
Random bosonic states for robust quantum metrology

M. Oszmaniec,1 R. Augusiak,1, 2 C. Gogolin,1, 3 J. Kołodynski,´ 1 A. Acín,1, 4 and M. Lewenstein1, 4 1ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain∗ 2Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland 3Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Straße 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 4ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Lluis Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain We study how useful random states are for quantum metrology, i.e., whether they surpass the classical limits imposed on precision in the canonical phase sensing scenario. First, we prove that random pure states drawn from the Hilbert space of distinguishable particles typically do not lead to super-classical scaling of precision even when allowing for local unitary optimization. Conversely, we show that random pure states from the symmetric subspace typically achieve the optimal Heisenberg scaling without the need for local unitary opti- mization. Surprisingly, the Heisenberg scaling is observed for random isospectral states of arbitrarily low purity and preserved under loss of a fixed number of particles. Moreover, we prove that for pure states a standard photon-counting interferometric measurement suffices to typically achieve resolutions following the Heisen- berg scaling for all values of the phase at the same time. Finally, we demonstrate that metrologically useful states can be prepared with short random optical circuits generated from three types of beam-splitters and a single non-linear (Kerr-like) transformation.


Quantum metrology opens the possibility to exploit quan- tum features to measure unknown physical quantities with ac- curacy surpassing the constraints dictated by classical physics [1–4]. Classically, by employing N probes to independently sense a parameter, the mean squared error of estimation scales at best as 1/N. This resolution is also known as the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) [5]. Quantum mechanics, however, al- lows one to engineer entangled states of N particles which, when used as probes, can lead to resolutions beyond the SQL. Crucially, in the canonical phase sensing scenario a precision scaling like 1/N 2, known as the Heisenberg Limit (HL) [6], FIG. 1. (color online) LU-optimised lossy quantum metrology pro- may be attained. In practice, the destructive impact of noise tocol: A given state ρ is adjusted with local unitary (LU) operations must also be taken into account [7–9], but quantum-enhanced V1,...,VN to probe as precisely as possible small fluctuations of resolutions have been successfully observed in optical interfer- the parameter ϕ, which is independently and unitarily encoded into N N − k ometry [10, 11] (including gravitational-wave detection [12]), each of the constituent particles. Finally, only particles are measured, reflecting the possibility of losing k of them. The most ultracold ion spectroscopy [13, 14], atomic magnetometry general measurement is then described by a positive-operator-valued [15, 16], and in entanglement-assisted atomic clocks [17, 18]. measure (POVM), i.e., a collection of positive semi-definite opera- N−k A fundamental question is to understand which quantum tors {Πn }n which act on the remaining N − k particles and sum states offer an advantage for quantum metrology. Quantum- up to the identity. The process is repeated ν times, in order to con- enhanced parameter sensitivity may only be observed with struct the most sensitive estimate of the parameter, ϕ˜, based on the ν systems exhibiting inter-particle entanglement [19], thus, such measurement outcomes {ni}i=1. enhanced sensitivity can be used to detect multipartite entan- glement [20–23] and lower-bound the number of particles be- achieved with states whose geometric measure of entangle- ing entangled [24, 25]. However, the precise connection be- ment vanishes in the limit N → ∞ [30]. tween entanglement and a quantum metrological advantage is Here, we go beyond merely presenting examples of states so far not fully understood. leading to quantum-enhanced precision. Instead, we conduct It is known that states achieving the optimal sensitivity must a systematic study by analyzing typical properties of the quan- arXiv:1602.05407v4 [quant-ph] 11 Jan 2017 have entanglement between all their particles [25], like for ex- tum and classical Fisher information on various ensembles of ample the Greenbegrer-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state (equiva- quantum states. First, we show that states of distinguishable lent to the N00N state in optical interferometry), yet there also particles typically are not useful for metrology, despite hav- exist classes of such states which are useless from the metro- ing a large amount of entanglement as measured by the entan- logical perspective [26]. The optimal states, however, belong glement entropy [31–34] and various other measures [35–38]. to the symmetric (bosonic) subspace, from which many states On the contrary, we show most pure random states from the have been recognized to offer a significant advantage in quan- symmetric (bosonic) subspace of any local dimension achieve tum metrology [26–28]. On the other hand, a very weak form resolutions at the HL. Moreover, we prove that the usefulness of entanglement—so-called undistillable entanglement—may of random symmetric states is robust against loss of a finite lead to Heisenberg scaling [29], while any super-classical scal- number of particles, and holds also for mixed states with fixed 2− ing arbitrarily close to the HL (1/N with  > 0) can be spectra (as long as the distance from the maximally mixed state in the symmetric subspace is sufficiently large). This is in stark contrast to the case of GHZ states, which completely lose their (otherwise ideal) phase sensitivity upon loss of just a ∗ [email protected] single particle. Third, we show that, even for a fixed measure- 2 ment, random pure bosonic states typically allow to sense the termine the optimal strategy of preparing quantum probes, so phase at the HL. Concretely, this holds in the natural quantum that after interaction with the devices the probes can be mea- optics setting of photon-number detection in output modes of sured in a way that reveals highest sensitivity to fluctuations of a balanced beam-splitter [39] and independently of the value the parameter ϕ. Crucially, in quantum mechanics one has the of the parameter. Finally, we demonstrate that states gener- freedom to apply the devices “in parallel” to a (possibly entan- ated using random circuits with gates from a universal gate-set gled) state ρ of N particles—see Fig.1. The whole process is on the symmetric subspace consisting only of beam-splitters assumed to be repeated many ν  1 times, so that sufficient and a single non-linear Kerr-like transformation also typically statical data is always guaranteed. Note that parameter sens- achieve Heisenberg scaling—again even for a fixed measure- ing is the most “optimistic” metrology setting [57], in the sens ment. As all our findings also equally apply to standard atomic that any type of general phase estimation problem that also ac- interferometry [40–43]. Our work shows that metrological counts for the non-perfect prior knowledge about the value of usefulness is a more generic feature than previously thought ϕ or finite size of the measurement data is bound to be more and opens up new possibilities for quantum-enhanced metrol- difficult [58]. ogy based on random states. Let pn|ϕ be the probability that (in any given round) the Lastly, let us note that, as metrological usefulness of quan- measurement resulted in the outcome n given that the initial tum states is tantamount to the notion of state macroscopicity state was ρ and the parameter was ϕ. Then, the mean squared [44], our results directly apply in this context [45, 46]. More- error ∆2ϕ˜ of any unbiased and consistent estimator ϕ˜ of ϕ is over, since states attaining HL can be used to approximately lower-bounded by the Cramér-Rao Bound (CRB) [57]: clone N quantum gates into as many as N 2 gates as N → ∞, one can immediately use our findings to also infer that typi- 2 1 ∆ ϕ˜ ≥  , (1) cal symmetric states provide a resource allowing for optimal ν Fcl pn|ϕ asymptotic replication of unitary gates [47, 48]. Our results are based on leveraging recent insights concern- where ing the continuity of quantum Fisher information [30], mea-  2 X 1 dpn|ϕ sure concentration techniques [35, 49–51], lately proven re- F p  := (2) cl n|ϕ p dϕ sults about the spectral gap in the special unitary group [52], n n|ϕ as well as the theory of approximate t-designs [53–55]. Our work sheds new light on the role of symmetric states in is the classical Fisher information (FI). Importantly, in the quantum metrology [26–28, 46, 56]. In particular, it clarifies phase sensing scenario, the CRB (1) is guaranteed to be tight the usefulness of symmetric states from the typicality perspec- in the limit of large ν [57]. The classical Fisher information, tive [26], but also analytically confirms the findings about their hence, quantifies in an operationally meaningful way what is typical properties previously suggested by numerical compu- the ultimate resolution to the fluctuations of ϕ with a given ations [46, 56]. measurement and state. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec- The quantum device is taken to act on a single particle (pho- tionII we introduce the setting of quantum parameter estima- ton, atom, etc.) with Hilbert space Hloc of finite dimension : tion including the classical and quantum Fisher information d = | Hloc | via a Hamiltonian h, which without loss of gen- and their operational interpretation. In Section III we famil- erality we assume to be traceless (any nonzero trace of h can iarize the reader with the technique of measure concentration always be incorporated into an irrelevant global phase-factor). and introduce some additional notation. In SectionIV we The device unitarily encodes the unknown parameter ϕ by performing the transformation e−ihϕ. The multi-particle state present our results on the lack of usefulness of random states ⊗N of distinguishable particles for quantum metrology. Subse- ρ ∈ HN := (Hloc) moves along the trajectory quently, in SectionV we show that states from the symmet- ϕ 7→ (e−ihϕ)⊗N ρ (eihϕ)⊗N , ric (bosonic) subspace typically attain the HL. Following that, (3) in SectionVI, we analyze the robustness of metrological use- corresponding to the unitary evolution with the global Hamil- fulness of such states under noise and loss of particles. In tonian Section VII we turn our attention to the classical Fisher in- formation in a concrete measurement setup. We prove that N X (j) with random pure symmetric states Heisenberg scaling can be H := HN := h . (4) typically achieved with a physically accessible measurement j=1 setup—essentially a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with par- ticle number detectors. Finally, in Section VIII, we demon- The measurement is defined by a positive-operator-valued N strate that symmetric states whose metrological properties ef- measure (POVM), {Πn }n, acting on the whole system (or, fectively mimic those of random symmetric states can be pre- while accounting for particle losses, only on the remaining to P N pared by short random circuits generated from a universal N − k particles, see Fig.1) and satisfying n Πn = I. It gate-set in the symmetric subspace. We conclude our work yields outcome n with probability in SectionIX. N −iHϕ iHϕ pn|ϕ = tr Πn e ρ e . (5) In the seminal work by Braunstein and Caves [59], it was II. QUANTUM METROLOGY shown how to quantify the maximal usefulness of a state ρ in the above scenario by maximizing the classical Fisher infor- We consider the canonical phase sensing scenario of quan- mation (2) over all possible POVMs. The resulting quantity tum metrology [6], in which one is given N devices (black is called quantum Fisher Information (QFI). It depends solely boxes) that encode a phase-like parameter ϕ. The task is to de- on the quantum state ρ being considered and the Hamiltonian 3

H responsible for the parameter encoding and we denote it Let us also recall that the QFI is a convex function on the space by F(ρ, H). A QFI scaling faster than linear with N (for the of quantum states. This reflects that mixing states can never fixed local Hamiltonian h) ultimately leads to super-classical increase their parameter sensitivity above their average sensi- resolutions by virtue of the CRB (1). Since the Hamiltonian tivity. This, together with the fact that the QFI is also additive (4) is local and parameter-independent, the ultimate HL is un- on product states [2,3], directly proves that only entangled 2 ambiguously given by Fcl ∝ N with super-classical scaling states can lead to resolutions beyond the SQL. being possible solely due to the entanglement properties of ρ and not due to a non-local or non-linear parameter dependence [60–62]. Importantly, thanks to the unitary character of the pa- III. CONCENTRATION OF MEASURE PHENOMENON rameter encoding (3), resolutions that scale beyond SQL can indeed be attained in metrology [8,9]. Before presenting our main results, we briefly discuss a key Although in the phase sensing scenario the optimal mea- ingredient for their proofs—the concentration of measure phe- surement can be designed for a particular value of ϕ, it is of- nomenon [49–51]. For a more detailed discussion we point the ten enough to know, prior to the estimation, the parameter to reader to AppendixA. For any finite dimensional Hilbert space lie within a sufficiently narrow window of its values, as then we denote by µ (H) the Haar measure on the special unitary there exist a sequence of measurements which eventually—in group SU (H). The Haar measure can be thought of as the the limit of many protocol repetitions (ν → ∞ in Fig.1) with uniform distribution over unitary transformations. We denote measurements adaptively adjusted—yields a classical Fisher by PrU∼µ(H)(A(U)) the probability that a statement A holds information that still achieves the QFI [63]. Crucially, the op- for unitaries U drawn from the measure µ (H) and by timal scaling of the QFI achievable in the phase sensing sce- 2 nario is proportional to N , what proves the Heisenberg scal- E f(U) := dµ (U) f(U) (9) ing to indeed be the ultimate one. U∼µ(H) ˆSU(H) For the sake of having a concise terminology, we call a fam- the expectation value of a function f : SU (H) → R. Our find- ily of states for increasing N useful for quantum sensing if ings concern the typical value of such functions. For example, there exists a Hamiltonian h in Eq. (3) such that the corre- f(U) could be the QFI of some family of so-called isospectral sponding QFI scales faster than N (i.e., F(ρ, H) ∈/ O(N)) states, i.e., states of the form U ρ U †, with ρ some fixed state in the limit of large N. In contrast, we say that the family on H and U ∼ µ (H) a unitary drawn from the Haar measure of states is not useful for quantum sensing (and hence also on SU(H) [37]. Note that as F(U ρ U †,H) = F(ρ, U † HU) for all less “optimistic” metrological scenarios), if its QFI (this follows directly from Eq. (7)), all our results can also scales asymptotically at most like N (i.e., F(ρ, H) ∈ O(N)). be interpreted as being about random Hamiltonians instead of We adopt the above nomenclature for the sake of brevity random states. and concreteness. However, let us stress that states reach- To show that for almost all U the value of such a function ing beyond SQL, despite not preserving super-classical preci- is close to the typical value and that this typical value is close sion scaling, may also yield dramatic precision enhancement to the average, we repeatedly employ the following concentra- (e.g., squeezed states in gravitational detectors [12]), which, tion of measure inequality [50]: in fact, guarantees then their rich entanglement structure [20–    2  25]. Nevertheless, it is the super-classical precision scaling |H| Pr f (U) − E f ≥  ≤ 2 exp − that manifests the necessary entanglement properties to be U∼µ(H) U∼µ(H) 4L2 maintained with the system size. In particular, its protection (10) at the level of QFI has recently allowed to design novel noise- It holds for every  ≥ 0 and every function f : SU (H) → R robust metrology protocols [64, 65]. that is Lipschitz continuous (with respect to the geodesic dis- In the remainder of this section we give a mathematical def- tance on SU (H)) and thus possesses its corresponding Lips- inition of the QFI and discuss some of its properties. The QFI chitz constant L. Recall that the Lipschitz constant gives the has an elegant geometric interpretation [59] as the “square bound on how fast the value of a function can change under of the speed” along the trajectory (3) measured with respect a change of its argument. For a formal definition of L see p to the Bures distance dB(ρ, σ) := 2 [1 − F (ρ, σ)], where Eq. (A5) in AppendixA, where we explicitly prove bounds on p F (ρ, σ) := tr ρ1/2 σ ρ1/2 is the fidelity. This allows one to Lipschitz constants of all the functions relevant for our con- define the QFI geometrically [66]: siderations. Let us here only note that as both the FI (2) and the QFI (6) are non-trivial (in particular non-linear) functions  2 −iHϕ iHϕ of quantum states, we need to resort to advanced techniques F (ρ, H) := lim 2 dB ρ, e ρ e /|ϕ| . (6) ϕ→0 of differential . Before we move on to our results, we introduce a minimal This geometric interpretation of QFI is key for the derivation amount of additional notation: Given two functions f, g we of the following results. Using the spectral decomposition of N write f(N) ∈ Θ(g(N)) if both functions have the same be- Pd a quantum state ρ = j=1 pj|ejihej|, with pj ≥ 0 denoting haviour in the limit of large N (up to a positive multiplicative its eigenvalues, we can write the QFI more explicitly as [2,3]: constant) and write f(N) ∈ O(g(N)) if there exists a con- 2 stant C such that f(N) ≤ C g(N) in the limit of large N. X (pj − pk) 2 F (ρ, H) = 2 |hej|H |ek i| , (7) Slightly abusing notation, we sometimes also use the symbols pj + pk j,k: pj +pk6=0 Θ(f(N)) and O(f(N)) to denote an arbitrary function with the same asymptotic behavior as f. For any operator X we which for pure states, ρ = ψ, simplifies further to the variance 2 denote its operator norm by ∆ H ψ of H, that is, kX|ψik h 2i : 2 : 2 kXk = sup , (11) F (ψ, H) = 4 tr ψH − tr (ψH) = 4∆ H ψ . (8) |ψi6=0 k|ψik 4 where k|ψik = phψ|ψi stands for the standard vector norm. Conversely, a direct computation of the average non LU- 2 Then, the trace and the√ Hilbert-Schmidt norms of X are de- optimized QFI yields a lower bound of order Nkhk . Ap- † p † fined as kXk1 := tr X X and kXkHS := tr (X X), re- plying a concentration inequality of the type given in Eq. (10) spectively. These generally obey the relation kXk≤kXkHS ≤ yields the result (see AppendixD for details). kXk1. Due to the convexity of QFI the typical behavior of the QFI on any unitary-invariant ensembles [66] of mixed density ma- IV. FUTILITY OF GENERAL RANDOM STATES trices in HN can only be worse than that of pure states pre- dicted by the above theorem. Furthermore, a bound similar First, we show that Haar-random isospectral states of dis- to Eq. (17) can also be derived for Hamiltonians H with few tinguishable particles are typically not useful for quantum body terms, like for example such with finite or short range in- metrology even if they are pure and hence typically highly teractions on regular lattices or those considered in Ref. [60]. entangled [31–33, 35–38]. This remains true even if one al- Lastly, let us remark that, as we consider the most optimistic lows for local unitary (LU) optimization before the parameter phase sensing protocol, Theorem1 also disproves possibility is encoded (see Fig.1). Note that in the special case d = 2 of super-classical scalings of precision when considering ran- the LU-optimization of the input state is equivalent to an opti- dom states in any general phase estimation protocol [58], e.g., mization over all unitary parameter encodings. The maximal the Bayesian single-shot scenarios [68–70]. achievable QFI with LU-optimization is given by The above proof relies on the fact that most random states on H have very mixed two-particle marginals. Thus, high FLU (ρ, H) := sup F V ρ V †,H , (12) N V ∈LU entanglement entropy is enough to make random pure states on HN useless for quantum metrology. Complementing this, where LU denotes the local unitary group, i.e., a group con- in [30] it has been proven that non-vanishing geometric mea- sisting of unitaries of the form V = V1 ⊗V2 ⊗· · ·⊗VN with Vj sure of entanglement Eg (ψ) ∈ Θ (1) is at the same time acting on the j-th particle of the system (see Fig.1). Despite necessary for Heisenberg scaling (recall that the geometric the fact that for other states this sometimes boosts their QFI measure of entanglement for a pure state ψ is defined as [26], we have the following no-go theorem for random states Eg(ψ) := 1 − maxσ∈SEP tr(ψσ), where SEP denotes the from the full Hilbert space HN of distinguishable particles: set of separable states in D (HN )). Interestingly, pure random states of N particles do typically satisfy Eg (ψ) ≈ 1 [36]. Theorem 1 (Most random states of distinguishable particles This, together with Theorem1 shows that, contrary to a recent are not useful for metrology even after LU-optimization). Fix conjecture of Ref. [71], high geometric measure of entangle- a local dimension d, single-particle Hamiltonian h, and a pure LU LU † ment is not sufficient for states to exhibit super-classical pre- state ψN on HN . Let F (U) := F (U ψN U ,H), then cision scaling in quantum metrology. Let us however note that this is consistent with numerical findings of Ref. [46]. That   dN  LU  the presence or absence of super-classical scaling of the QFI Pr F (U) ∈/ Θ(N) ≤ exp −Θ 2 (13) U∼µ(HN ) N arises solely from the two-particle marginals has recently also been noted in Ref. [72]. Proof sketch. From Eq. (8) we have that F(ψ, H) ≤ 4 tr(ψ H), which implies

LU †  † 2 † F U ψN U ,H ≤ 4 sup tr U ψN U VH V V. USEFULNESS OF RANDOM SYMMETRIC STATES V ∈LU X  † (j) † (k) † (14) = 4 sup tr U ψN U Vj h Vj Vk h Vk . We now turn to the study of random states from the sym- V1,...,VN ⊗N j,k metric (bosonic) subspace of N qudits, SN := span{|ψi : N+d−1 |ψi ∈ Hloc}, which is of dimension |SN | = ∈ The terms with j = k give a contribution of at most N Θ N d−1. This subspace of states contains metrologically 4 N khk2. In the remaining terms, however, the operator (j) † (k) † useful states such as the GHZ state or the Dicke states [27] Vj h Vj Vk h Vk is traceless, so that and naturally appears in experimental setups employing pho- tons and bosonic atoms [3]. For the special case d = 2 it X  † (j) † (k) † sup tr U ψN U Vj h Vj Vk h Vk was proven in [26] that with LU optimization almost all pure V ,...,V LU 2 1 N j6=k symmetric states exhibit F > 4 N khk . (15) 2 X † 1 2 In what follows we consider random isospectral symmetric ≤ khk tr¬j,k(U ψN U ) − /d 1 . † states, i.e., states of the form U σN U with σN being a fixed j6=k 1 state on SN and U ∼ µ (SN ). By σmix = SN /|SN | we de- † 2 note the maximally mixed state in SN . In particular, we prove But, the average of k tr¬j,k(U ψN U ) − 1/d k1 can be upper bounded exponentially [67] as that typically such symmetric states achieve a Heisenberg-like scaling, provided that the spectrum of σN differs sufficiently 2 from the spectrum of σmix. Interestingly, this holds even with- † 2 d tr¬j,k(U ψN U ) − 1/d ≤ √ , (16) E 1 N out LU-optimization: U∼µ(HN ) d so that Theorem 2 (Most random isospectral symmetric states are useful for quantum sensing). Fix a single-particle Hamilto-  (N − 1) d2  nian h, local dimension d and a state σ from the sym- FLU(U) ≤ 4Nkhk2 1 + √ . (17) N E N U∼µ(HN ) d metric subspace SN with eigenvalues {pj}j. Let F(U) := 5

† F(U σN U ,H), then A. Depolarising noise

 2 2 Pr F (U) < dB(σN , σmix) Θ N We first investigate how mixed σN may become while still U∼µ(SN ) (18) providing a quantum advantage for metrology. To this aim, we  3 d−1 consider a concrete ensemble of depolarized states: ≤ exp − dB(σN , σmix) Θ N . Example 1 (Depolarized random symmetric states). Fix a lo- Proof sketch. We use the standard integration techniques (see cal dimension d, single particle Hamiltonian h, and p ∈ [0, 1]. AppendixC for details) on the unitary group to show that Let ψN be a pure state on SN and set

2 σ (p) = (1 − p) ψ + p σ . (23) E F(U) = tr(h ) G(N, d) Λ({pj}j) , (19) N N mix U∼µ(SN ) † Let Fp (U) := F(U σN (p) U ,H), then for every  > 0 where 2 d−1 Pr (| Fp(U) − E Fp| ≥ Fp) ≤ exp − Θ N , U∼µ(S ) 4 N (N + d) |SN | N G(N, d) := , (20) (24) d (d + 1) |SN | + 1 where E Fp := EU∼µ(SN ) Fp is given by Eq. (19) with and Λ({p } ) is a function of the eigenvalues {p } which for j j j j (1 − p)2 pure states attains Λ = 1. Therefore, for the case of pure states Λ = Λp := . (25) we have 1 − p + 2 p/|SN |

† 2 The above example shows that for all values of p < 1, the E F(UψN U ,H) = tr(h ) G(N, d) (21) Heisenberg scaling of the QFI is typically retained. The QFI U∼µ(SN ) then still concentrates around its average, which is of order N 2 N where ψN is an arbitrary pure state on SN . From this it clearly . Moreover, we observe that for large , the average value follows that the average QFI of random pure symmetric states of QFI of random symmetric depolarized states decreases es- exhibits Heisenberg scaling in the limit N → ∞. Moreover, sentially linearly with p as |Λp − (1 − p)| ≤ 2/|SN |. Finally, it turns out that Λ({pj}j) satisfies the inequality Eq. (24) is a large deviation inequality for QFI on the ensam- ble of depolarized pure symmetric states, with the mean E Fp. 2 The average E Fp for the special case p = 0 is given by (21). |SN | dB(σN , σmix) Λ({pj}j) ≥ . (22) |SN | − 1 2 B. Finite loss of particles The inequality (18) follows now from concentration of mea- sure inequalities on SU (S ) (see AppendixD for a detailed N Next we investigate whether the Heisenberg scaling of ran- proof). dom symmetric states is robust under the loss of particles. We model the particle loss by the partial trace over k ≤ N par- As the Bures distance to the maximally mixed state ticles, i.e., σN 7→ trk (σN ) for a given state σN . Note that dB(σN , σmix) enters the theorem in a non-trivial way, we il- due to the permutation symmetry of state σN considered, it lustrate the power of the result by showing that even states does not matter which particles are lost. In particular, such that asymptotically move arbitrary close to σmix still typically mechanism is equivalent to the situation in which one is ca- achieve a super-classical scaling: pable of measuring only (as if distinguishable) N − k of the particles. We are therefore interested in typical properties of Corollary 1 (Sufficient condition for usefulness of random †  PN−k (j) F trk(U σN U ),HN−k , where HN−k = h and isospectral symmetric states). Let U σ U † be an ensemble of j=1 N U σ U † is a random isospectral state on S . isospectral states from the symmetric subspace S with eigen- N N N For comparison, let us recall that the GHZ-state, which is values {p } . Theorem2 implies that random states drawn j j known to be optimal in quantum sensing [5], becomes com- from such a ensemble are typically useful for sensing as for pletely useless upon the loss of just a single particle as the any α < min {1/2, (d − 1)/3} they yield a precision scaling remaining reduced state is separable. In contrast, sufficiently 1/N 2(1−α) provided that d (σ , σ ) ≥ 1/N α. B N mix pure random bosonic states typically remain useful for sensing even when a constant number of particles has been lost. Even Let us remark that Theorem (2) constitutes a fairly com- the Heisenberg scaling ∼ 1/N 2 of the QFI is preserved: plete description of the typical properties of QFI on various ensembles of isospectral density matrices. Typical properties Theorem 3 (Random isospectral symmetric states are typi- of entanglement and its generalizations on sets of isospectral cally useful under finite particle loss). Fix a local dimension density matrices were analyzed in Ref. [37]. d, single particle Hamiltonian h, and a state σN on SN with † eigenvalues {pj}j. Let Fk (U) := F(trk U σN U ,HN−k), then VI. ROBUSTNESS TO IMPERFECTIONS   2  2 N Pr Fk (U) < kσN − σmixkHS Θ d U∼µ(SN ) k Next we underline the practical importance of the above (26)  N d−1  results by showing that the usefulness of random symmetric 4 ≤ exp −kσN − σmixkHS Θ . states is robust against dephasing noise and particle loss. k2d 6

The main difficulty in the proof of the above theorem is that VII. ATTAINING THE HEISENBERG LIMIT WITH A the random matrix ensemble induced by the partial trace of SIMPLE MEASUREMENT random isospectral states form SN is not well-studied. Hence we cannot use standard techniques to compute the average of We have demonstrated that random bosonic states lead in Fk (U). We circumvent this problem by lower-bounding the a robust manner to super-classical scaling of the QFI. This QFI by the asymmetry measure [73] and then the HS norm proves that, in principle, they must allow to locally sense the phase around any value with resolutions beyond the SQL. 2 2 F (ρ, H) ≥ ||ρ, H||1 ≥ k[ρ, H]kHS (27) However, as previously explained in SectionII, the phase sens- ing scenario allows the measurement to be optimised for the and then computing the average of the right hand side instead. particular parameter value considered. Moreover, such mea- We provide all the technical details of the proof in the Ap- surement may also strongly depend on the state utilised in pendixD; let us here only consider the two mode case as an the protocol, so one may question whether it could be poten- example: tially implemented in a realistic experiment, as theoretically it then must be adjusted depending on the state drawn at ran- Example 2. For d = 2 and after fixing tr(h2) = 1/2, the dom. Thus, it is a priori not clear if metrological usefulness of following inequality holds random symmetric states can be actually exploited in practice. Here we show that this is indeed the case. For random sym- †  metric states of two-mode bosons, a standard measurement in E F trk U σN U ,HN−k U∼µ(SN ) optical and atomic interferometry suffices to attain the Heisen- 1 (N − k)(N + 1) (N + 1) tr ρ2 − 1 (28) berg scaling of precision when sensing the phase around any ≥ N , 3 (k + 1)(k + 2) N value. In particular, we consider the detection of the distribution of (see Lemma9 in AppendixC) which for the pure states further the N bosons between two modes (interferometer arms) after simplifies to a balanced beam-splitter transformation [3]. As depicted in Fig.2, this corresponds in optics to the photon-number detec- tion at two output ports of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferome- †  1 (N − k)(N + 1) E F trk U ψN U ,HN−k ≥ . ter [39]. Yet, such a setup also applies to experiments with U∼µ(SN ) 3 (k + 1)(k + 2) (29) atoms in double-well potentials, in which the beam-splitter It is interesting to note that without particle losses, i.e., k = 0, transformation can be implemented via trap-engineering and this formula gives atomic interactions [40, 41], while number-resolving detec- tion has recently been achieved via cavity-coupling [42] and fluoresence [43]. †  1 E F U ψN U ,HN ≥ N(N + 1) , (30) One may directly relate the general protocol of distinguish- U∼µ(S ) 6 N able qubits (see Fig.1) to the optical setup of photons in two modes (see Fig.2) after acknowledging that the Dicke basis of a result that differs from the exact expression (21) only by a general pure symmetric qubit states is nothing but their two- factor of 1/2. mode picture, in which a qubit in a state |0i (|1i) describes a photon travelling in arm a (b) of the interferometer. In par- The above result is most relevant for atomic interferometry ticular, a general pure bosonic state of N qubits may then be experiments [40–43], in which unit detection efficiencies can written as a superposition of Dicke states {|n, N − ni}N , be achieved and it is hence reasonably possible to limit the n=0 where each |n, N − ni represents the situation in which n and loss of particles to a small number. In contrast, current op- N − n photons are travelling in arm a and b, respectively. In tical implementations are limited by inefficiencies of photon Fig.2, the estimated phase ϕ is acquired in between the inter- detectors that are adequately modeled with a fictions beam- ˆ splitter model [3]. It is known in noisy quantum metrology ferometer arms, i.e., by the transformation exp(−iJzϕ) [74]. that generic uncorrelated noises (in particular the noise de- In the qubit picture this corresponds to a single-particle unitary scribed by the beam-splitter model) constrain the ultimate pre- exp(−ihϕ) with h = σz/2. Moreover, the unitary balanced cision to a constant factor beyond the SQL [8,9]. The beam- beam-splitter transformation of Fig.2, commonly defined in ˆ ˆ splitter effectively fixes the loss-rate per particle allowing all the modal picture as B := exp(−iπJx/2), is then equivalent the particles to be lost with some probability. In fact modeling to a local rotation exp(−iπσx/4) of each particle in the qubit losses with a beam-splitter is equivalent to tracing-out k parti- picture applied after the ϕ-encoding. N k N−k Hence, the measurement of Fig.2 with outcomes labeled by cles with probability k (1 − η) η , where η is the ficti- tious beam-splitter transitivity (see AppendixE for the proof). n (the number of photons detected in mode a) corresponds to a N N N ˆ† N ˆ N Thus, the number k of particles lost fluctuates according to a POVM {Πn }n=0 with elements Πn = B Dn B, where Dn N binomial distribution. As a result, the lower bound on the av- are the projections onto Dicke states, |Dn i := |n, N − ni. erage QFI utilized in SectionVIB must also be averaged over Given a general pure state ψN inside the interferometer (see the fluctuations of k and the super-classical scaling is lost. Our Fig.2), the state after acquiring the estimated phase reads −iJˆz ϕ iJˆz ϕ results on the robustness of random bosonic states against fi- ψN (ϕ) := e ψN e . Then, the probability of outcome nite particle losses are hence fully consistent with the no-go n given that the unknown parameter was ϕ is just theorems of [8,9]. Moreover, the fact that random states are  N  much more robust against particle loss than for example N00N pn|ϕ(ψN ) = tr Πn ψN (ϕ) . (31) states, which loose their metrological usefulness upon the loss of a single particle, raises the hope that for finite N they might Before we proceed, let us note that due to the identity ˆ ˆ still perform comparably well even under uncorrelated noise. Bˆ e−iJz ϕBˆ† = eiJy ϕ it is possible to effectively map the 7

even for a fixed measurement. Note that such an optimization would make the problem ϕ-independent. As the interferomet- ric scheme of Fig.2 is restricted to the symmetric subspace SN , one is allowed to perform only LU operations of the form ⊗N V . However, setting V = exp(−i θ σz/2) one may then always shift ϕ → ϕ + θ to any desired value. We provide a detailed proof of Theorem4 in AppendixD, where we also present its more precise and technical version. One of its constituents—the analysis of the average value of FIG. 2. Mach-Zehnder interferometer: We consider a bosonic pure the FI (32)—may be found in AppendixC4, where by rigor- state ψN of N photons in modes a and b inside the interferometer. ously showing that The estimated phase ϕ is acquired due to path difference in the arms. After a balanced beam-splitter the number of photons n and N − n 2 2 c− N ≤ E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ c+ N + N, (34) are measured in arms a and b respectively. U∼µ(SN ) above measurement scheme to the situation in which the initial with constants 0 < c− < c+ < ∞, we prove that ˜ state is already propagated thorough a beam-splitter: ψN = the average FI indeed asymptotically follows the HL-like † scaling. Although our derivation allows us only to bound Bψˆ N Bˆ , yet the parameter is encoded via a Hamiltonian in ˜ the actual asymptotic constant factor, we conjecture that the y direction (via h = −σy/2). As a result, the measure- F (U, ϕ) → N 2/6 ment (POVM) elements then simplify to just projections onto EU∼µ(SN ) cl . In particular, we realise that N such behaviour is recovered after replacing the denominators the Dicke states Dn (see AppendixC4 for details). Having the explicit form of the measurement-outcome of all terms in the sum of Eq. (32) by their average values and probability, we can compute the corresponding (classical) FI also verify our conjecture numerically in Section VIII below. The fact that random symmetric states typically lead to  2 Heisenberg scaling for all values of ϕ in the simple setup of N tr i [ΠN , Jˆ ] ψ (ϕ)  X n z N Fig.2 has important consequences. If this were not the case, Fcl( pn|ϕ(ψN ) ) = N . (32) tr [Πn ψN (ϕ)] it could be possible that for typical symmetric state ψN there n=0 are values of ϕ for which the sensitivity was low. Our stronger ˆ result however is directly useful for realizable setups: In real The unitary rotation e−iJz ϕ entering the definition of ψ (ϕ) N interferometry experiments one typically starts the phase es- is responsible for the strong dependence (see also the numeric timation protocol by calibrating the device [10, 11]. This is results in Section VIII) of the FI on the value of ϕ. However, done by taking control of ϕ and reconstructing the p em- let us note that when averaging (with respect to Haar measure) n|ϕ pirically form measurements with different known values of the FI (32) over all bosonic states ψ ∈ S , any unitary trans- N N ϕ. A tomography of the state ψ is then not necessary and an formation of the state becomes irrelevant. In particular, owing N efficient estimator (e.g., max-likelihood [57]) can always be to the parameter being unitary encoded, ψ (ϕ) may then be N constructed that saturates the CRB (1) after sufficiently many simply replaced by ψ , so that the average of Eq. (32) mani- N protocol repetitions. Crucially, this implies that one might festly seizes to depend on ϕ. randomly generate (for instance, following the protocol we This observation alone is not sufficient to deduce that the present in Section VIII) many copies of some fixed random concentration behavior of FI (32) is independent of the value symmetric state ψ and, even without being aware of its exact of the parameter ϕ. However, with the following theorem we N form, one can still typically construct an estimator that attains show not only this but actually a significantly stronger state- the Heisenberg scaling, while sensing small fluctuations of the ment. We prove that the FI given in Eq. (32) evaluated on parameter around any given value of ϕ. random symmetric states not only typically attains the Heisen- berg scaling for a certain value of ϕ, but typically does so for all values of ϕ at the same time. VIII. EFFICIENT GENERATION OF RANDOM Theorem 4 (Pure random symmetric qubit states typically SYMMETRIC STATES. attain the HL for all values of ϕ in the setup of Fig.2) . Let ψN be a fixed pure state on SN for d = 2 modes and We have shown that random symmetric states have very † pn|ϕ(UψN U ) the probability to obtain outcome n given that promising properties for quantum sensing scenarios, but have the value of the unknown phase parameter is ϕ and the inter- so far not addressed the question of how to efficiently gener- † ferometer state is UψN U (see also (31)). Let Fcl(U, ϕ) := ate such states. In this section, we demonstrate that the random  † Fcl( pn|ϕ(UψN U ) ) be the corresponding FI defined in symmetric states can be simulated with help of short random Eq. (32), then circuits whose outputs indeed yield, on average, the Heisen- berg scaling not only of the QFI but also of the FI for the 2  Pr ∃ϕ∈[0,2π] Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ Θ(N ) ≤ exp (−Θ(N)) . measurement scheme depicted in Fig.2. U∼µ(SN ) (33) Concretely, we consider random circuits over a set of gates that is universal on the special unitary group of the symmet- In other words, the probability that for a random state there ric subspace and consists of four different gates: three beam exists a value of the parameter ϕ for which Fcl(U, ϕ) does splitters and a cross-Kerr non-linearity. A set of gates is said not achieve Heisenberg scaling is exponentially small in N. to be universal on a certain unitary group if by taking products Hence, when dealing with typical two-mode bosonic states of its elements one can obtain arbitrary good approximations one does not have to resort to LU-optimization (similarly, as (in trace norm) to any unitary operation in this group. We em- in Theorem2) in order to reveal their metrological usefulness phasize that the universality of in the symmetric subspace SN 8 is not connected to the notion of universal quantum compu- tation. This follows from the fact that the dimension of SN scales polynomially (in the case of d = 2 modes linearly) in the number of particles N and consequently this space is not sufficient for universal quantum computation. We first con- struct a universal set of unitary gates on SN for d = 2, which is inspired by operations commonly available when dealing with bosonic (optical and atomic) systems. We present our re- sults in the language of two-mode interferometry (see Fig.2). We start with the following set of gates: 1  1 2 i 1  1 2 V1 := √ ,V2 := √ , 5 2 i 1 5 −2 1 (35) 1 1 + 2 i 0  V3 := √ ; FIG. 3. (color online) Convergence of QFI and FI of random cir- 5 0 1 − 2 i cuits states for increasing depth K: Main plot shows F and Fcl of known to be a “fast” universal gate-set for linear optics [75– N = 100 two-mode photons (indistinguishable qubits) for the mea- 79]. The above matrices reflect how gates act on a single par- surement from Fig.2 averaged over 150 realizations (sufficient to make the finite sample size irrelevant) of random circuits for differ- ticle (which can be either in mode a or in mode b). The action K ˆ ⊗N ent depths . The starting√ states before the random circuit are of the on SN is then given by Vj = Vj for j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. We PN form |ψN i = n=0 xn|n, N − ni with: x0 = 1 polarised (red), now supplement the above collection by a two-mode gate cor- N N xn = n /2 balanced (blue), or x0 = xN = 1/2 N00N (yel- responding to a cross-Kerr nonlinearity (with effective action low). Fast convergence to the values N (N + 1)/3 and N (N + 1)/6 time t = π/3)[80]. Concretely, we take (black horizontal lines) is evident in all cases. The shaded regions   mark “worse than SQL” and “better than HL” precisions. The Fcl −i π nˆanˆb curves are plotted for ϕ = π/2 (solid) and ϕ = π/3 (dotted). The VˆXK := exp , (36) 3 inset depicts the sufficient circuit depth Ksuf as a function of N, such that the corresponding sample-averaged QFI (black curves) or FI (red where nˆa/b are the particle number operators of modes a/b curves) is at most 1% (top curves) or 10% (bottom curves) from its marked in Fig.2. For the general method method for checking typical value. As Ksuf grows at most mildly with N, for realisti- if a given gate promotes linear optics to universality in SN see cally achievable photon numbers [78], K ≈ 20 may be considered [81]. sufficient. In atom optics, large cross-Kerr nonlinearities and phase shifts (XKPS) can be achieved in ultracold two-component Moreover, if such a function satisfies a concentration inequal- Bose gases in the so-called two-mode approximation [82–84] ity of the form given in Eq. (10) with respect to the Haar mea- (see also [34, 85]). In optics, reaching large XKPS is more sure, then an (albeit weaker) concentration also holds with re- challenging [86–88], but there has recently been a spectacular spect the design [53]. All these statements carry over in a progress in this area, both on weak [89, 90] and strong non- similar form to balanced polynomials. Their corresponding linearities [91–93]. From the theoretical perspective, using difference may always be bounded by the weighted sum of the the methods of geometric control theory [94, 95] and ideas differences of their constituting monomials. The iso-spectral † from representation theory of Lie algebras [81] it is possi- QFI, F(U) = F(U σN U ,H), introduced in Theorem2 as a function of unitary rotations is precisely such a balanced poly- ble to prove that the gates {Vˆ1, Vˆ2, Vˆ3, VˆXK} are universal for nomial of order two, which can be seen directly from Eq. (7). SU (SN ). The gate VˆXK is not the only gate yielding univer- sality when supplemented with gates universal for linear op- For distinguishable qudits there are efficient methods to tics. The comprehensive characterization of (non-linear) gates generate approximate designs by using random circuits over having this property will be presented in [81]. local universal gate-sets on HN [54, 55]. These constructions A random circuit of depth K over this gate set unfortunately do not immediately carry over to the symmet- is now obtained by picking at random (accord- ric subspace SN of N qubits. However, one can use the fact ing to a uniform distribution) K gates from the set proven in Ref. [55] (based on results of Ref. [52]) that in any † † † † Hilbert space H sufficiently long random circuits over a set of {Vˆ , Vˆ , Vˆ , Vˆ , Vˆ , Vˆ , Vˆ , Vˆ }. We call states gen- 1 1 2 2 3 3 XK XK universal gates form an -approximate unitary t-design. More erated by applying such a circuit to some fixed symmetric precisely, this holds whenever the gates employed in the cir- state random circuit states. cuit are non-trivial and have algebraic entries. The set of gates Our intuition that the above scheme should generate uni- universal in S given above satisfies this condition. For this taries distributed approximately according to µ (S ) comes N N to hold, it would actually be sufficient to replace all the three from the theory of the so-called -approximate unitary t- ˆ ˆ ˆ designs [54, 55, 96]. There are several essentially equivalent gates V1, V2, V3 by a single non-trivial beam splitter [77] and ˆ ways to define unitary designs [54]. One of them, introduced the gate VXK by essentialy non-trivial non-linear gate. The in Ref. [53], implies that an -approximate unitary t-design latter would not even have to be a reproducibly implementable non-linear operation, but its strength could even be allowed to µ,t(H) is a distribution over the unitary group SU(H) acting on a Hilbert space H (of dimension |H|) that efficiently ap- vary from invocation to invocation. However, it is mathemat- proximates the Haar measure µ(H) in a way such that for all ically very difficult to analytically bound the depth K of such circuits that is sufficient to achieve a given  for a given t. balanced monomials f : SU(H) → R of degree t, it holds that For this reason we resort to a numerical analysis to verify

t how rapidly with increasing K the average QFI and the FI of E f(U) − E f(U) ≤ /|H| . (37) U∼µ(H) U∼µ,t(H) random circuit states converge to the respective averages for 9

states generated with short random circuits can be used as a re- source to achieve a classical Fisher information with the same scaling as the Heisenberg limit. Our results on random sym- metric states open up new possibilities for quantum enhanced metrology. Our work, being a study initiating a new research direction, naturally leads raises a number of interesting questions: From the physical perspective it would be important to investigate the impact of more realistic noise types, such as: local (and correlated) dephasing, depolarisation [56] and particle loss on the classical Fisher information in the interferometric scenario considered in Section VII, as well as the quantum Fisher in- formation in general for finite N. Further, it would be inter- esting to see whether bosonic random states are also useful for FIG. 4. (color online) Mean squared error attained by random multi-parameter sensing problems with non-commuting gen- bosonic states generated by sufficiently deep random circuits: We de- erators [72]. An important part of the quantum metrology re- ν ∆2ϕ˜ pict the ultimate limit of the resolution attainable with random search is devoted to infinite dimensional optical systems with circuit states generated by applying a deep random circuit (K = 60) N 1 the mean number of particles—corresponding to the power of onto two-mode balanced (xn = n 2N in Fig.3) state for both the interferometric measurement of Fig.2 (red) and the theoretically a light beam—being fixed [3] e.g., in squeezing-enhanced in- optimal one yielding the QFI (black). The corresponding sample- terforometry with strong laser beams of constant power [98]. averaged FI and QFI quickly concentrate around the typical values Here one could ask whether states prepared via random Gaus- N 2/3 and N 2/6 (dashed lines) respectively. The shaded regions sian transformations [99, 100] or random circuits of gates mark the “worse than SQL” and “better than HL” precisions. universal for linear optics are typically useful for metrology. Another relevant problem beyond our analysis is the speed random symmetric states. We consider the scenario of Fig.2. of convergence to the approximate designs when considering In this two-mode case d = 2 it holds that |SN | = N + 1 performance of the states prepared with random bosonic cir- and from Eq. (32) we obtain concentration of the QFI around cuits discussed in Section VIII. Further it is interesting to fur- the value E F := EU∼µ(H) F(U) = N(N + 1)/3 [97]. For ther study properties of the ensembles of random states gen- the FI, we expect to find E Fcl := EU∼µ(H) Fcl(U, ϕ) = erated from the Haar-random pure states and possibly particle N (N + 1)/6 (for details see the discussion after Theorem4 loss, of both bosons and fermions. Lastly, a natural question and AppendixC4). In Fig.3, we show explicitly that indeed to be asked is whether the typical metrological usefulness of random circuit states generated according to our recipe allow random bosonic states remains valid if one considers general to reach these values already for moderate K. phase estimation scenarios, e.g., single-shot protocols with no In Fig.4, we verify further the behavior of the ultimate prior knowledge assumed about the parameter value [68], for limits on the attainable precision via the relevant CRB (see which Bayesian inference methods must be employed to quan- Eq. (1)) dictated by the attained values for 1/F and 1/Fcl. tify the attainable precision [69, 70]. We observe that the ultimate bounds predicted by the average E F and E Fcl for random symmetric states are indeed satu- rated quickly (here, K = 60) and, crucially, both reach the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS predicted Heisenberg scaling. This demonstrates that it is pos- sible to generate states that share the favorable metrological We would like to thank Martin Kliesch for inspiring dis- properties of Haar-random symmetric states via the physical cussions. We acknowledge support from the European Re- processes of applying randomly selected optical gates. search Council (ERC AdG OSYRIS and CoG QITBOX), Axa Chair in Quantum Information Science, John Templeton Foundation, EU (IP SIQS and QUIC), Spanish National Plan IX. CONCLUSIONS FOQUS (FIS2013-46768), MINECO (Severo Ochoa Grant No. SEV-2015-0522), Fundació Privada Cellex, and Gener- In this work we present a systematic study of the usefulness alitat de Catalunya (Grant No. SGR 874 and 875). We are of random states for quantum metrology. We show that ran- greatful to Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual dom states, sampled according to the Haar measure from the fo the hospitality during the "Quantum information" confer- full space of states of distinguishable particles, are typically ence in 2015. M. O. acknowledges the START scholarship not useful for quantum enhanced metrology. In stark contrast, granted by Foundation for Polish Science and NCN Grant we prove that states from the symmetric subspace have many No. DEC-2013/09/N/ST1/02772, J. K. and C. G. acknowledge very promising properties for quantum metrology: They typ- funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research ically achieve Heisenberg scaling of the quantum Fisher in- and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska- formation and this scaling is robust against particle loss and Curie Q-METAPP and NIMBqUS Grants No. 655161 and equally holds for very mixed isospectral states. Moreover, 700140. C. G. further acknowledges support by MPQ- we show that the high quantum Fisher information of such ICFO and ICFOnest+ (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-COFUND). R. A. random states can actually be exploited with a single fixed acknowledges funding from the European Union’s Horizon measurement that is implementable with a beam splitter and 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie particle-number detectors. Finally, we also demonstrate that Skłodowska-Curie N-MuQuaS Grant No. 705109. 10

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Here we give the details that are needed to obtain the main results given in the main text. In the SectionA we discuss concentration of measure on the special unitary group, and give bounds on the Lipschitz constants of the relevant functions on this group. In SectionB we prove a lower bound on the QFI that are useful when studying particle losses. In SectionC we give bounds for averages of FI and QFI on the relevant ensembles of density matrices that we consider—isospectral density matrices of distinguishable particles, random symmetric (bosonic) states of identical particles, and random bosonic states that underwent particle loss (SectionC3). In SectionD we use the previously derived technical results to prove Theorems1,2,3, and4 in the main text. In SectionE we prove the equivalence of the beam-splitter model of particle losses and the operation of taking partial traces over particles contained in two-mode bosonic systems.

Symbol Explanation Hloc local Hilbert space d = | Hloc | dimension of the local Hilbert spac ⊗N HN = H Hilbert space of N distinguishable particles D = |HN | dimension of the space of N distinguishable particles ⊗N SN = span{|ψi : |ψi ∈ H} Hilbert space of N bosons H general Hilbert space |H| dimension of the general Hilbert spac h local Hamiltonian encoding the phase ϕ PN (j) H = HN = j=1 h Hamiltonian acting on N particles D (H) set of states on the Hilbert space H 1 identity operator on the relevant Hilbert space ρ, σ, . . . symbols denoting (in general) mixed states ψ, φ, . . . symbols denoting pure states   Fcl( pn|ϕ ) Classical Fisher information associated to the family of probability distributions pn|ϕ F (ρ, H) Fisher information computed for the state ρ with respect to the Hamiltonian H dB(ρ, σ) Bures distance between states ρ and σ F (ρ, σ) Uhlmann fidelity between states ρ and σ sym 2 P orthogonal projector onto Sym (H) asym V2 P orthogonal projector onto (H) End (H) set of linear operators on H Herm (H) set of Hermitian operators on H SU (H) special unitary group on H µ(H) Haar measure on SU (H) EU∼µ(H) expectation value (average) with respect to µ(H) Ω set of isospectral density matrices in H (for the specified ordered spectrum) Acronym Explanation QFI Quantum Fisher Information FI classical Fisher Information GHZ Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state SQL Standard Quantum Limit HL Heisenberg Limit POVM Positive Operator-Valued Measure

TABLE I. Notation used throughout the paper, unless indicated differently.

Appendix A: Concentration of measure on special unitary group and Lipschitz constants for QFI and FI

In this section we first present basic concentration of measure inequalities on the special unitary group SU (H). Then, we give bounds on the Lipschitz constants of various functions based on QFI and FI that appear naturally, while studying different statistical ensembles of states on H—isospectral density matrices, partially traced isospectral density matirices etc.

1. Concentration of measure on unitary group

We will make an extensive use of the concentration of measure phenomenon on the special unitary group SU (H). It will be convenient to use a metric tensor gHS induced on SU (H) from the embedding of SU (H) in the set of all linear operators, †  End (H), equipped with the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product hA, Bi = tr A B . Let us write the formula for gHS explicitly. The special unitary group is a Lie group and thus for every U ∈ SU (H) we have an isomorphism TU SU (H) ≈ su (H), where TU is the tangent space to SU at U and su (H) is the Lie algebra of the group consisting of Hermitian traceless operators on H. The 14 linear isomorphism is given by the following mapping

ˆ d su (H) 3 X 7−→ X = exp (−iϕX) U ∈ TU SU (H) . (A1) dϕ ϕ=0

ˆ d Using the identification Eq. (A1) and treating the operator X = dϕ exp (−iϕX) U = −iXU as an element of End (H) we ϕ=0 get

   †  gHS X,ˆ Yˆ = hiXU, iYUi = tr [iXU] iYU = tr (XY ) , (A2) where we have used X† = X, the identity UU † = 1, and the cyclic property of the trace. The gradient of a smooth function f : SU (H) → R at point U ∈ SU (H) is defined by the condition

 ˆ ˆ d gHS ∇f|U , X = f (exp (−iφX) U) , (A3) dφ φ=0 that has to be satisfied for all X ∈ su (H). Fact 1 (Concentration of measure on SU (H)). [50] Consider a special unitary group SU (H) equipped with the Haar measure µ and the metric gHS. Let

f : SU (H) 7−→ R (A4) be a smooth function on SU (H) with the mean Eµf, and let r L = max gHS (∇f, ∇f) (A5) U∈SU(H) be the Lipschitz constant of f. Then, for every  ≥ 0, the following concentration inequalities hold

   D2  Pr f (U) − E f ≥  ≤ exp − 2 , (A6) U∼µ(SN ) U∼µ(H) 4L    D2  Pr f (U) − E f ≤ − ≤ exp − 2 , (A7) U∼µ(SN ) U∼µ(H) 4L where D = |H| is the dimension of H.

Fact 2. Concentration inequalities Eq. (A7) hold also for the general (not necesarily smooth) L-Lipschitz functions f : SU (H) 7−→ R [50], that is functions satisfying |f (U) − f (V )| ≤ L d (V,W ) . (A8) where d (V,W ) is the geodesic distance between unitaries U and V given by

d (U, V ) := inf Dγ , (A9) γ:γ(0)=U,γ(1)=V r  dγ dγ  with Dγ := [0,1] gHS dt , dt , and the infimum is over the (piecewise smooth) curves γ that start at U and end at V . ´

Remark 1. Due to the definition of the gradient ∇f (A3) and the structure of the tangent space TU SU (H) for U ∈ SU (H) (see Eq. (A1)) we have

d tr (∇f|U X) = f (exp (−iφX) U) , (A10) dφ φ=0 where X = X† and tr X = 0. Assume that for C > 0 we can find the bound


f (exp (−iφX) U) ≤ C kXkHS , (A11) dφ φ=0 which is valid for all U ∈ SU (H). Then, from Eq. (A10) we can conclude that C is an upper bound on the Lipschitz constant of f. 15

2. Lipschitz constants for the quantum Fisher information for the general Hamiltonian encoding

P Recall that for unitary encodings the quantum Fisher information for a state ρ with spectral decomposition i pi|eiihei|

2 X (pi − pj) 2 F (ρ, H) = 2 |hei|H |ej i| , (A12) pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0 where H is the Hamiltonian generating the unitary evolution of mixed states

R 3 ϕ 7−→ ρ (ϕ) := exp (−iϕH) ρ exp (iϕH) ∈ D (H) . (A13) The QFI depends on both the state ρ ∈ D (H), and the Hamiltonian H ∈ Herm (H) encoding the phase ϕ. In what follows, without any loss of generality, we assume that tr (H) = 0. We are interested in the behavior of F (ρ, H) when H is fixed and ρ varies over some ensemble of (generally mixed) states. As we want to use concentration inequalities (of the type of Eq. (A7)), our aim here is to give bounds on Lipschitz constant of QFI on relevant sets of density matrices. We first study QFI on the set of isospectral density matrices  Ω(p1,...,pD ) := ρ ∈ D (H) |sp↑ (ρ) = {pj}j , (A14) where sp↑ (ρ) denotes the vector on non increasingly ordered eigenvalues of ρ. In what follows, for the sake of simplicity we will use the shorthand notation Ω(p1,...,pD ) := Ω. Let

†  FΩ,H : SU (H) 3 U 7−→ F Uρ0U ,H ∈ R , (A15) where ρ0 is the arbitrary chosen state belonging to Ω. Then, we can prove the following lemma.

Lemma 1. The Lipschitz constant (with respect to gHS) of the function FΩ,H defined by Eq. (A15) is upper bounded by  √  q 1  2 LΩ ≤ min 1, 2 2 dB ρ, D 32 kHk , (A16) where 1/D is the maximally mixed state on H.

Remark 2. The quantity dB(ρ, 1/D) depends only on the spectrum of ρ and thus is constant on the set of isospectral density matrices Ω. Proof. In a recent paper by [30] the following inequality was proven:

2 |F (ρ, H) − F (σ, H)| ≤ 32 dB(ρ, σ) kHk , (A17)

p p 1/2 1/2 where dB(ρ, σ) = 2 [1 − F (ρ, σ)] is the Bures distance between density matrices with F(ρ, σ) = tr σ ρσ denoting the fidelity. Inserting

† † ρ = Uρ0U and σ = exp (−iφX) Uρ0U exp (iφX) (A18) into Eq. (A17), one obtains

† †  2 |FΩ,H (exp (−iφX) U) − FΩ,H (U)| ≤ 32 dB Uρ0U , exp (−iφX) Uρ0U exp (iφX) kHk . (A19) Dividing the above by |φ| and taking the limit φ → 0, one arrives at

d 1 2 † †  FΩ,H (exp (−iφX) U) ≤ 32 kHk limφ→0 dB Uρ0U , exp (−iφX) Uρ0U exp (iφX) . (A20) dφ φ=0 |φ| Then, the Eq. (6) implies that

1 1p lim d (ρ, exp (−iφX) ρ exp (iφX)) = F (ρ, X), (A21) φ→0 |φ| B 2 and therefore

d 2 p FΩ,H (exp (−iφX) U) ≤ 16 kHk F (ρ, X). (A22) dφ φ=0 In addition, we have two upper bounds on the square root of the quantum Fisher information: p F (ρ, H) ≤ 2 kHk ≤ 2 kHkHS , (A23) 16 and √ √ p q 1  q 1  F (ρ, H) ≤ 4 2 dB ρ, D kHk ≤ 4 2 dB ρ, D kHkHS , (A24) where Eq. (A23) follows from the fact that the maximal value of the QFI for the phase encoded via the Hamiltonian H is bounded from above by 4kHk2 [1], and Eq. (A24) follows from Eq. (A17) for σ = 1/D, for which the QFI trivially vanishes. Combining inequalities Eqs. (A23) and (A24) with Eq. (A22) and using Remark1, one finally obtains Eq. (A16).

Remark 3. The upper bound on the Lipschitz constant of FΩ,H given in Eq. (A16) depends explicitly on the spectrum of the considered set of isospectral density matrices. Specifically, the right-hand side of Eq. (A16) decreases as ρ becomes more mixed. For special cases of Haar-random pure states and random depolarized states, see below, we can get better bounds on the Lipschitz constant of the QFI. Lemma 2. Consider the ensemble of Haar-random depolarized pure states, 1 ρ = (1 − p) ψ + p , (A25) D where ψ stands for the projector onto a Haar-random pure state |ψi and p ∈ [0, 1]. For fixed p, the states in Eq. (A25) form an ensemble of isospectral density matrices since for any such ρ we have p p p  sp↑ (ρ) = 1 − p + D , D ,..., D . (A26)

For this particular spectrum the Lipschitz constant Lp (with respect to gHS) of the function Fp := FΩ,H , defined by Eq. (A15), is upper bounded by 2 (1 − p) 2 Lp ≤ 16 2 p kHk . (A27) 1 − p + D Proof. Let us first note that for ρ given by Eq. (A25), the QFI takes the form [2]: (1 − p)2 F (ρ, H) = 2 p F (ψ, H) , (A28) 1 − p + D from which it directly follows that for all U ∈ SU (H), (1 − p)2 Fp (U) = 2 p Fp (U) , (A29) 1 − p + D and consequently, (1 − p)2 Lp = 2 p L0. (A30) 1 − p + D 2 2 One can estimate L0 by exploiting the fact that for pure states the QFI is simply F (ψ0,H) = 4{tr(ψ0H ) − [tr(ψ0H)] }, which allows one to express F0(U) as  † †  F0 (U) = tr U ⊗ Uψ0 ⊗ ψ0U ⊗ U V , (A31) 2 where V = 4 (H ⊗ 1 − H ⊗ H). By the virtue Lemma 6.1 of [38] (see also [37]), the Lipschitz constant of F0 is bounded by 2 kV k ≤ 16 kHk2. Combining this with Eq. (A30) yields Eq. (A27). It is also possible to prove the Lipschitz continuity of the optimized version of QFI on Ω, V FΩ,H : SU (H) 3 U 7−→ supV ∈V FΩ,H (VU) ∈ R , (A32) where V ⊂ SU (H) is a compact class of unitary gates on H. V V Lemma 3. The Lipschitz constant LΩ (with respect to the geodesic distance) of the function FΩ defined by Eq. (A32) is upper bounded by the Lipschitz constant of FΩ, V LΩ ≤ LΩ . (A33) 0 V V 0 Proof. Let U, U ∈ SU (H). Without loss of generality we can assume FΩ,H (U) ≥ FΩ,H (U ). Let V0 ∈ V be the element such that V FΩ,H (V0U) = FΩ,H (U) = supV ∈V FΩ,H (VU) . (A34) Consequently, we have the following inequalities V V 0 V 0 0 0 FΩ,H (U) − FΩ,H (U ) = FΩ,H (V0U) − FΩ,H (U ) ≤ FΩ,H (V0U) − FΩ,H (V0U ) ≤ LΩ d (U, U ) , (A35) where in the last inequality we used Lipschitz continuity of FΩ,H which is guaranteed by Lemma1.

Remark 4. For us the case of the greatest interest is H = HN and V = LU (local unitary group on N distinguishable particles). 17

3. Lipschitz constants for the quantum Fisher information with particle losses

We now give bounds on the Lipschitz constant of the QFI in the case of particle losses for bosonic states. Recall that in this PN (i) setting the Hamiltonian acting on N particles is given by HN = i=1 h and that the Hilbert space of the system is the totally symmetric space of N particles denoted by SN . Let us define a function

[k] †  FΩ : SU (SN ) 3 U 7−→ F trk UρU ,HN−k ∈ R . (A36)

[k] Lemma 4. The Lipschitz constant (with respect to gHS) of the function FΩ defined by Eq. (A36) is upper bounded by ( s ) √  PN  [k] sym 2 L ≤ min 1, 2 2 dB ρ, 32 kHN−kk , (A37) Ω |SN |

PN PN where sym/|SN | is the maximally mixed state on SN and sym stands for the projector onto SN . 0 0 Proof. We prove Eq. (A37) in an analogous way to Eq. (A16). Let ρ = trk (ρ) and σ = trk (σ) be two states on SN−k obtained by tracing out k particles from ρ and σ, respectively. Applying the inequality Eq. (A17) to ρ0 and σ0 and the Hamiltonian H = HN−k, one obtains

0 0 0 0 2 2 |F (ρ ,H) − F (σ ,H)| ≤ 32 dB(ρ , σ ) kHN−kk ≤ 32 dB(ρ, σ) kHN−kk , (A38) where the second inequality follows from the fact that the Bures distance does not increase under trace preserving completely positive maps [66] (for us the relevant TPCP map is the partial trace, ρ 7−→ trk (ρ)). We now set

† † ρ = Uρ0U , σ = exp (−iϕX) Uρ0U exp (iϕX) , (A39) where U ∈ SU (SN ) and X ∈ su (SN ) and the rest of the proof is exactly the same as that of Lemma1.

4. Lipschitz constant of the classical Fisher information

We conclude this section by giving bounds of Lipschitz constant of the classical Fisher information for the case of isospectral mixed states, fixed Hamiltonian encoding and fixed measurements setting. Recall that for the unitary encoding (A13) classical Fisher information is a function of the state ρ ∈ D (H), Hamiltonian H, the phase ϕ, and the POVM {Πn} used in the phase estimation procedure. These three object define a family of probability distributions

pn|ϕ (ρ (ϕ)) = tr (Πnρ (ϕ)) , (A40) where ρ (ϕ) = exp (−iϕH) ρ exp (iϕH). The classical Fisher information is then given by

2 X tr (i [Πn,H]ρ(ϕ)) F (ρ, H, ϕ, {Π }) ≡ F (p ) = , (A41) cl n cl n|ϕ tr (Π ρ(ϕ)) n n where the summation is over the range of indices labeling the outputs of a POVM {Πn} (for simplicity we consider POVMs with finite number of outcomes). Let us fix the Hamiltonian H, the phase ϕ, and the POVM {Πn}. Let us define a function

†  Fcl,Ω,H : SU (H) 3 U 7−→ Fcl Uρ0U , H, ϕ, {Πn} ∈ R , (A42) for some fixed state ρ0 ∈ Ω.

Lemma 5. The Lipschitz constant (with respect to gHS) of the function Fcl,Ω,H defined by Eq. (A42) is upper bounded by

2 Lcl,Ω,H ≤ 24 kHk . (A43)

Proof. The strategy of the proof is analogous to the one presented in the other lemmas in this section. The idea s to find a bound for


Fcl,Ω,H (exp (−iφX) U) , (A44) dφ φ=0 in terms of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of X. Let us first assume that at U ∈ SU (H) for all n

tr (Πnρ(ϕ)) 6= 0 . (A45) 18

Under the above condition we have

d X tr {[H, Πn] ρU (ϕ)} tr {[H, Πn] [iX, ρU (ϕ)]} Fcl,Ω,H (exp (−iφX) U) = dφ tr (Π ρ (ϕ)) φ=0 n n U 2 (A46) X tr {[H, Πn] ρU (ϕ)} tr {[iH, Πn] ρU (ϕ)} + 2 . n tr (ΠnρU (ϕ))

† where ρU (ϕ) = exp (−iϕH) Uρ0U exp (iϕH). Let us introduce the auxiliary notation

X tr {[H, Πn] ρU (ϕ)} tr {[H, Πn] [iX, ρU (ϕ)]} A = , (A47) tr (Π ρ (ϕ)) n n U 2 X tr {[H, Πn] ρU (ϕ)} tr {[iH, Πn] ρU (ϕ)} B = . 2 (A48) n tr (ΠnρU (ϕ))

Clearly, we have the inequality


Fcl,Ω,H (exp (−iφX) U) ≤ A + B. (A49) dφ φ=0

In order to bound A and B (from above) we observe that for any state ρ ∈ D (H) we have

|tr ([H, Πn] ρ)| ≤ 2 tr (Πnρ) kHk , (A50)

|tr ([X, Πn] ρ)| ≤ 2 tr (ρΠn) kXk , (A51)

|tr ({[H, Πn] [iX, ρ]}) k ≤ 4 tr (ρΠn) kXk kHk . (A52)

In order to prove (A50) we first upper bound |tr (HΠnρ)| ,  √ √  p p |tr (HΠnρ)| = tr H Πn Πn ρ ρ (A53) p 2 p ≤ tr (ρH Πn) tr (ρΠn) (A54) q p 2 p 4 p ≤ tr (ρΠn) tr (ρH ) tr (ρΠn) (A55)

≤ tr (ρΠn) kHk . (A56) where in (A54) we have used the√ nonnegativity√ of operators Πn and ρ. In (A55) we have repetitively used the Cauchy-Schwartz √ √ √ 2 √ inequality, first for P = ρH Πn,Q = M ρ and then for P = ρH ,Q = M ρ. The final inequality (A56) follows immediately form operator inequalities

4 4 1 2 H ≤ kHk , Πn ≤ Πn . (A57)

Using analogous reasoning it is possible to prove |tr (HΠnρ)| ≤ tr (ρΠn) kHk. This finishes the proof of (A50). Using essentially the same methodology it is possible to prove the inequalities (A52) and (A51). By plugging inequalities (A50), (A52) and (A51) into Eq. (A49) for ρ = ρU (ϕ) and using the normalization condition X tr (ΠnρU (ϕ)) = 1 , (A58) n we obtain

d 2 Fcl,Ω,H (exp (−iφX) U) ≤ 24 kHk kXk (A59) dφ φ=0 2 ≤ 24 kHk kXkHS . (A60)

By the virtue of Remark1 we conclude that the Lipschitz constant of Fcl,Ω,H (U) is upper bounded by 24 kHk. The above derivation explicitly used the assumption (A45) which translates to assuming that denominators appearing in the definition of classical Ficher information do not vanish. However, with the help of inequalities (A50), (A52) and (A51), one can easily prove that the possible singularities coming form zeros of some denominators are actually removable and that Fcl,Ω,H (U) is actually a differentiable function of U. Consequently, inequality (A59) is acually satisfied for U ∈ SU (H) for which conditions (A45) are not satisfied. 19

Appendix B: Lower bounds on the QFI

Lemma 6. Let ρϕ be a one parameter family of states states on aa Hilbert space H. Then, The following lower bound for QFI holds (see also [101])

2 F (ρϕ, ρ˙ϕ) ≥ kρ˙k1 . (B1)

In particular for ρϕ = exp (−iHϕ) ρ exp (iHϕ) we have

2 F (ρ, H) ≥ k[H, ρ]k1. (B2) 2 Recall that right hand side of (B2), k[H, ρ]k1, equals the measure of asymmetry introduced in [73]. Proof. We give the proof only in the Hamiltonian case (B2). The proof of the general case is analogous. Recall that the quantum p Fisher information is related to the Bures distance dB(ρ, σ) = 2[1 − F (ρ, σ)] through 1q d (ρ , ρ ) = F (ρ ,H)|δϕ| + O(δϕ2). (B3) B ϕ ϕ+δϕ 2 ϕ At the same time, from the Fuchs-van der Graaf inequalities [102] we know that q 2 p kρ − σk1 ≤ 2 1 − F (ρ, σ) ≤ 2 2[1 − F (ρ, σ)] = 2dB(ρ, σ), (B4) with the second inequality stemming from that fact that F (ρ, σ) ≤ 1. By combining Eqs. (B3) and (B4) we obtain

q 2 kρϕ − ρϕ+δϕk1 ≤ F (ρϕ,H)|δϕ| + O(δϕ ). (B5) Diving it by |δϕ| and taking then the limit δϕ → 0, we get 1 q lim kρϕ − ρϕ+δϕk ≤ F (ρϕ,H), (B6) δϕ→0 |δϕ| 1 which, by virtue of the fact that 1 lim kρϕ − ρϕ+δϕk = kρ˙k1 (B7) δϕ→0 |δϕ| 1 directly leads us to Eq. (B2). Remark 5. Using the standard inequality between trace and Hilbert-Schmidt norms we obtain the weaker versions of inequalities (B1) and (B2) 2 F (ρϕ, ρ˙ϕ) ≥ kρ˙kHS , (B8)

2 F (ρ, H) ≥ k[H, ρ]kHS . (B9) 2 Remark 6. For pure states F (ρ, H) = k[H, ρ]k1. Proof. Let us prove that for pure states, the right-hand side of Eq. (B2) is simply the QFI of ρ. To this end, let us denote H|ψi = |ϕei and then 2 2 2 2 k[H, ρ]k1 = k|ϕeihψ| − |ψihϕe|k1 = hψ|H |ψik|ϕihψ| − |ψihϕ|k1 , (B10) p 2 where |ϕi = |ϕei/ hψ|H |ψi. The matrix under the trace norm is manifestly anti-Hermitian and of rank two, and so it is straightforward to compute its norm. To do this let us write |ϕi = α|ψi + β|ψ⊥i, where |α|2 + |β|2 = 1 and |ψ⊥i is some normalized vector orthogonal to |ψi. It also follows that α ∈ R because α = hψ|ϕi = hψ|H|ψi/phψ|H2|ψi. All this implies that |ϕihψ| − |ψihϕ| = β|ψ⊥ihψ| − β∗|ψihψ⊥|, (B11) and consequently, the eigenvalues of the above matrix are ±i|β|. Thus, its trace norm amounts to 2|β|, giving

2 2 2 2 2 k[H, ρ]k1 = 4hψ|H |ψi|β| = 4hψ|H |ψi(1 − α ) (B12)  hψ|H|ψi2  = 4hψ|H2|ψi 1 − (B13) hψ|H2|ψi = 4(hψ|H2|ψi − hψ|H|ψi2) = F (ρ, H) . (B14) 20

Appendix C: Averages and bounds on averages of QFI and FI on relevant statistical ensambles

In this section we compute and/or bound averages of the FI or QFI on the ensembles of mixed quantum states appearing in the main text.

1. Averages of QFI on ensembles of isospectral density matrices

We will extensively use the following result concerning the integration on the special unitary group. Fact 3. (Integration of quadratic function on the unitary group) Letting V ∈ Herm (H ⊗ H), the following equality holds [67],

⊗2 †⊗2 sym asym dµ (U) U V U = αP + βP , (C1) ˆSU(H) where Psym and Pasym are projectors onto the symmetric and antisymmetric subspaces of H ⊗ H and can be expressed as 1 1 sym = (1 ⊗ 1 + ), asym = (1 ⊗ 1 − ) (C2) P 2 S P 2 S with S being the co-called swap operator satisfying S|xi|yi = |yi|xi for any pair |xi, |yi ∈ H. Finally, the real coefficients α and β are given by

1 sym 1 asym α = tr (P V ) , β = tr (P V ) , (C3) D+ D− where D± = D(D ± 1)/2 with D = |H|. We first consider the case in which both the Hilbert space H and the Hamiltonian H are fully general.

Lemma 7. Let FΩ,H be defined as in Eq. (A15). then, the following equality holds

2 2 2 tr H X (pi − pj) E FΩ,H (U) = 2 . (C4) U∼µ(H) D − 1 pi + pj i,j: pi+pj 6=0

Proof. We have the following sequence of equalities

2 ! X (pi − pj) † 2 E FΩ,H (U) = 2 dµ (U) hei|U HU |ej i (C5) U∼µ(H) pi + pj ˆSU(H) i,j: pi+pj 6=0 2 ! X (pi − pj)  † †  = 2 dµ (U) tr U ⊗ UH ⊗ HU ⊗ U |eiihej| ⊗ |ejihei| (C6) pi + pj ˆSU(H) i,j: pi+pj 6=0 2 X (pi − pj) = tr {[(αH + βH )1 ⊗ 1 + (αH − βH )S] |eiihej| ⊗ |ejihei|} , (C7) pi + pj i,j: pi+pj 6=0 where the third equality follows from Fact3 for V = H ⊗ H, and the real numbers αH and βH are given by

1 sym 1 2 1 asym 1 2 αH = tr (H ⊗ H P ) = tr H , βH = tr (H ⊗ H P ) = − tr H . (C8) D+ 2D+ D− 2D−

To obtain (C8) we also used the fact that tr (H) = 0. Inserting then Eq. (C8) to Eq. (C7) and using the identities

tr (|eiihej| ⊗ |ejihei|) = 0, tr (|eiihej| ⊗ |ejihei|S) = 1, (C9) one arrives at

2   2 tr H 1 1 X (pi − pj) E FΩ,H (U) = + , (C10) U∼µ(H) 2 D+ D− pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0 which, by virtue of the definitions of D±, leads us to Eq. (C4).

The formula (C4) simplifies significantly for the case of pure states. 21

Remark 7. Let Ω0 consist of pure states on H. In this case we it fairly easy to see that

2 X (pi − pj) = 2(D − 1), (C11) pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0 and consequently,

4 tr H2 E FΩ0,H (U) = . (C12) U∼µ(H) D + 1

By comparing Eqs. (C12) and (C4) one finds that the average QFI over any ensemble Ω of isospectral states can be easily related to the average QFI over pure states. Specifically, one has

4 tr H2 E FΩ,H (U) = Λ({pj}j) = E FΩ0,H (U)ΛΩ, (C13) U∼µ(H) D + 1 U∼µ(H) where

2 1 X (pi − pj) Λ({pj}j) = . (C14) 2 (D − 1) pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0

Note that Λ({pj}j) = 1 for pure states and Λ({pj}j) = 0 for the maximally mixed state. Since in general the dependance 2 on the spectrum in the above formula is quite complicated it is desirable to have simple bounds on P (pi−pj ) . The i,j:pi+pj 6=0 pi+pj following fact provides one such bound:

PD Fact 4. Let the numbers p1, . . . , pD satisfy pi ≥ 0 and i=1 pi = 1. Then, the following inequality holds

 2 2 D ! X (pi − pj) X √  2 1  ≥ 2 D − pi  = 2D 1 − F (ρ, D ) . (C15) pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0 i=1

2 2 Proof. First, by using the identity (pi − pj) = (pi + pj) − 4pipj the left-hand side of the inequality C15 can be rewritten as

2 " 2 # X (pi − pj) X (pi + pj) 4pipj = − , (C16) pi + pj pi + pj pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0 i,j:pi+pj 6=0 which, noting that the first sum in the above amounts to 2(D − 1), can be rewritten as

  2 X (pi − pj) X 2pipj = 2 (D − 1) − + 1 . (C17) pi + pj pi + pj i,j:pi+pj 6=0 i,j:pi+pj 6=0

To obtain the inequality in Eq. (C15) we apply the following well-known relation between the harmonic and geometric means

2 √ ≤ p p (C18) 1 + 1 i j pi pj to Eq. (C17). Then, to obtain the equality in (C15) and complete the proof it suffices to notice that

r D 1 q 1 q 1 1 √ 1 X √ F(ρ, D ) = tr D ρ D = √ tr ρ = √ pi. (C19) D D i=1

Remark 8. Note that the bound (C15) is tight. To be more precise, it is saturated for the maximally mixed state ρ = I/D, for which both sides of the inequality (C15) simply vanish, and for pure states for which they amount to 2(D − 1). 22

2. Averages of QFI for N particles

We now discuss the average behaviour of the QFI for ensembles consisting of states of distinguishable or bosonic particles (in the case when all particles evolve in the same manner under local Hamiltonian). For the case of N distinguishable particles we have

d⊗N H = HN = C , (C20)

d N where C is a Hilbert space of a single particle and N is a number of particles. Clearly, we have D = |HN | = d . The Hilbert space of N bosons in d modes is the completely symmetric subspace of HN , n o H = S = span |φi⊗N ||φi ∈ d , (C21) N C C

N+d−1 of dimension D = |SN | = N . It will be convenient for us to use the orthonormal basis of SN consisting of generalized Dicke states [103] (we wil use them extensively also in the part of the Appendix, where we estimate the impact of particle losses on typical properties of QFI). Within the second quantization picture SN can be treated as a subspace of d mode bosonic Fock space and the generalized Dicke states are of the form

 ki Qd a† ~ i=1 i |k, Ni = q |Ωi, (C22) Qd i=1 ki!

† ~ where |Ωi is the Fock vacuum, ai are the standard creation operators and the vector k = (k1, k2, . . . , kd) consists of non-negative integers counting how many particles occupy each mode. Due to the fact that the number of particles is N, the vector ~k satisfies ~ Pd the normalization condition |k| := i=1 ki = N. Let us also notice that in the particle picture the Dicke states are given by

~ ~ N ~ |k, Ni = N (k, N)Psym|ki, (C23)

⊗k ⊗k ⊗k where |~ki is a vector from (Cd)⊗N given by |~ki = |1i 1 ⊗ |2i 2 ⊗ ... ⊗ |di d , the constant N (~k, N) is given by s N N (~k, N) = (C24) ~k with N N! = , (C25) ~k Qd i=1 ki!

N and by Psym we denote the orthonormal projector onto SN ⊂ HN . The Hamiltonian used in the phase estimation is local and symmetric under exchange of particles,

H = HN = h ⊗ I ⊗ ... ⊗ I + I ⊗ h ⊗ I ⊗ ... ⊗ I + ... + I ⊗ ... ⊗ I ⊗ h , (C26) where h stands for the single-particle local Hamiltonian. In what follows we assume for simplicity that tr (h) = 0. Note that the Hamiltonian HN preserves the subspace SN . Now, it follows from Eqs. (C4) and (C12) that the average behaviour of the QFI on states supported on the subspace W ⊂ H 2 is dictated by the value of trW (HN ). In the following lemma we compute the latter in the cases W = HN and W = SN . Lemma 8. Let Hamiltonian H be given by (C26). Then, the following relations

2 4N tr h |HN | E FΩ,H = Λ({pj}j) (C27) U∼µ(HN ) d |HN | + 1 and

2 4N (N + d) tr h |SN | E FΩ,H = Λ({pj}j). (C28) U∼µ(SN ) d (d + 1) |SN | + 1 are true. For pure qubits (C28) simplifies to

2 2 E F(1,0,...,0),H = N(N + 1) tr h . (C29) U∼µ(SN ) 3 23

Remark 9. The qualitative meaning of the above lemma is twofold. First, it shows that for uniformly distributed isospectral states from HN the scaling of the QFI on average is at most linear in the number of particles N, and, secondly, it proves that for random pure symmetric states the average QFI scales quadratically with N, both for fixed local Hamiltonian h and local dimension d. Thus, for symmetric states the average QFI attains the Heisenberg limit. This behaviour still holds for random isospectral density matrices, provided their spectrum is sufficiently pure with the “degree of purity” quantified by Λ({pj}j) defined by (C14).

Proof. We start from the proof of (C27). Using the fact that the local Hamiltonian h is traceless, one obtains

N  2 N X   X |HN | tr H2 = tr h(i) = tr h2 dN−1 = N tr h2 . (C30) HN HN d i=1 i=1

Inserting the above to (C4) (note that here H = HN ), we arrive at (C27). 2 The proof of (C28) is more involving as it requires the computation of trSN H . The final result reads

N (N + d) tr h2 tr H2 = |S | (C31) SN d (d + 1) N which when plugged into (C4) yields (C28). d To determine explicitly (C31) let us chose the basis {|ii}i=1 of the single particle space as the eigenbasis of the local Hamil- tonian h. Thus we have h|ii = λi|ii for i = 1, . . . , d. The corresponding generalized Dicke states (see (C23)) satisfy

~ ~ ~ ~ HN |k, Ni = k λ |k, Ni, (C32)

~ d where λ = (λ1, . . . , λd) is the vector of eigenvalues of h and is the standard inner product in R . Now, Eq. (C32) together with the fact that the generalized Dicke states form a basis of SN allow us to write

2 2 X ~ ~ trSN H = k λ (C33) ~k:|~k|=N d d X X 2 2 X X = λi ki + (λiλj)(kikj) , (C34) ~k:|~k|=N i=1 ~k:|~k|=N i,j=1 i6=j where to obtain the second equality we explicitly squared all scalar products appearing under the sum. From the symmetry we have

X 2 X 2 X X ki = ki0 , kikj = ki0 kj0 , (C35) ~k:|~k|=N ~k:|~k|=N ~k:|~k|=N ~k:|~k|=N for all i, i0 and for all pairs of different indices (i, j) and (i0, j0). As a result Eq. (C33) simplifies to     " d # d 2 X  X 2  X   trSN H =  λ k1 +  λiλj k1k2 . (C36)  i    ~k:|~k|=N i=1 i,j=1 i6=j

The fact that h is traceless yields

d d 2 X 2 X tr h = λi = − λiλj. (C37) i=1 i,j=1 i6=j

Moreover, due to the condition k1 + ... + kd = N we have

X 2 2 (k1 + ... + kd) = |SN |N . (C38) ~k:|~k|=N

By exploiting the identities (C35) the left-hand side of the above equation can be rewritten as

X 2 X 2 X (k1 + ... + kd) = d k1 + d (d − 1) k1k2. (C39) ~k:|~k|=N ~k:|~k|=N ~k:|~k|=N 24

As a result, one obtains

X 2 X 2 d (d − 1) k1k2 = |SN |N − d k1 (C40) ~k:|~k|=N ~k:|~k|=N

Using Eqs. (C36), (C37) and (C40) we finally arrive at     2 2 X 2 2 trSN H = tr h (d + 1)  k1 − N |SN | . (C41) ~k:|~k|=N

P 2 We compute the sum ~k:|~k|=N k1 by noting that

n o N − i + d − 2 # ~k |~k| = N, k = i = , (C42) 1 N − i where #() denotes the number of elements of a discrete set. The above equation follows from the fact that the number of ~ ~ elements of the set {k| |k| = N, k1 = i} is the same as the dimension of the Hilbert space of N − i bosons in d − 1 modes. Consequently, we get

N X X N − i + d − 2 N (2N + d − 1) k2 = i2 = |S |. (C43) 1 N − i d (d + 1) N ~k:|~k|=N i=0

Inserting the above expression to (C41) yields (C31). The equlity (C43) can be proven using standard combinatorial identities. Below we sketch its proof for completeness. First, by the virtue of the diagonal sum property of binomial coefficients [104] we have that

N−i N − i + a X a + k − 1 = , (C44) N − i k k=0 where a an arbitrary integer. Inserting (C44) (with a = d = 2) to the left hand side of (C43) we get

N N N−i N N−k ! X N − i + d − 2 X X d − 2 + k − 1 X X d − 2 + k − 1 i2 = i2 = i2 . (C45) N − i k k i=0 i=0 k=0 k=0 i=0

PN−k 2 The sum i=0 i is a polynomial of degree 3 in k and can be easily computed. Therefore, in order to finish the computation it suffices to know the moments

N X a − 1 + k kj , (C46) k k=0 for the powers j = 1, 2, 3. These can be found for instance on page 5 of [105].

2 Remark 10. The most demanding part in the proof of Lemma8 was the computation of trSN H that can be simplified greatly by the use of group theoretic methods. This should allow one to perform analogous analysis for other irreducible representations of the group SU (d), for instance, for the fermionic subspace of HN .

3. Average QFI for bosons with particle losses

0 Let ρ = trk (ρ) be a mixed symmetric state on N − k particles arising from tracing out k particles of some N-partite state ρ ∈ D (SN ). Our aim in this section is to bound the average of the QFI over mixed states created in the above way, where ρ is a random isospectral state acting on SN . Recall that that we are interested in the standard context of quantum metrology, i.e., the Hamiltonian H encoding the phase ϕ is given by Eq. (C26).

Lemma 9. Let ρ ∈ D (SN ) be a state of N bosons with single particle d-dimensional Hilbert space Hl and the spectrum  p1, . . . , p|SN | . Let us fix the local Hamiltonian h and a non-negative integer k. Then, the following inequality holds

2 2  † [N−k] (N − k)(N + d) |SN |(|SN | tr ρN − 1) tr h E F trk UρU ,H ≥ 2 2 . (C47) U∼µ(SN ) (d + 1)(d + k) |Sk|(|SN | − 1) 25

† Proof. Denoting σU = trk(UρU ) we notice that the inequality (B9) allows one to lower-bound the QFI as

2 F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ k[σU ,HN−k]kHS (C48)  2 2  2  = 2 trSN−k σU HN−k − trSN−k (σU HN−k) , (C49) where due to the fact that σU is symmetric, the trace is taken over the symmetric subspace SN−k. For the same reason we can cut the Hamiltonian to the symmetric subspace on which it acts as

X (N−k) H := N−kH N−k = λ |~n,N − kih~n,N − k|, N−k Psym N−kPsym ~n (C50) SN−k ~n where, as before, |~n,N − ki are (N − k)-partite generalized Dicke states and ~n = (n0, . . . , nd−1) is a vector of non-negative (N−k) integers such that n0 + ... + nd−1 = N − k, and, λ~n are the eigenvalues of HN−k. By abuse of notation, in what follows we denote both the Hamiltonian and its symmetric part (C50) by HN−k. Using the swap operator introduced in Fact3 for H = SN−k and the fact that tr(SA ⊗ B) = tr(AB) holds for any pair of operators acting on SN−k, we can rewrite Eq. (C48) as

F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ 2 {tr[(HN−kσU ⊗ σU HN−k)SN−k] − tr [(σU HN−k ⊗ σU HN−k) SN−k]} (C51)   N−k 2   = 2 tr (σU ⊗ σU ) Psym ⊗ HN−k − HN−k ⊗ HN−k SN−k , (C52)

2 N−k N−k where to obtain the second line we used the fact that σU acts on SN−k and that SN−k = Psym ⊗ Psym , and, for simplicity, we dropped the subscript SN−k ⊗ SN−k in the trace. N Exploting the fact that the symmetric projector Psym is diagonal in the Dicke basis, that is,

N X Psym = |~p,Nih~p,N|, (C53) ~p the representation of the Hamiltonian in Eq. (C48) and the definition of the swap operator, one arrives at the following formula

N−k 2 X 2 (Psym ⊗ HN−k − HN−k ⊗ HN−k)SN−k = (λ~n − λ~nλ ~m)|~m,N − kih~n,N − k| ⊗ |~n,N − kih~m,N − k|, (C54) ~n,~m which when plugged into Eq. (C51) gives

X 2 F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ 2 (λ~n − λ~nλ ~m) tr[(σU ⊗ σU )|~m,N − kih~n,N − k| ⊗ |~n,N − kih~m,N − k|]. (C55) ~n,~m

† † We are now ready to lower bound the average EU∼µ(SN ) F (σU ,HN−k). Using the fact that σU = trk(UρU ) and that UρU is symmetric, we obtain from inequality (C55) that

X 2 E F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ 2 (λ~n − λ~nλ ~m) (C56) U∼µ(SN ) ~n,~m

† † k k × dµ(U) tr[(UρU ⊗ UρU )|~m,N − kih~n,N − k| ⊗ Psym ⊗ |~n,N − kih~m,N − k| ⊗ Psym], ˆSU(SN ) where now the trace is performed over SN ⊗ SN . Let us focus for a moment on the state

dµ(U)(UρU † ⊗ UρU †). (C57) ˆSU(SN )

It follows from Fact3 (for H = SN ) that after performing the integration the above state assumes the following form

† † dµ(U)(UρU ⊗ UρU ) = αPsym∧sym + βPas∧as. (C58) ˆSU(SN )

For completeness let us recall that Psym∧sym and Pas∧as are the projectors onto the symmetric and antisymmetric subspaces of SN ⊗ SN , respectively, and are given by 1 1 = N ⊗ N +  , = N ⊗ N −  . (C59) Psym∧sym 2 Psym Psym SN Pas∧as 2 Psym Psym SN Moreover, the real coefficients α and β are explicitly given by 1 1 α = (1 + tr ρ2), β = (1 − tr ρ2), (C60) 2D+(SN ) 2D−(SN ) 26 where D±(SN ) = |SN |(|SN | ± 1)/2. Plugging Eq. (C58) into Eq. (C56) and using Eq. (C59) one arrives at

X 2 n N k  2 E F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ (λ~n − λ~nλ ~m) (α + β) tr Psym|~m,N − kih~n,N − k| ⊗ Psym (C61) U∼µ(SN ) ~n,~m  k k  +(α − β) tr SN |~m,N − kih~n,N − k| ⊗ Psym ⊗ |~n,N − kih~m,N − k| ⊗ Psym . The right-hand side of this inequality can significantly be simplified if one observes that the first trace under the curly brackets is nonzero only if ~m = ~n, giving

X 2 E F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ (α − β) (λ~n − λ~nλ ~m) (C62) U∼µ(SN ) ~n,~m  k k  × tr SN |~m,N − kih~n,N − k| ⊗ Psym ⊗ |~n,N − kih~m,N − k| ⊗ Psym .

Our aim now is to compute the remaining trace, which for further purposes we denote T ~m,~n. We use the fact that the projector k Psym can be written as in Eq. (C53), which together with the following identity

qN−kqk N ~n ~p Psym|~n,N − ki|~p,ki = |~n + ~p,Ni, (C63) q N  ~n+~p allows us to express T ~m,~n as N−kk N−kk X T = ~m ~o ~n ~o . ~m,~n N  N  (C64) ~o ~m+~o ~n+~o This gives N−kk N−kk X X F (σ ,H ) ≥ (α − β) (λ2 − λ λ ) ~m ~o ~n ~o E U N−k ~n ~n ~m N  N  (C65) U∼µ(SN ) ~n,~m ~o ~m+~o ~n+~o 2 |SN | tr ρ − 1 0 = 2 2 (LN,k − LN,k), (C66) |SN |(|SN | − 1) where we used the explicit expressions for α and β and denoted

" N−kk#" N−kk# " N−kk#2 X X X X X L = ~m ~o λ2 ~n ~o ,L0 = λ ~m ~o . N,k N  ~n N  N,k ~m N  (C67) ~o ~m ~m+~o ~n ~n+~o ~o ~m ~m+~o We now compute each sum separately. To this end, let us first notice that it follows from Eq. (C63) that N−kk X X ~m ~o = tr  N |~m,N − kih~m,N − k| ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k| N  Psym (C68) ~m ~m+~o ~m  N N−k  = tr Psym Psym ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k| (C69) |S | = N , (C70) |Sk|

N where to get the second equality we used Eq. (C53), while to obtain the third one we used the fact that the partial trace of Psym over N − k subsystems is given by

N  |SN | k trN−k Psym = Psym. (C71) |Sk|

With the aid of formula Eq. (C68) we can write LN,k as N−kk |SN | X X L = λ2 ~n ~o . N,k ~n N  (C72) |Sk| ~n ~o ~n+~o

Then, exploiting formulas Eq. (C53) and Eq. (C63) and the form of the Hamiltonian HN−k this further rewrites as

|SN |  N 2 k  LN,k = tr Psym HN−k ⊗ Psym (C73) |Sk| 2 |SN | 2  = trSN−k HN−k . (C74) |Sk||SN−k| 27 where the second equality stems from Eq. (C71). 0 To compute LN,k we follow more or less the same strategy. First, using Eqs. (C63) and (C50) we can rewrite it as

0 X   N  2 LN,k = tr Psym(HN−k ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k|) . (C75) ~o

d ⊗(N−k) Then, we use the fact in that the full Hilbert space (C ) , HN−k assumes the form given in Eq. (C26), which gives  N   N N−k−1  tr Psym(HN−k ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k|) = (N − k) tr Psym(h ⊗ Psym ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k|) (C76)

|SN |  k+1  = (N − k) tr Psym (h ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k|) , (C77) |Sk+1| where the second line follows from Eq. (C71). To compute the remaining trace we expand h in its eigenbasis as h = Pd−1 n=0 ξn|nihn| (where ξi are the eigenvalues of h), which can also be written using the “mode representation” as X h = ξ~n|~nih~n|, (C78) ~n where ~n = (i0, . . . , id−1) is now a d-dimensional vector whose components are such that ni = 0, 1 and n0 + ... + nd−1 = 1. In this representation a number n = i ∈ {0, . . . , d − 1} is represented by a vector ~n whose ith component ni = 1 and the remaining ones are zero. Using Eq. (C63) one obtains 1k k X X tr  k+1(h ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k|) = ξ ~n ~o = ξ ~o , Psym ~n k+1 ~n k+1 (C79) ~n ~n+~o ~n ~n+~o where the summation is taken over vectors ~n specified above (there is d such vectors). The second equality straightforwardly stems from the fact that 1 = 1. We then exploit the fact that k+1 = k+1 k and the assumption that tr h = 0 to get ~n ~n+~o on+1 ~o

d−1 1 X 1 (k) tr  k+1(h ⊗ |~o,kih~o,k|) = ξ o = λ , (C80) Psym k + 1 n n k + 1 ~o n=0

(k) where, to recall, λ~o is the eigenvalue of the k-partite Hamiltonian Hk (compare Eq. (C50)). Combining the above identity with Eqs. (C76) and (C75), one finds that  2 0 N − k |SN | 2 LN,k = trSk Hk . (C81) k + 1 |Sk+1| Plugging Eqs. (C73) and (C81) into Eq. (C56), one eventually finds that the average QFI is lower-bounded as

2 |SN | |SN | tr ρN − 1 (N − k)(N + d) 2 E F (σU ,HN−k) ≥ 2 2 tr h . (C82) U∼µ(SN ) |Sk| |SN | − 1 (d + 1)(d + k)

Remark 11. It is worth mentioning that using similar techniques, one can also provide an upper bound on the average QFI for bosons in the case of particle losses. To be more precise, in what follows we will derive such a bound for multi-qubit states. As the QFI is upper bounded by the variance, one has F (σ ,H ) ≤ 4∆2 H = 4{tr(σ H2 ) − [tr(σ H )]2} ≤ 4 tr(σ H2 ). Q U N−k σU N−k U N−k U N−k U N−k (C83) 2 2 k Using then the fact that the right-hand side can be rewritten as tr(σU HN−k) = tr[ρ(HN−k ⊗ Psym)] and that

N Psym dµ(U)UρU † = , (C84) ˆSU(SN ) N + 1 one obtains

4 N 2 k E F (σU ,HN−k) ≤ tr[Psym(HN−k ⊗ Psym)]. (C85) U∼µ(SN ) N + 1 With the aid of Eqs. (C71) and (C31) we eventually get 1 E F (σU ,HN−k) ≤ (N − k)(N − k + 2). (C86) U∼µ(SN ) 3 Notice that for k = 0 this bound gives N(N + 2)/3 which differs from the exact value for qubtis by a factor linear in N. In general, however, this bound is not very informative because even for significant particle losses as e.g. k = ηN with 0 < η < 1, the right-hand side of Eq. (C86) scales quadratically with N. 28

4. Average FI of random two-mode bosonic states in the interferometric setup

In this part we study the interferometric setup introduced in Section VII and depicted in Fig.2. Recall that the classical Fisher information (FI) associated with such a measurement scheme is given by:

 2 N N ˆ X tr i [Πn , Jz]ψ(ϕ) F (p (ψ) ) = , (C87) cl n|ϕ tr (ΠN ψ(ϕ)) n=0 n

ˆ 1 PN (i) N ˆ N ˆ† ˆ where by Jα := 2 i=0 σα (α = {x, y, z}) we denote the angular momentum operators, Πn = BDn B , with B := ˆ N N N N exp(−iπJx/2), Dn = |Dn ihDn |, and |Dn i := |n, N − ni, are the projections onto the Dicke states propagated through a balanced beam-splitter, and ψ(ϕ) := exp(−iJˆzϕ)ψ exp(iJˆzϕ) with ψ some pure state in SN with d = 2 modes. Similarly as in Theorem4 of Section VII, after fixing ψN to be a particular pure state on SN , we may then define

 † Fcl(U, ϕ) := Fcl( pn|ϕ(UψN U ) , (C88) where U ∈ SU (SN ) and ϕ ∈ [0, 2π].

Lemma 10. Let Fcl(U, ϕ) be defined as above. Then, the following inequalities hold

2 2 c−N ≤ E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ c+N + N, (C89) U∼µ(SN ) where 1 4 5 3 c = − ≈ 0.0244 , c = − + ≈ 0.270 . (C90) − 36 3e5 + 6 e

Proof. The main difficulty in the proof comes from the fact that Fcl(U, ϕ) is a complicated, non-linear function of U. Let us first ˆ ˆ note that by using the relation Bˆ e−iJz ϕBˆ† = eiJy ϕ it is possible to rewrite the FI in Eq. (C87) as

 2 N tr i [DN , Jˆ ]ψ˜(ϕ)  X n y Fcl( pn|ϕ(ψ) ) =   , (C91) N ˜ n=0 tr Dn ψ(ϕ)

˜     where ψ(ϕ) = exp iϕJˆy ψ exp −iϕJˆy . Let us introduce the auxiliary notation

2 n  N ˆ  ˆ  †  ˆ o fn (U, ϕ) = tr i [Dn , Jy] exp iϕJy UψU exp −iϕJy , (C92)  N  ˆ  †  ˆ  gn (U, ϕ) = tr Dn exp iϕJy UψU exp −iϕJy . (C93)

Using the above formulas we obtain the compact expression for Fcl(U, ϕ) ,

N X fn(U, ϕ) F (U, ϕ) = . (C94) cl g (U, ϕ) n=0 n

In what follows we will make use of the inequality

2 2 fn(U, ϕ) ≤ N gn(U, ϕ) , (C95)

which follows directly from (A50) applied to the considered setting. In order to obtain bounds on the average EU∼µ(SN ) Fcl(U, ϕ) we will use the use the following subsets of the SU (SN ),

n G+,α = {U ∈ SU (Sn)| gn (U, ϕ) ≥ α} , (C96) n G−,α = {U ∈ SU (Sn)| gn (U, ϕ) ≤ α} , (C97)

N where n = 0,...,N and α ∈ [0, 1]. Because of the unitary invariance of the Haar measure and the fact that projectors Dn have rank one the distribution of the random variable gn (U, ϕ) is identical with the distribution of the random variable X (V ) = † N+1 tr ψV ψV , where V - is Haar distributed unitary on C and ψ is a pure state on this Hilbert space. The distribution of X (V ) is known (see for instance equation (9) in [106]) and is given by

p(X) = N (1 − X)N−1 ,X ∈ [0, 1] . (C98) 29

Lower bound. Let us first derive the lower bound for the average of FI. Consider first the average of a single term in a sum (C94). For α > 0 we have the following chain of (in)equalities

fn(U, ϕ) fn(U, ϕ) fn(U, ϕ) E ≥ dµ(U) + dµ(U) (C99) U∼µ(SN ) gn(U, ϕ) ˆ n α ˆ n gn(U, ϕ) U∈G−,α U∈G+,α

1 (gn(U, ϕ) − α) = dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) − dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) (C100) α ˆ ˆ n gn(U, ϕ)α U∈SU(SN ) U∈G+,α 1 N 2 ≥ dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) − dµ(U)gn(U, ϕ)(gn(U, ϕ) − α) (C101) α ˆ α ˆ n U∈SU(SN ) U∈G+,α 1 N 2 1 = dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) − dXp(X)X(X − α) (C102) α ˆU∈SU(SN ) α ˆα 1 N 2(1 − α)N+1(2 + αN) = dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) − . (C103) α ˆU∈SU(SN ) α(1 + N)(2 + N)

n In the above sequence of (in)equalities (C99) follows form the definitions of sets G±,α,(C101) follows from the nonnegativity of n gn(U, ϕ) − α on G+,α and from (C95). Equation (C102) follows form the definition of the random variable X presented in the discussion above (C98). Finally equation (C103) follows directly form (C98). Summing up over n we obtain the inequality

N ! 1 X N 2(1 − α)N+1(2 + αN) E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≥ dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) − . (C104) U∼µ(S ) α ˆ α(2 + N) N n=0 U∈SU(SN )

Using the integration techniques analogous to the ones used in preceding sections it is possible to show that

 h i2 N ˆ tr − Dn , Jy dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) = . (C105) ˆU∈SU(SN ) (N + 1)(N + 2)

  ˆ N Making use of the fact that tr JyDn = 0 we obtain

    N ! N N ˆ2 ˆ2 X X 2 tr Dn , Jy 2 tr Jy N dµ(U)f (U, ϕ) = = = , (C106) ˆ n (N + 1)(N + 2) (N + 1)(N + 2) 6 n=0 U∈SU(SN ) n=0

In the last equality of (C106) we have used (C31) and the fact that Jˆy originates in a single particle Hamiltonian satisfying 2 1 tr h = 2 . Plugging (C106) to (C104) we obtain that for all α > 0 we obtain

N N 2(1 − α)N+1(2 + αN) E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≥ − . (C107) U∼µ(SN ) 6α α(2 + N)

∆ ∆ N+1 By setting α = N , where ∆ is a fixed positive parameter, and by using the inequality (1 − N ) ≤ exp (−∆) we obtain

N 2 N 2 exp (−∆) (2 + ∆) E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≥ − . (C108) U∼µ(SN ) 6∆ ∆

Finding the maximal value of right hand side of (C108) (treated as a function of ∆) is difficult. Numerical investigation shows that the maximal value is obtained very close to ∆ = 6 which finally gives

2 E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≥ c−N , (C109) U∼µ(SN )

1 4 where c− = 36 − 3e5 ≈ 0.0244. Upper bound. The proof of the upper bound of the average Fisher information is analogous. For α > 0 we have the following 30 chain of (in)equalities

fn(U, ϕ) fn(U, ϕ) fn(U, ϕ) E ≤ dµ(U) + dµ(U) (C110) U∼µ(SN ) gn(U, ϕ) ˆ n α ˆ n gn(U, ϕ) U∈G+,α U∈G−,α

1 (α − gn(U, ϕ)) = dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) + dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) (C111) α ˆ ˆ n gn(U, ϕ)α U∈SU(SN ) U∈G−,α 1 N 2 ≤ fn(U, ϕ) + gn(U, ϕ)(α − gn(U, ϕ)) (C112) α ˆ α ˆ n U∈SU(SN ) U∈G−,α 1 N 2 α = dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) + dXp(X)X(α − X) (C113) α ˆU∈SU(SN ) α ˆ0 1 N 2 α(2 + N) + (1 − α)N+1(2 + αN) − 2 = dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) + . (C114) α ˆU∈SU(SN ) α(1 + N)(2 + N)

n In the above sequence of (in)equalities (C110) follows form the definitions of sets G±,α,(C112) follows from the nonnegativity n of α − gn(U, ϕ) on G−,α and from (C95). Equation (C102) follows form the definition of the random variable X presented in the discussion above (C98). Finally equation (C114) follows directly form (C98). Summing up over n we obtain the inequality

N ! 2 N+1  1 X N α(2 + N) + (1 − α) (2 + αN) − 2 E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ dµ(U)fn(U, ϕ) + . (C115) U∼µ(S ) α ˆ α(2 + N) N n=0 U∈SU(SN )

∆ Let ∆ be a fixed positive number. By setting α = N , and by using (C106) we obtain the upper bound N 2 N 2 E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ + (∆ − 2 + (∆ + 2) exp (−∆)) + N. (C116) U∼µ(SN ) 6∆ ∆

Finding the minimal value of right hand side of (C116) (treated as a function of ∆) is difficult. Numerical investigation shows that the minimal value is obtained very close to ∆ = 1. Inserting this to (C116) gives

2 E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ c+N + N, (C117) U∼µ(SN )

5 3 where c+ = − 6 + e ≈ 0.270.

Appendix D: Proofs of main theorems

In this section we use the technical results developed in the preceding parts of the Appendix to prove main theorems form the main manuscript. In the main text we have used, for the sake of simplicity, the Θ notation that allowed us to hide the presence of complicated constants in the concentration inequalities. In what follows we will present technical versions of these theorems giving explicitly all the relevant constants. Proofs of Theorems1,2,3, and Example1 are analogous in a sense that they all relay concentration inequalities (A7) and on • Upper bounds on the Lipschitz constants of the relevant functions on SU (H); • Bounds or explicit values on the average of these functions on SU (H).

The proof of Theorem4 is slightly more complicated and relies on the regularity of Fcl(U, ϕ) viewed as a function of the parameter ϕ. Let us start with a immediate corollary of Fact1 describing the concentration of measure on SU (H).

Corollary 2. Let f : SU (H) 7−→ R be a function on SU (H). Let D = |H| be the dimension of H. Assume that the function f with the Lipschitz constant L satisfying L ≤ L˜ for some nonnegative scalar L˜. Assume that the expectation value of f is upper bounded as EU∼µ(H) f ≤ F+. Then, for every  ≥ 0 the following large deviation bound holds,

 D2  Pr (f (U) ≥ F+ + ) ≤ exp − . (D1) U∼µ(H) 4L˜2

Assume that the expectation value of f is lower bounded as EU∼µ(H) f ≥ F−. Then, for every  ≥ 0 the following large deviation bound holds,

 D2  Pr (f (U) ≤ F− − ) ≤ exp − . (D2) U∼µ(H) 4L˜2 31

We use Corollary2 to prove technical versions of Theorems1,2,3 and Example1 from the main text. Theorem 5 (Technical version of Theorem1 from the main text) . Fix a single-particle Hamiltonian h, local dimension d and a LU LU † pure state ψN on HN . Let F (U) := F (UψN U ,H), then for every  ≥ 0   (N − 1)d2    2dN  Pr FLU(U) ≥ 4Nkhk2 1 + √ +  ≤ exp − , (D3) N 4 4 U∼µ(HN ) d 4096khk N

 2 N   2 N  LU 4N tr(h )d  d Pr F (U) ≤ N −  ≤ exp − 4 4 . (D4) U∼µ(HN ) d(d + 1) 4096khk N

 (N−1)d2  2N tr(h2)dN Setting  = 2Nkhk2 1 + √ and  = in (D3) and (D4) respectively yields Theorem1. dN d(dN +1) Proof. The proof of Theorem5 follows directly from Corollary2 and results proved previously. From Lemma1 and3 one can infer that the Lipschitz constant of F LU is upper bounded by L˜ = 32kHk2 = 32N 2khk2. From (17) we have the upper bound LU LU on EU∼µ(H) F . Using this bound in (D1) gives (D3). The lower bound EU∼µ(H) F can be obtained by noting that the unoptimized QFI is a lower bound to its optimized version. Therefore

2 N LU † 4N tr(h )d E F ≥ E F(UψN U ,H) = , (D5) U∼µ(H) U∼µ(H) d(dN + 1) where in the last equality we used (C27). Plugging (D5) in (D2) yields (D4). Theorem 6 (Technical version of Theorem2 from the main text) . Fix a single-particle Hamiltonian h, local dimension d and a state σN from the symmetric subspace SN with eigenvalues {pj}j. Let σmix be the maximally mixed state on SN . Let † F(U):=F(U σN U ,H), then for every  ≥ 0  2 2   2  2 2N(N + d) tr(h ) |SN |  |SN | Pr F (U) ≤ dB(σN , σmix) 2 −  ≤ exp − 4 4 ) , (D6) U∼µ(SN ) d(d + 1) |SN | − 1 4096Ckhk N

2 2 N+d−1 2 N(N+d) tr(h ) |SN | where |SN | = and C = min {1, 8 dB(σN , σmix)}. Setting  = dB(σN , σmix) 2 in (D6) yields N d(d+1) |SN | −1 Theorem2. Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem5. From Lemma1 we infer that the Lipschitz constant of F(U) is upper 2 2 2 bounded by L˜ = 32kHk min {1, 8 dB(σN , σmix)} = 32N khk min {1, 8 dB(σN , σmix)}. From equation (C28) in Lemma8 we get

2 4N(N + d) tr(h ) |SN | E F(U) = Λ({pj}j) . (D7) U∼µ(SN ) d(d + 1) |SN | + 1

2 1 Using the inequality (C15) and the Fuch-van de Graaf inequality [102], 1 − F (σN , σmix) ≤ 2 dB(σN , σmix), we obtain

|SN | 2 Λ({pj}j) ≥ dB(σN , σmix) . (D8) 2(|SN | − 1) Inserting this inequality into (D7) gives

2 2 2 2N(N + d) tr(h ) |SN | E F(U) ≥ dB(σN , σmix) 2 , (D9) U∼µ(HN ) d(d + 1) |SN | − 1 which together with the bound on the Lipschitz constant of F(U) and Corollary2 allows us to conclude (D6). Example 3 (Technical version of Example1 from the main manuscript) . Fix a local dimension d, single particle Hamiltonian h, and p ∈ [0, 1]. Let ψN be a pure state on SN and set

σN (p) = (1 − p) ψN + p σmix . (D10) † Let Fp (U) := F(U σN (p) U ,H), then for every  > 0

  2 2 2 2 2 !  tr(h ) (N + d) |SN | Pr | Fp(U) − Fp| ≥  Fp ≤ 2 exp − |SN | , (D11) E E 4 2 U∼µ(SN ) U∼µ(SN ) U∼µ(SN ) 64khk (d(d + 1)N(1 + |SN |))

N+d−1 where |SN | = N and 2 2 4N(N + d) tr(h ) |SN | (1 − p) E Fp = . (D12) U∼µ(SN ) d(d + 1) |SN | + 1 (1 − p + 2 p/|SN |)

d−1 Equation (D12) implies Example1 as for fixed local dimension d we have |SN | ∈ Θ N . 32

Sketch of the proof. The proof of Example3 parallels proofs of Theorem5 and6 and relies on Fact1. The bound of the Lipschitz constant of Fp(U) is provided by Lemma3. The expression the average of Fp(U) is given in Lemma8. The inequality (D11) follows directly from concentration inequalities from Fact1 by setting  = ˜EU∼µ(SN ) Fp. Theorem 7 (Technical version of Theorem 3 from the main manuscript). Fix a single particle Hamiltonian h, local dimension d, nonngative integer k and a state σN on SN with eigenvalues {pj}j. Let σmix be the maximally mixed state on SN . Let † Fk (U) := F(trk U σN U ,HN−k), then for every  ≥ 0

 2 2   2  (N − k)(N + d) |SN |(|SN | tr ρN − 1) tr h  |SN | Pr Fk (U) ≤ 2 2 −  ≤ exp − 4 4 , (D13) U∼µ(SN ) (d + 1)(d + k) |Sk|(|SN | − 1) 4096Ckhk (N − k)

2 2 N+d−1 (N−k)(N+d) |SN |(|SN | tr ρN −1) tr h where |SN | = and C = min {1, 8 dB(σN , σmix)}. Setting  = 2 in (D13) yields N (d+1)(d+k) |Sk|(|SN | −1) Theorem 3.

Sketch of the proof. The proof of Theorem7 parallels proofs of Theorem5 and6 and relies on Corollary2. The bound of the Lipschitz constant of Fk(U) is provided by Lemma4. The lower bound for the average of Fk(U) is given in Lemma9.

Theorem 8 (Technical version of Theorem4 from the main manuscript) . Let ψN be a fixed pure state on SN with d = 2 † bosonic modes. Let pn|ϕ(UψN U ) the probability to obtain outcome n in the interferometric scheme defined in Section VII, † given that the value of the unknown phase parameter is ϕ and the input state was UψN U (see also (31)). Let Fcl(U, ϕ) :=  † Fcl( pn|ϕ(UψN U ) ) be the corresponding FI according to (32) (or (C87)). Then, for every  ≥ 0 and every ϕ ∈ [0, 2π] we have    2  Pr Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ E Fcl(U, ϕ) −  ≤ exp − 4 (N + 1) , (D14) U∼µ(SN ) U∼µ(SN ) 144N    2  , Pr Fcl(U, ϕ) ≥ E Fcl(U, ϕ) +  ≤ exp − 4 (N + 1) . (D15) U∼µ(SN ) U∼µ(SN ) 144N

In the equations above EU∼µ(SN ) Fcl(U, ϕ) satisfies inequalities

2 2 c−N ≤ E Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ c+N + N, (D16) U∼µ(SN ) where 1 4 5 3 c = − ≈ 0.0244 , c = − + ≈ 0.270 . (D17) − 36 3e5 + 6 e Moreover, we have the following inequality

   2   c− 2 12πN c− Pr ∃ϕ ∈ [0, 2π] Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ N ≤ exp − (N + 1) , (D18) U∼µ(SN ) 4 c− 576 where dxe stands for the smallest integer not less than x. Equation (D18) yields exactly (33) from Theorem4.

Proof. Equations (D14) and (D15) follow directly from Fact1 and the bounds of the Lipschitz constant of Fcl(U, ϕ), treated as a function of U (for fixed ϕ), given in Lemma5. From Lemma5 it follows that the Lipschitz constant of Fcl(U, ϕ) is bounded above as

2 2 2 L ≤ 24kHk = 24kJˆzk = 6N . (D19)

Inequalities from (D16) follow from Lemma 10. The nontrivial part of the proof is the justification of (D18). Let us first introduce the discretization of the interval [0, 2π] by M equally spaced points:

2π ϕ = (i − 1) , i = 1,...,M. (D20) i M

Moreover, let us notice that from (A59) it follows that Fcl(U, ϕ) is Lipschitz continuous for fixed U and varying ϕ:

d 3 3 Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ 24kHk = 3N , (D21) dϕ where in (A59) we set X = H = Jˆz. From (D21) it follows that for fixed U ∈ SU (SN ) and for ϕ, ϕ˜ ∈ [0, 2π] we have

3 |Fcl(U, ϕ) − Fcl(U, ϕ˜)| ≤ 3N |ϕ − ϕ˜| . (D22) 33

2π When the points in the discretization (D20) are separated by ∆ = M , the distance on any ϕ ∈ [0, 2π] to closest ϕi the does not 0 ∆ π exceed ∆ = 2 = M . Using the union bound, equation (D14) and the lower bound in equation (D16) we obtain  2  2   Pr ∃ϕi Fcl(U, ϕi) ≤ c−N −  ≤ Mexp − 4 (N + 1) . (D23) U∼µ(SN ) 144N Using (D22) and the discussion following it we obtain

 2  2 3 0   Pr ∃ϕ Fcl(U, ϕ) ≤ c−N − 3N ∆ −  ≤ Mexp − 4 (N + 1) . (D24) U∼µ(SN ) 144N l m Now by setting in the above equation M = 12πN (this is the smallest integer M such that 3N 3∆0 ≤ ci N 2) and  = c− N 2 c− 4 2 we obtain (D18).

Appendix E: Partial-trace and beam-splitter models of particle losses

In this section we prove the equivalence of the beam-splitter model of particle losses and the operation of taking partial trace over the constituent particles in the system of N bosons in d = 2 modes. A general pure state ψN of N bosons in two modes a and b can be written as

N N X X N |ψN i = αn |n, N − ni = αn Dn (E1) n=0 n=0

N PN 2 N with the complex coefficients {αn}n=0 satisfying n=0 |αn| = 1. Each Dicke state Dn can be written in the basis of particle basis | ip as

N 1 X Dn = δx,n |xip , (E2) q N  N n x∈{0,1} P where x := |x| := i xi denotes the Hamming weight of any binary string x = [x1, . . . , xN ], whose consecutive entries specify the state of each qubit. As a result, we may write a general bosonic pure state (E1) in the particle basis as X X |ψN i = cx |xip = cx |x1i |x2i ... |xN i, (E3) x∈{0,1}N x∈{0,1}N

c c = 1 PN α δ with the coefficients x then given by x q N n=0 n x,n. ( n )

1. Tracing-out k particles

Let us define notation in which we may split any binary string, x (describing N qubits), into two strings, x0 and u (describing 0 0 0 first N − k and last k qubits respectively), so that x = [x , u] = [x1, . . . , xN−k, u1, . . . , uk]. Then, we may generally write the bosonic state (E3) in the particle basis after tracing-out the last k qubits as tr %N−k := trk{ψN } (E4)  1N  1N  X ?  X ? n o = trk cxcy |xip hy| = cxcy trk |xiphy| (E5) x,y=0N  x,y=0N

1N−k X  tr  0 0 = %N−k x0y0 |x iphy | , (E6) x0,x0=0N−k

tr where the above matrix entries of %N−k are given by

1k 1k  tr  X ? X ? 0 0 %N−k x0y0 = c[x ,u]c[y0,w] δuw = c[x ,u]c[y0,u] (E7) u,w=0k u=0k

k     1 N N k ? ?   0 X X αnδx0+u,n X αmδy0+u,m X k αx +uαy0+u =     = . (E8) q N q N u q N q N k     u=0 n=0 n m=0 m u=0 x0+u y0+u 34

In the mode basis we may equivalently write

N−k tr X  tr  N−k N−k %N−k = %N−k nm Dn Dm (E9) n,m=0 and with the help of Eqs. (E2) and (E6) explicitly evaluate the corresponding density-matrix entries:

1N−k  tr  X  tr  N−k 0 0 N−k %N−k nm = %N−k x0y0 Dm |x iphy | Dn (E10) x0,y0=0N−k 1N−k X  tr  δx0,m δy0,n = %N−k 0 0 (E11) x y q N−k q N−k 0 0 N−k   x ,y =0 m n N−k    k   ? X N − k N − k X k αx0+uαy0+u δx0,m δy0,n = (E12) 0 0 q N q N q q 0 0 x y u   N−k N−k x ,y =0 u=0 x0+u y0+u m n v k   uN−kN−k X ? k u m n = αm+uα t . (E13) n+u u N  N  u=0 m+u n+u

2. Beam-splitter model of mode-asymmetric particle losses

In quantum optics, photonic losses are modelled by adding fictitious beam-splitters (BSs) of fixed transmittance into the light transmission modes [39]. In this way, by impinging a vacuum state on the other input port of any such BS and tracing out its unobserved output port, one obtains a model depicting loss of photon. In case of the two-mode N-photon bosonic state (E1), after fixing the transmissivity of the fictitious BS introduced in mode a (b) to ηa (ηb), the density matrix describing then the observed modes generally reads [3]: %BS := ΛBS [ψ ] N ηa,ηb N (E14) N N−l X Xa = pla,lb |ξla,lb imhξla,lb | , (E15) la=0 lb=0 ΛBS l l where ηa,ηb is the effective quantum channel representing the action of fictitious BSs in the two modes, while indices a and b denote the number of photons lost in modes a and b respectively. The states

N−lb q 1 X (l ,l ) : a b |ξla,lb im = √ αn bn |n − la,N − n − lbi (E16) pla,lb n=la are generally non-orthogonal and their coefficients contain generalised binomial factors: n N − n (la,lb) n−la la N−n−lb lb bn := ηa (1 − ηa) ηb (1 − ηb) . (E17) la lb

The probability of losing la and lb photons in modes a and b respectively then reads:

N−lb X 2 (la,lb) pla,lb = |αn| bn . (E18)

n=la On ther hand, after reindexing Eq. (E15) by l—the total number of photons lost in both modes—the output two-mode mixed state may be equivalently rewritten as

N BS M BS %N = pl %N,l, (E19) l=0 where l 1 X BS : %N,l = pla,l−la |ξla,l−la imhξla,l−la | (E20) pl la=0 l N−l+la q 1 X X ? (la,l−la) (la,l−la) = αnαm bn bm |n − la,N − n − l + laimhm − la,N − m − l + la| (E21) pl la=0 n,m=la 35 belong to orthogonal subspaces and represent the state after loss of l photons, what may occur with probability:

l l N−l+la N min{l,n} X X X 2 (la,l−la) X 2 X (la,l−la) pl = pla,l−la = |αn| bn = |αn| bn . (E22)

la=0 la=0 n=la n=0 la=max{0,n−N+l}

3. Equivalence of the partial-trace and beam-splitter models in case of equal losses in the two modes

Lemma 11. For equal photonic losses in both modes, η := ηa =ηb, the fictitious BS model is equivalent to tracing-out k particles with k distributed according to a binomial distribution, i.e.,

N   M N k ∀ :ΛBS [ψ ] = p tr {ψ } with p = ηN−k (1 − η) . (E23) ψn∈SN η,η N k k N k k k=0

Proof. In case of mode-symmetric losses, η := ηa = ηb, the overall probability of losing l photons becomes independent of the state ψN (i.e., its coefficients αn of Eq. (E1)), as Eq. (E22) then simplifies to

N min{l,n}      X 2 X n N − n N−l l N N−l l pl = |αn| η (1 − η) = η (1 − η) . (E24) la l − la l n=0 la=max{0,n−N+l}

Furthermore, the state (E21) in each orthogonal subspace indexed by l takes then a simpler form

l N−l 1 X X q (l ,l−l )q (l ,l−l ) %BS = α α? b a a b a a |n, N − l − ni hm, N − l − m| (E25) N,l n+la m+la n+la m+la m pl la=0 n,m=0 N−l X = %BS  DN−l DN−l , (E26) N,l nm n m n,m=0 where we have shifted the indices n → n + la and m → m + la to explicitly rewrite the state in the Dicke basis, in which its matrix entries then read l 1 X q (l ,l−l )q (l ,l−l ) %BS  = α α? b a a b a a (E27) N,l nm n+la m+la n+la m+la pl la=0 l s     1 X l n + la N − n − la m + la N − m − la = α α? ηN−l (1 − η) n+la m+la (E28) pl la l − la la l − la la=0 v v l un+laN−n−laum+laN−m−la X u l l−l u l l−l = α α? t a a t a a . (E29) n+la m+la N N la=0 l l n m n n−k  n n  However, using the m k = k m−k and k = n−k we get

v s v un+laN−n−la  u N−l u l l−l l u a a = n . t N t N  (E30) la l n+la

This allows us to finally write the matrix entries specified in the Dicke-basis as v v l  u N−l u N−l X l u u %BS  = α α? n m . (E31) N,l nm n+la m+la t N t N  la la=0 n+la m+la

Comparing the above expression with Eq. (E13) and relabelling the indices l → k and la → u, one observes that independently BS tr of ψN indeed %N,l = %N−l = trl{ψN }. Hence, Eq. (E19) yields Eq. (E23) with binomially distributed pl according to Eq. (E24).