Two Yoga workshops are being offered at the Hostel La Batise ( in the small alpine village of Bionaz (, Aosta, ) from 1st to 8th August and from 8th to 15th August 2009. Paolo Rava (certified Iyengar teacher Intermediate Junior II and experienced mountain climber), and other trained teachers, will lead participants in daily Yoga learning and practice and (optionally) hikes in nature in the neighbouring mountains, which are among the most beautiful, secluded and wild in the Alps. The workshop embodies how Yoga complements mountain hiking, by creating a spiritual and physical mood conducive to mountain hiking in a non- competitive way. Accommodation is in rooms with several beds in the Hostel La Batise. Yoga lessons will be given in two levels: beginners and intermediates (more than one year practice in Iyengar Yoga, bilingual class Italian English). The schedule for beginners is as follows: mornings 7:00-9:00; evenings 17:00-19:00; the schedule for intermediates is as follows: mornings 7:00-9:00; evenings 17:30-20:00. The first lessons will be on 2nd and on 9th August morning, the last lessons 8th and on 15th August morning respectively for the two workshops. Non-residential students are also accepted. Bionaz can be easily reached by car or bus from Aosta; arrival in Bionaz is on the evenings of Saturday 1st and 8th August respecitvely for the two workshops. The total cost of one workshop is 370 Euro; this includes all lessons, excursions, accommodation, breakfast and dinner. For further information and applications please contact Cell +39-338-6658053, ph +39-011-9681179 (home), ph +39-011-4240237 (working hours) email: [email protected]

Yoga, an ancient discipline originating in India, consists of a series of positions to be practised with the control of a constant mind awareness, allowing to overcome physical, emotional and mental blocks. B.K.S. Iyengar has renewed and interpreted yoga, developing a method that gives a particular emphasis on the precision of positions (asana) and breathing (pranayama) and their effect on the body and mind. Practice of asanas involves a continuous alignment and extension of the dorsal spine and other parts of the body. These positions can be practised at different levels by everyone. During the practice a condition is obtained in which strength is joined to calm and relaxation. Activating every part of the body, yoga practice gives a feeling of lightness and freedom, improves health and increasing attention and awareness allows each person to face daily life with more energy and increased efficiency.