VOL. VIII.—No. 84.] MAY IST, 1872. [PRICE Is.

AT the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the EOYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the Mansion House, by the kind permission of the Eight Honourable The LOED MAYOB of London, on Monday, the 8th clay of April, 1872, CAPTAIN His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., E.N., in the Chair, the following Beport of the Committee -was read by the Secretary:—

ANNUAL REPORT, circumstance of CAPTAIN THE DUKE OF THE Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL EDINBURGH, R.N., having kindly con- LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, in presenting their sented to preside over the present meet- animal statement to its supporters and ; ing, and they beg now to tender to his to the public, on this, its forty-eighth | Royal Highness their warm thanks for anniversary, desire to express their grate- j the great honour he has thus conferred ful thanks to all those who have afforded ; on the Institution. it their generous aid. i The year's transactions may be sum- At the last Annual Meeting they had marized as follows: to regret a falling off in the contributions Life-loats. — Since the last Report of the previous year, arising mainly from eighteen new Life-boats have been placed the large subscriptions raised throughout on the coast; some of them at new sta- the country for the relief of the sick and tions, and others to replace worn-out or •wounded, and other victims of the fearful inferior boats. They are stationed at the war •which raged in Erance. following places:— Happily, however, with the return of peace the stream of charity has also re- ENGLAND. turned to its wonted channels, and the NORTHUMBERLAND . . Tynemouth. DURHAM .... . Sunderland. receipts of the Institution, during the past YORKSHIRE . . . Wbitby. year, have accordingly been considerably Flamborongh in excess of those of the year 1870. (2 Boats). Bridlington. In the year 1867 the Institution was LINCOLNSHIRE . . . Theddlethorpe. honoured by the Presidency, at its Annual . AValmer. Meeting, of His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE milestone (Dun- geness). PBINCE OF WALES. GLAMORGANSHIRE . . . Porthcawl. The Committee have now to congratu- CARMARTHENSHIRE . . Petnbrey. late the supporters of the Society on the ANGLESEY .... . Rhoscolyn.


SCOTLAND. the . Still, every friend of the Life-boat cause will rejoice to learn CAITHNESS-SBIEE . Thnrso. that the Institution contributed during HAEDINGTOSSBIJU: North Berwick. the same period to the rescue of 882 lives. Of these, 658 owe their lives immediately IRELAND. to the services of the Life-boats; and for Co. LOUTH Drogheda. saving the remainder the Institution DUBLIN .... Howth. granted rewards to the Crews of Shore- WEXFOBD .... Wexford. boats and other persons, in acknowledg- WATERFOED . . . Dungarvan. ment of their laudable exertions. It should be mentioned that, in addition to these services, no fewer than 31 ships New tfansporting-carriages and boat- were saved by the Life-boats, and that in houses have likewise been provided for other cases the boats were repeatedly several of the above boats. signalled off by distressed vessels, and The Institution has now two hundred afterwards contributed largely to their and thirty-three Life-boats on the coasts preservation by encouraging the crews to of the United Kingdom, and in the Chan- remain by their ships, and, occasionally, nel Islands. by taking them ashore, in their alarm, and in putting them on board again when the During the past year these boats saved storm had lulled. Even in such instances the lives of six hundred and fifty-eight the hardships and risks occasionally en- persons; nearly the whole of them being dured by the Life-boat crews are very great under circumstances of peril that would It is indeed gratifying to know that have precluded any ordinary boats from the Life-boat services of the year have proceeding to their aid. been characterised by their usual gal- lantry, and without the loss of a single Shipwrecks.—The storms of the past life amongst their brave crews; which year, in the seas of the British Isles, have circumstance instinctively excites our fortunately not been characterized by gratitude to Him whom the winds and any fearful shipwrecks, attended with seas obey. great loss of life. A detailed list of the great services Towards the latter end of the year the rendered by the boats of the Institution, during the past year, is annexed. gales on our coasts became unusually fre- quent and violent. Between the 6th and The efforts of the Board of Trade con- tinue unceasing in the maintenance and the 22nd December the crews of the Life- extension of the Rocket Apparatus on the boats of the Institution distinguished them- Coasts of the United Kingdom, which con- selves much in saving 146 lives from tributes every year, under the zealous various Shipwrecks. management of the officers and men of The total number of Shipwrecks on the the Coastguard service, to the rescue of coast of the United Kingdom in 1871 was hundreds of persons from Shipwreck at 1,574, accompanied by the loss of 626 places where, from their rocky nature, Life-boats could not be made use of. lives. The number of lives saved during the The Committee deeply regret to have to forty-eight years from the establishment report, on the authority of the Board of of the Institution in -1824, to the end of Trade Returns, the loss of so many valuable the year 1871, either by its Life-boats or men, a very large proportion of whom by special exertions for which it has granted were engaged in the Mercantile Marine of rewards, is as follows:— "Drawn by EDWIN WEEDON, Esq.] THE LIFE-BOAT TO THE RESCUE.

MAY 1, 1872.] ANNUAL EEPOET. 215

IntheYear IntheYear No. of Lives In lie Year No. of Lives No. of Lives Saved. Saved. In the Year Saved. 1824 124 1836 225 1848 123 1860 455 1825 218 1837 272 1849 209 1861 424 1826 175 1838 45S 1850 470 1862 574 1827 163 1839 279 1851 230 1863 714 1828 301 1840 353 1852 773 1864 698 1829 463 1841 128 1853 678 1865 714 1830 372 1842 •276 1854 355 1866 921 1831 287 1843 236 1855 406 1867 1,086 1832 310 1844 193 1856 473 1868 862 1833 449 1845 235 1857 374 1869 1,231 1834 214 1846 134 1858 427 1870 784 1835 364 1847 157 1859 499 1871 882

Total . . 20,746

The Life-boats ot tie Institution were instrumental in 1871 in rescuing the crews of the following Wrecked Vessels :— 1871. Adelaide, schooner, of Malahlde.... 5 Hopeman and Skye fishing-boats... 11 Rose, schooner, of Ipswich—saved Albert, barque, of Bremen 21 Howth—dredging barge 4 vessel and crew 4 Albion, barque, of Rostock 10 /dun, barque, of Bergen 16 Samuel and Ann, schr., Yarmouth . 4 -Albion, schooner, of Beanmaris— India, barque, ol Shields 16 Sarah., brig, of SvmdcrlaTid 6 saved vessel and crew 3 Intrepid, schooner, of Liverpool— Scarborough fishing cobles—assisted Alexandra, screw stcamer,ofLondon 23 rendered assistance, four boats. Angora, schooner, of Bangor—as- Isabella Heron, brigantine, of Blytb Sea, barque, of Montrose—assisted sisted to save vessel and crew ... 7 —Saved vessel and crew 6 to save vessel. Ann, schooner, of Inverness Jane, brigantine, of Barmouth 5 Sort, Austrian brig—assisted to save Ann Mitchell, schooner, of Newquay 5 Jane KUgour, barque, of London .. 13 Arctic Hero, barque, of Goole 1 Jeune CoZomoe.-brig, of St. Malo... 7 St. Fergus, schooner, of Aberystwith Azela, brig, of Blyth—assisted to Jubilee, schooner, of Preston 4 —remained by vessel. save vessel and crew 8 Kingsbridge Packet, steamer—ren- St. Thomas's Packet, of Blyth—as- Benjamin Whitworth, s.s., of Middles- dered assistance. sisted to save vessel and crew.... 6 borough—remained by vessel. Lady Hunttey, brigantine,ofMaiyport 4 Storm, barque, of Cardiff—remained British Queen, brig, of London .... 7 Lark, smack, of Wexford 2 by vessel. Calamidas, Greek brig 11 Launceston. barque, of Shields 14 Stranger, schr., of Newfoundland.. 3 Carnsew, schooner,' of Hayle 4 Lucie .Antoinette, schooner, of Nantes 5 Temperance Star, Margaret, and 6 Cassandra, barque, of Liverpool... 21 Lynmouth Packet-boat 3 S"s, cobles—assisted vessels. Champion, brig, of Shoreham—saved Margaret, brigantine, of ]>ancaster . 25 Teviotdale, barque, of North Shields vessel and crew Major, schooner, of Lynn 4 —remained by vessel. Charles Philip, smack—assisted to Maria, ship, of Dunedin 19 Thessalia, brig, of Whitby 9 save vessel and crew 3 Martha, barque, of Arendal 15 Three Sisters, barque, of Genoa .... 6 Confidence, schooner, of Aberystwith 2 Mary, schooner, of Shields 4 Times, barque, of Liverpool 17 Corntiill, brigantine, of Dungarvan. 3 Atersey, schooner, of Liverpool 4 Trafalgar, sloop, of Cley—saved Courier, schooner, of Lerwick—ren- Mexican, barque, of St. John's, N.B. vessel and crew 2 dered assistance. —Rendered assistance. Trioner, brig, of Arendal, Norway . 9 Cynthia, schooner, of Montrose 2 Morning Star, brig, of Dublin 6 Typhon, brig, of Tvedestrand, Nor- Cyrus, brigantine, of Eye Musselburgh, dandy, of Lowestoft.. 11 way—saved vessel and crew..... 8 Dania, Danish Schooner 5 Newbiggin fishing cobles—assisted Vale of Convmy, smack, of Beau- Demitian Lais, smack, of Skye .... 4 to save seven boats. maris 3 Dispatch, schooner, of Whltby 3 Nigretta, brigantine, of New York . 7 Valiant, brig, of Jersey 7 Echo, brigantine, of Maldon 6 Xorval, brigantine, of Seaham- as- Venus, schooner, of Preston—re- Echo, of Lowestoft—saved lugger. sisted to save vessel and crew ... 7 mained alongside. Eleanor, schooner, of Newquay— Orb, of Whltby—saved brig 7 Wanderer, brig, of Maryport 10 assisted to save vessel and crew .. 4 Osborne, brig, of Hartlepool 8 Whltby fishing-cobles ] 8 Eliza, schooner of Pwllheli—ren- Oxalis, schooner, of Macduff 4 William, brigantine, of Londonderry 5 dered assistance. Paquita, barque, of Santander—As- Wittiam, schooner, of Liverpool— Elizabeth** Cicely, brig, of Guernsey 8 sisted to save vessel and crew ... 16 saved vessel and crew 3 Eguestrian, ketch, of Port Gordon- Pausilippo, schooner, of Ramsey... 3 Windsor, brig, of Lynn 6 Saved vessel and crew 4 Pierre Desiree, schooner, of St. Zoe, brigantine, of Dundalk—re- Excel, schooner, of Goole—rendered Valerie—saved vessel and crew.. 4 mained by vessel. assistance. Pomona, brigantine, of Dundalk— -j ^^__ Fleetwood, man overtaken by tide.. I saved vessel and crew 5 Total Lives saved by Life-boats, in Flora, brig, of Poole 6 Queen, brigantine, of Yougnal 6 1871, in addition to 31 vessels .. 658 Francis, schooner, of Cardigan— H. B., schooner, of Bayonne 7 Saved vessel and crew 4 Rapid, schooner, of Preston—saved During the same period the Insti- Friend's Increase, barge, of London 4 vessel and crew 2 tution granted rewards forsaving Friendship, galliot, of Goole 3 Regina, brig, of London 7 Lives by fishing and other boats. 224 HalsweU, ofBridgwater.and J. W. A., Richard and Harriet, barque 1 of Newquay, schooners 10 River tfith, ship, of Liverpool— Total of Lives saved) Ror, Handy, schooner, of Wexford 5 Rendered assistance. in Twelve Months.. |_B8Z Hot/tie, yacht, of Cromer 3 Robina, barque, of North Shields... 17 .Pope, brig, of Portsmouth—remained Koscius, brigintine, of Belfast—saved by vessel.

QBMEBAIi SUMMABY FOK 1871. Number of Lives resoled by Life-boats, in addition to 31 vessels saved by them. ... 658 Number of Lives saved by Shore-boats, &c 224 Amount of Pecuniary Rewards for Saving Life during the Year 2,332 511 Honorary Rewards: Silver Medals 7 Votes of Thanks on Vellum 12 Total 19 882 £2,302 511

O 2 216 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Words fail adequately to delineate the sire once more to tender their best thanks blessings that have flowed to countless for the valuable co-operation afforded them numbers of families—apart from those by the Local Branch Committees, which actually saved—by the preservation of constitute so important a portion of the upwards of 20,000 persons from Ship- machinery of the Institution for the super- wreck, as is here shown. Happily the vision of its several Life-boat establish- Life-boat work is now an established fact ments, and they acknowledge also the —and it is certain to be undertaken, with valuable and gratuitous services of the the highest probability of success, on every ! zealous Honorary Secretaries of those occasion of storm and danger. ! Committees.

Rewards.—In the Appendix a summary Finances.—The total amount of receipts is given of the cases in which honorary during the year 1871 has been 28,1407. and other rewards have been voted. During 4s. 3d.', and of this sum 5,872?. 14s. 6d. the past year 7 Silver Medals, 12 Votes were special gifts, to defray the cost of the of Thanks inscribed on vellum, and 2,302L following nine Life-boats:— £. s. d. have been granted for saving the lives of Banff—John E. Lightfoot, Esq., in 882 persons by Life-boats, shore and memory of the late Mrs. Lightfoot. 450 0 0 fishing-boats, and other means, on the Dungeness—Mrs. Jane Hatton, in coasts and outlying banks of the United memory of the late Dr. Hatton . 700 0 0 Plamborough, No. 2 (South Side)— Kingdom. " S. Michael's, Paddington," Life- The granting of these Rewards con- boat Fund 640 0 0 tinues to occupy the careful consideration Howth—A Friend, per Miss Clara Baker 680 0 0 of the Committee. Each case is minutely North Berwick—Freemasons of Eng- inquired into beforehand, through the land, per Lodge of Faith, No. 141 . 42214 6 co-operation of the Officers of Coastguard Selsey—The Misses Hallam and Mrs. and Customs, the local Honorary Secre- Margaret Birt 500 0 0 Sunderland, No. 4—Mrs. Eliza Foul- taries of the several Branches of the In- ston 680 0 0 stitution, or other responsible persons; Walmer—A Friend 1,000 0 0 and afterwards they are thoroughly scru- Wexford, No. 1—J. M. S 800 0 0 tinised by the preparatory Committee, previous to their being sanctioned by the The Committee acknowledge the receipt, General Committee at their monthly meet- since the last Eeport, of the following ings. special contributions: — The Committee have continued to re- £. ». d. Birkbeck, E., Esq., V.P., annual dm. 52 10 0 ceive the prompt and cordial co-operation Boys, Mrs. Elizabeth, additional . . 100 0 0 of the Lords Commissioners of the Admi- Bristol Mercantile Marine Office, ad- ralty, of Captain G. 0. WILLES, E.N., C.B., ditional collections 82 19 11 C. T., a sailor's daughter, produce of and of the Officers and men of the Coast- sale of needlework, additional . . 10 0 0 guard Service, to whom the best thanks Collected in pence by Miss Landale of the Institution are now again cordially and fourteen friends 21 0 0 rendered. " Customs " Life-boat Fund, per Wil- liam Wybrow, Esq., and Howard Since the formation of the Society, it Payn, Esq • . . 163 8 6 has expended on Life-boat establishments, Fore Street Elocutionary Society, and other means for saving life from Ship- proceeds of Entertainmen6 at St. George's Hall 35 11 6 wreck, 292,5002., and voted 91 Gold and Greenock, proceeds of a Concert by 828 Silver Medals for saving life, besides the Ship-riggers and Sailors of, per pecuniary rewards to the amount of Mr. Thos. Blair 30 1 0 37,320Z. Hetherington, J. M., Esq., of Man- chester 115 10 0 H. R 25 0 0 Local Committees.—The Committee de- Italy, the Government of .... 20 0 0 MAY. 1, 1872.] ANNUAL REPOBT. 217

£. *. d. Kurrachee, proceeds of an entertain- Childers, Miss Maria, Doneaster . 10 0 0 ment at the Frere Hall, per Capt. Chorley, Henry Fothergill, Esq., Giles. Master Attendant. 14 10 0 Eaton Place West 600 0 0 Lancashire Kifle Volunteers, 3rd Ad- Clark, Miss Mary, . . 1000 ministrative Battalion, collected Cosens, William, Esq., Langdon, after a sermon preached in the Dawlish 200 0 0 camp at Accrington, on 3rd July, Croyden, Mrs. Lucy, Portswood . 69 10 8 per Lieut.-Colonel Hargreaves and Davidson, Mrs. Isabella, Conway . 100 0 0 J. Ediuondson, Esq., additional 15 9 4 Dean, W. H., Esq., Stratford . . 100 0 0 M. M. M., in Memory of, annual . 10 0 0 Fitch, Mrs. Frances, Bath . . . 500 0 0 Malvern, No. 4, College Grounds, col- Forbes, James Stewart, Esq., Yv'im- lected by the Boys at 1 13 0 bledon (reversionary) . . . . 5,000 0 0 Myrmidon, H.M.S., Proceeds of En- Cover, Miss Eleanor, Pimlico . . 100 0 0 Graham, John, Esq., Ide Hill, tertainment given by the Amateur Sevenoaks 1,000 0 0 Theatrical Company of that ship, Griffiths, James, Esq., R.N., Wick- per Lieut. H. N. Alleyne, K.N. 10 0 0 ham Market 50 0 0 Natal, Royal Mail Steamer, collected Eowell, J., Esq., Cadogan Place . 200 0 0 on board the, per Mr. S. K. P. Hussey, P. L., Esq., Brighton (re- Caines 15 H 7 versionary) 50 0 0 Newport (Mou.) Histrionic Club, pro- Hutchinsoii, Mrs. Laura Catherine, ceeds of an entertainment by the Lancaster (reversionary) . . . 1,000 0 0 Members of the 64 18 11 Jones, Wm. Henry, Esq., Brixtou . 10 10 0 Ocean, H.M S., Proceeds of Sale of Knight, Miss Maria, Hathern . . 100 0 0 Kacing Cutter presented to the In- Leeves, Edward, Esq., Venice . . 100 0 0 stitution by racing crew of this ship, Lewis, Mr. Jno., Bath (reversionary) 20 0 0 first commission under Capt. Stan- Lyon, Mrs. Jane, Knightsbridge . 500 0 0 hope, R.N., per Capt. A. Tinklar, K.N., and C. H. S. Leicester, Esq.. 10 0 0 McKinnel or Hannay, Mrs. Mary, Kirkcudbright, N.B 100 0 0 Oxford Gas Company's Workmen, per Charles Henwood, Esq. . 718 Neale, Miss Eliza, to- wards the building Pertwee, Joseph, Esq., additional 105 0 0 of a " Pendock Neale " Plumer, Mrs. C. M., " In Memory of Life-boat .... 246 16 7 a beloved Sister " 50 0 0 Also donation from Miss Roman, Cape Royal Mail Steam Ship, J. E. Herring, New- collected on board the, per Lieut. port, I.W., in aid of Vyvyan, R.N.K 41 0 6 bame Life-boat, in me- Vansittart, A. A., Esq., additional . 50 0 0 mory of departed Weston-super-Mare, collected at, per friends 100 0 0 Capt. G. Buubury, R.N 21 2 6 346 16 7 Pearson, Robert, Esq., Newcastle- upon-Tyne (reversionary share of LIFE-BOAT GIFTS IN 1872. residue) Forteath, Mrs. Harriott, for WMtby Repper, Mrs. Mary Ann, Camborne 1018 No. 2 Life-boat 680 0 0 Russell, Lady Frankland, Thirkleby 100 0 0 Grove, Miss J. E. Chafyn, for Porth- Shipstone, Thomas, Esq., Bevcrley 45 0 0 cawl new Life-boat 680 0 0 Speight, William, Esq., Ossett, York 20 0 0 Stanton, W., Esq., Bramley Wharf, Lingham, Mrs., for Rhosneigir new Life-boat 680 0 0 Dividends on 500 0 0 Stone, Richard, Esq., Ulceby . . 100 0 0 A friend, further on account of Walmer new Life-boat . . . 300 0 0 Tancred, J. J., Esq., Pearville, Co. Dublin 1,000 0 0 Tredwell, Wm., Esq., Handsworth, LEGACIES IN 1871-2. Staffordshire ]05 0 0 Walmesley, Mrs. C. E., Connaught Atton, Robert, Esq., Taunton . . 800 0 0 Square 300 0 0 Baker, Miss Elizab.. Stutton, Suffolk 100 0 0 Watson, Mrs. Eliza, Loughton. . 10 J 0 0 Baker, Miss Harriet, Stutton, Suffolk 100 0 0 Willement, Thomas, Esq., Daving- Black, Mr. Matthew, Elie, N.B. . 10 0 0 ton Priory, . ... 5) 0 0 Burd, Mrs., Wantage 1,500 0 0 Windsor, J., Esq., Ipswich (rever- Campbell, Mr. William, Hustings 10 0 0 sionary) 10 0 0 218 ANNUAL EEPOET. [MAT 1, 1872.

During the past year 11,125Z. Os. 5d. : Finances of the Society. Still, looking not were expended on additional Life-boats, i only to the vicissitudes of the future, but transporting-carriages, boat-houses, and ! to the certain annual expenditure required necessary gear; 8,048Z. 14s. 8d. on the ex- for the maintenance of every Life-boat penses of repairs, painting, refitting, &c.; it possesses, it is manifest that the Com- and 5,898Z. 14s. 5d. in rewards for services mittee must not, for one moment, relax their to shipwrecked crews, coxswains' salaries, ! efforts to enlist the continued co-operation and quarterly practice of the Life-boats' : and pecuniary assistance of the British crews ; making altogether, including liabi- ! Public; as that alone, under God, can lities amounting to l,885i. 5s. on Life-boat I secure the permanent efficiency of the Stations now in course of formation, and important work which they have under- other expenses, a total of 29,42B. Is. %d. taken to carry out and to superintend The items of receipt and expenditure on the Coasts of the British Isles. Thus are detailed in the financial statement i animated and impressed, they feel no annexed to this Keport, audited by Mr. hesitation in appealing, with renewed con- LOVELOCK, public accountant. fidence, to all classes of their countrymen It is a source of considerable satis- for their continued sympathy and support, faction to the Committee to report so : on behalf of this great and peculiarly favourable and encouraging a state of the National Institution. BESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE_ANNUAL MEETING FOB 1872.


1.—Moved by the CHAIBMAN :— Coastguard service, for their continued valuable assistance to the Society. 1.—That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution 5.—Moved by SIB THOMAS EDWARDS- for the current year:—(vide second page MOSS, Bart. of cover for this list.) Seconded by the Rev. G. F. PBESCOTT, 2.—Moved by Admiral of the Fleet SIR MA. GEOBGE SABTOBIOUS, K.C.B. 5.—That this Meeting tenders its cordial Seconded by Kear-Admiral SIR JOHN D. thanks to THOMAS BASING, Esq., M.P., HAT, Bart., M.P., D.O.L., F.R.S. F.R.S., V.P., the Chairman; to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq./F.R.S., V.P., the Deputy- 2.—That the Report now read be adopted, Chairman ; to the Committee of Manage- printed, and circulated. ment, and to the Officers of the Institu- tion, for the skilful and able manner with 3.—Moved by the Right. Hon. SIB SILLS which they continue to administer its JOHN GIBBONS, Bart,. Lord Mayor of important and extensive affairs. London. Also to the honorary Local Committees Seconded bySiB JOHN BENNETT,F.R.A.S., of the several Branches of the Institution, Sheriff of London and Middlesex. and to our coast boatmen and fishermen, for their zealous and valuable co-operation. 3.—That this Meeting has listened with deep interest to the contents of the Re- 6.—Moved by THOS. CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., port for the past year of this great and V.P. NATIONAL INSTITUTION, whose continued Seconded by SIB EDWARD G. L. PEBROTT, successful operations on our Coasts entitle Bart, V.P. it to the recognition, sympathy, and sup- port of every friend of his country. 6.—That this Meeting tenders its best That in contemplating the important thanks to the Right Hon. the LORD MAYOR work of the INSTITUTION, words fail to OP LONDON for so kindly placing the convey in adequate terms the blessings Egyptian Hall at the disposal of the which have flowed from it to countless Institution on this interesting occasion* numbers of families, and to the com- mercial interests of this great country. 7.—Moved by the Right. Hon. the LOBD That, in order to maintain and per- MATOB. OF LONDON. petuate the Life-boat work, this Meeting Seconded by THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., calls on all its friends to make renewed F.R.S., V.P. and vigorous efforts to support and Supported by Vice-Admiral SIB W. H. strengthen the hands of the Managers of HALL, K.C.B., F.R.S. the Institution. 7.—That the dutiful and respectful 4.—Moved by Captain Sir JAMES D. H. thanks of this Meeting be given to Captain ELPHINSTONE, Bart., M.P. H.R.H. The DUKE or EDINBUBGH, KG., R.N., for so graciously and ably presiding Seconded by Capt. the LORD GARLIES, over the forty-eighth Annual Meeting of M.P. the ROTAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- 4.—That the thanks of this Meeting be TION, and thus, by his countenance and given to the Lords Commissioners of the support, rendering to the philanthropic Admiralty, to the Board of Trade, and to cause in which it is so actively engaged the Officers and men of Her Majesty's the greatest service. Dr. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE.—1st January to 31st December, 1871. Or.

To LIFE-BOATS, viz.:— £. s. £. «. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Bridlington 263 15 By Donations. 11,943 0 0 Dungarvan 248 7 Dungeness 2.51 30 By Subscrip- Flamborough—No. 1 . . . 292 15 tions . . . 3,446 10 6 „ No. 2 ... 277 17 Greystones 284 15 15,394 10 6 Howth 284 15 North Berwick 235 10 Pakefield—No. 1 .... 276 0 By Special Gifts, amounting Pembrey 252 2 to £5,872 Us. 6d., for the Sunderland—No. 4 ... 342 0 Theddlethorpe (surf-boat) . 145 6 purchase of the following Thurso 284 15 Tynemouth—No. 2 ... 277 17 Life-boats:— Walmer 342 0 Wexford 472 0 Yarmouth (alterations) . . 140 4 Banff—John E. Lightfoot, Spare Life-boats .... 785 4 Esq., 'in memory of the Alterations & repairs of Life- boats,Nautical Instruments, late Mrs. Lightfoot . . 450 0 0 Life-boat Papers, and Sun- dry Expenses at the Stations 5,935 8 5 Salaries and Gratuities to In- Dungeness—Mrs. Jane Hat- spectors of Life-boats . . 1,113 6 8 Travelling Expenses, &c., of ton, in memory of the late ditto 514 8 0 Dr. Hatton 700 0 0 13,019 17 6

To LIFE-BOAT HOUSES, viz. :— Flamborough, No. 2 (South Drogheda—No. 2 .... 326 0 Dungeness 266 1 Side) — " S. Michael's, Flamborough—No. 1 ... 185 0 Paddington," Life - boat „ No. 2 ... 385 10 Filey 117 4 Fund 640 0 0 Greystones 218 5 Howth (alterations) ... 70 0 North Deal 124 6 Howth—A Friend, per Miss Sunderland—No. 1 ... 240 0 Clara Baker .... 680 0 0 „ No. 4 (& slipway) 624 0 Troon 254 5 •Whitby-No. 2 103 2 Walmer 459 0 North Berwick — Free- Alterations and Kepairs of Life- masons of England, per boat Houses 314 0 7 - 3,466 13 Lodge of Faith, No. 141 . 42214 6

To LIFE-BOAT CARRIAGES, viz.: — Bridlington 100 0 0 Selsey—The Misses Hallam Dungarvan 86 10 0 and Mrs. Margaret Birt . 500 0 0 Dungeness 100 0 0 Greystones 100 0 0 Howth 100 10 0 North Berwick .... 86 10 0 Sunderland, No. 4 — Mrs. Pembrey 86 10 0 Eliza Foulston .... 680 0 0 Sunderland—No. 4 ... 114 10 0 Theddlethorpe 103 9 0 Thurso 100 9 0 Walmer—A Friend . . . 1,000 0 0 Tynemouth—No. 2 ... 100 10 0 •\Vhitby-No.2 .... <10 0 0 Kepairs and alterations of Wexford, No. 1—J. M. S. . 800 0 0 Life-boat Carriages . . 171 11 0 -1,340 9 0

Carried forward . £17,847 0 1 Carried forward . £21,267 5 0 Dr. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE.—1st Jan. to 31st Dec., 1871—continued. Cr.

£. s. d. £. i. d. Brought forward . . . . £17,847 0 1 Brought forward . .£21,267 5 0 To Rewards, Medals, &c., for saving Life, By Contributions from Coxswains' Salaries, and Life-boat Crews, Branches 3,517 16 0 for exercising the Boats quarterly . . . 5,898 14 5 By Dividends and Interest . 3,355 3 3 Life-boat Stores and Life-belts . . . . 1,326 15 0 Printing Life-boat Journal, Report, &c. . 219 2 3 Printing and Stationery, Books, &c. . . . 208 5 10 Advertisements, Postages, and Parcels . . 241 12 9 Salaries & Gratuities to Secretary & Clerks 1,428 0 0 Auditor's Fee 26 5 0 Rent, Taxes, Housekeepers, Fuel, &e. . . 232 12 8 Expenses of Messengers, Annual Meeting, &c. 107 8 8 Balance carried to Balance Sheet ... 604 7 7

£28,140 4 3 £28,140 4 3

Dr. BALANCE SHEET.—31st December, 1871. Cr.

£. s. d. £. s. d. £. *. d. To Creditors for Life-boat, Life-boat j By 3 per Cent. Reduced Annuities, Carriage, Boat-houses, &c. . . . 1,885 5 0 1U,

£106,310 9 8 ! £106,310 9 8

Examined and found correct, 9

i TSNQritJtJfrD. Ft in. Ft. in. i 1 NORTHUMBERLAND BERWJCK-ON-TWEED - - - 33 0 80 10 1864 2 HOLY ISLAND — No. 1 - — - 32 0 1 74 10 1863 3 „ No. 2 - - - 32 0 74 10 1868 4 NORTH SUNDERLAND — - - 33 0 80 10 1865 5 BOULMER — — - - - 33 0 8 0 10 1866 6 ALNMOUTH — - — - - 32 0 7 5 10 1865 7 34 0 8 4 10 1866 NEWEIGGIN — — — — — 34 0 8 4 10 1866 9 BLYTH— No. 1 - - - - 33 0 8 0 10 1867 10 „ No. 2 - - - - 31 0 8 0 12 1854 11 CULLERCOATS — — — — — 33 0 8 0 10 1866 12 TYNEMOUTH— No. 1 — — — 33 0 8 1 10 1862 13 ,. No. 2 - - - 33 0 8 1 10 1872 14 DURHAM - - - WHITBCRN - - - - - 32 0 7 5 10 1865 15 SUNDERLAND — No. 1 - - - 30 3 8 7 10 1866 16 „ No. 2 - - - 29 6 7 6 10 1859 17 „ No. 3 - - - 33 0 8 2 10 1865 18 No. 4 - - - 36 0 9 0 12 1872 19 33 0 10 1870 20 WEST HARTLEPOOL — No. 1 — 33 0 8 6 10 1869 21 No. 2 - 30 0 10 5 12 1847 22 SEATON CAKEW — — - - 33 0 8 6 10 1867 23 YORKSHIRE - - MIDDLESBOROUGH - - - - 33 0 8 0 10 1864 24 REDCAR ------36 0 96 10 1867 25 SALTBURN — — — — — 30 0 10 0 10 1849 26 RUNSVFICK -----{320 75 10 1866 27 UPGANG ------30 0 7 4 10 1865 28 WHITBY— No. 1 — - - -! 32 0 ! 77 10 1870 29 „ No. 2 - - - - j 30 0 i 74 8 1872 30 SCARBOROUGH - — — — | 35 0 9 0 10 1872 31 a rt 20 1863 32 FLAMBOHOUGH — No. 1 - — — 33 0 ! 86 10 1871 33 No. 2- - - 33 0 8 0 10 1871

34 BttlDLINGTOJi — - — - 34 0 7 7 10 1871 35 HORNSEA ----- 30 0 7 4 10 : 1864 36 WlTHERNSEA- _ - - - 34 0 7 2 12 ! 1862 37 LINCOLNSHIRE - CLEETHORPES - - - - - 33 0 86 10 1868 38 DONNA NOOK - - - - 30 0 73 8 1864 39 THEDDLETHOHPE — - — - 30 0 8 II 12 1871 40 BUTTON ------30 0 73 10 1864 41 CHAPEL ------30 0 7 7 8 1870 42 SKEGNESS _ _ _ - _ 30 0 7 3 8 1864 43 NORFOLK - - - HONSTAOTON- - - - -' 32 0 7 6 10 1867 44 WELLS __-__- 33 0 8 6 10 1869 45 BLAKENEY — — — —— 36 4 8 1 12 1863 46 90 12 1867 47 88 10 1868 48 MlINDESLEY — - - - — ] 33 0 83 10 1S66 Oft 11 1i\JA lo1 Sfio JT 50 HASBOROUGH- - — - - 32 0 76 10 1866 51 PALLING— Ifo. 1 - - - - 36 0 80 12 1864 52 „ No. 2 - - - - 40 0 11 6 14 1870 53 WlSTERTON -----! 32 0 10 0 12 1860 54 CAISTER— No. 1 - - - - 42 0 i 11 6 14 1865 55 „ No. 2 - - - - 32 0 10 0 12 1867 56 YARMOUTH— No. 1 - - - 42 3 11 9 • 12 1861 57 „ No. 2 - - - 28 0 9 0 10 1859 .58 | SUFFOLK - - - GORLESTON _----. 30 0 10 0 10 1870 10 6 14 1869 60 LOWESTOFT — No. 1 - - - 42 0 11 6 14 1850 61 „ No. 2 - - - 32 0 10 0 12 1870 62 PAKEFIELD — No. 1 — — — ! 46 0 12 2 12 1872 63 „ No. 2 - - - 30 0 9 0 12 1871 64 KESSINGLAND — No. 1 - - -; 42 0 12 0 14 1870 65 ., No. 2 - - - 32 0 10 0 12 1867 66 SODTHWOLD — NO. 1 — - - 40 0 11 6 12 1855 NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, kid before the Annual Meeting on the 8th April, 1872. 223


Albert Victor—Manchester Branch . . . B. G. Sinclair, Esq., Berwick-on-Tweed. Grace Darling—Lady W Bombay—The late Mr. J. G., and Mrs. Frith |K. A. Wilson, Esq., Holy Island, Beal, R.S.O. Joseph Anstice—lhe late Mrs. Anstice . Rev. F. R. Simpson, North Sunderland, Chathill. Robin Hood of Nottingham—Nottingham . Rev. L. J. Stephens, Long Houghton, Alnwick. John Atkinson—Miss Wardell C. H. Cadogan, Esq., Alnmouth, Bilton, R.S.O. Algernon $• Eleanor—HerGrace the Dowager Rev. A. O. Medd, Amble, Acklington. Duchess of Northumberland. W. Hopkinson, ofBrighouse—Miss Hopkinson Rev. E. N. Mangin, Woodhorn Vicarage, near Morpeth. Salford— Manchester Branch Thomas Carr—Late Mrs. Anstlce's Legacy fMr. James Darling, Blyth, Northumberland. Palmerston—Peter Reid, Esq Capt. Adamson, Cullercoats, North Shields. Constance—G. J. Fenwick, Esq forester—A. O. of Foresters ^P. J. Messent, Esq., C.E., Tynemoutb, North Shields. Thomas Wilson—R. N. L. B. Institution . •The Honorary Secretary, Sunderland. Florence Nightingale—Town of Derby . John Foulston—Mrs. Foulston .... Sisters Carter, of Surrogate — The Misses William Warham, Esq., Londonderry Offices, Seaham. Carter. Foresters' Pride— A. O. of Foresters . . C. A. Baker, Esq.., North Eastern Railway, West James Davidson Shaw—Mr. Shaw's Legacy. [ Hartlepool. Charlotte—William M'Kerrell, Esq.. . . Rev. John Lawson, Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool. Crossley—.Messrs. J. Crossley and Sons Burton-on- Trent—Town of Burton-on-Trcnt W. H. Holmes, Esq., Collector H.M. Customs, Stock- Appleyard—The late John Appleyard, Esq. ton-on-Tees. Sheffield— Town of Sheffield :' Capt. D. W. Stephens, Hinderwell, Saltburn-by-the Sea. William Watson—The late Miss Watson . ),-, w ^. - „ , Robert Wliitworth—Manchester Branch '.E. W. Chapman, Esq. / Harriott Forteath—l&is. Forteath . . G. W. Smales, Esq. $ Lady Leigh—Warwickshire Freemasons John Stephenson, Esq., Scarborough. Hotton—Mr. and Mrs. Hollon . . . W. Hankes, Esq., Filey, York. Gertrude— Legacy of John Beckett, Esq. S. Michael's, Paddington — That Life-boat | Rev. J. F. Wilkinson, Flamborough, Hull. Fund. John Abbott—Mr. Abbott's Legacy . . D. R. W. Porritt, Esq., Bridlington Quay, Hull. B. Wood— Mrs. B. Wood Edward "WaUham, Esq., Hornsea, near Hu\l. Pelican—The late Miss Lechmere . . Thomas A. MacManus, Esq., Withernsea, near Hull. Manchester Unity—I. O. of Odd Pels. (M. U. Edward R. Lloyd, Esq., Cleethorpes, near Grimsby. Nortli Briton—Mr. R. and Miss How . William Robinson, Esq., North Somercotes, Grimsby. Dorinda §• Barbara—Mrs. B. Caslake . . Rev. L. D. Kennedy, Theddlethorpe, Alford. Birmingham—Workpeople of Birmingham. Richard Brooks, Esq., Button, Alford. Godsend—Lady Bourchier Dr. E. L. Crowther, Hogsthorpe, Alford. (William Everington, Esq. \Skegness, Herbert Ingram—Mr. Ingram's Friends d [Fund. \ Mr. P. Donovan, Chief Officer, C*. G . /Burgh. Licensed Victualler—Licensed Victuallers' F. Newton, Esq., Hunstanton, King's Lynn. Eliza Adams—Penny Readings' Fund . '. Thomas Garwood, Esq., Jun., Wells, Norfolk. Brightwell—Miss Brightwell Rev. R. H. Tillard, M.A., Blakeney, Norfolk. Duncan—Miss Duncan Rev. Lethbridge Moore, Sheringham, Cromer, Norwich. Benjamin Bond Cabbell—'B. B. Cabbell, Esq. Mr. W. G. Sandford, Cromer, Norwich. Grocers—Grocert of England .... Mr. G. Gordon, Mundesley, North Walsham, Norfolk. Recompense—A Lady, per T. J. Gibb, Esq.. Mr. Wm. Cubitt, Bacton AU>ey, Norfolk. Huddersfield—Huddersfield Rev. J. Slater, Hasborough, Norwich. Parsee—Messrs. Cama and Co. . [Mag. Mr. E. French, Chief Officer C'. G*., Palling, Stalham, British Workman — " British Workman " Norfolk. Ann Maria—The late Capt. E. W. Harris Rev. Wm. Green, Winterton, Great Yarmouth. Birmingham, ATo.2—BirminghamWorkpeople ) Boys—" Routledge's Magazine for Boys " | Rev. G. W. Steward, Caister, Great Yarmouth. Mark Lane—London Corn Exchange . J)uff—K. Y. Z 1 Matthew H. S. Butcher, Esq., Great Yarmouth. Leicester—Town of Leicester J. P. Baumgartner, Esq., Gorleston, Great Yarmouth. Hn$band—Mrs. George Davis .... G. G. Fowler, Esq., Gunton Hall, near LovieBtoft. Leetitia—A Lady George—Miss Leicester ...... r. J. Henderson, Chief Officer of C'. G4., Lowestoft. Henry Burford, R. N.—Legacy of J. L. . . I Bolton—Town of Bolton . [greaves, Esq. (Mr. T. Atkins, Chief Officer of C'. G'., Kessingland, Grace and Lally, of Broad Oak—3, Har- Wangford. London Coal Exchange—London Coal ExcWc. J. R. Gooding, Esq., Southwold, Wangford. [Continued. 224 STATEMENT OF THE SEVERAL LIFE-BOATS BELONGING TO OR IN CONNECTION

STATION. ! Length. Breadth. No. ot When No. Oara. Stationed.

Ft. in. F'. in.; 7 SOUTHH'OCD — NO. 2 — - - 33 0 S 0 JO ' 2866 68 THOHPENESS ----- 33 0 8 0 10 1862 69 10 5 12 1870 70 8 3 10 1866 71 KINCSGATE -----, 28 0 5 8 6 1870 72 BKOADSTAIBS- — — - - 36 0 9 2 12 1868 73 10 4 12 I860 74 NORTH DEAL - - - - 40 0 10 0 12 1865 75 9 4 12 1871 76 KlNGSDOWNE — — — — - 36 0 9 0 12 1871 77 7 5 10 1864 78 7 6 10 1871 79 7 7 10 1866 80 WjNCHEtSEA -----, 33 0 8 2 10 1867 81 8 2 12 1863 82 EASTBOURNE ----- 33 0 8 0 10 1863 83 NEWHAVEN — — — — " — 33 0 8 6 10 1867 84 BRIGHTON -___-; 33 0 8 0 10 1867 85 8 1 10 1865 86 7 6 10 1866 87 7 6 10 1865 88 CBICHESTEB HARBOUR — — 30 0 6 7 6 1867 89 HAMPSHIRE - - HAYLING ISLAND - - - - 32 0 7 5 10 1865 90 ISLK OF WIGHT — BEMBRIOPE — — — 3° 0 7 7 10 1867 91 BRIGHSTONE GRANGE - — — 30 0 7 2 10 1866 92 7 6 10 1867 93 ALDERNEY- - - ST. ANNE - - - - - 33 0 8 6 10 1859 94 GUERNSEY - - - ST. SAMSON'S - - - - 30 0 7 0 6 1862 95 DORSET- - - - POOLE ------32 0 7 5 10 1865 96 CHAPMAN'S POOL - - - 30 0 7 1 10 1866 97 KIMERIDGE ----- 28 0 6 8 5 1868 98 "WEYMOUTH ----- 33 0 8 6 10 1869 99 LYME REGIS ----- 33 0 8 0 10 1866 100 SOUTH DEVON - - SIDMOUTH ----- 33 0 8 6 10 1869 101 7 6 10 1867 102 TEIGSMOUTH ----- 32 0 7 4 10 1864 103 8 6 10 1866 104 SALCOMBE • - - - - - 33 0 8 6 10 1869 105 7 5 10 1862 106 7 6 10 1867 107 7 5 10 1866 108 8 1 10 1869 109 PORTI.OE __-__• 33 0 8 1 10 1870 no FALMOUTII ----- 33 0 8 6 10 1867 111 PORTHOUSTOCK - - - - 33 0 8 0 10 1869 112 8 1 10 1867 113 6 6 6 1866 114 MULLION ----- 33 0 8 6 10 1867 115 7 0 10 1863 116 PENZANCE ----- 3-2 0 7 4 10 1865 117 SENNEN COVE - - - - 33 0 8 0 10 1864 118 7 6 10 1866 119 7 6 10 1866 120 NEW QUAY -----! 32 0 7 4 10 1865 121 PADSTOW ----- 32 0 7 4 10 1864 122 7 7 10 1869 123 8 0 10 1863 124 "Nm?TH TYFVn'Nr Crrvwr TV — T* O 8 1 10 1870 125 APPLEDORE— No. 1 - - -' 34 0 7 1 12 18H2 126 ,, No. 2 - - - 30 0 6 0 6 1870 ! 127 BRAUSTON ----- 32 0 7 5 10 1866 I i ... THE NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, &c.—continued. 225


! Quiver, No. 2—Quiver Magazine . . J. R. Gooding, Esq., Southwold, Wangford. Ipswich—Town of Ipswich George Hovnsfield—Mrs. Hounsfield [•James Osborne, Esq., Aldborough, Suffolk. Quiver, No. 1—Quiver Magazine . . . E. Isaacson, Esq., Margate. Thomas Chapman—R. N. L. B. Institution Capt. Isacke, North Foreland Lodge, Broadstairs. Samuel Morrison Collins—A Lady . . . Capt. Elyard, Broadstairs, Ramsgate. Bradford—Town of Bradford Capt. Richard Braine, Harbour Master, Ramsgate. Van Kook—E. W. Cooke, Esq., & Friends. Richard J. R. Sadleir, Esq., Milton Lodge, Deal. Centurion—A Friend I Capt. Win. Dicey, Walmer, near Deal. Sabrina--Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson . . j T. Sydenham Clarke, Esq., Kingsdowne, near . | Royal Wiltshire—Collected in Wiltshire . I Mr. Cullen Marsh, Royal Baths, Dover. ; Dr. Hatton—Mrs. Hatton : Henry Stringer, Esq., New Romney, Kent. Arthur Frederick —Late Hon. Mrs. Fitz-Roy Storm Sprite—Solicitors and Proctors . i \Henry Burra, Esq., Rye. Ellen Goodman—Miss Goodman's Legacy . | Mr. T. S. Hide, Hastings. Mary Stirling—1. S. D Thos. Child, Esq., Devonshire Lodge, Eastbourne. Elizabeth Soys—R. N. L. B. Institution . j W. S. Edwards, Esq., Newhaven, Lewes. Robert Raikes—London Sunday Schools H. N. Jenner, Esq., 22, Regency Square, Brighton. Ramonet—Miss Robertson Capt. Sanders, Shoreham. Jane—Miss M. Wasey W. H. Dennett, Esq., Worthing. [Rev. H. Mitchell, Bosham, near Chichester. Four Sisters—The Misses Hallam and Mrs. I H. Chas. Foster, Esq., Selsey Rectory, near Chichester. Birt. [West. | J. Gorham, Esq., Cakeham Tower, West Wittering, Undaunted—Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thornton 11, Chichester. Olive Leaf— Messrs. Leaf, Sons, and Co. . ! Rev. C. Hardy, Hayling Vicarage, Havant, Hants. City of Worcester— Collected in Worcester . C. H. S. Leicester, Esq., Tyne Hall, Bembridge, I. W. Rescue—Royal Victoria Yacht Club Rev. Thos. Renwick, Shorwell, Isle of Wight. George and Anne—Mr. and Miss Marten . Rev. J. Pellew Gaze, Brooke, Isle of Wight. Mary and Victoria—The Earl of Strafford. A. Browne, Esq., H.M. Customs, Alderney. Louisa Hall— Miss Hall's Legacy . . . Capt. T. H. Flere, St. Samson's, Guernsey. Manley Wood—\. Lady j G. Neavc Penney, Esq., Poole. George Scott—E. M. S '(Rev. Owen Mansel, Knowle Rectory, Corfe Castle, Mary Heape—Benjamin Heape, Esq. . ! ( Wareham. Agnes Harriet—The Earl of Strafford . . ! J. Grieve, Esq., Collector H.M. Customs, Weymouth. Wm. Woodcock—H. W., Manchester Branch Mr. Wm. Bennett, Lyme Regis. Rimingtm—Mrs. Rimington Dr. J. Ingleby Mackenzie, Sidmonth. Victoria—Lady Rolle Mr. W. T. Quigley, Chief Officer Coastguard, Exmouth. China—Hong Kong and Shanghai . . . Mr. G. P. H. Rowell, Teignmouth, Devon. City of Exeter—Collected in Exeter . . . Rev. R. F. Elrington, Lower Brixham, Devon. Rescue—Richard Durant, Esq. W. H. Webb, Esq., H.M. Cns., Salcombe, Kingsbridge. Prince Consort—Baroness Burdett Coutts . \ John Sadler, Esq., Plymouth. 1106 | Oxfordshire—Late Sir J. P. Willoughby, Bt. R. Thomas, Esq., Looe, Cornwall. 1107 Rochdale and Catherine Rashleigh—Collected W. E. Geach, Esq., Penellick, Par Station, Cornwall. in Rochdale. [Hamilton, Bt. 'South Warwickshire—Collected by Sir R..N. Mr. Wm. Roberts, Jun., Mevagissey, St. Austell. Gorfenkle—Legacy of J. Gorfenkle, Esq. . Rev. C. M. Drake, Veryan Vicarage, Grampound. City of Gloucester—Gloucester City . . . I Charles Clift, Esq., Falmouth. Mary Ann Story—Mrs. Story's Legacy . . I Mr. E. P. Roskruge, St. Keverne, Helston. Western Commercial Traveller — West of Rev. F. C. Jackson, Ruan Minor, Helston. England Commercial Travellers. Anna Maria—Late H on. Mrs. Agar Robartes Rev. P. V. Robinson, Llandewednack, Helston. Daniel J. Draper—Wesleyan Methodists . Rev. E. G. Harvey, Mullion, Helston. Agar Robartes—Lord Robartes .... [ F. Penberthy, Esq., Helston. Richard Lewis—J. C Cousins William and Mary Anne, of Side' ^Nicholas B. Downing, Esq., Penzance. ford—Mrs. Mary Anne Davis. Covent Garden—Covent Garden Fund . T. B. Williams, Jun., Esq., St. Ives, Cornwall. Igis—Oxford University W. H. Holmes, Esq., Collector H.M. Customs, Hayle. James and Elizabeth—Miss A. M. White . Mr. W. H. Tregidgo, New Quay, Cornwall. Albert Edward—City of Bristol .... Rev. Richard Tyacke, Padstow. Richard and Sarah— Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frederick Trevan, Esq., Port Isaac, Wadebridge. Thornton West. Elizabeth Moore Garden— Family of the late Wm. Rowe, Esq., Stratton, " North Devon Mail." R. T. Garden, Esq. [Boetefeur. Alexander and Matilda Boetefeur — Mrs. Mr. J. Bumby, Chief Officer C'. G«., Clovelly, Bideford. Hope—The late Rev. F. W. Hope . . . ( Rev. I. H. Cosset, The Priory, Westward Ho! Bideford. Mary Ann—The late Mrs. M. A. Walker . \ Mr. W. Nicol, H. M. Customs, Bideford. George and Catherine—Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy, Mr. G. H. Cotton, Barnstaple. and Boat-house, per Mrs. Hartley. [ Continued. 226 STATEMENT OF THE SEVERAL LIFE-BOATS BELONGING TO OR IN OONNEOTIOI,

STATION. Length. Breadth. No. of When No Oara. Stationed.

Ft. in. Ft. in. 128 MORTE BAY — — — — - 33 0 7 11 10 1871 129 ILFRACOMBE — — — — — 32 0 7 6 10 1866 130 LYNMOUTH - - - - - 30 0 7 7 8 1869 131 SOMERSET - - - BURNHAH ----- 32 0 7 5 10 1866 SOUTH WALES. 132 GLAMORGANSHIRE PENARTH ----- 32 0 7 6 10 186S 133 PORTHCAWL - - - - - 32 0 7 9 10 1872 134 SWANSEA - - - - - 33 0 8 1 10 1866 i 135 CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBRET - - - - - 32 0 7 6 10 1871 136 CARMARTHEN BAY - - - 30 0 6 11 10 1864 137 PEMBROKESHIRE — TENBY - - - — — 33 0 8 0 10 1863 138 MlLFORD - - — - - 33 0 8 6 10 1863 139 SOLTA — - - - - . — 33 0 8 1 10 1869 140 32 0 7 6 10 1869 i 141 FlSHGUARD- No. 1 - - - 30 0 6 8 6 1863 1 142 No. 2 - - - 36 0 8 3 12 1869 143 CARDIGANSHIRE - CARDIGAN ----- 32 0 7 4 10 1864 144 NEWQOAY .— - — — — 35 0 8 0 12 1864 145 ABERYSTWITII - - — — 32 0 8 0 10 1861 | NORTH WALES. 146 32 0 7 4 10 1865 147 34 0 8 4 10 1867 148 CARNARVONSHIRE PORTMADOC - - - - - 34 0 8 0 10 1867 i 149 ABEHSOCH — — — — - 33 0 8 1 20 1869 150 PORTHDINLLAEN - — - - 36 0 8 0 12 1864 151 ANGLESEY - - - LLANDDWYN - - - - - 32 0 7 6 10 1866 152 30 0 7 6 8 1872 153 RHOSCOLYN — - — - — 33 0 8 0 10 1872 154 HOLYHEAD - — — - — 36 0 8 2 12 1864 155 CEMLYN - — — - — — 30 0 6 6 6 1865 156 32 0 7 7 10 1868 157 RE 28 0 7 0 6 1854 158 TV™*' 30 0 7 7 10 1868 159 CARNARVONSHIRE CRUZ'S HEAD - - - - 33 0 8 7 10 1867 160 DENBIGHSHIRE - LLANDDULAS - - - - - 33 .0 8 6 10 1868 161 FLINTSHIRE - - RHYL (TUBULAR) - - - - 32 0 8 4 12 1856 162 CHESHIRE - - - NEW BRIGHTON, No. 1 (TDBULAR) 40 3 11 6 14 1862 163 No. 2- - - 32 0 7 6 10 1867 164 LANCASHIRE - — SOUTHPORT - — — 32 0 8 0 10 1860 165 LYTHAM ------33 0 8 0 10 1863 166 BLACKPOOL — — - — - 33 0 8 0 10 1864 167 32 0 7 11 10 1862 168 36 0 8 1 12 1864 169 CUMBERLAND - - WHITEHAVXN - - - - 33 0 8 0 10 1866 170 32 0 7 4 10 1865

171 SlLLOTH ------32 0 7 6 10 1867 172 ISLE Of MAN - - RAMSEY - - — — 33 0 8 6 10 1868 | 173 32 0 7 6 10 1868

174 CASTLETOWN - - - - - 32 0 7 '6 10 1865 . 175 KIRKCUDBRIGHT - KIRKCUDBRIGHT - - - - 30 0 6 6 6 1861 17S WIGTONSHIRE - - WHITHORN - - - - - 33 0 8 6 10 1869 177 PORT LOGAN - - - - 30 0 7 1 10 1866 WITH THE NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, Sic.—continued. 227


JacK-a-Jack— Some Bristol Ship Masters N. Vye, Esq., J.P., Ilfracombe. Broadwater—Robert Broadwater, Esq. . Henry—A Lady W. K. Riddell, Esq.,Glenlyn, Lynmouth, North Devon. Cheltenham—Town of Cheltenham . . Cuthbert Ritson, Esq., Burnham, near Bridgewater.

132 i George Gay—G. Gay, Esq Rev. Charles Parsons, M.A., Penarth, Cardiff. L33 j Chnfyn Grove—Miss J. E. Chafyn Grove . Rev. E. D. Knight, Nottage Court, Bridgend. 134 Wolverhajnpton—Town of Wolverhampton. Alfred Sterry, Esq..Dan-y-Coed,Black Pill, nr Swansea. 135 Stanton Meyrick, of Pimlico—Mi. Meyrick's ] C. N. Broom, Esq., Harbour Office, Llauelly. Legacy. i 136 City of Manchester—Manchester Branch . i John Risley, Esq., Brondeg, Ferryside, R.S.O. Florence—The late F. R. Magenis, Esq. . j C. H. Smith, Esq., Tenby. Katherine—Titus Salt, Esq ' Henr" y Pattison»—=---, Esq.- , Collector H.M. Customs, Milford. diaries and Margaret Egerton—Widow of Mr. C. Browne, H.M. Customs, Solva, Pembrokeshire. the late Capt. Egerton, R.N. Augusta—Earl of Dartmouth and Tenantry Capt. John Rees, Blackfield, St. David's. Sir Edward Perrott -R. N. L. B. Institution Fraser—Worcester City and Neighbourhood I Mr. William Vaughan, Fishguard, Haverfordwest. John Stuart—Manchester Blanch . . . 3. J. Head, Esq., Collector H. M. Customs, Cardigan. Kev. James Griffiths, B.A., Llanllwchaiarn, Newquay, Cardiganshire, via Carmarthen. 145 Evelyn Wood—Mrs. B. Wood Mr. J. Williams, Bridge Street, Aberystwith.

146 Royal Berkshire—Berkshire Mr.D.WilHams,H.M. Customs,Aberdovey,Shrewsbury. 147 Ellen-•" E. P. S." Mr. J. Jenkins, H.M. Customs, Barmouth, Carnarvon. [Manchester Branch. I4S John Ashlury—James Ashbury, Esq., per D. Homfray, Esq., Portmadoc, Carnarvon. 149 Mabel Louisa—R. Barnes, Esq., D.L., Ditto 150 Cotton Sheppard—Lady Cotton Sheppard . 1 Rev. O. Lloyd Williams, Bodfcan, Pwllheli.

151 John Gray-BeW—H.W., Manchester Branch John Jackson, Esq., Harbour Office, Carnarvon. 152 Tliomas Linoham—Mrs. Lingham . . Mr. J. W. Huws,, Brynteg, Llanfaelog, Anglesey. 153 Thomas Boys of Brighton—His Trustees Rev. T. H. Jones, Rhoscolyn, Holyhead. 154 Princeis of Wales—Joseph Leather, Esq. . William P. Elliott, Esq., Holyhead. 155 Sophia—Mrs. Colonel vernon .... J. Inglis Williams, Esq., Llanfairynghornwy, Holyhead. 156 Eleanor—A Lady in Wales Rev. J. Richards, Amlwch, Anglesey. 157 London Sunday School and Charles Scare . Rev. J. Morris, Llanallgo, Moelfre, Anglesey. 158 Ciiristopher Brown—Settle and other places. William Preston, Esq., Lleiniog Castle, Beaumaris. 159 Sisters' Memorial—Two Sisters .... John Williams, Esq., Bodafon, Llandudno. 160 Henry Nixson, No. 2—The late Henry Nix- Rev. John Davies, Llanddulas Rectory, Abergele. son, Esq., per Manchester Branch. 161 Morgan—Miss Ellen Hodgson .... Mr. Robert Hughes, Rhyl, North Wales. 162 Willie and Arthur—Joseph Leather, Esq. . 1 Rev. R. D. Fowell, New Brighton, Birkenhead. 163 Lily—Ditto ] Charles H. Beloe, Esq., 22, Lord Street, Liverpool. 164 Jessie Knowles— James Knowles, Esq. .. . Rear-Admiral Barton, Sonthport 165 Wakefield—The late Thomas Clayton, Esq. John Edmondson, Esq., Lytham, Preston. 166 Robert William—Mrs. and Miss Hopkins . The Honorary Secretary, Blackpool. 167 ! Edward Wcaey—Misi M. Wasey . . The Honorary Secretary, Fleetwood. 16S Commercial Traveller—No. 1. — Subscribed Capt. Stokes, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire. by Commercial Travellers. 169 Elizabeth—Miss Leicester Mr. G. P. Edwards, Whitehaven. 170 i Henry Nixson—No. 1.—The late H. Nixson F. Cawthorne, Esq., Maryport. Esq., per Manchester Branch. Angela If Hannah—Baroness Burdett Coutts John Stronach, Esq., Silloth, Carlisle. Two Sisters—J. Ryder, Esq., per Manches- Rev. John Paton, Ramsey, Isle of Man. ter Branch. 173 Manchester and Salford Sunday Schools— Samuel Harris, Esq., Douglas, Isle of Man. Manchester and Salford Sunday Schools, per Manchester Branch. 174> Commercial Traveller — No. 2-Subscribed J. S. Kegg, Esq., Castletown, Isle of Man. by Commercial Travellers.

175 Helen Lees—N. L. of Manchester . . Mr. Samuel Cavan, Kirkcudbright. 176 Charlie Peek—A. Lady, per N. Griffith, Esq. G. A. Main, Esq., Whithorn,Newton Stewart. 177 Edinburgh and R. M. Battantyne—Edin- C. W. M. S. M°Kerlie, Esq., H. C. S., Stranraer. burgh Workpeople and Edinburgh Ladies Endowment Fund. [Continued. 223 STATEMENT OP THE SEVERAL LIFE-BOATS BELONGING TO OR IN CONNECTION

No. STATION. Length. Breadth. No. of When Oars. Stationed.

Ft in. Ft in.

32 0 10 A * 1A in I«9 an n 7 n 10 iftfin 183 ARDROSSAN 33 0 10 \84 ISLE OF A.RRA.N 32 0 7 6 10 185 ARGYLLSHIRE - — CAMPBELTOWN - - - -' 30 0 7 0 10 186 SODTHEND - — — - - 32 0 7 6 10 187 CAITHNESS-SHIRE — THURSO — — --__ 33 0 8 0 10 188 ORKNEYS - - — STROMNESS — — - - -| 33 0 8 0 10 189 ELGINSHIRE — LOSSIEMOUTH — — — — —' 32 0 7 6 10 190 BANFFSHIRE - - BOOKIE ------33 0 8 1 10 191 BANFF _-____' 32 0 7 6 10 192 ABERDEENSHIRE — FRASERBURGH — — — — 32 0 8 2 10 193 PETERHEAD - — — - — 33 0 8 1 10

194 KINCARDINESHIRE STONEHAVEN - • 33 0 8 6 10 195 FORFAR - - - MONTHOSE, No. 1 - 33 0 8 6 10 196 No. 2 • 25 0 8 3 8 197 AREKOATH 32 0 7 6 10 198 BUDDON NESS 1 j) I 33 0 8 6 10 199 BROUGHTY FERRY } DuNI)EE { 33 0 8 6 10 200 FIFESHIRE - - - ST. ANDREW'S - - - _ 32 0 8 0 10 201 ANSTRCTHER- - - _ _ 32 0 7 4 10 202 HADDINGTONSHIRE NORTH BERWICK - - - 30 0 7 7 10 203 DUNBAR — — — -__ 33 0 8 0 10 IRELAND. 204 Co. LONDONDERRY GREENCASTLE - - - - • 33 0 8 0 10 205 ANTRIM - - PORTRDSH 30 0 7 0 10 206 DOWN - - GROOMSPORT — 32 0 7 6 10 207 BALLYWALTER 32 0 7 6 10 208 TYRELLA — 30 0 7 2 10 209 NEWCASTLE — 30 0 6 6 6 210 LODTH - - - DUNDAI.K - - 32 0 7 6 10 211 DROGHEDA—No. 1 32 0 7 6 10 212 No. 2 - - - 32 0 7 6 10 213 DUBLIN - - - SKERRIES — — — - - 32 0 8 0 10 214 HOWTH - — — — __ 33 0 8 0 10 215 POOLBEG - — , — — - 32 0 7 6 10 216 KINGSTOWN - - - - - 32 0 7 6 10 217 GREVSTONES — - - - - 33 0 8 0 10 218 WICKLOW - - WICKLOW 33 0 8 0 10

219 ABKLOW - 36 0 8 2 12 220 WEXFORD - - CODRTOWN - - - - - 36 0 8 4 12 221 CAHORE ------32 O 7 5 20 222 WEXFOHD—No. 1 - - _ _ 40 0 10 6 12 223 No. 2- - - - 32 0 7 6 10 224 CARNSORE - — — - - 30 0 6 3 6 225 35 0 I 86 10 226 WATERFOKD — TRAMOEE - - - - _ 32 0 7 4 10 227 DOSGARVAN — — -__• 32 0 7 7 10 228 ARDMORE — — — — — ( 32 0 7 4 10 229 CORK - - - YOUGHAL — — - - -'. 32 0 10 230 BALLYCOTTON - - - -' 32 0 10 231 QUEEXSTOWW — 34 0 30 232 COORTMACSHERRY 32 0 7 10 233 KERRY - - - VAIENTIA 32 0 7 4 10

NOTE.—One hundred and fifty-nine of these Life-boats were built by Messrs. Forrestt of Limehous", foriy-niu WITH THE NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, &c.—continued. 229


.78 William and Harriet—Mrs. Richardson. Mr. Robert Temple, Ballantrae, Girvan. 79 Karl of Carridt—The late A. Kay, Esq. . Win. Forsyth, Esq., Girvan. 80 Glasgow Workman—Glasgow Workpeople . John Pollock, Esq., Town Clerks' Office, Ayr. 81 Mary Sinclair—Mrs. Sinclair .... Andrew Cowanr Esq., Troon. 82 Pringle Kidd— Miss Pringle Kidd . . . David Gray, Esq., Irvine. 83 Fair Maid of Perth—Peter Reid, Esq. . . John Moffat, Esq., Ardrossan. 84 Hope—A Lady James Paterson, Esq., Lamlash, Arran. 85 Lord Murray—Late Lady Murray . . . SB John R. Ker—Robert Ker, Esq I Mr. Duncan M'Millan, Quay Head, Campbeltown. 87 Charley Lbyd—'Mi. Lloyd's Legacy. . . John Swanson, Esq.., Tburso. Sattaire— Sir Titus Salt, Bart James R. Garriock, Esq., Stromness. 89 Bristol §• Clifton—Bristol Histrionic Club . Patrick Gatherer, Esq., North Street, Elgin. 90 James Sturm—Mr. Sturm's Legacy . . . John Macdonald, Esq., City of Glasgow Bank, Buckie. n John and Sarah—3. E. Lightfoot, Esq. James Watt, Esq., National Bank of Scotland, Banff. Havelock— William M=Kerre!I, Esq. . . Andrew Tarras, Esq., Bank of Scotland, Fraserbargh. People's Journal—Ufa. 1.—Subscribers, to William Boyd, Esq., Petertvead Pundee People's Journal. St. George—Mrs. George Burgess . . . Alexander Weir, Jun., Esq., Solicitor, Stonehaven. Mincing Lane—Merchants of Mincing Lane Roman Governor of Caer Han—H. D. G. . \ J. W. Edmonds, Esq., Coll. H.M.. Customs, Montrose. Peoples Journal—No. 2.—Subscribers to William Cargill, Esq., Arbroath. Dundee People's Journal. Eleanora,—A Lady Mary Hartley—Collected by Mrs. Hartley . \ James Hunter, jun., Esq., Trinity House, Dundee. Polly and Lucy—The Late A. W. Jaffray, Esq Thos. Purdie, Esq., Castle Cliff, St. Andrew's. Admiral FitzBoy—A. Lady (H. H,) . . H. B. Mackintosh, Esq., Anstruther. Freemason—Freemasons of England. . . Walter Malcolm, Esq., North Berwick. Wallace—Lady Cuningham Fairlie . . The Honorary Secretary, Dunbar.

Mary Annette—3. D. Allcroft, Esq. Henry'S. Haslett, Esq., Carrownaffe, Moville, Derry. Laura Countess of Antrim—Lady C. Sheppard Rev. J. Simpson, Portrush, Co. Antrim. Florence—A Friend .... ("Ingram. Rev. A. H. M'CausIand, Groomsport, Bangor, Belfast. Admiral Henry Meynett^-Misses Meynell Rev. H. Wilson, Ballywalter, Co. Down. Tyrella-A. Friend Rev. Thos. Fielding Martin, M.A., Tyrella, Co. Down. Beit/ate— Collected in Reigate .... Mr. W. Hayward, Newcastle, Castlewellan. Stoclport Sunday Schools—Stockport Sunday P. G. MacLoughlin, Esq., Harbour Office, Dundalk. Schools. Old George Zrlam, of Liverpool—Miss Irlam's Mr. J. Macnamara, Harborfr Office, Drogheda. Legacy. [Legacy. John Butter Charley—Hit. H. F. Chorley's Jas. Brabazon, Esq., Mornington House, Drogheda. Admiral Mitchell-Mrs. B. Wood . . . H. A. Hamilton, Esq., Balbriggan, near Dublin. Clara Baher—A. Friend, per Miss Baker . John Lyons, Esq., Howth, near Dublin. G. V. Brooke— Brooke Life-boat Fund . .- Mr. S.Carr, C. O. C«. Gd., Rings End, ueaT TtabKn. Princess Royal—Collected by Miss B. Cator Capt. W. Hutchison, R.N., Kingstown, near Dublin. Sarah Tancred—Mr. Tancred's Legacy . , H. Maunsell, Esq., M.D., Greystones. Robert Theophilus Garden—family of the Rev. Henry Rooke, Wjcklow. late R. T., Gardenv^ui.u^U,f EsqJJJOV^.. j —R. N. L. B. Institution . . I Dr. Stopford Halpin, Arklow. Alfred and Ernest—Manchester Branch J. S. Scott, Esq.,'J.P., Courtown, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Sir George Bowles—Gen. SirG.Bowles,G.C.B. J. D'Olier George, Cahore, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Ethel Emleen—3. M. S Civil Service— Civil Service Fund . . . |Wm. Coghlan, Esq., Collector H.M. Customs,Wexford. Gertrude—A. Thank Offering . . [Warner. Mr. Tippett, C1. Gd., Carnsore, Churchtown,Wexford. Richard and Anne—The late Mrs. and Miss C»pt. Bartlett, Duncannon, Waterford. TomEgan—Cambridge University Boat Club Edward Jacob, Esq., Easton, Tramore, Waterford. Christopher Lndlow—mi. Ludlow s Trustees. John Hunt, Esq., Dungarvan. Salomon—A. Friend PL ed Dr. Crawford Poole, Ardmore, Youghal. William Beckett of Leeds—A Gentleman at J. W. Pirn, Esq., Tonghal. J Rev. John Hodges, Ballycotton, Cloyne, Midleton. St. Clair—A Lady in Lancashire . . . £ J. W. Strangman, Esq., Shangarry, Midleton. Quiver—No. 3.—Quiver Magazine ... Capt. H. H. O'Bryen, Harbour Master, Queenstown. City of Dublin—Collected in Dublin . . Robert Travers, Esq., J.P.,Timoleague House, Bandon Mary—Miss M. Wasey The Knight of Kerry, Valentia, Co. Kerry.

Woolfe of Shadwell, thirteen by Messrs. Beeching of Great Yarmouth, and twelve by other Builders. 230 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. INDEX TO THE GIFT LIFE-BOATS OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. (The figures refer to the numbers of (he Life-boats detailed on the eigJit preceding Pages.) A Friend, 206. 1 Cator, Miss S. H. Bertie, Col- Hamilton, Sir Robert N. C., Northumberland, The Dow- A Friend, 208. lected by, 216. Bart., and Friends, 108. ager Duchess of, 7. A Friend, per G. H. Aston, Cheltenham, Collected in, Hargreaves, John, Esq., 65. Nottingham, Collected in, 5. 75. 131. Harris, the late Capt. E. W., Odd Fellows (Manchester A Friend, per Miss Baker, Chorley, the late H. F. Esq., 53. Unity), 37. 214. 212 Harris, the Misses, 62. Oxford University, 119. A Friend, per E. B. Man- Civil Service, 223. Hartley, Mrs., 127, 199. Penny Readings, 44. nion, Esq., 228. Clayton, the late Thos., Esq., Hatton, Mrs. Jane, 78. " Quiver " Magazine, Col- A Lady, 184. 165. Heape, Benjamin, Esq., 97. lected from the Readers A Lady (H. H.), 201. Coal Exchange, London, Hodgson, Miss Ellen, 161. thereof, 67, 70, 231. A Lady, per T. Jones Gibb Members of the, 66. Hollon, K. W., Esq., and Mrs. Eeid, Peter, Esq., 11, 183. Esq., 49. Commercial Travellers, 168, Hollon, 31. Reiaate. Collected in. 209. A Lady, per Miss Prince anc 174. Hong Kong and Shanghai, Richardson, the Jate jMrs. Mrs. Pilgrim, 60. Cooke, B. W., Esq., 74. collected at, 102. I Harriot, 178. A Lady, per Capt. Fish- Corn Exchange, Mark Lane, Hope, Mrs. Ellen, 125. Rimington, Mrs., 100. bourne, R.N., C.B., 72. Members of the, 56. Hopkins, Mrs. and Miss, 166. ! Robartes, Lord, 113, 115. A Lady, per Messrs. Knowles Coutts, Baroness Burdett,105, Hopkinson, Miss, tbe late, 8. t Robertson, Miss, 85. and Foster, 95. 171.' Hounsfield, Mrs., 69. i Rochdale, Collected in, 107. A Lady, "in memory of a Covent Garden Life-boat How, Eobert, Esq., and Miss } Kolle, Lady, 101. very dear brother," 130. Fund, 118. How, 38. Eoman Governor of Caer A Lady in "Wales, 156. Crossley & Sons, Messrs. J., Huddersfleld,Collected in, 50. Hta, 196. A Lady, per N. Griffith, 23. Ingram, Herbert, Esq., M.P., 1 Eoutledge's Magazine for Esq., 176. Dartmouth, the Earl of, and Friends of the late, 42. Boys, 55. A Lady, per W. Banting, - his Tenantry, 140. Ingram, the Misses' Meynell, Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Esq., 198. Davis, Mrs. Mary Anne, 117. 207. 91. A Lady in Lancashire, 230. Davis, Mrs. George, 69. Ipswich, Collected in, 68. Eyder, James, Esq., 172. A Thank Offering, 224. Derby, Collected in, 17. Mam, the late Miss, 211. St. Michael's, Paddington A Townsman of Leeds, 229. Draper, Daniel J., Life-boat J. C., 116. Life-boat Fund, 33. A Widow, " In memory of her Fund, 114. J. L., the late, 63. Salt, Sir Titus, Bart, 188. late husband, Capt. C. E Dublin, Collected in, 232. J. M. S., 222. Salt, Titus, Esq., 138. Egerton, E.N.," 139. Duncan, Miss, 46. J. S. D.. 82. Settle, Collected in, 158. Abbott, the lateJohn,Esq.,34. Dundee People's Journal, Jaffrav. the late. A. W.. Shaw, the late J. D., Esq., Agar, the late Hon. Mrs., 113. 193, 197. Esq., 200. 21. Allcroft, J. D., Esq., 204. Durant, Richard, Esq., 104. Jeremy, G., Esq., and Mrs. Sheffield, Collected in, 26. Anstice, Mrs., the late, 4, 10 E. M. S., 96. Jeremy, 127. Sheppard, Lady Cotton, 150, Appleyard, the late, John, E. P. S., 147. Kay, the late A1ex.,Esq., 179. 205. Esq., 25. Edinburgh Working Men's, Ker, Eobert, Esq., 186. Sinclair, Mrs., 181. Ashbury, James, Esq., 148. 177. Kidd, Miss Pringle, 182. Sister's Memorial, 159. Barnes,Eobt.,Esq,D. U, 149. Edinburgh Ladles' Endow- Knowles, James, Esq., 164. Solicitors' and Proctors', 80. Beckett, the lateJohn,Esq.,32. ment Fund, 177. Leaf, Sons &Co., Messrs., 89. Stockport Sunday Schools, Berkshire, Collected in, 146. Exeter, collected in, 103. Leather, Joseph, Esq., 154, 210. Birmingham, Workpeople of, Fairtie, Lady Cuninghame, 162, 163. Story, the late Mrs. M.A., 40, 54. 203. Lechmere, the late Miss, 36. 111. Boetefeur, Mrs., 124. Fenwlck, G. J., Esq., 12, Leeds, Town of, Presented Stratford, the 'Earl of, P.C., Bolton, Collected in, 64. Ferguson, W., Esq., and the in the name of, 229. 93, 98. Bourchier, Lady, 41. late Mrs. Ferguson, 76. Leicester, Collected in, 58. Sturm, the late James, Esq. Bowles, Gen. Sir George, Fitzroy, the late Hon. Mrs., Leicester, Miss, 61, 169. 190. K.C.B., 221. 79. Licensed Victuallers, Col- Tancred. the late J. J.. Esa.. Boys, the late Thos, Esq., Foresters, Ancient Order of, Jected from, 43. 217. 153. 13, 20. Lightfoot, J. E., Esq., 191. Vernon, Mrs Col., 155. Bradford, 73. Forteath, Mrs. Harriott, 29.- Lingham, Mrs., 152. 1 W., Lady, 2. Brightwell, Miss, 45. Foulston, Mrs. Eliza, 18. London Sunday Schools, 84, Walker, the late Mrs. Marv Bristol, collected in, 121. Freemasons of England, 202. 157. Ann, 126. Bristol Histrionic Club, 189. Freemasons ofWarwickshire, Lloyd, the late Charles, Esq., Warden, Miss, 6. Bristol Ship-masters in Afri- 30. 187. Warner, the late Mrs. and can Trade, 128. Frith, J. G., Esq., the late, Ludlow, the late Dr., 227. Miss, 225. "British Workman" Maga- and Mrs. Frith, 3. M'Kerrell, W., Esq., 22, 192. Wasey, Miss M., 86, 167, 233. zine, Collected from the Garden, E. T., Esq., the late, Magenis, the late 1'. S., Esq., Watson, the late Miss, per readers thereof, 52. 123, 218. 137. Dr. H.W. Watson, 27. Broadwater, Robert, Esq., & Gay, George, Esq., 132. Manchester Branch, 1, 9, 28, West, E. Thornton, Esq., Friends, 129. Glasgow Workmen's, 180. 99, 136, 143, 148, 149, 151, and Mrs. West, 88, 122. Brooke, G. V., Life - boat Gloucester, Collected in, 110. 160, 170, 172, 173. 220. West of England Commer- Fund, 215. Goodman, the late Miss Manchester and Salford Sun- cial Travellers, 112, Burgess, Mrs. George, 194. Ellen, 81. day Schools, 173. White, Miss A. M., 120. Burton-on-Trent, Collected Gorfeukle, the late Jacob, Marten, G., Esq., and Miss Willoughby, the late Sir J in, 2J. Esq., 109. Marten, 92. P., Bart, 106. Cabbell, Benjamin Bond, Grocers of England, 48. Meyrick, Stanton, the late, Wiltshire, Collected fa, 77. Esq., F.E.S., 47. Grove, Miss J. E. Chafyn. 135. Wolverhampton, Collected Cama and Co., Messrs., 51. 133. Mincing Lane Merchants,195. in, 134. Cambridge University Boat I. W., 99, 151. Murray, the late Lady, 185. Wood, Mrs. B., 35, 145, 213. Club, 226. Hall, the late Miss Louisa, 94. N. L., of Manchester, 175. Worcester, Collected in, 90, Carter. Misses, 19. Hallam, the Misses and Mrs. Nixson, the late Henry, Esq., 142. Caslake, Mrs. B., 39. Margaret Birt, 87. 160, 170. X. Y. Z., 57.

THE EXPENSE OF A LIFE-BOAT STATION is £680. ITS COST is MADE UP AS FOLLOWS :— Life-boat and her equipment, including Life-belts for the Crew Boat-house (average cost) .... 200 Total . . £680 The average annual expense of maintaining a Life-boat Station is £50, and the benefactions and contributions of Donors of Life-boats are earnestly solicited in aid of that fund. 231 !



JAN. 1, 1871. — The Ardrossan Life-boat put 2 men of the smack Lark, of Wexford, which was off during a gale from the S.S.W., and saved the totally wrecked between the Dogger and Long crew of 6 men of the brig Morning Star, of Dublin, Banks.—Expense of service, 61. 10*. which had been driven ashore on the west side Jan. 5.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- of Horse Island.—Expense of service, 11. 2». tution, and a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum, Jan. 1.—The Boulmer Life-boat went out during [ to Mr. GEORGE R. SCOTT, boatswain of the ship a strong gale from the S.E., and brought ashore Beethmen, of St. John's, N.B., in acknowledgment the crew of 4 men from the boat of the schooner of his gallant conduct on the morning of the 16th Ozalis, of Macduff, which was wrecked off Boul- Oct., 1870, during a gale, and in a heavy sea, in mer.—Expense of service, \ll. 17*. proceeding from his ship over the tow-rope to Jan. 4.—The Wexford No. 2 Life-boat put off the steam-tug which had her in tow, a distance of while it was blowing strongly from the S.S.E., seventy fathoms, with a message to the master of and rescued 16 men from the barque Paquita, the tug, thereby enabling the steamer to extricate of Santander, which had stranded on the Dogger the ship and the 40 persons on board from a most Bank. perilous position. Subsequently the crew of the life-boat assisted Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on in getting the vessel off the bank.—Expense of Vellum, to Mr. SAMUEL FLEMING, Jun., in acknow- first-named service, IS/. 15s. ledgment of his promptitude in jumping off the Jan. 5.—The same life-boat saved the crew of I pierhead at Gorleston, near Great Yarmouth, and

p 2 232 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872. saving a man who had fallen into the sea, and who Friendship, of Goole, which had struck on the was in imminent danger of being drowned, on the Annat Bank.—Expense of service, 17/. Is. 12th Dec., 1870. Jan. 22.—The Bacton Life-boat put off while it Also the thanks of the Institution and II. to was blowing strongly from the S. E., and rescued Mr. R. EIAJOT, the master of the steam-tag Pero 19 men from the ship Maria, of Dunedin, which Gomez, for rescuing the mate and 4 of the crew of had stranded off Bacton, Norfolk.—Expense of tlie brigantine Erigand, of Faversham, who had service, 111. 6s. taken to their boat on the vessel sinking, after Feb. 2.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institu- having been in collision with the schooner Starling, tion, and a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum, near Swansea, on the 12th Oct. to Mr. WILLIAM GRANT, coxswain of the Margate Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. THOMAS Life-boat, II. 10s. to Mr. JOHN JONES, the assist- EVANS, master of the steamer Prince Cadwgan, of ant coxswain, and 81. 8s. to the remainder of the Aberayron, and his crew of 7 men, for saving the crew of the boat, for the following gallant service crew of 3 men of the smack Primrose, of Aberyst- performed on the 26th Jan. It appeared that with, which, during a fresh wind, foundered near about half-past three o'clock on the morning of Aberporth Head, on the 28th Nov. that day, while the wind was blowing strongly Also 31. 5s. to some men for assisting, by means from the east, and during a heavy snowstorm, of ropes, to save 8 men from the barque Jesus, of the brig Sarah, of Sunderland, went on the Mar- Bilboa, which during a very strong wind was gate Sands. The wreck was not observed from wrecked in Cymran Bay on the 23rd Oct. the shore until about noon, the hull of the vessel Also 21. to 4 men for rescuing the crew of 4 men being under water. As soon, however, as it was of another boat, which during a moderate gale seen the life-boat was launched, and proceeded capsized on Trowbreaze Bar, co. Donegal, on the to the spot, when the crew were found to have 23rd Sept. taken refuge in the fore top. With some difficulty, Also a reward to 3 fisherman of St. Ives, Corn- , on account of the heavy sea running alongside wall, for saving the crew of 3 men of another ! the wreck, the 6 men were happily rescued from fishing-boat of that port, which during a strong a watery grave. Two of the poor fellows were wind had sunk near there on the 30th Nov. severely frostbitten in the legs, and it was not Jan.- 7.—The Ramsgate Life-boat went out without much difficulty and danger that they were during a fresh breeze from the W.S.W., and got into the life-boat. However, the efforts of assisted to save the barque Sea, of Montrose, and the life-boat men ultimately proved successful, the American ship Joseph Fish, which had stranded and all were brought safely ashore. on the Goodwin Sands. Also 1752. 17s. 2rf. to pay the expenses of the Jan. 7 and 8.—The Kingsdowne and North life-boats at Bonlmer, Tyrella, Rye, Filey, Lowe- Deal Life-boats put off, during a gale from the stoft, Tynemouth, Yarmouth, Gorleston, Kessing- W.S.W., and, after much difficulty, brought safely land, Pakefield, Forthcawl, and Winchelsea, in into Ramsgate the Italian brig Son, which had either assembling the crews, or in putting off in gone on the Goodwin Sands. reply to signals of distress from various vessels Jan. 10.—The barque Mexican, of St. John's, which subsequently got out of their dangerous New Brunswick, was seen in a distressed con- positions without the aid of the life-boats. dition off Wicklow during a moderate gale. The Also 51. to six men forming the crew of the Life-boat at once proceeded to the assistance of yawl Refuge, of Filey, for saving, at much risk, the vessel, and found that she had lost her way, 6 men from the brig Kirtons, of Sunderland, and a pilot was thereupon put on board from the which during a gale front the S.W. was totally boat, and the vessel got out of her dangerous wrecked on Filey Brigg on the 5th Jan. position.—Expense of service, 11.13s. Also 2/. to six men for putting off in a coble Jan. 15.—The Dungarvan Life-boat put off and rescuing the crew of 4 men of the brig Eliza- during a whole gale from the south, and brought beth, of Perth, which during a gale from the S.E. safely ashore the crew of 3 men of the brigantine became a total wreck off Amble, Northumberland, Cornhill, of Dungarvan, which had stranded at on the 1st Jan. Ballinacourty.— Expense of service, 10Z. 12s. Also 21. to four men belonging to Gorleston, Jan. 16.—The Ramsey Life-boat went out dur- for putting off in a shore-boat, and saving, at ing a heavy gale from the S.E., and saved the considerable risk, the crew of 8 men of the brig crew of 4 men from the brigantine Lady Hvntley, William Ash, of Whitby, which, during a gale of Maryport, which was in distress in Ramsey from the E., was totally wrecked on the Corton Bay.—Expense of service, 81. 6s. Sand on the 23rd Jan. Jan. 16.—The brig Elizabeth and Cicely, of Jan. 31.—One of the most gallant of the many Guernsey, stranded near Rye Harbour, on the gallant life-boat services that are from time to Sussex coast. The Winchelsea Life-boat was at time recorded took place this day on the east once launched, and was the means of rescuing coast of Scotland, in the neighbourhood of Mont- the vessel's crew, consisting of 8 men.—Expense rose. For two days a strong gale had blown from of service, 9?. 2*. the S.E., and a tremendous sea was everywhere Jan. 16.— The Yarmouth No. 2' Life-boat breaking on the shore. At daybreak a partially went off during a very heavy gale from the dismasted schooner, which turned out to be the S., and brought safely 'ashore the crew of 6 Dania, of .^Eroskjobing, in Denmark, was ob- men of the brig Flora, of Poole, which had served to be at anchor in Bervie Bay, about stranded on the North Bank.—-Expens. e of service, twelve miles north of Montrose, in a very dan- 141. gerous position. The rocket apparatus from the Jan. 18.—The schooner Handy, of Wexford, nearest coastguard station was soon on the spot; bound from Ayr for; that port, with coals, struck but the vessel being too far from the shore to be on the Blackwater Bank in a thick fog, and reached by it, a telegram was at once sent to sprung a leak, when she was beached at Cahore. Montrose for the life-boat and a gteam-tug to The Cahore Life-boat put off, and succeeded in come to the aid of the vessel and crew. As soon rescuing the crew of 5 men.—Expense of service, .as practicable the life-boat was launched, manned 81. 16,. by the well-known and skilful Ferryden fisher- Jan. 18.—The Montrose new Life-boat put off men, and towed to the harbour's month, when it during a strong gale from the S.S.W., and, after was found that the sea on the bar was too heavy some difficulty, saved 3 men from the galliot to admit of the steamer being taken through it. MAT 1, 1872.] THE LITE-BOAT. 233

After some consultation, and an only natural a strong gale from E.N.E., and rescued, after slight hesitation, the coxswain and crew of the much difficulty, the crew of 9 men of the brig life-boat determined at all risks to cross the bar, Tfiessalia, of Whitby, which had stranded on the if possible, and perform the service without other rocks off Margate.—^Expense of service, 151. 12s. aid than their own strong arms and wills; and off Feb. 10.—The Kingsdowne Life-boat went out, they went, followed by the anxious gaze and hopes while it was blowing strongly from the E.S.E., of the spectators on snore. The sea on the bar is and brought safely ashore the crew of 7 men of said to have been terrific; yet as each wave broke the barque Richard and Harriet, of Hull, which heavily over the boat, one throwing her up almost was totally wrecked near Kingsdowne.—Expense perpendicularly, she nevertheless steadily sur- of service, 9Z. mounted them; and when over the heavy lines of Feb. 10.— The schooner Mary, of North Shields, surf on the bar, her oars were taken in, sails were was dismasted during a heavy gale from the S.E.. set, and in an hour more she had reached the dis- inside Filey Brigg. The Life-boat put off and tressed ship. Owing to the heavy sea, it was still succeeded in bringing safely ashore the crew of a work of no slight difficulty to get her crew on 4 men.—Expense of service, 10/. 13s. 6d. board, who, standing on the stern, had to avail Feb. 10.—The Tynemouth No. 1 Life-boat went themselves of the brief moments when the boat off, while it was blowing a terrific gale from the was raised high on the summit of a wave, and S.E., and rescued 7 men from the brig British thus one by one they jumped into her, and all got Queen, of London; and 7 men from the brig safely on board. It had been thought that the Valiant, of Jersey, which vessels were respectively life-boat would then have had to run to Stone- wrecked on the Sparrow-Hawk Shoal, and on the haven, ten miles farther north, with the rescued North Pier rubble.—Expense of services, 2.01. ids. men, but fortunately the wind had veered more Feb. 11.—The barques Launcestan, of Shields, to the east, and she was enabled to return with and Arctic Hero, of Goole, were wrecked on the them to Montrose, to the no slight joy and relief Hasborough Sands, during a gale from the S.E. of those who with anxious and wistful eyes had The crews, numbering 15 men, were fortunately been watching for their return. The life-boat's enabled to take refuge on board the neighbouring crew were loud in their praises of the behaviour lightship, and were afterwards brought safely of their boat both under oars and sails; yet what ashore by the Hasborough Life-boat.—Expense of would be the value of even such boats without service, 2U. 18*. the daring courage and the skilful management of Feb. 12.—The schooner Stranger, of Newfound- such men ? When the character of this service land, became a total wreck, off Tramore, during a is considered, viz. the specially dangerous seas fresh gale from S.S.E. The Life-boat was at once which in on-shore gales of wind break wildly on taken out and succeeded in rescuing the crew, the bars of all rivers on so exposed a coast, and consisting of 3 men.—Expense of service, \Sl. 5s. the long distance of twelve miles on a lee shore Feb. 12.—The Bull Bay Life-boat was taken which had to be traversed, it will be readily con- out, during a strong breeze from the S.S. \V., and ceived that it would be difficult to speak in too brought safely into Amlwch Harbour the schooner high terms of the noble courage and hardihood of Albion, of Beaumaris, which was in distress near the brave fellows by whom it was performed.— that life-boat station. Expense of service, 14/. 14». Feb. 20.—The Portmadoc Life-boat put off while Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.—The Dungarvan Life- it was blowing strongly from the W., and assisted boat put off on the first-named day during a heavy to save the ship River Sith, of Liverpool, which gale from the S.E., and rescued 5 persons from the had gone ashore near the Castle Bock. brigantine Margaret, of Lancaster, which had Feb. 21.—The Wicklow Life-boat went off, stranded on Dungarvan Bar. On the following during a N.E. gale, and rendered important assist- day the boat went off and brought safely ashore ance to'the brigantine Pomona, of Dundalk, which 20 persons who had gone on board the brigautine was disabled off Wicklow. to assist in lightening her, and who were in im- Feb. 21.—The Fishguard No. 1 Life-boat put minent danger, a gale having suddenly sprung up. off, during a strong N.N.E. gale, and rescued the —Expense of services, 151. 6». crews, consisting of 10 men, of the schooners Feb. 3.—The Hornsea Life-boat was taken out Halswell, of Bridgwater, and J. W.A., of New- during a heavy gale from the N.E., and saved 15 quay.—Expense of service, 81. 8s. men from the barque Martha, of Arendal, Norway, Feb. 22.—The Caister No. 1 Life-boat put off, which had stranded off Hornsea.—Expense of ser- while it was blowing from the W., and saved vice, 8?. 5«. 13 men from the barque Jane Kilgaur, of London, Feb. 5.—The schooner William, of Liverpool, which was wrecked on the Cross Sand.—Jixpense was in a distressed condition off the Point of Ayre, of service, 20?. during a fresh gale from the S.S.E. The Ramsey March 1.—The Newcastle (JDundrum) Life- Life-boat was immediately launched and found boat went off, while it was blowing strongly from the schooner leaky, and in a dangerous position. the S.S.E., and saved the crew of 5 men of the Some of the crew of the Life-boat were then placed brigantine William, of Londonderry, which was on board, and after much difficulty they succeeded in distress in Dundrum Bay. Shortly after the in getting the vessel safely into Ramsey Harbour, crew had been taken off, tie vessel sank.—Ex- after the boat and crew had been absent for about pense of service, 61. 14s. twenty-three hours. March 2.—-Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- Feb. 6.—The Pakefield No. 1 Life-boat put off tution, and a copy of its Vote inscribed on Vellum, while it was blowing strongly from theW.N.W., to Mr. PADL CURNOW, the coxswain, and 131.3s. to and was the means of bringing safely into har- the crew of the St. Ives life-boat for putting off, bour the schooner Frances, of Cardigan, which during a strong gale from th« N.W. on the llth was in distress off Lowestoft. Feb., and rescuing 6 men from the brigantine Feb. 9.—The screw-steamer Alexandra, of Lon- Queen, of Youghal, which had stranded on Carrack don, went ashore on the Clipera Rocks, off Gladden Beach. Holyhead, during a N.N.W. gale. The Holyhead Also one hundred guineas in aid of the local Life-boat put off, and, after some difficulty, suc- subscriptions for the relief of the widows and ceeded in rescuing the crew, consisting of 23 men, orphans of six of the crew of a private Life-boat from the wreck.—Expense of service, 151. belonging to Bridlington which had been presented Feb. 10.—The Margate Life-boat put off, during to the boatmen by Count BATHYAsr, and which 234 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.

had, after saving the crews of several wrecked was at once taken out, and was fortunately the vessels during a severe gale from the S.E. on the means of bringing the vessel safely into harbour. 10th Feb., unfortunately capsized and drowned March 16.—The Aldborough Life-boat went out, 6 of its crew. during a S.S.E. gale, and took safely into Harwich Also 4,4:1. to pay the expenses of the Institution's Harbour the brigantine Isabella Heron, of Blytb, Bridlington Life-boat, which went out several which was in distress off Aldborough. times during the same gale and was enabled to March 16.—The Ramsgate Life-boat put off, save the crews, numbering 16 men altogether, of while it was blowing a heavy gale from the E.S.E. the wrecked barge Friend's Increase, or London, and saved 5 men from the schooner Lucie An- the brigantine Echo, of Maldon, and the brig toinette, of Nantes, which had gone ashore on the Windsor, of Lynn. North Sand Head. Voted also '2451. 2*. to pay the expenses of the March 16. — The schooner Moses Parry, of Life-boats at Drogheda, St. Andrews, Exmouth, Carnarvon, stranded in Fishguard Bay, during a Hastings, Rye, Winchelsea, Solva, Withernsea, strong gale from N.N.B.; a shore-boat, manned Pakefield, Cleethorpes, Yarmouth, Theddlethorpe, by 7 men, put off twice, and saved the crew, con- Scarborough, Pakefield, Wexford, Lizard, Porth- sisting of 4 men.—Reward, 31. dinllaen, and Mullion, in either assembling the March 28.—A large barque was seen on the crews or putting off in reply to signals of dis- Goodwin Sands, on the morning of this day, with tress from various vessels which subsequently a signal of distress flying. There was a strong got out of their dangerous positions without the north-easterly wind and a heavy sea at the time, aid of the Life-boats. and the Ramsgate Life-boat, with the harbour Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed steam-tug, at once started for the ship. At the on Vellum, and 10«., to Mr. JAMES GARKIOCK, same time the Broadstairs Life-boat also went and 10s. each to four other men, for going off out, and both boats arrived alongside the barque in a boat and saving, at some risk, 4 men from together. She proved to be the /dim, of Bergen, the barque Johan Cesar, of Hamburgh, which, 500 tons, bound from Newcastle to Venice with during a strong gale from the S.S.E., was totally coals. The crew of 14 men, together with the wrecked on Aiths Banks, Tetlar, Shetland, on son and daughter of the master, were taken on the 22nd Dec., 1870. board the Life-boats, but on returning to shore Also 41. 10s. to some men for putting off in a the boats unfortunately grounded on the sands, shore-boat, and rescuing 4 other men, whose boat where they had to remain for three hours, until had capsized off Drumbeg, N.B., during the flood tide enabled them to make Ramsgate a strong breeze from the W. on the 25th Oct. Harbour, where they arrived in safety at about 1870. three o'clock in the afternoon.—Expense of ser- Also 21. to 3 men forming the crew of the vice of Broadstairs Life-boat, 17/. . steam-tug Stranger, of Amble, for rescuing 7 men April 1.—Two soldiers were observed on the from the brig Czarina, of Whitby, which, during North Warp Bank, about three miles from Fleet- a strong S.S.E. gale, sank off Coquet Island on wood, surrounded by the tide. The Coastguard the llth Feb. immediately launched their boat and went to Also a reward to 4 men for putting off, in a their assistance. They reached the bank with boat, and bringing ashore the crew of 5 men of great difficulty, owing to the heavy sea, and they the brigantine JZdicard Jones, of Waterford, then found that one of the men had taken refuge which, during a gaJe from the S.S.W., Lad on the beacon, and that the other, in attempting stranded off Castletown, Isle of Man, on the to join him, had been washed off and drowned. 12th Feb. Finding it impossible to reach the man on the March 2.—The schooner Eliza, of Pwllheli, beacon, the Coastguardsmeu returned to the shore, was observed in a very dangerous position off the and assisted in launching and manning the Fleet- end of the Holyhead Breakwater. On a signal wood Life-boat. After an arduous pull of three being seen, the Life-boat went to the spot, and miles against wind and tide, the Life-boat suc- with the aid of a steamer succeeded in getting the ceeded in taking the soldier off the beacon, and in vessel and her crew of 5 men safeiy into-harbour. bringing him safely to land.—Expense of service, —Expense of service, 141. 2s. Gd. 81. 12s. 6d. March 8.—The Yarmouth No. 1 Life-boat put April 5.—The Seaton Carew Life-boat put off, off, during a heavy gale from the S.W., and during a strong breeze from E.N. E., and brought succeeded in bringing safely into harbour the ashore 2 men belonging to the schooner Cynthia, lugger Echo, which was in a distressed condition of Montrose, which had gone on the North Gare off Yarmouth. Sands; fortunately the vessel afterwards drifted March 9.—During a whole gale from the W., into deep water, and with the help of a steam- a dredging-barge belonging to Howth was ob- tug was taken to Middlesborough with the crew served in imminent danger off that place, her on board.—Expense of service, 151. 13s. anchor dragging, and the sea breaking over her. April 6.—Voted 96t fit. 6d. to pay the expenses The life-boat was at once taken out to the rescue, of the Life-boats at Kessingland, North Deal, and succeeded in saving the crew, consisting of Porthleven, Penzance, Douglas, Irvine, Rhyl, 4 men.—Expense of service, 51. PorthcawJ, Penmon, Wicklow, Kingstown, and March 10.—A strong gale from the S.E. sud- Broadstairs, in either assembling the crews or denly sprung up off Newbiggin; and 7 fishing- in putting off in reply to signals of distress from cobles belonging to that place were in much various vessels which subsequently got out of peril, the sea being very high. The life-boat their dangerous positions without the aid of the went to their aid, and fortunately the cobles and Life-boats. their crews were got safely to shore. Also 71. 10s. to the crew of a Deal galley for March 16.—The Fishguard No. 1 Life-boat put putting off and saving, after much difficulty, off, during a N.N.E. gale, and saved the crews of 2 men from the French brigantine Girondin, 9 men of the schooners Ann Mitchell, of Newquay, which, during a gale from the S.E., was totally and Carnsew, of Hayle, which had stranded on the wrecked near Sandown Castle on the 1st March. Goodwick Sands.—Expense of service, 121.10s. Also a reward to 2 men for putting off in a torch 16. — 'the keteh Equestrian, ot Port hoat and. £a,N\n(t, 3 men heVm^jn?, to the schooner Gordon, was observed in a distressed condition Active, of Belfast, whose boat had capsized in off Yarmouth. The large life-boat on the station Portrush Harbour on the 21st Nov. 1870. MAY 1, 1872.] THE LITE-BOAT. 235

Also a reward to 4 men for going off in a June 1.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, shore-boat and rescuing the crew of 2 men of the inscribed on Vellum, and II. each to Mr. GEOKGE sloop One, of Beaumaris, which, during a fresh DINSDALE, of Blyth, the master of the screw wind from the S.W. on the 27th Feb., sank in steamer Bolivar, and to Mr. JOSEPH STEVENS, Menai Straits. mate of the screw steamer Weardate, of Sunder - April 20.—The brig Trioner, of Arendal, Nor- land, in acknowledgment of their courageous way, was seen in a distressed condition off Banff, services in wading into, and swimming a con- during a gale of wind from the N.E. The siderable distance through, a heavy surf, with a Banff Life-boat went to her assistance and was line, to the assistance of a man whose vessel, the enabled to save the crew of 9 men shortly before smack Nimrod, of Sunderland, had, during a strong the vessel was wrecked on the rocks to the west- wind, stranded off Blyth, on the 9th May, and ward of Macduff Harbour.—Expense of service, drifted so far on to a reef of rocks that it was 9*. Is, impracticable for any boat to get near him. For- April 23.—The brig-St. Thomas's Packet, of tunately they managed to reach the poor fellow, Blyth, stranded on the Goodwin Sands, on which who was found in a most exhausted state, and soon a very heavy sea was then breaking. The afterwards became insensible ; he was, however, Ramsgate, North Deal, and Kingsdowne Life- fastened to the line, and all were safely hauled boats promptly proceeded to the Sands, and, with ashore, and by careful treatment the rescued man other assistance, they succeeded in extricating recovered. the vessel and her crew from their very perilous Also 501. 4s., to pay the expenses of the Life- position. boats stationed at Walmer, Kingsdowne, Scar- May 3.—During a gale from the '."W.S.W., the borough, Blyth, and Arklow, in putting off with smack Vale of Conway was seen in a disabled the view of rendering assistance to distressed state at some distance from the Isle of Whithora, vessels, but which fortunately did not ultimately N.B. The Life-boat was at once launched, and require the assistance of the Life-boats. proceeded through a heavy sea to the rescue of Also 22. to some men for putting off in a the crew. The vessel had been seriously damaged boat and saving 5 men from the Ui*t and Barra by her mainboom breaking adrift, and she sank Packet, which during a strong breeze from the in deep water. Her own small boat was likewise S.E., on the llth April, had struck on a rock stove, and all hope of saving their lives had been off Skeirnacloich, Shetland. given up by her crew of 3 men, when the Life- Also II. 10s. to 3 men for saving, by means boat appeared on the scene and conveyed them of boats, 2 men from a fishing-boat, which, during safely to the shore. Many of the inhabitants of a heavy squall from the W., had capsized off the small port of Whithorn enthusiastically and Tynemouth on the 3rd May. gratuitously assisted to launch the boat, which Also II. to SAJICEL BUDGE, for his services to was promptly done, and the ready and able crew the crew of the sloop Britannia, of Leith, which who manned her reported in the highest terms ef was wrecked in Dingeshawe Bay, Orkney Islands, her behaviour on the occasion.—Expense of ser- on the I6th Oct., 1870. vice, 6/. 10s. Also a reward to ANTHONY GOONANE, and his May 4.—Voted 3U. 3s. 6rf. to pay the expenses son and daughter, for rescuing, while out in a of the Broadstairs, Kingsdowne, Walmer, South- boat, 3 persons from another boat, laden with sea- port, and Gorleston Life-boats, in either as- weed, which was swamped off Tallaghan, Ireland, sembling the crews or launching the boats to the during a fresh breeze from the S.S.E. on the aid of vessels in distress which were able ulti- 6th April. mately to dispense with the services of the boats. June 2.—The Bhyl tubular Life-boat went out, Also the Silver Medal, Vote on Vellum, and during a strong northerly wind, to the distressed 22. to GEOIIQE McGENis, late of the barque Albany, schooner Eleanor, of Newquay (Cardiganshire), of London, in acknowledgment of his brave ser- which had gone on the Constable Bank, and vices when that vessel was lost on McCarty's assisted her and her crew off the sands and into a Island, near Cape Clear, during blowing weather place of safety.—Expense of service, 12Z. 7*. 2d. on the 29th May, 1870. On that occasion McGENis June .5.—The schooner Mersey, of Liverpool, took a small line, and watching his opportunity, went ashore on the South Bishop Rock, off St. jumped overboard and reached the shore, and by Davids. The Life-boat at once put off and means of the line effected a communication with brought safely ashore the crew of 4 men.—Ex- the land, and thus the 9 persons on board tfie pense of service, 71. 11s. wreck were saved. June 13.—The fishing-boat Star of Erin, while Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy out fishing, capsized off Blackrock, Dundalk. Six of its Vote inscribed on Vellum, and II. to Mr. men, on seeing the accident, at once put off in a WH.UAM TAYIOR, Chief Officer of H.M. Coast- boat and succeeded, at some risk, in rescuing two guard at Dunny Cove Station, co. Cork, together out of the five men onboard; the other three men with 41. to his boat's crew of 4 men, in acknow- were, unfortunately, drowned.—Reward, 61. ledgment of their gallant conduct in putting off, The Institution also voted the sum of 5t. in aid at much risk of life in a small boat through a of the subscription raised for the relief of the heavy swell, and saving the crew of 8 men of the families of the three drowned men, who had occa- brigantine Cecil, of Liverpool, which during a sionally formed part of the crew of the Dundalk strong wind from the S.S.W. was wrecked in Life-boat, and had, at different times, rendered Rosscarbery Bay, co. Cork, on the 7th Feb. good service in that boat. Also 11. each to 4 men for putting off in a boat j June 19.—The Margate Life-boat put off, dur- and saving, at some risk, 6 out of 7 men, who ing moderate weather, with the view of rendering had put out from Galley Cove, co. Cork, during assistance to the brigantine Renown, of Guernsey, a moderate gale, to bring ashore some floating which had stranded on the Girdler Sands. For- timber, and whose boat had been capsized by a tunately, however, the services of the Life-boat heavy sea on the 1st March. were not required.—Expense of service, SI. 19s. May 6.—The schooner Valdarno, of Arbroath, June 28—The Lynmouth Life-boat went out was wrecked near Rhoscolyn, during a thick mist. during a gale and heavy sea and saved a man THOMAS JONES, a fisherman succeeded in rescu- who was in imminent peril, his boat, which \vas ing one of the crew, who had taken refuge on a at anchor off that place, having been overtaken rock.—Reward, 10*. by the gale which had suddenly sprung up, and 236 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. being in great danger of foundering or going on crew of 5 men of the brigantine Jane, of Bar- the rocks, no ordinary boat being able to go to mouth, which had stranded on Jack's Hole Bank. his aid. It was the first service performed by The boat afterwards proceeded out again to the Life-boat, her crew readily coming forward, another brigantine, the Rosc.iwi, of Belfast, which and the boat being very quickly manned and had also gone on the Arklow Sandbank. On launched.— Expense of service, 61. 10s. reaching the vessel she was found to be abandoned, July 6.— Voted 2/. to Mr. EDWARD McCABKON, her crew having landed at Wicklow. The life- Assistant-Keeper at the Arranmore Island Light- boat returned to shore for additional help, and house Station, co. Galway, and II. each to Mr. ultimately, after prolonged exertions, the brigan- RICHARD STAM-ETON, the principal light-keeper, tine, having been lightened of some of her cargo and his wife and 2 daughters, for their laudable of pig-iron, was taken safely into Kingstown services to the crew of the distressed barque Harbour.—Expense of service, 24/. 6». 6d. Tropic, of London, on the 24th April. When Aug. 18.—During a strong wind and heavy sea rescued from their perilous situation they were the Salcombe Life-boat was taken out on exercise. in a most exhausted state, and suffering greatly While she was out the Eingibridge Packet steamer from hunger, thirst, and exposure, and were left that harbour, bound for Plymouth, and shortly unable to walk. However, they were all success- after passing the Salcombe Mewstone the ma- fully hauled up the high cliffs during the night, | chinery of the steamer gave way, when she and taken to the light-keeper's dwelling, •where ] became disabled, and rapidly drifted to leeward they received every possible assistance, and ulti- | in the direction of the rocks. The life-boat at mately all of them recovered. I once went to her assistance, and eventually the Also 5/. to ROBERT BRUCE and his crew for i steamer-got into harbour, and on entering the putting off twice in a boat, and ultimately saving smooth water, she was enabled to use her engines 2 of the crew of the steamship Pacific, of Liver- and go to Kingsbridge for repairs. pool, which, during a hurricane from the S. on Aug. 20. — The Ramsey Life-boat put off the 9th February, became a total wreck about five during a gale from the S.W. to the assistance of miles from the mainland of Shetland. the schooner Rapid, of Preston, which was in a Also '21. to 4 men belonging to Milford for distressed condition in Ramsey Bay. On arriving putting off in a pilot-boat and rescuing the crew j alongside, the master requested the crew of the of 7 men of the brig Vectis, of Southampton, life-boat to remain by the vessel, which request which, during a strong breeze from the S.E., had was complied with, and after some exertions the sunk off West Dingle, on the 24th December, life-boat men succeeded in getting the vessel safely 1870. into Ramsey Harbour. July 8.— The Bude Life-boat put off in reply to Aug. 20.—The schooner Intrepid, of Liverpool, a signal from the yacht Hattie, of Cromer, during was seen in a distressed condition offWhitehaven a strong wind from the N.N.W. Twice the life- i during a strong breeze from the W.S.W. The boat was beaten back by the rough seas, and one Life-boat put off to her assistance, and remained of the crew, whose heart failed him, had to be , by the vessel until the arrival of a steam-tug, put ashore. His place was, however, readily which brought her safely into port.—Expense supplied, and after nearly an hour's labour the of service, 14/. 15*. breakers were past, and the yacht was reached, Aug. 24.—The Dundalk Life-boat went out, when her owner and crew of 2 men were taken during a W.S.W. gale, with the view of rendering out of the little vessel, which was towed in by assistance to the brigantine Zoe, of that port, the boat. The courageous owner of the little which was in a dangerous position off Cooley craft, Mr. ABEL TIU.BIT, spoke highly of the Point. On reaching the vessel, her crew begged behaviour of the crew and of the life-boat, and that the life-boat might remain alongside nntil gave the men 51. in addition to the reward of the the morning, as all their boats were destroyed, Institution. — Expense of service, 91. 15s. and accordingly the life-boat stayed by the vessel Also voted the thanks of the Institution in- until five o'clock the next morning, when a steam- scribed on Vellum to SAMUEL PHILP, for his tug arrived and took the Zoe into a safe position. valuable co-operatit>n on the above occasion in —Expense of service, 131. 15s. readily volunteering to take the place of the Aug. 24.—The schooner Ann, of Inverness, man who had, in fear, left the life-boat. during a strong gale from the S.W., with a very July 12. — A sailing-boat drifted out to sea from heavy cross sea, was wrecked near Arbroath Pier. Fishguard, having on board two lads who were The crew of 5 men, and a pilot who was on board unable to manage it. The No. 1 Life-boat on that the vessel, were rescued from an inevitable death station at once put off, and on reaching the boat by the Arbroath Life-boat.—Expense of service, took it in tow, and also another boat which had 12f. 14s. come to its assistance, and brought them both Aug. 24.—The Fraserbnrgb. Life-boat went out safely ashore. during a N.N.W. gale, and saved the crews, con- July 13.— The Chichester Harbour Life-boat sisting of 11 men, of two fishing-boats, one be- went off, on signals of distress being shown by a longing to the Isle of .Skye, and the other to dismasted vessel, which proved to be the brig Hopeman, which were in a very distressed con- Hope, of Portsmouth, during a very strong wind dition, near the Fraserburgh Life-boat station.— from S.W..., , and inn. a heavvy sea. The life-boa- t Expense of service, 6i. 6s. remained alongside until the weather moderated, Aug. 26.—During a strong westerly gale the when a steam-tug was enabled to take the vessel barque Times, of Liverpool, stranded about four and crew into Portsmouth. — Expense of service, miles from Southport. The life-boat at once put 61. 1*. , off, and succeeded in bringing safely ashore the Aug. 3. — Voted 351. 5s. to pay the expenses of 17 persons on board the vessel.— Expense of ser- the Kingsdowne, North Deal, and Broadstairs vice, 121. 3s. Life-boats in proceeding out to the Goodwin Sept. 7.—Voted 61. 10s. to pay the expenses of Sands with the view of aiding vessels which had the New Brighton No. 2 Life-boat in putting off gone ashore there; but which fortunately did to the assistance of the schooner Jane, of Nevin, not ultimately require the services of the life- which had stranded on the West Middle Bank. boats. The services of the life-boat were, however, not Aug. 4. — The Arklow Life-boat put off during required, as a steam-tug had succeeded in getting a fresh wind from the N.W., and saved the the vessel into a safe position. MAY 1, 1872.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 237

Reported that the Douglas, Bamsgate, and Mont- behaved admirably in this service, and was ex- rose Life-boats had also recently been called out cellently managed.—Expense of service, 91. 12s. on service, but were not ultimately required. Sept. 30.—A fearful gale of wind blew this Voted a reward to 4 persons for saving 3 other morning on the Lincolnshire coast. In the midst persons from a boat laden with seaweed, which of the storm an Italian barque, the Three Sisters, had capsized during a fresh breeze from the became a complete wreck, attended with an N.N.E., near Slyne Head, Ireland, on the 3rd June. agonising and considerable loss of life. After a Sept. 22.—A severe gale was experienced at most noble and determined struggle the Donna Peterhead, N.B., and two heavily-laden fishing- Hook Life-boat rescued from an inevitable death boats which had been proceeding northward made the captain, mate, and 4 of the crew, but un- for the harbour. One, being more to the south- happily the pilot and eight of the crew perished. ward, was enabled to sail with her bow to the sea; The conduct of the life-boat crew was very gal- but her companion, the George and Ana, of Cairn- lant, and the boat herself behaved most admirably bulg, being to the northward, had to run before in the midst of the immense surf. The men saved the sea, a position of considerable jeopardy, as were almost past recovery, some of their com- was evidenced by the sail being occasionally taken panions having actually perished in the rigging off her. It was not expected that she would live before succour could reach them.—Expense of in the increasing sea, but, encouraged by the service, 192. 15s. 6rf. appearance of the life-boat, the crew made sail, Sept. 30,—During a very strong N.E. gale, and, with the life-boat in company, reached the with » heavy sea, the Skegness Life-boat ren- harbour in safety. The crew were in an ex- dered valuable service to distressed vessels and hausted condition.—Expense of service, 6/. 18s. their crews. In the first instance a flag of dis- Sept. 24.—While it was blowing strongly from tress was seen from a passing brig, called the the south-east, and a heavy sea was running, a Begina, of London; the life-boat put off and vessel at anchor on a lee shore, near Caister, on followed her, and eventually succeeded in rescu- the Norfolk coast, exhibited signals of distress. ing the cr«w, 7 in number. Just on the arrival The No. \ Life-boat on that station was there-of the boat on shore several large ships, with their upon launched, but there was so much sea on the sails a good deal tattered, were seen approaching, beach, that ghe was filled with water before she and two of them struck on the Knock Sand. The was got off. On reaching the vessel, which had boat again proceeded out, and, after a strong five feet of water in her hold, and which was the effort, succeeded in reaching the two vessels. schooner Angora, of Bangor, thebeachmenboarded The crew of one, the James, of Dover, refused to her, and with the aid of the crew succeeded in leave her, but 7 men of the brig Orb, of Whitby, getting the water under, and a steamtug coming were brought on shore. Later in the day the up, the vessel and those on board were safely crew of the James were seen to take to their taken into Lowestoft Harbour. On their way the boat, and were lost sight of for a time, the sea sloop Trafalgar, of Cley, was seen with signals of being very rough. The life-boat was again distress in the rigging. Leaving the schooner in launched, but the crew of the brig landed in charge of the steamer, the life-boat men pro- Wainfleet Haven in their own boat, and the ceeded to the other vessel, and found she was in life-boat crew, seeing them safe, followed the great peril, as she was leaking very fast, had lost brig Orb, which had then floated off, boarded one anchor and cable, and had only two men on her, and took her up Boston Deeps. The brig board, one of whom had only one hand. The afterwards became a total wreck on the Knock. poor fellows were very glad to avail themselves The life-boat behaved admirably while perform- of the assistance of several of the life-boat men, ing these services, and much praise was due who cleared the sloop of water, and took her also to the crew, for it was very rough, and they into Lowestoft Harbour.—Expense of last-named were out altogether for nearly 24 hours, in which service, 101. time they were thus instrumental in saving 14 Sept. 27.—A heavy southerly gale was ex- lives.—Expense of service, 271. y». perienced at Rye, and the brigantine Cyrus, while Oct. 1.—The schooner Courier, of Lerwick, running for the harbour, grounded outside the while at anchor in Peterhead Bay, made signals East Pier; and as the tide rose she filled, and the for assistance on the gale increasing from the crew, fearing the mast would part, took to the eastward. A laige pilot-boat put off, but the bowsprit. When their perilous situation was ob- sea was so heavy that she had to return to the served, the life-boat was launched, and proceeded shore without being able to render any aid. to their assistance. On account of the heaviness Thereupon the life-boat was launched, and put of the gale, she experienced much difficulty in I men on board the schooner, which was ulti- getting alongside the wreck, but happily she was mately brought safely into harbour with the loss ultimately enabled to save the crew of 9 men, who of part of her sails. were landed in Rye Harbour.—Expense of ser- Oct. 2.—The Whitby No.l Life-boat brought vice, 221. 7s. safely ashore the crew of 3 men of the schooner Dis- Sept. 27.—Three fishing cobles belonging to patch, of Whitby, which was in a distressed con- Cullercoats, while returning from fishing about dition offthatplace.—Expense of service, lf>l.2s.6d. nine o'clock in the morning, were unable to cross Oct. 2.—Four fishing-cobles belonging to Scar- the bar owing to the heaviness of the sea. The borough were in a dangerous position off that wind was blowing from the east at the time, and place, while it was blowing strongly from the the crew of the life-boat, being apprehensive of E.N.E., with a very heavy sea. The life-boat at an accident, at once put off in their boat to the once put off to their aid, and assisted them safely assistance of the cobles, and being inspired with to land. confidence by the presence of the life-boat, their Oct. 5.—Voted 521. 5s. 2d. to pay the expenses crews were enabled to reach the shore in safety, of the life-boats at Rhyl, Llanddwyn, Broughty one of the boats having a very narrow escape Ferry, Bembridge, Montrose, Drogheda, and from being swamped. Winchelsea, in either assembling the crews or Sept. 30.—The schooner Major, of Lynn, ran in putting off in reply to signals of distress from aground at Holme this morning. The Hunstanton various vessels, which subsequently got out of Life-boat was at once despatched to the distressed their dangerous positions without the assistance vessel, and was the means of rescuing the crew, of the life-boats. consisting of 3 men and a boy. The life-boat Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and 238 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum, to Miss ance of the master and crew ; but they could not JAHE CAMPBELL, of Drogheda, Ireland, in ac- be got to understand the perilous position in knowledgment of her noble conduct during a which they were placed, and ultimately the life- strong easterly gale, in wading into a heavy surf boat had to return to the shore with only 2 of the and saving one of the crew of the brig Manly, crew of the brig. The life-boatmen were, however, of Whitehaven, which had been wrecked near very loath to leave the rest of the crew to perish, Drogheda Bar, on the 27th Sept. The poor man and they again proceeded out, and the 5 men was in a very exhausted state when rescued, as he left on board the vessel were then only too glad to had been a long time in the water, and had floated come into the boat, which brought them safely to some distance with the aid of a life-buoy. He shore.—Expense of services, 13/. would inevitably have perished had it not been Nov. 12.—The Lytham Life-boat was also the for the noble conduct of Miss CAMPBELL in rush- means of rescuing the crew of 4 men from the ing at great peril to his rescue, and then using schooner Jubilee, of Preston, which, during foggy proper means to restore him to consciousness. weather, stranded on the north end of the Horse The thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum Bank.—Expense of service, 61. 10s. were also presented to Mrs. Fox, of Kells, near Nov. 14.—The schooner Confidence, of Aberyst- Drogheda, in testimony of her most valuable with, struck on the Dulas Rocks, near -MoeJfre, services in aiding and encouraging Miss CAMP- during a heavy gale from S.W., at one o'clock BELL to accomplish her mission of mercy. in the morning, and was for several hours on Oct 10.—The Cadgwith Life-boat was lent to dry land. The crew, 4 in number, walked ashore, its crew to enable them to take out an extra but two .of them afterwards returned to the grapnel to a fishing-net, principally belonging to schooner to fetch some goods from her. The them, containing a large quantity of fish, the tide, however, surrounded them, and they could weather being too bad at the time for any not get back again. A messenger was then dis- ordinary boat to venture out. patched for the Moelfre Life-boat, which imme- Oct. 20.—The Lytham Life-boat put off, during diately put off to the assistance of the 2 men, a heavy sea, and rendered assistance to the and succeeded in bringing them safely ashore.— schooner Venus, of Preston, which had struck on Expense of service, 92.15s. the Horse Bank, off Lytham, while attempting to Nov. 14.—A very severe gale from the S.W. enter that port. was experienced at Whitehaven in the afternoon Oct. 27—A fishing-canoe, returning heavily of this day. The smack Dentition Lass, of the laden, was upset in the surf off Brandon Pier, Isle of Skye, had to be abandoned by her crew of Ireland, and the lives of the 3 men forming her 4 men, who took to their small boat, when about crew were in great danger, when 2 men launched half a mile from the harbour. On the perilous a small boat, and brought them safely ashore.— position of the men being observed, the White- Reward, 21. We. haven Life-boat was promptly launched to their Oct. 29.—The schooner Pausittipo, of Ramsey, assistance, and brought them safely to shore.— while on a voyage from Whitehaven with coals, Expense of service, Wl. 8s. was caught in a gale off Ramsey, and after losing Nov. 14 and 15.—The screw-steamer Benjamin her mainboom and having her mainsail split, Whitworth, of Middiesborough, grounded on the went ashore, in a leaky state, to leeward of the Cross Sand, near Great Yarmouth, on the morn- North Pier, and soon became waterlogged, the ing of the 14th Nov. The Yarmouth and Caister sea breaking heavily over her. The Ramsey Life-boats put off to render assistance to the Life-boat put off, and after some difficulty, on vessel, and the latter boat and two steam-tugs account of the strength of the wind and sea, suc- succeeded in getting the vessel off the Sands at ceeded in rescuing the crew of 3 men. Expense about seven o clock on the morning of the 15th of service, 9f. 12s. Nov. Oct. 31.—The HowthLife-boat went off, during Nov. 15.—A French schooner, the Pierre De'sire'e, a fresh gale from the E., and saved the crew of got on the Hooper Sands, off LlaneJly, during 5 men of the schooner Adelaide, of Malahide, a moderate gale, with a heavy sea. On her which had gone ashore on the Baldoyle Sands.— signals of distress being seen, the Pembrey Life- Expense of service, 1GZ. 5s. boat was taken out to her assistance, and was suc- Oct. 31—The brigantine Nonal, of Suther- cessful in saving the vessel and her crew of 4 men. land, while lying at anchor in Yarmouth Roads, Nov. 15.—The Brooke Life-boat put off to the sprang a leak, and the water gained on the assistance of the barque Cassandra, of Liverpool, vessel so fast that signals of distress were which was wrecked in Compton Bay, and brought made, whereupon the Caister large Life-boat ashore some of the vessel's crew. Afterwards put off to the assistance of the vessel, and was the life-boat was again launched, and rescued fortunately enabled, with the help of a steamer, the rest of those on board, making altogether 21 to take her safely into the harbour at Gorleston, men saved from the wreck.—Expense of service, by which time she had nine feet of water in her 3H. 5s. hold. Nov. 15.—The Theddlethorpe Life-boat put off, Nov. 2.—Voted 971. 2s. 6d. to pay the expenses during stormy weather, to the assistance of £iie of the Wells, Sutton, Tynembuth, Newquay (Corn- ! schooner Excel, of Goole, which had stranded on wall), Courtmacsherry, Teignmouth, Great Tar- the Knowle Sand, on the Lincolnshire coast. On mouth, and Moelfre Life-boats, in putting off reaching the vessel, which was in a sinking state, in reply to signals of distress from various vessels the life-boat took off the captain's wife and 3 which fortunately did not ultimately require the children, and afterwards assisted to get the aid of the boats. schooner out of her dangerous position. Also 51. to 6 men for putting off twice in boats, Nov. 16.—A small fishing-boat drove on the and saving 4 men from a Coastguard boat, which, rocks of an uninhabited island of Shetland, during during a galo from the E., was capsized off a violent snowstorm. A boat's crew pat off from Rosslare on the 29th Sept. Whalsay. and succeeded, at much risk, in rescu- Nov. 9.—The French brig ./cane Colombe, bound ing the 3 men in the boat.—Reward, 101. from St. Malo to Preston, went ashore on the Nov. 17.—The barque Storm, of Cardiff, was Horse Bank, off the coast of Lancashire, during observed off Burnham, with a signal of distress a N.W. gale, with a heavy ground swell. The flying, during a strong wind from N.N.E. The Lytham Life-boat promptly went to the assist- life-boat was promptly towed out to the vessel MAT 1, 1872.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 239 by the steam-tug Victor, of Bridgwater, and both wards boarded her and brought her to anchor, and, remained by the barque until she got out of danger. with some assistance, got her safely into harbour. Nov. 19. —ThePeterhead Life-boat was launched Dec. 7.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- during a gale from S.S.W., to the barque Albion, tution to Mr. JAMBS HARVEY SMALLEIDGE, the of Rostock, which had gone ashore at Kirkton Coxswain, and 2Ql. 18s. 6d. to the crew of the Head, and was happily the means of rescuing Braunton Life-boat, in consideration of their the crew of 10 men. The night was very dark, gallant services in putting off in the life-boat, with heavy seas and rain, and much credit is due during a strong wind from the S.W. on the to the life-boat men for the admirable manner in 5th Nov., and rescuing the crew of 7 men from which they performed this service.—Expense of the brigantine Nigretta, of New York, which had service, 20?. 8s. stranded on the Saunton Sands. Nov. 20.—The brig Osborne, of Hartlepool, Also 1081. 18s. '2.d. to pay the expenses of the which was bound from London to Granton, in Kessingland, Aberystwith, Porthdinllaen, Donna ballast, went ashore at Hadstone Scarr during a N ook, Drogheda, Tramore, Peterhead,Cleethorpes, strong Southerly wind. As soon as the vessel was and Tynemoutb. Life-boats, in either assembling observed to be in danger the Hauxley Lite-boat the crews, or in putting off in reply to signals of put off, and was fortunately the means of saving distress from various vessels which fortunately the crew, numbering 8 men.—Expense of service, did not ultimately require the services of the Life- 91. 2s. 6d. boats. Nov. 30.—During a strong N.E. gale the iron Reported that the Ramsgate, Caister, and South- steam-packet Minister, of Lubeck, came ashore wold Life-boats had also been launched, with the near Grainthorpe Haven, on the Lincolnshire view of rendering assistance to. different vessels, coast, and drove upon a high sandbank. Fourteen but that their services were not ultimately called men, some of whom formed part of the crew of into requisition. the Donna Nook Life-boat, proceeded to the spot, Voted 51. 10s. to 11 men for their services and succeeded in taking off the crew of 13 men.— in putting off in a boat, and saving 9 of the crew Reward, 4i. 5«. from a boat belonging to the ship Nagasaki, of Dec. 1.—The schooner Louisa, of Rye, stranded North Shields, which vessel had sunk about nine off Filey, during a strong gale from N.E. Six miles north of Glen, Ireland, during the gale from fishermen of that port put off in a coble, and at the S.S.W., which extended from the 25th to the much risk rescued the schooner's crew of 7 men. 28th Aug., 1871. —Reward, 31. Also 21. to two men for saving the crew of 4 Dec. 4.—The schooner Irene, of 'Whitby, was men of the schooner Mary Ann, of Belfast, who wrecked on the Cross Sand, on the Norfolk coast, had taken to their boat, and were in a most dan- during a gale from N.N.E. Her crew of 6 men gerous position near the Sheafing Rock, on the who had taken to their boat were saved by the Irish coast, during a S.S.'W. gale, on the 17th Oct. life-boat Refuge, belonging to the Gorleston Dec. 7.—The schooner Samuel and Ana, of beachmen, which had put off on seeing the dan- Great Yarmouth, went on the Horsey Bank while gerous position of the vessel. As the boat was it was blowing a fresh gale from E.N.E., the returning, with the shipwrecked men on board, a night being intensely dark at the time. The signal was made from the St. Nicholas Lightship, Palling No. 1 Life-boat was launched with diffi- and on proceeding to the ship the boat's crew culty, and brought safely to shore the schooner's took from her 7 men belonging to the schooner crew of 4 men.—Expense of service, 23/. 5s. Princess Victoria, of Aberdeen, which had also Dec. 7.—The fishing-luggers Alexander, of Yar- been wrecked, and the crew of which had suc- mouth, and MusseUnurgh, of Lowestoft, came ashore ceeded in reaching the lightship in their own boat. on the beach south of the harbour of Lowestoft, —Reward, 7/. 10s. during a heavy snowsquall. The crew of the Dec. 6.—Several fishing-cobles off Whitby were first-named vessel were rescued by the rocket making for the land, during a severe N.E. wind and apparatus, and the 11 men belonging to the a heavy sea, and it being dangerous for the boats Mvsselburah were saved by the Pakefield No. 2 to attempt to enter the harbour, the No. 2 old Life- Life-boat.—Expense of last-named service, 22(. boat was launched. She succeeded in rescuing the 10*. crews of two of the cobles, numbering 6 men, and Dec. 7.—A brig was seen burning tar-barrels landed them safely on the beach. That life-boat, very near the breakers on Yarmouth Beach, during however, could not go off again,asduring her cruise a fresh wind from E. by S. The No. 2 Life-boat she had sprung a leak, and a good deal of water had was at once taken to the spot, and, after much got into her- (She has since been replaced by another difficulty was launched through the surf, and, on Life-boat). The No. 1 Life-boat was then launched, reaching the vessel, took out the crew, and rode and proceeded to the rescue of the four other cobles, some distance from the ship, until four o'clock the which had, in the meantime, reached the roads. following morning, when a steam-tug came out of The crews of these boats, numbering 12 men, were the harbour, and after the crew had again been put rescued and landed in safety. The prompt manner on board the vessel, she was towed into harbour. in which the life-boats were manned and launched She proved to be the brig Azela,, of Blyth. was very creditable to all parties concerned. Dec. 17.—The brigantine Thermetis, of Liver- Dec. 6.— The Caister No. 2 Life-boat was pool, became a total wreck on the Blackwater launched during a strong gale from E.N.E., Bank, on the Irish coast, during a strong gale and was fortunately enabled to get the Norwegian from the S.W. A boat's crew, consisting of 8 brig Typbm off the Barber Sand, and she was men, put off, and succeeded in rescuing the only then taken into Yarmouth Harbour. man left on board the vessel.—Reward, 41. Dec. 6.—The brig Champion, of Shoreham, was Dec. 18.—The ship Robina, of North Shields, observed in the direction of the Corton Sand went ashore off Jury's Gap, on the Sussex coast, during a N.E. gale, with a heavy sea. The Yar- while it was blowing strongly from W.S.W., mouth No. 1 Life-boat put off to her assistance, with thick rain. The Rye and Winchelsea Life- and found that she was riding on the top of the boats proceeded to her assistance, and on reach- sand, with a very heavy sea breaking around her. ing the vessel the first-named boat took off 8 The anchors of the vessel were then slipped, and men, and the other life-boat rescued the remain- with the assistance of the life-boat she was got ing 9 men, all on board being thus happily saved. round before the wind; the life-boat crew after- —Expense of services, 29Z. 5s. 240 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.

Dec. 18.—The North Deal Life-boat put off gale from W.S.W., with a tremendous sei. She while it was blowing hard from S.W., and brought was drifting towards a lee shore, when the Clovelly safely ashore 21 men from the barque Albert, of life-boat put off, and was fortunately the means Bremen, which became a total wreck on the of saving her crew of 7 men.—Expense of service, Goodwin Sands.—Expense of service, 19Z. 5s. 8rf. III. 5s. Dec. 18.—The Ramsgate and Kingsdowne Life- Dec. 20.—The Aldborough Life-boat put off, boats went out during a S.W. gale, and rescued during a gale from S.W., to the aid of the schooner 16 men from the barque India, of Shields, which Rose, of Ipswich, which was in a distressed con- had gone on the Goodwin Sands.—Expense of dition in Aldborough Bay. On arriving along- Kingsdowne Life-boat service, 20/. 16«. 2d. side, the crew of the life-boat found that the men Dec. 18.—The brig Wanderer, of Maryport, on board were about to leave in their own boat, went ashore near there, while trying to make but with the assistance of the life-boat the vessel that harbour during stormy weather. The Mary- was subsequently taken safely to Harwich. port Life-boat at once put off, and saved the Dec. 21.—The Greek brig Calamidas was in a crew, numbering 10 men.—Expense of service, very perilous position in Newquay Bay (Corn- 9/. 13».6d. wall) during a strong N.N.W. gale, accom- Dec. 20.—During a strong gale from S.W. panied by a very heavy sea. The life-boat the ketch Two Brothers, of Dover, became a was launched twice, and rescued the crew, con- wreck near Broadstairs. Her crew of 2 men sisting of 11 men.—Expense of service, 21Z. were rescued by 5 Coastguardmen who put off Dec. 21.—A Coastguard boat capsized between in their boat as soon as they observed the Skeenaghan and Barr'a Point, on the Irish coast, danger the men were in.—Reward, 21. during a southerly gale. Three men put off in a Dec. 20.—The S.S. Delaware, of Liverpool, was boat, and saved two of the Coastguardmen. One totally wrecked on the Scilly Islands during a | of the rescued men, however, unfortunately died very heavy N.W. gale. Ten men put off in a before reaching the shore.—Reward, 3J. boat, and, after much difficulty, succeeded in Dec. 31.—Voted U2/. 12». 3d. to pay the ex- saving 2 of the officers of the steamer, the rest penses of the life-boats at Filey, Tynemonth, of her crew having unfortunately been lost.— Great Yarmouth, 'Winterton, Southport, Kings- Reward, 15/. downe, Cahore, Silioth, Broadstairs, Walmer, Dec. 20.—The Swansea Life-boat went out Kingsgate, Margate, Lowestoft, and Pakefield, in during a heavy gale from S.W., and took off either assembling the crews, or in putting off in the captain and 2 men from the smack Charles reply to signals of distress from various vessels, Philip, of Watchet, which was in a distressed con- which fortunately did not ultimately require the dition in Swansea Roads. The life-boat also services of the life-boats. rendered valuable assistance to the vessel.—Ex- Reported also that the Ramsgate and Girvan pense of service, 71. 14s. Life-boats had been got in readiness to render Dec. 20.—The schooner B. B., of Bayonne, assistance to distressed vessels, but that their which had been lying in Clovelly Roads, drove services were not ultimately needed. from her anchorage while it was blowing a heavy

The following is a copy of a Handbill circulated on the Coasts of the United Kingdom by (lie Institution, for the purpose of informing Boatmen and others that it encourages laudable exertions to save Life from Shipwrecks:— TO BOATMEN AND OTHERS. To encourage prompt and energetic exertions in time of Danger on the part of Boatmen and Others, by quickly putting off to save Life in CASES of WEECKS on the Coasts of the British Isles, either by SHOBE BOATS OB OTHEB MEANS, iJLogal italmtml Ifrfe-foat Institution:

GRANTS Bewards of Money or Medals. In all cases the Bewards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to insure their being paid to the right parties. Application to be made to the Secretary. By Order of the Committee. BOY.AL NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION, 14 John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. May, 1872. OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION,


Otmerte.— Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, "L. C. Wyon." Double legend, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. Victoria, Patroness." Reverse. —Thre e sailors in a Life-boat,— one of whom is in the act of rescuing an exhausted mariner from the waves on a fragment of the wreck. " W. Wyon, Mint." Inscription, " Let not the deep swallow me np."

THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by L. C. WrON, Esq., represents the bust of QCZEN VICTORIA,' Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which Issues a wreath of oak clustering over the forehead. This life-like portrait of the QOBEN, In high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HER MAJESTY, combining dignity of aspect and benevolence of nature.; and represented by Mr. WYON with the most exquisite finish, delicacy, and beauty of workmanship. The reverse, representing the Life-boat, hi which there are three Sailors, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of superlative merit. Two of the Sailors are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form In the most natural and beautiful manner; and the expression thrown into hii countenance looking np to his preserver is unrivalled by anything that we have ever seen, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions : the whole displaying the most perfect knowledge of the human frame, the finest taste to arrange it, and a command of the graver to embody to us what the artist's bright genius had shadowed out to himself. But there is another pleasing motive for onr admiration of this beautiful Medal, as the figure who is so humanely extending bis relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of the Artist (the bite WILLIAM Wrox, Esq., R. A.) himself. The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILTEE MEDALS that have been voted by the Committee of the Institution, since Its establishment in 1824, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions In saving Life from Shipwreck on onr Coasts have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous'to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded lu detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution. The number of Medals granted by the Institution np to the present time is as follows:— Gold Medals ...... 91 Silver Medals ...... 828 Total 919 .Vofe.— The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.— O. G*.— Coast Gnard. R. C.— Revenue Cruiser. M. M.-Master Mariner.

Amman, Mr. John, Fbh- Ahern, John, Kilmore. Annis, Mr. M., ., Dun- Alexander, W., Coxswain of Holyhead. drum. the Thorpeness Life-boat. Armstrong. R., Newbiggin. Bacon, Henry, Harwich. Adam. Mr. J., (f. G<>., New- Allan, Jos., Pilot at Holy Armstrong, Mr. W., Pilot, Bacon, Mr. James, M. M . castle. (2) Island, Blyth. Bailey, Jan., Boatman, Deal Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M. Allen, Mr. Luke Jas, M. M.. Armstrong, W., Newbiggin. Baillie, Lient. Henry, R.N. Agar, J., C". GA, Morris Wivenhoe, Askln, J., C1. G*. Boatman. Baillie, Lieut. H, B.2T, Castle. Amis, Edward, late Coxswain Atkins, T.,

Baker, Lt. G. S., R.X., C". Gd. Cannell, T., Isle of Man. Curtis, Steph., Christchurch. Fit^james, Mr. R.N, Eu- Baker, Lt.W. H., B.S., C'. Gd. Carberry, Patrick, Wexford. phrates Expedition. Baker, Mr. T., (XG4., Brooke, Carbis, Thos., Coxswain of Dabine, Lieut.. E.N., C'. Gd. Fitzpatrick, J., C'. Gd., Malta I.W. the Penzance Life-boat. (2) • Dand, M. H., Esq., Hauxley. Head. Banyard, Mr. John, C". Gd., Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head. (2) Flann, Wm., Portland. Hornsea. Carr,C.S.,Gunner R.C. Sylvia. ; Dark, Mr. William, M. M., Fleming, George, Gorleston. Barlach, Mr. Henry, M. M. Carr,John, Q.GA., Dunmanus. j Padstow. Fletcher, T.,

Hamono, Mr. A., M. M. 1 James, Lieut. Wm., R.N.* 1 Levett, Mr. N., late Coxswain Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal. (French). Japp, Robert, Montrose. j of the St. Ives Life-boat. Mitchel, J., Pilot, Guernsey. Banning, N., C'. G<<., Dingle. Jannan, Isaac, late Coxswain Lewis, E.,Seaman, Bannonth. Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (2) Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs. of Ramsgate Life-boat (2) Lewis, Mr. G., C'. Gd., New- Mittin, Philip, Wexford. Hansfoid, John, Weymouth, Jeffers, Rich., C'. Gd, Dingle. port, Pembroke. Hoar, May-Stout H., Burra Harrington, Mr. Jas., Brid- Jefferson, P., Newbiggin. (2) Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich. Ness. lington Quay. Jellard, Mr. John, M. M.* Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dundalk. Moody, Samuel, Skegness (2) Harrington, T., C1. G4., Kil- Jenkins, L., Pilot, Port Tal- Lewis, W., Seaman, Harwich. Moore, Gunner Jas., Coast rush. bot. (2> Brigade, Royal Artillery. Harris, F., Esq., Inspecting Jenkins, Mr. W., Fishguard. Lewis, W., Aberystwith. Moreno, Mr., Master of the 4 Officer, C'. a , Seatield. Jennings, tMr. Wm., M. M., Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey. Austrian Barque Eva. Harrison, Jacob, Shields, Harwich. Liffen, Thomas, Lowestoft. Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. Hayden, Mr. F., Sandown, Jennings, W., C*. Gd., Looe. Likely, Henry, Limerick. Morgan, Lt. R., R.N., C'. Gd. Isle of Wight. Jesse, Commander R., R.N. Lindsay, Lieut. Jas., R.N.* Jforgao, Mr. T., B.C., Storlc. Heal, J., Fisherman, Ather- Joachim, Cap!., R.N. (4) Lingard, Lieut. J., R.N., Morris, Capt. J. Row, R.N.* fleld. Jobson, Lt. C., R.N. (2)** Whitby.* Morris, R., Setman, Holy- Heard, Rich., Esq., C'. Gd. John, Mr. W., Farmer, Ltthaby, P., C'. Gd. Boatman. head. Heath, Mr. Joshua, Coxswain Breaksea. Llewellyn, Mr. David, C1. Gd. Morris, Mr. W. E., Port of the Fowey Life-boat. . Johns, Kich., Seaman, Fowey. Llewellyn, M., Fisbguard. Madoc. Heavy, P., Constable, Knock. Johns, R. 0., Coxswain of the Llewellyn, Martha, ditto. Morrison, Lt., R.N., C1. Gd. Hein, Mr. F. J., Russian, Tramore Life-boat. (3) Lloyd, 0., C< G4., Lulworth Morrison, W., Pilot, Bally- M. M. Johns, Mr. W., M. M., Pad- Cove. waiter. Henin, P., Boulogne-sur-Mer. stow. Hoyd, Lt. S., R.N., C1. Gd.« Morrison, Mr. Silvester, C1. Hennesssy, J,, O. Gd., Boat- Johnson, Lieut. W. W. P., Louchet, L. P. A. B., Anthie. Gd., Sennen Cove, Lands- man. R.N.* Loughor, Bees, Monknash. End. Henry, Lieut., R.N., O. Gd. Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth. Love, Private Robert, 63rd Mortley, Mr., Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jones, Mr. Thos., Holydead. C'. G".* Nicholas, Matt., Coxswam of Hildebrand, H., Esq. Clifden. Joy, Mr. George, M. M.* McArdle, Thomas, Dundalk. the Sennen Cove Life-boat. (2) Juniper, Wm., Mundesley. McCarthy, J., C1. Gd., Dun- Nicholson, M., Constable, Hill, Mr. W., Mate. drum. Knock. Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bart. Kavanagh, Peter, Coxswain McCarthy, Jas., C'. Gd., Kil- Nicolle, Mr. Philip, Jersey. Hillary, Sir Wm., Bt. (4)**** of the Arklow Life-boat. rush. Norcock, Capt. G. L., K.N. Hills, W., late Coxswain of Kearon, Capt. Edw., Arklow. McCulloch, K., P. Gd., Elie. Norris, Benj., Boatman, Deal. the Padstow Life-boat. (2) Kelly, Lieut. E., R.N., Mau- (2) Norris, Mr. James, M. M. Hipplewhite, Mr. T., M. M., ritius. McDonald, Mr. Wm., Irvine. Norris, Martin, R.N.R. Warkworth. Kelly, J. M, Appledore. McGenis,G., barque Albany. Nott, Capt. E. B., R.N. (2) Hodgson, J., Carver, Snnder- Kendall, W., C«. Gd, Ather- McGladery, Lt. J., R.N., land. fleld. . C'. G". OWeil, Patrick, Scitly. Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M., of Kennedy, Inspecting-Lt. A., McKenzie, J., C". Gd., Galway. Orr, Mr. Robt., Irvine, N.B. Netherlands ship Pheno- R.N.,P.Gd.Ballyheige. (2) McKinnon, Mr. J., M. M., O'Sullivan, Mr. M., Bere mine.* Kennedy, E., P. Of., Dun- Greenock. Haven. Hogben, J., late Coxswain of fanaghy. McMillan, J., Kantyre. O'Sullivan, D., C1. Ga., Bally- Ramsgate Life-boat. Kennedy, Mr. H., Belfast McNamee, P., C". Gd., Dun- castle. Hogg, Mr. William, C>. G". Lough. manus. Owen, Capt. Wm., Holyhead. • Holborn, S., Broadstairs. Kennedy, Master J., Belfast. McNaughten, Neil, C'. G">. Owen, Mr. William, M. M* Holland, Lient. John, R.N. Kerley, T., C«. Gd., Penzance. McQueen, Alex., Seaman. Owen, Richard, Anglesey. Holman, Lieut. T., R.N. Kerrnish, Mr. John, C'. G". Maddick, Mr. H., M. M. Hood, R., Coxswain of the Kidd, D., Fisherman, Dundee. Manby. Capt. G. W.* Palmer, G., Esq., M.P. f2)** Seaton Craew Life-boat. Klnch, H., Newcastle-on- Mann, Lieut,, R.N., C*. Gd. Parker, Mr. Wm., M.M. Hood, Mr. W., Seaton Carew. Tyne. Mariole, J. Baptiste, French Parker, Mr J., Mate, Flam- Hook, R., Boatman, Lowes- King, Mr.T., M.M., Harwich. Pilot. borough Head. toft. King, Lt. S., R.N., Southeod. Mark, Wm.,

Pepper, J., C1. Gd., Lyming- Rodgers, J., Royal Charter* Stone, J., P. G"., Boscastle. Vondy.L, Isle of Man. (3) ton. Etoe,R.,Esq., J.P., Lynmouth. Stragnell, Lt., R.N. Perkins, Jas., P. Gd., Bude. Rose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Strahan, Mr. H., Pilot. ' Waddy, Dr., Churchtown. Perrott, Sir Edward G. L., Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., R.N.* Strains, Mr. J., P. Gd. Wade, Mr., M. M., Padstow. Bart., V.P.* Boss, R., P. G*., Curracloe. Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M. Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, Petrie, Ellen, Shetland. Boss, E., P. Gd., Dnnmore. Stuart, Lt, J., R.N., C1. Gd. Mid. H.M.S. Forester. Phillips, J., Newcastle, Ire- Rossiter, T., Wexford. Stuart, Lt. T., E.N., P.Gd. (2) Wales, G., Boatman, Broad- land. Eothery, Lieut. J., E.N. Stnbbs, C., Seaman. stairs. Picard, Mr. P., French M. M. Rowe, W., P. Gd., Dingle. Stubbs, H., Atherfleld. Wales, J., Boatman, Broad- Pillar, W., Gunner, H.M.S. Bowe, W., Scilly. Stuggins, Mr. W., Second stairs. Eagle. Rowe, W., Seaman, Helston. Coxswain of Teignmouth Walker, Lieut., E.N. Pincomb, T., Pilot, Exmoulh. Rowlands, Mr. T., M. M., Life-boat. Walker, Mr. J.,Brigg. Pitt, E., P. Gd., Atherfleld. Newport, Pembroke. Sullivan, J., 'Seaman, New- Walker, Mr. W. Lewis, Beau- Pomeroy, H., P. Gd., Mcva- Rowlands, Mr. W., Coxswain haven. maris (2) gissey. of the Holyhead Life-boat. Sumner, Mr. R., Fonnby*. Wallace, Mr. J., M. M. Porter, William, Seaman. (2) Superville, Mr., M. M., Bour- Walsh, J., Esq., Lloyd's Powell, Mr. John, M. M., Ruddock, J., Boatman, Filey. deanx. Agent, Dublin. Gnnfleet Sand. Russell,B.,Esq.J.P.,Limerick Surry, W., Penzance. Walsh, Mr. Martin, M. M.* Pratt, Lt. Jas.. K.N., O. Gd. Butter, Mr. J., Scarborough. , D., P.Gd., Katet- Ward, J., R.C., Sylvia, Pen- Prattent, Lieut. John, R.N.* Eymer, Lt. D., E.N., P. G4.* line. zance. Preston, Mr., P. Gd., Newton. Sutler, Mr. J., M. M. Ward, Capt. J. E., E.N . Prewel, R., P. Gd., Kilrush. Salmon, C., Fisherman, Gor- Sutton, Mr. C., Port Talbot, Warder, D. T., P. G^., Sal- Price, Thos., Beamnaris. leston. M. M. combe. Pride, C., P. Gd.,Christchurch. Sanderson, Lieut. J. P., R.N., Swarbrick, Mr. W., M. M. Warn, W., sen., Atherfield. d P. Gd., Bridge of Don. Symmes, Lt. H. A. S., R.N., Prior, Lt T. H., R.N., P. G . d Warn, W.Jnn., ditto. , Prosser, Mr. H., P. Gd. Sands,Mr.R.,M.M., Bahamas. P. G .* Warren, IA. C. D., K/N. Purdv, H., Coast Guard, Sarony, Mr. 0., Scarborough. Synge,TheRev.A.,Balbrlggan Wasey, Capt. E. F.N K., E.N. Tyrella, Sauvage, Mr., Master of (3) Puxley, H., Esq., Dunboy French Fishing-boat Isa- Tait, Grace, Shetland. Waters, Wm., Southwold. Castle. bette. Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P. Watt, A., Montrose. SawteU, Mr. Biwta, C>. <3*. Taytor, J., O. S*., DurnVram Yfatt», Went. W. S., £.«.* Scarlett, B,, Harwich. Bay. Watts, Mr. Charles, M. M. I Quadling. Mr.B. E., P.Gd.(2)* Scott, Mr. G. R., Becthmm. Taylor, Mr. W.,C.O.,C'.Gd., Watte, Mr. WUiiam, M. M. Scott, Mr. J., M. M. Robert's Cove. Waugh, E., P. Gd, Wexford. Quayle, Capt. E., Isle of Man. d d (2) Selly, W. H., P. G ., Pen- Taylor, Mr. W., C. 0.,'P. G ., Weblln, J., P. G<>., Tramore Quigley, Mr. W. T., P. Gd., -zauce. (2) Dunny Cove. Bay. Wbitby. Sergeant, Lt. J., R.N., P. Gd. Tegg, Mr.T., M.M., Cornwall. Wedge, W., P. Gd., Salcombe. Quirke, G., Esq., Douglas. Sewell, Lt.H.F., E.N., P.Gd.* Terrett, T., Constable, Knock. Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman. Sewell, Master John, Belfast. Thomas, J., P.Gd., Atberfleld. Welsh, Mr. M., M. M. Eae. Wm., Whitburn. Shankey, R., P. Gd., Dundalk. Thomas, J., C1. Gd., Kocken, WestbrooVLtoit., R.N. Randle, Mr. J., Bristol. (2) Isle of Wight. Wheeler, C., Atherfleld. Randall, Lt. H., E.N., P. Gd., Shannon, P., C'. Gd, Kilrnsh. Thomas, E. J., Coxswain of Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Sharrock, J. P., P. Gd., Bos- New Brighton Life-boat. Wheeler, R., ditto. Eawstone, Lt, R.N., C'. Gd. castle. Thompson, D., Thurso, N.B. Wheeler, W., Pilot, Grave- Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby. Shaw, Lt. C., E.N., P. Gd. Thompson, Mr. G.. Annalong. send. Raye, Lieut. H. R., E. M. Shea, D., Coxswain of the Thompson, Mr. R. Kirkpat- White, Joseph, Portland. d Padstow Life-boat. (3) rick, Chief Officer of P. Gd. Eead, Lieut. J., R.N., C'. G . d White, d J. Kearney, Esq., Beade, W. M., Esq., Tramore. Shea, D., P. G , Porthcawl. (3)* P. G . (2) Reading, Mr. Daniel, Master Shleldon, Eobt., Redcar. Thompson, W., Apprentice, Wilkie, Mr. C., M. M., Her- of Ramsgate Har. stm. tugs. Sims, J., P. Gd., Dungeness. Smack Ruby of Hull. mitage street. Redford, J., Cullercoats. Sims, Lt. And., E.N. (2) Thorp, Mr. T., Newcastle. Willcox, J., C'. Gd, Lydd. Rees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. Sinclair. Mr. B., Thureo, N.B. Tindall, Mr. Smith,. M. M., Williams, Mr.D., Aberdovey. Rees, Mr. T. M., St Davids. Sinnott, R., P. Gd., Mullagh- Scarborough. Williams, Mr. J., Swansea. Rees, Mr. W., Fishguard. more. Tindall, The late W., Esq., Williams, Owen, Craalyn. Reeve, Mr. J., Swansea. Smallridge, Mr. J. H., Cox- Scarborough. Williams, Eev. Owen Lloyd, Began, D, P. Gd., Kilmore. swain of the Braunton Toole, Capt. W., Curracloe. Bodfean. Renowden, J.,C«. Gd., Dingle. Life-boat. Toomey, J., Kingstown. Williams, Eev. J.,Anglesey.» Richards, Mr. E., M. M. Smith,F.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Town, J., P. Gd., Folkestone. Willimns,Mr.J., Bideford. (2) Williams, Mr. J.M., Pudstow. Richards, Mr. T., M. M. Smith, J., Shields. (2) d Richards, James, Penzance. " Smith, Mr. J., Thurso. Town, J., P. G ., Castle- Williamson, Mr. R., M.M. (2) Richards, Henry, Penzance. Smith, Mr. Owen, Bideford.; gregory. WiUianxson,Rt.,Th\ir80,N.B. Richardson, Mr. A., M. M. Smith, Peter, P. Ga., Lydd. Tredwen, Mr. R., Padstow. Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick, Richardson, W., Esq., Cole- Smith, T., P. Gd., Ballina. Tregldgo, Mr. W. H., C'. Gd, N.B. raine. Smith, Mr. W., Aldborough. Newquay. (3) Wilson,J.,Pilot, St. Andrew's. Eidge, Capt. G. A. E., E.N. Smyth, H., P. Gd., Kilmore. Trent, J., Fisherman, Ather- Wilson, Mr. J., M. M., Liver- Eidge, Mr. J., Mate of R.C. Snell, Lt. G., E.N., P. Gd.» fleld. pool. Kite. Somerville, Lt.J.,R.Sf., C'.Gd. Tresllian, Mr. R. Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island. Ridge, Mr. J., C'. G*., Cadg- (21* Triphook, Mr. R., E. C., Wilson, T.,E»i.,M.P.« with. Southey, Lt., R.N., P. Gd. Hamilton, Dumworldly. Wilson.T., Pilot, Holy Island. Rioch, E., P. Gd., Collieston. Spark, Mr. A., M. M. Trott, T., Boatman, Deal. Wilson, W.,Piiot,HolyIsland. Rivera, T., P. G"., Lydd. Spraggs, J., Seaman, HayUn g Tuckfteld, Mr. T., BWefovd. Wishart, J., WMs, K.B. Roberts, Mr. John, Clogwyn. Stables, R., Holyhead. Tudon,Capt. J..R.N., Wick.(21 Wood, Mr. T. L., P. G^. (2) Roberts, Mr. E., Carnarvon. Stannard,Mr.F., M.M., South- Tully, W., Newcastle, [bar. Woodham, Lt., R.N., Banff, Roberts, 0., Pilot, Anglesey. wold. Tnmbull,R.,Fishennan,Dun- N.B. Stap, Mr. R., C1. Gd., Dunbar. Tumer, Lt. C., R.N. Robertson, Capt. D., R.N. d Wordley, S., Harwich. Robertson, Lieut. R., R.N.* Stark, Lt. P., B.N., C'.G". (2)* Turpin, Mr. J., C'. G ., Sal- Wright, Mr. J., M. M. Robertson, Lt. J. H. M., R.N. Starke, Mr. J., P.Gd., Queens- combe. Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich. • Robins, Mr. J. Gunn, P. Gd. town. Tutt, E., P. Gd., Dunmanus Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., P. Gd. i Rublnson, Mr. J., Aberdeen. Steane, Lt. J., R.N., Rye.» Tuvache, Mr. M. M. French Wyrill, Hi, Boatman, Scar- Robinson, Lieut., E.N. Stephens, A., Tramore. boro'. Robinson, T., Whitby. Stephenson, Mr. B., Coxswain Usher, Mr. J., Bridlington. Kockcllffe, W., Southport. of the Boulmer Life-boat. Van Houten, Mr. W., Rotter- Young, A.,P.Gd.,Shorehum. Roderick, E, P. G"., Dun- Steel, Mr. C., P. Gd.» dam. (2) Young, A. H., P. G"., Blatch- manus. Stewart, W., P.Gd., Ardmore Vicary, Lt. W., R.N., Ather- ington. Roderick, J.S., Esq., Ardmore. Storr, J., Whitby. fleld.* | Young, Lt. T., R.N., C'. Gd. MAY 1, 1872.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 245


THE following brief description and diagrams illustrative of a complete Life-boat Establishment, including the house for the protection of the boat, will serve to convey an idea of the general character of one of the 233 Life-boat Stations of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. It will be seen by them that it is a work of a costly nature, and that not only in the first instance but that a large permanent expense is entailed in keeping the whole machinery in an efficient state, in the re-supply of any part of it which may be de- stroyed or worn out, in the exercise of the boats' crews in launching and working the boats, and in remunerating them for their services in saving their fellow-creatures. Yet, looking to the vast importance of the result effected, and the responsibility of calling on men to risk their lives in effecting the same, it is felt that few if any persons will be found who will consider that expense to be incurred in vain.

THE LIFE-BOAT. (S« Diagrams on next page.) The following figures show the general form, the nature of the fittings, and air-chambers of one of these boats, 33 feet in length and 8 feet in breadth. In figs. 1 and 2, the elevation and deck plans, the general exterior form of the boat is shown with the sheer of gunwale, length of keel, and rake of stem and stern-postn. The dotted lines of fig. 1 show the position and dimen- sions of the air-chambers within board, the relieving-tubes, and ballast. In fig. 2, A represents the deck, B the relieving-tubes (6 inches in diameter), c the side air-cases, D the end air-chambers, E ballast, F scuttles to admit of a free current of air under the water-tight deck, o scuttle for air, and to receive pump. In fig. 3, the exterior form of transverse sections, at different distances from stem to stern, is shown. Fig. 4 represents a midship transverse section, A being sections of the side air- cases, B the relieving-tubes, of the same depth as the space between the deck and the boat's floor, c, c, c, c, are spaces beneath the deck, placed longitudinally, at the midship part of the boat, with cases packed with cork, forming a portion of the ballast; d scuttle for ventilation, having a pump fixed in it, by which any leakage beneath the deck can be pumped out by one of the crew whilst afloat. The festooned lines in fig. 1 represent exterior life-lines attached round the entire length of the boat, to which persons in the water may cling till they can be got into the boat; the two central lines ore festooned lower than the others, to be used as stirrups, so that a person in the water, by stepping on them, may climb into the boat without assistance. 246 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.

Kg. 1.

Deck Plan. Fig. 3.

Fig. 4.

Body Plan. Midship Section.

This Life-boat possesses in the highest degree ail the qualities which it is desir&We thai a Life-boat should possess:— 1. Great lateral stability or resistance to upsetting. 2. Speed against a heavy sea. 3. Facility for launching and taking the shore. 4. Immediate self-discharge of any water breaking into her. 5. The important advantage of self-righting if upset. 6. Strength. 7. Stowage-room for a large number of passengers.

THE LIFE-BOAT TEANSPOETING-CAEEIAGE. (See Diagrams on next page.} The Life-boat transporting-carriage is a very important auxiliary to the boat. Every Life-boaf, except a few of the larger size, is provided with a carriage, on which she is kept in the boat-house rea_dy for immediate transportation to the most favourable position for launching to a wreck. A JLiife-boat is thus made available for a greater extent of coast than she otherwise would be; and even when launched from abreast of the boat-house, can be much quicker conveyed to the water's edge than she could be if not on a carriage. In addition to this ordinary use, a carriage is of immense service in launching a boat from a beach, to that extent, indeed, that one can be readily launched from a carriage through a high surf, when without one she could not be got ofi' the beach. The carriage consists of a fore and main body. The latter is formed of a keelway, and of side or bilgeways attached to the keelway, and resting on the main axle, the boat's weight being entirely on the rollers of the keelway. Its leading characteristic is that on the withdrawal of a forelock pin the fore and main bodies can be detached from each other. The advantages of this arrangement are that, whilst the weight of the boat when she is launched from the rear end forms an inclined plane by elevating the keelway and fore-carriage, to replace her on the carriage she can be hauled bow foremost up the fore end or longer incline, by disconnecting the fore-carriage, and letting the end of the keelway rest on the ground, thus forming an inclined plane up which the boat is easily drawn. The bilgeways are needed at the rear end, that the boat may be launched in an upright position, with her crew on board, but they are not required at the fore end of the carriage. MAY 1, 1872.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 247


The requisite qualities of a life-boatman's life- belt are— 1. Sufficient extra-buoyancy to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, or to enable him to support another person besides himself. 2. Perfect flexibility, so as readily to conform to the shape of the wearer. 3. A division into two zones, an upper and lower, so that between the two it may be secured tightly round the waist; for in- no other manner can it be confined sufficiently close and secure round the body without such pressure over the chest and ribs as to materially affect the free action of the lungs, impede the muscular move- ment of the chest and arms, and thereby diminish the power of endurance of fatigue, which, in rowing-boats, is a matter of vital importance. 4. Strength, durability, and non-liability to injury. The cork life-belts of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION possess the first two qualities in a greater degree than any other life-belt, and the third one exclusively. In addition to these belts a very full equipment of stores is supplied to the Life-boats of the Institution—such as anchors and cables, grapnels and lines, life-buoys, lanterns, rockets, and many other articles, together with portable or launch- ing-skids.

Q 2 248 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.


< ,

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-bouses, under lock 'and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of residents in the several localities. Each boat has its appointed coxswain at a salary of 8/., and an assistant at 21. a year. The crew consists, in addition, of a bowman, and as many boatmen as the boat pulls oars. The members of the volunteer crews are registered, and wherever practicable, at least double the number of men required are entered on the register. Such men are mostly resident boatmen, fishermen, or Coastguardmen. On every occasion of going afloat to save life, the coxswain and each of the crew receive alike from the funds of the Institution (whether successful or not) 10»., if by day, and II., if by night; and 4*. each for every time of going afloat for exercise. A reward of 7s. is given to the man who first brings intelligence of a wreck at such a distance along the coast as not to be in sight of the Coastguard Station or other look-out. A flag hoisted by day, and the firing of a gun twice, quick, by night, are the well-known signals for calling the crew together. On boarding wrecks, the preservation of life is the sole consideration. Should any goods or merchandize be brought into the life-boat, contrary to the coxswain's remonstrance, he is authorised to throw them overboard. The expense of a Life-boat Station averages 6807., and is made up as follows :— Life-boat and her equipment, including Life-belts for the Crew, Skids, and Transporting-carriage £480 Boat-house (average cost) 200 Total £680 The average Annual Expense of maintaining a Life-boat Station is 50/. Such is a brief summary of the chief of the Regulations under which the Life-boats are worked. How faithfully and with what result they are carried out let the journals of each Life-boat Station and the annals of the Institution tell. The NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has now 233 Life-boats under its charge. Every one of these has been specially presented to it, and they save every year from 600 to 700 shipwrecked sailors. Altogether, the Institution has contributed to the saving of nearly twenty-one thousand lives. Despite, however, this fleet of 233 Life-boats, and of 40 others locally provided and supported, and despite the numerous rocket and mortar stations on our coast, there remains the melancholy fact that an average of 700 lives are lost annually on and around our own shores alone, proclaiming solemnly, though silently, that, for humanity's sake, and for the national credit, no exertions should be spared In providing every possible means for the conveyance of succour to the ship- wrecked. The Institution needs at least a permanent income of 20,000/. to maintain its great Life-saving Fleet; and the Committee feel assured that it will never lack it so long as it maintains its boats in the state of thorough efficiency that they are in at the present time, and manned as they are on every emergency by as fearless and noble a class of men as ever our Nelsons and ColUngwoods led to battle to uphold our country's honour and glory. LIST OF LEGACIES


Amount received. £. s. d. 1825. JOHN HENRY HECKEB, Esq., Finsbury Square 1,000 0 0 1830. WILLIAM PRIOR, Esq., Herne Hill, Camberwell 1,827 14 8 ,, WILLIAM WALCOT, Esq., Oundle, Northamptonshire 50 0 0 1832. Mrs. DUPPA, Homerton, Middlesex 1,00000 1834. Mrs. HAYMAN, Topsham, Devon 100 0 0 1848. THOMAS THACKERAY RENNELL, Esq., Enfield 360 0 0 1851. Mrs. JANE GRANTHAM, Altrincham, Cheshire 100 0 0 1854. SAMUEL J. LOWE, Esq., Shadwell 871 15 0 1855. B. COLES, Esq., Tunbridge "Wells . . 155 18 0 1856. Captain HAMILTON FITZGERALD, R.N., V.P 9,55114 2 1857. Miss JANE DA VIES, Clapham 90 0 0 ,, Miss MARIA PETERSON, 90 0 0 1858. Mr. CHARLES SELL, Hoxton . . . _. 66 2 11 ,, GEO. HOLGATE FOSTER, Esq., V.P., Moorgate Street (Free of Duty) 1,000 0 0 ,, Miss CHURCH, Berkeley 90 0 0 1859. GEO. BIGGS, Esq., Strand (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, Mrs. ANN THOMPSON, Greenwich 82 81 1860. EDWIN CUTHBERT, Esq., Denmark Hill (Free of Duty) . ... 50 0 0 ,, Miss E. S. B. PALMER, St. John's Wood 45 0 0 ,, THOMAS FISHER REMINGTON, Esq., Uplyme, Devon (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, Captain BOWERBANK, R.N 9000 ,, Miss ANNA BRAITHWAITE, Kendal (Free of Duty) 10 0 0 ,, Mrs. ANN E. BARBER, Warwick (Ditto) 50 0 0 1861. J. R. JUDKIN, Esq., Hackney (Ditto) 105 0 0 ,, E. E. VIDAL, Esq., Brighton (Ditto) 500 ,, NATHANIEL BATES, Esq., Melbourne 1800 ,, Mrs. WILHELMINA WATSON, Berwick-on-Tweed 450 0 0 1862. Dr. CHARLES TURNER WEST, Hull 90 0 0 ,, Miss ALICE GEDGE, Great Yarmouth 304 16 0 ,, WILLIAM LUPTON, Esq., Sa'lford (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, Mrs. ANN CUTTO, Old Kent Road (Ditto) 1,000 0 0 1863. Mr. JOHN JOLLY, Farmer, Enstone, Oxford 189 0 0 ,, Mr. THOS. ROBINSON, Commercial Traveller, Cheetham, Manchester 189 0 0 ,, JAMES MILLER, Esq., Glasgow (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, WILLIAM CURRIE, Esq., Cornhill 180 0 0 ,, MELBORNE WILLIAMS, Esq., Whitchurch 45 0 0 ,, BERIAH BOTFIELD, Esq., Norton (Free of Duty) 10 10 0 ,, THOMAS AEUNDEI, VENABLES, Esq., Worcester 450 0 0 1864. Miss EMMA KEATE, Kensington (Free of Duty) 300 0 0 ,, RICHARD SPENCER, Esq., Gower Street 180 0 0 ,, JOHN FARNELL, Esq., Isleworth (Free of Duty) 1,000 0 0 ,, Mrs. MARY ANNE DUKOURE, Blackheath (Free of Duty) ... 50 0 0 ,, NEWMAN SMITH, Esq., Great Cumberland Place 45 0 0 ,, DAVID CAMPBELL, Esq., Rothesay, N.B 107 18 11 ,, Admiral O. V. HARCOURT, Swinton Park (Free of Duty) . . . 1,000 0 0 ,, F. R. MAGENIS, Esq., Grosvenor Place (Ditto) 1,000 0 0 ,, W. WEBSDALE, Esq., Ipswich (Ditto) 79 16 0 [ Continued. !! 250 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. i 1 LIST OF PAID LEGACIES— continued Amount received. £. s. d. 1864. G. WHEELHODSE, Esq., Deptford (Free of Duty) 260 0 0 , , Captain M. MONTAGU, R.N., Bath (Ditto) 98 13 4 , , WILLIAM JACKSON, Esq., Henshaw, Northumberland .... 45 0 0 ,, JOHN KITCHING, Esq., Stamford Hill (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 10 0 0 , , JAMES MACNAB, Esq., Guildford (Ditto) 99 4 6 , , Capt. HUGH BROWN, Kilmarnock, N.B. (Ditto) 99 18 6 , , CLARKE, Mr. SAMUEL, Hudderifield 14 10 0 , , The Hon. Mrs. FrazRor, Upper Grosvenor Street (Free of Duty) 4CO 0 0 1865. JOHN APPLEYAKD, Esq., Halifax 1 , 800 0 0 204 11 10 ,, Miss BRODIE, York Place, Portman Square (Ditto) 400 n 0 , , THOMAS STUBBS, Esq., Hulme, Manchester (Ditto) 500 0 0 , , Miss ANN FRANCES SMITH, Greenwich . . • 50 15 0 , , Miss MARY FRANCES WOODBURN, Kensington Park Gardens . 270 0 0 , , WM. HOLLINS, Esq., Over Wallop, Southampton (Free of Duty) . 511 11 6 ,, RICHARD THORNTON, Esq., Old Swan Wharf (Ditto) 2,000 0 0 ,, SAMUEL HORTON, Esq., Prior's Lee (Ditto) 100 16 10 , , Miss JEMIMA BENNETT, Sloane Street, Chelsea (Ditto) .... 90 0 0 , , JOHN JACOBSON, Esq., Glasson Dock, Lancaster (Ditto) ... 19 19 0 , , Mrs. BETTY COLES, Tunbridge Wells 45 0 0 i , , Capt. JOHN SYKES, R.N., Bolsover Street (Free of Duty) . . 100 0 0 , , Kev. THOMAS PAHFIT, D.D., Glastonbury (Ditto) 500 , , Mrs. FRANCES GATES, Leamington Priors (Ditto) 500 1866. THOMAS TRAVERS TAYLOR, Esq., Southport (Ditto) 500 0 0 , , JAMES DAVIDSON SHAW, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne 449 1 8 , , WILLIAM CHA^YN GROVE, Esq., Mere, Wiltshire 90 0 0 90 0 0 76 7 6 , , JOSEPH BLUNDELL, Esq., Hull (Free of Duty) 15 0 0 , , GEORGE SCOTT, Esq., Warborough 45 0 0 100 0 0 , , JOHN BARNARD, Esq., Walworth (Ditto) 10 0 0 100 0 0 , , SAMUEL TRAVIS, Esq., Cheltenham (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, Mrs. MACGREGOR, Camberwell 45 0 0 , , WILLIAM PEARSON, Esq., York 18 0 0 , , Miss J. M. LAING, Abergele (Free of Duty) 50 0 0 , , Mrs. MARY CLARKE, King's Lynn 27 0 0 49 0 0 500 ,, EDWARD KING, Esq., National Debt Office 800 , , Miss ELLEN GOODMAN, Eversholt 540 0 0 500 0 0 1867. Mrs. ANNE FRITH, Deptford 80 0 0 , , Dr. THOMAS BROWNRIGG, Keighley, York 180 0 0 1,000 0 0 , . Miss MARTHA BEBB, Bootham, York . . 1,570 16 0 ,, EDWARD WESTON, Esq., Leicester (Free of Duty) 19 19 0 ISO G G ,, EDWIN BAGSHAW, Esq., Nottingham (Free of Duty) 25 0 0 ,, CHARLES WALKER, Esq., Southport (Ditto) 100 0 0 , , WILLIAM JOHN HALL, Esq., Trinity Square (on account) . . 450 0 0 ,, MARTIN LANE, Esq., Cheltenham (Free of Duty) 10 0 0 89 6 8 , , RICHARD TRIST, Esq., Brighton (Free of Duty) 19 19 0 , , Miss MARIA IRLAM, Dibbinsdale (Ditto) 1,000 0 0 , , Mrs. MARIA DEASE, Cheltenham (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 [ Continued. MAY 1, 1872.] LIST OF PAID LEGACIES. 251

LIST OF PAID LEGACIES-contmueit. Amount received. £. .?. d. 1867. Mrs. MARIANA HOOFER, Andover (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, Miss MAKIA RAM-SON, Sheffield 90 0 0 1863. Miss ELIZABETH BOLTON, Chelsea 415 2 6 ,, KOGER BARROW, Esq., Neweaetle-on-Tyne CO 0 0 ,, Miss SARAH HARRISON, Edge Hill (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, DAVID SINCLAIR, Esq., Thurso (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, R. S. FYDELL, Esq., Rutland (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, FELIX SLAOE, Esq., Lambeth (Ditto) 300 0 0 ,, Mrs. MAKY CHAPMAN, Aldborough (Ditto) 60 0 0 ,, E. A. BROMEHEAD, Esq., Thornthwaite, Cumberland (Ditto) . . 100 0 0 .,, Miss LOUISA HALL, Maida Vale (Ditto) 945 0 0 ,, E. D. BAKEK, Esq., Newcastle Street, Strand (Ditto) .... 22 0 0 ,, Dr. G. E. ALDBED, Richmond (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, JOSEPH HUDSON, Esq., Barrow-upon-Soar 90 0 0 ,, FKIEND HOAR, Esq., Rochester (Free of Duty) 10 0 0 ,, THOMAS TEMPLE SILVER, Esq., Woodbridge (Ditto) 650 0 0 ,, THOMAS CLAYTON, Esq., Wakefield (Ditto) 250 0 0 ,, EDMUND ASTHOP, Esq., Hull (Ditto) 19 19 0 ,, CHARLES WIJLLIAM JONES, Esq., Norwich 175 o 0 ,, WILLIAM NAFLOR, Esq., Twickenham (Free of Duty) .... 500 0 0 ,, FRANCIS HOUSE KINGSTON, Esq., Harpenden 431 2 0 ,, WILLIAM DANGAR, Esq., Cheltenham (Free of Duty) .... 200 0 0 ,, JACOB GORFENKLE, Esq., Liverpool (Ditto) 500 0 0 ] 869. J. S. BECKETT, Esq., Tormoham, Devon 6.2510 3 ,, BENJAMIN MENDES DACOSTA, Esq., Brighton (Free of Duty) . . 19 19 0 ,, Mrs. EVANS ESSEX, Humshaugh, Northumberland (Ditto) . . 50 0 0 ,, Miss E. S. KEMP, City Road (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, Mrs. MARY ANN BBOOIE, Harley Street 90 0 0 ,, THOMAS BROWN, Esq., Ludgate Hill (Free of Duty) 500 0 0 ,, Miss LCCRETIA TUCKETT, Osnaburgh Street (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, JAMES STURM, Esq., High Holborn (Ditto) 500 0 0 ,, WILLIAM MOONEY, Esq., Dublin (Ditto) 1000 ,, SAMUEL SCOTT, Esq., Cavendish Square (Ditto) 1,000 0 6 ,, Mrs. M. E. CLAKK, Addison Road, Kensington 450 0 0 ,, Capt. WILLIAM JULIAN, Aberystwith (Free of Duty) .... 50 0 0 ,, Dr. MACKIE, Greenock 359 12 5 ,, Miss SOPHIA C. CHILDERS, Doncaster (Free of Duty) 25 0 0 ,, WILLIAM M^ALLEY, Esq., Stirling, N.B 99 1 10 ,, Mrs. ELIZA DONCASTER, Winthorpe, Nottingham (Free of Duty) . 100 0 0 ,, Miss MARY ANN HORTON, Highbury (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, WILLIAM SINCLAIR, Esq., Sowerby, York (Ditto) 138 18 3 ,, Mrs. HARRIOT RICHARDSON, Greenwich 3,800 0 0 ,, BENJAMIN NOTON, Esq., Chichester (Free of Duty) 20 0 0 ,, ROBERT Fox, Esq., Falconhurst, Kent (Ditto) 100 0 0 ,, Mrs. MARY ANN WALKER, Onslow Square (Ditto) 500 0 0 ,, Mrs. ANNE WAKNER, Lyncombe, Somerset 224 10 0 ,, Miss ELIZABETH SOPHIA WARNER (Free of Duty) 350 0 0 1870. Mr. JOHN HARDY, King's Lynn (Ditto) 10 0 0 ,, J. L., Esq., Horsham 450 0 0 ,, Miss MARY ANN WOOD, Bath (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, J. H. JEWER, Esq., Finchley New Road (Ditto) 10 10 0 ,, R. W. SIMONDS, Esq., Winchester, An Annual Subscription until his Son is twenty-one 110 ,, Mrs. MARY ROPFEY, Gordon Square (Free of Duty) ..... 25 0 0 ,, Miss MARY WALKER, Coates, N.B. (Ditto) 503 0 0 ,, DUDLEY COSTELLO, Esq., Acacia Road, St. John's Wood. . . . 39917 3 ,, MATTHEW BELL, Esq. Glasgow (Free of Duty) 200 0 0 ,, Miss SARAH DORSET, Reading (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 252 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.

LIST OF PAID LEGACIES— continued. Amount received. £. H. d. 1S70. 450 0 0 » j Mrs. ANNE WELLS, Plymouth (Ditto) ...... 10 0 0 j ? CHARLES LLOYD, Esq. Kennington (Ditto) 500 0 0 •> j Mrs. ELEANOR ANSTICE, Tynemouth (Ditto) 700 0 1 ) » ALFRED SMITH EVANS, Esq., Edgbaston (Ditto) 500 0 0 1 1 JOHN ROBERTS, Esq., Mornington Road (Ditto) 200 0 0 ? i CHARLES STUART, Esq., Norfolk Street (Ditto) 200 0 0 1871. HUGH JONES, Esq., Beaumaris 25 0 0

? » Mrs. BAILLIE, Edinburgh (Free of Duty) 50 0 0

> > STANTON MEYHICK, Esq., Brompton 611 7 6

) J Mr. GEORGE BEKGER, Newcastle Street, Strand 1 18 0

) > ARTHUR BERRY, Esq., Liverpool (Free of Duty) ICO 0 0

) I JOHN ABBOTT, Esq., Halifax (Ditto) 2,078 13 4

J J SAMUEL STAFFORD ALLEN, Esq., Alexandria (Ditto) .... 50 0 0 i I JOHN GREENE, Esq., Gateshead (Ditto) 200 0 0 i j Miss LOUISA ELIZABETH MEYNELL-!NGHAM, Hoar Cross (Ditto) . 300 0 0 > i JOHN SIMSON BULLAHD, Esq., Strood, near Rochester .... 22 10 0

7 J 20 0 0

J ) Mr. MATTHEW BLACK, Elie, N.B 10 0 0

? » Mrs. MARY BURD, Wantage (Free of Duty) . . . 1,500 0 0

J ) Miss MARY CLARKE, Ramsgate 10 0 0

rf I WILLIAM HENRY JOSKS, Esq., Brixton 10 10 0

J J Miss ELIZA NEAI.E, Hayes, towards the building of a " Peudock Neale " Life-boat £246 16 7

1 J Also donation from Miss. J. E. HERRING, Newport, I. W., in aid of same Life-boat, in memory of de- parted friends 100 0 0

5 J 10 1 8

1 1 45 0 0

1 ) J. J. TASCRED, Esq., Pearville, Co. Dublin (Ditto) 1,000 0 0

J > 100 0 0

» ) THOMAS WILLEMENT, Esq., Davingtou Priory, Faversham (Ditto) 50 0 0 1372. Miss ELIZABETH BAKEK, Stutton, Suffolk (Ditto) 100 0 0 » » Miss HARRIET BAKER, Stutton, Suffolk (Ditto) ....'. 100 0 0 1 1 10 0 0 j j 69 10 8 j » 100 0 0 ? j JOHN GRAHAM, Esq., Ide Hill, Sevenoaks (Ditto) 1,000 0 0 j > 300 0 0 j » HENRY FOTHERGILL CHORLEY, Esq., Eaton Place West (Free of Duty) 600 0 0

OTHER LEGACIES NOT YET RECEIVED. 1867. Mrs. SAEAH D. WOODHOESE, Upper Grosvenor Street (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 1869. JOHN BEWLEY, Esq., Kingsland Road (Free of Duty) .... 300 0 0 1870. 20 0 0 j j 2,000 0 0 1871. 19 0 0

J J ROBERT ATTON, Esq., Taunton (Free of Duty) 800 0 0

J » Mr. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Hastings 10 0 0

J J AY. H. DEAN, Esq., Stratford 100 0 o

I » JAMES GRIFFITHS, Esq., R.N., Wickham Market 50 0 0

) J EDWARD LEEVES, Esq., Venice (Free of Duty) 100 0 0

I J Mrs. MARY M'KINNEL, or HANNAY, Kirkcudbright, N.B. . . . ICO 0 0

) ) Lady FRANKLAND RUSSELL, Thirkleby (Free of Duty) .... 100 0 0

) 5 RICHARD STONE, Esq., Ulceby, Lincoln 100 0 0 MAY 1, 1872.] LIST OF LEGACIES. 253

OTHER LEGACIES NOT YET RECEIVED—continued. £. s. d. 1871 WM. TREDWELL, Esq., Handsworth, Staffordshire (Free of Duty) . 105 0 0 1872. WILLIAM COSENS, Esq., Langdon, Dawlish (Ditto) 200 0 0 ,, Mrs. FKANCES FITCH, Bath (Ditto) 500 0 0 ,, Miss MARIA KNIGHT, Hathern, Leicester 100 0 0 ,, Miss ELEANOR COVER, Pimlico (Free of Duty) 100 0 0 ,, JOHN HOWELL, Esq., Cadogan Place (Ditto) 200 0 0 ,, Mrs. JANE LTON, Knightsbridge (Ditto) 500 0 0 ,, WILLIAM STANTON, Esq., Bramly Wharf, Surrey--Dividends on . 500 0 0

LEGACIES IN REVERSION. 1864. Mr. JOHN LITTLEWOOD, Wisewood, Yorkshire. (Possible share of residue.) ... 1865. JOHN THOMAS ROPEB, Esq., Woolwich (Free of Duty) .... 500 0 0 ,, THOMAS BOYS, Esq., Hove, Brighton. (Part of residue.) ...... 1866. JOBS HENRY RADCLIFFE, Esq., Eastbourne. (Possible share of residue.) ... 1867. Miss MABY SHORTRIDGE, Cleadon (Free of Duty) 50 0 0 ,, ROBERT SHEPHERD, Esq., Rochdale 1,000 0 0 ,, Capt. E. W. HARRIS, Roehampton. (Part of residue.) ...... ,, ROBERT HEWER, Esq., Oldgate (Free of Duty) 25 0 0 ,, WILLIAM HENRY SOARE, Esq., Chelsea. (Part of residue.)...... 1863. WILLIAM LANCE, Esq., Coventry 200 0 0 ,, Dr. MONTAGU MARTIN MAHONY, Chelsea. (Part of residue.). . ... ,, The EARL of SHREWSBURY and TALBOT, Possible share of residue not to exceed 250 0 0 1869. Mrs. ELEANOR RIDLEY, Whitby 50 0 0 ,, Admiral Sir WILLIAM BOWLES, K.C.B 200 0 0 ,, G. H. STEVENSON, Esq., Ripon. (Possible share of residue.) . . ... ,, ALEXANDER BOETEFEUR, Esq., Moscow Road, Bayswater . . . 10,000 0 0 ,, Miss FRANCES PARNELL, Warminster 50 0 0 ,, Miss CHARLOTTE MARTIN, Lowestoft 10 0 0 1870. SAMUEL VEAL, Esq., Blomfield Street, Paddington 200 0 0 ,, DANIEL HOLY, Esq., Newbold. (Possible share of residue.) . . ... ,, Mrs. CATHARINE ANN JEREMY, Axminster 1,000 0 0 ,, RICHARD WEBSTER, Esq., Blackburn 1,200 0 0 1871. GEORGE DOUGLAS, Esq., The Lizard. (Possible share of residue.) . . . ,, CHARLES ROBERT TELFAIR, Leckhampton Hill. (Ditto) ...... ,, JOHN WINDSOR, Esq., Ipswich 10 00 ,, P. L. HUSSEY, Esq., Brighton 50 0 0 ,, ROBERT PEARSON, Esq., Newcastle-ou-Tyne (Part of residue.) . ... ,, JAMES STEWART FORBES, Esq., Wimbledon (Free of Duty) . . 5,000 0 0 1872. Mrs. LAURA CATHERINE HUTCHINSON, Lancaster (Ditto) . . . 1,000 0 0 ,, Mr. JOHN LEWIS, Bath 20 0 0


/ give and bequeath to the ROYAT. NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, founded in 1821, London, the sum of £ , for the use of the said Institution ; and Ida hereby direct that the same bepaid out of my chattels personal. ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, 14, John Street, Adelph't, London, \it May, 1872. LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS.

Donations of £5 and under are omitted after having been published once in the Report.

HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Annual, £50) . £100 0 0 HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. (1867) . 135 0 0 CAPTAIN H.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., R.N. (1872) 15 0 0 Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. A. A. (1871) 500 A Thank-offering from two aged widowed A. B.,perWilliams,Deacon,&Co.(1864-8) 90 0 0 Pilgrims, for God's mercy to the nation A. B. C. (1864) 40 0 0 in restoring the Prince ot'Wales (1872) 500 A. C. (1865) 52 10 0 A Well-wisher to the Institution (1867) 10 0 0 A. C., Croydon (1859-71) . . . 75 0 0 Abbott, Mr. T., Covenham .050 A. C., In Memoriam (1871) . . . 20 0 0 Absolom, Edward, Esq. ..110 A. E. (1866) 100 0 0 Acheson, A. Esq., Broadstairs 110 A. F. M 110 Acheson, Miss, Highbury .110 A. J., Eastbourne (1868) . . . 100 0 0 Ackers, G. H., Esq. ... 5 0 0 A. L., Ackworth(1871-2) . . . 100 Acland, Sir T. Dyke, Bart., A. O. E. (1864-72) 110 0 0 the late 110 A. P. R 100 Adam, Lady (1863-9) £650 A. It. (1861) 50 0 0 Adam and Co., Messrs. John A. S., Thank-offering (1871) . . 500 and James . . . ..110 A. S. B. (1872) 110 Adams, A., Esq., Skelwith . 0 10 0 A. S. E., per Rer. G. D. Miller (1870) 7150 Adams, Dr. A. R. (1871-2) . . . 220 A. Z. (1871) 100 Adams, Edgar T., Esq., Cam- A Curate's mite (1871) . . . . 0 10 0 berwell 110 A Deceased Friend, per Miss Adams, John, Esq., Camden Parnell (1864) 10 10 0 Road 0 10 6 A Few Friends, per A. C. E. 1 10 0 Adams, Mrs. John, Grasmere 100 A Friend 200 Adams, Messrs. E. and H. . 2 2 0 A Friend (1861) 100 0 0 Adams, Mrs 110 A Friend (1862) 200 0 0 Adams, R., Esq., St. Ives .110 A Friend (1862) 100 0 0 Adamson, A., Esq. ... 1 1 0 A Friend (1864) 20 0 0 Adamthwaite, Mrs. M. J. .200 A Friend (1872) 15 0 0 Adcock, Mrs. B., Syston .100 A Friend at Altrincham (1861-71) . 700 Addison & Whitehead, Messrs. 0 10 C A Friend at Erdington ..100 Agar, Win., Esq. (1870) . . . . 10 0 0 A Friend at Midhurst (1867) . . 10 0 0 Ainslie, Rev. George . .110 A Friend at Northwich (1871) . . 100 Alarm, Ship, Owners and A Friend at Nottingham (1864) . . 10 0 0 Underwriters (1867) . . . . 23 0 0 A Friend at Weymouth (1862-4) . . 15 0 0 Albery, Edwin, Esq. (1872). . . 330 A Friend at the Annual Meeting (1872) 10 0 0 Aldam, William, Esq. ..100 A Friend to Seamen (1863). . . 50 0 0 Aldworth,Capt.St.Leger,R.N. 1 1 0 A Friend (G. B.) (1865) . . . . 10 0 0 Alexander, Capt. J. H. I., A Friend (Miss H. H.) (1865) . . 50 0 0 R.N., C.B 200 A Friend (N. B.) (1862) . . . . 1800Alexander, Sir Wm., Bart., Q.C. (1862) 1010 0 A Friend, per Col FitzRoy Clayton (1871) 0 10 0 Alexander, G.W., Esq., (1857-61) 21 0 0 A Friend, per ditto (1871) . . . 0 10 0 Alleock, Birkbeck, and Co. (1860) . 10 10 0 A Friend,per Miss M. A. H. (1861-3) 55 0 0 Allen, Bulkeley, Esq. ..110 A Friend, per Mr. J. C. Mills (1872) 200 Allen, Hanbury, and Co. .110 A Friend, per Rev. R. J. Martyn (1871) 100 Allen, J., Esq., Cornhill ..110 A Lady at Frome (1867). . . . 10 0 0 Allen, Murray, & Co., Messrs. 110 A Lady, per John Eden, Esq. (1868) 50 0 0 Allen, T., Esq., Huddersfleld 0100 A Lady, per Torquay Branch (1868) 20 0 0 Allen Bros, and Co., Messrs. .110 A Lady in Exeter (1863). . . . 100 0 0 Allen, E., Esq., Sleaford. .110 A Lady Friend in Leith (1862) . . 100 0 0 Allender, J. H., Esq. . .100 A Lady, Newcastle-on-Tyne (1861). 100 0 0 Alliance Marine Insurance Company A Lady and her Son (1862) . . . 10 0 0 (1851-61) 152 10 0 A Middle Class Man (1865). . . 100 0 0 AHoa Branch, vide p. 321. A Sailor's Daughter (1863-7) . . 500 0 0 Allott. Thelwall & Co., Messrs. 440 A Sailor's Widow (1866). . . . 10 0 0 Allsopp and Sons, Messrs. Samuel (1864) 25 0 0 A Thank-offering to Almighty God for Alrutz, R., Esq 110 preservation at Sea during the storm Alston, Hamilton, and Co. .110 of 31st Oct., 1863 100 0 0 Ames, H. St. Vincent, Esq. (1864-6) 10 0 0 A Thank-offering from Lady H. (1866) 10 0 0 Amos, Mrs. M., St. Ibbs ..110 Ditto, for a Son's preservation Amphlett, Rev. J. ... 1 1 0 at Sea (1870) 10 0 0 Auderdou, J. H., Esq. (1854-61) . . 21 0 0 A Thank-offering from E. Jones, Esq., Anderson, ,1. S., Esq. ..110 and Mrs. Jones, for Divine preserva- Anderson, T., Esq. ... 1 1 0 tion from imminent danger at Sea Anderson, Mrs. J., Lassvvade 220 (1864) 20 0 0 Anderson, Thomson, & Co. (_1868). . 10 0 0 A Thank-offering, from T. H. L. (1807) 25 0 0 Angell, Mr. A 050 A Thank-offering (" Let not the deep Anonymous (1867) 1,1500 0 0 swallow me up") (1871) . . . 25 0 0 Anonymous (186S) 100 0 0 LIST OP DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 255

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Anonymous (1871) ~o 10 0 Baker, Henry, Esq., Gower Antrobus, Miss C. H. (1865-72) . . 13 4 0 Street (1870) .... ". . 550 Antrobus, Rev. John (1866-72) . . 8 1 0 Bakewell, Messrs. C. H., & Co. 1 1 0 Appleyard, Rev. E. S. . .22 0 Baldwin and Son, Messrs. . 0 10 6 Arbroath Branch, vide p. 324. Balfour, John B.'Esq. (1868-71) . . 660 Arbuthnot, AV. R., Esq. ..05 0 Balkwill, B., Esq. . .110 Archer, J., Esq 22 0 Bamford, C., Esq., Cambridge (1863) 20 0 0 Arden, the Hon. Miss (1851-72) . . 133 10 0 Banff Branch, vide p. 320. Ardrossan Branch, vide p. 319. Banfield, R., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Arkwright, Capt. A. P., R.N. (1863) 10 0 0 Bangor Mutual Ship Insurance Arkwright, Miss F. J. . .11 0 Society (1864) 10 10 0 Arkwright, J. C., Esq. ..11 0 Bannockburn Branch, vide p. 327. Armet, Mrs. E., Lewisham (1863) . 10 10 0 Banting, W., Esq. . . .110 Armitage, Miss H., Bath . . 1 1 0 Barber, V., Esq 050 Armourers & Braziers, Wor- Barber and Co., Messrs. J. . 1 1 0 shipful Company of (1872) . . 10 10 0 Barchard, Mrs., East Hill (1859-63) 60 0 0 Armstrong, Sir W.G., F.R.S. 1 1 0 Barclay, Mrs. E., Blackwell (1851-63) 15 0 0 Armstrong, Henry, Esq. ..11 0 Barclay, Rev. Matthew, D.D. (1859-62) 1500 Armstrong, G. J., Esq., Old Barclay, Perkins, and Co., Bond Street 11 0 Messrs. (1864) 10 10 0 Armstrong, Joseph, Esq., Barclay and Sons, Messrs. .220 Fairfield (1863) . . 10 10 0 Baring Brothers and Co. .500 Arnold, Dr. (1871) 2 0 0 Baring, Thomas, Esq., M.P., Arnold, Mrs. Francis ... 1 1 0 Chairman .500 Ash, Hy., Esq., Weston . . 0 10 0 Barker, Captain W. C., H.M.I.N. Ash, W., Esq., ditto ... 0 10 0 (1861-5) 15 5 D Ashburnham, General (1865). . . 10 0 0 Barker, D., Esq., Wapping .110 Ashby, Capt., Naseby ..11 0 Barker, W., Esq., Dane House (1862) 10 10 0 Ashby, James,Esq., Idol Lane 0 10 6 Barker, F. C., Esq. (1871) . . . 100 Ashton, The Misses, Hyde (1867) . 20 0 0 Barkworth, Miss M., Tun- Ashtown, Lord (1867-72) . . . 25 0 0 bridge Wells (1860-72) . . . 150 0 0 Astell, Mrs. H. D. (1866-71) . . 11 8 0 Barnardiston, N, C., Esq. .110 Astell, Messrs. J. & D. (1872) . . 2 2 0 Barne, Mrs., & Miss Dunsford( 1868-72) 990 Atkins, J. P., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Barnett, John, Esq., Stamford Atkinson and Co., Messrs. .22 0 Hill (1867) 15 0 0 Atkinson, G., Esq., Morland . 1 1 0 Barnett, Hoare,& Co., Messrs. (1851-63) 15 10 0 Atkinson, G. C. W., Esq. . 2 2 0 Barras, John, Esq., Farnacres (1860) 10 0 0 Atkinson, Miss, Tavistock Barras, Mrs., Farnacres ..220 Square (1869) 10 10 0 Barrett, H., Esq 110 Atkinson, W., Esq., Super's Barrington, R., Esq. ... 5 0 0 Hall (1871-2) 30 0 0 Barren, F., Esq 110 Atkinson, W., Esq., Becken- Barren, "W. T., Esq. ... 1 1 0 ham 11 0 Barrow, A. M., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Attenborough, R., Sawtry .11 0 Barry, F. T., Esq., for the barques Atwood, Mrs. L. Benniworth 1 1 0 fomaron, JKerto/a, Sovereign, and Aubertin, Miss, Banstead (1860-7) 15 5 0 Umgeni .440 Auerbaoh, Emil, Esq. . . 1 1 *0 Barton, Daniel, Esq. (1868) . . . 10 0 0 Auldjo, Henry, Esq., Cowes (1851-722) 28 17 0 Bartram, Pretyman, and Austin, G., Esq., London St. 1 1 (0 Alumford, Messrs. ... 1 1 0 Austin, J., Esq., Finsbury . 1 0 Bastard, T. Horlock, Esq. .100 Austin, Mrs., Clifton (1872) 4 0 0 Bateman, F., Esq 0 10 0 Ditto 1 0 Bates, Colonel Robert ..110 Aylmer, Major-General . . 1 0 Bath Branch, vide p. 308. Bathe, Mrs., Spring Grove (1859-68) 17 7 0 Bathurst, Lieut.-Col. ... 2 2 0 Bathurst, Rev. W. H. (1861) . . 10 0 0 B. Y. (1869-71) , 3 3 0 Batten and Edwards, Messrs. 110 Baber, Harry H., Esq. (1870) . , 10 10 0 Batten and Ginner, Messrs. .110 Back, Admiral Sir G., F.R.S. 1 1 0 Batthyany, Count Edmund .110 Bacon, John T., Esq. (1863-6) . , 15 0 0 Bax, E., Esq., Charing Cross 110 Bacup Co-operative Stores (1868-72) 45 0 0 Bayley, J., Esq., Plymouth (1867) 10 10 0 Bagehot, Parsons, and Co. .1 1 0 Bayley, Sir J., Bart. The late (1857-61) 30 10 0 Bailey, E., Esq., Berners St. 1 1 0 Bayley and Ridley, Messrs. .110 Bailey, Laurence R., Esq., Baylis, T. C., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Liverpool (1858-63) .. . 10 0 0 Bayne, Miss (1868) 10 0 0 Baillie, Mrs., Brighton ..55 0 Baynes, W., Esq. (1864) . . 10 0 0 Baillie, Mrs. E. F., Leicester 1 1 0 Beach, Edward. Esq. ... 1 1 Baily, Miss A. L., Sudbury . 1 1 0 Beachcroft, Miss, Talbot Sq. 1 1 Baily, Miss E., ditto ..11 0 Beadel, T., Esq., Witham (1857-6S) 30 0 0 Baines, Charles J., Esq. ..11 0 Heart, Robert, Esq. ... 1 1 Baker, C. G., Esq. . . . 0 106 Beaumont, G., Jun., Esq. . 1 1 Baker and Daniels, Messrs. . 1 1 0 Beaumont, Mrs., Camden Rd. 0 10 Baker, General Sir W. E. . 22 0 Becher, Sir H. W., Bart, (1861) . . 20 0 0 Baker, Rev. Talbot H. B. . 1 1 0 Beck, Miss, Kotting Hill . 0 10 Baker, Sir George, Bart. (1865-70) 15 0 0 Beckett, Rev. W 0 10 Baker-Cresswell, A. J., Esq., (1860-53) 15 0 0 Beckwith, General C. (1862) . . 10 0 0 256 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. t. d. £. s. d. Bective, The Earl, M.P. . 10 0 0 Blakiston, M., Esq., Mabberley 2 0 0 Beddoes, Mrs. C. C. ... 1 1 0 Bland, Capt., R.N. ... 5 0 0 Beddoes, Miss, Shrewsbury .220 Bland and Huson, Messrs. .110 Bedford, Adml. G. A. ..100 Blane, Lady 0 10 0 Bedford, Henry, Esq. .-110 Blanshard, Mrs. General (1860-6) . . 21 10 0 Bedford, Lieut.-Col. ... 1 1 0 Blatch, P., Esq., Theale ..200 Beeching, Messrs. J. and H., in aid of Blaydes, Miss E., Teignmouth (1865) 25 0 0 "Princess Louise" Life-boat (1871) 500 Blenkinsop, B., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Beeton, E. M., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Bligh, Harbottle, and Co. . 1 1 0 Begbie, T. S., Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Bligh, Hon. Sir J. D., K.C.B. 200 Begley, Mrs., Hanwell (1862) . . 10 10 0 Blundell, H., Esq. (1864-7) . . . 10 0 0 Belcher, Lady (1871) 220 Blyth, Greene, & Co., Messrs. (1852-62) 51 10 0 Belfast Branch, vide p. 328 . Boddington and Co., Messrs. (1861) 10 10 0 Bell, Alex., Esq., Tooting .110 Bonamy, Lieut.-Col. . .110 Bell, Messrs. Alexander & Co. 110 Bonser,W. J., Esq. (1864-8). . . 31 10 0 Bell, Mrs., Edgbaston ..100 Boord, J., Esq. (1865) . . . . 10 10 0 Bell, Mrs. Mary, Maldon .110 Borough, C. B., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Bell, Jas., Esq., Kingston .110 Borrer, Mrs 0 10 0 Belleroche, E., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Borrowes, Major .... 5 0 0 Belli,W.H.,Esq.,TheCourtlands(1861-72)24 2 0 Borrowman, Phillipps, & Co. 0 10 0 Belsham, J., Esq., Heybridge 0 10 0 Berwick, Alfred, Esq. ..110 Benecke, Bros., Messrs. (1872) . . 220 Bosanquet, Curtis, and Co. .220 Benecke, Otto A., Esq. ..110 Bostock, Mrg. E., Hunter St. (1868-72) 2500 Benecke, Souchay, and Co., Boston, Lord 110 Messrs. (1851-64) 26 0 0 Boston Shipwreck Association (1865-72) 40 0 0 Benetflnk, S. A., Esq. . . 0 10 6 Ditto 500 Benham, John, Esq. ... I 1 0 Botley, Win., Esq., F.S.A., (1867) 105 0 0 " Benjamin," per C. Few, Esq. (1869) 100 0 0 Bourne, Miss A. S. . . .500 Bennett, J. L., Esq., Merton (1865). 10 10 0 Boulton, M. P. W., Esq. .220 Bennetts, Miss Olympia (1864-72) 35 0 0 Bouyenel, Madame (1868-71) . . 20 0 0 Benson and Co., Messrs. R. . 220 Bowden, Capt., R.N. . ..220 Bent, Major John .... 1 1 0 Bowles, Rev. G. D. ... 1 0 0 Bentinck, Sir Henry, K.C.B., Bowles, H. C. B., Esq. ..220 and Lady Bentinck. . . 10 0 0 Bowman, J., Esq., King Wil- Bentinck, G., Esq., M.P. .550 liam St. (1861) 10 10 0 Bentinck, Lady Harriet M. (1871) 10 0 0 Bowron, J., Jun., Esq. ..110 Bentley, Miss M. C., at the request of Bowyer, George, Esq. ..110 her late Sister, Miss C. Bentley (1869) 300 0 0 Bowyer, John, Esq., The late 110 Bentley, James,Esq.,Cheshunt (1862-70) 10 10 0 Bowyer, Miss Mary ... 1 1 0 Beresford, Mrs. L. ... 1 1 0 Bowyer, W. Esq., Buckden .110 Berey, John, Esq., Thornclifie (1866) 10 10 0 Bowyer, "W. Esq., Southoe .110 Berry, George, Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Boyd, E. F., Esq 110 Best, Mrs. W...... 1 1 0 Boyd, N. P., Esq 110 Beveridge, Capt 110 Boyd and Co., J. and C. . . 220 Beverley, Mrs., Deal ... 1 1 0 Boyle, Capt. A., R.N. ..220 Bevington, A., Esq. . ..110 Boys, Thos., Esq., Trustees Bevan, Geo. Jas., Esq. ..110 of the late (1867-72) . . . . 1,150 0 0 Bicknell, Hy. S., Esq. ..110 Brabazon, H. B., Esq. (1865). . . 10 0 0 Bicknell, P., Esq 110 Bradberry, Thos., Esq. (1869-71) . . 80 0 0 Bicknell, Rev. Charles Brooke (1868) 25 0 0 Ditto 110 Biddell, Sidney, Esq., Stroud (1866) . 10 0 0 Bradbury, Greatorex, & Beall, Bieber and Co., Messrs. (1S72) . . 110 Messrs. (1861-3) 10 10 0 Biffin, James, Esq., Hillingdon 110 Bradby, Mrs. C. II. ... 1 1 0 Bilke, E., Esq. (1871) . . . . 550 Bradford Branch, vide p. 314. Bilbe and Co., Messrs. ..330 Bradford, Gen. J. F., C.B. .110 Billingsley, Capt., R.N. . . 0 10 0 Bradford, Mrs. II. W. ..110 Biiiyon, Rev. F 110 Bradford, R., Esq., Royal Birch, J. AV. N., Esq. (1863) . . 10 0 0 Exchange (1864) 12 8 0 Birch, J. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Bradford, Mrs. J. E. . . . 1 10 Birch, Miss Eliza, Cheddar .110 Bradley, J., Esq., Nottingham (1860-3) 10 10 0 Birch, Miss J. M.W., Yarmouth 050 Braithwaite, J., Esq. (1861) . . 10 0 0 Bird, Admiral E. J. . . .110 Brandram and Co., Messrs. (1859-63) 1515 0 Birkbeck.Edward, Esq.,V.P. (1861-72) 525 0 0 Brassey, Mrs. (1866) 10 0 0 Birley, Mr. C. A. (1871) . . . 600Brassey, Thos., Esq., M.P. .550 Birmingham Branch, vide p. 314 Ditto (1872) 10 0 0 Birt, Messrs. J. & A. W. .440 Bray, T. B., Esq 300 Bischoff and Sons, Messrs. .110 Bremner and Till, Messrs. (1361-4) 10 10 0 Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt 110 Brett and Co., Messrs. ..110 Biscoe, Miss, The Slopes .110 Brice, Miss 110 Bishop, John N., Esq. . . 0 10 6 Bridge, T. J. L., Esq. ..220 Blackpool Branch vide p. 239 Bridges, Thos. C., Esq. ..100 Blades, Miss E., in aid of "Princess Bridport, The Lord (1861-5). . . 50 0 0 Louise "Life-boat Fund (1871) . . 500 Briggs, Sir John 11. ... 1 1 0 Blake, Miss Frances, Portland Briggs, General . . . .100 Place (1863) 10 0 0 Brighton Branch, vide p. 311 Blakey, Commander, R.N. . 0 10 0 Brindley, T. B., Esq. ..110 LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTIONS. 257

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Bristol Branch, vide p. 296. Bullard, King, & Co., Messrs. 110 Bristol, Marquis of ... 2 2 0 Buller, Mrs., Eaton Square .100 Bristol Histrionic Club Contribution Bulloch & Co., Messrs. J. & G. 3 3 0 for 1871, in aid of their life-boat 10 0 0 Bunbury, Col. H. W. ... 2 2 0 British and North American Royal Bunbury, Sir Charles, Bart. .300 Mail Steam Ship Co. (1865) . . 20 0 0 Burchett, J. R., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Broad wood, Mrs 110 Barden, Stephen, Esq. ..110 Broadwood, Mrs. Charlotte (1871) 1 1 0 Burges, A., Esq., Blackheath (1857-71) 178 10 0 Brock, Capt. O-, R.N. ..330 Burgess" , Mrs 0- 5 0 Brocklehurst, Chas., Esq. .110 Burgoyne, Thos., Esq. (1871) 10 10 Brocklehurst, Fras. D. (1872) . . 220 Burgoyne, M. T., Esq. (1872) 1 1 Brogden, J., Bsq 110 Burnaby, Rev. F. G. . . . Bromehead, E. A.. Esq. (1864) . . 10 10 0 Burnaby, Mrs Bromfield, Miss Eliza ..100 Burnett, D. "W., Esq.. . . Bromilow, Lieut., R.N., (1671) . . 1 0 Burnett, W. H. W., Esq. . . Bromilow, Mrs. F. R. (1871) . . 0 10 Burney and Co., Messrs.. . Brooke, Miss, Honley . . 0 10 0 Burr, D. H. D., Esq. ... 5 Brooke, Miss Edith, Ditto .100 Burrard, Mrs. Harriet (1863-6) 20 0 0 Brooke, Rev. J., Haughton .110 Burrell, H., Esq., Norwood . 1 Brooke, S. B., Esq. (1864) . . . 10 0 0 Burrell, H., Esq., New Square 2 Brooke, Sir Wm. De Capell, Burton, Mrs., Regent's Park (1868) 50 0 0 Bart. (1857-72) 115 0 0 ' Burton-on-Trent Branch, vide p. 309. Brooks, G., Esq., Laceby .220 Burton, Rev. R. C. . . . 05 Brooks, Thomas, Esq. ..110 Burton, W. F., Esq. (1859-70) . . 15 0 0 Brooksb»nk,MissM.S.,Acroplats(1862-70)50 0 0 Burton, Capt., R.A. ... 1 1 Broughton, John, Esq., Poole 110 Busfeild, Mrs., Cheltenham . 2 0 Brown, Bateman Esq., Hunt- Busk, Capt. Hans .... 1 1 ingdon 110 Busk, Mrs. (1872) 440 Brown, Chas. Hunter, Esq. (1864-8) 10 0 0 Bussell,Rev. John W., R.N. 1 0 Brown, David, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Butler, C., Esq., Drury Lane 0 10 Brown, G. W., Houghton .110 Butler, W. T., Esq. . . . 0 5 Brown, Hy., Esq., Luton . .100 Butlin, C., Esq., Nottingham 1 1 Brown, H. E., Esq., St. Butlin, Thomas, Esq. . . . 0 10 Helen's Place .... 1 1 0 Butter, Mrs., Camden Rd. 1 1 Brown, James Clifton, Esq. (1863) 100 Byng, Capt. J. L., R.N. . . 1 1 Brown, Janson, and Co., Messrs. (1863) 10 Brown, J., Esq., Copgrove Hall (1866) 10 C., Mrs. M. L., South Australia, " In Brown, J. A., Esq. (1872) . . . 2 grateful remembrance of her merciful Brown, J. C., Esq., Holmbush (1872) 50 preservation from imminent dangers Brown, Miss A. M., Sudbury 050 by eea in 1862" (1866-71) . . . 40 0 0 Brown, Miss, Exeter (1864-5) 25 0 0 C. A. (1872) 0 10 0 Brown, Mrs., Luton ... 1 C. and M., The Sisters (1864) . . 20 0 0 Brown, Mr. R., Luton . . 1 C.D. (1867) 100 0 0 Brown, Mr. H., Jun., Luton . 1 C. D. S., Durham (1861) . . 50 0 0 Brown, Mrs. Willson, Bath . I C. D. S., in aid of a Life-boat (2866) 50 0 0 Brown, Shipley, & Co., Messrs. 3 C. D. W. (1865) 30 0 0 Brown and Mackay, M.essrs.i . 1 C. J. W. (1871) 3 3 0 Browne, G. B., Esq. ... 2 C. L. (1865-9) 50 0 0 Browne, "W. N., Esq. . . 1 C. S. (1860-8) 80 0 0 Browne, Miss, Toxteth Park, "In Me- C. T. (A Seaman's Daughter, produce moriam of the 15th and 26th Jan- of her Needlework) (1864-71) . . 45 0 0 uary," and of K. H. (1861-72) . . 60 Cain, Miss, Clerkenwell ..05 0 Browne, Rev. T. Murray (1863) . . .10 Calcott, Lieut.-Col., C.B. (1871) . , 0 0 Browne, J. W., Esq., Frascali 220 Callender, Rev. H. C. . . 0 10 Bruce, Lord Chas., M.P. ..500 Callow, John, Esq. . . . 0 10 Bruce, H., Esq., Edinburgh .110 Callwell, W., Esq., Bristol (1864-7) 30 0 0 Brumell, Mrs. M. E. . . . 100 Calrow and Son, Messrs. J. .110 Bruno, Silva. and Son, Messrs. (1871) 550 Calthrop, J., Esq., Lynn .110 Brushfield, Mr. Richard ..050 Cameron, Messrs. J. & P. .110 Brushfield, Mr. T., Spitalfields 0 10 6 Cameron, Miss, Hillwood .200 Bryant, Arthur C. Esq. ..550 Camm, N. C., Esq. . . .110 Brydges, Sir Harford Jones, Campbell, Arthur E., Esq. (1871) 50 0 0 Bart. (1857-65) 15 0 0 Campbell, C. M., Esq., Stoke 220 Buccleugh, His Grace the Campbell, Admiral F. A. .110 Dukeof,K.G 10 10 0 Campbell, Hon. Mrs. G. . .500 Buchanan, J. Esq., Bath ..100 Campbell, James, Esq. ..110 Buchanan, Mrs. Godman- Campbell, R. H. S., Esq. ..220 chester 110 Candler, P. W., Esq. (1872) . 10 0 0 Buckingham, Miss S.C. (1863-72) . . 10 10 0 Cann, James, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Buckle, Rev. John, M.A. .100 Capel & Co., Messrs. Arthur 110 Buckley, Victor, Esq. ..200 Capel, Frank C., Esq. ..300 Budge, Mrs. H. S. ... 0 10 6 Capel, J. D., Esq 110 Budgett and Co., Messrs. H. Carbutt and Co., Messrs. ..110 H. andS 220 Cardale, Rev. E. T. ... 0 10 0 Bulkeley,MissLouisa,Brighton(1866-71)60 0 0 Carew, T., Esq., Collipriest 100 Bulkeley, P. F., Esq. (1870-1) . . 220 Carew, The Dowager Lady (1860-7) 129 0 0 258 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Carew, Mrs. Hallowell (1870-2) . . 25 0 0 Child, Francis, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Carew, Mrs. G., Mytton Hall 220 Childers, Rt.-Hon. H. C. E., Carew, Mrs. J., Exeter (1862) . . 10 0 0 M.P 110 Carew, R. Pole, Esq. ... 1 0 0 Childers, Miss L 110 Carey and Browne, Messrs. .110 Chilver, Rev. Charles S. . . 100 Carlisle, The Bishop of . . 1 1 0 Cholmondeley Charities Trustees (1863) 50 0 0 Carmichael, Sir W. G., Bart. 200 Cholmondeley, The Marquis of 2 2 0 Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated Christy and Co., Messrs.^race- Society of (1868) 88 10 5 church Street .... 1 1 0 Carr, W. J., Esq 110 Chudleigh, Mrs., Leamington 110 Carrera, C. L., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Chudley, E. A., Esq.... 1 1 0 Carruthers, De Castro, and Co. (1859-63) 1500 Church and Son, Messrs. . 0 10 0 Cartwright, Col. H. ..110 Church, Rev. G. L. . . . 0 10 6 Cartwright, Capt. R. Norton 100 Churchill, Samuel, Esq. (1861-7) . . 11 11 0 Cartwright, Miss, Bury St. Chuter, R., Esq., Croydon 220 Edmunds (1862-9) . . . . 105 0 0 Civil Service Life-boat Fund, vide p. 279. Cartwright, Mrs., Ellingham 0 10 0 Clare, The Earl of (1862) . . . 10 0 0 Case,R.,Esq.,ThrogmortonSt. 110 Clark, J., Jim., Esq.,Crawford Caseell, Smith, & Co., Messrs. 110 Street (1865) 10 10 0 Casella & Co., Messrs. A. . 1 1 0 j Clark, W., Esq., Brompton .220 Casey, Mrs. G. (1871) . . . . 100 Clarke and Rowe, Messrs. .110 Cathrick, Mrs. (1862-71). . . . 4 10 0 Clarke, Mrs., Canonbury (1866) . . 10 0 0 Cator, Miss S. H. Bertie (1861-9) . . 16 13 0 Clarke, Mrs. Cowden . . .100 Ditto 110 Clarke, Stephenson, Esq. (1868) . . 10 0 0 Cator, Mrs. Wm. A. . . .110 Clarke, The Misses, Carlisle 200 Causton, J., Esq., the late .110 Clarkson and Co., Messrs. . 0 10 6 Cave and Sons, Messrs. H. J. 1 1 0 Clayton, Colonel Fitzroy .200 Cave, The Rt. Hon. S.,M.P. (1859-60) 1111 0 Clayton, Lieut. E.G., R.E. 100 Ditto 220 Clayton, Sir Wm. R., Bart. .550 Cave, W., Esq., Lowndes St. (1864-71) 121 0 0 Clayton, T. W., Esq., Rydc (1859-63) 10 0 0 Ditto 10 10 0 Clegram, W. B., Esq., J.P. .220 Cavendish, The Hon. C. C. . 1 1 0 i Clerk, Colonel H., R.A. ..110 Cayley, A., Esq., Lincoln's Inn (1859-62) 1330 Clerke, Archdeacon ... 1 1 0 Cazenove, H., Esq. (1863) . . . 10 10 0 Clermont, Lord .... 2 2 0 Cazenove, Philip, Esq. (1860-2) . . 10 10 0 Clermont, Lady .... 1 1 0 Chadwick, Joseph, Esq. .110 Clifford, Adm. Sir A., Bart., Chads, Rear-Admiral... 1 0 0 C.B 100 Chalmers, Guthrie, and Co. (1871) 10 10 0 Clifford, C., Esq., Birmingham 110 Chamberlain, George, Esq., Clinch, H. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Liverpool 110 Clinton, Lady G. P. . . .110 Chamberlain, H., Esq. ..110 Clive, Mrs. Henry (1859-66) . . 12 0 0 Chamberlain, Richard, Esq. .110 CIoid,Routledge& Co., Messrs. 220 Chamberlain, Wm. W., Esq. (1871-2) 100 Close, Capt. F. A., R.N. ..110 Chambers,Miss,Cumberiaud St. 2 2 0 Clout and Co., Messrs. T. .110 Champion, Miss, Wandsworth (1864) 20 0 0 Clowes, R., Esq., Walworth (1861-71) 990 Chance, E., Esq., Lawnside .220 Clutterbuck, J. W., Esq. (1863) . . 10 10 0 Chaplin, Capt. Edward ..100 Clutterbuck, Mrs. C. F. . .220 Chaplin, E., Esq., Hamburg (1867-72) 17 17 0 Coal Factors' Society ... 5 5 0 Chapman, T., Esq., F.R.S., Cock, Miss E. A. (1868-72). . . 25 0 0 Deputy Chairman ... . . 21 0 0 Cockle, Charles M. Esq. .100 Chapman, Mrs. G. (1871) . . . 100 Cockey, Mrs., Frome . . .050 Chappie, E. S., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Coffin, Admiral H. E. (1867-71) . . 200 Chardless, Mr. H. (1867-72) . . . 17 9 0 Colchester & Woolner, Messrs. 110 Charles, Mrs., Stoke Newington 110 Cole, Mr. W., Lowestoft . . 0 10 0 Ditto, in aid of " Princess Cole, Miss, St. Neots ..110 Louise " Life-boat Fund (1871) 0 10 6 Coles, Miss Susanna, Clifton 0 10 6 Charles, Peter, Esq, In aid Colebrooke, Lieut.-Gen. Sir of " Princess Louise " Life- W., C.B. (1861-5) 20 0 0 boat Fund (1871) 0 10 6 Coleman, Capt. G., Sandwich 110 Charlewood, Henry, Esq. (1864-6) 20 0 0 Coleman, Rev. W. (1868-72). . . 2 10 0 Charley, E., Esq., Lisburn .120 Coles, J., Esq 110 Charley, Mrs., and Family, Coles, Miss A., Cliftonville . 0 10 6 Dunmurry 100 Collections, Sundry, vide p. 277-8. Chavasse, Mrs. Horace . . 110 Colledge, T. R., Esq. (1864) . . . 10 0 0 Chaytor & Webster; Messrs. 1 1 0 Collet, W. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Cheape, G. C., Esq., Wellfield (1864-0) 21 10 0 Collier, Adml. Sir E., K.C.B. (1859-66) 15 0 0 Cheetham, C., Esq. ... 3 3 0 Collier, Messrs. F. H. & A. . 1 1 0 Cheltenham Branch, vide p. 296. Collin, J., Esq., Greenwich .110 Chester, C., Esq. (1863-5) . . . 10 0 0 Collin, Miss, Bloomsbury .220 Ditto 500 Colling, Joseph, Esq., Islington 1 1 0 Chester Branch, mde p. 236. Collingwood, Miss M. A., Coborn Chichester and Selsey Branch, vide p. 311. Road 110 Child and Co.. Messrs. ..220 Ceilings & Co., Messrs., and Child, Mrs., in aid of Sus- Friend (1866) 10 0 0 sex Life-boat Fund ..050 Collinson, Adm. R., C.B. .110 Child, W. H., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Collinson, Miss, Beltoft (1861-72). . 55 o o LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 259

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £.. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Collinson,MissA.M.,Weston(1865-72) 49 1 0 i Cranfleld, Win. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Colonial Compy. (Limited) .220 i Craven, Miss S 050 Colson, T. M., Esq. . ..110 Crawford, Colvin, and Co., Colville Lord . . . 220 Messrs. (1861) 10 10 0 Colvin, Miss E. H. ... 2 2 0 Crawley, Edmund, Esq. . .050 Combe, Delafield, & Co., Messrs. (18G4) 10 10 0 Cresswell, H., Esq. ... 5 0 0 Commodore of the Cheshire Crewe Mechanics' Institution 100 Yacht Club 110 Crichton, Alexander, Esq. (1864-71) 10 10 0 Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris 330 Crichton, Capt. the Hon. C.F. 200 "Continental Parcels Express " 1 1 0 Crichton, F., Esq. (1864-6) . . . 10 0 0 Contribution boxes, vide p. 276. Crichton, Viscount ... 2 0 0 Cooch, R., Esq., Cromer ..220 Croggon & Co., Messrs. T. J. 0 5 0 Coode, Sir J., Hyde Park .110 Crombie, J., Esq., Edinburgh (1871) 110 Cook, A. B , Esq. (1871). . . . 110 i Ditto...... 110 Cook, E., Esq., Birmingham (1863-5) 1712 0 Cronin, D., Esq., BloomsburySq.( 1864) 10 10 0 Cooke, Mrs. Martha (1865-71). . . 20 0 0 Crook, Mr. John .... 1 0 0 Cooper, T., Esq., Hampstead 110 Crossley & Sons, Messrs. John Cooper, Cooper, & Co., Messrs. 110 (Limited), Halifax . . . 10 0 0 Cooper, Mrs., Coleshill St. . 1 1 0 Crosse, Mrs. St. Croix ... 1 1 0 Cooper, J. E., Esq. (1872) . . . 0 10 0 Crowden and Garrod, Messrs. 220 Coote, Thomas, Esq. ..110 Crowder,Geo. A., Esq. (1869) . . 10 10 0 Copeman, Mrs., Salisbury .100 Crowther, Charles, Esq. ..110 Copley, Miss 220 Croxall, R. F. T., Esq. ..220 Corbett, Miss, Brighton ..110 Croxton, Mrs., Sidmouth ..100 Corbett, John, Esq., Stoke (1867). . 23 0 0 Cruddas, G., Esq 220 Cordes,T., Esq., BrynGlas (1869) . 1010 0 Cruddas, W. D., Esq. ..110 Ditto . . ... 2 2 0 Cruddas, Mrs. M., Elswick .110 Cordwainers, Worshipful Com- Crum-Ewing, J. D., Esq. .110 pany of (1868-9) 31 10 0 Cuff, Miss (1872) 10 0 0 .Cork and Queenstown Branch, vide p. 328. Cullingford, W. H., Esq. ..220 I Cornell, Samuel. Esq., Chelsea 1 11 6 Cumberlege, Miss, Eastbourne 100 [ Cornell, Robert^ Esq. ... 1 1 0 Cunnynghame, Hugh, Esq. (1864-71) 27 0 0 " Cornish Browne " . . .200 Cure, R. Capel, Esq., F.G.S. (1861-5) 30 10 O Cornwall China Stone Co. .500 Curling, Mrs., Camberwell (1869-71) 60 0 0 "Cornwall "(1866-7) 20 0 0 Currie, Rev. H. G. (1856-69) . . 14 0 0 Cornwallis, Lady Elizabeth (1869) 10 0 0 Curry, Miss, Charlton Kings 100 Cornwallis, Lady Louisa (1869) . . 10 0 0 Curteis, Whitworth, and Co. 110 Corrie, Rev. E. S., in memory Curtis, Mrs. Thomas (1865) . . 20 0 0 of E. B. C 0 10 6 Curtis, R. Mayne. Esq. .110 Corry, H. T. L., Esq., M.P. (1868) 10 0 0 Curwen, Mrs. Ewing ... 1 1 0 Corscaden, Mrs., Gower St. . 5 5 0 Curzon, The Hon. Mrs. ..110 Coster, Capt. . . ..110 Custom Houses, Contributions Cotesworth, Charles, Esq. .500 collected at, vide p. 278. Cotesworth, Mrs., Cowdenkno-ws (1867) 10 0 0 Cutbill, Reginald, Esq. . . 0 10 0 Cotesworth, W., Esq., Do. .110 Cutbill, W. J. C., Esq. ..110 Cottam and Co., Messrs. .220 Cutler, Palmer, & Co., Messrs. 110 Cotton, Miss M 110 Cotton, John K., Esq. (1871) . . 0 10 0 Cotton, Sir St. Vincent,-Bart. (1861) 25 0 0 D., Miss M. A., in grateful remem- Cotton, Thomas, Esq., New- brance of her merciful preservation castle St. (1864) 10 0 0 from imminent dangers by sea in Coulthurst, W. M., Esq. ..220 1862(1869-71) 3 10 0 Ditto (1872) . . . . . 105 0 0D. E. R 110 Coupland, J. M., Esq., Tinsley (1859-71) 15 0 0 Daffin, Miss, Retford ... 0 5 o Courage & Co., Messrs., Horse- Dahll and Co., Messrs. ..110 lydown (1859-69) . . .' . . 30 0 0 Dalgety and Co., Messrs. ..220 Court and Co., Messrs. ..050 Dalling Mrs (1866) 10 0 0 Courthope, G. C., Esq. ..110 Dalmer, C. A., Esq., Ryde . 0 10 0 ' Ditto, in aid of Sussex Dalton, Mrs. Segrave ( 1869). . . 20 0 0 Life-boats . . ..100 Daly Hon. R 100 Courtenay, Messrs. J. & W. J. 2 2 0 Dalziel Brothers, Messrs. (1864-70). 1611 0 Courtown Branch, vide p. 332. Dampier, Mrs.M.S.,Winchester (1867-9) 10 0 0 Courtoy, The Misses (1863) . . 10 0 0 Dand, J., Esq., Sutton ..100 Coutts, The Baroness Burdett- (1867) 50 0 0 Danford, W., Esq., Tain (1866) . . 10 0 0 Coutts and Co., Messrs. . . 10 0 0 Cowie, T. S., Esq. (1863) . . . 10 10 0 Darley and Butler, Messrs. .220 Cowie, Mrs. Alfred, in remembrance Darling, Mrs., Pembridge Sq. 3 3 0 of little Alfred's fifth birthday, 8th DaruJey, The Earl of . . . 1 0 0 January (1872) ...... 100 Dauber, J., Esq., Lincoln .200 Cowley, J. C., Esq., Kilsby (1864) 20 0 0 Dauglish, A., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Cox and Co., Messrs. ... 5 5 0 Davenport Bros., Messrs. . 0 10 6 Cox, G. R., Esq 110 Davey, Rev. W. H. ... 0 5 0 Cox, Gen. Henry C. M. . . 0 10 6 Davidson & Burbidpre, Messrs. 110 Cox, Henry, Esq., Trevereux (1864-72) 35 0 0 Davies, John M., Esq. (1872) . . 110 Cozens, Samuel, Esq. ... 0 10 0 Davis, Capt. T. Arnall( 1865-6) . . 10 0 0 Cracklow, General ... 2 0 0 1 Davis, Sir J., Bart., K.C.B. (1859-62) 10 0 0 260 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £ s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Davis, Mrs. G., Clapham . . 10 0 0 Drake, J. V., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Davison, A., Esq., Dudley . 0 10 6 Drake, T., Esq. (1867-71) . . . 900 Davison, Newman, and Co. .11 0 Draper, John, Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Davison, W. J., Esq. (1871) 5 0 0 Drapers, Worshipful Com- Davy, F., Esq., Topsham . 1 0 0 pany of (1868) 21 0 0 Davy, Yates, and Routledge . 1 1 0 Druitt, Henry, Esq. . ..050 Dawlish Branch, vide p. 290. Drummond, Mrs. H. Dundas 500 Dawson, W. H., Esq. (1856). . . 10 10 0 Drummond, Lady E. E. F. . 2 0 0 0 Drummond, General ... 2 2 0 Day Mrs F 10 0 Drummond, Messrs. . . .1000 Dayman, C. O., Esq. ... 3 00 Drummond, George F., Esq. 220 D'Alencon, Burton, Uttoxeter (1864) 250 0 0 Drury, H. D., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 De St. Croix, Capt., H.C.S. . 2 2 0 10 10 0 Duberly, Mrs 110 De St. Croix, Mrs. J. ... 1 1 0 Dublin Port and Docks Board 75 0 0 Deacon, Messrs. E. and A. . 1 1 0 Dublin Branch, vide p. 329. Deacon, W. M., Esq. . . . 0 106 Duckworth, Mrs. Herbert .110 Dean, D. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Duckworth, Mrs., Orchard Leigh (1861) 21 0 0 Dean, Albert A, & Co. Messrs. 1 1 0 Du Croz, F. A., Esq. (1866-72) . . 50 0 0 Deane, Edwd. G., Esq., (1861-8) . . 36 5 0 Duff, T., Esq 110 Deane, Miss, Weston ... 1 1 0 Dugmore, Capt 1 1 0 Deane and Co., Messrs., King Dumas, F.K., Esq. (1863-4) . . 15 15 0 "William Street .... 1 1 0 Duncan, G., Esq 550 Deans, Mrs., Stockwell . . 0 10 6 Duncan, T. R., Esq. ... 1 1 0 De Bussche, E. M., Esq. . 1 1 0 Duncan, Miss, Bath (1867) . 2 2 0 50 0 0 Decandia and Co., Messrs. . 0 10 6 Duncombe, G. T., Esq. ..110 De Kantzow, Capt., R.N. . 3 3 0 Dundas, M. Hamilton, Esq., (1872) . 100 De L- —- , The Comtcsse, Brussels Dundee Branch, vide p. 324. (1871-2) 3 0 o Dunn, R.Dacre,Esq.(thelate)(1864-71) 40 0 0 Dell, L., Esq.,Pelham Crescent 1 1 0 Dunn and Co., Messrs. W. .110 Denison, Alfred, Esq. ..22 0 Durham, The Earl of (1859-62) . . 50 0 0 Denman, Vice-Admiral Hon. J. 1 1 0 Durnford, Rev. Edmund. 1 1 0 Dennistoun, A. H., Esq. ..11 0 Durrant, Lieut. F., R.N. . 200 Denny, T. A., Esq. (1867-8). . . 10 0 0 Dyas, Lieut. R. H. . . 300 Denny, Mrs., in memory of the late A. Dyer, Wm., Esq., . . . 330 C. C. Denny, Esq., R.N. (1859-67) 15 0 0 Dymond, E. E., Esq. . . 1 1 0 Dent, George, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Dyott, Miss, Torquay. . . 0 10 6 Dent, W., Esq., Tower St. (1860-8) . 84 0 0 0 E.(1869) 50 0 0 Dent, "Wilkinson, Esq. (1862) . . 25 0 0 E. A. (18B4-6) 20 0 0 Dent and Co., Messrs. E. .33 0 E. A. (1870) 10 10 0 Des-Vo?ux, Lady (1869-72) . . . 40 0 0 E. B., A Thank Offering for Devall, Miss 0 10 0 Mercies received (1869) . . . 100 0 0 Deverell, J., Esq 11 0 E. B. (A Sailor's Daughter). 110 Devey, The Misses ... 5 0 0 E. C., Liverpool (1872) .... 1 00 Devitt and Moore, Messrs. (1866). . 10 10 0 E. C 100 Devitt and Hett, Messrs. . 1 1 0 E. D. E.S. (1869-71) 330 Devon Central Branch, vide p. 290. E. H. (1866) 10 0 0 Devon, The Earl of . . .20 0 E. H. (1869) 10 0 0 Dew, Rev. E. P 10 0 E. H. (the late), for Rewards Dickson, Rev. "W. R. . . . 1 0 0 and Life-Preservers for Digby, G. W.,Esq. ... 5 0 0 bra\e Seamen (\8G3-72) . . . 11 15 0 Dilley, Wm., Esq., Littleton 2 0 0 Ditto. Gratitude for Dimsdale, Drewett, and Co. (1863) 10 10 C mercies received ..440 Dipnall, Henry, Esq. ... 2 0 0 E. P. S. (in addition to gift Dixon, B., Esq., Limehouse (1856-62) 10 10 0 of Barmouth Life-boat) (1871) . . 500 0 0 Dixon, "Wm. T., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Ditto 10 0 0 Dixon and Harris, Messrs. . 2 2 0 E. R. (1872) 110 Dohson, Admiral .... 1 0 0 Bales, The Misses, Dartmouth (1868) 20 0 0 Dobson, Mrs. C., Hollydale . 1 1 0 Eames, T. R., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Doe, Mrs., Brixton Hill ..10 0 East and West India Dock Domecq and Co., Messrs. P. 1 1 0 Company (1869) 52 10 0 Domville, Sir J. G., Bart. . 1 1 0 East, Sir Gilbert A. C., Bart. 500 Donne, J ., Esq., Instow ..22 0 Eastbourne Branch, ride p. 312. Dorville, Capt. J. "W., E.N. . 1 1 0 Ecroyd& Sons, Messrs. (1861-6) . . 20 10 0 Doubleday, F. "W., Esq. . . 0 10 6 Ditto 330 Doughty, Miss M. A. . . . 1 1 0 Eddison, Mrs. E., Ariel. ..100 Douglas, Miss Houston ..11 0 Eddison, W. E., Esq. (1861) . . 10 0 0 Douglas, Lady (1863-4) . . 50 0 0 Eddrup, Mrs. (1872) . . . . 500 Douglas, C. Esq. (1871) . . . 5 0 0 Edge, W. M., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Dover Branch, vide p. 297. Eddy, Dr., Eccleston Square 110 Dowling, E. S., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Eden, Mrs. Henry . . .200 Downes, Edward, Esq. ..05 0 Edgington, B., Esq. (1863-6) . . 10 0 0 Dowse, Mrs., "Windsor ..05 0 Edgworth, M. P., Esq. . . 0 10 0 Dowson and Co., Messrs. J. (1867) 10 10 0 Edinburgh Branch, vide p. 321. Doxat, Miss C., Clapham . 010 6 Edmiston, Mr. C. S. . . .050 Doyle, P. "W., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Edmunds, Rear-Admiral .110 LIST OP DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 261

Ann, Sul)s Donations. Ann. Sute. Donations. £. s. d. £. s. rf. £. s. d. £,. ». d. Edwardes, T. D., Esq. . . I 0 0 Fall, R. W., Esq 220 Edwards, Miss, Clifton . . I 1 0 Falmouth, The Earl of . .500 Edwards, James, Esq.(1866) • . 101) 0 0 Fane, W. D., Esq 2 2 0 Edwards, Miss M., Leighton Fanning and Co., Messrs. W. 110 Hall (1871) .... 50 0 0 Fanshawe, Vice-Adm., C.B. . 110 Edwards,J.,Esq., Record Office 1l Y 0 Fanshawe, The Misses (1863) . . 10 0 0 Edwards,S.,Esq., FenchurchStt.. 1l i 0 Fanshawe, Miss Harriet (1865-7) . . 30 0 0 Edzell Drawing of Prizes, 27t7th•), Farmer, Wm. R. G., Esq. .100 1866, Committee of same . t t 40 0 0 Farnell, Mrs., Yarmouth, I. W. 1 1 0 Egan, T. Selby, Esq., . . 1 1 0 Farquhar, Captain H. R., 24th Egerton, Capt. C. R.. R.N., Regt. (1865-71) 60 0 0 Widow of 5 0 0 Farrer, James, Esq. (1864) . . . 10 0 0 Egerton, Miss G. C. . . . 2 0 0 Favell, J. Milnes, Esq. (1861-8) . . 20 0 0 Egerton, Rev. J. C. . . . 0 10 6 Ditto 500 Ekins, Mrs. P. J. (1866-9) . f t 15 10 0 Fellowes, H. D., Esq. ..200 Ditto 5 5 0 Fellows, C. P., Esq. (1868-9) ... 10 0 0 Elam, Mrs., Sedbergh . . 2 10 0 Fenn, Ford, Esq 0 10 0 Elder, A. L., Esq. . . . 1 1 0 Fenning, Messrs. G. & F. (1863) . . 21 0 0 Elias and Co., Messrs. . . 1 1 0 Fenwick, G. J., Esq.. Seaton (1861) 25 0 0 Ellen and Co., Messrs. . . 0 10 6 Fenwick, Capt. John . ..110 Ellice, W., Esq. (1858-61;. . . 15 0 0 Fenwick, C. R., Esq. ... 5 0 0 Elliott, Watney, and Co. (18644) f f 10 0 0 Fenwick, Mrs. S. C. . . . 100 Elliott, Mrs., Bournemouth . 2 2 0 Fesser, Uhthoff, and Co. . . 1 1 0 Elliot, Sir T. F. (1871) . , 2 2 0 Fetherstonhaugh, C., Esq. .100 Ellis, Rev. Robert (1865) . • • 10 0 0 Few, Rev. Charles E., M.A. 110 Ellis, Mrs. Robert, North "Fides" (1871) 110 Grimston (1866) . . . . 10 0 0 Field, Capt. E., R.N. . . . 1 0 O Ellis, Capt., Lymington . . 1 "o" 0 Field, Rev. F., Heigham. .110 Ellis, Mrs., Addingham (1860-1-1) . . 50 0 0 Field, J. P., Esq 200 Ellis and Sons, Messrs. U. . "1 1 0 Fielding, Colonel the Hon. P. 1 1 0 Ellis, Mrs , Harrogate . . 1 1 0 Figgis, Samuel, Esq., ..110 Elmsall, Major de C. . . . I 1 0 Filliter, Freeland, Esq. ..060 Elwes, J. H., Esq. (1859-67) t f 25 0 0 Filliter, S. Freeland, Esq. .050 Ditto 2 0 0 Filliter, G. Clavell, Esq. .050 Elwood, Mrs. Colonel . . 1 1 0 Filliter, W. Davey, Esq. . .050 Ely, The Marquis of ...20 0 0 Findlay, Mrs. L., Hermond, Engelhardc, L. A., Esq. . 1 1 0 in aid of Scotch Life-boats 110 Engledue and Campbell, Messrs., Finlay, Campbell, and Co. (1861-3) 30 10 0 portion of balance of account relative Finnis and Fisher, Messrs. .110 to the Mercantile Marine (1870) 23 11 11 Fisher, E., Esq., Girvan (1868-72) . 20 0 0 English, Lieut., R.E. ... 1 0 0 Fishmongers, Worshipful Company of Entwistle, Thomas, Esq. ..300 (1868) . . 105 0 0 Erie, The Right Hon. Sir Fishwick J. H. Esq. (1871-2) . . 220 William (1861-7) . . . 20 10 0 Fisk, Rev. J. H. (1857-71) . . . 45 0 0 Erne, The Earl of, K.P.. .100 FitzGerald, Mrs., Portland Erne, The Countess of ..100 Place (1861) 10 0 0 Ernsthausen and Oesterley .110 BitzGerald, Miss, Bath . . 0 10 0 Estridge, Edward, Esq. ..110 FitzRoy, Captain C. C. (1869) . . 10 0 0 Estridge, Loraine, Esq. ..220 FitzWilliam, Hon. C. W., M.P. (1862) 25 0 0 Evans, Admiral G. ... 1 1 0 Fladgate, Mrs., Staines ..110 Evans, Mrs., Seymour Street 200 Fleetwood Branch, vide p. 298. Evans, Samuel, Esq. (1859-62) 40 0 0 Fletcher, B. E., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Evans, Rev. John, $. A. (1872) 550 Fletcher, W., Esq., Cheltenham 2 0 0 Evans, Mrs. 110 Fletcher and Co., Messrs. Work- Evans, T. W., Esq. (1857-62) . . 55 0 0 ington(1872) 100 Evans, Mrs. W., Chesham St. 1 1 0 Fletchel', Henry, Esq. (1872) . . 100 Eve, George, Esq. (1871) . . . 500 Flower, C. E., Esq. (1859-69) . . 21 0 0 Eversfield, C. G., Esq. ..110 Folkestone, " In part of an atonement Ewart, Macaughey, and Co. 220 for an assault" (9 Oct., 1871) . . 500 Eyre, Rev. H. S 100 Footner, G. B., Esq. ..110 Ezmouth Branch, vide p. 290. Forbes, J. H., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Forbes, Keith, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Forbes and Co., Messrs. ..220 F.'A. W. (1862-72) ... 16 p 0 Ford, Rev. J., Weston (1857-61). . 27 0 0 F. E. (1866) . 10 0 0 Ditto 300 F. P. H. (1871) .... 10 0 0 Fordham, J. E., Esq. (1864) 10 10 0 F. R. (1869) 50 0 0 Foreman, Mr. Owen, Jun. .050 F. X. (1865) 50 0 0 Foresters' Life-boat Fund, vide p. 279. Faber and Co, Messrs. X. . 220 Forrestt and Son, Messrs. (1853-68) 37 6 0 Fair, J., Esq., 220 Ditto 220 Fairbank,H.,Esq.,WillenhalI 1 1 0 Forrestt, W. A., Esq. ..220 Fairfax, Lady 110 Forteath, Mrs., Bunny Park (1863-8). Fairthorne, E., Esq. ... 2 2 0 (In addition to gift of Whitby No. 2 Fairthorne, Miss A. ... 5 5 0 Life-boat) 20 0 0 Fairthorne, Miss E. ... 1 1 0 Fortescue, Rt. Hon. C., M.P. 200 Falcon, Mrs. (1867-71) . . . . 15 0 0 Fortescue, The Hon. G.M. (1865-6). 15 0 0 262 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs Donations. £. ». d. £. i. d. £. s. d. i'. s. d. Forth, Miss, Chesbam St. .11 0 Gilliat&Co., Messrs. (1861-4) . . 10 10 0 Fortnum, Mason, and Co. .22 0 Gilmore, Rev. John . . '. 0 10 6 Foster, Rev. Sir C., Bart. . 2 2 0 Gilmour, H. B., Esq. ..11 0 Foster, Jas., Esq. (1858-70) . . . 63 0 0 Gilmour, Rankin & Co., Messrs. 1 1 0 Foster, Mrs. James (1861) . . . 10 0 0 Gipps, George, Esq. (1853-67) . . 22 2 0 Foster, Richard, Esq. ..50 0 Gladstone, Dr., F.R.S. (1863) . . 25 n 0 Fothergill, Miss M. ... 1 1 0 , Gladstone, W., Esq. (1863) . . . 10 0 0 Fowler, Wm., Esq., M.P. . 1 1 0 i Glasgow Branch, vide p. 325. Fox, Rev. G. T 11 0 ' Gledstanes and Co., Messrs. (1857-61) 21 0 0 Francis, Peek, Winch, & Co. 5 5 n : Ditto 22 0 Franklyn, Davy, & Co., Messrs. (1860) 25 0 0 ; Glenny, Mrs., Blacklburn . 1 0 0 Franklyn, H. W., Esq. ..22 0 Glover Brothers, Messrs. . . 010 0 Franklyn, Rev. F. W. (1863-6) . . 15 0 0 j Gloucester Branch, ride p. 296. Franks and Son, Messrs. . 1 1 0 ! Glvn, Mills, & Co., Messrs. (1851-63) 20 10 0 Fraser, P., Esq., Elie ... 1 1 0 Goble, W. I., Esq. ... 1 I 0 Fraser, E. Esq., Insch. (1872) . . 5 0 0 Goddard, Messrs. T. and F. . 1 1 0 Fraserbnrgh Branch, vide p. 319. 1 Goden, Miss, Maida Vale . 0 10 0 Freeland, Messrs. J . and A. B. 1 1 0 ! Godfrey, J. S., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Freeling, Mrs., Slough (1869-72) . . 14 14 0 Godlec,R., Esq., New Square 1 1 0 Freeman, Capt. F. (1861) . . . 10 10 0 Godsal, P. W., Esq. ... 2 0 0 Freemasons' Lifeboat Fund, vide pp. 280-1. Godwin & Son, Messrs., Poole 2 2 0 Freer, Rev. T. H., M. A.. . 1 1 0 Gnff. rant. R. 1 O 0 Frere, Miss M. A. . . . . 100 Goff, Joseph, Esq. (1860-9) . . 270 0 0 Freshfield, Miss .... 1 1 0 Goff, Mrs. Joseph (1866). . . 10 0 0 Frewen, C. H., Esq. (1867) . . . 10 0 0 Golding, Robert, Esq. . 1 1 0 Fribourg and Treyer, Messrs. 010 0 Goldsmid, Lady (1865-8) 20 10 0 Frosdick, Mr. J., Palling . 1 0 0 Goldsmid, Sir Francis H Frost Brothers, Messrs. ..11 0 Bart., M.P. (1860-1) . . . 15 15 0 Fruhling fc Goschen, Messrs. (1863) 105 5 0 Goldsmith, Vice-Adm., C.B 1 1 0 Fry and Chandler, Messrs. . 0 10 6 Goldsmiths, Worshipful Co. of (1866) 100 0 0 Frye, Mrs. L. A. H. . . . 1 10 Gollop, G. T., Esq. . ..22 0 Fryer, Henry Esq. ... 1 0 0 Gollop, Mrs 11 o Gomonde, Mrs. Anne, Pau (1864-71) 160 0 0 G., Chelsea 0 10 0 Gonne, Edward, Esq. ... 1 1 0 G. D. (1868) 20 0 0 Gonne,W., Esq., St. Helen's Place (1861) 10 10 0 G. H. K. (1868) 100 0 0 Goode, Henry, Esq., Ryde .100 G. P. H. (1871) 1 0 0 Goodenough, S. R., Esq. ..110 Gadsby, John T. Esq., ..11 0 Goodison, G. W., Esq. ..11 0 Gairdner, G. W., Esq. ..11 0 Goodman, Miss M. (1872) . . . 1 0 0 Gale and Co., Messrs.. ..22 0 Goodwin Sands and Downs Gambier, Admiral R.F. . 1 0 0 Branch, vide p. 297. Garden, Mrs., Redisham (1863-70) . 32 10 0 Gorton, S Esq 11 o Gardiner, Rev. E. (1872) . . . 10 0 0 Goschens, Mrs. Charles, Croydon Gardiner, Miss, Twickenham 0 10 6 (1868) 10 10 o Gardiner, Colston, Esq. (1872) . . 0 10 0 Gosling, Col. W. C., R.A. . 1 1 0 Gardner, F. G.. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Gosling, H., Esq., Wyesham 1 1 0 Gardner, Mr. William ..10 0 Gosman and Smith, Messrs. .11 0 Garford and Sons, Messrs. J. 1 1 0 Gostenhofer, C. T., Esq. (1866) . . 10 0 0 Garland, C., Esq., Billiter St. 0 10 6 Gotobed, Miss, Brighton 1 1 0 Garnett, W. J., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Gould, J. A., Esq. (1866) . . 10 0 0 Garnham, Capt. J., R.N. . 1 1 0 Gould, Miss H., Rugby . 0 10 0 Garston, Edgar, Esq.,'K.R.G. (1871) 10 0 0 Goyeneche, J. V., Esq. . 1 1 0 Gaskell, Samuel, Esq. (1865) . . 10 10 0 Graham, Cyril C., Esq. . 1 0 0 Gas Light and Coke Company 10 0 0 Graham, Henry, Esq. . 2 2 0 Gassiot, J. P., Esq. (1868) . . . 10 0 0 Graham, James, Esq., (1867) . . 10 10 0 Gatty, C. H., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Graham, Col. Lumley (1872) . . 5 0 0 Gawen, Admiral R. ... 1 1 0 0 Geisler and Co., Messrs. ..33 0 Grainger, John, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Geldart, Miss F. (1861) . . 10 0 0 Gray, Rev. C., Rettbrd ..05 0 General Iron Screw Collier Co. 3 3 0 Gray, Mrs. A. H 11 0 Gibb and Sons, Messrs. (1859-62) . . 21 0 0 Gray, Dawes, & Co., Messrs. 1 1 0 Gibb, B., Esq., Royal Exch. (1863-72) 21 0 0 Gray, C. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Gibb, T. Jones, Esq. ... 2 2 0 Graydon, Col. William ..11 0 Gibb, Chas. J. Esq., M.D. (1871) . 10 10 0 Greaves, Mrs 0 10 0 Gibbes,W.,Esq.,Comhill .10 0 Green, Frederick, Jun., Esq. 1 1 0 Gibbs, H. H., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Green, R. H., Esq., Blackwall (1863) 52 10 0 Gibbs, William, Esq. (1863) . . 20 0 0 Green, J., Esq., Dover St. . 1 1 0 Gibson, Mrs. D., Saffron Walden (1863) 10 0 0 Green, Major-Gen. Chas. . 0 5 0 Gibson, Mrs. E. F., Clifton (1863) . 10 0 0 Green, Rev. Thomas (1862). . . 10 0 0 Gillespies, Moffatt, and Co. . 22 0 Green, W., Esq., Newcastle. 1 1 0 Gillespy, J. Roebuck, Esq. . 1 1 0 Greenhill, W. E., Esq. . . 0 106 Gillett, W. S., Esq. (1865) . . . 10 10 0 Greenock Branch, vide p. 326. Ditto . . 11 o Greenway, Mrs., Myton ..22 o Gillett, Mrs. W. S. (1865) . . . 10 10 0 j Greenwood, John, Esq. . . 0 10 6 Ditto . ..11 0 Gregory, G. B., Esq., M.P. , (1862-6) 20 o o Gillett, Rev. G. E. (1866) . . . 10 10 0 Gregory and Co., Messrs. F. . 1 1 0 LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 263

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. «. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Gregsonfc Co., Messrs. (1851-62) . . 31 10 0 Hand, Kear-Adm. G. S., C.B. 1 1 0 Grey, Lady, Norwood ..100 Hand, Miss, Clones . . .050 Ditto (1872) 500 Hankey, George, Esq. ..110 Grey, Mrs., Cadogan Place .110 Hankey, Capt. F.T. B., R.N. 100 Gribble, Thomas, Esq. (1866) . . 10 10 0 Hankey, Stephen A., Esq. (1S5D-7I) 123 0 0 Grice & Co., Messrs. W. (1852-72) . . 95 0 0 Hannen, W., Esq 110 Grierson, Mrs., Mortlake .110 Harcourt, Adm. F. E. Vernon 110 Griffin, Edward, Esq., Oakley Harcourt, Mrs. Danby V. (1871) . . 100 0 0 Square (1867-71) 53 2 0 Harden, A. T., Esq. . . .500 Griffith, G. Waldie, Esq. .300 Harding, J. C., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Griffith, J.,Esq., Regent's Park (1861-7) 52 10 0 Harding, Mrs. J. C. . . . 100 Griffith, Mrs. M.E. (1861-2) . . 10 0 0 Hardwick, Mrs. F.W. ..110 Griffiths, Tate, & Co., Messrs. 220 Hardwicke, Admiral Earl of, Grimston, Mrs. Jane ... 1 1 0 V.P. (1861-7) 60 0 0 Grindall, Mrs. Sturt ... 1 0 0 Hardy, E. S., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Gripper, John E., Esq. ..110 Hardy, John, Esq., M.P. (1861) . . 10 10 0 Grosvenor, Lieut. The Hon. Norman de L'A. ... 1 0 0 Hardyman, Mrs. C. . . .100 Grosvenor, Chater and Co. . 110 Hare, John, Esq., Stonehouse 110 Grove, Miss Chafyn (In ad- Harford, H. C., Esq. ... 1 1 0 dition to gift of Porthcawl Harford, Mrs., Bristol (1866) . . 300 0 0 Life-boat) 500 Harford, Rivaz, & Co. (1851-63) . . 21 o 0 Guest, A. E., Esq., Southampton (1864) 10 0 0 Hargreaves, B. C., Esq. ..050 Guimaraens, M. F., Esq. . 0 10 6 Hargreaves, Mrs. William (1861). . 10 0 0 Gun Makers, Worshipful Com- Hargrove, Mrs. Clifton (1868-72) . . 2 10 0 pany of (1866-72) . . 61 0 0 Barker & Co., Messrs. G. . .110 Gurden, W., Esq. (1864-8) 15 0 0 Harper, E. N., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Guyon, Geo., Esq. . . 0 10 6 Harper, S., Esq., Lloyd's. 110 Guyton, Joseph, Esq. . 110 Harris, Mrs. Willmer. . 110 Gwilt, Mrs. (1871) . 550 Harris, Miss, Clapton . 110 Harris, Miss L. L., Clapton 110 H. A. W. (1865) . . 10 0 0 Harris, J., Esq., Thames St. 0 10 0 H. B., Calcutta (1864) 10 0 0 Harrison, Miss, Bath (1869) . . 10 0 0 H. B. T. (1867-71) . 500 Ditto 110 B.C. (1869) 20 0 0 Harrison, T. H., Esq. . . .110 H. G.(1870) 10 10 0 Harrold, D., Esq 0 10 0 H. H. (1872) 500 Hart, Henry, Esq.-Rotherham 0 10 0 H. P. F.(1869) 10 0 0 Hartley, F., Esq., Exeter .0100 H. R. (1871) 25 0 0 Hartley & Co., Messrs. James 220 H. S. (1861-5) 27 0 0 Carton, Samuel, Esq. ...110 H. W. (1865-7) 12 0 0 Harton,W.H., Esq., V.P. . 2 2 0 15 10 0 H. (Mrs. L. H.) 1872 . . 0 10 0 Harvey, Charles, Esq. ..110 Haarbleicher and Schumann 110 Harvey, George, Esq., Fairfield (1868) 50 0 0 Hacon, The Misses ... 1 0 0 Harvey, H. M., Esq., Bexworthy (1866) 10 0 0 Hackett, Ausender, and Co. .110 Harvey, Rev. T 110 Haddington, The Earl of .220 Harvie, Miss Hannah, Chel- Haigh & Son, Messrs. W. . 0 10 6 tenham (1868) 50 0 0 Haines, W. B., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Harwood, Knight and Allen 1 1 0 Haines, John, Esq. (1871) . . . 550 Haslam, Appleton, and Co. .110 Halford, Lady 1 0 Hassell, Mrs. (1872) 100 Hall and Holtz, Messrs. . . 2 0 " Hastings, 5632 " (1871) .... 110 Hall, John, Esq., Reigate . 2 0 Hastings Branch, vide p. 312. Hall,' Miss'M. S.' . "... 0 10 0 Hatchard, Rev. G. (1871) .... 0 10 0 Ball, Miss E., per Mrs. Bartley (1869) 10 0 0 Hatherton, Lord . . ..110 Hall, The Misses, Davenham 110 Hall, Richard, Esq., Wigton 110 llawes and Hertz, Messrs. . 0 10 0 Hall, Vice-Adm. Sir W. H.. 1 1 0 Hawkes, T., Esq 220 Hall, Lieut. W.H..R.N. . . 0 10 6 Hawkins, Rev. Bradford D., Ballam, C. T., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 in memory of E. B. C. .0106 Hallifax, Rev. J. S. the late .110 Hayhurst, Rev. T. France .100 Ballifax, Miss, Bury (1855-61) . . 15 0 0 Hay, Admiral Sir John D., Bart.,M.P., Ditto 110 D C.L , F R S. (1872) . .500 Halsted, Vice-Admiral E. P. 220 Hay, Vice- Adm. J.B.L. .220 Hambro & Son, Messrs. C. J. 100 Hay, Vice-Adm. .T. B. P. . 100 Hamilton, F. A., Esq. ..220 Haycock.MissH.,Clifton(1862-71). . 800 Hamilton, Dr. M., R.N. . . 0 10 0 Hayne, Rev. R., D'.D. ..110 Hamilton, John, Esq. . ..300 Haynes, Edmund C., Esq. . 0 10 0 Hamilton, Capt. R. V., R.N. 050 Hays, John W., Esq. (1859-6!)) . . 12 12 0 Hamilton, Lieut. T. B. . . 1 10 Hay's Wharf, Proprietors of. 110 Hamilton, Capt. SirE. A., Bt. 100 Hayter and Hayter, Messrs. . 110 Hamilton, Master J. (1872) . . . 100 Hazard & Caldecott, Messrs. 220 H amend, Anthony, Esq. (1859-64) . 20 0 0 Head and Co., Messrs. H. . 1 1 0 Hampshire, James, Esq. . . 110 Headfort, The Marquis of . 2 0 0 Hanbury, Usgood, Esq., in memory of Headly, J. Ind., Esq. ..200 his late Son, who was lost from Hearne, T. P., Esq. (1869) . . . 10 10 0 H.M.S. Nerbudda (1866) . . . 10 10 0 Heath, F. W., Esq. . . .220

it 2 264 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £ s. d. £. i. d £. >. d. £. s. d. Heathcote, Chas. J. Esq. (1872) . . 200 Hollond, Robt., Esq. (1863). . . 25 0 0 Heathcote, Com. J. A. . .110 Holmes, A. E., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Heathcote, J. M., Esq. ..110 Holt, W. J. Esq., Ban

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. «. d. £. «. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Huth and Fischer, Messrs. . 1 0 0 Jimenez, A., Esq 0 10 0 Hutt,SirW.,K.C.B., M.P. (1864) 10 10 0 Jobson, W. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Hyde, J., Esq., Caldecot ..50 0 Johnson, F., Esq.,. ... 0 5 0 Hyne,Rev.C.W. N., M.A. . 1 1 0 Johnson, G., Esq., Bromley (3870) 20 0 0 Johnson, Henry, Esq. (1862) . . 10 10 0 I. M. C. (1868) 11 0 0 Johnson, J., Esq., Reading . 1 1 0 I'Anson, Charles, Esq. ..11 0 Johnson, J.B., Mr., Uttoxeter 1 1 0 Ilfracombe Branch, vide p. 290. Johnson, Hobert, Esq. ..33 0 Incumbent of Kent (1867) . . . 10 0 0 J ohnson and Son, Messrs. J. . 1 1 0 Indemnity Mutual Marine Johnson, John, Esq., Corn Insurance Co. (1863) . . 105 0 0 Exchange (1862) . ... 10 10 0 Ingilby, William, Esq. ..11 0 Johnston & Sous, Messrs. N., Ingleby, Rev. Chas. ... 1 1 0 Seething Lane .... 1 1 0 Ditto (1871) 0 10 6 Johnston, Sons,& Co., Messrs. Inglis, Commander C. D , R.N. 2 0 0 E., Great St. Helen's ..11 0 Inglis, J.,Esq., Colchester . 1 1 0 Johnston and Son, Messrs., Ingram, Mrs. Herbert ..55 0 Butolph Lane .... 1 1 0 Ingram, Rev. H. M. . . . 10 0 Jones, H. C., Esq. ... 1 1 0 lonides and De Chapeaurouge 1 1 G Jones, James, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Ipswich Branch, vide p. 310. Jones, A. G., Esq., New Ross (1872) 0 10 0 Irby, Eev. the Hon. L. C. R. 1 1 0 Jones, H. M., Esq., Bellevue (1861) . 10 0 0 Iredell, Capt. J. S. ... 1 1 0 Jones, Miss, Cheltenham . 1 1 0 Irish National Life-boat Ba- Jones, Miss S., ditto ... 1 1 0 zaar Fund (1871-2) . . 115 0 0 Jones, W. C., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Ironmongers, Worshipful Com- Jones and Co., Messrs. E.H. 1 1 0 pany of (1863) 10 10 0 Joy, Mr., Clieam . . . . 0 106 Irving, Mrs. Colonel (1860-72) . . 13 1 o Joy, Mr. W. J 0 10 K Ismay, Imrie, and Co., Messrs. 2 2 0 Joyce & Sons, Messrs. W. A. 1 10 Italy, The Government of . . . 20 0 0 Joyce, J., Esq., Whitechapel (1861-71) 31 10 0 Iver Capt. . 11 0 Judge, Rev. J . . . . 11 0 Ivory, John, Esq., Worthing (1863) 20 0 0 KARR, Mrs. Seton ... 1 1 0 Karslake, Sir John B., Q.C. (1866) 10 0 0 J. A. (1869) 50 0 0 Kattengell & Campbell, Messrs, 0 10 0 J. C. (Birmingham) (1870) . . . 20 0 0 Kay, Finlay, and Co., Messrs. (1861) 10 10 0 Ditto 2 "0 0 Kaye, C., Esq., Middlewick . 1 1 0 J. E. D 11 0 Kaye, Miss E. F 22 0 J. F. S. (1871) 1 0 0 Keal, Miss, Hereford ..10 0 J. S. D. (1865) 20 0 0 Keating, L., Esq 0 10 6 J. T. C. (1871-2) 21 0 0 Keighley, Miss J. M. . . . 0 10 6 Jackson Rev J 05 o Keiller Miss . . ..10 0 Jackson and Till, Messrs. . 1 1 0 Keiller, William, Esq. ..10 0 Jackson, Miss, Gloucester .11 0 Kelly, Arthur, Esq., Kelly (1859-62) 10 5 0 Jackson, Capt. Caleb ... 1 1 0 Kelly, Mrs., Bedford Square 1 1 0 Jackson, W., Esq., Tower St. 1 1 0 Kelso Branch, mile p 327. Jacomb, Charles, Esq. (1868-72) . . 21 0 0 Kemble, William, Esq. ..50 0 Jacomb, J., Esq. (1866) . . 10 10 0 Kemble, Mrs. Henry (1862) . . 50 0 0 Jacson, Mrs. S., Morpeth (1858-71) 13 0 0 Ditto ... 10 10 Ditto 20 0 Kempster, Mr. John (1872) . 0 10 0 Jaffray and Co., Messrs. . 5 0 0 Kennard and Co., Messrs. S. 2 2 'o James and Sons, Messrs. J. . 1 1 0 Kennedy, Miss, in aid of Bude James and Sons, Messrs. E. . 2 2 0 and Wicklow Life-boats . 1 0 0 James, Rev. C. C. (1871) . . . 1 0 0 Kennedy, Capt. R. N. ..20 0 Jameson, A., Esq., Gloucester Kenrick, A., Esq., (1863-9) . . . 20 0 0 Square (1860-72) B 83 10 0 Kent and Co., Messrs. G.B. . 0 10 6 Janson, Messrs. A. and. W.. Kent, T. J., Esq. (1871). . . . 10 10 0 Lloyd's (1857-63) 21 0 0 Keohler, J.W., Esq. . ..15 0 0 Kepp, Richard, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Janson, Mrs. T. C. (1866-72) . . 36 15 0 Keppel, Admiral the Hon. Sir Janverin, Edw. T., Esq. (1860-71) 23 18 0 henry, K.C.B 11 0 Ditto 33 0 Kerr, Captain (1872) ... t 3 0 0 Jefferis, Miss E., Cheltenham (1863) 25 0 0 Kerr, Dr. W. C. (1864-8) . . . 15 0 0 Jefieris, Mrs. Mary E. . . 2 2 0 Kerr, T. C., Esq. (1871) . . 3 0 0 Jeffery, The Misses. ... 3 0 0 Kershaw, J. G., Esq. ... 1 1 0 " Jeohiada Walters" (1869) . f 10 0 0 Kilvert N.', Esq., Manchester 1 1 0 Jejeebhoy, Hon. Rustomjee Kinahan and Co., Messrs. . 3 3 0 Jamsetjee, (1864) 500 0 0 King, G., Esq 22 0 Jeuings, E. J., Esq. (1860-8) . 28 0 0 King, Mrs., Algiers ... 2 2 0 Jenkin and Phillips, Messrs. . 1 1 0 King, Rev. A. (1858-64) . . 16 0 0 Jenner and Sons, R. and H. . 5 5 0 King, W., Esq., 1 iverpool . 1 1 0 Jennings, F. W., Esq., Leek (1869) 10 10 0 Kingsford Kennett, Esq. . 1 1 0 Jenson, John, Esq. ... 1 1 0 King's Lynn Branch, vide p. 304. Jersey Swimming Club (1872) . . 1 1 0 Kinloch, Miss, Gilmerton .10 0 Jervoise, F. J. E., Esq. (1863) . . 10 0 0 Kinnear, J. Boyd, Esq. ..10 0 Jessop, Mrs., Brighton ..11 0 Kirby, Mrs., Kiltegan (1860-72) . . 12 0 0 Jillard, H. P., Esq. . . . 0 106 Ditto . . ..10 0 266 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

ADII, Subs. Donations. Ann.Subs. Donations. £. >. d. £,. ,. d. £. «. d. £. ». d. Kirk, Miss, Guildford . . 0 10 0 Leigh, R., Esq. .... T1 1 0 Kirkup, Alfred, Esq. (1864-71) . . 30 0 0 Leigh, Mrs. D. H., Jersey . i 1 0 Knight, Rev. H. C. ... I 1 0 Leiningen, Capt. H. S. H. the Knight, Fred., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Prince, R.N., G.C.B. . i 0 0 Knill and Co., Messrs. J. . . 220 Leishman, Inglis, and Co. i 1 0 Knowles, Miss Margaret .500 Lennox, Lord H.Gordon, M.P. 5 0 0' Knowles and Foster, Messrs. (1870) 50 0 0 Letchworth, Mrs. Aspley 1 0 0 Knox, B. D., Esq., Ardmillan (1872) 10 0 0 Lethbridge, A. G., Esq. . 3 3 0 Knyfton, Thomas, Esq. ..110 Lethbridge, Rev. J. K., M.A 0 5 0 Knyvett, Mrs., Cadogan PI. 110 Lewin, Capt. M. B. . . . 1 1 0 Koch, Mrs. J. E. C., Streatham (1864) 20 0 0 Lewin, Mrs., Bayswater(1869)) . ., 10 0 0 Kopke, H., Esq 110 Lewis, R., Esq., Inner Ten">le 1 i1 0 Lewis, Richd. Esq., Ledbui-y 0 10 0 L. E. M. (1850-70) ... 50 0 0 Leyland, Mrs 0 10 0 L. H. H. (1864) .... 500 0 0 Liddell, George, Esq., and L. J. (1863) 10-00 Daughters (1860-2) 30 0 0 L. J. B. (1859-72). ... 22 1 0 Liddell, H. T., Esq. (1860-71) 57 10 0 L. M. (1871-72) .... 100 Liebenrood, Capt. J., R.M. (1866-72) 23 0 0 Ladds, Capt. Wm. . . . 1 10 0 Lightfoot, Mrs. General . . 1 10 0 Laing and Webster, Messrs. 220 Lightfoot, Miss .... 1 10 0 Lambert, Bros. & Scott, Messrs. 220 Lighten, Rev. Sir C. R., Bart. 110 Lambert, F., Esq., ... 2 2 0 Lillycrop, Mrs.. Windsor. .050 Lambton and Co., Messrs. W. H. (1861) 21 o o Lincoln, Mrs. Stroud (1861-7) 50 0 0 Ditto, North Shields Branch (1861) 10 10 o Lincolnshire Branch, vide p. 302. Ditto, Sunderland Branch (1861) . . 10 10 o Lindsay, W. S., Esq. ... 2 Lampard & Foster, Messrs. .110 Lingen, R. R .W., Esq. . . 2 Lancaster Branch, vide p. 299. Lingham, Mrs...... 1 Lancaster, Mrs. Mary ..110 Linton, Colonel (1855-63) . 25 0 0 Lane, Rev. T. L 100 Lin ton, C., Esq., Oundle . . 1 Langdou, A., Esq., LL.B. .050 Lintott, W., Esq., Horsham . 1 Langley, Charles, Esq. ..110 Lister, W., Esq. (1862) . . 10 10 0 Langley, Miss 110 Lister, Beck, and Co., Messrs. 1 Langton, F., Esq., (1865) . . . 10 10 0 Listen, Young, & Co., Messrs. 1 Langton, Rev. Charles (1826-6) . . 14 0 0 Little, Capt. A., R.N. (1866-72) 22 8 0 Ditto 30 Littleboro' Co-operative Soc. 2220 Langton, Miss Maria ... 1 1 Littledale, Arthur, Esq., The Langton, W. Gore, Esq. (1865-9) . . 200 0 0 Hayes (1863-71) 45 0 0 Lansdell, Mr. G 10 Littledale, Major (1861-9) . . . 250 0 0 Lanyon, J. C., Esq. ... 1 1 Ditto 10 10 0 Larcom, Mrs. Capt. ... 1 0 Littlehales. Capt. E., R.N. .100 Larden, G.F., Esq., D.C.L. . 1 10 Liveing, Miss C 050 Larking, Alfred J., Esq. (1871) . . 110 Liverpool and New Brighton Ditto 11 Branch, vide p. 299. Latham, Rev. Canon ... 1 0 Liverpool Steam Tug Company 2 2 0 Latham, Rev. E 10 Ditto (1872) 330 Laurie, P. Northall,Esq.(1860-3) . . 30 0 0 Lizardi and Co., Messrs. F. de 1 1 0 Law, Mr. H. B 0 10 Lloyd, E. H., Esq. (1859-66) . . 20 0 0 Law, The Hon. H. S. ..11 Lloyd, Mrs. G. J. M. . . . 1 1 0 Lawley, Lady (1858-69) . . . . 100 0 0 Lloyd, Lewis, Esq., Lothbury (1861) 10 10 0 Ditto 220 Lloyd, W. J., Esq., Ditto (1861) . . 10 10 0 Lawrence, E. H., Esq. (1870-2) . . 10 0 0 Lloyd, Miss A., Kenilworth. 110 Lawrence, Lieut.-Gen. H. . 1 1 0 Lloyd, Matheson,& Co., Messrs. 1 0 0 Lawrence, Lord, K.C.B. ..200 Lloyd. The Misses . . . 0 10 0 Lawrence, Miss Jessie (1871) . . 0 10 0 Lloyd; S. Zachary, Esq. (1871) . . 100 Lawrence, Mrs., Bath (1871) . . 1 1 0 Lockhart, Miss Macdonald (1868) . 20 0 0 Lawson, Miss RHzabeth . . 10 0 0 Lockwood, Miss, Leicester .110 Lawton, Miss M. A., Leicester (1868) 25 0 0 Locock. Miss Frances. ..220 Lawton, Mrs. Sarah (1871) . . . 1 0 0 Lodge, Robert, Esq. (1862-5) . . 12 12 0 Laycock, J. C., Esq. ... 0 10 0 London, Asiatic, & American Le Lacheur, J. A., Esq. (1867) 10 0 0 Company 10 10 0 Ditto 5 London Assurance Corporation (1870) 31 10 0 Le Marchant, Lady London & Provincial Marine Lea, M., Esq. (1865-72) . 8 0 Insurance Company (1861) . . 10 0 0 Lebeau and Co., Messrs. . Londonderry, The Marquis of 2 2 0 Leckie, Messrs. J. B. & Co. Long, Miss D. T., Arundel (1867-8) 21 0 0 Ledger, J. W.. Esq. . . Long, Miss Emma Tylney (1859-63) 10 5 0 Lee, Miss, Foleshiil (1871) 10 0 0 Long, Miss C. M., Chelsea .110 Leeds, The Duke of . . 10 0 0 Longland, John, Esq.. ..110 Leeds Branch, vide p. 316. Longstaff, F., Esq., Limehouse 110 Leek Branch, vide p. 309. Looks, Wm., Esq 110 Legge, Gen. the Hon. A. C. 2 0 Love, Mr. William, Paisley (1860-71) 12 0 0 Legge.Lieut.-Col.theHon.E.H. 1 0 Loveday, Rev. Thos. ... 1 1 0 Leicester Branch, vide p. 301. Lovegrove and Co., Messrs.. 110 Leicester, The Earl of, V. P. (1862) 40 0 0 Lovelock, S., Esq., Auditor (1871) 550 Leigh, C. H., Esq., Trustees Ditto 110 of the late 10 0 Lovett, Miss Isabel (1871) . . . 0 10 0 LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 267

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. «. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Low, A., Esq., Leadenhall St, 1 1 0 Macnamara, H. T., Esq. ..11 0 Low, Alex. F., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Macnamara, Admiral Sir B. 1 1 0 Lowdell, Miss, Lindlield (1871) . . 10 10 0 Macrae, James 11., Esq. (1863) . . 20 0 0 Lowndes, Rev. E. S. . . .110 Mactaggart, W., Esq.. . . 0 10 Lowndes, E. C,, Esq. (1861) . . 50 0 0 MacWhirter, John, Esq. (1871) . . 220 Loyd, Airs. Lewis (1859-70). . . 25 5 0 Magrath, Kev. J. K. . . . 010 Luard, Mrs., Hampstead ..330 Mahon, li. H. D., Esq. . . 1 Lucas, Ed., Esq., Brighton .110 Mahon, Mrs 1 Lucas, J. S. S., Esq., Westbury (1867) 10 10 0 Maingay, Mrs. (1872) . . . 500 Lucas, Mrs. C. H 1 10 Ditto 2 Luke, James A., Esq. ..110 Maitland, Mrs., Gelstan ..20 Lumsdame, F. G. Sandys, Esq. 110 Major, C. M., Esq. ... 1 1 Luscombe, Rev. F. P. E. .050 Major and Field, Messrs. . 1 1 Luscombe, Mrs 200 Malan, H. V. Esq., M.D. . 0 10 Lushington, Vernon, Esq. (1861-4) . 21 0 0 Mallam, Richard, Esq. ..11 Lushington, Mrs. J. D. . .200 Malcolm, W. E., Esq. ..10 Luttrell, Miss, St. Katherine'e(1861-70) 36 10 0 Maltby, Chas. H., Esq. ..22 Lutwidge, Robert W.S., Esq (1863) 10 0 0 Maltby, Colonel (1872) . . . . 500 Lutwidge, C. R. Fletcher, Esq. (1872) 440 Maltby, Miss Jane. ... 1 0 0 Ditto 110 Maltby, Mr. and Mrs. C. (1859-62) 20 0 0 Lyall, Geo., Esq., Governor of Manchester Branch, vide p. 300. the Bank of England . . 2 2 0 31 10 o' Manchester, the Duke of. . 1 1 0 Lyell, The Misses (1871) . . . 10 0 0 Manley, A. E., Esq. . . .200 Lyell, Miss Caroline ... 1 1 0 Manning, ColJyer, and Co. , 0 10 0 Lyme Regis Branch, vide p. 293. Mannock, W. M. S. P., Esq. 1 0 0 Mansel, J.C., Esq. ... 1 1 0 M. (1863-72) 990 Manvers, The Earl (1863) 20 0 0 M., per Messrs. Coutts (1867-71) . . 17 0 0 Marchant, J., Esq. . . .050 M. A. F 110 Margate Branch, vide p. 298. M. A. S. (1867) 10 0 0 Margetts, Rev. H 110 M. B. (1863) 20 0 0 Margetts, Charles, Esq. ..110 M. B. (1870-1) 210 Marine and General Mutual M. B. per Messrs Williams, Life Assurance Society . 10 0 0 Deacon, and Co. (1868) . . . 20 0 0 Marine Insurance Company (1861) 52 10 0 M. B. T. W., (1869) 100 0 0 Maris, A., Esq 110 M. C. (1867) 1100 Marjoribanks, E., Esq., Strand 220 M. C. M. (1869-72) 800 Marjoribanks, Miss (1865) . . . 10 10 0 M. E. C 220 Alarley,John, Esq.,Darlington 050 M. E. I. ..110 Marryat, Charles, Esq. ..110 M. H. (1872) 200 Marryat and Sons, Messrs. J. (1870) 550 M. H. K. (1870) 500 Ditto 22 M. J. P., Exeter (1862) . . . . ZO 0 0Marsh, Messrs. E. I. & H. . 0 10 M. J. P. (1864) 10 0 0 Marsh, J., Esq., Dorking . 2 0 M. M., Hull (1871) 500 Marsh, Mrs., Tybrith. ..11 M. M. M., In Memory of . 10 0 0 Marsh, Miss E.. Rose Hill . 1 0 M. N 100 Marsh, T. W., Esq. ... 0 10 M. B., a thank offering (1872) 20 0 0 Marshall, A., Esq., Hunting- M. R. N. (1866) .... 11 0 0 don 110 M. S. S 0 10 6 Marshall, C., Esq., Hunting- M. T. (1865-72) .... 20 0 0 don 110 M. r. N. (1871) .... a 00 Marshall, George, Esq., Phil- M<=Arthur, Messrs. W. & A. . 2 2 0 pot Lane (1861-8) 63 0 0 M°Arthur, D., Esq., Glasgow 1 0 0 Marshall, Miss S. M. ..220 M'Bayne, Mrs., Clifton . . 2 2 0 Marshall, The Rev. E. (1854-71) . . 30 2 6 M°Cance, Henry J., Esq.. . 1 0 0 Ditto 100 M'Dougall Bros., Messrs. 0 10 6 Marshall, Thos., Esq., Tulse M«Ewan and Co., Messrs. J. 1 1 0 Hill (1863) 10 10 0 MeBardy, Admiral . . . 1 1 0 Marten, Miss, Parkfield ..110 M°lnroy, Ross, & Gomersall. 1 1 0 Martin, Dowager Lady (1864-72). . 100 0 0 M'Kerrell, Wm., Esq., (1863-9) 50 0 0 Ditto " In Memory of her Brother, the Mci.aren, James, Esq. 1 Y 0 late Admiral Sir H. Byam Martin, M«Neile, D. J., Esq. (1868) . 10 0 0 K.C.B." (1865) 100 0 0 McNeill. Sir J., G.C.B. . . 1 0 0 Martin, James T., Esq. The late 1 1 0 Mac Andrew & Co., Messrs. R. 2 0 Martin, Lieut. W.L., R.N. 100 Macau, Major-Gen. H. . . 2 0 0 Martin, E. M., Esq. . . .550 Macfie, Robert, Esq. (1861) 50 0 0 Martin, The Misses. Bloomsbury (1370) 16 0 0 Mackenzie, Mrs. E. (1862-4) 21 0 0 Martin, T., Esq., Trevarrick 1 1 0 Ditto 2 2 0 Martin, J. Stapleton, Esq. .100 Mackenzie, Colonel ... 2 2 0 Maruneau, Miss F. ... 5 0 0 Mackeson, H. B., Esq. . . 1 1 0 Marx, Mrs. (1866-9) 800 Mackie, Mrs. J., Wakefield . 1 0 0 Ditto 200 Mackinlay. Mrs., Woodlands 110 Mason, Mr. Thomas, Gt. Hale 100 Mackreth and Fosters, Messrs. 110 Mason, Miss, Audenshaw Hall 0 10 6 Macleod, Lady (1865) . . 10 0 0 Massy, Kev. John M. B. .100 Macleod, Capt. R. B. E., R.N. 220 Mathews, W., Esq. (1864) . . . 10 0 0 Maemillan and Sons, Messrs. 110 Matthews and Luff, Messrs. .110 268 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £. B. d. £. s.d £. ,. d. Matthews, The late Mr. Anthony, per Montgomerie, F. B., Esq. .220 Mrs. Ellis (1872) 50 0 0 Montgomerie & Greenhorne .110 Matveieff, C., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Montgomery, John, Esq. (1864-5) . 10 0 0 Maud, Mrs., Eamsgate (1871-2) . . 400 Ditto 500 Maude, Capt. Hon. F., R.N. 110 Montgomery, Sir G.,Bt.,M.P. 2 0 0 Maudslay, Son, and Field .220 Montrose Branch, vide p. 324. Maudslay, Henry, Esq., (1866) . . 10 10 0 Moody, Miss 050 Maudslay, Chafe., Esq. Moon, R., Esq., Tamworth. 220 Maw, Matthew, Esq. (1863) 50 0 0 Moore, Arthur C., Esq. (1871) . . 110 Mawe, F. E., Esq 11 Moore, The Hon Richard (1863-5). 20 0 0 Maxwell, Capt. G. Shirley . 1 0 Moore, Rev. Edward (186U-1) . . 10 0 0 Maxwell, Mrs, (1859-62) . . . 11 0 0 Moore, Rev. G. B., Tunstall (1857-63) 21 0 0 Ditto 50 Moore, Lady, Cobham ..220 Maxwell, Rev. E 11 Moore, Colonel ft. C., C.B. (1871) 500 May, Mrs., Sidmouth ... 1 0 Ditto 100 Mayer, S. R. T., Esq.. (1871) . . 0 10 6 Moore, W., Esq., Wiertou .110 Maynard, Rev. T. (1863). . . . 20 0 0 Moore, Rev. H 0 10 6 Mayne, Capt.R. C.,R.N., C.B. 1 1 0. Moore, W., Esq., Lime St. . 0 10 6 Meadows, T., Esq., Milk St.. 110 Moove, Miss (V87i) 500 Meakin, J. F., Esq. (1871) . . . 0 10 0 Moore, Capt., Richmond ..110 Meares, Thos., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Moorson, Rev. J. R. ... 1 1 0 Medland, Wm., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Morehead, Dr. C 110 Medwin, Dr. A. G. . . . 1 10 Morel Brothers, Messrs. ..330 Meggeson and Co., Messrs. .110 Moreland Brothers, Messrs.. 500 Meiklejon, J., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Morella, The Countess de (1863-70). 117 10 0 Melhuish, Sons, & Co., Messrs. 110 Morgan & Co., Messrs. J. S. 1 1 0 Mellish, Lord Justice Sir G. . 220 Morgan, H. M., Esq. (1872). 0 10 0 Mellish, Mrs. Leigh ... 1 1 0 Morgan, John, Esq. ... 1 1 Melville, Gen. Sir P., K.C.B. (1863) 10 0 0 Morice, John C., Esq. ..11 Menars, Major H. (1863-9) . . . 22 15 6 Morison, James A. C., Esq. (1864) 10 0 0 Mercers, Worshipful Co. (1868) . . 52 10 0 Morland and Sons. Messrs. J. 1 1 Merceron, Miss (1870) . . . . 500 Morlet & Co., Messrs. A. A.. 0 10 Meredith, Miss Emma (1871) . . 200 Morley, F., Esq 11 Merry, Willis, & Lloyd, Messrs. 1 1 0 Morley, Samuel, Esq., M.P. (1867) , 105 0 0 Metcalf, E. C., Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Morrieson, Col. Robert ..22 Methuen, Rev. H. H, . . 0 10 0 Morris, Prevost, & Co., Messrs. (1864) 10 10 0 Meux & Co., Sir Henry . .560 Morrish, Rev. J. W., M.A. .100 Michell, Admiral, Sir F. 1. (\86l-5) 14 3 0 Morrison, Mrs., Basildon Park (1869) 50 0 0 Michell, Rev. T. H. ... 1 1 0 Morrison and Co., Messrs. A Michie, A. S., Esq. ... 2 0 0 Morrison, Frank, Ksq. Middleton, The Misses (1860-71, in Morton, Mrs. (1864-72) . 16 16 0 addition to 23i. Os. 6rf. collected) 28 7 0 Morton, Kose. & Co., Messrs Miles, Rev. H., M.A. ..110 Mosenthal & Co., Messrs. J. Miles, William, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Moss and Co., Messrs. C.. Miland, John, Esq. ... 2 0 0 Moss, Mrs. G. W. . . . Millar, R. J., Esq 110 Moss, Sir T. E., Bart. Millar,W., Esq., Fenchurch St. 1 ] 0 Mostyn, B., Esq. . . . Miller, Dowager Lady (1868) . . 10 0 0 Mott, Henry, Esq. (1871) 1 1 0 Miller, R. M., Esq. ... 5 0 0 Monies, G., Esq., Lombard St. (1865) 10 0 0 Milligan, W. P., Esq. (1871) . . 1 10 0 Mount-Charles, Col. the Earl of 2 2 0 Millington & Co., Messrs. W. 1 1 0 Miiller, C. J., Esq. ...110 Mills, H. J., Esq 0 10 0 Munckton, Miss E. ...220 Mills, J., Esq., India ... 1 1 0 Mundy, Adm. Sir R., K.C.B. (1864-71) 15 0 0 Mills, Mark, Esq. (1864-72). . . 45 5 0 Mannings, Mrs. Anne A. (1857-62) 10 0 0 Mills, Wm., Esq., Clapham .110 Ditto 20 Milne, Admiral Sir A., K.C.B. (1862) 10 0 0 Murdoch, H. H., Esq. 0 10 Milner, Mrs. Chas., Mickleham (.1862) 10 0 0 Mure, George, Esq. (1860-3) 40 0 0 Milton, Lady S. (1861) . . . . 25 0 0 Murphy, I. J., Esq., Lisburu 1 Mirrielees, A., Esq. ... 10 Murphy, J. J., Esq., ditto . 1 Mirrielees, Mrs 10 Murray, John, Esq , (18.)8-63) 20 15 0 Mitcalfe, W. B., Esq. . . 10 Myttou,MissC. H. A. (1864-71) 700 Mitchell, F. H., Esq. (1857-72 . . 61 10 0 Mytton, Miss, Southfield . . 2 2 0 Mitchell,F.J., Esq., Newport 1 0 Mitchell, P. S., Esq. ... 10 52 10 0 Mitchell, W. R., Esq. (1855-65) . . 26 00 N., per Messrs. Morris, Pre- Mitchell, J. H., Esq. ... 2 2 0 vost, & Co 300 Mitchell, Yeames, and Co. . 5 0 0 N.F. H 110 Moir, Mrs 220 N. L., Dublin (1861-72) . . 50 0 0 Moline and Co., Messrs. (1871) . . 550 N. R., His Life-boat Fund (1869-71) 150 0 0 Moller, C., Esq. .... 0 5 0 Napier, Rev. J. W. . . . 110 Molyneux, Mrs. G. M. . . 0 10 0 Nash, F., Esq., Ludlow ..110 Moncrieff, Colonel. ... 1 0 0 Nation, W.H.C., Esq. (1864) . . 10 0 0 Monk, Commander, J., K.N. (1S6S-72) 26 19 3 Navin and Co., Messrs. J. . 2 2 0 Montague, James, Esq. (1859-67) . . 20 0 0 Naylor, Benzon, & Co., Messrs. 550 Montague, A., Esq., Clifton .110 Naylor, Joseph Ulysses, Esq. 110 Monteith, James, Esq. . .220 Neave, Sheffield, Esq.. (1865) . . 10 0 Q LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 269

Ann. Subs. Donations, j Ann. Subs. Donations. £. d. £. d. £. «. d. £. s. d. Neilson & Sons, Messrs. Claud 2 0 Orton, R., Esq 110 Nelson, Dale, & Co., Messrs. . 1 0 Osborne, Rev. Philip. . . 2 10 0 Nepean, Miss, Torquay . . 1 0 Osborne, Martin, Esq. ..110 Nesbitt, Messrs. A. &W.. . 1 0 Ostell, Mrs 110 New River Company ... 1 0 Ostler, Miss, Bridgenorth .100 Newark Branch, vide p. 307. Otway, Capt. R.J., R.N. ..500 Newcastle Trinity Board . . 10 10 0 Outram, Sir ¥., Bart. . . . 50-0 Newhaven Branch, vide p. 313. Outram, the Dowager Lady .200 Newman, Mrs., Senior (1872) . . 100 Ouvry,F.,Esq.,Queen AnneSt. 2 2 0 Newson, Thomas, Esq. ..110 Overstone, Lord (1865-8) . . . 60 10 Newton Ahbot Branch, vide p. 291. Overy, The Misses (1864) . . . 30 0 Newton, Charles E., Esq. .110 Owen and Graham, Messrs. (1866-71) 30 0 Nichols and Co., Messrs. J. . 220 Nichols and Co., Messrs. . 0 10 6 P. (1871) 10 Nicholson, W. L., Esq., Annan (1862-4) 12 0 0 Paddon, J. B., Esq. (1871) . . 55 Nicholson, W. L., Esq., Page, Ohlsen, and Co., Messrs. (1871) 50 London Street .... 1 0 0 Paine, Wm. Esq 110 Nicholson, G. P., Esq., Wath (1869-71) 880 Painter, T., Esq , Wrexham .100 Nicolson, Vice-Admiral Sir Pakington, the Right Hon. Sir J. S., F. W., Bart., C.B. . . .100 Bart., G.C.B., M.P., V.P. (1861-4) 10 0 0 Nightingale, Miss Florence (1865) 20 0 0 Palmer, Colonel G. ... 2 2 0 Nixon, Miss (1872) 5 0 0 Palmer, George, Esq., India 110 Noake, Israel, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Palmer, Richard, Esq. (1870) . . 10 0 0 Noake, Miss, M. A. . . . 0 10 0 Palmer, Sir Roundell, M.P. .200 Noakes, J. T., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Palmer, Miss, Aston . . . 0 10 6 Noble, John, Esq., Brighton (1861) 10 10 0 Palmer, Miss, Manton (1860-72) . . 12 0 0 Noble, R. H., Esq. ... 2 0 0 Palmer, W. J., Esq., Reading (1863) 20 0 0 Noel, Eugene F., Esq. (1867) . . 10 10 0 Pantin, Messrs. W. & C. . . 1 1 0 Nolloth, Dr. E., R.N. ..100 Parbury, F., Esq 110 Norbury, George, Esq. (1865) . . 10 0 0 Parker, Miss, St. dear's (1862-71) 20 0 0 Norfolk Branch (1872) . . . . 136 8 9 Parker, Mrs. W. C. ... 0 5 0 Norsworthy, G., Esq. ..110 Parker, Rev. W. H. ... 1 1 0 Norsworthy, H., Esq. (1866) . . . 50 0 0 Parker, Rev. Wm. (1858-67) . . . 20 10 0 Norsworthy, W. P. W., Esq. 110 Parkin, T., Esq., Wigton .100 North, Joseph K., Esq. (1863) . . 50 0 0 Parkin, Miss, Wigton. ..100 North, Major 110 Parkin, The Misses, Fulham (1864) 10 0 0 Northampton Branch, vide p. 315. Parkin, Mrs. Sarah, The late (1871) 20 0 0 Northumberland, Duke of (1868) 100 0 0 Parkinson, R. J. H., Esq. (1872) . . 0 10 0 Ditto 200 Paraell, Louis, Esq. ... 2 0 0 Northwick, Lord (1861) . . 10 0 0 Parnell, Col 100 Norton, W. H., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Partington, E., Esq. . ..110 Nottidge, Josias, Esq. (1805-72) . . 16 16 0 Partridge, Charles, Esq. (1872) . . 50 Nottingham Branch, vide p. 307. Pasco, Capt. Crawford, A.D., R.N., Nunn, T. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 " As a spare Oar " (1866). . . 50 0 Nunn, H. W., Esq. (1868) . . . 10 10 0 Pasley, Adm. Sir T. S., Bart. 100 Nuthall, General . . . . 100 Pasmore, Miss, Leamington 110 Nutter, James, Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Paterson, Ray, & Co., Messrs. 110 Patry and Pasteur, Messrs. (1867) 25 0 OAKES, Arthur, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Pattison, The Misses, Brooklands (1865) 10 0 Oakes, W. Esq 110 Paul, H. T., Esq 110 Oakes, Rev. H. A. A. . .220 Paulet, Lady Henry (1862-72) 32 0 0 Oakes, Mrs. (1871) 110 Pawle, F., Esq., Reigate, . 1 1 0 O'Brien, Capt. D 110. Pawle, Frederick O., Esq., O'Brien, Mrs. Henry. . .100 Bainfleld (1868-9) 15 5 0 Ocean Marine Insurance Co. (1862) . 5210 0 Payne, W. H., Esq., Bolton . 0 10 6 O'Donovan, The .... 1 0 0 Payne, Capt. W. R., R.N. .100 Odd Fellows, Independent Order of, Paynter, Rev. Samuel (1865) . . 10 10 0 (Manchester Unity), vide p. 282. Peach, C., Esq., Derby ..050 Offley, Cramp, & Co., Messrs. 220 Peach, E., Esq., Langley .110 Ogilvie, Robt. G., Esq., (1859-62) . 20 0 0 Peacock Brothers, Messrs., Sunderland: Oglander, Sir Henry, Bart. (1858-70) 70 0 0 II. Is. each, annually, for the barques Ogle, Robt., Esq 0 10 0 Kirkkmd, Queen's Own, and Im- Oliver, Adm. W. B. . . . 110 bella Kidley, and brig Emma 440 Oliver, Dr. (1862) 10 10 0 Peacock and Buchan, Messrs. (1862-8) 18 13 0 Oliver, George, Esq. (1859-64) ... 15 15 0 Ditto 220 Oliver, J., Esq., Blackheath. 1 1 0 Peacock, J. A., Esq. (1866-71) . . 600 Oliver, Mrs 110 Peake, Thos., Esq., Brampton (1865) 1010 0 Olney, Mrs. C., St. Leonards (1865-9) 20 0 0 Peale,W., Esq., Loose (1865-71) . . 100 0 0 O'Neil, The Viscount. ..500 Pearson, Miss Sophia... 1 1 0 O'Neil, The Viscountess ..500 Pearson, J., Esq., Blackheath 110 One who has been mercifully preserved Peart, H. B., Esq 200 from imminent peril by Sea (1867) 10 0 0 Pease, E., Esq., Greencroft 200 Oram, Jas., Esq. (1863-72) . . . 45 0 0 Pease, Hy., Esq., Pierremont(1860-71) 50 0 0 Ord, W. G. H., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Pease, Joseph, Esq., the late (1864) 100 0 0 Orde, Miss A. M. F. (1865-8) . . 20 0 0 Peat, W., Esq., Derby ..110 Ormston, R., Esq. (1861-70) . . . 42 0 0 Peckover, A., Esq., Wisbeach (1857-64) 15 0 0 270 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. *. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. ». d. Peckover, W., Esq.,"Wisbeach(1857-70) 60 0 0 Poyntz, Stephen, Esq. (1853-65) . . 76 0 0 Peebles Branch, vide p. 326. Foyer, J. P., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Peel, Sir Robert, Bart., G.C.B., Praed and Co., Messrs. (1863) . . 10 0 C M.P. (1871) 20 0 0 | Pratt, Mrs. H., Leamington (1863-71) 150 0 0 Felly, Sir Henry, Bart. ..500 Ditto, in aid of the " Princess Pemberton, Edward Leigh, Esq. (1868) 10 0 0 Louise" Life-boat Fund (1871) 1010 0 Penfold, E. H., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Prescott, H. W., Esq. ..220 Penfold, W. M., Esq. ..110 ' Preston, Capt. D. S., R.N. (1864) . . 10 0 0 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Preston, Capt. Sir H., Bt., R.N. 110 Navigation Company . . 10 10 0 Price, Mrs. Admiral (1858-72) . . 30 0 0 Penn, John, Esq., The Cedars (1863) 21 0 0 Price, Miss M. (1871) . . . 550 Penson, Mrs '220 Price and Pierce, Messrs. 550 Penson, Miss Elizabeth (1871-2) . . 110 Prideaux, C. G., Esq., Q.C. 1 1 0 Pentoh, Mr., Cowes . . .050 Priestleys, Win., Esq. . 110 Percy, Lady Louisa (1870) . . . 25 0 0 Primrose, The Hon. B. F. 220 Percy, The Earl, M.P. ..200 Prince, Ogg, and Co., Messrs 110 Percy, Lord J. W. ... 2 0 0 Pritchard, J., Esq. . . 110 Pereira, E., Esq 110 Pritchard, Mrs 100 Perigal, Miss, Avenue Eoad 100 Prout, C.. J., Esq 220 Perigal, E., Esq., Do. (1863-5) . . 10 0 0 Prowett, N. H. E., Esq. (1862-71) . 50 0 0 Ditto 200 Prowse, G. J. W., Esq. ..110 Perkins, Capt., R.N. ... 1 0 0 Pryor, Felix, Esq. (1861-9) . . . 73 0 0 Perrott,SirE.G.L.,Bart.,r..P. 110 Psalm 107 200 Pertwee, Joseph, Esq. (1867-71). . 130 0 0 Puckle, Miss C 110 Peterhead Branch, vide p. 319. Pulford, Mrs 110 Peters, Rev. M. Nowell . . 0 10 0 Purchas, Mrs., Cambridge .110 Petre, John Berney, Esq. .220 Purdie, Capt. John ... 1 0 0 Philips & Co., Messrs. 1. i N. 10 10 0 "Pye"(l870) 500 Phillips and Pearce, Messrs. 110 Philips, Dr. Lovell, Torquay (1868-9) 15 0 0 Philips, J. W., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Queensberry, Marquis of .220 Philips, Miss, Leamington .110 Quin,Caj>t. the Hon. W. H. W (1865) 10 0 0 Phillimore, Capt. W. B. (1859-72) . 135 10 0 Phillips and Co., Messrs. .110 RACKHAM, Willoughby, 'Esq. 220 Phillipps, Graves, Phillipps Rahn and Co., Messrs. ..220 and Co., Messrs. ... 1 1 0 Rainie, Mrs., Adelaide Road 100 Philpott, John, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Ralli Brothers, Messrs. ..220 Phippen, Alderman and Mrs. (1866) 21 0 0 Ralph, Charles, Esq. . . .220 Pickering & Abbott, Messrs. 110 Ramsay, Vice-Adm. G., C.B. 100 Pickernell, F. C., Esq. ..110 Ramsay, Robert, Esq. ..100 Pickernell Brothers, Messrs. 110 Ramsay, Lieut. John, R.N. .110 Piel Branch, vide p. 301. Ramsden, Frank, Esq. ..100 Pigeon, Henry, Esq. (1864-71) . . 31 10 0 Ramsden, Mr. John ... 0 5 0 Piggott, Hy. G., Esq. (1872) . . 110 Ramsey, Mrs. M 100 Pilgrim, C. H., Esq. . . .220 Ramsey Branch, vide p. 333. Pillar Contribution Boxes, vide p. 276. Randells, Howells, and Co. . 1 1 0 Pirn, Miss Mary .... 1 1 0 Randolph, Capt. G. G., R.N. 200 Pirn, Miss S., Wandsworth ( 1872) 500 Randolph, Rev. T. (1850-64) . . 15 10 0 Pinyon, Mr., Benenden (1868-71). . 200 Ranken, Jas., Esq. (1871) . . . 100 Pinyon, Mrs 0 10 0 Ransome, Edwin R., Esq. .0100 Piper, T., Esq. . ..110 Rasch, Arthur A., Esq.. Lloyd's( 1 859-63) 40 10 0 Pirie and Co., Sir John ..220 Rasch, F. C. L., Esq., Lloyd's (1863) 10 0 0 Pixley, Stuart, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Rathbone Bros. & Co., Messrs., Plant, W. J., Esq. . . .220 Platt, Owen, Esq 220 Rathbone Brothers, and Co., Messrs., ' Playne, Peter, Esq. (1860-71) . . 73 0 0 Fenchurch Street (1867-72) . . 22 7 0 Plumer, Mrs. C. M., In memory Rawlins, Colonel .... 1 1 0 of a beloved sister (1871). . . 50 0 0 Rawson, Miss, Tilney Street (1859-71) 9010 0 Plymouth Branch, vide p '2'Jl. Rawson, Miss E.. Ditto (1861-2) . . 20 0 0 Pol, Paris, Esq. (1871) . . . . 10 10 0 Ray Rev H . . . 1 1 0 Pole, Rev. H. (186P-4) . . . . 45 0 0 Rayment, Mrs., Dartford (1863-9) . 10 0 0 i Poole, Richard, Esq., Shrewsbury (1871) 0 10 0 Rea and Webb, Messrs. ..110 | Poore, Mrs. G. J. (1871). .220 330 Reading Branch, vide p. 284. Popham, Mrs. Strachan . . 200 ' Redfern, Alexander and Co. .500 Porter, Miss A., Burlingham (1858-66) 75 0 0 Redman, Capt. G. J. ... 1 1 0 ! Porter, Frederick, Esq. -.100 i Reece, Miss (1871) 1 0 0 i Porter, Rev. C. F. ... 0 10 0 Reep, R. T., Jisq 110 | Posno, Maurice J., Esq. ..110 Reeves Mr. J. A. ... 0 10 0 Postans and Garrod, ilessrs. 0 10 0 i Regent's Canal Company .330 Pothonier, Tilsley and Co. .110 , Reid, P. Esq., Stock Exchange (1872), Potter and Co., Messrs. ..110 1 in addition to two Life-boats . . 130 0 0 Potter, J. D., Esq. . ..220 | Reid, W. G. Ksq. (1871) . . . 100 Powell, Capt. R.N., C.B. .110 ! Reinachs, Nephew, and Co. . 0 10 6 Powell, Messrs. T. J. and T. 1 1 0 i Reiss Bros., Messrs. ... 2 2 0 Power, S. B., Esq., Ingram Court (1864) 10 10 C) Remington, Rev. T. M. . . 2 2 0 Powis, Earl of (1861) 21 0 <) Heneau, Mr. & Mrs. R. P. W. 1 1 0 LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 271

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. ». d. £. s. d. £. «. d. £. «. d. Rennett.TheRev. H. Percy,M.A.(1864) 35 0 0 Rogers, Brnmhead, Esq. (1867) . . 10 0 0 Reynal, G., Esq. (1866) . . . . 10 0 0 Rogers, Colin, Esq., Fort Elsou (1861) 1000 Reynordson, Kev. J. B. . . 1 1 Rogers, N., Esq., (1865) . . . 10 10 0 Reynardson, Rev. G. B. (1865-70). . 13 0 0 Rngers, Miss E. M., Hampstead (1871) 550 Reynolds, Capt ..... 050 Rohrweger, J. C., Esq. ..110 Rhodes, Miss, Muswell Hill (1859-66) 80 0 o Rolle, The Hon. Mark . . 10 0 0 Riadore, Rev. Geldart . . 0 10 6 Rolleston, Miss, Garstang .110 Richards, M., Esq. ... 1 I 0 Rolt and Co., Messrs. Peter .220 Richardson Brothers^ and Co. (1863) 10 0 (> Roman Governor of Caer Hun (1871) SO 0 0 Ditto 1 1 0 Ronald, Byron S., Esq. (1872) . . 550 Richardson, F.,Esq., Mincing Rooper, Capt. H. G. ... 1 I 0 Lane (1859-66):. . . . 20 10 0 Ropes, W. H., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Richardson, H., Esq., York . 1 1 0 Rose, Alderman Sir "W. A. . 1 1 0 Richardson, Jonathan, Esq., Rose, Mrs. A. M., Fulham .110 Glenmore Ross, Wm. Lewis, Esq. ..220 Richardson, James, Esq.. . j Kothery, C. W., Esq.... 1 1 0 Richardson, J. C., Esq. . . I Rothschild, Messrs. . . . 10 10 0 Richardson, J. N., Esq. . . I Kougement& Sons, Messrs. D. (1863) 1010 0 Richardson, Miss, Dromore Rouse and Co., Messrs. R. J. (1869-72) 15 15 0 Richardson, Miss, Ruabon . 1 Rowcliffe, R. H., Esq. . . 0 10 6 Richardson, H. T., Esq. . . ! Rowell, James, Esq. (1864) . . . 20 0 0 Richmond, W. F., Esq. (1872) 100 1 Rowland, Miss 050 Rickett, Smith, & Co., Messrs. 1 Kowlandson. Miss Ann ..110 Ricketts, Miss Frederics . . 1 i Rowley and Davies, Messrs. 110 Riddell, Miss, Beaufort Grdns. 2 ! Rowley, Col. Sir C., Bart. .220 Riddle, Miss, Clifton (1860-70) . . 100 Royal Exchange Assurance Riddle, Miss M. A., ditto (1860-70). 40 Corporation (1861) 105 0 0 Ridgway & Co., Messrs. ..22 Royal Harwich Yacht Club .220 Ridpath, £., Esq 1 Royal London Yacht Club (1871) . . 220 Rigby, Jonathan, Esq. . . 1 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 10 0 0 Rigden, Miss, Chepstow . . 5 Royal Yacht Squadron . . 10 0 0 Rigge, H. F., Esq 1 Rubie, J. P., Esq., Cowes .110 Riley, C., Esq 1 ! Ruck Bros., Messrs. . . . 0 10 0 Ripley Brothers, & Andrews 1 Rudge, W. N., Esq. (1865) . . . 10 10 0 Ritchie, J. H., Esq. (the late) 2 Ditto 110 Rivaz, Charles, Esq. ... 1 Rufford, F. T., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Rivington, Win., Esq. (1867) 10 10 0 Rufford Bros., Messrs. . .100 Roake, Mr. J.J 050 Ruskin, John, Esq., M.A. .500 Robartes, The Rt. Hon. Lord (1859-68) 154 7 6 Russell, Earl, K.G., V.P. .220 Ditto 500 Russell, Lady Caroline (1866-7) . . 20 0 0 Robarts and Co., Messrs. (1861) . . 21 0 Russell, Lord Charles (1869-71) . . 1 10 0 Robarts, A. J., Esq. (1864) . . 10 10 Rust, George, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Robarts, Henry C. Esq. ..110 Rutherford Brothers, Messrs. 100 Rpbbins, Mrs 220 Rycroft, Chas. A. W., Esq. (1863-71) 23 0 0 Roberson, C., Esq., Long Acre (1868) 10 10 0 Ryder, Rear-Admiral. ..100 Roberts, J., Esq., Eastcheap 110 Rye and Winchelsea Branch, vide p. 313. Roberts, C. W., Esq. . 110 Roberts, Miss, Brightwell 0 10 6 Roberts and Belk, Messrs. 1 1 0 S. A. E., Thank Offering for recovery Robertson and Co., Messrs. 110 of the Prince of Wales (1872) . . 500 Robertson, Miss S. . . 220 S. C. H. (1859-69) 31 1 0 Robertson, Capt. D., R.N. 110 Ditto 110 Robertson, Capt. G. M. (1864-6) 10 0 0 S. D. (1862) 50 0 0 Ditto 500 S. H. B. (1871) 50 0 0 Robertson, Mrs., Southwell (1863-71) 900 . S. H. E. (1867) 100 0 0 Robinson, Capt. W. F., R.M. 010 i S. M., Kensington. ... 1 1 0 Robinson,Mrs.C.B., Leicester 1 1 ' S. M. (1863) 10 0 0 Robinson, F.J., Esq.,Chester St 2 2 I S. S., Woodbridge.... 2 2 0 Robinson, G., Esq., Skipton 1 1 S. V.(1861) 30 0 0 Robinson, J., Esq., Skipton 1 1 S. Y. N. (1872) 500 Robinson, Lawson, Esq. . 11 St. Albans, His Grace the Duke of (1S67) 10 0 0 Robinson, Miss Emma . 0 10 St. Aubyn, Sir Edward ..500 Robinson, R. A., Esq. . 1 0 St. Clair, Mrs. General (1863-9) . . 25 0 0 Robinson, R. R., Esq. ..22 St. Ives Harbour Com". . . 10 10 0 Robinson, Rev. T. B. B. . . 1 1 Sabel, Max, Esq 110 Robinson, The Hon. Mrs. . 0 10 Sadler, Harrison, and Co. .220 Robson, Arthur, Esq. (1872) . . 500 Saker, W. E., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Rochdale Branch, vide p. 301. Salcombe Shipping Association (1862-8) 35 0 0 Rochester Branch, vide p. 298. Salmon, Robert, Esq.... 1 1 0 Rochester, Thomas, Esq., Salomons, Sir David, Bart., M.P. (1863) 10 10 0 Morpeth (1870) 1,000 0 0 Salter, Rev. John . . . .220 Rockley, J., Esq., Boro' . 110 Salters, Worshipful Company of 5 5 0 Rodocanachi, Sons, and Co. 110 Salvage, ex Balden Lawn (18o7) . . 11 4 2 Rodwell, Mrs. Helen, Win Sams, W. R., Esq. . . .330 Chester (1863-71) . . . . 47 10 0 Sancton, Philip, Esq. (186C-8) . . 25 15 0 Roe, Mrs. G., Nutley . 500 Sanders, F., Esq., Cross Keys 110 272 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY I, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations. | Ann. Subs. Donations. £. ». d. £. i. d. I £. s. d. £. i. d. Sanders.W., Esq., M.D. ..110 Shiffner, Thomas, Esq. ..500 Sanford, Miss Mary Ann (1866) . . 500 0 0 Shipwrecked Mariners' Society's Agents' Sandwich, The Countess of (1872). . 500 Collections, vide p. 278. . . . Sargeant, J. F., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Short, J., Esq., Lime St. . . 1 1 0 Sartoris, Alfred, Esq.. ..500 Short, Mrs., Hastings (1868-72) 1 0 0 400 Sartorius, Sir G. K., Admiral Shotton and Bouts, Messrs. . 0 10 6 of the Fleet, K.C.B. ..110 Shuckburgh. Major ... 2 2 0 Sassoon and Co., Messrs. D.. 220 Ditto, Contribution Box 10 1 11 Saul, G. T., Esq., Bow ..110 Shuckburgh, Sir F., Bart. . 2 0 Saunders, Mrs., Remenham(1864-71) 14 0 0 Shuttleworth and Co., Messrs. 1 0 Saunders, Miss, Old St. . .100 Sidley, Mrs., Camberwell (1868) 10 0 0 Saurin, Admiral . . ..100 Sim, Captain Alexander 1 1 0 Savage and Hill, Messrs. .110 Sim, Mrs. A. (1865) . . . 10 10 0 Saxe Weimar, Colonel H.S.H. Simes, N. P., Esq., Horsham Prince Edward of . . . 100 Simm, John, Esq Saxton, Nathaniel, Esq., per Ditto (1872) . . . 500 Nathaniel Waterall, Esq. .110 Simon and Lightly . . . Scales and Rogers, Messrs. . 0 10 0 Simonds, The late R. W., Esq. Scarborough Branch, vide p. 317. Simper, fi., Esq., Salisbury . Scarth, J., Esq., Shrewsbury (1868) 100 0 0 Simpson, Lightly, Esq. . . Scarth, W., Esq., Camden lid. 1 1 0 Sinclair, Hamilton, and Co. . Schilizzi and Co., Messrs. (1867-71). 26 5 0 Singleton, Rev. R. Corbet, Schloss Brothers, Messrs. . 0 10 0 R. T. Y. C. (1857-72) . . 20 15 0 Scholey, Mrs 110 Ditto Schroder, Mrs., Northbrooke (1860-6) 20 0 0 Sitwell, Rev. H. W. . . . Schroder & Co., Messrs. J. H. 2 2 0 Skinners, "Worshipful Company of (1866) 10 10 Scorer, A., Esq 110 Skurray, W. H., Esq. (1872) . . . 5 0 Scott, Lady J 220 Slater, Henry, Esq. . . . 1 " ~ Scott, R. H., Esq. .... 1 1 0 Smart, Admiral Sir R., K.C.B. 1 Scott, Rev. Dr. (1863-8) . . . 20 0 0 Smith and Co., Messrs. F. . 2 Scott, Rev. M. R. & Mrs. . 1 l' 0 Smith and Sons, Messrs. G. . 2 Scott, Mrs. S 220 Smith, Brook, Esq. ... 1 Scott, Mrs., Bournemouth .100 Smith,Capt.P.,NorfolkCrescent 1 Scott, Patrick, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Smith, Colonel J. (1866-72) . . 36 0 0 Scrimgeour, Mrs., Highgate (1872) 10 10 0 Smith, Felix V., Esq., and Family Scriveners, Worshipful Com- (1860-72) 44 10 pany of (1860-9) 27 7 0 Smith, Fleming, and Co. (1861) . . 20 0 Scrivener, J. F. P., Esq. (1859-S4) . 15 0 C Ditto 10 10 0 Seamen's Contributions, vide p. 278. Smith, Heathfield, Esq., Epsom (1864) 10 10 0 Seaton Carew Branch, vide p. 294. Smith, J. W., Esq., Oundle .110 Seely, Chas., Esq., M.P. (1872) . . 20 0 0 Smith, Messrs. T. and W. .110 Selby and Sons, Messrs. R. . 110 Smith, Miss C., Upper Deal (1870-1) 20 0 0 Selkirk, Lord (1857-61) . . 35 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Peploe . . .500 Selwyn, Rev. Canon (1864) . 10 10 0 Smith, Payne, and Smith (1864) . . 25 0 0 Settle Branch, vide p. 317. Smith, Samuel, Esq., Bungay 2 2 0 Severn, J. C., Esq. ... 3 Smith, Thomas, Esq., Wobourn Sewell, J. W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Hall (1865) 100 0 0 Sewell, W., Esq 110 Smith, T. H., Esq. ... 1 Sewell, Mrs., Brompton ..110 Smith, W. H., Esq., M.P. . 5 Seymour, Lady Constance, In aid of Smith, Geo., Esq., St. John's " Princess Louise" Life-boat (1871) 0 10 0 Wood 110 Shackleton, Miss, Leeds (1860-3) . . 16 9 10 Smith, Wm., Esq., Grosvenor Shafto, Mrs. J. D., ... 1 0 0 Mansions 10 0 0 Shand, C., Esq., Rood Lane . 0 10 0 Smith, Elder, and Co., Messrs. (1871) 7 7 Sharp and Terry, Messrs. .330 Smith, Mr. David, Thurso (1872). . 0 10 Sharpe and Co., Messrs. F. . 1 1 0 Smith, Miss, as executrix of the Sharpe and Co., Messrs. R. .110 late R. Bryan Smith, Esq. .100 Sharpe, Sulton, Esq. ... 3 0 0 Smith, Fk.J., Esq.,Whitley. 0 10 0 Sharps and Wilkins, Messrs. 110 Smith, Thomas, Esq., Tilbrookl 1 0 Shaw, Maxton, & Co., Messrs. 550 Smith, R. Esq., Liverpool .110 Shaw, Richard, Esq. . . .200 Smitheman, John, Esq. (1859-72) . . Shaw, Savill, and Co., Messrs. 110 Smithers,H.W.,Esq., Amsterdam(1872) Shaw, Rev. F 110 Smyth, J. A. T., Esq., Regent's Shearman, J. W., Esq. ..100 Park (1861) 10 10 0 Sheffield Branch, vide p. 318. Snagg, Sir William ... 1 1 0 Shepard & Co., Messrs. ..220 Soame, The Misses ... 2 2 0 Shepheard, W. P. B., Esq. .220 Soames, Miss L. K. . . .050 Shepherd, Arthur, Esq. (1869-71) 30 10 0 Soames, W., Esq., Maze Hill 220 Shepherd, Major Howell (1859-71) 46 10 0 Society for the Discharge and Relief Sheppard, Lady C. (1860-7), including of Persons Imprisoned for Small collections, and in addition to three Debts (1869) 69 15 6 Life-boats Ill 6 0 Soden, H., Esq 110 Sherwood, Mrs. C. ... 2 2 0 j Solly, Capt. L. B., R.N. ..200 Shewell, Rev. Frank ... 1 1 0 Somes, Mrs. Joseph ... 1 1 0 Shields, J., Esq., Durham (1859-65) 12 10 0 Somes, Mullens, and Co. ..100 Shiffner, Miss J. P. (1872) . . . 2 2" 0 Sopwith, Thomas, Esq., F.R.S. (1861) 10 10 0 LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 273

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. «. d. £. s. d. £. ». d. £. s. d. Souter, Miss, Norwood ..110 Streatfield, R. J., Esq. . .550 South Devon Shipping Co. .330 Street, Joseph, Esq., Lloyd's (1860-3) 21 0 0 South Metropolitan Gas Light Street, George, Esq., ... 1 1 0 and Coke Company (1864) . . 21 0 0 Strickland, Nathaniel, Esq. (1871) 110 Southard and Co., Messrs. .220 Ditto 110 Southey, Mrs., Lidlington . 050 Stride, A. L., Esq., Ramsgate 1 1 O Southgate, Mrs 050 Strong, J. B., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Southport Branch, vide p. 301. , Stuart, Colonel. M. P. . .200 Sowler, Mrs. F 110 | Stuart, Geo. Esq. (1865-71) . . . 2100 Spartali and Co., Messrs. (1861) . . 10 10 0 Stucley, Lieut-Colonel ..100 Ditto 100 Sturge, Thomas, Esq. (1863) . . 10 0 0 Spartali, Michael,Esq., Gresbam Sturrock, Achibald, Esq. .220 House (1861) ... . . 10 10 0 Stutfield.W., Esq., Barley St. 110 Spawforth, Joseph, Esq. . 330 Stutfield, Mrs., (1867-72) . . . 23 0 0 Spawforth, Mrs. E. . . 220 Sugden, Richard F.sq. ..110 Spencer, W., Esq.... 220 Sulivan, Mrs. Robert ... 1 1 0 Spender, Edward, Esq. . 110 Sulivan, Capt. T. B. N. . .100 Sperling, Arthur, Esq. . 110 Summerson, T. R., Esq. ..076 Spottiswoode, James, Esq., Perth Surr, Watson, Esq. ... 1 1 0 (1859-71) . 2G 0 0 Surrey Commercial Dock Co. 550 Spreckley, White, and Lewis 220 Sutherland, The Duke of (1854-61) 20 0 0 Spry, E. G., Esq. (1868-70) . . . 7 10 Ditto 500 Spry, R., Esq. (1866) . . . . 10 10 Sutherland, R., Esq., Egham 500 Squibb, Mrs. F., Tooting .110 Swain, Messrs. E.' & F. . . 110 Staffordshire Potteries Branch, vide p. 309. Swale, Miss Ellen E., Paris (1863) 10 0 0 Stagg, G., Esq., Craven Hill Swansea Branch, vide p. 295. Gardens (1863) 10 10 0 Swanson, Alexander, Esq. (1872). . 100 Stahlschmidt, E. E., Esq. .110 Swanzy, Messrs. F. and A. . 1 1 0 Stamp, Mrs. Ann G., Hull .110 Swinburne, Sir John, Bart., Standen, Win., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 F.R.S. (1861-3) 15 0 0 Standring Brothers & Turner 110 Ditto 500 Stanley, A. E., Esq. (1872) . . . 200 Swinton, Comr. R. H., R.N. 050 Stanley, J., Esq., Orsett Ter. 1 1 0 Swinton, The Hon. Mrs. ..100 Stanley, W. F., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Sydenham Amateur Waits (1872). . 4 15 1 Stannus, T. R. Esq., Lisburn 0 10 0 Syer, Capt., R.N 100 Stanton, J. T., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Sykes, J., Esq., Brighton .220 Stanton, Miss, Greenfield (1868) . . 10 0 0 Sykes, Miss, Bristol ... 1 1 0 Starkey Brothers, Messrs. 110 Symonds & Son, Messrs. R. .110 Starkey, Lewis R., Esq., in Symonds, J. H., Esq., M.D. .110 aid of Filey Life-boat ..220 Symons, Capt. W. H., R.N. .050 Starkie, Rev. W. A. (1867) . .. 1010 Starkie, Mrs. (1867) 10 10 T. B.C. (1865) 10 0 0 Starky, Mrs., Bromham . . 1 0 0 T. H. N., Thanksgiving for a Stead, Mrs 2 0 0 safe voyage (1870) 10 0 0 Steains and Co., Messrs. J. . 1 1 0 T. J. S 050 Stedman, Miss . . ..110 T. S. O., Canton (1863) . . . . 10 0 0 Steel, H., Esq., Liverpool .110 T. W. D. (1869) 1,000 0 0 Steinmetz.J. H., Esq.. ..110 Taddy and Co., Messrs. ..330 Stericker and Co., Messrs. .330 Taite, Charles, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Sterling, Miss Julia ... 5 5 0 Talbot, Miss Annie E. (1865) . . 10 10 0 Steventon, Rev. T. R. (1869-72) . . 1 10 6 Talbot, Admiral Sir Chas., Stevens, W. A., Esq. . . .220 K.C.B 110 Steward, Rev. C. H. ... 1 1 0 Tallow Chandlers, The Wor- Stewart, Rev. H 220 shipful Company of (1869-70) . . 21 0 0 Stewart, Com. Duncan, R.N., Tangye Brothers & Holman 0 10 6 One Day's Half-pay ..086 Tanqueray &'Co., Messrs. C. 220 Stewart, The late Mrs.Duncan 110 Taplin, Thos., Esq. (1859-66) . . 15 15 0 Stiebel Brothers, Messrs. .110 Ditto 550 Stilwell, Henry, Esq., Arundel Tapling and Co., Messrs. Thos. 220 Street (1867) 10 10 0 Tamer, E. A., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Stilwell, Thomas, Esq. (1862-8) . . 31 10 0 Tamer, A. T., Esq. . ..100 Stirling Branch, vide p. 327. Tamer, H. T., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Stock, White, & Co., Messrs. 110 Tamer, E. T., Esq. ... 1 0 0 Stocken,F.,Esq.,Pimlico .110 Tamer, Miss C. T. . . . 0 10 0 Stocks, M., Esq., Halifax .220 Tarner, Miss L. T. ... 0 10 0 Stockton and Darlington Rail- Tassell, F 050 way Co. (1861) 10 0 0 Tatham, Admiral E., C.B. .110 Stokes, Capt. H., R.N. (1872) . . 110 Tatham & Co., Messrs. H. .220 Stone, E. M., Esq. . . .220 Tatton, Mr. Samuel . . .060 Stone, J., Esq., Broad St. .110 Taunton, Lady .... 1 1 0 Stonier, John, Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Taunton, Francis, Esq., Ashley (1872) 200 Story, Joseph, Esq. ... 1 0 0 Tawke, A., Esq., and Mrs. Tawke, Stotterfolit, Miss J. E. (1871) . . 0 10 0 The Lawn, Rochford . . 0 10 0 Stowers, Rev. H. M. ... 1 1 0 Tayler, Dr. C., Trowbridge (1872) 100 Strahan, W. S., Esq. ... 2 2 0 Tayleur, Miss H., Buntingsdale (1860-5) 11 0 0 Strange, Miss Mary Ann .110 Taylor and Sons, Messrs. J.. 110 274 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.

Ann. Subs. Donations.' Ann. Subs. Donations. €. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Taylor and Sons, Messrs. John 100 Tomlin, Rendell, and Co. .110 Taylor, Charles, Esq., Man- Tomlinson, T., Esq., Richmond ningtree ...... 1 1 0 Terrace (1863-7) 10 0 0 Taylor, Mrs. W.,Harptree Court (1866) 20 0 0 Toms and Co., Messrs. . . 0 10 0 Taylor, J. D., Esq.(1865-71) . . 45 0 0 Topping, Henry, Esq. . . 0 10 0 Taylor, W. R., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Toppin, Miss A. (1871) . . . . 220 Taylor, Rev. Alfred R. . . 1 1 0 Torquay Branch, vide p, 292. Taylor, Miss E., Derby . . 0 10 6 Towgood, Alfred, Esq. ..110 Taylor, W., Esq., Lewisham 0 10 6 Towgood, Edwd., Esq. (1871) . . 440 Tees Bay Branch, vide p. 318. Towgood, Edw., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Teevan,Capt.G.J.,94thRegt. 1 1 0 Townend Brothers & Bovet .110 Teevan, Lieut. A. 55th Regt. 110 Townend and Co., Messrs. T. 1 1 0 Teevan. H., Esq., late Capt. Townshend, C. H., Esq. (1568) . . 10 10 0 75th Regt...... 110 Toyubee, Capt. H. ... 2 2 0 Temperley, H. G., Esq. (1866) 10 0 0 Tramore Branch, vide p. 331. Temperleys, Carter, and Darke 1 Treherne, H., Esq. . . . 0 10 0 Tempest, J., Esq., Derby . . 1 Trench, Lady Helena (1862) . . 30 0 o Templer, R. B., Esq.... 1 1 Trevelyan, A., Esq., J.P. (1866-72). 11 10 0 Terry, Miss, Tadcaster ..10 Ditto 200 Terry, Mrs. (1871) 100 Trevelyan, Capt. W. R. (1871) • • 500 Tesdorpf & Co., Messrs. A. 2 2 Trevenen, James, Esq. (1860-72) 19 15 0 Tetley, The Misses, Hallfield (1869) 20 0 0 Trist, R., Esq. (The late) .110 Tetley and Co., Messrs. J. . 0100 Tristram, W. B., Esq. (1863-4) . . 10 5 0 Tetley and Sons, Messrs. E. . 1 1 0 Trueman and Rouse, Messrs. (1861-7) 21 0 0 Tetley, T. W, Esq. ... 2 2 0 Trusswell, Mr. John (1871) . . . 1 12 0 Thames & Mersey Marine In- Tudor, Henry, Esq. ... 1 1 0 surance Co., Royal Exchange 550 Tudor, E. O., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Thank-offerings from P.A.W., A.G.W., Tufton, Sir Henry, J.Bart. (1871). . 3.3 0 M.G. W., E.T.W.,&.,S. G.W.(1862) 2010 7 Ditto 330 Thistlethwayte, T., Esq. (1859-63) . 30 0 0 Tall, Henry, Esq., (1865) 10 0 0 Thomas, Charles, Esq. . . 0 10 6 Tulloch, W., Esq. ... 11 Thomas, Capt. Montague, R.N.(1868-71) 19 0 0 Tulloh, General, R.A. . 1 1 Thomas, D. C., Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Tulloh, Miss .... 11 Thomas, John C., Esq. ..110 T tt, L. (1867-70) 10 1 0 Thompson, Henry, Esq. (1866) . . 10 0 0 Turle, James, Esq., M.D. 1 1 Thompson, J. R. W., Esq. .110 Turle, Mrs 0 10 Thompson and Son, Messrs. J., Turner, Miss, in continuation Wakefleld 220 of the late Major, Ipswich .110 Thompson, Admiral T. P. . 100 Turner, John Turner, Esq., (1860-7) 55 0 0 Thompson, Messrs. W.J.fcH. 220 Two Friends, per Miss Wor- . . Thomson and Co., Messrs. A. 1 1 0 sencroft 100 Thomson, Walter, Esq., India (1870) 50 0 0 Two Friends at Gloucester (1861) . 10 0 0 Thorley Rectory, Bishop's Stortford (1872) 2 2 0 Two Friends, per Capt. Campbell (1867) 19 4 0 Thorngate,W., Esq., The late, Two Friends to the cause (1871) . . 500 Trustees of (1870) 160 0 0 "Two Sisters"(1869) . . 70 0 0 Ditto 80 0 0 Tydell, Samuel R., Esq. (1861) . . 10 0 0 Thornhill, Capt. T., ship Queen Tyndall, W. H., Esq. ..110 of the South (1862) 10 0 0 Tyser, G. D., Esq., Lloyd's .110 Thornhill, George, Esq., Did- dington 110 ULPH, Messrs. J. B., and Son 110 Thornton, Mrs., Holsworthy (1871) 0 10 0 Unite, W. ()., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Thorpe, A. W., Esq. . . . 0 10 6 Upton, H., Esq., Petworth (1859-69) 54 12 0 Thorpe, S. Esq., Sibel ..050 Ditto 550 Threlfall, Chas., Esq. (1867-9) . . 20 10 0 Urwick, W. H., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Ditto 10 10 0 Usborne, Miss A. M. (1869) . . 10 0 0 Threlfall, Mrs 110 Usborne, Miss E., Bitterne (1864-6) 50 0 0 Thresher, James, Esq. (1861-9) . . 127 10 0 Usborne and Sons, Messrs. .110 Ditto 550 Usherwood, Mrs., Highbury. 550 Throckmorton, Sir N. W., Bart. (1864) 10 0 0 U Sherwood, Miss, ditto .220 Thwaites, D., Jun., Esq. (1868-70) . 1500 Tidd, Frederick A. Esq. (1870) . . 10 10 0 V. T. (1864) 20 0 0 Tidd, Walter R., Esq. ..200 Vacher, H. P., Esq. (1871) . . . 10 10 0 Tighe, Col. the Rt. Hon.W. F. 2 0 0 Vacher, E. P., Esq., (1871) . . . 10 10 0 Tillard, Edward, Esq. ..110 Valpy, Mrs 300 Tindall, H.W., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Vanner and Prest, Messrs. .110 Tindall, Riley, & Co., Messrs. 1 1.0 Vansittart, A. A., Esq. (1859-71) . . 140 10 0 Tippinge, T. Vernon, Esq. (1872). . 500 Van der Willigen, Mr. S. .110 Tite, Sir William, M.P. (1858-63). . 21 0 0 Vardon and Son, Messrs. .220 Todd, Mrs., Uplands (1862) . . 40 0 0 Vardon, The Misses ... 1 1 0 Todwick, A., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Varnam, Miss H., Pailton . 0 10 0 Toke, Major 110 Vaughan. Henry, Esq. (1872) . . 10 0 0 Tollemache, Lady Catherine (1861-71) 17 0 0 Vaughan, N. E., Esq., Neath (1868) 25 0 0 Tollemache, Hon. A. G. (1867-9) 150 0 0 Vaultier and Van der Hoop 110 Tollemache, John, Esq. (1867) . . 10 0 0 Verner, Sir Wm., Bart. (1860-7) . . 25 0 0 Tomkins, W. J., Esq., Cork (1866) 10 10 0 Verney, Capt. E. H., R.N. .110 Tomkinson, Thomas, Esq. (1864-72) 90 0 0 Vernon, Miss Emma P. . . 1 1 0 LIST OF DONATIONS AND ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 275

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. s. d. £. ». d. £. s. d. £.. «. d. Vernon, Mrs 1 0 Welch, Hy., Esq., Brighton (1870-1) 10 10 0 Vertue, Geo., Esq., South Welch, Margetson, and Co. .110 Queensferry (1863-6) . . . . 20 0 Wellesley, Capt. the Hon. F. 1 0 0 Vesey, Capt., R.N. (1864-72) . .

Ann. Subs. Donations. Ann. Subs. Donations. £. *. d. £. a. d. £. «. d. £. ». d. Wilson, Capt. J. E. M., R.N. 110 Woolcott, Wm., Esq., ..110 Wilson, Miss A. S. ... 2 2 0 Woolfe and Son, Messrs. ..220 Wilson, Miss H. J. . . .220 Woolwich Steam Packet Wilson, George Orr, Esq. .500 Company (1871) 10 10 0 Wilson, Miss Jane, Eccleston Worcester Branch, vide p. 314. . . Street (1861) ... . 21 0 0 Worley, Mrs. I. C., New Barnes (1862-6) 50 0 0 Wilson, J., Esq., Kensington 500 Worms, Messrs. G. and A. . 1 1 0 Wilson, John R., Esq. ..110 Worthington, A., Esq., Whit- Wilson, J., Esq., Hackney .110 church (1860-7) 140 0 0 Wilson, Rev. Robert (1858-65) . . 52 10 0 Wright, H. S., Esq., Lenton 110 Wilson, William, Esq., Dublin (1859-61) 12 0 0 Wright, Henry E., Esq. ..110 Wilson, Robert B. W., Esq. (1868-9) 75 0 0 Wright, Mr. S., St. Neots .110 Winckworth, Lewis, Esq. .220 Wyatt, Claude W., Esq. (1871) . . 500 Windeatt, Thomas, Esq. ..100 Wybrow, William, Esq. . . 0 10 0 Windeatt, Miss, Tavistock .100 Wyndham, Mrs., Salisbury .110 Windley and Barwick, Messrs. 200 Windsor, The Misses ... 0 5 0 Winn, W., Esq., Limehouse (1860-6) 52 10 0 X. L, V. ... 100 Winter, The Misses M. E. X. Y. Z,, Manchester (1865) . . 100 0 0 and E. (1869-72) 880 X. Y Z. (1867-9) 200 0 0 Winterbottom, A., Esq. (1872) . . 110 Wire, Travers B., Esq. ..110 Wire, Mrs. Travers B. . . 1 1 0 YARDLEY Branch, vide p. 314. Wise, H. C., Esq., M.P. ..110 Yates, Capt. R. B. ... 1 1 0 Wise, Richard, Esq., St. Ives 110 Yates, J., Esq., Rotherham . 0 10 0 Witherby and Sons, Messrs. R. (1863) 10 10 0 Yatman, H. G., Esq. (1859-61) . . 30 0 0 Wodehouse, Hon. Mrs. . . 0 10 0 Yelverton, Vice-Admiral Sir Wolverhampton Branch, vide p. 310. Hastings, K..C.B. ... 1 0 0 Wood and Co., Messrs. G. . 1 1 0 Yeo, Wm., Esq., in aid of Appledore Wood, J. Gathorne, Esq. .200 No. 2 Life-boat (1870). . . . 100 0 0 Wood, Miss, Alton ... 1 0 0 Yonge, Rev. John (1872). . . . 0 10 0 Wood, Mrs., Huntingdon. .110 York Branch, vide p. 318. Wood, Mrs. B., The Lodge (1869) 10 0 0 Youle, F., Esq. (1863-9) . . . 45 5 0 Wood, Field, and Hanbury (1868-9) 10 10 0 Young, Capt. A. W. . . .110 Woodhead, H. J. P., Esq. .110 Young and Lark, Messrs. .110 Woodruff, Rev. Thos. ..110 Yule, General 100 Woods, Mrs. H. T. ... 1 1 0 Woodward, Robert, Esq., Arley Castle (1864) 25 0 0 Zachary, T., Esq., Stourport 1 00 Woodward, Thomas, Esq., Zulueta and Co., Messrs.. .110 Bexford Court (1862) .... 20 0 0 Z. 7, 7, 08721 1 1 0


(In addition to those included under " SEAMEN'S COLLECTIONS.")

£. s. d. s. d. Beck, J. W., Esq 150 Kidd, Miss Pringle 1 17 0 Bishopsgate Railway Station ... 279 London Bridge Railway Station . . 7 19 3 Bristol, Royal Hotel 0116 Macclesfield, per Mr. R. A. Huntley . 1 6 6 Bunyer, Mrs 1 10 0 Norwich and Eastern Counties In- Crewe Mechanics' Institution, Exhibi- dustrial Exhibition, per Mr. R. A. tion at 0143 Margetson 1 14. 0 Crystal Palace, per Dr. Price ... 7 10 6 Parker, Mrs. M. C 1 10 0 Ditto, High Level Station .... 120 Pears, Miss A. M. (Repton). ... 4 6 0 Farrar, Miss 103 Pears, Miss E. M 3 12 0 Fenchurch Street Railway Station . . 592 Ramsgate, per Capt. Braine. ... 11 3 10 Fyson, Miss E. M 0 16 6 Ramsgate Railway Station, L.C.&D.Ry. 0 19 6 Geary, Master W. N. M 216 South Devon Railway Stations ... 7 12 1 Harrogate Railway Station Box, per Southampton, per James Lemon, Esq. 8 1 3 Mrs. Ellis 066 Sutton, Mr. Richard 2 6 3 Ditto, Queen's Hotel Box, per ditto . I 10 6 Tupp, Mr. John 3 1 0 Hawes, Miss 0 15 0 Victoria Railway Station .... 5 5 7 Jacob, Mr. Charles J 0 15 0 Waterloo Railway Station .... 2 16 2 Kemble, W. Esq 139 LIST OP GENEBAL COLLECTIONS, ETC. 277

LIST OF GENERAL COLLECTIONS, ETC., 1871-2. £. •. d. £. s. d. A. G. M., Collected by 311 6 Malvern, Col. by the Boys at 4 Col- Aberford Church, Contents of Alms- lege Grounds, per Loraine Estridge, box at (one month), per Rev. C. P. Esq 1 13 0 Eden 1 11 6 | Mark Lane Life-boat Fund, per H. K. Adderley Church, Offertory at, per I Jackson, Esq., vide also p. 282 . . 40 0 0 Kev. Athelatan Corbet, M. A. . . 500;Mawe, F. E., Esq., Collected by . . 178 Alexander Academy, Aihford, Scholars Millard, Miss, Collected by .... 150 at, per Thomas H. Vie, Esq. . . . 0 14 0 , Murray, Master H. Stuart, Col. by . 200 Arreton -Church, Moiety of Harvest Newport Histrionic Club . . . . 41 2 11 Festival Service, per Rev. Reginald ; Newton Church, Moiety of Harvest H. Durrant 260 Thank-offering, per Rev. Charles Atherton, Proceeds of a Winter's En- ' Smith 2 10 0 tertainment at, per Rev. W. Nuttall, Nonconformists' Thanksgiving Service M.A. 2 18 5 i at Tynemouth, per William Sal- Austin, Mrs., Collected by .... 4 0 0 i mond, Esq. 7 16 2 Bagnall's, Messrs., School Church As- : Odd Fellows' I. O., Nelson Lodge . . 110 sociation, per Rev. F. P. B.N. Button 100; Ollivier, Master Thos;, Col, by ... 360 Blane, Capt. A. Rodney, R.N., Col. by 16 16 0 Oxford,, Gas Works, Collected from Ditto, per Robert Gairdner, Esq. and Employes, per C, Kenwood, Esq. . 718 Mrs. Gairdner 20 0 0 Oxford Society of Harmonomaniacs, Charley, Mrs., Collected by (An. Subs.) 900 Proceeds of Concert given by, per Christ's Hospital,' Boys at, per Rev. Charles H. Lloyd, Esq 20 0 0 G. C. Bell 100 O'SulIivan, Rev. D'., Collected by Mrs. Clayton^ Sir William, Bart., Col. by . 945 Hamilton, the Misses Hamilton, and Cruickshank, Mr. E. A., Collected by 1 10 0 Miss Dickson ...... 300 Customs' Life-boat Fund, per W. Palgrave Church, Col. at Harvest Wybrow, Esq., and H. Payn, Esq. . 163 8 6 Thanksgiving Service after Sermon, Day, Joseph, Esq., Collected by . . 200 by Rev. J. F. Osborne, per Rev. J. Dolphin Rowing Club, Proceeds of j W. Campbell 5 3 fi Entertainment at the' Dublin lio- , Peat, W. Esq., Col. by (An. Subs.) . 880 tundo, per Mr. S. B. Taylor ... 33 1 0| Penton, Mr., Col. by (An. Subs.) . . 0 12 G Ennis, Master Louis Charles, Col. by. 0 12 6 Reynolds, Capt., Col. by (An. Subs.) . 6 10 0 Few, Rev. C, A,, M.A., Collected by . 800 | Ditto (Donations) 076 Fisher, Edward, Esq., Col. by ... 400 St. James, Westminster Schools, Offor- Fle're, Capt. T. H., Collected by . . 107 | tory at, per Chas. A. Fellowes, Esq. 01710 Fore Street Elocution Society, Pro- ! St. Michael and AH Angels Church, ceeds of Entertainment at St. ! Offertory at, per Rev. F. C. Young, George's Hall, per C. H. Rawlings, | M.A 363 Esq. 35 11 6 St. Kunwald's Church, Offertory at, Harvey, Rev. T. and Mrs., Col. by . 480 per D. Penning, Esq., Warden . . 200 Haydon, Rev. G. P., Collected by . . 500Surbiton and Kingston, Inhabitants of, Hotham, Master F. W., Col. by . . 0 17 6 per J. A. Dow, Esq; ..... 270 Hubert, Miss M. A., Collected by . . 110 Tempest, J., Esq., Collected by . . 146 Ipswich, portion of proceeds of fete of "The Lost Captain," profits on the Amalgamated Societies of Odd Fel- sale of that Poem, per Mr. Ebenezer lows and Foresters, per G. C. E. Smith 120 Bacon, Esq. .' . . .'..'.. 500 Thompson, Henry, Esq., Collected by. 113 Jones, Miss, -Yatton, Collected by . . 400 Thurlow, Master Thomas, Col. by . . 1 1 o Kirkby, Mrs., Collected by .... 100 Tramore and Clonmel, Produce of Sales Kurrache.e, , Proceeds of Amateur of Needle and other kinds of work, Theatrical Entertainment at Frere per the Misses Jacob, Penrose, Hall, per Capt. Giles H 10 0 Hickey, A. L. Pirn, G. White, and E. Landale, Miss, and Fourteen Friends, Jacob, Esq 24 1 6 Collected by 21 0 0 Ditto, per the Misses Mandeville, Legontium Lodge (606) of Freemasons 110 Brady,Jacob,Pim,andE.Jacob,Esq. 35 0 0 Ling, Miss, Collected by 100 Vivian, Lady, her Life-boat Fund . . 50 0 0 Lynn, Proceeds .of Amateur Theatrical Walters, Rev. A. V., Collected by . . 2 12 6 Performance at, per Mr. J. A.Nurse 17 0 0 Whitmore, Mr. William, Collected by. 150 Lytham Volunteer Camp, Col. after Wilkins, Joseph, Esq., Collected by . 1 19 0 Sermon", by Rev. R. N. Featherstone 1594 Wiveliscombe Town Hall, proceeds of M. N., Collected by (An. Subs.) . . 4 10 0 Concert, per Rev. A. Phillips . . 450 Ditte (Donation) 100 278 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1,1872.

COLLECTIONS FROM SEAMEN AND OTHERS, BT COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS, BY THE AGENTS OF THE SHIPWRECKED MARINERS' SOCIETY, AND BY OTHERS, IN 1871-2. £. s.d. £. i. d. Alloa, par B. H. D. Mahon, Esq. . . 078London, per E. Sheppard, Esq. . . 055 Ayr, per G. W. Carr, Esq 147 London Docks, per J. E. Gilks, Esq. . 248 Beaumaris, per D. Curling, Esq. . . 0 10 6 Lowestoft, per J. W. Robertson, Esq.. 120 Belfast, per John Shelly, Esq. ... 2 12 3 Lynn, per John Smith, Esq 3 18 0 BIyth, per Mr. John Robinson, Jun. . 740 Maldon, pe*'A. McNab, Esq. . . . 1 11 0 Borrowstoness, per E. Wilcox, Esq. . 0 17 11 Middlesborough, per. C. Jackson, Esq. 3 13 0 Boston, per H. Shepherd, Esq. . . . 100 Maryport, per T. M. Johnston, Esq. . 0 19 3 Boston, per Mr. J. Ridlington ... 330Minories, per Capt. Josh. Watson . . 29 10 8 Bridport, per L. H. Maxton, Esq. . 160 Montrose, per John Smith, Esq. . . 240 Bristol, per Capt. Thos. Brooks and JMynrnVfcn,H.M.S., Proceeds of Amateur Mr. G. C. Whitwell 81 16 5 Theatrical Entertainment on board, Bristol, per W. J. Redpath, Esq. . . 2 10 0 per Lieut. H. M. Alleyne, R.N. . . 10 0 0 Brixham,. per Miss Browse .... 3 15 0 Natal, R.M.S., Collected on board, by Briton, R.M.S., Collected after Thea- Sydney R. P. Caines, Esq., Chief trical Performance on board, per A. Officer 15 11 7 W. Brooke Smith, Esq 500 Newcastle-on-Tyne, per Mr. Jas. Potts, Carnarvon and Llanddwyn, per John - Ship Broker, 26, Sandhill.... 4 13 10 Jackson, Esq. 0 15 10 Newport, Mon., per Thos. Jones, Esq. 25 13 0 Charlestown, per Andrew Thomson, Newquay (Cardigan), per Mr. William Esq 2 10 0 James. . . 0 19 6 Deal, per G. Reynolds, Esq. ... 1168Newry, per N. Boyd, Esq., and J. Dublin, per D. Colquhoun, Esq. . . 146 McCormack, Esq 1 17 5 East India Docks, per Capt. Hussey . 140 Padstow, per J. Morgan, Esq. . . . 1 10 3 Earopa (S.S.), per Capt. S. Campbell 1 16 1 Pentland Volunteer Life Company, per Exeter, per James Turner, Esq. . . 1154 Mr. Donald Thomson 0 10 6 Faversham, per A. D. Gowing, Esq. . 2 14 0 Perth, per Mr. James Harvey . . . 0 12 0 Folkestone, per Capt. Kennicott, R.N., Porthcawl, per W. 8. Martin, Esq. . 0 11 0 J.P 1 10 0 Portsmouth, per E. Pagden, Esq. . . 190 Galway, per John Cronin, Esq. . . 4106 Roman, Cape R.M.S., Collected on Glasgow, per D. Williams, Esq. . . 49 13 8 board, per Lieut. Vyvyan, R.N.R. . 73 10 6 Glasgow, per Messrs. Campbell and Hall 190 Scilly, per Wm. H. Hinks., Esq. . . 234 Grangemouth, per W. M. Callander, Shoreham, per Robert H. Penney, Esq. 266 Esq . 1 14 8 Shoreham, per T. L. Stapledon, Esq. . 3 12 7 Greenock, Proceeds of Concert by Ship- Southampton, per G. S. Coxwell, Esq. 4 16 10 riggers and Sailors, per Mr. Thos. St. Katherines Docks, per Capt. Taylor 054 Blair 3010 Stockton-on-Tees, per W. H. Holmes, Green's Sailors' Home, per H. Crowley, Esq 195 Esq • . 2 12 1 Stornoway, per G. C. Coats, Esq. . 0 17 10 Grimsby, per Jas. Edwards, Esq. . . 2 19 3 Surrey Commercial Docks, per Capts. Holyhead, per F. Samons, Esq. . . 0 13 9 Mc Arthur and Paxton .... 0 14 Hull, per Mrs. Macpherson .... 11 6 0 Tralee, per G. Connolly, Esq. . . . 2 16 India (S.S.), per Capt D. R. Munro . 176 Truro, per J. W. D. Keogh, Esq. . . 0.18 Ipswich, per Thos. dimming, Esq., and Yarmouth, per Wm. MacLean, Esq. . 0 17 Emra Holmes, Esq 420 Well Street, per Capt. Webb, R.N. . 21 1 Lome, per Messrs. Smiley and Son . 0115 West India Docks, per Captains Sheppy LHtlehampton, per J. V. Grafton, Esq. 2 13 3 and Tait 1 17 Liverpool, per Thos. Hanmer, Esq. . 1 10 0 Wisbeach, per B. J. Wearer, Esq.. . 1 10 Liverpool, per W. P. Gardner, Esq. . 8 10 0 Woodbridge, per H. Fisher, Esq. . . 1 4 MAY 1, 1872.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 279


"CIVIL SERVICE" LIFE- £. «. A £. l. d. - 8 0 2515 Gorton -as BOAT FUND. 662 Portsmouth-in-Clivegar . - 10 0 2566 Tamworth - 10 0 Hon. Sec. and Treasurer— 579 Staindrop 160 2560 Batley 1 14 8 MALCOLM J. BEOWN, Esq. 59 0 Middleton .... - 6 11 2568 Leicester - 10 8 623 Great Grimsby - 6 4 2586 St. Albans - 9 0 Annual Subscriptions of 2a. 6d. have 627 Driffleld ' -si 2611 Norwich - 10 0 been promised in aid of the Annual 658 Barrow-on-Humber - 17 5 2622 Crewe - 5 0 Support of this Lift-boattyW gen- 866 Failsworth .... - 9 10 - 5 0 tlanen in the following Government 701 Kendal - 16 9 2634 Snodland 900 departments: — 757 Hesket ... - 6 0 2639 Sheffield - 10 6 Admiralty. 136 834 Swineneet - 5 4 - 5 0 -76 2699 Rye - 16 10 855 Darley - 8 6 2700 Malvern - 7 4 1 15 0 2733 Southampton - 12 9 1007 Sleaford - 6 3 2t67Redhill - 11 8 1069 Stainforth - 9 2 2776 Bristol - 18 3 1084 Stamford - 5 0 2821 Cardiff 100 HOJCowbtt - 8 4 2906Machen - 5 0 1142 Whitby - 8 2 2926 Nottingham - 10 0 1169 Lincoln...... - 10 0 - 5 0 1242 Rhyl - 5 8 2985 Barton - 5 0 Audit Office ... 4 12»9GloS80p - 6 2 2991 Oxford - 13 3 - 10 0 2992 Cambridge - 5 11 - 10 0 2996 Bradford - 10 0 1309 Woolsthorpe - 12 4 3021 Plymouth 134 - 5 0 3033 Leicester - 10 0 1423 London" - 5 0 - 5 3 1430 York .... - 5 0 - 8 0 1434 Lynn - 8 0 - 12 4 THE "FORESTER" AND 1439 Gosberton - 11 0 3099 Greenwich - 5 0 "FORESTERS' PRIDE" 1442 Sandyford - 5 6 3132 Welllngborough - 7 8 1482 Newark - 8 0 3169 Sandwich ..." - 5 6 LIFE-BOATS FUND. 1528 Blackburn . . - 5 0 - 8 6 List of Volnntary Contributions re- 1540 Stockwell - 10 0 3207 Leicester - 10 0 ceived for the Fund from the following 1544 Greenock . - 7 8 - 7 8 DISTRICTS, COOETS, and MEHBEBS of the 1548 Derby 110 3229 Haywards Heath - 8110 ANCIEOT OEDEB OF FOEESTEES, from 1556 Crewe . . 100 - 5 0 January 31st, 1871, to January 31st, 1591 Chester - 10 0 3257 Salford . .'. - 5 0 1872, per SAMUEL SHAWCEOSS, Esq., P.S. - 12 6 - 5 9 1618 Southport - 16 9 150 £. i. d. 1646 Southampton - 10 0 3365 Woolwich - 5 0 Amount previously pub- 1661 Stockport 107 - 10: o lished in Foresters' Re- 1709Kelso - 5 0 3406 London - 6 8 porta from 1863 to Jan. - 5 6 3408 Streatham - 12 6 1720 Denny - 9 10 3418 Middlesborongh - 14 10 1745 Battersea - 5 0 - 7 6 DISTRICTS. 1791 London - 6 0 - 5 0 Ashton-under-Lyne - 19 S 1804 Leicester • - 6 11 3471 Plymouth - 6 6 Bagthorpe 1 1 0 216 3477 Maidstone - 7 6 Bath _lg 6 1815 London 1 10 2 3479 London -SO Beverley 1 1 0 1852 Bristol - 8 2 3497 Plnmstead - 5 0 Bucks, &c - 12 2 ISSlKingwood - 7 0 3555 Hull - 10 6 East London, &c 9 1 0 1886 Southampton 110 3618 Ashby-de-la-Zouch - 6 0 1895 - 6 8 3622 South Shields - 10 0 Hyde -59 1898 London - 9 0 3656 Bristol - 5 0 Kingston-on-HuU 1 7 7 1899 Fakenham - 5 0 - 5 0 London United 17 a 9 1906 Maidenhead - 10 0 3668 London - 10 0 Mossley - 8 4 1911 Windsor - 16 9 3693 North Shields - 10 0 Oldham -13 6 110 3716 Ashford - 8 0 1940 London - 8 0 3742Hythe 196 Rochdale Town 3 16 1 194lHounslow - 7 10 3781 Sandhurst 100 1962 Hull - 10 0 3795 Brecon - 5 0 South London -13 3 1985 London - 12 103829 Wadebridge 109 - 6 8 - 10 0 2039 Southampton - 5 2 - 10 6 2083 Hastings 154 - 7 0 COURTS. 2095 Birkenhead - 7 6 3876 London - 5 6 - 6 0 - 13 4 300 3957 Clifton-on-Dunsmore . . .- 6 6 49 Manchester 1 i o 2206 Chichester - 7 9 4050 Burton-on-Trent - 6 0 2271 Fareham 100 4094 West Bromwlch - 8 1 65 Newton Heath 1 i 4 - 13 114148 Aylesford - 10 0 2294 Cork . . . - 9 4 4164 Newcastle-on-Tyne - 9 0 71 Ashton-under-Lyne - 7 6 2349 Dorking - 5 0 4165 Great Bentley - 10 0 - 5 6 - 6 6 U6Leeds _ 5 3 100 - 10 0 179 Manchester -16 6 2388 Manchester - 11 0 - 11 10 211 Bradford - is 11 - 7 0 - 10 0 230Wakefield -18 0 2405 Bristol - 10 6 363Sfcipton _ 6 6 - 12 3 383 Runcom -12 6 2436 Ipswich 118 - 5 0 403 Thornton - 810 - 9 0 - IS 0 414 Tadcaster - 12 9 2444 Manchester - 6 0 - 10 0 430 Warrington - 8 0 2468 Worcester 110 4556 Barrow-in-Furness - 8 0 481 Durham - 16 6 - 7 5 - 5 0

S 2 280 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1,1872.


f, ». £. i. d. THE LADY LEIGH Dawson,R. .' 1 1 .... - 10 0 Denne, Henry - 10 Lewis, R B ... 1 1 A LIFE-BOAT. Dennison, J 1 1 Lewis, T ... - 5 0 Subscribed for by the FREEMASONS of Dewes, Dr. 1 1 .... 2 2 0 the PHOVISCE OF WARWICKSHIRE. Dickens, Rev. T. B - 5 Madeley, Frederick ... 2 2 0 Chairman — Colonel MACUEK. Dickinson, G. M - 10 Malins D 1 1 0 Treasurer— J. T. COLLINS. DlxoniW.G 1 1 Manton, W. ... - 5 0 Marcus D .... - 6 0 Honorary Secretary — Docker, C. - 10 Eaton, H. W. M.P 5 5 Marriott, v. ... - 10 n Captain T. P. SALT. Eaves, C. - 5 Marriott, James ... 1 0 [StotUm, Scarborongh.] Ehrhardt. W 1 1 ,... 1 0 Donation!. £. t. d. Elliott,H.L 1 1 Mason, Booth ...... >,. 1 0 The Right. Hon. The Lord Elliott, Rev. J. H 1 1 Matbews, J W 0 Leigh, Provincial Grand Elworthy, S - 10 Mattersan, H ... 1 0 Master ...... 21 0 0 EstUn,J. - 5 McDonald, Thomas ... 1 fl Lieut-Colonel Machen, Deputy Everell,H 1 1 McEntee, W. C. ... 1 0 Provincial Grand Master. .. 56 Fairfax, W. H 1 1 McKenzie D . ... 1 0 Agar, S. H...... 1 1 Fellows,A. 1 1 n Allcock ...... 11 Fenn, J - 10 Mole Captain .... 1 n Allen, W.S------...... 11 Fletcher, Dr. Bell 5 5 1 0 Anderson, C..W ...... -6 Flowers, Edgar. 1 1 .... 1 0 Aroher.J ...... 2 2 France, H. C. D.. 1 1 Mulloney S W. ... - 10 R Ashmead, Geo...... 1 1 Fridlander, A. E 1 1 Muntz, G. F , ....50 0 n Astley.J ...... 1 1 Fridlander, M - 10 n Avtes,W ...... 11 Gascoigne, W 1 1 Naden Thomas ... 1 1 n Baker, G ...... 11 Gell, jTc. - 5 o Baldwin,— ...... 11 Gem, Captain 2 2 Newton, j. S. ... 1 1 n Baldwin,— ...... 1 1 Gittings, J. H 1 1 Niay G ...... - 10 R Balls, William ...... -10 Glover.J 1 1 Nicks T ... - 5 0 Banks, Morris...... 1 1 Glover. J. T - 5 Nason, R. B ...... - 5 0 Barron,P ...... - 10 Glydon, George - 10 Oldfield, A. L ... 1 1 0 Bates, J. C...... - 10 Goode,B.W. 1 1 OLeary, J. G .... - 5 n Baynes, Eev. R. H ...... 11 Goode, John...... - 6 Owen, William ... - 10 R Beard, George ...... -5 Grachosa, F. 1 0 Palmer J K, . ... - 5 n Beaton, C...... 1 1 Greaves, E., M.P 3 3 Parker, S. A ... - 10 R Beech, George ...... 11 Green, W - 5 ParnaU, J ... 1 1 fl Bennett, H ...... - 10. Green, Eli 1 1 . ... - 5 0 Brown, — ...... 1 1 Gregory, J. - 5 Perks, William .... 1 1 A Brown,C.F...... -10 Griffith, — - 5 Poole S T ... - 5 0 Bird, Fred ...... 1 1 Griffiths, F. H. - 5 Potter S. ... - 10 6 Bird,W.W ...... -10 Hackett,S. D. 1 1 Powers E ...... 1 1 0 Blankensee, A ...... 11 Haining, J 1 1 ... 1 1 0 Blankensee, A. S ...... 1 1 Hale,W. - 10 Powell, W. H. ... 1 1 n Bollans,W.M ...... 2 2 Halmshaw.H. 1 1 Phillips G J ... 1 1 0 Bown,Henry ...... 1 1 Harding,— 1 1 Phillips, J. ... - 10 R Bowen, J ...... - 5 Harding,H.J 1 1 Pickering P. J ... - 10 A Bragg, J...... 1 1 Harding, W - 5 ... - 5 0 Bragg.T _____ ...... 1 1 Hands, T 1 1 Priestley W H .. .. - 5 A Bretzi,J.H ...... -10 Harrison, — - 10 Price, William ... - 5 0 Briggs, Captain ...... 1 1 Harrison, W. L. - B Pringle W R Bromwich, J...... - 10 Harris, Rev. P. S 2 2 Provincial Grand Chapter ... 2 2 0 Brooks, J...... 11 Hart, James 1 1 PursalLJ ... 1 1 0 Browett, Fred ...... 1 1 Hartley, C. H - 5 n Brown, B. S...... - 10 Haswell,J 1 0 Ratcliff, E. ... 1 1 A Brown, J. Laurie ...... 1 1 Hayes, E. J 1 1 Read,C A Bnllock,T.W ...... - 5 Hay ward, Ensign 1 1 Head, W ... - 10 ft Burgess, J. T...... 1 1 Hefford, J. G - 10 Rhodes A ... 1 1 n BushilUE...... -10 Hicks, H - 10 Rice, G ... - 10 it Busbill,T...... 11 Hill, Dr. Alfred - 10 Rickard,T ... - 10 fi Campbell, Lieut ...... 1 1 Hollingsworth, John 1 1 A Campbell, R...... - 5 Holmes, — - 5 Roberts, F. J .... - 10 R Cartlsnd,J ...... 11 Holmes, Edward - 10 Robins J Y 10 R Cbadwick,W ...... -10 Holt, J - 5 ... 1 1 A Chayassc, C. E ...... -10 Howkins, Thomas - 10 Roberts, F J ...... 1 1 A Cheshire, Captain ...... 11 Howson, H. V - 10 ... - 10 6 Chirm, J.E...... 22 Howie, William - 5 ... 1 1 A Clarke, — ...... - 5 Humphreys, H 1 0 Rose David ... ,. . ... - 10 R Clarke, Thomas ...... 11 Howse, Philip - 10 Rothschild, M J 10 n Clarke, Thomas (per M. Lee) . 50 Harris, J. H - 10 ... 1 1 0 Clements, J...... -10 Howe, Chapter, The 5 5 Rowe, J ... - 10 fi Clements, James ...... -10 Hutton,J 1 1 Rye, A. B ,, ... - 6 0 Cobb,F...... -10 Isaacs, James - 10 Salt, Captain ... 1 1 A Cookes, Edward ...... 1 0 Jackson, H. S - 5 Salt, Lieut. Ashton ... 1 1 A Cohen,L.C...... -10 Jeaffreson, J - 10 ... - 10 6 Cohen,P ...... -10 Johnson, J. F 5 ... - 5 A Coleman, R ...... - 10 Jones, George 1 1 0 ColUns,J.T ...... 55 Jordan, W. R - 10 Sapecote, William ... - 5 0 Cooke, S. W, ...... 1 1 Joseph, M - 10 ... - 10 R Coucnman,C...... 2 2 Joseph,J.B - 10 Scofleld, W. J ... 1 1 A Cox, Captain W ...... 1 1 Keay, Edwin - 5 ... 1 1 n

£. f. d. £. s. d. Soars, B 110 THE "MANCHESTER Taunton District - 6 9 Solomon,J.V 110 UNITY" LIFE-BOAT FUND. Tonbridge, Seven Oaks Lodge - 16 6 Sproston, W. H. -10 6 Ditto, Leicester Lodge - 9 0 Sproston, — -10 6 List of Voluntary Contributions re- WestBromwich,Artizan Lodge- 14 6 Spurrier, W. 110 ceived for this Fond from the various Windsor, Albert Lodge 220 Stanley, — - 6 0 DISTRICTS and LODGES of the INDE- Wirksworth District 1 0 0 Starke.J.F. 1 1 0 PENDENT ORDER op ODD FELLOWS Worksop District -10 0 Strachan, W. D. 110 (MANCHESTEE UNITY) FEIEKDLT Small Sums under 5s 2 8 6 Stonehouse, Rev. -10 6 SOCIETY, From February, 1871, to Streetley, G -10 6 February, 1812, per HENEY EAT- Total £70 6 8 Suffleld,M.0 1 1 0 CLIFFE, Esq., CJS. Sumner, A. -10 6 Donatiow. £. s. d. Swinson, H. - 6 0 Boston, Britannia Lodge - 10 0 Tarleton, the Eev. W. H Bristol, True Friendship Lodge 1 10 0 "MARK LANE" LIFE- Tavemer.J.W. - 0 Ditto, Sincerity Lodge - 13 0 BOAT FUND. Taylor, C. D - 0 Ditto, Great Western Lodge.. - 10 0 Hon. Sec.—H. KAIKS JACKSON, Esq. Taylor, V 1 0 Ditto,Friendly Mechanic Lodge 128 The A6bey Lodge, No. 432... 2 0 Bury St. Edmunds Hive of Donalimw. £. *. d. Th_____e Apoll o, ______Lodge, No„ ______. 301... 2 _ 0Industry Lodge 1 0 0 Amateur Sydenham Walts... 4 15 1 The Athelstan Lodge, No. 1333 3 15 0 Cheltenham District 100 ' Bovill and Co., Messrs 1 1 0 The Athol Lodge, No. 74 ..... 10 10 0 Chorley, Albion Lodge -50 Bovill and Sons, Messrs - 10 6 The Bard of (Avon Lodge, No. Derby District 110 Bellamy, Mr. W. C. B -10 6 778 ...... '...... 110 Dorking,Prince of Wales Lodge 0 16 0 Baucher, Mr. B. L. -10 0 The Bedford Lodge, No. 925 ..560 Droylsden, Fidelity Lodge...'. - 5 0 Begbie, Young, and Begbies.. - 10 6 The Brethren of The Temper- Durham, P. G. William Brig- Borrowman and Pbillipps..... 1 1 0 ance Lodge, No. 139 ...... 12 12 0 nail, Jun., Esq ..-15 0 Bowyer, S. and H., Messrs 10 0 The Elkington Lodge, No. 1016 3 3 0 Ditto, P. G. M. G. Walker, OS. - 10 9 Brown, Mr. A - 5 0 The Emulation Lodge, No. 1163 2 2 0 Ditto, Rose of Houghton-le- Burrows and Perks, Messrs.. - 10 6 The Fletcher Lodge, No. 1031. 5 5 0 Spring Lodge (Bishopwear- Charrington, Mr -10 6 The Forward Lodge, No. 1180 4 6 mouth District) -10 0 Colman, Mr. J. J -10 6 The Grosvenor Lodge, No. 938 5 0 0 Ditto, The late P. M. G. M. Corder, Mr. F. J -10 6 The Gay's Lodge, No. 395.... 3 3 0 William Johnson - 5 0 Coventry, Sheppard, and Co.. - 10 0 The Holte Lodge, No. 1246... 21 0 0 Ditto, P.G. William Eddy (St. D-Arcy.P. and A., Messrs.... 110 The Howe Lodge, No. 587.... 5 6 0 David Lodge, Durham) .... - 10 0 Dunkin, Mr - 10 6 The Leigh Lodge, No. 887___ _ 6 « Ditto, British Queen Lodge, Dornbusch,Mr -10 6 The Lodge of Light, No. 468. . 560 Lancaster District - 10 9 Denny, C. and J., Messrs - 10 0 The Lodge of Rectitude, No. 602 3 3 0 Ditto, Duchess of Lancaster, Dewar and Webb, Messrs.... - 10 6 The Provincial Grand Lodge. .21 0 ditto - 10 0 Edwards, Brothers, Messrs... - 10 6 The St. Paul's Lodge, No. 43., 22 Eccles, Trafford Lodge - 6 6 Fletcher, Mr. J -10 0 The Stoneleigh Lodge, No. 725 5 5 Ditto, Earl of Durham Lodge. - 13 7 Garford and Sons, Messrs. J.. - 10 6 The Unity Lodge, No. 567.... 56 Gainsborough, Trent Lodge... - 15 3 Gregory, Messrs -10 6 Thnrefield— ...... - 6 Gibraltar District 1 0 0 Girdwood, Mr. A -10 6 Tirnms, J ...... - 6 Glasgow District 1 0 0 Gade and Co., Messrs - 10 0 Treaddell.W ...... -10 Ditto, Robert Burns Lodge... 220 Gripper and Co., Messrs. E... - 10 6 Treadwell, J...... 11 Glossop, Key Lodge -18 7 Hadley, Messrs -10 6 Turner, J. J ...... 11 Ditto, Prince Regent Lodge. ..109 Harris Brothers, Messrs. .... 1 1 0 Turner, J ...... -10 Great Grimsby District .. 1 1 0 Harvey and Portway, Messrs. - 10 6 Turner, Lieut ...... 11 Ho]mfirth,YorkshiremanLodge 1 0 0 Hustle, Hutchmson, and Co. . - 10 0 Yanghton, Captain ...... - 5 Holly well, Wepre Lodge 1 10 10 Henry and Barker, Messrs. .. - 10 0 Vivien, J.L ...... -10 Ipswich District 1 0 0 Hopkinson, Mr. C. - 6 0 Ureh,G ...... 1 1 Island of Guernsey District .. 5 11 2 Judkins, Connorton, and Co... - 10 6 Wade, William ...... - 5 Isle of Wight, Earl of Yar- Judkins, Mr. B. L ...-10 6 Walby,— ...... -6 borough Lodge - 10 6 Jones and Sons, Messrs. B. P. - 10 6 Walker, John ...... 1 1 Kelso District - 10 0 James and Sons, Messrs. J. .. - 10 6 Walker, T...... - 5 Leeds, Collected by Prov. C. S. Kains-Jackson, Mr - 10 6 Walters, J. W ...... 11 W. Thompson 1 2 0 Kelrle.Mr.E. -10 6 Walton, Captain ...... 1 1 Ditto, Earl Grey Lodge .. .. 1 7 0 Kelly.Mr.S -10 6 Warren, William ...... - 5 Ditto, St. Peter's Lodge .. .. - 10 0 Ledger and Marriage, Messrs. - 10 6 Watkin, J ...... 2 2 Ditto, St. George's Lodge ..116 Leonino, Mr. -10 6 Watts,Henry ...... -10 Leicester District - 10 6 M"Innes,Mr. 110 Wehb.W...... 1 1 London, North District.. ..500 Mendl.Mr -10 6 Wei8s,H ...... 1010 Ditto, Wrotham Lodge .. ..-80 Muggeridge & Co., Messrs. W. - 10 6 Weis»,J ...... 1 1 Ditto, Amicable Lodge .. .. - 10 6 Mumford, Mr. S. P. - 6 0 Welch, J.B ...... -10 Ditto, Duke of Bedford Lodge. - 15 0 Mongredien, Ellerby, and Co.. 110 Wheall,C ...... -5 Ditto, Hope of Bloomsbury Nixon, Gower, and Hankey, Wheeler, E. Warner ...... 1 1 Lodge 110 Messrs - 10 6 Williams, G. G...... 5 5 London, South, Men of Kent Patent Granary Company ... 1 1 0 Wmim, T ...... -10 Lodge' 100 Peek, Frean, and Co., Messrs. - 10 6 Wilson,M.W ...... -10 Ditto, Orphans' Home Lodge . - 14 0 Rath bone and Webber, Messrs. - 10 6 Wimberley, C. C...... - 10 London, West District 5 0 0 Roffey and Son, Messrs. G.... - 10 6 Wood,C...... 1 1 Lynn, Perseverance Lodge ... - 5 0 Roberto, Mr. Charles -10 0 Wood,E.H...... 2 2 Maesteg, Flower of Llynl Eobins, Mr. H -10 6 Wood, Stephen ...... 11 Lodge - 6 0 Robinson, Mr. T. - 10 6 Woodbridge, C...... 11 Maldstone District - 13 3 Ruston, Watson, and Ray- Worrell, E ...... 1 1 Mitcham, Ashby Park Lodge. 146 mond, Messrs - 10 0 Wragge,G.P...... 5 5 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Allen Scbacht,Mr -10 6 Wyatt,W.E...... 11 Lodge 220 Skelton, Mr. T.W.& Friends 596 Yates,E...... 33 Ditto, Brotherly Love Lodge .110 Smith, Mr. Walter -10 0 Yeomans, S ...... 1 1 Nottingham District - 15 0 Spartali, Messrs - 10 6 Sums under 5s ...... - 12 Plymouth, Star of the West Stuckenschmldt, Mr. Louis... - 10 6 Lodge - 10 0 Steel, Mr. -10 6 Total ...... £496 11 o Dltto.District -13 3 Usborne and Son, Messrs - 10 6 Eugby, Newcomb, and Bough- Vokins,Mr -10 6 ton Lodge - 9 0 Watney and Keene, Messrs... - 10 6 Seacroft District - 10 7 Woodhatch, Mr. -10 6 Sheffield District 110 Webster, Brothers, Messrs.... - 10 6 Shrewsbury, Friend in Need Edwards & Westphall, Messrs. - 10 6 Lodge - 10 0 Sums under 5«. -10 0 Stepney District 1 0 0 St. Helen's District - 10 0 Total. .£47 8 7 Stockport,Heaton's HopeLodge - 5 0 BRANCHES OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, w[TH NAMES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS. Amounts acknowledged in these Lists are those chiefly received from 1st April, 1871, to 1st April, 1872.

Donatimi contributed toady f or the erection of Bmthoutes are omitted after Turning teen once publithed.



ENGLAND AlW WALES. £. ». d. j £. S. d. f.. t. d. gUglmy. <>mith,Branston,M«j. 1 1 0, Donations. (Juentery, Miss 1 0 o jpode, Josiah, Esq . . 200Bulkeley, Sir R. B. Rogers, Tlios. Esq. .110 ANGLESEY BRANCH. •Thomas, Mr. E. R. . - 10 0 W Bart 10 0 0 iosling, S. Esq 1 0 0 r Treasurer an4 Hon. Sec. — .,Turner, Thos. Esq. . - 10 0 Coles, A. J. Esq 1010 0 Shackel, W. Esq. ... - 10 0 tVeldon, W. H. Esq.' 100, Liverpool under- I Sherwood, Mrs 100 WILLIAM PBESTON, ESQ. i(Veldon Mrs. . . '1 1 0 Simouds, H. J. Esq.. 110 Annual Subscriptions. \ tVhitehead.J.D. Es. .220 Bate, Mr. John - 5 0 Dixon, T. H. Esq. ..330 Ikrlyon, E. Esq 1 1 0 Dixon, Miss P. A.... 100 FALMOUTH Charlestown Pro- Dixon, Mrs. Jas 110 BRANCH. Fleming, Dr 1 1 o Cocks, Lieut.-Col. ..110 Donations. Frost, Meadows, Esq. 220 President— Coode, Edward, Esq 110 Gamett, W - 10 6 ALFRED Fox, Esq. Coode, John, Esq. .110 Mills, Rev. A. W., Maseie, Admiral. ... 1 0 a Chairman^ Coode, Tlomas, Esq 110 amounts collected Nicholson, E. Esq... 110 THOMAS WEBBEB, Esq. J.P. Carnalt, E. Esq. ... - 10 0 in the churches of Parry, C. T. W. Esq. 110 3avis, Major R.M. - 10 0 St.Erth, PhUlock, Potts, A. Esq. 330 Honorary Secretary — Davis, A. A., M.D.. - 5 0 St. Elwyn, and C. CUFT, Esq. Drew, Dr. M.D. 1 l o Tilston, Miss 1 0 0 Annual Subscriptions. Jingle, W. W. Esq. .100 Eawlings, W. J. Esq. - 10 0 Walker, Parker, and Baly, Kev. J 110 Dunn, Mr. Robert... - 5 0 Boxes at Oust House 1 0 11 Co. Messrs. J 2 2 0 Broad and Sons, Fortescne, Hon. G. M. 1 0 0 Williams, W.M. Esq. 1 1 0 Messrs. Wm 1 1 0 Freeth, George, Esq.. 100 Total Dons 6 15 6 Wood, Albert, Esq, Basset, Capt. G. L. . . 5 0 0 Firebrace, Mrs - 10 0 Total Subs. 24 4 6 Came, Messrs. W. & Glossop, Colonel .... 1 0 0 E.C 110 Hext, Thos. Esq. ... 1 l o £31 0 0 Total £23 9 6 Cheesman, Mr. E. G. - 10 0 ifewkesley, Bev.J.D. - 10 0 BEANCEES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 287

£. s. d. £. *. d. LIZARD (POLPEAR) Tregenna, Charles, NEWQUAY Esq. - 10 0 Hellyar.R. B. Esq... - 5 0 BRANCH. Trelawny, Sir John . 110 BRANCH. Hicks and Hawken. = 50 President- Trestrail, Hen. Esq.. - 10 0 Chairman— Longford, Capt. R... - 5 0 Lord ROBARTES. Walters, Capt. J. ... - 5 0 W. E. MICHELL, Esq. Legoe, Capt. John ..110 Honorary Secretary — Walters, Capt. John- - 5 0 Honorary Secretary- Rev. P. VIVTAN ROBINSON. Walters, Capt John. - 5 0 Mr. W. H. TBECHDQO. Mann, Rev. C. N.... - 5 0 Annual Subscription!. Walters, Capt. Sam.. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Marley, Mr. Hen. F. - 10 6 £. i. d. White, J. Esq -10 0 £. ». d. Martyn, Miss C . . - 10 0 Lord Robartes 10 10 0 White, Mrs. J - 10 0 Martyn, Mr. Henry .100 Hart, Thomas. Esq.. 110 Wflles,C.Esq. - 10 0 Martyn, Miss G -10 6 Lindsay, W. P. Esq.. 220 Wrey, Bev. Arthur . - 10 0 Cargoll Mine Adven- Martyn, Mr. Thomas - 10 6 Proprietors of West- Sums under 5* - 5 6 ture 220 Martyn, Mr. J. D. . . - 10 0 ern Morning News 1 1 0 Collins, J. B. Esq. . . - 10 0Molesworth,Miss... 110 Spencer, Rev. E 110 Edwards, Miss 1 1 0 Oxley, Mr. George. .100 St. Aubyn, J. Esq. Donation. M.P. ....:...„?. i i o Hicks, Mr. W. - 5 0 Paynter, Rev. Samuel 100 Bewes. Rev. T. A... 100 Hicks, Mr. R. - 5 0 Peter, J. T. H. Esq.. 110 Michell, Mrs. W 110 £31 13 6 Michell, W. E. Esq.. 110 Phillipps, Mr. H.N.. 220 Oliver, Mr. S. - 8 0 Potter, W.R.C. ESQ. 100 Donations. Pearse, Miss 100 Rawlings, H. P. Esq. - 10 0 Collected in Box .... - IS 10 Prout, Capt. Thomas - 5 0 Rawlings, Geo. Esq. . - 10 0 Barometer-Certificate -60 MEVAGISSEY Reynolds, Mr. John .-50 Stephens, the Rev. F. 1 1 0 Solomon, T. Esq. ... - 5 0 Stephens, Mrs - 10 0 Total Dons 1 3 10 BRANCH. Tregaskls, Mr. Saml. - 6 0 Tippett, Rev. E - 10 0 Tremaine & Clemow, Total Subs. ....16 16 0 Chairman— Tredwen,Mr. R..... -50 Messrs 1 0 0 Capt. WILLIAM BALL. Treffry, Rev. E. J., Tyacke, the Rev. R. - 10 6 £1? 19 10 Honorary Secretary- D.C.L. 110 Mr. WILLIAM ROBERTS, Jun. Tregidgo, Mr. W. H. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Willyams, A.Esq. .. - 6 0 Total 30 12 e LOOE BRANCH. Bailey, Edward..... 200 Willyams, B. Esq. Donation. Ball, Capt. W - 6 0 M.P - 10 0 West of England President— Clemes, W. Jon. ... - 5 0 Wilson-Carus, E. S. Marine Insurance W. H. POLB CABEW, Esq. Coode, Thos. Esq.... 110 Corde, W. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Honorary Secretary— Drew, Joseph, Esq. .220 Total 13 1 0 £35 12 6 ROBSBT THOMAS, Esq. Duncalf, W - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Donations. Barber, Capt. T - 5 0 Higm'an, H. W. Esq. - 10 0 Allan, J. Esq. 100 PENZANCE AND Barrett, Mr. B...... 5 0 Mt. Edgcumbe, Lord 300 Buller, Lady - 10 0 SENNEN COVE Bartlett, Capt. P. ... - 5 0 Roberts, Wm - 5 0 Collecting Box at BRANCH. Tremayne, J. Esq... 500 Life-boat House . . - 17 0 Bewes, Rev. T. A. . . 1 0 0 Thomel, Madam . . . i o 0 Ditto at Hotel St. Co- Chairman — Bishop, James, Esq.. 110 Veale, Richard. Esq. - 10 0 The MATOB. Buller, J. F. Esq. ..500 Ditto at Front's ...... - 5 0 Bush, Bev. Paul ... - 10 0 Williams, J. M. Esq. 300 Foster,T.Robins,Esq. - 5 0 Honorary Secretary — Campbell, John, Esq. . 10 0 Williams, Capt. W.. - 5 0 Grylls, Lt-Col. R.A. - 10 0 NICHOLAS B. DOWNING, Esq. Campbell, Mr. T.... - 5 0 Hodge, Chapell, Esq. -:5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Campbell T. Esq. .. - 10 0 T 1 1 n-l Martin, J. F. Esq. ..-50 A Friend.. - 5 0 Carew,W.H.P.Esq. 1 0 0 Pusey, Rev. E.B..D.D. - 10 0 Ash, J.H. Esq - 10 0 Cannter, Henry, Eaq. - 10 0 Spotteswood,G.A.Esq. - 10 0 Ball, Mr...... - 5 0 Childs, Borlase, Eaq. - 10 0 Donations. Temple Miss - 10 0 Batten, J. H. Esq. ..-50 Childs, C. Esq. -10 0 Drew,J.Esq.CoI.Box - 16 11 Tremayne, Lt-Col. . - 10 0 Tremayne, J. Esq. Sums under 55 - 15 0 Bedford, Capt. D.B.. 1 0 o Congdon, Mr. J. .... - 10 0 Col. by 3 2 2 Blackwell, Mr. H... - 5 0 Crichton,M.F.Esq.. - 10 0 Total Dons, .... 6 12 0 Boase, F. Esq. - 10 0 Crichton Mrs 10 0 TotalSnbs 13 1 0 Boase, J. J. A. Esq.. 0 10 0 Cnrtis, Capt. Henry. - 5 0 Total Dons 417 Bodilly, T. H. & Sons - 10 o Davy, Capt. Henry.. - 5 0 £19 13 0 Bolltho, T.S. Esq.... 100 Farwell, Bev. Wm. . - 10 0 Total Subs 21 1 6 Bolitho,E Esq. 100 Fortescue, Hon. G. .330 Bolitho, R. F. Esq.. 1 0 e Foster, fid.Esq . .... 100 £2i 3 1 Boiltho, W. Esq 100 Geach, Ed. Esq - 10 0 PADSTOW BRANCH. Borlase, W. C. Esq. .-50 Glanville, Miss .... 110 Chairman — Borlase and Milton .100 GlanviUe.MissC.... 110 MULLION BRANCH. C. G. PBIDEAUX BKDSE, Esq. Branwell, R. M. and i Honorary Secretary- Grigg, Joseph, Esq. . - 10 0 'President- Rev. RICHARD TTACKE. Brittaln,F. W.Esq.. - 10 0 Hawke,Rd. Esq.... - 10 0 Lord ROBABTES. Bromley, Mr. J. M. .- 5 o Hearle, Joseph. Esq.. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Hicks, Mr. B ... 5 0 Honorary Secretary— Lord .Robartes ... 1 0 0 Game, Miss 1 0 0 Hicks, Mr. William. - 5 0 Kev. E. G. HiBvar, Vicar. Beatrice, Lady Moles- Came, Miss E. T. . . 1 0 0 Hicks, Mr. J. S. .... -80 Annual Subscriptions. Cock, W. and T. L. . - 60 Hill, Cajt. Wm. ... - 5 0 Brougham, Rev, M.N. - 10 0 Sawle, Dowager Lady Docking J. and Son .-50 Jewell, Richard, Esq. - 5 0 Davey, Richard, Esq. 100 Cockram, Mr., Aus- Kendall, Bev. F.J.H.- 10 0 Head, Samuel, Esq. .-50 AUport, Mr. Samuel - 10 0 tralia. - 10 0 Kerswill, Geo. Esq. . - 10 0 Kempthome,Mr.JJ3. - 10 0 Bishop, Mr 100 Cornish, Thomas.... - 5 0 Kiteon, Mrs - 10 0 Robartes, The Lord . 550 Broad, Mr. Asch. J.. - 10 0 Corporation of Pen- Medland, James, Esq. - 10 0 Shepherd, Mr. W.... - 5 0 Nicholas, Capt. J. Shepherd, Mr. T. ... - 6 0 Broad, Mr. M. Drew - 6 0 CouIsonandCo.Thos. - 10 0 E.M - 10 0 Thomas, Mr. Joseph - 5 0 Brune Prideaux, C. Davy,E.&H.Messrs. - 10 0 Nicholas, John, Esq. - 10 0 Thomas, Mr. Fredk. - 6 0 Dennis, Mr. James.. - 5 0 Norris, Mrs - 10 0 Thomas, Mr. John.. - 5 0 Brune Prideanx, C. Dennis, John, Esq... - 10 0 Pengelley, Capt. B... - 5 0 Vyvyan, Sir Richard 200 G. Esq. 100 Downing, N.B. Esq.. 1 1 0 Poad, Mr. John .... - 6 0 Williams, Mr. Peter - 10 0 Brune Prideaux.Miss Eiley, Admiral C.W. - 10 0 Wood, Mr. James ..-60 Edmonds, Mr. W. . - 10 0 Roberts, Bev. John.. 110 Sums under 5» 1 15 0 Bryant, Mr. J. D.... - 5 0 Fisher, Charles, Esq - 5 0 Skentelbery, Mr. A.. - 10 0 Carlyon, the Rev. J. >- 5 0 Freeman, T. & Sons 200 Thomas, Robert, Total £13 5 0 Gorney, Rev. Golds- Hal!, Alfred, Esq... 110 Hamilton, Miss L. . 439 7 , 288 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. s. d. *. «. . Esq. 110 Carlisle, The Very Wiugfleld,Eev.W.W. - 10 0 V enables, Mrs. - 10 0 Treasurer- Eev. the Dean of.. 110 Willan, L. B. Esq,.. - 5 0 Captain T. B. HABBT. Carr and Co. Messrs. 100 Sundry small Subs. . 170 Vyvyan, Sir E. E. . . 220 Committee, The Lo- Total £19 18 0 Honorary Secretary. cal, Silloth - 7 0 T. B. WIIJJAKS, Jun. Esq. Elliot, E. Esq. M.D.. - 10 0 Annual Subtcriptiont. Ferguson, J. G Esq. - 10 0 PORTHLEVEN PORT ISAAC Ashton Mr - 7 6 Ferguson, Et Major 100 BRANCH. BRANCH. BamSeld, Mr. B. H.. - 10 e Foster, Joseph, Esq.. - 10 0 President — Best, Mr. W. H - 5 0 Harrison, W. Esq. .. 1 1 0 Hon. Secretary— Bolithos&Co.Messri. - 10 6 Hope, Joseph, Esq. . - 10 0 Lord ROBABTES. FBKDBBICK TBEVAX, Esq. Care, Capt J '. . - 5 0 Howard, Hon. C.M.P. 100 Chairman — Care, Capt. J. Jun... - 5 0 James, Isaac, Esq. . . - 10 0 Rev. E. PBIDMOEE. Annual Subscriptions. Allen, John, Esq.... 220 Cade, Mr. W - 5 0 Laver, John, Esq. . . - 10 0 Honorary Secretary— "mory, Rev.Tnomas - 10 0 Chellew, Capt. J. . . . - 5 0 Lawton, Sir W. Bart. F. PENBEBTHr, Esq. Cbing, Mr. Thomas .-50 Cogar, Mr. Thomas .-60 M.P. 1 0 0 Annual Subscription!. Fortescue, Earl 200 Comley, Mr. J - 5 0 Marshall, Wm. Esq. 100 .Eobartes, Lord 550 Gay, Mr. Warwick . - 10 0 Cowley, EarLK-G... 220 Maxwell, Mr. Wm. . - 10 0 Baddeley, W. Esq... 110 Guy, Mrs -10 6 Dunn, Mr. Martin ..-50 Nanson, John, Esq. . - 10 0 Bennetts, Mrs. - 5 0 Helyer, MUs 110 Kelson, Thoa. Esq. . - 10 0 Bennetts, Mr. H. . . . - 5 0Heaynes, Mr. Jas. . . - 5 0Gyles, Capt. William - 5 0 Page, W. B. E«q. ... - 10 0 Hocken, Bev. Wm. . - 10 0 Hain, Capt. E - 5 0 Parker, Capt C. B.N. 220 Broad, Mr. - 1 0 Male, Nicholas -76 Ham, Capt. John ... - 5 0 Perfect, Bev, H. .... - 10 S Coode, Ed. Esq. ... 110 Mallett, Mr. Wm. ..-50Harris, Mrs. Henry . - 10 0 Bedford, Eev.F. M.A. - 10 6 Harris, Capt. T. E... - 6 0 St»ndi.h,E.E.W.P. Coode, E. Esq.. - 10 0 Page, Rev. Vernon.. 110 Esq i i o Pearse, Mrs. M - 10 0 Harry, Capt. T. B. . . - 6 0 .Cunnaok, Mr. F. - 5 0 Pearse, Miss Caroline 100 Hichens, Mrs. W.. . . - 10 6 Sutton, Wm. Esq. . . - 10 0 .Dale, J. Esq. - 5 0 Pearee, Wm., Esq. .. - 10 6 Hichens, Mr. W. ... - 10 6 Wright, Thos, Esq. . - 10 0 • FothergiUBev. — .. - 5 0 Robins, Foster and Hodge, Capt. John ..-60 iFothergill, Mtas.... 1 0 0 Co. Messrs 110 Johns, Mr. T. T. 5 0 Total 20 3 0 Stephens, Mrs 1 0 0 Jones, Eev. J. B. ... - 10 6 Harvey, Wm. Esq... 220 Kernick, Mr. W. ... - 5 0 Donations. .Xendall, J. Esq. ... - 10 0 Trevan, Fred. Esq... - 10 0 Magnlac, C. Esq. M.P. 220 JjOnyon, Mrs . - 5 0 Trevac, Dr. M., EJf. - 10 0 Maitin, Mr. M. - 5 0 Contribution Pillar Martin, Mr. B - B 0 Wharnclifle, Lord ..220 Morton, Capt. B. . . . - 5 0 Penbertby. Mr. F. . . 1 0 0 Donations. Noall. Capt. H. T. . . - - -Contribution Boat- Pridmore, Eev. E. . . 1 1 0 Goad, Mr. Joseph... - 5 0 Offertory.per the Eev. house and other Eoberts, Mr. H. - 5 0 Box at Trevena .... - 10 6 Boxes - 19 6 Rogers, J. Jope, Esq, 110 Sums under 5s. - 13 3 Eichards, Mr. George - 6 0 Eogers, H. Esq - 10 0 Eobartes, The Eight Total Dons 4 19 6 Eogers, Miss Elizab. 100 TotalDons 189 Hon. Lord ...... 1 1 0 Total Subs 20 3 0 St. -Aubyn, J. Esq1 . Total Subs 18 12 e Roberts, Mr. W. ... - 5 0 M.P. .. rv. . i i o Eosewall, Mr. G. B. . - 6 0 £25 2 6 Simons, J. Esq - 5 0 £20 1 3 Eosewall, Mr. T. ... - 10 « Sleeman, Mr. W - 5 0 Bowe, Mr. James ... - 5 0 BRANCHES— LIST OP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 289 £. i. d. £. t. d £ . s. d. MARYPORT Wicks, Rev. F. W. . - 5 0 Gould, Mr. William. - 5 Bncklaud, Rev. S. . . - 5 Collecting - box, per Gregory, W. W. Esq. - 5 Buse, It H.Esq.... 0 5 BRANCH. W.Foggo, Esq.... - 9 « Capel.Hon.Capt.R.N - 10 Chairman— Guppy,T.W.M.W. Chanter) T. B. Esq. - 10 J. P. SEKHOCSB, E*J. Sums under 5< 1 2 6 Esq. - 10 Chappie, N. Esq. . . - 10 Haggard, Rev. C.... - 10 Charlewood,Cpt.U.N 1 0 Hon. Secretary— 30 2 0 Hall, Rev. W. C.... - 5 Churchward, Rev F. CAWTHGBNB, Esq. Donation. Harding, J. N. Esq.. - 10 M. D. Dimond... - 10 Annual Sttbscriptiam. Collecting-box atKes- Harper, Jos. Esq... - R Clay, K.M. Esq.... - 5 *. i. d. wick Hotel - 10 0 Harris, W. P. Esq... - 5 Cleveland, Mrs 1 0 Hiern, J. G. Esq.... - 10 Coffin, J.R.Pine,Esq. 1 0 Broughton Moor Co»l Total £30 12 0 Cook, Owen, Esq. . . - 5 Co 110 Honchen, Major 1 1 Cooper, Mr. J. Groves - 10 Crichton, CoL C.B. . . - 5 Carroll, Rev. J...... 10 6 Huxtable, Mr. James - 5 Dansey, Rev. E. ... - 5 > Cawthom,Mr;F.... - 5 0 lies, Mr. R - 6 Darracott, Mr. J. ... - 5 Drnmmond, Capt. B. - 5 0 BenMflijsinu. Jackson, Capt. Philip 1 0 Davis, Mrs. Mary A. 1 0 0 Jeremy, George, Esq. 4 4 Hewifeon, M™ - 10 0 LUANDDULAS Kingson, G. E. Esq.. - 10 Dayman, A. Esq. ... - 5 0 Mark, Mr. Joseph . . - 10 0 BRANCH. Lamping, Mr. James - 5 Deane, W. A. Esq. . - 10 0 McNeil, Capt - 10 0 Landon, Rev.J.W.R. - 5 Delve, Mr/. - 5 0 Mulcaster, Mr. Win. - 5 0 Chairman — Lang, Miss (the late) 1 0 Didham, Capt. R.N. .-50 Dates, Key. -* - 5 0 ANDBBW DOTLE, Esq. Langdon.George.Esq. - 10 Dowell,Cpt.R.N.,C.B. - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Law Miss .... - 10 Drew, Mrs - 5 0 Ritaon, Messrs. R. Rev. J. I IATIKS. Law.T.H.Esq - 10 0 Dunnj Miss - 5 0 Law, T;S. Esq - 10 0 Elwes, Mrs - 10 0 Senhouse, H. P. Esq. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Law Mrs . . - 10 0 Evans, T. Esq. - 5 0 Senhouse, J. P. Esq. 100 £. s. d. Lock, Thomas, Esq.. - 10 FiervUle, C. J. Esq. . - 5 0 Sewell, Mr. W. H. . . - 5 o Beckett, Mrs 100 Fisher, G. Esq - 5 0 Tiimion, Capt - 10 8 Blddulph, Col. Myd- Mackenzie. Capt 1 0 Gardiner, Mrs. - 5 0 Walker, Mrs. T. . . . - 5 0 Mackrell, T. Esq.. . . - 10 Gordon, J. B. Esq. ..-60 Wilson^ Mr. William - 5 0 Davies, Rev. J 100 Major, Mrs - 10 Gosset, Rev. I. H.... - 10 0 Wood, Mr. John .... 1 0 0 Mock, E. Esq - 10 Green,Maj.-Gen.Sir E. 1 0 0 Wood, Mr.J.H..... - 5 0 Healon, Hon. Mrs. ..100 Nutt, Rev. Richard.. 1 1 Wood, Mr. W. W. . . - 5 0Hesketh, K. B. Esq. . 5 0 0 Pinckney; G.H.Esq. - 10 GuiUe, Rev. G. de C. 1 1 0 Jones, J. P. Esq. .... - 10 0 Pinckney, Mrs - 10 6 Gumm CoL .... - 5 0 Joynson, Peter, Esq. 220 Pinder. Rev. H. S. . . 110Hake, Mr. G - 5 0 Llanddulas Quarry Quick, Mr. W. H... - 5 0 Hatherly, Mrs - 10 0 Donations. Rafarel, Mr. W. J.. . - 5 0 Robinson, Capt. R.N. - 5 0 Heathcote, C. Esq. . . - 5 0 Shipmasters and Raynes & Co. Messrs. 500 Hogg, Capt. T. D.... - 5 0 otbers 8 1 0 Sandbach, H. B. Esq. 200 Rossiter, W. Esq.... - 10 0 Pillar and Boat-house Skinner, Mr. J. -50Hole, C. W. Esq - 5 0 Whitlaker, 0. Esq... 220 Sloley, Mr. J - 5 0 Hopkins, Major 6 0 Williams, Rev. T. . . 1 0 0 How & Co. Mr. J.. . . - 10 0 Williams, Sir H.Bt.. 200 Smyth, John, Esq.. . - 10 0 Total Dons. .... 10 14 11 Snow, Mr. John .... - 5 0 Hutchinson, Lt.-Gen. 100 Wynne! J. U. Esq. .200 Stout Miss .... 5 0 Hutchinson, I.t.-Col. - 10 0 Total Sube 10 15 6 Yale, W. C. Esq 100 Incledon, Miss - 5 0 i York, P. W. Esq. ... 100Tamlyn, J. Q. Esq. . - 10 6 Grand Total.. £21 10 5 Thome, Wm. Esq... - 10 0 Johnson, J. G. Esq. .100 Vellacott, Mr.H.... -50 Keats, Admiral - 5 0 "Total £3S 16 0 Wadland,Mr. S - 5 0 Keats, W. R. Esq. ..100 Webber, C. H. Esq.. - 5 0 King, Rev. F - 10 0 WHITEHAVEN White, Richard, Esq. - 10 0 Large, Miss - 5 0 BRANCH. Wills. John, Esq.... -50 Lock, Mr. T - 6 0 Patron— Wood, Mr. A P 5 0 Lloyd, Miss - 5 0 The Right Hon. the EARI OF X. Y. Z - 10 0 M-Gregor, Mrs 1 0 0 Yeo, W. A. Esq -50 Maclean, Maj.-Gen... - 5 0 LOKSEALE. IMong&iu. Macleod, Mrs - 5 0 President— BARNSTAPLE AND Mallett, Mr. H. L. .. - 5 0 ADMIRAL Scorrr. Total £46 7 0 Mathew Mrs - 10 0 Treasurer and Hon. Sec.— BRAU NTON Mr. G. P. EDWARDS. BRANCH. Molesworth,Cpt.R.N. - 10 0 Nicholl.W. H. Esq.. - 10 0> Annual Subscriptions. Chairman — Jlivier, J. C. Esqi... - 5 0- Lonsdale.TheEarlof 3 3 0 R. W. COTTON, Esq. BIDEFORD AND Paty, G. P. H. Esq. . - 10 0 Adair, Mr - 5 o Honorary Secretary— APPLEDORE. Peard, G. Esq - 5 0- Adair, Mr. J. M - 5 0 Pedler & Heywood, Atter, Edward, Esq.. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. BRANCH. Messrs .... - 5 0 Bentinck, G. T. Esq., £. s. d. Peel, Mrs - 10 0 M.P 110 Chairman — Bowes & Co., Messrs. - 10 0 Alford Mr W - 5 0 E. U. VIDAL, Esq. Brockbank, Jas. Esq. - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Buckbam, Mrs - 10 0 Ja&sett, Rev. Francis - 10 0 Rev. I. H. GOSSET. Burayeat, Wm. Esq. - 5 0 Batley, Rev. B - 10 0 Pyke Mrs 1 1 0 Cameron, Peter, Esq. 110 Batley Mrs - 10 0 Assist-Honorary Secretary- Coullbard, Mr. J. J.. - 5 0 Bremrldge, R. Esq. .-50 Mr. W. NICOL. ledman, Mrs - 5 0 Dawson, Me. George -50 Jrewer, D. T. Esq. . - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Rendle Mr. G. ..-50 Dees, James, Esq. . . - 10 0 Cave, T. Esq. M.P.. 100 £. s. d. {eynolds, Rev. E. . . - 5 0 Fletcher, Major - 10 0 Jhanter, J. R. Esq... - 6 0 Ackland Dr. - 5 0 Rickard Mrs 5 0 Gibson, Mr. W. B.. . - 5 0Chichester, C. Esq. ..-50 Anderson, Mrs - 5 0 «iwer, T. Esq. ...-...- 10 0 Henry, Dr - 5 o Clay, J. S. Esq - 5 0 Hodgson, Mrs 2 2 0 Cockburn, J. Esq. ..-50 Bailer Mrs 5 0 Sillifant, Rev. C. W. - 5 0 Howson, Thos. Esq.. - 10 0 Cotton S Son, Messrs. Baker, Mr.' Isaac 5 0 Simpkins, H. Esq. ..-60 Lowther, Col., M.P., Barnes, Rev. H - 5 0 Crang, John, Esq 10 0 Bazeley, Rev. F. L. - 10 6 Lynass, Rev. Father. - 10 0 Crosse, R. J. Esq 3 0 0 Bazeley, H. M. Esq. - 5 0 Stevens, J.C.M. Esq. 100 MclMvle, John, Esq. - 10 0 Davie, Captain C. C.. - 10 0 Bedford, Maj.-Gen.. - 5 0 Stucley, Sir G. Bart.. 110 Robinson, JOS.H. Ksq. 100 Day, Mr. G. H - 5 0 Bellairs, F. Esq.... - 5 0 Thomas, Mr. H T... - 5 0 Sherwen, Sam. Esq. - 10 0 tennis, T.J. Esq... - 10 0Birdwood, Maj.-Gen - 5 0 Thrupp, Capt. R.N.. - 10 o Thompson, John, Downing, Mr. G - 5 0 Bisshopp, Lady - 10 0 Vellacott, Mr. J - 5 0 Esq., J.P 110 'E W" . 10 0 Vellacott, Mr. W. L. - 5 0 Whitehaven, Trustees Tortescue, Rt. Hon. Brune, Mrs. E. Prdx. - 5 0 Vidal, E. U. Esq. . . - 10 0 ofthePortof 10 0 0 . . 290 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. t. . d. Sums under 5* 3 2 9 Symes, Rev. C. B.. . . - B 0Twysden, Rev. Thos. 100 Harbour Commis- 1'anner, C. Esq - 5 0 Webb, W. H. Esq... - 10 6 sioners 10 0 0 Total £16 16 9 Tamer, J. Esq - 10 0 Wells, Eev. T. B.... 1 o 0 Atkinson, T. H. Esq. 100 Temple G - 5 0 Weils, Rev. Tho>. B. 1 1 o Bean, W. Esq -10 0 Thank Offering, per Wise, Miss M - 10 6 Beater, Mr. - 5 0 Capt.Puckford,R.N.5 0 0 Beavan, J. G. J5sq... - 10 0 Total £31 0 2 Call Mrs . . 100 TORQUAY BRANCH. Thorold, E. F. Esq. .-50 President- Hazel B Esq 10 0 Sir LAURENCE PALK, Bart. Tracey, Capt., R.N. .-60 Hoare, H. A. Esq.... 110 Secretary and Collector — Treehy and Co 10 0 Hole, Rev. T - 10 0 Mr. R; G. COVE, Post Office. Tubbs, C. F. Esq - 5 0 SIDMOUTH Huddlestone, Mrs. . . - 10 0 Tucker, Miss - 5 0 BRANCH. Hunt, W. A. Esq.... 110 Annual Subscriptions. Twysden, Adi., R.N. - 10 0 Chairman — Hutchings, Rev. — . - 10 0 Ainsworth & Clarke, Tyeth, T. B. Esq - 5 0 The Rev. H. G. CLEJIEXTS, Jerningham, Admiral - 10 0 Vicar. Vosper, Thomas - 5 0 Keyworth, Esq 1 0 0 Best Mrs. N - 5 0 Waring, H. J. Esq. .110 Honorary Secretary — Bezzi Mrs A 5 0 Watt C - 5 0 Dr. J. INGLEBY MACKENZIE. Mansfield Mr - 10 0 Bloke, Dr. Paget.... - 10 0 Watts E - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Moir R Esq 10 6 Booth, W. J. Esq. ..100 Watts and Co - 10 0 Buckinghamshire,Rt. Ogle, Rev. W.E - 5 0 Bogle, John; Esq — - 10 0 Watts I . . 50 Hon. and Rev. Omerod, G. W. Esq. - 10 0 Boyle, Hon. J 100 Watts R I - 5 0 Earl of 1 0 0 Owen, Mr. A. Jun.. . - 10 0 Bridges, W. Esq. . . . - 10 0 Arnold, T. 0. Ksq., Parson, John, Esq. . . 1 1 0 Briggs, W. Esq. 1 0 0 Wells Mrs F . . . 100 1870 and 18J1 100 Paul Capt A -10 0 Brown, Rev. W. R. . - 10 6 Wpstlake, F. H - 5 0 Paul Mrs - 10 0 Brownlow, Dowager Western Counties Carslake, H. J. Esq., Countess... 500 Manure Company. - 10 0 the late 10 0 Rees, Capt - 10 0 Burden, G. Esq. 2 e 0 Wheeler, Capt. W.T., Carslake, Miss - 5 0 Richards, Miss - 5 0 .RN - 5 0 Clements,Rev.H.G.J. - 10 0 Rhodes, Mrs - 10 0 Campbeli.Fraser.Esq. 100 Whipple E - 5 0 Robin Esq 5 0 Carew,J.Duntz,Esq. 110 Whiteford, H. Esq... - 5 0 Rowell, Mr. G. P. H. - 10 0 ; Cartwright, Misses.. - 10 0 Widger - 5 0 Dawson the Misses Shaw, (ieo. Esq 2 0 0 ' Casson, Kev. G - 10 0 Widger G - 5 0 Sherrard, Lord 100 Clark, R.Andus, Esq. 100 Wilcocks, J. B. Esq. 110 Duwson Kennett, R. Spencer, H. Esq 110 Clarke, Mr.RicnardK. - 5 0 Willcocks, Miss - 5 0 Cliford, Col. Morgan 1 0 0 BBANCHES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 293 *. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Coates,Dr. W - 5 0 Williams, Mrs, J.... -50 Ethelston, Rev. C. W. 1 0 0 ; Cobb, J. F. Esq. ... - 10 0 Wreys, Misses - 10 0 Davis, Rev. T. J. . . 1 0 0 Young, Rev. Julian. - 10 o Dorsetshire. Fowler, Miss 5 0 ! Davis, Rev. W. B. . - 5 o Fowler, Colonel 10 0 Dean, E. Esq - 5 0 BRIDPORT Firbank, E. Esq. ... - 5 0 Del Castello, K. Esq - 10 0 DISTRICT Grant, Capt. R.N. .. - 10 0 DeMiere, J/r. - 10 0 BRANCH. Hay Dr 50 Dennistown, Misses - 5 0 Donations. Hay wards, Miss -10 0 Diggle, J. Esq - 10 0 President — Henley Mr H 5 0 Agnew, Mrs - 10 0 THOHAS COLFOX, Esq. Drummond, Mrs. . . - 10 o A Lady (Atkinson's Henley, The Misses. - 10 0 Edmonstone, G. Esq - 10 0 Henning, Miss - 5 0 Hotel) ... . . 1C 0 Honorary Secretary — Hingeston.Wm.Esq. 100 Edmonstone, N. B. A Lady ditto -SO A. H. MAY, Esq. Esq - 5 0 Arbuttinot, Mrs. H. . - 5 0 Hodges, Rev. Dr - 10 0 English, Mrs. Chartes - 10 0 Atkinson, Mrs. J.... - 5 0 Collector— Holmes, B.. Esq - 1« ft K. H.G - 10 0 Mr. H. GOOD. Ingram, H. F. Esq. .100 Landon, Mrs - 5 0 Fanshawe, Miss 2 2 o Auldjo, T. E. Esq. .100 Annual Subscriptions. Bassett, Hon. Mrs. . . - 10 0 Lanya,T - 5 0 Filder, Mrs - 5 0 £. s. d. Liudsell, Kev.E. 5 0 Finch-Hatton, Lady. 1 0 o Beattie, R. H. Esq.. . - 10 0 Bartlett, J., Mayor.. - 5 0 Fortescue, Mrs...... - 5 0 BHton Rev W ... - 5 0 Beach, J - 10 0 Matdet, Mrs - W « Fox, F. H. Km - 5 0 Birch, Charles, Esq. . - 10 0 Bullock, G 100 Marshall*, Miss - 5 0 Froude, W. Esq 100 Carpenter-Gamier, G. 100 Marsh, I. Esq - 5 0 Blackmore H. & H. - 10 0 Monteflore, Rev.T.L*- 5 0 Gibbons, The Misses - 5 0 Boothby, C.K. Esq. 100 Bowring, L. Esq. . . -60Colfox W . , . 100 Munro, Capt I 0 0 Goodfellow, General. - 5 0 Broughton & Trevor Colfox, Mrs., Sen - 10 0 Norris, H. E. Esq. Cox, E - 10 0 M.D - 5 0 Hagart, Col . . 100 Campbell, J. Esq... - 10 0 Devon,Rt.Hon.Eariof2 0 0 Pares, Capt. T. H. . . - 5 0 Hanbury, Sampson, Pares, Mrs 100 Chinning. F. A. Esq - 10 0 Edmunds, F. H - 5 0 Rendall, Mrs - 5 0 Shore, G. H. Esq - 5 0 Harris, G. H. Esq. ..-50 Coggan, Miss 100 Gilchrist, T - 5 0 Harris, Kev. G. C. . . - 5 0 Gundry, B 100 Skinner, Dr - 5 0 Harvey, Mis. R. . . . 1 0 0 Crowdy, Mrs - 6 0 Gundry.J.P 100 Symons, C, Esq 1 0 0 Hele, Rev. G. Selby . - 10 0 Uawson, Rev. W. .. 600 Gundry, F. W - 5 0 Tucker, H. Esq - 10 0 Horsfall, K.Esq. 108 Dundas, Hon. Mrs.. -SO Honnsell, J -10 0 Wallis, Mrs. W. B. . - 5 0 Hugonin, Mrs. 1 0 0 Erskine, Dowager Hounsell W - 10 0 Williams, R. and H. Iddens Mrs - 6 0 Honnsell, T - 6 0 Messrs 110 Jervoise, J. Clarke. .200 Evanson, Or... - 5 0 Jolliffe, Newman, and Wrey.E. B. Esq 100 King, Miss - 5 0 Co., Messrs - 5 0 Additional Subscripn. 153 Kinnear, Mrs. G. . . . - 5 o Kilner, Mrs - 10 0 F. H. and'M.H. .... - 7 0 Total 27 18 3 Kitson, William, Esq. - 10 0 Fayle, Rev. R. - 10 0 Fellows, T. A. Esq.. 550 Larcombe, J. C - 5 0 Lillington, Misses. .. - 15 0 Ford, Colonel E - 5 0 May, AH - 5 0 Donations. Gould, The Misses .. - 5 0 Mitchell, T. A., M.P. 200 Collected in Boxes.. . 156 MacHafBe, G:, Esq. .-50 Gregor, Miss - 10 0 Osborne, T. H - 5 0 Sums under 5s ..... 1 15 0 Macdonald, Lt.-Ge?i.. - 6 0 Griffiths, Mrs. E - 5 0 Macgregor, Major- Graham, J. Esq 2 0 0 Pope, J. - 5 0 Total Dons 3 0 6 General Sir G 1 0 0 Swain, W .'. - 5 0 Haliburton,A.F.Esq. - 10 0 Total Subs 27 18 3 Maconchy, G. Esq... - 5 o Hardy, Mrs. - 5 0 Scott, Miss 100 Macdougall,Lt.-Col.. - 5 0 Hargreave, Mrs - 10 0 Spring-Rice, Hon. and Macreight* Dr. -50 Rev.A 110 £30 18 9 Madden, Dr. W. H. . 1 0 0 Houston, Miss - 10 0 Suttill, P - 5 0 Majendie, Mre. - 10 0 Lavers, W. Esq. ... - 10 0 Tancock, Rev. O 10 0 Lee, J. E 110 Templeman, J - 5 0 POOLE BRANCH. ML - 5 0 Verrier A. B - 5 0 President- Mills, R. F. Esq - 10 0 Le Breton, Mrs - 5 0 Warren, H - 5 0 Minton, Mrs. H - 5 0 Wansey, Miss - 5 0 Lord STDNEY GODOLPHIN Lowis, Mrs ..,,.- 5 0 OSBOESE. Murch, Rev. Spencer - 10 0 Luscombe, J. Esq. . . - 10 0 Noddall, Captain ... - 5 0 Macauley, Misses... - 10 0 Honorary Secretary— Phillips, H.C.M. Esq. 1 0 0 G. NEAVE PENNEY, Esq. i'22 10 6 Phillips, Miss Lovell - 10 0 Mowbray, Mrs - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Pigou, H.M., Esq... 100 Oldfleld.Mrs - 5 0 Donations. Belben, Warrington, Miss . . 1 00 _^ Chalmers, Mrs - 10 0 Wolverton, Lord.... 200 Weir, Miss - 5 0 Cleave, Miss - 10 0 Wood, M. Esq - 5 0 WMtehead.J.N.Esq. -50 Drummond, Mrs. ... loo Dyke, Mr. C. - 5 0 £28 11 6 294 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

£. s. d. , £. s. d. £. s. d. Donations, Cosens, Capt. J - 10 6 Eminson. J. B. Esq. - 10 « SUNDERLAND AND Hudson, Capt. T. K. 100 Cox, Mrs. Albion ... 1 1 0 Hopper,Eadcline&Co - 10 6 Moiety of Collection Damon, E. Esq - 10 0 Mann, David, Esq.. . - 10 0 WHITBURN St. Mary's Church. 166 Devenish and Co. BRANCH. Pease, Edward, Esq. 500 Messrs. J. A - 10 6 North Bettor. Coal Chairman — Stewart, H.G.M.Esq. - 10 0 THOMAS ANDERSON, Esq. Eliot & Co. Messrs. .110 Pearson, J. S. Esq... - 5 0 Treasurer- Eliot, George, Esq. . . - 10 0 Eichardson, J. Esq.. - 5 0 Lieut. JOHN LAMBTON,'E.N.E. Total 13 8 9 Ellis, Eev. John ... - 10 0 Shepherd, Thos. Esq. - 5 0 Erekine, Miss - 5 0 Sheridan, W. Esq. . . - 10 6 Honorary Secretary— Fowler, W. Esq - 5 0 Smith, H.W. Esq... - 10 6 Capt. W. A. CAMBIEE, E.K Fuge, Mr. Henry ... - 5 0 Smith, T. and W. Annual Subscriptions. ISLE OF PURBECK Gaskell, E. Esq - 10 0 Messrs 1 1 0 £. s. d. Goodden, H. C., Esq. Stokeld, Geo. Esq. ..-50 Alderson, Mr. C -10 0 BRANCH. JP 10 0 Stratford, W. Esq. ..-50 Allison, Messrs. J. J. President— Greaves, Eev. T - 5 0 The South Hetton and W H 1 0 0 EAKL OF ELDON. Gresham, Miss - 10 6 Coal Company 220 Anderson, Mr. T. ... 1 0 0 Chairman — Groves, Mr. T. B. . . . - 5 0Thorman, Robt. Esq. - 10 0 Armstrong and Fos- CoL MANSEL. Waister, M. Esq - 5 0 Hancock, E. G. Esq. .-50 Warham, William.. - 5 0 Austin, S. P. Esq. ... - 10 0 Hon. Secretary— Watson,Kipling£Co. 220 Backhouse and Co. Rev. OWEN L. MANSEL. Headland, Eev. E.... - 5 0 Hodges, J. F. Esq. . . - 10 6 Woods & Co. Messrs. 110 Annual Subscriptions. Holden, W. E. Esq. .100 Sums under 5s 1 7 6 Barnes, T. Esq 3 0 0 Hopkins, Mr. B - 10 6 Bell, Mr. William... - 10 0 Bankes, Albert, Esq. 100 Howard, R.N. Esq.. - 5 0 Total £17 18 6 Blain, Mr. Thomas. .100 Bankes, Rev. E. S... 1 0 0 Booth, Mr. Geo. E.. . - 10 0 Bond Rev K" .... 1 0 0 Maunders, J. Esq - 5 0 Bramwell and Co. Bond N Esq 1 10 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Bond Gr Esq ... 1 0 0 Penny, C. Esq. J.P. . - 10 0 SEATON CAREW Briggs and Sons, Bond, Thos. Esq. ... - 10 0 Plgou, Eev. H. C. . . - 10 0 BRANCH. Bond, Miss - 10 0 Pretor, S. Esq - 5 0 Chairman — Browell, and Co. Eoberts, W.andCo.. - 1 6 M. PEABSK, Esq. Messrs - 5 0 Burt, G. Esq 1 0 0 Eobertson, Mr. J. . . - 5 0 Candlish, J. Esq.M.P. 100 Simpson, E. P. Esq. . - 5 0 Treasurer — • Christal and Sons, Digby, C. W. Esq... 100 JOHN BAKEWELL, Esq. Digby, G. W. Esq. ..200 jparshatt, Miss 5 0 Honorary Secretary — Clarke, Mr. George.. 1 0 0 E B L. C .... - 5 0 Steggall, F. C. Esq... 110 Eev. JOHN LAWSON. Cockin, Eev. W - 10 0 Fairer, 0. W. Esq. .100 Swaffleld, Lieut.-Col. - 5 0 Cogdon, Mr. J - 5 0 Forster Miss . . - 5 0 Symonds, W. Esq. .110 Annual Subscriptions. Craven and Speeding, Forster, Miss F - 5 0 Eldon, The Earl of.. 500 Talbot, Mr. J. A 5 0 Backhouse, A. Esq. .100 Fordun.Swiufen, Esq. - 10 0 Taylor, Mr - 5 0 Backhouse, E. Esq. .100 Davison, E. G - 5 0 Goodrich, Capt - 5 0 T B ... - 10 0 Backhouse, E. Esq.. 220 Davison, W.j - 2 6 Hanham, Lady - 5 0 Thompson, W. Esq.. 110 Doxford, J. and Co. . - 5 0 Harford, Mrs. A. ... - 5 0 Tizard, Dr - 5 0 Bakewell, John, Esq. 110 Drury, Mr. W - 10 0 Jackson, Miss 1 0 0 Trenchard, J. Esq. .100 Boyne, Viscount.,.. 330 Durham, Eight Hon. Liddell, Capt. R.N. .100 Tumor, K., Esq 2 2 0 Earl 2 2 0 Luttrell, Miss 1 0 0 Waller, Miss - 5 0 Byers, Joshua Stagg. 100 Elliot and Sons, Mansel, Colonel 1 0 0 Wallace, Mr. J - 5 0 Clarke, George, Esq. 100 Messrs. Thomas . . - 10 0 Mansel, Key. 0. L... 100 Welsford, G. B. Esq.. - 5 0 Dale, David 110 Fairley, Messrs.T.W. Morrice, F. F. J, Esq. - 1 0 0 Williams, Messrs. E. Dalton, Eev. C. W.. 110 Palgrave, Mrs - 5 0 and H. and Co. ... 1 1 0 Dalton, Miss 110 Fairman, Mr. J. C... . 5 0 Sums under 5s 2 5 6 Dalton, Miss Isabella 110 Messrs. A.W. &E. - 10 0 Fawcus, Henry, Esq. 220 Forster, Mr. John... - 5 0 Eowe, G. Esq - 10 6 Total . . 31 6 0 Fawcus, Eobt. Esq. .110 Seavill Eev T - 10 0 Garbutt, E. W., Esq. 110 Fryer, Mr. H - 5 0 Serrell Mrs - 10 0 Donations. Hodgson, Miss Fanny 110 Gayner, E. H. Esq. .110 Grieve, J. Esq - 10 0 Ingilby, Lady A. ... 1 1 0 Gilbolm, W. & J. . . . - 5 0 S K - 5 0 Prowse, Capt. E.N... - 10 0 Givens, W. Esq - 10 6 Travers, Kev. K. D.. - 5 0 Janson, Charles,Jun. 110 Stephenson, Rev. J. . - 10 0 Kell, John, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Gourley, Mrs 1 0 0 Trotman, Eev. E. F. - 10 0 Contribution Box ... 3 12 11 Lawson, Professor.. 110 Gowland, Mr. G. ... - 10 6 Voss, W. J, Esq 5 0 Collected by E. Da- Lawson, Eev. John. 220 Graham and Graham, Yglesias, Don Miguel - 10 0 Longbotham, J. Esq. 110 Messrs - 10 0 Small Sums 3 15 6 Woollaston, Mrs. H. Lucas, Albert, Esq. .110 Grimshaw and Son, S.H. (1871-2).... 210 M«Intire, Eev. T.... 100 Total 42 16 0 Sums under 5s 2 2 10 Michell, John, J. Esq. 110 Harrison Brothers, Pearse, M. Esq ,110 Total Dons 10 14 4 Harrison, T.E. Esq.. 1 10 0 Reay, Thomas, Esq. 110 Harrison, Mr. W. B.. - 10 0 WEYMO UTH Eogers, Mrs 110 Hartley, James, Esq. 110 Smith C Esq 1 1 0 Hay and Co. Messrs. BRANCH. £42 0 4 Surtees, W. E. Esq.. 220 John - 10 0 Patron— Walker, Thos. Esq.. 110 Hay, James, Esq - 5 0 The Eight Hon. The EARL Hill, Mr. J.G - 10 0 op STEAFFOED. Wedd, Henry, Esq. . 110 Hills, Mr. James - 5 0 President— Total . . .£46 15 0 Hills, Mr. John 5 0 The Eight Hon. LORD Hills, Mr. W. H. ... - 5 o ASHLEY. Durham, Hitchcock, Eev. W. Donations. M., M.A 220 Chairman — Eldon, The Earl of. .10 0 0 JOHN TIZARD, Esq. SEAHAM BRANCH Hodgson, E. Esq. ... 1 10 0 Sanderson, Miss - 5 0 Hudson, Messrs. E. Honorary Secretary — Chairman — Spence, Mrs. Edward Eev. A. BETHUNE. JAMES GBIEVE, Esq. Proceeds of a Ba- Humphrey and Evans, Annual Subscriptions. Honorary Secretary — zaar on board the Anderson, Mr. T. . . . - 5 0 WILLIAM WAEHAM, Esq. steam ship Good Hutchinson, J. Esq. .200 Baunton and Sons, Annual Subscriptions. Hope, bound for Iliff, Mr. E -10 6 Bethune, Eev. A - 10 6 the Cape 500 Kayll, J. J. Esq - 10 6 Bayley, E. Esq. J.P. 110 Laing, James, Esq. .110 Belts, G.W. Esq... - 5 0 Cbilton, Thos. Esq. .-50 Total Dons 15 5 0 Lambton and Co. Bishop, George, Esq 100 Corbett, V. W. Esq.. - 10 0 Total Subs 46 15 0 Bower, E. Esq - 5 0 Clazey, J. O - 10 0 Lumsden, Byers, and Bridge, Kev. J. M. . - 10 0 Ditchtield, S. J. Esq. - 5 0 , £62 0 0 Co. Messrs - 10 0 Clifton, George, Esq. - 10 6 Elliot, Thos. Esq.... - 5 0 _^_«_ Mathie, Eev. Benj. .-50 BEANCHES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 295

£. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. 8. d. Mears, Mr. George . , - 5 0 Tolls collected at Hill & Sons, Messrs.. 110 Stacev, Rev. C 1 0 0 Meier, Cohen and Co. Dock Office . . 61 3 3 Jenner, Mrs. A. H. . 1 1 0 Traherne, Mrs. P... - 10 6 Old Material Sold... 3 10 0 Traherne, Major. ..110 Leigh, Mrs. H 1 1 0 Traherne, Capt., A. - 10 6 Moore, A. J. Esq.. .. - 5 0 Total Dons 92 13 3 Nixon, Taylor, and Turbervill, Mrs.... 110 Morton, Mr. H. T. .. -10 6 Total Subs 3 3 0 Cory . . 1 1 0 Turbervill, Mrs. P. - 10 6 Newbiggen, Mr. E. J. - 5 0 Page, Ohlsen, & Co. . 1 1 0Turbervill, Major P 110 Nicholson, Mr. B.G.. - 6 0 £95 16 3 Parry, R. W. Esq. ..-50 Oliver, Mr. R - 10 0 Philips, G. Esq., The Total 51 17 0 Ord, Mr. W. A - 11 0 Mount - 10 0 Oswald, Mr. T. E. . . 1 1 0 Powell's Duffryn Coal Co 1 1 0 Pecket, G. C - 5 0 Rickards, Eev. H. H. 1 1 0 Pemberton,R. L.Esq. 100 Rous Col .110 SWANSEA BRANCH. Pile, Messrs. W. and Spencer, R. E. Esq. . - 10 6 Co 1 1 0 jplfntB&tre. Splller and Co 1 1 v Honorary Secretary — Porrett, Mr. R. B.... 100 Stallybrass, C. Esq. . - 10 0 ALFRED STEBRY,.Esq. Porteous, Mr. W - 6 0 RHYL BRANCH. Tellefsen,Holst,&Co. 110 Potts, Mr. J. Jun. ..110 President— Webb Messrs. . - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Potts, Mr. John - 5 0 E. BAMFORD HESKETH, Esq. Windsor, Baroness, Andrews and Crow- Potts Bros, Messrs. Trustees of late ..220 hurst, Messrs - 10 6 Chairman — Bath & Suns, Messrs. T. G. DIXON, Esq. Ranson & Soii,Messrs.- 10 0 Total 28 5 0 Henry 5 5 0 Reed, Mr. John - 5 0 NOBTH AND SODTH WALES Davis Mrs . . 10 6 Reed, Mr. Thomas.. 110 BANK. Donations. Dillwyn, L. L., M.P. 110 Ritson and Son, Boxes :— Evans, Thomas - 5 0 Messrs. John - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Ford, Capt 110 Mr. ROBERT HUGHES. ' Forrester, Mr. W. H. 1 1 0 Ritson, Mr. Henry ..-50 Krieger, Mr - 2 10 Robson, Mr. A - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Lucovitch, Mr.A.T. - 7 10 Gilbertson, W. & Co. 1 1 0 Robson & Son,Messrs. Buddicom,W. B. Esq. 200 Gold, Mr. Charles... 110 w.w - 10 o Butterton,Eev.G.A., Poole, Capt - 10 0 Goodall, Mr. James. - 10 6 Robson, Mr. E. C.. . . - 10 0 D.D 10 0 Total Dons 2 9 4 Grenfell and Sons, flutter, H. P. W - 5 0 Dawson, J. Esq 1 0 0 Total Subs 28 6 0 Service and Phillips, De Broke, Lady Wil- Hadland, Mr 1 1 0 Sheraton, Mr. Rich .• - 6 0 Dixon, T. G. Esq 110 £30 14 4 Haynes, Mr. G. B. . . - 10 6 Simey, Mr. A - 5 0 Dod J W Esq 110 St. John, Mr. W. . . - 10 0 Glynne, Sir S. R. lit. 1 1 0 James, Mr. J. W. . . . 2 2 0 Steel, Mr. Thomas .-50 Glynne, Rev. H. S... 100 Johnson, Mr. N.W.. - 10 6 Stephenson, Mr. J. . - 5 0 Hesketu, R. B. Esq.. 500 PORTHCAWL Ditto, collected by . . 2 9 6 Stobart, Mr. W. ... - 10 0 Jones, Mrs. K 1 1 0 ' BRANCH. Landore Tin Plate Swainston, Mr. G.. . - 10 0 Lloyd, Hon. T. P. . . 2 0 0 Thompson, J. and J. Luxmore, Miss 110 Patron—' Langlois, Mr. H - 2 6 and Co. Messrs. ... - 10 0 Mainwaring, T. Esq. C. R. M. TALBOT, Esq. M.P. Thompson, Mr. T. . . - 10 0 M.P 5 0 0 President — J.ivingstone and Co. Thompson, W. Esq.. - 10 0 Morgan, Eev. A. H.. 100 J. C. NICHOLL, Esq. Tone, W. Esq - 10 0 Morgan, Rev. H., Michael and Harvey, Tumbull, Mr. T. S. . - 10 0 MA 5 0 Honorary Secretary — Tyzack, S. Esq 1 0 0 Pennant, P. P. Esq. .100 Eev. E. D. KNIGHT, Nottage Morice, Mr. Hartwell - 10 0 Vaux, Mr. Cuthbert. - 5 0 Sisson, R. J. Esq 110 Court. , Page, Larseu, and Co. Watson, Mr. George. - 10 6 St. Asaph, Dean of . . 1 0 0 Watson, Mr. W. H. . - 5 0 Williams, Sir H. Bt. 5 0 0 Annual Subscriptions. Poigndestre and Co.. - 5 0 Watson, J. H 5 0 Winston, Thos. Esq. 110 Blosse, Ven. Arch- Prevost and Letri- Wayman.Mr. J.W.. - 10 6 Wynn, Mrs. Wms. .110 Weiner, Martin, Esq. 110 Brogden, James, Esq. 110 Richardson, Mr. C... 110 Wiggins, Capt. J. ..100 Brogden.A.Esq. M.P. 110 Richardson, Mr. Geo. 110 Williamson, Sir Hed- Bruce, Et. Hon. H. Richaidson and Co. worth, Bart. M.P.. 400 Donations. A., M.P. 110 Messrs 2 2 0 Williamson, Dowager Bute, Marquis of ... 5 0 0 Sterry, Mr. A 220 Austin, Mr. - 10 0 Carne,J.N.Esq.D.C.L. 110 Perks, S. Esq - 10 0 Thomas, Mr. Lewis .110 Wilson Bros. Messrs. Townshend, Mrs 10 0 Clark, G. T. Esq 1 0 0 J. 2 0 0 Dalton, T. Esq 100 Townsend, Wood, & Woods & Co. Messrs. 110 Pillar & other Boxes 10 15 5 David, E. W. Esq. . . - 10 o Co. Messrs 110 Trustees of Swansea Woodcock, Interest Total Dons 12 5 5 Davis, Wm. Esq. ... - 10 0 on the legacy of Total Subs 35 3 0 Dunraven, Earl 500 Harbour, for 1869.30 0 0 the late Mrs 2 18 10 Edmondes, Eev. T. . - 10 6 Tulloch& Co. Messrs. 110 Wrightson, Messrs. Gibbon, J. S. Esq. ..110 Vivian, Mrs. J. H. . . 1 1 0 E. and Son 1 0 0 ££! 8 5 Griffiths, Eev. D. H. - 10 0 Vivian, Mr. H. H., Guest, Sir Ivor, Bt. . 5 5 0 Total 78 19 4 Halket,G. Esq 100 Vivian, W. G. Esq. Homfray, J. Esq. ... 1 0 0 (2 years) 2 2 0 Jenkins, Mrs. B 110 Walters, Mr. W. Jun. - 10 6 Jones, J. D. Esq. ... - 5 0 Williams, Messrs. D. WEST HARTLEPOOL Jordan, H. K. Esq. .110 BRANCH. ffilamorpnsi&iK.Knight, Eev. C. E... 100 Williams, Mr. L 1 l 0 Knight, Rev. E. D.. . 1 0 0 Willmot, Mr. M. ... 1 l 0 Chairman — Lewis, W. Esq - 10 0 Young, Mr. George .110 C. S. SAUNDEES, Esq. H.M.C. PENARTH BRANCH. Llewellyn, G. Esq.. .110 Patron— Llewellyn, W. Esq.. 100 Total 77 11 0 C. A. BAKER, Esq. C. E. M. TALBOT.Esq. M.P. Llynfl Eailway Co. . 2 0 0 Annual Subscriptions. Chairman — Morse, Colonel 1 1 0 Eev. HELT H. EICKARDS. NichoU, Mrs 220 C. S. Saundere, Esq.. 110 Nicholl,Capt. C. E. H. 1 0 0 Pyman, Geo. Esq.... 220 Honorary Secretary — Nicholl, J. C. Esq.;. .100 Eev. CHARLES PARSONS, M.A. Ollivant Mrs 110 330 Annual Subscriptions. Price, Messrs - 10 0 Bute, Marquis of . 10 0 0 Price, Eobert Esq. ..-60 Donations. Clive, Lady M. W. 110 Price, William, Esq. - 5 0 Contribution Box at Cory, Mr. John... - 10 6 Prichard, W. Esq. . . - 10 0 Custom House.... 26 9 0 Fothergill, Mr. H. - 5 0 Pryce, J. B. Esq 2 0 0 Sur-1-1-' 1 11 0 Goddard, T. Esq. . 110 Simpson, J. Esq. ... - 10 0

T 2 296 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872. £ . s. d. Thomas, "W. Sen. ... - 2 0 dlrloucestmlMe. AValdren, Capt - 3 0 Isle of 2SSigi)t. Winter, J. E - 5 0 f^ampsfjm. BRISTOL BRANCH. ISLE OF WIGHT Total Dons 34 16 4 PORTSMOUTH AND BRANCH. Chairman — Total Subs 54 8 0 HAYL/NG ISLAND M. WHCTWILL, Esq. Chairman- £89 4 4 BRANCH. Sir HKNKT P. GORDON, Bart. Honorary Secretary — CAPT. HTITCHIKS. Honorary Secretary- Honorary Secretaries — Rev. CHARLES HAEDT. Rev. JOHN PELLEW GAZE, Collector- CHELTENHAM Rector of Brooke ; Mr. Z. JONES, 44 College Annual Subscriptions. Rev. THOHAS RENWICK, Green. BRANCH. Collector- £. s. d. Vicar of Shorwell; Annual Subscriptions. Mr. W. WrrCHELL. Allnutt, Mr - 5 0 Eev. W. E. HETGATE, £. s. d. Austen, Rev. Q - 10 0 Eector of Brighstone. Barnes & Sons, F. K. 1 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. Baldey, Rev. F - 5 0 Bligh,Mrs. R 1 1 0 Bell, W. E. Esq 1 1 0 Barnes Miss , . 110 Honorary Treasurer— Bush, J. and E 1 1 0 Bird, C. J. Esq - 10 6 G.WYATT.Esq. Newport, I.W. Butterworth, M°Ar- Chreiman, Mr. 0. ... - 10 0 Briggs, Colonel - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. tbur, Bridges,* Co. 1 1 0 Dandridge, Mrs. ff. . 1 0 0 Bulbecfc, Mr - 5 0 £. s. d. Charlton, Robert. ... 1 1 0 Gibbons, Mrs 1 1 0 Carter. Mr. B.W.... 100 Apletree, Miss 1 0 0 Hawkins, The Misses - 10 0 Curter, Miss -10 0 Atkinson, Rev. J. B. - 5 0 Cooper, J. C - 10 6 Lloyd, Mrs./ 220 Caught, Mrs 10 0 Beere, B. Esq - 10 0 Cripps, Richard 1 1 0 Scarth, Mrs - 10 0 Chambers. "Mr. W. G. - 10 0 Bennett, G. Esq - 10 0 Daniel & Sons, Thos. 550 Selig, Mr. 1870-71 ..100 Coldwell, Mr 5 0 Bridger, W. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Tapp, D. Esq 1 1 0 Culliford Mr . . 106 Brigstocke,Capt.R.N. 1 1 0 Williams, Miss 1 1 0 Earle, Mr - 10 0 Brigstocke, Miss 1 0 0 Edwards, Miss 0 5 0 Young, Capt. W. F., Elliott, Mr. S. E - 6 0 Bushneil, Capt. E.N. - 10 0 Foster, J 1 1 0 R.N - 10 0 Evelegh, Capt 110 Bnshnell, Mrs - 10 0 French, W. J 2 2 0 Farley, Mrs 10 0 Carter, E. Esq 110 Goodwyn, T. W. . . . 1 1 0 Total 10 16 6 Festing, Major, Collins, E. P. Esq. . . - 10 6 Grace, J. and H ... - 10 6 EM A - 10 6 Haberfleld, Lady 1 1 0 Donations. Ford, Mr. R. W..... -50Copley, Lady C 1 0 0 Harford Mrs. . . .220 A B 1 0 0 Foster, Mrs 110 Harris, Crook, and Gloyne. Mr. J - 5 0 Crozier, Miss F 100 Harris . . . - 10 0 F F 100 Grant & Co. Messrs. 110 Crozier, Kear-Admrl. 100 Grant, Mr. C. H - 10 0 Feilden.Mrs. E. H.. 110 Hill and Sons, C. ... 1 1 0 Total Dons 2 10 0 Hackman, Mr. L. L. 1 1 0 Feilden, Miss M. A.. 1 1 0 Hill C 1 1 0 Total Subs 10 16 6 Hall Hall, Mrs 1 0 0 Gaze, Rev. J. Pellew. - 10 C " Hants Telesraph " - 10 0 Gordon, Sir H. P.Bart. 1 1 0 Justice, F. W - 10 0 £13 6 6 Gnnston, H. Esq - 10 6 Justice, Miss - 10 0 Hamond, Admiral Sir Justice, Miss M. E. ; - 10 0 Harrison, Miss - 5 0 Andrews. Bart... loo King, R. P. £W. P.. 220 Harrison, MissH... - 5 0 Harcourt, Col. F 1 1 0 GLOUCESTER Jackson, Dr - 5 0 Hayton, Rev. G - 10 6 BRANCH. King, Rev. J. C - 10 0 Heygate, Rev. W. E. 1 0 0 Ledli'e, LieuU-Col. ..110 Chairman — Kirkpatrick, Rev. J. - 5 0 Heytesbury, Lord ..100 Leonard, Crosby 1 1 0 E. L. KENDALL, Esq. J.P. Knighton, Sir W. W. Hoffmeister, W. C. Lucas, J. J. S. S. . . . 1 0 0 Treasurer— Bart 1 1 0 Merry W 1 1 0 W. CADLB, Esq. Knox, Capt.(V. C.).. - 6 0 Hopkins, G. H. Esq. 110 Miles W. H 1 1 0 Langdale, Rev. G. A. - 5 0 Isaacson, Rev. J. F.. - 10 6 Lellyett, Mr. C - 10 6 Monckton, W - 10 6 Mr. VEENON S. MOEWOOD. Jessett, R. Esq ~ 10 6 Pearse, Richard - 5 0 Kentfleld, Mr. T - 5 0 Phillips, J. R. & Co. 1 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. M^Gachen, Rev. N.H. - 5 0 Kerr, Capt. B.. . 100 Prangley and Co. ... - 10 6 Barkwonh & Spaldm 110 Marvin, Mr R . 50 Kirkpatrick, Miss... 110 Russell Miss . - 10 fl Bathurst,Et.Hon.EarI 300 Afarvin, Mrs. R - 5 0 Love, Vice-Admiral Russell, Miss C. E. . - 10 0 Bowly.D - 10 0 Mottley, The Misses - 5 0 Savile, A. B 1 1 0 Bowly, E - 10 0 Lowther, Capt and Bowly, W - 10 0 Packenham, Hon. Brewin, W - 10 0 Capt. R.N - 10 0 Manners, Col. W. W. - 10 0 Stroud, Rev. H - 10 0 Brown, Gopsill, and Piddell, Mr 5 0 Martin, Miss F. P... 1 o 0 Stuckey and Co 1 1 0 Ricketts, Mr. E - 10 0 Mew, Mrs. Henry.. . - 10 0 Terrell, W. and Sons 1 1 0 Cook Mrs A ...... 5 0 Kieketts, Miss 1 0 0 Mew, T. Parker, Esq. - 5 0 Thomas, C. J. & Bros. 110 Commeline, Thomas. - 10 0 Sandenmn, Mrs 550 Mew, W. Baron, Esq. - 5 0 Wait E ... 10 0 Gloucester, the Very Seymour, Admiral Millidge, Mr. W. H. - 5 0 Wansey A 1 1 0 Rev. the Dean of . 1 0 0 Sir M. Bart., G.C.B. 100 Moore, Mr. James . . - 10 6 Wayte, Rev. S. W.. 1 1 0 Hooper, Miss E - 10 0 Sheppard, Eev. H.W. 100 Mowbray, Mr. E - 5 0 Marsh, Miss - 10 0 Sims, Mr - 5 0 Newall, Capt. D. Rae 110 Whitwill M 220 Niblett, Miss 100 Smith, Mr. George. . . - 5 0 Wollaston,Rev.W.C. 110 Tatchell and SOD, Sewnluaa, Mr. C.... -SO Blatter, Mrs. A - 10 0 Messrs - 10 0 Oglander, Sir H.Bart. 220 Tate, Gen., E.M.A.. - 10 6 Peel, Sir I^wrence. .110 £11 6 6 Taylor, Capt. R.N... - 5 0 Pelham, Hon. Mrs. D. 1 1 0 Total 54 8 0 Donations. Treadgold. Mr. W.. - 10 0 Pennethorne, J. Esq. 110 Cripps, Mrs. H - 10 0 Turner, Mr. W. C... - 5 0 Percival, Mrs. M 100 Donations. Gifford, John, the Weeks, Mr - 5 0 Hon.andKev - 10 0 Woodman, Mr. G. F. - 10 0 Renwick, Rev. T.. . . 1 0 0 Barker RE. ..-76 Collecting Boxes 265 Bristol M. A. An. ..660 Graham, Capt. (J 10 0 lioach, John, Esq... 100 Hardwicke, Thomas. - 5 0 Rutherford, J.B. Esq. 1 1 0 Pnmpbrey, Stanley .-50 Donations. Scott, Miss 5 0 Chappell J - 12 0 Richards, Messrs. T. " A lapsed payment," Seely, C. Esq. M.P.. 220 Chave, Mrs -10 0 and W - 10 0 per Mr. H. Jarey . - 10 0 Sewell, Miss - 10 0 Griffey, Capt - 15 6 Smith, R - 5 0 Jenkins, W. H. - 2 0 White, James - 5 0 Total 37 15 5 Southouse, Rev.G.W. - 10 6 Jones £Co.(collected)- 10 0 Sums under 5s - 9 0 Spickernell, Mr. J. J. - 10 0 Squire, Mrs. Wm. J. - 10 ti Outerbridge, Capt. ..116 Total Dons. 390 Stephemon, G.R.Esq. 220 Rogers, Miss E - 6 2 Total Subs. 11 6 G Sutton, Mrs. Sarah. .110 Society of Merchant Tennyson, A. Esq. . . 1 1 0 Venturers 10 10 0 Total H 15 6 Thomas, Le Marchant, Starr, Capt 2 3 6 — BRANCHES— LIST OP ANNUAL SUBSCBIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 297 £. s. d. . e. s. d. £,. s. d. Thornton, H. S. W. Cannon, Com. F. R.N. - 10 0 Esq 1 1 0 Hay ward, — Esq. . . - 5 0 Olanwllliam, Earl of 2 0 0 Thornton, A. B. W. lUnt. Hills, Mr -50 Dicey, Capt. Wm.... 100 Esq 1 1 0 Hyde, W Esq. .-60 Douglas, Capt R. G. - 10 6 Tubb Miss A - 10 0 BROADSTAIRS Douglas, Capt. John. - 10 6 Vulliamy, F. Esq. BRANCH. Hyde'Capt . - 10 0 J.P 1 1 0 Johnson, H. Esq. ... - 5 0 Edwards, Miss - 5 0 Ward, The Misses... 200 Rev. J. H. CAMS. Jones, Mr - 5 0 Ewiug, Rev. A - 10 6 Ward, W. e. Esq... 110 Honorary Secretary — Fisher, The Misses. .-50 Way, Mrs. Fanny... - 10 0 Marsh, Cullen - 10 0 Friend, J.Bankes,Esq. 100 Way, Mr. Henry ... - 10 0 Captain ELYABD. Minett, C. W. Esq. .100 Green, A. Esq 1 0 0 White, Mr. 0 - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Rees, Rowland, Esq. - 5 0 Griffiths, Rev. L. ... - 10 0 Wintber and Co. Roberts Miss 1 1 0 /false, Miss - 5 0 £. s. d. Stilwell, J. Esq - 6 0 Wood, T. F. Esq. ... 1 1 0 His Grace the Arch- Warsfold, — Esq. ..-50 Harvey, Rear-Adm. 100 Worsley, J. Esq 110 bishop of Canter- Wilson Mr . . .-50 Harvey, Mrs. M 10 0 Wyatt Mr G - 10 6 Wissenden,MissE.S. - 10 0 Anson, Admiral. ... - 10 0 Yate, Rev. W 1 0 0 Hugesson, N. Eeq. Banting, W. Esq, ..110 M P 100 T tal fil Bligh, C. Esq. 110 James, Sir \V. Bart.. 200 Brown, Miss - 10 0 Total 14 18 6 Kemball, Mr - 10 0 Buckingham, J. Esq. 110 Monins, Mrs. - 5 0 Donations. Buckingham, W. Esq. 110 Crow, W Esq - 10 0 Montressor,. Rear- Bullivant, J. Esq. ..100 Adm 100 Collecting Boxes : — Carr, Rev. J. H 1 1 0 GOODWIN SANDS Nethersole, Mr - 5 0 Blackgang Hotel .200 Chapman, Mr. Lacy. - 10 6 AND DOWNS Samler Miss . . - 5 0 Drew, Miss 5 0 Smith, Arihur, Esq. 100 Needles Hotel, Edwards, Miss - 10 0 BRANCH. Freshwater - 11 3 Patrons — Smith Miss . . 1 0 0 Elyard, Captain .... - 10 0 Sumner. Kev. C. V. Koyal Pier Hotel, Elyard, Misses 1 0 0 The Right Hon. the Earl Eyde - 10 0 GKANVILLE. K.G. P.O. Holme, for 1869 and Elyard, G. Esq 1 0 0 1870 2 0 0 Shanklin Hotel ... - 10 e Green, Mrs. Cranston 100 Sir WALTER JAMES, Bart. King, Mr. T - 10 0 Rev. C. V. HOLME SOMSEE. Sewell, Mrs. R - 10 0 Waddington,Capt.F., Marriott, E. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Chairman— Eandulph, Rev. G.. . - 10 0 M'Nally, Mr -50 Rear-Admiral E. ST. LEGES Watt Miss - 5 0 Wilkin, H. Esq 1 0 0 CANSON. Peake, Mr - 5 0 Total Dons 6 6 3 Wyatt, W. Esq. 1 1 0 Treasurer & Hon. Secretary — Gransmore, G. Esq., Capt. WILLIAM DICE*. R.N 10 0 Total Subs. 67 18 6 Total 17 8 e Kenrick, Mrs 1 0 0 Grand Total. ...74 3 9 Donations. R. J. R. SADLEIR, Esq. Brigg Miss 1 1 0 Local Hon. Secretary at Gatty, Mr. and Mrs.. 200 By water, A. Esq. ... ~ 1 0 0 Kingsdowne — BEMBRIDGE Dashwood, Lady ... - 10 0 T. SIDENHAM CLARKE, Esq Donations. BRANCH. Drew, Miss - 5 0 NORTH DEAL LIFE-BOAT. Cullen & Son -10 0 Chairman — Dunnage, W. M. Esq. 110 S Mr 10 6 Edgar, W. S. Esq... 330 Annual Subscriptions. S. Mrs - 10 0 The Marquis of CKOLHOK- Goodson, — Esq. . . - 10 0 Chennell, Mr. F. A.. - 10 6 S Mr 10 0 DKLKT. Horwood, Mrs - 10 0 Cinque Ports Pilots, Woodruff, Mrs 500 Honorary Secretary — Howard, G. Esq 100 32 Subs, under 5s. 4 0 0 C. H. S. LEICESTER, Esq. McCalmont,H.B.Esq. 100 Darby Mrs - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions Rankin, Miss 1 0 0 Denne, Wm. Esq.. . . - 10 6 K.INGSDOWNE LlFE-liOAT. Cholmondeley, The Edwards. J. B. Esq.. - 10 6 Annual Subscription. Walmisley,Mrs.Ann - 10 0 Fry, G. Esq - 10 C Clarke, T. S. Esq.. ..110 Clark: Mrs 1 0 0 Walmisley, W. El- Griffith, Rev. T. LI.. - 10 6 Cobbold, Mrs. W. S.. 100 Hammond, W.O. Esq. 100 Total 78 13 0 Featon, KD.Esq. ..200 Contribution Box ... 4 16 7 Hammond and Co. Fisher, W. F. Esq. . . - 10 0 Messrs. G - 10 6 Gardiner, Mrs 1 0 0 Total Dons 16 16 7 Harvey, J. S. Esq. . . - 10 6 Leicester, C.H.S. Esq. 1 1 0 Total Subs 17 a 6 Henderson, J. Esq.. . - 10 6 LeMesurier, Eev.J.. 110 Hight, Mr. T. T - 10 6 KINGSGATE Le Mesurier, Miss . . - 10 0 £34 5 1 Hilton Dr .. . . .1 0 0 BRANCH. McDonald, Capt. J. Iggulden, John, Esq. 100 Honorary Secretary — R N . . . - 10 0 Capt. ISACKE, H.C.S. Napper, B. Esq. .... - 10 0 J urnes, Sir W. C. Bart. 330 Oglander, Sir H.Bart. 110 DOVER BRANCH. Kemball, Mr. J. B.. . - 10 6 Annual Subscriptions. Mason, Dr. T. E - 10 0 Palmer, Rev. J. N. . . 1 1 0 Chairman— His Grace the Arch- Nethersole, Mr. Jno. - 10 6 bishop of Canter- Stokes, ROT. H - 10 0 The Rev. W. YATE. Sadleir, Mr. R. J. R. - 10 6 bury l 0 0 Sums under 5s - 13 6 Honorary Secretary- Saunders. Miss L. . . - 10 0 .» ' xander, C. Ksq. ..220 Smith, Miss 1 0 0 Mr. CULLKN MABSH. Wood, H. D. Esq.. . . - lu li Annual Subscriptions. Sums under 5s - o . 0 Edmeades, Rev.W.H. 110 Donations. Bon ''ins. Fearon Capt 1 1 0 Bruxner, E. A. Esq. 110 Adams and Wood, A Frien-1, uy Mrs. Hannam, G. K. Esq.. - 10 6 Dawson, W. H. Esq. - 10 0 Harris, T. N. Esq. ..110 De Pass, A. D. Esq. .110 AUchen Mr ... - 5 0 Bo on, A. Esq 5 0 0 Hodgson, Rev. J. G.. 100 Hampshire Banking Austen, Mr - 5 0 i>ray, Miss 1 0 0 Isacke, Capt. H.C.S. .100 Weaver Mrs . ... - 10 0 Levy, Jonas, Esq... . 500 Leicester.C. H. S. Esq. 168 Back Mr - 5 0 Metcalfe, Col. C.B. ..110 Leicester, Bev. J. A. - 10 6 Baird Dr - 5 0 WALMER LIFE-BOAT. 1'etley, John, Ksq. . . 1 0 0 Leicester, Mrs. J. A. 1 0 0 Bampton, Jiev.— . .. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. SammeU, Mr. G. ... - S 0 Milton, Lord Viscnt. 100 Granville, Earl, K.G. Scott, Mrs -10 6 Bradley Brothers ... - 10 0 PC 5 0 0 Walter, O. C. Esq. . . - 10 0 Boyle, the Ladies ... - 5 0 Bazely Mrs . - 10 0 Webb, Major - 10 0 Broad Mr . . .-50 Benson, Rev. E. W.. - 10 6 Whish, Rev. G. T. . . 1 1 0 Court, P. S. Esq - 10 0 Bird Miss 100 Whish, Mrs. G. T... 110 Total Dons 8 3 2 Crookes, J. S. Esq... - 10 0 Boys, J. S. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Whitehead, Rev. A.. - 10 6 Total Subs 14 19 6 Crosby, V.H. Esq... 100 Brassey,H.Esq.M.P. 500 Finnis, S. Esq - 5 0 Brooke, Miss - 15 0 Total 21 9 6 £23 2 S Flashman, Mr - 5 0 Cannon, Adm. E. St. Leger 1 10 0 298 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872. *. s. d £. s. d. Denne, Alured, Esq. Barlow and Jones, MARGATE BRANCH J P 100 Hancasftm. Messrs 2 2 0 President — Finn, Mrs. G. . , 10 0 Barnes & Co., Messrs. The Right Hon. LOED Finn, Thomas, Esq. .-50 BLACKPOOL Thomas 3 3 0 FlTZWALTEB. Giles, Mr. Samuel. . . - 10 0 Bolton Chronicle.... 110 Gravett, Mr. George. -50 BRANCH. Bolton Guardian.... 110 Chairman — Hunt Mr L 10 0 Chairman — Bolton Evening News 1 0 0 THOS. BLACKBURN, Esq., J.P Rev. C. H. WAQTWBIGHT. Bradshaw, Mr. 1 0 0 Honorary Secretary — Kingsnorth, Mr. A. . - 10 0 Treasurer — Bridson, Mr. Henry. 330 ECERTON ISAACSON, Esq. Lester Mr .... 26 J. PICKOP, Esq. Briggs, Chris. Esq. ..110 Miller, Mrs -50 Briggs, Mr. A. L 110 Annual Subscriptions. Honorary Secretary— Butler and Murton, £. *. d. Russell, Mrs -10 0 Messrs 1 0 0 Scott, W. C. Esq. ..." 2 2 0 Annual Subscriptions. Carter, Rev. Canon. . - 10 6 Andrews, Mrs. 0. . . - 5 0 Smith, Rev. R - 10 0 f . s. d Cooper, Mr. Thomas 110 Bayly, Mr. John - 5 0 Stringer, H. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Aspinwall, Miss ... - 5 0 Croft, Rev. C. W. . . - 10 6 Bentley, Mr.Thos... - 5 0 Stringer, Thurston, Banks, Edw: Esq.... 1 1 0 Crook, Joseph, Esq. .220 Blackburn, T. Esq. .100 Barrett, Mrs. - 10 0 Cross, John and Sons, Bolton, Rev. A. C. H. - 10 6 Thornton, Miss ..'.I.' 2' 2 0 Bolton, Mr. Robert .-50 Boys, 4. H. Esq 10 0 White. Mr A *~ 10 0 Bonny, Mr. John ... 1 0 0 Crowther, Mr.Samuel - 10 6 Brown, Capt. RJST. . . - 10 0 Wilks, George,', Esql. '- 10 6 Brown, Dr 1 1 0 Cunlifle Mr. George. 110 Chancellor, Mr. S. S. Butcher, Mrs - 5 0 Fernihough.Mr.Wm. - 10 6 Jun - 5 0 Total .i^. ..17 19 0 Gray, Lieut-Col. M.P. 110 Cobb, A. B. Esq - 10 0 Caw Mrs 10 6 Green, John, Esq. . . 1 10 Cobb, F. C. Esq 1 0 0 Cocker, J. Es'q. M.D. 110 Greenhalgh,Mr.E.P. - 10 6 Cobb, T. F. Esq 100 Cocker, W. H. Esq. .110 Hardcastle, Mr. F. .110 Davis, Mrs. (1870 and Cook Miss - 5 0 Haslam, J. and Co. 1 1 0 1871) - 10 0 Conlston, Mr. John . - 10 0 Heaton, T. W. Esq.. 110 Edgar Miss R. . - 10 0 Gumming, Mr - 10 0 Hick, J. Esq. M.P... 110 Fitzwaller, The Et. PORT OF ROCHES- Falkner, Mrs 110 Holden, C. H. Esq. .110 Hon. Jx>rd 2 2 0 TER BRANCH. Holden, Mr. T. W. .220 Friend, J.T. Esq.... 100 Grindrod Mr...'.... 110 Fagg, Mr. W. A. ... - 5 0 President— Holden, Thos. Esq. .110 His WORSHIP THB MAYOB. Gualter, Mr - 5 Houldsworth, Mr. . . - 10 0 Galindo, Miss - 5 0 Harrison, R. Esq.... 110 Hulton & Son, Messrs 110 Honorary Secretary- Hemmingway, Mr. .-50Jackson, Mr. Michael 110 Hatfeild, C. T Esq. .110 Mr. J. H. CEOCKFOBD. Jackson, Miss - 10 0 Kevan, Mr. Peter.... - 10 6 Heron, Dr. G. A. ... - 10 6 Jenkenson, Miss - 10 0 Knowles, Jas. Esq. .110 Hughes, W. Esq. . . - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Johns, Mr. Henry . . - 5 0Knowles, Mr. John .110 Hunter, W. F. Esq. . - 10 0 Allen, Mrs 5 0 Lee, Henry, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Lee, Henry, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Isaacson, E. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Aveling, T. E. Esq.. 100 Marsden, J. & Sons, Kidd, Mrs - 10 6 Bartram, Capt. Cut- Masheter Mr. - 5 0 Lord, Mr. C. B - 10 6 Yacht Windhound 110 Middleton, Miss 1 1 0 Martin and Johnson, Nutter, C. L. Esq ... 110Belsey.'Mr. F. F. ... - 10 0 Parnell, Mr 110 Phillips, J.E. Esq... - 5 0 Bentham Mr 5 0 Pickop, J. Esq 1 1 0 Monk and Gilbert, Price, Dr. Wm - 5 0 Budden, Mr. W - 10 0 Plant, W. J. Esq. ..110 Messrs 1 1 0 Bullard, Mr. C. - 5 0 Musgrave, J. & Sons, Kelph, Mr.E. T - 5 0 Burfield, Mr. R. C.. . - 5 0 Rycroft, Capt -10 0 Messrs 110 Cotes, E. R. Esq - 10 0 Sharpies, Mr. George - 10 0 Nicholson, Mr. Wm. 110 Sankey & Co. Messrs. 110Crockford, Mr. J. H. - 10 0 Sharpies, Mr. George - 10 0 KamwelL, Wm. Esq. 110 Scott, W. C. Esq 2 2 0 Cuthbertson, Capt . Smith, Mr. John - 5 0 Rathbone, Mr. J. T.. - 10 6 Thomson, E. H. Esq. 110 19th K R V 50 Tattersall, Mr - 5 0 Shaw, Mr. Richard . - 10 6 Thornton, Miss l> 2 0 Thomasson, Mr. J.P. 5 0 0 Treves, W. K. Esq.. .-50 Foord, Messrs, and Threlfall, Laz. Esq. .110 Walmsley, T. Esq. .110 Young, Mr. H. W... - 5 0 Sons 1 1 0 Tolson, Mrs 110 Watson, Mr. John.. - 10 0 Gill, Mr. G. W - 10 0 Viener, A. M. Esq... 110 Wilkinson, Mr. T... 110 Total 5 13 0 Hare, H. J. Esq - 10 0 Wainwright, Rev. Winder, K. and T. H. 110 C H 110 Winkworth, Mr. S. . 1 1 0 Hills, Mr W 50 White, Mr - 6 0 Wolstenholme, Mrs. - 10 6 Donations Till, Mr. 5 0 Whiteley, Miss 1 1 0 Purdy, James, Esq . - 10 0 Verrier, Mr - 5 0 Withington, Capt. ..110 Total 60 8 0 Pillar Box on Jetty 13 14 9 Young, Capt. R.N... 110 Collecting Boxes 16 6 9 Webb, Mr. J. W.... -50 Sums under 5s. . . . , - 2 6 Woodhams, W. Esq., Total Dons 30 11 6 Mayor of Rochester 110 Total 30 18 6 FLEETWOOD Total Subs. 25 13 0 Young, Mr. Joseph. . - 10 0 BRANCH. Contents of Boxes L. Donations. £56 4 6 &P. Bank Branches Button, Miss - 10 0 Patron- Saxby, Charles, Esq.. 1 1 0 Rev. Sir P. HESKETH Rochester 11 3 Hotel Collectg. Boxes 7 18 0 FLEETWOOD, Bart. Contents of Box L. & Pillar ditto . . 22 6 0 Chairman — C. Bank:— Collections at Rossall JOHN WIGNALL, Esq. NEW ROMNEY AND Chatham Branch. .-48 College Chapel, on Honorary Secretary — DUNGENESS Oct. 4, and Feb. 15. 4 13 0 Annual Subscriptions. .BRANCH. .. Total Dons 36 8 6 Bardsley and Sons, Chairman — Total Subs 30 18 6 Captain COBB, R.N. Donations. Bingham, Wm. Esq. 100 Austen, Mr. W. - 5 0 £67 7 0 Bnrridge, S. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Honorary Secretary — Carson, Alexr. Esq. .1 1 0 HENET STBINGEB, Esq. Carson, Sam. Esq. ..110 Total Dons - 10 0 BOLTON BRANCH. Caswell Mr S ... 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Total Subs 11 18 0 Chairman— Coulborn, Mr. W.... -60 Bayden, T. Esq - 10 0 WILLIAM W. CANNON, Esq. Cot Mr E .-50 Blake, Mr. T T. ..100 .£12 8 0 Mayor of Bolton. Drewry, Mr. T. .... - 10 0 1 Drewry, Mr. W. ... - 10 0 Caister, Mr. John ..-50 Honorary Secretary — Dunderdale, R. Esq. THOMAS H. WINDER, Esq. J.P 1 1 0 Cobb, Capt. R.X - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Fleetwood, Rev. Sir Cobb, Rev. B . 100 Abbatt, Mr. Wm. . . - 10 6 P. L.H.Bart 220 Cobb, Rev. Charles.. - 10 0 — «— Ainsworth, R. H. Esq. 110 Foster, Mr. Geo 1 0 0 Cobb, Henry, Esq. ..-50 Arrowsmith, Mr. T. Gaulter, Mr. C - 10 6 Curling, Miss - 5 0 H 1 1 0 Gibson, Mr. J - 10 6 BRANCHES—LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS, 299

£. 5. d. £. 5. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Anderson, John Esq. 110 Inman, Wm. Esq. ..110 Hannay, R. Esq 2 '1 0 Hadwen, H. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Armstrong, Jos. Esq. 110 Jackson, Jos. Ksq. . . 1 0 0 Hope, Mr S. . . . . - 5 0 Hall, Mr. Rschard ..-50 Aspinall, Son, and Jacob, W. T. Esq. ..100 Humphreys, Capt... - 10 6 Harrison, J.S. Esq.. - 10 0 Brooke, Messrs 110 Jarvis, Mr. Wm 10 0 Hathornthwaite, Rev. Balfour, Williamson, Jones, Mr. Wm - 5 0 Lester, Rev. G - 5 0 Dr. 100 and Co. Messrs. ... 2 2 0 Jones, R. L. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Haynes,Mrs.(thelate)l 1 0 Bailey, Mr. John ... 1 1 0 Joynson, Peter, Esq. 110 Hodgson, Messrs li. Bald A Esq 1 1 0 Joynson, T. Esq. ... 1 1 0 McGuffog, T. Esq. ..110 and T 1 1 0 Banning, C. B. G.Esq. 110 Keith, Patrick, Esq.. 110 Hopkins, Mrs 1 1 0 Kent, Alfred, Esq... 10 6 Muirbead, J. Esq. . . - 10 6 Houghton, Mr.James -50 Barry, Edw. Esq - 10 6 Kerferd, G. B. Esq. .110 Munro, W. Esq - 10 6 Howitt, T. Esq 0 10 0 Bartlett, Thos. Esq.. 110 Kynaston, Mr. E - 5 0 North Lancashire S. Howson, Mr. J - 1 6 Bartlctt, Wm. Esq. .110 Laird, John, M.P.... 2 2 0 Navigation Comp.. 550 Jackson, Mr. E - 5 0 Beazley, James, Esq. 110 Lamport, W. J. Esq. 110 Orr, Pr 1 1 o Jackson, W. Esq. Bell, Mr. Whitham.. - 10 0 Lear, John, Esq 110 Bell, Wm. Esq. M.D. 110 Ledward, C. O., Esq.. 220 Pollard, Mr. J - 10 0 Johnson, C. Esq. ... - 10 6 Beloe, Henry C. Esq. 110 Ledward, F. Esq 2 2 0 Porter, Mr. W - 10 0 Lancaster Quay Corn- Bennett, E. Esq. M.D. 110 Leitch, James, Esq.. 110 Preston, Mr. Jos.... - 6 0 Berry, G. R. Esq... 220 Lemon, C. S. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Stanley, Mr. 1 - 10 0 Lancaster Banking Co. 3 3 0 Bewley, John, Esq.. 110 Little, W. Esq - 10 6 Sumner & Co. Messrs. 110Leeming, R. Esq. ..220 Bouch, Thos. Esq. ..110 Littledale, H. Esq. ..110 Warbrick, Mr. E.... - 10 6 Lewtas, Mr. James .100 Bourne, Colonel T... 110 Lowndes, R. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Walker, W. Esq 10 6 Lowndes, Miss - 10 0 Bower, A. Esq 5 0 0 Lyster, G. F. Esq 100 Ward, Mr. John ... - 10 6 Lowndes, Miss Ki . . - 10 0 Bowie, J. H. Esq.... - 10 6 Maclver, David, Esq. 110 Wheeler, Capt - 10 0 Mansergh, Mr - 10 0 Briggs, W.S. Esq... 110 Maddock, F. T. Esq. 110 Whitworth, B. Esq. .220 Maxsted, G. W. Esq. 110 Bulley, S. M. Esq. ..110 Maddock, Mrs 1 1 0 Wignall, J. Esq 110 M«Nicol, Miss - 10 0 Butterworth, Miss J. 1 1 0 Mann, Mrs.Elizabeth 110 Wignall, Mr. M . . - 10 0 Moon, J. C. Esq 110 Carson, Wm. Esq 100 Marriott, Wm. Esq.. 110 Wilson, C. Esq - 10 0 Moss, W. E. Esq.... - JO 0 Carter, W. Esq 110 Martin, J. B. Esq. ..100 Paget, Miss - 10 0 Castellain, C. Esq.... 110 Mason, George, Esq. - 10 6 Peacock, Mrs. R. B. . - 5 0 Chadburn, C. H. Esq. 110 Maude, W. E. Esq.. 110 Total 37 10 6 Pedder.Rev.E 110 Chamberlain.Geo.Esq. 110 Molyneux, Mrs.W.H. 100 Pritt, Rev. F. D. ... 1 1 0 Chambres, Major ... 2 2 0 Morrison, C. Esq 110 Donations. Pritt Mrs - 5 0 Cheshire Yacht Club, Moss, Thos. Esq 1 1 0 E. B. per Hon. Sec. . 1 0 0 Procter, Mr. 100 Commodore of .... 1 1 0 North, Fredc. Esq... 1 1 C M. A. B. ditto .100 Pupils of the Eev.D. Chudley, E. A. Esq.. 110 Paris, T. J. Esq - 10 6 Walton Miss 1 10 0 Davis - 10 0 Cole, Mr. John - 10 0 Parker, A. T. Esq... 110 Boxes in Steam-ships - 17 1 Ripley, Mrs 1 1 0 Coulborn, E. W. Esq. 110 Parratt, John, Esq. .110 Custom House Box . - 12 0 Soper, W. Esq - 10 0 Cox A R. Esq 1 1 0 Peers, James Esq 1 1 0 Pillar Box .... 1 10 7 RossaU,Mrs. (the late) 1 0 0 Cox, Henry, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Pennj, Isaac, Esq... 110 Boat-House - 5 3 Roth well, E. P. Esq.. 220 Cox, James, Esq 220 Pickering, C. W. H. Royds, Rev. C. T. . . 1 1 0Crellin, Mr. H - 5 0 Esq . . .110 Total Dons 7 0 11 Sherson Mrs 1 1 0 Davies, Ellis, Mr 1 0 0 Pickering, E. H. Esq. 110 Total Subs 37 10 6 Simpson, Mr. M. . . . 1 1 0Davies, T. M. Esq.. . - 10 0 Pooley, Alfred, Esq. - 10 6 Smalley, Mrs 1 0 0 Dempsey, A. Esq 110 Pooley.H.Esq 110 Smith, Mr. Joseph .110 Dixon, W. T. Esq... 110 Preston & Co. Messrs. 110 £44 11 5 Starkie, J. P. C. Esq. Donnell, Jos. Esq. ..110 Preston. R. P. Esq. .110 M p 1 l 0 Drinkwater.P. B.Esq. 1 1 .0 Radcliffe, Reg. Esq.. 110 Storey, Wm. Esq.. -100 Drinkwater, T. Esq.. - 10 6 Rathbone Brothers LANCASTER Swainson, Thos. Esq. - 10 0 Eskrigge, R. A. Esq. 220 and Co. Messrs.... 220 BRANCH. Taylor, Messrs.R.&J. 110 Espin, Rev. T. E.... 1 1 0 Eaveoscroft, W. Esq. 110 President — Townley, Mr. John . - 10 0 Ferguson, Saml. Esq. 220 Rayner, M. Esq - 10 6 THOMAS GREENE, Esq. Threlfail, Miss - 5 0 Fletcher, G. H. & Co. Reade,T.Mellard,Esq. 110 Honorary Treasurer — Richardson,Alex.Esq. 110 J. C. MOON, Esq. Wane, Mrs - 5 0 Foster, C.J. Esq.... 200 Ridehalgh, Mr. Jas.. 100 Whimpray, Mr 1 0 0 Fowell, Rev. R. D.. . - 10 6 Rigby, Alderman. . . 1 0 Honorary Secretary— Sums under 5s. .... - 12 6 Gardner, R. C. Esq. . - 10 6 Rimmer, John, Esq.. 1 0 M. SIMPSON. Garratt, Mr. John . . - 10 0 Robinson, Root. Esq. 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. Total 72 9 6 Girvin, C. W. Esq. . . - 101 0Robinson, W. L. Esq. 1 0 Glazebrook,T.T. Esq. 110 Ross, F. M. Esq 1 0 Ball, Mr. T. - 5 0 Donations, Glynn, Jno. & Sons, Scott, Mr. Joseph... 1 0 Barrow, Mr. Thomas -50 Bolton-Ie-Sands Sun- Sefton, The Earl of . 2 2 0 Bell, Mr. John - 5 0 day School Box. ..- 6 8 Goodison, G. W. Esq. 1.1 0 Shaw, I. JCKsq 100 Booth, Mr. J -10 6 Cardwell, Mr. Thos.. 100 Graham, Jas. Esq. ..110 Smith, James, Esq. .110 Graves,S.R.Esq. M.P. 110 Smith, Capt. W 1 1 0 Brade, Miss (3 years) - 7 6 Tunstall, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Greene, Rev. W. C., Sparrow, Messrs. A. Bradley, E. G. Mrs. . - 10 o If A 1 0 0 and Co. 1 0 0 Statter, Robert, Esq. 110 Bradshaw, W. Esq. . - 10 0 Total Dons 4 12 8 Groves, Charles Esq.. 110 Swire, Messrs. John Briggs, Capt. Robert - 10 0 Total Subs 72 9 6 Guion, S. B. Esq 1 1 0 Briggs, The late Mr. 1 1 0 Hamilton, Jno. Esq. 100 Taylor, Messrs. Hy. Brock()ank,JohnEsq. - 10 0 £77 2 2 Hannay, J.M. Esq.. 110 & Co . . . 110 Harrison, E. H. Esq. 110 Tetley, T. W. Esq. .110 Burrell, J. S. Esq. ..110 Harrison, T. and C. Thompson, H. Esq.. 1 1 o Burrow, Mrs - 5 o Messrs 110 Thompson,J.W. Esq. 110 LIVERPOOL & NEW Hassall, H. B. Esq. .110 Thomson, Lt.-Col. . . 1 150 Charnley, Mr. K. ... - 10 0 BRIGHTON BRANCH. Hickson, Jas. S. Esq. - 10 0 Tipton, H. S. Esq. . . 1 1 ' 0 Chippindall, Jn. Esq. - 10 0 Chairman — Hind Miss A ... - 5 0 Tobm, Bey. John... 120 Chtppindall, Miss L. - 5 0 A. BOWEB, Esq. Hogarth, W. D. Esq. 110 Tomlinson.C. B.Esq. 1 1 0 Clark, C. T. Esq. . . . l l o Treasurer — Holland Mrs ... .2 2 0 Tomlinson, Hodgetts, W. E. MAUDE, Esq. Holland, W. Esq.... 1 1 ,0 and Co. Messrs 110 Crighton, Mrs 1 1 o Hon. Secretary at Liverpool — Holland, W. G. Esq. 110 Tomlinson,W.A.Esq. 110 Crompton, Miss .... 2 0 0 CHARLES H. BELOE, Esq. Holt, G. A. Esq 110 Tomlinson,W.D.Eshaw, Shakespeare.. 100 Prince of Wales .124 Armistead, Wra 100 Helm S. L 110 Sldebottom, James. .220 Papayanni and Co. Hewlett,Rev.E..MA, -10 6 Simmons, Isaac 1 i 0 Messrs . . 200 Ashton, F. W 1 0 0 Heywood,01iver,J.P. 220 Slagg and Co. John .100 Eigby, P. E. Esq. ... - 10 6 Ashton, Thomas 2 2 0 Heywood, A.H. ... 2 2 0 Smith and Sons, B... 220 Kobinson,Alfred,Esq. 100 Aspell and Madley .2 2.0 EEiggin & Co. James. 220 Smith, L. and Co.. . . - 10 6 Robinson, Isaac W. Aspinwall, Kaye 110 Hill John 1 0 0 Speakman, James . .• 1 1 0 Esq 10 0 Atkin Eli 110 St. Thomas's Church Seffer E Esq. 500 Bilstone, H.K 110 Holme, John - 10 0 Sunday School - 16 1 Somerville, J. Esq.. . - 10 0 Bankes, Meyrick ... 3 3 0 Stcinthal, H. M 1 1 0 W. M. G . - 10 0 Barbour, R. &Bros.. 5 0 0 Hore, Rev. E. C. 10 6 Steinthal,Rev.S.Alf. - 10 0 Bardsley.Sir Jas. Knt. 110 Hoyle Joshua, & Co.. 220 Stem, S. J 1 1 0 Barker, David - 10 0 Hughes, MissE - 10 0 Stone, Joseph, MJX. 110 Total Dons 22 4 4 Barlow and Jones. . . 2 2 0 Hulme, Otho, J.P. ..110 Total Subs. ...192 3 6 Bayley and Craven. .220 Jackson, Edward ... 1 0 0 Stretton, B. 1 0 0 Bealey, Rd. J.P 1 0 0 Jackson, J. W 1 0 0 Stuart, James C 2 2 0 £214 7 10 Beattld, William 100 Jardine, F. W 100 Sutcliffe, John F. . . 1 1 0 Beatty,Altgeldt,&Co. 1 1 0 Sutherland G. ... 1 1 0 Joynson, Samuel ... 1 1 0 Swallow, G. and Co.. 2 2 0 Kelly.EevJ.D. M.A. - 10 6 Swlnglehurst, H. ... - 10 6 Binyons, Eobinson, Ken worthy , John ... 1 0 0 Sykes R 1 0 0 LYTHAM BRANCH. Kersbaw, Sldebottom, Tamvaco, C.N 1 1 0 and Co 2 2 0 Taylor, Garnett& Co. 220 Chairman — • Bottomley, John C. . - 10 6 Knowles, Robert.... 300 Thames and Mersey JOHN TALBOT CLIFTON, Esq. Brentnal Bros - 10 6 Knowles, Thomas ..300 Marine Insurance r.P. Kolp M ,.110 Honorary Secretary— Broughton, Samuel .110 Ledward, Thomas ..110 Tootal, Broadhurst, JOHN EDMONDSON, Esq. Lee and Co. Daniel.. 220 Buckley, Sir Edmnd. 220 Lee Lee 1 1 0 Tunnicliffe & Hamp- Annual Subscriptions. Byrne S H 110 Lees, James 5 0 0 son 2 0 0 Alcock, Captain 1 1 0 Leedham, F. H 1 1 0 Turner, J. Fox and Clifton, J. T. Esq... 550 Carnally, Wm 1 0 Leicester, H - 10 0 Lempert 2 2 0 Chadwick, Elias 10 Leisler, John 2 2 i Derbyshire, W. Esq. Charlesworth, T. L. . 00 Leppoc, H. J. J.P. . . 2 2 i Tyler, A 1 1 0 Cheetham, Berg. ... 10 Lodge, Matthew ... - 10 6 Edmondson, J. Esq.. 110 Clark, Ledlie 1 0 W. 0. per R. Whit- Fair, James. Esq 110 Clegg, Mrs. Thos 10 worth 5 0 0 Hanklnson. J. Esq.. 100 Longsight Indepen- Wadsworth, Mrs.... 100 Hawkins, Eev. H. B. 1 1 0 Cockshoot, Jos. J an. - 10 0 dent Sunday School 200 Walker and Lomax. 220 Hewitt, Miss E 100 Lyon T H 1 0 0 Walker, Evan, C. Hewitt, Miss Sarah.. 100 Sutherland 3 3 0 Howarth, A. L. Esq. 110 Crabtree,H.&Son... 330 M'Keand, Mrs. Josh. 1 1 0 Walker, J. S ... 1 1 0 Howarth, MissE. .. 1 1 0 Craig, Mrs. Jas. 1869 M'Kerrow, J. B - 10 6 Walker, Miss Alice .110 Seddon, Samuel, Esq. 110 and 1870' 1 0 M'Kerrow, Eev. Dr.. - 10 0 Ward, Ziba 1 0 0 Crosfleld, J 1 1 Mann, Henry 1 0 0 Warner, Thomas ... 2 2 0 Swainson, Mrs. "W". . 1 1 0 Crosse, T. B. J.I1. ... 2 2 Martin, Speyer & Co. 1 1 0 Watson, James 220 Smethurst, Miss 110 DaCosta, Eaalte&Co. 1 1 Mather and Platt ... 2 2 Watts, Edward 110 Wartenberg, S. Esq. 110 Daine, Miss - 10 Mayeux, Louis, Sen. 1 1 Watts, Samuel 1 1 0 Dehn, Arnold - 10 Mayeux, L. Jun - 10 Watts, Sir James ... 2 2 0 Wilson, Miss A 110 DeTraffordSirH.Bt. 5 0 Mendel, S 2 2 Whitehead, Peart and Dewhurst, George... 1 1 Total 25 0 0 Dobson, Ben 1 1 Midwood&Co.G. II. 1 1 Whitworth, B. and Dods, Ker, and Co. . . 5 0 Moseley, C 1 1 0 Brothers 10 10 i Donations. Dngdale, James 2 2 Mottram, James ... 1 1 0 Whitworli, Edmund 1 1 Clifton, J. T, Esq... 25 0 0 Dugdale, John 2 2 Novell! and Co 200 Whitworth, John ..11 Collection at Encamp- Dunn, Williamson . . 1 1 Occleston, Fitzgerald, Willock,R. P. Jun.. 1 1 ment of 3rd Battn. Ede, Frederick, C.... 1 1 Wimpory, MissM... - 5 of Lancashire Rifle Edge Miss 1 1 Openshaw, Henry. ..220 Windsor, W. D - 10 Volun teers, Lie ut . - Ellinger and Co. 1 1 Openshaw, Wm. ... 1 1 0 Wood and Wright .. 1 0 Col. Hargreaves, Farmer, John 1 1 < Patteson, J. and H. . 1 1 0 Woodiwis, James ... - 10 after Sermon by Peak, Geo. and Co. . . 1 1 Woodward, Wm. ..220 the Chaplain 15 9 4 Ffarington,MissS.M. 100 Pearson, Wm 1 1 Worthlngton, Thos.. - 10 0 BRANCHES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 301 £. s. d. £. s. rf, £ . s. d. *. s. d. Wrigley, George N.. 110 Donations. Barton, Vice-Adm. .110 Bellairs, Mr. G C... - 5 0 Wrigley, Thomas. ..220 Barrow Readings ... 3 3 o Bromilow.H.G.Esq. 110 Blunt, Mr. Thos - 10 6 Yates, Miss 100 Devonshire, Duke of 20 0 o Buckley, R. Esq 5 0 0 Bowmar, Mr. C - 10 6 Zaun, Richard 2 2 0 Buckley, Mrs 1 0 0 Bowmar, Mr. W 110 Sums under 10* 2 17 6 Chadwick, Dr - 10 0 Bown, Mr S - 5 0 Total Dons 23 13 0 Clarke.Rev. B.S..D.D. - 10 6 Brookhouse, Miss... - '5 0 Total 344 0 1 Coddington, C.H.Esq. 110 Burgess, Mr. A 110 Total Subs . . 32 13 0 Cornwell, Dr. John . - 10 6 Burgess, Mr. Josh.. . 110 Craven, R. Esq - 10 6 Charleswortb, Mr. T. - 5 0 £56 6 0 Darwell, Mrs. George - 10 6 Church, Mr T. S - 10 6 Donations. Domestic Servant - 1 0 Clarke, Mr. Josh. C. - 5 0 AlbrecU, A 2 0 0 Dugvrid, James, Esq. X 1 0 Clephan, Mr. E - 10 6 Brooks, Mr - 12 0 Fernley. John, Esq.. 110 Coltman, Mr. T - 2 6 E. W. F.K 600 ROCHDALE BRANCH Forshaw, H. Esq.... 110 Company Debenture, Gordon, Woodroffe, Honorary Secretary — Gadsby, Miss 10 6 interest on Midland ROBT. TAYLOR HEAPE, Esq. Garton, Mrs 1 1 0 Railway 485 James Craig's Card.. 210 Annual Subscriptions. Gasqiioine. Mrs 1 1 0 Corah, Messrs. N. Lower Mosley Street 2 12 2 Geddes, Win. Esq. ..110 and Sons -10 6 Ashworth, Edm. Esq. 110 Gilbert Mrs ... 10 6 Cort & Paul, Messrs. - 10 6 OUbam Chrh. Schools Ashwortli.G.L.'EBq. 110 Ashworth, Jas. Esq. 110 Glover, James, Esq. .110 Cox, Mr. E - 10 6 St. John's Church Ashworth, Wm. Esq. 110 Gregory, H.L. Esq.. 110 Cumberland, Mr. J.. - 10 6 Barlow, Edwd. Esq.. 110 Hail, Smith, Esq 1 1 0 Ellis, Mr. A - 10 6 Smith Mrs 100 Halliday, Miss - 10 0 Ellis, Mr. E. S 1 1 0 Union Chapel Bible Bright, Thomas, Esq. 110 Halliday, Miss M. A. - 10 0 Ellis Mrs . - 10 6 Butterworth.Jas.Esq. 110 HalUwell.Wm.Esq. 110 Ellis, Mr. J.H 110 Walker, Miss Alice .560 Chadwick, G. T. Esq. 110 Heap, Robert, Esq... 110 Ellia and Everard, Coventry, D. Esq 110 Hegjabottom.G.Esq. 1 1 0 Messrs -10 6 Crowther, Frank, Esq. 1 1 0 Hesketh, Rev. Chas.. 110 Else, Mr. A -10 6 Master James Ed- Duncan, Root. Esq. .110 Heald, Wm. Esq 110 GillsoQ, Mr. H. T. . . 1 1 0 mund's Card 1 l o Entwisle, Mrs 1 0 0 Hughes, Miss - 10 0 Gimson, Mrs. Josiah - 10 6 Master Marcus' Card - 12 0 Fenton, Joseph, Esq. 110 Iddon, Mr. Edward .-SO Goddard, Mr. J - 5 0 Mrs. Beckett's Card . - 10 1 Heap, Joshua, Esq. .110 Irving, J.C. Esq.... 110 Goddard, Mr. Josh.. - 10 6 W. Nicholson's Card. - 10 9 Heap, Thos. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Johnson, Edw. Esq.. - 10 6 Gooch, Mr F .-106 Heape, R. T. Esq. . , 1 10Jones, John, Esq.... - 10 8 Green, Mr. W 1 1 0 Total Dons. ....4? 8 10 Knowles,Miss 110 Hall Mr J. .-50 Heglnbottom, J. Esq. 110 Lancashire and York Harrison. Mr. G - 10 6 Total Subs. ...344 0 1 Holt, James, Esq. ..110 shire Railway Co.. 330 Hewitt, Mr. F - 10 6 Hoyle, James, Esq. .110 Leader, Massey, Esq. 110 Hill, Rev. A - 5 0 £391 8 11 Hoyle, John, Esq.... 110 Lees, Samuel, Esq... 110 Hodges and Sons, Hurst, Richd. Esq... 110 Lees, Miss 1 1 0 Messrs. T. W.... 3 3 0 Kay, E. G. Esq 1 1 0 Litton, Joseph, Esq. 110 Hodges, Mrs. T. W. 1 1 0 Kay, Miss 1 1 0 Mason, Henry, Esq.. 110 Hunt, Mr.W 1 I Q Kay, Mrs 110 Hutchinaon, Mr. W. Kay, Richd. Esq 1 1 0 Shearson, John, Esq. 110 E 110 Kay, W. H. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Skelmersdale, Lord .550 Ingram, Mr. Thomas - 10 6 PIEL BRANCH. Kemp, G.T. Esq.... 220 Slater, Nathan, Esq. llo John of Gaunt Lodge King, James, Esq. . . 1 10 Smith, W. Esq 110 of Freemasons 110 Leach, Edm. Esq.... 110 Swindells, G. Esq. ..110 Johnson, Mr. J - 10 t> President— Leach, R. Esq - 10 0 Stead, J.F. Esq 110 Kemp and Dyson, His Grace The DOKE OF Mansell, Geo. Esq... 110 Swift Rev. B 10 6 DEVONSHIBE, K.G. Moleswortb, Rev. J. Talbot, W. H 110 Kempson, Mr. W... 110 E. N 1 1 0 King, Miss 100 Honorary Secretary — Moore, Messrs. Wm. Wrigley, John, Esq. 110 Lankester, Mr. H. . . - 10 6 Captain STOKES. and Sons 110 Newall, Henry, Esq. 110 Leicester Butchers' Ashburner, W - 10 6 Nield, Jonathan, Esq. 110 Total 58 14 0 Association, Tbe. . 110 Ormerod, Oliver, Esq. 110 Livens, Mrs. F - 10 6 Brownrigjr, Mr. R.. . - 10 0 Onnerod, Win. Esq.. 110 Donations. M'Alpin, Mr. J. W.. - 10 6 Case and Co. Messrs. - 10 6 Robinson, John, Esq. 110 Mott, Mr. F. I - 5 0 Cavendish, Lord Fre- Rochdale Pioneers' Heaton, The Miases 10 0 0 Norman, Mr. T - 10 6 Society 1 1 o Rockett, M.A. Esq.. 100 Odames, Mr. S. - 10 6 Cook, Y -10 6 Royds, C. M. Esq. ..110 Southport Marine Paget, Mr. Alfred... 110 CrewofStr.^nfrim. 246 Schofleld, Captain... 110 Fund, 4th Don,... 50 0 0 Paget, Mr. T. T 110 Ditto Taltmt 2 1 0 Schofleld, Jos. Esq. .110 Contribution Pillar Pickard, Messrs. J. Ditto Sfcelbume 2 2 0 Schofield,W.W.Esq.2 2 0 FisherfcSons, Messrs. Shaw, Wm. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Pickering, Mr. Josh, lit) Total Dons 70 14 4 Ptacek, Mr. F - 10 6 Tatham, John, Esq.. 110 Roberts and Roberts, Garden, James - 1 0 0 Tweedale, Jno. Esq, 110 Total Subs 58 14 0 Messrs - 10 6 Tweedale, R. L. Esq. llo Robinson, Mrs. C. B. 1 0 0 Geldart, James - 5 0 Watson,. Thos. Esq.. llo £129 8 4 Shaw, George, M.D.. 110 Gradwell, Wm - 10 6 Whitaker, Chas. Esq. 110 Sidley, Mr. C.M.... - 10 6 Hannay, Robert .... 2 2 0 Whitaker, Geo. Esq.. llo Smith Mr C 1 1 0 Hodgeson, J. K 2 2 0 WiUans, T. B. Esq. 110 Snow aud Bennett, Jonas, H. L - 10 6 Messrs 1 1 0 Little, Robert 1 1 0 Stanyon, Mr.W 110 Moreton, Ed -10 0 ILetcmmjjm. Stephens, Mr. E. L. . - 5 0 Morphet, T. A - 10 0 Stimson, Mr. W 1 1 0 Murdoch, W. M - 10 6 LEICESTER Stone, Mr S 1 1 0 Porter, George 110 SOUTHPORT BRANCH. Stretton, Miss C. & Koper, Thomas 2 2 0 BRANCH. Chairman — Thompson, Mr. Jas - 10 6 Schutz,G.H -10 0 President— W. H. WALKEB, Esq. Turner, Mr. A. ... - 10 6 Smith, J. T..,. llo LOBD SKELMEBSDALE. Treasurer — Turotr, Mr. Luke .110 Stokes, Captain 1 1 0 T. T. PAGET, Esq. Viccars, Mrs. S - 5 0 Wallas, Robert - 10 0 Rev. CHAS. HKSKETIT, M.A. Honorary Secretaries. Waldram, Mr. W JAMES THOMPSON, Esq. N 110 Westray and Forster, Honorary Secretary. — Walker, Mr. R - 10 6 Yice-Adm. RALPH BAKTOH. WILLIAM GREEN, Esq. Woodhouse, A. J. . . 2 2 0 Walker, Mr. W. H. 110 Annual Subscriptions. Annual Subscriptions. Webster, Mr. Thos. - 10 6 Acton, Mrs 110 Allen, Mrs. Joseph.. -50 Wheeler, Mr. T. J. 1 1 0 Atkinson, Wm. Esq. 110 Baines, Mr. G. H. . . . -60Whetstone, Mr.W.. - 10 6 Banning, J. J. Esq. .110 Baines, Mr. John ... - 10 6 Williams, Mr. J.H. . - 10 6 302 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872.

£. 8. d £. s. d £ . s. d. f. t. d. Wright & Sons, Htggins, J. Esq - 10 6 Wilde, Kev. A 1 1 0 Hopkins, Thos. Esq. 110 Messrs M . - 10 6 Holway, Rev. Thos.. 110 Williamson, Mr. ... - 10 6 Hopkins, The Misses 110 Yeomanson, Mr. \V, - 5 0 Holway, J. H. Esq. .110 Willoughby d'Eresby, Horry, Mr. W - 10 6 Hollway.MissH.... 110 Total 61 9 11 Hopkinson, Rev. W. 1 1 0 Wilson, Mr. 110 Jackson, The Misses Hurrell, S. Esq 110 Wilson, Mr. J. - 5 0 S.andM. A - 10 6 Hyde, Benjamin,Esq. - 10 6 Wingate, Mrs. in aid Jackson, Geo. Esq... - 10 fi Hyde, Wm. Esq. ... - 10 0 of Skegness Llfe- Jebb, S. H. Esq 1 1 0 Ingilby, Rev. Sir H. Jebb.J.J.Esq 110 j) Bart 2 0 0 Winn, R. Esq. M.P.. 220 Kitwood, Mr. Thos. . - 10 6 Jackson,Howard,Esq. 2 2 o rarborough, The Et. KnowJes, Mr. J. M. . - la e Jarvis, G. K. Esq. . . 1 10 Hon. the Earl of.. 200 Lancaster, Mr. J 6 0 Kennedy, Rev. L. D. 1 1 0 Lewin, Messrs. W. •1Lincolns!)iit. Langton, Bennet, Esq. 2 2 o Total 209 8 6 H and Son . . 110 Linton, Col 2 2 0 Linton«tPrice,Messrs.- 10 6 LINCOLNSHIRE Lister, Rev. J. M. ..110 Loft, Mrs 1 1 0 SHIPWRECK Lister, J. S. Esq. 110 Donations. Lyon, John, Esq. ... 2 2 0 ASSOCIATION Lister, M. H. Esq. . . 1 1 o Malcolm, J. W. Esq. Clayton, N. Esq. ...1010 0 3fP ...... 5 0 0 BRANCH. Chaplin,H.Esq.,M.P.10 10 0 Maltby, Mr. J. ,.... - 10 6 J oint Honorary Secretaries — Lucas, L. R. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Cusworth, Mr. J . -50 Marshall, Mr. R. ... - 10 « Lenton, Mr. W. .... - 5 0Mittlngtan, K. W. Esq. - 20 « Kev. K. W. CKACBOFT and Lockwood, M. R. . . . - 5 0 Rev, E. RAWNSLEY. Magdalen College, Oxford, President Settle, Mr. J. ~ 10 0 Wewcomb, Mr. j. M. - 10 6 Treasurer — and Fellows of ... 3 3 0 Trollope, Ven. Arch- Oldrid, J. Esq. J.P. .220 WILLIAM QAKFIT, Esq. Oldrid, Rev. J. H.. . . - 10 « Massingberd,Rev.F.C. 110 Ward, Mr. J 2 6 Pattenden, Dr. LL.D. 110 AnnvaJ, Subscriptions. Massingberd, C. L. Wood, Rev. W. ....10 0 0 PVUey, Mr.SamvKL. -W 6 Addison, Mr. R - 10 6 Pearson, The Misses - 10 0 Ainslie, Eev. Robert 110 M«Lell Esq. .... - 10 6 TotalDons 43 8 6 Pearson, Mrs - 10 0 Alington, Rev. John 110 Toial Subs. ...209 8 6 Pilcher, W. J. Esq. - 10 6 Allenby, & Esq. 1 0 0 Monson, Hon. and Porter, E. C. Esq. . . 1 o 0 Allison, Mr. J. - B 0 Rev.E. 1 1 0 £232 It 0 Kadley, W. H. Esq. .210 Allison, T. Esq - 10 0 Mundy, C. J. H. Esq. 110 Rainey, A. Esq - 10 6 Allott, Rev. J ; 1 1 o Myddleton, R. Esq. .110 Rawllng&Son, Messrs. - 5 0 Amcotts,Col.O. M.P. 1 1 0 Nell, Ricbaid, Esq. EeynoWs, Mr. A. ... - 10 6 Armstrong, Capt. ... - 10 6 Rice, Charles, Esq.,. 2 2 0 Aubertin, E. Esq. ..110 Nevile, George, Esq. 110 BOSTON BRANCH. Rice, Mrs. Charles ..110 Aveland, Rt. Hn. Ld. 5 0 0 Ostler, Wm. Esq 1 1 0 Collected by Rice, Joseph, Esq. ..220 Bell, l)r - 16 6 Owen, Rev. Henry . . - 10 0 CIIABLES RICE, Esq. Rice, Mrs. Joseph. .. 110 Bethlehem Hospital, Palmer, Rev. E - 10 0 Ridiington, and Son, Governors of 5 5 0 Parker, Rev. Richd. 110 Javntud Subscription*. Booth, Thomas, Esq 2 2 0 Parker, Wm. Esq. ..220 Allen, Mr. Alderman - 10 6 Roy, Rev. R. E - 10 6 Boucherett, Mrs. . . 110 Parkinson, Rev. Dr.. 1 1 0 Bailes, W. H. Esq. . . - 10 «Soyle, Messrs. J. aad Bourne, Mrs. H. . . . - 10 0 Pearson, J. Esq 1 1 0 Baily, Miss (the late) 1 1 0 Son 10 0 Bowmar, Mr. C. . . . - 10 0Phanthorpe, Mr. C... 110 Baily, J. S. Esq 110 Scrivener, Mr. Thos. - 10 6 Brackenbury, L. Esq 110 Pickford, Rev. F. . . . 1 1 0 Baker Mr J H ... - 10 6 Sharp, Mr. J.W 10 6 Brookes, Rd. Esq. .. - 10 0 Pretyman, Rev. Fred. 1 1 o Barton, Mr. W - 10 6 Sherwin, Mr. Samuel - 10 6 Brownlow, Karl ... 20 0 0 Price, Potter, Walker, Barton, G. S. Esq. ..110 Simpson, B. S.. Esq.. - 10 6 Budibent, C. Esq. ..110 and Co. Messrs 220Bean, Charles, Esq. . - 10 6 Simonds, J.C. Esq. .110 Cartwright, Mr. S. . . 1 1 0 Rainey, Dr. 1 1 0 Beridge, Rev. B 110 Skiuner, Chas. & Son.- 10 6 Cherrington, Mr. R.. - 10 6 Bett, W. Esq. Esq... 110 Slator & Son, Messrs. - 10 6 Cholmeley, Sir M. J. Rawnsley, Rev. D. . 1 1 0 Blades, Mr. F - 5 0 Small, J. H. Esq. J.P. - 10 6 Bart M P .220 Rawnsley, Rev. Edw. 110 Blenkin, Rev. G. B. .110 Smith, Rev. J. A 10 6 Cholmeley, S. Esq. ..110 Reynardson, C.B. Esq.l 1 0 Bothamtey, Mr. H... -SO Clayton, N. Esq 2 2 0 Samuel, Mr. A 1 1 0 Bothamley, Mr. W. . - 10 6 Snaith F. Esq .... - 7 6 Clarke, Mr. C - 5 0 Samuel, Mr. H 110 Buck, Mr. James ...- 6 0 Clitnerow, R. Esq. .. - 10 0 Sargisson, Mr 1 1 0 Buck, Mr. John Geo. - 5 0 Spurr, Mr. George . . - 10 6 Collinson, T. Esq.. . . - 10 6 Stainton, Mr. W. ... - 10 & , Coltman, Rev. George 1 1 o Sheild, William, Esq. 110 Brightey, Mr. Joseph - 10 0 Stamford, Spalding, Conington, Rev. Jno. 1 1 o Sibthorp, C. W. Esq. 300 Caister, Wm. Esq. . . - 10 0 and Boston Bank- Cracroft, Rev. Robt.. 110 Sibthorp, Miss Waldo 220 Clark, Geo. Esq 1 \ 0 ing Co 5 6 0 Sibthorp, Mrs. Waldo 110 Clayton, Mr. D. U. Staniland, R. W. Esq. 110 Cussons, Mr. D - 10 0 Smith, Mr. B 1 1 0 (the late) - 6 0 Stanwell & Mawson, Cussons, Mr. W 110 Smith, Mr S - 10 6 Collins, T. Esq. M.P. 500 BaJIas-Yorie, T.Esq. 1 1 o Smith, Ellison, & Co. Cooke,T.S.£Son..l 1 0 Davy, J. Esq. - 10 6 Cooper, Mr. M...... 5 0 Swain, E.. H. Esq 10 6 De Grey and Ripon, Smyth, Rev. Wm. ..110 CooleyandSon -10 0 Taylor, Mr. Henry . . - 10 6 Smyth, W. H. Esq. .110 Cracroft, Mrs. J - 10 0 Thomas, J. H. Esq., Dixon, T. J. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Stanhope, J. K. Esq.. 220 Daulton, Mr. L - 10 6 Drax, J. S. W. S. Esq. 220Staniland, M. Esq. ..110 Dickinson, W. Esq. . - 10 0 Thomas, G. W. Esq. 1 1 o Dymoke, Hon. & Rev. Starmer, Chas. Esq. .110 Dingwall, Mr. R. M. - 5 0 Thompson, Mr. Jno. - 5 0 The Champion . . . 1 1 o Sutton, Eev. R 220 Dobson, C. Esq 110 Thorns & Son.Messrs. 110 Edmunds, Mrs 1 1 o Swan, J. & H. Esqs. .110 Dods, Mrs. Wm. ... 110 Thorpe, Mr. T. W... - 10 e Elmhirst, M. Esq. . . 1 1 oThimbleby, T. Esq. .110 I>unnnig, Mrs - 10 6 Tony, Mr. P. - 5 o Emeris, W. R. Esq. .110 Thorold, Henry, Esq. 220 Dyer.B. B. Esq - 10 6 Eve, Mr. J. «10 0 Travers, Kev. J. B. . 1 1 0 Edwards, Rev. T. L. 1 1 0 TaDDard, Rev. J. . . . 1 0 0 Everington,Wm. Esq. I 1 o Tumor, E. Esq. M.P. 1 1 0 Ellis Mr - 5 0 Tuxford, J. E. Esq. Francklin, Rev. J. . . 1 1 o Tweed, F. W - 10 6 Fenton Mrs 1 1 0 M.D 1 1 0 Garfit, Clavpons, and Uppleby, G. O. Esq.. 1 1 0 Gask, J. Esq.(Mayor) 110 Tnxford and Sons, Garfit 4 4 o Gee and Co. Messrs. .220 Grantham, MaJ. H. V. 110 ?"yner, Robert, Esq.. 200 Goodacre, Mr. Thos.. - 10 6 Two Little !Boys, B. Gray, H. Esq - 10 0 Vyner, Rev. W. P.. . 1 0 o Hartley, H.W. Esq.. 1 I 0 Hamilton, Kt. Hon. Waite, Rev. J. D. ... - 10 6 Hartley, J. A. Esq. .110 Walker, The Misses. 1 1 o R.C. N 220 Walls, Rev. R, G.... 110 Harwood, H. Esq.... - 10 6 Harrison, J. Esq 1Q o Watson, Rev. H. ... 0 10 6 Harwood, Mr. R. J.. - 10 6 Ward, Mr. J - 10 0 Harrison, R. Esq- ... - 10 0 Wells, Mrs. (the late), Holdsworth, W. H. Welsh, E. Esq. C.E.. 1 1 o Harrowby, Earl of .. 220 Representatives of 17 13 6 Esq. , 1 1 0 West, John, Esq. ... 1 "l 0 Hawson, Mr. J - 5 o West Mr .... - 10 6 Hildred, Mr. G - 10 6 Wheeler, W. H. Esq. Heanley,Mr.Marshall -50 Whinfield,E.W.Esq. 110 Hildred, Mr. T. B. . . - 6 0 C.E -10 6 Heathcote.Hon.Elizh. - 10 0 White, F. T. Esq. ..100 Hopkins, F. L. Esq.. 220 Wigelsworth, P. Esq. - 10 6' Heneage,fcdw . Esq.. 1 1 o Whitworth, Rev. T.. - 10 o Hopkins, Rev. Chas.. 110 Wighton, W. Esq. ..220 BKANCHES— LIST OP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 303 £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Wighton, Mrs 110 Berners, Right Hon. Priest, A 1 1 0 Wise, George, Esq... 1 1 0 Jfflerionetjjsinrc. the Lord (late) 220 Ripley, Rev. W. N.. 2 2 0 Woodcock, Mr. W. .110 Birch, Wyrley, Esq.. 220 Rous, Hon. W. R. . . 2 0 0 Wood, Mrs. A - 10 6 ABERDOVEY Bird,Eev.J.W 110 Sedgwick, Rev. Can. 110 Wren, Josh. Esq. ... 1 1 0 BRANCH. Birkbeck, Hen, Esq.. 2 o 0 Shepheard, Mrs. M. J. 1 0 0 Wright, Thos. and Honorary Secretary — Birkbeck,Mrs.E.L.. 220 Sondes, Right Hon. Blake, F. J. Esq 1 1 0 the Lord 220 Wright, Rev. K. F. . - 10 6 Mr. DAVID WILLIAMS, Blake, Henry, Esq. .110 Springfield, O. Esq. .110 Wright, C. T. and H. H.M.'s Customs. Blake, Jex. W. L. Stafford, Rt. Hon. the T. Messrs 1 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. Yeatman, C. Esq. ... 1 1 0 £. s. d. Blake, Mrs. C. Jex. .110 Steward, Edw. Esq. .119 Young & Adam, Drs. 110 Cockin, Mrs - 6 0 Bleakley, Mrs 1 1 0 Steward, Patteson, & Blomefield,Lt.-Col... 330 Total 115 1 0 Felix, Mr. R - 5 o Bouverie, Ven. Arch. 100 Thornhill, T. Esq. ..200 Backworth,T.R.Esq, 220 Tompson.H.K.Esq. 2 0 0 Donations. Goodman, J. R. Esq. 1 o 0 Cabbell; B. Bond, Esq. 220 Traflord, E. W. Esq.. 220 Caudwell, J. Esq. . . . 110 Griffiths, Rev. John. 100 Calthrop, John, Esq.. 110 Upcher, H. R. Esq. .220 Chambers, Mr. J. ...- 5 0 Chad, Scott, S.J. Esq. 100 Wodehonse, Hon. Ad. Charlton, Mr. W. ... - 10 0 Jones and Griffiths, Cholmondeley, The E. T 1 1 0 Clegg, W, Esq. M.D. - 10 6 Wodehouse, Mrs. C.. 1 0 0 Conington, Mrs. Ed.. 100 Cooper, Geo.H. Esq.. 110 Wright, John, Esq. Pughe, Mrs - 5 0 Corbett, Capt. J., R.N. 100 (the late) 110 Conington, Miss J. . . - 5 0 Kendall, Mr. 6 0 Cox, Miss J -HI 0 Dalrymple, Donald, Fendelow, Mr - 10 0 BACTON BRANCH. Johnson, Messrs. W. Shakspear, Mrs. ... - 5 0 Davy, John, Esq. ... 2 2 0 W. and Son 10 0 Sylvester, J. Esq.. .100 Dent, Edward, Esq. .110 Chairman — Lock, Mr. -50 Thruston, C. F. Esq 100 Dewing, Rich. Esq. .110 Rev. J. C. WEIGHT. Rowland J. Esq - 10 0 Tremlett, G. Esq... - 10 0 Dowson and Sons, Honorary Secretary — Webster, J. Esq.... 1 o 0 Messrs. 22 0 Mr. WILLIAM CUBITT. Williams, Rev. J. . - 10 0 Dugmore, Mrs. H. . . 1 1 0 Wynne, W.W.E. Esq 100 Edwards, Rev. B. . . 1 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. Total Dons. .... 6 6 6 Eent of room under Elwin, Hastings.Esq. loo Carter, Joseph, Esq.. 100 Total Subs. ...115 1 0 Lite-boat House .200 Foster, Chas. Esq. . . 2 20 Cubilt, Thos - 10 8 Sums under 6s 1 It 6 Fountaine, And. Esq. 220 Cubitt, W - 10 0 £121 13 6 George, T.W. Esq... 220 Pointer, W. Esq 1 0 0 Godfrey, Rev. W. ..110 Ives, George, Esq. ..100 Goulburu, Very Rev. Kimberley, Earl 200 E. M., D.D., Dean Mack, Mrs 1 0 0 Mack, Thos. Esq.... 100 CHAPEL BRANCH. BARMOUTH of Norwich 2 2 0 Gurdon B. Esq 2 2 0 Proctor, Kev F 1 0 0 Honorary Secretary — BRANCH. Guidon, Rev. Edward 110 Read, C. S. Esq. M.P. 100 Dr. CBOWTHEB. Chairman— Gwyn, Wm. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Waters, C. Esq - 10 0 Wright, Rev. C - 10 0 Collected by— W. W. E. WYNHE, Esq. Hamond,R. N.Esq.. 100 Mr. Richd. Smith ... 3 12 7 Honorary Secretary — Harvey, E.K. Esq... 110 11 0 0 Mr. Willson (Odd Mr. J. JENKINS, H.M.'s Hastings, Rt. Hon. (Fellows) 200 Customs. the late Lord 330 Donation. Heaviside, Rev. Can. 110 James Pearson, Esq. 1 11 6 Annual Subscriptions. Rev. J. B. Travers.. 1 11 6 Humfrey, B. R. Esq. 110 Bunbury, Col 2 2 0 Irby, F. W. Esq 220 Total.,. 13 0 0 Mr. H. Sargisson 100 Gore, R. O. Esq. M S. 220 James Pearson, Esq. 110 Jones, Sir W. Bart. .220 Lloyd Miss 1 0 0 Keppel, Kev.W.A.W. 110 Mr. W. G. West.... - 12 6 Eicketts Miss 1 1 0 Sums under 5s 1 4 0 Jones, Kev. J - 10 0 Keppel, Hon. & Bev. BLAKENEY BRANCH. Thomas, L. H. Esq. .100 Total 12 13 1 Kelt, G. S. Esq. (late) 330 Honorary Secretary — Williams, Win. Esq. - 5 0 Lacon, Sir E. H. K. Rev. R. H. TrLLAKD, M.A. Wynne, W. W. K Bart M P. .110 Esq. (2 years).... 200 Annual Subscriptions. Leicester, Rt. Hon. Townshend, Marquis 200 Rent of Boat-house the Earl of 5 0 0 CLEETHORPES (2 years) 400 BeU, Paul, Esq - 1» tt Bishop, Rev. E - fi 0 Long, R. K. Esq. ... 2 2 0 BRANCH. Total 14 0 0 Bonlnois, E. Esq 5 0 Longe, John, Esq. ..110 Brereton, Kev. R.B.. 1 1 0 Lothian, The Mar- A. W. T. GRANT-THOBOLD, Donations. Brumell, Rev. E. . . . - lu 6 Esq. chioness Constance 220 Buck W Esq -.50 St. Vincent, Jarvis. . 10 10 0 Lncas, Rev. R. G. ..100 Honorary Secretary — Pillar Box ;..ll 11 10 Burroughes,T.H.Esq. - 5 0 Lucas, Mrs. R. G. . . 1 0 0 Cooke, Mr. Robins ..100 EDWARD R. LLOYD, Esq. Lucas, George, Esq.. 110 Total Dona 22 1 10 DowelL. Rev. E. W. . - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Marsh, Rev. W. H. . - 10 6 Fenwick, Rev. J. ... - 10 0 Bannister, Edw. Esq. 110 Total Ssbs. ....14 0 0 Marsh Major 10 6 Frere, R. T. Esq. ... - 10 0 Ellis, Samuel, Esq... 1 1 0 Marsham, Rev. H. P. 1 1 0 Hales, John, Esq 5 0 Fletcher, H - 5 0 £36 1 10 Martineau, Miss F.A. 100 Hardy, W. H. C. Esq. 110 Grant-Thorold,A. W. Howard, Mr. J - 5 0 T. Esq J P 2 2 0 Matchett and Co. Hudson, George, Esq. 110 Heneage, Edw. Esq.. 110 Messrs, 110 Mealing and Mills, Marsham, Rev. T. . . - 5 0 Jones, Rev. W. P. . . 1 1 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Josse, Henri, Esq, ..110 Norfolk. Micklethwait, Rev. Pond, Mr - 5 0 Lloyd, Mr. E. E 110 Porritt, J. W. Esq.. . - 10 0 Marshall & Atkinson 110 NORFOLK BRANCH. Morse, Miss Emily .220 Purdy W Esq . . - 10 0 Manchester, Sheffield, Nisbet, Rev. Canon .110 RippingaU, W. Esq. - 10 0 and Lincolnshire Secretary — Norris, Wm. Esq. ..110 F. J. BLAKE, Esq. Norwich. Temple, W. Esq. ... - 10 8 Eailway Company 550 Norwich, the Hon. & Temple, Charles, Esq. - 10 6 Gates, Thos. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. Right Rev. the Tillard, Rev. R. H... 110 Seddon, P.K.Esq.J.P. 2 2 0 Albemarle, Rt Hon. Bishop of . ..220 Wells, Mr. Robert ..-50 Smith,-G. and Sou .. - 10 6 Earl of ... • 100 Nugent, Sir G.Bart.. 200 Sutcliffe, John, Esq.. 550 Andrew, Rev. W. W. 110 Parker, Rev. W. H. . 1 1 0 Total 15 16 6 Bagge, Richard, Esq. 220 Parmeter, R. W. Esq. 110 Total 24 2 6 Barclay, J. G. Esq. .220 Petre, Capt. J. B. . . . 2 0 0 Bayning, Lady 440 Pratt, Rev. William. 110 Donation. Beevor, SirT. B. Bt.. 110 Preston, Isaac, Esq. .110 Calthorpe, Lord 200 Bentinck,G.Esq.M.P. 220 Preston, Miss Sophia 200 Bensly, W. T. Esq. Proton, Miss Ellen .200 Total 1? 16 8 LL.ll 1 1 0 Preston, Sir J. H. Bt 2 0 0 i 304 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. CROMER BRANCH. Davy, Capt. R.N 2 2 0 Dawbarn, Mr. Root. 110 Freeman, J. Esq - 5 0 Beldlng, M. W - 5 0 Chairman — ttawbarn, Mr. R. M. 1 1 0 Fuller, Mr. Robert .-50 Bishope, Mr G ... - 5 0 Right Hon. LORD SUFFIELD. Dawbarn, Mrs 1 1 0 >ibson, George, Esq 100 Bits of Calk 7 6 Honorary Secretary — Dodman, Mr. M. ... 1 1 0 Green, Mr. Edmund - 10 0 Slacfcrock, Rev. — . .-70 Mr. W. G. SANDFOBD. Jodman, Mrs. M.... - 5 0 Grenside, Rev. C... - 10 0 Sranchflower, J. Esq. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. English Bros 1 1 0 Groom, John, Esq. . - 10 0 Bream and Bennett, £. «. d. jroom, J. Esq. Sen. 100 The Right Hon. Lord Garland, Capt. R.N.. - 5 0 jroom, Mr. J. E. . . - 5 0 Brown Mr H - 5 0 Garland, Mr - 10 6 Gurney, John, Esq.. 500 Butcher,W.Esq.Jun. 100 Gates, H. P. Esq - 10 0 Gurney, S. A. Esq. .100 Butcher.W.Esq.Sen. - 10 0 Buxton, Sir T. F. Bt 2 2 0 Gibson, G. Esq - 10 6 Hare, Sir Thos. Bart. 100 Butcher, Henry - 5 0 Buxton, T. F. Esq.. .220 Gurney, Messrs 2 2 0 Hogge, Miss Fanny .-50 Caley, Mr. W -BO Colson, Miss S - 5 0 Hamilton, J.deC. Esq. 1 1 0 Horsley, Mr.J.H... - 5 0 Chamberlin, Mr - 5 0 Cooper, Mr. James . - 10 6 Haraon le Strange ..550 Hulton, Mrs. Jane ..110 Ctiamberlin and Sons - 10 0 Field, Mr. Thos. ... - 10 6 Sowlett,Mr.J.W.Esq. - 5 0 Ibberson, Mr. Charles - 5 0 Clubburn.W. H.Esq. - 5.0 Fitch, The Misses .-60 Hunn, Mr. John 1 1 0 Kendall, T. M. Esq.. 1 1 0 Colbey Mrs - 5 0 Fitch, Kev. Fred. . . - 10 6 Hussey, Rev. W. L.. - 10 6 Leeper, Rev. Wm... - 5 0 Collyer, Col 200 Hoare, J. G. Esq.... 200 Jarvis, L. W. Esq... 110 Marriott, Mr. T. B... -50 Cooper, R. Esq .... - 5 0 Hoare, Jos. Esq 220 Kitton, Mr. T. li 1 1 0 Marshall, Mr. S. N. . - 5 0Cooper, Rev. — -10 0 Radge, The Misses.. - 10 0 Lambert, Messrs. J. Mills, Mr. G. W - 5 0 Copeman. John - 5 0 East, Mr. Benj - 6 0 and J. - 10 0 Nelson,MissE.(l810)- IB 0 Cubitt, Mr. C. - 5 » Total 15 6 6 Matsell, Mr. John . . - 10 0Patrick, Mr. W. K. . - 6 0Fitch, Mr. J - 5 0 North Miss .... - 7 0 Philcox, Mr. George. - 5 0 Fletcher, Mr. J - 5 0 Donations. Oliver, L. Esq. - 10 0 Polnill, Charles, Esq. - 10 0 Freeman, Mr. E. T. . - 5 0 A Visitor 100 Porter, Mr. E. C - 5 0 Freeman, Mr. H. . . . - 5 0 Acworth, J. R Esq.. 110 Raven, Rev K - 10 6 Priestley, Miss L.. . . - 10 0 Freeman, Mr. P - 5 0 Barcklay, Mrs. - 6 0 Robertson, Mr. J. W.-. 7 6 Priestley, Miss C. ... - 10 0 Gordon, Mr. G. ... 1 0 0 Lush, Sir Robert ... 1 0 0 Robson,Mr. A -10 0 Queensbury, Dowager Gordon, Miss 1 0 0 Rolfe, Miss Neville . - 10 0 Marchioness of ... 220 Wilson, The Misses. 500 Rolfe,E.N.Esq..... 220 Reed, Dr , - 5 0 Hanworth, Mr - 5 0 Subscription Box, Seapey, Mr. W. - 10 « Robinson, Mr. C. T.. -60Hardy, Mr. J - 5 0 Saundera, A. Esq.... - 5 0 Smetham, J. 0. Esq. 100 Seppings.Wm. Esq.. 100 Jarrett, Professor . . - 10 0 Total Dons 11 3 0 Spencer, Mr. E - 10 6 Stevenson, Mr. T. S.. - 5 0 Jarrold, Messrs - 5 0 Total Subs 15 6 6 Spinks, Mr. J. M - 10 6 Swatman, F.J. Esq.. - 6 0 Juniper, Mr. R - 10 0 Thompson, Pattrick, Ladpman, Mr. S.. . . - 10 0 £26 9 6 Sudbury, Mr. W - 10 0 and Woodwark . . . 100 Larter, Mr. W - 5 0 Thorley, John, Esq. . - 10 0 Upwood Miss 1 0 0 Thornton, H. J. Esq. - 10 0 Layard, Rev. — ....- 5 0 HASBOROUGH Wales, Mr. Charles . - 10 6 Vynne Mr R . . - 10 0 Ijee Mrs - 5 0 Waller, Rev. A - 10 6 Ward, David, Esq. .. - 10 0 Livock Mr - 5 0 BRANCH. Wells, Mr. M -10 0 WhaU.Mr.B.J - 5 0 Marston. Mr. - 5 0 President— Wells, Mr. R - 10 0 White, Rev. Thomas - 10 0 Murry, Rev. — - 6 0 R. S. BAKER, Esq. Wharton, Mr - 10 0 Wigg, Mr. W. C 5 0 Newson&Co. Messrs. - 10 0 Wherry, Mr. H - 10 6 Wllburn, Mr. W.... -SO Jforgate and Son - 5 0 Honorary Secretary- Whitmore, G. Esq. . . 110Wilkin, T. M. Esq. .-60 Rev. J. SLATER. Whitty, Dr. MD - 5 0 Winfleld, Mr. S. H. . - 6 0Pratt,Mr - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Wilson, Mr. John. . . - 10 0 Wise, Mr. Robert ... - 5 0 Purdy Mr. - 5 0 Baker, R.S.Esq 200 Young, — Esq 1 1 0 Wodehouse, Rev. P.J. - 10 0 Randell,M.W - 5 0 Robinson, Sir H 100 Chamberlin, Mr. J... 110 Total 52 6 6 Total 44 7 6 Samuels, Mr - 5 0 Saul, Mr. J -10 0 Frarey, Mrs. T. H.. . - 10 0 Scott, W. J. Esq. ... - 5 0 Gunn, Rev. J ..100 Donations. Seaman, Grimmer, & Morgan, Messrs 1 0 0 KING'S LYNN Household, Mr. R. B. 1 0 0 Co - 5 0 Seily, Mr - 5 0 BRANCH. Bertie's Box - 14 0 Shepheard, J. Esq. ..-50 Treasurer — Cresswell, F. J. Esq. Seily, Mr. C. J - 5 0 F. J. CRESSWELL, Esq. contents of contri- Smith 'Mr. D - 5 0 Slater. Rev. J 100 Hon. Secretary and Collector, Smith, Mr. G - 5 0 Wenn, Wm. Esq.... 100 Smith and Sons -10 0 Wilkinson, G. Esq. .110 Mr. WIIAIAM HITCHCOCK. Earl Derby Hotel do. - 6 4 Annual Subscriptions. Laws, Mrs., ditto (2 Stanley, Mr. - 5 0 Archer, T. G. Esq.. . - 10 0 years) 3 3 4 Andrews, Mr. T. J. . - 5 0 Rix, Mr. J.B., ditto. - 4 6 Wild, Mr. E - 5 0 Bagge, T. E. Esq 100 Small Sums -69 Willett, Mr H - 5 0 Barnes, Mr. Joseph. . -50 Willis and SouthaU . - 10 0 HUNSTANTON Bird, Mr. J. M - 10 0 Total Dons 10 12 0 BRANCH. Bird, Mr. Philip - 5 0 Total Subs 44 7 6 President— Blencowe, Misses ... 1 0 0 H. S. LE STRANOE, Esq. Boon, Mr. W. D - 5 0 454 19 6 Total £31 19 7 Boyce, Mr. W. H.. . . - 5 0 Hon. Secretary — Brame, Mr. J. H 5 0 JOHN NEWTON, Esq. Bray, Mr. John - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Clark, Mr W . 50 MUNDESLEY SHERINGHAM Ainslie, Miss - 10 0 Coldham, H. J. Esq. 110 BRANCH. Coulton, Miss - 10 0 BRANCH. Beckett, Rev. W. T. . 110 Cresswell, F. J. Esq. 100 Chairman — Patron— Beckett Miss . ..-50 Cresswell,0. Esq.... - 10 0 Sir H. ROBINSON. B. B. CABBELL, Esq. F.R.S. BIyth, Anthony, Esq. 110 Currie, Rev. Charles. - 5 0 Son. Secretary- Chairman — Brand J Esq ... 1 1 0 Cutbarth, Mr. S - 5 0 Mr. G. GORDON. HENRY R. UPCHER, Esq. Brown, Mr. 1 1 0 Devonshire, Mr. D.W.- 5 0 Honorary Secretary. — Campbell, Captain ..110 Dickinson,Rev.W.W. 110 Annual Subscriptions. Rev. L. MOORE, M.A. Charlesworth, Rev. J . Doyle, Mrs. Hannah. 100 Allcock Mr. F. 50 W - 10 6 Doyle, Mrs. Elizabeth 100 Atkinson, C. Esq 100 Annual Subscriptions. Coldham, J. H.Esq. . 1 1 0 Durrant, E. E. Esq. . - 10 0 Atthlll, Mr - 5 0 Buxton, Chas., Esq. .10 0 0 Coldham, Rev. John -10 0 Elwes, Robert, Esq.. 100 Back Mr P 50 Buxton, Sir Fowell .110 Collins, G. D. Esq. . . - 10 6 Everard, R. E. Esq. .110 Barcham, T. Esq - 10 0 Crtmer.T Wyndham, Dasborough, Mr. J. . - 10 0 Everard, Mrs. Wm. .100 Barnard, Bishop, and Esq 1 10 0 Fiddaman, Mr. J 5 0 Duncan, Miss 5 0 0 BRANCHES— LIST OP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 305 £ . s. d. £. 8. d. £. 5. d. t,. s. d. Hoare, Joseph, Esq. .110 lume, Mrs. (the late) 100 Cropper, Mr. W. R., Burrell, Bryan, Esq. - 10 0 Mortimer, Mrs. F. L. 2 2 0 Buston, R. Esq. -10 0 Sheringham,TheRev. jucas, Rev. Charles, a 2 0 Dorman, Mr. M - 10 0 Cadogan, C. H. Esq. .100 ucas, Rev. C. J. . . . 1 1 0 Chrisp, L. C. Ksq.... 100 Nelson, H. G. Esq. . . - 10 0 Crewe,Lord,Trusts. of 1 0 0 Total £21 15 0 Rising, Robert, Esq.. 100 Gee, Mr. J., Welfurd .-50 )and, Robert, Ksq. .. - 10 0 Waite, J. N. Esq.... - 10 0 Grafton, His Grace Dickson, W. Esq 1 1 0 Waller, J. T. Esq. . . - 10 0 the Duke of ... 1 0 0 Dickson.W.jun. Ksq. 220 WELLS BRANCH. Waters, Wm. Esq. . - 10 0 Patron and President— Forster, Wm. Esq. ..100 The Bight Hon. The Total £16 15 0 lensman, Mr. H. P.. - 10 0 Gardner, Mr. R - 5 0 KARL or LEICESTER. Jrey, John, Esq - 10 0 Hollis Mr ... 10 0 lindmarsh, L. Ksq.. 110 Honorary Secretary — Hughes, Rev. N. T.. - 5 0 Lisle, Hugh, Esq 100 Mr. THOMAS GAEWOOD, Jun. GREAT YARMOUTH & CA1STER BRANCH. Jeffrey, Mr. W ... 50 Marrett, Rev. E. L. . 1 0 0 Annual Subscriptions. Chairman — Tudklns, Mr., Long Maule Mr -50 Alwen, Mr. Thomas. - 10 0 WM. WORSHIP, Esq. Buckby - 5 0 Paynter, H. Esq - 5 0 "udkins, Mr., Stowe. - 5 0 Purvis Mr. H. T - 10 0 Baker, Mr. R - 5 0 Hon. Secretaries — Ceepe,Mr.,Woolaston - 5 0 ^octer, Rev. W 100 Bell Mr P . . . . - 10 0 Rev. G. W. STEWARD. Kenning, Mr. Charles, Richardson, Mr. G. . - 5 0 Bircham Mr 1 1 0 MATT. H. S. BOTCHER, Esq. RiddeU, SirW. B. Bt. 220 Brown, W. Esq - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Kenning, Mr. H., No- Robertson, Mr. T.... - 5 0 Chad, J. S. Scott, Esq. 110 A C. S 10 0 bottle 110 Sandford, Col. H. B, Collyer, Eev. Canon. - 10 0 Aldred, C. C. Esq. . . - 10 6ATarkham, Mr. A. B, 1 0 0 R.A - 10 0 Cook Mr H - 5 0 Scott Mrs 5 0 Crisp, Mr 1 0 0 leeching, Messrs. J. Shilbottle Colliery, Deeks, Mr. W -50 and H 1 1 0 Lessees of - 10 0 Doggett, Mr. J - 10 0 Bonfellow, E. J. Simpson, Mr. K. T. . - 10 0 Downing, Rev. H. E. 1 0 0 (Ferrier & Co.) ... 1 1 0 Osborne, Mr. G., Pat- Simpson, Mrs. Anne - 10 0 England, Mr. E -50 Iracey & Son, Messrs. - 10 6 Staunton W - 5 0 Everitt, Mr. George .-50 Branford, T. W. Esq. - 10 6 Osborn Mr T 50 Stephenson, W - 5 0 Everitt, Isaac, Esq. . - 10 0 Buxton, H. E. Esq. .100 Page, Mr. A - 6 0 Storer, E. A. Esq. ... - 10 0 Everitt, Mr. Thomas - 10 0 Chamberlin,C.H.Esq. 100 Strother, Wm. Ksq. .-50 Fison, Mr. T 110 Davie W Ksq 10 0 Phipps, Mr., Earls Kwan, Mr. Mark - 10 0 Gales Mr - 10 0 Dugmore, Mr. C. R. . 1 1 0 Tate, John, Esq - 10 0 Garwood, Mr. 1 0 0 Fellows, Mr. J. H. . . - 10 6Phipps, Mr. J . . 10 0 Tate, T. Esq - 10 0 Garwood, Mr. T - 10 0 Galleway, R - 10 6 Phipps, Mr. P. 1 0 0 Thew, Edward, Esq. 220 Gibbs Mr W - 5 0 Gurney & Co. Messrs. 220 Phipps, Mr. R 1 0 0 Wilkin andDickman, Gurneys, Messrs. ... 2 0 0 Haycock Mr, 1 0 0 Howard J. and Co... -50 Norton, Mr. A. C. . . - 5 0Pooler, Mr - 5 0 Jarvis, Mr. J - 10 0 Overbury, W. Esq... - 10 6 Portal, Mr 110 Total 32 18 6 Lambert, Mr - 10 0 "algrave, R.H.J.Esq. - 10 6 Porter, Mr. J - 5 0 Leeds, Mr. S - 5 0 Scott, James, Ksq. .. - 10 6 Leicester, TheEarl of 500 Shingles, G. S. Esq. . - 10 6 Rice Mr. W ... 1 1 0 Ling Mrs - 10 0 Robinson, Mr. J. ... - 10 0 Long, Mr. F - 10 0 Steward, Edw. Esq.. - 10 6 Rust Mr B ..110 BERWICK BRANCH. Loynes, Mr. E. B. . . - 5 0 Steward, Rev. G. W. 2 2 0 Chairman — Macks and Co - 5 0 Steward, T. B. Esq. . - 10 6 Rev. J. G. ROWE, Vicar. Marriott, Messrs. ... 1 0 0 Walpole, R. H. V. . . 1 1 0Scriven, Mr. T - 5 0 Honorary Secretary — Methold, Eev.J.W.. 1 0 0 Wai pole Mrs.) 1 1 0 Shepheard, Mr., Pat- B. G. SINCLAIR, Esq. Middleton, Mr. C. .. - 10 0 Watling, R. S. Esq.. 110 tishall 5 0 Moore, Mr. Thomas. - 10 0 Woolverton, C-Esq.. - 10 6 Shipman, Mr. L. . . . 2 2 0 Annual Subscriptions. Overman, Mr. R. ... - 10 0 Worship, W. Esq.... 1 1 0 Shipman, Mr. W.. . . 1 1 0 Allan Bros. Messrs. ,-50 Overman, Miss M. ..- 5 0 Collecting Boxes.... 13 18 1 Shoosmith, Mr - 10 0 Allan, Thomas, Esq. - 5 0 Park Mr K - 5 0 Smith, Mr. W. H.... - 10 0 Askew, Watson, Esq. 100 Flatten, Rev. J - 10 0 Total 33 1 1 Spoor, Mr - 5 0 Berwick Shipping Plowman, Messrs. . . - 5 0 Company, Limited 100 Potter, Mr. R. - 5 0 Donations. Border Brewery Co.. «- 10 6 Rtppengall, Mr. W.. 1 0 0 Collected on board Geo. Turner Bros. Messrs. 100 Cahill Dr F - 5 0 Rump, Mr. H. R. . . . 1 0 0 Smeed, of Rochester - 12 6 Vernon, Mr. J. M.. . - 10 0 Clay and Son ... , - 10 0 Rump, Mr. H 100 Watkins, Mr. J - 10 0 Grossman and Paulin 100 Rump Miss - 10 0 Darling, Thomas - 5 0 Savory.Mr.T - 5 0 Tapps, W. Handyside, 200 Wilson Mr 5 o Dodds It. Esq - 5 0 Shellabear, Mr - 10 0 Fleming, L. T. & J.. - 10 0 Simpklnson, Rev. ..110 Total Dons 3 12 6 Forbes, Capt. R,N... 100 Smith, Messrs - 5 0 Total Subs 38 7 1 Total 35 0 6 Forster, Capt. James 110 Forster, R. Esq. J.P. 110 Southgate, Mr. F.B.. - 6 0 £41 19 7 Gilchrist, C. L. Esq.. - 10 0 Spinks, Mr.W - 5 0 Good, T. S. Esq 1 1 0 Warner, H. L. Esq. .600 Gowan and Son, A.B. - 5 0 Warner, Rev. J. Lee 2 0 Henderson, G. & Son - 10 0 Life-Boat Box . 149 Himsworth, J. Esq. .110 NortfrumierlanK. Innes, J. H. Esq. . .'. - 10 6 "Xortf)amptonsf)to, ALNMOUTH Irwin, Rev. John ... - 5 0 Total £46 0 Johnston, Thos. Esq. 110 BRANCH. Lowrey,A.R.Esq.J.P.- 10 0 NORTHAMPTON Chairman — BRANCH. Paxton,Messrs.E.&W.- 5 0 WINTERTON Rev. E. L. MARRETT, Vicar. Richardson, Dr. R. N. - 10 0 Treasurer- Honorary Secretory — Robertson,A.Esq.J.P. - 10 0 BRANCH. Mr. MARK DORMAN. C. H. CADOGAN, Ksq. Sanderson, S. Esq. .. - 10 0 Chairman — Honorary Secretary — Annual Subscriptions. Sinclair, B.G. Esq... - 5 0 ROBERT COPEMAN, Esq. Mr. RICHARD PHIPPS. Northumberland, The Thompson, A. Esq. .-50 Honorary Secretary- Annual Subscriptions. Thompson, T. and R. - 5 0 Rev. WILLIAM GREEN. Adkins, Mr. W - 5 Appleby Mrs. . . 1 00 Vicar of Berwick ... - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Barry Mr J 10 Armstrong, Sir W.G. Willoby and Son ... - 5 o Beard Rev. T 10 Kt C B ... 1 0 0 Woods & Co. Bankers 110 Bird Capt . 1 1 Birdsall Mr - 6 Beli Mr W 50 Bolton, Rev. H 10 Bennett, Thos. Esq. . - 10 0 Harbour Comniissnrs. 220 Copeman, R. Esq. . . 1 0 Blair, Mr. H. Hunter - 5 0 Sums under 5s. 1 14 6 Green, Rev. W 1 1 Browne, A. H. Esq.. 100 Harden, liev. 11. W.. - 10 Clilton, Mr. A. C. . . 1 1 Browne, Major 1 0 Total 22 13 6 1 306 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Donations. Craster, John, Esq.. - 10 0 Isniay, John, Esq.. .200 Curry, Wcyergang, & Biddell, Esq - 10 0 Grey, Mr. James.... - 10 0 Lawson, Rev. E 110 Co . . 10 6 Eev. Thos. Procter, Horsley, Mr. John.. - 5 0 Leefe, Rev. J. E - 10 0 Dale, Mrs. Peter.... 100 from Tweedmouth Lisle, Hugh, Esq.... 100 Mungin, Rev. E. N. . 1 1 0 De Pledge, Fred - 10 0 Penny Headings .220 Kooke, Rev. G 100 Mitford, Major O. . . 1 1 0 Dees, B. E. - 10 6 Smith, Mr. Mark... -50 Nesham,W.Esq.M.D. 110 Diezinger and Co 10 0 TotalDons 2 12 0 Streatfleld, Rev.W.C. - 10 0 Northumberland His Dixon & Co. S.&C.W. - 10 6 Total Subs 2213 6 Tate, John, Esq - 10 0 Grace the Duke of 2 0 0 Dodsworth, F. &W.. - 5 0 Parker. Mrs 1 1 0 Dryden H .50 £25 5 6 Waddilove, Major . . 1 0 o Engineers' Amalga- 18 2 0 mated Society, New- Donation. Total 16 0 0 castle 210 0 Gandy, Capt. - 10 0 Evans, Mrs 100 BLYTH BRANCH. Fedden, Brothers ... - 10 6 Honorary Secretary— Total 18 12 0 Fenwick, George 110 JAMES DAELING, Esq. Finney, Samuel - 10 6 NEWCASTLE, TYNE- Foster, Biackett, and Donations. MOUTH, & CULLER- Wilson 10 6 Arkless, Bell, & Co.. - 10 0 HAUXLEY BRANCH. COATS BRANCH. Foster, James 5 0 Black, Theodore .... - 5 0 Chairman — Vice-Patrons— Frazer, Roberts, & Co. - 5 0 Darling, James - 10 0 S. F. WroDRiNGTON, Esq. Rt.Hon. LoRn RAVENSWOBTH. Gething, Caro, & Co. - 10 0 Dawson, George R. . - 10 0 Gibb, Dr. C.I 1 1 0 Honorary Secretary — Right Hon. and Rev. Glynn, Edward - 10 6 Dent, Hodgson, & Co. - 10 0 Rev. A. 0. MEDD. LORD- HASTINGS. Goddard, D. H - 10 0 Hon. H. G. LIDDELL, M.P. Green & Son, George - 10 6 Annual Subscriptions. W. B. BEAUMONT, Esq. M.P. Green & Sons, John. 100 Dobson, John - 5 0 Carr, Rev. T. W. . . . 1 1 0 Dromgoole, Eev. P. 0. -50 Northumberland, His Chairman — Haansbergen, W. J.. - 10 6 EccJes, Thomas - 10 0 Grace the Duke of 2 0 0 Haggle, Peter 110 Browne, General .... 1 1 0 Treasurer — Hall & Co. John - 10 6 Grant, Charles - 5 0 Clutterbuck,T.Esq.. 110 HUGH TAYLOE, Esq. Hansen, P - 10 6 Harper & Thompson - 5 0 Heatley, .lames - 5 0 Dand,M. H. Esq.... 110 Hon. Sec. at Tynemonth— Harris & Co. Anthy. - 10 6 Hedley. John 1 0 0 Dunn, Rev. J. W.... - 10 6 P. J. MESSEOT, Esq. C.E. Forater, Colonel 110 Harrison, A. P 1 0 0 Hodgson, Joseph ... - 10 0 Hepple, Rev. Matth. - 10 0 Hon. Sec. at Cullercoats — Hastings, Right Hon. Capt. WILLIAM ADAMSOH. and Rev. Lord .... 2 2 0 Hodgson, Richard. . . - 10 0 Holdsworth, J. Esq.. - 10 0 Havelock M .... - 10 0 Jones, Rev. D. T. ... - 10 0 llderton, Rev. Thos.. 100 Annual Subscription!. Hawks, Crawshay & Knight, Thomas 10 0 Sbotton, Jas. Esq.... - 10 0 Northumberland, His Co 1 1 0 Grace the Duke of, Hawthorn, R. & W.. 110 Lough, Richard - 5 0 Thomson, Rev. G. S. 1 0 0 P.O. (Patron) 2 0 0 Heald & Co. Jos - 10 6 Manners, John .... - 10 0 Warkworth Harbour, Adamson, Win - 10 6 Henzell, Wm 10 0 M'Alpine, John - 5 0 Commissioners of . 10 0 0 Addison, Rev. B. ... - 10 0 Milburn, John - 5 0 Widdrington, S. F. Hepple, Thomas — 10 0 Nichol, John W. ... - 10 0 Esq '. .. 220 Allhusen and Sons.. 110 Ogle, Miss 1 0 0 Whitneld,E. Esq.... - 5 0 Angus, George 1 1 0 Hodgkin,Bamelt,&Co.3 3 0 Kiuley.SirM.W., Bt. 5 0 0 Sums under 5s 1 12 3 Annandale, James . . 5 0 0 Holmside Colliery. . . - 10 6 Robinson, Edw. A.. - 10 0 Annandale, John ... 1 0 0 Houen and Co - 10 6 Robinson, John Jun. - 5 0 Total 26 4 9 Apedaile, T. H 110 Hostmans, Company 550 Robinson, William.. -50 Armstrong, Clavton. - 10 0 Hume and Sons - 10 6 Ruddock, Thomas . . - 5 0 Atkinson, G. C.". . . . . 1 1 0Hunter, William ... - 10 0 Sidney, M.W.J ... - 5 0 HOLY ISLAND Ayton, John F. .... - 30 0 Hatehinson, W. J... - 10 B Sidney, Mrs. M 1 0 0 Bambridge & Co. ... - 10 6Hderton, Miss ..-50 Smith, Thomas A. . . - 10 0 BRANCH. Barker, J 1 1 0 Ingledew H 10 G Smith, William B. . - 10 0 Chairman — Barras Brothers .... - 10 0 Stafford, Francis. ... - 5 0 RALPH WILSON, Esq. Barras & Co. John . . 1 10James, Edward 110 Thrift, Robert.... - 10 0 BedlingtonCoalCo.. 220 Jarrow Chemical Co. 2 2 0 Turnbull, James ... - 5 0 Honorary Secretary— R. A. WILSON, Esq. Bell Brothers 220 Jobling, F. R. & Co.. - 10 6 Walker, Thomas ... - 5 0 Bessler. Waecbter, & Jobson Brothers 10 0 Ward,-T>r. G - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Johnson and Co 1 1 0 Ward, William M... - 5 0 Armstrong, Sir W. G. Bilton,Wllliams,& Co. 1 1 0 Johnson, R. J - 10 0 Watts, Milburn & Co. 220 Bart 1 0 0 Johnson, William . . - 10 6 Whitehead, Wm. Jr. - 5 0 Askew, Watson, Esq. 100 Borries, Craig, (s Co. Johnson, William . . - 10 0 Wilson, John - 5 0 Border Brewery Co.. - 10 6 Johnson & Limpricht - 5 0 Winship, William. .-50 Dakyn, Rev. Dr - 10 6 Bramwell, T. S 2 0 0 Joicey, Jas. & Co 110 Brown, George - 10 6 Kewney, George - 10 6 Embleton, Miss -50 Brown, Ralph 220 Kinnear, A - 5 0 Grey, Mr. James ... - 5 0 Brown, R. B - 6 0 Laing, Alexander.. . - 10 0 Himsworth, J. Esq. . 100 Brown, R. B. (by Lambert, M. W -10 6 Lady Louisa, Mar- Friends) 1-2 R Lambton &Co.Messrs. 550 chioness of Water- Burn, David - 10 6 Laws, C. U - 10 6 BOULMER BRANCH. Burnett, Jacob 1 1 0 Leideman and Co 1 1 0 Chairman — Percy, Lord Henry.. 220 Burnhope Colliery . . - 10 6 Leslie and Co. A 1 1 0 JOHN CRASTKB, Esq, Tankerville, Earl ... 1 0 0 Liddell, John 110 Honorary Secretary. Wilson, Mrs. R. A. . - 10 6 Can- and Co - 10 6 Liddell,Hn.H.G.,M.P. 220 Rev. L. J. STEPHENS. Lietch, T. C 10 6 Annual Subscriptions. Total 11 4 6 Carr, John, and Son. 110 Locke, Biackett, & Co. 1 1 0 Northumberland, The Carr L. S. - 5 0 Losh, Wilson, & Bell 110 Carver and Co 10 6 M'Allum, C. 0 110 Grey, The Earl 200 NEWBIGGIN ChiversandPrazer.. - 10 6 M'Connell, Wm -10 0 M°Leod, Mrs. A - 10 0 Grey, Sir G.Bart.M.P. 1 0 0 BRANCH. Clapham, Henry. ... - 10 0 c Tankerville, Earl of . 100 Chairman — M Pherson, John E.. - 10 6 A. J. BAKER CRESSWELL, Esq. Clayton, Miss Ann.. 110 Mating, C. J. 1 1 0 Allgood, Hunter, Clementson, C. & Co. 2 2 0 Mayson, T W 10 6 Esq. (2 years) 100 Honorary Secretary — Cook, Brothers - 10 0 Meier, R 5 o Bell Kev H - 10 0 Rev. E. N. MANGIN, Coppin, John, J.P. . . 1 10 Miller, W 10 0 Bosanquet,Kev.R.W. 2 2 0 Woodhorn. Corporation of New- Miller, Monkhouse, ' Annual Subscriptions. castle 10 10 0 Goddard, and Co... 110 Brown, Kev. Dixon. 100 Cresswell, A. J. B. Cowan, G. and W. . . - 10 0 Brown, Robert, Esq. - 10 0 Esq 3 3 0 Crawford Brothers .. - 5 0 Mitchell and Co. C.. . - 10 6 Burrell, Bryan, Esq. - 10 0 Dent, Capt. R.N. ... 1 1 0 Crawhall & Son, J.. . - 10 6 Foster, Robert, Esq.. 110 Cully, Edward - 5 0 MuBchamp, W - 10 6 BEANCHES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 307 £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Woods M. E 1 1 0 Nelson H 50 Wylie and Co - 10 0 Branston, Miss - 5 0 Walker, Mr. J. D. . . 1 1 0 Newcastle Branch of Yellowley & Daglish 10 6 Branston, Mrs. Sen. .110 Wells Mr A. 110 National Provincial Young E - 5 0 Branston, Mr. H. H. - 10 0 Windley, Mr. Wm. . 110 Bank of England . 330 Sums under 55 - 10 0 Branston, Mr. J - 10 0 Wright, Rev. J. B... 110 Nicholson, John .... - 10 0 Caparn, Mrs. Robert - 10 0 Ormston, John l 1 0 Ormston, Robert 220 Donations. Owen, Mr. W...... - 5 0 Central Station Box. 1 6 9 Donations. Palmer, C. M 1 1 0 Deacon and Morrison 1 1^0 Eve, Mr. 110 Pearson, R 5 0 Falkner, Mr. E. S. . . - 5 0Adlington, W. D. . . . 5 0 0 Philipson, G. H - 10 6 George, J. N. Esq. ..100 0 Foster, Mr -50 Poppelwell, Messrs.. - 10 6 Gilbert, Mr. John ... - 5 0 Total Dons. ...105 0 0 Potter, Addison 1 1 0 Ruddock, Miss, by Gilstrap, Mrs. G. ... - 10 0 Potter, W. A 1 1 0 Miss Ban-as 10 0 0 Greenwood, Mrs - 5 0 Total Subs 30 4 0 Pow and Fawcus ... - 10 6 South Shields Life- Hall, Mrs. Henry ... 110 Priestman, Jonathan - 10 0 boat Fund, per Jos. Hart, Mr. George - 5 0 £135 4 0 Miller 25 0 0 Harvey, Mr. John . . - 5 0 Proctor, JR.. 10 6 Tynemouth Pier Boxl5 19 2 Hildyard, Mr. T. B. Ramsay, G. H - 10 6 Tynemouth, Proceeds T. M.P. 110 Rayrie, Charles 1 1 0 ofConcertat 15 0 0 Hodgkinson, Mrs. F. -50 Redmayne, J. M. ... - 10 6 Wharton, Mrs 10 0 0 Hodgkinson, Mrs. Gr. - 5 0 Subscription Boxes at— Job, Mr. Samuel. ... - 10 0 ©xfot&sijm. Reid and Sons. . , 10 6 " Gibraltar Rock " Tavern, Tyne- Kendal, Rev. W. C. . - 10 0 Richardson, Mrs. E.. 100 Lammin, Mr. Henry - 10 0 HENLEY-ON-THAMES Richardson E. . 10 0 mouth (1869) ..-80 Lawton, The Misses. - 5 0 Richardson Brothers - 10 0 "Union" Tavern, M'George, Mrs -50 BRANCH. . Ridley, Son, & Tally, do (1869) 11 2 Martin, Rev. H. A... - 5 0 Chairman — Ditto (1810) Middleton, Mr. R - 10 0 C. LUCEY, Esq. Robinson and Co -50 " Bath " Hotel, do. (1869) - 8 9 Hewbald, Mr. Henry - 5 0 Honorary Secretary- Robinson, John - 10 0 Parker, Commander, Mr. C. J. KINCH. Robinson, Thomas. .110 Ditto (1810) Rogerson, & Co. J. . . 1 1 0 "Royal "Hotel, do. Peacock, Rev. W. J. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Row, Jane 100 (1869) 1 0 10 Plater, Rev. H. - 10 0 Almack, H. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Barnett, Mrs. C - 10 0 S.W - 10 ( " Turk's Head " Pratt, Mr. T.B 110 Saniter,Ludwig,&Co. - 5 0 Readhouse, Miss -50 Brakspear,W.H.Esq. 1 1 0 Schier, H. J 10 6 Hotel (1870) ... 31 Riddell, Mr. E. M. H. 110 Cautherly, Mrs - 5 0 Schlesinger, Davis, & Simmons, Mr. E. T.. - 5 0 Total Dons 91 9 3 Smith, Mr. J. E 1 0 0 Goff.S.Esq - 5 0 Schmaltz, & Co. Gr«. - 10 6 Total Subs 198 6 0 Tallents, Mr. G - 10 0 Grey, Hon. Admiral. - 10 0 Scholefleld, Henry .. 10 8 Thorpe, Mr. James.. - 10 0 Heathfleld, R. Esq.. . - 10 6 Scott Brothers...... 1'J 0 £289 15 3 Thorpe, Mr. John. . . - 10 0 Kinch, Mr. C. J. Trent Brewery - 10 6 (Commission not Walton, Mr. Henry . - 5 o charged) 2 6 0 Shield, Bourne, & Co. 1 1 0 Lane, C. Ksq 1 1 0 NORTH SUNDER- Lockey, Miss -10 0 LAND BRANCH. Lucey, C. Esq 1 1 0 Sowerby, John 1 1 0 Chairman — Lucey, Miss 10 6 Rev. F. B. DAHNELL. Pinckney, Rev. W. P. 110 Spence, Joseph - 10 6 Plumbe, C. Esq - Id 6 Honorary Secretary- Donations. Spencer, J. & Sons . . 1 10 Rev. F. R. SIMPSON. Poynder, C. Esq 1 1 0 Steenberg, R. Swan, Bnrnaby, Mr. J. F. . - 10 0 Raggett, Mrs 1 1 0 and Co - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Oldham, Mr. H . , , , - 5 0 Rhodes, Mrs 1 1 0 Stephens, Hurdon, & Atkinson, R. Esq. . . - 10 0 Small Snms - 3 6 Co - 5 0 Lord Crewe's Trus- Total 15 6 6 Stephens, W. D. - 10 0 tees 30 0 0 Total Dons - 18 6 Stephenson & Co. R. 110 Broadbent, L.G., M.D. - 10 0 Total Subs 25 5 9 Donations. Steven SOB, Vermehren, Brown, Rev. Dixon.. 100 Ovey, The Misses. . .80 0 0 - and Co 1 1 0 Cumby, Miss 5 0 £26 4 3 Ditto, sixth don 10 0 0 Stokoe and Co - 10 6 Cumby, Rev. Wm. . - 10 0 Stokoe, T 10 6 Darnell, Rev. W. ... - 10 0 Total Dons 90 0 0 Dinning, J. Esq. ... - 10 0 Strachan, H. & Co. . . - 5 0 Total Subs 15 6 6 Straker, John 1 1 0 Hodgson. Miss 1 1 0 NOTTINGHAM Surtees and Co - 10 6 BRANCH. Swanston, & Sons, W. 1 1 0 Morton, Mr - 10 0 £105 6 6 Taylor, John 1 1 0 Satterthwaite, T. E. Esq - 10 0 WILLIAM VICKERS, Esq. Taylor and Co. W... - 5 0 Simpson. Rev. F. R. . - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Thompson & Boyd. . - 10 6 Taylor, Mrs 1 1 0 SAMUEL COLLIKSON, Esq. Thompson & Co. Jas. - 10 0 Thorpe, Rev. C 1 0 0 Annual Subscriptions. TullyandCo. Chas.. - 5 0 Wilkinson, Rev. E. A. - 10 0 Bradley, Mrs 110 Brown, Mr. George. . 110 •pmlirofe£sj)irc. Tyne General Ferry Total 40 17 0 Browne, Mr. Walter, Company 5 0 0 Solicitor 1 1 0 F1SHGUARD TTsworth Colliery. . . 2 20 Colson, Mr. Crutus.. - 10 6 BRANCH. Wait, Jas. and John 110 Fellows, C. F. Esq... 500 Chairman — Walker, Parker, & Co. 1 1 0 Rev. C. H. BAEHAM. Waller, John, & Co.. - 10 6 Harley, Mr. John ... 10 Watson, Joseph .... 1 1 0 Nottinghamshire. Heymann, Mr. A. . . 10 Honorary Secretory — Watson, S. 0. 10 0 Heymann, Mr. H 1 0 Mr. WILLIAM VAUGHAN. Wear and Colley.... 5 0 NEWARK BRANCH. Annual Subscriptions. Welford, F 10 t» Honorary Secretary- Kulp & Son, Messrs. 1 0 A Friend - 5 0 West R. J 1 1 0 Linder, Kingsley, £ Barham, Rev. C. H. . 1 0 0 Wheeler, Rev. R. F. - 10 6 Commander PARKEU, R.N. Bell, J. D. Esq - 5 0 Wilkinson, W. B. ... - 10 6 Annual Subscriptions. Lottimer and Co. Bowen Capt C. - 5 0 Williamson and Co.. 110 Wilson, W. 10 0 Bainbridge Mr 1 0 0 New Mr A 110 Brettingham, C. Esq. 110 Winlo, J. and P. C. . - 10 0 Bayliffe, Mr. Robert. - 5 0 Woods and Co 5 5 0 Richard's, Mr. W. A. - 10 6 Corbett, R. Esq - 10 0 Woods, J. A 1 1 0 Bilson, Mast. D. Small Smith, Mr. George'. . 110 Kdwardes T. Esq . 10 0 Woods, W. G 10 6 Collections by .... 1 4 9 Sulley, E. Esq 2 2 0 Griffith, M. Esq. ... - 10 0 ' 308 THE LITE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

£. s. d £. s. d £. s. d. Oldham, C. Esq - 10 ( Hicks, H. Esq. M.D.. - 10 ) Huntingdon, Rev. 6. - 5 ) Holbournc, Sir W,, Oldbam.C.S. D.O.Esq.- 5 t Hughes, Rev. J - 5 { Jervis, P. Vincent, Owen, H. C. Esq. ..-51 Bart - 5 0 Prolheroe, Mrs - 5 C John, Miss 5 () Jervis, W. N. Esq.. . - 10 Richardson, Mrs... - 6 C ) Jollands, C. E. Esq. . 1 0 ) Hony, MissC - 5 0 Rider, T. Esq 1 0 fl Morgan, Mr - 10 ( Knight, J. B. Esq. . . - 10 C Vaughan, Wm. Esq - 5 0 Owens, Mrs. Capt. . . - 5 « Button, Mrs. C. - 5 0 Sums under 5s..,.. 723 Powell, Mathias, and Lanning, Robert, Esq. - 5 ( Jackson, Miss - 5 0 Evans, Messrs.,,. - 10 C Leach, John, Esq. Ivy Jupp, R. S. Esq - 5 0 £15 8 3 Reed, Rev. Canon... 2 2 « Ijawrence, W. K. Esq. 050 Donation. Rees, E. Esq - 10 0 Lloyd, N. B. Esq.. ..-50 Little, Mrs, B loo 1 Proceeds of Popular Lockhart, Miss - 5 « Mason, Mrs - 5 0 Entertainments ..10 10 0 Richardson, Rev. Maclaren, Peter, Esq. - 10 C Maud, C. T. Esq. ... - 5 0 Maitland, F. Esq 1 1 t Maurrice, Mrs. P. ... - 5 0 Total 25 18 3 Robinson, E. Esq ... - 10 0 Mapleton, David,EsQ. - 5 0 Oakes, Miss - 5 o Scourfleld, J. H. Esq. Onslow, CoL 100 Parks, J. Esq Pascoe, Mr - 10 0 Shipwrecked Mariners' Percy, A. C. H. Esq. 200 Paynter, Rear- Adm.. - 10 0 MILFORD HAVEN 110 Philips, J. C. Esq. ..-50 BRANCH. Thomas, Rev. Canon 110 Popperwell, Rev. J. Williams, Mr. D. P.. - 5 0 Robertson, Mrs. W., - 10 0 Patron— Provincial Bank .... - 5 o Sandham, Mrs - 5 0 The Eight Hon. The EAEL OF Williams, G. O. Esq. - 5 0 Rees, William, Esq.. - 10 0 CAWDOR. Williams, J. Esq.... - 10 0 President— Williams, W. Watts, Sanders, H.". 5 0 Sproule, Mrs - 5 o J. H. SCODBFIELD, Esq., M.P. Esq 10 0 Saunders, Mrs - 5 0 Chairman — Sums under 5s 319 Thornton, Mrs - 5 0 Admiral J. LORT STOKES. Sommerville, J. T. Walker, T. F. Esq. .-60 Total 23 5 3 Esq - 5 0 Sums under 5* 280 Stephenson, Mrs. ... - 5 0 H. PATTreos, Esq. Stephenson, ft. W. Annual Subscriptions. Donations. Jackson, T. T. Esq. . - 10 6 Richardson, Rev. Stewart, Mrs 100 Donation. Johnsone, J. Esq.... - 10 6 Walker, T. F. Esq. .100 Leach, H. Esq 100 Williams, J. Esq.... - 10 0 Stone, H. Esq. Aber- Mirehouse, Mrs. 110 Total 20 16 6 Pattlson. H. Ksq - 10 6 TotalDons - 15 0 Summers, Mrs - 5 0 Total Subs. ....23 5 3 Two Ladies, per Pro- Koch, X. A. Esq.... 1 1 0 vincial Bank 1 10 0 BRIDGEWATER AND Stokes, Adm. J. L. . - JO 6 £24 0 3 Utterson, E. V. Esq. - 5 0 Vaughan, Mrs. H. H. - 5 0 BURNHAM BRANCH. Walsh, Arthur F.Esq. - 5 0 President— The MAYOR OF BBIDGEWATEB. Donations. Chairman — TENBY BRANCH. Webber, A. C. Esq. .-100 J. B. THWAITES, Esq. J.P. Mlrehouse.R.B.Esq. 2 0 0 President— Wedgwood, Miss J. E. - 1 0 0 Hon. Secretary — F. D. DrsiEE, Esq. M.D. Wedgwood,H.W.Esq. - 10 0 CtJTHBEBT RlTSON, Esq. Rees, W. Esq. 1 0 0 ]>itto (last year)..., - 10 0 Rock, N. A. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Chairman— Wells, C. H. Esq. ... - 10 0 Collector- Seoul-field, J. H. Esq. C. ALLEM, Esq. Wells, C. J. Esq - 5 0 Mr. W. FlSHKB. Honorary Secretary — White, George, Esq.. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Thomas, Rev. Canon 300 C. H. SMITH, Esq. Williams,T.K.W.Esq.- 5 o Ash, W. Esq 1 1 0 Walters, W. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Wilson, Rev. H. D. . - 5 0 Baker, W.Esq 110 Annual Subscriptions. Winston, H. B. Esq.. - 5 0 Braikenridge.Rev.W. Acton, Stackhouse, TotalDons 16 0 0 Corporation of Bridge- Alison, J. Esq - 10 0 Total Subs 5 14 6 Sums under Ss H 12 10 Allen, Charles, Esq.. 100 Elton, Sir Arthur, Bt. 1 1 0 Allen, Mrs. F - 10 0 Ainsley.Mrs - 5 0 Friend, per Mr. H. C. Banks, Mrs - 5 0 Beadon, Sir Cecil 10 0 Bloxsam, M. Esq. . . - 10 0 ST. DAVID'S AND Brelt, Mrs. and Miss Hennet, J. C. Esq. ..-50 SOLVA BRANCH. Somersetshire. Bridges, Sir H.J.Bt - 10 0 Patron — Knyton, J. T. Ksq.'. .100 Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Brook, Thomas, Esq. - 5 0 BATH BRANCH. LuttreU, Lieut-Col.. 100 ST. DAVID'S. Hervey, Lord Arthur Collector — C. (Bishop of Bath President- ME. W. H. DOCK. Rev, Canon RICHABDSON. Clerk, L.G. Esq - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Killip, R. Esq - 2 6 1870-71. Miller, Rev. E - 10 0 JOHN WILLIAMS, ESQ. Mapleton, Rev. H. M. 1 1 0 VIce-Chairman— Dunn, N. J. Esq. ... - 10 0 Ratchellor, Misses . , - 5 0 Saunders, C. ESQ. (the E. REES, Esq. Stepbenson.Kev.l'reb. 100 JOHN REES, Esq. Breton, W. H. Esq. . - 5 0 fhwaites, J. B. Esq. 0 10 0 C. BROWNE, Esq. Fitzgerald, J. Esq.. . Caulfeild, E. T. Esq. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Floyer, Capt - 5 0 Church, W. T. Esq. . - 6 0 Allen, Rev. Canon.. 110 Porde, Mrs. H - 5 0 BickerstafT, Colonel .110 Forman, F. J. Esq. .-50 Browne, C. Esq - 5 0 Francis, J. D. Esq.. .-100 Dubson, Wm. Esq... - 5 0 Cawdor, Earl of 2 2 0 Soodeve, Dr. E - 5 0 [Xmiager, Miss H. . . - 5 0 WESTON-SUPER- MARE BRANCH. Hawkesley, J.P. Esq. - 10 0 Davies, Capt. J - 5 0 Kaygartb.Rev.H.W. - 5 0 George, R. F. Esq. ..-50 Hon. Secretary— Highmore, W. Esq.. - 5 0 Capt. taffor&siwe. Smith, Edmund"... 1 1 Beech, Herbert, Esq. 110 Patterson, A. Esq... 220 Stanley, C. W. & J. 1 1 Bodley, E. F. Esq. . . 110Robinson & Hudson. 220 •BURTON-ON -TRENT Thompson and Son 2 2 Brindley, John 1 1 0 Smith, Sampson, Esq. 110 BRANCH. Thornewill, Mrs. .. 1 1 Boote, Messrs. T. and Stcelet Co. Messrs.. 220 President— Thomewill, Rev. C. - 10 Stirrup and Pye .... 2 2 0 Tomliuson, R. S. . . 1 1 Bostock, Thos. Esq. - 10 6 Turner, T. Esq 110 M. A. BASS, Esq. M.P. Davenport, H. Esq.. 110 Chairman — Townsend, William - 10 Webberley, W. Esq. 220 Treslse, J. N - 5 Davenport, H. T. Esq. 110Wileman, J. F. Esq. 110 Ward, A. H - 10 6 Dean, A. 110 Wright, F. S. Esq. . . 2 2 0 Treasurer & Hon. Secretary- Ward, Thomas - 10 6 Edge, Stephen 110 Young,. E 1 1 o . Mr. E. MADELEY. Wardle, William ... - 5 0 Edge, Malkin,& Edge 1 1 0 Edwards, R. Esq... 110 Collector- Warham, Charles ..-50 NEWCASTLE. Warren, W. and J. . 1 1 0 Emery and Sons, Mr. W. SHILTON, Jun. Wplla TVfra — fi Messrs 110 Honorary Secretary— Annual Subscription*. Whitehead,T.N. ... - 10 Furlong Mill Com... 110 FBEDEBIC ALLEN, Esq. £. s. < Wiklrnan, Miss - 5 Gariick, G. W. Esq.. 110 Coghill, H. Esq. The Abbotts, R.W. i i AVilson Mrs - 10 6 Goodwin, George.... 110 Adams, Charles - 5 Woodrofie, Henry... - 5 Hancock, WhittinR- Keeling, C. Esq. ' Allsopp and Sons. .. 5 0 Worsey F - 5 0 ham,& Co. Messrs. 110 White House 1 1 o Anderson, H.G - 10 Worthington & Sons B 0 Harley, T. B. Esq... 110 Auden, Rev.J - 6 Yeomans, John 1 1 Heath and Blackhurst, Messrs 110 TDNSTAI.L. ms Hope and Carter, Honorary Secretary — ! ' Belcher, Misses 10 Total 86 3 Messrs 1 1 0 . G. UpwAHn, Esq. i ' Belcher, R. S 1 1 Hughes, Thos. Esq... 110 Beech, James, Esq.. 110 Bindley, T. C. . - 10 Maclntyre and Co. Blackhurst, R. Esq.. 110: Cartlich, Thus. Esq.. 1 1 o j 310 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872. £. f. d £. t. d. £. l. d. £. s. d. Clarke, Edward, Esq. 110 Mander, C. B. Esq... 110 Austin, Charles, Esq. 100 Dowson, Septimus ..100 Duncan, W. Esq.... 1 1 0 Mander, S. S. Esq. .. 110 Hammond, John ... - & 0 Elsmore, T. Esq 110 Meanley, George.... - 5 o Beauclerc, Lord A... 100 Hewett, Fleming ... - 10 6 Ford, John, Esq 110 Meynell, James .... - 5 0 Morris, H 1 1 0 Ford, Challinor, and Miller, Jos. N 1 0 0 Berners, John. Esq. .600 Palmer, Garwood ... - 10 6 Mills Mrs. -50 Blaithwalt, Rev. — . - 10 0 Stanier.Bich -10 6 Hamm

£. s. d. *. t. d. £ . s. d. Chairman of General Central Westhorp, S. Esq... - 10 0 Banfleld, Mr. W. . . 1 1 0 Committee— Whight, Mr.G -10 0 Preston, Capt. T..R.N, - 10 0 Beard, The Misses. 110 Viee-Adnural Wright, C. Esq - 10 0 Reeve, Rev. J. F 100 Beaumont, Rev. Dr. - 10 6 HAEET EDGKLL, OB. Reeve, Richard Henry 110 Bellingham, C - 10 0 Chairman of Local Com- £U 9 6 Roddam, Mrs. . 110 Black, David, Esq.. - 10 6 Rumpf Miss .... - 10 0 Bovill Miss 110 Ber. H. MITCHELL, RSA. donations. Seppings, George ... - 10 6 Boys, Jacob, Esq. . . 010 0 Anstruther, Col. J. Skeels, C. 1 1 0 Borrows, J. C. Esq. - 10 « Honorary Secretaries — H L . 110 Butler, Mrs 110 Rev. H. MITCHELL. BeU, a,.Esq - 10 0 Steward, Rev.Chas.J. 110 Carr, W. Esq 110 Mr. HEF.BKBT C. FOSTER. CoU>vMast.H.Adams - 4 0 Thirtle T E -50 Carter Dr. - 10 6 Mr. JAKES GOIHAH. Foresters' and Odd Tritton, Rev. W. B.. 110 Cbatneld, J. Esq.... 110 Treasurers— Fellows' Amalga- Tymms, Edmund R. - 10 6 Clarke Miss ... .100 Messrs. DENDI and Co. mated Vtte Com- Waddington, H. S. Clarke Miss - 10 0 mittee, June, mi BOO Clarke, Somers, Esq. - 10 0 Annual &ubscriptions. Garrod, Capt 100 Wlngfleld, Maj.-Gen. 110 Clay, Rev. E. - 10 « £. t. a. National Provincial Woods, Henry G.... - 10 6 Cockburn, J. C. Esq. - 10 6 Adames, Mr. Benness - 10 0 Bank, per E, Nick- Woods, Thomas H. . 1 1 0 Colclough, A. C. Esq. 110 Andrews, Mr. T. ... - 5 0 Woods, Wm.J -10 6 Estridge, Lieut-Col. 110 Andrews, Mr. John .-80 Woodthorpe,W.Esq. 1 1 0- Fawcett,Prof. M.P.. 1 1 0 Allen, Rev. K. P. ... - 10 0 Total Dons. 850 Worthlngton, W. C.. - 5 0 Forster, Capt. R.N. .110 Apps, Mr. George ..-60 Total Subs.. 44 9 6 Youngman, W - 10 6 Fox, Douglas, Esq... - 10 6 Apps, Mr. W - 5 0 Arnold Mr E - 10 0 Total 52 14 6 Total.. B3 0 6 Gemison, J. F 1 00 Aylmore, Mr. Tho. .-50 Hallett and Abbey. . 110' Baker, Mr. J - 5 0 J Hannington,C.S.Esq. 110 Baring, Mr. John, Holden,.T.D 110 Oakwood, in addi- LOWESTOFT AND SOUTHWOLD Janson, Mrs. Corby. 100 tion to 101. 10s. to Jenner, H. N. Esq. . - 10 6 Parent Society ... 1 0 0 PAKEFIELD BRANCH. BRANCH. Johnston, W. Esq... 110 Chairman — Chairman — Lester Mr T ... . - 10 0 Barker, Rev. R - 6 0 Sir EDWABD S. GOOCH, Bart. J.L. EwKH.Esq. Lyon & Hall, Messrs. 1 1 0 Benweu,Mr. - 10 0 Treasurer and Mackenzie, E. B. G.. 110 Honorary Secretary — Honorary Secretary— Mason, Mrs... 1 1 0 Berkeley, Hon.OP.F. - 10 0 J. B. GOODING, Esq. Ogllvie, CaptJ. G.. 110 Berkeley, Hon. Mrs. - 10 0 R. H RESVS, Esq. Oldham, J. Esq..... 110 Hon. Superintendent of Annual Subscriptions. Purday, J. Esq..... 110 Boom, Mr. Joseph ,-50 Life-boats. Blackett, Dr. - 10 0 Read?, Rev. F 1 1 0 Boom, Mr. T. M. ... - 5 0 Mr. Joan HEHDEMOS, Chief Brooke, J. W. Esq. .200 Robertson,Miss UM. 110 Bosham, The Cham- Officer of Coastguard. Burleigh and Son, Saunders, — , Esq... - 10 6 Smith, J. P. M. Esq. - 5 0 Bosham, Vicar of . . - 5 0 Annual Sublcriptions. Chester, Colonel .... 1 0 0 Skirrow, Miss, Col. by 1 0 0 Bovill, Mr. B. S... . - 10 6 Andrews, Rev.W.H. 110 Colquhoun, Rev. J. Sutton and Hopewell, Bowdler, Mr. C. ... 1 0 0 Arnold, Hev.R. A... 110 Bowles, Miss...... -50 Barber, T 1 1 0 Crowfoot, Rev. J. R. 100 Sutherland,A.H.Esq. 0 10 0 Bowles, Rev. FA. ,-60 Barne, Fred. Esq. ... 110 Ewen, J. L. Esq 2 0 o Tamplln and Son.. . 1 1 0 Bridges, Mr. E. ... - 5 0 Beauchamp, Sir T. Grubbe, J. E. Esq... 1 0 0 Tanner, The Misses. 0 10 0 Bruton, Rev. W. . , - 5 0 Proctor, Bart..... 100 Hamilton, Rev. C. J. - 10 0 Tatbam, G. Esq 0 10 0 Brnzand, Mr. .... , - 5 0 Blrbeck, H. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Leman, Rev. T.O. .. - 10 0 Thompson, Miss. ... 1 1 0 Bucket!, Dr - 5 0 Blrbeck,Wm.Esq. .220 Magub, George - 10 0 Tooth ft Co. Messrs. 110 Breame, James - 10 0 May, John - 10 0 Townsend, Miss. . . . - 10 SBuckner, Rev. C-Cthe Bullet, 6. Nicholas 10 10 0 May William - 10 0 Vallance and Catt, late) - 10 0 Carter, Rev. S.B.... 1 1 o Middleton, Sir G. N. Bull and Watkins, Clemeace, J. L. - 5 0 Wallis and Hack, Messrs - 6 0 Clubbe W. H. - 10 6 Onley, Saville, Onley, Messrs . 110 Bull, Mr ... - 6 0 Colc,W - 10 6 Walker, Miss R.... 110 Burnett, Rev. W. ..-50 Colman,Messrs.J.&J. 220 Steel, T. D. Esq - 10 0 White, W. Esq. M.1 1 1 0 Cobitt,Rev. F. W... 1 1 o Sutherland, Mrs. -SO Wilkinson, — , Esq 110 Davey, Joseph 1 1 0 Strickland, Miss A. . - 10 0 Willett, H. Esq.... 110 Butt, Mrs - 5 0 Vincent, J. L. Esq. . - 10 0 Wilson Mrs - 10 0 Davey, MissM 110 Wayth, William E. . - 10 0 Yates, Rev. H. W.. -50 Caldwell,Mr - 6 0 Denny, Rev. R. C., . . j 1 o Wilmer, B. Esq. 110 Young, J. G. Esq.. -10 0 Deverenx, John - £ o Cavendish, Lt-CoL.. - 10 0 Devereux,T - 5 0 Total 20 H 6 CeaX Hr. M. A - 5 0 Chase, Mr. R - 5 0 Dowllng George .... - 5 0 Cheesman, Mrs. Sen. - 6 0 Eastaugh, J. I). - 10 0 Donation. Donations. Cbichester, the Lord Eden, Adoi. Henry .100 Buckner, R. Esq. . . - 10 0Lark, Mrs 100 0 0 Bishop of - 10 0 Edward8,George,Esq. 110 Box on Chain Pier. . 3 11 9 Chichester.Very Rev. Edwards, B*v. Frank - 10 0 Box on the Esplanade 8 10 6 Deanof.E.RS. 10 0 Everitt, William 110 Box on W. Pier .... 817 Clement, Rev. T 5 0 Fisher, James - B 0 Box at Boat-house. .-80 Glutton, Mrs. I 0 0 Flske, Edward B.... - 10 6 Cobden, Mrs. Rich. . - 10 0 Flske, Rev. R. W. . . - 10 6 Total Dons. . . .120 11 10Cogan, Rev. H. .... 050 Fowler, R. C. Esq... 1 1 o Total Subs. ... 63 11 6 Cogan, Mr. T. S. ... - 5 0 Gooch, Sir E. S. Bart.12 12 0 Collins, Mr. H 1 1 0 Gooch, Rev. Win.... 110 Sussex. £184 3 4 Collins, Mrs. H..... - 10 6 Gooch, Lady a 2 0 Combes, Mr. Charles - 10 0 Gowing, J. J. W.... llo BRIGHTON Comper, Mr. H 1 1 0 Gurneys and Co 220 BRANCH. Constable, Mr.G. Sen. - 10 0 Hebert, Rev. Chas... llo Chairman— CHICHESTER HAR- Constable, Mr. G. S.. - 10 0 Henderson, John ... - 5 0 J. COBDT BOUBOWS, Eaq. BOUR AND SELSEY Constable, Mr. Tho. . -50 Howett. Samuel .... I 1 o Cottrell, Mr. J - 5 0 Irby, FredtW. Esq. 2 2 o Honorary Secretary — BRANCH. Cousens, Mrs - 10 0 Jecks, Wm. Esq. ... 2 2 o H. N. JENNEK, Esq. Patrons — Currie, Rev. James . - 10 0 Knights, John... .-60 Annual Sulacriptiam. His Grace Tbe DUKE OF NOB- Davenport, Mr. .... - 5 0 Leathes,Lt.-Col.H.M. 1 1 0 t.. s. d. FOLK, E.M. ; His Grace The Davey, Rev. H. M. . - B 0 Leggett, Thomas H.. 110 Ashby and Co 1 1 0 DUKE OF RICHMOND, K.G., De Bathe, Maj.-Gen. Morse, Frederick. ... 1 1 o Ashbury, J. Esq.... 10 10 0 and Lom> LK.-OXFIELD. Sir H. P. Bart 10 0 Onley, S. Onley, Esq. 110 Ashtoo, Mrs 1 1 0 President— Deedes, The Misses . 100 Palmer, G. W. D. ... - 10 6Attree, Mr. George.. - 10 6 The Right tev. The LOBD Dendy, Mr. Robert .-50 Peto, James, Esq. ... 1 1 o Bacon, Mr. R - 10 6 BISHOP or CHICHISTBE. Denman, Hon. R. . . 1 0 0

v S 312 THE LITE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872. £. s. it £. I. « £. «. d Dixon, Mr. H. W. .. - 5 .Tenery&Son,Messr8, ~ 5 ( Stansfleld, Rev. E. . . - 6 Dixon, the late Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. Tho. . . - 5 Stokes, Mr. W. - 5 EASTBOURNE Stansted, in addi- Johnson, Kev. E. H., 1 0 Streeter, Mrs - 5 BRANCH. tion to lot. to Johnson, Mr. E. W.. - 10 Stubington,Mr. - 6 Chairman- Parent Society ... 5 0 Johnson,Mr.J.J.,Q.U - 10 Stubington, Mr. L... - 5 Captain HEWBTT, R.N. Douglas, Rev. Canon - 5 Johnson, Rev. S - 6 Stnbington, Mr. H. . - S Honorary Secretary— Johnson, Mr. Tho. . . - 5 Sutton, Rev. Robert. - 6 THOMAS Cmu>, Esq. Duke, Mr. F. - 10 Johnson, Mrs. Lutt. . - 5 Swainson, Rev. Dr.. . - 8 Duke, Mr. H - 5 Johnston, Miss .... 1 0 Swettenham, Lt-Col. - 6 Annual Sulxcriptiant. Edgeli, Vice- Admiral Jones, Mr. C.S. .... - S Temple, Mr. - 10 £. t. A. I J Harry, C.B. - 10 0 Kennett, Mr.W - 6 Thomson, Capt - 5 Eedle,Rev. E - 10 Kent, Mr - 5 Thompson,Mr.W.W. - 6 Adams, Rev.E. -BO Elkins, Mr - 5 King, Mr.W - 5 Tod-Heatly, Mr. O. . 1 1 Arckoil, Thos. U. Mr. - 10 0 Elwes,Mr. - 5 Langdale, R«v. G. A. - 6 Tracy, Rev. F. F. .. - 5 Evans, Mr. T 1 1 Lear, Mrs - 10 Trevett, Mr. Edward - 5 Bousey, H. Esq 100 Evans, Mr. Thomas, -so Lecoufleld, Lord ... 1 0 0 Trevett, Mr. J. .,'..- S Brodie, Wm. Esq. . . - 10 0 Everehed, Mr - 10 0 Legge, Rev. H - 5 0 Brodie, Miss - 5 o Evershed, Mr. C. L. . - 10 0 Long, Misses Tynley 110 Tuthell,Rev.E - 10 Brown, G.Ksq - 5 0 Evershed and Co. Long, Mr. John - 5 Colgate, C. Esq -10 0 Messrs. - 5 0 Martin, Mr. C - 10 0 Turner, Mr. N. B. .. - 5 Colgate, R. Esq. - 10 0 Eyre, Mr. Geo. J. . . 2 2 oMartin, Messrs - 5 0 Tyacke,Dr - 5 Farenden, Misses ... - 5 ( Matsou, Miss - S 0 Dnderwood, Rev. W. Devonshire, His FarndelL Mrs. - 5 0 Matthews, Miss - 5 0 D. - 5 Grace the Duke of 1 1 0 FarndelU Mr. H. - 5 0 Mercer, Miss 1 0 0 Upton, Mr. H - & Dobbing, C. Esq. 5 0 Fame; Mr. C. - 5 0 Merricks: and Sou, Vogan, Rev. f. S. L. E. G...... ~ 5 0 Earp, Wm. Ksq 110 Miller, Rev. J. W. . . - 5 0 Wakeford, Mr - 5 0 EUis, John, Esq. - 19 0 Fletcher, Sir H. Bart. - 10 0 Milward, Mr. - 10 0 Walker, Mrs -SO (jlllat, Esq . 110 Fletcher, Mr. J. C. . 1 1 0 ttitchell,Mr. - 5 ( Walker, Rev. G. A. . - 6 0 jrahamTjohn, Esq.. 1 10 Fletcher, Mrs - 5 0 Mitchell, Mr. W. W. - 5 0 Walker, Mr. Ralph . - 5 0 Fogden, Mr. Edmund - 5 0 tfolesworth, Mr - S Walker0 , Mr.W - 6 0 Hagger, Thomas, Esq. - 5 0 Foster, Mr. H. & ... - 5 0 Hostyn, Captain ... - 6 0 Walthew.Mrs - 5 0 Hewett,Capt.R.H... - 10 0 Foster, Mr. W. - 5 0 Newland, The Misses - 10 0 Warren, Mrs. H -10 0 HoalUCapt. E.M. .. - 5 0 Foster, Rev. H. .... - 5 0 Newland, Tlie Misses - 5 0 Weeke«,Mr. -10 0 Hood, Rev. J. R - 10 0 Foster, Rev. R. - 5 0 Norfolk, The Duke of, Wheeler, Mr. S - & 0 Hood, W. fisq - 10 0 Frampton, Rev. C.T. 100 E.M . . . .110 Wickens Sir J - 10 0 iurst, Mr. Alex. ... 1 1 0 Freeland, Mr. F. J.. . - 5 0 Gorman, Mr. W. ... I 0 0 Williams, Capt. .... - 5 0 Johnson, Mr 100 Fremantle,Lt.R.N.. - 10 0 Morris, Rev. W - 10 0 WiUnshnrst,Mr. ... - 6 0 London, Rev. — 110 Frennd, Mrs -50 Noton Miss. .. .100 Wilson Mrs 100 Lasaeter, F. Esq - 10 0 Fry, Mr. E. - 5 0 Nott, Mrs - s o Woods, Rev. G. H. . - iO 0 >eaf, VTm. Ksq - 10 0 Fry, Mr. W. - 10 0 funds, Rev. R. A. L. - 6 0 Woods, Mr. J. W. . . - 10 0 Fuller, Rev. A. - 5 0 Nutter, Mr. Luke. ..-60 Woodman, Mr. W... - 6 0 »w, Rev. Thos - & 3 Oadd, Mr H - 5 0 Olofleld,Col.B.E.... - 5 0 Woodman, Rev. F. S. - 6 0 Lothian, Th« ilai- Gaisford, Rev. G. ... - » 0 Olliver, the late Mr. Woodman, Capt. C. chioness of, - 10 0 Garaham, Capt 110 G S - 5 0 E S RN - 5 0 Marshall, Mr. J. C. . - 5 0 Gatehouse, Mr. E. . . - 5 0 Page, Mr. ..- 5 0 Vyatt, Mr. J. Sen.. . - 5 0 lanby, Colonel 1 1 0 Gorham, Mr.' James. - 10 0 •aul, Mr. George ... - 5 0 'eatman, Capt. - 10 0 forris & Son, Messrs. - 5 o Graeme, Mr. A. S.. . - 5 0 'axton, Mr. H. .... - 5 0 'oung, Mr. T - 6 0 Greene, Mr. Thomas - 6 0 Payne,Miss - 5 0 forrts. The Misses. .-60 Gruggen,Mr. F.W.. - 5 0 'ayne, Miss Jane ..-60 Sums under 6* 11 3 6 Peters, Mr. J - 5 o Hall, Mr. A. Hall ..100 •eachey, Mr. James .- 5 0 Pierpoint, Rev. R.W. - 10 0 Hallam, The Misses, Peachey, Mr. E. .... - 6 0 Total ...... 131 S 6 and Mrs. Bin .... 330 ttman, Rev, J. - 6 o Halsteo, Mr. C. T.. . - 5 0Pearson, Rev. G. F. . - 5 0 Porter and Sutton, Halsted, Mr.W. H. . - 5 0 •eckham, Mrs...... 5 0 Messrs. - 5 6 Halsted, Mr. John .. - 5 0 Donation*. toberts, Dr - 5 o Hanby, Mr - 5 0 'ercival, Mr 1 o 0 toper, F. C. S. Esq. . 110 Harcourt, Hon. Mrs. Philpot, Rev. W. B.. - & 0 De ttathe, Maj.lGen. Savile, Mrs. A 1 0 0 L.Vemon(thelate) 110 >oe,Mr. E.T. 110 SitH-P. Bart. 100 Scott, Mr. Gilbert... I 1 o Harris, Mr - 5 0 •owell, Mr. J. E 110 Friend, A. per Major pike, H. Ksq - 5 0 Hawker, Eev. J. (2 Pratt, Capt - 5 0 J. Halsted 5 0 mith, G. H. Esq.... -50 tiff, Carlton, Esq... -50 Haydon, Mrs. Tho. . - 10 6 Prime, Capt 1 o 0 ilurray, Mr. S. Ivor - 6 0 wift, John, Esq. ... 1 1 0 Haydon, Bev. W. . . . - 5 0 •uckle, Mr. ... - 6 0 Norman, Mr. J. Man- Thatcher, Mr. 0 5 0 ship 100 Walker, KEsq 100 Heaver, Mr. John ... 50 •urchase, Mr. R. . . . - 6 0'arnell, Mr. J. C.. . . - 6 0 Henty.Mr.D. 100 laikes,Mr.C.,O.S.l.. - 10 0 Vellesley, Lady .... I 0 o Heming, Mr. S.C.... - S 0 AndaU, Mil James . - 10 0 Whelpton,Rev.-H.R.- 6 0 Heming. Miss - 5 0 laper,Mr.R.G - 6 0 Wilford, Major 100 COUECTKO nr BOXES : — Fright, Mr. B. W. . - 6 o Henty, Mr.G - 10 0 Rhoades Mr .. - 10 0 urns \mdet &i % & & Heringtnn, Mr. K . . - 5 o tiadore, Rev. G - 5 0 Box at the Railway Boxes 10 9 1 Richmond, The Duke Station, Chichester 160 HipHn,Mrs. W. ... - 5 0 of,K.G 100 Box at Mr. Neame'e, Total 50 12 4 Hohg-n, Mr. C - 10 0 Robinson, Mr. A. . . - 10 0 Surrey House, Lit- Hobgen, Mr. F. N. . - 10 0 obinson, Mr. John, tlehampton 1 8 8 Hobgen, Mrs. T - 5 0 M.D. - 5 0 Box at Mr.Stednum'8, Hobgen, the late Mr. lush. Rev. H. J. . . . - 5 0 Norfolk Hotel, Lit- Thomas - 5 0 andhaxn, Miss .... - 5 0 HASTINGS AND Hobson, C»pt. R.N. .-50 Searle, Mr - 5 0 ST. LEONARD'S ieppard,Rev.H.W. - 10 0 Holland, Bev. C. D. . - 5 0 riffner, Mr.T - 10 0 BRANCH. Holmes,Mr.C. - 5 0 Total Dons g 15 0 Chairman— Holmes, Mr. ft -10 0 mart, Mr. Thomas .-60 Total Subs 131 6 6 W. D. LUCAS SHADWELU Esq. Hornby, Bear Adm. mith, Mr. Francis .100 Fhipps 100 mith, Mr. G - 5 0 £UD 1 6 Secretary- HntebinGon, Eev. Smith, Mr. R. - 5 0 Mr. T. S. HiftE. C. H - S 0 Smith,Mr.W -BO Annual Subscriptions. Idle, Mrs...... - 5 0 Smith, Mr T . . r- 5 0 A. D - S 0 Irving, Mr. George . - 10 0 j Jackson, Mr - 5 0 Sparks, Mr.G -50 ikin, W. Esq - 10 o Spencer, Mrs. ....,.- 5 o loock, Mrs 10 o Jirrad, Mr.' John ... - 5 0 Stanford, Mr. E. ... - 10 0 BKANCHES-LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCBIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 313 f. t. d. £. ». d. RYE AND WINCHEL- Austin, Mrs. Henry. - 10 0 Martindale, Miss 10 0 NEWHAVEN SEA BRANCH. BRANCH. President— Balden, Lieut-Gen., - 6 0 Minet, Mrs - 10 0 Chairman— JOHN FBEWEN, Esq. Beaumont, Mrs 1 0 0 Montgomery.LadyA. -SO R. T. DOLAN, Esq. Honorary Secretary — Bell, Mrs - 10 0 Morris, W. R. Esq. .-50 Honorary Secretary — HENRY BUBBA, Esq. Beresford, Mrs - 10 0 Morris. J. S. Esq.. . . - 10 0 W. S. EDWAEDS, Esq. Bezeth,M.Esq - 6 0 Mott Mrs - 5 0 Annual Subscript-urn . Birkett, J. Esq. -50 Mulnnd, Rev. B - 5 o Annual Subscriptions. *. *. d. Bishop, Mtss - 5 0 Nicholl, Miss - 10 6 £. j. d. Adamson, J. Esq. . . - 10 0 Bishop, Miss F. 100 North, Miss - 10 0 Sheffield, Earl of.... 200 Bai Ta Misa 1. 1 0 Boden, W. C. Esq. ..110Gate*, H. C. Esq. ... - 10 0 Chichester, Earl of . . 200 Burra, H Esq ... - 10 0 Boger, B. T. Esq. ... - 5 0 Ogle, Major - 10 0 Gage, Viscount 2 0 0 Churton, Rev. H. B. Bovis, J. E«q - 5 0 Newhaven Harbour W — 10 0 Bowerbank, Dr. - 10 0 Paterson, MissE.... - 10 0 Commissioners ... 5 0 0 Hardy, J. S. Esq. Braham, Mrs - 10 0 Paton, Mrs - 5 0 Newbaven & Dieppe M.P 110 Braithwalte, Miss... 110 Parkin, Rev. John ..-So Steamers.. 200 Hilder, Mr. George.. 220 Brassey, T. Esq. M.P. 2 2 0 Payne, Sir Coventry. 110 Attwood, Mr. Thos. . - 10 0 Meryon, C. P. Esq. . - 10 0 Brisco, W. Esq 110 Peris, CoL Tristram. - 5 0 Blencowe, J. G. Esq. 100 Fix, Thomas S. E*q. 110 Broglle, Dnc de 100 Peyton, J. E. H. Esq. 110 Blencowe,K. W.Esq. Plomley, J. F. Esq.. - 10 0 Brown,H. A. Esq. .. - 10 0 M.P. 100 Rams^en, Mrs. - 5 0 Burton, Miss - 6 0 Pritchard,Mrs - 10 « Blyth, H.Esq 110 Skinner, R. V. Esq.. - 10 0 Burton, A. Esq 1 1 0 Reddiffe, Stratford Brown, Thomas, Esq. 110 Stileman, Major 110 Cameron, J. Esq. ... 1 0 0 de, Viscount - 6 0 Burfleld&Son,Messrs.2 2 0 Stileman, Miss - 10 0 Casey, G. Esq - 10 0 Regatta Committee, Bushby, Geo. Esq. . . - 10 0 Vidler, Messrs. J. and Caulfeild, H. C. Esq. - 5 0 St. Leonards 1 1 0 Catt,Geo. Esq - 10 6 Sons 110 Cecil, Loni Brownlow - 5 0 Bicardo, Mrs.D. .... - 10 0 Cattft Son, Messrs. W.I 1 0 Chance, Hiss - 10 0 Rock, J. Esq. - 10 0 Chatfleld * Co.Messrs. - 10 6 Total 12 3 0 Chatfleld, Mrs -10 0 Chemay, Prince de.. - 5 0 Cooper, MissC. 100 Clutterouck, Miss... - 10 0 Scott, Miss -10 0 Dennis, Rev. R.N... 100 Donations. Coles, T. H. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Scrivena, S. Esq. - 10 0 Oolan, R. T.Esq.... - 10 6 The Mayor of Rye.. - 10 » Combermtre, ViBCtse. - 10 0 Sewell, Mrs . - 5 0 Edwards, W. S. Esq. '- 10 0 Rev. E. N . BlomBeld - 10 • Comtamer, S - 5 0 Shaddack,Mre - 10 0 Farncombe, J. Esq. .-50 Salkeld, James, Esq. 500 Convent, The 110 Shadwell,L. Esq.... - 10 0 Fames, Messrs. J. & Shaw, I*. A. Esq. ..-50 W. - 10 6 TotalDons 600 Corporation of Has- Shuttleworth, Capt. . - 10 0 Godlee, B. Esq -10 0 Total Subs. ....12 39 Sillier, John, Esq. ..100 Gorring, Mrs. H. B. . - 10 0 Cotton, Miss 110 Sinclair, The Misses. - 7 o Harcourt, Colonel F. 1 0 0 £18 3 » Crake, V. B. Esq.... 110 Smith, Mrs. Masters. -SO Harison, Rev. John . - 10 0 Crothers, Miss - 10 0 Stiebel, Mr. -10 0 Hillm&n,Messrs.T.tR.- 10 6 Cumberlege, Mrs. . . . - 5 0Stuart, H.C. Esq.... 100 Knight, Capt. C.S. .. - S 0 SHOREHAM Sturt, Lady Charlotte - 10 0 Lamb, Robert, Esq. .-50 Lowdell and Cooper, BRANCH. Davis, Miss - 5 6 Sutherland. Mrs. ... 1 1 0 Chairman — Dods, Mrs. and Miss. 1 0 0 Sutton, Rev. R. S., HUGE GoKBmcE, Esq. Doncaster, Mrs -10 0 Rype Rectory .... 1 0 0 MadirwickandSon.. - 5 0 Sutton, E. B. Esq. .. 1 1 o Meek, Major 1 1 0 Treasurer — Doxat, Mrs. C. j 10 0 Tarleton, Mrs. - 10 0 Monk & Son, Messrs. - 10 6 T. L. STAW.KDOH, Esq. Thnrsby, Hev. W. . . 1 0 0 Morrta, E. Esq - 10 6 Parsons, Messrs - 10 0 Honorary Secretary— Eccles, Mrs...!!!!!! - 10 0 Treacher, H. Esq. ... - 10 o Capt. SAKDEES. Exeter, Dowager Trevor, C. B. Esq. . . - 10 0Pam, Mr. Albert. ... - 6 0 SheweU,Miss 110 Annual Subtcriptiont Eyre, 8. - S 0 SMlrner, Lady Emily 2 3 0 Adams, Jfr.H. .... - 10 6 Simmons, H. Esq. . . - 10 0Banfleld, W.Esq.... 100 Foyster, Bey. G. A. . - 10 0 Turner, Rev. W. T. . - 10 0 Simmons, T. J. Esq. - 10 0 Carr,Lloyd,Col.G.K. 100 Poyster, Rev. H. B. . - 10 0 Turner, The Misses. 110 Southwood, Rev. E. P.- 5 0 Commissioners of i Stevens, Mr. Z - 10 0 Shorebam HarbourlO 0 0 Gibson, Hev. J.S. .. - 5 0 Venk, Miss - 10 o Stone and Towner, Fuller, T. Esq. MD. - 10 0 Messrs. - 10 0 Gates, T.Esq 100 Ginner and Son - 10 0 Wellsted, Capt 10 B Goodcbild, E. Esq. .. 1 0 ft Gipps,G. Esq - 6 0 Victoria, Bishop of. . - 10 0 Whitfeeld and Co. Gorringe, H. Esq. ..100- Qonne, C. Esq 1 0 0 Gorringe, W. P. Esq. 1 0 a Graham, J. B. Esq. .110 Vores, Rev. Thos. ..110 Hayllar, Mr. F - 10 6 Gray, Mrs. John 110 Wagner, Mrs 110 Total 42 U 0 Pilmore, Mr. D. -10 & Greenhill, Dr. 100 Waldegrave, Lady Sanders, Capt. S 100 Stapledon, T. L. Esq. 100 Grey, Mrs. W. S 10 0 Mary -50 Donations. Griffin, Mrs. N. .... 110 Walker, Sir B 1 0 0 Stonehewer, W. S. Wallar Sir A .... - 5 0 Iron Pillar Box 280 Esq. (2 years).... 220 Hancock, General... 100 Walmesley, H.Esq.. 1 0 o Steam Packet Office . - 13 9 Tooth Messrs . . 1 00 Hancock, Miss - 10 0 Webb, R. T. Esq.. . . - 10 0Steamships:— Upperton, H. Esq. .100 Wellington, The Vallance and Catt, Messrs. (2 years). 200 Wheland, Mrs. a .. - 10 0 Marseilles -46 Hume, Hev. W. W. . 1 1 0 Wiggin, Miss -10 0 Orleans - 1 9 Total 26 3 6 Isaacs, M. B - 10 0 Wilde&Powell,Misses ~ S 0 Capt. Bennett's Box. -86 Jacfeson, Miss 1 0 0 •Williams, Josn. Esq. - 10 o Mrs. Coooper's „ ~ 17 0 Julius, Mrs. B - 5 0 Williams, H.N. Esq. - 5 0 Mr. C. Stone's „ -26 Kingnbury, Miss ... - 10 0 Williamson, Jno.Esq. 1 1 0 Newhaven Pier - 6 5 Langham, J. G - 5 0 WORTHI NG Lee, Mrs -10 0 Young, W. B. Esq. .110 TotalDons 589 BRANCH. Total Subs 42 14 0 Chairman— H. HAKGOOD, Esq, ' Litt, Miss - 10 0 Total 125 8 7 £48 2 9 Long, Miss Tilney. . - 10 0 M. E. A - 5 0 W. H. DBNNETT, Esq. Mackay, Miss - 5 0 1 Annual Subscriptions. Marshall, C. W. Esq. 110 A B - 10 0 Marshall, Geo. Esq. .100 Banting, T. Esq I i 0 Martheze, J. S. T.Esq. - 10 0 Bishop Miss -• 10 6 Martin, H. Esq 1 1 0 Blaker'Mr F ..-50 314 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. s. d. £. J. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Brandreth, T. S. Esq. 110 Temple, Rd. Esq.... 110 Thank-offering for Burnand, Capt - 10 0 Williamson, Mr. W. Son returned from Butt, Dr - 5 0 Cutler Thos . . 110 B. - 10 6 a long perilous Davis EM - 10 6 CoIlet,Dr.... - 10 0 Davis, Thos 1 1 0 Total 26 S 6 Ann. Meeting Read- Comber. Mrs 100 Dawson,— 110 ings by Mr. W. Cook, Mr C C -50 Elkington, James. ..110 Finnemore, Joseph .110 Cruse Rev. F - 5 0 Gibson Miss 110 Total Dons..... 16 12 0 Gilbert, Mrs. . . - 10 6 YARDLEY BRANCH Total Subs 6 18 6 Dennett, W. H. Esq. - 10 0 Gilbert, Joseph - 10 6 (BIRMINGHAM). Dennett, Miss - 10 0 Griffiths & Browett .110 £23 10 6 Ellicombe, Gen. Sir Heaton, George 110 Chairman— Chas 1 0 0 Jutson and Sons.... 110 Mr. BABBOWB. Elliott, Rev.E. K... - 10 0 Leech, T. J -10 0 Honorary Secretary- Ferguson, Miss 6. . . - 10 0 Manton, H 1 1 0 Goldsmith, Dr. 110 Oldham and Bower .110 Mr. Wm. MOBGAN. Graham, T. G. Esq.. - 5 0 Osier, C. 1 1 0 Annual Subscriptions. Hargood, Admiral . . 1 10 Saneiers, James - 10 6 Ashmore, Miss - 10 6 Yorfcsjljm. Hargood, H. Esq - 5 0 Scott, C 110 Baird, Miss -50 Barrows, Mr 1 1 0 Harris, W. J. -10 6 Simpson, T. R. & Co. 1 1 0 Biddle, Mr. Thomas. -BO BRADFORD BRANCH Jee, Mrs. Alfred.... - 10 0 Stevens, James 110 Bower, Miss, Knowle - 5 0 Chairman — Lane,W.Esq - S 0 Stokes A ..110 Chirm, Mr. "Joseph, CHABLES SEMON, Esq. Lyons, Admiral .... - 10 0 Thomas, E. C. - 10 6 M«Creight, Rev - 10 0 Tommas, R. 110 Honorary Secretary— Patching, Mr. W.... - 5 0 Whitehouse, J 1 1 0 King,Mr.W.R.,Bir- G. W. LOTTOS, Esq. Potter, Mr. W. - 5 0 Whitfield, Samuel ..110 Lichfleld, Mrs - 6 0 Annual ftubtcriptioru. Poynder, G. Esq. ... - 10 0 Wilkes, Gilbert 110 Luff Mr :. •- S 0 AcTavfO, W. 4 Ca . 3 2 0 Priestly, G. K. Esq. . 110Wilkes, John 110 Madeley, Mr. W. Y. -10 0 Aders, Preyer, t Co. Roberts, C. Esq. - 10 6 Williams, J. A 110 Mason, Mr. E. F. ... - 6 0 Messrs 110 Silverlock, J. Esq... - 5 0 Whitslow, John.... - 10 6 Morgan, Mr. A., Albrecut, S. Esq. ... 2 2 0 Smart, H. Esq. ,....- 10 0 Williams, Joseph... 1 0 0 Wolverhampton. . - 10 0 Ambler and Sons, Smith, Mr. G. JL . ... - 5 0WUliams,Mrs.Josephl 0 0 Morgan, Mr, W - 10 8 Messrs. Jer. 110 Tribe, the Misses ... - 5 0 Palmer, Mr. J. J 5 0 Anderton, Swithen, & Tribe, W. F. Esq.... - 6 0 Total 53 18 0 Sons, Messrs 220 Tribe, W Esq - 10 0 Pollack, Mrs - 6 0 Tyndali,Mrs. -10 0 Smallwood, Mr. Jos. - 10 6 Walter, Mr -10 0 Donations. Tumor, Mr. M - 10 6 Armitage, J. R 110 A Friend - 5 0 Atkinson, W.F. Esq. 1 1 0 Warren, Capt - 10 0 Total 6 18 6 Aykroyd, J. and Son, Wood, Mr. F 5 0 Gibson, Joseph 100 Messrs 110 Sums tinder 6s - 8 0 Grice, Wm - 5 0 Bairstow, T. and M. Potter, S 1 1 0 Donations. Walker, Samuel, Jr. 110 Beckenbach and Co. Total .....;. 23 10 6 Alston, Mrs., Elmdon Messrs 110 Total Dons. .... 3 17 0 Hall 100 Behrens, S. L. & Co. Donation!. Archer, Mr., Edgbas- Messrs 1 1 0 Total Subs 53 18 0 ton - 10 0 Bell, E.& Co. Messrs. 1 l o Ashmore, Mrs. A., Bottomley, II. Jun. A. Friend - 10 0 t&t 16 0 Birmingham - 5 0 and Co. Messrs.... 110 Pillar Box 1 14 6 Aston, Mr. C. L.-B. Bottomley, S. & Bros. 22 0 Mrs. Carrey (2nd) .. 100 Box - 11 0 Brayshay, W. & Co. Misses T. & & Hew- Barrows, Mr. Joseph, Messrs. 110 Handsworth 1 1 0 Brigg, John, and Co. Field, Mr. and Parry, :, Total Dons 11 4 6 Mr. L.-B. Boxes, Brtggs, Nath. Esq. . . 110 Total Subs 23 10 6 Brown, H. Esq. J.P.. 330 asiottegtttsitfte. Greig, Miss, L.-B. Brown, Henry, Esq.. 110 £34 IS 0 Box,Enderby 1 It 6 Bnsfeild, J. A. Esq.. 1 I 0 WORCESTER Gwyther, Mrs. L.-Bx. - 6 1 Carlton, Walker, and Hardinge, Miss - 5 0 Watoon, Messrs. .. 110 BRANCH. Hemus, Mr. J. W. Cockerham, E. Esq.. 1 1 0 Honorary Secretary— L.-B. Box, Birming- Cohen, B. Esq 1 1 0 Capt. F. S. FBASEB, R.N. Cordittgley,J.B.Es

£. s. d. £ . s. d. £. *. d. £. s. d. Haggas, James,& Sons 110 Siltzer, John, and Co. Steele, Henry 1 0 0 Donations. Halstead,H. K.&CO. Messrs. 2 2 0 Thompson, Rev. J. . - 10 0 Proceeds of Concert . 400 Messrs. 1 1 0 Simon, Israel, & Co. Tylee,Rev.M -50 Part of Collection at Hammond, Mrs. ... 1 I 0 Messrs I 1 0 Wright, Miss 100 Harvest Thanks- Hams, Henry, Esq.. 10 10 0 Smith, Swire, Esq... 110 Wilkinson, Major. . . - 10 0 giving Service, per Harris, W. W. Esq. . 110 Snowden,H. Esq.... - 10 0 York Union Bank ..-50 Rev. J. F. Wilkin- Hargreaves, Jos. Esq. 110 Stansfeld, Brown, Sums trader 55 126 Hastings&Co. Messrs. and Co. Messrs. ... 1 1 0 Pyke, the Misses . . . 5 0 0 Chas 110 Stavert, Zigomala, Total 25 5 6 Henry & Co. Messrs. and Co. Messrs 110 TotalDons. ...10 1 0 A. and S 3 3 0 Steinthal, C. G. Esq.. 110 Donations. Total Subs 11 0 0 Hertz, W. D. Esq. . . - 10 0Steinthal and Co. Buckles, Miss, Ex- Heyn & Co. Messrs. Messrs 2 2 0 ecutors, York 19 0 0 £21 1 0 Sugden and Briggs, Whitworth, R. Esq.. 26 0 0 Heyneman,Edw.Esq. 110 Messrs 1 1 0 Ardrossan Branch ..616 6 Hirst, H. S. Esq..... 110 Sussmann, A. Esq... 110 Contribution Box... 1 16 4 Hodgson, Geo. i Co.. 220 Tafel, C & Co . . . 1 1 0 Hoffman and Co. Taylor, C. F. StCo... 110 Total Done 53 12 10 Messrs. A 110 Tetley, G. G. Esq. ..110 Total Subs. ....25 5 6 HORNSEA BRANCH. Holdcn, I. and Sons, Thompson,M.W.Esq. 3 3 0 Messrs 550 Thompson, J. Esq... 110 £ V8 18 4 Chairman — Holdsworth, Mr. J. . - 5 0 Todd, John, & Sons, J. A. WADE, Esq. lUingworth, J. Esq.. - 10 6 Messrs. 1 1 0 Jeflery, J. R. Esq... 110 Townend, Simeon, Honorary Secretary— Jowett, J. A. Esq. . . 1 1 0 Eeq 1 1 0 FILEY BRANCH. EDWABT* WALTHAM, Esq. Kell k Co. Messrs. .. 220Townend, G. and W. Kessler & Co. Messrs. 110 Messrs . ... 1 1 0 Chairman— Annual Subscriptions. Knowles, J. and Co. Turner, Geo. & Co... 330 C. MOBTLOCK, Esq. 1870-71. Wade, Jos. and Sons, Honorary Secretary- Austin, F. B. Esq. .120 Lassen, A. W. Esq. . 1 i 0 Messrs 2 2 0 Mr. W. HASHES. Trinity House, Hull, Watson, W. and a Corporation of .5 0 0 Law, Russell, & Co.. 220 Messrs. 110 Annual StOacriptwns. Bainton, John, Esq. . - 10 0 Leather, G. H. Esq. .1 10West, Edw. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Alrred,Esq. -10 0 Bethell, W. F. Esq.. 100 Leeming, J. & Sons, Wickham,L.W.EBq. 1 1 0 Aiderson, Miss - 4 0 Broadley, W. H. H. Messrs. . 100 Wright, B.& Sons.. 110 Beswick, Wm. Esq.. 110 Esq MP. 100 Lewis & Co. Messrs.. 110Wright, Isaac, Esq. .110 Beswick, Thos. Esq.. 110 Brownlow, Lumsden, Light, John, Esq. J.P. 110 Wurtzburg, Edward Binnington, W. Esq. - 10 0 and Co. Messrs. ..110 Lord, W. G. Esq.... - 10 6 and Co. Messrs.... 110 Brooke, Mrs. 110 Constable, Sir Clifford Lund, Charles, Esq. . - 10 6 Clarke Miss — 10 0 (the late) . . ..220 Lnpton, G. W. Esq.. 11 0 Total 218 8 0 Dobson, R. Ksq - 2 6 Constable, C.S. Esq.. 110 Mason, Henry, Esq.. 110 Elgee, Captain - 10 0 Dock Company, The Mitchell Bros. Messrs. 1 1 0 Donations. Garbutt, Henry, Esq. - 5 0 Hull 330 Mitchell & Shepherd, Greetham, W. Esq. . - 10 0 Earle, G. F. Esq. ... - 10 0 Harris, Miss S. (1860)20 0 0 Harrison, Miss -10 0 Feame, J. L. Esq. . . - 10 0 Moore, Messrs. R. Harris & Co. Messrs.20 0 0 Hill, J.H. Esq. .... 110 Flint, T. W. Esq. ... - 10 0 and G. . , - 10 6 Harris, H. Esq. (1869)21 0 0 Hurt Miss E 110 Frost, C. Esq. - 10 0 Muff, T. P. Esq -10 6 Kawson, Miss (1868)20 0 0 Hurt, Miss Fanny ..220 Gale, G. M. Esq. ... - 10 0 MflUer, George, Esq. - 10 6 Hurt, Miss S . . . 10 Gorden, Bev. E. 10 « Nathan and Sons, Total Dons. ... 81 0 0 Jackson, Rev. T. N.. 1 0 Gray, Edwin, Esq. . . - 10 6 Messrs N P . 330 Total Subs 218 8 0 Keays Miss 0 0 GurnhUl, Rev. J. ... - 10 0 Nathan, Hardy, and Lees, Capt. F. G 1 0 Hardv G" Eso 10 0 Sons, Messrs 220 £299 8 0 Lindley, Math. Esq. 1 0 Harrison, J. B. Esq.. - 10 0 Gates, Ingham,* Co. 110 Legard, Sir Charles . 0 0 Haworth, Capt - 10 0 Oddy, James, & Sons, Mitford, J.P.O. Esq. 3 3 0 Haworth, Mrs. (Hull Mortlock, Chas. Esq. 110 Bank) - 10 0 01dendorff,L.H.Esq. 110 BRIDLINGTON Newmarch, W. Esq.. - 10 0 Heslop Mr J .... - 5 0 Phllipp, J. and Co. Peech, Wm. Esq. ... 110 Hodson, F. Esq - 5 0 Messrs. 2 2 0 . BRANCH. Snow, Wm. Esq. ... - 1 6 Holder, Mr. J. W. . . - 5 0 Posselt, E. and Co. Chairman — Starkey Lewis, R.Esq.2 2 0 Holmes, Dalton, and E. B. HABDINO, Esq. Taylor, Edwin, Esq.. - 10 0 Co Messrs — 10 6 Priestman, A. Esq. . - 10 0 Honorary Secretary— Unett, John, Esq.... 110 Hudson, MJ). Esq. . - 10 0 Priestman, E. Esq... 220 D. R. W. POBEITT, Esq. Ware, Miss,£ Pupils - 13 0 Humphreys & Pear- Priestman, F. Esq. .500 Sums under 5s...... — 8 0 son, Messrs - 10 6 Quitzow and Co. Annual (Subscriptions. Jackson, G. Esq 100 Messrs. 1 1 0 Barnes, Capt&n .... - 10 6 Total 27 19 0 Kirby, Rev. H. W. . - 5 0 Ramsden, Wm. Esq. 1 1 0 Broadley, W. H. H. Marshall, R. Esq. . . - 10 0 Reichenheim,N.Sons, .Donations. Maw J Esq — 5 0 & Co. Messrs 220 Babington, H. C. ... - 5 0 Palmer, Rev. W. L.. - 10 0 Eeiss Bros. Messrs. .110 Boat-HouseDo -13 0 Pearson, Mr — 5 0 Eenton, T. L. Esq... 110 Crathorne, J - 10 o Railway Station Do.. - 19 10 Pillar Box ... . - 12 6 Ripley, H. W. Esq. .330 Foord's Hotel Do.. . . - 10 9 Raines, J. Esq 1 0 0 Eipley, Edw. Esq... 110 Champion, J. C. . . . . - 5 0Snow Mr Do .....— 5 5 Ringrose, J. Esq. ... - 10 6 Robertshaw k Sons, Fletcher, Mrs - 10 0 Shackels, T. J - 10 6 Fox Thomas 1 0 0 Total Dons 5 17 0 Smithson, C. F. Esq.. 110 RothensteinandCo.. 1 1 0 Total Subs 27 19 0 Summers, G. B. Esq. - 10 6 Rhodes, M. and Son. 1 1 0 Gneme,Rev.Y. L. .. 2 0 0 Wells, B. L. Esq. ... - 5 0 Salmond, David, Esq. 110 Hale B - 10 0 £33 16 0 Waltham E — 5 0 Salt, Sir Titns, Sons, Harding, E. R. -10 o West, William F. . . - 10 6 and Co. 5 0 0 Harland, Thomas... - 10 0 Wright, William, Kt. - 10 0 Salt, Titos, Jun.Esq.21 0 0 Sums under 5*. .... - 5 0 Samson and Leppoc, Hull Trinity House. 500 Messrs. 220 Jameson, J. Alfred .220 FLAMBOROUGH Total 33 0 6 Schaub, Wm. Esq. . . 1 1 0 Metcalf, Mrs - 10 o BRANCH. Schlesinger & Wech- Marshall H - 10 0 mar, Messrs 110 Schuster, Leo, Bros, Machel and Co. - 10 6 Rev. J. F. WOKTSSOS. and Co. Messrs.... 110 Morris, Captain, R.N. - 10 o Annual Subscriptions. Scott, Silas, Esq 0 10 6 Dormer, Clement C. Semon, C. Esq. J.P. .330 Nelson, G. D., M.D. - 10 0 Esq . 10 0 0 Sharp, Jonas, & Sons, Prickett, Major .... - 10 o Guilders, C. H. Esq. .100 Richardson, George .-50 Sichel, S. E. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Rickaby, Miss - 10 0 Total . 11 0 0 316 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. «. d. £. i. d. £. >. d. HULL BRANCH. lirst and Cooke .... 1 1 0 Wrangham, Messrs. Hodgson, J. P. Esq.. 110 Chairman — Holmes, T. B. Esq.. . - 10 6 R.H.andW. - 10 6 Holroyd and Co. Jomt LDMSDES, Esq. Holmes, W. Esq 10 6 >ums under 10; 600 Messrs. J - 10 6 Hunt, Wm. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Sums under 5s. - 12 6 Hotham & Whiting, Jacobs, J. L. Esq.. . . - 10 6 WILLIAH DTSON, Jun. Esq. Jameson, Robt. Esq. 110 Total 147 2 6 Howitt. J. H. Esq.. . - 10 6 Collector — Jinman, Capt. Geo... - 10 6 Hudson, R. J. Esq. .110 Mr. JOHN HABDY BBOWN. Keighly, Maxsted, & Donations. Huclswell, Clark, M Co. Messrs . ..110 Baker Brothers and Annual Subtcriptions. Kelsey, Castle, Esq. . - 10 6 Co.Messrs 110 Hyam & Co. Messrs. 110 £. i. d. King & Co. Messrs. . - 10 6 Box at E. Davis &Co's.- 6 6 Jackson, Fredk. Esq. - 10 6 King, W. H. Esq.. ..220 llumber Lodge of Jackson, W. T. Esq. 1 1 0> Ash, Robert, Esq... 110 Snypers, C. Esq. ... - 10 6 Ancient Free and Jowitt, John, Esq... 1 1 0' Allison Bros. Messrs. - 10 6 Accepted Masons .110 Joy, W. L. Esq - 10 6 Atkinson, A. Esq. . . - 10 6 Lambert, 8. Esq.. ... - 10 6 The Incumbent and Kemplay, C. Esq.... 110 Atkinson, H. J. Esq. - 10 6 Loft, John, Esq 110 Wardens of St. Kiteon, James, Esq.. 220 Bacb & Co. Messrs. T. - 10 6 Lofchonse, Glover, & James's Church Knight, J. Y. E«q. . . - 10 6 Bailey and Leelbam. 550 Co. Messrs 2 2 0 (Collection) 20 0 0 Lambert, Wm. Esq.. - 10 0 Bannister, A. Esq. .. 110 Lyon, T. H. Esq - 10 6 Collected in Rail- Lawson, Messrs. S. Baxter & Tall.Messrs. 1 1 0 Malcolm And Son, way Carriage (J. Beadle, Syke?, & Co. 220 Messrs. George ... - 10 6 Lumsden, Esq.) ..-60 Leathley, S. Esq 110. Bedell, Benj. Esq.... - 10 6 Marilller, B. A. Esq. - 10 6 Luccock, J. D. Esq. . 110 Bellamy & Go. Messrs. Marrig, Willows, and Total Dona 22 13 « Ludolf, Henry, Esq.. 110 R - 10 6 Smith, Messrs - 10 6 Total Subs. . . 147 2 6 Lupton, Darnton, Esq.1 1 0> Bilton and Co. Messrs. Martin, R.Esq - 10 0 Maclea and March, J 1 1 o Mason, B. B. Esq.. . . - 10 6 £169 16 0 Blakeney and Co. Mason, Capt. W. S. . - 10 6 Manning, Wardle, & Messrs. J. W 110 Mason, Mr. Wright . - 10 8 Co. Messrs 1 1 0 Blundell, Spence, and Massey and Sawyer, - 10 6 Markham.Ueut.-Col. 400 Co. Messrs 580 Maw, Till, Kirke, & LEEDS BRANCH. Manden, R. J. Esq.. 110 Boden&Co.MessrsJ.- 10 6 Maw.Messrs. 110 President— Marshall & Snelgrove, Briggs, Henry, Esq.. - 10 6 Moss, W.H. Esq.... 110 W. BECKXTT DKHISON, Esq. Messrs. 110 Broadley, W. H. H. Newton Bros. Messrs. - 10 6 Marshall, A. Esq.... 220 Esq M.P. 110 Nicholson, Capt. G. 0.1 1 0 Honorary Secretary— Marshall, J. G. Esq. 220 Brochner and Co. Norwood, C. M. Esq. HENBT LDDOLF, Esq. Megeson, Geo. Esq. . - 10 fr Messrs. C. C 220 MJ>. 220 Annual Subicripliom. Meicalfe, G. Esq 110 Brownlow, Lumeden, Norwood, C. M. and Aherford Poor Box . 1 1 8 Middkton.Wm.Esq. 110- and C«. Messrs.... 550 Co. Messrs 220 Ashworlh, S. P. Esq. 110 Moorhouse & Co., Buckton and Sons, Pauling, A. Esq - 10 6 Asquith, Josh. Esq.. 110 Messrs. Geo. - 10 « Pease, Hoare, and Atkinson, D. H. Esq. 100 Milling, John, Esq. . 110 BurstaU and Lamp- Pease, Messrs. .... 2 2 0 Atkinson, Miss 1 1 0 Nathan and Sons, lough, Messrs 1 1 0 Peasegood, W, Esq. . - 10 6 Baines, E. Esq. MJ>. 110 Messrs. N.P 110 Bnrwell and Co. Pope and Pearson....! 1 0 Barren, J. Esq 110 Newstead, J. S. Esq. - 10 6 Messrs. E -10 6 Priestman, S. Esq. . . - 10 6Barr, Robert, Esq... 1 1 0 North, William, Esq. 1 1 0 Carrick, Theo. Esq. .110 Bedford, James, Esq. - 5 0 Norwood, J. T. Esq. - 10 6 Carver & Co. Messrs. - 10 6Rayment b Snarpe . - 10 « Berendt and Levy, Nussey, Alderman.. 110 Rawson, Vf. and J. Messrs 3 S 0 Oxtey, Henry, Esq. .110 Clay, J. Esq. M.P. ..220 Robinson, Messrs. - 10 6 Beverley, Mrs. Wm. - 10 0 Palmer Bros. Messrs. - 10 0 Clayton. H. W. Esq. - 10 6 Reckitt and Sons, Brigg, J. E.Esq 110 Pearson, J. T. Esq. . - 10 « Coulthard, J. Esq.... - 10 « Messrs. Isaac 1 1 0 Briggs & Co. Messrs. 110 Powell, Mrs - 6 0 Davis, E. and Co 220 Rust, Henry, Mrs. .. - 10 6 BrisckU, Henry, Esq. - 10 6 (jnambush, W. Esq. - 6 0 De Grey and Ripon, Shaw & Pearson .... - 10 6 Brown, S.J. Esq.... 220 Rayner, John, Esq. .110 Right Hon. Earl.. 220 Shee, G. A. Esq. 110 Browne, Rev. B..... - 10 6 Robinson, Rich. Esq. - 10 & Dyson, W. Sen. Esq.. 110 Sissons Brothers and Buckley and Sons... 220 Schmitz, H. Esq. ... - 10 6 Dyson, W. Jun. Esq. Co.Messrs 110 Cattaneob Co.Messrs.- 10 6 Scott, JaB.W.Ksn... 1 1 0 Hun. Sec. .... 1 1 0 Sissons, W. Esq - 10 0 Charlesworth,MissC. - 10 6 Snackleton, J. Esq. . - 10 0 Earle, Messrs. G. & T. - 10 0 Smith Brothers and Collection, per J. Smeeton, W. Esq.... - 5 0 Earle, Haller, and Co.Messrs.S 220 Moorhouse, Esq . . 8 7 0 Smeeton and Co. Earle, Messrs. 110 Smith, W. N. Esq.. . - 10 6Conder, Rev. E. R.. . - 10 6 Messrs. J 1 1 0 Ewten &Sons, Messrs. Steweni and Olson . . - 10 6 Conyers, W.H. Esq.. 500 Smith, Albert, Esq.. - 10 6 Story, Smithson, & Craven, H. Esq 110 Smith, John, Esq... - 15 0 Easion, Nath. Esq... - 10 6 Co. Messrs. .110 Crosthwaite, Rev. B. - 10 6 Smith, Mrs. John... - 15 0 Edwards, Winkley, & Storry, Witty, & Co. - 10 6 Darwin, F. Esq 110 Smith, Miss G. E... - & 0 Tall, James, Esq 110 Dawson, B. and Co. Smith, J. E. Esq -10 6 Elsworth & Sons, Tealby&Co. Messrs. 1 1 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Spark, E. R. & Co... 110 Messrs. John 110 The Minerva Lodge Dawson, Thos.Esq.. - 10 6 Taylor, Bros. Messrs. 220 England, Saxelbye's, (No. 250) of Ancient Dayson, J. 0. Esq.. .-50 Taylor, Henry, Esq.. 110 & Sbarpe, Messrs.. 110 Free and Accepted Denison, W. B. Esq. 220 Tetley and Sou, English, M. C. Esq. . - 10 6 Masons 220 Dixon, J. Esq - 6 0 Messrs. Josh. 330 English, E. W. Esq.. - 10 6 TheSt.George'sKow- Donisthorpe, E. Esq. 110 Town and Sons, Eyre fc Co. Messrs... 110 ingClub 110 Douglas, John, Esq.. 110 Foster & Co. Messrs. Thorney, J. J. Esq. . - 10 6 Dyson, John, Esq. ..100 Turner, R.B. Esq... 110 John - 10 6 Todd, C. S. and Son . - 10 6Flitch, J. J. & Son, Turton, W. Esq. - 5 0 Fowler &M°Collin.. - 10 0 Tndor, S. and W. ... - 10 6 Messrs 1 1 0 TJrqubart, Mrs 1 1 0 Gee & Co. Messrs.... 220Veltmann and Co. Fraser, J. B. Esq.. . . - 10 6Urquhart, Miss 110 Gibson & Son, Messrs. 110 Messrs. N .110 Galsworthy, R. Esq. - 10 6 Waite and Stephen- Gleadow and Dibh . . 1 1 o Wade, Sons, ;and Co. Gaunt, Edwin, Esq. . - 10 6 Good, Flodman, on Brothers . . 1 1 0 Messrs R ... 1 1 0 Hart, G. W. Esq. ... - 10 6Wilson, E. S.Esq. .. 110 Harvey & Reynolds. 110 Helmsing and Son . . - 10 6Wilson, David, Esq.. 110 Hebblethwaite Bros. Total 128 17- 5 Hewitson, John, Esq. - 10 6 Wilson, Richd. Esq.. - 10 6 Hill, J. H. Esq -10 6 Wilson, Sons, & Co. Hepper, and Sons, Donation. Hill, Messrs. James Messrs. Thomas.. 10 10 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Fairbalrn,SirAndrw.lO 0 0 T. and N 220 Woods Bros. Messrs. 110 BRANCHES—LIS T OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 317 £. s. d £. s. d £. t. d. RUNSWICK BRANCH Loveday, John, Esq. - 5 0 Thompson, Mr, H... - 5 0 Heam,Eev. E. M... 100 Patron— Moody, J. J. P. Esq. -50 Turner Miss - 5 0 Hinde, Mr. Robert . . - 5 0 The Most Noble the MiBQEJS Mosey, B. Esq. - 5 0 Uppleby.Mrs - 10 0 Hodgson, Misses.... - 5 0 Newton, E. H. Esq.. - 10 0 Varley, J.W. Esq... 1 1 0 Holgate, John, Esq.. 100 OF No&MANBY. O'Beilly, F. G. Esq. . - 10 0 Vance, J.V. Esq.... 100 Holgate, Miss - 10 0 President— Porrett, G. Esq - 5 0 Holgate, Thos. Esq., C. M. PALMEB, Esq. Bodbam, Mrs. J - 10 6 Walker.Lady -. 5 0 Boa. Secretary— Bowntree, J. Esq. .. - 10 6 Wharton, Miss - 5 0 Holgate, Thos. Esq., Captain D. W. STEPHENS. Eowntree, W. Esq. . - 10 6 Wright, J.H. Esq... - 5 0 New House 1 0 0 Sarony, 0. Esq - 10 6 Wurtzbnrgh, E.Esq. - 10 0 Hook, Sergeanl-Maj. - 5 0 Annual Subtcriptirms. Sharpin, J. F. Esq.. . - 5 0 Box at Mrs. Dodd's Horner, Mr. Thos. ..-50 £. «. d Theakston, Mr. S.W. - 10 6 (for 1870) .496 Howarth,Mr. Wm.. - 5 0 Baker, H. J. B. Esq. 110 Tindall, Mrs, B. H. . - 10 0 Boxes :— Hubble, Wm. Esq... 110 Tindall, B. Esq 1 1 0 Hunter, Mr. Wm. ..-50 Chaloner, Admiral .. 220 Life-boat House .... 17 4 1 Ingleby, Chris. Esq.. 110 Tngwell, Mr. A. J. . - 10 0 Bailway Station 5 12 9 Chomley, Mrs. H.... 110 Uppleby, Mrs - 5 0 Ingleby, John, Esq.. 110 Corner, John, Esq... - 10 6 Vasealli,Mr.J.A... - 5 0 Prince Wales' Hotei. - 3 0 Jngleby, Mrs. B. ... - 10 0 Comer, Edw. Esq. . . - 10 6 Wailes, Misses - 5 0 Ingleby, Mrs. Thos.. - 10 0 Hildyard, Her. H. S. 1 0 0 Bull Hotel - 0 4 Ingram, Bev. Bowld. 110 Walker, H. Esq. ... - 5 0 Swift's Hotel - 2 0 Jackson, Bev. W. . . - 10 0Webster, P. Esq. ... - 10 6 Jackson, Geo. Esq... 100 Kerr, John, Esq. ... - 10 0 Whittaker's Hotel... - 1 7 Weddell, Mrs - 5 0 Mr. Jefferson's Hotel - 2 7 Jackson, Mr. Thos. .-50 Laverick, J. V 10 0 Wellbnrn, Z. T. Esq. - 5 0 Morehead, Bev. G. J. 100 Whittaker, Mr. T. . . - 5 0 Cards:— Lawson,Mr.(L.P.) .-50 Palmer, A. S. Esq... 110 Wintle Miss - 5 0 Mrs. Peacock - 15 0 Leaning, Mr. Thos.. - 5 0 Palmer, C. M. Esq. .550 Wood.B. H. Esq.... - 5 0 Mr. Joseph Smith... 100 Lister, Mr. John - 5 0 Palmer's Ship Build- Woodall, J. Esq. ... 2 2 0 Visitors at the Boyal Metcalf, Wm. Esq... - 10 0 ing and Ironstone Woodall, J. W. Esq. 110 Hotel .346 Morrison, Walt. Esq. Company 3 3 0 Sums under 5> 19 5 0 Porritt, Robert, Esq. - 10 6 Additional fur 1870. Moser, Roger, Esq.,. - 10 0 Stephens, Capt. D. W. - 10 6 EUershaw, B. J. Esq. 110 Total 102 10 4 Myers, Mr. - 5 0 Webster, Mr. B..... - 10 e LNock,Mra. -10 0 J) Shore, S.F. Esq..... -50 Nowell,Mr.M - 5 0 Sitwell, Dowager Lady- 5 0 Parker, Mr. B - 3 0 Ward, Bev. G. A.... - 5 0 Pierson, Bev. W. F.. - 10 6 Donation*. Nan Subscriftionsfor 1871. SETTLE BRANCH. Preston, J. Esq 100 Preston, Mr. - 5 0 Contribution Boxes :— Bald, Master A - 5 0 Presidentr- Mrs. Seymour's, Champler, Bobt. Esq. - 5 0 Bay Mr W B . .110 "Royal George" Crosby, Mr. Jas. M.. - 5 0 WALT. MORRISON, Esq. M.P. Inn, Stallhes . . - S « Dumerigwe, Lady . . . - 5 0 Boblnson, Bev. Jno. 100 Honorary Secretary — Robinson, Wm. Esq. Mr. Marshall's, EUemhaw,B.J.Esq. 1 1 0 C. BBOWH, Esq. "Sheffield "Inn, KnightS Lea, Messrs.- 5 0 (the late) .200 Bunswick - 5 1 Russell, Mrs -10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Rooke, Hon. Mrs.... 110 Shore, S. F. Esq - 5 0 Sedgwick, Mr. Chris. - 5 0 Ackroyd.Mr.T - 5 0 Sharp, Mr. Anthony - 3 6 Total Dont in 8 Sttwell, Dowager Lad'y- 5 0 Alcock,Wm. Esq... 110 Slinger, Jonath. Esq. - 5 0 Smith, Mrs A - 10 6 ', Total Sube. ....20 15 6 Sykes, E. T. Esq - 6 0 Alcock, W. N. Esq.. 200 Wharton, John, Esq. - S 0 Barker, John, Esq... - 5 0 Stackhonse, T. Esq.. 110 Stansfeld, Miss 110 *22 1 2 Wood,E.Esq - 5 0 Benson, Mr - 6 0 Birkbeck, John, Esq. 110 novation*. Birkbeck,J.Jun. E»q. 100 Swale, Bev. H. J.... 100 Anson, Fred. Esq. ..-50 Birkbeck, Jos. Esq.. 110 Swale, John L 1 1 0 Anson, L. F. Esq. ..-50 Birkbeck, Bobt. Esq. - 10 0 SCARBOROUGH Tatbam, Mr. J - 10 0 BRANCH. Jromwich, Misses ..-50 Boyd Bev W - 10 0 TVitteresil, W. Esq. . S 0 Chairman — Bousefield, Mrs. - 5 0 Brayshaw, Mrs - 10 6 Thompson, Mr. Jno. - 5-0 PBBODEHT OF TBDUTT Bower, B. H. Esq... - 5 0 Brennand, Mr. - 6 0 fowler, Wm. Esq.. . - 10 0 Honsx. Brown, Mrs G - 5 0 Brockbank Mr E . 50 7ant, Mr. Henry ... - 5 0 Treasurer— Surton, Mrs - 10 0 Bromley, Mr. John . - 10 0 Watson, Mrs. (Sh.) .-50 J. W. WOODALL, Esq. Cawley, J. E. Esq. . . - 5 0 Brown, Cbris. Esq... 220 Wildman, Mr. W. . - - 7 6 Bull8eld,Mr. W - 6 0 Willis, J. S. Esq 110 Honorary Secretary- Yorke, T. E. Esq. ..100 Mr. JOHN SixpHjaisoif. Cane, Captain - 5 0 Dilke, C. F. Esq - 5 0 Cbarleswortb, C. H. 34 Annuals at 28. ed. 4 5 0 Annual SubKriptions. E.W - 5 0 Esq - 10 6 Armitage, E. B. Esq. - 5 0 Fox, Bev. W. C.v... - 5 0 Clapham, T. B. Esq. 110 Total 73 5 0 Blunt, Rev. K. F. L, Fife, Misses - 5 0 Clark Mr . . 10 0 M.A. Vicar - 5 0 Firth, W. Esq 1 0 0 Clayton Miss .1 0 0 Donations. Bradbury, R. Esq. . . - 10 0 Foster, Captain - 5 0 Coulson, Bev. J. E. . - 10 6 Brown, Chris. Esq.. . Bottomley, Misses ..-50 Grieve Mrs - 5 0 Coulthurst, Bev. W. (1870).. . .10 10 0 Bright, Mr. F - 5 0 Griffith, Miss . — & 0 H . . - 10 Q Feivet, James, Esq. Calvert, F. W. Esq. .-50 Gamett, W. E. Esq.. - 5 0 Craven Bank Compy. 220 (1864) 10 0 0 Cankrien, Miss - 6 0 Higgins, Mr .-50 Crossley, J. S. Esq. .110 Ditto (1866) 10 0 0 Cathcart, Earl 1 0 0 Hudson, E. Esq -10 6 Dodd, Wm. Esq - 5 0 Heywood, J. Esq.. ..-50 Dodgson, Bobt. Esq. - 10 0 the late (1866) ...10 10 0 Clapham, A. Esq. ..100 Hill, Mrs - 5 0 Dnckelt, Mr. B - 5 0 Ditto(1869) 650 Collinson, B. Esq.... - 5 0 Ifflngwortb,H.Esq.. - 5 0 Ellis, Mr. Francis... - 5 0 Lambert, Migs (1864)20 0 0 Craven, Mies Marr .-50 Jessop, W. Bag - B 0 Foster, E. T. Esq.. . ,-50 Cross,Dr. - 5 0 Ibhnson, Mrs. & Miss - 10 0 Foster, Mrs. E. T. . . - 5 0 .£66 5 0 Forster, B. Esq - 5 0 .fapleton, Bev. D. . . - 5 0 Foster, J.W. Esq... 110 Fowler, H. Esq - Jo 6 Mldgley, Mrs. . .-50 Foster Miss . . - 10 0 Haigh, J. Esq. - 10 6 (ares, Captain, B.N. - 6 0 Jardner, Thos. Esq.. 110 THE " SETTLE " Hebden, E. H. Esq. .110 )uthwaite. Captain. . - 5 0 SPECIAL LIFE-BOAT Hemsworth,B.Esq.. - 10 0 Pigeon, MissE - 6 0 Green, Mr T - 5 0 Hick, M. Esq. - 5 0 Payne, H. W. Esq... 1 0 0 Green Mr T - 5 0 FUND. . Hick, P. Esq. - 5 0 Mesie, F. C, Esq 10 6 Grime, Mr. R - 10 0 Collected by CHRISTOPHER Hick, T. Esq - 10 0 leynolds, E. Esq - 5 0 Hammond, J. Esq. .110 BEOWM, Esq., for the pur- Hodgson, W. Esq. ..- 5 0 tooke, Dr. Charles.. - 5 0 Hammond, Mrs. j. - 5 0 chase of a Second Life-boat. Hudson, E. Esq - 10 6 cott, Mr. Johnson.. - 5 0 Hardacre,E. Esq... 100 HugUl, Mr. Thos. ..-50 Slack, Dr - 5 0 Hargraves, Mr. jobn - 5 0 " First List. Inglis, Major - 5 0 Style, Lady - 5 0 Hartley, Mrs 1 0 0 Donations. Johnstone, Sir Har- Simpson, E. T. Esq.. - 10 0 Hartley, Mr. Bobt. - 5 0 Bibblesdale, the Kt. 5 0 0 court, Bart. M.P. .220 Siddell, H. M. Esq... - 6 0 Harvey, Mr. Thos.. - 5 0 Leckenby, J. Esq. . . - 10 6 Thompson, — Esq... - 5 0 Hawkins, Mr - 10 0 Brown, Chris. Esq... 50 0 0 318 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. s. d. £ . s. d. £. «. d. £. s. d. Concert, Proceeds of. 8 10 0 Cook, T. H. Esq 110 Donations. Wharton, Capt - 5 0 Ditto 940 Hopkins, Gilkes, and Gaskell, Daniel, Esq. Whitby Gas Com- Holgate, John, Esq.. 50 0 0 Co 4 4 0 (2nd donation) ... 6 0 0 pany Limited .... 1 1 0 Holgate, Miss 50 0 0 Jackson, Rev. W. W. 1 0 0 Speight, Wm. Esq. Wright, Capt. Chas. .-50 Norris, Thomas, Esq. 500 Kirtley, Mrs. Mary . - 10 0 (late) legacy 20 0 0 Yeoman, Mr. T. P... - 5 0 Tomlinson,Wm.Esq. 50 0 Lowther,SirC.H. Bt. 2 2 0 Collecting Box, Kirk- Sums under 55 5 14 0 Sums under £5 35 0 8 Morehead, Rev. G. . . - 10 0 gate Station 1 10 8 1'earee & Co. Messrs. 110 Total 31? 1* 8 Pease, Joseph, Esq. .220 Total Dons 26 10 8 Richardson & Duck .110 Total Subs 29 S 6 Donations. Swan, J. G. Esq 110 Tees Conservancy £65 16 2 Joplin,Mrs.Plymouth 100 SHEFFIELD Commissioners ... 3 3 0 Trevor, T. T. Esq. ..100 Total Dons 1 & 0 BRANCH. Watson, R. Esq 110 President — Wharton, J. T. Esq. 220 TotalJSubs 36 1 6 The Bight Hon. The KARL Wren & Sons, Messrs. 1 1 0 WHITBY AND UP- FrrzwjLLiAV, GANG BRANCHES. £37 12 6 Total 35 11 0 Honorary Secretaries— Mr. ALDKKMAN JACKSON. E. W. CHAPMAN, Esq. Secretaries and Collectors — Donations. G. W. SHALES, Esq. Messrs. BECKETT and HOST. Middlesbro', Collected WITHERNSEA from Shipping... 54 18 6 Annual Subscription*. Annual Subscriptions. Bedcar, Contents of Atklnson.Mr. Thomas- 5 0 BRANCH. Attlay, Mrs - 5 0 Contribution Box at 2 19 6 Honorary Secretary— Butcher, W. and S 2 2 0 Saltburn, Contents of Bagnall, C. Esq 1 1 0 Chadburn Brothers 110 Contribution Box at 2 16 6 Bagnall, Thos. Esq.. - 6 0 THOMAS A. McMAncs, Esq. Chapman, Samuel. 100 Stockton, Collected Barker, J. Esq. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Chesterman and Co 1 1 0 17 0 Barnard, Mr. C. - 5 0 AHi80n,E, - 5 0 Cocker Brothers.. 110 Barrlck, H. Esq. .... - 10 0 Cole Brothers 110 Total Dons 12 11 6 Barry ,Rob. Esq.(late') - 5 0 Bailey and Leatham. 110 Baxter, Mr. William - 5 0 Dixon and Sons. .. 200 Total Subs 35 11 0 Brownlow, Lumsden, Firth, T. and Sons 200 Belcher, T. W. Esq.. - 10 0 Booth, late T. S. Esq. 100 Fowler, Fred. ... - 10 0 £108 2 6 Brochner, C. C. 110 Gilmoor, D. and Co 1 I 0 Bradley, Miss S.L.. 1 1 0 Champney, R. Jun.. 110 Harrison, Miss 110 Brewster, Mrs. John - 10 0 Dring, Thomas - 5 0 Hawkesworth, Eyre Fewson, Wm. H 10 6 and Co 1 1 0 Chapman, E.W. Esq. 100 Grimston, Major. ... 1 1 0 Hawksworth.EIlison, WAKEFIELD Chapman, J. Esq.... 100 Harland, George .... - 10 6 and Co 1 1 0 Cholmley, Mrs. .... - 10 0 Hildyard, J. S. B. T. 1 1 o Jessop, W. and Sons 220 BRANCH. Clarkson & Weight!!. - 5 0 Holden, Thomas 110 Kenyon and Co 110 President— Hutchinson, W.H.H. 110 Marriau, Thomas... 110 Capt. BmsTBAD, R.N. Coombe, Miss Sophia - 10 0 Cooper, G. L. Esq. . . - 10_ 0 Martin, Hall, and Co. 110 Hon. Secretary— MacManus, T. A.. . . - 10 S Newton, F. and Sons 110 HEKBY KOBINSON, Esq. Pease, Hoare, & i'eaw 1 1 o Peace and Co 1 1 0 Ebbiewhite,Mr.G... - 6 0 Shields, Samuel -10 6 Annual Subscriptions. Kllerby, Mrs. - S 0 Smith Bros, and Co.. 1 1 o Roberts, S. Esq 110 Aked,R. G. Esq. ... - 10 6 English, A. W. Esq.. 110 _Swann,Capt 110 Bodgers and Sons. . . 2 0 0 Alder, Thos. & Son. . - 10 6 Gatenby, Capt...... 5 0 Watson, William ... - 10 0 Bossell, H 1 1 0 Alder, Thomas -10 6 Gibson, Rev. G - 5 0 Sanderson Bros. & Co. 110Baker, Mr. Wm - 10 0 Gladstone, W.H,MJ>. 1 0 0 Wilson, T.,Son»,& Co. 110 Smith,Dr 110 Barker, Major 110 Gray, James, Esq. ..-60 Young, James 110 Sorby and Sons 1 1 0 Blnks, John, Esq.... - 10 6 Spear and Jackson.. 220 Binstead, C. H. Esq. i 1 0 Home & Son, Messrs. - 5 0 Stephenson, J. and S. - 10 0 Briggs, Archib. Esq. 110 Jameson, The Missea - 6 0 Tennant Brothers. .. 110 Briggs, Mrs. Marian . 20 0 Jameson, W. Esq. ..-50 Tot-ton, T. and Sons. 110 Bruce, Samuel, Esq.. - 10 6 Knaggs, G. T. Esq. .-50 Vickers, Sons, & Co. 2 Z 0 Oarr Mrs 1 0 0 Lockey and Clark ..-50 Walker and Hall ... 1 1 0 Charlesworth, J. B. Lowenberg,Rev.W.J. - 6 0 YORK BRANCH. Watson and Co - 5 0 Esq 110 Marwood and Sons, Wilson, Thomas.... 110 Clarkson, Hen. Esq.. - 10 0 Messrs T - JO 6 Treasurer and Hon. Sec.— Wilks, Miss 110 Crowther, Archibald - 10 0 Maule, Mr. J. D. ... - B 0 WH. Drsox, Esq. Wostenh8lm,G.£Son2 2 0 Dixon, J. H. Esq.. . . - 10 6Maynard, A. L. Esq. 100 Annual Subscriptions. Wright, John - 10 6 Dunns & Co. Messrs. 220 Moorsom,Mrs. R.... 110 Agar, Joseph, Esq... - 10 0 Forge, John, Esq. . . - 10 0 Cowling, Henry, Esq. - 5 0 Total 45 10 6 Grace, Mr. Wm - 10 0 Pannett, R. E. Esq. .-50 Craven, John, Esq... - 10 0 Green, Edward, Esq. 110 Pearson, B. Esq. ... - 6 0 DunhiU, C. H. Esq. .110 Holdsworth, R. Esq. 100 Pearson, Thos. Esq. .-50 Dyson, Wm. Esq.... 110 Holt, A. and Co - 10 6 Pereival, Thos. Esq.. - 5 0 Meek, Sir James 10 6 TEES BAY BRANCH. Jaohson, Mrs. C. S. . - 10 6 Ramsay, D. R. Esq. .-50 Rawdon, W. F. Esq. 110 Leatham, S. G. Esq.. 100 H«ade, G. Esq. - 6 0 Robinson, Rev. John - 10 0 Patron— Lee, W. H. Esq - 10 8 Richardson, C. Esq. . - 10 0 Robinson, Mr. James - 5 0 The EABL OF ZETLAND. Mackle, Rand Sons. 110 Richardson, T. Esq. . - 10 0 Simpson, Mrs, H 5 0 Mander, Geo. Esq. . . - 10 0 Robinson, Mr. P. ... - 5 0 Smallwood, E. Esq.. - 5 0 President— Rothwell, Mrs. - 5 0 JOSEPH PEASE, Esq. Masterman, Mr. J.. . - 10 0 Taylor, J. F. Esq. .. - 10 0 Micklethwait, Rev. Sewell Mr - 5 0 Thompson,Luke,Esq. -BO Treasurer— J H . ... 1 0 0 Shipping Compy. Old - 5 0 Whitehead, Mr.W. J. - 5 0 EDMUVD BACKHOUSE, Esq. Mickletbwaite, Mrs. Simpson, H. Esq. . . - 6 0 WiIliams,Mrs - 5 0 Smales Bros. Messrs. 100 WM. HENRY HOLMES, Esq. Owston, Mr. Wm. . . - 10 0Smales, Gideon, Esq.. -50 Total t 8 6 Collector of Customs, Stockton. Rhodes, Mr. Alderm. - 10 0 Smales, Q. Jun. Esq. - 1 6 Robinson, Hen. Esq. - 10 0 Smith, Mr. W. B. ..-SO 'Annual Subscriptions. Smith, Henry, Esq. . - 10 6 Stevenson, Mr. J. . . . - 5 0 Donation. Zetland, The Earl of 220 Stanfield, A. W. Esq. - 10 0 Steward, Mr. Thos... - 5 0 Thorp Fielden, Esq. - 5 0 Backhouse, E. Esq. .110 Taylor, Rev. James. -SO Summerson, Capt. . . - 5 0 Barrow, W. H. Esq.. 110 Tew, Percy, Esq. ... - 10 0 Taylor, Mrs. H - 6 0 Batty, Rev. B. N. E. - 1 1 0 Thompson, J. & Son 220 Bell Brothers & Co... 220 Tomlinson,W. H. B. Turnbull and Son, Bolckow, H.tW. P. Esq .... - 10 6 ~ Esq. M.P. 2 2 0 Willis, Mr. Alan ... - 10 0 Turnbull, Mr. E 50 Chaloner, Admiral ,.220 Usherwood, W. Esq. - 5 " 0 Cradock, J.Esq 1 1 o Total ...... 29 5 6 Walker, Mr. John ..-60 BKANCHES—LIS T OP ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 319 £. t. d. £. s. d £. s. d. Mitchell, D. and Co.. - 5 0 Donations. Coats, Sir Peter 300 Mitchell, William ..-50 McLean, Mies 010 0 Russell, Miss, Ex- Woodhouse,J.T. Esq. 110 Dykes, Rev. Dr. .... - 10 0 SCOTLAND. Seven Masters of Flint, William - 5 0 Stewart, Charles ... - 5 0 Cambeltown ves- Fullarton, Alex - 10 0 Gemmell, T. M - 10 0 &i>eriieensiHre. Total 26 3 6 White Hart Hotel. - 1 9 Hamilton, Miss - 5 0 Argyle Arms .... - 1 4 Hamilton, Mrs. M. . - 10 0 FRASERBURGH Custom House. — - 2 4 Hart, Miss 1 0 0 BRANCH. "Gael "(s.s.) .... - 5 2 Highet, David - 10 0 Patron — " Kintyre " (s.s.) .-08 Houldsworth, J. M.. 100 The Eight Hon. The Lord Hunter, David - 10 0 SALTOCX. Total Dons 2 19 9 Macneille, Provost . . 1 o 0 President— Total Subs 39 15 6 M°Creadie, Bailie ... - 10 6 GEORGE WALLACE, Esq. J.P. &igBlIs&m. McDennent, James 1. - 10 0 Hon. Secretary & Treasurer— £42 15 3 Mcllwrath, John. ... - 5 0 ANDKEW TAHRAS, Esq. CAMPBELTOWN M=Taggart, Miss.... 100 Mitchell, John - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. AND SOUTHEND Morton, J. M. Mathie 100 £. t. d. (CANTYRE) BRANCH. Murdoch, James F. . - 10 0 A Friend 1 0 0 Patron— Oswald, George 500 Anderson, Boot. Esq. 0 5 0 His Grace The DUKE or Paterson, Andrew . . - 10 0 Bannerman, Sir Alex. AEOTLL, K.T., V.P. &B*si)fre. Paten, Jas. & Sons ..100 Bart. 2 0 0 Smith, Andrew .... - 5 0 Baird, George, Esq. President— the late Executors JOBS L. SIEWABT, Esq. ARDROSSAN of 100 BRANCH. Steele, Thomas - 10 0 Bruce&Co.Messrs.A. -76 Honorary Secretary- Honorary Secretary — Taylor, J. & A - 7 6 Clinton, RtHn. Lord 2 0 0 Mr. IJUKCAH M°MlLLAN. JOHN MOFFA.T, Esq. Dalrymple, Jno. Esq. - 5 0 Templeton, James . . - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Annual Subscriptions. Weir Baillie 10 0 Ferguson, Wm. E«q. - 10 « Argyll, His Grace the Toung.J.andT. ... - 7 S Forbes, Mrs. Ogilvie. 100 Duke of, K.T. V.P. 600 Eglinton and Wiiiton, Fordyce, W. D. Esq. Beith, J. Esq. Jim. TheEarlof 15 0 0 M.P. 1 0 0 Anderson, Jno. Esq. - 5 0 Total 33 8 0 Fordyce, Mrs 100 Boyd, Rev. Dr. - 5 0 Anderson, Jno. Esq. -50 Fraserburgh Harbour Buchanan, Col. R.A. 200 Bailey, Jas. L. Esq.. - 5 0 Commissioners ... 18 4 0 Brown, Alex. Esq. ..-60 Barclay, P. and Son . - 5 0 BALLANTRAE Gordon, Capt A. C. Brown, Thomas, Esq. - 10 0 Barr and Shearer ... 1 1 0 BRANCH. R N .. . 100 Campbell, Capt J. C. Barr, Provost 1 2 0 Grieve, Alex. C. Esq. - 5 0 R.N . 100 Craig, John, Esq. ... - 5 0 President — Henderson, C. P. Esq. 100 Campbeltown Har- Crawford, E. H. J. JAKES MCILBAITH, Esq., Henderson, Wm.Esq. - 10 0 bour Trustees .... 5 0 0 Esq. M.P. 220 of Auchenflower. M 'Donald, Jas. Esq. 100 ColvUle,Duncan,Esq. - 5 0 Currie, Arch. Esq. ..-50 Vice-President— M«Laren, Rev. P. ... - 6 0 Dlckson, Wm. Esq. .-50 Emslle, John, Esq... - 10 6 Rev. SIUON LITTLE. Park, James, Esq. . . - 10 6 Dunlop, Mr. James .-50 Finnic, W.Esq. M.P. 330 Park, J. & T. Messrs. 100 Ferguson, Mr. D. . . . - 5 0FuUarton,Gavin,Esq. 220 Honorary Secretary- Park, Wemyes, Esq. - 6 0 Fraser, Evan, Esq. ..-60 Fullarton, Major ... - 10 0 Mr. ROBEBI TEKPLE. Saltonn, Rt Hn. Lord 550 Cochrane, Galbraith. - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Stephen, Rev. Robert 1 0 o Galbraith, John, Esq. 100 Godwin, Jas. and Co. 1 1 0 Hunter, James, Esq. 10 0 0 Sutor J Esq. - 5 0 Gardiner, Sheriff - 10 0 Goodwin & Hogarth - 5 0 Stair, The Earl of . . . 2 2 0 Tindall,RobertJ.Esq. - 5 0 Gibson, Dr, M.D. . . . - 10 0 'Wallace, George, Esq. - 5 0 Greenlees, Alex. Esq. - 5 0 Guthrie, Alex. Esq. . 5 6 Total 12 2 0 Watson, Alex. Esq. .-50 Greenlees, Chas. Esq. - 5 0 Guthrie,' Arthur, Esq. - 5 0 Wemyss, Mrs. John. - 5 0 Greenlees, Jas. Esq.. - fi 0 Henderson, R. Esq. .-50 Winchester, T. Esq. - 5 0 Greenlees; Robt. Esq. - 10 0 HiBlop, John, Esq... - 5 0 Donations. Sams under 5*. 3 14 0 Greenleefl, Sam. Esq. - 10 0 Hunter, Capt. - 10 0 Jas. M«Ilraith, Esq.. 100 Hall, James M. Esq. 100 Livingstone, B. Esq. - 5 0 Jas. M°Creadie, Esq. - 10 6 Harvey, James, Esq. - 5 0 Logan, John, Esq. . . - 5 0 M«Fee, Capt Peter.. - 5 0 Donation*. Love, Alex. Esq. ... - 10 0 Moffat, John, Esq.. .220 Total Dons 216 Jamieson,the late Mrs. Mackay, Capt 1 o 0 Mack, D. J. Esq..... - 10 « Total Subs 12 2 0 Exors. of (1870) ..10 0 0 Vlackinnon, P. Esq.. 110 Kobertson, Dr - 10 6 Russell, the late Mackinnon, P. Esq.. 100 Russell & Fullarton. 110 £14 3 6 Misses, Trustees oflO 0 0 M«Alister,K.eith.Esq. 100 5tewart,Duncan,Esq. - 5 0 MMtonald, D. Esq. ..-50 Vemon, Hon. G. B,. 1 1 0 Total Dons..... 20 0 0 McDonald, D.W. Esq. - 5 0 Wallace & Crawford - 5 0 Total Subs 45 16 « VMJougall, D. Esq. .-50 Young, Robert, Esq. - 5 0 GIRVAN BRANCH. M'Eachran, C. Esq. . - 10 0 Sums under Si - 7 6 Patron — £65 16 « VMntyre, L. Esq. ..-50 The Right Hon. The EABT, OF M«Isanc, L. Esq - 5 0 Total 40 0 0 STAIB, K.T. M«Kersie, Wm. Esq. Sen 1 0 0 Donation. President— PETERHEAD M«Kersie, J. Esq.... - 5 0 Donation Box - 14 3 EDWABD FISHEE, Esq. Hon. Treasurer — BRANCH. M'Kelviec , A. Esq. ..-50 Honorary Secretary — M Nair, W. Esq. ... - 5 0 THOMAS OEMMELL, Esq. WILLIAM Boro, Esq. M«Neil,Capt 100 Hon. Secretary— tf°Neill, Miss J 0 0 AYR BRANCH. WILLIAM FORSYIH, Esq. Annual Subscriptions. aTaggart,Chas.Esq. - 10 0 Chairman— Alexander, Mrs - 5 0 Hurray, John, Esq.. - 5 0 JOBS MACHEILLE, Esq. Annual Subscription!. Alexander.W.&W.A. - 10 6 Russell, Rev. J. C.. . - 10 0 Provost of Ayr. AUsa, The Marquis of 2 0 0 Anderson, Robert. .. - 5 0 Scarlett, J. W. Esq. . 100 Boyd, A.andW 1 10 •Stewart, Colonel. ... - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Barber Mr 1 1 0 Brown, Gapt. J - 5 0 Stewart, Jno. L. Ksq. 100 JOHN POLLOCK, Esq. Brown, Matthew 10 6 Stewart, James, Esq. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Clachar Alex - 5 0 Ferguson, Colonel. ..200 Thorn, John, Esq. . . - 10 0 1870-71. Cockburn J 1 1 0 Gray.CaptD - 5 0 Vebster, E. G. Esq. 110 Alexander, W - 5 0 Coigny, The Heirs of Gray, Mrs. - 5 0 Vorthington, Calvert 100 Allan, John, & Co. -76 the Duchess de . . . 1 1 0 Hutchison, Capt. A.. 1 1 0 Sums under 5s 1 3 6 3aird, James 3 0 0 Merchant Maiden Boyle, Patrick . i . . . - 10 0 Total .... 39 15 6 Cathcart, Mrs. M. .100 ?ergusson, Sir J., Bt 110 320 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

JE. *. d. £. s. d *. s. d. Fisher, Edward 110 TROON BRANCH. Jfeish, Geo Esq - 5 0 Bald, A. 5 & Chairman — Nicol, Andrew, Esq.. 300 Hendrie G Y - 5 0 ROBEBT PETTIGRKW, Esq. Nisbet and Co. - 5 0 Brown, Hugh - 5 0 Honorary Secretary— ?aterson & Co. J 5 0 ANDBKW COWAN, Esq. Promoters of Seamen's Bruce, Wm. L - 10 0 MOacken, John ... - 10 0 Subscription. Russell, Trustees of Campbell, Atchd. A. - 5 ft M'DowaU, Wm - 6 0 £. s.d. Coats, Thomas. 180 M'Kechnie, Thos.... 1 1 0 Gilmour, Allan 100 Scott, Alex. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Collection Boi,Corrie Donations. Simpson, J. Esq - 5 0 Hotel 166 M«Quaker, Joseph ..-50 Beveridge, M . - 10 0 Tayler, W. J. Esq.. .100 Collection Box, Lam- Cook, Arculuald 1 0 0 Watson, John, Esq. .-52 lash Hotel 162 Scott John ..-50 Colvil, John 10 0 Watt, Alex. Esq - 10 6 Crawford, Mrs - 6 0 Stair, The Earl of . . . 1 1 0Cowan, Andrew .... - 10 0 Webster, D. Esq 110 Crichion, John - 5 0 Sums under 5s .. -12 0 Guthrie, James - 10 0 Wilson, J. Esq - 10 « Cunliffe, Roger - 10 0 Wood, Provost - 10 6 Davidson, Robert ... - 5 0 Total 15 18 6 Macrorie, Hugh .... - 10 0 Sums under 5*. 3 2 8 Douglas, Bobert .... - £ 0 Drmaliont. Miller and Dickie... 1 0 0 Total...... 65 19 6 Fullarton, Allan 110 Andrews, W. and D. 1 0 0 Navigation Ixxige of Gilmour, Allan - C 0 Brisbane, Thomas ..-50 Oddfellows' Lodge .120 Hall, David - 5 o Brown, Wm. Jan. ..-78Rankin, W. and Son 1 1 0 BUCKIE BRANCH. Halliday Wm - 10 0 Carson, John, Jon... -16 Seven Austrian Ship President- Hamilton, Lewis.... - 5 0 Chalmers, John .... — 5 0 Masters . , . - 17 6 Tlie Right. Hon. The EiBt ffamilton, J. M'JC.. - 5 0 Crawford, Andrew . . - 10 6 Six Italian Ship Mas- or SEAFIELU. Cunningham, Bx>bert - 10 6 Chairman — Fergusson, Hugh ... - 5 0 Wood, James 100 Dr. CABKICRAKL. Tennedy, John - 6 0 Wyllie John , . - 10 0 Honorary Secretary—. M'Donald, Peter (1st MacLemont, John . . - 10 6 Young, William — - 10 0 JOHN MACDONAID, Esq. Donation) - 10 0 M'Donald, Peter (2nd Annual Subscriptions. Donation) - 10 0 Seafield, Earl of 2 0 0 M'lntyre, Malcolm .-50 Sums under 5«. - 15 6 Bryson,Wm.G.Esq. - 5 0 M'Kiutosh, James .. - 5 0 M'Kenzie, John .... - 5 0 Total DODS. S 19 6 Total 250 M'Kenzie, W. ~ S 0 TotalSubs 15 18 6 M'Kinnan, Alex - 5 0 iSanffsIjt'u. Donations. M°Millan, Wm - 6 0 £22 18 0 Misses Russell's M'Neish D ..-50 BANFF AND Trust, Aberdeen.. 10 0 0 M'Nicol, Alex - 5 0 MACDUFF BRANCH; Proceeds of perform- M'Phail, Donald R. - 5 0 President — ance by Professor IRVINE BRANCH. The EAKI OF FIPE, K.T. Cristo 411 9 Morrison, David. ..-50 Chairman — Collected by Mr. Munro, Bev. Hugh - 18 0 GEOBGK BROWN, Esq. Chairman— Knowles in Sea- Nelson, Mrs ..-50 JAKES WOOD, Esq. Provost of town District of Paton, Sir Noel - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Banff. Buckie 3 12 4 Robertson, James. . . - 10 0 DAVID GHAT, Esq, Deputy-Chairman— InNewtown of Buckie, Scott, F - 5 o Annual Subscriptions. ALEXANDER DALLAS, Esq. by Messrs. Qreen Earl of Eglinton 2 2 0 ProTOst of Macduft. and Carmichael. . . 308 Brown, Frowst 100 Treasurer and Hon. Sec.— In Nether Buckie, Stewart, Miss - 6 0 Anderson, Wm - 5 0 JAMBS WATT, Esq. by Mesa*. M'Do- Stewart, Bev. Chas. . - 5 0 Blair, P - 5 0 nald and Bremner 145 The lMi.y JfaryStea. - 10 6 Brown, James, Esq.. - 6 0 Annual Subscription*. In Portgordon and Tod, Wm - 10 0 Brown, John C...... - 5 0 Country, by Mr. Boyd,H.F - 5 0 Seafleld, Earl of 100 Duulop, James - 5 0 Abercromby,SirG.Bt 100 In Portessie and Dunlop, B. M.D. 5 0 Ainslie, A. D. Esq. .100 Rathven,byMessrs. Anderson, Bailie.. .-50 Crowden & Gibson 411 6 Total Dons 33 9 S Gillies, Robert - 5 0 Banff Shipping... .566 Gilmour, Alexander. - 10 0 Bow, Alex. Esq. .. .-60 Total Subs. 5 12 0 Box at Boat House .122 Total Dons 29 10 6 Gray, David - 10 0 Bremner, Dr. & Mrs. - 5 0 Total Subs 250 £39 1 8 Hall Bellevue , . 50 Campbell, F. G. Esq. 100 Henderson, Robert.. - 5 0 Cressy, Cant. i Mrs.. 100 £31 15 « Highet, H. Macgregor - 5 0 Hoey and Orr . , . . - 7 6 Cumming, Geo. Ksq. - 5 0 Hugh, Alexander. . . - 5 0 Dallas and Siorm ... - 10 « Jaflrey, Rev. John . . - 10 0 Diggens, Capt. R.N.. - 5 0 (Eaftlmess-slwf. Dnff,E.W.EsqM.P. 100 Longwill Mrs . . - 5 0 Duff, M. E. Grant, iDutESfiue. THURSO BRANCH. Esq MP 1 0 0 Longmuir, John. ... - 5 0 Duff, Hon. G. Skene. 100 ARRAN BRANCH. Sir J.G.T.SmcLAiB, Bart, M.P. Macfle Miss . . - 5 0 Duff, Major Gordon .100 Honorary Secretary — Treasurer— Marr, Jas. N. (1870) - 5 0 Duncan, R. Esq..... - 5 0 JAMES PATERSON, Esq. JAKES Bams, Esq. Marr, Jas. N. (1871) - 5 0 Findlay Mrs . ..-50 Marr, Mrs. John.... - 5 0 Forest, Rev. E. G. . . - 5 0 Annual Subscriptions. Honorary Secretary — M°Donald, Eugene . . - 5 0 Gardner, Rev. Jos. . . - 5 0 Campbell, Rev. Colin JOHH SWAKSOK, Esq. M«Jannet,Wm - 5 0 Geddie, J. and W. . . - 5 0 F - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. M'Kinlay, Mrs. W. . - 5 0 Geddie, Rev. J. W... - 5 0 Fullarton, M. J. B. . 2 2 0 1871. Gordon, Colonel .... 1 0 0 Bering, Geo. E - 10 0 Bremner, W. Esq. ..-50 Mnir.Mrs. - B 0 Gordon, Sheriff - 5 0 Kirk Session of Kil- Brims, James, Esq. .-50 Paterson, John - 5 0 Gordon and Watt ..-50 bride, per Rev. Robertson, Kev.W.B. - 5 0 Hannay, John, Esq.. -SO Colin F. Campbell 100 Craig, David Benj. ..-50 Sommerville,Rev.Jas. - 5 0 Harvey, J. Esq 1 1 0 Miller, Thomas - 10 0 Davidson, H. Esq. ..- 5 0 Stewart, James - 5 0 Hicks, Kobt. Esq.. . . - 10 0 Paterson, James .... 1 0 0 Dunbar, Lewis, Ksq. - 5 0 Wilson, William ... - 5 0 Macduff, Cmercl.Co. .-50 Ferrier, Wm., Spring Macduff Shipping ..750 Total 5 12 0 Park - 5 0 Galloway, J.W - 5 0 Mime Dr - 5 0 Donations. Hay, James, Esq.... - 6 0 Total 23 15 0 Morrison, Alex. Esq. 200 Allan, James - 10 0 Henderson, J. Esq... -50 Murray, G. W. & Co. - 5 0 Allison, William ... - 5 0 Henderson, Misses . . - 5 0 1 BKANCHES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 321 £. t. d: £. >. d. £. J. d. £. i. d. Henderson, A. Esq., >ndale, John, Esq.. - 10 0 Ainslie, Colonel 5 0 Burrow, T.C. Esq... 100 of Stemster - 10 0 -awrie, David, Esq.. - 10 0 Ainslie, James, Esq. 220 Calder, Mr. Wm - 5 0 Mackay, James - 5 0 ^elohman, Captain . . - S 0 Ainslie, Mrs - 5 0 Caldwell 'Brothers, Mill, James,Esq 5 0 Irishman, Win. Esq. 1 1 0 Aitchison, Messrs. J. Messrs - 10 6 Miller, George, Esq. . - 10 0 Lflchhead,Mr.Robert - 10 0 Callam, Mr. George .-50 Miller, John, Esq. ..100 McDonald, Mr. J.... -50Aitken, Gray, & Co. Calleodar, Messrs. Miller, Wm. Esq.... - 5 0 McFadyen Dr 050 Messrs 1 1 0 David and Sons. .110 Miller, Eev.J. 8.... -60 M«Nab, Aiex. Esq. .100 Aitken and Wright, Campbell, A" Esq. .100 Shearer, Donald, Esq. - 6 0 M'NellanandCo.... - 10 0 Messrs - 10 0 Campbell, Mrs.... .-50 Sinclair, Hugh, Esq. - 5 0 Marion, Mrs 1 0 0 Aitken, Thomas, Esq, 1 1 o Carfrae, Misses .... - 5 0 Sinclair, Sir J. G. T. Mahon,R.H.D.E8q, 100 Alison, John, Esq. ..-50 Carron Iron Co - 5 0 Bart. M.P. 2 2 0 Mathewson and Son, Alston, Mr. George.. - B 0 Carruthers, P. Esq. .110 Sinclair, Sir R.C.,Bt. 100 James 1 0 0 Anderson & William- Chalmers, Thos. Esq. 100 Smith, Jas., of Olrig. - 10 0 Meikiejohn & Son, R. 100 son, Messrs - 5 0 Chambers, MessrsAV. Swanson, James C... - B 0 Melvin Mr R - 5 0 Anderson,David,Ksq. 100 r.andR. 220 Swanson, John, Esq. - 10 0 Milne, Rev. John, Anderson, Findlay, Cheape, Hon. Mrs. ..-50 Tait, W. R. Esq. - 5 0 LL.D - 5 0 Esq. 100 Chisbolm, Messrs. Traill, G.. the late . . 2 2 0 Mitchell, Messrs. A. Anderson, Mrs - 5 0 John and Co - 5 0 Traill, Miss 100 and A 100 Christie ftKilpatrick, Williamson, Capt . . . - 10 0 Moir, Archibald, Esq. 100 Baildon, H. C. Esq. .-SO Sums under lot..... - 1 6 Moir, James.Koq. Sen. 100 Baillie, Messrs. T. fc Christie, Capt. R.W. .-50 Moir,James,Esq.Jun. - 10 0 N - 5 0 Christie, Mr. Henry. - 5 0 Moir, J. M"Arthur, Baillie & Son, Messrs. Christie, Mr. W. .... - 5 0 Esq 100 W - 10 0 Christison, David, Donations. Howbray, Robt. Esq, 100 Baillie, J. M. Esq.C.A.- 5 0 Esq. M.D..... 100 Ommundsen, Mr. A. - 10 0 Baird, Miss - 5 0 Clapperton, Jno. Esq. - 10 6 Miller, Miss Ann.,. 100 Packness, Mr. Chr... - 10 6 Balfonr, J. B. Esq. . . - 10 0Clark, Mrs.. ..'.. , 100 Paterson, John, Esq. 100 Balfour, Professor... - 5 o Cochrane, Paterson, Total Dons 150 Paton, A. Forrester, Ballantyne and Son, Total Sabs 1416 6 Esq 3 0 0 Messrs, Geo - 5 0 Cockbnrn and Camp- Paton, David, Esq... 500 Barclay, Uent.-CoL . - 10 0 bell, Messrs 2 0 0 £16 1 6 Paton, James, Esq. .200 Barry, Mr. John. ... - 5 0 Cockburn, Alexander, Paton, J. Thomson. . 100 Barton, Daniel, Esq.. 100 Esq. - 10 0 Paton, Miss - 10 0 Baxter,Edmnnd,Esq. -SO Colquhoun, Jno. Esq. - 5 0 Pearson & Co. Oeo. . - t SBegWe, Dr. J. War- Cenpar, J. H. Esq... lot Reid & Co. Andrew . 100 Reid, Henry, Esq. .. - 10 0 Sell, Messrs. Jas.SCo. - 5 0 Coventry, A. Esq 200 Rintoul,Robert,Esq. - 5 0 Bell, Rannie, and Co. Cowan and Strachan, OClarfmiannansfwc. Robertson, Mr. A... 0 5 0 Messrs . . . - 10 0 Boss & Sons, Wm... 100 Bell, Wm. Esq - 5 0 Cowan, John, Esq. ALLOA BRANCH. Senior. Mr. Edward. - 5 0 Bernard and Co. per Mrs. Thomas .100 Steel, The Misses ... - 10 0 Cox, Robert, Esq 100 Collected by Steuart, A. Seton.Esq. 100 Bernard, James A... - 5 0 Crabbie, Messrs. John K. B. D. MAHQK, Esq. Bernard, Messrs. T. and Co. 1 l 0 Annual Subtcriftfons. Thomson & Sons, A. 1 0 0 Craig, Mr. R - 5 0 Altaian, Mr. A - 5 0 Thomson Brothers.. 100 Crawford, Cross, and Alexander, Mr. Thos. - 10 0 Todd & Duncan - 5 0 Berry, Barclay, & Co. Co - 5 0 Alloa Colliery Co.... 100 Walker.Andrew.Esq. - 10 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Crawford, Messrs. A. Archibald & Co. W. - 10 0 Bertram, Messrs. J. and A 1 1 0 Archibald and Sons, Walker,Thomas,Esq. - 10 0 Crichton, Messrs. G. Robert 110 Wanchope, A. Esq. .100 Bertram, Messrs. J. and M - 5 0 Archibald, R. Esq. .200 Willison Mr - 5 0 and Son - 5 0 Crichton, Mrs. M. M. - 5 0 Bailey, Messrs. W. Wilson & Anderson, Bertram, Mrs. G. ... - 10 0 Crokat, General 100 andJ 100 Bevan, Mrs - 10 0 Crudelius, Hirst, k Co.- 10 0 Baker, John, Esq. .. - 5 0 Wingate, Alex. Esq. - 10 o Bishop, Mr. John. ..-50 Cruickshanks & Son, Bald, John, & Co. ... 100 Wyllie, James, Esq. - 10 0 Black, Messrs. A. & C. - 10 0 Messrs. Alex - 10 0 Bald, '1 he Kisses... 100 Younger & Son, Geo. 100 Black, Mrs - 5 0 Camming and Son, Barrack, The Rev. W. -so Sums under 5s 250 Blackburn, Mrs. R. . - 5 0 Messrs - 5 0 Boothby, Master -SO Blackball Brothers, Cunningham, Messrs. Brinkmann, Mr. H.. - 5 0 J. and J - 10 0 Burleigb, The Right Blackwood, Mrs. ... - 5 o Cunningham, Messrs. Donations. Blackwood, Miss ... - $ 0 Cannicbael&Sons,R. - 5 0 Dickson, Mrs. J. W. 1 0 0 Blyth, Edward L. J. Cunningham, G. Esq. 220 Carroll, Mrs. - 10 0 Esq. 10 0 0 Currie, Messrs. James Carron, Company ... 5 5 0 Zetland, The Right Bogle, Andrew, Esq. - 5 0 and Co 1 l 0 Clark, Bennet, Esq. .100 Hon. the Earl of .. 500 Bolton, Mr. David ..-50 Dalgleish, J. Esq. Cram, David, Esq. ..-50 Bonnington Chemical WS - 5 0 Drummond & John- Total Dons 6 10 0 Davidson, Lieut.- Col. Boyd, Mrs - 5 0 H.E.I.C.S - 10 0 Duncanson, The Total Subs 11 5 0 Braidwood & Fowler, Davis and Primrose, Misses 200 Messrs - 5 0 Esplen, Mr. J. - 10 0 £83 15 0 Brodie, Hamilton, Deucher, David, Esq. - 5 0 Fotheringham, John, and Co. Messrs.... - 5 0 Dickson & Co.Messrs. Esq..... - 7 6 Brodie, J. A. Esq.. ..-60 Gibson, James, Esq. -SO Brodie, J. Clerk, Esq. 1 o 0 Dickson and Walker, Haig, W. J. Esq. ... - 5 0 Brotcbie, Messrs. R. Hay and Robertson - 10 0 Dickson, Messrs. Henderson, Him ... I 0 0 ®&tn6ursJj. James, and Co. ... - 10 0 Hunter & Donaldson - 10 0 Brown and Glover .. -BO Dickson, Mr. Stair ..-50 EDINBURGH AND Dickson, Wm. Esq. . - 10 0 Jameson, The late LEITH BRANCH. Brown, Samuel, and Dickgons &Co.Messrs. - 5 0 Andrew.Esq. 100 Chairman — Torbain - 5 0 Dishington, Messrs. Jamieson, Mr. R,... -76 Admiral Sir W. J. HOPE Bruce, Boyd, and Co. Johnston, Archibald, Messrs. 1 1 0 Douglas, Messrs. A. JoHKSTOKK, K.C.B. Bryden, Messrs. Wm. Honorary Secretary— Douglas, Francis Johnstone,Jame»,Esq 100 GKOBGE MATHHSON, Esq., Bryson and Son, Brown, Esq.. . . - 10 0 Johnstone, Mrs - 5 0 6 South St. Andrew Street. Messrs. R - 5 0 Douglas, Mrs - 5 0 Kellie, The late Right Annual Subscriptions. Buchan Sc Johnstone - 5 0 Douglas, Mrs. & Miss - 10 0 Hon. the Earl of . . 3 0 0 Abbot, Mrs. F. 1 0 0 Buist, Mr. Robert. . . - 10 0Douglas, Misses - 5 0 Knox fe Son, Robert 100 Adams, Sons, and Co., Burnley, W. F. Esq. loo Downie, Laird, and Lambert, James, Esq. - 5 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Burnet, Mr. J...... 5 0 Laing, Messrs. . . . - 5 0 322 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. *. s. d. £. *. d. £. t. d. *. ». d. I Dryburgh, Messrs. N. Hidden, Messrs. R. Mack, J.S. Esq..... - 5 0 M'Pherson,Mr.Alex. .501 MaitljUMi, Mrs - 6 0 M'Pherson, Mr. H... -sal Dryburgh and Co. Haidane, Mrs. - fi 0 Makellar, Miss 1 0 0 Macvicar, Mrs. 1 0 0 Messrs - 5 0 Hamilton, Alex. Esq. - 10 0 Marshall & Co. Messrs. Dun, John, Esq - 5 0 Harrison and Co. W. - 10 0 Napier, Mrs. Mark. .-50 Duncan and Sons, Messrs - 10 6 Marshall, Capt. D. . . - 10 0Nelson, Messrs. Thos. Messrs. Thomas.. . - 5 0 Hawthorns and Co. Marshall, John, Esq. 110 Duncan, Flockhart, & Messrs. 1 i'~~Q Marshall, Mrs - 10 0 Newbiggtog, Mrs.... - 5 0. Co Messrs — 10 0 Hay, J. & W. Messrs. - 5~0 Marshall, Mrs - 10 0 Newton, Mrs. Hay.. -50 Duncan, Messrs. Hay and Co. Messrs. Matliieson, Geo. Esq. 110 Nicolson, D. Esq. ... - 5 0 James and Co..... - 5 0 John - 10 0 Melrose, Messrs. A. Nisbet, Mr. Robert. . - 5 o Duncan, Mrs, ...... & 0 Hay wart, Root Esq. - 5 0 •and Co . ... - 10 0 OliverStBoyd.messrs. 3 0 0 Dundas, Misses Ha- Henderson, D.W.Esq. - 5 0 Mejrose, John, Esq.. - 10 0 Oliver and Sou - 6 0 milton * — 6 0 Henderson, Miss. ... - 6 o Melvin, Alex Esq.. . - 10 6 Dundas, W.Pitt.... 100 Henry & Co. Messrs. Menzies & Co. Messrs. 1 1 0 Dunlop, A.Vans.Esq. - 10 0 William 110 Millar, Messrs. John Otter, Admiral R. N. 1 0 0 Donlop, Mrs. Murray - 5 0 Hewittc Sons, Messrs.- 5 0 and Co 1 1 0 DuPlessis, Miss.... -SO Hill, Thos. T. Esq... 100 Miller, Messrs. Jas. Pagan, Mrs...... , -50 Dyraock and Gutbrie, Hill, W. Soott. Esq.. -60 and Son 110 Parker, John F. Esq. - 5 0 Honeyman & Wilson, Miller, John, Esq. ..100 Paterson »nd Sons, Edinburgh RoperieCo. 110 Messrs -10 0 Miller, R. Esq 1 0 0 Edinburgh and Leith Hope, James, Esq.. .100 Milne & Son, Messrs. Paterson, A. Esq.... - 5 0 Brewery Co . — 10 0 Horn, Robert, Esq... 100 Klmoastoae & Dou- Horslow, a M. Esq. - 5 0 Milne, Miss 110 Paton, Mrs. Walter.. - 5 0 glas, Messrs - 5 « Mitchell, Somerville, P&iraan Bros. Messrs.- 5 a Edmonstone, C. Esq. - 5 0 Howe, Alex. Esq.. . . - 10 0 ft Co.Messrs 110 Pearson, Adam, Esq. 100 Edmonstone, T. Esq. -50 Hoyes, John, Esq. ..10 0 Mitchell, Jas. Esq... 2 0 0 Pearson, Chas. Esq.. 100 Fair Mrs . - 5 0 Hughes, Mrs - 5 0 Mitchell Bros.Messrs. - 1 6 Pentland, Mr. Young, 1 Farmer, Mr. John ..-50 Hunter, Eichd. Esq.. 100 Mitchell, Miss - 6 0 Fergus, Mr. Win.. . .-50Hutcbinson, Bros. , . - 5 0 Pentzlln and M'Adie, 1 Ferguson, Davidson, ' Innes, ' G. Mitchell, Moncrieff, Mrs. R. and Co. Messrs. ..lie Esq. ,1 0 0 Scott - 10 0 Peploe, R. L. Esq. . . - 5 oil Ferguson and Co. Innes, Mrs. G. Mit- Morham, Root. Esq.. - 10 0 Peterson Brothers. . . - a o ' I Messrs. Thomas ..-60 cheK - 5 0 "Morrison, Messrs. J, Petrte, Fm\p, M>4 Co. \ ' Ferguson, Mr. A. ... - B 0 and G -SO Ferguson, Miss 100 Ivory, Thomas, Esq. - 5 0 Mowbray, Robt. Esq. - 10 0 Pourie, James Esq... - 5 0 Finlay, William, Esq. - 6 0 Muir, Messrs. J. and Pringle, Mr. per Mrs. Fleming, Alex. Esq. -50 Jamleson, and Co. Son - 10 0 Forbes, P. Esq. 5 0 0 Messrs. Robt- -60 Muir, J. Esq -10 0 Pringle, Robert, Esq. ^50 Forbes, W. Esq - 5 0 Muir, Wm. Esq 110 Jeokison, Messrs. W. FurcJie 3fr J . . . - 5 9 / and J 110 Mure, Misees . . - 10 0 P. R , - 10 0 ! ' Ford, John, Esq. ... - 10 0 Johnston, Messrs. W. Murray, G. Esq. C.A. - 5 0 Baeburn, Messrs. \V- Ford, Messrs. Wil- and A. K. 110 Murray, T. G. Esq. .500 liam and Sons .... 1 1 0 Johnstone, Admiral Murray, Mrs. W. . . . - 6 0 Raimes, Blanshards, Formal), Mr. K. .... - & 0 Sir W. J. Hope, Musftet, Messrs. W. tndCo. Messrs.... 110 Forrest and Tumbull, KC.B 200 and E - 5 0 Raleigh Mrs . . -50 Jobnstone, Mr. Wm. -60Mutter, Misses - 6 0 Ramsay, Admiral Sir Johnstone, Miss M. . - 5 0 Mylne, Mrs. J - 6 0 Wm. K.C.B. 200 Friend, A . ... - 5 0 Johnstone, Miss .... 1 0 0 M.B - 10 0 Fulton, Messrs. J. Jopp, Charles, Esq... 110 M. M 100 Ramsayi Geo. Esq. .100 and Co ... 1 0 0 Justice-General, Toe M Stuart, R. L. Esq.... 100 andE - 10 0 Capt. G. T. WEIGHT. Stuart, Miss - 6 0 Wright Mrs - 5 0 Robertson, A. Esq... - B 0 Treasurer— Yonng, Mr. A - 5 0 Robertson, Miss. - 1 0 A. K. LINDESAT, Esq. Russell, Alex. Esq. .-50 Tait, Andrew, Esq... - 5 0 Young Mrs - 10 0 Stephen, John, Esq.. - 5 0 THOMAS PDBDIE, Esq. Tait and Son, Messrs. - 5 0 Yonnger, Mr. John .-50 Stewart Capt - 5 0 Tait, Mrs - 5 0 Younger, Mr. Kobt.. - 10 0 Smith, D. Macleod, Annual Subscriptions. Taylor & Co. Messrs. Younger, Messrs. W. Esq - 5 0 Aikman, Andrew. .. - 5 0 W. 110 Taylor, James, Esq. , - 5 0 Balnisfather, Peter. .-60 Taylor, Mr. William - 5 0 Topp, William, Esq.. - 5 0 Baths, collected at .. - 10 0 Tennant and Co. Bell, Dr. OH - 5 0 Messrs. T. M. 10 0 Total 318 10 0 Wood, Mrs - 10 0 Bethnne, Alex - 10 0 Tennant, P. Esq. ... - B 0 Wylie, Bev. Dr. .... - 5 0 Bethune, Robert.... - B 0 Tennant, Bobt. Esq. - 10 6 Boothby, Maj. B.T.. - 6 0 Thorn, Messrs. David Donations? Borthwick, Lord 10 0 and Co - 10 6 Boyd.Dr. A. K. H... - 6 0 Thomson, Messrs. D. Aitken, Thos. Esq. .200 Boyd, Capt. Alex.... - 5 0 Collie, J. R. Mylne, Boyd.Mrs.T.D - 6 0 Esq - 10 0 Donations. Thomson, Messrs. S. Knight,Mr.,Anstra«a 220 H and Co - 10 6 Dmmmond, Miss, Thomson, Messrs. B. Vessels entering Har- EdinburghRoperieCo.- 11 6 bour of Lossie- Thomson, Messrs. W. Falconer, Misses and month during year 780 Cheape, Geo. C. - 10 0 Mrs. Cragle - 11 6 Sums under 5s 8 10 6 Thomson, William Friends, A few, per Curwen, B. E - 5 0 Thomas, Esq - 10 0 P. Geddes Esq.... - 11 6 Total Dons. 18 0 6 Dalgleish, Capt. J. 0. - 10 0 Tod, Alexander, Esq. 110 Friend, A, his own in- Total Subs 12 3 6 Dongall, Capt M.... 100 Tod Brothers,Messrs. -50 surer, from surplus Fischer, Professor ..-50 Tod, John, Esq - 6 0 premiums 10 0 0 £30 4 0 Gibson, Henry - 5 0 Tod, Messrs. J. & J. - 10 6 Hamilton, Claude H. Gillespie, David 10 0 Esq... 10 0 0 Gordon, George - 10 0 Tod, Mr. Thomas. .. -BO Hope, J. Esq. W.8... 100 Gordon, G. More. ... - 5 0 Tolemache, Mrs. W. - 6 0 Paterson and Sons, Tytler, Jas. S. Esq. . - 10 0 Horsburgh, Bethnne - 5 0 Scott, General J. C. . - 10 0 JFtfeg&tu. Lindesay, A. K - 10 0 Usher, Messrs. An- Lindesay.W.F - 5 0 Slaney, Thomas, Esq. - 5 0 Trinity House, The 220 ANSTRUTHER Low,.WUliam - S 0 Usher, Messrs. J. BRANCH. Vallance, G. Esq. ... - 6 0 Total Dons 29 16 6 PresidenW Lnmsdalne, S. E - 10 0 Vertue, Duncan, Esq. - 6 0 His WORSHIP THE PROVOST. Waddle & Co. Messrs, -so TotaljSnbs. ...318 10 0 Meldrum, David .... - 5 0 Waldie and Son, Melville, J. Whyte . - 10 0 Messrs. James.... - 5 0 £348 6 6 H. B. MACKUTTOSH, Esq. Mitchell, Bobt - 5 0 Walker, Messrs. G. Annual Subscriptions. Monypenny, Mre. . . - 10 0 Adamson, J. Esq. ... - 10 0 McGregor, Gregor . . - 5 0 Walker, Jan. Mr. W. - 5 0 Anderson, Mr. W. H. - 5 0Ochterlony, Sir C. M. - 5 0 Walker, Mrs. - B 0 Clark Mr J. - 5 0 Pagan, Geo. H. - 5 0 Walker, Misaes - s 0 Cook, David, Esq... -BO Walker Street, 24. .. - 5 6 Darsle, J. B. Esq. . . 110Pltcairn, Wm - 10 0 Warden, Messrs. W. Darsie, G. Esq - 10 6 Purdie, Thomas .... - 10 0 Foggo, Thomas, Esq - 5 0 Purvis, John ...... - 10 0 Warrack, Messrs. Forbes, R. Esq. - 1 6 Shairp, PrinclpalJ. C. - 6 0 John and Co -10 6 Fowler, J. Esq - 10 6 Small, John L - 5 0 Warrick and Son, Fowler, G. S. Esq. .110 Smith Alex - 6 0 — Gray.Mr.W -50 St. Andrew's, City of 5 0 0 Watson, Mr. H. .... - 5 0 Hannay, Colonel... - 6 0 Stewart, R. Balfour . - 10 0 324 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT, 1, 1872. £. s. A. £. «. d 1. i. d. £. s. d. Swan, Prof. William 200 DmuMrmt, Donntima. Inna, J. S. Esq 100 Collected at Shore Dundee Harbour, Lite- Malcolm, Walter . . . i 0 0 Dues Office 8 13 0 boat Dnes on Ship- Menzies, John, Esq.. 100 WUkjnsbax', James - 5 0 Gflbert,Mr.Coxswaln, ping 39 1 3 Woodward, Major... 100 Wemyw, Major 10 0 Proceeds of Model Collected by John Woodcock. Wra -50 Machan, Esq. from Sums under fit...... 5 10 6 Seamen frequent- Total Dons 10 13 0 ing the Port 10 12 9 Total 32 5 « Total Subs 24 3 6 Donations. Total Doas SO a 0 AfewFrteDds - 11 t Legacy. Total Subs 70 3 6 Duncan, J. Esq. W.S. - 10 6 Anderson, Capt. W. Governors of Heriot's (the late) ...... 500 Hospital 2 2 0 Hamilton, Et Hon. £39 16 6 E.C.N 500 Kinloch, Sir D.Bart. 100 MONTROSE Mlllldue, J. J, Esq. .100 jforfars&tre. BRANCH. Chairman- Smith, Miss, and ARBROATH DUNDEE BRANCH. Provost BABCUY. Master Trotter ... 100 BRANCH. Chairman — Honorary Secretary — Tower, Mia9, per FSANCIS MOLISON, Esq. J. WoootAHD EDHOXDS, Esq. Chairman-— Honorary Treasurer — Collected at exercise JAHES Mont, Esq., Provost PATRICK ASDEBSON, Esq. Donations. of Boat on June 30, of Arbroath. Aberdeen, F. JEsq. ..100 1871 1 18 7 Honorary Secretary— Carnegy, Misses .... 2 0 0 Collected at annual Honorary Secretary— JAMES HBSTEB, Jan. Esq. Craikshank, Au- exeKiseonSeptZS, WM. CAKBILL, Esq. Annual Subscriptions. gustus, Esq. -50 including two do- Alison, G. L. Esq. ..110 Gordon, Mrs. W..... 100 nations of £5 each Annual Subscriptions. Anderson, Alex. Esq. 100 Grant, F. G. F. Esq.. 100 from Sir Lionel Balfour & Cummings, Anderson, P. Enq... 2 0 0 Interest from Har- Darell, Bart, and Anderson, T. Esq... 110 bour Trustees 30 0 0 A.Trevelyan.Esq. iBinney, Mr. Andrew - 10 0 Armitstead, and Co. Johnstoue, J. & Sons 330 ofTynehoIm 49 o 2 Boyd, Mr. James... -60 Messrs G. . , .1 1 0 L&rgie, Mr. Andrew. I 0 0 Burnet, Mr. William -so Baxter Brothers and ««m\R, Mi. Met. ..100 Total Dons. 63 8 9 Bntchart, Mr. John .-50 Co. Messrs 3 0 0 Millar, C. H. Esq. ..220 Cargill, Mr. David ,.-50 Baxter & Co., Messrs. Millar, Edward, Esq. 2 2 0 Total Subs. .... 6 0 0 Carnegie, H. F. Lind- W. E. 110 Mitchell, Wm. Esq.. 100 Chalmers, C. D. Esq. - 5 0 Mitchell, Mr. David. - 10 0 i'69 g 9 Chapel, Mr. David ..-50 Christie, James, Esq. - 10 6 Mont rone Lime Co... 1 o 0 Christie, Mr. William - 6 0 Couper, Thomas, Esq. 1 1 0 Montrose Commercial Clondsley, Mr. Jas. .-50 Don Brothers, Bnist, Corsar, Mr. Wm. H. - 10 o and Co. Messrs.... 110Paton, J. M. Esq. ..100 Corsar Bros. Messrs.. - 10 o Duncan, Georjee, Esq. 110 Walker, Kobert, Esq, - 10 0 Corsar, Mr. Chas. W. - 10 0 Dundee Harbour Warrack, J. and Co.. 100 Cuthbert, Mr. James - 5 0 Watson, Dr. 110 Dickson, Mr. Jas. A. - 10 o Dundee, Perth, and Contents of Contribu- Dickson,Mr.J.F... - 5 0 London Shipping Donaldson, Mr. Robt. - 5 0 Company 550 HintatDmesjbtre. Duncan, Mr. John . . - 10 0Edward, Allan, E»q. 110 Ferguson, Messrs. J. Gibson, Joseph, Esq. - 10 6 STONEHAVEN and A. - S 0 Gilroy Brothers and BRANCH. Eraser and SODS, Messrs D - 10 0 Gourlay Brothers and Patron- Fraser, Mr. Pat. A. . 1 0 0 Sir JAKES H. BDBNBTT, Bart., Garland, Mr. Wm.. . - 10 0 Grimond, Messrs. J. Lord-Lieatenant of the an4A.D 1 I C County, Johnston, Mr. Dick . - 10 0 Lalng and Sandeman, 3^afibingtons!)ite. Laird, Mr. George . . - 10 0 Messrs 110 President- Lindsay, Kobt Esq.. -50 Lowson, Wm. Esq.. 110 DUNBAR BRANCH. Sheriff DOVE Wusos. Lowson, Mr. Andrew - 10 0 Martin & Co. Messrs. President— Treasurer & Son. Secretary— Lnmgair, Mr. John . - 10 0 0 i i o A. WEIE, Jus., Esq. Lnmgair, Mr. Boot. - 10 0 Martin, W. Esq.Jun. - 10 6 Dr/KE OF ROXUCRGH, K.T. MM3«in,Mr.J.M... -50 Masters and Seamen, Honorary Secretary — Annual Sittacrip&Giu. Macdonald, J. & W.. - 10 0 Fraternity of 5 5 0 Juroett,SirJ«nesH.3 3 0 Macdougal,B«v.J.E. -60 M«Gavin. R. Esq.... 110 SvXacriptian. Bafrd, Alex. 2 2 0 Mathews, Mr. Chan. -SO M«Naugbton, Mr. \>. - 2 6 Christian, James ... - 1 6 Mill, Mr. William .-50 Miller, 0. G. Esq.... 100 Donations. >uff, E. W. M.P. ..220 Mito, Mr. George ..-50 Mlln, T. W. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Anderson, Mrs - 10 0 falconer, Robert ... - 5 0 Mita, Mr. Robert . . - 10 0 Molison, F. Esq 2 0 0 Muir, Mr. James . . - 10 0 Myles, William, Esq. 110 !dinburgh,H -10 6 Gladstone, Sfr T. ... 1 0 0 MunroamiCo - 5 0 Ogilvr, Sir J. Bart, Inn-head, Mrs - 10 0 Nicol&Co.Messrs.A. - 10 0 M.P 110 Collected at Life-boat Paterson, Mr. Jas. S. - 6 0 )wer, J. H. Esq.... 100 Piereon, J. A. Esq... 100 'attullo, James, Esq. 100 ohnston, Wm .... - 5 0 Raitt, Mr. Jonathan. - 5 0 Pearce, Mrs. A. M . . 1 0 0 Total 5 3 0 Unnear, A. W. Jun. - 5 0 Held, Mr. Alex. - 5 0 Popham, Admiral... 200 Jttlejohn,Wm, Jun. - 5 0 Roy, Mr. Adam S 0 Sharp, John, Esq... 110 iMnror, Colonel ... 200 Salmond and Son, Simpson, G. B. Esq.. - 10 6 Messrs W - 10 0 Smieton and Sons, NORTH BERWICK Murray, Sir P. K.... 440 Salmond, Mr. Jos. ..-60 Messrs. James .... 1 1 0 BRANCH. Murrison, J. S - 5 0 Scott, Mr. Charles.. - 5 0 Smith & Co. Messrs. President — Ritchie Wm 1 0 0 Shanks, Mr. James - 5 0 Henry ...... 1 1 0 The Bight Hon. R. C. N. Smith, Suttle, & Co. - 5 0 Stephen, G. Esq 110 HAMILTON. Silver, Eev. A. - < 0 Webster, Messrs. F Trail, Anthony, Esq. 110 Smith, Thomas - 5 0 and W - 10 0 Union Association of Chairman — • Soutar, James Q 7 6 Weir, Mr. James ..-60 Underwriters .... 5 5 0 Sir HEW DAUtYHPtE, Bart. Welsh, Mr. James . -BOWrongham, Miss ... - 5 0 Honorary Secretary— Sums under &s...... 4 2 6 \Vrongh&m, W.Esq. \ o 0 WAi-TEa MMXXHJt, Esq. Thomson, J.W - 5 0 Yeaman, James, Et*q. 110 Annual Subscription*. Tindal, J. and G 1 o 0 Total W 3 6 Campbell, T. B. Esq. 100 Cree, James, Esq.... 100 Wilson, Sheriff 1 1 0 BRANCHES —LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 325 t. s. d. £ . l. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Wood, Alex - 5 0 Bennett, Browne, and Edington and Sons, Inglis, Messrs. A. Messrs T. 2 2 0 andJ 220 Sums under 5s. ISO Birrell, WiJJium.Esq. 220 Edmiston and Mit- Irvine & Co. Messrs. Black & Co. Messrs. chell, Messrs 110 Samuel . . ..110 Elder & Co. Messrs. J. 220Jack, R.N. Esq 110 Black & Co. Messrs. Eiiing, Wra. Esq 220 Janueson,K.Juit.Esq. 110 Ewing & Co. Messrs. Kelly & Co. Messrs.. 110 Donation. Blackie&Sons.Messrs. 220 A Orr 2 2 0 Kelso, James, E?q. .110 Nicol, J. D. M.P. ... 2 0 0 Boyle, The Misses ..100 Ewfag &Co. Messrs. J. 2 2 0 Kerr, Newton, & Co. Brace, Edmund, and Ewing & Co. Messrs. J. 0 2 2 0 Kidston & Co. Messrs. British India Steam Fergusson and Bros. A. G 2 2 0 Navigation Com- Messrs J 2 2 0 Kidston and SODS, pany (Limited)... 220 Ferguson and For- Messrs. William .110 Brown & Co. Messrs. rester, Messrs 110 King, John, Esq. ... 1 1 0 lafrfcctt&Im'gjjt. J. andC 110 Ferguson, Shaw and Kirsop, John, Esq. .. - 10 0 Brown & Co. Messra. Dick, Messrs - 10 6 Laimg& Co. Messrs. J. 110 KIRKCUDBRIGHT J andT 1 1 0 Findlayfc Co. Messrs. Laird, Alexndr. Esq. 110 BRANCH. Brown & Co. Messrs. Langlands and Sons, Patron— W. and A 2 t 0 Finlay, David W. Messrs. M 110 The EARL op SRLKIRK. Brown, Downes, and Esq. M.D. (2 yrs.) 400 Laurie, J. G. Esq. ..100 Fleming and Co. Lecky, F. B. Esq.. ..110 President — Brown, James, Esq.. 220 Messrs. P. and R.. 1 1 0 Leisler, Bock, and Co. JOHN S. SHA.ND, Esq. M.D. Brown,Jno. Esq. Jun. 100 Fleming, J. N. Esq.. -WO Hon. Secretary & Treasurer- Browne and Watson 110 Fleming, Watson, & Liepmann, Lehmann, Mr. SAUUIO. CAVAN. Browne, Maxwell, & Nairn, Messrs 220 and Co. Messrs. ... 1 1 0 Co Messrs 2 2 0 Forbes, Knight, and Lorimer and Moyea, Annual Subscriptions. Bryce, J. D. Esq. ... 1 1 0 Co., Messrs 1 1 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Selkirk, Right Hon. Buchanan, Watson, Fraser and M'Laren, Lumsden and Son, the Earl of S 3 0 and Co. Messrs.... 110 Messrs James 220 Dunbar, W. H. Esq.. -50 Bulloch, Lade, & Co. Freeland, Robt. Esq. 220 Lumsden, Geo. Esq.. 220 Jardine, R. Esq. M.P. 110 Messrs. 220 Fyfe and Morton, M'Arttair Brothers, Kirkcudbright, ths Burnley and Co. Messrs ... - 10 6 Messrs. 100 Burgh of 500 Messrs. W. F 220 Gairdner, Chas. Esq. 110 M'Ctill and Son, Maxwell, W.H. Esq. Burns, Messrs. G A J. 220 Galbralth, Messrs. A. Messrs. James.... 110 M.P 1 1 0 Burrell and M'Laren, M'Co»an,David,Esq. 110 Stewart, H.G.M. Esq. 1 1 0 Messrs 1 10 Grant and Sons, Macdonald, Duff, and Sums under 5s 217 6 Gallon Spinning Co.. 110 Messrs. George ... 1 1 0 Co. Mes-rs 110 Campbell and Co. Gibb, Ellas, Esq. ... - 10 e Macdonald, Hood, * Total 14 8 6 Messrs. J. and W. 2 2 0 Gillespie, Githcart, Co Messrs .110 Campbell, Rivers, and M'Dowall, Steven, Giimour, Allan, Esq. 200 and Co. Messrs 220 Cargill, DavidS. Esq. 110 Glasgow Iron Co. ... 2 2 0 M'Ewan, Stevenson, Caw & Co. Messrs. F. 1 0 0 Gourlay, James, Esq. 110 and Leask, Messrs. 110 Chaplin and Co. Gourlie and Son, M'Farlane, Jas. Esq. 110 Messrs. Alexander 110 Messrs. William .600 M'Gregor, Alex. Esq. 110 Chrystal, Robert,Esq. 110 Gow & Co. Messrs. M'Kellar, Hugh, Esq. - 10 6 %anatfcs!)frt. Clark, Jun, and Co. Allan C 1 1 0 Mackenzie, Aitken, Messrs. J ... 2 2 0 Graham S: Co. Messrs. and Barclay 1 1 0 GLASGOW BRANCH. Clark, G.&W. Messrs. - 10 6 William 2 2 0 Mackenzie, Gardener, Honorary Treasurer— Clyde Shipping Co... 220 Graham, Jobn, Esq.. 110 and Alexander, Captain ANDREW SMALL. Clyde Yacht Club ..220 Graham, Messrs. A. Colquhoun & Balloch 110 J. and A 2 2 0 M'Kenzie, J. F. Esq. Honorary Secretary — Collins, Sons, and Co. Gray & Buchananan, ]{.N 110 R. HOPE ROBERTSON, Esq. Messrs. W 1 1 0 Mackillop, John, Esq. - 10 6 Annual Subscriptions. Colvin, William, Esq. 220 Gray & Co. Messrs. J. 1 1 0Mackinnon and Co. Aitken and Mansel, Connat & Co. Mesi-rs. 110 Gray, Dunn, and Co. Messrs. William. .220 Connal & Co. Messrs. Messrs 110 M'Laren, Sons, & Co. Aitkin, Lilburn, and William 1 1 0 Handyside and Hen- Messra. William.. 110 Go Messrs . . 1 10 Connell and Co. derson, Messrs... . 220 Maclay, Murray, and Alexander Fergusson Messrs. Charles. . . 1 1 0 Hannan & Co. Messrs. Spens, Messrs 2 2 0 and Co. Messrs.... 110Corbett,Thomas, Esq. 200 MacLelian, Messrs. Alexander, Messrs. Craig. Messrs. R. Hannay and Sobs, P iwidW. .. .220 R F and J 110 and J. . . ..110 M'Nutt, David, Esq. 1 10 Allan, Messrs. ,T.& A. 2 2 0 Craig, Peter, Esq. ... - 10 0 Han, John, Esq 110 Macpherson,H.S.Esq. 110 Anderson .int. Co. Crailsheim and Her- Harvie and M'Gavin, Mann, Bvars, and man, Messrs 220 Co. Messrs 1 1 o Anderson and Co. Crawford, Cree and Henderson and Co. Mann, Thomas, Esq, 110 Messrs G .110 Co Messrs 1 1 0 Messrs. Patrick. .. 220 Mnquet and Clause, Anderson, Messrs. D. Crawford, Messrs. J. Henderson and Sons, Messrs 1 1 0 and J .220 0 ...... 220 Messrs W - 10 6 Martin, Turner, and Amott £ Co. Messrs. 110 Crichton, William, Henderson, Messrs. Co Messrs. . . .220 Arthur & Co. Messrs. 110 Commander, R.N. 500 D. and W 2 2 0 Mason, Stephen, Esq. 110 Auld& Guild, Messrs. 220 Cross & Sons, Messrs. Hendry and Co. Mtithison and Co. B*ird and Browj), Messrs. A. and S. . 220 Messrs. DonaW... 110 Messrs 110 Crura, Alex. E-q. ..110 Hens, Theodore, Esq. 220 Maxwell, Thos. Esq. 110 Baird, Messrs. Hugh Cumming, J. Esq. . . 1 10 Honeymaii & Druni- Millar & Son, Messrs, and Co . .110 Daiglish, Falconer, & uioiid, Messrs. ... - 10 6 John 1 1 0 Baird, Messrs. Hugh Co. Messrs. K 220 Houldsworth and Co. Miller fe Co.Messrs.G. 1 1 0 and Son - 10 0 Davidson and Co. Messrs. Jobn 220, Bankler, Lietke, and Messrs. W. and J. 2 2 0 Howat, Brown, and and Co. Messrs.... 110 Denniston and Co. Mirrlees, Tait, and Bannerman, D. Esq. - 10 d Messrs. Robert. ... 1 0 0 Howden and Co. Watson, Messrs.. .220 Barclay & M'Gregor, Denny Brothers, Messrs. James, ... 1 1 0 Mitchell and Son, Messrs W . .220 Hosier Mis? 1 0 0 Messrs, S: 1 1 0 Barclay, Curie, and Dick, George, Esq... 110 Huggins & Co. W. B. 1 1 0 Mitchell, Macnie, and Dill, J.B. Esq - 10 6 Hutcheson and Co. Cowan, Messrs 1 1 0 Barton, W. Esq - 10 6 Donaldson Brothers, Messrs. David.... 220 Mitchell, Wateon, Beith, Stevenson, and Messrs. 110 Hutchison, Messrs. and Wink, Messrs. 220 Co Messrs. .220 Douglas and Son, Moncrieff, Paterson, Bell & Sons, Messrs. Messrs. Robert ... - 10 6 Inglis & Wftkeneld, Forbes, and Barr, Jobn 1 1 0 Dunlop, Thos. Esq... - 10 6 326 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872. £. t. d. £. «. d. i. t. d. £. t. d. Monteith and Co. Semple & Co. Messrs. 110 Wylie and Lochhead 220 Scott, Mr. W. - 6 » Messrs. H . . 320 Shields, George, Esq. Young & Co. Messrs. Stirling, Ex-Provost - 7 t Moore, Taggart, and Hew 1 1 « Smart, Wm. Esq. . . . 1 0 • Co 110 Simpson and Co. Yi-ung & Co. Messrs. Tennant, Chas. Esq.. 220 Morrison,Adam, Esq. 1 1 6 Messrs. P. 2 2 D J.audB. 220 Thomson, Rev. A. . . - 5 0 Morton, Jumes, Esq. lit Simpson, Hunter, Thorbum Brothers, Muir & Son, Messrs. and Young 1 1 o Total 409 3 0 Employes of - 5 9 Skinner and Co. Thoinburn, Mr. W.. - 5 0 Muirhead and Son, Messrs. Thomas ..330 thornbura, R. Esq.. - 10 6 Messrs. J 110 Dmatimt. Sloane & Co. Messrs. A Friend, per L. ft Tod, Alex. Esq 1 1 0 Munsie, Qeorge, Esq. - 18 6 William . . .220 R.H. Robertson.. 600 Todd Mr R - 5 0 Napier and M'lntyre, Smith & Ce. Messrs. Todd Provost - 7 6 A. and W. . » 10 6 M'Donald, P. R. Traquair, Children of, Napier and Son, Smith and Sharp, (legacy) ,..11 18 3 per Master R. Wal- Messrs. Robert ... 3 1 0 Underwriters' Pro- Neil, Messrs. J. 4 B. - 10 0 Smith 0 Phillips and Co. Tod and MKJregor, Cap*. Josh. Hay.,.. 1 1 fl Annual Subscription. Messrs. John . .... ~ 10 6 Adam, D. W. Esq. . - 10 0 Pirrie,Foote,andCo. Train & Co. Messrs. Total Dons 2 1 0 Baine & Johnstone, Messrs 2 2 0 PitketMy, Jaa. Esq. 110 Tumbull, A. H. Esq. - 10 0 Total Subs 12 6 « Ballantine & Rowan, Kaeburn, James, Esq. 110 Turnbull and Co. Ralston, Goodwin & £14 In 6 Barclay, D. E - 10 0 Tnrnball and Co. Black wood * Gordon, Ramsay. John, Ksq. . - It 0 Messrs. Gregor ... 220 Messrs, Port Olas- Ramsey, Robert, Esq. 114 Turner, Duncan, Esq. 100 Runfcin and Sons, Ure John, Esq . . 1 1 0 Blair, Reid, and Messrs. W . . «- 10 6 Watson, A.Esq 110 Sieele, Messrs 220 Rankine and Son, Watson and Smith, ^feblesgtrf. Bradbridge,JfissM.A. - 10 6 Messrs. James .... 1 1 0 Messrs. James. ... 220 Brymntr, G. Esq.... - 10 6 Reid and Son, Messrs. Watson & Co. Messrs. PEEBLES BRANCH. Cairo, C. 8. Esq 1 0 0 Alex 110 John .... -10 6 Caird, J. T. E.-q 820 Rintoul, Peter, Son, Watson Brothers . . . 1 1 0 Chairman- Campbell, Anderson, and Co. Messrs.... 110 Walson and Co. Sheriff HUHTEB. and Co., Messrs.... 110 Ritchie. David, Esq.. 110 Messrs James 110 Carmichael and Co. Robenson and Co. Watson Sow, and Co. Honorary Secretary— Messrs J H 1 1 0 Messrs 110 Messrs 1 1 0 Dr. COSNEL. Carter/urn Sugar Ke- Robb, Moore and Co. Watson, William W. Annual SvbKriptiant. nning Co 1 0 0 Messrs. - 10 6 Esq 110 "AFriend" - 10 « Ctapperton, J. Esq. . - 10 6 Robertson, Messrs. White, Mes8rs.James Alexander, Misses . . - B 0 Crawhalls and Co. L.«ndR.H 110 and John 2 i 0 Batngate, Jtt. i>q. . - 10 6 Robinows and Mar- Witkle, John, Esq.. . - 10 * Blackwood, W. Esq. - 5 0 Cuthbert,Robert,Esq. 110 joribanks. Messrs. 110 Wilkie, Wm. Esq. ..110 Buivess, Rev. R. . . . - 8 0 Davie, Robert, Ksq. . - 10 0 Rodger, Alex. Esq... 1 1 0 Williamson, T. Esq. 110 Burnett, Wm. Esq. .-50 Dick, Mrs. (2 years) 100 RocSger, Jas. <3 yrs.) * 1 0 Wilson and Maine. Dick, Mrs. Sen - 10 0 Rodger, James, Esq. 100 Fei gusson, Dr - 5 0 Gibb, Messrs. D.&J. 110 Rose, Murison, and Wilson. Messrs. J. Gibson, Mr - 5 0 Gillespie, Cathcart, & Thomson, Messrs. 110 and R 1 1 0 Hunter, Sheriff 110 Fraser, Messn. ... 1 1 0 Ross and Co. Messrs. 100 Wilsons* Co. Messrs. 220 Greive, W. Esq. 200 Ross, J. Jan. Esq. .220 Wingate, and Co. Jeffrev, Mr - 5 0 Hamilton and Adam, Russell & Co. Messrs. 100 Messrs. Thomas ..lit) Lindsey, Misses 5 0 Messrs 100 Russell, Archd. Ksq. 110 Wotherspoon and Co. Linton, Mr - € 0 Johnstone, D. Esq... 200 Russell, Miss J. 6. . 1 1 0 Messrs. R. 1 1 0 Jx>rraine, Rev. J. B.. - 6 0 Kerr, John, Esq. (the Sandeman and Co. Wright ft Co. Messrs. M'Kenzie, C. J. Esq. 110 late^ 2 2 0 Messrs.D 0 10 6 John limes 2 2 A Murray, Rev. A. J. , - 6 0 Kerr, ' Newton, and Scott, Messrs. James Wright, Jobnstone, Panron, Geo. A - 10 8 Co Messrs - 10 6 and Macfcefrzie, Riddell, Wm - 6 0 King.T.Esq.Solicitor 110 Seligmaun,H.L.Esq. 110 Romanes, Rob. Esq. . - 10 6 Lamont, Jas. Esq. ..100 BRANCHES— LIST OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 327

£,. s. d. £. S. d. £ . t. i. Lindsay, W. and Co. Donations. Sconce, Sheriff 10 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Beverley, H. F - 5 0 .STIRLING BRANCH. Todd, John, Esq. . - 10 0 Little, Robert, Esq. .110 Brown, J. J. G. Esq. 100 Treasurer- Wright, Misses... 100 Low.J.atidCo.Messrs. - 6 0 Bulman, John, Esq.. - 10 0 Mr. DANIKI, FERGUSOX. Suras under 5s. ... 3 Z 6 Lyle, Abram, Esq. .110 Houglas, Jas. Esq. .. - S 0 Honorary Secretary -~ Murray and Lyle, McArthur, Wm-Esq. 1 o 0 Ewen, Kev. W. V. . . - 5 0 Mr. ALEXANDER JEFFREY. Misses, Coll. by— Maccunn, John, Esq. 110 Lugton and Porteus. -50 Davie Mrs - 5 0 McNab & Co. Messrs. 110 Mackenzie. W. M. Annual Subsci'iptit>n&. Mackenzie, Mr. J. - 6 0 Morton, James, Esq. 110 Esq.M.D 100 t.. «.<*. Low, Bailie - 5 0 Milne Brothers .... - 5 0 Blnnie & Drummond, Richardson, Mr. J. Neill, B. & S. Messrs. - 10 6 Misses, Col. by— B - 10 0 Oliphant & Haddow, Renton, Hev. Henry. 160 Aitken, J. G. Esq. - 10 0 Wilson, Mrs. Dr. . - 5 0 Roberttm, Jas. Esq.. 100 Craigie, John, Esq. 100 Sums under 5s. ... 3 17 o Orr, Hunter, and Co. Hotel-ton, Jobn, Esq. -100 Kemp, Murray, & Collection at Lecture Robertson, P. Esq... - 5 0 Nidwlsou.Messrs.- 10 6 by R. M. Balton. Patten, H. T. Esq. Robson, Jas. Esq. ..100 Oliphant, Major ..-50 Rutherford, J. H..., _ 5 o Makgill, Misses. ., - 6 0 Pattern & Qo. Messrs. 220 Smith, Rev. James. . 1 0 0 Skinner, Mrs. M. . - 5 0 Total 48 13 2 Paul, Sword and Co. Swan, Robert, Esq... - 10 0 S,ums under 5*. ... 2 2 0 Messre 110 Talt, Jam«, Esq... . - 10 0 Ferguson, Mr. D., Reid* Co. Messrs. J., Sun» under &i -86 Collected by- Port Glasgow 110 Archibald, Mrs. Richardson, James, Total Dons 10 8 6 and Co. Messrs. ... 120 TotalSubs. 3 It 6 WatjBon,John,Esq. - 1 6 Robertson and Mo Goidie and Strong, Dougall, Messrs... - 10 « Misses, ColL by— Ross, Corbett, and Co. £14 6 0 Carsiin, Mr. Wm. .-60 Messrs. 1 0 » Crowe, Councillor Scott, Alexander, and Sons, Messrs 2 2 0 Drummond, itr. aSJtgton. Bhankland, D. and R. M EUROS E BRANCH. GregorT - 5 0 Drumcnon4,Heary, ISLE OF WHITHORN President— AND BAY OF WIG- SteeleandMcCuskiif - 10 « Admiral the Hop. T. RAH.LII Drummond, Pet«r, Steele, Robert, and Esq. '... IpO TOWN BRANCH. Co.HeBsre. 220 Hon. Secretaries— Duncan, Mr. Archd. - 6 0 Patron— Stewart, J. and W. JOHN BROAD and Ferguson, Mr. 1>. . - 5 0 The Right Hon. the EAKI. or Messrs. 2 1 0 T. J. Dunn, Esqrs. Graham, Wm. Esq. -BO GALIOWAV. Swinburne.Capt.R.N. 220 Harvey, Mr. Wm. - 6 0 Taskar.Andrew, Esq. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Herali Mrs - S 0 President— Tennent, H. L. Esq. Baillie.Adm.Hon.T. 100 Johnston and An- Capt. the LOKO GAKUKS, M.P. Sheriff Substitute. 110 Bajllie, Lady (irlsell - 10 0 derson, Messrs.. - 5 0 Chairman— Thome, R. and Sons, Daillie, Hon. Major .-100 Muthie, Jas. Esq. .-60 R. H. JOHSSTOS STBWAKT, Messrs 110 Broad, John, Esq. ,. - 10 0 Morgan, Mr. (>eo.. - 5 0 Esq. W. Turner, Esq. 10 0 Murrie.Ex-Provost - 10 0 Honorary Secretary— Walker and Co. Curie, Mr. and Mrs.. 100 MacEwen, Messrs. GBOEGK A. MAIN, Esq. Messrs. Jobn 2 2 0 Curie, Mr. J. & Mrs.. 1 0 ' 0 I), and J. ami Co. - 5 0 Dunn, T. J. Esq - 6 0 M'Ewen, Mr. Danl. - 5 0 Annual Subtcriptimu. Total 63 15 6 Krskins. James, E»q. 100 McKinUy,Mr.Jas. - 6 0 Freer. Allan, Esq.... - 6 0 M"Lachl»n, Mr. A. - 6 0 Galloway, Right Hon. Maconochle,R.B.Esq. -50 Reddie, Mr. David - 5 0 the Earl of 5 0 0 /hmatton*. Melklam, JoUu, Esq. - 10 0 Sheerer, Councillor - 5 0 Anderson, Wm - 5 0 Gamble, Mrs. Ash- Walls, Mr. Robert - 5 0 Black, E. s - 10 0 burn, Gourock. ... 10 0 0 Pobvartb, Hon. Lord Sums under 5s. ... S 0 6 Broadfoot Dr - 5 0 Pillar Boxes 5 14 6 and Lady 2 Q 0 Hewit and Kemp, Brown, James...... - 10 0 Proceeds of Concert, Riddell, General - $ o Misses, Coll. by — Charters, John - 5 0 Riggers & Seamen 30 1 0 Scott, Hon. K. & H.. - 10 a Bell, Mrs - 5 0 Cullen, Rev. J - 5 0 St. John's Lodge, per Smith, E. M - 5 0 Galbraiih,T.L.Esq. - 10 0 J. Rodger, Esq.... 440 Galbraith, Misses. - 5 0 Donnan, Alex - 10 0 (iartsuore, Colonel - 10 0 Donnan, James - 10 0 Total I'ons 49 19 6 McMicking. Mrs. . - 5 0 Duff, James -10 0 ToUlSubs. 68 15 6 llathieson, Mrs. . . - 7 6 Hathorn, G'lonel ... 1 1 0 Reid, James, Esq.. - 5 0 Hawthorn, Charles .-50 £118 15 0 Vouog. Bailie .... - 5 0 Kennedy, Capt. W.R. Sums under 5*. ... 2 10 6 RN .. ..100 Laurie R C. - 5 0 Jeffrey, Mrs. & Miss J. c Millar, Coll. by— M C..ndlth,John... - 6 0 Beath, A., M.U.... - 5 0 M'CVure Win . . ..-50 Sbtixlingsf)iu. M<«rae,John - 5 0 Cherry, Mr - 5 0 M^Credie, Captain ..-50 Hoxburgtsbue. BANNOCKBURN Christie, Mrs - 5 X) M«Lean, Provost 10 0 BRANCH. puncan and Jamie- M'Millan, Alex - 5 0 son, Messrs - 7 6 Main, G. A. Esq - 10 0 KELSO BRANCH. Honorary Treasurer— Esam & WiUUuns, Maxwell, Herbert E. President — E. L. WIL88H, ESQ.. The Misses 5 0 Esq - 5 0 Rev. JAMES SMITH. Frew, Rev, Dr. ... - B 0 Honorary Secretary— Murray, Thqs - 6 0 Honorary Secretary — Palmer, J. P. Esq. ..110 Mr. FREDERICK WM. KEARBY. Rev. A. L. DICK. Gordon, Miss - 5 0 Gray, Mr. James .-50 Robertson, Rev. D.D. - 6 0 JMmi«l Subtcriptioni. Annual Subscriptions. Hamilton, Misses .-50 Kodger, IX, Jus - S 0 Douglas, Frank, Esq. - 10 0 Collected by — Jardine, Miss - < 0 Fearby, Mr. F. W. . . - 5 0 Cochrane, Miss... 176 Jeffrey, Mr. A.... - 6 o Scott, Robert - 5 0 Hogg, John, Esq 5 0 M=Cash,Mi68 1 1 10 Johnston, Mrs. ... - 5 0 Stewart, Admiral Stevenson, Miss ..306 Millar, J. & Sons, Mulrhead & Purvis .-50 Wilson, Miss 3 16 5 Messrs -10 6 Stewart, Alex. - 5 0 Kedpath and Sons... - 5 0 Wilson, Alex 1 1 0 Mitchell, Mrs - 10 0 Stewart, Hugh - 10 0 Robson, Wm. Esq... - 5 0 Wilson, Ed. L 1 1 0 MacEwen, Mrs. .. - 10 0 Routledge, Miss - 10 o Wilson, Mrs. Wm... 1 1 0 M'Ewen, Mr. Jas.. - 5 0 Stewart, K.H.J. Esq. 100 Sums under 5< 1 2 6 W. W. and S - 4 9 Mackenzie,Rev.Mr. -50 Smcs under 6t. 5 6 0 Paterson, Mr. R... - 6 0 Total 3 17 6 I'aton, J. Jun. Esq. 110 Total 23 18 0 Robertson, Miss ..-SO 328 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1872.

£. I. d. f . «. d. Donations. Coatts, John, Esq. . . - 10 0 PORTRUSH Collecting Boxes at Coates, A. Hill, Esq.. 1 0 0 BRANCH. GDo. fflorfe. Galloway House - 8 10 Coey, Sir Edward ... 100 Cramer k Co. Messrs. - 10 0 President— Glasserion do. - 15 3 GEORGE BABKLIE, Esq. Castle Wigg do. 1 10 1 Dent. Capt. H. N 1 0 0 BALLYCOTTON Donegall, The Mar- Vice-Presldent — BRANCH. Total Dons 2 14 2 Captain HAHNAY, J.P. Patron — Fulb.n, David, Esq. .100 Treasnrer— Total Subs. 23 18 0 Friend -re The Right Rev. The Lord THOMAS BELLAS, Esq. Bishop of COKE, CLOTXK, £26 12 2 Green, Forster, Esq.. 100 Honorary Secretary — and Ross. Greer, Mr. W. H. ... - 10 0 Rev. JONATHAN SIMPSON. Preeident- Hamilton, Mejraw, 8t Assistant Secretary — JOUN LITTON, Esq. Thompson, Messrs. 100 Mr. SAMUEL PATTON. Honorary Secretary- PORT LOGAN AND Harkness. Mr. James -50 Annual Subscription*. Rev. J. HODUES. Hart and Churchill, BAY OF LUCE £. s. d. Annual Subscriptions. BRANCH. Messrs . ... - 10 0 Adams, J. Esq. J.V. . - 10 0 Higginson.J.M. Esq. - 10 0 Adair, Sir A. Shalto, £. s. d. Patron — Hill, James, Esq. ... - 10 0 Bart 1 0 0 Beale, Henry H. Esq. -60 The Right Hon. the EAHL OK Johnston, Philip, Anderson,H. Esq.J.P. - 10 0 Beale, Alfred, Esq. .-60 STAIB, K.T. Mayor of Belfast. . 100 Anderson, James S. . - 10 0 Bristol Gen. S.N. Co. 2, 0 0 Johnston, Miss 2 10 0 Antrim,L.Countessof3 0 0 Cloyne, Arch. of.... - 10 o President — Keegan, P. Esq. - 5 0 Barklie, A. Esq. J.P. 1 o 0 Clyde Shipping Comp. 3 0 0 Colonel McDoDALL. Kyle, Mrs - 10 0 Barklie, G. Esq 10 0 Cork Harbour Com.. 5 0 o Lemon, A. D. Esq. . . - 10 0Barklie, T. Esq. J.I'. 100 Cork, Lord Bishop of 1 0 0 Chairman — Cork S.S. Comp 5 0 0 MARK J. STEWAET, Esq. M«Arthur and Co. Bellas, H and T 1 o 0 Bevington, J. B. Esq. - 10 0 Cunard Company ..50 0 Honorary Secretary — Maze, Jam's, Esq. . - 10 0 Carr, John. Esq - 10 0 Gaggin, George, Esq. - 10 0 C. W. M. S. McKERLiE, Esq. Miichell, Mr.J. K... - 10 0 Carson.A.T.Esq.M.l). - 5 0 Goulding, W. H.Esq. - 10 0 H.C.S. Moore, Mr. Jamed . . - 10 0 Gavin, W. Esq,M.D. - a 0 Handyside and Hen- derson, Messrs. ... 2 0 0 Annual Subscriptions. Chaine, Captain 100 Murney, Henry, Esq. Cox, Mrs. S. L 1 o 0 Harrison, Mrs - t 6 Charles, Rev. George - 10 0 M.D. 1 0 0 Cramsle, James, Esq. - 10 0 Ionian, William, Esq. Cunningham, Rev.R. - 10 0 Mnrney, George, Esq. - 10 0 Crookshank, R. Esq.. - 10 0 (of Inman Line) .500 Frederick, D. Esq. . . - 10 0Murphy and Orr, Denham, Mrs. Dr.... - 5 0 Land, Miss...... I & o Guthrie, David, Esq. - 10 0 Messrs - 5 0 Ellis William - 5 0 Litton, John. Esq. . . 1 0 0 Ingram, Alex. Esq. . - 10 0 M°Ateer, Mr. Wm.. . - 10 0 Fall, Daniel - 10 0 Longneld Minor .... 2 0 0 McDouaU, Colonel ..600 M^Causland, S. & Co. Ffolliolt, Rev. Henry, McKerlie, C. W. M. Messrs - 10 0 A.M - 10 0 Paul, Robert, Esq ... - 5 0 M'XJee, John G. Esq. - 5 0 Gordon, Mr. Joseph .-50 Maxwell, F. Esq 100 M'Neile.H. H. Esq.. 500 Grant, P. Drumm..nd - 5 0 Raynes, Capt. (Cork Mitchell, Alex. Esq. - 10 0 M'Neill, Wm. Esq. .100 Hannay, Capt. J. P. . - 10 0 S S. Com.) - 10 0 McTaggart, Mrs. O.. 110 McNe!Il, Malcm.Esq. - 10 0 Strangman, J.Wilson, Moore,J.Carrick,Esq. 200 Oulton, John & Co. Hunter, Stewart - 10 0 Esq. (2 years) I 0 0 Renwick, David, Esq. - 10 0 Knox, N. A. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Woodford, Bourne, Stair, The Earl of, Orr, Robert, H. Esq.. 100 Knox, R. Esq. J.P... 100 & Co. Messrs. 100 K.T. 5 0 0 Patterson, li. Esq. ..100 Lane, A. Esq. M.D. . - 10 0 Stewart, Mark J.Esq. 110 Patterson, R. L. Esq. - 6 0 Leslie, James E. Esq. Total 38 12 e Todd, John, Esq. ... - 10 0 Patterson, R. & Co. Sums under 105 1 10 0 Donations. Sums under 5s. 260 Raphael Wm. Esq. . - 10 0 M«Carter, Jos. Esq. .100 Allen, Thos. Esq. per Riddell, Saml. Esq. .100 M'Elderry, Mr. T. . , - 5 0 CoptRoYues -10 e Total 23 8 0 Robinson, John, Esq. - 5 0 M«Gildowny, J. Esq. Hartley, B. H. Esq, Ross, Master Ed. F. J.P., D.L - 10 0 per Capt. Raynes . 220 Vtsey - 5 0 Montgomery, John, Miloro, The Misses.. 300 Scolt, Mr. Thomas .-50 Esq. J. P., D.L. ... - 10 0 Parker, Rev. Mr. per Shelly, John, Esq. ..100 Moore, J. S. Esq. ... 1 o 0 Capt. Raynes - 5 0 Stewart, Chas. Esq. . - 10 0 0'Hara,C. Esq. J.P.. - 6 0 Strongman, Miss K.. - 18 0 Smith, J. and T. O'Neill, Hon. E..M.P. 100 Sums under 5s. - 7 o Tate, Alex. Esq - 10 0 Patrick, J. Esq. /.P.. - 10 0 Total Pens T 2 B IRELAND. Thomas, Mr. H. F.. . - 10 0 Portrush Harbour Total Subs 38 12 6 Thompson, Mr. Chas. - 5 0 Commissioners ... 2 2 0 Trlpp, Wm. Esq.... - 5 0 Rice, Miss - 10 0 £45 14 6 Watt, Mr. William.. - 10 0 Rowan, W. N. Esq. .-50 Wilson & Co. Messrs. - 5 0Simpson, Rev. J. . . . 1 o 0 Co. Antrim. Workman, J. and R. Taylor, D. Esq. J.P.. - 10 0 Mrssrs 1 o 0 Templetown, Lt.-Gen. BELFAST BRANCH. Workman, Wm. Esq. 100 Rt. Hon. Ld. Vise. 100 CORK AND QUEENS- President— Workman, T. Esq. .100 Thompson, Mr. J. . . - 5 0 TOWN BRANCH. The MABQDIS OF DONEGALL. Workman, Rev. Rht. 100 Tunily, J.Esq. J.P.. - 10 0 President— Workman, W. S. Esq. - 10 0 Warke and Co. Wm. - 10 0 Rear-Admiral E. HEATHCOTE, Chairman — Young, KR. Esq. ..-50 Wilson, Mr. David.. - 5 0 Commanding Irish Station, The MATOE OF BELFAST. Sums under 5s - 16 6 Yarmouth, Rt. Hon. Queenstowu. Hon. Sec. and Treasurer— Earl of, M.P. . . 200 Chairman — AETHCB HILL COATES, Esq. Total 56 IS 6 Young, J. Esq. J.P., S. T. W. FBENew of Duke of and Co. . 1 0 0 Kingstown Pillar LeiruterS.S. 206 HANS HAMILTON WOODS, Ballantine, A. esq. . . - » 0 Crew of Lard Clyde Esq. D.L. Beamish & Crawford, La 'I ouche, W. Esq.. 100 S. S - It « oint Honorary Secretaries — Messrs 2 2 0 Lambert, Brien, and Crew of Lord Cough FKAKCIS OowAN, Esq., Belfast Steam - ship S.S 1 12 6 Skerries. Limerick, Bishop of. 1 0 0 Crew of Lord car- M<=CuIlagh and Sons, lisleS.8. 1 11 0 HENET A. HAMILTON, Esq., Benson, Misses - 6 0 Messrs. James.... 220 Drogheda Railway Balbriggan. Bewley &Co.Messrs.S.l 0 0 M'Kerlie, CoLR.E... 110 Pillar Box 2 1 0 Bewley, Henry, Esq. 200 McMullen, Shaw, and Kingstown Branch, Annual Subscriptions. Bewley, Joshua, E?q. 100 per Capt Hutchin- f. «. d. Borough, Sir E. R. M"Neill, Miss, Col,. . 184 son, R.A 44 16 4 B— , Miss, per C. Bart 100 Manders & Co. Messrs. Limerick Pillar Box - It 6 Cobbe, Esq - 10 0 Boyd, Messrs. J. & G. 1 0 0 Richard 200 Boyle, Low, Murray, Martin and Sons, Cobbe, Esq -10 0 and Co. Messrs.... 200 Messrs. John .1 0 0 Cobbe, Charles, Esq.. 100 British & Irish Steam- Matterson, Messrs... 100 Total Dons. ... 72 8 4 Cowan, Francis, Esq. 110 packet Company. .220 Moore, F. M. Esq. ..100 Total Subs. ...171 19 8 Orogun, Rev. John.. 100 Brown and Thomas, Mullan, Wm. Esq. . . - 5 0 Hamilton, Ion T.. National Insurance ifc'244 8 0 Esq. M.P g 0 0 Campbell, J. S. Esq.. - 10 0 Company, The. . . . Hamilton. H. A. Esq. 1 1 0 Cane, Miss C. F. Cols. 500 Oake Mrs - 10 0 lussey, M.S. Esq.. 1 1 0 Gissan, Joseph, Esq. - 10 0 O'Flahertie, Captain. 100 KINGSTOWN luiclilnson, Hon. Chatterton, UightHon. Palgrave, Messrs. W. BRANCH. Mrs.C. Hely..... 110 Vice-Chancellor... 200 B.andCo 100 1 •resident- Tames, Jameson, Esq. 110 Cheane, Captain M.. 1 10 0 Pattison, H. Esq. ... 1 0 0 Hen. R. G. TJLBOT, P.L. Palmer, Sir K. Bart,. 200 Peters, Miss 100 Pepper, T. St. George, City of Dublin Steam- Honorary Secretary — - Von 1 1 A packet Company. .220 Commander W. HDTOHISOH, Pirn, Messrs. E.fc W.I 0 0 Scriven, Dr 100 H.N. J.P. Talbot de Malahide, Clibborn, Miss Lydia 100 Price, J. Jos. Esq. ..100 Annual Subscriptions. Coey, Sir Edward ... 1 0 0 Richardson Brothers, Lord 110 Anonymous, per Rev. Taylor, Col. Et. Hon. Coghill,Sir J.J.Bart. Messrs 1 0 0 A. W indie - 2 0 T w \r p 9 n n Barton, Major H. L.. 5 0 0 Colquhoun, D. Esq. .100 Owden, Messrs. ... 1 0 0 Warren, Rev. L. C. . 1 1 0 Woods, George, Esq. 110 Cork Harbour Com- Pobinson, S. N. Esq. - 10 0 Blackmore, E. Esq. missioners 10 0 0 Roe, Mrs. George . . . Woods, Hans H. Esq. 1 1 0 Whitten, Wm. Esq.. 110 Crew of Earl Carlisle - 4 0 Roe and Co. Messrs.. 2 0 0 Browne, Mrs. R. F. . 1 0 0 Crew of Lord Clyde Russell and SODS, Messrs. John S. .. 220 Bruce, Mrs - 2 « Total 21 11 0 Cunnian, Cnptain... - 10 0 Scott, H. and W. Cannon, John, Em. .100 D'Arcey and Sons, Messrs. 100 Close, S. H. Esq 100 Messrs. John 2 0 0 Shaw & Sons, Messrs. Dalton, Rev. J. W. . - 10 0 De Vesci, Lord 2 0 0 W. J. for 1869-70 .100 Duckett, J. F. Esq... - 10 0 Doran, J. H. Esq.... 100 Smith, Mrs. and Pindlater, Alex. Esq. 200 Dublin and Glasgow M«Neill, Mies, Col. 1 8 t Forster. A. S. Esq. per Steam-packet Co. . 2 2 0 Stokes, Capt. W 100 Lt.-Col. Atkinson. 100 Dublin & Liverpool Switzer, Fergusson, Gabbett Miss . . - 5 0 Screw Steam-ship and Co. Messrs.... 100 Taylor, Andrew, Esq. 100 Gilmore,T. S. Ksq... - 5 0

£. «. d. 1 £. t. d. Lnmsden, John, Ma- DUNGARVAN Fortescue, Earl 2 0 0 0 DEVONSHIRE, K.G. Graves. J. P. Esq. ... - 10 0 BRANCH. Montgomery,Richa: Grabb, Miss Anne.. 1 0 0 T.J.P. 10 0 President- Harbour Board of President— Lord STUAET DB DKCIKS. Waterford 10 0 0 JOHN COOKE, Esq. Morton,Messrs.J.&R. - 10 8 Treasurer— Harris, Samuel, Esq. - 10 0 Honorary Secretaries — Owens, Thomas ... - 5 0 NATIOXAL BAHK. Harvey, T. N. Esq. . - 10 0 R. LEWER, Esq. J.P. Richardson & Flinn -50 T. CAST, Esq. M.D. Sbekleton, John ... - ft 0 Honorary Secretary — Hickey, J. L. Esq.. . - 10 0 Smith, B. J.I'. .... - 10 0 J. HURT, Esq. Jacob Brothers - 10 0 Annual Subicriptiont. Smith, St. tieorge.. 100 Jacob, Mrs. R. - 5 0 t. l. d. Annual Subscriptions. Smyth, R. J.P - 10 0 £. t. 0, Jacob, T.W.Esq.JJ'. - 10 0 Harbour Oommto- Toktr, Captain, L. Kelly, Mr. William. -SO sloners, Derry ....10 0 0 Anthony, M. A - 10 0 I,att - B 0 Ardagh, Rev. W. J.. - 5 0 Kent, Mr. David 6 0 Hon. Irtsh Society ..600 WetherKl and Co. Laffan, Mr. Robert.. - S 0 Black, Alex - 10 • Baker, Miss, collected from Friends 236 Lenihan, Mr. Win. .-50 Campbell, Root 6 0 Wbitworth, Wm.... - 10 0 Locke and Co. Robert - 5 0 Cochrane, Mrs - S 0 Browne, Kev. H. C.. 1 0 0 Whltworth, Nicholas - 10 0 Budd,J. T. Esq -10 0 Malcolmsom, Misses • Cooke and Co. John. - 10 0 Woolsev, Jameson & E.and J. 100 Cooke, J. and J - 10 0 Co. Messrs -10 0 Malcolmson, Misses Corscaden, James ... 100 Dower, J. R. Esq.J.l>. 100 Fitzgerald, Capt 1 0 0 Craig, Rer. Wm. ... - 10 0 Total 26 15 0 Murphy, B. Esq. . . - 10 0 Derry, Bishop of. ... 2 0 0 Fitzmaurice, (j. Esq. - 10 0 Gibbons, Capt - 10 0 O'DonneU, Mv. W. . - 10 0 Donegal, lord i I « O'Slira, Lady G. . . . 1 0 0 Gilliland, Samuel ... - 10 0 Pearn, Capt Wm. . - 10 0 Haslett, Harry - 5 0 Hacket, Maurice.... - 10 0 DUNDALK BRANCH. Harbour Commis- Peet, Wm. Esq. ... - 10 0 Joyce, J.J - 10 0 Peet, Edward G. Esq. 100 M«Clellan, Rev.T. .. 1 0 0 Chairman— Hudson, K. O. Esq.. - 10 0 Power. E. Esq. J.P. . - 10 0 Skipton Pitt - 10 0 MICHAEL KELLY, Esq. J.P. Power, Jas. Esq. J.P. 100 Smith, W. D. and Co. 1 0 0 Humble, Sir Nugent, Power, P.W.Esq. J.P. loo Young and Co. Thos. - 1» 0 Honorary Secretary — P. G. M°LOOOHI.IB, Esq. Runt, John, Esq 10 0 Prossor, Henry, Esq. - 6 0 Sums under St. .,,.. — 19 6 Prossor, Thos.B. Esq. Annual Subscription. McCarthy, Messrs. P Total 28 2 6 and D - 10 0 J.P - 1 6 eioners ...20 10 E M'tiwire, S. E. Esq. JP...... 1 0 0 Ridgway, MissS.... - 5 0 Merry RE — 5 0 Roberts, Gen. K.C.B. 100 Matthews, H. Esq. Ryland, Rev. J - 6 0 Q.C M.P 2 0 0 Shannon, James, Esq. - 10 0 National Bank 110 Sherlock, ThoB. Esq. ©o. Houti). J.P. - 10 0 Power, Sir J.Bart... 100 Slattery, Messrs. 10 0 Purser & Armstrong, Strangman,J.W.Esq. - 10 0 DROGHEDA (ZCo. 21§lattrfort». Tottenham, Mrs. D.. 1 1 0 BRANCH. Walpole,George,Esq. - 10 0 ARDMORE BRANCH. Rae, E. D. Esq - 2 6 Walpole, Mrs - 5 0 Patron— Walsh, Mr. Thomag - 10 0 The MARQUIS OFCoimraHiir. Chairman — Stuart deDecies, Lord 1 0 0 Ussher, Richard J. Wark, John, Esq.. . - 10 0 President— StuoK BACCE, Esq. J.P, Esq. J.P 100 Walerford Steam ST. GEORGE SMITH, Esq. B.C. Waterford, Marquis Honorary Secretary — White Brothers, Honorary Secretary at W. C. POOLE, Esq., M.D, 3 f. of 2 0 0 Mornington— White, G. E - 10 0 JAS. BBABAZON, Esq. Annual Subscription!. Williams, John 10 0 White, George, Esq. -BO White, H. Esq -10 0 Collector- Bagge, Simon, Esq. Capts. Gibbons and Mr. J. MC-NAHABA. J.p. _io o Kirby, collected by Wilson, T. Esq. J. P. 1 0 0 Clifte, Richard, Esq.. - 10 0 Wilson, John, Esq.. . - 10 0 Annual Subscription*. Cotton, C. P. Esq. C.E.1 0 0 Sums under 5« - 10 0 The Harboor Corn- Cotton, Miss - 10 0 Total 34 13 6 Cotton, Richard, Esq. 1 10 0 Steam Packet Co. ... 5 0 0 Cotton, Ven. Arch- Bowden, John, Brian - 5 0 deacon, D.D.. 100 Brabazon, Jas. J.P. . - 10 0 Decles, Rt. Hon. Lord Donation!. Brodigan, Francis, TRAMORE BRANCH. A Well-wisher 5 0 0 J.P. (the late) - 10 0 Donoughmore, Right McClelland, G. Esq. . - 12 0 Cairnes, T. P. J.P. . . * 10 0 Hon. Earl of 1 0 0 Chairman — Manduvilie, H. Esq. 100 Casey, A Iderman . . . - 10 0 The Hon. D. F. FOBtMCd!, Palmer, Mrs. J. G... 100 Cathcart, Rotert. ... - 6 0 Keane, Captain - 10 0 M.P. Pike, J. Esq 1 0 0 Chadwick, Messrs. J. M'Kenna, Sir J. N.. 110 andF. - 10 « Treasurer — Cottectwnt. Musgrave, Sir R., Bt. 1 0 0 EDMUND POWEE, Esq. J.P. Collected by Mrs. S. Clinton, Robert - S 0 Musgrave, Chrtsto- Coddington,H.B. J.P. - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — Davis 600 Collection Box at Conyngham. Marquis I • 0 Folev, Nelson T. Esq. EDWARD JACOB, Esq. Cullen, Michael - 5 0 jp -18 o Tramore Ry. 1 t 0 Daly & Dean, Messrs. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. „ „ Jacob Brothers - IS 2 Odell, E. G. Esq 2 0 0 „ „ Fleury, Mrs... — » 3 Davis and Co. A -SOPaul, Sir Robert, Bart. 1 0 0 Allen, Richard, Esq. - 10 0 Donagh, Francis, J.P. - 10 0 Ardagh, R. Esq..... - 10 0 „ Portlaw - 5 o Paul, Mrs 1 0 0 Barren, J. K. Esq... -60 „ „ Angel and Co.. - 6 S Eccles,Eev.Mr.Eeetor- 5 0 Poole, Wm. C. Esq. Greene, Thomas - B 0 Bessborongli, Eurt of 100 Dart, E — 3 1 Greer, N. Manager, M.D. J.P - 10 0 Budd, James, Esq... - 10 0 TotalDons 18 1 8 Belfast Bank -60 Roberts.Richard,Esq. - 10 0 Cantwell, Rev. N. . . - 6 0 Hibernian Bank, per Carew,R.T.Esq.J.P. 110 Total Subs 62 14 6 Thirkill, Rev. T. P.. - 10 0 Cashel,Lord Bishop of 2 0 0 P. O'Rafferty, Esq. Ussher, Mrs 100 Clibborn, E. Esq. ... - 10 fl £«« 16 2 Wallace, Hamilton J. Davies.Capt...... 100 Hull, Henry - 5 0 Denny,Messrs.A.&E. 200 Kelly, Bernard - B 0 Denny, Henry, Esq.. - 10 0 Kelly, John, Mayor. - 10 0 Total 19 11 0 Doneraile, Viscount. 300 Leech, N - 5 0 Dormer, Thos.P. Esq. - 10 0 Leland, F. W - 10 0 Mm^^BV Fisher, Josepb, Esq. - 10 0 332 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT 1, 1872. £. s. d. £ . t. d. Oughton, Mr. J. R. . - 5 0 Hughes, Sir F., GREYSTONES ®o. ggjtxfora. Pelan, Mrs. Eliza... - 5 0 Knight, D.L - 10 0 Power, Sir Jas. Bart. 200 Lambert. P. Esq. ... - 5 0 BRANCH. CAHORE BRANCH. Ralph, Mr. Richard . - 10 0 Leigh Miss 1 0 0 President— Chairman — Ham, Rev. Abel J.. . 1 0 0 Leigh, Miss M. A. . . 1 0 0 THE EiJtr, OF MEATH., Reynolds, Mr. Jos... - 6 0 Little S Esq 1 0 0 Richards, S. A. Esq.. 100 Maher, M. A. Esq. WH. R. LA TOOCHE, Esq. Hon. Secretary— Scott, Jas. S. Esq.. ..100 D.L 100 Capt J. D'OLIER GEORGE. Scott, Mr. William.. - 5 0 Morgan, Hon. Mrs. D. 1 0 0 Honorary Secretary— Assistant Hon. Secretary — Stopford, Hon. & Ven. Murphy, Capt., Flame- 6 0 HEXCT MABMSELL, Esq., M.P. Mr. John SINNOTT. Peacock, C. H. Esq. .100 Annual Subscriptions. Annual Subscriptions. Stopford, Hon. E. S.. 100 Power, Sir J. Bt. D.L. 1 0 0 £. s. d. £. s. d. Ward, Mrs. Bernard 100 Power, J. T. Esq. Corbet, Win. J. Esq.. 100 Beauman, M. V. Esq. 100 Ward, Capt. T. I* Hodson, Sir GPO. Bt, 2 0 0 City of Dublin Steam Hunt, R.N...... 1 0 0 Ryan, Capt., May La Touche,W.R. Esq. 300 Packet Company .100 tjucen .... - 5 0 Maunsell,H.,Esq.,M.D.l 0 0 Courtown, Earl of . . . 1 0 0 Collecting Boxes 167 Shakspear, Colonel ..100 Mazlere, Misses - 10 0 Doyne, C.M.Esq.... 100 Smith, Capt., Enter- Foster, W. 0. Esq. 100 Total 26 0 1 prise - 5 0 Newton. Misses .... - 7 6 George, Capt J.D'O 100 Stafford, R. Esq - 6 0 Orpin, Wm. li. Esq.. 100 Godkin, Mr. J - 14 5 Walker, C. A. Esq. Putlarid, Chas. Esq. . 200 Graves, E. A. Esq.. 100 Radley, J. Esq - 10 0 Hughes, Sir F. . . . . 1 0 0 DUNCANNON AND Walker, R. D. Esq. . - 10 0 Reid, Patrick. Esq. . 1 0 o LiUle, Simon, Esq.. 100 WATERFORD Walsh, J. W. Esq. ..100 Scott. James E. Esq. 100 Moore, H. Esq 1 0 0 Wexford Hurbour Scott, J. W. Esq. ... - 10 0 Pounden, J. C. Esq. - 1 6 HARBOUR BRANCH. Commissioners ... 5 0 0 Streane, Rev. L. H. . - 10 0 Power, Sir J. Bart.. 200 Chairman — Contribution Box at Tombe, G. E. Esq. .100 Custom House.... 2 17 6 Sir BOBEKT P/ira, Bart. Richards, S. A. Esq.. 100 Total 20 7 6 Scolt, Jas. Esq - 10 6 Total 36 4 6 Capt. BAETLETT. Whitcroft, Jno. Esq. 100 Donations. Woodrofle,H.P.Esq. 100 Annual Subscriptions. Pennick,Mr.R - 5 0 Bartlett, Capt. S. D. . 100 Total 17 12 5 Carew, Lady . 200 Chichester,Hon.F.A. Denny, Abraham, <£o. ?KBtcfelOfo. CARNSORE BRANCH. Esq. M.P. J.P 1 0 0 Chairman — Goef, S.D. Esq. J.P.. 100 WICKLOW BRANCH. Hon. J. A. KEANE. Graves, Rev. Jas ... - 5 0 ARKLOW BRANCH. Patrons — Honorary Secretary — Harbr. Commissnrs..lo 0 0 Chairman — • Mr. W. F. TIPPETT. Leigh, Fras. A. Esq. 100 The Hon. W. PHOBT. The Right Hon. EARL Little, Simon, Esq... 100 FITZWILLIAM and W. W. Annual Subscriptions. Paul, Sir Kobert 2 0 0 Honorary Secretary— FITZWH.LIAM DICK, Esq. M.P. Benson, Misses - 5 0 Stephens, A. Esq., J.P.I 0 0 Dr. HALPIN. Blacker, J.R. Esq... 100 President— Templemore, Lord.. 300 Annual Subscriptions. Keane,H»n.J. A.... 100 Waterford S. S. Co. . 5 0 0 Lient-Col. ATKIKSOS. Keane, Hon. Mrs.... 100 Proby,Hon.W 500 Wilson, Thos. Esq. .100 Proby, Hon. Mrs.... 200 Chairman — Waterford, Marq. of 2 0 0 Wicklow Copper Mr. HATDEK. Lett, Mrs. B 100 Subscription Boxes. . - 15 4 Sums under 5s. - 2 6 Mining Co « 6 0 Hose, Mrs 100 Treasurer and Hon. Sec.— | Total 33 0 4 Total 576 Bailey, Lieut-Col. ..100 Rev. HEKBY ROOKE, M. A. Barker; C. J 1 1 0 Donation. Barnes, E. Esq. J.P. - 10 0 Annual Subscriptions. Little Miss .. - 5 0 Ainscow, Mr. - 5 0 WEXFORD AND Beauman, Capt 1 0 0 Atkinson, Lieut.-CoI. 100 £5 12 6 Bryan. Rev. W. B.. . - 5 0 Bilbrough, B. P. Ksq. 100 ROSSLARE BRANCH. Comerford, W. and J. - 10 0 Brownrigg, Rev. H. . - 10 0 Chairman— Daley, Rev. Wm.... - 6 0 Collins Mr - 5 0 R, J. DEVEREUX, Esq. M.P. Dick, W. F. Fitz- Crofton, H. M. E. Esq. 100 COURTOWN william, Esq. M.P. 110 Dick, W. W. Fitzwil- BRANCH. Honorary Secretary — liam, Esq. M.P. ..100 WnjJAM COGHLAN, Esq. Dowel, Mrs. - 5 0 Patron— Doyle, Mrs. John ... - 6 0 Doolittle, Capt. E..., - 5 0 Et. Hon. Earl of COUBTOWN. Annual Subscriptions. Gregory Mrs - 5 0 Doolittle, Cupt. T. ..-50 £. s. d. Hall, Job - 5 0 Drought, Rev. J. W. Hon. Sec. and Treasurer— Armstrong, Mrs. ... - 10 0 Hall, Mrs. Jane .... - 5 0 JAMES S. SCOTT, Esq. J.P. Bacon, John, Esq 110 Halpin Dr. - 5 o Ellis, R. F. Esq. J.P. 100 Annual Subscriptions. Harrington, J. Esq. .-60 Keai on, George - 10 0 Fitzwilliam.TheEarl 200 Arthur, Rev. Henry. 100 Brown, W. Esq 1 0 0 Kearon, Mr. Edward - 6 0 Fox Mr H - 5 0 Bates & Sons, Messrs. - 10 0 Carew, Eight Hon. Kearon, Mr. Richard - 5 0 Garden, K. J. Esq. .. s t 0 Braddon, Capt. Wm. - 5 0 Lord K.P 110 Manning, Geoi ge . . . - 5 0 Gregg, Mr. William.. - 10 0 Butler, Mr. Henry., - 10 0 Codd, Capt., Saltee. ..-50 O'Gradey, Geo. Esq. Nolan, John, Esq. ..-50 Coughlin, Mr. Wm.-. - 6 0 Connell,Mr3 100 J.P. - 10 0 Nolan, W. J. Esq. ..-50 Counown, Earl of . . . 2 0 0 D'Arcy, M. P., Esq., Philpot, Geo 100 Courtown, Countess. 100 M P D. L.. ..100 Redmond, Ven. Arch- Rooke, Rev. Henry .-50 Creighton, Mr. K.... - 5 0 Devereux,Capt.,P0rWa- 6 0 Travers, J. A. Esq. .-50 Doyle, Mr. Laurence - 5 0 Devereux, J. T. Esq. Robinson, Henry ... -in o Doyle, Mr. John. ... - 5 0 D.L 1 0 0 Rnskell, George .... - 5 0 Truell, Dr. H. P. ... 1 0 0 Ferns, the Very Rev. Devereux, J. P. Esq. 100 Tombe, Mrs. George 100 Wakefield, F. Esq... - 10 0 the Dean of 1 0 0 Deverenx, L. Esq. ..100 Troy, Mrs - 6 0 Sums under 5s 1 6 0 Fitzsimons, Mrs. M. - 5 0 Devereux, R. Esq. ..100 Turlong, Mr. Law- George, Right Hon. Devereux, R. J. Esq. Total 19 6 0 MP 1 0 0 Waterford, Glasgow Guise, Col. John C... 100 English, Capt., Jioss- S. S. Company ... I 0 0 Donation. Hamilton, Rev. C. . . 1 0 0 lare - 6 0 Sums under 5s - 6 3 Hatton, Colonel .... 1 0 0 Gafney, W. J. Esq. .-50 Kavanagh, Rev. Jas. - 10 0 (iafney, W. Esq - 6 0 Total 28 9 3 £19 11 4 Little, Simon, Esq... 100 Granard, 'Right Hon. Mulligan, Mr. Thos.. - 5 0 the Earl, K.P. 1 0 0 Mulligan, Mrs. Anne - 10 0 Hatton, Colonel, D.L. 100

— BRANCHES— LIST OP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS. 333 £. s. a. JE. s. d. f. *. d. Cuninghame,P.T.Esq. - 10 0 Grensill, Mr. T. S... - 5 0 Allen T - 5 0 Ferrier, Rev. E., Go- Ha\ea, James, & Co.. - 5 0 Brown Mr. W...... - 10 0 CHANNEL vernment Chaplain - 10 0 Hall, Mrs C .500 Brown, Mr. R - 5 0 Gawne, E. M. Esq. .100 Harrto, Mr. S., High- CaOister, Mr. W. ... 1 0 0 ISLANDS. Gell, James, Esq. -Bailiff 100 Christian, Rev. W. B. 200 Attorney-General .100 Harrison, Mr. R - 5 0 Gill, J. F. Esq - 5 0 Isle of Man Steam- Cleator, Mr. J. J.... 100 ALDERNEY BRANCH packet Company .. 500 Cleator, Mr. R - 10 0 Isle of Man Steam- Karran,Mr. J.J.... - 5 0 Corkill, Mr. T - 5 0 President— packet Company. .220 Killey Mr P — 10 6 Coriett, Mr. W. - 5 0 THOMAS CLUCAS, Esq. Judge Jackson, S. L. Esq.. . - 10 0Lawrence, Mr. H... -50Crennell, Mr. W 5 0 of Alderney. Jeffcott, J. M. Esq. Lewin, D. D. Esq. . . - 10 6Davis, Rev. T - 10 0 Honorary Secretary— High Bailiff - 6 0 Lomas, Mr. Sam. ... - 10 0 Dumbell,Mr. A 220 A. BKOWN, Esq. Jones, Rev. Joshua, McGregor, Capt - 10 6 Farrant, Mr. E. C. . . 100 Donations. Marsden, Mr. Joseph - 10 0 Fletcher, Dr. - 6 0 £. t. d. Kegg, Mr. John S. . . - 10 0Moore, Mr. W. F.... 1 0 0 Forebaw, Mr. H..... - o 0 Aldemey, States of .. 500 Lupton, B. J, S. Esq. - 10 0 Mylrea, ]^r j — 5 0 Gibb, Mrs 100 Barbenson, T. N 1 0 0 M'Meiken, Mr.J.... -50 Noble, Mr. H. B.... - 10 6 Gilmour, Mrs - 5 0 Bourke, Dr. - 5 0 Moore, The Ven. Okell,Dr - 5 0 Goldsmith, Mr. D. . . - 10 0 Brown, A - 10 0 Clucas, Thomas - 5 0 Moore, T.Esq. -50 Qnaltrongh,Mr.W.. - 5 0 Hutton,Bev.W.M. 100 Corbef, N. - 5 0 Moore, W. F. Esq.. . - 10 0 Quine an4* Archer, Jonghin, Mr. D. .... - 10 0 Ganvain, J. A 1 0 0 Quayle, M. H. Esq. Kaighin, Mr. W. T.. - 5 0 Clerk of the Rolls - 10 0 Rent of Boat-house KeUy.Mr.R. J - 10 0 Le Marchant, S 1 0 0 Quayle, G. P. Esq. ..-60 Kennode, Rev. W.. . - 10 0 LeMesurier, Rev.J. 100 Quayle, Mrs. John . . - 5 0 Richards, Mr. T..... - 5 0 JCneale, Mr. John... - 5 0 Eoss, Eev. Wm - 10 0 Stevenson.W. B.Esq. - 10 0 Sherwood, Mr. G.... - 5 0Tamothe, MT. J. C. . - 10 6 Tobiu, H. W. - 8 4 Taggart, Mr. John ..-SO Skottowe, Mr. Wm.. - S 0 M'Kenzie, J. - 10 0 Turnbull, Dr. G. H.. - 6 0 Taylor, Mrs - 10 0 Suter, Mr. Henry... 100M'Whannell, Mr.... - 5 0 Sums under 5*. . . . . - 6 6Usher, T. F. Esq.... - 5 0 Taubman, Major. ... 100 Midwood, Mrs - 5 0 Woodhonse, Mrs 6 0 Todhnnter and Elliot, Monk,Mr.W.J 10 0 Total £11 19 10 Sums under 5* 4 8 6 Messrs —50 Moore, Archdeacon .110 Torrance and Co. Paton, Rev. George .100 Messrs. O —50 Sidebotham, Mr. T. . - 5 0 Donation. Whiteside, Mr. H... -60Stephen, Deemster . . 1 0 0 GUERNSEY BRANCH. DrlnkwaterJJeemstw i 0 0 Wood, Miss Janet... - 10 0 Taubman, Mr. K. M. - 5 0 Chairman — • Sums under 5s 1 0 0 Teare and Co - 5 o HENBY TDPPEB, Esq. £22 5 6 Teare, Mr. W. - 5 0 Total 36 8 0 Tellet Mr. F - 10 0 Honorary Secretary — TbeUueson, Colonel .100 Capt. T. H. FufBE. Thellusson, Mr. E... 100 Donations. Thompson, Capt. ... - 10 0 Annual Subscription. DOUGLAS BRANCH. J. C. Fargher, States of Guernsey £30 o 0 "Herald" - 11 6 Webb, H. P. - 10 0 Patron— Harriet Curphey, His Excellency the LIETJT.- " Sun " — 6 0 Sums under 5< 350 GOVEBSOB. James Brown and President— Son Times — 5 0 Total 32 0 6 THE HIGH BAILIFF o* Box at Boat-house. . 224 DOUGLAS. Donations. Isle of Jttan. Hon. Secretary and Total Dons..... 3 9 10 Box at Boat-house. .240 Treasurer (pro fcro.)— TotalSubs. 36 8 0 Buchanan, Captain.. - 7 0 CASTLETOWN SAMUEL HABKIS, Esq. Mona's " Herald " Annual Subscriptions. £39 17 10 BRANCH. His Excellency the Chairman — Lieut-Governor.. 300 Total Dons. .... 2 16 0 J. M. JETFCOTT, Esq. High Adams, Mr. A. W... - 5 0 TotalSubs 32 0 6 Bailifl. Allen, Mr. William. - 5 0 RAMSEY BRANCH. Callow, Mr. T. C - 5 0 £34 16 6 Honorary Secretary— Chapman, Mr. T. . . . - 5 0 President— Mr. JOHN S. KEGG. Claque, Mr. Richard - 5 0 His Excellency the LIEDT.- Annual Subscriptions. Coole, Mr. James ... - 5 0 GOVEENOK. Hi§ Excellency the Coriett, Mr. R - 10 0 Chairman— Lieut-Governor ..20 0 Cowle, Mr. R _ 5 o Eev. W. B. CHBisTiiy. Cubbon,Mr,T - 5 0 Cubbon, Mr}rfps.... - 5 0 Rev. GEOBGE PATOS. Gary, Lieut-Col - 10 0 U'Ouseley, Mf\R. S. - 10 6 Christopher, Captain, Fleming, Mr. T?X ..-50 Annual Subscriptions. E.N - 5 0 Garrett, Mr. P.L.... 100His Excellency the Crellin.RQ. Esq. Col- Glover, Mr. M - 5 0 Lieut-Governor ..220 lector of Customs . - 10 0 Goss, Mr. Henry ... - 5 0 A Friend, per Rev. Cudd,W. H. Esq.... - 10 0 Greig, Mr. J. K - 5 0 George Paton 100 Koyal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. (Incorporated by Royal Charter.)



' VICE-PATROlf. HIS ROTAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALKS, K.G. PBESIDENT. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.C., D.C.L. VICE-PBESIDENTS. Hla Grace the ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY. THOMAS BARING, Esq., Jf.P., F.B.S. The Bight Hon. LORD HAimteLEi, F.R.S, Lord High Chan- THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., Chairman of Lloyd's cellor of England. Beglster. His Grace the DUKE of ARGYLL. K.T., P.O. EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq. The Most Noble the MARQUIS ol CHOLIIONDELKY. Colonel TAIBOT CLIFTON. Admiral the Right fipn. the EARL ot HARDWICKB. E. W. COOKS, Esq., R.A, F.R.S. The Right Hon. the EARL RDSSELL, K.G. The Bight Hon. H. T. L. CORKY, M.P. The Right Bon. the EAKL OF LEICESTER, Capt. NICHOLAS DE ST. CBOIX, H.C.S. The Bight Hon. LORD ROBABTES. W. H. BARTON, Esq. Admiral of the Fleet, Sir THOMAS COCHBANE, G.C.B. • T. B. POTTEB, Esq., MJ. Vice-Admiral Sir GEORGE BROKE-MIDDLETON, Bart., C.B. WILLIAM STUART, Esq. The Bight Hon. Sir J. S. PAKINGTON, Bart., G.O.B., M.P. BOBEBT WHITWOBTH, Esq. Sir EDWARP G. L. PEBBOTT, Bart.

COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMEKT. THOMAS BAKING, Esq., M.P. F.R.S., V.P., Chairman. THOMAS CHAFHAK, Esq., F.B.S., Y.P., Deputy Chairman. Captain Sir F. ARROW, Deputy Master of the Trinity House. Colonel GEOBSI PALMES. Atfmiral F. BOLLOCK, GEORGE PALMBB, Esq. The Bight Hon. STEPHEN CAVE, M.P. The EARL PEBOY, M.P. The Marquis o» CHOLMOSDELEI, V.P. Sir EDWARD G. L. PBBBOTT, Bart., V.P. Sir WILLIAM CLAYTON, Bart. Bear-Admiral G. fl. BICHAKDS, C.B., F.KS., Hydrographer Colonel FITZ-ROY CLAYTON. to the Admiralty. Captain N ICHOLAS DE ST. Csorx, H.C.S., V.P. Capt. B. ROBERTSON, R.N., Surveyor-Gen, to the Board of The Bight Hon. G. J. GUSCHEN, M.P., First Lord of the Trade. Admiralty. Rear-Admiral A. P. RTDKR. JOHN GUIFFITH, Esq. Admiral ot the Fleet, Sir GEOBGE SARTOBIUS, K.C.B. Vice-Admiral Sir W. H. HALL, K.C.B., F.R.S. Bear-Admiral J. W. TABLETON, C.B., a Lord Commissioner WILLIAM H. HABTON,Esq., VJ". of the Admiralty. GBORGU LYALL, Esq. MaJor-General TULLOH, R.A. Admiral J. B. B. McHABDT. Captain Sir W. H. WALKER, H.C.S., Board of Trade. EUGKNR F. NOEL, Esq. Captain J. B. WARD, B.N, Sir FRANCIS BOYD OOTBAM, Bart. T. M. WEGUELIN, Esq., M.P. Lord ALFBED H. PAGET. Captain GEOBGE O. WILLES, R.N., C.B., Admiralty. TRUSTEES. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.B.S., V.P. | THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P. GEORGE LYALL, Esq. BANKEBS—.Messrs. WILLIS, PERCIVAL, and Co., 16 Lombard Street TEEASTTEEB—HENBY WILLIS, Esq. ATTDITOE—SAMUEL LOVELOCK, Esq., Public Acconntant,,F.I.A.L. HON. ABCHITECT—C. H. COOKE, Esq., F JLI.BU.. HON. SOLICITOE&—Messrs. CLAYTOS and SON. SECRETARY—RICHABD LEWIS, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. life-boat Inspector—Capt. j. B. WARD, B.N. Assistant life-boat Inspector—capt. DAVID ROBERTSON, B.N.

The object of this Institution, as declared In Its title. Is .to afford assistance to every shipwrecked person around the coasta of the United Kingdom. The chief means by which the Society hopes to carry this object Into effect are :— To build, station, and maintain In repair. Life-boats of the most perfect description; to furnish them with all necessary Appurtenances, Including Houses to preserve them In, and Carriages for their conveyance to the spots where their Services are called for; and farther, to provide, through the Instrumentality of Local Committees, for their proper Management, and the occasional Exercise of their Crews. To confer Honorary Rewards In the form of Medals and Votes of Thanks, and also to grant Pecuniary Remuneration to all persons who, at the risk of their own lives, save, or attempt to save, those of others on board vessels wrecked, or In distress, upon any part of the coasts of the United Kingdom. As an Index of the necessity for the provision of such a machinery as the above, It may be stated—that the average loss of lives from shipwreck annually on the shores of the United Kingdom is 700. Donations and Annual Subscription* will be thankfully received by Messrs. WILLIS, PEBCITAL, and Co., 76 Lombard- street; Messrs.COUTTS and Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HEBBIES,FARQUHAB, and Co., 16 St. James's street, London; by all the other London and Country Bankers; by the several Metropolitan Army and Navy Agents; and by the Secretary tit £oe Office of the Institution, 14 JOHS STREET, ADELPHI, London—W.C. May, 1812.