Nostradamus Screen Visions 2016 Johanna Koljonen Introduction Introduction 3 Summary 4 1. Distribution: Difficult and Different 5 2. Rapid Changes In Representation 7 3. Post-Television 9 4. The New Majors 11 5. Getting It Out There 13 6. Cinemas & Circulation 15 7. At The Vrovies 17 8. The Advertising Wars 18 9. TV & Video Advertising Floods 20 Sources 22 Göteborg Film Festival Office Olof Palmes Plats 1 Head of Nordic Film Market and Nostradamus: Cia Edström,
[email protected] 413 04 Göteborg Artistic Director: Jonas Holmberg,
[email protected] Tel: +46 31 339 30 00 Editor: Johanna Koljonen,
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] Editorial: Lena Lind Brynstedt, Cia Edström, Andrea Reuter, Åsa Garnert 2. Introduction The Nostradamus Project is an attempt to predict the close future of film and television – 3-5 years from now. Through the generous participation of industry leaders, who are at work daily creating that new reality, we produce seminars, online analysis, and this annual briefing on selected trends in the marketplace. In this, our third year, we have looked in particular at distribution, exhibition, virtual reality and the emergence of the new global majors. It has been interesting to see trends and tendencies transform into directions. The following pages sketch out a future where streaming has found its place, new majors have emerged, and the reality of changing business models is finally hitting home in advertising-financed media. Virtual Reality becomes a vibrant site for creative experimentation, and so do independent cinemas, whose inspiring work today is a testing ground for mainstream practice tomorrow.