Women Church
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THE MAGAZINE OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK • FALL 2019 Archways WOMEN of the CHURCH Sisters, Teachers, Healers, Leaders Immigrants and Asylum Seekers The Catholic Response Plus: Fall Education Update CYO’s Art and Essay Contest Catholic Schools, College Ministry and Beyond A New York Catholic Guesthouse A Tale of Two Pipe Organs The 74 th Annual Al Smith Dinner Engineering Meets Music to Glorify God Essential Events Around the Archdiocese Detail of the 1868 Henry Erben organ Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan Photo credit: Chris Sheridan credit: Chris Photo FROM THE CARDINAL IN MARY’S FOOTSTEPS rom the beginning, women have challenging our communities as re- been a major force in Cathol- ligious sisters, educators, evange- F icism. Aside from Jesus, what lizers, administrators, journalists, greater force is there than our Blessed justice-seekers, health-care providers, Mother, Mary, the chosen one of God? and more. Many influential women have fol- Of course, our story does not claim lowed her. St. Paul described women as to cover all of the important women of equal members in the body of Christ, the archdiocese; to do that, we would and throughout two millennia, they need a very large book! The women have been leaders, reformers, philoso- featured here are not exclusive mem- phers, teachers, scholars, healers, and bers of an elite club but, rather, stellar founders of religious orders. Many are representatives of a much bigger group. now saints to whom we turn for inter- Elsewhere in this issue, you’ll read cession in our times of greatest need. about the latest developments in our There have been churchmen who Catholic schools (page 6), the services discounted the value of women, be- of our University Apostolate (page littling their contributions and ques- 7), the CYO Art and Essay Contest tioning their qualifications as leaders (page 8), the Catholic response to the and thinkers. Men are human and migrant crisis at our southern border therefore fallible. Through the wis- (page 20), and two magnificent pipe dom of God, only one human in all the leadership of women in its grantee organs at our two cathedrals named history has been born without sin, organizations and, for the first time, for St. Patrick (page 24). and that was a woman: Mary, the honor a woman with the Happy War- As our culture and society evolve, mother of our Lord. rior Award: Mary Ann Tighe, a com- we as a Church will continue to face We are privileged to live at a mo- mercial real estate executive widely many challenges. Meeting those chal- ment in history when more women lauded for her dynamic business acu- lenges will require the work of all peo- than ever, from all walks of life, are men, philanthropy, and extraordinary ple of goodwill: young and old, male gaining the acknowledgement they pro bono work. and female. As this issue of Archways deserve for their contributions to our The central story in this edition of shows, so much heroic work is already world. Accordingly, this October, the Archways, “Women of the Church” being done by women of the Church. annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial (page 10), recognizes some of the Here’s to a fulfilling future walking Foundation Dinner will recognize many women who are changing and together in the footsteps of Jesus. Faithfully in Christ, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of New York † FALL 2019 1 Archways † FALL 2019 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Maggi Van Dorn; Kathleen Davis; Elizabeth Campbell; Pat Tursi; Dr. Anne Nolte; Sr. Gertrude Lilly, FHM 1 FROM THE 10 WOMEN CARDINAL Honoring the role of women in the Catholic Church OF THE 4 FORUM Why does the altar server ring a bell during Mass? CHURCH What happens if someone In the evolution of the Catholic dies before being baptized? Church, there are a handful of Plus: An app that reminds us to pray for one another certainties. One is that women will be crucial in carrying out 6 NEWS Christ’s ministries. Meet some of the women of the archdiocese AND NOTES Catholic schools update; who are already doing this work. keeping the faith on campus; religious education for adults; the CYO Art and Essay Contest; Leo House 20 STRANGERS turns 130; the Al Smith AT THE GATE Dinner honors women Jesus taught us to see Him 28 EVENTS in the displaced. Can we find What’s going on in the archdiocese the courage to let Him in? 24 A TALE OF TWO ORGANS CONTACT US Two cathedrals called St. Patrick’s, EMAIL: [email protected] two magnificent instruments. WEBSITE: archny.org OFFICE: 1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022 archnewyork archnewyork ny_arch archny Photo credit: Gerri Hernandez Photo FORUM ASK A PRIEST portant moment in the Mass is about When and why to take place. Typically, this pre-con- secratory bell is rung when the Holy do the altar servers Spirit is called upon to sanctify the ring a bell at Mass? bread and wine, just before the cel- ebrant begins the Institution nar- Although it is not a required prac- rative, in which Jesus’ words at the tice, an altar server often rings a Last Supper are recounted. Following small bell or bells during the conse- this, there are usually two more times cration to draw attention to the pre- when the altar bell is rung: after the cise moment when “transubstanti- consecration of the bread and of the ation” – the conversion of the bread wine. In some parishes, the bell is not and wine into the body and blood of sounded before the consecration. The Christ – takes place. bells after the consecration may be The custom originated during the rung once or three times. 11th through the 13th centuries, when luminate the Eucharist at its elevation. At the parish where I offer Mass theologians were attempting to de- Altar servers were even warned not to on weekends (St. John Nepomucene fine more precisely the way in which use too much incense at this part of Church in Manhattan), not only is the Christ is present in the Eucharist. As the Mass so that the faithful’s view of small bell used at Mass, but the large Catholics continued to meditate on the Eucharist wouldn’t be obstructed. bells of the church are also rung during this profound mystery, various litur- In some places, in addition to the the elevation of the Eucharist. This gical practices were introduced in or- ringing of an altar bell after the con- homage to medieval practice serves der to signal His presence on the altar secration, the large bells of parish as a stirring witness to the Church’s under the appearance of bread and churches were also rung so that those faith in the Real Presence, as the sound wine. For example, in the 12th century, throughout the town or in the fields of the church bells resonates through priests began the practice of elevating could pause from their work to kneel the city streets, inviting all to observe the host following the consecration. and pay honor to the Eucharistic Lord. a moment of prayerful gratitude to In France and England, a dark cur- Today, the ringing of a small bell Christ for making Himself present to tain was sometimes drawn to create a or bells at Mass remains a custom in us in the Holy Eucharist. background against which the Eucha- many of our parishes. According to ristic host could be seen more clearly. the Church’s liturgical books, the first Fr. Matthew Ernest At early morning Masses, when it was ringing may take place prior to the Director, Office of Liturgy still dark, a candle was often lit to il- consecration, as a sign that this im- Professor, Saint Joseph’s Seminary What happens to good people who die without being baptized? According to the Catechism of the is necessary for salvation for those to corporated into the Church) cannot Catholic Church, “The Lord Himself whom the Gospel has been proclaimed go to Heaven (see John 3:3-5). Yet, in affirms that baptism is necessary for and who have had the possibility of the words of the Catechism quoted salvation. He also commands His dis- asking for this sacrament” (no. 1257). above, there is an implied exception ciples to proclaim the Gospel to all As a general rule, then, a person for “those to whom the Gospel has nations and to baptize them. Baptism who is not baptized (and thus not in- [not] been proclaimed.” 4 † FALL 2019 This does not mean a person can be reached by the Gospel and thus were to Heaven. Absent any clear under- saved without Christ and the Church, never given an opportunity to ask for standing of Divine Revelation on the nor does it deny the necessity of bap- baptism. Such people, however, must topic, we have no definitive answer for tism. Rather, it means it is sometimes use their intellect to seek the truth this highly emotional question, but possible to receive the grace of bap- and the good and follow their correct- we can have hope. As the Catechism tism – that is, the justification of the ly formed conscience. (no. 1283) says: “With respect to chil- sinner – without receiving the sac- The Second Vatican Council, in the dren who have died without baptism, rament. In all cases, however, some Lumen Gentium (no. 16), affirmed the liturgy of the Church invites us to form of faith is required. that Heaven is attainable to people trust in God’s mercy and to pray for The Church has always taught that if “who through no fault of their own do their salvation.” a catechumen – one who is preparing not know the Gospel of Christ or His Christ sent His Apostles to preach to be baptized – dies before receiv- Church, yet sincerely seek God and, the Gospel, make disciples (i.e., to ing the sacrament, he or she is saved moved by grace, strive by their deeds convert people) and baptize them by faith and by the explicit desire (in to do His will as it is known to them (see Matthew 28:19-20); and baptism Latin, votum) to receive it.