0 . v1 GERMAN ADMiFEAL, HIS FLAGSHIP AND TAFT AND A a. a a Aaaaa a 4L.a.aaaaa.mr- - t SHERMAN A LECTURE DN CHKI BHtllit VIEW FROM HER DECK SHOWING AMERICAN THEJTRAIGHT TICKET I BY BLISS KNAPP, C. S. B. B Mrmbcr of tne Hoard ot Lectureship of Tho Mother Church, Tho A . . . . . BATTLESHIP LOUISIANA ANCHORED NEAR X First Church of Christ, scientist, m uoston, mobs. $ Both The President and Vice President OOCKX(XKKXK)mOO OOOaCKOOOO0OOCKO?O Renominated in a Walkover Roose- The Opera Houbc was filled last Divine Acquaintance. evonlng to hear the lecture by Bliss Ono ot the earliest ways of gaining velt's Party Organized Knapp, C. S. B., a member ot the an insight Into tho realm ot God was Board of Lectureship of tho Mother given by Moses In the Ton Command Church, The First Church of Christ, ments. He led people to think of tne CHICAGO, Illinois, June 23. Presi- - eight of her delegates are reported as manifested not Scientist, In . Mass. dlvlno nature as dent Wllllhm Howard Taft Is nominal- - ,lot voting. through a form but through we'I de Th lecturer was Introduced by Mrs. ou the candidate of tho Republican ln tho Car"nas. whore there was fined law.s. Idolatry had Its origin in - I - according to re- Hanney Scott, who said: party to succeed himself. dntt"- the thinking of God as a form. When men wiii-uirtiu- "Friends: I am very happy to wel- I i ueiure uio convention, undertook to fashion what they might James Schoolcraft Sherman, vice the vote was practically solid for tho come you hero this evening on behalf conceive the precise form ot God to president of the United Stntos, recelv-- president. Virginia gave twenty- - of Christ, Scientist, ' him ot First Church I be they became thereby ldolators. ed the vice presidential nomination. two out of her twonty-fou- r dolegates in Honolulu. The church Is pleased ngalnst which we have the second Tho final vote was: Tnft. 56 1; Roosc- - and Iouisiann her solid delegation. this opportunity to offer you to have commandment of the Decalogue. A et, IOC; La Foliette, 41; Cummins,' Ohio, the President's State, when lecture on by one a divine Principle, manifesting His now 1"; Hughes, 2; absent 7; present but the tinio c&nie allowed that there was authorized to speak on the I who is or, intelligence, and loving kindness not voting, more or Icbs feeling for the favorite as lecturer this evening subject the through well deflnea' laws, Ho can bo Tho voting at the rollcall which' son, and gave Mr. Taft fourteen is. Christian Science 'Is so widely na- understood. In this way the divine President Taft was for the' gates, not voting thirty-four- . Oregon discussed today, and ono hears so ture Is actually recognized and the most part quiet, even when the Taft-cr.-9 was steaafact t her Instructions, and expressed about it, many opinions existence of God Is seen to make a found themselves winning easily. gave a voto eight for Roosevelt, not to of that most people are Interested tremendous difference In tho proper Tho only disturbance came when the voting two. say who hear what someono has to government of Christian nations, as 6 f delega- to- chalrmnn the Massachutetts Illinois, about whose experience what a'tude knows from actual well as Individuals. God communi- tion roso to cast the vote of his dele- ward a bolt there has been much com- and what It docs. Christian Sclenco is cates His nature through His laws, gation. He woa 'mmedfately challeng- ment, cast her vote twenty-tw- o for lecture Is not to proso- - The aim ot the and, spiritually interpreted, they de ed, and It was not until after consider- Tcft, fifty-tw- o for Roovesclt, absent from any ono here lyto or to tako fine lifo and health to men; for "this able time htd elapsed' that he was d two, not voting two. ho any really good or helpful thing la life eternal, that they might know to report "present but not vot- Indiana, another of the contested may have. Thousands of people the theo the only true Goo', and Jesus ing." States, cast a vote of twenty for Taft, world over have boon helped out of Christ, whom thou hast sent." This started the confusion again. A three for Roosevelt, not voting seven. df sickness and sin by the teaching Jesus declared his relationship to previous ruling of Senator Root ln tho Adjournment. d most them this new-ol- religion and of this same law in his Sermon on the enso of tho Delaware do'egatlon which CHICAGO, Illinois, June 23. The aro ready to give tho reason for tho Mount; for there ho aid: "Think not hnd als.o announced Itself present buti fifteenth Republican convention ad- - is1 happy half-pas- faith that in them. They are that I am come to destroy the law, or not voting wns to ihe effect that in a Journed sine die at t ten o'clock to sharo what has done them good the prophets; I am not come to de- case of thct fiort the alternate might last night. with all those who wish to sharo H. stroy, but to fulfill." Having said th!,s, vote. This was questioned by Fordick Tho announcement of the nomina- "The Mother Church la Boston he undertook to teach this law, not so of tho Massachusetts delegation, who tions stnrted tho delegates into new maintains a board of lectureship, much Intellectually, as by a direct ap- asked for an explanation. Senator demonstrations, some cheering, some whose work It is, through the lec- peal to one'.s moral 'or spiritual nature. Root docllnedjto glvp one, but remain- expressing disapproval In groans and tures of Its members, to give tho Not that intellectual training should ed firm ln his ruling. As a result the hisses, until the bedlam was deafen- public a clear idea what tho teach- bo disapproved; for, on the contrary, Massachusetts vote was recorded as ing. ings of Christian Science aro and to the right sort of training Is necessary twenty for Taft, not voting 16. Whffn It became certain early ln tho givo facts concerning Mrs. Eddy's life to the proper conduct of evcry-da- y af- When this wr.s announced the con- day that President Taft would be re- ' gives mo pleasure to In- thing special to a crescenoo, nnd there decided work. It fairs. But the one of ", . fusion roso nominated, the Tatt lesdera and m LOOKING OVEfBOW - . troduce to you tho lecturer of the Importance in this connection ia tho wore crle.s of "robbers," "thieves," that Sherman should be named on the evonlng, Mr. Bliss Knapp, C. S. B., fact that Jesus addressed himself, not piracy." The police were called ln same picket, and they notified the other who Is a member of the Board ot so much to the intellects of the s, to quell the disturbance before quletl aspirants for the honor to droj out. TAo.tnroahlo of the Mother Church, as ho did to their spiritual fac- was regained and the voting continued. As a result Sherman was the only man Th' First Crurch of Christ, Scientist, ulties; to their natural tenderness in Boston, Mass." and spiritual aspirations. Ho recog- The lecturer said: nized that one who has never enjoyed may Tho wonderful power that character- tho advantages of an educntlon develop- ized tho life and works of Christ Jesus have a spiritual flense as well wp5 In no more need of champions than ed, If not superior, to that of a student. humble' the force of gravitation. The one, Ike Some of his disciples were operative and must fishermen, with no Intel ectual train- ' tho other, Is ever ,. ' well-traine- d Intel-'lect- . 1THE. MOLTKE can bo utilized. ing. Others 'had , r.siStf- , 1 be understood before it -- asej! tier j, People embrace Christianity not so But thr.t which made them all was and Germany reached much to help It a'ong, as to bo helped. fir .students of the divine nature NEW YORK, June 10. Tho cord'nlity In tho relations between tho United States Suffering humanity has a right to. be 'a spiritual faculty, for the high note of expression during tho visit of the German squadron to this city. The squadron, consisting days. Mayor Guv- helped of God, and all men have an spiritual things must be spiritually of tho cruisers Moltko, Bremen ai.d Stettin, was anchored in the Hui son river for four f to re- equal right to tho healing and saving By addressing hiinse nor, other city ofllclnls and prominent citizens visited the ships to wclctmo them, and thoso visits were power that graced the teachings ot 'those faculties, Jesus conveyed to turned by Admiral von Rebeur-Paschwit- z and other officers of the fleet. Dinners and banquets as well as sight- under- delighted Christ Jesus. It has been the mis- them the actual meaning or seeing trips comprised tho program ot entertainment, and tho visitors expressed themselves as with com- sion of Christian Science to present standing of the divine law that the warmth of the reception given tl em healing power to these teachings In such comprehensive municates God'.s un- lodge celobrated the 11th of Juno s.inplicity as to rontons their lost ele- Herein do we observe an wholly apart, from most enjoyably with a luau at tho ment of healing. Its religious ethics, derstanding that is PERSONAL AND - home of their president, Mrs. Jennie generally approved, not only be- the human intellect, an understand- aro Saffery. cause they conform to the teachings of Ing to which Job referred, when he A Korean lunn on tho Kukulhnele , Lonmun timv innnlro an said. "There is a spirit In man; and i.. FROM THE BIG ISLAND plantation was shot In the left should- optimism that has made a vast con- - the inspiration of the Almighty giveth n er, by one of his fellowmen, with a and hu- - them understanding." U is this spirit-ma- trlbution to hope, brightness, shotgun, last Saturday, and Is at how-,u-nl understanding of God, that wo gain happiness. The one thing, man is tb-o- ne present In the hospital. Tho and through prayer to Him thr.t heals I 19. Following is supervising princi- ever, that Is most criticised the! KOI ALA, Juno meeting of the not expected to live. Tho murderor for,, sick every age. pals. thing that is most responslb".e 'n the Kohala Midget's budget of the was arrested. move-- ) Ben Melneckn, the tremendous growth of this Right Desires. past week. of Honolulu, is hero Tho funeral of John Low took visiting mother, Mrs. McCarthy. inent, is tho healing ot the slckj If an individual iB made to believe Waiohinu. his place at 10 o'clock on tho morning well g Ben wears samo old smile through prayer. Healing as as, that he has no faculty for apprehend'-preachin- Manager Carl Wolters left Friday still that of June 11, briefly and impressively the benefit of his old friends. was a part ot tho disciples' ing .spiritual law, he is cheered ln for Honolulu, this being his second for conducted by Rev. C. Kamnknwlwo-ole- . duty In the early times, and continued christian Science by the sweet assur-t- o trip to that place this month. South Kona. At 11, tho procession started for be so for three hundred years ofjance that men are natlvely and In-th- e Henry Kaapana 1ias resigned his Mrs. J. A. Magoon and son paid tho long journey, from the Hitch Christian era, or until Constantino herently spiritual. They need to position us warehouseman at Honu-apo- , Kona n short visit: Mrs. Magoon IriB headquarters, toward the village, up a change. But neither Con-ognz- o tno latent forces of good Manuel Ernesto being the new an extensive tract of land in South Mud lane, nnd up to Mana, the In- nor any one else over had a rea(iy within them. Even tho sup-rig- man on the Job. Konu which she Is now turning into terment being In the family plot. The to absolvo Christians from this poteoly wicked man may know God Tho Thompson Settlement Assocta- - a cattle ranch. She has also thirty floral offerings wore numerous and duty. By resuming that ldng neglect-- J an(i ue save,i from hte ovll ways. This tlon have recently sold their 1912 acres planted with "awa root;" and beautiful. At Wnlmea the cortego ed duty, Christian Science nas exuiuu- - not n ,nero hlghv sounding theory, crop of cane to tho Hutchinson Co. this nlone, In tho course of six to was mot by many relatives, friends amount nil tnlnorl nrn- - ed such a divine Impulsion as to niako ior u is a laminar saying mat no ono They are to receive a certain eight years, will turn out thousands nn.i nmi'tinvo nnrl the weigh- of it a world religion ln a remarkably is wholly bad, for there must bo at per ton of cano, and it is to bo of dollars. Taro and bananas are CCSSlon io .nana. lead us to ed in the field. And that is what also planted. Pigs and chickens are Henry Kukona, with a bevy of short time. This should I Vllii - II DfUt IV Ul UUUUUJO 111 ItltUi homestead-Ing.- " gave Sat- - i consider, In so far as ono may, tho p0tei then, that you address yourself some people call "fake raised on her farm. young girls, a concert last Kunl-mok- -t She has appointed Mr. Moses urdny at the Honokaa Lyceum. They hea'ing forces th- are behind this j to some very wicked man and' ask him Dr. Thompson Is back on the farm as tho manager of both ranch $30, which amount will bo movement. u he has ever experienced tne ar.slre collected again, after a few weeks' visit with and farm. As ono who Is familiar used towards building a church in It f.s recorded that Jesus could "do to bo better and to do better; has he Senator Hewitt and wife. with the land, and the duties ot both Honokaa. nothing of himself, but what ho seeth really desired to be good? Few will Judge Hnyselden is contemplating ranch and farm, Mr. Kuaimoku is a Pahala. of ilnnv Mint thorn hrvn hinn nnrlnils the Father do." The ability this y the building of nn addition to his hnrd man to beat. John Watt and Mr. A. W. T. gentle Nazareno to obliterate disease 'when they have entertained such de- - homo In Kaunamnno. We aro very sorry Indeed that tho were luncheon guests at Pa- wc.s, therefore, tho of slrec. Whore do these desire.-- to bo and sin result Robert Kekoa and wife had tho mis work with tho Napoopoo wharf has hala on Saturday last. God, suroly good com from? their origin? what he know about and What is fortune to lose their Infant son last not started yet. All of Kona is won Robert Catton hns been n guest or any Surely they origin in fS-S- 'ASSQCISTIQN. he knew more about God than must have their week. It was burled ln the cemetery dering what causes tho delay. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ogg for sovoral Infinity good; Is what other man who over trod' tho globe. the of ana that nt Wnlohlnu. Wo deeply regret our loss In part- days past. The ability of his disciples to perpet- wo mean by God Inflnlto good; the At a meeting of the Waiohinu Water ing with ono of our old friend, Wil L. Chong of Nnalohu returned from Senntor Root finally said ho would regularly uate Christian healing was also tho ono source of all right desire? of Works Co., held In the court house liam Kekapa, the present principal of Honolulu by tho last KHauea with that nomlnntod, but when Now al'ow desire ho good, honest, tender, Ka-wah- an appeal beforo tho vote was, Hampshire's delegation moved to make result of what Jc.sus taught them about the to last Saturday night, Capt. Geo. a Napoopoo school. Ho is now slated his wlfo and part of his family. Mrs. This was not by God. Even to, tho ability of a Chris and kind. Whocvor entertains such was mado superintendent. It for Kaeleku, Maul, for tho next school Chong lived many years at Pahala uinounced. taken. tho nomination acclamation, tho c!pl- - uln- - - Loyal. tin.. QninnHnt in l.nnl tlir. ninl rli?ht ilnslroo inn) lnoks in thnlr dlrcc- seems that thero has been too much year, and we hopo he will find condl before sho wont back to China. Southerners motion was ruled out of order and Ono singular tho' nlng through prayer is wholly duo to tlon In looking towards God, and this cutting and breaking of the pipes tlons thero better than in tho "balmy II. F. Englo loft by today's boat to of the foaturos of Senator Hoot directed that tho rollcall voto wp,s a bettor understanding of God, who Is Is not so much a bodily movement as going on In tho past and the captain air" of Kona. "Vory well, Bill, I know meet his daughtor, Dora, In Honolulu as recorded is tho loyalty to thoj be roHd: This dono and the vote tli0 divine Prlncip'o of mnnVj exist- - it it a strto of consciousness; inueod, says thoro will bo something doing where tho chniiKO hatchod." "Good and see her off on tho Honolulan for rogular machlno of the southorn del-gnto- s given as: Shonnan, 597, Sonator Borah Rocviovop twenty-ono- ; y. enco. This Is In ngreomont with tho! a state of .spiritual consciousness. In tho way of prosecutions if thoro bye Kona!" San Francisco. upon whom the contln-- ' Morrlman, twenty; Had-le- Scriptural command to "Acquaint nowtWhon our sonso of right corresponds is any more of such work while h'o Hamakua. Tho district Is suffering florcoly goats had countod before tho convon-- , fourtoon; Bovorldgo, two; Gillette, thysolf with him, and bo nt peace." to God's idea of right, then those right has the running of things. Supervising Principal Marciol Is out from tho long continued drought. tlon. The southerners stuck fest to, one; anient sevonty-one- ; not voting How then shall wo gain tho divine deslros miwt originate in God. It Is Miss Bon Taylor returned on the horo, on his last lour of inspection Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Braa havo left for the imrty loaders, liven Tex.s, about! 862. acquaintance that sots us free from 'to bo noted, therefore, that the desire Kllauoa from Honolulu, whore alio for this term. Honolulu on a visit. which thoro had been some doubt, old Hawaii's six dolegatr.1 voted for wge eleven,) RooAovelt ulthough mental and physical disturbance? (Continued on page twlve.) had been attending the protracted The memborg of the Kafthumaiiu i Continued on not give a vote, (Continued ou page ton.)

I.;,' Xste.Ki'iv. t