Issue 446 Free Fortnightly 27th March 2020

TheThe HoltHolt

2 East Fleet, Wells by Jim Key

Serving Holt, , Wells, and surrounding villages THE HOLT CHRONICLE The deadline for Issue 447 is Noon Tuesday 31st March The Next Issue will be Published on 10th April 2020

Please send articles for publication, forthcoming event details, ‘For Sale’ adverts, etc. by e-mail to [email protected] or post to 11 Cliff Road, Sheringham NR26 8BJ. Your Editor is Jo who can be contacted on 01263 821463. Margaret White can arrange delivery of LEAFLETS. Call on 07766 752979 or email [email protected] Anthony Keeble DNHHEOHURR¿QJ#\DKRRFRXN Director 6 Station Road Advertising in THE HOLT CHRONICLE could promote 07748 845143 / 01328 829152 *UHDW5\EXUJK your business way beyond your expectations. Call Pete on 07818 653720

WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS 31 Church Street, Sheringham 31 Church Street, Sheringham, UPVC, Aluminium & Timber NR26 8QS NR26 8QS Glazing, Replacement of Locks, Hinges, TELTEL 01263 825274825274 FAX 01263 823745823745 Email:[email protected] Handles, Letterboxes, Patio Wheels Conservatory Roof Replacement, Double Glazed Units, & Cat Flaps Manufacturers0DQXIDFWXUHUV 6XSSOLHUVRI & Suppliers of: We also supply & fit UPVC Windows & CurtainsCurtains && CurtainCurtain Poles, Roller Blinds,Blinds, PleatedPleated Blinds, Blinds, VerticalVertical Blinds, Venetian Blinds,Blinds, Doors, Garage door replacements & repairs VisionVision Blinds Blinds, ,Perfect Perfect Fit Blinds, Fly screens, Call Chris: 01263 550013 WoodenWooden Shutters, Wooden Venetians,Venetians 01692 620014 or 07900 265995 DutchDutch Canopies,Canopies, Awnings C & M Glass Services and much more...more.. Covering all NR Postcodes ALL WITH FREE [email protected] MEASURING & FREE FITTING Private and Contract Work Undertaken VisitVisit Our our showroom showroom at at  email changed - visa mastercard removed. &KXUFK6WUHHW6KHULQJKDP31 Church Street, MichaelWhite Cottrell text shrunk, Furniture yellow larger 1546SheringhamWhere NR26 Our 8QS staff wherewill be our happy staff to will help be you happy or Certass and Installation assured added to alternativelyhelp you or alternativelycall us on call us on 01263to arrange825274 anto arrangeappointment an appointment in your own in home with our sales your own home with our representative sales representative.


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Designers and Makers of High Quality Bespoke Furniture and Purpose Made Joinery WŽƌƞŽůŝŽZĞǀŝĞǁƐ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚƐΘ^ĂǀŝŶŐƐ • Hand Made Individual WƌŽƚĞĐƟŽŶΘ/ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ Kitchens ZĞƟƌĞŵĞŶƚWůĂŶŶŝŶŐĚǀŝĐĞ • Fitted or Free Standing >ŽŶŐdĞƌŵĂƌĞWůĂŶŶŝŶŐ ŽŶƚĂĐƚŽƵƌŽĸĐĞŶŽǁĨŽƌLJŽƵƌŝŶŝƟĂů • Natural Hardwood or Paint /ŶŚĞƌŝƚĂŶĐĞdĂdžWůĂŶŶŝŶŐ ƉŽƌƞŽůŝŽƌĞǀŝĞǁĂƚŽƵƌĐŽƐƚ͘tĞĐĂŶŵĞĞƚ Finishes ĂƚŽƵƌLJůƐŚĂŵŽĸĐĞŽƌŝŶLJŽƵƌŽǁŶ • Bathrooms, Staircases, Doors dĂdžƉůĂŶŶŝŶŐĂĚǀŝĐĞŝƐŶŽƚƌĞŐƵůĂƚĞĚďLJƚŚĞ ŚŽŵĞ͘ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŽŶĚƵĐƚƵƚŚŽƌŝƚLJ͘ϮƉůĂŶǁĞĂůƚŚ • Sash/Casement Windows ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ>ƚĚŝƐĂƵƚŚŽƌŝƐĞĚĂŶĚƌĞŐƵůĂƚĞĚ 01263 732309 ďLJƚŚĞ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŽŶĚƵĐƚƵƚŚŽƌŝƚLJ͘/ƚŝƐ ϲWĞŶĨŽůĚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕LJůƐŚĂŵEZϭϭϲd Tel: 01263 712345 ĞŶƚĞƌĞĚŽŶƚŚĞ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ 07900 816927ĂůĂŶ͘ĐŽŽŬΛϮƉůĂŶ͘ĐŽŵ The Great Barn, Heath Farm, Hempstead Road, Holt, Norfolk NR25 6JU ;ǁǁǁ͘ĨĐĂ͘ŽƌŐ͘ƵŬͿƵŶĚĞƌƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞϰϲϭϱϵϴ͘ ǁǁǁ͘ĂůĂŶĐŽŽŬ͘ϮƉůĂŶ͘ĐŽŵ

email: [email protected] 2 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 "The alternative option is expert and New online NHS site is convenient advice online at “first and best port of call” for help which is the best port of call for help with coronavirus. with coronavirus symptoms “For anyone who needs to stay at home and get Top clinicians are issuing advice to help reduce the spread of infection better, they should continue to follow our as the country moves into the ‘delay’ phase of its response to Covid-19. advice and practice good hygiene, especially washing your hands more Following the Prime Minister’s announcement last week, people often and for longer, which will keep you and your family safe.” worried about symptoms are being told by the chief medical officer not Anyone who has either a new continuous cough or high temperature to call NHS 111 to try to book a test, as Public Health have should follow this advice: recommended an end to routinely testing for coronavirus in this next • Stay at home and do not leave your house for 7 days from when your phase of the epidemic. symptoms started. This action will help protect others in your Instead, anyone worried about having the virus should self-isolate, community whilst you are infectious. without calling or checking with NHS 111 first. • Plan ahead and ask others for help to ensure that you can successfully Travel and contact history are no longer important for diagnosis, which stay at home. will now be made on the basis of symptoms: a new continuous cough or • Ask your employer, friends and family to help you to get the things high temperature. you need to stay at home. The NHS is urging people to visit a new online advice hub at • Stay at least 2 metres (about 3 steps) away from other people in your as the go-to place for clear advice for people home whenever possible. with early symptoms of coronavirus. • Sleep alone, if that is possible. The new web page details the latest guidance for anyone experiencing • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and these possible early signs of coronavirus, and people should use this water. page as their first port of call if they are experiencing symptoms. • Stay away from vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and those Professor Stephen Powis, national medical director for the NHS, said: with underlying health conditions as much as possible. “Everyone who has symptoms including a new continuous cough or • Remain at home until 7 days after the onset of symptoms. After 7 high temperature should now stay at home and self-isolate, without days, if you feel better and no longer have a fever, you can return to needing to call or checking with NHS 111. As recommended by the chief your normal routine. medical officer, routine testing will now stop as it is unnecessary for • If your symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after those staying at home. 7 days use NHS 111 online or call NHS 111; for a medical emergency dial “As the chief medical officer also warned yesterday, calling NHS 111 999. routinely can put extra pressure on the NHS and could even make it • A cough may persist for several weeks in some people, despite the harder for people with life-threatening conditions to get the help they coronavirus infection having cleared. A persistent cough alone does not need. mean people must continue to self isolate for more than 7 days. This advice will continue to be reviewed and updated by experts, and the public can access the most up to date information at Antique & Collectors Fair Cley Village Hall, Cley-Next-The-Sea, NR25 7RJ Postcards  Victorian & Georgian Ceramics  Silver  Jewellery Watches  Art  Ephemera  Vintage and much more Owing to the Coronavirus outbreak and in line with sensible recommendations, we have decided to call a temporary halt to our Fairs. We will let everyone know when we are able to resume as soon as possible. For more information & future dates call 07771 802671 or 01263 502072

The Holt Chronicle is published by Rose Villa Publications Ltd. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Publishers or the Editors. All material is strictly copyright and all rights reserved. Material, including letters, presented for publication may have to be edited for reasons of space. Page setting by Isaac Cummings-Knight Proprietor Eric Hayton, telephone 01263 821463 email [email protected]

Acupuncture • Bowen Technique Clinical Psychology • Counselling • Footcare Homeopathy • Hypnotherapy • The Journey Non-Personal Awareness • Nutritional Therapy Osteopathy • Physiotherapy • Psychotherapy Reflexology • RELATE • Sports Massage 01263 711712 3 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 recommendations will now take place from 2 June - 10 August 2020. I County feel it is very important for everyone to at least check on the proposals during the final consultation period. Councillor Norfolk Coast Path: A 1.7mi (2.8km) stretch of the Norfolk Coastal Path News between and Wells has been given a makeover which has opened up a new 6.75mi (10.9km) circular walk. I feel it is a privilege to from County Councillor Dr Marie Strong Wells Division live in such a beautiful part of this county and projects such as this one [email protected]; 07920 286 597 allows more people to enjoy our wonderful coast which Coronavirus, - COVID-19: is why I was especially pleased to meet two wheel chair members of Forgive me for repeating what you will have heard a thousand times but Active Trails (an organisation which assesses routes for accessibility). whilst it seems so obvious it is also what the experts believe is the best Whilst there is still more work to be carried out I listened to positive way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (and probably so many other comments and spotted their ‘thumbs up’. bugs!) - regularly wash our hands with soap and water, avoid regular Norfolk County Council Budget 2020: Details can be found in the touching of our face, mouth or eyes – and NHS advice on coughs and following press release: sneezes: catch it, bin it, kill it.' and I am told the latest and updated information and advice from the to learn about the debate which took place access NCC website for the Department of Health and Public Health England (PHE) can be found minutes of the meeting. here: Fines to Utilities Companies: Whilst the majority of planned works are for-the-public. However I have found difficulties, hopefully not cured. completed on time NCC imposes charges where roadworks overrun and Resources for schools and communities are available at: this income is reinvested into the highway service. During the The toolkit contains social three-year period NCC recorded 817 incidents where companies were media assets and posters translated into 15 different languages and will penalised due to work extensions with fines ranging from £100 to be kept up to date to mirror the latest advice from Public Health £82,000 which is invested in highways work.. A comfort to those England discommoded by extended disruption to travel! (In 2018/2019 year Helping those who have had to self-isolate: Energetic Electricity and Gas Ltd paid £344,625.) I asked NCC how we could assist volunteers planning to help those in Reporting Highways Concerns: A reminder of how to report highways self-isolation and as I write a paper is being prepared - targeted towards problems (e.g. potholes) direct to [email protected] or parishes/community groups who want to establish a community telephone 0344 800 8020. support network. Once finalised it will be sent to all county councillors Upwards and onwards and to the districts and parishes. Keep your eye open! Reminder regarding the Independent Local Government Commission Marie Review of Norfolk County Council Divisions: County Cllr Dr Marie Strong. Wells Division. Wells County Council Division presently consists of: Barshams & Houghton St Giles, The LGC extended the initial consultation period by six weeks to 24 with Cockthorpe, Blakeney, Brinton with , & Saxlingham, March. The draft recommendations will be published on the Norfolk Glandford with Letheringsett, , Great & Little , , review site at Holkham, Langham, , Sculthorpe, , with , & Little norfolk-county-council. The second public consultation on the draft Thornage, Warham, Wells-next-the-Sea, ,

email: [email protected] 4 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 News from The Venue Notice from the Editor Corona Update Sadly, and with great regret, we feel we Coronavirus and must close the doors of the Venue Community and Arts Centre from today Magazine Deliveries for the next Government advised 12 While we are continuing to deliver through letterboxes for the weeks. This means that all the groups that meet at the Centre, and our moment, it is possible that we will be advised not to do so in the in-house activities such as Bingo, The Great Holt Bake Off, The Cinema, Holt Community Café, The Arts Forum, our AGM in April etc. will not be future if we are advised that this will be detrimental to the taking place. We have taken this step to protect people, and in the well-being of our team of distributors or the households we realisation that everything we do revolves around bringing people deliver to. together…not a recommended policy at the moment. If such is the case we will make alternative arrangements at We are acutely aware that many of the residents in our town will be pick-up points as are available at the time. For those with good lonely, isolated and in need over the coming weeks. To this end, we are internet access, the magazines will be on line as usual at meeting with the Love Holt Group, to see what assistance we can and provide. Please do check out the Love Holt website and Facebook pages in the coming days to keep informed as to what help may be out there As everyone is aware, at risk people (over 70s and those with for you. If you would like to help with this effort, please email us on underlying conditions) have been advised to minimize contact. [email protected] or contact the Love Holt team To help reduce the possibility of contamination and to through their website. discourage people from making extra contact, the drop point at Thankfully, we are in a much better position financially than we were Feeneys Newsagent for leaving free ads or letters or articles for this time last year and hope to weather the storm. We fully expect to the magazines will no longer be used until the crisis passes. A be able to reopen and resume most if not all activities when the large number of events have been cancelled or postponed in our Government lifts its restrictions. area already and we will continue to put updates into the In the meantime, and until we see you at the Centre again, please keep well, stay informed, support our local businesses and each other, and magazines as best we can. Hopefully when the worst is over, we we will see you soon! will be able to let you know revised dates for those that can be Carolyn Burn and the Committee rescheduled. Items that cannot be emailed can be posted to Jo Haywood at "Nostalgia is a Thing of the Past" 11 Cliff Road, Sheringham NR26 8BJ. On 5th March, courtesy of The We will limit our visits outside to the bare minimum as advised. Holt Society, a full capacity We hope you stay safe during this difficult time, but if there is audience in the community anything we can help with, please call us. centre witnessed and took part Jo, Eric, Pete, Isaac, Margaret in an extraordinary evening of living history. John Jarvis brought back to life the voices and faces of long term residents of Holt recorded in 1999, including Frank Olby, Eva Baker, Earle Kirby, Ernie & Ada 5(7$,/+LJK6WUHHW+ROW15%+7HO5W/,$7(   HHUW6KJL+  +  +%51WOR +%51WOR+   OH7  Lakey, Roly High and many others. Never heard or shown before in (/(&75,&$/6(&85,7< ),5($&,57&(/(    (5,) <7,58&(6/$ public, the atmosphere was electric, poignant and full of humour. *HRUJH(GZDUGV5RDG)DNHQKDP151/GUDZG(HJURH*  /151PDKQHND)GDR5V Unfortunately many people had to be turned away, so The Holt Society 7HOOH7  will be offering a repeat performance. Date and venue to be decided. ZZZNLQJVDQGEDUQKDPVFRXN Look out on The Holt Society's website


John's imaginative photographic and editing skills succeeded in R V G   H D O Q overlaying moving images from the original recordings with titles and V G historic photographs of people, places and buildings. It was a truly       ZRKV immersive event. It all looked so effortless but was in fact a huge labour QR& RLWLGQ RUIQZ Q P

of love in reducing seven hours of original recordings to an evening of V      O H I entertainment in which the audience added their memories and W W R recollections. We discovered such gems as the travelling dentist who U L J K W FLU3\OSSD did extractions in a house in New Street on a Friday and all the teeth in  H : the bucket were buried in the back garden. Not for the faint hearted! V Before we were taken on a virtual stroll down 'old' New Street, Michael Hill used an historic aerial photograph to show the central location of :$7+*%7$: %*+    the old laundry, and gave new insights on how Holt's businesses had  .*530+20(&211(&7,'26'26,1*2+035*. ,7&(112&(02 ' '62 2 *1,6 HJQDKFRWWFHMEXV

developed 'Back to Front' - relocating the out-of-sight working trade  ;1 * .% * +7 $ areas to the High Street and the home residences were situated HU) .*1;/*1*. */;           behind. All very different from the highly visible shops, trades and cafes 12)52679,7$)5(6+08/7,$,5)/2:/('',63/$<6(5)$7,97625)21 /)5,$,7/80+6 2': '(/ 36,' /$< today.  Word of mouth about the event has also unearthed fascinating new 6060:*606 *:0   material - including a 1917 war effort poster mentioning an additional =(2/,7+3(5)(&7'5<3/$&(6(77,1*6&()5(3+7,/2(= /3<5'7& $&( 6(77,1*6

train service leaving Holt at 04.00am to get people to the munitions  factory in . And so a 'living' human history is treasured and :7:+*%:7: %*+  

HURWV QL N V $.*+($73803&21'(16(5  \UH YLOH$(+*. G OD F RO H H 5(61('12&30837$ passed on to the next generation in Holt - a special place which we all I R U G

enjoy as both long term residents and newcomers. H W D % *+ : 7 : * : 0 6 0 6*/; L O

The Holt Society V 5 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 A column where you can writeReaders in. Write to us - share your news or viewsWrite.... on issues that concern our community. Just e-mail your letter to [email protected] or leave it in THE HOLT CHRONICLE collection box in Feeney's Newsagents. ALL letters must have a contact name, full postal address and telephone number so that we may be able to contact you if necessary but please note that we will publish your name but not your address or telephone number unless requested to do so. PLEASE KEEP YOUR LETTER TO A MAXIMUM OF 300 WORDS so that we may be able to publish it in full. Please note: The views expressed in this column are not necessarily the views of the editor or publishers of The Holt Chronicle but those of the author's submitting the material.

The Holt and District Dementia Support From the Swan Rescue Team Dear Jo Haywood, Dear Jo, I am writing to highlight the amazing work of the Holt and District I would like to keep people informed about how we help wildlife. Dementia Support, of which I am the patron. Any injured wildlife is taken to East Winch Wildlife Hospital. Injured swans North Norfolk has one of the oldest aged populations of any constituency in will go to the same place. Any small muntjac or roe deer that cannot be the country and the need here – which is sadly not being fully met by health taken to East Winch will be taken to the RSPCA, (I will need to know where and social care services – is particularly acute. The Holt and District they are, if in a town, main A , B or C road), I cover the same area as the Dementia Support provides vital support to those living with dementia, their Holt Chronicle, (see map at back of magazine). families and carers and also works to increase local public awareness. Its For dead deer that are suitable, I will pick them up and transport to drop=in Poppy Café offers a safe and friendly environment as well as social Zoo for feeding animals. contact and friendship which can be so valuable and their Home Visiting service provides welcome respite for carers. They are now extending their Any mute swans that need to be moved on, I will take to a safe place and provision to include an afternoon session, Poppy PM, where carers can release on a river or body of water in the area. leave the person living with dementia with them and have time to go Any dead swans that have been hit by a vehicle or dead wildlife that had shopping or just some time to themselves, offering an important break from decomposed, I have to leave where they are, the council can be phoned to the pressures of caring. remove, or if safe to do so, leave where it is, it will be taken by other The Holt and District Dementia Support is managed and run entirely by wildlife or decay naturally. volunteers and I would really urge anyone who is able to give some of their I will try to help any wildlife I can, at no cost. time as a volunteer to support the fantastic work they are doing. Your time could make a real difference. Please contact: Roger at Swan Rescue Team Holt. 5 The Close, Holt. NR25 With best wishes. Yours sincerely, 6DD. Tel: 01263 715841 or 07833 910333 The Rt Hon Sir Norman Lamb Email: [email protected] Thank You Dear Jo, I would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral of my darling husband, Keith Morley, at the Cromer Crematorium. Thank you for your generous donations which totaled £700 and will be shared between Cancer Research and The Alzheimer’s Society. Keith was fond of shooting and he hoped he would not come back as a pheasant!

Janice Morley.

Joanne Medler Hypnotherapy &,dZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ,LJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉŝƐƚ͕E>WΘ&dWƌĂĐƟƟŽŶĞƌŝŶEŽƌƚŚůŵŚĂŵ Helping people overcome various life issues Free Home Delivery Service Contact me to see how Hypnotherapy may be able to help you Tel: 07766 870145 in Holt ũŽĂŶŶĞŵĞĚůĞƌŚLJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉLJΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ (and within 5 mile radius) ǁǁǁ͘ũŽĂŶŶĞŵĞĚůĞƌŚLJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ͘ĐŽŵ We will bring our freshly cooked menu, plus wine and beer to your home. Meals will start from £5 each Call us or check our Menu on Facebook... the snug cafe/bistro  Why not let us bring the Snug to you?

Lee’s Yard • Holt Telephone: 01263 710138 Email: [email protected]

email: [email protected] 6 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 From Holt Consulting Rooms WHY NOT TO IGNORE THE POWER OF OUR INTERNAL RESOURCES - OUR BREATHING AND OUR MINDS. We are just over the uncertainty of Brexit after 3 or 4 years of being bombarded with uncertainty, doom and gloom predictions and waiting, and now, we have the Corona Virus - yet another situation of uncertainty, doom gloom and ‘waiting’. These are situations that are beyond our immediate control and situations that can fuel psychological states of anxiety and depression. So, what can we do in terms of installing some sense of control, to get through these challenges. Within my practice, a holistic approach is used, where the interaction between physiological and psychological states are continuously worked on. Thus, firstly, the correct type of breathing is taught. This entails stimulation of the Vagus Nerve, which leads to the following: release of acetylcholine (the brain’s natural tranquilliser) and activation of the prefrontal cortex, which through a complex process, releases Immoglobin A, natural killer cells enhancing our immune system. As well as the physical health benefits, it lowers our baseline anxiety, which allow us to think more clearly and take perspective. A higher ‘vagal tone’ is linked to positive emotions and psychological balance, which can create an upward spiral of well-being. Secondly, in my practice, we focus on becoming more authentic - learning to be who we really are. This we achieve through learning to follow and believe in our own instincts/guts, rather than relying on what we think we ‘should do’ or thinking we ‘should be something different’. To feel more happiness and peace and experience more healing, we need to learn to accept ourselves - and say ‘its OK to be me’. A poignant quotequote from Denis Waitley, says: ‘Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude’. Get well and stay well. Dr Hanne M Homer Clin.Psy.D., C.Psychol.Consultant Clinical Psychologist Holt Consulting Rooms Contact: 01263 711 712; 07552 184 289

Macmillan Drop-in sessions Due to the current coronavirus concerns we are suspending all of our drop-insessions for the foreseeable future for the safety of our drop-in users. We will continue to be available on our mobile phone number for signposting services and to provide a listening ear on07908 061781 and advice can also be sought on the Macmillan Helpline on 0800 808 0000 or visit

YOUR WILL For only £55 POWER OF ATTORNEY £99 (excluding Court Fees) Visit our PROPERTY PROTECTION TRUSTS £99 showroom For Office or Home Visits Call 01263 579327 A S WILLS, Danum House, , Norfolk in Holt for inspiration

Free measuring and delivery throughout north Norfolk Fitting service available • Open 6 days a week Quality that speaks for itself New website coming soon! 01263 711979 Showroom at: Nelson Square, Hempstead Rd Ind Estate, Holt NR25 6ER (next to ATS) 7 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 centuries ago. Norfolk Life by Richard Shepheard Not far into Fifty Years a Fighter, Jem deals with a prize-fight he had with The Swaffham Gypsy one Faden Smith: "After that I received a challenge from a man called When Tyson Fury took the world heavyweight title from Diontay 'Farden' Smith. He was known as King of the Gipsies and was a regular Wilder on American soil last month it was, as was said at the time, the giant standing 6ft 2ins in his stocking feet and broad in proportion. Like greatest sporting event since England won the world cup in 1966. my fight with Pinfold, this was brought off on Norwich Hill. (The old There was for me a bonus in Fury's victory and that came with the cattle market) ...." The fight was interrupted by the police after it had nomenclature on the waistband of his trunks which said "Gypsy King". gone five rounds and the contestants took to their heels. A century-and-a-half ago another world heavyweight champion, as The fight was rescheduled for Mousehold Heath the following day, near remarkable as Tyson Fury is today, began his career with the the nom de the Gypsies encampment but Faden Smith had seen enough of the guerre "The Swaffham Gypsy". This was Jem (James) Mace 1831-1909 up-and-coming Jem Mace and amiably conceded to him. Jem leaves us who, though the last of the bare knuckle pugilists, is considered the a beautiful account of festivities which ensued concluding with: "....All father of modern boxing because of the science that he brought to the day long we danced and sang, until the sun sank to rest, and the big sport. And It was he who first made boxing international. round harvest moon came out above the scattered pine trees, flooding But I had another great incentive. I have been a Borrovian for longer all the purple heath with white radiance." I wonder if the Gypsies would than I have been a fan of boxing. Most know George Borrow have afforded Mace such hospitality if they didn't think him one of their (1803-1881) as the man who, through his writings, brought the Gypsies own! to great art, but he often turns to the pugilism of his day and regularly The Faden Smith of Jem's work is the brother of one much more appears in boxing anthologies because of his wonderful representations famous. of epics of the prize-ring. This is Ambrose Smith who appears in several of George Borrow's works Borrow was born at East Dereham and Jem Mace at Beeston next as Jasper Petulengro and is his most famous Gypsy character. Mileham about eight miles away, so Norfolk produced a literary giant Petulengro is the Romany word for farrier-blacksmith, the word petul and a world famous athlete in the first half of the 19th century. The being their word for horseshoe. Borrow makes a kind of lament in his Gypsy factor is common to them both and seems to appeal for a kind of first famous work The Zincali (The Gypsies of Spain 1840) that there are interface of their individual careers. no petulengroes among the travelling Gypsy families in Britain at that Jem Mace, though totally illiterate, left an autobiography called Fifty time. Years a Fighter in which he casts off the suggestion of that early The family of Jem Mace will answer George Borrow's lament and he will sobriquet "The Swaffham Gypsy" that he carried Romany blood. He supply a stunning image of Poley Mace's parents in his last work attributed this idea to the fact that his "cousin and great chum" Poley Romano Lavo Lil 1874. Mace, the son of his uncle Barney (Barnabas) Mace had run off from To be continued. Norwich Fair with a Gypsy girl and had married her. I have established who this Gypsy Girl was and will return to her in my conclusion with “Taking time to laugh, appreciate pleasant moments, and Borrow's assistance. smell the roses daily affects your brain and nervous system in As for her son, Poley Mace, I was interested to note that the spelling of ways that enhance your problem-solving skills, and this, in his forename was "Pooley" in Jem Mace's autobiography and this gives turn, increases your resiliency.” that work a kind of authenticity. In Norfolk the 'o' vowel sound is Al Siebert pronounced the same in the words 'pool' and 'pole' so I can accept that Jem's dictation is genuine and not the work of some enterprising ghost writer. I will return to Poley Mace with researches I made years ago which gives his true name, one that came from Romany travels from Europe Your legal matters in safe hands New And Refurbished PCs! Hempstead Road New And Refurbished Laptops! Business CentreCentre! for generations PC And Laptop Repairs And Upgrades! Holt! Virus Removal And Antivirus SoftwareSsurivitnAdnAlavomeRsurVi reawtfoS ! Norfolk! Hayes + Storr Solicitors handle a whole Onsite Home And Business Support! NR25 6EE! range of family, property and business Apple Repairs And Upgrades! legal matters with care and professionalism. BroadbandBroadband And Network Solutions Est. 1999

E : [email protected] W : 01263 711052

Call us ttodayodayCall 01263 712835 orrorr.. .uk.ukoc FakenhamFakakenhamenham | Holt | HunstantonanttHuns on | Wells King’King’ss LynnLynn | Sheringham | Swa hama hama hamSw 8 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 TONKA BEAN CRÈME BRÛLÉE A dessert to literally die for (though Ingredients don’t worry, ours is quite safe!) Tonka beans, harvested ecologically • 8 tonka beans from deep within the Amazon, are a •8 egg yolks hugely sought-after delicacy throughout •110g of caster sugar the world for their unique, intense •900ml of double cream flavour. However they also contain a •caster sugar for dusting fair amount of coumarin, a toxin that can actually kill you if eaten in quantity. Method “As long as you don’t use a copious Many people amount of it – obviously a copious 1. For the brûlée, toast the tonka beans are paying too amount could cause death – it really is in the oven for 10 minutes at delicious,” says Thomas Raquel, head 150C/Gas mark 2. Peel the skin off and much tax. pastry chef at the Michelin-starred Le chop them into pieces. Bernardin in New York. In fact it’s 2. Whisk the yolks and sugar in a bowl. Are you? banned in the US, so M. Raquel must Bring the cream to the boil and pour it have a reliable ‘source’ from South on the top of the yolk and sugar. Add America that we’ll say no more about… the chopped tonka beans and infuse 10 W H Summerlee FAIA FAPA Our chefs don’t have to smuggle tonka minutes beans in from the windfarms after dark 3. Pass through 4 layers of muslin and Accountant and Registered as they are quite legal in the UK. So all skim. Fill up 12 cups or small Auditor the wonderful flavours are available for ovenproof dishes with the mixture and you to try in Reis’ amazing crème brulee. place them on a tray Tel 01508 494105 We are open for dinner every night from 4. Cook for 40 to 50 minutes at 5-6pm (Early Evening menu) and 6 – 110C/Gas mark 1/4: The crème brûlée Mob 07504 693419 9.30pm (a la carte), although we are are cooked when they are set like a soft Email: [email protected] always busy so best to book your table jelly. on 01263 512412. And of course Self Assessment, Accounts, afternoon tea every day 2 – 4.30pm! including Limited Company and The barrister tells the accused, “I have some good news and some bad news.” Audit Book Keeping and Wages “What’s the bad news?” asks the accused. all at reasonable rates. “The bad news is, your blood is all over the crime scene, and the DNA tests prove you did it.” “What’s the good news?” “Your cholesterol is 4.6.” 9 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 ` THIS ISSUE’S PUZZLES SUDOKU Fill all empty squares so that the numbers All the letters in our grids below have fallen out and mixed themselves up, although 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box. they are still in their original columns. Can you put them back in their rightful place The numbers in the four yellow boxes are the ones needed as the answer that will be published in the next issue. to reveal a QUOTATION and the NAME of the person who said it.

Inkeeping with the Norfolk theme of the last issue, this week’s wordsearch theme is ‘Spring Flowers’. How many can you name? Between FOUR and TWELVE letters. One or two words. There are seventeen entries in this issue’s CHRONICLE WORDSEARCH. How many can you find?


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email: [email protected] 10 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020

« « T HH E To Salt C O ho C A use & o S T Cley a st R o a d

o Sh r « T ering Crome KKellingelling ha m & A149 The Wood Lane Pheasant t e e r t S

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N Holt Holt Rugby Club B d r a id o g e R R Garden CentrCentree g o n « li a C l d e o Cromer l ToT Cromer e K y

R Holt o A148 a Station TThehe Estate d Holt Hall

Easter opening hours Now available Good FridaytNQNB Saturday 9am-5pm Easter Sunday – Closed Bank holiday Monday 9am-5pm

TTomatoes,omatoes, vvegetableegetable packs and herbs

£19.99 – or mix and match 3 for £55

Free Griddle & PizzPizzaa stone with selected Special offofferer 10k10kgg TTubsubs £9.99 WeberWeber barbecues

19th March to 19th April

Organic garden Growise compost multipurpose £2.99 50L £4.99 3 fforor £10 Summer Perennials or 4 for £10 or 3 for £12 THE PARTRIDGPARTRIDGE TEA ROOM Afternoon 4QFDJBMJDFQ4 TToastedoasted TTeacakeeacake with T or Filter Coffee, only £3.00 Available after 2pm

HPMU(BSEFO$FOUSFF$OFESB(UMP FSUOF H UMP) MMJ)FUBHMP , Norfolk, Monday to Saturday [email protected] NR25 7ER Open 9am to 5pm 01263 711574 Sunday 10am to 4pm LLOYD DURHAM FUNERAL SERVICES 11a Avenue Road, , † Church News † HOLT, Norfolk. NR25 6RD email:[email protected] Tel: 01263 713113 Everyone welcome to join us St. Mary’s Kelling Sunday mornings 10.30-12 Services are based on the Book of Common Prayer Sunday Services at 11am With drinks and breakfast Prayer. 1st Sunday –Matins/Holy Communion. 3rd Sunday – served from 9.45 Matins. 4th Sunday –Holy Communion. Monthly Mid-week At the Life Centre, Communion. Evensong. See Link Up and Weybourne Group website for further details Cromer Road, Sheringham ALL VISITORS WELCOME including dogs PARKING IN THE CHURCHYARD FOR CARS AND BICYCLES LETHERINGSETT CHURCH OF ST. ANDREW THE SALVATION ARMY, 1st Sunday of the month Christian worship - open to all each Sunday at 2.00pm Holy Communion 11.15 with Hymns A warm welcome is waiting for you! Why not stay for a cup of tea and a chat afterwards? 3rd Sunday of the month Tuesday Morning CAMEO 10.00am - 12.00noon Morning Prayer 9.30 Come And Meet Each Other for coffee/ tea/ biscuits and a chat... Also a Lite Bite Lunch at 12.00. No charge is made, but a donation in the box will be gratefully received towards expenses. All are welcome. BENEFICE (Church of England) Every 4th MONDAY of the month (except July, August and December) “The Filling Station” at Holt Community Centre, Kerridge Way NR25 6DN. 7.00pm for 7.30pm Friendly congregations would welcome you. Bringing Christian refreshment to rural areas, our celebrations offer high Coffee is servedTel: 01263after many 502068 of our services. quality national and international speakers, contemporary worship and For service details please visit powerful, accessible prayer ministry in an informal setting. (This is not a new Church movement) Rector:ST. JOSEPH’S Rev. Jennifer CATHOLIC Elliott de Riverol CHURCH, SHERINGHAM email: [email protected] or call Tasha North on 07825 702360 Sunday Masses 11.00am For information on Holy Days, Confessions, Baptisms, Weddings etc. Please ring Father James Fyfe on 01263 822036 A Catholic Mass is celebrated in St. Andrew’s Church, Holt SHERINGHAM SALVATION ARMY CORPS on most Thursdays at 9.30am by kind permission of the Rector. CREMER STREET, SHERINGHAM Tel: 01263 826059 HOLT METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE BOARD Community Programme SUNDAY SERVICES at 11.00am Our Community Programme aims to support people and families requiring assistance in our area. 29th March Local Arrangement You DO NOT need to attend the Salvation Army to 5th April Revd Cliff Shanganya access this support. We can provide... 12th April 6am Revd Cliff Shanganya Practical Assistance 11am Mr Paul Hayes Food Parcels, Emergency Clothing, Bedding and Household Items. OTHER REGULAR CHURCH ACTIVITIES ~ 1-to-1 Support Sessions ALL WELCOME Where you can discuss a range of issues in BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Second Monday of the month ~ confidence (within Safeguarding boundaries) 10.30am to 11.45am and gain advice and assistance. Signposting to STEPPING STONES: For the little ones; Tuesdays at 9.15am professional agencies where appropriate. BIBLE STUDY: Alternate Tuesday Afternoons at 2.30pm Advocacy Support FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER SERVICE: At 9.30am followed by Morning Coffee Help in dealing with issues and liaising with other services, STEPPING STONES. Come and join us at our toddler group at Holt including Benefits Agency, Housing Departments etc. Methodist Church! It caters for pre-school children and their parents and carers. We have a coffee or tea and a chat while the children play in Parish Nurse Team Appointments safety. We meet on Tuesdays from 9.15 am until about 11 am and it is all Providing holistic support on a range of health free to attend. Do come and join us! issues (no clinical treatments offered). AFTERNOON CREAM TEAS: Every 3rd Friday afternoon in the month. 2.00pm - 4.00pm. This is an event never to be missed, cakes are delicious. For further information contact... FOR HIRE: The Loades Hall is available for private hire. Suitable for Carol McKean — Community Manager private functions, birthday parties, meetings, etc. For all bookings and/or 01263 826059 OR 07586 570994 further information please contact: Mr. Tony Hey. Tel: 01263 713302. MINISTER - REVD C. SHANGANYA - 01263 712181 Registered Charity No. 214779 and in Scotland SC009359 Senior Steward - Mrs J. Bunting - 01263 712068

email: [email protected] 12 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 SAINT ANDREW’S & ALL SAINTS NEWS The Parish of Holt with High Kelling Rector: Fr. Howard Stoker SSC, The Rectory, Church Street, Holt NR25 6BB Tel: 01263 712048 email:[email protected] Assistant Curate: Fr. Stephen Graham Tel. 01263 649985, E: [email protected] Parish Office Tel: 01263 713479 E: [email protected] website at

Dear Friends We do well to heed Jesus’ words and to show CORONA VIRUS compassion, kindness, help, support and love and especially to As I write I am trying to get my head round the fact that our neighbour in need. We need to keep calm, to dispel fear, because of the outbreak of the corona virus, we sadly have afford hope and demonstrate love. By supporting charities, closed our church hall and meeting room to all our users and agencies, the medical practice, the foodbank, community also what church without public worship will look like. The groups, local businesses and looking out for one another, Archbishops of the Church of England have suspended public together, we can make a difference. worship and possibly for the first time ever, we are having to get used to the idea of an Easter without any public services. The You all remain in my thoughts and prayers. joy of Easter Day will seem somewhat muted this year. However, following the Arcbishop’s advice all is not lost. God is our refuge and strength, St Andrew’s in Holt and All Saints in High Kelling as I am sure a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46 v1 many churches, will remain open to the public for private prayer and as a place of quiet sanctuary. The daily offices of morning Every blessing, Fr. Howard and evening prayer will continue to be said in St Andrew’s and where possible the Eucharist will also continue to offered daily. FOR MORE INFORMATION So, please be assured that when the church bell rings prayers are being offered for you, your families, for the people of the parish, for our country, for the countries of the world, and for all who are affected by the corona virus. Along with other community groups we also want to be able to offer some practical help and support and so we have set up a pastoral help line for those who are isolated, anxious, and alone. The phone number is 07393559028. There are also other Prayers communities of faith, community groups and traders who are God of compassion, offering help and support and information about how to contact be close to those who are ill, afraid or in them should be available by now. The community is pulling isolation. together and there is a great deal of community spirit out there In their loneliness, which is both encouraging and hopeful. be their consolation; The current situation is serious enough but will no doubt have developed and greatly changed by the time you are in their anxiety, reading this. Our schools may well have closed, there will be be their hope; those in self isolation, there may be even those who have in their darkness, be their light; contracted the disease, and there will be those who will have through him who suffered alone on the cross, lost their jobs, those who remain fit, healthy and out and about. but reigns with you in glory, We need to take every precaution we can and follow advice and Jesus Christ our Lord. Government and NHS guidelines, but we also need to be able to Amen. look out for each other, to be a friend to the stranger and a good samaritan to a neighbour in need. Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus was once asked “Who is my neighbour?” and in you taught us to love our neighbour, reply he told the parable of the good samaritan. After being beaten by robbers a man was left for dead on the road from and to care for those in need Jersualem to Jericho. First a priest and then a Levite came by the as if we were caring for you. man but refused to help and passed by on the other side of the In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fear- road. Then a Samaritan, hated and despised by some, came ful, to tend the sick, across the man, banaged his wounds, and took him to a local and to assure the isolated of our love, and your love, inn, where he paid for the man to for your name’s sake. stay and be cared for until he was Amen. well. To the person who had asked, “Who is my neighbour” Jesus said, “Which of these three do you think seemed FROM THE REGISTERS Funerals: to be a neighbour to him who fell 17th March Olive Allison among the robbers?" He said, "He 18th March George Cushing who showed mercy on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." 13 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 Marking the 75th Coronavirus Alert We are aware that the current world health situation Anniversary of VE Day is quite rightly causing a significant concern amongst A stained-glass memorial window was installed our clients both in terms of their and their pet’s safety. These on 8th March 2020 at Christ Church, unprecedented times call for us all to work together for the good of our in memory of the Crew of the Halifax LV955 which families, pets and communities. To this end we would like to reassure all our crashed in the village on 4th March 1945. A clients that we have already implemented contingency plans to help us to special service was held which included the keep our patients, staff, clients and community safe and to help us ensure blessing of the memorial window. pets receive medication and care to the highest standard despite these The Memorial follows 4 years of fundraising by challenges. These plans include waiting in the car for your appointment, a the members of the Barney and Fulmodeston maximum of one person per pet entering the consultation room and use of Local History Group. Research on the events that hand sanitisers and gloves. Our plans also include use of telephone and night was undertaken by Local History Group member Gary Howe. video consultation where appropriate, medication postage and doorstep The Memorial Window that The Barney and Fulmodeston History Group collection of medication. We also have plans in place for the veterinary care have had made to the memory of the crew stands in front of a window on of patients whose owners are self-isolating. All these plans are already in the South side of Christ Church. It is mounted in an oak frame, made by place and are working well. Our staff have been split into groups who will one of the members, Mr Brian Mann, with a matching stain to the pews. not contact each other as we hope this will enable us to continue to offer The glass panel was made by an Oxford stain glass artist, Lilian Shaw, who our services, including our 24/7 emergency service, to our patients whilst has lived locally and has carried out minimising the risk to our staff and clients throughout this challenging commissions for local people. It depicts at the top 192 Squadrons badge a period. We would urge all our clients to stay calm and heed government Crown with an Owl head under and a Lightning Bolt. A pair of yellow advice whilst also being reassured that we have contingency plans in place crossed search light beams cross the panel with images of the sky in to care for your pets whilst keeping you and our staff as safe as possible shades of blue and white for clouds. A Halifax plane is shown in the centre despite the current challenges. We are committed to helping our local pet heading right to left in camouflage colour and with LV955 markings. A community as much as possible so if you have concerns please give us a call rolling landscape of greens with water is depicted below the plane. Below on 01692 407126 and we will help to the best of our abilities using all the the land in a scroll the Squadrons motto is shown "Dare to Discover." To means at our disposal. the head and base of the frame is fastened two engraved brass plates which read "Dedicated to the Crew of the Halifax LV955 of 192 Squadron which crashed in the village on the 4th March 1945" and below the names 4XDOL¿HG)RRW+HDOWK3URIHVVLRQDO of the crew " F/O E D Roberts, F/O R C Todd, Sergeant K A Sutcliffe, F/O W Darlington RCAF +, W/O W S Clementson +, F/S R G Holmes +, Sergeant J Jennifer Hannant C Anderson + and Sergeant R T Grapes +." These were made by Cromer (MCFHP, MAFHP) Trophies and Engraving. 9LVLWLQJ3UDFWLFH Telephone: (01362) 680176 The memorial window can be viewed most days, subject to Church Mobile 07886 692285 Opening arrangements. Registered Member of The British Association of Foot Health Professionals

01692 407126 Heath Road, NR28 0JB [email protected]

ON-SITE LUXURY CAT ON-SITE C T SCANNER, VERY IMPORTANT OUT OF BOARDING HOTEL LASER THERAPY, PET (VIP) CLUBS HOURS CARE DENTAL X-RAY Spread the cost of routine veterinary 24/7 emergency Dedicated Cat, Dog & Exotic + Digital X-ray, Ultrasound, Endoscopy, care and receive discounts out of hours service Waiting areas and Wards Tonometry, ECG and an In-House Lab at the same time for our clients

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email: [email protected] 14 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020

VETERINARY CARE FOR PETS AND EXOTIC ANIMALS Independent Family Run Practice Accredited Gold Standard Rabbit and Gold Standard Cat Friendly Practice CT Scanner Laser Therapy & Physiotherapy 24/7 EMERGENCY CARE FOR OUR CLIENTS 01692 407126 Heath Road, North Walsham NR28 0JB [email protected]


• Reepham Food Festival will not take place on Sunday 24th Cancellations May is cancelled. • Honey Bee talk at The Old School Hall, Fulmodeston. • The Spring Art Show at The Forum in Norwich on 1st April Tuesday 7th April is cancelled. is cancelled. • Book and Jigsaw Fair at Fakenham Parish Church. • All film screenings at Village Hall cancelled until Saturday 25th April is cancelled. further notice. • Crane Fruehauf Reunion. Friday 3rd April, postponed until • Village Hall film screenings are cancelled October/November. until further notice. • The Colkirk Arts Festival is postponed until later in the • Weybourne Bowls Club open days on Thursday 16th April year. The new date will be 5th/6th September. and Sunday 19th April are cancelled. • North Norfolk Fit Together activities have been suspended • Fakenham Evening WI have cancelled their April and May until further notice. meetings on Tuesday, 14th April and Tuesday, 12th May. • Norfolk & Norwich Festival due to take place Friday 8th to • Weybourne Good Companions Club is cancelled until Sunday 24th May is cancelled. further notice. • All events at South Creake War Memorial Institute • Fundraising Spring Bingo in aid of C.A.T.S. (Catch and cancelled until further notice. Treat Strays) Memorial Hall, Fakenham on • Concert at to raise funds for the bell Wednesday 15th April is cancelled. appeal on 4th April is cancelled. • Sheringham Ramblers Walks are cancelled until further • Fakenham & District Horticultural Show on 4th April is notice. cancelled. • Wells Maltings have suspended all public programmes • Art exhibition at Langham Village Hall Saturday 4th – and events until further notice. Monday 6th May is cancelled. • Norfolk Open Studios which was due to take place 23 May • Village Hall closed for all activities until – 7 June has been cancelled. further notice, including March and April screenings of •Bingo at Weybourne Village Hall is cancelled until further Hindolveston Village Cinema, and the Good Friday Pub notice. Quiz.

Holt Tourist Information PLEASE SHARE IF YOU LIVE IN CLEY OR ONE Office Closure OF THE SURROUNDING VILLAGES After recent Government advice Holt Town Council have decided to The following is a call out, being circulated by Cley Parish Council Clerk, temporarily close the Town Council Office and Tourist Information, at Gemma Harrison and Chair of Cley Parish Council, Victoria Holliday, to Nelson House, to members of the public. anyone who is remote, worried about older parents or knows of Staff will be predominantly homeworking but will be available for someone that may feel frightened, in Cley and the surrounding area: appointments where necessary. Cley Parish Council hopes you are keeping well in these difficult times. The Temporary Contact number for the Town We wanted to let you know that we are setting up a 'minder-buddy’ programme, where we buddy up with vulnerable people (older and Council is; 07385 579068 sick) in the village of Cley and the surrounding area. [email protected] The idea is that volunteers become 'minders' for those groups identified and then keep an eye out on a small group of people (buddies) in their remit. We’ve put together a list of people who are eager to help you with shopping, medication, chat and dog walking etc. Libraries to close from 21st March This is evolving fast. We are linking up with our local deli, Picnic Fayre, to curb coronavirus risk to help with deliveries. Norfolk’s libraries are to close from 4pm on 21st March, as part of the Please get in touch with Parish Clerk, Gemma Harrison, on 01263 county council’s ongoing response to coronavirus. 513269 or [email protected] Gemma would also be delighted if With the Government advising people to avoid group contact, the you got in touch, to say you are happy to help, so please contact her on county council has decided to close library buildings – with the the same number! exception of libraries offering registration appointments. Thank you all. Together we will keep our community going strong! Councillor Margaret Dewsbury, the cabinet member responsible for libraries, said: “We have kept our libraries open for as long as possible, as crucial community hubs – but the fast moving situation and updated Did you hear about my neighbour, she got caught shoplifting Government advice means we now have to close them, from 4pm on a tin of peaches? The judge asked how many peaches were in Saturday. We will maintain online services and will keep people posted the tin, she said three, and he sentenced her to three weeks on our website.” inside. What made it worse though was when her husband The council has also announced the closure of the Norfolk records told the judge she had stolen a tin of peas as well.... office and the Holt and Whitlingham outdoor centres and adult learning centres, for the same reason.

email: [email protected] 16 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 during this period and others will follow suit. We will keep you Coronavirus informed via our website and social media channels of these changes. Statement from Sarah Bütikofer, Leader of North Everyone at the council is absolutely determined to support you and each Norfolk District Council other during this crisis. This is a challenge like no other and accordingly all Leader of the Council, Sarah Bütikofer would like to your political representatives are working together to protect and assist address the residents of North Norfolk with some our community and at this time I have asked the Conservative and important information on Coronavirus (Covid19) and Independent Group Leaders to join the Cabinet so that we can co-ordinate how North Norfolk District Council is operating in these our response to this challenge effectively. I am also in daily contact with uncertain times. North Norfolk MP Duncan Baker as we co-ordinate our efforts to ensure DURING these unprecedented times, North Norfolk District Council is North Norfolk is united in its stand against Coronavirus. working with the people in our area to fight the spread of Coronavirus Please keep checking the latest Government health advice regarding together. Coronavirus via the NHS 111 online service or via Norfolk County Our absolute commitment to you is that we will continue to provide Council’s website. essential services and support to all of our residents - and particularly We all know what a wonderful place North Norfolk is and once again I those most vulnerable and at risk from COVID-19. have been truly humbled by the number of you rallying around to Of course, we’re all having to make some difficult decisions in order to do support each other and our most vulnerable residents during this crisis. what must be done to effectively combat this threat. We know that residents want to help their neighbours, their friends, their So while the council is still very much open for business and functioning to families and those they don’t even know as of yet, and we want everyone support our community, we have today announced that to protect to do that, but we need to make sure that it is done in the safest way, residents and our teams, face-to-face meetings with staff at our Cromer because fraudsters unfortunately take advantage of situations like this. and Fakenham offices have been suspended - and that residents who need We are collating a register of community, faith and locally known groups to get in touch should contact us by phone or email. that are offering assistance, and this will appear on our website shortly. A list of useful phone numbers and email addresses can be found on our Do remember to look out for yourself and all of your loved ones. website at Keep going and together we will get through this. Some local venues – such as the Pavilion Theatre on Cromer Pier – have Thank you for your support as we make these difficult decisions going already confirmed they will be closing temporarily to protect public safety forward. A Lost World by Leslie Kinsley Keeper not Poacher (part 1) I wonder how the old tale of poacher turned gamekeeper came about. In my case it was because I loved to be out among the wildlife and I loved a challenge. My Boss at the farm knew I was interested in game. I did all his rabbiting for fun as well as the extra cash from selling the rabbits I caught. In those days, rabbits were capable of taking a large part of a crop if they were not controlled. He decided to set up a shoot on one of the farms (his family owned three farms). A local syndicate of seven businessmen was formed. They paid all the costs and my Boss rented them some of his land. I took on the extra work for this in my spare time, until I retired, and then did it full time. The syndicate gave me a Land Rover and I got money on the shooting days. I loved the work, and would have done it for nothing. To start, 300 day old pheasant chicks were purchased. They were very expensive, and caring for them was hard work. I kept them indoors under a heat lamp making sure they ate and drank properly, and then they went out into a netted run with housing for night time where they could be shut up in safety. At seven weeks old, they could be taken to the release pens which were in the woods. I surrounded an area with netting and fed them there morning and night. By this age they had enough flight feathers to enable them to scramble into the bushes at night, so they were in less danger from vermin. By feeding them at 4am and 4pm I kept them on the farm for the shoot Rats, stoats, weasels and foxes were all keen to get pheasant on the menu, though the rats and also magpies were mostly interested in pheasant eggs. I have seen a Magpie follow a hen pheasant to her nest, remembering its location for raiding later. Eggs from wild pheasant and partridge were a bonus for me if I could get to them before the vermin took them. I could collect them and put them under a sitting hen. She would hatch and care for anything you put under her and do a much better job of the care than me.

the support of Holt Day Care Centre and the local volunteers to help with VOLUNTEERS JOIN IN WITH TREE the second phase of our tree planting at the park. It was a great success and we were thrilled that a group effort enabled us to get a further 500 PLANTING AT HOLT COUNTRY PARK trees planted in one session. Not only will these trees help to maintain A team of community volunteers worked with North Norfolk District and improve this Council’s (NNDC) countryside rangers to plant 500 more trees at Holt fantastic park for both our visitors and our wildlife, they will also have a Country Park, further boosting NNDC’s ongoing campaign to plant 110,000 positive impact on carbon emissions too.” trees – one for every person in North Norfolk – over the next four years. Councillor Nigel Lloyd, NNDC’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, who also As part of NNDC’s 110,000 trees campaign, Holt Country Park has been took part in the tree planting session, added: “The planting at Holt identified as an ideal location for additional trees to be planted. The Country Park is another fantastic contribution towards our target of council-run park, which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, will have 110,000 trees in four years. It is brilliant to see the local community 3,000 more trees added during this current planting season. The getting so involved. We welcome all support and ideas and we would love countryside rangers had already planted 1,500 trees at the park, and a to hear from other villages and groups who are interested in taking part. It team of volunteers from Holt Day Care Centre and a further 15 doesn’t matter whether it is a suggestion to plant one tree, 500 trees, or members of the local community joined them to plant an additional 500 more. They will all help us to meet our ambitious target and create a posi- saplings on Wednesday 11 March. The remaining tive impact on our local environment.” 1,000 trees will be planted by the countryside To support its four-year tree planting ambition, rangers. NNDC is partnering with the Woodland Trust as its The new trees being planted included a mixture of main supplier of trees. It is encouraging individuals, lime, hornbeam, oak, Norway spruce and goat willow. as well as local schools, groups and businesses, to As well as helping to take carbon out of the get involved with the campaign which is part of its atmosphere, the planting will help to maintain a journey to becoming a carbon neutral council by thriving natural wildlife habitat and ensure the park 2030. For more information and details of how to remains an ideal location for environmentally-focused get involved, visit: educational trips. Colin Brown, Sports, Recreation and Countryside Manager at NNDC, said: “We were delighted to have 17 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 North Norfolk Photographic Society Shortly before coronavirus closed everything down, North Norfolk Photographic Society held a competi- tion for printed pictures. This was on 4th March and readers might like to note that the club has suspended operations for the time being. The judge was an old and multitalented friend, Sarah Kelman. And as has been customary, there were two groups, Novice and Advanced entrants. The Novice section was dominated by John Warnes, who gained both first and third places with ‘Nature’s Art’ and ‘Nutmeg’. Nature’s Art is a photograph of a leafless tree with 5 birds perched at different places; Nutmeg is a workplace with a lady seated sorting or preparing spices for packaging and sale. Second was Martin Kurrein with ‘Tulips’ – which is a picture of a vase of – tulips! The advanced section was won by Paul Richards with his image of a ‘Mountain Hare in the White Stuff’. Which is a title that explains it all, really! Second came Liz Akers with ‘What does the Future Hold’ and third, Lizzie Wallis with ‘Dartford Warbler Display’. Sarah Kelman judged the competition with great charm and humour and is a very welcome visitor from to the club. Meetings of the North Norfolk Photographic Society are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month at the Holt Community Centre, but anyone interested in visiting would do well to check in view of the Covid-19 emergency for the time being. For further details please contact the club Secretary, Judith Wells at [email protected] or see the club website at

"Topping-out" the new Therapeutic Centre at Sheringham Woodfields School Despite challenges posed by winter weather, construction of the new Therapeutic Centre at Sheringham Woodfields School is on time and on budget, and on 11 March 2020, the ‘topping-out' ceremony took place. Members of Norfolk County Council joined staff and pupils as builders Draper and Nichols completed the final section of the building's roof. When completed and handed over in late Summer term 2020, the centre will increase the children's access to important physical therapies, and the incorporated increased group work space will create twenty-four extra school places. Ten of the children filling these places have already arrived, as have eight new members of staff. Work has been undertaken within the existing school buildings to create new classroom accommodation for them. Head Teacher James Stanbrook is delighted with progress, saying: "Credit must go to Draper and Nichols, who have managed to keep to both the timescale and budget to bring us to this point. This building will bring a new and exciting aspect to the work we do here at Sheringham Woodfields, and I'm really looking forward to welcoming a further fourteen pupils to the school in the coming months. The formal opening is scheduled to take place in September 2020. "The new facilities will help relieve the pressure on demand for special school places as part of the local authorities SEND Transformation Programme. The facilities will also be made available to other local organisations, therefore benefitting the wider community." Cllr John Fisher, Cabinet Member for Children's Services at Norfolk County Council added: "This is such an exciting milestone for Sheringham Woodfields School, its community and most importantly those families and children who are already getting the education and support they need in the extra places that this fantastic new building has already created. "It also marks the first increase in new specialist school places we've promised as part of our pledge to invest £120m in special needs education in Norfolk, and I'm pleased to see our ambition starting to come to fruition here in North Norfolk."

email: [email protected] 18 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020

JOB OPPORTUNITIES Holt Tourist Information EMPLOYERS ~ Looking for local employees? Temporary Then call Pete on 07818 653720 to advertise here Maintenance Staff Required Holt Town Council are recruiting maintenance EEststablished staff to provide temporary cover for up to six 1993 months. The post is up to 37 hours a week; however, a job share may also be considered where appropriate. The successful candidate will provide efficient and effective maintenance work around the town of Holt and ensure good standards of maintenance in all areas are obtained and adhered to. The majority of the work will take place during the working week although some weekend work is expected. Extra Hands Application form, job description and the personal specification are Providers of Home Care in Norfolk available from the Holt Town Council Website. Please return Thinking of a career in Social Care? completed application forms to The Town Clerk, Nelson House, 2 White Lion Street, Holt, NR25 6BA. Why not join our award winning team The deadline for applications is Monday 6th April. This is an exciting opportunity to join our team and be at the forefront in assisting us in the If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the delivery of Homecare in your area. Town Clerk on 07385579068. [email protected] Good rraates of pay including trraavel time and enhancements ffoor eveniinngs and weekends VVaarriious hourrss avaiillable Paid trraaiinniinng with the opporrttunittyy to gaiinn ffuurrtther qualliiffiications HOLT UNITED MANAGER VACANCY Opporrttunity to prroogrreess thrroough the orrgganisation Paul Sanders, who has managed the Colts since their Enhanced holliiday entitlement inception twelve years ago, has announced that he will Paid miilleage be standing down next season. FFrrreee Mobiille Phones On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank Paul for FFrrreee DBS ((CCRBB)) check and uniffoorrmms all he has done for the Colts as would the players that have progressed from the team to step up to the higher If you are interested in a position please call us on the numbers below level. or visit the website. We will be changing the name of the Holt Colts to Holt United Development next season and require a Manager to take on this team. North Norfolk Area: 01263 712686 If you are interested, or require more information, please send a Area: 01603 898623 written application to Holt United FC, Woodfield Road, HOLT NR25 6TX or email [email protected]. The closing date for applications is West Norfolk Area: 01485 570611 12th April. w w w . e x t r a h a n d s h o m e c a r e n o r f o l k . c o . u k West End_LayoutCharlie 1Todd, 31/01/2020 Chairman 19:55 Page 1

Silk Pillowcases by Joneth It’s widely recognised that using a silk pillowcase can help to prevent the dreaded bad hair day look! Silk doesn’t catch on the West End scales of our hair and is recommended by experts as part of hair care. Mobile Bar Hire Individual, hand made pillowcases, in an elegant and neutral shade Weddings 01263 478658 of ivory. Gift wrapped in tissue paper with a smattering of scented 01263 478658 Parties beads makes this the perfect gift for the woman who has everything 07900 370701 07900 370701 or just as a treat for yourself ...... because you’re worth it! PBDN with border_Layout 1 10/10/2019 14:58 Page 1 Events Just £26.99 including free local delivery

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Osteopathy in Holt Mr John Davis BSc Hons ĞƐŝŐŶΘWůĂŶŶŝŶŐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ Holt Consulting Rooms, Church Street NR25 6BB For further information or to make an appointment please call: WůĂŶŶŝŶŐƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ 01263 711 712 ƵŝůĚŝŶŐZĞŐƵůĂƚŝŽŶƌĂǁŝŶŐƐ Osteopathy can help treat: 9Lower back pain ǁǁǁ͘ƉůĂŶƐĂŶĚďƵŝůĚŝŶŐĚĞƐŝŐŶŶŽƌĨŽůŬ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ 999Sciatica & slipped disc 9Frozen shoulder & RSI 9  VWQLRM VLWLUKWU$ VVHQႇLWV 999Stress 9Headaches & migraines ϬϳϱϴϰϲϮϮϳϳϲ 999Neck & shoulder pain 9Sports injuries

email: [email protected] 20 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 Council ends wind turbines legal battle NNDC disappointed over Bodham and Selbrigg decision North Norfolk District Council will no longer continue its legal battle against plans to build two separate wind turbines at Bodham and Selbrigg. Despite strong objections from the Council and local residents, who argued against the turbines on grounds of the harm to landscape, heritage assets and wildlife would not be outweighed by the comparatively limited renewable energy benefits, the Planning Inspectorate has upheld its original decision to allow both turbines. Leader of the Council Sarah Bütikofer commented: “We are extremely disappointed by the latest decision of the Planning Inspectorate in the long battle to oppose these applications. “Councillors across the political spectrum have long worked together on this important issue for the community but the legal processes available to us have now been exhausted. “We have taken legal advice from Counsel who have advised us during this eight-year fight that a further challenge would have no prospect of success. We might not like the decisions but the inspector has been neither irrational nor made a serious error of law which could have affected the outcome of his decision. “We are writing to the Planning Inspectorate asking for a couple of inaccuracies to be corrected, but these will not materially change the outcome. “We ourselves are very dismayed, but as a council we have a responsibility to protect the interests of all our residents living throughout our wider area - and it would not be prudent to pursue this case further.” In reaching his decision, Planning Inspector Paul Griffiths concluded that ‘while the proposal[s] would cause some harm in terms of landscape Inspiration character and visual amenity, the overall impact of the wind turbine[s] Sometimes I sit for hours and hours awaiting inspiration. would be limited’. He went on to state he disagreed that many heritage My head is full of images and shards of animation. assets would be affected and, in his view, only Baconsthorpe Castle I need some kind of theme or plot, an idea that will spark complex would be affected by both turbines and Barningham Hall only The cogs and wheels inside my brain and get it to jumpstart! affected by the Bodham turbine. I know just how writers feel when facing that blank page, However, while harm was identified to these highly-graded heritage Or artists searching for something worth placing centre stage. assets, the Inspector concluded the public benefits of renewable energy There has to be a trigger, something that sets apart generation would more than outweigh the harm identified. The reason for this one choice, whether written word or art. The Inspector concluded both schemes complied with the Council’s policy When, finally, you hit upon the hard sought resolution, on renewable energy and, noting the District Council had declared a Imagination flowers with that elusory solution! climate emergency in April 2019, stated ‘it would be something of a At last the gates swing open and the ideas start to flow, contradiction to resist further policy-compliant schemes in the District’. Words and pictures jostle to be first in the row. Once the block is cleared, creative thoughts come in to play, “A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a Inspiration surges forth and you are on your way! Frances Wraight person perfected without trials.” Chinese Proverb

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w.Aliww k.cok.coofingugnrow.Ali m Mini Digger with driver a Local family run business with 15 years experience 21 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 BILLBOARD WANTED OLD AUDIO HI-FI SYSTEM OR SEPARATES OR COMMODORE/ BBC/ATARI COMPUTERS AND GAMES Record player, amp, CD, ITEMS FOR SALE speakers or parts etc., valve radios, valve equipment, radio parts and valves - used/unused for collector. Also unwanted record collections. This space could be used to sell your unwanted goods and make you some money. If you’ve got something to sell, LET EVERYBODY 07979 384246 KNOW. Email your FOR SALE items to: [email protected] Japanese, British bikes etc. or leave the details in The Holt Chronicle collection box in Feeney's MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS, MOPEDS Anything considered, any condition, MOT failures, non-runners etc. Newsagents, Holt and we will advertise it for you FREE OF CHARGE 07811 574822 for items totalling £300.00 or less, 50 words maximum. Items above this amount, or if you would like to include a photograph, will incur GENUINE COLLECTOR LOOKING FOR VINTAGE TOYS especially a charge. Vehicles, cars, caravans, trailers, boats, property, business diecast models. Also, low mileage older cars that have been cherished etc not accepted without charge. Animals - pets, livestock, live fish etc to add to my growing collection. Fair prices paid. Please call Nick on not accepted. Please contact Jo on 01263 821463 for further details. 07710 066828

Ice cream and sorbet maker by gelato chef Piccolo, complete with WANTED, GARAGE TO RENT IN HOLT. Must be at least 8ft wide instruction and recipe book. £15. 01263 837565. and 10ft long. Tel 07951 251477. Free to a good home Aluminium Greenhouse 6ftx4ft, 3 years old needs 6 SUPERSEDED I PHONE 5 needed to replace my broken one! Tel new panes of glass but in good condition, buyer to dismantle and remove. 07967 219411. 01328 878204. Hotpoint Aquarius TVM 570P 7KG vented tumble dryer – white. H84 – W60 - D60 cm Excellent condition £55. 2-Seater settee - cream fabric - H76 - W138 - D86cm. Excellent condition, no marks, hardly used. £60. Call CAR PARKING Colette 07843 591 013 Weybourne. Buyer to collect. LONG TERM PARKING AVAILABLE JAY-BE UK fold up bed, single, new condition, little used, very at Holt Youth Centre, Old Station Way, Holt. NR25 6DH comfortable and easy to fold out or back. Brand new in January this year. Cost £10.00 per month Buyer to collect. £200.00 o.n.o. No cheques please. 01263 860880. All proceeds to Holt Youth Centre Excel Glite Pro folding wheelchair, little used, with battery motor unit Apply to Mrs. J. Alford, Holt Youth Centre 01263 710918 (detachable) £250 ono. Phone Errol on 01263 820259. Wedding dress, beautiful, elegant ivory/off white, size 10/12, professionally altered to 5’2” length. Delicate embroidered flowers and tiny bead detailing Cromer and Sheringham on boned fitted bodice. Zip back, full skirt, train which could be shortened. Optional shoestring straps. Worn once. Dry cleaned. Cost £600 new. Now Probus Club £150 ono. 01263 860296 Briston. On Tuesday 3 March, after a tasty lunch, the award-winning author Free to collect horse manure for your garden or allotment Tel 01263 Phyllida Scrivens told the true story of a Jewish boy who escaped from 713164. Nazi Germany and went on to become the Sheriff of Norwich. His name Pair of lined, cream, self-patterned curtains £60.Width 1331/2” x drop 68”. was Joe Stirling, who sadly passed away in February. Phyllida has Super 8 Cine Projector Boots Comet P122 Dual 240 volt 50Hz AC only- written a book about Joe called ‘Escaping Hitler’ (Pen and Sword Books, lamp 12 volt 100 watt A1/231 and 2 screens (1- 40”x40”; 2- 50”x50”)£40. 2016). Square collapsible wooden playpen with hard base and mattress H 27” x W 35” £25. [email protected] or 07780 922379. Joe started life in 1924 as Gunter Stern, born in a rural village near Zeiss Ikon Compact Autofocus 35mm slide projector, spare bulb, plus 5*36 Koblenz. Having witnessed his father’s arrest during Kristallnacht in or 50 slot linear slide carousels and rollup screen: £20. Slide boxes to house November 1938, Gunter realised that the Nazi regime represented a 3200 35mm slides; £5. 01263 577571. threat to his future. After an abortive escape attempt, which involved Leisure separate grill, 5 rings v.g.c. black Cookmaster double oven cooker, walking for seven days across Northern Europe, he subsequently and cream 15 months old £150.00. Bosch dishwasher good condition, 15 arrived in England via the Kindertransport programme. Tragically, he months old £100. Siemans washing machine 6 yrs old. Free. 01263 862733. never saw his parents again. Alfred and Ida Stern did not survive the Golf - Callaway Big Bertha Warbird 3 wood – R/H graphite reg. flex shaft £20.00. 01263 710616 after 6pm. war; they perished in the Sobibor death camp in Poland. 1 ton clarke Strong Arm Engine / Workshop Crane – fully adjustable. Gunter was such a good student that he was offered a place at £150 ono. Ford 4000 Hydraulic steering column. Bought second-hand, but University to read Chemistry. He rejected the offer and never used. £100 ono. Pair Heavy Duty axle stands. Little used. £80 ono. instead volunteered to join the British Army. An injury led to Joe International B250 / 275 engine crankshaft as taken out – needs grinding. Stirling, as he was now called, spending the war in Basingstoke, where £50 ono. Ransome plough parts (epic), tractor top links and other bits – he met Jean Skitmore, his future wife, whose family came from phone for details / prices etc. Tel – 01362 683596. Foulsham. Attleborough. After the war, they moved to Norfolk, where he got a job 1 Gent Bike. £40. 1 Ladies Bike. £40. Both Apollo + Good condition. as Agent for the Labour Party in Norwich. Phone 01263 713326. Joe became a family man and a successful businessman, running a Football wheel type garden barrow – DIY & Other books, for garden etc. travel company called Stirling Holidays. He also joined Lions Mains drill + drills, spanners, tool box etc. For garden. DIY eng work. 60 International and raised lots of money for charities. Owing to his charity items. £60. 01263 710067. work, he became Sheriff of Norwich in 1975. On behalf of the 34 members present, our Chairman, Dave Williams, Claire Dye thanked Phyllida for her fascinating talk. Chartered Physiotherapist If you are a retired or nearly retired professional or businessman and ...... would like to join us at one of our monthly meetings, you will be BSc (Hons) PG Cert, MCSP, HPC, AACP registered ...... warmly welcomed. Treatment of conditions including sports injuries, arthritis, neck pain, back pain. Using various therapy techniques including joint Please contact our lunch secretary Dave Vickery on 01263 824306 or mobilisation, soft tissue techniques, massage, acupuncture, visit our website for more information. lymphatic drainage massage. Individual rehabilitation and exercise plans to suit all needs. Appointments available at Holt Holistic Centre Tough times don’t last, tough people do. 10 Station Road, Holt. 01263 711898 Anon email: [email protected]

email: [email protected] 22 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 LANGHAM DOME NEWS AND TEMPORARY CLOSURE ( Given the latest Government guidance on the social distancing measures we should all be taking to minimize social interaction between people, and the self-isolation guidance for the elderly and vulnerable people needed to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Trustees of Langham Dome have taken the decision to delay opening the Dome for the start of the 2020 season. The wellbeing of all of our staff, volunteers and visitors is the first priority - thus the Dome will not re-open as planned on 2 April and will not open in either April or May. The planned VE Day celebration on 8 May is cancelled. We will review the situation in mid May and issue further information on when the Dome may be able to re-open. The picnic garden will of course still be available, although preparatory work for the mounting of the replica Spitfire (also delayed until we can re-open) may disrupt part of the area. We will update our web site and Facebook and Instagram pages as more information becomes available. The Langham Dome winter talks have proved to be very successful - raising funds for the charity and also providing an enjoyable and informative evening for all attending. Thanks to COVID-19 we have had to postpone the last one from 26th March until the Autumn, but we intend to hold new talks in the winter of 2020/2021, and we already have plans for talks on the “History of the Ghurkhas”, RN Submarines in the Cold War and more locally the “History of the RAF’s 100 Group” based here in Norfolk. Details will follow. As readers will have seen in Issue 445 a memorial is being placed at the site of a B-24 Liberator which crashed in Field Dalling on 17 February 1945 - to honour those members of the crew who died and also two Italian POWs killed working as farm labourers in the field where the crash occurred. Two of the survivors landed by parachute on Langham airfield and the Italian POWs were on the strength of RAF Langham (by then identified as “co-operators” rather than POW’s) albeit billeted in the internet camp at . Given these links to Langham our Dome historian, John Allan, has researched the events and this is his story of that day in 1945. The Crash On 17th Feb 1945 the 466th Bomb Group, home based at Attlebridge, was tasked as part of a raid on the Magdeburg Oil Refinery in Germany. The raid was, in fact, recalled before reaching the target due to poor weather both over Europe but also deteriorating conditions of low cloud and poor visibility over the bases in East Anglia. B-24J Liberator serial number 42-50717 and named “Berlin Bound” had taken off from Attlebridge shortly after 09.00. Immediately prior to starting the engines it had been noted that the ground crew chief had been working on some sort of technical problem with the No2 (left inboard) engine but reported the issue had been fixed. Seven minutes after take-off, at approximately 09.20, and about 12 miles out to sea from the North Norfolk coast, the navigator alerted the captain to a fire in the No2 engine which was rapidly spreading to the wing, which contained fuel tanks full of high octane aviation fuel. The captain immediately turned back towards land with the apparent intention of trying to get back to Attlebridge. A radio message was sent out asking for a safe place to jettison the bomb load which also suggests the pilot believed he could keep the aircraft airborne for at least a limited time. Unfortunately the situation deteriorated rapidly with an increasing possibility that the fuel tanks could explode. The crew prepared to abandon the aircraft and, while still over the sea, and without the abandon aircraft signal having been given, three of the air gunners baled out from the camera hatch near the waist gun position in the rear of the aircraft. These three men landed in the icy waters of the North Sea, two of them drowning before they could be rescued. The navigator and front gunner remained in the aircraft until the captain give the bale out signal then abandoned the aircraft at less than 1000 feet, also via the camera hatch. They landed on RAF Langham airfield without significant injury. It was known that the Flight Engineer and Radio Operator had been seen putting on their parachutes and preparing to jump from the aircraft. Some reports have suggested that the remaining crew including the pilots had attempted to abandon the aircraft but were too low for their parachutes to Let it open. The aircraft crashed at around 09.30 at Church Farm, Field Dalling. Official records indicate three bodies were recovered at the crash site and it seems Grow likely that both pilots, the Flight Engineer and Radio Operator were still in the aircraft when it crashed. They may well have realised that they were too low ” to bale out and instead hoped to nurse the aircraft to a safe landing. Dr Ianord’s om 11am Sadly a group of Italian prisoners of war were working in the field where the Bedf drop-in aircraft crashed and tragically two were killed – one instantly and a second pril fr succumbing to injuries four days later. 4th A As always if you would like more information on the Dome and how to “Planty Pest ClinicFREE da become a Friend of Langham Dome (where annual membership gives tur unlimited free admission) or to join us as a volunteer please contact our Dome Sa Manager Calum Meadows on e-mail [email protected]. For more details on opening hours, talks, events, etc, you can also check our web site at John Blakeley

01263 588787 • SALES • SERVICE • SPARES • REPAIRS • HIRE Bob Flowerdew, Talk on “Companion Planting” Friday 24th April at 11am Tickets £7.50 HOLT MOBILITY CENTRE LTD. FOOD HALL LICENSED RESTAURANT PLANTS 01263 588777 FURNITURE TOYS CLOTHING BOOKS GIFTS MAKING LIFE EASIER! Stocking a wide range of mobility products Home visits a pleasure! Norwich Road, Bawdeswell, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 4RZ 01362 688 387 Weybourne Road, Bodham, HOLT. NR25 6QJ ... where friends meet 23 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 To advertise here Telephone Pete on <> LOCAL SERVICES <> 07818 653720

EAST COAST ROOFING Darryl Osborne Fibre Glass, Felt Flat, & Tiled PAINTER & DECORATOR 5RR¿QJX39&)DVFLD%DUJH%RDUG &ODGGLQJ /HDGZRUN )XOO\4XDOL¿HG Est. 25 years.10/20 year Guarantee 2YHU\HDUVH[SHULHQFH Free Quotes and Insurance work Mobile: 07990 901859 01328 831992 or 07850 103106 3 Hindringham Road, Bale, Fakenham NR21 0QQ Tel: 01328 878806 Mob: 07593 540220 Based near Holt email:[email protected]

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email: [email protected] 24 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 To advertise here Telephone Pete on <> LOCAL SERVICES <> 07818 653720 0855$<1(:/$1' )XOO\4XDOL¿HG 'RPHVWLF &RPPHUFLDO BUILDER FREE QUOTATIONS Over 30 Years Experience Contact Sam on All building work undertaken Simon Ellis Garden Maintenance_Layout 1 28/08/2019 19:59 Page 1 Mobile: 07900 734120 Mobile: Home: 01328 259311 Email:[email protected] 07780 903694

Woodpecker Tree Services & Access Platform Hire Garden R & J LUBBOCK BUILDERS , North Norfolk Maintenance Call O. Dixon on:  Lawn Mowing All building work undertaken Tel (01263) 833779  Hedge Trimming Free estimates given Established 1997  Weeding )XOO\,QVXUHGDQG137&4XDOL¿HG TTelephoneelephone 01263 861408  Land Clearance and more Friendly and polite service Mob: 07748 647486 All aspects of tree & hedge work undertaken Call Simon on 01263 711702 Firewood logs and wood chippings available! Email: [email protected] 07876 889972 Kings & 01263 COLOUR SERVICE Barnhams ADVERTS Group 712302 NOW AVAILABLE CONTACT PETE ON Aerial & Satellite COVERING ALL OF NORTH NORFOLK 07818 653720 Installation and Repairs 7HO RႈFH OR EMAIL Mob: 07836 354024 [email protected] Email: YLQFHEXFN#EWLQWHUQHWFRP

PASSPORT PHOTO carpenter, painter & decorator VISA - DRIVING LICENCE Š quality workmanship GUN LICENCE - BUS PASS - ID  Š competitively priced  Š 20 years experience PHOTOGRAPHERS’ GALLERY HOLT  Š no job too small 5 & 7 CROMER ROAD. NR25 6ET  Š free estimates TEL: 01263 710222 01263 712761 07825 181553

Paul French PAINTING, DECORATING AND IG Electrical Services Mark Welch GENERAL MAINTENANCE * Rewires * Extra Sockets * Lighting * Building Services Ltd (A Handy Man to Know!) * Testing * Consumer Units * All Building work undertaken. For a free quote, call: * Part P Approved * * Established 2010 * Established 14 years in Sheringham 01328 851221 call Ian on 01263 825615 01263 825865 07768 766606 01263 586224 or 07899 696861 07881 622705 [email protected]

Forever Green Garden Maintenance Maintaining beautiful gardens across North Norfolk OVER 30 YEARS Highly trained and professional service EXPERIENCE! Please contact Robert on BUILDING & RENOVRENOVATIONSRENOVAAATIONSTIONS 07966 377185 GARAGE & LOFT CONVERSIONS KITCHEN & BABATHROOMSTHROOMS PLASTERING & DRDRY LININGY LINING CARPENTRCARPENTRYY MAINTENANCE & REPAIRSREPAIRS FENCING  DECKING  PATIOSPPAATIOS LANDSCAPING  DRIVEWDRIVEWADRIVEWAYSAAYSYS GENERAL MAINTENANCE Fully insured. Free quotations on request TTel:el: 07876 808482 or 01328 878529 25 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 Jean K9_Layout 1 16/01/2020 15:30 Page 1 To advertise here Telephone Pete on <> LOCAL SERVICES <> 07818 653720

##  # #  ## UNITS TO LET DON’T RISK PAYING HIGH BT CALL OUT CHARGES! FOR WIRING FAULTS OR BROADBAND PROBLEMS For Storage NEW/SHIFT EXTENSIONS IN HOME OR OFFICE LOCAL, INDEPENDENT ENGINEER OFFERS in Hempstead Road, Holt PROMPT SERVICE AT 1/2 BT PRICES All aspects of Painting and Decorating also Barney and Fulmodestone    undertaken to the highest standard Telephone 01328 878538 !!!""""" Call 07552 851359 or 07836 616724 Burchys Pest Control Tom Starling Insects, Moles, Rabbits, Rodents, Squirrels & Wasps 07881 346660 Your local Pest Controller [email protected] on the North Norfolk Coast NPTC Trained Our Services include Aluminium Phosphide Certificated * Tree Work * Firewood & kindling * * Tree planting * Site clearance * Tel: 01263 512464 * Hedge cutting * Stump grinding * Mob: 07788 463838 Grass cutting - domestic & commercial Email: [email protected] and much more! Website: Competitive Electrical Works Domestic - Industrial - Commercial andyblake architectural technician Electrician TO ADVERTISE IN NIC EIC Registered extensions conversions new build drawings plans surveys design THE HOLT CHRONICLE Tel: 07747 068146 plans & planning PLEASE RING PETE north norfolk planning applications Email: [email protected] affordable rates 30 years experience ON 07818 653720 Website: 07801 968 163 [email protected] Changes to museum and library services due Council’s greener energy contract Deal provides 94.5% renewable energy for some facilities to coronavirus advice North Norfolk District Council is delighted to announce it has Norfolk’s Council-run museums will close and struck a new energy contract, which is set to reduce the carbon mobile libraries will stop running from now emissions of some of its facilities by 85%. The switch is the on as part of the County Council’s latest effort in the Council’s ambition to become carbon neutral by 2030, ongoing response to coronavirus. alongside other schemes such as Electric Vehicle Chargepoint installation With the Government advising people to avoid group contact, the across the district, and solar panels along the main office building. County Council has decided to shut the museums and cancel mobile Vertas (a subsidiary of Suffolk County Council) undertook the libraries, until further notice. Weddings will continue to take place at procurement on NNDC’s behalf, with the award criteria based on Norwich castle until Saturday and subsequent ones will be postponed. pricing, renewable credentials, EDI billing (a form of electronic billing) and However, it is keeping library buildings open at the moment, in a single point contact for billing. recognition that they are vital community hubs. The contract was subsequently awarded to Haven Power, who are able to Council leader Councillor Andrew Proctor said: “We are taking positive supply the Council with 94.5% green energy with REGO (Renewable Energy action with partners to keep key services like social care running, while Guaranteed Origin) Certificates. The contract runs for a period of 2 years taking heed of Government advice regarding larger venues like from April 2020. museums. Cllr Nigel Lloyd, NNDC’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, said “I am “We have business continuity plans in place and are reviewing the delighted that we have been able to secure a green energy supply at a situation every day and making decisions accordingly.” competitive rate for our offices. NNDC have begun our journey to net The museums service is planning to launch a new digital offer, to bring carbon zero, we will continue to explore all avenues to reach that goal by the Norfolk Museums Service directly into people’s homes. 2030.” In another development, the Council has amended its library rules, to help people who may be self-isolating: Amount of books you can borrow increasing to 45 Items will be automatically renewed until further notice and books to be kept at home. Existing overdue charges on accounts won’t increase over time Plan to livestream and video Storytime and Baby Bounce and Rhyme sessions each week on Facebook

email: [email protected] 26 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 To advertise here Telephone Pete on <> LOCAL SERVICES <> 07818 653720 People who care about trees ig;fsjifgbSDJHVDGH Decorators Interior and Exterior City & Guilds Qualified TREE SURGEONS Conservation & Restoration Free Estimates Blossoms new_LayoutAlso HEDGE 1 10/01/2020 CUTTING 19:40 Page 1 01263 673325 call: 07990 760905 07833 707387 [email protected] [email protected] Firewood PREMIER DENTURE SERVICE Duplicate sets made. Existing sets repaired • Locally sourced • Kiln-dried hardwood • Free local delivery Dean J Gibson JPS Jake Smith_LayoutG 1 E 11/02/2020 Carman 13:13 Page 1 Registered Dental Technician The Sawmill, Tel: 01263 837749 Mobile: 07788 716789 Tel: 01263 587561/07791 748523

Jake Smith 7KH7RLOHW'RFWRU Qualified Plumbing :RQ·WÁXVKZRQ·WÀOO N.P.K.* New builds * Exte nsioBuildersns * Loft conversions * & Heating Engineer Boilers/servicing 2YHUÁRZZRHV * Renovations * Specialist kitchen supply and fit * Bathrooms * All building works undertaken * 01263 823792 Repairs )RUDOO\RXUFLVWHUQ 07943 614974 24/7 call outs? Advanced City and Guilds qualified. QHHGV Over 35 years experience. [email protected] &DOOWKHGRFWRU Call us for information on 01263 825169 honest reliable  07825 302464 07500 118469 competent or email... [email protected] Holkham/Wells - Celebration of Coast Path accessibility their friends and family which is why I am especially pleased that improvements and stunning new circular walk members of Active Trails who assess routes for accessibility attended the An event today Thursday, 27 February, has marked the official opening of a opening. new circular walk between Holkham and Wells and accessibility In addition to the Coast Path improvements a new circular walk between improvements to a popular section of the Norfolk Coast Path. The Holkham and Wells-next-the-Sea has just been created opening-up a 6.75 section of the Coast Path between Holkham and Wells was upgraded this mile, fully signed, route in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. winter with a brand-new surface made out of locally sourced Over recent years the county council’s Norfolk Trails team have been materials which means that the formerly uneven surface can now be used creating short circular walks off the long-distance Norfolk Trails. The new by all. 6.75 mile circular walk between Holkham and Wells that has been A need for the improvements was identified after a review was carried out officially opened today takes the total number of circular routes off the by the Active Trails team who assess paths across the county. The team coast path to 29. This is in addition to 9 circular walks off the Marriott’s helps to highlight areas for improvement and creates guides to make sure Way Norfolk Trail and 8 upcoming new circular walks soon to be created people looking for walks can easily identify if a route is suitable for them off the Weavers' Way Norfolk Trail.The access improvement scheme builds or their family and friends. This work over recent years means Norfolk is on work completed last summer to completely remove stiles from the now more accessible than ever with 18 access tested route guides Peddars Way and Norfolk Coast Path to make them more accessible than covering more than 35 miles of paths. ever for everyone. Cllr Dr Marie Strong, Norfolk County Councillor for the Wells division, said: Find these and other access tested and circular walks here: “It is a privilege to live in such a beautiful part of the country and this project which will open up paths to many more people is something of The £205,000 scheme was funded by the Rural Development which the county council can be proud. It is by removing barriers we can Programme for England (RDPE) following a successful application by help people to visit and enjoy our wonderful North Norfolk coast with Norfolk County Council. WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS UPVC, Aluminium & Timber LASZLO TAXI & TRAVEL Glazing, Replacement of Locks, Hinges, * Airport transfers Handles, Letterboxes, Patio Wheels * Weddings Conservatory Roof Replacement, * Social events Double Glazed Units, & Cat Flaps We also supply & fit UPVC Windows & Doors, Garage door replacements & repairs * Up to 8 passengers Call Chris: 01263 550013 01692 620014 or 07900 265995 10 % Discount for the Return journey C & M Glass Services Covering all NR Postcodes Call 01263 663187 or Text 07501 934268 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: 27 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020

email changed - visa mastercard removed. White text shrunk, yellow larger Certass and Installation assured added SPORT AND RECREATION Holt Rugby Club determined A FOOTBALL QUIZ TO TEST to maintain club morale YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF Sadly, but inevitably, following instructions from the English Rugby Union, Holt Rugby Club have suspended all playing and training activity ‘THE BEAUTIFUL GAME’ for the time being. According to the Club’s statement: “All 1st XV, Owls “While all football is currently on hold, we will bring you XV and 3rd XV home and away fixtures are cancelled until 14th April, as hopefully interesting questions that will make you realise well as all Youth and Mini’s and both Kingswood Festivals on 5 and 12 why we miss it.....” Eric April. Home lunches arranged during this time, and the away lunches and games are also cancelled. It is likely that all arrangements from 15 1. River Plate play in which country? April through May will also be cancelled, but we will update when 2. Which league team plays in Cleethorpes? decisions are made”. 3. Which was the first Italian club to win the The Club however are determined to keep players motivated and European Cup? match-ready in the hope that play will resume before the summer 4. West Ham manager David Moyes played more times for break. Head coach Phil Sharpe has put together a contingency plan for the club he first managed than any other club. Which was that all players to maintain engagement and fitness. He will also be creating club? individual action plans and establishing goals for the more senior 5. Which Scottich player did Norwich City sign that played members of his promising young squad. over 400 times but never scored a goal? The Club has a well-established website and hopes to encourage 6. Russia as we go to press are still playing top division - who greater social networking amongst the members during this challenging are league leaders? period. Club Chairman Martyn Jackson says: “Holt has always commanded a lot of loyalty - from the players, from coaches at all levels 7. Which team withdrew from the 1950 World Cup because and from the many supporters who regularly turn up at Bridge Road. they were not allowed to play barefoot? The senior players will miss the camaraderie that surrounds all games; 8. Stoke City & Sir Stanley Matthews have never won the top the minis and colts will be disappointed that the skills they are division in England - what was the closest season to taking developing are on hold; the supporters will miss the lunches and the title? Pictured Sir Stanley friendship of the touchlines. However, I am certain that we will all 9. Why did Stoke not win title? bounce back with renewed enthusiasm, and be even more competitive, 10. When was the last match played in that season? once normal service is renewed”. Answers in the Next Issue CHESS PROBLEMS by Dr Cedric Lytton LAST ISSUE’S FOOTBALL 280. K. Tokhirjonova – M. Ju, 2018 281. Anderssen – Black, source not known QUIZ ANSWERS 1. Tranmere Rovers 2. Bolton, Wolverhampton and Wycombe 3. Ajax Amsterdam 4. London, , Birmingham, Bristol, Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Stoke 5. Swansea City 6. Lazio 7. Five. Bobby Robson, Graham Taylor, Terry Venables, Glenn Hoddle and Kevin Keegan. 8. 26-0 Preston v Hyde 1887/88 9. Dennis Wise 10. Robert Earnshaw Backgammon North Norfolk Winter Open The North Norfolk Winter Open, at Gresham Village Hall, drew 7 players who contested a round-robin of matches to 7 280. Black to play and win 281. White to play and win points with cubes – three in the morning, three in the afternoon. Solution to No. 280: 1…Re1+ 2. Rxe1 Bxd2+ wins the Q, and after 3. Brian Metcalf (Aldbrough) kindly Kxd2 Qg5+ 4. Kd1 Qxh5+ Black has material, positional advantage and organised and refereed the attacking chances. event in the absence of Cedric Adolf Anderssen, this week’s hero, won the unofficial World Lytton whose holiday and return Championship tournament, London 1851, lost a match to Paul Morphy from South Africa was delayed in 1858, but resumed it on Morphy’s almost immediate retirement until by Storm Ciara. Colin Sherriff (Langham) won the tournament and Wilhelm Steinitz defeated him in their match in 1866. I have trophy with 5/6, losing only to Brian. reconstructed (from memory) No. 281, the last in our current solving Martyn Guset (Norwich) was second with 4 ½, having drawn (one time) competition, and I cannot do better than quote (again from memory) my his match with Arthur Sinicola (Fakenham), and John Ingamells. source, a book by P. Wenman: “If ever a game looked hopeless, this (Cromer) collected third prize with 4, having lost only to Colin and would seem to be one. Black threatens mate on g2, and White Martyn. apparently has nothing better than 1. Rb8+ Kxb8 2. Qb4+ Kc8 3. Qb7+ The next (informal) meeting will be on Sunday 19 April, 10 am start, Kd8 4. Qb8+ Qc8. But actually White has…” What? same venue. New players welcome. Inquiries to Brian (01263 761310) Difficulty 4. Come on, all you back-markers, 4 points might be all or Cedric (01263 824157). Please phone first as this may be cancelled. you need! Solutions to me at 16 Lime Grove, Sheringham NR26 8NX, or Holt Barber Shop e-mail to [email protected] . 1 White Lion Street, Holt HIGH TIDE TIMES AT BLAKENEY BAR 07585 672 451 Open: Monday to Saturday 8am - 1 pm 28th March GMT 8.29am 8.42pm (closed all day Tuesday) 4th April BST 4.10am 4.46pm Open: Sunday 9 am - 12 noon 11th April BST 9.28am 9.47pm 18th April BST 4.38am 4.31pm Probably the Best Barber in Town Date Morning Afternoon email: [email protected] 28 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 International recognition for local chess player Local chess enthusiast, John Wickham, has gained recognition on the international stage. The Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) / International Chess Federation has appointed John as a FIDE Arbiter at their 90th FIDE Congress, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. An Arbiter’s role is to ensure the smooth running of events and to act in a similar manner to a football referee - sometimes using technology to spot infringements! John will now be involved in running international chess events taking place in the UK and abroad. John already has a very illustrious chess career. He is Honorary Life Vice-President of the English Chess Federation (ECF), Chairman of Norfolk County Chess Association (NCCA) and the East Anglian Chess Union (EACU) and, as a Qualified ECF Arbiter, is involved in organising and running most Chess Congresses in East Anglia and is a regular Arbiter at the British Chess Championships. In addition to this, John regularly plays chess for Aylsham Chess Club. Bob Grindrod (Chair of Aylsham Chess Club) commented: “We are very proud of John's achievement in being awarded this title by FIDE. The honour is recognition of John's hard work, dedication and performance over many years" To find out more about Aylsham Chess Club e-mail: [email protected] and for details of other Norfolk Chess Clubs visit: Chess Players Coping with COVID-19 Aylsham Chess Club players have resorted to technology to help them cope with social distancing and social isolation. Normally chess players shake hand before and after facing their opponents ‘over the board’. Norfolk County Chess Association (NCCA) has decided to suspend the 2019-20 Norfolk chess season and suggests clubs should stop playing ‘face to face chess’. Aylsham Chess Club’s novel approach is to adapt some computer software ( ) to allow their players to continue playing each other and other chess players around the world. Jonathan Reeve (Aylsham Chess Club - Secretary) commented: “We are particular concerned about elderly chess players staying healthy. One of the Aylsham Chess Club players has kindly created a ‘portal’ to allow our players to continue enjoying chess over the coming weeks. Yesterday, I played someone in Canada which was great - even though I lost!” To find out more about Aylsham Chess Club e-mail: [email protected] For details of other Norfolk Chess Clubs visit:

Review of The Missing Coda HIGH KELLING GARDEN CLUB What do Cold Play, Rachmaninoff On 9th March, Simon Dodsworth talked about the life and work of his and a small boy with a shiny piano father, Bryan. Having played a vital role in Normandy in 1944, he was keyboard tie have in common? determined to create something beautiful and, after a career with They were all brought together by Raleigh (cycles), spent the rest of his life hybridising bearded irises. His the amazing piano duettists initial material came from the States, but Bryan wanted to move away “Missing Coda” aka Matthew from the bright, blousy, top-heavy varieties favoured by the Americans Preston and Benjamin Howell, and produce irises that could withstand the British weather. He whose concert on Friday 6 March in selected for perfect form so that the stem and the flower, with its 3 The Maltings Kiln Room gave such standard upright petals and 3 falling petals, were in proportion. He also joy and pleasure to their bred for perfect branching; three discreet blooms spaced evenly down enthusiastic audience. each stem. He preferred single to gaudy bi-colours but found muted We were entertained and ‘blown away’ by the sheer dexterity of their shaded tones or plicatas (stitching of a different colour around the petal four hands on the keyboard, sometimes, they would even jump and edges) acceptable. From 50,000 seedlings he registered 55 varieties. Of change places and back again on their stools. There was even another these, twelve were awarded the Dykes Medal, the highest accolade of pair of hands when one of their pupils joined them briefly. And local the iris world, eight more than any other breeder had achieved! musician, Frances Purchas, was honoured to have their unique Bryan died in 2009 but Simon rescued many of his un-named seedlings, rendition of “happy birthday” dedicated to her! brought them to Norfolk and continues his work through the English Iris Audience members were heard using words like “a unique duo”, Company. “exhilarating fun” and “dovetailed together as one” and “bringing the Irises need very well-drained soil and a sunny aspect to bake the classics to life”. If you weren’t able to get to this performance, be sure rhizomes, which should only be half buried, otherwise they won’t to book a ticket for their next one. flower the following year. Nitrogen rots Oh, yes. And the small boy had travelled three hours to get to the the rhizomes so use only bonemeal or concert. Joolz Saunders seaweed to feed them. Plants can be - rejuvenated by removing about half the rhizomes annually, rather than lifting and dividing every five years. I shall try mine (Sherwood Pink) in a shallow pot rather than lose it among my flower borders and Feeney’s Newsagents look forward to its first bloom next year. N.B. Our next meeting (the AGM) on 27 Market Place HOLT Monday 6th April has been cancelled as have our meetings for the next 3 months, Tel: 01263 713547 we will inform members when we resume.

email: [email protected] 29 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 Police air cover extended with addition of HOLTHOLT TAXISTAXIS aeroplanes to fleet Four new bespoke aeroplanes are For a local friendly reliable service being added to the existing national fleet of police helicopters to deliver a more responsive service to the 43 police forces of England and Wales. Flying out of a custom-built base at Doncaster Sheffield Airport, the fleet of new planes will travel the length and breadth of England and Wales and respond to the same range of tasks as the helicopters. With faster flying speeds and greater endurance times, the planes will Over 10 years experience increase attendance rates to some of the more remote areas of the All drivers fully insured and country and help to keep more people safe from the air. Two of the four planes are already certificated to fly on task and have licensed by NNDC and NCC responded to 100 tasks across the UK in the last two months. Doncaster Sheffield Airport is home to one of 14 National Police Air Special services: prescriptions Service (NPAS) air bases offering support to all police forces across collected, takeaways delivered, England and Wales as part of a unique national policing collaboration. From these bases, NPAS responds to 20,000 incidents every year. children picked up from school, Ian Vause, Assistant Operations Director for the National Police Air animals to the vets Service said: “Providing a unique aerial view to police officers on the ground, the addition of aeroplanes to the National Police Air Service helicopter fleet has already boosted our ability to respond to policing needs across the UK. “Supporting the location of suspects and vehicles, of vulnerable missing Telephone:Telephone: 01263 715707 people and the policing ‘command and control’ of large public gatherings, such as sports matches and other events, air support is a Mobile: 07825 076985 vital tool in combatting crime and disorder and keeping people safe. Email: [email protected] “We save local police time when it really matters and I am delighted to be able to do this more often and in more locations through the addition of this new arm to our fleet.” Remember your home is at risk if you do not keep repayments

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email: [email protected] 30 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 Application forms are available on our website Wells Community Hospital or call Trust News – April 2020 01328 711996 or email [email protected] Due to ongoing developments with Coronavirus Thanks again to all our supporters, large and small, because without we continue to review our service provisions in you we wouldn’t be able to continue. line with Government, NHS England and Public Tel: 01328 711996 Health England guidance. Email: [email protected] At present we are remaining open until advised otherwise but many of Website: our support services, events and clinics are either operating at a reduced level and/or cancelled/ postponed - especially for those in the SHERINGHAM AND DISTRICT high-risk categories. PHILATELIC SOCIETY Please visit our website for current service availability and updates Jim Farrell, the society secretary, presented a display entitled “Pages from my Albums” at the March meeting on Monday 9th. He explained how he Please can we also ask that you follow Government & Public Health goes about collecting stamps by likening himself to a magpie! If he comes England guidelines if you are showing any signs and symptoms of across a stamp that particularly appeals to him, he will often branch out Coronavirus (COVID-19) and remain at home. from what he is currently collecting and start a new collection! In this way, he had started to gather King George VI stamps, which he had brought to Supporting your local hospital. Make a difference today! show us this evening. During this era, GB stamps were designed for use in Donations to Wells Community Hospital Trust, however large or small, GB and the same design was issued for all the British colonies, the only are much appreciated especially at this time and go towards providing difference being in the colony’s name on the stamp. These are known as the best local support we can for our community. omnibus issues and were used to celebrate occasions such as Victory As a local charity with no NHS funding, we reply heavily on your (1946), Royal Silver Wedding (1948) and the support. Universal Postal Union. Gradually, the colonies (and then as independent You can donate online through JustGiving or PayPal and to make the countries) began to produce their own designs of stamp and Jim had most of your gift, please complete a Gift Aid form so that for every examples from Pitcairn Islands and St.Helena. The second part of Jim’s pound you give we can reclaim 25p back from the government. Visit our display focussed on European countries including Finland and France in website for more details the 1930s and 1940s, with a particular interest in charity stamps, which us/make-a-donation many European countries produce as a means of raising 1000 Club WINNERS! funds for worthwhile causes 1st Prize – Mr A Marshall e.g Red Cross. The next 2nd Prize – Mrs L Fletcher meeting will be on Monday Why not join our 1000 Club had help raise valuable funds for your April 6th at West hospital? Church Hall, 7.30pm. The speaker will be Chris Southgate From as little as £4.34 per calendar month you are in with a chance of from NNPS. Further details winning first prize - £120 per calendar month, or second prize - £40 per from Jim 01263 721043 or Jerry calendar month. 01263 579529.

email: [email protected] 31 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020 TAKEAWAY MENU TAKEAWAY MENU Extensive menu available for collection from the Links Hotelor Extensive menu available for collection from the Links Hotel or Delivery (£3) to Sheringham, Cromer, the Runtons &  Delivery (£3) to Sheringham, Cromer, the Runtons & Beeston Regis FREE delivery with orders over £25 FREE delivery with orders over £25 FREE bottle of house wine with orders over £40 FREE bottle of house wine with orders over £40 Can’t eat out because everywhere is closed? Can’t eat out because everywhere is closed? We will help you eat in instead! We will help you eat in instead!  see page for full menu visit or visit for the full menu

Call 01263 838383 to place your order Call 01263 838383 to place your order Between 12 noon and 9 pm daily Between 12 noon and 9 pm daily T & Cs apply to offers T & Cs apply to offers cromer & Sheri Holt & N Walsham NewServing Life the Community Cleaning with New Life Ltd

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email: [email protected] 32 The Holt Chronicle Issue 446 27th March 2020

Cromer Sheringham Holt