Goals and Objectives
INTRODUCTION The world we live in is dynamic, with its many facets having multiple interactions with each other, resulting in an almost infinite number of causes and effects. Therefore, no planning effort can be undertaken in a vacuum. Planning must be understood in the context of current and historical influences and events. New Jersey comprises 566 separate municipalities, twenty-one counties, and more than 600 school districts. This governing structure is highly fragmented and, in the most densely populated state in the nation, requires the most highly coordinated system of intergovernmental cooperation. The Strategic Growth Plan (SGP) for Sussex County is a reac- tion to the need for such cooperation between the twenty-four municipalities which make up the County, the County itself, and the State. But what has caused us to take this initiative now? Today we have a much better understanding of the connections between our development patterns and our quality of life. If the purpose of work and study is to yield products, services and income through which we come to enjoy life and provide a measure of security to ourselves and our families, maximizing the return from our efforts and minimizing the costs of those ef- forts is rational behavior. Planning is an attempt to impose predictability and a level of control over our lives. By its nature, it is a long term and wide angle perspective on events. Often it requires deferred grati- fication. This comes into conflict with the understandable wish to “have it all now” under the “buy now, pay later” economic banner.
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