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RRT- BY ANDREW Ii GREEN 5HOP The Father of Greater New Yor- 11-

I k11THE RULE OF THE ENGLISH OF YORK held patent to easily A- DUKE thn territory so wrested It Has as Ready a Market on the Champs Corot fixes us on the valun of expert assurances Alexandra I JAMES tho Dutch and he governed from 1664 to 1673 through Col Richard Dumtiit IllB ilmsolf a judge bought this firstclass Corot J Elysees on Bowery and valuer One day visitor ADw11JR a gentle administrator who changed tho name from New Am- ¬ as the from tho celebrated dealer a sterdam to Now Yor Ho was followed by Francis Lovelace said It fine as easily city Capt Colvo dog You have there a TroulIIobert Then the Dutch retook tho and an old sea p tOnGAN Is said to have been duped Into buying You mean a tine Corot said Dumas held It fifteen months rho old name o f Now Amsterdam wna restored spurioui art Hut ho win not duped In No It Is a Troulllebert insisted the other So tlWT Colve was qulotly dispossessed whim by tho treaty of J I America The goldbrick operation occurred In Kurope went with It to Troullleberts studio t- Westminster tho thq gold many Dutch abandoned their claims to New Nethorland America Is not the bomo of Iirick For It Is mine raid the honest and conscientious palnttr yean Europe hoj had dishonest archaeologists who manu- ¬ Here In where my signature has been scratched off bop Andrea came na Governor In 1674 He was knighted by I dmund Charles facture for collectors anti museums breartplntes crowns M Dumas you do not doubt my good faith In the opera Dongan wlao men be- ¬ V and on his retirement Thomas came Tho city had grown to Wall necklaces etc which write books about and tlon 7 ot Oeort Mnnroa Boos were worn by personages Or rnnlaalon tV street tho Dutch wore still dominant in the populaUor and numerous- lieve that these counterfeits ureal M Troulllebert Is over sixty years of age an of Ht51rn riot past A number of these frauds havo recently been artist Belntr an extract from the ajlngnlar Journal of In tho councils of tho city They were strenuous advocates of government of the high standing He was not even a pupil of Corots Georges nay ajtndent oervtns aa- exposed returned the money and both tie and Dumas agreed- 0ohn MAlUter of medicine by tho people and through Insistence won concession after 1503 bought largo sum a Iotlt concession until- In the Berlin Museum for a keep A years came aMoi doctor aboard the whaler PoleStar gold dug up In to silence few laterhowever the tale In 1689 a charter was granted the city corporation was created with the tiara which was said to nave been Southern ¬ prlr was out In n country paper Then Georges PoUt explained him liege of election by tho people of olx Aldermen and elx Itussla nnd which the German historian Curtlus saul to public assistants the Got haj recently to be a self the i rrKor313 or PJIECEBINO CHAPTERS to appoint ancient Greek work It been found by Tedesio jotia UeAJleter a CcoVh medical la enema to a ronng- ornor reserving tho right nil other officers Tho Dutch officers museum The painting wets sold to me as a Corot j Bar atudent marry fraud and has ben removed from the r slrl namad flora In hta own country To gain enouiu mOT to Sehout Burgomasters and Schepen wore replaced by Mayor Aldermen Thu Moablte antlqultlm bought by the Merlin Museum in Bros ho said On taking It hack from iM Dumas I ret- en he taloa aa surgeon aboard tie whaler Pola tw SestambM ends and It to them and they still affirm to bo a Corot ttam tar sortb inS In Imminent pull of being lcet ound for the winter 1570 and tho terra cotta objects bought at tho Hotel Drouot urned it lam dealre to Sheriff I dispute H e crew tlmoit reaoh the polot ot so creat la their Paris in 1ES7 were confesred to ba counterfeits only after no longer In the return horn CipU Cratle newerr refuaM to return TIll captain la In 1687 measures were taken to build a new street along East JUver responsibility on a M Coidell under aom- In ills on campaigns against In tho Landtag They have Tedmeo I3ro threw the i avstranxe mla hoie history no one Icnowi but who labora ance at the office and a substitute had to bo selected furious them Molssonlir- sorrow dlacontent ot the crew le oUt ¬ the line of tho present Water street The city gates wcro ordered closed lIe hnd exhibited It to many Judges Including j etarrlcle hidden or myitery Tho Russian and Turk- at now among their bronzes a nngcllatlon attributed to Don saanted by a rumor that the inlp la haunted Weird out6s hare ac- place That was at the time of the last Georges did buy It from us but from II mate sunset and opened at daylight The eale of liquors was regulated sanitary atcllo which In In reality cast from a bnsrcllcf In the Louvre Bcrlder Petit < eosnId her throughout tha royace and Manaon th aecoad tub ish war s party to whom V bud eold It t Mint a hoetlr form Ilk that ot a woman illdlnc amoni the spring he had a puckered measures established and markets provided the very cracks being reproduced high relief In lISt the private r hIts to ebake bullet tome When he turned up again next paintings painting MeSoa nIT U unable the crew ttrrlned thit endeavor to director Bole announced triumphantly tho acquisition M Cordoll Is a restorer of The oparnltoral preienca la folowtnc the foilStar wound In the side of his neck which he used to James became ICing and consolidated the provinces of New herr explained ItT- England at Rome of n superb bust the portrait of n nl- was brought to me by M do Reuoi he conceal with his cravat Now Jersey Duche 4000 To- engaged- Now York and under Andoa one of the ablest Governors who Urlilno wtaih he attributed to Dosldera da Bettlsnnno It eilesco IlkeJ It and paid M do Ream trance for It CHAPTER II- Whether the mates Inference that he had been 12000 a and resWed much ¬ belonging to day tho dealers Todeaco and Petit who sold for francs In the war Is true or not I cannot say It was certainly a appointed Lieutenant of the time Injloston On the re- Is simply a cast from a bust In painted stucco I Wcmys So two of what they bought for 4000 francs want to throw the blame Ilaantedt strange coincidence ceipt of now that William of Orango had landed in England Boston Impris- ¬ the collection lit Count In London their St Luplcln on me who mode only a modest commlsilonl U his story given as far as I can In his own words The wind la veering around In an easterly direction but oned Ahdros and Nicholson fled most Important the gospel covers of lorI original In National do Reum inltht of course have explained that ba t saw of his dental hAve very slight I Ice Is lying closer than It did are modern copies of an the f Paris M THAT what he must In spite is still think the Now York had a email garrison and four bands painting from masked man on a dark night f yesterday as eye cm reach on every side there train ot militia tho Library I received the a boon a young bear erect upon Its hind legs on attitude As far the principally Dutch to say nothing Is one wide expanse of spotless white only broken by an latter recruited from the although tho population was so As fur paintings the history of Georges Pellfs false but Instead preferred assume alarmed I nrhjca thor otten when occasional rift or tho dark shadow of a hummock To the cosmopolitan that one writer says eight languages were spoken by the clU In the uncertain light this would bear a resemblance to a south there II tho narrow lane of blue water wihlch Is our zeal of NoW York Jacob Lolsler who came from every Frankfort Germany In THE FIRST CBAR AND THE LATEST KAISER > especially to a man whose nerves were already sole means of escape and which li closing up day 1C60 I fcuman figure was senior captain When news of what had been done in Boston THE OLD REUA ¬ heavy responsibility upon himself shaken Whatever it may have been the occur The captain Is taking a Lt oomewhat of potatoes has been finished and even reached the people of New York the militia Gathered at tho fort The cap- ¬ most unpleasant I hoar that the tank rence la unfortunate for It has produced a the biscuits are running ahort but he preserves the same tains took command and ignoring the council of the absent Ldeutenant 1 greater part the ejffeot upon the crew Impassible countenance and spends the of Governor ruled for ten days when a Committee of Safety having been J more day the crows nest sweeping the horizon with ills glass j Their looks ore more sullen and their discontent at formed Leister was named by It LleutennntGovernor I manner Is very variable and tie seems to nvold my grievance of being debarred from tie her His tI open The double society been no repetition of the violence Then William and Mary having established themselves upon the Eng ¬ to but there has ut ring flabirig ond of being detained In what they choose which ho showed the other night lish throne considered the faroff colonies and sent a Governor Sloughtcr call a haunted vessel may lead them to do something rash My deliberate opinion is that we are commanded by a Troops wero sent on another ship under Major Ingoldesby who arrived in r Even the harpooners Who are the oldest and steadiest madman January 1691 nearly threo Slougfhter account extraordinary vagaries months in advance of Ho demanded general agitation- Nothing else can for the among them are Joining In the ot Capt Ccalfrie the fort of Lolsler who asked for Ingoldesbyo credentials and being re- ¬ auperstltldn things S Apart from this absurd outbreak of It Is fortunate that I kept this Journal of our voyage as fused declined to surrender any part of his power are looking rather more cheerful It will servo to Justify us In case we have to put him under When Sloughter carno the obstinate Lelslor his soninlaw Mllborne any of step which should only consent to The pack which was forming to the south of us has partly sort restraint I and six of his Council were tried on charges of ¬ as a last resource treasonand convicted al Is BO warm aa to lead me to though they had yielded to OlearecT away and the water Curiously enough It was he hImself who suggested lunacy tho first ehowlng of the William and Mary com- ¬ fcelleve thatwe ore lying In one of those branches of the and not mere eccentricity as the secret of his strange con ¬ mission to the Governor Lelsler and illlborne were hastily hanged and Gulf Stream which run up between Greenland and Spitz duct He was standing upon the bridge about an hour ago beheaded but later Parliament and the Throne vindicated them was walking up restored bAKING feergan peering as usual through the glass wall I their estates to thelchelrs and released six majority of men wero the membersottho Council To sea about nnd down the quarterdeck The the common people w i There are numerous small medusae and lemons watches have not been regularly the of the city Lelsler mid Mllborno rernartyrs and from every below at their tea for the the ship with abundance of shrimps so that there to kept of late their adherents grew tho root party of the Revolution posilMUty of nail being sighted Indeed one waa seen Tired of walking I leaned against the bulwarks and ad Sloughter died in omco and historians spook slightingly of his charac- ¬ POWDER glow bythe sinking son upon the great I blowing about dinner time but In such a positionthat It was mired the mellow fast ter and acta IngWdeaby ruled briefly and was succeeded by Goy Benjamin Absolutely Pure Ice fields which surround us Fletcher In 1696 Impossible for the boats to follow It What companion Is like the great restless throb we sat- then 594 7HEREIS SUBSTITUTE The Captain had strange theories of his own As blOC ea7 What human mood II there which It doea not There wore then housea in New York and the city wee nourishing W In the cabin that evening he entertained me with them thus match and sympathize with Its citizens had long held a monopoly In the bolting of flour In which system amid a countless number of other eye There are none so gay but that they may feel gayer when Fletcher confirmed them Nassau strecot was opened and night l The iolar green a watch of Amusements through space In they listen to Its merry turmoil and see the lone four men with rattles was established lama as large as Itself rolls ever silently surges But Fletcher had a large territory great ratine in with the glint of the eunbeama In their govern gave little MADISON SQDAlaC GARDEN V I he direction of the constellation of Hercules The sparkling crests to and attention to the citys growth or Its needs Trinity letlnnlnc XKXT UVSS Uetropollt- iOptraKouw Orchetr- Is composed spin and spin through the But when gray waves toss heads in anger and Church was established in the early days of his rule against the opposition SUNDAY Evening l I inheres of which It the their Bololala Opeainf Nlch- lOVNT1i IN ceaselessly and noiselessly the Wind screams above them goading them on to madder of the Dutch and the Independent English Tho building was completed in loiiDiuA YORK rtnnr void and > MVDirection ot f and more tumultuous efforts then the darkestminded of 1C9S present I Of these oho of the smallest and most Insignificant Is on tho site of tho church DB RKSZKI3 I n K Johattoa men feels that there Is a melanoholy principle In nature WUlUom Bradford a printer who Boot on aa at box office alai at Treoaa faring that conglomeration of solid and of liquid particles which which Is as gloomy as his own thoughts had been thrown In prison at Phila- ¬ elpaj hottlalftuIlinanvLU QwayA UcHrlde1 Tl- t Ji delphia printing a BlrayPrlne oPens A I3OenAdmJl have named the earth When it Is calm the surface Is as clear and bright as a for pamphlet against the Quakers wn Invited to Now rtllJlK Be DAVE Neat ACROSS ROCKIES 1 of broken only one spot long York by Gov I TIlE OX whirls onward now as It has done before my birth sheet at where a black Fletchers Council and established tho first press of the first Mat Than Ii HOME SWCCT HOME It Une projects of water looking revolving mystery corning out the like the jagged back newspaper tho New York Gazette on tho island in 1693 and will do after my deatha of some sleeping monster Wihen wind blows Manhattan I I the tram the During all these years of English rule Long Island Brooklyn Amusements Done know whence and going none know whither east the waves break upon It like thunder and tho spray la settlements had paid Here are two Caesiirs the first and the latest Take your choice The gen- ¬ many I slight attention to the Kings laws and tho Governors I Upon the outer crust of this moving mass crawl tossed far over the ship demands There was tleman In the prehistoric sanitary underwear Is tho lato Julius Caesar flu MATIXCB- I waS suddenly aroused from reverie much from New England In derby and overcoat the present Kaiser Wilhelm Aa each KVCHY DAT mites of whom I am one helpless Impotent being dragged the Into which I had and under Fletcher a form of gentleman the li FARI fallen by a hoarse voice at my elbow and turning around I arose New York merchants were to looks at the other It would be bard to say which considers himself the real Black Patti Troubadours aimlessly through space Yet such Is the state of things said liars backed the enterprise of found that the captain had descended jind was standing by Long Islanders gaining great profits Ships exponent of tho Cncjar Industry The picture was token during the Kaisers 4001S ArtIsts laeludlnt thu Grist Dlaet PattL among us that tho little energy and glimmering of reason my side commUsaloned aa visit to Rome where he Inspected the nit callery containing the statue of his J against the French sailed from the port of New York which I possess Is entirely taken up with the Iabors which He was staring out over the Ice with an expression In and merchantmen great prcdccecuor Excursions which horror surprise and something approaching to joy were sent out to revictual thorn and bring In the goods they gained I are yneccaary In order to procure certain metallic disks It was were contending for tho mastery- freely said that tho prIvateers became actual pirates may purchase the chemical elements necessary and Robert Livingston I m Wherewith I In spite of the cold great drops of perspiration wero cours of Albany who went to London to press Amusements Amusements ¬ claims for money advanced by to build up my everwasting tissues and keep a roof over mo Ing down his forehead and he was evidently fearfully ex- him LEHIGH VALLEY cited His limbs twitched like those of a man upon the vergd- to Fletcher during an expedition against tho French charged ThEATRE list it nwal- TRY PROCTERS TODAT a we Inclemency of tho weather that Fletcher B R O1IDWRY nea TSC to shelter me from tha an epileptic fit and the lines about were was partner tho pirates Es 8 Met wa ft Sat 2 TOMOHT of his mouth drawn a of The charges were tried before II W preitnta the rtrwrred Biery Alt and Ere full Orchtitraa- f2 upon vital questions the Lords of Baraie New Mulul Comrdjr I thus havo no thought to expend the and hard Trade at Whitehall and OQrl Contlauoui VaudeTllle Edward Lani RAILROAD i sustained but William disapproved of tho finding Special- It Co Murptiy Jt Wlllard ewan A- every side Yet miserable entity as Look he gasped seizing me by the wrist but atlll keep- ¬ PRINCE OP Wed MM LSUU Dlii which surround me on although ho retired Fletcher appointed PILSEN Uimtiart 4 Amer Trompetera Ac NIACARA 1 ing his eyes upon tho Ice and moving his bead slowly- and Livingstons greatest friend tOe to nw- am could at ono time feel same degree of happlnesa distant the Relurn t I In horizontal direction as It toll own some object which Earl of Bellomant Governor In his stead t TilE RAJAH FUmEXCn nBEO FA L L Sind occasionally a TlIEATJlE 0h eL A DW- EHSKISB ft All Stock 900 was evejisave the marklpuffed up with a WALLACK ooljr il6l- UlUAVi WAIAACB MAY t and was moving across the field of vision Look There man It la notable that Livingston and Bellomont were ibt 84 Dug 29th the sponsors of William W 7E115 lilt Farorllee Vail Contln- l my own Importance- Between the hummocks Now coming but from be- ¬ lanrr Satace preMnti tim ADd Return MAY 3tst trens of there Kldd whom they fitted with a ship and n Kings commission to < o hind You see heryou must see suppress Boat Race I dislike my fellowmortals Justice compels me add the far ontl her rhere the pirates Kldd recruited 160 seamen in New uouaSSttStlTHESMARTSET ITHACA S61O Flying from me by God flying from me and gone York desperate necessitous SULTAN SULU t- PAI1LOIt AND StEEriNG CARS they appear for the most part to dislike me I hate still ALACARTg that Ho uttered the lost two words In n whisper of concen- ¬ men wroto Fletcher to tho Lords of Trade It Is generally DL8lNo CAllS believed that PI- ION TUB WAIUSH ADCLA1DH- their little crawling ways their conventionalities their de trated ngony which shall never fade from my remembrance they will have money per fas aut nefas CASINO DLXCKJIORX that if he also the design intended 126tb lU I KETMWItiLASHl MAUCH celts their narrow rights and wrongs They take offense Clinging to the ratlines he endeavored to climb upon the for which ho lies commission twill not be in power IIi1I1i1Jil1K All Stork y4TOrlt Big Vaude top ot the bulwarks as If In the hope ofobtalnlne a last KIdds to govern such- CHUNK 150 at my brusque outspokenness my dlsreeard for their soda a horde of men under no pay ToNi- Ulh It Ibit 3d- 555 glance at the departing object ills strength was not equal- MS I < OSTI LOt1I GLEN ONOKO In this he was Justified t D7 PASTORS l r laws my impatience of nil constraint I could once let the to attempt however and hestaggered back against the for Kldd became the moat famous pirates KJ5 cyj 2 And tho SWITCHBACK the of ghtCIRCLE sod rs newT Aiett- pass poll skylights panting exhausted- and It was many years bofore Now York ceased to profit PULOORA dormer A Vlooolt Mr DECORATION DAY MAY 30th great drove of the human race onward with their saloon where he leaned and through that YORKE a ADAMS and IMdte Joe Rlcbmod OloarOT UlJou Ctwes was so I expected to un peculiar ttatnc train IrarreXew York fM 6LL- and Inventions and tittletattle and I remained behind His face livid that him become 3 UVIX03TONS eni a HMt of Vhfri a KHra AltratUol Desltta 8SO am ibrookire- tics 5rncortUaad Manetr- conicjous so lost no time in leading him down the companion I A It- i Fables tl 4U a m Itttarn sirs stagnant and happy Not stagnant either for I was work- tth MAJESTIC IRAt CtflOLB Bwar Uta p m TlcSetaforSwltenbaelreOc and stretching him upon one of the sofas In the cabin I Theatre t H StilL Wed and itat t CnnnkJ piWraes THE COOKS ant greetings all the harmless obatr- 14th Street M itv S Sot Ticket oftlctaat Ftrrjr BtaUona and 93310 I 4 ing In my own little groove and making then poured him out some brandy which I held to his lips FAILURES POSITIVELY LAST 2 WEEKS OZ I nu nroadwar all the sprightly badinage that BO to WIZARD OF lEes giky2 mad additional 1 Spinoza which had a wonderful effect upon him bringing tho from Brooklyn loo 1 At night I read Bacon Deeoartes Kant all and make Ufo worth Living THE f1lmrmli with nonttonnryStoatJ tutlnee gln- steadying poor COI1 A NS Is They all- blood back Into his white face and his sbak 4 those who have pried into what unknowable are In rnoklng custards young oooka fre- ¬ Thu I Ing limbs on MATINEE TODAY empty vorren of result but prodigal of poly- quently fall Here are ah experts rea- ¬ WILSON DECORATION S trulUess and Ho raised himself up on his elbow and looking round to Special Notion GRANDFRANCIS Y Bowery Bnrlesqners 00 mon digging gold we were alone he to me to come and sit sons for such failures and how to avoid We I DAY syllables reminding me of who while for see that beckoned UL > 1 them K KTH ST SlU tMJXOM VAOlW- ¬ beside 11m- TH REASON WHY EXCURSIONS- up many worms and then exhibit them ex- > havo turned sub- ¬ St nd Sub Ave YouII1W It didnt ouT he asked still In the same Dulled Custard Curdle During the Because it strengthens the system AM It1CAN g s15 Mali SICTORIAl2et ERIE RAILROAD ultantly as being what they sought At times a restless awesome tone so foreign to of the man TuFt nEHctuNr II 71t i nBat VIliUIWarf dued the nature Cooking Over the Fire and builds up tho body Is why Father ADLER IN DAVID OELASCOft iefd JACOB OF VCMCU- 1 nplrlt would come upon me and I would walk thirty end No I saw nothing Johns Medlclno cures colds Is PreHnudaat west In AUCTIONEER Reason It was allowed to overheat and so nil UAnnKNS Glen he Mon Op n PARADISE ROOF Shohola miles or breaking twit On these occa-¬ Ills head sunk back again upon the cushions No valuablo as Nut t2ie Mountalna ono hundred f i forty without rest llemody If not very badly curdled a tonic nnfl body builder nAIlDla In Dlue soS levee without tile glass he murmured Ho couldnt- mllea from New York on the twaullMI DIa- sions when I used to stalk through the country villages wouldnt for a pint of cuotard mix two tea Prevents pneumonia conaumptlon ATLANTIC no rr nuts Cam Bt S Il It ICT- WAS glass to me and then the eyes Do The Harpera- MatsWtd S Sat215 ItItt It the that showed her poonfuls of corn flour smoothly and Guaranteed The PleUe Tne Nohreni Vrtui 5ILII1ItlIZtUaltS2O EipreM tralne loss w 235 ft IK and 931- gaunt unshaven and dishevelled tie mothers would rush Into F Delmora ItIrl Bicherfi UxJr Oreh City of lovethe eyes of love I say Doc dont let the steward thinly little cold boll burnt THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET- Chaaibera Bt 900 and 930 Jenny 91S ant with a milk Add 946 A M neturnlnc SlijhoU 4 00 and oJ road and drag their children Indnors and the tnl Hell thlnlc Im mad test 555 ii the rustics to the custard while quite hot another LT C TIMES P M would swarm out of their pothouses to gaze at me To Be Continued beaten egg Amusements BErnco ThEATRE LAST MAT SAT DAVID 1IKLAPCO prwente I o Till UAKUNG- Summer Resorts GREENWOOD LAKE GLE- I SOPt13Had an Interesting conversation with the chief OLAXCIIK fATES UP Till IU1I 3 WITIt tOYXEIt A T CA51Ni V- flaked Custard rail of holes and u ilL A JSth M- NSllSprbat ezproo trata West UI upon Thatr noar InnCUy A J mate Mr Milne the bridge It seems that our captain Liquid Hot HERALDSQ 31- S4 845 10W M Its I QUEEN ALEXANDRAS BAD TEA nt lorn of DUu JIT us Bu jn HIM TItA Lei Avo A 421 Chanbera Jewr Ii AN j5 turning leara COO P M U as great an enigma to the seamen and oven to the owners Reason Oven too hot 03 custard CHARLES rnOII WAVAUEK MIIRRflY MAT1NEH KVERV DAY Oar Hotels and Boardin Houses Oat tt I When her father was a struggling Prince with largo sec TUB SONSATIONI rom rnivATt SECRBTAIIV NIAGARA ROUND the Vessel 03 hohan been to me boile- conic 00 cf prospects Is to and a limited Income Queen Alexandra said dPreventionStand the piedish In a KLAW ERLANGER prwn UwS7 i navr aitow IN TOIl island FALLS fl9 TRIP Mr Mime me when the ship 1 30- on LOOK j tell that is paid off upon own nd JOOREAT ACTS Tlekeu good total 307911 u folloWs Ldt J have done light housekeeping and sowed her frocks deep tin of cold water and bake slowly KEITHS and < S St aad Lid T returning from voyage Capt Croigle disappears and Is not DAN Itlh Stl IUlCia lie 6- Chambers St 900 A M II She still takes an absorbing Interest In dress but since tho IV TilE NCW AMERICANDALYTAnCB A TERRITORY SWEPT BY THE f W 23d SI 6 mlnutea Mrller Jitter aeon again until the approach of another season when h- 0METItOPOI1S Ergi S1S Mitt WaJ but CItY 5t15 mloatre later Returntsf oaTs tie day of her marriage aha has never ordered a meal or put toot COOL 31 walks quietly Into the office of the company and asks whether FALLACIOUS ADAGES PREVAILING SUMMER F5bbon or Ixtoto Mat In the royal kitchens She frankly owns that she detests JOHN HENRY St And 3J Au Resurrection this services will be required V HODART II K ROdE UJ SOUTH WINDS FROMTHE OCEAN eP things domestic This would be a WIld old world If DT OEO row He has no friend in Dundee nor does any one pretend rounlJ on Comic IncldenU iron Mr Hobarfa- ORLOIN WAX NewOrour- IDEAL PLACE FOR to She en sparingly of simple food In order to keep tho everybody In It lived according to the Humoroua John Htnrr TilE with early history foot EOE I sCINliM ATOtlitA IM- IAUCH CHUNK11i j ba acquainted his C JOHN IIBNrtV It a loni laiuh- RECREATION slimness < throve as an advocate of tea drinking rules set down by tho OrcSairil CnnLcrta AH Kv- ilEALTtIREST AND position depends entirely upon her but mnxlmmakfrs MUSIU < I Hli his skill as a seaman HOMES a booklet dftsrlnlnis- Ono she makeshcr own brew every day with a service of solid For instance tMMKK ap- Glen OIt the name for courage nnd QARRICK TlinATRU MIll St near nroadwir- s Mat hoicti tree upon Switchback end coolncu whlon lio had earned may < IIurtta eca3wniWlJ3ih oat lInthouMa sold So complete however li hor Ignorance of the art nC Sllenco be golden but few of u KVOS SdO lD1Ji Uutkhirt A Co ITo plication I 1 n n ticket odcee Astor EXCURSION in the capacity of mate before being Intrusted sepa- ¬ Ltltsa it j 0 with a cookery that her family avoid acceptance of even tea when would advocate a nocljl gcd standard KU1XKY InFAUINUTIIgMUSICC- Jiubian floeTbc I e retta1ez- 10 ID32 Kwlc Bureau j0 Jnarnal DAY rate command ThJ unanimous opinion seems to bo UbNHl Hejart Bureau 13JJ1 World Vacation Du DECORATION MAY30 I that h- says us ore and Be- made by her hands the Detroit News Most of Hmetalllit want v Ar lOth tIlt SVei Oar Flab 1353 and liSt Mail aDd Kisrtu VIA f er anot a Scotchman anti that his name Is an assumed one speech Hounding it Droadwaj sun Information 1 It Is no better than pig wash said a dlguatecLandtoo something of silver MCKCRDOCKER THEATRE nwaj Mth- LeA wrt Bureau f I Mr Milne thinks that hs his dovoteU himself to whaling SECRET 3U 9l Court Intorma- peer ¬ course we can not Along at 8 ikiuhi WIFES liureu Tn tIris x- I plainspoken who could not rcfulloto an after brass ot Thli Wet Oat Scsi Mt sVilJ- tloa uuraau 9 Spruce it 8j itS aro 34th NEWJERSEYCENtR t pimply for thn reason that It Is the most dangerous occupa HOfND t noon potion when brewed by his sovereign lady comfortably without says the Plttsburg ROMEO and sat L 1L n an4 toot Iw Chanter at atvl- which he could select and Hie Aii5ffroS ininrlVOKMt8ia KvceSt3 ytWsI ISSUi Na York or eeal 4 roots 15U c3IILDX i tlon that courts death in every The King In only royal Dispatch n III A WOHKINU OIKL5 WKONUS 4J Wilt ati Apt1LTl oeajble Ke the member of tho household who In etaror to IIOWAHD M SMITH General II StkA I manner mentioned ieviratthstiffis of this only spoke he had j BR 113 SnltchbaoU Ticket laves confess that ho cant amlwqnt drink the boveraSo- If o man when ramnnr Actet UI FillS an uaIa trolll L1ettt S- I Beof which U rather curlout If tru bt- I MABELLE OILMAN WEST THU ROYAL ULUPUTIANSNxt New Tent II- I as prepared by the Queen In tomiequEiicehe has a separate BomethlnR to say the world would B1JOUI END i WMS JiaU Claitoa IWO Orpliani1 iL flccrna that on qneoccasiou ho did not p tJnIU1APP Ua MOCKIKQ BIRD ubteYisq9 tJ It a- ttsy and Butksj tea wlthhU aWn hands every afteruooa iwa happy It would eliminate oil filtM ISeUl MAT TIlE c s ld- i L < i t v- d F ij < ii > r Hi Ie jJj 1ifli 1 i ik U T r I t i 4 I Bf Ma j rfiI fa i rt