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Virginia Land Snails

Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837) (non-native)

Family: Common name: Dark-bodied Glass-snail

Identification Width: 11.0-16.5mm Height: 6.5-8.0 mm Whorls: 5+

Oxychilus draparnaudi has a flattened, heliciform, brownish-yellow shell with fine radial growth lines (Kerney & Cameron, 1979). The umbilicus is moderately open and the lip simple. The shell is larger, more opaque, and relatively flatter than O. cellarius.The is dark blue.

Ecology In western Europe, this species is found in moist, shaded habitats like its relatives, including forested rocks, yards and gardens (Kerney & Cameron, 1979). This animal is omnivorous, and preys upon native land snails. Captive O. draparnaudi from Iowa consumed Webbhelix multilineata and Anguispiraalternata, but preferred Euchemotrema fraternum (Frest & Sanders Rhodes, 1982).

Taxonomy Synonyms of O. draparnaudi include O. drapanaldi, O. lucidum, Helix lucida, H. nitida, Helicella draparnaldi, and Polita draparnaldi.

Distribution This species, introduced into North America, is common in western Europe. In North America this animal is known from Canada and several states, including some in the interior. In Virginia specimens are from only two locations – to the far east and far west of the state. Pilsbry (1946) reported this animal from Staunton and Photo(s): Views of an Oxychilus Norfolk. draparnaudi shell by Robert Forsyth ©. NatureServe Global Rank: G5 NatureServe State Rank: not listed Click photo(s) to enlarge.

Ken Hotopp 1/2013

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