100anniversaryofbirth Charles Rangel90celebrates oring PercySutton100and Virtual Harlem 5KRunHon- 2020. The HARLEM WEEK take place virtually throughout 5KRunwill traditional Harlem music ofBobDylan. North Country”featuring the performance of “Girl from the the Scenes panel and a special Behind sance, BroadwayJobs League andHarlemRenais- Entertainment Rights activists, youth,ed- The namesakeofthissum- Hon. CharlesB.Rangel For thefirsttime ever, the guest instructors fromNew and Voguing with special Ballet, Afro Beat,Liturgical WestDance, cluding African Learn various dance styles in- ly; 10-11am). and KidsintheKitchen(Dai - the Studio Museum ofHarlem by UptownDance Academy, performances andworkshops Performing Arts Center and Move” courtesyofNewJersey story time with“Booksonthe ing theChildren’s Parade, WEEK programming includ- HARLEMcan enjoyspecial Weather (1943).” Brother (2014)” and“Stormy Game (1996),”“Brotherto Fire (2019),” “Soul ofthe Streets (2017),”“Decadeof Revolution (2015),”“Whose Panthers: Vanguard ofthe Films will include “The Black ry oftheHarlemRenaissance. League andthe 100 Anniversa- versary oftheNegroBaseball val will celebrate the 100 Anni Festival: This year’s film festi- (Thurs. Aug. 20,2-5pm) ucators, scholarsandmore. Dance, MoveandGroove: Children’s Corner: Families The Harlem Week Film - vide hotandpackaged meals, Commerce continues topro- Greater Harlem Chamber of communities, Theravages the current global pandemic world. This year, even as City andtheHarlem’s ofthe of Harlem,greaterNew York tinued service to the Village memorates decades of con eight days. in its virtual form will be lasting one month, this year “The World’sLongest Week” been knownas meals and more. What has communityperformances, nars, sports,musicanddance featuring conferences,semi- saluting thebestofHarlem, celebration showcasingand mained thepremierecultural HARLEM WEEK hasre- (Daily 5-7pmET). to make youwant to dance! that hasonethingincommon a broadspectrumofmusic Party featuringDJ’s spinning LEM WEEK At HomeDance Sets: Join us for the HAR ly, 11am-Noon). LiveDJ Performing Arts Jersey HARLEM WEEK com- HARLEM WEEK For thepast46years, (Dai- - - visit For acompletelistofevents, greaterharlemchamber.com/ of Commerce: https://www. The Greater Harlem Chamber the communityworkledby formation canbefoundon resources to you.More in- employment andeducational internet access,aswell around theworld. participants and visitors from 2 million attendees, including throughout the summer to over tured morethan110 events HARLEM WEEK 2019fea- political andculturalhistory. community’s richeconomic, were addedtoshowcase the celebration, additional days Given the huge success of the in HarlemforNew Yorkers. couragement and fellowship DAY, aone-dayevent of en- began in 1974 as HARLEM and sports. HARLEM WEEK gion, business,entertainment as well as arts, culture, reli panic andEuropeanhistory, ican, African, Caribbean, His- promote its rich African-Amer to works of Harlemwhich annual celebration of the best HARLEM WEEK isan www.harlemweek.com. By Don Thomas By

- - 19 BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com The Reel By Audrey J. Bernard IMDb to simulcast the ‘Best of the ABFF Awards Ceremony’ he American Black Film Festival (ABFF) was founded by Jeff TFriday in 1997 as a vehicle to strengthen the Black entertain- ment population and provide a platform for emerging artists and a place of inspiration and community for many. Since then, it has become one of the leading – and most anticipated — film festivals in the world and the “nation’s largest com- munity of Black film and tele- vision enthusiasts” attracting a broad audience of celebrity talent, emerging artists, up- scale consumers and industry stakeholders. A record number of entries were received this year and ABFF Ventures LLC revealed the competing films which will be screened during the 24th annual ABFF online August 21-30, 2020, at abff.com. The ABFF Online Edition will continue the tradition of the live festival: featuring the best Jeff Friday, Founder & CEO, ABFF Ventures LLC of independent Black cinema, studio premieres, conversa- Also featured in the festival ABFF and up-to-date news, go nation’s largest community tions and panels, along with will be a spotlight screening of to www.abff.com and follow Web Series – short-form epi- of Black film and television virtual networking events. the Documentary film, Yusuf @ABFF on Twitter and @ sodic television series directed enthusiasts” the ABFF attracts IMDb (www.imdb.com), Hawkins: Storm Over Brook- AmericanBlackFilmFestival by or produced and written by a broad audience of celebrity the world’s most popular and lyn, courtesy of HBO. The film on Instagram and Facebook. persons of African descent. talent, emerging artists, up- authoritative source for infor- is the winning project of the Join in on the conversation by Each series will compete for scale consumers and industry mation on movies, TV shows inaugural Feature Documenta- using #ABFF20 and #WeAre- the Jury Award for Best Web stakeholders. Approximately and celebrities, will simulcast ry Initiative created by ABFF ABFF. A full list of the 2020 Series, presented by Xfinity. 7,000 to 10,000 people travel The Best of the ABFF Awards and Academy Award-winning ABFF Online Edition Official The cash prize is $2,500. to Miami Beach each year for Ceremony on its homepage production company, Light- Selections can be found HERE. the five-day event. The festival on Sunday, August 30, 2020, box. Premiering on HBO and Non-Competitive categories opens with the premiere of an closing night of the Festival. streaming on HBO Max on include Emerging Filmmak- upcoming Hollywood release The destination festival, August 12, the film was direct- Competitive ers, showcasing the work of followed by a full schedule of which has typically attracted ed by Muta’Ali Muhammad categories include: emerging directors of African intriguing independent film 7,000 to 10,000 attendees to (Life’s Essentials with Ruby descent and Pride Films, a screenings, master classes, Miami Beach, will open its Dee), and is about a Black U.S. Narrative Features – fea- showcase of films that repre- panels, celebrity talks, live virtual doors to a global au- teenager who was murdered ture-length films directed by or sent queer culture and reflect entertainment, and a variety dience, offering most of its in 1989 by a group of young written and produced by per- the LGBTQIA experience in of networking and hospitality programming free of charge. white men in Bensonhurst, sons of African descent. Films the United States. events. Grammy Award-winning and Brooklyn. Hawkins’ death in this category are eligible for Academy Award-nominated and the official response to it the following Jury Awards – singer, songwriter, actress, sparked outrage in New York, Best Director, presented by Ca- About ABFF About ABFF Ventures producer and philanthropist unleashing a torrent of racial dillac, (prize is $10,000), Best The American Black Film Fes- ABFF Ventures LLC (ABFFV) Mary J. Blige serves as this tension and spurring tireless Narrative Feature, presented tival (ABFF) is an annual event is a multifaceted entertainment year’s ambassador. civil rights activism that ex- by Prudential Financial, (prize dedicated to recognizing Black company specializing in the Consistent with ABFF’s posed deep racial prejudices is $2,500), and Best Screen- talent and showcasing quality production of live events and mission to spearhead diversity and inequities which continue play, and the John Singleton film and television content by branded content. Its mission and introduce newcomers to to plague the country today. Award for Best First Feature, and about people of African is to entertain and inspire the industry the program will “The more than 90 films in presented by Netflix. descent. Dedicated to the be- communities of color while feature a record number of fe- this year’s festival are the work lief that diverse artists deserve promoting diversity in Hol- male directors with more than of a group of powerful and International Narrative Fea- the same opportunities as lywood. Headquartered in half of the submissions from passionate storytellers who re- tures – International fea- their mainstream counterparts, Los Angeles, ABFFV was first-time filmmakers. The flect the diversity of voices in ture-length films directed by ABFF founder Jeff Friday con- formed to stimulate business Festival’s International entries our industry,” said Jeff Friday, or written and produced by ceived the festival in 1997 as a growth through expansion include films from more than Founder and CEO ABFF Ven- persons of African descent. vehicle to strengthen the Black into other events and services. ten foreign markets includ- tures. “Creating an opportunity Films in this category are el- entertainment community by Its tent-pole properties are the ing: Belgium, Brazil, Nigeria, for these filmmakers to reach igible to compete for the Jury fostering resource sharing, ed- American Black Film Festi- South Africa, Saint Kitts and a broader audience is our core Award for Best International ucation and artistic collabora- val (ABFF), cited by Movie- Nevis, Mozambique, Canada mission. We are thrilled to have Feature, presented by Sony tion. After 24 years, the festival Maker magazine as “One of and the United Kingdom. IMDb on board to simulcast Pictures Entertainment. The has become a cornerstone of the Coolest Festivals in the Among the celebrated tal- the Awards Show.” cash prize is $2,500. diversity in Hollywood, pro- World;” and “ABFF Honors,” ent featured in this year’s Sponsors to date include viding a platform for emerging an annual awards gala salut- Narrative Features are Big WarnerMedia, HBO (Found- Documentary Features – non- Black artists — many who ing the top stars of film and Boy, Chris Brown, Cedric ing), Greater Miami Con- fiction feature films directed have become today’s most television. In creating ABFF the Entertainer, Chris Chalk, vention & Visitors Bureau by persons or about persons of successful actors, producers, Ventures, CEO Jeff Friday Frankie Faison, Vivica A. (Presenting Sponsors); Com- African descent. Films in this writers, directors and stand-up channeled his passion for film Fox, Marla Gibbs, Macy cast NBCUniversal, Amazon category are eligible for the comedians, including Ryan and television, as well as his Gray, Jackie Earle Haley, Studios (Premier Sponsors); Jury Award for Best Documen- Coogler (Black Panther), Will discomfort with the under- Dwight Henry, Haley Joel Cadillac, Sony Pictures En- tary, presented by Amazon Stu- Packer (Girls Trip), Issa Rae representation of people of Osment, Anika Noni Rose, tertainment, Netflix, IMDb, dios. The cash prize is $2,500. (Insecure), Kevin Hart (Night color in Hollywood, into an and Brian “Birdman” Wil- Motion Picture Association School), Omari Hardwick organization with the ultimate liams, among others. (MPA), Jeff Friday Media, HBO Short Film Competition, (Power) and Steven Caple goal of advocating for diversity In addition, this year, ABFF Prudential Financial, Starz, now in its 23rd year – Each Jr. (Creed II). The ABFF is within the entertainment in- will honor beloved director a Lionsgate company, UMC, of the films in this section is the preeminent pipeline for dustry. Through his vision and John Singleton by introducing Verizon Media (Official Spon- directed and/or written by a Black artists in front of and perseverance, ABFF Ventures the first annual John Singleton sors); Facebook, (Support- person of African descent. behind the camera, and has has become a highly respected Award for Best First Fea- ing Sponsor); Blackfilm.com The prize is $10,000 for the significantly expanded the enterprise, generating goodwill ture for a director of African (Marketing Partner). winner and $5,000 for each of range of talent working in the throughout the Hollywood and descent. For more information on the other finalists. entertainment Industry. As “the corporate communities. BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 20 D Yusuf Hawkins “Yusuf, Yusuf, Yusuf, used 1982Pontiac. contemplating the purchaseof of Bensonhurst with friends iar Brooklynneighborhood York, traveled to theunfamil Brooklynite from East New suf Hawkins,a16-year-old today’s struggles. onies providesabackstoryto One ofthemostheinousfel- outrage havealonghistory. motivated crimesthatignite justice, “Yusuf,ed Yusuf, Yusuf, breathe,” demonstratorsshout- ed “George Floyd—I can’t Filmmaker Muta’ Ali Muhammad Unbeknownst tohimtheUnbeknownst On August 23,1989, Yu- By Dwight Brown Brown Dwight By marched andchant- fore BLMprotestors ecades ago,longbe- NO peace.”Racially Guest Scribe Guest (Photos: Hawkins Family) NO - Brooklyn in1982,Michael Turks in Sheepshead Bay, deaths: MTA worker Willie similar raciallymotivated were wearyandstressedby costs himhislife. just inches above his heart. It bullets hit Yusuf in his chest Two gunshotsrungout. Two tacked Yusuf and his buddies. bats. They surroundedandat - a mob equipped with baseball to Blacks and Latinos, formed tation shesupposedlyextended Mondello, angeredbytheinvi- birthday party. Gina Feliciano and attend her there tomeetawhitehomegirl, identified him asaninterloper Some male teenagers mis - munity was hostile to Blacks. largely Italian/American com- At thetime,New Yorkers Gina’s acquaintance Keith Documentary took placeandtheSnack& the corner where the murder Bensonhurst neighborhood, series ofoverheadshotsthe grace is afairly eye-catching ily photos. Visually, his saving pings, archival newsreels, fam old interviews, newspaper clip- al documentary style:Newand verytradition- upforhis makes time anderaissothoroughit approach to reconstructing the Shakespearean proportions. ripe fordramaof of ’89was borough, andthesummer by awhitemobinanouter Black youths being victimized white tension. Add infour boiling over with Black vs. in city is April of1989.NYC Central ParkJogger incident atmosphere surroundingthe Mayor EdKochtothe volatile from thedubiousposturingof the height ofthe turbulent ‘80s, flect ontheirmission. later whenthoseinvolvedre- murder andtrial, and 30years ’89-‘91 aroundthetimeof acy. Footageissplitbetween sequences andHawkins’ leg- connected to the event, itscon- interviews with many of those includes an impressive set of New York City’s historyand focuses onapivotaltimein with RubyDee)documentary hammad’s (Life’s Essentials and now. tween protestsofyesteryear by theeeriesimilaritiesbe- with the case will be shocked unfamiliar convictions. Those in the hunt foranswersand hood andaBlackcommunity predominately whiteneighbor a divisivemayor, aninsular flashbacks ofadividedcity, by refreshed their memories and its aftermath, will have lived through this tragedy der wasalaststraw. in ’86. Hawkins’ mur Griffith inHowardBeach, Muta’Ali Muhammad’s The time capsule captures Filmmaker Muta’AliMu- New York viewerswho NO justice,peace” Yusuf withbrothers Amir andFreddy - - - speeches. work thepressandgivefiery savvy activist learning how to fallen father to anincreasingly Moses transitionsfromacrest- life, butforreparations. Hastily guardian, notsomuchforhis It’s as if fate sent Yusuf a estranged dadhadreemerged. beforetheincident, months father, MosesStewart.Only sive personaisthatof Yusuf’s be inhisshoes? surprise many. What’s itliketo the nightofhomicide,will hung out with the white gang who livedinBensonhurstand Gibbons, a young Black man An interviewwithRussell tious Koch is enlightening. sion versustheveryrambunc- he handledNYC’s racialten- Mayor DavidDinkinsonhow justice.” the barofjustice,there’s no totime aBlackmancomes bit startling. Sharpton: “Every Sharpton backinthe day isa showy andnotalwaysprudent compared totheoverweight, astute Al Sharptonof2020 slurs anddeaththreats. and were bombarded by racial emy territory of Bensonhurst marched through theriled en- firestorm, particularly as they it wasliketobepulledintoa sister andfriendsdescribewhat brothers Amir andFreddy, its aftermath. His momDiane, in Yusuf’s life, the incident and people whodefinetheirroles unsuspecting victims. adversaries as they attack the tracking the movement of the ed, sometimes with red dots theyarerepeat- as powerful images become increasingly fake buildings. The arresting seem liketoysdrivingaround drone footagetrickedout.Cars puter generatedorlikeaerial Candy storeinvolved. Perhaps themostimpres- Hearing from90-year-old The thin nattily dressed and Equally impressivearethe The effect lookseithercom- BrownInk.com Dwight Brownat- NNPA News Wire FilmCritic courage BLMactivists. Visit It’s amessagethatshoulden- successful fightforjustice. they experiencedbutbytheir longer definedbythetragedy friends andsupportersareno documentary, Yusuf’sfamily, hammad’s thought-provoking behind. Hasthathappened? have to be learned by those left be true, lessons andprinciples who arenotpure.”Forthat to one whoispuretosavethose neral: “God takes the life of who waseulogized at hisfu- murder madehimamartyr him. Hisinnocence and tragic pened to him and those around a nightmare. This iswhathap- couldn’t conceive. film answersquestionsyou Sharpton? Theassassinate the killer? Who attempted to the bat-wielding mob and What happened toMondello, ecosystem influenceanarrest? How didBensonhurst’s Mafia publicize theirson’s death? the Hawkinsfamilynotto George Floyd. Martin, EricGarnerandnow it didthefamiliesof Trayvon could strikeyoutoo.Justas that strucktheHawkins family acknowledge thatthetempest viewer, somepartofyouhasto if you are an African American ing throughtheoutcome. And crash, goingintoshockandliv- film issohaunting. Which iswhywatchingthis something happenstoyou.” know whatyou’lldountil archetype. Moses: “You don’t the is Moses media storms, adapt and navigate through edies composethemselves, into themidstofpublictrag- how “everyday” people thrown sUSA.com. Thanks toMuta’AliMu- Yusuf Hawkinswalkedinto Why did the NYPD ask It’s likeeyewitnessingacar If you’veeverwondered and BlackPres- 21 BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com Theater talk By Audrey J. Bernard VTC presents Broadway Buddy Mentorship Cabaret on BroadwayHD anguard Theater Com- everyone in the performing arts pany’s (VTC) Broad- and entertainment community. way Buddy Mentorship These services include: Artists VCabaret aired on Thursday, Health Insurance Resource August 13, 2020 at 8PM ET Center, The Career Center, on BroadwayHD, the premiere Housing Resources, Addiction streaming service for theater & Recovery, HIV/AIDS and fans, as a benefit for The Ac- Senior Services, Counsel- tors Fund. The show featured ing and Emergency Financial an introduction by Broadway Assistance, as well as The composer, actor and playwright Friedman Health Center for the Lin-Manuel Miranda. Performing Arts in New York As part of the company’s City. For more information, mission to create a safe space please visit www.ActorsFund. for artists on pre-professional org. tracks who need mentoring and support, Vanguard created the About Vanguard Broadway Buddy Mentorship Lin-Manuel Morales Nick Cordero Theater Company Program. The program is de- Vanguard Theater Company is signed to pair up-and-coming Vanguard Theater Company way has a Nick Cordero story,” human services organization a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit arts young artists, hailing from Co-Founders Janeece Freeman Nalieth said in an interview in that fosters stability and re- organization founded in 2015 all across Essex County, NJ, Clark and Daryl Stewart People. “This man managed to siliency and provides a safety by theater veterans Janeece with established Broadway make an impact on every life net for performing arts and en- Freeman Clark and Daryl professionals. The Cabaret per- generation of theater has the he came across. We can only tertainment professionals over Stewart and committed to col- formance is the closing act to power to break the divide and aspire to live life as authenti- their lifespan. Through offices or-conscious casting and pro- a rigorous, three-month-long be the change we want to see cally as he did.” in New York, Los Angeles fessional artistic mentorship mentorship experience. in the world.” To learn more about the and Chicago, The Fund serves through producing transforma- The concert featured stu- Bonnie Comley and Stew- Broadway Buddy program and everyone in film, theater, tele- tional theater and changing the dent mentees performing vir- art F. Lane, co-founders of to view a teaser trailer of the vision, music, opera, radio and narrative through theater with tual duets with acting mentors BroadwayHD, said, “Broad- August 13 production, please dance with programs including an emphasis on D.R.E.A.M. hailing from Broadway shows wayHD makes live theater visit https://www.vanguardthe- social services and emergency (Diversity, Reciprocity, Edu- such as Frozen, Hamilton, more accessible, especially to atercompany.org/broadway- financial assistance, health cation, Awareness and Mentor- Hadestown, Dear Evan Han- young people, which is why we buddy. care and insurance counsel- ship).​ Through dynamic story- sen, Ain’t Too Proud, Waitress, whole-heartedly support the ing, housing, and secondary telling and producing original, The Lion King, Beautiful: The Broadway Buddy Mentorship About BroadwayHD employment and training ser- collaborative and re-imagined Carole King Musical, Aladdin Program and are proud to be BroadwayHD introduces vices. Since March 18, 2020, works of theatre, Vanguard and also included performers their streaming partner. We are award-winning theater from The Actors Fund has provided Theater Company produces such as Ciara Renée, Robert sure that our subscribers will all across the globe with both more than $12 million in emer- works that reflect the vari- Creighton, Rachel Zatcoff, enjoy the amazing performanc- classic and modern produc- gency financial assistance to ous complexions of the 21st Tamar Greene, Kimberly es in this special benefit.” tions. Fans can expect to see over 9,363 people who work century artist and audience. Marable, Jewelle Black- Additionally, the late the full works of Shakespeare, in performing arts and enter- Vanguard Theater Company’s man, and Jelani Remy with Broadway actor, Nick Corde- awe-inspiring performances tainment. With shutdowns on year-round programming is special guest appearances by ro, who was a mentor in Van- from Cirque du Soleil and a Broadway and in film and tele- made possible through gen- Betty Buckley, Yvette Gon- guard’s 2019 Broadway Buddy selection of the world’s great- vision, theater, concerts, dance, erous support from the New zalez-Nacer, Loren Lott, Mi- program, was remembered est musical including Kinky music and many other areas of Jersey State Council on the chael James Leslie, Gabrielle during the premiere event Boots, Cats, 42nd Street, She entertainment, the need is great Arts, TeeRico by Lin-Manu- Ruiz and more! by his former mentee, Joe Loves Me, The Phantom of The and growing. This emergency el Miranda, Investors Bank, “Diversity, Reciprocity, Nalieth. In his tribute, Joe re- Opera, The King and I, Sound financial assistance is helping collaborations with Montclair Education, Activism & Men- flected on his time with Nick of Music, and An American our most vulnerable and those Film and other community torship are not just words in and what the loss has meant to in Paris. All performances in financial crisis with assis- partners, and the generosity of the Vanguard Theater Compa- the theater community. “There are adapted specifically for tance for basic living expenses many individual donors. For ny mission statement — they truly is no substitute for an streaming audiences to maxi- such as essential medications, more information about Van- represent the values instilled old-fashioned heart-to-heart mize the entertainment expe- to help prevent evictions, and guard Theater Company and in our mentees, delivered by about dreams, struggles and rience. To learn more about to pay for food or utilities. As its programs, please visit www. our mentors, staff, and Board the path an artist must walk BroadwayHD, visit www. the situation with Coronavi- VanguardTheaterCompany. of Directors, and shared across with a person you idolize. Now BroadwayHD.com. rus (COVID-19) continues to org or call 973.632.2523. For the stage with our audiences,” I can go on for hours about all evolve, The Actors Fund has the most up-to-date news and said Janeece Freeman Clark, the qualities that made Nick so About The Actors temporarily transitioned to on- information, follow @VTCNJ Artistic Director of Vanguard amazing, but I don’t have to Fund line and phone-based services, on Facebook, Instagram, Twit- Theater Company. “This next because everyone on Broad- The Actors Fund is a national which remain available for ter, and YouTube. New Bio cometh -- Eubie Blake: Rags, Rhythm, and Race “I have been waiting for a sleeper smash on Broadway shows, and on television and try Music: A Very Short Intro- new, scholarly, thorough, and eventually becoming one of recordings. duction (OUP, 2019), Godfa- insightful biography of this the top ten musical shows Tracing not only Blake’s ther of the Music Business: one-of-a-kind American figure. of the 1920s. Despite many extraordinary life and ac- Morris Levy (2016), The Finally, we have one”— John obstacles Shuffle Along inte- complishments, Broadway Big Book of Country (1995), Edward Hasse grated Broadway and the road and popular music authori- and Worlds of Sound: The and introduced such stars as ties Richard Carlin and Ken Story of Smithsonian Folk- new biography of one Josephine Baker, Lottie Gee, Bloom examine the profes- ways (2008). Bloom is a of the key composers of Florence Mills, and Fredi sional and societal barriers Grammy Award-winning au- 20th-century American Washington. It also proved confronted by Black artists thor of Show and Tell: The Apopular song and jazz, Eubie that Black shows were viable from the turn of the century New Book of Broadway Anec- Blake: Rags, Rhythm and on Broadway and subsequent through the 1980s. Drawing dotes (OUP, 2016), Broadway Race illuminates Blake’s im- productions gave a voice to from a wealth of personal Musicals: The 101 Greatest pact on over 100 years of great songwriters, perform- archives and interviews with Shows of All Time (2004), American culture. A gifted ers, and spoke to a previously Blake, his friends, and other and Broadway: An Encyclope- musician, Blake rose from disenfranchised Black audi- scholars, Eubie Blake: Rags, dia (2004). He is the co-found- performing in dance halls and ence. As successful as Shuffle Rhythm and Race offers an er of Harbinger Records, has bordellos of his native Balti- Along was, racism and bad incisive portrait of the man been a Broadway correspon- more to the heights of Broad- luck hampered Blake’s ca- and the musical world he dent for NPR and the CBC, way. In 1921, together with reer. Remarkably, the third inhabited. Carlin is a Gram- and has directed and pro- performer and lyricist Noble act of Blake’s life found him my Award-winning author duced shows at Town Hall, the Sissle, Blake created Shuf- heralded in his 90s at major of numerous books on pop- Brooklyn Academy of Music, fle Along which became a jazz festivals, in Broadway ular music, including Coun- among other venues. Jazz great Eubie Blake BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 22 A says Jerkins. movie shorts andinterviews,” sermons, faith based films, videos liveperformances, cepting submissions ofmusic as well. We arecurrentlyac- a chancetobeseenandheard up andcoming Gospel artists dition, our plan is to provide shown ontheplatform. In ad- like tohavetheirservices ming as well as pastorswho’d to hostmusicvideoprogram- bring onboardoncamera VJ’s the platform.“We’re lookingto including “A Simple Yes.” movies faith-based as well Rance Allen, JekalynCarras videos andperformancesby On StageGospel hasmusic app andwww.whomagtv.com Google Play, afreecellphone which airs on Roku, Apple TV, MAG Multimedia Network the musicandfilmindustry. also has a lot of experience in partner, Bishop Robert Colson, III.Charles’s Jerkins Freddie brother/collaborator “Uncle” Producers RodneyJerkinsand Award winningSongwriters/ whose nephewsareGrammy 13 siblings,”saysCharles, church. hit makers and leaders in the who comes from a dynasty of Jersey-based Charles Jerkins, pel, is the creation of New now available. faith-based entertainment is internet platformdevotedto On StageGospelchannelnowOnline Vy Moon Posted By Don Thomas Don By Posted Jerkins is looking to expand Available through the WHO “I comefromafamilyof The outlet, On Stage Gos- service), cell appand (over the top media Smart TV/OTTnew other distributors. artists inmoreoutletsthan we’ll be able to place our audio reachofSonyOrchard, online, combinedwiththe Roku, Apple, Google,and “With thevisualreachof says BishopRobColson. independent musicartists,” ing the one stop shopfor Gospel, weplanonbecom- by Jerkins.“With OnStage chard isalsobeinglaunched with WHOMAG/SONYOr bution, amusiccompany Charles Jerkins “We’ll alsoleverageour - On StageGospelDistri GospelMusic - gomery, Alabama entitled“All by artist Vy MoonofMont- Stage Gospel’s firstrelease can’t getanywhereelse.”On our artists an experience they industry connections togive resources ofradio,tours,and Apple, Pandora, GooglePlay and alldigitaloutlets worldwide… Me?” remakenowavailable on Amazon Music, Spotify, iTunes, Tidal, drops LegendaryR&B groupBlueMagic’s classic“What’s ComeOver Producer/Singer Chris Curry, featuringMelHolderandPaul Anthony pel musicandperformances fast growingaudienceforGos- on thisnewendeavor. There’s a dia andit’s CEORobSchwartz ner with WHO MAGMultime- White” isalsoavailable. “We’re very excited to part - Jerkins. programming,” concluded this community withexcellent are morethanhappytoserve Colson, RobSchwartzandI devoted tothe genre.Rob who’d like to have a channel Don Thomas 23 Classified BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com ATTORNEY NO MORE GUTTER CLEANING, BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND–Anyone that was inappropriately OR YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEED! touched by a Scout leader deserves justice CALL US TODAY FOR and financial compensation! Victims may A FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-478-9473 be eligible for a significant cash settle- ment. Time to file is limited. Call Now! AND! 844-587-2494 % % + % 15 OFF OFF OFF TALENT SEARCH FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD YOUR ENTIRE 10 5 AUTO DONATIONS SENIOR & MILITARY TO THE FIRST LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITIES! PURCHASE* DISCOUNTS 50 CALLERS!** Drive Out Breast Cancer: Donate a car • Teacher (all levels) • Custodians today! 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Exp. 10/31/20 6129 BEACON, August 20 – August 26, 2020 newyorkbeacon.com 24 I T there’s goingtobeatitle in the but titles and I don’t imagine ested in fighting for anything he wouldretire.“I’mnotinter wards, Cormierannouncedthat seeing outoftheeye. After was clearlyhavingproblems eye, completedthefight but who tookafingertohis left Cormier,ever fightintheUFC. as thegreatest heavyweight to decision, cementinghimself Miocic wonbyunanimous UFC. After afive-roundwar, Cormier’s finalfightinthe have metintheoctagonand It wasthethirdtime the two Saturday night in Las Vegas. heavyweight champion last UFC light heavyweight and Cormier (22-3)—the former defend his title against Daniel game 1 Raptors rout Netsin Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon Tim's 26PointsNotEnough Miocic outlastsCormier 39 to24. were outscoredbytheRaptors hind inthe fourth quarter and over the momentumfalling be- the third. They couldnotcarry Allen beat the buzzer to end cut the lead to 95-86 as Jared in the third quarter. Brooklyn and outscored Toronto 36-22 The teamreturnedwithfervor were behind 73-51 by halftime. the end ofthe first quarter and Nets lost134-110. the Raptorsprevailedas er, the scoring and defense of afternoon in Orlando. Howev- the Toronto RaptorsMonday effort after a slowstartagainst ference oftheNBA playoffs. round 1intheEasternCon- NBA Championsingame1, Timothy Luwawu-Cabarrot The Netstrailed37-20at Brooklyn madeavaliant champ StipeMiocic (20-3) saw UFC heavyweight t wasthethirdtimethat By Andrew Gutman Andrew By enough tostopthe2019 Brooklyn Nets wasn’t he resilienceofthe By Shara Taylor Shara By - - to” Vera (16-6), a contender weekend against Marlon “Chi his toughest challenge this past which werein2020.Hefaced consecutive wins—two of 25-year oldrackedupthree er Series in 2017. Then, the on the Dana White Contend - win since hisimpressiveKO been onthehypetrainever ar” SeanO’Malley(12-1)has title. known hewantsashotatthe champion Jon Jones made it title, UFClightheavyweight opponent togetashotatthe nou as the next heavyweight - Ngan White toutedFrancis his recordto20-3. good fight.”Miocicimproved pionship anditwasapretty fight foraheavyweightcham- been great, I just fought my last for me.I’vehadalongrun,it’s future,” he said. “That will be it Game 2. again Wednesday afternoonfor continue." from Toronto.will rounds The and acceptedthatfirstpunch group responded after halftime group. Ididlike the wayour tothe deliver anearlymessage pions...they weretryingto Toronto credit. They are cham after the game. “You give Vaughn followingtweeted three-point range. the fieldandmade31%from the Netsshot46.7%from of theirthree-pointers,while from thefieldandmade50% for Toronto. Siakam grabbed11 rebounds points and11 assistsandPascal leet ledtheRaptorswith30 with 15assists.Fred VanV had 15points and led Brooklyn rebounds. GuardCarisLavert Allen hadtheteam high of12 led theNetswith26points. In the co-main event, “Sug- PresidentDana While UFC Brooklyn and Toronto meet Interim Head coachJacque The Raptors shot 47.1% Sports - - - W Despite injuries Yanks roll on record to 16-6 (6 straight wins) record to16-6(6straightwins) 31-13. New York upped their swept them outscoring them Monday night as the Yankees Boston RedSoxthatconcluded in the4-gameseriesagainst Stanton andJudgedidnotplay again havehitthe Yankees. baseball season,injuriesonce short againlosingin6games. the ALCS and would come up they wouldface Houston in 2017, like in August.Again, injured listbythefirstweek 26 different playersonthe Hicks waspartofawhopping lo Stanton,Judgeand Aaron Bombers. This time,Giancar Day" again for the Bronx Last yearwas"GroundHogs Boston Red Sox in 4 games. Division seriesonlytolosethe got to the American League foot andmouthdisease. They who came down with hand, weirdest injury was J.A Happ time inthetrainer'sroom. The of the23playersthatspent Judge, Sanchez again was part be believed.Slugger Aaron was even worse ifthatcould two games on the road.2018 ship series only to lose the last American LeagueChampion- over the Houston Astros in the even tooka3-2serieslead to overcometheinjuriesand Brett Gardner. They managed C.C. Sabathia,GregBirdand list includingGarySanchez, as 16playersontheinjured In 2017,theyhadasmany tinued tofindwayswin. accepted and the team con man up"mentality hasbeen their uniform. Yet, the"next roster likethepinstripes on been partoftheNew Yankees the end ofthe first round, but in theUFC. who hasneverbeenfinished Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon Miocic (R)Retires Cormier (L) In this Covid19shortenedIn this Vera defeated O’Malley at By Andrew Rosario Andrew By how injuries have last coupleofyears e have seen over the - - being diagnosed with Covid19, being diagnosed with Covid19, approach attheplate." feel like I have a pretty good base in17straight games, "I Said Hicks,whohasreached Luke Voit (2HR's)wentdeep. Hicks, Thairo Estradaand lay of 1hr23 minutes, Aaron which included a rain de to 6-17. and 1987.Boston'srecordfell start in team history from 1951 It tiedtheorganizations best lost at home (10-0) this year. straight times. They havenot having beatentheRedSox10 to” caused the injury or not is on inthefight. Whether “Chi- ar” suffered afoot injury early there wascontroversyas“Sug - Photo: SpecialtotheNY Beacon Voit GoesDeep Twice MondayNight In his first appearance since In hisfirstappearancesince In Monday night's 6-3win, - 2 homeruns. ex-Yankee Robinson Canohit Monday nightwinning10-4as in MiamitofaceMarlins9-7 They begana4-gameseries delphia Philliesontheroad. getting sweptbythePhila- day. The Mets fell to9-14 after face theMetsbeginningFri- before going to Queens the against the Tampa BayRays games series Tuesday night 101mph. relief stintashethrew100and a non-save last 3outs.Itwas finished thegamegetting the Champmancloser Aroldis is healthyagain. should occur onceO’Malley many fansbelieve arematch still upfordebate. Regardless, The Yankees begana3 Editor Sports Rosario, Andrew