STOREBOARD THURSDAY S E ^ D Period-6, Pittsburgh
24— MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Dee. 19, 1990 STOREBOARD THURSDAY S e ^ d Period-6, Pittsburgh. Tanti 5 (Cul- len, M u i^y), 8:49. 7, Pittsburgh, Stanton 2 son 0-1, Hodges 61). Fouled out— None. Jersey City SL 79, Upsala 54 Hockey MuHen, Recchi). 19:47. Penaltios-earbor, Win Rebounds— Miami 55 (Davis 9), Chicago 50 Long Island U. 68, Rider 63 (h^ing)^6:45; Donnelly, Win (holding). 17:41. Basketball (Jordan 9). Assists— Miami 25 (Douglas 11), N.Y. Tech 74, Bloomfield 71 Third Period—8, Pittsburgh, Stevens 20 (Col- Chicago 31 (Rppen, Grant Armsbong 6). Total Slippery Ftock 109, Pitt.-Bradlord 62 Swimming ey, Taglianetti). 36. 9, Pittsburgh, Cullen 13 fouls—Miami 30, Chicago 23. Techni- Temple 67, Penn SL 63 NHL standings (Stevens), 8:17 (pp). 10, Pittsburgh, Coffey 13 NBA standings cals Miami Coach Rolhstein, Paxson Transylvania 66, Fairmont St 65 A - 1 7,877. LOCAL NEWS INSIDE fe rr^ s o ). 14:40, 11, Pittsburgh, S la n t^ 3 West Virginia 87, Old Dominion 69 WALES CONFERENCE EASTERN CONFERENCE Manchester Swim Club Patrick Division (Cullen Tanti), 17:02 (pp). Penal- SOUTH Atlantic Division The Manchester Swim Club 'A' team recently Bes—Taglianetti, Pit (roughing), 2:30; Evans, Suns 114, Mavericks 95 Alabama 79, VMI 45 W L T P it GF GA W 1L Pci. GB defeated Enfield, 427-236. The Juniors (12 and NY Rangers 20 11 5 45 140 109 PHQENIX(114) Alabama St. 97, Clark Col. 84 ■ TNT head skips school project debate. 6:39; Stanton, Pit (roughing), Boston 19 4 .826 under) won, 281-171 while the seniors also Philadelphia 19 16 3 639, Maritha, Win (hooking), 6:53: Evans, Win Chambers 4-13 7-7 15, McDaniel 10-17 3-4 ConL Florida 91, N.C.-Asheville 76 41 127 122 Philadelphia 16 7 3 NewJersey 17 13 5 (roughing), 12:34; Donnelly, Win, minor-miscon .696 23, West 2-2 1-1 5, Johnson 6 1 5 7-8 19, Hor- Florida Southern 68, Mankato St.
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