'R. 'Wylie Good Food Is a Morale Boostel' of 350 Childl'l'u in the Gl'osse League Arranges Pointe School Dislrict
~ -- ~ .. -- ... -..... - .• -.- ..... ,~ .. -' ... ~-e --T _ ......- -q-- Give, the Gift that' R~ptah Itself 52.Times.,. a Year, , A Y urIs Sub$cription , To Th. News . ... ... rosse ~ws C.tl TUxedo 2.6900 I Compwte News' Coverage of. All the Pointes VOLUME 2o-NO .. 51 En\ered u second Class MaUer 5c: Per Copy at the Pod Oftlce at Detroit, M1ch. GROSSE POINTE, M!CHIGAN. DECEMBER 17, 1959 '3.50 Per Year 28 PAGES TWO SECTIONS SECTION 500 See Neighborhood Club C,hristmasProgram YoungExtortionist Students Air oj th, ~, p, 'l'.' Opinions, in \VEEK N bb d ,UJ 0 lee Interviews As Go";piled by the " a 'e Gross, Poi"te News Michigan State Freshman For Bomb Threats Quizzed at Gathering of Thursday. Decembl',r 10 AS THE PRESIDENT'S peace High School Faculty and goodwill tour continues to Four Pointe Residents Among Nine Receiving Letters the' various countries" of the Demanding Money; Teenager Falls Into Trap Eight members of the world, the receptions given him Set Up by FBI Agents Grosse.Pointe High School grow in size and acclaim. In- faculty were participants in dians in New Delhi yestel'day Nine homes, including four in. the Pointe, were the recent interview of cur- turned out a millon and a half threatened with bombings by air by a'bold extortionist rent college freshmen at strong to greet the man they who sent crude hand.printed notes to pome owners, proclaim to be the reincarna- Michigan State University. tion of Vishnu, the proleclor of demanding $2,.000 from each, or he would drop two small Dr.
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