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Psyops: the Bombings and the U.S. Mind Control Marathon By Yuram Abdullah Weiler 2013-04-20 “Mind control is being taken into a theater, shoved into a seat, and hearing the doors lock behind you. Then the play on the stage is all you ’re allowed to see. That’s politics. The leaders are the leaders. The army is the army. The enemy is the enemy. The media that report all this are the media.” — Jack True, hypnotherapist, political analyst, and expert on mind control.1

Three people were killed in dual bomb blasts that struck the popular “” annual running event on Monday, 15 April 2013. Among the 144 persons treated for injuries were eight children; 25 were in serious condition and 17 were critical; 10 had amputated limbs. U.S. Federal authorities were quick to classify the bombing as a terrorist attack but declared the explosive devices themselves were small, crude bombs without high-grade explosive material. Two hotels in the vicinity were evacuated, subway service was halted, flights over the blast area were restricted by the FAA; even an area near the west wing of the White House was cleared. 2 Besides the two bombs that went off near the finish line of the race at approximately 2:45 p.m., three other explosive devices may have been involved:3 one was found at a nearby hotel, and two others at undisclosed locations. Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis stated that only one bomb was in police custody, while Massachusetts Democratic Representative Bill Keating claimed that two more were also found. A member of the U.S. House Committee, Keating called the bombing a “sophisticated, coordinated, planned attack.”4

Later reports, however, indicated that the two bombs that detonated were in fact crude devices improvised from six-liter pressure cookers, and were filled with nails and metal pellets. Bomb fragments and other debris was expedited to the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia in an attempt to find evidence pointing to a suspect but even two days later, no one was in custody nor had anyone or any group claimed responsibility.5 Nevertheless, police were immediately put on alert for a “darker-skinned or black male,” possibly with a foreign accent, while a Saudi national with a leg injury was under guard at a hospital.6 As one media outlet put it, the attack had all the “Middle East terrorist hallmarks.”7 Three days later, the FBI was circulating photos of two rather ordinary looking alleged suspects who were considered “to be armed and extremely dangerous.”g Naturally, al-Qaida was suspected of being behind the bombing,9 since detailed instructions and photos showing how to make a “pressurized cooker” bomb appeared in the terrorist organization’s online magazine, “Inspire,” issue No. 1, summer 2010.10 Investigators even speculated that al-Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) had successfully planted a terrorist cell on U.S. soil, and that possibly five bombers and up to 10 others were involved in the Boston Marathon operation.11 Based in Yemen, AQAP was allegedly behind the 25 December 2009 bombing attempt of a Northwest Airlines flight by Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Now, according to the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center, AQAP has expanded its scope of operations well beyond U.S. interests in and around the Yemeni capital San’aato include targets

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inside the American homeland. 12 Strangely enough, the media wing of al-Qaida seems to be as much in the dark as the FBI as to which “jihadi” actually carried out the attack.13

Examining different issues of “Inspire” clarifies the role al-Qaida has played in past U.S. psyops operations. For instance, issue no. 7 entitled “The Greatest Operation of All Time,” which celebrates the “Expeditions of Washington and New York,” as the strikes are called in terrorist parlance, was published on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the New York World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington. The magazine clearly explains the events of September 11, 2001 in perfect congruence with the version promulgated in the Western propaganda: “The story of 9/11 is the story ofjihad. It is the story of a small hand of men who were guided by Allah, made the intentions to fight, trained on the battlefields and then culminated their struggle with martyrdom to end up their short, but eventful lives, in meeting their Lord.”14

For comparison, an example of the Western narrative can be found in the 9/11 Commission Report in the chapter entitled “What to do? A Global Strategy,” where the authors write: “Our enemy is twofold: al Qaeda, a stateless network of terrorists that struck us on 9/11; and a radical ideological movement in the Islamic world, inspired in part by al Qaeda, which has spawned terrorist groups and violence across the globe.”15

Elsewhere in “Inspire” issue no. 7 is an anti-Iranian article entitled “Iran and the Conspiracy Theories.” The article, in this the supposed official “house organ” of al-Qaida, is significant since it underscores two U.S. propaganda objectives: First, denouncing as conspiracy theorists those who question the published reports of the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks; and second, vilifying Iran as the only government that dares to question the official U.S. narrative. In it, the author writes: “The Iranian government has professed on the tongue of its President Ahmadinejad that it does not believe that al Qaeda was behind 9/11 but rather, the U.S. government. So we may ask the question: why would Iran ascribe to such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?”16

Answering his own question, the author accuses Iran of desiring to do to the U.S. what al-Qaida claims to have done: namely, carry out the 9/11 attacks. And since al-Qaida beat Iran to the punch, so to speak, the author claims “it was necessary for the Iranians to discredit 9/11 and what better way to do so [than] conspiracy theories.” The author concludes, “Iran and the Shi’a in general do not want to give al Qaeda credit for the greatest and biggest operation ever committed against America.”17

The convergence of U.S. hegemonic objectives and al-Qaida’s dogma as stated in their “official” publication should now be clear: they are virtually identical as can be seen from the above excerpts. Both the U.S. and al-Qaida are targeting Iran: with the U.S. the pretext is Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and with al-Qaida it is Iran’s Shi’a Islamic faith. So by maintaining

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the myth of an enduring al-Qaida threat, the U.S. has an excuse for launching wars against “terrorism” to pursue its hegemonic goals in the Middle East, and an enemy to blame for its appropriately timed internal psyop “terrorist attacks,” which are designed to frighten its citizenry into submission, thus keeping them docile and obedient, and nullifying any spirit of resistance. As al-Qaida itself admits, the U.S. “mainly depends on psychological warfare. That’s because it possesses vast propaganda tools,” and homespun terrorist attacks are but one of them. Not wasting any time, U.S. legislators are using the Boston bomb attack as an excuse to further undermine civil rights and privacy of by arguing for passage of legislation to permit private companies to disclose cyber information to the U.S. government.19 Republican Representative Mike Rogers of Michigan, author of the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), claims the bill does not allow the government free rein to monitor the internet, but civil rights groups disagree. 20 Arguing for passage of tougher immigration laws, Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa asked, “How can individuals evade authorities and plan such attacks on our soil? How can we beef up security checks on people who wish to enter the United States?”21

Speculation over the Islamist terrorist group behind the bombings has now shifted from al-Qaida to the Chechen Mujahedin after a young man, Dzhokhar Tsamaev, 19, was captured and his brother, Tamerlan Tsamaev, 26, was shot dead by Boston police in atypical U.S.-style shoot out involving SWAT teams, helicopters, and special agents from the FBI and ATF. Alleged to be “a follower of radical Islam,” the young man will be interrogated by a joint FBI, CIA, and Defense Department “High Value Detainee Interrogation Group.” And it should be no surprise that, as expected, both men are , “very religious, and poorly integrated in the U.S.”23 Elation ran high in Boston with joyous cries of victory resonating from leaders, while people danced in the streets chanting, “USA! USA!” Massachusetts State Police Col. Timothy Alben exclaimed, “We’re exhausted, folks, but we have a victory here.” In a rare moment of reflection and introspection, President rhetorically asked, “Why did young men who grew up and studied here as part of our communities and our country resort to such violence?” Then quickly absolving the U.S. of any possible responsibility declared with bravado, “Whatever hateful agenda drove these men to such heinous acts will not, cannot, prevail.”24

There are conflicting reports regarding the birth places of the Tsamaev brothers; some reports indicate and others, . There is also little information about the brothers’ activities in Kyrgyzstan, but both appear to have identified strongly with the Chechen Mujahedin,25 who called the investigation by U.S. officials “completely muddled.”26 , leader of , denied any connection between his country and the Tsamaev brothers, saying, “They grew up in the U.S., their views and beliefs were formed there. The roots of evil must be searched for in America.” Truer words about this tragedy could not be spoken. The picture should now be coming into focus: Despite trillions of U.S. dollars spent on spreading devastation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia and elsewhere to neutralize al-Qaida and arch villain Osama Bin Laden, 28 Americans are required to believe that they are still under Page 3 of 5

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constant threat of a terrorist attack, and to reinforce this, the alleged archetype of terror has struck close to home once again — this time with pressure cooker bombs instead of jet planes. Frankly, I find the al-Qaida threat concept extremely hard to accept; I believe the threat is fostered by the U.S. government itself As Jack True said many years ago, “They are looking for anything that will make people obedient.... It’s a puppet world they’re after.”29 In short, I believe the Boston Marathon Bombing has all the signs of an OP: a psyop, a false-flag operation that is one more grizzly event in the marathon of mind control imposed by the U.S. government on its own citizens to justify its ever-expanding security/police state, and divert attention from the ever-shrinking civil rights held by the people. And that is the goal of false-flag terrorist “OPs” as investigative reporter Jon Rappoport explains: ‘To put the eyes and minds and emotions of the people into the black hole of the disaster, and thereby decrease the resistance of the people to control from above.... This is called mind control.”30


1 Jon Rappoport, “Interview with Jack True,” in “Interview with Dr Peter Breggin on Ritalin,” American Chiropractic Assn., accessed 17 April 2013, with Dr Peter Breggin on Ritalin.pdf. 2 Josh Levs and Monte Plott, “Boy, 8, one of 3 killed in bombings at Boston Marathon; scores wounded,” CNN, 16 April 2013, accessed 17 April 2013, 3 “Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect,” Debka File, 16 April 2013, accessed 27 April 2013, Oaeda-behind-Boston-Marathon-bombings-Manhunt-for-escaped-suspect. 4 Josh Levs and Monte Plott, ibid. 5 Greg Botelho, “Mourning, resolve and quest for answers after deadly Boston Marathon bombs,” CNN, 17 April 2013, accessed 17 April 2013, explosions/index.htmr?iid=article_sidebar. 6 Josh Levs and Monte Plott, ibid. 7 “Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect,” ibid. s Pete Williams, Erin McClam and Tracy Connor, “FBI releases video of two 'dangerous' suspects in Boston bombing,” U.S. News on NBC News, 18 April 2013, accessed 18 April 2013,' news/2013/04/16/17784776-fbi-releases-video-of-two-dangerous-suspects-in-boston- bombing?lite. 9 “Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect,” ibid. For “Inspire,” see al-Malahem, “The Epic,” accessed 18 April 2013, 10 “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom,” Inspire Issue 1 (Al-Malahem Media) Summer 2010/1431,33-40 , accessed 18 April 2013, http://al-malahem.eom/epic/inspire/l/inspire-l.pdf. 11 “Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect,” ibid. 12 “Al-QaTda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP),” U.S. National Counterterrorism Center, no date, accessed 18 April 2013, 13 “FBI and al Qaeda both ‘struggling’ to identify culprit behind Boston Marathon bombing, ” CBS News, 17 April 2013, accessed 17 April 2013, struggling-to-identify-culprit-behind-boston-marathon-bombing/. 14 “The Greatest Special Operation of all time,” Inspire Issue 7, Fall 2011/1432, accessed 18 April 2013, http://al- malahem. com/ epic/inspire/7/inspire-7 .pdf.

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15 The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., no date) 363. 16 Abu Suhail, “Iran and the Conspiracy Theories,” Inspire Issue 7, Fall 2011/1432,4. 17 Abu Suhail, “Iran and the Conspiracy Theories,” ibid. 1S Osama Bin Ladin, “Don’t let America become great in your eyes,” Inspire Issue 7, Fall 2011/1432, 4. 19 Elizabeth Flock, “Texas Congressman Uses Boston Bombing to Argue for CISPA Passage,” Washington Whispers Blog, U.S. News, 18 April 2013, accessed 18 April 2013, argue-for-cispa-passage. 20 Jason Koebler, “CISPA Author Rogers: NSA Is Not 'Monitoring the Internet',” U.S. News, 28 March 2013, accessed 18 April 2013, monitoring-the-intemet. 21 Tom Curry, “Boston bombing spurs Senate debate on tighter immigration screening,” NBC News, 19 April 2013, accessed 20 April 2013, debate-on-tighter-immigration-screening?lite. 22 Pete Williams, Richard Esposito, Michael Isikoff and Tracy Connor, “'We got him!': Boston bombing suspect captured alive,” U.S. News, NBC News, 19 April 2013, accessed 20 April 2013, news/2013/04/19/17823265-we-got-him-boston-bombing-suspect-captured- alive?lite. 23 Miriam Elder and Matt Williams, “Chechnya connections build picture of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsamaev,” UK, 19 April 2013, accessed 20 April 2013, dzhokhar-tsarnaev-boston-bombings-chechnya. 24 Pete Williams, Richard Esposito, Michael Isikoff and Tracy Connor, ibid. 25 Miriam Elder and Matt Williams, ibid. 26 Robert Windrem and Evan Kohlmann, “Chechen insurgents deny any link to marathon bombing,” U.S. News, NBC News, 19 April 2013, accessed 20 April 2013,' news/2013/04/19/17828180- chechen-insurgents-denv-anv-link-to-marathon-bombing‘?lite. 27 Miriam Elder and Tom McCarthy, "Chechen leader: 'The roots of evil must be searched for in America'," The Guardian UK, 19 April 2013, accessed 20 April 2013, brothers-chechnya-ramzan-kadyrov. 28 Daniel Trotta, “ costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study,” , 14 March 2013, accessed 18 April 2013, 29 Jon Rappoport, “Interview with Jack True,” ibid. 30 Jon Rappoport, “OP=operation. As in, for a purpose. This is an OP,” Jon Rappoport News Archive, 11 September 2001, accessed 17 April 2013,

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