FinTech Outlook 2021: The digital finance tide remains unabated

 Digitalization of remains a powerful driver of growth  Regulators tighten their grip on tech globally, in particular fintech  M&A and IPO activity should continue to recover in 2021

Having weathered the CovidCovid----1919 storm of 2020, the fintech industry should remairemainn resilient in 2021. Even though pandemicpandemic----relatedrelated challenges may persist, fintech remains supsupportedported by a powerful growth trend ––– the digitalization of financial services ––– that has come out unscathed bybyby the turmoil. In this context, we highlight three mamainin investment themes for 20212021....

As we enter 2021, the fintech industry remains underpinned by the brisk digitalization of financial services. This secular growth trend was actually reinforced by the Covid-19 crisis, as social distancing measures boosted the need for digital finance. This is especially true for payments, as consumer habits acquired during the pandemic are likely to persist (see Figure 1). Yet, much of the industry’s strength this year will depend on the actual path to the post-Covid-19 ‘new normal’.

Although the gradual recovery that started in the second Article quarter of 2020 remains on course, the upcoming months For professional investors remain uncertain. Depending on the speed and success of January 2021 vaccination campaigns, especially in developed countries, as well as the ability of governments to avoid a third wave of Patrick Lemmens, Michiel van Voorst and contagions this spring, mobility restrictions may ease at a Koos Burema, portfolio managers faster or slower pace, which would have important consequences for business activity.

One of the key lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, and in particular of the great lockdown in the spring of 2020, has been that many incumbent financial institutions lack the flexibility and the capabilities to thrive in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. We see constant shifts in market share and have noticed clear examples of fintech firms proving much better at helping customers adjust to the new situation.

Figure 1 | US ecommerce as a percentage of adjusted retail sales skyrocketed in 2020

Source: US Department of Commerce, J.P. Morgan, Robeco. Note: Adj. Retail Sales excludes food services & drinking places, automobile & other vehicle dealers, and gasoline stations.

A good example of this ability to react quickly to a rapidly changing situation is US payment company Square, which saw almost a third of its merchants going virtually cashless within just eight weeks, in March and April 2020. The company was able to help its customers by offering the tools and infrastructure necessary to move business activity online quickly. Doing so, Square offered these merchants a lifeline to survive in these unprecedented times. 1

Meanwhile, many incumbent financial services providers simply lack the seamless technology stacks to match their flexibility and efficiency. The Covid-19 pandemic and the related social distancing measures have made very clear that many traditional banks and insurers still need to make significant IT investments, in order to keep up with the ongoing rapid digitization of the financial world.

Such investments have become especially critical for back and mid-office operations (see Figure 2), which brings us to the most important investment fintech theme to watch in 2021, digitalization and data collection. Other themes to watch include regulation and big tech, as well as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and initial public offering (IPO) activity. In the following sections, we provide some background on these three themes, why we believe they offer attractive investment opportunities and how we intend to play them.

Digitalization and data collection

As we move towards a still elusive new normal, one thing is clear: we have moved to a much more digital world. This is obvious for consumers, who have massively embraced ecommerce, and for employees, for whom remote working has become commonplace. But this is also true for companies, as well as central and local governments, that were forced to adapt to social distancing almost overnight.

1 The information provided in this article does not constitute a buy, sell or hold recommendation for any particular security. The information shown is only available for illustrative purposes only. No representation is made that these examples are past or current recommendations, that they should be bought or sold, nor whether they were successful or not.

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For those financial institutions that had barely started moving their IT systems to the cloud, the shock was a wake-up call. Meanwhile, those banks and insurers that had already embarked on that journey experienced a smoother transition. Still, most players are expected to keep investing heavily in 2021, despite economic uncertainty. Even as the pandemic recedes and mobility restrictions get lifted in 2021, the bitter lessons learned from the 2020 lockdowns will keep pushing investments.

The digitalization tide has become so pressing that banks and insurers can no longer wait for their revenues to recover from the economic slump, or for cost-cutting initiatives to eventually materialize to invest in their core IT systems, or in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. This should keep boosting demand for cloud-enabled solutions this year, including software as a service (SaaS), banking as a service (BaaS) and application programming interfaces (APIs).

In fact, over the past few months, many fintech enablers, companies that help incumbent financial institutions digitalize, have been working hard to figure out how to not only sell online, but also how to implement and maintain their products and services remotely, even as mobility restrictions were eased globally. These advances should lead to additional efficiencies and potentially higher operational leverage for these companies going forward.

Figure 2 | Unsupported middle-and back-office operations can spoil last-mile experience

Source: Robeco, based on: Capgemini Financial Services Analysis, 2020; World Retail Banking Report, 2019; Celent, 2019; The Financial Brand, 2019; Signicat, 2018.

We therefore see opportunities in fintech firms that help traditional players digitalize further, in particular through technologies built around cloud computing and SaaS. For this perspective, it interesting to remember JP Morgan Chase’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, admitting – back in 2019 – that the bank had been “a little slow in adopting the cloud”. Dimon said he initially thought ”the cloud was just another term for outsourcing and that the bank’s own data centers could perform just as well”.

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Cloud solutions offer superior computing power and flexibility to scale up systems quickly. Even a bank with an annual IT budget of over USD 11 billion is relying on outside help. It is moreover interesting to observe that relatively small and young SaaS software companies can win substantial contracts, and hence scale up more rapidly than ever before. We invest in a basket of companies, like nCino, Duck Creek and Sapiens, to benefit from this trend.

Linked to this, we are seeing rapid advancements in AI technologies, including machine learning (ML), in a cloud-based environment, that allow for innovation in payment solutions and online lending. Most traditional financials rely on traditional credit risk-scoring methods. But Chinese internet giants, like Alibaba and Tencent, have ventured into new methods of credit assessment using sophisticated data analysis to predict credit behavior.

We are seeing an increasing number of companies emerge around the globe, offering similar approaches. The main advantage is to improve credit availability to segments of the market, that are typically underserved, or not served at all, at a lower cost and with better credit experience for the lender. Doing so, these companies are able to improve financial inclusion while achieving lower loss rates at the same time.

On the data collection front, 2021 should also be a very interesting year. As AI algorithms improve and growing amounts of data get collected around the world, in areas ranging from customer preferences to corporate sustainability practices, databases and analysis tools for commercial applications become increasingly critical, and may in some case represent attractive investment opportunities. Rising demand for data on sustainability provides a good illustration.

As sustainability awareness improves and reporting requirements increase, gathering and providing data on these issues has become a fast-growing new business for many players. In particular index providers, such as MSCI or S&P Dow Jones, have stepped into the breach. But exchange operators, like Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and Intercontinental Exchange, have also made significant investments in this area. Some of these firms are actually among our top holdings.

Tightening regulatory grip

Regulation is back with a vengeance in 2021. Those who thought the financial regulation pendulum was finally swinging back to a looser stance, after years of severe tightening following the great financial crisis, are poised for disappointment. In this context, fintech is likely to come under the regulatory spotlight. Digital currency-related activities, including cryptocurrencies, are an obvious case in point. But many other areas also appear to be on the radar.

Regulators around the globe are expected to further tighten their grip around tech companies in 2021, and fintech in particular. Alibaba, Apple, Amazon and Google are already subject to legal and regulatory challenges in many countries. The latter three, for example, currently face potential fines representing up to 10% of their annual revenues, if they don’t comply with new European rules for data usage. Meanwhile, many large tech companies are facing legal and regulatory challenges around the globe. In the US, a breakup of certain large tech companies is even being considered.

In China, regulators are coming down hard on tech giants such as Alibaba and Tencent, after years of stellar growth under relatively loose supervision. A clear example of this radical change of attitude from regulators is the serious setback suffered in October 2020 by Ant Group, Alibaba’s digital finance sister company, which was blocked from launching its USD 37 billion IPO at the last minute. Only a few weeks later, Chinese regulators launched an antitrust investigation into Alibaba.

Regulatory pressure could dampen tech giants’ ambitions in financial services, benefiting smaller fintech players. Yet investors should also remain cautious, as fintech firms, such as challenger banks and robo-advisors, will also face tougher regulatory scrutiny regarding the way they address issues like know-your-customer, anti-money-laundering and general data protection regulation procedures.

In addition, challenger banks and online lenders will also likely be required to hold more capital to operate. One positive aspect of the rising regulatory pressure is that it should also help level the playing field and help many fintech companies move into the mainstream financial system. Under these circumstances, those companies that truly offer better, easier or cheaper financial solutions will stand to benefit.

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Figure 3 | New banking regulations over the past few years

Source: Moody’s.

Finally, regulators are also expected to provide more clarity on cryptocurrencies using ‘permissionless’ structures, like Bitcoin for instance. We see a virtuous cycle now that regulatory guardrails are being introduced. This should encourage incumbents to start participating, further underpinning institutional involvement in cryptocurrencies, and fostering broader adoption of this type of assets. Cryptocurrencies seem set to move into the mainstream, especially in Asia.

We also expect further developments regarding central bank-backed digital currencies (CBDCs), as central banks around the world are trying to figure out how to enter the digital currency space. In the short term, however, we do expect volatility and prefer to limit our investments to companies that provide crypto-related services, like exchange trading, settlement and custody, the so-called ‘picks-and-shovels’ approach.

Box 1: The bbbigbig tech push

Tech giants’ ventures into financial services are rapidly accelerating. As companies such as Facebook, Google or Amazon expand their platforms to include proprietary payment tools, as well as a widening range of other financial services, traditional players are pondering on their options. Should they seek cooperation and establish partnerships? Should they, on the contrary, build their own platforms, just like Sber Group, Ping An Insurance and TCS Group have been doing? Or should they simply carry on with their current offering and make it more “digital”?

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Figure 4 | Big techs are increasingly active in financial services

Source: CB Insights report “Where is big tech attacking financial services’, June 2019.

Ultimately, intensifying competition between traditional financial services providers and tech giants is a positive development for fintech investors, as both groups of competitors will likely seek to establish partnerships with fintech firms, or even take over some of them, in order to add new capabilities or to expand their reach. Such moves could potentially be a boon for fintech investors. They will, however, not go unnoticed from governments and regulators around the world. So, while the big tech push may look promising, it also warrants a healthy dose of caution.

In this particular area, we see numerous investment opportunities in strong existing platforms, such as Paypal, Square, Adyen, TCS Group and MercadoLibre. We also see attractive investment opportunities in new platforms set to come to the market in the near future, such as Stripe, Tokopedia or PayTM.

M&A and IPO activity poised to keep recovering

The Covid-19-induced lull in M&A, as well as in IPO activity, turned out to be relatively short-lived for the fintech industry. After the summer of 2020, and despite ongoing mobility restrictions in many countries, M&A and IPO deals came back to life. We expect the recovery to continue in 2021, as the pandemic recedes, and companies focus again on their future growth plans. Regulators will likely play a crucial role, as they may block certain deals.

The drivers of M&A activity in the fintech sector remain in place, such as the pressing need for some payments firms to increase their scale in order to remain competitive in the longer run. M&A deals will be about accelerating revenue growth, increasing a company’s total addressable market (TAM) as well as setting foot in new countries and new markets with additional licenses. M&A activity has become increasingly global as companies search for larger TAMs next to additional capabilities.

While potential M&A activity is not the primary focus of the Robeco FinTech strategy, financially and strategically sensible transactions are always a welcome development. The strategy focuses on companies with sound fundamentals and attractive growth prospects and it is exposed to M&A both from an acquired and an acquirer perspective, as increased consolidation usually bodes well for an industry’s profitability outlook.

Meanwhile, we also expect the pace of IPO activity to pick up in the upcoming months, especially in emerging markets such as India, South East Asia and China where we see a healthy pipeline of local fintech champions lined up for local listings. In the US and in Europe, IPOs are also expected to accelerate, in particular for companies active in areas such as cloud

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computing, AI and perhaps even tokenization and blockchain. IPOs in more traditional segments, such as in payments, data analysis, financial management and financial infrastructure should also continue.

Despite the run up in stock prices, we are firm believers and continue to invest in digital winners that increasingly eat into the profit pools of existing players, regardless whether the economy is up or down. These stocks discount the market share gains that materialized during 2020, but we feel they still do not reflect the structural competitive shifts that are underway. We also see great appeal in those companies that benefit from structural tailwinds, but that indeed were impacted by the global pandemic. These companies lagged in 2020, but should see a year of structural growth with a cyclical rebound on top. This bodes well for stock prices.

We expect a wave of IT investments by traditional financials in the years ahead. That’s why we like the enabling fintech companies that are natural partners of traditional players as they adjust. Finally, we see great prospects in emerging markets where we observe, in the slipstream of China, the emergence of local digital champions which are leapfrogging typical mature markets’ development paths. We see this not only in China, but also in India, South East Asia, Brazil, Russia, Central Asia and even in Africa. Opportunities not to be missed.

Concluding remarks

Despite an uncertain macroeconomic outlook for 2021, the fintech industry remains supported by a powerful growth trend – the digitalization of financial services – that has come out unscathed by the turmoil. In fact, one of the key lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, and in particular of the great lockdown in the spring of 2020, has been that many incumbent financial institutions lack the flexibility and the capabilities to thrive in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. This bodes well for the fintech industry.

Ongoing digitalization of the financial sector is actually one of the key themes investors should watch in 2021, in our opinion. We expect fintech firms will continue to benefit from the significant IT investments many traditional banks and insurers still need to make, especially for their back and mid-office operations, in order to keep up with the ongoing rapid digitization of the financial world. Other key themes to watch include regulation and big tech, as well as an ongoing recovery for M&A and IPO activity.

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