JOHN WOLF, Before Mrs
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' ' THE MORNING JOURNAL-COURIE- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1908. 13 as contemplation of man, not fallen or sy, which years ago owned its own HEALING MINISTRY incurably sick, but as unfallen and co- lodgment In the now existent with God. for behold the king- "British Legation" on Con- dom If building of God is within you. Christian necticut avenue, which, by the way, truth were independent of its divine has ex- A Lecture Bliss 0. S. during the past summer been HTIG by Knapp, Principle, it would be fragmentary tensively renovated and modernized to B., on Christian Science and incomplete. meet later-da- y social needs. Kaiser Because it really has an origin and William, who always narrowly watch Beliefs. obeys the divine law, it may be inter- es the British lead, soon decided that esting to learn by whftt manner the Germany must own her diplomatic early prophets learned of its presence. home in the Capital of the great re- It Is said that Abraham's father was a public, and so arose the comfortable THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS pagan, and that he manufactured idols embassy building on the Highlands of for profit. It was only by degrees, Massachusetts avenue, one of the most therefore, that Abraham came to rec- select and sections of One aristocratic the Must Learn to Think Spiritually ognize Idolatry as but clay in the hand city. The French government has of the Instead of becoming a followed to Understand Divine potter. In turn, as have many of the slave to the tools of his own making, legations, and even China has built a Laws, i he began to look higher than either beautiful home on Washington man or idol and discovered one om- av TO Heights. nipotent law governing the universe . - .Vk Of the building of these diplomatic and man. of the uni- , The New Haven theater was well fill- This governor homes it may be to state that verse proper ed last evening: with a refined and cul- and man, manifesting supreme most of them have had their inception tured audience, to hear a lecture on power, was to him the Almighty, and since the year 189S, at the conclusion from to Christion Science, hy Bliss C. that time God has been known of the war with Spain, when it sud- Knapp, us. as B. This lecture was Riven under the Almighty. denly dawned upon Europe that a new the auspices of First Church of There came, a time when the bless- power of the first order had arisen in Christ, of Scientist, of New and Mr. ing Abraham was bestowed upon the firmament. And the in Haven, Moses change George A. Law, an Reader of and then the voice of God said, the character of the diplomatic homes "I unto that ehureh introduced Mr. Knapp with appeared unto Abraham, Isaac in Washington was simultaneous with the following and unto Jacob, by the name of God a marked in di- Oreanin dishirhanoAa of ho fomfn.. remarks. '' SO4 evolution the type of t Friend: Almighty, but by my name Jehovah plomatic representatives sent to the ine act like was 1 not system a firebrand on It gives me g.rea.t. pleasure .to extend known to them." This capital of the republic. The fact Is, the nerves of would indicate more to women, often driving to you the welcome of First Church of that there was that in years kone by Washington was them learn about the divine Indeed fairly frantic. Christ,- Scientist, of New Haven, slid nature. looked upon "as a sort of Botany Bay, also God revealed unto Moses human A nervous, irritable woman is a to thark you for the manifesta-tlo- n the diplomatically speaking; It was a application of that power in In source of misery not only to herself, of interest Indicated by this large supreme place which to train beginners in to in the ten Commandments. Here was a the of International of but all those who come under her gathering, the subject so deai' to study relations, influence. every member of our church. direct application of that power, course, but was a ton largely a refuge That such conditions can The establishment of through the law, which would indicate for aristocrats who lack be entirely overcome by taking the Christian Moses Impoverished Science Board of that had a deeper perception of ed the means to make a decent ap- Lectureship by The its First Church of Christ, Scientist, In meaning. Nevertheless, when these pearance socially In the great Eu- people had the law, and lived the Boston, Mass., originated in the great by ropean capitals, and In even larger on law, and were the VEGETABLE COMPOUND tieed, the part of the general puh- - governed by law, degree was it selected as a good place they learned even then that one lie, for correct and authoritative in- thing to send young or refractory scions of is proven by the needful lacked. divine following letter. formation to refute and offset the mis- they, The law nobility as attaches to be disciplined Mrs. of was not or fulfilled Mary Wood, Christiana, information, and' yet completed " by and chastened by temporary, exllo opinions, .beliefs so them. Tenn., writes to Mrs. Finkham : largely published regarding Christian from the desirable posts. had the worst form of female Science. "The law was but "I given by Moses, That is all changed now, for Wash troubles and nerves were, all torn A grace and came Jesus Christ." my Christian Scientist respects tlie truth by - ington has come into Its own and has to sometimes I Buffered so much Although the the pieces; right of religious liberty which the Scripture presents beqome worthy of the aspirations of that it seemed as though I could not live. Mosaic definition that God is the Is constitution of the United States con- Truth, greatest of diplomats. It true " I began to take E. Pink-ham- 's fers. and the declares that In Lydia He never assumes to choose nor psalmist "thy that years gone by Washington was Vegetable Compound and now to law is the it was left for a New I decide how another shall worship truth," Paris and London and Berlin and feel like a different person. Your medio God. Testament writer to declare the Therefore, he very claims great "I will not leave your comfortless," was her remarkable recovery, In the d and Rome for the men of exquisite taste cine is worth its in and properly fact "Love Is gate, that agonized weight gold, I for himself the to that the fulfilling of the said Jesus; and he to send 18fi(l, from an caused look and lovers of art and of cannot for advice." right worship God law." promised year Injury by of Rooseveltlan determination luxury, say enough your according to the dictates of his own For the reason that the law of us another Comforter which he defin- an accident. She had touched the hem and though even In these points the new Is that characteristic body pose of a Mrs. Wallace Wilson, ThOmpson-vill- e, Truth fulfilled in Love, the "beloved Christ-Trut- Is conscience. He, also, believes that he ed not as a man, but as the "Spirit of the h and was Instantly stout to world capital making steady and .declared "God is pounder trying Conn., writes to Mrs. Pinkham : should be understood as his disciple that Love." of Truth," which shall abide with us healed. This was the vindication of with his short the barrel satisfactory growth, with Its magnifi- regards To have we compass legs " I was all run down, nervous, and chosen faith anl must have classi- forever, and of him. her search, for It was the of an horse. cent public buildings, Increasing ' In very naturally objects fied testify long spirit immense could not rest nights. Doctors failed to being held for the vari- understanding; and Christian Sci that she had made it Then was numjier every pear, with its vast mines responsible ence quickened, and there the Incident of the to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- ous be- presents the divine law in the uni Healing Methods. her own. of wealth In the of the misconceptions, opinions, and washllncs, when the entire battery of shape peerless table Compound restored me to perfect liefs of others ty, order and system which characteri- Now Mrs. found office was of Congress and Its scientific regarding ( Christian that Eddy had the the Executive to Library zes all true It Is Chris- There are many who charge God brought health." , Science, though always willing to have science, and Comforter, which la the of bear upon the unfortunate head of a museums and laboratories to attract tian because this law is not with visiting sickness and death upm "Spirit ' Christian Science judged by what it physical truth," and which heals the sick, she local electric company to the student, and the universities of all FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. but, divine. Moreover its science is veri- His children. It would startle many lighting really is,. to him to cease the sects that are springing up all around Pink-ham- ' ..... to began search the Scripture for a compel discharge For E. 's fied by Christian learn the large numhpr of excellent to offer thirty years Lydia , This lecture is healing. scientific of It, from the tall of the of the highest academic instruc- given that you may people who are driven Into explanation that she chimney plant Vegetable Compound, made have the opportunity to obtain the kind ' annually might It to others.