The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Pulished WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19G5 Kvery Thursday 32 Pagei—10 CenU Non-Sked Mishap One bona fid« Injury marred [ted Fund Reports the perfect evacuation of almost 100 "injured" Scouts Sunday School Board Threat To Fire afternoon by the Rescue Squad participating in the Civilian De- fense "Operation Prep Medic"— but the injured was not even Reach 41 P. C. umung the supposed "victims." Contractors Held Off; Cite Members Jack Frost, John illrges Fire Officer Loses Eye Ward and Larry Moore respond- Trash Collectors ed to a call received during the In Freak Accident drill to transport Barry Failure To Complete Work of 8M North Ave. to Muhlenb+rg The condition of Fire Lt. Howard Hospital. The boy suffered a com- Detlefs of 420 Grove St. was de- Say New Cleanup pound fracture of the left leg scribed as "improved" by authori- after he fell off a wall und struck m ties at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plain- Plan Working un outside faucet al 115 Ludlow Vote To Delay $73,507 In Payments , campaign for field this week. He is still in the in- I'l. Fund of West- tensive care unit at the hospital. After a few early difficulties, The Rescue Squad's two ambu- Fife Claims Council For Work at Edison and Roosevelt Westfields' refuse collectors report 42 per cent of Lieutenant Detlefs lost his right lances, 20 men and seven sta- The Board of Education Tuesday night threatened to goal for 14 eye and suffered a severe concussion the new cleanup program is working tion wagons provided transpor- smoothly. fire the prime contractors engaged in the $1.9 million task U agencies Tues- in a freak accident Thursday eve- tation of the 'injured" during the Sunday test drill. Was Aware Of Stand of building additions and making improvements to Roose- jhen the various ning while checking the motor of a "There was a little misunderstand- family car. As he lifted the liood, ing at Ik' beginning, and for a week In a statement released to the velt and Edison Junior High Schools for failure to com- the Fund in their the fan split and pieces struck him or two some of us were swamped," Leader today, John Fife, Demo- plete the work on time. eport. session re- in the face. • said Frank Inlelisano, a spokesman Mrs. Klaiber, Dr. Evans Won't Seek cratic council representative from After hearingg Board President Norman Morash re- eontributions and for the town's 21 private refuse col- the Fourth Ward amplified the posi- questt thah t consideratioidti n be givei n to dii the con- »,«C. lectors. "Now that the program is tion he took at East week's council tractort s involvedild , andd thhe contractors' Hide of the dispute Butlermore, general better understood, collections have New Terms As School Board Members meeting when he asked that Magis- presented by a representative of tho Boro CD Conducts trate John M. Mackenzie's resigna- general contractor, A.A. La Foun- airman, commenting leveled off and we can handle them." The Board of Education learned report, said, "This tion from the Police Court post be tain Inc. of Hackcnsack, the board One reason for the early lnisunuer- Tuesday night that two of its mem- sought. Linden's Approval i that the drive Taper' Exercise stunding probably is that the cleanup Realtors To Seat members voted to reconsider the bers, Mrs. Margaret M. Klaiber and dismissal action nnd to withhold jjrd and results art* program is unlike those of other Dr. Henry C. J. Evans will not be The statement follows: those areas whore Mountainside — A simulated area communities. The program, "Last Tuesday at the Town Coun- For Planning Job ratification of payments due several candidates for new terms in Feb- contractors totaling $73,607. |wt sad made their crash of a trailer truck loaded with worked out by the disposal contrac- ruary. Davidson, Other cil meeting 1 requested that the poisonious gas, resulting in two mayor nnd council ask for the resig- The payments were due as tors and the Town Council's Sanita- Both members said they bad ad- Slated Tonight deaths and injury to 13 persons, nation of Magistrate John Mackenzie. follows: ia individual gifts arc tion and Trash Kcmovul Co:..mittee vised the Joint Civic Committee they New Officers constituted Mountainsides partici- 1 To many I am sure the question oc- tie dwirman said," headed by James C. Mo ' .i, makes would not seek reelection. The com- Alfred II. Linden Jr. or Weslfield A. A. LaFountain Inc. of Hackon- pation In Sunday's Civil Defense curred, "Was such an extreme step is where the Fund it possible for residen'. to dispose inittc is currently engaged in screen- Arthur Laveiihar of Plainficld, was approved Monday night at a sack, general construction, $33,338; drill "Operation Prep Medic II." necessary?" Those of you who it giving was fully of unwanted items ! .roughout the ing candidates for the board elec- Vice President, 8th District New caucus of the Union County Board Frank P. Farrell Inc., Newark, year instead of s;n ..ig them for one know me and have supported mo heating and ventilating work, $24,< The incident took the form of a tions to bo hold next year. Members Jersey Association of Real Estate over the past three years renlize that of Freeholders for appointment as m asked that all written test in Echobrook School. or two pickup d-. .;. of the committee, were present al Board will install the 1965-Bti officers director of the new county Plan- 730, and Lessner Electric Co, Inc., I would never have made this re- Elizabeth, electrical work, $16,441. tors make their calls No exercise was conducted nt the Under the .ogram, householders Tuesday's meeting. of the- Wcslfield Board of Realtors at quest did I not believe it absolutely ning Hoard. His salary will bo $11,- t their reports in. scene of the supposed crash at can put or. surplus items as they Mrs. Klaiber will have completed a special luncheon meeting ill the 500. Tho usually placid board meet- will mean a short, Route 22 and New Providence Rd. want to \ispose of them, with their Halfway House, Mountainside, to- necessary, Formal approval will be made In ing erupted when Mr. Morash, six years of service when her term "ft is impossible to understand paUn," the chair- The problems were presented regular Irasli on the second pickup expires next year. She is currently day. a personnel resolution lo be- intro- shaking al the end of the routine how the council could have been agenda said, "We had expected tho orally by Civil Defense Director day of any week. The collectors will chairman of the Committee on Edu- The newly elected officers are: "stunned" (us the newspapers re- duced al a regular meeting of the spurt meeting for all Walter Vreeland and their solutions pick up anything that will fit into cation and Health, In announcing President, James J. Davidson; first ported) when I made my request freeholders. major contractors on the Hoosevelt to Fund campaign described on paper by 12 key CD their trucks, and these include toys, her decision Mrs. Klaiber said, "All vice president, David li. Mingle; public since I had on two occasions The approval of Mr. Linden and and Edison projects to be present Tuesday from 7 to loaders. screens, wood and metal furniture, good things must come to an cud. second vice president, Charles G. in private sessions with the mayor bis salary were recommended to tonight to discuss the progress ot the National State boxes, radios, bicycles, rolled mat- It lias been an honor and privilege Meierdlerck; secretary, Henry L. nnd council requested the Magis- the freeholders by Joseph D'Annumi- work nt the schools. Since the brisk winds were be- tresses, cushions, sleds and similar ! at the corner of lieved to be carrying the "poison- to serve on the booul mid I have en- Schwiering; treasurer, L. Dean trate's resignation. (I stated this at zio, vice chairman, and Alfred Mel, Saying that dismissal of the con- items. joyed working with Hie touchers and Johnson, and director, Harry T. tractors was being contemplated, m Ave. ous gas" j0 Wcslfield, that town the council meeting, but the news- secretary of the recently appointed section of the Busi- was alerted to the threat. Radio When residents want to dispose of children." Danker. <3 year term). papers failed lo report it.) Planning Uourd in a personal visit Mr. Morash added, "We owe It to ed the Major Gifts contact was made with Union larger items, such as refrigerators Dr. Evans, who was nnmed to the II. Clay Friedrichs, retiring presi- "lt was not easy to publicly re- to the freeholders. the public and the taxpayers to re- turrent leaders with County CD headquarter for gas or stoves, contractors will arrange to board this spring to fill the unex- dent will serve a one year term as quest Judge Mackenzie's resigna- They suggested that llic appoint- move the contractors and appoint «P reporting $6,380 masks and recommendations were make special trips. pircd term of Dr. Hobert Miner Jr., director, William A. Clark .serves tion. 1 know him personally and I re- ment of Mr, Linden, now assistant now ones. Westfield has been sadly n per cent of its made for the evacuation of neigh- According to Councilman Moran, which ends next February, said his tbc last year of n three year term spect bis honesty nnd legal ability.
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