Lte:T:A~OJ "Ji E-1 :Ij Conveyance
APRIL I.] · THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 877 POSTAL DISTRICT OF NELSON-continued. -j-:~~----------Se-rv-ic_e.____ , --~i-~-f~,----Fr-e-q-ue_n_c_y_----- Mod_e_of___ N_a_m_e-ot-. C_o_n_tr_a-cto-r.~- Annual lTe:t:a~OJ "Ji E-1 :iJ Conveyance. Subsidy. of Contraol z~ _,__ __________.,_ __----'-----'-- £ s. d. 19 Murchison and Tutaki (rural delivery) [ 40 Twice weekly Motor-lorry A. J. McCaa 39 0 0 20 Murchison, Upper Matakitaki, and 74 Weekly Motor-car Newman Bros.,Ltd. 50 0 0 31/12/40 Maruia 21 Nelson, Atawhai, Wakapuaka, Hira, 158 Daily (free trip daily Motor-car Newman Bros.,Ltd. 830 0 0 31/12/40 Whangamoa, Rai Valley, Pelorus Blenheim to Nelson and Bridge, Canvastown, Havelock, Mondays, Nelson to Havelock Suburban, Okaramio, Kai Blenheim) tuna, Renwicktown, and Blenheim 22 Nelson, Brightwater, Wakefield, Bel 336 Daily to Brightwater, Motor-car .. Newman Bros., 3,000 O O 131/12/40 grove, Motupiko, Korere, Glenhope, Wakefield, Motupiko, Ltd. Kawatiri, Gowan Bridge, Owen Junc Gowan Bridge, Owen tion, Owen River, Mangarata, Long River, Murchison, Lyell, ford, Murchison, Sullivan's Bridge, Inangahua Junction, Newton Flat, Lyell, Three Channel Reefton, and Westport; Flat, Inangahua Junction, Berlins, daily to and inwards Tiroroa, Westport, Rotokohu, Crona four times weekly from dun, and Reefton Belgrove; thrice weekly to other places 23 Nelson and Hope 20 Daily Motor-bus .. E. A. Burn 30 0 0 24 Nelson and Brunt's Corner (rural de 34 Five times weekly Motor-lorry Cole's Freight Ser 5 0 0 livery) vice 25 Nelson Chief Post-office, Nelson East As required Motor-trucks H.
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