The Impact of Training Systems on Productivity and GHG Emissions from Grapevines in the Sughd Region in Northern Tajikistan

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The Impact of Training Systems on Productivity and GHG Emissions from Grapevines in the Sughd Region in Northern Tajikistan agronomy Article The Impact of Training Systems on Productivity and GHG Emissions from Grapevines in the Sughd Region in Northern Tajikistan Maciej Chowaniak 1,* , Naim Rashidov 2, Marcin Niemiec 3, Florian Gambu´s 3 and Andrzej Lepiarczyk 1 1 Department of Agroecology and Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31 120 Krakow, Poland; [email protected] − 2 Department of Food Products and Agrotechnology, Polytechnical Institute of Tajik Technical University by Academician M.S. Osimi in Khujand, Lenin St. 226, Khujand 735700, Tajikistan; [email protected] 3 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31 120 Krakow, Poland; − [email protected] (M.N.); [email protected] (F.G.) * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +48-888-119-283 Received: 27 April 2020; Accepted: 5 June 2020; Published: 9 June 2020 Abstract: Northern Tajikistan creates favorable conditions for growing grapes due to its climate. The choice of method of grape production to ensure a high-quality yield, while reducing the negative effects of such production on the environment, poses a serious challenge to implementation regarding the principles of sustainable production. In addition to the essential techniques associated with grapevine production, such as irrigation, fertilization, and plant protection, a training system plays a significant role. The objective of this research was to evaluate the environmental efficiency of vineyard training systems in northern Tajikistan. The indicators accepted for the evaluation process were the vegetative growth of plants, yield, and environmental pressure of production expressed by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The single-factor experiment was conducted in Ghafurov District, and the following training systems were used: (A) multi-arm fan; (B) Umbrella Kniffin; (C) one-side multi-arm, paired planting. Growth parameters, yield, yield quality, and GHG emissions were evaluated. The cultivation of grapes in training system “C” resulted in higher values of parameters such as Practical Bud Fertility coefficient and fruiting shoots pcs and higher yields. The training systems were ranked according to GHG emissions per yield unit in the following order, from lower to higher emissions: C < B < A. Keywords: training system; grapevines; greenhouse gases; Tajikistan 1. Introduction Grapevine cultivation in Sughd Region in the Republic of Tajikistan is an important part of crop production. It is an integral part of the regional landscape, both historically and culturally. In 2019, the area covered by vineyards in that region was 9722 ha [1,2]. Hot and arid climate (total annual precipitation in lowlands ranges from 200 to 300 mm) in conjunction with access to watercourses and water reservoirs, which constitute an irrigation source in this region (basins of Zeravshan, Syr Darya, Khojabakirgan, and Isfara rivers), create good conditions for grape cultivation [3,4]. Apart from the essential techniques associated with grapevine production, such as irrigation, fertilization and plant protection, a training system (with a focus on row spacing and plant height) also plays a significant role. A training system determines crop-production potential by the spatial distribution of leaves and shoots within the canopy. This is because such distribution substantially affects the level of interception Agronomy 2020, 10, 818; doi:10.3390/agronomy10060818 Agronomy 2020, 10, 818 2 of 14 of sunlight, which leads to the intensification of photosynthesis in leaves. Photosynthetic productivity of plants is the factor that limits the grape yield in modern plantations. Photosynthetic productivity is directly associated with interception of sunlight by ground cover [5,6]. Plant spacing affects not only the amount of yield but also its qualitative parameters. Varied plant spacing affects plant vigor indirectly through a change in shading and has an impact on shoot growth. According to Archer and Strauss [7] and Greer and Weedon [8], when the spacing is wider, vegetative development extends over time, which delays maturation and has an adverse effect on the quality of grapes, with particular reference to the content of sugars. According to Morris et al. [9] and Shaulis et al. [10], over-cropped vines are another cause of delays in fruit maturation and of decreased content of sugars in fruits. The possibility of creating a specific amount of produce of desired quality from a space unit is the most important factor shaping grapevine production economics. Rashidov et al. [3] and Niemiec et al. [4] concluded that fertilization strategy is the key element affecting production effectiveness. Modifications in terms of fertilization strategy, amount and technology of irrigation, and plant-cultivation methods are being introduced in production practice to increase productivity and obtain appropriate quality crops. Depending on climate conditions, such as changing temperature during the vegetation period, the level of sunlight in critical stages for production, the amount of available water, as well as agriculture and the level of mechanization of production, those modifications take different courses and levels. An example of such long-term modification is introducing new systems of plantation management. According to Rashidov [1,2], most popular systems for the area of Northern Tajikistan are two-sided training systems with 3 2 m of spacing and low (80 cm) trunk. In 2019 in the Sughd region, 5350 × out of 9722 ha of grapes were cultivated using this method, and another popular system, with a total area of 2954 ha, is the no-trunk system. The popularity of both trunk and no-trunk systems with 3 2 m of spacing can be explained by their introduction and intense popularization in the 1960s × and 1970s by the Michurin All-Union Research Institute of Horticulture. They were characterized by small expenditure and sufficient crop. To improve production efficiency, in recent years, systems with high trunks have been introduced. In 2019, the surface of cultivation based on 3 2 m on a 120 cm × trunk amounted to 1200 hectares, and a 140-cm trunk system amounted to 218 hectares. One of the newest implemented systems is a system trained on a high trunk (140 cm), type “one-side multi-arms, paired planting” with spacing of 4 3.7 + 0.6 m. It was introduced by the Institute of Horticulture × of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, however, it is not very popular in the region where the investigation took place. The main factor hindering development is the poor level of knowledge among farmers and their mistrustful attitude towards change. In 2019, the area cultivated with this system was 97 hectares of grapevines in the region of northern Tajikistan. The correct management of the production area in the plantation by the selection of a training system that matches the environmental conditions allows for optimal use of soil and rational management of water resources [11]. Production planning and management are key factors in implementing the principles of sustainable production. Production efficiency is defined by product quality and by the reduction in the human impact on the environment [12,13]. Environmental aspects are an integral part of all modern quality-management systems in primary production [14]. The proper management of soil, particularly in the context of maintaining soil fertility and preventing erosion, is important in terms of rationalization consumption of environmental resources in agricultural production [15]. Determination of the effect of a particular type of production on the environment by using standardized assessment methods makes it possible to evaluate the implementation of principles [16]. One such method is the assessment of the effect of a given production system on greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. In the case of agri-food products, the grape supply chain is one of the most frequently analyzed, owing to its importance in both economic production and global distribution. The global importance of grape production stems from the fact that they are raw materials for wine production [17,18]. In the case of grape production in Tajikistan, they are intended mainly for direct consumption or the production of raisins, juices, and concentrates. Considering the effect of grape production on GHG emissions, according to many authors, fundamental factors generating the highest emissions include applied pesticides, fertilizers, Agronomy 2020, 10, 818 3 of 14 and energy expenditure for irrigation and cultivation measures [19,20]. In December 2016, the Republic of Tajikistan adopted a policy direction included in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the objectives of which include increasing the quality of food products and protection of natural resources. In accordance with the idea of sustainable development, agricultural systems should be evaluated in the context of multifaceted impact on the natural environment. One of the most frequently defined anthropopressure factors on the part of agriculture is GHG emissions, and it is this very parameter that should be considered while evaluating agricultural production systems and recommendations within the frames of certified management systems, such as GLOBAL G.A.P. Despite the extensive knowledge of production size achieved with specific technical and technological solutions, there is a lack of knowledge
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