Wearing Flip-Flops like Going without

and pliable. You probably wear them all the time now for shopping, summer outings, site- summer sandal. Until your feet rebel and numerous foot, ankle, or toe related problems start to occur because the fact is, wearing flip- flops is like wearing nothing at all.

wearing the old -type of flip-flop consistently are heel pain/plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, stress fractures, and tightness of the posterior muscle DPM, Reading, PA.

The key according to Dr. LaFata is not to wear these types of unstable flip-flops for extensive periods of time. No support and no protection means eventually your foot and/or ankle will develop problems. personal observation is that if the heel is not locked into a , even with an arch in the sandal or flip- flop, it allows for excessive pronatory

So what does Dr. LaFata recommend? He refers his patients to visit the American Podiatric Medical (APMA) Seal of Acceptance list of approved foot products at www.apma.org/seal. APMA certifies some products with its Seal of Acceptance, which tells you a team of APMA podiatrists has evaluated the footwear to ensure it allows the most normal foot function and promotes foot health. APMA also suggests with regards to flip-flop wear:

 Forego vinyl or rubber and look for high-quality, soft leather, which will minimize the potential for blisters and other irritations.  Like all shoes, the flip- -flop bends completely in half.  Straps should fit comfortably but not be too loose or too snug. Your foot should not hang off the edge of the flip-flop. The thong between the toes should not be irritating.  -flops show severe signs of wear, toss them and buy a new pair.

- He warns diabetics developed into infections. For well-controlled diabetics without peripheral neuropathy/PVD, he cautions to wear open-toe scandals/flip-flops ONLY for short periods of time.

Yes, summer is a time to soak up some sun, be less confined, and show off your pedicure, but not a time to be less concerned about your foot health and wellness.

To contact Dr. Paul LaFata call 610-678-4581.